STORES FOR RENT. £102-2104 R I AVE. NE—2 STORES. jnMnew condition. Call OWNER. , NO. §15 7th 8T. N.W., OPPOSITE MUR-PHY'S^ atorles, about 2.Son sq. ft. Price. *20.000 or lease »t *200 monthly. Will consider «n offer. Inquire 808 Oth st. n.w. J. RAPPAPORT. atty._3* Near 14th St. and Park Rd., 3473 SorinK rd. n.w.—New store, double show windows; gas heat; just next to 14th *t. and a very attractive store only $55. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., _ 1418 H St. N.W. DI. 7877. STORE OR OFFICE WITH MEZZANINE l7l2Conn.Ave.N.W. Percy N. Russell Co. 1731 K St. N.W. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS TO salaried" people. ter- | feral Indorsement, strictly confidential. ! H r REINER CO . 1014 K N W NA 0540 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RAT ES OP interest on first trust on improved D. C. property. JESSE L HEISKELI.. 1115 EYE ST N W. MONEY ON SECOND TRUST We will buy second-trust notes, p. C.. fiearby Md. or Va. Reasonable rates. NAT MORT A- INV CORP . 1312 N Y Ave. NW National nR.'H. CASH IMMEDIATELY ~ For Ist-trust real estate loans in D C. at 412r' to H' lpt us combine your 1st and 2nd trust into one loan for term of years or monthly payments; no charge lor appraisals HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 141« H SI N \V._PI. IStT. PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. Operating Under Uniform Small Loan_Laws. ' REPAIR LOANS': Your nr rord sonic work or eqYp- | merit * ^ p it ' n shape f mn er dr . - log You cm obtain a quick caci loan be-e to p" 'On: auto or rop^.r b i s. Many lev.a! citrons also borrow from Domes! ts to take* a vocation, pay o'd debts or tor cny reasonable need. i DOMESTIC Finance Corporation A SMALL LOAN COMPANY MT. RAINIER, MD. Silver Spring, Md. 3*01 8 I. At*. 7»H* Georgia At*. Phene Mich. 4674 Phone SHen 3150 ROSSLYN, VA. Alexandria, Va. Arlington Tr. Bldg. 103 S. «»>h. St. End PI. Cheit 0304 Phone Alex. 1715 •FIRST IN FRIENDLINESS" LOANS without security on your Signature Alone Easy. Convenient Payments $5<) ynu repay $2c per week $100 you repay $1 fl.'t per week $I5u you repay $2.43 per week fnpo you repay $.3.24 per week $300 you repay $4.S5 per week Ahpve payments include interest, THE ONLY CHARGE You receive the full amount you bor row. No red tape strictly confiden tial. can repay at any time. JUST PHONE State Loan Co. A SMALL LOAN CORP 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS S3no Rhode Island Ave. DEca'ur 5.553 VPilO Georgia Aie SHepherd 5600 1200 Lee Highway—Facing Key Bridge CHestnut 3224 "LADIES' DAY" IS EVERY DAY AT KRAFT LOANS —and we DO moan you! If you are steadily employed you can obtain a Kraft Loan ON YOUR SIGNATURE ALONE—you can have the money the same day If you call before noon—and you ran be sure the negotiation will be kept strictly confidential. Interest is charged only for actual time the money is used—and there are other advantages in seeing A1 Kraft about your money problems. Call Al Kraft MICHIGAN 2900 Or Drop In at, Kraft loans 8303 Rhode Island Avenue N.E. LOANS T°j $300 ON YOUR SIGNATURE OecasionallT bills eat higher and higher and you see no relief in eight In order to meet, your obli gations borrow on your signature, consolidate your bills and repay the borrowed amount in part monthly payments. Empl"ypd wompn as wpII if men may make usp of this plan. Coll, write or phone MARYLAND PERSONAL BANKERS 7912 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Morslnnd Phone SHepherd 2S52 A New Personal Loan Company • SIGNATURE LOANS. • NO co-signers. NO furniture, NO automobile needed in most cases. • INTEREST AS SET by uni form small loan law of Mary land is our ONLY Charge. • PRIVACY and PROMPTNESS ASSURED. «2S_You Repay *‘1.5(1 Per Month «5n—You Repay *.