Newspaper Page Text
_SITUATIONS_WOMEN._ ARTIST wants painting, decorating work; restore old paintings and frames. Hobart 4648 after noon._27* BOOKKEEPING for small firms, tax re F# s*.„ ,\or interview and estimate call Mrs. Williams. District 2415. .20* COMPANION to elderly person, capable of fTaking entire charge of home or small apt. louse. Dependable, rood driver, coi.ld cave city. Georgia S4 14 GIRL, colored, refined, wishes iob as P B X. switchboard operator, experienced also typ ing, MI. SO 7 2. GIRL, white, wants job as mother’s helper, or care of child Call. 0 a m. to 4 p m.. COOb i.2th st n w. LADY, young, exp., reliable, desires work care children, companion, ghw.. reason able; best refs. Dim net 7MO * NURSE, graduate, white, unincumbered, wishes position as nurse, companion elderly | lady or child, housekeeper ^n mo . main tenance. Columbia 5504-J NUR-SE PHYSIOTHERAPIST, college grad . with ten years' r»\n on colonics, diathermy, hydrotherapy, desires work in doctor's office or hospital Columbia 4.201. 2b* PRACTICAL NURSE desires position, cheer ful. faithful, efficient invalid or parelvtic; .2 yrs last place. MI 70.2.2 20* PRACTICAL NURSE-COMPANION, licensed driver will travel, unincumbered. Phone Fhepherd 44 1 7 -\Y • SECRETARY-STENO -TYPIST, experienced, capable, some bookkeeping .aw office exp., min. salary Chestnut Sb05 27* WANTED by an experienced law office fecretary. .Menoeianher and typist, a widow In middle life, anv work that she can do evpn at the minimum wace of 4*c per he>ur and no* less * han 4 hours per day. rhorr National 244b 27* SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. OTHL colored, desires full-time housework. ] 70S Vermont avr. nv. DE fur: GIRL, colored, wants pni‘-*ime or all-day t^ork refs Atlantic '»i •;"* GIRT colored, wants work of anv kind: part or lull time, references. Atlantic P444 GIRL colored wants general housework. Itay nights, out-of-town reference. \VI. M24 GIRL, colored, wishes afternoon work, general -housework, no washing. Call Hobart dJ02. GIRL, colored, wants job mother’s helper, housework: 55 and caifare. join Florida rvp n.r. • GIRL, colored reliable. wishes part-timo morning work; city references. Republic 27 5b GIRL, colored, wants ,iob as mother's helper or nursemaid. Dupont, t*.f>t; GIRL, colored, wishes work of anv kind, full or pari time; reference. Dupont GIRL, colored, wants general housework, part or full time; references. MI. issi*. WOMAN colored, wants part-time work for afternoon, first-class ref. Tel. Michigan ] 47d. WOMAN, colored, wants .tob of any kind, experienced in cleaning: full or part time; honrsL_reliable:_references._North 7 7 4n. SITUATIONS MEN. ACCOUNTANT, expert, part-time book keeping. books started, audited, balanced; tax reports, city refs . reas. RA. .'i 1:11. ACCOUNTANT expert, systems installed, financial statements, tax reports, audits, part-time bookkeeping, reas. AT. 2145-W :;n* ACCOUNTANT. thorough!' experienced: ace .4 7 desires position a - office manager rr auditor Warfield 44d2 2d* BOOKKEEPER-CASH IER. watchman, n ght or day work start. >11 wk.: expcrienred; what have you? Box 247-J. Stai 2d* CHAUFFEUR, PORTER. younc co’orcd man. s yrs.’ exp . best of references, from Providence. R I North 4444 2d* CHAUFFEUR, colored, single, thoroughly experienced, college education, free to travel references North 45^2 COLLEGE BOY experienced. adaptable, wants perm or temp, work in spite oi hot weather DI. 275n IS* MAN. young. 25. formerly in Merchant Ma rino labor foreman. and ex-drputv marshall. wishes suitable employment: excellent references. Box .uud-J Star 2d* MAN. white, single. 1<>. any kind day work, ceariy worker, good personal: Honest, reliable, compamon Taylor 4145 MAN. younc. 41. married, trained to bo a clergyman, serving a such for seven years, desire' position alone other lines where filch • raining and experience car. he of mutual profit Able ■srea-' zer personnel or .esearch worker No selling or canvass ing. Temple 4541 or address Box 445-J. S' ar‘ BEAUTY PARLORS. BPECIALr- Permanent '.vav^s. c mr>'.fr 5o Carry .*. 2451 isth : w. 'lr>ne Columb;a 7312._31 * PERSONAL. HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY MY own method Results effective for a life time or monev back Write for bookie* No drugs nr sureery DR SOMMERWERCK. 1365 Coiumbia_rd. Adams n38S. IP YOU ARE BOTHERED WITH BILLS or need EXTRA MONEY for vacation, just give me a telephone call You car. cet $H'0 find nped repay onlv $1 63 per week, which includes interest, the only charge Other amounts in proportion Just cad JACK SESSIONS. Michigan 6510 _ ARISTOCRATIC CULTURED WOMAN tpache; well-bred English, self-confidence, freedom from self-consciousness. French. Air-cooled studio._MI. 6565. Ext. 5<>2 • NURSING HOME OF EXCELLENT RFPU tation will give your loved ones best of care and food and every comfort possible. 6H 3200 _ _ CHEERFUL ROOM WITH PORCH IN nursing home for aged, convalescents or Invalid*, tray service, nurses in attendance day and rucht Doctor’s ref. 2026 Upton f n w EM. 7 082. 28* WOULD LIKE NICE HOME IN WHICH to board 11-yr.-old boy during day nearby suburban vie : nr. bus. Box 3<M»-G. Star. WANTED CONGENIAL MIDDLE-AGED married couple to share home all con- . veniences: must no good housekeeper: rrotestants new home. Answer in de’ Fox 336-J Star. • LET DR DELLA LEDENDECKER S SPLEN DID HANDS RUB YOUR ACHES AND FAINS AWAY 3025 O NW MI. 1120. MEET FRIENDLY FOLKS THROUGH FAY THOMPSON. ME. 31 16. A11e. 5. or Box 4<>n-H. Star. 36* Cathedral Hall School. Supervised play, ell sports swimming; I ices to ]•>. 5261 16th st. GE. 6544. * _ j ‘monte-vita camp ranch. Bov* 5-15. horses, ponies, water sports, fampfire*. archery, music, mb climbing, mineral water, good food, superior person nel conv. to D C CO. 4666._27 * ' CAMERA SERVICE & REPAIRS. CAMERA REPAIRING. FULLER A- d‘ALBERT, INC. PiS 10’h St. N W._Phone National 4.1 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS._ BLACK TOP ROADS CO. BUILDERS OF ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS. TENNIS COURTS Fstimates Gtiar Work Terms We Go anywhere NA 04*14_N1 ght.s. PI -f>4K HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. ‘ Build—Repair—Remodel. Complete Buildimr Serviee. Lowest Cost. -iS Yrs.’ Experience. JAMES R KIRCHEN. SH »>S4i-T 25* GUARANTEED HOME IMPROVEMENTS From Cellar to Attic Deal with a Reliable F;rm. NO CASH DOWN. Small Monthly Payments. Free Estimates Federal Contracting Co.. Inc., 015 New York Ave NW NA 7 116 Night. N \ 7 4 17 26* REPAIRS & SERVICE. Cabinet MAKING, carpentry' work guar anteed. low prices. Smith. Tnvlor 1607 CARPENTER—Recreation rooms, bookcase*, a helves, screens, remodelinc. etc S. J. Mack. 20(10 Col. rd- n w NO. 8421. CARPENTRY—Shrlvmc and kitchen cab inet* Remodelinc and repairing of all k;nris Nathan Waldman. Lincoln 0583-W.* CARPENTRY — Porches, doors, fences, all repairs. Deal direct with mechanic, rea sonable. Goodman DU. 6843. • CHAIR CANEING rockers splinted ('LAY ARMSTRONG. 1235 10th_st. n w._ Phone ME. 2002. ELECTRIC WIRING Sx‘txratuS£! lets, repairs old houses a specialty Regai Elec. Co. 3600 Georgia avc. Rand. 8301. PAINTING, interior and exterior; Ist-class mechanic, special prices for kitchens and baths; mix_own naint Taylor 3000. TAINTING AND PAPERING. Arlington County. Free estimate. Work guaranteed and personally supervised. Phone Chestnut 4162. _ _28 PAPER HANGING, this week only. $6.50 Ter room; 1040 washable, sunfast papers; work guaran teed._M ichigan 6315._ PAPER HANGING and painting; special this week, rooms dry scraped, papered, gunfast papers. $6. I do my own work; guaranteed. GE 0059._26*_ ""PAPTT’RT'Wri Rooms. $5 up; painting; x/lxHirvliNVj white mechanic. Keener. Lincoln 4305.