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Latin American Bonds And Domestic Rails Lead Market Move for Economic Unity Helps Bidding for Issues Of Southern Nations Bond Averages ?o 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. P’gn. Net change —.1 +.1 unc. —.1 Today, close 56.5 102.9 96.6 38.1 Prev. dav.. 56.5 102.9 96.6 38.2 Month ago. 56.3 102.4 95.7 37.4 Year ago .. 58.0 100.7 97.2 59.9 1940 high.. 59.9 103.6 97.5 53.5 1940 low... 48.3 98.9 90.3 35.1 1939 high.. 64.9 102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_111.4 Prev. day 111.5 M'nth ago 111.4 Year ago 112.1 1940 high 113.2 1940 low 108.4 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 i (Compiled by the Associated Press.) £* the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 6.—Buyers concentrated on selected Latin | American and domestic rail bonds I in a quiet market today. A number of rails were up 1 to around 4 points near the final hour, including Michigan Central 4h>s, Missouri-Illinois 5s, Alleghany con vertible 5s of 1944 and Canadian Pacific 4>2s. South American loans got most of the play in the foreign list. Favored were such issues as Buenos Aires 4:i1s, Argentine 4*2s, Peru 6s of 61 and Uruguay ad justed 3'Ms of ’79. Bidding for loans of the South ern nations coincided with vigor ous efforts to foster a single eco nomic front among the American republics. Noted in this direction was the arrival here of a Brazilian commission to seek financial and technical aid in establishing an Iron and steel industry in Brazil. Domestic liens marked up a notch included National Dairy 3'liS, Southern Pacific 4’2s of 68, Texas Corp. 3s. Warner Bros.’ 6s of '48 and Columbia Gas of '61. Lower were Chicago Railway 5s, Erie 5s of '75, American & Foreign Power 5s and New York Central 5s. United States Governments fell back more than ’4 point in some instances. Oil Production Drops To 3,494,217 Barrels F*y the Associated Press. TULSA. Aug. 6.—Daily crude oil production in the United States de clined 194,177 barrels to 3.494,217 for the week ended August 3, the Oil end Gas Journal said today. Oklahoma climbed back into third place among oil producing St,ates, displacing Illinois. Oklahoma pro- j duction increased 10.225 to 413,850. ! while Illinois dropped 10.086 to ! 408.545. Heaviest decline was in Texas, off 184.296 to 1.169.893, with East Texas down 74,187 to 374,848. California decreased 13.850 to 591,250; Eastern fields, 3,400 to 104.200, and Kansas, 3.050 to 183,150. Michigan gained 1.132 to 54,746; Louisiana, 4,425 to 280,090, and the ; Rocky Mountain area. 3.520 to 98.650. - I Dividend Is Deferred By Electrolux Corp. Bpecial Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. Aug. 6.—Directors of Electrolux Corp. have deferred the dividend action customarily taken at this time, because of un certainty as to the form which the proposed Federal excess profits tax legislation will take, Charles G. Groff, chairman, announced today. ‘‘In spite of the fact that this year’s earnings to date are ahead of last year, the board of directors deemed it prudent first to ascertain the requirements of the proposed excess profits tax bill which, it is re ported. will probably be retroactive! to cover the current year,” Mr. Groff stated. Insurance Stocks Show Moderate Recovery NEW YORK, Aug. 6 (Special)'.— I Insurance stocks in the New York ! City market showed a further mod- i erate recovery during July, accord ing to Hoit. Rase & Troster. Measured by weighted average of 20 issues, the month ranged from low of 46.81 on July 1 to high of 48.92 on July 31. a 4‘2 per cent gain. •This brings total recovery to 16 per cent over 1940 low of 42.19 on June 10. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Aug H oPi.—National Association Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid. Asked. By of Am NTS <SF> (2.40) 33% 35% Bank of Man i.Koa)_ 15V* 16% Bank of N Y < 14) 306 316 Bankers Tr (2)__49% 51% Bklyn Tr <4) _ 70% 75% Cen Han Bk A Tr (4) 88 91 Chase Nat (1.4o> 30 32 Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 42% 44% Commercial (8) 163 169 Cont Bk A Tr ( 80) _ 12% 13% Corn Ex Bk A- T (3)_ 49 50 Empire Tr « 60) __ 44% 47% First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 41% 43% First Natl (100) 1665 1705 Guaranty Ti (12)_ 277 282 Irvine Tr (.60) _ 10% 11% Manuf'ct rs Tr (2) - . 34% 36% Manuf'rs Tr pf (2)_ _ 5o% 5234 Natl City (1) _ 24 25% N Y Trust <5), . _ 101 104 Public (1%'_ 29 % 31% Title GAT _ 3 4 a Also extra or extras. U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK. Aue 6 UPi.—Prices quoted In dollars and thirty-seconds. App Pet. Mo. Year. Bid. Asked. Y’ld. I's Dec. 1040 _101.2 101.4 I’s Mch., 1041 _101.12 101.14 1J« June. 1041 _101.12 101.14 1'. Dec.. 1041 _101.23 101.25 ls4 Mch , 1042_102.25 102.27 2 Sept., 1042 _104.2 104.4 .04 1'4 Dec . 1042 _ 103.23 103.25 .14 I's June 1043 _101.31 102.1 .41 1 Sept., 1043 _101.16 101.18 .40 I's Dec . 1043 _102.2 102.4 40 1 Mch., 1044 _101.15 101.17 .57 5. June. 1044 _ 100 18 100.20 .50 1 Sept., 1044 _ 101.14 101.16 .62 3« Mch,. 1045 _100.5 100.7 .70 " ‘~ V .. - Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Aug. 6.— Sales STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 3P5 Arundel Corp 13% 13 13 20 Balto Tr pfd 1.70 1.70 1.70 8 Consol Pow com 79% 79% 79% 10 East Sugar pf VT 18 18 18 30 Mong W P S 7% 28 28 28 861 New Amster/ Cas 17V* 16% 16% 10 U S Fidel A Guar 19% 19% 19% BONDS. S6000 Balto Tr deb 4s A 33 33 33 .5400 Balto Trans 5s A 37% 37% 37% London Tin Prices LONDON. Aug. 6 (TP).—1Tin. steady: spot. £266 10s bid. £266 15s asked: future £266 10s bid, £267 asked. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By crtnta wire direct to The at**. Approximate Tranioctioni Today. Domestic Bonds_ 2.770.000 Forelirn Bonds_. 440,000 U S Govt Bonds_, 80,000 TREASURY. Hlsh Low Close. 2s 1947 . _ 104.29 104.29 104.29 2>is 1951-53_ 103.8 103.8 103.8 2 81954-56 _ 102.21 102.19 102.19 2 tjs 1945 _ 108.4 108.4 108.4 21 i s 1950-52 _ 105.19 105.19 105.19 2\s 1945-47_ 108.22 108.22 108.22 2»is 1958-63 _ 106.16 106.16 106.16 2 44 s 1960-65 _ 106.17 106.17 106.17 2Tis 1965 60 ... 107.29 107.29 107.29 3s 1951-56 _ 110.13 110.11110.11 8 46 s 1946-49_ 111.5 111.5 111.5 314s 1941 _ 103.14 103.14 103.14 314s 1944-46 _ 109.8 109.8 109.8 4S 1944-64 113.19 11S.19 113.19 4s 1944-54 rg- 113.16 113.16 113.16 414s 1947-52 .. 119.25 119.25 119.25 414s 1947-52 Tg 119.23 119.23 119.23 HOME OWNERS' LOAN Ss 1944-52 106.31 106.31 106.31 NEW YORK CITY BONDS 3s 1980 . _ 96 95S 96 FOREIGN RONDS, Hleh. Low Cloia. Antloquia 7s 4.6 A .. 11 11 11 Antloquia 7s 45 B 11 11 11 Argentine 4s 72 Feb 56'i 66 66 Argentine 4s 72 Apr 6614 56 56 Argentine 4 Us 4* . 75', 75 75 Argentine 4 Us 71 ... 63', 63U 63U Australia 4U» 56_ 41 41 41 Australia 5s 55 _ 49 49 49 Australis 5s 67 _ 48 4714 4714 Berlin C El 6s 55 ... 14 14 14 Brazil 6 Us 1926-67 . 11s* 11U 11*4 Brazil 8s 41 ..14 14 14 Budapest 6s 62 . 