‘l M Per Month jinn—You Repay ST.IH Per Month *200—You Repay *14.ns Per Month $200—You Repay $21.11 Per Month Nothin* Else to Pay FRIENDSHIP Personal Loan Co. asm WUeoniln Av*—Near Hot Shoppe % Opp. Car * Bui Terminal Fhen* Bill Froier—Wlsewiiin 2660 OFFICES FOR RENT LET '‘YOUR TELEPHONE SECRETARY” answer your phone when you are out of your office^ Call DI. 270ft for details._ DENTIST SPACE WITH PHYSICIAN IN suite on lfith st. Will decorate to suit. Call Randolph 4323._ 1710 14th ST N W. Large area with excellent window space, good lor either business or professional purposes; rent, with heat furnished. $50. ROBERT W SAVAGE 813 Union Trust Bldg._NA, 3030. OFFICES WANTED._ SMALL OFFICE. P. B X TELEPHONE service or equal, vicinity upper Ga. ave. or Siher Soring, must be reasonable. Box 308-0, Star._ DESK SPACE FOR RENT. DESK SPACE. IN DOWNTOWN OFFICE; also telephone answering service: suitable for Professional man._Call NA. 3080. WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE IN BETHESDA, 3.000 sq. ft.; $100 per month. Call WI. 4240._ OFFICIAL NOTICES. COMMISSIONERS OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia. July 17. 1940.—Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the pro visions of an item authorizing changes in the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia contained in D C. Appropriation Act for the fi>cal year ended ,June 30. 11*14 'Public Act No. 435. 02nd Congeass'. approved March 4. 191.3, as , amended by an Act approved April 30, 192H (Public Act No. 15S. 09th Congress', [the Commissioners of the District of Co I lumbia will give a public hearing in tlie Board Room of said Commissioners in the District Building on MONDAY. AUGUST 5. 1940 a' 10 o'clock a m., to all persons interested or owning land within the terri tory affected bv proposed changes in the plan of the permanent system of highways, located in the District of Columbia, and . described as follow 1 Proposed change : in said plan in the Northeast Section j located within the territory bounded on the north by Evarts S'reet. on the north i east by Montana Avenue, on the south by I land lying south of \V Street, proposed, and i on the west by 14th Street, proposed, pro viding for a change in the location of W Street, proposed, adjacent to Montana Avenue, and for additional proposed street area within the above described territory. 2. Proposed change in said plan in the Northwest Section located within the ter ritory bounded on the east by Rock Creek Park, on the south by Beech Street, and on the northwest by Western Avenue, pro viding for a readjustment of the plan of proposed streets within the above described territory lying between Oregon and Western Avenues. 3. Proposed change m said plan in the Southeast Section affecting the loca tion of K Street, proposed, between 30th Strep' and Fairlawn Avenue 4. Proposed change in said plan in the Northwest Sec tion located within the territory bounded on the north bv Zoological Park, on the east by Adams Mill Road on the south by Calvert Street, and on the west by Water side Drive, eliminating from said plan a proposed street running northerly and northeasterly from Btltmore Street at its intersection with Calvert Street. Plans showing proposed changes within the ter ritory described above, numbered as Maps 2370. ’377 237 K and 2379. are on display in the office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia. Room 495. District Building, and may be examined by interested parties during business hours prior to the hearing Such plans will also be displayed at the hearing, and the Commissioners will con sider any suggestions or protests concern ing the proposed changes, as shown on above mentioned plans. MELVIN C. HAZEN. JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG. DAVID McCOACH. Jr.. Commissioners of the Dis trict of Columbia jy 1 7.1 N. l 9.20,22.23.24,25.26,27.20.30 31; aul. TO MATT HALL, OWNER OP RECORD, if living, if dead, unknown heirs of You are herewith notified to remedy a condi tion existing on land adjoining 2H33 Myrtle Street N.E . known as lot 30. square 4319. in violation of law. consisting of an unlawful growth of weeds of four or more inches in heliht. to be cut and removed. This condition should be remedied on or before the 10th day of August. 104" Upon your failure so to do the work will be done bv the District authorities and the cost thereof, with the cost of this advertisement, will be taxed against the said property. M C HAZEN. JNO. R YOUNG, D. Mc COACH. Jr.. Commissioners. D. C. jy25.2H.2T, PROPOSALS. COMMISSIONERS. D C. WASHINGTON. July 22. 