__ P APTTPTNn- ^4 up; work guaranteed X'Am.rtilNU' t(, satisfy. Call any time Randolph 5022 TAPERING, painting: washable 1040 pat terns: $6.00 room: insist on better work. Bpigei. Taylor 5825. 4 45 Ken.von n w. 28* PAPERING done at once. $4 room and up. Including paper. I do my own work; guaranteed._ Georgia 0024. PAPERING " AND PAINTING, work guar anteed. free estimates: white mechanic; rooms. $4.5o up Atlantic 0427. PLUMBING AND HEATING, jobbing "and remodeling a specialty: 24-hour service. Harry E. Williams. North 0248. PflHin Trnilhlp9 Free est.: work guar. rtaaiu liuuuie. ;{ mo Honest Pnces. MID-CITY Radio Shop. 0-0 pm. NA. 2802. SAVE 20% DURING JULY. Carpentry, brick work, waterproofing, painting, plastering plumbing. houses built: work guarantee^ LI 6000-W. UPHOLSTERING T*o«1r»d; Tnrlt rlon« at Tour homs If dsslrsd. Call Morris. 1R04 M at. n w. DI. 3P41. MATTRESS RENOVATING. MATTRESSES REMADE, $3 UP. STEIN BEDDING CO., ! ST. N’.W, ME. HUS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. i PARTNER WANTED to establish business on 50', basis- ability to operate stores in 4 sections D C. Box Star. h’o* DRESS CONCESSION in modern specialty snop; percentage, busy section of north east. Box f23l-J. Star *J7* PAWNBROKERS EXCHANGE. cleaning. Dressing, repairing. ladies' and men's fur nishings: a good living Call North (5187. 225* BOARDING—Near Scott Circle. 22 o rms . 5 with water; t ' baths, switchboard No •dealers. Box 315-J, Star. \’fi* BEER GARDFN restaurant: vacant; Marl boro oike. Md 100x000 ft ; easy terms; $•'! 500 Call Waring. Warfield ‘*'23*’. eve nings or before lo a m 220* GAS STATION, real money-maker, gaso line and oil gallonace high: large accessory and service business: $;>.5oo plus stock: no brokers. Answer to Box 2203-J, Star. *17* COUNTRY STORE, filling station, home: all under same roof: $57,000 business last year. Box J3H-J, Star. *:♦;* SALE—Tourist camp, filling sta. and store, five acres land, two dwelling houses: now ooerated bv owner; doing good business; due to illn**«s will sell reasonable. Write H. F. Sullivan, Fredericksburg, Va., R. F I). No :t OPTOMETRIST wanted established place, centrally located; good opportunity for right man. replies confidential. Box 1 OK-J, Star. EXPERIENCED young businessman has ''■n thousand dollars to invest with services. Box 30*2-J. Star *_’«;• EOT SAI F because of death, established dental rraetice in Tilth st. n u apartment hotel. Dupont J (too. Ext 101. ‘2S* DEI 1CA . CONE’, off-sale beer upper n v\: every equipment well stocked: good bus ; fine future apt. above Ions lea>e; price, s*2.*2oo: terms. Box 3*!0-J. Star. • GASOl.TNE. ACCES colored trade: good ! bus will sell fo’- cost of equipment, t°»no cash. Box 31S-J. Star * SAtF due tb ill health *2o,ooo evergreens. *20.000 jhrubs and shade trc'*>. Moses Nursery Co. Waynesboro, Va , R. F. D Phone 31-F--2. DITONT PIFFLE. 1 •; rms., 4 baths; rent, $1*25. lease. $Soo handles OWENS REALTY. ME 04m*. MEN'S SHOP, comm’l zone, es* lo yrs ; ; rent. $5o; heal furn.; owner ill; $1,500. terms M KEACH. 1010 Vt Ave. RE. *201 0 • AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Ceivral business .section, nearby Va : long est ablished: grots business las' year approx. (Mill. May secure dealership for pop t lu- car. S‘2.000 cash. Dixie Realty Co.. N A sssii. PRINTING BUSINESS—Nearby county sn a t. established S years. Doing good business Owner des:res to entei other busines . Sacrifice. P. O. Box l"l, Rocaville. Md. ;.’5« Bldg.. Property and Business. ‘20 rms.: well furn.; nice income; yard; gar : p teed r;gnt OWENS REALTY ME 0480 MISCELLANEOUS for sale. A r ARC WELDERS. Owens do ing out six 3no-ampore unr . originally built to .-ell for **750 on: while they la each. Anri fi\e 5o-ampere unr.' originally priced a- while they !, S'.o.oo each. See R E Phelps 1 > J.'» 14th st. n w. MI. o.“>oi ACCORDION—It isn't necessary to buv an lns.rumcnt it you want to hud out if you would lik" learning to plav. if vpu a:-" a responsible person we will loan you an accordion without charge or depo*i; j of any kind. The only cos' is a n-mna! : fee for private lessors, which yen pay for as they are taken not in This plan l* also a\a liable on other i"i strument.s NA. 4730 Kitts. i::;50 O st (middle of the block between 13th and 14 th sts.L ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEM, suitable for garage or other such business Complete with boiler wall radiators, pipe-, etc. >35. !»03 N st. n.w ANTIQUES Assortment of fine old clicks, collection of service plates Also large ! Quantity of silver, china. glass Summer nrices prevail. Murray Gailcrie,. IMl •:«Mh st. p w. du i•:11 ANTIQUES from estate* larn^ collection, chma. cia**. silver books, prints, mirrors, furn Edelson. *>l s 5th n.w AUTO GENERATORS repaired, exchanged >3 5o up: new guarantee E> repair any ear Clift's, .’on*: K n w ME c.'M': BAGGED SAWDUST ‘Me bag. ft bass. <1 delivered for ‘♦ore floors and manv other ’He-' Phone AT 1400 HECHINGER CO BEDROOM solid maple, wu’h *w n b^ri* I' ' a beautv u cha r and *cttre n solid rhei ry. unlaid with pur’ " "Tim rate STORAGE BARGAIN will be sold. ' e'-'Cap " - Furniture for the entire home " All sorts of odd piece* and complc e :-iutr-. bed' -n-ma* and matirey-rs. SACRI FICE TRICES "Shop today. nr it may be g mr ' ACME MOVING A- STORAGE •13,s i»'h st. n.w. Georgia 7no". OPEN NIGHTS BEDROOM. Walnu* "ACME RETAIL STORAGE' SENSATIONAL BARGAINS 3 Pcs s*M (to l Beautiful 4-Pc. Suite With Beveled Mirrors. Twin Mahogany Beds With Good Ma*trecsp> and Soring "Rea s’ liable "All Sort, of Good Bovs." "Come Out and Be Amazed.Things Move Fast. So Don't Delay " ACME MOV ING A* STORAGE 431 K 14th st. n w. Georgia 7oo'h OPEN NIGHTS BEDROOM SUITE. 3-p;ece mahogany, floor sample: full-size dresser wu'h a graceful hanging mirror, large-size che*'. both with ■ ri'istnroof drawers, and a sumptuous low 1 paneled poster bed. ail of hardwood con ; struction. priced at So.v easily worth Sinn. Also 3 individual full-size gorgeous wal nut dressers, left from expensive sui’cs. These ?.re priced at SJ4.75—none before sold under S35 each Many other single pieces, out of the ordinary in style and quality at PRICES TO SUIT YOUR PURSF GREEN FURNITURE CO . 3(100 Georgia Avo OE ‘MtM Cash or Credi*. Open Until j) PM. BED. "Rollawav" ‘emergency cot), rnm nir?e with new mattre**. ST .V» "You onlv find n value like tin* a- VAcmn Re tail Storage ’ " OPEN NIGHTS Stud o couch ichean'i Duncan Phvfe "drop-leaf* table, "reasonable": “double-deck alum inum coi! spring*-- ’hev look like silver. ’ S5 5o. ACME MOVING A- STOP AGE ims 14th sr. n.w Georgia TOO*:. OTEN NIGHTS BEDS, complete with soring and mattress. *l(tn.i Don't delay, shon ACME RETAIL STORAGE TODAY" Crib. complete with new mattress and spring. 5 7 mi- hieh chair. S4 00; “solid Vermont maple 5-pc dinette." a “magnificent suite " Lovely living room>. like new. at "talk-of-the .‘own prices." Hurry, hurry, hurry—"fnl low the crowds tn ACME" 4 lovelv rues. ACME MOVING A: STORAGE 4*51 S 14tn st. n.w Georgia 7002. OPEN NIGHTS BEDS Twin Poster (1 Pair in Maple. 