Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) ~ downtown; NEW BUILDING. Front apartment. 2 rooms, kitchen, di nette and bath with shower. Fireproof, elevator building. Parquet floors, built-in kitchen cabinets, ventilated corridors, etc. Rent include.- gas and electricity. $07.50. i _BARI ARMS. 17*77 R ST. N.W. THE FLAGLER, 74 H 77nd ST. N.W. Convenient Downtown Location 1 room and bath . $40.00 1 room, kitrhen and bath $40.00 Refrigeration, elevator and switchboard service. Res Mgr.. RE 0007. THE MARCHETA, 1171 NEW HAMPSHIRE AYE. N.W 3 room k:'Chen and hath _ $47.50 . £ rooms kitchen and bath $50.UU ! Resident Manager RF 0040 THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., Real Estate Dept. NA. SOSO. “sleeping porch Apts.” 4 RMS., S55; 5 RMS., $65. IV luxe modern n.w bld2 convenient to everything; large rms Areyle Apts., cor 17: h and Park rd n.w CO 1 : S7 2445 15th ST. N.W., Meridian Tark Apartments. 1 bX kl,chcn' dinme' $45,011 I rooms, kitchen, dinette, §0Q QQ 8 rooms, kitchen, dinette. ggC) 5Q H L. RUST CO , jnni i o-b s- .N w na. S1 imi. MORE FOR THE MONEY. 2, 4 arid 5 Room Apts., $40 to $o5. 4 it apartment buildings newly dreo fs-ed i: .er Jocat ion c *o ire and transportation Large, airv room.-. Eire- i trie refrigeration NATION A1 MORTG. A IKY CORT . __1 -'i 1 •' N ' A\» NA 5*44 SPECIAL BARGAIN. 10 4 4 Irvu-c n v —0 big rooms and beautiful bath porches, yard and garage just around the corner from chain stores, i school- and movie oni' ’-tin HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., Li ln H Si n.w _ di. is;; BRAND-NEW APT ONLY $37.50. 1 BLOCK OFF 1 tith AT UNDERWOOD. WINCHESTER PLAZA. NEW BUILDING—0501 14th ST 1 room. Kollaway bed. grill refg. $.4 7 5n 3 room. l!»x7o ff kitchen, bath, 45.00 Closets You Can Walk Into GAS AND ELECTRICITY FURNISHED. Open and Lichted Uivil !0 PM ^_SHAPIRO. INC. DUPONT 7 7 7 7 _ 3520 10th ST. N.W. Either 7 or 4 rooms, dinette. k;tchen. ra^h. eiee. refrigerator ana washer, locker. house < rrent $40 or $47 :.•* NA. 9757 • KS LLI ^ 2700 QUE Street N.W. C. J. LANKS. Manager. 1 rccm, dinette, k t'u;n hc:h (some v. th porch), $42.50 to $50.00 2 rooms, dinette, k r-; both seme with porch)_$55 to $67.50 4 room?, rc:cp: on he', k : >:n, bot , orge screeneo porch S100. Rpnt includes pas, lieht. refrigera tion. secretarial, phone service Your Inspection Invttca DECATUR 1460 Compare the Rentals at 1740 Euclid St. N.W. T arge firing room with Murphv bed. furnished dinette. ultra-modern kitchen and tile bath. And f°r those who need more space two rooms, kit . and batn. These rentals include free ra$ for rnokine and free electnci!' for lights and refrigeration. Ihe build ing is six stones modern and per fectly maintained It is located -lust one square from 18th and Co lumbia road. ROBERT W. SAVAGE 813 tnion Trust Bldg. NA. 3630. J NEW V / HOUSES FOR RENT) With Apartment Advantages ' Only a large-male development like fikviar.d could offer such serv ice.' and popular prices. Living room, dining room and k;f on ].-* floor. '2 bedroom- and ha*;; on Cnd floor. Ample A A closet space. As low a ■■ '1)1 9*fU Apa’-trnen* T ichted t nfil 9 T M. ; 25th A Good Hope Rd. S. E. For Information Cali AT. &400 TO INSPECT: Drive out Pennsylvania > - Avenue S. E.. to llth St., turn right «nq \ f continue on across llth Street Bridge te J first traffio light, turn left on Good J Hope Hoad, follow to top of hill J to 25th Street S. E. ^ _APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED._ NEAR UNION STATION. GRAND 4-RM. APT., $35. Modern bide : large. bright rms„ newly redecorated Big value ME 3115. 1830 POTOMAC AVE. S.E. Newly decorated. A rooms, kitchen and hath, completely private: walking distance 10 Navy Yard: all modern conveniences; hea . gas and light furnished: $-15 monthly. FEDERAL FINANCE CO.. PI5 New Yolk ave. n.w. NA. 74 HI. • THE COOLIDGE, -"10(1 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. on. National Cathedral Apt. 203—*2 rooms, kitchen. Tile bath and shower: rent. $1*2.50 mo. refrigeration included in rent. Completely renovated Manager. Am. 104, or ring janitor's bell. THE STANLEY, 1411 HARVARD ST. N.W. S42 50 ~ rooms* kitchen, bath, dinette v ’ and rear porch. _C A SNOW CO .710 Sth ST. N.W, CONN. AVE.—3221. - R . K ■ B.. Shower, Dinette, Elev.. 140 50. BRAND-NEW APTS. Only lo minutes to Washington, con sistinc of liv. rm bedrm., dinette, kit . bath and finished glassed-in sleeping porch which can be used all year round Heat and hot water furn.: heat compiled by each individual an'.: Venetian blmcts metal kochen cabinets. ft. o E refc : *55 per mo i blk from schools, buses and shopping center. 15] ti i:th st north. Arlington. Va . or call Chestnut *JN5n APARTMENT AT THE ALBAN. 3715 Woed’rv rd —5 r b elec refrg. *R<» JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., oil G s>. n.w di asKo. Davenport Terrace 4800 Connecticut Ave. \ croup of four—.Vstorv buildings wilh soacious grounds—safe for children—schools nearby. 11 _* rooms, kitchen and bath $40.00 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $50.00 to $57.50 8 rooms, kitchen and bath $62.50 to $69.50 Resident Manager, Fmerson J912 PELHAM COURTS •»1 1 P St. N.W. •! rooms, kitchen and bath. $5?.50 3 room.' kitchen and bath. $75.00 R^fricerauon on House. Switchboard Elevator. 1220 N St. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath $31.00 up Electrolux RcfriEeration. 1930 K St. N.W. 1 room and bath... $30.00 2008 16th St. N.W. 1 room, kitchen, dinette and bath $.37.50 Gas. Electricity and Refrcr Included. 1526 17th St. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and ha’h. :1 room>. kitchen and bath. $t‘!.50up Electric Refrieeration. H.G. Smithy Co. 811 15th St. N.W. NAtl. snort LIVE WELL and Time and Carfare— Walk to Work! y RIGHT Downtown^ I [IRAMAR Cor. 15th & R. I. Ave. N.W. A pleasant downtotrn residential neighborhood $47.50—Living room, cozy sun * room dressing room v.:'b Murphy bed. kitchen and bath. S52.50—Llvinc ro°m wnh buii» ** ’ in diner to table and f’hairs. dressing room wi*h Murphy Prd cer” with Murphy pea. kitchen and bath. Frigidnirn current FREF' ventilate ‘no doors; RADIO in every apart ment: quirt, carpeted corridors, bellboy service; sun garden. Resident Manager, Mich. 5000 Opened and Lighted I'ntil 10 P.M. 14th and K CAFR1TZ D 1st. 9080 1 1610 K ST. N.W. NATIONAL 1405 1 Room, Kitchen, Dinette and Bath 236 MASS. AVE. N.E._S42.50 1615 KENYON ST. N.W. (Gas, Elec. Incl.)_$45.50 1 Bed Room, Living Room, Kitchen Cr Bath 1530 R. I. AVE. N.E. (Refg. on H. C„ porch) _$48.50 1702 SUMMIT PL. N.W. (Gas and Elec. Incl.)_S49.50 2145 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. (Refg. on H. C.) —S47.50 1126 11th ST. N.W. (Incl. Gas and Elec.) .....$55.00 1615 KENYON ST. N.W. (Gas and Elec. Incl.) $62.50 3220 CONN. AVE. 