194<>—Sealed proposals will be received ; t Room 5<»9. District Building, until 2 00 o'clock PM 'E S. T» August i 5 1940. and then publicly opened, for widening, paving and repaving the road wav of 12th st s w\. between Mary | land ave. and Maine ave with about 4 mm sauare yards of reinforced cement i concrete pavement, or alternate. The fventirn of bidders is directed to the penal provisions covering subletting or , assigning of contract and to the use of i domestic materials. Attention of bidders | is particularly called to the requirements ; as io conditions of employment to be ob j served and minimum wage rates to be paid | under the contract Apply Room 427. I District Building, for proposal The act ing director. District of Columbia Employ ment Center, is Mr. Edwin Jones. SOS E at n w. iu22.23.24 25 26.27 AUCTION SALES. ___TOMORROW. _ Zed L. Williams, Auctioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION Friday (Tomorrow), 2 P.M. At Smith Storage Warehouse 1313 You St. N.W. FURNITURE * HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Bedroom Suite*. Breakfast 8et. Electric Refrigerator. Good Radio. Occasional Chairs. Complete Beds. Dressers. Chest*. Dining Room Pieces, Odd Tables, Hall Pieces. Living Room Pieces. Pictures, Trunks, Odd Pieces of Various Kind*. Al*o other lot* of Effects yet to be brought down— Dishes. Glassware, Bric-a-Brar, Etc. Adam A. Weachler * Son, Auctioneers. FURNITURE Bv order Executor and Committee ot Estates and from other sources. SUITES AND ODD PIECES. PIANO. RADIOS. MODERN FRIGIDAIRE AND OTHER REFRIGERATORS. BED AND TABLE LINEN. RUGS. ETC. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S 915 E St. N.W. TOMORROW Commencing: at R O’CIock A M. —At 11 AM.— RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Forty-six bentwood chairs, tables, bar counter, beer dispenser, steam table, etc. ,iy”4 .*2 Ft FUTURE. THOS. j7owen * SON. Auctioneer*. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE. CONSISTING OF A MODERN EIGHT-STORY BRICK AND CONCRETE APARTMENT BUILD ING. CONTAINING THIRTY-NINE APARTMENTS LOCATED AT 1724 SEVENTEENTH STREET N W.. WASH INGTON. D C. WHEREAS, default having oecurred In Ihe payment of the principal of and interest on the debt secured on the here inafter described land and premises by a certain deed of trust bearing date Septem be- 17th. 192.5. and recorded September lXth. 1975. in Liber 5620. folio 91. of the Land Records of the District of Co lumbia. and at the written request of the present holder of the bonds secured there by the undersigned, the Trustee, will sell at nubile auction, in front of the premises, a' THREE O'CLOCK PM. ON THURSDAY. AUGUST FIRST. A.D 1940. the following described land and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of Washington. In said District of Columbia, namely: Origi nal Lot Twelve HU in Square One Hundred and Fifty-four (1541. also parts of Original Lots Ten 1101 and Eleven (111 in said Square One Hundred and Fifty-four (1541. said parts ot Original Lots Ten t](ll and Eleven (11> being described as follows, viz: Beginning for the same at the South east corner of said Original Lot Eleven (111 and running thence North on Seven teenth Street Twenty-five (251 feet, thence West Ninety-six (9iU feet, thence South Twenty-five <261 feet, and thence East Ninety-six '90) feet to the place of begin ning: together with all building* and Im provements of every kind and description which have been erected or placed thereon, including all engines, boilers, elevators, dynamos, and also all. each and every of the nermanent or immovable interior Im provements and fixtures of every kind and description In or UDon said premises, or used In connection therewith, together with all and singular the ways easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances and hereditaments to said premises belonging or in anvwise appertaining. , ^ ,, 1ERMS OF SALE One-third in square numbered east of square eighteen hundred ninety-two (East 1802) in the subdivision bv Ethel M Rutty, as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 84. folio 10: subject to building restrictions shown on said plat and to the covenants of record. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pur chase money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal installments, payable In one and two years, with interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured b.v first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $300.00 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc , at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to oe complied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisemerr. of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Trustee By: ALFRED H LAWSON. jy23.d tVd.s .ex.Su. Vice President. j THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. J431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES NO 2204 DOUGLAS STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 7080. folio 207 I rt seq,. of the land records of the District ! of Columbia, and at the request of the j Party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at pupblic auction in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JULY AD. 1040. AT THREE O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 30 In James A Ya«er and Mary H. Yager's subdivision of lots in block 18. "Lanudon Park." as Per plat recorded in the office of the sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 73 at folio 124. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pur chase-money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 5* a per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from dav of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500.00 will be required at time of >ale All conveyancing recording revenue } stamps, etc . at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trus tees reserve the right to resell the prop- 1 ertv at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in i Washington. D. C. J E EASON. R. E ANKERS. lyl 7 10.22,25.27_ __Trustees._ THOS. J. OWEN A: SON. AUCTIONEERS, 1431 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING. NO. 915 3rd ST. N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly ; recorded in Liber No. 5759. folio 34 1. et sea,, of the land records of the District of j Columbia, and at the request of the party j j secured thereby, the undersigned trustee 1 will sell at public auction in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE SECOND DAY i OF AUGUST. AD. 1940. AT THREE-' THIRTY O'CLOCK PM . the following- i described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and j being lot fifteen <15> in W. Clarence Duvall and James H Marr’s subdivision of part of ! square five hundred and sixty <500>, as per plat recorded In Liber 11. folio 82. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pur i chase-money to be paid in cash, balance in i two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust 1 upon the property sold or all cash, at ’he option of the purchaser. A deposit of $250 will be required at time of sale All con- ' i veyancinc. recording, etc . at cost ot purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from dav of sale. 1 otherwise the sole remaining trustee re serves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser : after five dav*’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washing ton. D C. LEONARD W OROOMES. jy25dA:ds. Sole Remaining Trustee TRAILERS FOR SALE. TOD EXPECT MORE m a VAGABOND •nd you tet It See them at Cherry Hill j Camp US 1 Berwyn. Md_ | TRAILERS new end used; etse to deal ! with Elcttr Coich Co. Canary Trailer | Camp Rt. 1_Berwyn. Md ______ OLIDER TRAILER CO. of Chlcato wishes to announce the display of a complete line of Gilder trailers All models have 2 doora. : priced from $393. Small down payment. 2 i years to pay. Just 4 miles north of Dls- 1 I trict line on Route 1. House In Tree Trailer Perk. Berwyn. Md. M. E. Worth, I factory repreeentative. _ VAGABOND, streamline, custom built. VtJietian blinds, kitchenette In rear; new studio couch, elec brakes, directional i ltthts, delco lighting plant; oil heat, i hitch. Most reasonable ofler takes it. Ready to roll See Cline, 2028 Lee hith way. Arlington. Va.