8 8 8 Buenos Aires 4 Us 77 46 46 46 Buen A1r 4 U« A ue 76 46 45si 46 Buen Air 4'4s Apr 76 46'i 46', 46U Buenos Aires 4*4* 75 51 50 51 Canada 2>,is 44_ 85 84»* 84*4 Canada 3s 67 _ 71V4 7114 7114 Canada 3 U a 61_ 7.3<4 73 73 Canada 4s 60_ 80>j 80*4 80*» Canada 5s 52 __ 90*. 90'i 90T4 Chile 6s 61 Jan_ 12", 12*4 12*4 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 12** 12"* 12** Chile 7s 42 assd .. 11'* 11U 11U Chile Mtg Bk 6*4* 61 11*» 11s, 11** Chile M B 6"is 61 asd 10 10 10 Colombia 6s 61 Jsn 24 s, 24** 24*, Col Mtg Bk 6U* 47 .. 21'* 21'4 21*4 Copenhagen 4Us 53 .. 23', 23', 23U Cordoba Prov 7s 42.. 71 71 71 Cuba 4 Us 77 _ 54 S3** 54 Cuba 5Us 45 _ 73 73 73 Denmark 4Us 62_ 29U 29U 29U Denmark RUs 65_ 33V, 33U 33U Denmark 6s 42 ... 36*. 36'4 36*-* French GoV 7U* 41 . .60', SOU SOU Oer C A Bk 6s 60 Oct 14'* 14'. 14U GerGovt5U**5 . 16«* 16', 16U German Govt 7s 49 .. 20'i 20', 20'i Italy 7s 61 _ 47V* 46'i 47'4 Japan 5Us 65___ 60', 60 60 Japan 6U* 64 _ 82** 82 s, 82U Medellin 6Us 54_ 9*. 9** 9*4 Mendoza 4s 54 _ 55 55 55 Norway 4s 63 .. 40 39 39 Oriental Dev 6Us 58 52U S2U 52U Oriental Oev 6s 53 5514 S5'4 55U rauama 5s 63 .. 60 60 60 Panama 5s 63 sf asd.. 67U 67'. 57'4 Pernambuco 7s 47_ 6', 6', 6'i Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 6«, 6»» 6"* Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 6** 6»* 6*, Peru 7s 59 __ 7 7 7 Porto Alesre 8s 61_ 9'i 9'* 9'4 Prussia 6Us 51 _ 13s, 13s, 13s* Rio de Ian 6U* S3_ 6s. 6'i 6’4 Rio de Jan 8s 46 ... 8'* 7U 8'4 Rio Gr do Sul 7s 66 .. 9*4 9*. 9*. Rome 6Us 52 .. 32*4 32s, 32s* Sante Fe Prnv 4s 64 __ 54 54 54 Sao Paulo C 6 Us 57.. 9 8 9 Sao Paulo S'6s 68_ 10U 10U 10', Sao Paulo St 7s 4ft_ 34s, 32V, 34s, Sao Paulo St 7s 66 ... 11', 11', 11H Sao Paulo St 8s 50 .. 12 12 12 Serbs 7s 62 ... 8 8 8 Shin'su E P 6 Us 52 63*, 63*4 63*S Taiwan Elec 5U* 71- 52s, 52', 52V4 tJiiga wa El P Ts 45 99 99 99 ITru 364 -4-4 Us ad 1 79 39 38U 39 Yokohama 6s 61 58 58 58 DOMESTIC IONDS Abltlbl PAP 6s 53 __ 37% 37 37 Alleg Corp 6s 44 _ 87 85 86 Allee Corp 6s 49 — 73% 73 73% Allee Corp 6s 60 std .. 46 44% 44% Alleg A Westn 4.4 98 64 64 64 Allls-Chalmers 4s 62 10844 108 108'.. Am A- For Pw 6s 2080 48 47% 47% AmTAT3%s61 108% 108% 108% AmTAT5%s43 106% 106 106ft Arm'rl Del) 1st 4s 65 102 101% 102 Armour Del 4« 57 101*; 101% 101*; ATASFe 4s 1905-55 97 97 97 A TA S Fe een 4s 95 106% 106 106% Atl A Ph A L 5s 44 97 96% 97 Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52 69'4 69% 69% Atl Coast L 4 Us 64 47 47 47 Atl Gulf A W 1 5s 59 70 70 70 Atlantic Refin 3s 53 . 107 106% 107 B AO 1st 4s 48 67% 67% 67% B A O 1st 48s std_ 67% 67% 67% j B A O cv 60s std __ 12*4 12% 12% B A O 95 A stamped.. 30% 30 30 1 R A O S W 50s std ._ 45 45 45 B A O Toledo 4s 59 . 54 54 54 BaneAAroos cn 4s 51. 60 60 60 Beth Steel 3s 60 ... 101% 101% 101% Bath Steel 3%s 59 .. 105% 105% 105% Beth Steel 3%s 65 ... 105 105 105 Beth Steel 3 Us 52 . 108 107% 107% Boston A Me 4s 60 . 74% 73% 74% Boston A Me 4%s 70 22% 22 22 Bos A Me 6s 65 78% 78% 78% Bos A Me Bs 67 . 75% 75 75 Bklvn Un Gas Bs 50 .. 95% 95 95 Bklvn Un G 5s 57 B 107 106% 107 Buff O E 4 %s 81 111% 111% 111% Burr Rorh A P 57 std 39 39 39 B C R A N 5s 34 3% 3% 3% Bush Ter Bide 5s 60 58 58 58 Canada South 6s 62 73% 73% 73% Canadian NR 4%s 51 82 82 82 Can NR 4%s 56 .. 82% 82% 82% Can NR 5s 69 July... 85 85 85 Can NR 6s 70 _ 85% 85 85 Can Nor 6%s 46_ 97% 97% 97% Can Pac 4%s 46_ 67 67 67 Can Pac 460 ... 60% 59 60% Cent Foundry 5s 41_ 90 89% 90 Cent Foundry 6s 41.. 102ft 102ft 102ft Cent of Gs cn 5s 45 ... 5% 5% 6% Cent Ga Chat 4s 51 4% 4% 4% Cent N T Pwr 3%s 62 107 106% 107 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 64 64 64 Cent Pacific 6s 60_ 44% 44% 44% Cert’d deb 6%s 48 ... 