'Gas, Elec. Incl.) $67.50 1940 BILTMORE ST. N.W. (Din. Rm. b Fireplace) $80.00 4700 CONN. AVE. (porches, switchboard service) $75.00 2 Bed Rooms, Living Room, Kitchen Cr Bath 2145 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. (Refg. on H. C.) ..$65.00 1940 BILTMORE ST. N.W. (Dm. Rm., Fireplace) $95.00 4700 CONN. AVE. ' Refrg. on H. C —Porch, Gar.) $97.50 Resident Manager Woodley 5900 AIR-CONDITIONED An ultramodern apartment with year-'round built-in air-conditioning, with outside air filtered and passed over temperators in each room with occupants con trolling individual room temperatures by means of thermostats, in warm weather from a plant capable 1 of producing the equivalent of 150 tons of ice per day. Added features of club room, delightful roof terrace and garage in building. Display apartment by M. Lipnick. A Distinctive Address Apartments available for Army, A few apartments with large attrac- J\ avy, Diplomatic Corps and a tive living room dining alcove bed- «selected clientele. room, many unusually large closets. ™°qd"onunltChen and bath' $7T'50' AH Rentals Include Gas. Electricity ou D‘ and Secretarial Service. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. DUPLEX APTS., COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT. 2001 2nd ST. N.E. 216 T ST. N.E. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath with shower, fully screened, including rear j porch: awnings, terraced lawns with gar den furniture, shade trees and shrubbery. Convenient transportation, near schools and churches. Complete janitor service. Heat and hot water furnished. $47.50 and $52.50. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY. UNTIL 9 P.M. RESIDENT MANAGER on Premises. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., 1519 K St. N.W. _ PI. 1015. 2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, reception hall, large closets: 24-hour elevator and switch board service. _C. A. SNOW CO. 710 8th ST. N.W._ UNIQUE. If you want a cool and comfortable 2-rm. kit... bath apt . with utilities in cluded. at a rental of only $27.50. then see the basement apt. at 3013 I3th st. n.w. Open. F FT JOT MIDDLETON 205 Investment Bldg. RF 1181. COLORED—2 RMS . KITCHEN, BATH. IN refined home: conv. iocatmn: gas, elec, furn.: $45 mo. North 2538, or 1410 Fla. ave n w. No children. COLORED—124 8 COL. RD. N.W APT.7 one or two rooms, kitchen and bath; quiet horn e.___* APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. DECATUR HGTS . MD.. 14 ELEANOR AVE~ —3 cool rms.. kit . pvt. bath; pice, refg., c h.w . eonven. schools, churches, stores; block bus._Warfield 3013. ONE THREE OR FOUR ROOM~APART ments. furnished, unfurnished; very rea sonable. Call Taylor_0571. _ 25* UNFURN APT 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath. $35 month, bus and cars at dnor. 1300 Lee highway. Arlington CH. 1 7 7 7. RACHEI.OR APT.. HYATTSVILLE. ~ MD.,' 4oo Calvert st 2 large rms . bath, lurti. or unfurn : reas. rent. DUNN A CO.. 3333 Rhode Island ave., Ml. Rainier. Hyattsville 001s. NEARBY VA.---UNFURN.. 2027 LEE HIGH \'ay. 2 rms.. kitchen, bath, screened porch, ami. Chestnut 5Sid. COMFORTABLE 4 -RM."~APT VIENNA — Conveniences; $30 per mo. Vienna 109-J. POT. HTS.—ENGLISH BASEMENT. 3 im.' . k . b.. private entrance; oak floors, elec . heat: adults. EM. 7 148. • TAKOMA PARK DC. — UNUSUALLY tool ‘.’-bedroom, livm room, dining room, kitchen, bath apt , exceptionally large rms , large screened porch, suitable for enter taining; pvt. entr. and basement: just rebec Must be seen to be appreciated. $♦'>2 .*0, Apply 21 8 Cedar st. n.w. GE. ojmi7. MT. VERNON BOULEVARD ALEXANDRIA. VA. large. Cool Apartments at l nusual Low Rates More spare lor less money. Commanding a glorious view ol the Potomac River. Game Room, Laundry Facilities I in Basement . . . Janitor Service Included. Ample Storage Space. o ROOMS* nd S46 up * Flocks Beyond Last Slop L oht in Alexandria, l'a., on Mt. Vernon Bird. Make Reservations Now, Phone AT. 9414 or TE. 4017 HOUSES FURNISHED. LYON PARK. VA —o RMS . PATH-A M T" lease, nr. Lee bivd.: 10 min D r.. large, •n.rdy srmihd- Adult Rrf. AD. 1041.A •k ROOMS. •: PATHS INGOMAR ST C hp\y fh .se D C-—Exceptionally coni Pnone BALLARD REAL ESTATE. NA riiio fHEVY CHASE. D C.—DELIGHTFULLY coo, i bedrooms. ’1 bath. double garage; month or year lease_Emerson o.M I. _HOUSES UNJFURNISHED._ 5,007 PERSHING DP... LYON PARK. VA — Nf\v 6-rm brick: in min, downtown. $75. Phone Oxford 1 lofi-W _ NEW fi-RM BRICK DESIRABLE NEIGH - borhood. auto. heat, insulated, screened Porcji. fireplace, garage 575. TE. 1454 426 PEABODY ST. N W.—SEMI-DETACH t ed. 4 spacious bedrooms living room, rim ing room, inclosed porch, kitchen and ba'h. 0:1 hear, insulated, excellent condition Beautiful yard and shrubbery OWNER, M E__2 11 • o r eves. W ar fi e 1 d 4471. VA AND MD —4 AND 5-ROOM BUNGA~ -$30 to 545—6 rooms 2’; baths 57*U R GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n w. Offlce eIso open 7 to r< n r, DI 5\’.:o. 2 7 2S 13TH ST N W — 3-STOP Y. jTaPTST I and room;- >75 National St>s-; ARLINGTON -«55; BRAND-NEW SETII oe‘. brick 5-rm house, full basement, a o air cond o:l heat, front and rear i < ■'n on bu . 1;nf nr More , and school 1'* min to downtown Wa;n. Call WO 7 I *; 1 *. CHEVY CHASE D C.—(I ROOMS. 2 n;l heal also to rooms and 2 baths FcLTO\ n GORDON. 112 7 Fyr M nw D:m 52.20- - Office alvi open 7 10 M pm. ’• U 50 TAKOMA PK 5 R . B. SEMI de-.: classed porch. ♦; Alleghanv Can be seen be? w. 5:2u and *i:2u. SH 40i;7-j BETHESDA - 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 1 SO bu-: screrned porch: caraee; large lot, tree- - 5<in. WI 5 i rt 1 - J. OWNER BETHESDA- CENTER-HALL. SIX-ROOM , bnrk; baih and lav ; larre lot trees; ga : race: 1 rj. nis; >sn OWNER. WI 51 f» 1 - J. WARDMAN PARK SECTION. 2l*2H~2Kth n w——«i roomk. 2 full baths, maid’s 700m. Ras heat, built-in garage, cedar close's, ; aw nines. Slh(j monthly. Open daily. I ADJOINING ROCK CREEK PARK. JUST oft Broad Branch rd. 16 rooms. 5 baths. avT£s of proitnd oil heat: 3-car garage. Call MR. DIXSON NA. 6340. i sr,5—CONVENIENT’ BRIGHTWOOD—NICE i 6-room hous": available immediately. Call REALTY ASSOCIATES. NA. 1438 _ SILVER SPRING—ATTRACTIVE 4-BED I rO'im house with n4 acre, shade, h.-w.h.. I no::h> caraee. chicken house. >*:;». BAINS REALTY CO. 811:; Ga. ave SH. 3892 | GLOVER PARK. 2411 OBSERVATORY PL ! n — Attractive 6-rm.. bath house, floored : at’ic. .aree screened porches, new oil burn cr. garaec. excellent condition: $67.50. H C BISv_OE VVoodiev lion nK fih ST. N.E.—3 ROOMS KITCHEN. n;cp porches, yard garage; heat, light, gas, reft: : Mo EM 6553. J"1 NICHOLSON ST N.W. — CORNER brick house. e\er.v modern convenience oil hr ,•; ■mu. Key next door. * SEMI-DETACHED ENGLISH BASEMENT* : -.-bedroom house, with gar.: furnished | suite on ground fl . already rented; re duces Sion rental to $55 net. Call NA. | 104n for details. 