1 ! pair in Mahogany'. Lovely Beds With Double-Deck Coil Springs and Felt Mar •*- See These Quality Reds. "ACME ! RETAIL STORAGE." "For Your Conven ! if nee OPEN EVERY NIGHT " Closed Sun I day LIVING ROOM A "Truly BeauU ! ful" Mohair Suite 'Like New 2 P<’ . I Dustv Rose" 1 Pc “Turquoise" The | Customer Told Us. "Sell It- -I Nerd the ' Money " "It's a Swell Buy " “We Have No Store No Windows"- -"Merely ACME RETAIL STORAGE " "Everything on Di plav Right in Our Warehouse " ACME MOVING AND STORAGE. HI* 14th Sr N W. GF 7 002. OPEN NIGHTS Call I Us for Talk of the Town Moving and • Sterace Rates ” BEDS- dining room, gateleg table. rhifTo | robe chairs, breakfast set. rugs. WE DO ( MOVING. Edelman. .1.10.1 Georgia ave • BICYCLE, boy's, full equinped; 150 ft. I of i-foot ehicken wire. Will sacrifice, j Phone District 04 25 1 BOILERS AND STACK ASME- Code; ry i cellrnt condition: economic type Also ! water tube. Peebles Chemical Co RE. 2 7 21. I BRICK LUMBER AND PLUMBING MA ; TERIALS REMOVAL NOTICE. We have j closed our Southwest yard Its entire stock has been combined with that of our j Northeast, yard. Here you will find the j greatest selection of u*ed material in the City Foundation to roof at rock-bottom ( prices The entire personnel of our Southwest yard will be g’ad to serve you at. our 15th and H Sts Northeast Branch. HECHINGER CO. BUILDING MATERIALS, ’for sale cheap: u ed doors, sash and building b!orkr- Ap ply at 10b. 15th and Good Hope rd sc. DAVENPORT. Chesterfield, s down cush ions. slip cover inch; cost *249. sell 510 2 radios. 55 ra . *15 cedar chest. 815, Must sell by sat Apt. '07, 2124 Eve st. n.w Republic 140 L DINING ROOM 9-pc . walnut, lovely; 858 00. “Acme Retail Storage." Dinette. *9 on oak chairs. *2 00; beach chairs. 10c lounce chair. 51.00. ACME MOVING A- STORAGE 4118 it*h st. n.w. Georgia 7 002. OPEN NIGHTS DINING SUITE, small. *115. value 5500; Duncan Phyfe sofa. 550: liv suite. 545; corner closet. 545: antique chest drawers. 525; knee-hole desk. 515: Oriental rues. ; *15 ea : mandarin coat. Lorraine Studios. .1520 Conn. ave. Ant. 21 WO. .3869. DINING ROOM SET. painted, handsomely decorated. 550: Easy washing machine. 520 Phone Oliver 017 0. DOUBLE BED. iron, nearly new. with com plete equipment: must sell. 4421 15th st. n.w. GE. 1811. __ _ • ELECTRIC RANGES-^-Standard makes at deep-cut prices: no money down; liberal trade-in. Atlas, 021jG st. n.w._ ELEC. RANGE. G. E, table-top, ,1 burners, slightly used: cheap for cash. Md. Elec. Co.. 106 Balto. blvd . Hyatts._ WA. 1975. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR.’ perfect con dition: reasonable. Chestnut 2290. be tween 9 and 2. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, good’ condi tion. 525: Easy washer, 510. 2.19 17th St. s.e. LI. 6.147-J. _• ENAMELED SINK. good. used. 18x24 roll rim with back. 52.49; big bargain for homrs. summei cottages, etc. Hechineer Co. FANS, attic and circulating "Emerson Home Coolers” installed at special bargain prices Call Emerson 88H.1. FLOORING, used: free of nails; special. $ll.5o per bd. ft. delivered; smaller quantities slightly higher. Hechinger Co. FURNITURE—Storage lots and others, like now. bargain prices on bedrm.. din. rm . iiv. rm : on sale daily 9-5 at Metropolitan i Warehouse. 50 Florida ave. n.e. FURNITURE—Jacobean hall set. table, mirror. 2 chairs, suit, for home or doctor’s office: reas. May be seen by appoint, only. Phone Decatur 5041. FURNITURE BARGAINS—Fine quality fac tory floor samples at great savings for cash. ; Stahler’s. 625 F st. n.w. Open till 9. FURNITURE — Eight mahogany rush bottom chairs and on** mahogany extension table lor *50 Phone NO. no?l. _25* FURNITURE- Small grand piano, book shelves, mahogany desk also walnut: lamp ; tables, boudoir chair, also rockert electric i refrigerator. Harry Jonea. Security Stor- | age. 1140 15th at. n.w. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) GAS RANGES, new. standard makes; dis counts up to 50rP off. used as low as $8; I no money down: liberal trade-in allow | ance. Atlas 921 G st^n.w. DI. 3737._ i GAS RANGE, enameled. 4-burncr. side oven. , storage space, used, good condition: big bargain ST 50 delivered Hechinger_Co. ' GAS RANGE, new unused Roper. 4-burner. apt size. Will sacrifice. Call Woodley , 3072. j GENERATORS-STARTERS. $3.50 UP: larg est. assort ; install immed : small charge. ' elec, repairs; 20th year CARTY. 1008 14 th. : PIANO, slightly used, latest model Knabe spinet, now for sale at a worth-while re ; duction over the new price. Looks like :t new instrument. New guarantee Easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt's, 13,30 G st. ! PIANO—slightly used, small apartmrnt : size Wurlitzer baby grand. $105. in un ! usually good condition; easy terms. NA. 4 7 3d. Kitt's. 1 330 G st. _ I PIANOS—-Used upriRhts. $5." $ 1 (».'$1 5 cash: also lowest prices and easiest terms in the city on spinets and grands, new ; and used Republic 1590. The Piano j Shop. 1015 7 th st. n.w. I PIANO— Small size, full-keyboard spinet. only slightly used. $109: very easy terms ] NA 17 30. Kitt’s. 1330 (i st »middle of j the block between 13th and 14th Ms.). PIANO—Slightly used studio spinet, $95: ! easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt’s, 1330 | G st. PIANOS FOR RENT—New. small size, lat | est model instruments, only $4 monthly; ! grands. $8 monthly; money paid as rental applies on purchase price if you decide to buy later. NA. 4750. Kitts, 1330 G st. n.w. PIANO -Used full-keyboard spinet, in very good condition. $105: easy terms Repub lic 1590. The Piano Shop. 1015 7 th s t. n w. PIANOS FOR RENT. $2.50 monthly and tip if you deride to buy. rental money will be deducted from purchase price. Re public 1590. The Piano Shop. 1015 7 th st. n.w. PIANO, practically new Knabe baby grand lor sale. Seen after 5 p.m. at Apt. 107. 1415 Park rd. n.w. PTANO. solid mahosanv Wurlitzer baby stand: excellent condition; will sacrifice Emerson 9350 PIANO, fine tone, upright. $25. Evenings. 205 Park ave . Takoma Park. Md. 25* PIANO, slightly used, latest model wal nut baby grand, very special, only $1*0; small apartment size, but ha-: full 88- : note keyboard: new guarantee; easy terms. 1 NA 4 730 Kitt s. 1330 G st. PIANOS We have a good used Knabe i and a used Steinway grand for sale at worth-while savings over their original new ! prices, in unusually good condition new j guarantee: ea'-y terms. NA. 4750. Kitt's. i 15,o G st. n.w. RADIOS. $5. all makes. 100 more just ftoin -oarage Some repossessed, ail per-j fee;. Original values to $200 020 N. Y ave. REFRIGERATORS Atlas Appliance Go . ' WASHINGTONS LARGEST APPLIANCE HOUSE, will sell immediately at new low prices brand-new* J94o standard makes of refnge; ators with factory 5-ye:.r guaran tee. A;; the>e refrigerators are brand-new, m original factory cases and are being at the lowest prices we have ever offered. We have a croup of Westing house. Fr.udairr. General Electric. Cros lr>* K'-lvmator. Norge. Copeland and others that have been used but are in perfect con dr ion which wo are slashing the - as j low* as $24 on these models. We also have a croup of 193‘» refrigerator.' in original factory cases which wuh be sacrificed at • 5', off list prices No motif'* down. Lone, easy terms. Unusually liberal trade-in al lowances ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY We -h mg ton’s Larges’ Appliance House. 951 G Si NW. Entire Building District 3737. Open Eve- Till 9 P M. REFRIGERATOR ELECTRIC DISPLAY CASES, new and used a’i sizes at deep ; cut prices, no money down liberal trade ; in. Atlas. Dll G st. n.w. DI. 3757. Open eves, till 9 p m. REFRIGERATORS—New and Used. $20 un: : guaranteed up to 5 year.- easy terms P O Smith. 413 H_st._n e. Lincoln_»i"50 REFRIGERATORS Ail makes and sizes, domestic and store type, for groceries, out cher.'. cic.: very reasonable. 4*0 7 Bethe-da . Bethesda Md. REFRIGERATORS, repossessed and re bind. All makes, all sizes. over 200 to choo e from Frigid*ire. Wes;inchouse. G. E. Kelvinator. Leonard. Cold'not. Norge. Crorley All : :;.y guaranteed. Prices from $19 95. Term- Three yrv’ lree service warranty. Extra large trade ■ a’.’owance. Shop us before you buy and save. LUX APPLIANCE CO. Wa'-hirc’on ' Largest Rclr.i--r.itor House. Ml 9th St. N.W EE 1175. REFRIGERATOR. O. F 7 < u. ft ; condition i guaranteed a iso small refrigerator, cheap Mor cash Md Elec. Co 1 mi Balfo. blvd, ; Hyattsvillr. Md \YA 197 5. REiERIGERATOR. electric, practically new, sacrifice marble-top feakwood tabic beau tifully embroidered satin Mandarin coat. | new Hobart o i l 7. REFRIGERATOR- General Electric, perfect r ennh:’ion. Mn. No dealer.' Duront .'