78 78 78 Phes A O 8%s 96 D... 100% 100 100% Cites A O 3%s 96 B._. 100% 100% 100% C A O een 4%s 92 ... 124% 124% 124% C B A Q rf g 5s 71 A— 85% 86% 85% Cht Gr» West 4s 69 .. 27% 27% 27% Chi Ind A Lou 5s 47.. 17 17 17 C M A StP gen 4s 89.. 22% 22% 22% CMAStP 4 %s 89 C .. 23% 23% 23% Chi Mil A St P 5s 7*.. 4% 4% 4% CMAStP ad1 5s 2000.. 1% 1% 1% Chi A NW gen 4s 87.. 14 13% 13% Chi A NW 4%s 2037 . 8% 8% 8% ChlANW 4%s 2037 C- 8% 8% 8% ChtA NW cv 4% s 49 . 2 1% 2 Cht A NW 6%s 36 ... 15 15 15 Chi Rwv 6s 27 - 47 46% 46% Chi R1AP cv 4%s 60. 1% 1% 1% Chi Un Sta 3%s 63 . 100% 100% 100% Chi A W Ind cv 4s 52. 91 91 91 Chi A W Ind 4%s 62.. 90% 90% 90% Childs A Co 6s 43 ... 40% 40% 40% Ctn G A E 3%s 66 .. 108% 108% 108% CCCAStL rf 4%s 77.. 49% 49% 49% Clev Un Ter 4%a77__ 66% 65% 65% Clev Un Term 5s 73.. 73% 73 73 Clev Un Ter 6%s 71.. 78% 78% 78% Colo F A Ir 5s 43_103% 103% 103% Colo A So 4%s 80 ... 25% 25% 25% Col GAE 6s 52 Apr.— 104% 104% 104% Col G A E6s 52 May. 105 105 105 Col G A E 6s 61 105 104% 105 Cornel Mackay 69 ww 38 37% 37% Corns Ed 3%s 68 109% 109% 109% Cons Coal Del 6s 60 64% 64% 64% Cons E NY db S%s 48 106% 106% 106% Cons Ed N Y 3%s 56 106% 105% 105% Consol Oil 3%s 51 106 105% 105% Consum PwrS%s69 108% 108% 108% Consum Pwr 3%s 65 108% 108'% 108% Consum Pwr 3%s 67. 108% 108% 108% Conti Oil 2%s *8 . 107 107 107 Crown CAS 4 %s 48 103% 103% 103% Crucible Steel 4%s 48 104% 104% 104% Cuba Northn 6%s 42 17 16% 16% Dayton P A Lt 8s 70 . 104% 104% 104% Del A Hud ret 4s 43 49% 48% 48% Den A RGW rf 6s 78. 6 6 6 Det Edison 4%s61 ... 107% 107% 107% Dulutn SSAAt 6« 87.. 20 20 20 Duauesne Lt 3 %s 65. 107% 107% 107% E T V A Ga cn 6s 56.. 93 93 93 Ed El 111 N T 6s 95_146% 146% 146% Elec Auto Lt 4s $3_ 107 107 107 Erie cv 4s 63 B_ 21 21 21 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 62% 62% 62% Erl# ref 6s 67_ 11% 11% 11% Erie ref 6s 76.. 11% 11% 11% Erie A Jersey 6s 65—. 63% 63% 63y4 n High. Low. CIom. Fla E C Ry 6s T 4_ 84 64 64 Fla E C Ry 6s 74 etfs. 6 6 6 Gsn Stl Cast 64* 49. 714 704 71V, Goodrich 44s 66 .. 1034 1034 1034 Grt Nor Ry 34*67.. 774 774 774 Grt Nor Ry 4s 48 G . 103 103 103 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 944 934 944 Grt N Ry 4 4s 76 D 864 864 864 Grt N R gn 4 4s 77 E 86s, 864 864 Grt Nor Ry 64*62 1034 1024 1024 Gulf States St 4%s61 103s, 1034 1034 Har Riv A P 4s 64 .. 664 664 664 Hoe R 1st mtg 44 .. 81 81 81 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 284 28 28 Hud A Man Inc 6s 57 . 13 124 13 Hud A Man ref 6* 67 . 474 47 47 111 Cent 3 4s 52_ 404 404 404 111 Cent 4s 63 _ 414 41 41 111 Cent ref 4s 66_ 464 46 464 111 Cent «4» 86 _ 39%, 394 394 111 Cent ref 6s 56 _ 51 504 51 ICCAStL NO 6a63 A 444 444 444 Indust Rayon 4 4s 41 106 1054 106 Inland Steel 3s 61 .. 104 104 104 Int R T 1st rf 6s 66 .. 804 804 804 Int R T 6s 32 — 33 33 33 Interlake Iron 4s 47.. 83 83 83 Int Hydro El 6s 44 . 474 474 474 Int March Mar 6s 41. 60 60 60 int Paper 1st 6a 47 ... 1024 102%, 1024 Int Paper ref 6s 66... 1024 1024 1024 tnt TAT 4 4s 62_ 28%, 28 28 Int TAT 6s 66 . . 304 30 30 Jonas A L Stl 44* 61 98 974 98 KansC FtSAM 4s 36. 324 324 324 KansCity So 3s 60 .. 624 624 624 Krssgs Found 3s 60.. 102', 1024 1024 Laclede Gas 6s 42 .. 85 85 85 Laclede Gas 64* 53. 494 49 49V4 Laclede G 54* 60 D.. 49', 49 49 Lake RAW 3s 47 _. 774 774 77s, Leh V N V 1st 4s 45 . 35 35 35 Leh Val C 6s 74 std . 28 28 28 Leh Val C 6s 43 std . 