639 INGRAHAM ST~N.W.—6 ROOMS AND hath, electric refrigeration garage, large yard. $65. Open. OWNER. NA. 8329. BROOKLAND. 311.3 12th ST N E — 6 ; rooms, inclosed porches; h.-w.h.: brick $.->2.50. Other houses Office. 3509 12th n e ; res., 1551 Newton n.e. North 0260. MARVIN M. McLEAN. 33 TODD PL N.E—-5 R., B.1 GOOD cond.: ami; $37.50. 1338*2 E st. nr. 4 r.. b., newly dec.; a m i.; $35.50. TA. 1 9698. PENT. 5212 TLL AVE~N.W” UNFIJR nislied: 6-room brick, garage, modern heat: redecorated: vacant. EM. 5658. 26* 5311 MOORLAND LANE- FDGEMOOR. Mri —Detached. 8 rooms. 2 baths lava tory on 1st floor, maid's room and hath m hasement, oil heat: 2-car garage; $125 per month Phone NA 1403. | 2115 TUNLAW RD N.W. — SEMI - DE t ached. * rooms, hath, built-in caraae: oil heat; in• condition. $75 per j month. Phone NA. 1403. : 76 AND 78 ALLISON ST. N.E.—$60— Brand-new. 6 rms., bath: gas air-condi tioned heat. refg. 1515 K ST. N.W. BEITZELL DI 3100 BETHESDA—6 ROOMS. CORNER. '*DE tached brick: excellent condition, garage: $75._Bradley 0222. 38th ST.. CHEVY*CHASE—CORNER LOT: 4 bedrooms, newly decorated. 2 baths: garage. WM. M. KITCHIN & CO., NA. .8850._Eves , EM. 0947. ALEXANDRIA—DET BRICK; JEPFER son Park; 6 large rms., 3 bedrms., 2 baths, sun parlor, recreation rm.. garage, a.m.i : it is not just another house: must be seen to be appreciated: $87.50: also nearby. 6 rms.. baths. $65 J. H. PGLADIAN, 2425 Mt. Vernon ave., Alex. 3148._ IN NEARBY VA.—5 AND 6 ROOMS, ' $57.50 and $50. _ CYRUS KEISER. Jr., 4910 Wis. Ave. WO. 7927. Eve., WO. 7465. ____ _2 5 • SPRING VALLEY—ATTRACTIVE HOME on large lot. Liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit., ptry.. six bedrooms. 3 baths: wide 2-story porch across rear of house, overlooking wooded 1 valley; recreation rm.: 2-car gar.: auto. , heat. C. H. HILLEGEIST CO 1621 K St. N.W. NA 8500. Eve^and Sun., Call Mrs. Wood. NO. Q3Q4. 1721 NEWTON ST. N.W. 6 rms., bath, h.-w.h. _$60 75 Randolph St. N.W. 7 rms., bath, h.-w.h . rfg . gar _ $55 2305 Tunlaw Rd N.W. 6 rms., bath, h.-w.h., screened porches _ $52.50 3950 Blaine St. N.E. 5 rms., bath, automatic heat; new_$50 610 K St. N.E. 6 rms.. bath, h -w.h.: reconditioned_$40 WAPLE & JAMES. INC . _1224_14th St._N.W. _ DI. 3346. NEAR 14th AND PARK RD.. 1444 PARKWOOD PL. N.W. S75.00—Living room, dining room. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths kitchen, acreened rear porch. 2-ear garage._ _ _ | 1404 K. CAFBITZ. DI. 0080. 1 LIFE'S LIKE THAT —By Fred Neher ug /Moderns. n■ hr Cowxrf'diUwrl *•*»•« r-25 ^ • THAT PHONE RINGS EVERY TIME I GET IN THE TUB!" HOUSES UNFURNISHED. < Continued.-) CHEVY CHASE. MI).— I'H REE-BEDROOM house, completely redecorated, oil heat, 1 screened porch. #S5 no _ E. M. Jr'RY. INC., WI. H74‘» _ 3419 PORTER ST. N.W. 7 Rms., .5 Porches; A M I. 3527 10th ST. N.W. S Rms . A M I. Washington Housing Corp., _5*31 H St N.W. National 3571._ 1118 SPRING RD. N.W. Newly decorated brick residence, contain ing 0 rooms and bath, just off 14th at. car line. rent. >55. ROBERT W. SAVAGE, _ 813 Union Trust Bide NA _3030_._ WESTOVER, ALEXANDRIA YA BRAND NEW BRICK HOMES FOR RENT, --bedroom $52.50 home _ ^ 3-bedroom §55 Q0 home v Oil burner, hot-water heat. t:.e bath with showers Convenient to stores and schools. 15 minutes downtown Washing ton. 10c BUS FARE To reach: Take Washing! on-Mt Vernon bI\ ri to Bashford lane '1st street before entering Alexandria*. Right 3 blocks. FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE 1200 Colonial Ave Temple 3107. V. S HAMILTON. Tempi. 40!*0._ 1513 D ST. S.E. Newly renovated brick, o rooms and bath, ail modern conveniences. Fricidaire. can be used as 2 ants; uaiKinc distance to Navv Yard. ‘M2 monthl'-. FEDERAI, FINANCE CO., 015 New Yoik ave. n*. NA. 7410. _ _ •_ 6 ROOMS. BATH—$55. 722 Tuckerman st n w Attract., semi dr? brick. ;; bedims., car . new ranee. PIXIE REALTY CO NA _ IN PETWORTH. 12! DELAFIEI.n PL NW >55om—Living room dining room. 3 bedroom-' kitchen ana bath, 2 screened rea*- porches. 1104 K CAFRITZ PI J»o>n. SPECIAL BARGAIN 1210 Buchanan St. N.E. Near Catholic l nirersity A purchaser of this beautiful new house would like to rent, retaining the basement only for himself. Owner to furnish heat, light and gas. This is a new house with latest improvements and electric refrigerator. Only $65. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP. 1118 H St. N W. DI. 7877 For 8 /& Per Rent ' M Month NEW IMMEDIATE HOMES OCCUPANCY SAMPLE HOUSE 309 SO. WAYNE ST. ARLINGTON, VA. 5 rooms (TWO BEDROOMS', aulo matte air-ronditionrd heat, modern kitchen, bath, shower. *; closets, porch, yard, fine attic; K minutes to town; near schools, stores. To inspect O'er Memorial Bridge to Arlington Ridge Road, left to Co lumbia P:ke. right, on Columbia Pike to S Wayne St., right 8 blocks to properties. Open 1 -8 pm daily; 11 am. to 8 pm. Sat. and Sun. B. F. SAUL co. 955 15th St. N.W. NA. 5100 ! COLORED—10 DIVISION AVE NE — New house. 7 rooms, bath, a.m.i.: rental, National 2405 _25* COLORED 920 4th ST N.W.—7 RMS., bath, h -w.h $44 month_ COLORED APT. ! 1527 21th n.w.—4 rm>.. water $20 .->0 I 14lo l ’ th st n w-3 rnv ai d bath 37.50 EDMUND M. O’SULLIVAN. 1 1401 Eye St N.W National 7$ 1$. COLORED. New Brick Homes m Anacostia—Open. Ill'* and 1 ISL Morris Rd. S.E 'Out Nichols Ave. S E to Morris Rd > 0 rms. 2 baths automatic heat, large j fenced yards; refined neighborhood; near j bus line and stores; rental only .$45 mo. WAPI.E A JAMES. INC., j 1224 14th St. N W DI. 3340. For Regularly Employed Colored. NEWI.Y EECON. APTS. IN ALL SECTIONS. From $i4 to $38.50. Washington Housing Corp., HH1 H St. NAV. _NA. 3571. _ HOUSES FOR SALE. BRAND-NEW. DETACHED BRICK IDEAL for large family needing large old-fashioned rooms, in a modern home. 9 rooms. 2 complete baths, recreation room and built-in garage. There are 2 hedronms and bath on first fi . and 4 bedrooms and ! bath on second 9 The. lot is 02 ft. by ! 2oo ft. and i.s located in a beautiful hiah ; class suburban n.w development. Ex reptionally conv. to transn Call Mr. Quick. EM 120$ or DI .‘>100. BEITZELL. LIVING ROOM 15x20 FT. WITH DOUBLE height studio ceiling. Four bedrooms, two oaths, oil heat, built-in garage; grand lot ^s.'xio for this detached home. THOS L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900 until 9 P.m. 3518 Conn._ _ _ _ . _ NEAR 14 th AND RHODE ISLAND AVE. n.e. —Here’s the brand-new BRICK home, all modern, that you have been looking for. 0 unusually nice rooms, porches, fenced yard: a real opportunity. Call REALTY ASSOCIATES. NA. 1438. until 9 p.m. $0,950 — ON BEAUTIFUL CHELTENHAM dr., just beyond the Bank of Bethesda. right off Wis. ave 2 blocks: near parochial and public schools. Catholic church. Prot estant churches, stores and bus. New’ 0 room Colonial brick homes, finest con struction with all modern features, big wooded lot; $500 down, easy payments; 20 different designs to choose from: 6 sold. Exhibit home 4524 Cheltenham dr. PAUL M. LUDT. real estate 0000 Wis. ave., cor. Bradley blvd. WI. 6693. _ $350 CASH AND SMALL MONTHLY FAY ment will acauire new all-brick 0-rm. home in conv. close-in location. For full details see Mr. Aiken, with BEITZELL. DI. 3100; evenings AD. 5297._ OPPORTUNITY. NEW. 2 BATHS. NEAR Navy Yard. Capitol and other Govt, riepts. Every modern eouipment. Recreation room, nice lot: nrice. $7,950; easy terms. MRS E. J. WILLIAMS, agt., LI. 3143, or call E. W. BAILEY. Adams 4780._ ROOMING HOUSE OR HOME. 3304 18th st. n.w.