.5 7 7. SAXOPHONE- No need now to put off starting lessons on that instrument you hive always wanted to know how to play. If you wan* to start we will loan you an instrument without charge or deposit of any kind. All 1; co-ts you is a nom inal fee for private lessons, which you nay for as they are taken, not in ad vance. You are free to take the ins’iu ment home if you wish. The same offer I is availwhlf on marimba accordion, trurn ! pet. drums. BuPar violin, clarinet, trom bone a ad xylophone. NA. 47 30. Kitt's. 1350 G st : REFRIGERATORS guar., rebuilt, repos sessed and floor sample?. All standaid makes as low as 524.95 Terms PAY 51 WEEKLY with luht bill We are one of THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE RE FRIGERATOR SERVICE SPECIALISTS LN WASHINGTON ELECTRICAL CENTER. Ml 10th St. N.W. National SR72. SEWING MACHINES, recond . 57.50 up: new machs.. 1 oc day. repairs free est= S neer Sewir.s Mach. Co., till 12th n.w NA Ills SEWING MACH . Singer port elec.. 52 7,5n: d h.. sio 50: Free console, hk*' new. All 2 guarantee. 2297 Conn, ate THEATRICAL CHAIRS. 2oo. m excellent condinon. formerly u ed in Rialto Theater. Delivered for 5250.On Republic 1949 20* TYPEWRITERS—L C\ Smith No. R. A-l. 514; Monarch, standard keyboard. 5?*: Underwood rebuilt, onlv 519 Rentals. 52 monthly Free delivery. MacDonald. 509 12th n.w. 25* VACUUM CLEANERS. G E. eureka. Royal. Hoover, rebuilt and guaranteed. 5o 95 up. J. C HARDING A* CO . INC Electric.a Headquarters 517 10ih St. N.W. _ NA. 2100. VACUUM CLEANERS, all* makes, guar*. 1 like new. 55.95 up BEST BRANDS CO . ! 505 11th st. n.w. National 7772. 20* | VACUUM CLEANERS, rebuilt and floor samples. I -yr. guar.; all popular makes, as low as 59 95 ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 I Oth St N.W. National RS72. WASHERS rebuilt and reposs,. 1-yr. guar , as low as 5J4 <»5. We are also FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE on the NEW BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY, MAYTAG. THOR. G. E. AND APEX WASH ERS. Liberal trade-in allowance. Pay with your light bill. ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 I Oth St. N.W. National RS72. WASHERS—Deep-cut prices on brand-new washing machines in crates at discounts of more than rtov off list, prices. Used West ir.ghovise. Maytag. Easy. ABC. General Electric. Thor. Norge and others as low as 55. No down payment. Terms as low as 51 weekly Liberal trade-in allowance. ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washington s Largest Appliance House, 921 G St N.W.—Entire Building. District 2727. Open Eves. Till 9 PM. WASHING MACHINES—Sale of 1999 mod els at reduced prices; Maytag. 544: Norge. 529; Thor 5.22: General Electric. 529: all new and complete with filler pump hose 10 DAYS TRIAL. Pay 51 weekly. Republic 1590. Piano Shop. 1015 7th st. n w WATER COOLERS. General Electric, sale or rent: reas. prices and terms. NA. 6500. G E. Supply Corp., 1930 N. Y. a\e. n.w WATER COOLERS. G E and Westing house; brand new. pay 51 25 weekly. J C. Harding Co, Inc., electrical headquarters. 517 1 nth st. n.w. _ WATER HEATERS all sizes: 90-gal auto matic storage. 559 59. installed. Terms. J 7c a day. Call RE. 9017. WATER HEATER, gas. Ever-Hot. 20-gal., i slightly used, cheap tor cash. Md. Elec. ; Co_,_106 Balto. blvd . Hyatts. Warfield 197 5. ELECTRIC FANS. FLOOR MODELS MUST BE SOLD CHEAP. EAGLE SALES CO . ion* 7th ST. N w. SACRIFICE QUALITY FURNITURE Table Desks (1 drawer) $4.75 • Ice Boxes (perfect con dition . ..$6.50 • Folding Lawn Chairs. . 60c • Dining Room.19.00 • Dinette ..9.00 • Lounge Chair_4.00 • Living Rooms_26.00 • Bedroom_28.00 • Coil Springs_5.50 • Mattresses _ 4.50 • Beds, Complete_ 9.50 • Chests • Dressers AMAZING VALUES Storage Furniture ACME STORAGE 4618 Fourteenth St. N.W. Georgia 7000 Open Nights——Open Nights STAR FLASHES —By Bruno MA«JOR£ )? DEAN , 4c* (S TYPED A? TMC PERFECT CO-ED. PA? BEEN IN , EVERY COLLEGE FILM MADE IN TpE PA«$T Z yEARS ...... BUT NEVER. V/ENT TO COLLEGE/ FAMOUS CLAMOUR COW OP .THE N.V. WORLD'S PAIR, WAS INTRODUCED TO , UOLLVWOOD WiT^ THE TRADITIONAL. COCKTAIL PARTV IN HER. HONOR BE PORE BEGINNING herroll> /N ' LITTLE- MEN/'' <*»>»ssM hr *r»» W«U firm. f\ CTw/ila firs'* lor , Tr»4s I / '■• 1 • r»L odes i V EOF EVERy S F/LM STARS ^ | WERE BORN AMD RA\SED f IN TOWNS OF AESS THAN 10,000 ROFUAATlOM . 7-2? MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE._ LUMBER. lxfi T and G. roofers ..... $M2 1 xK sheathing _T._M2 2x4 up to 12 ft._ 28 •’xf. and 2x8 . _ M2 2xlo mm Aiso good prices on cinder blocks, brick, mortar and plastering materials. Lumber subject to .Vr discount for cash ARLINGTON COAL <V LUMPER CO.. _JACKSON 1880. _ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. BEDROOM dining, living room furniture wanted contents of ants or homes also odd pieces WE DO MOVING CAREFULLY AND REASONABLY. Georgia Ml'i BOOKS, all kinds and old Natl. Geo best ca^h price Phone Met 1M»> or m Stotage Bonk Shoo. 42<» loth st. n w C LOTHING—Highest price1- pud for men’s used c’othing Berm .n s, 1122 7th st. n.w. Met .2 7 it? Open eve FURNITURE Want enoueh household coods ;o outfit large place also small piano. Evenings after 7. ME 5255 2»i* FURNITURE, bric-a-brac china cia- ware ruo. sil\erware. painting1- hiclr cash prices paid. Call Murray. Taylor MMMM FURNITURE rugs, household good*: e*c Positively highest prices Ain reliable moving at lowest* for best results Caii anv time I.I 5 4 88 PIANOS -We buy and vrii used pianos of all kind Republic 150". The Piano Shop 1015 7th si n v. SEWING MACHINE -Wr buv ai’/’yprm repair hemstitching. oirtnns covered. Pleating 017 F st. RE i;»00, RE 2M11. A BETTER PRICE PAID for okfgolri. pkc inurn ’ovrirv diamond watches and diamond watch caves: condition unim portant. whs we me same in our mfg. dept NEW YORK JFWF1 RY CO.. 7 •:; 7 til Si N W 25* GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD SIL VER PLATINUM. TEETH DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY o ASH. A KAHN. INC._ -4* YFARS AT 0M5 F ALL OI D GOLD •: • er and rt'amend* w anted for manufacturing • inchest prices paid orPFNHFIMER Oi'M F n.w • ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR YOUR GOLD DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY GET OUR <' FIE1"' BEFORE YOU SELL ARTHUR MARKET. 018 F ST N W . ROOM Mo 1 NA i»2>4 CASH FOR OI.D GOLD Silver watches, diamond- and old dis carded iewelry. full cash value paid. _SELINGFRS_Mv F S‘_N W __ BOATS. OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOAT'S—Bm dix Elto. Evinrudf Wolverine. Old Town Many other-- Larces* display n ’ own Term*; S. Fulton, Inc . 805 Maine ave s w DODGE RUNABOUT. 1 6-ftr.atui a! 'ma hogany. L>coming motor. red leather up holstery; 11k^ new Can b^ sepn at Nash Marine 8650 ca.h Call MI 5. 168_ CATTLE & LIVESTOCK. PACING MARE and sulky A Gray* Suit *and. Md Cal 1 Spruce ni66-W__ DOGS, PETS, ETC. COCKFR SPANIEL PUPPIES heal’by. thor oughbred, red or black. ]o wks. old. recis tered; 820-525 4 150 Davenport n.w. COCKER PUP. male, golden red. * wo months old. handsome -peennen. • veil.?::* pedigree, litter registered Adam" ] 1 22. BFAT7TIFUL PCHNAU7.FR mixed puppies S weeks- old: make fire ne* . for children, also wire-haired female. SH 4258 • BOARDING- STUD SERV — PUPPIES Hollywood Ker.ncl-. Wa^h.-Balto bl\d. 2 mi north Md U Phnn< He - WA |86 i BABY CHICKS. ROCKS. R I Rods ST 50 ner 100 Con key'.- Y-O feed James F> d Store. 610 K st. n.w. Metropolitan oosp _ _ ROOMS FURNISHED. THE VIVIAN. 1726 G st. n w.. offers lovely rms . all with running water, newly deco rated and furn.. inner-spring mattre >es, Venetian blinds showers, switchhd.. elev.; sincle. 86.5o wkly up; dble.s. $s.5o up. ALTURAS. 