534 534 53*, Leh Val Har 5s 54 41s* 40V, 414 Leh V NY 44s 40 asd 41 41 41 L V RR con 4s 2003 17 164 17 L V RK 48 2003 asd 174 164 17 L V RR 4s 2003 Hsd rg 14 14 14 L V RR cn 44s 2003 184 17s, 18 L V RR 44s 2003 asd 181, 17s, 18 L V RR 6s 2003 asd— 19s, 19 19s, Leh Val Term 6s 41.. 47', 474 474 Llgg A M vers 5s 61— 128 128 128 Llgg A Myers 7a 44.. 123‘, 123s, 123s, Lion 011 44s 62_ 96 954 96 Lorillard 6s 51_1254 125V* 125', La A Ark 6s 69 .. ... 82s, 82s, 824 Lou A Nash 3 4s 50— 1034 103*, 103*, L A Nash 3 4** 2003 . 83s, 83 83 Lou A Nash 5s 2003 .. 102 102 102 LAN So Mon jt 4s 52. 80 80 80 McCrory Strs 6s 61 — 103 103 103 McKess A K 64s 60.. 954 954 95V, Me Cent RR 4s 45 .. 73 73 73 Manati Sugar 4s 67.. 324 324 324 Manhat Ry 4s 90 _ 86 86 86 Mich Cent 4 4s 79 ... 65 65 65 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 . 103', 1034 1034 Mil Spa A NW 4s 47 . 11s, 11s, 11s, MStPASSM cn 4s 33 44 44 44 MStPASSM 5s 38 gtd 4s, 4s, 4s, Mo 111 5s 59 _ 83'* 804 834 Mo KAT 4* 62 B ... 12', 124 124 Mo K A T 1st 4s 90... 24 24 24 Mo KAT 5s 62 A_ 15 14s. 15 Mo Pac 4s 75 _ 1«; Is, Is, Mo Pac 6s 77 F _ 15', 15 15 Mo Pac 5S 77 F ct_ 15 15 15 Mo Pac 5s 80 H _ 154 15', 154 Mo Pac 54s 49 ..111 Mob A Ohio 4 4s 77 ct 34*4 34 34 Mob A Ohio 5s 38 ct 40*, 40*4 40*4 MAO Mont 5s47 ctrs 25*4 25 25 Mont Pwr 34* 66 1014 101*4 1014 Morris A Es 3 4* 2000 40 40 40 Morris A Rs 4 4s 65 32*, 314 314 Mount StTAT 3V;s6S 1084 1084 1084 Nashv C A L 4s 78 —. 65 65 65 Nat Dairy 34s 61... 107 106*4 107 Nat Steel 3s 65 103*4 1034 103*4 New E TAT 44* 61 B 127 125 125 New Or PS 5s 62 A 105 1044 105 New Orl P S 6s 65 B . 104s, 104s, 104s, New Orl TAM 5 4s 64 33 33 33 N Y Central 3 >4* 62 . 56s, 56 66s, N Y Central 3 4s 97.. 80 79*, 79*, N Y Central 34* 46 — 82'4 82', 824 N Y Cent con 4s 98 .. 58', 57*, 57*4 N Y Cent 44s 2013 A. 52*4 514 514 N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 774 57*, 57*4 N Y ChiAStL 44s 78. 55s, 65', 65s, N Y CAStL 64s 74 A. 65s* 65s, 65s, N Y Chi A St L 6s 41 81s* 814 81s, N Y Conn 1st 4 4s 53. 107 107 107 N Y Edison 34s 65 . 1084 1084 1084 N Y Edis ref 3 4s 66. 109V* 109'* 109V* NY NH A H 34s 66.. 13 12s, 12s. NY NH A H 44* 67.. 16s, 16s, 16s, NY NH A H cl 6s 40.. 29 29 29 NY NH AH C¥ 6s 46— 17',i 17Vi 174 N Y Putnam 4s 93 .. 494 49'. 49V* N Y Queens 34s 63 . 109s, 1094 109s, N Y S A W Ter 6s 43. 50 50 50 N Y Steam 34s 63—. 1054 1054 105*8 N Y W A B 4 4 ■ 4 6_ 4 4 4 Niag I. A O 5s 65_ 1084 1084 1084 N'orf Southn 5s 41 _ 70s* 70 70 N’orf Southn 5s 61 ct. 114 11', 114 NorfA W 1st 4s 96 —. 1234 123s, 123s, North Am 3 4*49 ... 1064 106 106 North Am 3s** 64 . 1054 1054 105s, Nor'n Pac gn 3s 2047. 43*. 434 434 Nor'n Pac 4s 97 .. 67", 67s* 67s, Nor'n Pac 4 4 2047—. 484 48 484 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 C— 53 53 53 Norn Pac 5s 2047 D . 534 534 534 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 604 59*, 60 Northn Sta Pw 3 4 67 #094 109', 1094 Ohio Edison 34s 72. 109 108s, 108s, Ohio Edison 4s 65 ... 1074 1074 1074 Ohio Edison 4s 67_ 109 109 109 Okla GAE 34* 66_ 1094 1094 1094 Ont Pwr Niag 5s 43_ 954 954 954 Otis Steel 4 4s 62_ 70 70 70 Pac G A E 34* 61_1114 1114 111'/, Pac G A E 4s 64 ... 1124 112s* 112s, Panhand E T 4s 62 __ 104 104 104 Param Pic 3 4* 47— 86 854 86 Penn Co 4s 63 . 1034 1034 1034 Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A 1004 1004 1004 Penn PAL 3 4s 69 . 108', 1084 1084 Penn PA L 4 4» 74 . 1074 107 1074 Penn RR 34* 52 844 84', 844 Penn RR cn 4s 48 stp 114 114 114 Penn RR 44*1 - 974 974 974 Penn RR 44» *4E .. 974 974 974 Penn RR gn 4 4 * 65 . 