• AUTOMOBILES WANTED. DRIVE TO CR08ST0WN MOTORS, get more cash lor your car. 1321 Biadens burg rd. neL«t N. Y. ave. LI. 7272._ WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR. FRANK SMALL. JR . I .215 Pa. Ave. S.E. Lincoln 2077. WANTED LATE-MODEL CARS. W'e'll cay too cash oriccs for any ute model car Oocn evenings Call North 7557 The MANHATTAN AUTO * RADIO CO.. 1708 7th st. n.w DON'T SELL UNTIL YOU’ SEE US. BARNES MOTORS, 1220 14th St. | CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR, WE PAY OFF THE NOTES Leo Rocca Inc.. 4301 Conn_Ave Emerson_7900_ AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. DODGE 1937 l12-ton furniture van. dual wheels; need cash, must sell. See it at 514 Nth st. s.e.. rear. CHEVROLET 1938 pickuD; all-steel body, hydraulic brakes; smooth, thrifty motor; all good rubber; $379: easy terms. FRANK SMALL. Jr. 7 33 1 1th St. BE. LI. 2077. FORD 1939 112-inch stake; little used, best over-all condition, good rubber. $539; i easy terms; guaranteed; liberal trade allowance. FRANK SMALL. Jr. 1563 Pa. Ave. S.E, LI. 2077. FORD 1939 12-ton panel: looks like new; j removable toD: carries low mileage: extra seat; guaranteed. Special. $549. A TRIANGLE MOTORS. 1401 R. I. Ave. N.E._ DE. 6302. FORD 1935 158-inch chassis and cab; heavy-duty dual wheels and tires, helper springs, best mechanical order, very clean; ready to work: $219: easy terms. FRANK 8MALL. Jr. _1349 Good Hope Rd. S.E. LI. 2077. TRUCKS. '35 Chevrolet pickup _$345 '3K Dodge de luxe panel_345 '37 Ford "55" pickup_235 '35 Ford eedan delivery. _ _225 '38 Ford "55" 2-y»rd dump . 335 HILL & TIBBITTS, 1114 Vermont Ave. NA. 9850. AUTO SHOPPING SERVICE. _ HEAR ABOUT THE NEW SERVICE? If you want a, reliable car, we can give you expert, impartial advice. The service costs you nothing saves time and trouble. FIND A CAR SERVICE. Hobart 5100. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ BUICK 1940 Super sedan: only 0.000 honest miles: save 5300. JACK PRY MO TORS. 15th and Pa. ave. a.c._ BUICK convertible sedan, 1939: a car for the discriminating buyer. This car has had such excellent care It can't be told from a new car. Lustrous black finish, radio, heater and built-in trunk. A lux urious car at a great savings. 30-day or 1.000-mlle guarantee. Low down pay ment; 24 months to pay: 5989 CHERNER MOTOR CO . 1781 Fla. Ave. N.W._Hobart 6000._ BUICK 1936 4-door aedan; excellent black finish, fine heater, motor and rubber ex cellent. immaculate interior and Butler Bonder: 5387. Lee D Butler. Inc.. 1121 21st n.w. District 1218. _____ BUICK 1934 90 sedan: exceptionally clean car. with low mileage, motor has lust been completely overhauled: only $225: easy terms. Royal Motor Co.. Packard dealers. 16 Kennedy st. n w_RA. 7710. BUICK 19.37 4-door touring sedan: fi-wheel eauipment. motor thoroughly Chernerlzed and fully guaranteed, rubber and interior excellent; 5609: big trade allowance for your car and take as long as 24 months to pay. CHERNER MOTOR CO.. _1781 Fla. Ave. N.W.__Hobart 5000,_ CADILLAC convertible coupe. 1934: Im maculate; 5250. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Con necticut._WO. 8401._ ____ CADILLAC 19.35 four'door sedan: small 8; immaculate: 5385. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. ^WO. 8401._ CADILLAC 1939 “60" apecial touring se dan; very low mileage, looks and runs like new. black finish, radio: sold new for #2.200. A Packard value, only $1,250. PACKARD, 24th and N sts. n.w. RE. 0145. CHEV. 1934 coach: sold for storage and repairs: make offer. Arrow Garagg, rear 1402 8 tt. n.w._* CHEVROLET 1939 de luxe coupe; one owner: $490: low miles. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut._WO. 8401-.__ CHEVROLET 1936 cpune. de .luxe; Im maculate: *240. Flood Pontlae, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 6401.__ CHEVROLET 1937 master de luxe trunk sedan: radio end heater, whlte-wtll tires. EXPaMUHKK MODERN MAIDENS f- iT-'zf/ *“ ... r«,„. ^N. “AREN’T YOU THRILLED? IMAGINE BEING INVITED TO EAT AT THE CAPTAINS TABLE!” AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Continued.) CHEVROLET 104 0 demonstrator, master \ de luxe town sedan: completely equipped, including grille and trunk guards and hot- | water heater. This car has had the best of care and Is guaranteed for 9o days. . Substantial reduction and terms to suit. J Addison Chevrolet Sales. Inc., 1522 14th , st. n w. _ CHEVROLET 1930 master de luxe town se dan; excellent condition no dealers. $500. RA._2096 _ CHEVROLET J 033 de luxe coach: fine con dition: $95. terms. $10 cash. $10 mo. Roper Motors. 