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It looks like enamel. It washes like glass. It wears 1 i ke iron. Give your home a' real treat and use O'Brien's T. T. O. Paint this year. 10 colors. BE SATISFIED Magruder’s Finer Quality Foods Cost Yon No More! SIRLOIN yf W|» STEAK, Lb. ^ HARMEL'S COOKED HAMS,8 to 10 lb. yf Qc overage, per lb_“O LEGS SPRING Q1C LAMBS, Lb FANCY LARGE FREESTONE PEACHES 3 »»*• 19c Crisp Heads ICEBERG LETTUCE... each_ LARGE RIPE WATERMELONS e*ch 39® 1 Chase & Sanborn COFFEE ib. 21® IVORY SOAP isr25« Granulated , SUGAR &'b. 49« NCORPORATED 1138 CONN. AVE. free Delivery Anywhere in N.W. Washington Dl. 8250 241 Am' Cultists Of Reincarnation Indicted for Fraud Washingtonians Among Group Accused by U. S. In Misuse of Mails By the Associated Press. LOS ANGELES, July 25.— Twenty-four leaders of the I Am Foundation, religious organization which assertedly teaches reincarna tion and demands that its members practice sex abstinence, have been indicted on charges of fraudulent use of the malls. A Federal grand jury indictment yesterday listed 16 counts of misuse of the mails and one of conspiracy to obtain large donations on prom ises that members would become immortal. The Indictment charged that the defendants “broke up homes among many of the members" and encour aged divorce, even where there were dependent children, in teaching ed herents to practice "absolute sex continence." Charge $3,004,000 Given. Most of those indicted are from Los Angeles, Chicago and Washing ton, D. C. Bonds ranged from $2,500 to $10,000. Arraignments are to take place within 10 days, and the case was set before Federal Judge Leon R. Yankwtch for trial. A trial date has not been an nounced. Norman Neukom, assistant United States attorney, who presented the case to the grand jury, said the I Am group had collected almost $3,000,000 since organization in 1930 and claimed to have attracted a mil lion converts throughout the Na tion. Temples or instruction centers were listed as being at Los An geles, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Cleveland, Denver, Salt Lake City. Fort Worth, Dallas and West Palm Beach. Among those indicted were Mrs Edna Ballard and Donald Ballard, widow and son of the movement’s founder. Guy Ballard, who died De cember 29. The elder Ballard, who called himself St. Germain and held that he was a reincarnation of George Washington, was listed also as a defendant "merely for the purpose of convenience.” Deny Soliciting Funds. ■ The true bill called Mrs. Ballard "Alias Joan of Arc, Jesus and Lotus Ray King.” Her son was identified as Lafayette” and under his true name, Edona Eros Ballard, which the young man rarely uses. “We have never asked a human being for a dime to carry on our ac tivity. through the mails or other wise,” said Mrs. Ballard. "We have offered only good and love for America beyond all words to describe. I accept the challenge of the Government to show the di vine truth of the mighty ‘I Am’ presence.” Among the others indicted were Charles M. Sindelar. editor of the cult magazine. The Voice; Mrs. Sin delar, Paul Stickel, Louise Majerus, Cecilia MKjerus, Mary McGinnes and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potter, all of Chicago; Prances Ekey, Phila delphia; Sallie Bressler, Bond Bress ler, Stanley Conrad and Mrs. Ada Cox Fisher, Washington; Ratana Hendrickson, Alhambra, Calif., and Bert Corporon, Long Beach, Calif. Claimed Immortality. The defendants were accused of falsely representing that Guy Bal lard “had attained a supernatural state of self-immortality, which condition enabled him to conquer disease, death, old age and poverty” and bring forth money and riches. It was charged that the same rep resentations were made as to Bal lard's wife and son and that they could transmit this supernatural If Yotir Work is Hard on Your Eyes Of course, few jobs make such a damond on the eyes as this welder working under ter rific glare, but there are many daily tasks that cause eyestrain. Eyes MUST be in good condition if you are to work or play efficiently. Let CASTELBERQ optometrists keep your vision PERFECT. CONVENIENT TERMS 1004 V St. N.W. Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star COMMUNITY LIFE ON MODEL SCALE—One of the summer activities at Friendship House, 619 D street SJE., is teaching youngsters how to live in a community. Set up at Friendship House are this diminutive home, a little store and a post office, complete with mall box. In this scene Francis Hurney, 7, 613 South Carolina avenue S.E., is making a call with the doctor’s bag, while Dolores Thompson, 637 B street S.E., playing housewife, stands ready to admit him. Doris Thompson, sister of Dolores, waters the flowers in the window box, and, outside, Jean Robison, 6, 1237 C street SJ5., attends to the comfort of her doll. —Star Staff Photo. state “to others willing to pay there for." The defendants were charged with organizing and dominating “in fur therance of fraud” two Illinois cor porations, the Saint Germain Foun dation and the Saint Germain Press, and inducing followers to purchase books published by them. The books, it was charged, told members it was unnecessary to save money and or dered them to withdraw funds from banks, life Insurance and other de posits and make “love gifts” to the defendants. . Followers assertedly were warned that if they did not practice sex abstinence they would be expelled “under the fear and decree of eter nal damnation.” Neukom said one person high In the movement had an Income of (80,000 during 1939. Missing Labor Leader Is Object of Search Police of the District and Mary land were co-operating today in a search for Harry B. James, 42, pres ident of the Stationary Engineers’ Union, missing since he left home in Hyattsville, Md, yesterday for the American Federation of Labor headquarters, where he is employed. It was said members of his fam ily told police Mr. James had been ill recently and was in a “highly nervous” condition. He resides at 9 Bailey avenue. When last seen he was wearing brown trousers and shoes, a white shirt and was coatless. He weighs about 140 pounds, is 5 feet 8 inches in height and has brown eyes and black hair. oii _(Continued From First Page.) into details. He did tell reporters, however, that the action had “no relations” with reports from London that Great Britain also was trying to prevent oil from getting into Germany through Spain. Tankers Aryan and Nevada. Other authoritative sources said that the two tankers, denied clear ance to sail for Spain until they unloaded their oil on shore, were the tankers Aryan and Nevada. They were stopped July 10 and 11 at Houston, Tex, by the “Ofllce of Merchant Ship Movements” set up by President Roosevelt recently under Mr. Morgenthau to supervise departures and arrivals of both foreign and domestic ships. First word that the tankers had been held up came from the Mari time Commission. “A policy of restricting charter approvals to trips mostly within the Western Hemisphere has been adopted by the commission,” an of ficial explained. “This action was taken because the commission thought it dangerous to allow Amer ican ships to go so near belligerent activity.” Foreign Ships Not Affected. The official said the commission adopted the general policy without being asked to do so by the White House or State Department. He said that foreign tankers were not affected. An authoritative source elsewhere, however, said that the embargo was directed against potential go betweens for the axis powers or Japan, and that it was being applied under the recent presidential proc lamation authorizing the Treasury Department to impose shipping con trols. In the case of the Spanish ship ments, this source said, officials rea soned that the quantities were too large for Spain’s normal consump tion. The “office of merchant ship movements” was given blanket authority to stop any ship, foreign or domestic, from entering or leav ing an American port whenever the interests of the United States or the safety of the ship or cargo was believed to be in danger. The Neutrality Act permits American ships to visit only two European countries, Spain and Por tugal. The Maritime Commission said it had not taken any action to halt oil shipments to Portugal, a country disposed more to Great Britain than to the axis nations. Grenada has nearly 1,000,000 pounds of tobacco la storage. Washington Center Of 'I Am' Cultists Resents Publicity Spokesman Claims Organization Maligned; Silent on Indictments Asserting that “we have nothing to defend," a spokesman for the Washington center of the “I Am" foundation today refused to dis cuss yesterday’s Federal grand Jury indictment of 24 leaders of the Nation-wide movement, 4 of them Washingtoniana. The “I Am” foundation has a reading room at 1711 M street N.W. The indictment returned in Los Angeles names “Sallle Bress ler" as the leader of the local group. At the reading room, however, the leader was referred to as “Dr. Bressler’ and “he,” and a Dr. H. B. Bressler’s offlee is at the M street address. This Dr. Bressler is listed in the city directory as a chiro practor, and his wife's name as “Sarah.” The spokesman said that both Dr. and Mrs. Bressler were on the. West Coast and that orders had' been given that no statements were to be made at this time. The read ing room, too, is open only to the membership right now. In refusing to “give the other side of the picture,” the spokesman commented with some bitterness that the newspapers “have slan CONSTIPATION Curbed Without Artificial Laxative Drug* or Chemicals By mean* of a new Jam-Uke prepara tion called TAM. thousands of former constipation sufferers are now enjoying keener health. Appetite Is creatly Im proved. digestion benefited: sleep at nlcht is not disturbed by stomach cas. heartburn, acid-lndliestlon. The action of TAM depends entirely upon leaves and fruits. 