1034 1024 1024 Penn RR deb 4 4s 70 894 894 894 Penn RR gen 6s 68 . 1094 109*6 1094 Peoria A E 1st 4s 40 . 704 70 70V* Peo A E 1st 4s 40 cfs. 70 70 70 Pere Marq 5s 66 664 664 664 Phelps Dodge 34* 62 1094 1094 1094 Phila BAW 44s 77 C 1084 1084 1084 Phila Co 6s 67 .. 1064 106'/. 1064 Phila Elec 3 4s 67 .. 110'/* 110 110 Phila RCA Ir6s73_. 14 14 14 Phila R C A Ir 6s 49— 3 3 3 PCCAStL 44* 40 A.. 1004 1004 1004 PCCAStL 44* 63 1— 116 116 116 PlttsAWVa 44s 68 A 54 54 54 PittAW Va«4s60C. 54 54 54 Port Gen El 4 4s 60 . 70 694 694 Portl’d Gen El 6s 50. 106 106 106 Reading Jer C 4s 51.. 514 514 514 Reading R 4 4* 97 A 70 694 70 Reading R 44* 97 B. 694 694 694 Rem R'd 4*/*s 66 ww. 974 974 974 Rep Steel 44s 66 . 984 98 984 Republic Stl 4 4s 61 98s. 974 98s. Saguenay Pw 4 4s 66 734 734 7315 St L IMS RAG 4s 33 .. 59s, 594 59s, StLPAN W 6s48_ 19 19 19 St L Pub Svc 6s 69 .. 65 644 65 St L San Fr 4s 50 ct— 84 84 84 St L-San Fr 4 4s 7* 9s, 94 9s, St L S F ♦ 4s 78 ct st. 84 84 84 St L S W 1st 4s 89 . 634 63 63 St P Un Dep rf 6s 72 115 115 115 San AAA Pass 4s 43 654 654 654 Scioto VaANE 4s 89. 119 119 119 Seab'd A L ref 4s 59.. 24 24 24 Seabd A L con 6s 46— 4 4 4 Shell Un Oil 2 4*64- 97 97 97 Silesian Am 7s 41_ 35 35 35 Skelly 011 3s 60_ 1004 1004 1004 Socony Vac 8s 64- 1044 1044 1044 So Bell TAT 8s 79 ... 104s. 1044 1044 So Bell TAT *4« 62 108'/* 108V* 1084 Southn Cal G 4 4s 61 109 109 109 So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A.. 105 105 105 So Natl G 44* 61_ 1054 1054 1054 So Pac His 46 _ 624 524 624 So Pae col 4s 49_ 394 394 394 So Pac ref 4s 66_ 674 56s* 664 So Pac 44* 6*_ 40 394 39V, So Pac 44s 69_ 394 394 394 So Pae 4 4s SI .. ... 394 394 394 So Pac Oreg 44s?7— 464 46 46 So Ry 4s 66 _ 554 55V* 554 So Ry gen 6s 66_ 72 72 72 So Ry 64s 66 764 76 76 So Ry Mem div 6s 96 75 75 75 S W Bell Tel 3 4* 64. Ill 11041104 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 1044 1044 1044 Swift A Co 34s 50 . 1054 1054 1054 Ter RR As StL 4s 63 1094 1094 1094 Tex Corp 3a 69 .. 1054 1054 1054 Tex A Pac 6s 77 B—_ 68 68 68 Tex A Pac 6s 79 C . 68 68 68 TexAPac 1st 6s 2000. 1064 1064 1064 Third AT 1st 6s 37... 99s* 99s* 99s* Third Avaadl 6s 60 184 184 184 Tide Wat Oil 8 4» 62 1054 1054 1054 Tol St L A W 4S 60 . 624 614 614 Trenton G A H 6s 49. 1224 1224 1224 Un El (Mo) *%s 62 1074 1074 1074 Union Oil (Cal) 3s 69 1024 lr°4 1024 Un Paciflo 3 4a 70_ 974 9. Un Pacific 3 4a U—. 98 |98 98 7\ High. Low Clew. Un Pacific 3 4s *0 A. 1024 1024 1024 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47__ 113 113 118 United Drug 6s St... 834 834 884 US Steel l%s 44_ 1004 1004 1004 Utah Par* L6s44.. 1014 1014 1014 Utah L&T 6s 44 1014 1014 1014 Va El ft V 8 4s 68 F .. 1094 1094 1094 Va Iron C ft C 6s 49.. 484 484 484 Wabash 1st 6s 39 ... 394 394 394 Wabash 2d 5s 39_ 134 134 134 Wabash 6s 76 B .. 64 64 64 Wabash Om 34s 41. 74 74 74 Warner Bros 6s 48 . 81 81 81 Westch L gn 3 4s 67 109 109 109 West Aid 1st 4s 62 84 84 84 West N Y&P gn 4s 43 1074 1074 1074 West Union 4 4* 60 . 63 63 63 West Union 6s 61 .. 65 65 66 West Union 6s 60 . 65 65 65 Wheel Steel 4 4s 66 1024 1024 1024 WIs Cent 1st gn 4s 49 234 224 224 W C 1st gen 4s 49ctfs 214 214 214 WIs El Pw 34s 68 .. 1084 1084 1084 Wis Pub Svc 4s 61... 1094 1094 1094 Gold Imports Drop To $78,684,221, Lowest Since May Slump Is Attributed To Smaller Shipments From Britain By the Associated Press. Gold Imports dropped to $78,684. 