1130 R I. n.e. CHRYSLER 1035 touring brougham ma roon finish, excellent, tires and motor. A Packard value, only *105: easiest terms.; PACKARD 24th and N sts n w RE 0145 CHRYSLER •‘8” de luxe sed -n finest condi tion, good tires: lady leaving city: sacri fice. $Kf»; consider terms Between 10 and ■s pm Roper Motors. I13u R I n.e ' DE SOTO 10.37 2-door tourin" sedan green | finish, radio and heater, thoroughly recon- j ditioned and guaranteed A Packard ’ able, only $395 PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145 DE 80T0 1037 de luxe 4-door sedan: heater, original gun-me al finish, very clean, only $425. HALEY S. INC 2020 M 8t N.W. National 1000. _ DE SOTO 1037 de luxe 4-door trunk sedan. If you're looking for a car you can TRUST here's your answer’ Tripie-rested for safetv dependability and economy this guaranteed Trew Value is finished in gun metal, low mileage and a one-owner car. Now *405 TREW MOTOR CO. 1520 14th st n w and Mth and Pa. a\e. s.e. “Our 2dth Year.” DE SOTO de luxe coupe “8” looks, runs fine $53 cash full price. Roper Motors, 17.30 R I n e DODGE 1938 four-door sedan immacu late: one owner *280 Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut WO 8401 DODGE 1037 four-door ''Odan. 8-eyl . im maculate one owner *305 Flood Pon tiac 4 221 Connecticut WO 8401 DODGE 1937 de luxe 4-door sedan orig inal blue finish radio, hea’er. foe lights, thrifty; clean throughou* only *425 HALEY 8. INC . 2020 M St N.W _ National 1900 DODGE 1938 repossessed 4-door sedan in good condition $190. will finance. Call SH 28*2 bet. 9 and 5 DODGE 10.38 convertible coupe really beautiful: guaranteed perfect mechanical’.'-; radio, heater; $.‘545. terms. Owner. DI. 8875. DODGE 1038 de luxe coupe: radio equipped , carefully driven by prominent local family in Takoma Park: only $480 easy terms. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN. 333 Carroll at., Takoma Park. D. C. RA 8418. DODGE 10.37 de luxe 4-door touring sedan: outstanding In appearance and condition, reduced price. $425 easy terms SCHLF GEL A* GOLDEN. 3.3.3 Carroll at., Takoma Park, D C RA 8418 DODGE coupe. 1938: if you've been look ing for a car that’s in a class bv itself for appearance, a car that will give you thousands of miles of dependable trans portation at a minimum cost—then by all means see this Dodge carries .‘jo-day guarantee: take 24 months to pav. $489 CHERNER MOTOR CO . _1781 Fla. Ave. N W. Hobart 5000 DODGE 19.38 de luxe 4-dr trunk sedan; this TREW value is equipped with heatpr It has been thoroughly reconditioned by our own mechanics and is fully guaranteed Driven carefully by its original owner, it is finished in a lustrous jet-black Just re duced to $580 TREW MOTOR CO . 1528 Mth st. n.w. and Mth and Pa. ave. n.e, "Our 28th Year " DODGE 1037 de luxe 4-dr trunk sedan. H you are looking for a BETTER used car ... be sure to see and drive this guar anteed Trew Value. Low mileage, good tires, jet-black finish. Now onfv *455. TREW MOTOR CO.. 1528 Mth st n.w' rr.ri Mth and Pa ave s.e. ‘Our 28th Year'1 DODGE 1937 4-door sedan: heater, low mileage, one owner reasonable. 2821 15th n.w.. Apt. 1. Adams 3983. 28* DODGE 1938* in good condition 701 Woodside paikway. Silver Soring. Md. Bargains You Can Buy with Confidence IQQ Chevrolet De Luxe Ag Jg Ow Town Sedan 9049 900 Chevrolet De Luxe AJgg 00 Town Sedan 9409 Chevrolet De Luxe AA"!g Of Town Sedan _9019 ’36 s“et Town $275 JOK Pontiae 4-T>oor Trj. (AAB 09 Sedan (radio) _9tt9 Wc Have Fifty Other Excellent Uied Care in Stock for You to Chooie From ADDISON-CHEVROLET 1522 14th St. N.W. Drive in Church St. Entrance HObart 7500 Open Ereninn, Sundays HORNER’S CORNER , OFFERS 50 BUICKS AND OTHER MAKES AT REDUCED PRICES IQQD CHRYSLER 0EAE 1900 CONV. "6" COUPE )4A Plymouth 2-Door Trunk (PAP 09 Sedan (Radio) 9909 144 Chevrolet Matter De (4AP 91 Luxe Town Sedan_ 9999 ’37 Bulck Spec. 47 4-Door S495 ,C7 La Salle Opera Seat (PAP 91 Coupe .. 99£9 ,40 Bulck Spec. 4-Door (4AP 99 Trunk Sedan_ 9199 ,39?.»: DeLB”..... $595 ,39 Bulck 40-8 Opera Beat ,44 Packard “8” 4J4E 9 I 4-Door Sedan_ 9499 ,4B Oldsmoblle “0” 70 (AAR 99 2-Door Trunk Sedan 9009 ,40 Oldt •'A” Trunk"Sedan 1 #K4E 90 Radio and Heater 99£9 ,4(| Plymouth De Luxe (PAP 99 4-Door Trunk Sedan 9999 Stanley H. Hornar, Inc. 6th & Flo. Are. N.E. ATI. 6464 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DODGE 1937 de luxe coupe: ebony black finish, exceptionally fine condition. 