— (Strictly white location), 9 rooms, 2 tiled baths, h-w.h., elec. Large, dry cellar, easily converted into extra rooms or apt. Everything in new-house condition. Price. $8,500. Good terms. E A. GARVEY (owner), DI. 4508. Eve. and Sun.. GE. 0090. ATTRACTIVE. NEW. 131] TO 1339 28th st. s.e. Specials, Vi block north Penna. ave. 6 nice rooms. 2 baths, large club rooms, hardw'ood trim: real values, easy terms to suit; most convenient location. Open. Sample. 1311 28th st. s.e. Your opportunity. Inspect at once. E. W. BAI LEY. qwner-builder._Adams 4780._ OPEN: NEAR BU. OF STAND.—ATTR. semi-det. br.; sun parlor, 3 bedrms., JV2 baths, large heated si. pch.. attic, refg.. br. gar.: $9,500. Mr Ross, with L. P. SHOE MAKER. NA. 1100. WO. 8716. CHEVY CHASE—9 RMS. <5 BEDRMS.); would exeh. for amtUer houM or bunfalow. Box 102-J, Star. 25* t HOUSES FOR SALE. (Continued.) 1 sun BLOCK C ST. N E.- NiiW HOMES. 9 rooms on three floors, three tiled bath1-. Can be used as three apartment:, separate entrances. Open evenings. Priced. $*,950 and up. Good terms. HUGH B CONNER, 92.'! 15th st. n.w. RE. 4900. Eve . AT 2702. $*.7 50—SFFEPHERD PARK—NEW HOME containing 0 large rooms. 8 bedrooms. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces recreation room At tractively landscaped lot. Mr. Benson, DI. 8100 BEITZELL. NEW, DETACHED HOME. IN CHEVY Chase. D. C . $*.050 up Beautiful tar e try brick homes consisting o! 0 large rooms. 2 baths, finished recreation room, oil air-conditioned heat, furred walls, jock wool insulation. beautifully equipped ki’chen with ,:-ft Westinghouse refg.. si a: e roof, copper tubing and completely copper screened. The.-,e houses have an unnusuaily largo living room with open fireplace You must see these houses to appreciate their true value. Call Mr. Gmnetti with BEITZELL. DI. 81(»0. after t. pm. CO 0597- J. >'■ .4 50- REGAIN — MICHIGAN PARK - Lovely brick home. 4 bedroom . modern, Luge corner lot with garage worth inspect- 1 me promptly. REALTY ASSOCIATES. NA. j 14 8* until 9 p ni -5 *50- BY OWNER CORNER BUNGA- i low m desirable section, just outside Dis tinct Thorough,ly reconditioned throughout, j »> Pershing ave . Co!mar_ Manor. Md *>• CONGRESS HEIGHTS. D. C —8-ROOM frame bungalow, nice yard. $1,500. $2on | cash. $25 monthly; ]-fare bus line. A M. ROTH. Woodward Bide NA 19.80 AT ,'*i.150 A DETACHED HOME ON A LOT 15x14; living room 15x28 ft. fireplace: : large dining room splendidly equipped ' k.'chon rer. room, oil burner, master bed ' ror.m 15x 1H: gar. THOS L. PHILLIPS, j WO 7900 until 9 pm. 851* Conn. 3 ON 90-FT PAVED BOULEVARD. $5 750 j to *0 450. o rooms and bath; cool, high 3 e pva’ion. near parks; bus at door. 3727 , ' Mmnesota ave n e *5 850—NEW IS' SEMI-DET HOME. NEW : row house. G :*!*<,. consider trade, small cah payment nr F H A terms. Mr. GLdden, DE. 0054-M 6 p.m . or DI 8 : Mi SACRIFICE—NEW 'BRICK DETACHED 5 rm - worth *0 500 ale, £5,250. £15 per month. Warfield 15 1 2 DETACHED BRICK IN WOODRIDGE **.95o An attractive residence, desir ably loca'ed near Taft Junior High School, grade school, stores and transportation. ? :■; fir.n rooms, porch s ate roof. o;i heat, brick garage Newly decora'eri One of the o. standing values in this popular community SHANNON fic LUCHS CO.. 1505 H ST. NW NA 2815 *0.950 NEAR WOODROW WILSON ! H;ch. De'ached frame stucco. Slate roof j 0 large rooms. Finished basement. Nice j lot. Garage Easy terms. CYRUS REISER Jr.. 4910 Wis. Ave. WO. 7927. Eve . WO 7465. j 25* A REAL BARGAIN 6 bedrooms M: Pleasant; rew-house . condition, oil burner $8,500. THADEN NA 2075 27* j ' BEAUTIFUL HILLCREST I New homes. mos* modern, best of work manship and material. inspect today. 2024 32 36t h_ st f e Call OWNER LI. 0082 NEAR THOMAS CIRCLE Larce rooming hou.-e. including furniture, price. *10.500. 7H ADEN. _ 112*5 Vrrmnn' A'e NA 2*05 27* RECONDITION ED~HOMES Have 'e’.erai reasonable home a - ]nw a - *5.'Kin that ran be purchased on lew monthiv daymen's Fo:- nforntation ca l i Mr MarMurrav TA OKI** WAPLE A- ! JAMES. INC 12.’t 1 1 • h ' v. w DT 3310 950- -VVESTMOREI AND HTLLS U :1 top new home enver hall, beau tifully ':2hted w ith bay window C splendid rms . 2'. ba’xv-. Insulated attic. : suitable tor rm . !sc. -creened porch, ran ■ dom 1 'k flooring w ;dr D»-ft.-front lot. Call_\VT or WI 04si BEDROOM BATH 1st FLOOR~ Exclusive Northwest section, near bus. s'orrs. See this new. exceptional center rn’rance home. 3 goori-:/.e bedrooms and ! bath on 2nd flror: floored attic, recreatmn room, screened porch attached garage ■ Definitely the be * value today and $!.ooo underpriced Call Mr. Nally. DI 5252 t , evenings, CO. 19 7 2-J. With J. J. O'CON NOR. 28 W ST N W. 1 20-ft.-wide Colonial brick 6 rm^ . bath, h -w h . 2-car brick garage. $300 cash, bal. $50 mo Price. $5,850. THOS. D. WALSH. INC . 815 11th S N W DI. 7557. CORNER HOME IN PETWORTH-— $8.95O~ j Spacious semi-detached Colonial brick of six rooms and TWO baths, with concrete I front porch, til*' vestibule, paneled walls, hardwood floors fhroughou*. built-in ga rage; only one square from stores; close to schools and transportation, hieh eleva lion: always coo] and comfortable ! SEPARATE ENTRANCE TO RECREA TION ROOM PROVIDES IDEAL AR- ! RANG FM ENT FOR CONVERTING INTO PROFESSION AT OFFICES SHANNON A- LUCHS CO.. 1505 H ST. N.W. NA 23 15. | A REAL HOME. COMPLETELY ' EUR ni-heti: with income sufficient to carry all : expenses: all conveniences: perfect condi fon: *1 rooms: exclusive n.w. near J6th land Allison: must have $3,000 rash I NE—t? r.. ami. built-in garage.' 1200 , block Penn n.e. $4,750. N E. —5-r. bungalow: remodeled like new. frame and stucco; large lot. easy terms; $4,500: must be seen to appreciate CHAS D. SAGER 024 14th St. N.W. NA 0036 _ _ Evenings. WO. 0580. , IX) YOU WANT A NEW HOME0 If you have $200 to $300 cash' and a good job. I can sell you a new 0-rnom. all-modern home, near Hillcrest. se Trader considered MR GLIDDEN. DE 0054-M after <5 pm. or DI. 3346. YOU SHOULD SEE THTs7h0M*E' , If you are kiokmg for large rooms and large shaded 1(1H house less than 2 years old. [facing Govt park. Convenient to trans ; pnrtation. schools and stores. One of best 1 n WnT^!.l1°,n.s' Cal1 Mr- Orem. GE. 4639. or DI 334»i BUNGALOW S.E ~ LARGE. SHADED LOT Priced *5.450 for Quick sale *50(1 cash Warfield'1 nirs0 or!