15(f) 16th st. n.w.—Attract, furn rms . nr showers: 24-hr. elevator and hotel serv : 85 week and up. _ ERBITT HOTEL, loth and II st*. "n.w.— Attractively furnished rooms with pri va:e bath Simmon- Inner-spring maf tre.s e;, olee fans, circulating ice water, beautiful lobby colorful Spanish patio for res*, or games; a block or 2 to best stores and movies and brief walks to Govt, of fices: 812 up weekly: special monthly rates becin at 84 0 5o CO-OPERATTVE~CLUB. 1607 Eye~st7n w. - Ideal downtown location: showers, comfort: wk up: hot water always: gentlemen. 14 K MASS. AVE N.W . Highland Terrace —Bedrooms. 1 h k. rooms. 1-rm. ants.: 8(5 'o 81(1 PR IN '"E KARL HOTEL. 1001 K n.w— Attr ims. running water, inner-spr. matt.; hotel. 24-hr. switchboard sec. service, elev. GORDON HOTEL, on beautiful 16th st.. between Eve and K—Cool rooms, near showers. *6 up double from 810.50 weekly; wrh bath from 812.50 weekly: 24-hr. rie vator and switchboard service, excellent dining room L'J'l N N.W- Finn' Eng. basemen’. 4 windows; private entrance, running water; walking distance 27* 4820 Kith ST. N.W.-—Master bedrm.. pri vate bath with shower, 2 large cedar closets: private residence, ur.lim. phone. 184 4 COLUMBIA RD.—Nicely furn room, twin hrd>. use of Frigidaire: reasonable; conv. trans., southern exposure. 261 t CATHEDRAL AVE. near Conn. ave. - Single or double, twin beds, well furn.; porch: cool. Columbia «68o. 216.5 F ST N.W—Small studio room. sink, grill. 815-825 mo. Basement, pvt. shower, 817.50. District. 2165. DUPONT CIRCLE. 1667 Conn'- Two lovely studio rms . pvt. bath. Take elev to 6rd floor. Inquire before s p m. NO 1022. THE WESTMINSTER 1607 17th n.w.— Lovely rooms, newly decorated; running water; inner-spring mattresses; single. 85 up: doub . 87 ud: showers' elevator 6-Rm. Front English Basement Apt.. 80. 40 NEW YORK AVE. N.W.—2 large rooms, newly dee . shower: corn*, transp : pvt. family: gentlemen preferred. HO. 6718 NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 1760 P- -Large room, double or single, next to bath: well I furnished: reasonable. 20* 2201 MASS. AVE N.W—For discriminat-; ing guests: everything new: running water. j inner-springs, switchboard; breakfast op- j tional. PRIVATE ENTRANCE: close in: shower, phone; newly dec. and furn.: single. $4-$5; double. $G-$8. 1424 Belmont st. n.w. | 1754 PARK RD. N.W.—Cool, quiet, attrac tive; 2 windows, large screened porch, close to transp.: $22.50. CO._JOOG4. DUPONT CIRCLE. 2120 R st. n.w.—Attrac tive single room. 4 windows, well furn.; convrnient_shower. tub:_unlim. tel._•_ MAN AND WIFE have large, well-appointed apt.: comforts: rent 1 attractive room to gentleman._Hobart 6053._ MT. PLEASANT—Master bedroom with bath: also room adjoining bath: 4 win dows each, cross ventilation, new inner spring mattresses, AD. 6606-J. 1742 Irving st._ _ 2524 13th ST. N.W.—Large front room: 2 men: twin beds, laree closets; $25 mo.: small room: $3.50. AD. 9236. 1103 3 3th ST. N.w!!—2nd-floor l.hkTrm'. nr. bath, with running water: $5.50 wkly. i 3 623 K ST. N.W.—Lovely, cool. 2nd-floor single rms.,_nr. bath and shower: $20 mo. ! 1327 L ST. N.W.—Large, cool room and kitchenette, running water. $7; also 2nd-fl. l.h.k.. $0 wkly._ 3341 L ST. N.W.—Attractively furn. lst ! floor rm.. with kitchenette, $7 weekly; also ! l.h.k.. $5.50. 2123 EYE ST. N.W., 208—Large room, adl. bath, shower; very private._Call after 5. 2017 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—Lovely front room. 5 windows mahogany furniture, twin beds. Inner-spring mattress: block Conn, avr.: convenient to buses and cars. North 7564. 28* 3107 16th ST. N.W. —Bingle anrf double! comfortable, convenient, attractive. Also garage.__•_ 223 8th 8T. N.E.—l lie. rm., kit.; Prifld aire. c.h.w.: adulte; $7.50. ROOMS FURNISHED. < Continued.) NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE in lovely apart ment; refined vouns man as roommate to' another, private shower, ref. Cail DE mi.2.2, i 1 1 25 CHAPIN ST N.W.— Private bath. A-l bedim : <cnv. 14th cars: detached home, j hiuh. cool gentleman; *18 27* i'll ’ «;th ST. N W.—Cor. home 2 lee, rms , front. r»;«o to kit. Fneidairr neatly turn : walk, disf to all Govt, depts : em nioved people: *10 per week , H2 BUCHANAN ST N W. Cool, com ' lot tabic bedroom and sitting room, not’ shower bath c.h w express bus 1 block DUPONT CIRCLE -Available July -!*» Large room for 2 Shown any time. 1.215 N> w Hampshire ave. Ill:: 11th ST. N W — Front Ihk rms. running wa*er *5 50 arid SO 5o. Single rms . *2 and '•I weekly 1 BLK. DUPONT CIRCLE -Lrg double front room. 1 window5 phone in room, •’lower, ail corn , *1.5 each. 1 77<* Church is: n w. !“'!» 12th ST. NW. on Franklin Park Cool, neatly fuimshed mom. 5 leeri ng or ihk continuous hot water wk up. 12.25 JEFFERSON ST. N W -Clean, com fortable room. .2 windows, next to bath; com. trans. Georgia #17 7: * LIGHT H K large front bed-living rm . ‘.’nd ft., near bath. 5 windows, basement rm . near bath, adults. 1.2,28 Fairmont n w. : 12222 lhth ST NW now ntown--Small ■he room, suitable ven'iemen. near ba’h : and shower, c h w : *2 75 weekly. • CORNER ROOM twin bods reasonable with private family eonv. transp.; board optional Hoba:: .5 82.2, LARGE FRONT ROOM,'e shower, ornate honm man only, furnished. Chew Cham. .27 i . Jenifer 5 nw. KM 5*>:»s. *;• OFF CONN AVE opp Bur. of Standard' Cool> room. so. exp. Tv., home. Ca.l WO 2228 WALKING DISTANCE 1 21 '* 1*th n w.- Single. 2nd 2. front; ~ool. attr< mao'e furn : reasonable 27* GRAFTON HOTEL, , 1.20 Conn ave —Large comfortable rooms w -h Sunrnons inner-spring mattresses '■'.c!rv w:'h running water. *7 5u wk up: doubles *1*1 511 wk up with nv» ba’h. sin gl< S12 5n wk ud do ibli * ' 50 wk uo “THE MAURY.” 7"’ loth st. n w 100 beautifully furn m m w :th running water, inner-spring ; mattresses fans, ire water, many showers, and tub baths elevator service PENN AVE AT 18* h ST SUMMER REDUCTIONS. HOTEL ROGER SMITH. Beautiful!'’ furnished room' and suite*, each with priva’e bath, specially reduced lust for ’he summer months Dc luxe accojr.rr.oria’ions star- a' low as *55 single and **•" double; romple’e hotel se-’ice r° lieves you of ah drudgery Moderate priced restaurar.’ and Washington’s most popular roof garden—The S’arhght Roof National 27 40 ' COLORED--1 248 Cri! rd r w —Nirelv 1 furnished room for 2 men or couple, em * ployed_ • ROOMS UNFURNISHED. •2110 MT PLEASANT ST. N W 7—Attractive : room arid kitchen, refz . all utilities inch Verv r'ean No loud radio* Also smele 1 h i: roem Excellent transp. Older sc*tied women preferred Mod* PENNA AVE S E —Frr.a larcr 1st. n. fron • 1 h k. room, running water, low rent Adults COLORED- 111-! Fairmont • * n w 2 large, airy, unfurnished rooms, front; , splendid ne chborhood reasonable rer.1 ROOMS FOR RENT—NEW YORK. GOING TO THE FAIR1 Connecting rooms w -h bath, in refined home y) n^- person. 1'* m:n from ’he fair Mrs A H Pr:’ch | ard. l»52-02 1 ♦ 11h ave . Whitestone. Long I L land. N Y. For reference call WI nfns ROOMS WANTED. PRIVATE HOME OH APT . prrferablv near ! Cathedral. Mass. ave. to Newark st ; sir, month. Describe. Box :in7-j. Rrar • SUBURBAN ROOMS. ART, Except, larcr and coo], suit for windows. 4 closets, shower: 10c bus; gar. Ref . pvt home_Oxford 0771 ROOMS WITH BOARD. 1*4 3 KALORAMA ROAD—At tract tvelv fur rnshrd double rooms, excellent food. CO. DOWNTOWN. 12 in VERMONT AVE- Cook rear basement, mt. bath, twin beds. $7 weekly. Others, board opt. ME. 7201. I Oth ST. N E.—Girl will share at tractive maple twin bedrm,. new pvt. home; every conven. AT. 7647 k'.’ot Q ST N.W,. near Dupont Cncle — Nrw.y decorated doub’e room1 suitable or 3. Also single rooms: excellent meals R I AVE. N.W—Desirrblr vacancies for young people meals. Location and surroundings ideal Free parking. - > ‘-5 CONN - Roommate for younc lady, twin beds inner springs, screened porch. Also single, unlim. Phone. 