6-oa. jar. 49c; 18-os. Jar. THE VITA HEALTH FOOD CO. 61S 12th 3040 14th St For Delivery Call COl. 2980 dered every constructive condition of the organization. "Even Jesus himself has been maligned," he declared. He .added that "no defense is necessary, the organization stands on its own merit.” A police officer familiar with the religious group said the member ship believes that red disintegrates the mind and that black is too somber. So the men wear gray suits and purple ties, purple being one of the more popular colors. Even the calling cards of the order, he said, are printed in purple or green. Police headquarters here said that no warrants‘had as yet been received to arrest members of the organization wanted in California. Woman Tells Sheriff Of Non-Support Platform Be tbe Associated Press. KANSAS CITY.—Among quick comebacks should be recorded the one that a lady In Shawnee County ■hot at Harry 8chmldt, candidate lor sheriff, when he asked her to support him. “I’ve supported a man for 25 years and I dont care to support another,” die retorted. Capital, Canal Zone, recently held its first baby show. — Your Old Lem, J 3 Camera, Tripod 1 Jf other photocraphlc equipment that la now trine In rour attic doaa have a caah or trade-in value at •f CAPITAL fr CAMERA *01 EXCMARCE ■ u W a th ingtotI'r Original * It Camera Exchange Store It L l,MraviNU S ^^^NAileaal MSS ' ^NORFOLK old point Mm the tun where the sun meets the ocean! Let the salt spray dash the cobwebs away, ball or flsh It you will. Laze on the sands. Ride, play golf or tennis. The play menu Is complete. You'll be apolled forever by the comfort of this delightful overnight water trip. Staterooms as low as *1. Roundtrlp I *6.50. AUTOS SI CITT TICKtT OTFICB 1427 H St. N.W. A A. 1521 01. }7SI LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY —read about this wonder method which has thrilled thousands No strict diet lists ... No' strenuous exercises.. • No drugs IN every section of the country to day, women have marveled at the wonders of a safe, easy reducing meth od—which requires no strict diet lists; no strenuous exercises; no drugs. Increases energy as weight goes down. It’s the identical method Dr. Damrau of New York used in a test among a group of intelligent and cooperative people who followed directions im plicitly—and was responsible for an average loss in weight of 7 pounds per month. UnbolhvMy easy To follow All you do is mix X glass of Welch Grape Juice with X glass of water and drink before meals and at bed time. Theneatsensibly—whichmeans you avoid overeating; thus reducing caloric intake considerably. Then this happens: First, this delicious drink satisfies your craving for rich, sweet foods. You have less desire to overeat fat tening foods, but you never suffer a hungry moment. Second, the natu ral dextrose in Welch’s is quickly consumed, and by this process not only aids nature in consuming excess fat but also increases your energy. That is why weight is lost nat urally, safely. Why you not only look better but actually feel better; have more energy. And this method is just as beneficial and effective for over weight men as it is for overweight women. Do This On# Important Thing There’s only one thing to watch—eat sensibly, which means you avoid over eating, and be sure to use only gen uine Welch Grape Juice, selected by Dr. Damrau in his convincing test. Welch’s is always full strength. It contains full measure of natural dex- • trose, which is so important. And be cause Welch’s is always full strength it is delicious when diluted—very economical to use. Start this proved reducing method today, and watch your energy go up as your weight goes down. WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE Welch Grape Juice Company, Westfield, N. Y. *luMA 9h IRENE RICH InharfhrilHngrariiadraiaat.Cvary Swfcy night. NBC nntwnrii. Snn yaw pap«r far lima and ttatfan. Iran* Rich, lovoty dor of Mi* Kr**n and radio, now port 40, anight iho tamo at dm did at 16. Shn rocommondt tho naty W*kh way to roduco. | Amazing Tomato Juice Thrills Nation ^*ted five bnuds udfo!^ Welch’, Tomato Juice -larser Vitamin CSS?? ®«*ViUminAa,S&; in Vitamin B.wS’,^ J? and thick, you can JwS I "■ >«. «nd rtill have . ' ivTiJvS?0*loraato juiceSo j “ s, economic to mrve. r^ 1 Welch’, Tomato JufcTi£j I y°nr dealer today iK l I ““"l aod^M. ] l IKivrtbyGoodHcMektS I | Dwbl. Z I I SSL1 tt'toeM I ■ juice you ever taoed. S