1 owner, guaranteed: only $375 SC H LEG El. GOLDEN. 333 Carroll st., Takoma Park, D C. RA MI n FORD Tudor sedan, 1939; blue finish; the. owner gave this car the best of care, new car appearance and performance a' a grea'ly reduced used-oar price $125 down delivers this car. Take as long as 24 months to pay; $4 89. CHFRNER MOTOR CO 17*1 Fla. Ave. N.W Hobart 5000. FoRD 1939 coupe: immaculate condition; one owner *.".99 Flood Pontiac. 4 221 Con necticut. WO X401. FORD 1930 Tudor sedan 85. de luxe: immaculate; one owner. $230. Flood Pon tiac. 4221 Connecticut, WO. 8401. FORD f 93* de luxe Fordor sedan: a clean, perfect-performing, one-owner car guar anteed A Packard value, only $4 5o easie-t terms PACKARD. 24lh and N sts n.w Republic 0145 FORD cabriolet 1939; if you like the great outdoors you're certainly gome to fall for thus Cordoba grav convertible Its fr,p finish white-wall tires, motor and upholstery—all are in excellent condition: new-tar guarantee, terms and service. Low as $125 down. Take 24 months to pay, S«19. CHERNER MOTOR CO . 17*1 Fla Ave. N.W Hobart 5000. FORD J937 business coupe This car is the answer to one economically minded It is in the best of condition and can be bought for * 19 down TRIANGLE MOTORS 1401 R I Ave N.E Decatur 6302. FORD 1930 coupe original black finish, clean throughout, special at $235. HALEYS. INC. 2020 M St NW National 1900. FORD 1938 s.v Tudor sedan: radio and heater, Rood condition throughout; sale or trade Owner. SH 4975-M FORD Tudor sedan. 19:18. mis spotless, blue Ford is an excellent example of the famous ('HERNPRIZING system of recon ditioning From bumper to bumper if reflects the careful going over our skilled experts have given it. 39-day or l.onp milr guarantee, moo down. 24 months to pay. Ask for car No. X3X2 $381*. CHERNER MOTOR CO 17*1 Fla. Ave. N W Hobart 5900. FORD 1939 de luxe coupe here i«. a mar velous buy in a guaranteed Trew Value car' Smar- maroon finish exceptionally clean Interior and good tires. One-owner driven and offered on easy terms Now *535 TRFW MOTOR CO. 152* 14th s* n.w. and 14ih and Pa. ave. s.e. “Our 2*th Year ” FORD 1940 de luxe Tudor sedan: driven very little by one owner, name on request; new-car condition in appearance and every detail radio and heater $737. Lee d Burler._Inc.U21 21st n w. District 1218. FORD 1932 Tudor coach: 1933 motor, good tires; $95 Dupont 7090. FORD 1938 de luxe Tudor fine condition' $175 terms. *25 cash. $17 mo. Roper Motors. 1 730 R. I n e GOOD WILL SALE OF CHEVROLETS NO PRICE INCREASE f OQ CHEVROLET Master ‘i-dnnr Touring sedan. Radio, healer, w\-tr. tires, Very low mileage. 570 CHEVROLET »-door Tour WW ing Sedan. Beau tiful blue fartory refln ish. One owner. IQ7 CHEVROLET Mastt • He Luxe Town Se dan. Radio and heater. One owner. I f)UU Down Payments Mode COAST-IN FAMOUS! CORST'IN/y^ Cor 4th and Florida A**. N.fc. Phono Atlantic 7200 (all CARL Hudson ONE YEAR. Guarantee PLAN : The 11-month guarantee plan Insignia on the windshield of a Hudson or Ter raplane is your assurance that your investment in the ear is protected by our exclusive sales plan. It is a hi*h grade car that has been carefully checked and put in the best of con dition. It is priced to represent real value._ Car No. 717A—1938 “Hudson~~Built” Terraplane 11 - cyl., 101 - horsepower, 118' wheelbase 1-door Touring Sedan. Immaculate interior condition, me- | cha n i c ally reconditioned. One-owner car. Original AttQ3 finish. Tires like new *r ■ ■** Car No. 857A—1938 Hudson “«-cyl., 91-horsepower 1-door Touring Sedan. , ■ill" wheelbase. Economical on gas, oil and tires. Many unusual miles of trouble-free transportation. Original finish. Motor, tires, battery (AAB and interior are exception- Au!I3 ally good V****** Car No. 831A—1938 Hudson 11. 111" wheelbase. 91 - horsepower Business Coupe. Unusually clean car. Original black finish, excellent tires and A-1 mechanical condition. Hud- ^AAC sons of this model hold Ad})3 many economy records Car No. 710A—1937 Hudson 8-cyl., 4 door Touring Sedan. 