^DI. %«***■ FOSTER' POTOMAC PARK, NEAR lflth AND H STS and George Washington University_Large three-story brick, III rooms, running water in four rooms. Good location for home doctor s offices or rooming house , . C H. HILLEGEIST to.,' 1021 K St. N.W. "NA 8500 Eye, and Sun. Call Mr. McGuire. AD. 5470 BUILDER WILL TRADE NEW HOME—MT. PLEASANT 1 Block of ltith and Columbia Rd Bedroom and bath on 1st floor, semi room. VK heaf:t8gar.reCDupont Tt’# BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Small cash down and terms like rent buvs a nice bungalow on wooded lot 50x140, in the best section ol Takoma Park Living room 20 ft. long with wood-burning fire place. 2 large bedrooms, nice kitchen and dining room, stairs to attic, full basement, garage. Call for immediate inspection. Mr Gray, WI. 4454, or ME. J143. J WESLEY BUCHANAN._ ' DIRECT FROM OWNER ~ New brick Colonial; *500 cash. *100 month. Located in beautiful Bradley Hills 7 rooms. 2'g baths; 2-car garage; very large lot. WI. 2848-7800._ $9,750, Chevy Chase, D. C. Studio Living Room 27 By 14. At last, the hitherto impossible has now been accomplished at moderate cost. A town home, featuring living room 27x 14 with fireplace. 2 MASTER BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS, 2 porches, both overlook ing U. S. park: fenced-in garden, auto mate heat; liberal term' THOS J PISHER A- CO.. INC- REALTORS. DI HS.ll). EVENINGS CALL MR. BOUS CAREN, AD. 3422._ NEW WOODRIDGE HOME, 4124 18th pi. n.e—Beautiful corner stone home; 6 rms., 214 baths, large living rm., stone fireplace modern kitchen, recreation rm. with fireplace, slate roof, oil heat. insulated; weather-stripped, screened, built-in garage. Price reduced $1,300 for quick sale. Consider housa In trad*. SOM Rbod1 Ia?an<FATr0!«r.800DI. 0817.' > HOUSES FOR SALE. $25 Per month up. Why rent? Let us build your home We helD finance. WILLIAM M. KITCHIN Ac CO., Tower Bldg. NA. 8850. Evenings. RA. 2035. _ Pre-Showing, American University Park. If you have been trying to find a home in this popular section without success then it will pay you to investigate this ad. Nearing completion, we have available two detached brick center-hall Colonial houses situated In the choicest part of the park. They include first-floor lavatory, 3 bed rooms, 2 baths. 2-car garage. The price before completion is extremely attractive. Take advantage of this opportunity. For de'ai!?* call Mr. Young. Woodlev 5578, FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411. N.E.—$6,950. MODERN COLONIAL HOME. LOT "OxM". 3-s.tory and cellar brick. H rooms, bath (4 bedims.), automatic heat, G. E. re frigerator. covered front and double rear porches: 30-ft. alley, room for garage. Convenient location for transportation, schools, stores and churches and near the Union Terminal Market Evenings Phone Atlantic 832,3. L. T. GRAVATTE, _72.0 15th St. _ Realtor. _ NA. 0753._ GLOVER PARK VALUE. This large semi-detached home, con taining all the rooms that you would de sire. including 2 glass-inclosed porches, built-in garage and automatic heat, is now available for your inspection The condi tion is excellent and the unusual price of $7,050 makes this home one of today’s best, values. Call Mr. Nor Vrlle. Emerson 5137. J._WESLEY BUCHANAN. 173*: K st. n_w. WOODRIDGE BRICK. 10*10 Quinc.v st. nr—Attractive de tached home. 8 rms., tile bath, shower; in good condition: finished a’tic, recrea tion rm„ open fireplace, modern kitchen, concrete front porch, slate roof, copper gutter:, down snouts: weather stripped; insulated: screened; brick garage: near schools, bus:, stoics Open until 0 pm. WM R THOROWGOOD 2034 Rhode I land Ave. N.E. DE 0317. Stone-and-Brick Bungalow, NEAR MASS AND WESTERN AVES. *0.95(1 SMALL CASH PAYMENT Located in a quiet. lovely neighborhood, this home contains 5 large rooms, floored attic, recreation room and fireplace; oil heat: large lot. For appointment to inspect. _ BAKER REALTY CO . INC . DI 1312._ HILLCREST ON HILL—S.E. 3 new brick homes nearing completion. They will sell quickly at price asked. Have you 'ern them? Then see them now before it is too late. 2017 31st ST. S.E. ‘At 31st and V Place > WAPLE A JAMES. INC , 1224 14th St. N.W._ DI. 334«.___ Towering Oaks, Chevy Chase, Bring to this in-town. de*ached Colonial 'home an atmosphere of unusual charm: this spacious center hall and delightful living room pleases the cyp; you especially will like the first-floor study and lavatory and the lovely garden-view* porch the three bedrooms and 3 baths are in ex cellent taste v®;l worth seeing Call \VT 8415. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, 1732 K GEORGETOWN. The pprfert house for the bachelor. Living room ha'- exposer hcamv old origi : nai floor'- fireplace .sitting room on 2nd floor, with fireplace; has 3 bedroom' 3 j baths: garden, with poo] has men* w:‘h i laundry tubs and maid’s tone; automatic : he?* air-conrii*mned Price $8,500. i DRUMMOND REALTY CO , HOBART 3901 NEW BRICK HOME. 8 lovely rm- . automatic heat, wea'her | stripped, insulated, near stores school. , churcncs, car line. «::.o rash. $80 month. Move in. H. C. MAYNOR. 2314 R. I. ave n e. North 4 33$ “ DON’T BUY That hoiue for some one else If you are rentme that is exactly what you are doing. We have a new. beautiful home in an ex clusive Northwest communev which you may purchase on terms far below your rent; new, 8 room' 2 baths, large lot. on a lovely, quip street for the children; 1 this tv use is worthv of vour inspection. 1 Call WI 04 15. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. 3 733 K st. 11 w*_ $8,650. Nrar 4th and Kennedy. Row brick uut a few vears Md. contain 1 mg extra large ]iv. room, hall, large riming room and a k.tchcn that you will Wei; planner! and’ed and it' abundant cabin®* space w;.] nea r you 3 extra large bedrooms. ] and 5a bath' pine panned recrea’ion room, approx 33x18 laundry trays and lavatorv. separate furnace room eas Lea*, brick earaec. front and rear stair' If you a-e looking for a fine and livable horn® con venient to transp. school' ':nre = . etc you will be well pleased with *h:s unusual j value. Ow ner anx-ous to seii. Cali Mr. i Dail Chestnut f»J 75 I WILLIAM H SAUNDERS CO l _1015 K St N W _DI 1 CiDY_ S9.250. CAPE COD COLONIAL, Situated In lovely countrv club grove—a j few minutes’ drue vest of Chain Bridge In i Virginia. Builder ha^ taken this charming : home in trade and offers it for resale at a j most attractive price Located on large I tree-shaded lo*. It include: living room. 13x2? f* : dining room beautiful kitchen. 3 bedroom*, paneled clubroom with fire place. built-in garage; oil heat: in perfect condition; has chestnut trim throughout. For de’nils cal! Mr Bnr<? wo <‘M FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. Woodridge—Two-Family ” Home. 304s Thayer *t. r e.