35* 1 225 CLIFTON ST 'N W . 1 blk ~14th At! tractive rooms for young people evrel Jf-nj meals, uni. phone, parking: $35 OLD ENGLISH.” 1635 Que st. n.w.— Mngl\ double room*-: attractively fur nished; showers: switchboard: $35 up. 26* 231*: 1 Oth ST N.W.—Available August 1; larg» cool double room, twin beds: 15 min. from Munitions RMg.: Mt Pleasant ear: excellent meals; pvt. guest home, unlim. Phone. BEAUTIFUL HOME, lgr. grounds, tennis court, grand meals; ] or 2 younc people: transp . reasonable. Wisconsin 467 2. i* ®UE ST N.W.—Lovely single room, nox: ba,h. suitable young lady; excellent meals: conv. trans.: reas. I -Single and double room. s:\—*»n and up: walking distance. STUDIO; single and double. . e.ect menu, living room; entertaining priv a so 5UilS of rooms with pvt. bath and basement den 1K67 Kalorama id., at Columbia rd. CO. 327n. rtnm NAV.—Larsr find-floor' front room, next to bath, twin beds: suitable tor $7 5nn and °up GovL cierks; single rooms. l?''1 -—High. cool, park loca t.on. single, double, also large rm. for 3 or 4 men: ] l windows; reasonable. J£RGE. UOOL ROOM, twin beds or studio Hobart private *amily; conv. transp. JEWISH HOME.: NICE FURN RM 7~SUN S8nS/ir> COMMUNICATING BATH TILE nnwM7?;'w5E5J ft-. C. PARK; 10 MIN. gg^pTOWNEBY AUTO.;8|OIT. S OR 3: MAEFRED ARMS, 1/20 16th and 2019 Conn. ave. nw — Exclusive guest houses. MI. 3261. 26* 2131 mass! ave7~Kvw~ «nrt0Ih1„y«,dnu,,1?J'.?om? with private baths JJJL showers. Other large cheerful rooms Private baths; exceptionally good food \vhy not enjoy the hot summer in this beautiful ex-embassy home with several other young people? Very moderate prices will happily surprise you. DU 0404 THE ABBEY. Itrifi RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. Singles. doubles. sDacious closets, ohone each rm.: club lounge: hotel desk: walk, dist.: from mcl. delicious_meals. THE MANOR. 21 OR 16th st. n.w.—For those who re quire the ultimate, a few most attr. va cancies. Under new management. MI. 1046. CALVERT HOUSE, 1401 ICth st n.w.—Ideal residence for business people: airy, outside room, pri vate baths; selective menus; switchboard; parking. BOLIVIAN CLUB, ' 1633 16th n.w.—Single rms.: also double rms . with pvt. baths; immaculately clean; beau11fu 1 ly_ furn.; unusual meajs._ 1706 New Hampshire Ave. . Single!, double!, prlvete end adjoin ing bathi: S40-S4S. Cool, distinctive home: elevator. Pina meale. ROOMS WITH BOARD. (Continued.) "STUART HALL _1704 1 8th £T. N.W.—FROM 84".B0._ 2620 16th ST. N.W. A delightful home residence in the Em bassy section. High, cool location for i summer, with garden and trees. Large double. Social environment: hotel service, excellent food. Columbia 8280._27* CARROLL SPRINGS INN. FOREST GLEN. MD. — BUS TO DOOR. 20 Acres Lawn. Garden—Outdoor Pool. PHONE SHEPHERD 2040. OR 5781. • ROOMS WITH BOARD WANTED. YOUNG MAN wishes room and cart board < with private family in quiet sect ion : pre fers corner room, with nearby garage. Box 200-J, Star. 26* MAN. Government employe, will pay $50 00 for furnished room, private bath, one meal daily, o pm.. Sundays excepted, between Oth and Kith sts. north of Park rd. Box 331 - J. Star. COUNTRY BOARD. HOMEWOOD Blue Ridge Summit. Pa.—Excellent meals, scrupulously clean house. Gentile clientele. Mrs. J. F Cummin.', phone 1Q3-M. __ APARTMENTS FURNISHED^ FRANCIS SCOTT KEY APT -HOTEL, 20t'li and F sts. n.w.— 1 room, kit., dinette, pvt. bath: day $3. 1 or 2 persons week. $18. mnivh, $00. Full service. Frigidaire* nicely furn Natl. 5425, 1736 18th ST N.W.-— CONVENIENT'Gov ernment departments: 1 and 2 rooms • twin beds>. kitchen, bath, shower: $15 up. S5.: $55. *57—-BUCHANAN APTS . 4526 13th st. n w.—Liv. rm , porch, bedrm., k., b. incl. gas. elec._GE. 1883. eves. 315 Jith ST S E—LARGE FRONT ROOM and kitchen: newly decorated, attractively furnished narking free: reas. DCVV NTOWN. WALK DIST . fij 1 3 'RHODE Island ave n.w—2 rm: . kit,, bath. elec, refg.. c h w ._cross ventilation. DESIRABLE 4-MAN FURN. APT''<JEW ish» invites 4th man in. Maid meals, laundry. Share expenses. CO. but8. YOUNG I ADY TO SHARE COOL ~AT tractive two-room apt. with two Jewish furls■_ Phone Columbia 7lt>!» 1432 FAIRMONT ST. N.W. — COOL, I ultramodern J rm . laige kitchen, elec, i refg.■ adults: $37 50. LARGE ROOM AND KITCHEN ELEC. I refg. .'ini;. Murphy bed. semi-bath: rea | sonable 202 5th st. s.e. i NR. SOLDIERS’ HOME 4 35~IRVING ST. 1 n w —Large front rm . studio or bed. room in basement to cook and eat; $*’> wk LIVING ROOM. BEDROOM. KITCHEN, pvt. bath J 1 13 Maryland ave. n e. BASEMENT- 1713 M N W.—BEDROOM. ! lcr kit . bath, storage rm.. large hall; newly dee pvt. entr phone: $40 mo. DUPONT CIRCLE- 1 RM . KIT. PORCH: elrr refg nrwlv decorated; clean; quiet; SI" I 703 P >?. n.w. WANTED 2 CONGENIAL GIRLS TO SHARE lg_e . a'tr hp’ with 3 girl' maid service. 3,no Ma s. ave. n w EM 380f» af’er 5:30. VICINITY M’h AND PARK RD -NICELY furnished larg*' ror-m. kitchen, next bath, j e h w . low rent. 1 304 Monroe st. n w 1015 K ST N.W—1 ROOM. KITCHEN and ba?h lp- elrr and refg. on house; ronv down’ wn ME s3f»s li:i 21th ST NW—1 ROOM KITCHEN and bati:; ron’/rnien’ downtown: cas, elec, and refg r.n house Republic 051" L3"3 P ST NW LARGE CLEAN. AIRY 1 living rut and k;t. c>c refg: scm:-pM. hath, porch: very desirable: 8*i v.eek 2*111 N ST* NW ; ROOM. KITCHEN ba*h r.’.cely furnished; convenient )v lo cated elec refg Incl ME 1823. | 17 (If* EYE ST.-N.W 1 'AND : ROOM bachelor ap's . n:ccly furn : r>c incl ; convenient downtown. District 8548, COMFORTABLE ONE ROOM BATH ! cooking faeilrie-- firs’ floor: switchboard service. E. Clifton Terrace; $3b. ch 1 SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM USUAL beelnve—Wallace Bryan’ s mo" a’tractive, article apartments. Lots of sunshine. 11»] • i G ■ • n.w * 1«: 1 BELMONT RD N.W ENTIRE 3rd 1 fl 3 rm- bath, e’.rr rrfc . $60. ; (ini'", rrfmeri ariul*' AD ’)‘r-s 11.*,: MONROE ST N.W. INSULATED 1st or -,nd fl. 3 rooms, bath, gas .and elec ^ I .*>. i -ARDMORE NEAR WAR AND NAVY D*pfs Nru.v decor, mod apt 3 or .3 rms.. j r:rr refg . tile bath, c h.w wk. up 1’:: HEMLOCK N W - NICELY FUR. 1 rm k/ . hath. rlrc. rrfg . unhm. phone: rea genti' 1 C«E. s.i^v after pm 1 : FYE ST N.W A3TR FRONT : cross vru.r •* rms. large k,* . bath, cicc. ( rclc mo • gas. dec : ad’;.’ MO7ART PL NW OFF 1 6?h AND Coi rd 3 bedrm- r^c. hall large kitchen, bath.* 3 expos., porches, yard, free parking, , HUt* Hi'li ST NW ROOMS FRONT ! apartmer.’. facing park: complete. r>rr:c ! refrigeration. janitor .-civice.. .ftjo.ou. Du j pout I 101S CALVERT ST N W - ATTR NEW. i 3 ar.d .3 r . sleeping porch, bath, gas, dec. i refg . adult.' . reasonable ! 442 RHODE ISLAND AVE NW—‘J RMS*, private bath. Is: floor u-e of back yard n:;? Virginia ave sw."— front 3 room*. private bath, dectric refrig.-ra'ion LIVING ROOM BEDROOM KITCHEN I bathtno children. __ 1 S.37 Bennine rd r.e [ 3331 N N W —FIRST FLOOR.' ATTRAC- 1 tively furnished studio apar’menn double and twin beds, ].. d , k . b , c h.w.; sublet • ! THREE FINE ROOMS7 SCREENED"SLEEP j ing porch overlooking Warriman Park . Hotel, dec’ric rrfrigera:ion. 2610 Garfir.d st ns* • tn:, "nth" n.w." cor east." west south exp: 3 rms. dm-kit . refg. ba*h. ; sleep .3 adults, good location. attractive, modern apartments. completely furn*’shed. 1-3 rooms, attractive rates. Inspect,on invited. 1 :>t>L Fairmont n.w. DUPONT CIRCLE. 1.3.3 \ ItMh ST 1 room, kitchen, bath, Frigidairc; utilities i included M". PARK T EE. 1 <.:;•> PARK RD - -EXCELI ENT location. C->ol attractive livmg-bcdrm . ‘ spneious dressing rm., dinette, kitchen. \ harii: V>n up Choice bachelor am.. >l<> I*rigidaire Elevator. Hobart Tlus ! I Ml COLUMBIA RD - NICELY FURNISH ^d living room. ,3 bedrms.. dining room, | k:* . bath, large reception hail. ! 