113-inch wheel base; new metallic blue finish; motor and tires in excellent condition; lux urious interior; heater for A88P comfort; radio for your aJ§|3 pleasure;i_a bargain at__^_”www Car No. 734 A—1936 “Hudson-Built” Terraplane 1-door Touring Sedan. Me chanically O. K. Clean ear inside and out. Very economical to op- AflAF erate ^and low upkeep is Your old car in trade and C. /. T. terms to suit your budget, 60 OTHERS—$50 TO $250 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALL FORD 3 93* de luxe Tudor: radio, beautiful black finish, excellent tires: your 1936 Ford and $19.45 Der month. See Mr. Villone. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 1401 R. I._Ave. N.E._Decatur 6302._ FORD 1937 coach: finest condition: $235: terms. $35 cash, $17 mo. Roper Motors, 1730 R. I. n e._• PORD 1936 convertible coupe; radio, heat er: it's beautiful: guaranteed perfect me chanically; $295; terms. Owner, DI. 8875. 25* FORD 1936 Tudor sedan: black finish like new slip cov rs: unusually clean: sac., $165. terms.__Call CO. 6180-M. Dealer. FORD 19.36 de luxe Tudor trunk sedan; dark blue finish, spotless interior, 1 owner: guaranteed reduced price. $249. SCHLE GE1, AQQ ing Coach _ _ _ 0“00 1934 O 1 d * mo bile C I QA Touring Coach ______ ™ I ™ TRUCK * 1936 Chevrolet l'/j-ton Panel, thoroughly reconditioned and • potleoly clean—ready to give many dependa- (AAA hie mile*_ 65 other reconditioned value* BARRY-PATE 1130 CONN. AVE. District 4200 Open Eveninge and Sunday* AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. STUDEBAKER 192ft Dictator sport coup**! thoroughly reconditioned motor, clean in* terior and excellent tires, radio and heater A Packard value, only $275 PACKARD 24th and N sts. n w. Republic 0145. STUDEBAKER 1927 coupe: excellent bit’/ finish, motor thoroughly Chernerized arfr guaranteed. 6 like-new tires, interior spca, less: $289; take as long as 24 montS to pay. CHERNER MOTOR CO . 1781 Pla. A\e. N.W. _Hobart 5000 _ 8TUDEBAKER 19.29 Champion club ccupel low mileage, very attractive car. excellent condition mechanically p.nd in appearance, equipped with radio and heater A Butler Bonded car for $027. Lee D. Butler, Inc., 1121 21st n.w. District, 1218. STUDEBAKER 1927 Dictator coupe: paint, tires, motor and general condition of this fine car far above the average: low in price at $277. Lee n Butler. Inc. J12L -1 st n.w. District 1218 TERRAPLANE 1927 coupe: excellent mo tor. very clean interior, tire look new. heater equipped. A Packard value, only $.225: easiest terms PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n w. Republic 0145 TERRAPLANE 19.2ft de luxe 2-door touring sedan; radio and heater, outstanding in appearance and condition: 1 owner: guar 'OS' SCHI.EOEL Hi GOLDEN .1.1.1 Carroll *i., Takoma Park. U. L. HA. 84 1 ft SPECIAL Cadillac 19.20 4-door s^dan: radio, w2od^y*50«-., ; 10 clos« For a fiood Deal Drive to Our New Location 5100 Wisconsin Ave. bet. Garrison & Harrison Sts. McKee Phone EM. 5869 Open Till JO P.M. QUALITY CARS LOW PRICES '37 Ford ‘'85" Tudor Trunk 0000 '37 Ford “85" De Lux* €444 Fordor Sedan 0000 '37 Ford "85" De Lux* €444 Coupe 9000 '37 Ford "60” Tudor Trunk 0200 '37 Ford "83" Cone. Sedan. 8*68 Radio, new top 9*13 '38 Ford "S3” Cone. Sedan. €EAE Radio heater 0399 '38 Ford Cone. Sedan! new CKQR top. radio ... .. 0393 '38 Ford Club Cone. $595 '38 Ford "83" Tudor Trunk CJ4C Sedan 0*43 '38 Ford "85" De Luxe Tudor 000^ '38 Ford "83" De Lux* 8IAA Fordor Sedan _ 9*03 '38 Ford "85" Club CJAA Coupe 3*99 '39 r::;80” $469 '30 Ford "85” De Luxe CCA A Tudor __ 934 I '30 Ford "83" De Luxe CRC7 Tudor Sedan 930 I '30 Ford "85" De I.uxe CRR7 Coupe Radio 030 I '38 Plymouth De Luxe 3-Dr. CJCC Trunk Sedan 0*03 '38 Cherrolet De Luxe Conr. CR9R Coupe Radio 0343 '37 Pontiar De Luxe Cone. CC IA Sedan. Radio; new top 03 I U '36 Hudaon De Loxe €900 Coup* 0409 '33 Dod«e De Luxe CACA 4-Door 043U 39 Mereury A-Paaa. 4-Door. €*JC Radio heater 0143 '39 Lineoln-Zeohyr 4-Door CAJA Sedan 094U '37 Lineoln-Zephrr 4-Door. €EAE Radio .. 0349 '36 Lineoln-Zephrr 4-Door. €4AE Radio.. 0449 | 50 Other* to Choose From Always a Better Deal at Hill & Tibbitts II14 Vermont Ave. NA. 9850 OPEN SUN. H. B. LEARY, JR., & BROS. Special Showing OF GUARANTEED USED CARS 1940 s«ve°to ConvCoupe- $75 1938 ^‘lle Touring Se