— 8 room* 2 ba'h* oil h*a'; front porch: lot 45x185 Garage; 88.758. Fi-s'-floor ant lPnted. 845 WM. R T”nRO\'T,oor> _ 7074 R I Avr N E Decatur 0317 ROCK CREEK ESTATES^ Yeti s’rp Into tnirorntr *ndav when you vco the eraciou* hall of thi* charming new home •*«. -pno;r.»me; inclurio hhrr-ry a-:* lavatory on the fn -* floor, recrea'iori room ;r bisement. finished 'h—d flnn- *:-d * v additional rooms: the ]ot i* unusual’v larne | and • h.e price i* verv low for this con- I veney ln-T’vn. Uomp Call WI 0415. J WESLEY BUCHANAN 1737 K st. n w. Barnaby Woods, 3250 Arcadia St. Ww center-hall brick home. In a setting of huge shade trees, on lo* 73x171: a home in which fo en toy ’-vine at -y best- nnen daily. 7 to pm Reached via Western 8V°. 1 "Quare pa--’ Rinehum Circle, turn rich* into Arcadia st THOR. J FISHER A: CO.. INC , REALTORS, _DI 8830 1223 TALBERT SfrS.E~ 8500 cash, balance like rent: lot 45x700. < rooms, bath, oil burner, '.’-car garage excellent for 7 apt* WO 0437-DT 77 74. BEAUTIFUL HOME, Situated on a lovely land'-caped lot with a babbling brook rutting across the rear end This home ha* all rf the rural a’ - ; mo-phpre without it* inconveniences. In j addition fo *br verv larep living and ■ dining rooms, thi* home features a paneled library on 'he firs', floor, wth lavatory ad mining 3 unusuallv large bedrooms, largo basement, built-in r.arace and auto matic air-conditioned heat. Make up vonr mind to see 'hi* home now. Call WI "415 J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. 1737 K st. r. w._ BRAND-NEW. Now ready for your selection, a croup of ! charming Colonial homes with 3 bedrooms. 1 baths, automatic heat, air-condirmninc. modern kitchens, concrete porches, plenty of closet space and other modern features and refinements. Located at 48th AND ALTON STS. N.W. Three are now finished, others in process of completion. PAUL T. STONE, INC., P77 15th St. N W Builders^ National f>858 REMARKABLE VALUE! This new. desirable Colonial home in beautiful Barnaby Woods is truly worthy of your inspection, full center-hall plan. 1 all brick, air conditioned, this house fea tures iibrarv and lavatory on the firs? florr. full at’ic and hullt-in cara2e: thp spacious gardens and towering oaks make the charm of this house hard to resist, and we suggest that you visit it todav ; Call ME. 111::. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN., 17 32 K st. n.w. - | CORNER SACRIFICE. | North Capitol st.. nr. Longfellow - | Charming corner, 7 rms. (4 bedrmsi, hath, 1 n.-w.h . porches, dinette; spacious grounds : with fruit trees, etc Beautifully recondi tioned. Priced at only 87.35(1, on terms Leo M. Bernstein & Co., ME. 5400. 1501 GALLATIN ST. N.W. If you are looking for a real home, lovely grounds, huge trees, inspect this. The moment you enter you are impressed with the charm, roominess and fine construc tion. Wonderful recreation room and tile swimming pool are among the unusual ip^rpns: Open day and night. MISS REED _GEORGIA 8053. Woodlawn Section Beautiful Greenwich Forest 5500 Block Lambeth Road $7950—to—$8350 Six New 2-Story Brick Homes 6 Rooms, 2 Baths Insulated Completely Porch—Garage Oil-Air Conditioned Heat Lot 65x130—Wooded Slate Roof—Copper Pipes E. M. FRY, INC. 4703 Hampden Lane, Wit. 6740 HOUSES FOR SALE. $6,750. NR. 8th AND MARYLAND AVE N.E. Excellent location. Attractive brick home with fl large rooms and bath, in good condition: hot-water heat, extra lava tory 1st fl . nice yard. Fine income possi bilities. Can be used for business. Out-of town heirs will consider any reasonable offer and arrange terms. HOHENSTEIN BROS., _7th and H Sts. N.E. LI. 9897._ In “The Hamlet,” Chevy Chase, Md.—$15,000. An authentic Early American home ap pealing in its simplicity and planned for living at. its beit center-hall plan lovely living room with fireplace and built-in bookcase . a dining room that overlooks the garden, kiichen equipped by General Electric, Ist-floor lavatory. .2 bedrooms of master size. 2 baths: AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING. G E EQUIPMENT attic, maid's facilities. 2-car garage. If you are looking for the unusual, we urcp your prompt investigation THOR. J FISHER ** rn . TNC . REALTORS. DI>. EVE NINGS CALI, MR BOUSC.AREN AD .2122 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE, TRADE OR TERMS. Westmoreland Hills Section. 8 ROOMS—2Vz BATHS. A lovely detached brick home on large lot: panel den and lavatory on 1m floor, large srreened-in rear porch, finished recreation room with bar: 2nd floor has .2 large bedrooms. 2 baths' 2rd floor has 2 rooms, running water A splendid buy. WILLIAM BOSWET.L. ME .20.2.2, 027 loth N.W. Eve:- WI 4 110. OLD GEORGETOWN. 2 new brick homes with all of today's conveniences combined with yesterday's : charm. 2721 -272.2 O ST N.W OPEN DAILY UNTIL OPM See Mr Keashey on the prem"-es for In formation on thr*-p and other Georgetown proper*irs. .1 WEST EY BUCHANAN, 1 7.22 j K st. n.w._ME. 114-2 _ I $4,675.00. ~ Buy a new bungalow in attractive dr ! velopment in Bethesda. 1 rooms basp ! merit, porch near graded school; cash, *475. month!v navmen*' *22 flu. $550.00 CASH. 5-room brick, gas heat, fenced-in yard: near transports ion and schools: monthly payments, * 1 4 85. $750.00 CASH. Cape rod bungalow, on Flower a1 p in Sligo Park: beautiful yard house wll be put in new condition: monthly payments, i ^8! no. includes taxes and insurance. To inspect the e home*- and others, call PERMANENT HOMES. INC., Bethesda. Md WI. 1502. Evenings. Call WI 407.2 • COLORED—*1 '*;,(i *250 CASH, *45 MO buys fl-room hath brick, h -w.h , hardwood floor', near 15th and H sts. n.e. OWNER CO flfioo af*er pm COLORED—1*757 HAMLIN ST. N.E.-"-7 j rms.. bath: large lo' bedroom on i •' fl SA.200. District 7 72!* or Emerson 4002 COLORED- ONE OF THE MOST ATTPAC t.ive yards in Brookland and c-rrr. °-ba?h homes. 2-car gar., auto. heat, price ?7,f»50. Terms. HOMF REALTY CO POfi I Oth St NW RE 12.27. COI/}REP ‘ 7 room', near 15th and V ?ts n w : new-house condition, oil burner; bargain ‘ ?fl,t*50. THADEN. _112fl Vermon*_Ave_A 207 5 27* HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. 6 TO I* ROOMS. PREFER OLD HOUSE Like possea-ion within 4 5 days D C on iv i All ca h E A GARVEY, 112*; V* ave. DI. 4508: eve ana Sun . Georg.a * ‘ r*o ,1 PAY HIGHEST AIL-CASH PRICES FOR l old D C houses: no commits:- n MRS i KERN_2»;.22 Woodley p; n w _CO_207 5 CASH FOR HOUSES EP.ICK OR FRAME I white or colored, any cone.*.on E A. I BARRY 2421* 14*h s n.w Columbia fliisn AI L CASH AT ONCE FOP."ANY HOUSE IN i the city E. W MANSON JJ'J7 E> r st. n.w District 1*272. 