31 33 P ST. NW.—CORNER APT. LIVING rm . berirm . kit. bath, hall; nicely furn ; j accommodate 3 or I. $.>7.;>n, I ]s"l D ST. SE—h-RM. APT,. NICELY furn . corner home; :» windows: Electrolux lights, gas. phone, semi-bath: S45. READY TO MOVE IN. Corner. like new. cross-ventilation, venti lated doors: ‘1 large rooms, kitchen and hath, sh.s: another V rooms, kitchen and hath. 355: gas. electricity included: free narking One of tile best locations at Rock Creek Tark. between Taft and the new Calvert St. Bridges. -Mio -loth st. nw I See these. Resident manager. STUDIO APT. — j 50-ft. living room, fireplace, balcony with : " bedrooms, 1 closets, tile bath, kitchen. Frigid*Ire. delightful location near Rock i Creek Park '1 blocks car and bus lines Columbia 55tV.’ CONVENIENT LOCATION. Tf you need a ,3-rm . kit., bath, furn ap- . with utilities included in the rent, th^n see the 3nd-fi apt. at .3613 J3th st. n.w. at only 50 F ELIOT MIDDLETON. 20.3 Investment Birig. RE tiki WARDMAN PARK HOTEL, Connecticut Ave. at Woodley Rd. Furnished Apartments From One tn Eipht Rooms. Full Hotel Service. Phone Assistant Manacer, Columbia 2000. APARTMENTS JFUR. OR UNFUR. ATTRACTIVE APTS.. HIGH-CLASS NEIGH horhood: some furnished Car available on appt.. MRS. GREEN. Shepherd 5128. 3218 WIS. AVE. N W. NEWLY ' DECO* i rated, including sun parlor, elec refc., shower bath. Reasonable. Nr. Cathedral. __ 31*_ EXCLUSIVE LOCATION. MARQUIS APT. 2308 ASHME4D PI. N.W.. SOUTH END OF TAFT BRIDGE 3 RMS.. K. $60: 4 RMS.. K. $75. Modern fireproof elevator bldg : secre tarial. phone service: refined clientele; furn. at slight extra_cbarge._Hobart 5063, APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. LIV. RM . KIT. and bath. $60; 2 large bedrooms, liv. rm.. kit. and bath $50: one large bedroom, liv. rm., kit ajid bath. $4 0._3025 15th st. n.w. 3016 TILDEN ST. N.W.. APT 404—3 FULL expos . full-size din. rm., kit,, sunrm., liv. rm., 2 bcdrms,. 2 baths: most attr.: garden, ! trees: quiet, cool: garage._WO. 3627. 3 BLK. OFT CONN . WOODBINE APTS, 2839 27th st.—2 and 3 rooms, kitchen, bath; $45-$55.___ 719 FERN PL. N.W. (NEAR WALTER Reed)—2 rooms, kitchen, bath. pvt. en trance; heat, light, gas included: adults._ 3210 33th ST N.W.—2 LARGE RMS*. 3rd floor, newly decorated: private bath; adults: partly furn. if desired._• 5123 NEW HAMP. AVE. N.W.—2 ROOMS, kit. bath: entire 2nd fl. pvt. res : adults only. Call after 7. Randolph 0867. PETWORTH. 4817 9th ST. N.W —3 LG. attract, rms. k.. pvt. b.. elec, refg., util ities included: conv. location. GE. 7993. DOWNTOWN. 2123 H ST. N.W.—2 RMS . kitchen, bath. refg. inch. $46 and $52; roof garden._ Resident manager. ME. 3763. 2 RMS., KITCHEN LARGE SCREENED porch, pvt. bath; utilities: 2 or 3 adults; reas 33 Girard st. n.e^_ 1 LARGE ROOM. KITCHEN APT., WITH large cedar closet: $35. including gas, elec., heat. Emerson 7835. after 5:30. STUDIO APT.—UNUSUALLY COOL APT?; large living room, fireplace, bedroom, bath, kitchen: Frigidaire; in building overlook ing Rock Creek Park: 2 blocks car and bus lines. Columbia 5562._ 332 2nd ST. N.E.. APT. 204—BEAUTIFUL and cool: l room, kitchen, bath. Murphy bed. Frigidaire._$35._ Open. See lamtor. 3301 ALABAMA AVE. S E. (HILLCREST > — 2 or 3 cool rooms with bath, in private home, heat. gas. elec.; conv. bus. AT. 4943.__ 4207 16th ST. N.W —2 LARGE "ROOMS, fully equipped kitchen, bath with anower, Utht, caa and phone: $45. * ■ APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 401 A ST. N.E.-3 r7k? B., HEAT. HOT water, fine cond.; Janitor serv.: $45. Georgia 0452.__ 321 18th PL N.E—2 RMS.. KIT., SEMI? bath; heat. gas. elec., furn.; $38.50. Tele phone privileges. Atlantic 0975. _ RANDLE HIGHLANDS 1400 29th ST. S E. — 1 and 2 bedrms . living room, kitchen, dinette, bath; janitor service, refrigeration; convenient and reasonable; $40 to $49. Call BUSADA. AT. 0307. MARYLAND COURTS. Oth AND E STS. n e.—4 r , k.. din., b . s and w exp ; 24 hr. clev.. switchbd service, elec. refg. incl., $50-$55. LI. 10490. HAMILTON CTS. 4140 N ST. N.W.—AT trac., 4 rms. k.. b.: $50; elec, refg.: res. mgr UNION STORAGE CO . NO._()104. $.'{0.50—FAIRLEE. 1341 KENYON N.W, nr. !4th and Park—Lee. ]jy. rm . bright, cheery: nice dinette, kit., tile barn, refg.: newiy decor.: attr., well-managed bldg. TAKOMA PARK. MD—MODERN. COOL. 1st fi front, large living rm . dining rm., j kit,, bedim., tiled bath, shower. 3 closets, laundry; nr. bus. stores: adults $57 50. 741 Erie ave._ SH. 4503-W. SH. 5814. 2037 K ST N.W.—3 RMS.. KITCHEN? bath; rent. $47.5o. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO. 1731 K st n.w. MT. RAINIER. 3110 DATE ST. N E —5 R . b.. gar.; 1 bik. bus stop. 31st. and Cedar &ts. Key. 3140 Date. WA. 2304. _ • 5509 9th ST. N.W —ATTRACTIVE COR? ner apt# 2 rms.. kitchen, bath; $47.50. DOWNTOWN 11th AND E STS—DE sirable corner apt. of 4 rms. kit. and bath: newly papered and painted: $55. Inquire on premises. No. 501_ 1 1th st. n w. C ST. SE, 1818. APT 3—RENTS RE dticed, 4 large rooms, kitchen, bath, di nette. screened porch, yard, storage locker; oil hear hoi water furnished; redecorated. See MRS. HARFORD, days or evenings. 1834. Apt 1 DI. 2434. Other apart ments available. 3500 J nth ST N W LIVING ROOM BED? i room. bath. din. kit., porch: delightfully j coo': teas ; adults. CO. 5770. : 1705 NORTH CAPITOL ST - -4 ROOMS : kitchenette, bath; bright, airy, redeco i rated; utilities included. $35. • DOWNTOWN APT . THE GRAYRTONE 815 : iMh st. n.w.— 1 and 4 rms.. kit. dinette and bath: Frigidaire on house current. 1000 PARK RD—1 RM. K. AND B. $35: 4 rms, k. and b. $55; splendid con dition. elec, refg.: janitor: adults only. 919 N. Y. AVE. N.W.—3 RMS. K. AND b . $45: newly dec : adults only. 440 JEFFERSON ST. N.W. — 4 ROOMS* kitchen, bath: private home; utilities fur nished >45:_ gentiles Call evenings. AN 5CCS l IA 4-ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH and porch apt.; conv. to store*, churches, etc.: Venetian shades and painted walls. Manager. LI 1348-W. ! 14 10 MONROE ST. N E —4* NICE ROOMS*. ! bath, porch. 4nd floor: ail utilities, $54.50. j Dupont -1005. ; 3000 CONNECTICUT AVE N W. CORNER Conn. ave. and Porter, opposite Broadmoor Hotel' ONLY $55: very large an' in fine I co-cperatne bldg. <restricted <. Living rm. over •j'.' It. lone foyer. BAY SOLARIUM DINETTE, bedroom, kitchen and shower ; ba’h. Pastel painted walls. Venetian blinds. Janitor will show. Apt. 404 4 BEDROOMS LIVING ROOM K B 21'4 Conn ave.; new:y decorated; conv., only $5 7 5o. | 19th ST N W*— FOUR ROOMS? k rchen and bath, including sun parlor; second floor: electric refrigpra'or •■aritor j^Yjte; newly decorated, $Go. Dupont 1940 KEARNEY ST~N E - LARGE LIVING room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen ha.’h: det home. p\t. entrance adult.-. $50. in cluding gas. he?! p>c DU. 0141 P I AVE NW.—3-ROOM APT for ! h.k . very nicely arranged, $75 per month Cal. Decatur 304o. 437 7 1 5th ST N W OPP MERIDIAN PARK AIR-COOLED ROOF GARDEN 2 bedrm . liv rm.. dinette, kr . baT. $75. 2 rms dinette, k.t. ba‘h- $G0. Gas Elec . R-efc. Included VICTOR CAHILL. NA *',3|3_ 1 THAYER ST. NE. BLK FROM Rinde I land ate—4 rooms, bath: heat i light, gas turn $ 15 WM P IHOROWGOOD *-"4 1 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. DE 0317. TWO ROOMS KITCHEN DINETTE AND bath with shower Gas and elec* in cluded .n rent. $51.50. See rec,.dent man ager. 900 RANDOLPH ST N W. rnni NEWLY DECORATED ONE-ROOM. k.Thf... dincfe ar.d bath anarment: two exposures, every convenience, walking dis tance of most Go'.crnment denartmer's; THE COLTON _ 49 Eve St. N \V. 1216 10th ST. N.W. Pach'.nr ap- . ««.V 1 anri ■; rins kit . bs-;:. Fruninire on housr. =>o-«45 THE ARGONNE. 