4* 5 OR A ROOMS BATH WALKING Dis tance Eastern High Schoo tor a home: consider good frame house, about *4 or less 141 fl A st. s.e I WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR YOUR D 1 C. property if the price is rich'.. Frame or : brick, large e>r small condit ton immaterial. R A HUMPHRIES. 8oq No Cap Reaxtor NA n*'4*. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR D C brirk or frame houses of *. or 7 rms . wh.'e or colored. cond.*:on inmsifna' I m m ® d: - ate sale if priced right. For quick results call F FT.TOT MIDDLETON _225_Ir\r-‘ menl__B:eg_RF 11 R_ SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. NEARBY MD.—8-ROOM COTTAGE. FINE laige grouno*. 1 ♦,<»-£? fro:- nr, Sate road to lh.5 f' deep unuGisi.v low p:icr M>On. Also beautifu. build;: m s:*p rf *-' acre or. Sm*e road- 1:. mile* of D C. Cal. OWNER, Lincoln nr,in ?• IN TAKOMA PARK. D C —5-ROOM frame bungalow v:tn C ex*: a rooms m a'tic full basement oii Lea* msi. ho wa-er. garage, $6.”5u. Shepherd 5345 after 5 G LEN MONT. M D~— 5 ~R M' B UN G A LOW i ami, oil h -w.h garage, near school: i £3110 cash, <35 mo. OrOy <4 350 Ha.f acre lor. OWNER. Kensington 10F-J ARLINGTON—5-RM FRAME BUNGALOW, ami. h -w.h.. oil: full basement 10c fare. <3 950 for quick sale. Attractive terms. Chestnu* 6893 MD. PA KK ~JUST PAST CAPITOL HGTSlT Md . one mile from D. C. line. Abotr 3 acres ” houses, par* of land bordering Central ave. or Annapolis road. Pr/p for imm°d:v* sacrifice <4,95o. WAPLE & JAMES. INC DI 3346 <]<• • DOWN. <65 PER MONTH WILL PUR chase new brick, semi-detached 6 rm ba*h. hot-watrr oil h^a- garage. price <• »t.5(i Loca ed ;n An.niton. Ya. Phone DI 1740 or ChcsT.ut 53jl A BRAND-NEW HOME FOR LESS THAN K,r e day Wh\ p*v ; : ■ When vou Crtti own yr.ur home for r,.» A nro- • ! Ov*r ion home, already sold WA HILLANDALE MD ABOUT 1 1 j ACRES Ch'Cd :'('!!• I be f. p; ■ rr n. •• r ♦; j lame rooms T. r ba• i: and u^v,. : L «rce norch 03 he;.: '1-car carage . <6. £•"»11 o cash <4.5 per nm- :* CYRUS KFISFR Jr.. 4910 Wis. Ave. WO. I::;. E\c . WO ‘ 4 ON GREAT FALLS RD . NEAR POTO mac. Md-—Large 7-room house Com pletely renovated, built-in garage; about •2-acre around: <7.5oo CYRUS KFTSER Jr.. 4910 Wis. Ave. WO. 7 931. E\e.. WO. 1 4 65. ° 5* “ silver springT New 6-room brick, center-hall plan, nTe living room vi’h porch, full basement oil hcan large corner lot *350 Ocala s* . l short block off Franklin tne open until 9 pm. House furnished. $6,500. F. H. A. financed. WM F. RICHARDSON. _9509 Franklin Ave _ Shepherd 6413 ; SILVER SPRING, MD. S4.500. • *-room buns alow oil burner air con riu.oned. new kitchen stove and Frmdairr; detached double nearlv J acre, wooded. Low down payment <40 month Shepherd 6-};.;. MR KENDRICK. A PREVIEW OF BUCKINGHAM'S Newest idea For rent August l new *? bedroom houses, with garage attached, and wnh most modern improvements: maximum privacy, and lovely terrace for outdoor liv ing. Unusual design, in a charming set ting. These houses. •'Buckingham Built.” constitute tiu* best rental value in Arlington County. „ APPLY RENTAL OFFICE. 313 N. Glebe Rd Arlington, Va. CH. 5000. TAKOMA PARK. ~ 111 Grant ave.— 6 rm house in excel lent. condition: op large ]nt rriee <5.75u; reasonable terms Open for inspection. UM E. RICHARDSON. BROKER. 0o99 Franklin Ave. SH. 6473. Silver Spring, Md 6-Room Bungalow 18 Min. From Center of City Concrete street, Venetian blinds, built-in garage, brick, slate roof, screened porch, large corner lot. Nearly completed. Buyer may select own paper and electrical fixtures. Part large restricted community. Call Mr. Graham, Sh. 4729 8 to 10 A.M. or P.M. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. ! WILL SELL SI.360 SECOND-TRUST note, paying $20 month. Will net 10%. For details, phone Chestnut P31H. 1100 BLOCK K ST. N.W — 1st COMMKR I cial zone—25-ft. front. 13 rooms, modern: ! needs some repairs. Priced at $15,000. I which is assessed value of lot alone WAL 1 TER M. BAUMAN, 1 Thomas Circle. NA. 6220. A BEAUTIFUL DETACHED. 6-FAMILY duplex building, $7,500 cash handles, bal ance financed. H. C. REINER. 1014 K st. ' n.w _ ROOMING " HOUSE”NR. 14th~AND~PARK rd.—Same tenant 12 yrs.: 20', return on investment. National 0582. A GOOD INCOME WITH SAFETY1 $4.250—Six-room and hath home, with hot-water heat, oil burner, two kitch ens Rented to one tenant at $45.50 per month. $45.oo(i—Three brick flats, containing a total of 1 4 units plus janitor's quarters. Rental over $8 000 per year; actual expenses. $2,000. Will net between 15% and 20% on investment. Owner needs cash, has priced low lor Imme diate sale. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. _ 1505 H ST N.W. NATIONAL 2345._ EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. S3 9Sfl *>uys this attractive brick, nr. J5th and H fts ne . 5 rms bath: h -w.h.. etc.: now rented lor $39.50 Ber month: excellent condition. Leo M. Bernstein & Co., ME. 5400. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. NEW 3-BEDROOM. 2-BATH BRICK RES idence; all modern convenience*. Corner lot. Va acre; garage: $65 mo : air condi tioned 2701 8. Glebe rd . Arlington. Va. AT. 32-12 Eves, and Sunday, CO. 6005. MR. HADDAD ARLINGTON NICE. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE.’ trees and ground, exclusive residential, a m i.: $75 mo. OWNER._Phone CH 222«». 9209 FRANKLIN AVE., 204 LEIGHTON ave., Sil. Spr . Md.—4 rms . bath; h-wh. gas. elec., elec, refg ; 2nd fi. insulated and finished alsc. Largewooded lot. HYATTSVILLE. 39 JOHNSON AVE—7 rms.. 2 kitchens, 2 baths, oil heat, large shaded let, $55. _ Warfield 1H99. 26* $2 7 MO—5-RM. BUNG A LOW CITY W A - ter, elec., outside toilet: nr. schools, stores; lo mm. city CH. 2877 after 7 pm KENSINGTON VIEW'. MD —ON KENSTNfC ton rd.. near Georgia ave . 3 miles from Silver Spring. 2 bedrooms, bath, lari* living room, hardwood floors, kitchen, cabinet, elec, range, refrigerator, large a- r. air-conditioned heat, built-in garage, c. y water. Phone GE. 4022. NEARBY VA. —ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM house, a m i . large lot, big shade tre* $52 50 206 N Oak st . Falls Church. Va. E. T. FENWICK. Woodward Bldg. ARLINGTON. VA . 28 N. OAKLAND ST — Nearly new 6-room brick home, detached, quiet location. Lincoln 7 4'5-W. NEW 5-RM. BRICK BUNGALOW'—OAK floors, oil heat, a’tic. garage, ga-den. new paving; clo^e ur. by owner $45. W'A 8 ,.. ALEXANDRIA BELLE HAVEN~— LARGE Colonial home, spacious garden- conven ient to country club $125 HELEN R. MARSHALL. Alex. 3801. Temple 4261* 858.50 LGE. TREES: BRICK: TILE BATH" $45- ~2 rm'- kit . tile bath porch BOSS REALTY CH. 5107. NOT SUNDAY 50)1 BATIERY LANE BETHE8DA. MD -- 6 im . bath, o:l heat. large lot, $55 month. Cali Bradley OOTO, evenings 805 26th ST SOUTH IN'’"BEAUTIFUL Aurora H:iis. Va. 6 rooms, furr or unfurtl . >' 5 mo G E. o:l burner _ Oxford 05V SUBURBAN PROP. SALE OR RENT. 5 TO 20 A lo MI. D C LINE, cleared and woodland with Pri $5o t $2o< a Rent $ 10 a J BEALI^_'’.460 Newark .«• •. v wo .' BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE CHICKEN DINNERS. ~ IN SUBURBS; 2" n. from downtown on heavily traveled pike; iarge modern house, well-equipped kitchen, ample ti.r..: ? space; beautiful lawn and tree-, carder. I barn, chicken house. *enant house smog* - house; 17 acres: well loca’ed for tour * 1 camp owner retiring: will take incon.*> property in exchange or sell on terms. A , onpor'ur.:• v Call Mr. Drew. RE. 1 18j F. ELIOT MIDDI.EION "i»5 Inve.vment B.iz PENN. AVE. N.W, STORE 3 At-' R . B Each). FRONTING ON TWO STREETS. 2-Car B:kv. Garage. FRANK M.' SULLIVAN. DI. 3434. WO. 4 ! 33 I _j_‘2h 'm BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. SILVER SPRING. MD.—SHOP OP WOPK room I.! ■ i11 f;. floor su. re Sr';m -0 | ' . nj h k p, * o Staticn SH aaan-j BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED BUILDER WILL TRADE EQUITY OF «« non ill r.fK br.rl: house ;r. rhe.v Cba-i for commerrra. groune 4-{*mi> fla- or v : it havi roti to offer? Box ?r-g. s-* FARMS FOR SALE. Montgomery County Farms! •3*7 acres, old house, w.. mane a re-! dairy farm M5."'h». 3 dairy farms tv • - equipped v "h ?.\. modern improvement arid o\er 2iKi acre- 711 acre-, old house, land all under cultivation. on!v >4 50 ' arre-. p!er. v o‘ buildings, .‘■’ore rr ro;i-e. e.eerrich v, >6 *,'•<*. f> acres beau tiful home, all modern, privacy owner Army officer >> wee tn 73 acres, il miles D. C Truck farm Monev-mak r erupped. ]3 rooms. > 1 0,(m •( 1 JOHN BURDOFT. Co>m ;iie. Aid. A.hton 3 >*4 6 CHICKEN DINNERS. In suburbs m;n from downtown or. heavily traveled pike, large modern home weii-equipperi kitchen ample dining spa<*p, beavuf.;. iawn and ’reps, garner,, barn, rh.cken house t<innr’ house smokehou-e acre well ]oca:ed for tourist camp owner re’ir ne w. . takc income prope'*v ■ r. exchange f.r sei! or; ’^rm A-l oppor • in:- v Ca". Mr Drew . Republic HR] F FI TOT MIDOL UTON 3'Q5 In vet»m*r. • BUr LOTS FOR SALE. NR SILVER HILL. MD. 'BARNABY Marmr Oak; —Fine ?h?rie 100x300 f* . * •' 1 down -'6-515 mo. DAN AB BOTT Clinton 20-W LIVE IN SOCIALLY CORRECT WEST morUanri H !.*—Lots frnrr. 51 6*0 wrh minimum '0-fnn* frontage. Terms ar ranged. WI. ossg CORNER LOT ON lHth ST. N.W FAC mg Govt park Shade treo? On!? 5f,c per ft. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 1 7:»I_ K s ■. r. w 2nd COMMERCIAL* CENTRAL NORTH - wes’ or. grade. f*nx9P, alleys, cheap: 60c per ft N C HINES Sc SONS. PI, 7739. * HOTEL-APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. CHEVY Chase. D C—73.202 square ft . accomrr.o da*e 400 automobiles in the building. Hotel license grants business concessions make ;-h:s property more valuable than if zoned Is* commercial Building lean avail able. FULTON R GORDON. 1427 E^e n w DI 5230 Brokers. attention Beautiful 1-Acre Homesite J: ' off R ver rd . in Congressional club are* Prices. $350 to $750 Per Acre, Will build for purchasers on F H A MR AIKEN. HOMF REALTY CO '">> loth S- NW RF 1337. $150 CASH A•,d ! > re- month buys a 60x165 Inf, •.’•chiding a macadam strep-. ;n Wynca?*. "1 cash and ~'i per mo-'th buv«. Cr.alforiT. including street, ra’l: and " t 3 per month huts a 55x i 5n ; • in West Chew Chase. ir j c.udu'. streets and sidewalks All dev. lopmep.’s are near transportation, s’ores a :.u schools. For further informa tion, Ch.1 FERMANENT HOMES. INC . Bethesda, Md _WI 1 V'5 Evenings Call WI 4P73 __ j BUILDERS, ATTENTION. ! 1—Sem-dPt and community croups. Mich igan Park, off South Dakota are. n e. Priced from >1.060. 2—Detached Chew Chase Terrace: 5f>x 14*3 opro -.' e Chrvy Chase Country j Club coll course: >1.500. ; 3— Detacl ed wooded lotWoodland sec -:on of Greer.wicb Forest, just off Old Georgetown rd. Priced from >750. We v. r assi.-t responsible builders bv subordinating par* r.f the purchase price behind cor■■ : -ur • mn loai - For further ■information, call Mr. Schwartz. 14th and K Sts NW CAFRITZ DT PQ6" LOTS WANTED. WANT LOTS D C MD OR VA . FOR j low-cost bouse . no: over 5500 lot. Box I 3HI-J. S;. ar WANTED LOTS FOR BUILDER ANY PF sirablr sec non cl D. C . for new homes. See Mr. Walter. B F PAUL CO. * , 15th st. \ _NA. 2106 REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCHANGE. builder will trade equity OF >6 nim m 2 new brick houses in Chev-' Chase for commercial ground or 4-famby flat, or what have you to offer? Box 70-G. Stai ONE OR MORE SMAT.I APARTMENTS OP row houses for sale or consider lots in ex change Box 533-J. Star_ ACREAGE FOR SALE. ! WOODED HOMESITES. WITH 100-FT. I frontage on good gravel road. 3 miles from Washington Electric, and phone. V’.v >10 down. MO month VERNON M LYNCH Sc SON. office 7 mile' out Columbia v,-'r 1 Phone Alexandria 5006. Open t\e Closed Sundays. ____ _ WATER FRONT PROPERTY. RFT H ANY BE ACH DEL NR REHOBOTH —Furn . spacious. seaside cottage, 4 beH rms . 2 baths. It pvt ocean front, main s | quarirrs and_carage Metropolitan OIL.'. FOR SALE — BROADWATER ON BAY. comnleteiv furnished. :• rooms. 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, fireplace, inelnsed porch. Florida shucers electric kitchen artesian water ' with sun deck: 1 hour from Washington. OWNER GE 1252. Throuch Marlboro to Welles Corners to Snuthem Md. blvd . left at Bristol, follow Cape Ann sign to Broadwater. “The Shack.’' Open July 20_to *.’*.__ MUST SELL—5-ROOM FURN. COTTAGE a* once. Epping Forest. Md. Make cash ! offer above SI.100 first mortgage. AD. ; 458*. FAIR HAVEN CLIFFS—WATER’S EDGE: remainder of season or portion. Inquire Purinton Cottage at_pier._2P* COTTAGE. NORTH BEACH PARK. HOL^ land Point, on the bay; screened porches, large living room, bedrooms, kitchen, elec tricity, Pyrofax gas. elec. pump, excellent drinking water direct from well: lavatory, flush tank and shower from storage tank; completely furnished, silver and china in cluded: 150-foot walk to water's edge; price, $2 000; cost much more: will ar range terms to suit responsible party SH. 33*0 G H. COALE. 41 Hill rd . Silver Spring. Md._25* __ HAVE CLEAR LOTS AT CHES BAY SUM mer colony. 30 miles D. C. Will trade for good used car or lots near D. C. Box 311 J. Star. NORTH BEACH COTTAGE FOR RENT—4 rooms and bath; $15 week. Phone Lin coln 5JM55-W._ LA BERT VILLA—MODERNISTIC BUNGA lows at Bancroft ave. and Bail st.. Colonial Beach. Virginia; by the year, month. wo«k or week end furnished or unfurnished. Apply on premises or NA. 7344. 20* CHERRY AVE . NORTH BEACH PARK—5 rm. furn. cottaRe; nr. water: $15 week. Call at cottage or phone WO. »>717. BREEZY POINT BEACH—f)-ROOM ~COT tage, screened porches, fine view, artesian well: good bathing and fishing. CH. !»340. NORTH BEACH. MD—FURN COTTAGE, apt., lights, running water; 3 blocks to bay; $i5 per wtejt. Adams 7675-J SUMMER RESIDENCE OR OOMMIfTEr— Only 30 miles from D. C ; food swimmiiiff. spacious and attractive surroundinf s. Phone Adams 1700. 6 to 8 p m. a