1629 COLUMBIA RD. T'r. isual apart., with 3 exposures. 2 borf roonu-. livins room dimne room. hall, kitchen, bath; In upper 16th st. Embassy section __For Information,_Call_CO. 4633. 3000-3100 Connecticut Ave. Opposite Zoo Entrance J room, kitchen and <£42 50 and'bath' $70 to $80 S Exposures. Inusually Larjre Rooms AH Electricity Free RESIDENT MANAGERS AD. 1800 and CO. 2115 DESIRABLE APARTMENTS offering EXTREMELY LOW RENTALS 430 IRVING ST. N.W. Two rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath: with refrigeration fur nished _ *37.50 1422 N ST. N.W. One room, kitchen and ba*h, with gas. electricity and re frigeration furnished. Now *32.50 112 13th ST. S.E. New buildme. new features, com plete apartment service. Two rooms, kitchen, dinette. ba*h and large screened porch *!5.0o Robert W. Savage SI3 I'nion Trust Bide. Natl. 3030 Economy Apartments roiirrrn with rryant gas HEATERS—REAR YARDS—SCREENED PORCHES. Just North of Florida Ave. N.E. 1706 Weit Virginia Ave. N.E. $36 50~Apt- N,° 3 Rec. haii. Ilv ^ Inc room bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath; screened rear porch. Large Apartment 1615 Corcoran St. N.E. $45 00—Apt- -• Living room. v ' 2 bedrooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. Res. Mar.. lfi.AO W. Vs. Ave. N.E. Apt. 1. Line. 3S23-R. 1404 K CAFRITZ Dial. 9080 4710 Edgemoor Lane Bethesda, Md. Live in cool suburb of Edgemoor in modern bldg, close to theaters, churches, schools, stores and recre ation facilities. Excellent trans portation. ample parkine 2 and .'1 rooms kitchen, dinette, foyer and bath $49.50 up 1842 16th St. N.W. Live on fashionable 16th St.— Front act. consisting of 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and enclosed rorch. _$70.00 1650 Fuller St. N.W. .'I rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. Near 16th and Euclid_$52.50 The Cordova t 20th b Florida Avt. N.W. 2 rms, kit., bath $55.00 Elec., refg. incl. In rent. Elevator, switchboard. Spacious rooms, cool and delight ful roof garden, refined atmosphere, convenient to stores and transpor tation. Park Manor 3039 Que St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Near stores and transportation $42 50 • THE OLIVER 2217 14th St. N.W. 4 rms, kit., bath, rear porch, elec, refrigerator -$50.00 R. MARBURY STAMP b CO. 212 Soother* Buildir* Dist. 8107 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.W. Beautiful 3-room, kit and bath apart ment. Located on the corner of the build in*. with exposures to the south, east and north, insurlns perfect cross ventiiatl ,n. It has abundant closet space. You will be p'eased with the attractive, modernised builuin*. located on upper ldth st. 24-hour elevator and switchboard service. C. A. SNOW CO.. 710 8th ST. N.W. 1905 KALORAMA RD. N.W. Modern 1-rm. kit., bath apartment; utilities included: Call RA. 2b7fl. 5051 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE” (2nd Bldg. From Gallatin St.) 2 and .'3 rooms, foyer, din . kit.. ba!h. All corner, fireproof, insulated, modern apts.: $52.50 to $04.50, incl. gas for conk ing and retg. Parquet floors, incinerators, vent, fans, ample closets, laur>dry facilitir-. Spacious, shady lawns surround buildinc«. 15 min. to downtown bv auto. Res. mgr.. MISS CORBETT. RA 20.25. 5741 COLORADO AVE. N.W. AIR COOLED. 1 br°om» kitchen, dinette and <£47 0Q 2 jooms, kitchen, dinette and <£0Q 00 New. modern building; Venetian blinds, builfcrin bookcases, carpeted halls, tiled baths with shower. Gas for rooking, re trigeration and electricity included in rent Large fenced-in yard for children. Very convenient to stores, churches, schools, etc. See Manager in Apt JOR. Open and Lighted E\es. HENRY J ROBB. INC . __ 1P24 Vermont Ave District $141. 2151 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. Two bedrooms and baih. ccimbina’mn living room and dining room, large foyer with fireplace, kitchen, pantrv and ba<-k porch ample closet, space exposure^. Ren’al. including all utilises. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., ISib K SI. NW. District. 1015 PINE MANOR, _ 5K1 1 14th ST. N W Delightfully cool, new building, adiom. Ror k Crcpk Park. A frw vacancies. 1 rm . dinette, kitchen and bath. One bedrm . living rm ._ dinette, kitchen and ba>h. • tn Sb5. All spacious rooms. Call res mgr.. Randolph_7 22d S55 BEAUTIFUL HAMPSHIRE GARDENS' a’ N H a\e . Emerson. 2rd and Far ragUu sis n u Corners: 2, rooms.. k:t. and oath (re' * rioted); eves, end Suns , Apt 10:3 1 or' ‘' n.w GE. 5741. EDMUND J FLYNN. Woodward Bldr . Republic 1" 1 $ S52.50. IN MODERN 2-FAMILY HOME. , xt Tr “>: Farr&eut. pi. n.w.. 1 block ea ™ Ha ve. at Gallatin st —Con* a ins 1 v rm . bedrm.. kit . din., bath: private er. tranee includes heat. ligh‘. gas. refg . etc. EDMUND .1 FLYNN. Woodward Bide. Re public 121 w. $52.50—COOL! “QUIET!~ THE RICHELIEU I 750 HARVARD ST N W. Attractively decorated 2-ronm apar‘ featuring r'ORNFR bedroom wjtn CROSS VENTILATION foyer, living room. It-ipp modern krehen and ha?h with show er paste; painted walls Venetian blind' Lrr‘.TY CfLr:Iera' MODERN firetroof BUILDING FLFVATOR Adjoining en trance to Rn'-k Creek Park, degrees cooler i hi bo’ summer weather' SLEEPING PORCH^APTS SHORT WALK TO OFFICE. Clore downtown modern bid* in bran u. :! sylvan setting huge living rm di ne'-e. kc . ore^s rm . Murphv bed. bath •*." w 1:h sleeping porch. $47.50; upacious ' e’P' of 4 rmv. porch, hue® rjosp’ “ght ar.d refe free. 2514 Que st. n w. 558 NEWCOMB ST. S.E., CONGRESS HEIGHTS NEW. MODERN BUILDING Ap* 2—Lar*e livin* room. 2 bedroom' i Junior dir.ln* room, fully eouippad kiirh'r. i:!p baih ,:'h shower. unusnaky 'a-re peered porch, front and rear yard.. LEE D. LATIMER CO.. 722 Investment Bldtr National 414C $60—LARGE APARTMENT. ' RANDALL ‘MANSIONS ' 1 fin* LAMONT ST. N W. I arc' beautiiuilv d'-oraied FRONT aoar m'ru facin* landscap'd te-rarp’ a- i over.onkm* Rock Greek Park Foyer LI -I INr* J ‘ BEDROOM Nix 7 < DRESSING ROOM WITH MURPHY bed junior d:nm* room k.-eNn and ha d.. eis closet Painted vails Venetian n,. ,c . bunt -,n bnortshe.vrs. rariia’rr c~v m. p’r MODERN FIREPROOF BUILD 1NG, WITH ELEVATOR, incinerator lau ’. r-r> room. lawn chairs, nr A'.: Jan •" BER NAy°!'-n' -05' cr caU MR OER The Congressional 215 B St. N.E. Ovrrlnokinr Maryland Ave. Npw- Modern. Fireproof. Sun Derk. Air-Conditioned Bide.—ref ricerated, dehumidified, filtered air in every room. Open for In?Deetinrv 848.50 to 867.50 Aubinoe Inc. IfilO K VH REp. 1538. Owner?—Builders BEST VALUE IN CITY The Montgomery Cor. N. Capitol and M Sts. Odp Sibiey Hospital. Apts., 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. Plenty closets. Heat. Hot water. Light and air. Elec trie Refrigerator. $44.00 to $47.50 The Washington Leon & Trust Co. Real Est. Dept. pr>0 F St. N.W NA. 3140 Down Town Modern S-Stnry Apartment an Exclusive lhth Street. Short Walk to Business District LcTTath .. $32.50 to $40 Z rooms, kit., CCfii tCC bath, p^rch_$OU 10 $0$ ! •'* rooms, kit., CCC ton bath, porch $DD 10 $0U (Furnished if desired at §li*ht additional cost) Phone Mr. Stilson, Mgr. DU. 1000 the CHASTLETON Kith and R Strata N.W. New Ultra-Modern Apartment MAJESTIC 3200 16th St. N.W. Rentals From $52.50 Includinr Electricity for Cooking, Lighting and Refrigeration. All Conveniences . . . Nearby Shops, Amusements, Transportation, etc. Features: Outside all-electric kitchens: Vene tian blinds: ventilating doors; par ouet floors; carpeted corridors. $52.50—1 dying room, combina tion gunroom and dining room, dressing room with Murphy bed. kitchen and bath. $90.00—Beautiful front apart ment. Large foyer, living room, bay solarium. bedroom, kitchen and bath. Large Sun Deck for Convenience of Tenants. Resident Manager. BE. fitOO. Open and Lighted I'ntll 10 P.M. 114th PAFBIT7 Bl«t. _ and K VeAPKI I U M80 I (Continued on Kent P*«o.)