221 In the week ended July 31, the lowest for any week since May. In the preceding week, shipments to this country totaled $105,308,975. The slump was attributable pri marily to smaller than usual ship ments from the British Empire. Last week British shipments included $41,535,676 from the United King dom, and $28,983,526 from Canada. Other large consignments were $1,882,646 from Brazil, and $3,737, 131 from Colombia. An indication that the British have drawn on gold already here was found in a statement of the Commerce Department that gold deposited under earmark by foreign governments and central banks in the Federal Reserve System de clined $17,852,156 to $1,761,251.482. Silver imports also were some what under usual amounts, totaling $990,437. including $249,422 from Canada, and $491,422 from Mexico. Gold exports amounted to $500 and silver exports $3,726. New York Colton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 6—Hedging and wire house selling were in suffi cient volume today to satisfy limited demand for cotton futures. Reports from Washington indicat ing a loan announcement might be expected later in the week, at around the same rate as prevailed last year, brought in some local sell ing. Traders have been expecting an increase of as much as 34 of a cent. A gulf storm approaching the cotton belt also was a factor. Midafternoon prices ruled 2 to 3 points lower. October, 9.36; Decem ber. 9.26; May, 8.85. Futures closed 3 to 5 lower Open. High. Low. Close October . _ _ _ 9.37 9.39 9.33 9.34 December_ 9 27 9.29 9.23 9.25 January_ 9 14n March _ 9.07 9 08 9.04 9 05 May _____ 8.87 8.88 8 84 8.85 July 8 67 8,67 8 64 8 64 Middling, spot, 10.26n. off 5. n Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures broke into .tew low ground today. All deliveries sold below the 6-cent level under lloulda tlon. local pressure and an indifferent demand inspired by easiness in grains and lard. Final prices were 6 to 8 points lower. Sales totaled 129 contracts. Sep tember. 5.77b: Octcber. 5 78b: December, 5.81: January. 5.83b. March. 5.90. b—Bid New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 6 iF —Forecast of an immediate German attack on the English apparently was responsible for a small decline in cotton futures here to day Closing prices were steady. 1 point net lower. Open. High. Low. Cloae. October _ 9 41 9.41 9.37 9.37b December _ 9 29 9 29 9.28 9.28b January _9.17b 9.13b March _ 9.09 9 09 9.08 9 08b May _ 8.90 8.90 8.89 8 89 July _ 8.68b_ 8.67b b—Bid. Short-Term Securities (Reported by Smith. Barney A Co.! Bid. Offer. Ala Gt 8outh “A” 5s 43._ 109% 110% Alleghany Corp Cv 5s 44 ._ 83% 85 Am Tel it Tel 5%« 43 _ 106 107 Austin A Northwest 5s 41 _ 91% 98 Central Foundry 6s 41 __ 102% Sentral of Georgia 5s 42 _ _ 54% hicago Union Sta 4s 44 _ 105 106 Childs Co 5s 43 __ 40 41 Colo Fuel & Iron 5s 43 _ 103'/, 103% Conn A Passumnslc 4s 43 _ 90% 92 Cuba North Rys 5%s 42 17 17% Delaware A Hudson 4s 4.3 48% 50 Fed Light A Traction 6s 42 102 103% Grand Rap A Ind 4%s 41 _ 103 103% Inti Hydro-Elec 6s 44 47% 48 Inti Merc Marine 6s 41 57% 62 Laclede Oas Light 5s 42 84 84% Lake Erie A West 5s 41 _ 90% 93% Val Term R» 5s 41 __ 45% 47% Liggett A Myers 7s 44 123% 124% N Y Cent A Hudson 4s 42 92 92% N Y A Lone Branch 4s 41 __ 25 72 Norfolk A Southern 5s 41__ 71 74 Pennsylvania Co 3%s 41_lol Penn-DIxie Cement 6s 41_100% 101 Penna R R Co 4s 43 _107% Peoples G L A C 6s 43 112 114 Phila. Balt A Wash 4s 43 109% 109% Studebaker Corp 6s 45 _ 97 Texas A N Orleans 5s 43 76 Union Oil of Calif 6s 42 _ 109% 109% Utah Pow A Light 5s 44._ 101 lOl** Warren Bros 6s 41 __ 33 36 Western N Y A Pa 4s 43 _ 107% 108 Foreign Markets LONDON. Aug. A (4*1—The securities market wavered today after an early try at stability. British government bonds held a Dart of morning gains but at the finish were headed downward. Industrial leaders ended with mixed price changes, with electrical equipment and department store shares most favored. Domestic rails, especially Junior stocks, weakened and canceled initial advances. Kaffirs and other minlna shares fluctu ated within narrow limits. Japanese is sues made a better showing in view of the apparent relaxing of tension between London and Tokio. Liverpool cotton futures moved up 4 to K points today. Only light buying orders were sufficient to boost prices, since selling was confined largely to small hedging. — —" ■■■ ■ ■ * New York Sugar NEW YORK. Aug. A t/p\.—Liquidation depressed both world and domestic sugar futures today. Demand was limited iargely to short covering World futures continued to sag and again established new lows for the life of the contract. September traded at .83 and December. .88. Domestic futures met slightly increas ing hedge pressure. September was 1.73 and January. 1.79. Raws were steady but quiet and gen erally offered at 2.70 cents. Refined locally remained 4.20-35 cents a pound. Futures No. 3 closed unchanged to 2 lower. Sales, 11,500 tons. _ . High. Low. Last. September _ 1.75 1.73 1.73b January - 1.80 1.78 1.79b March _ __ 1.85 1.84 1.83b No. 4 futures 3 to 4Va lower. Sales, 4.550 tons. September _ .8S'/4 .80',i .SO'-ib December _ .90 .85 i* ,85b March - .94 .90Vi .90b Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Aug. 0 (IP).—Poultry live. 44 trucks: hens and Leghorn chickens easy, balance steady; hens. 5 pounds and under 14 >4: springs. 4 pounds up. White Rock. 2014; other prices unchanged. Potatoes, arrivals. 30: on track. 120: total U. S. shipments. 232: supplies light; demand very light: for Western stocks, all varieties, market slightly stronger: for Nebraska Cobblers market firm. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1, 2.35: Idaho Bliss Triumphs. D. 8. No. 1. 1.80; Idaho long whites. U. 8. No. 1. 2.05: Oregon Bliss Triumphs. U. 8. No. 1, 1.76: Nebraska Cobblers, good quality, 1.2714-1.45. London Money Rates LONDON, Aug. 0 <4>i.—Money, 1 per cent. Discount rates: Short bills 1 1-32 per cent; 3-month bills. 1 1-32-1 1-18. 1 Pressure Continues On Commodity Prices In Weekly Period Livestock, Agricultural Products Show Declines; Six Remain Unchanged Special Dispatch to The Star. AUBURNDALE, Mass., Aug. 6.— Commodity prices continued under pressure during the week ended Au gust 2. The Index of All Commodi ties, compiled by the McGill Com modity Service of Aubumdale, Mass., declined to 68.7, as against 60.1 a week earlier and 73.5 at the begin ning of the year. Weakness during the last week was the rseult of lower prices for livestock and agri cultural commodities. Industrial commodities generally remained un changed during the week. Of the 14 commodity groups comprising the index three advanced and six re mained unchanged. The industrial index remained stable during the week. Advances in fuels, non-ferrous metals and paint materials were exactly bal anced by declines in hides and leather, fine textiles and vegetable oils. The agricultural index declined to 57.7 from 58.7 a week earlier. In this group lower prices for cotton, potatoes, wool, sugar and flaxseed more than offset minor strength in wheat, corn, oats, barley, rye and butter. The livestock index also dropped off during the week as lower prices for cattle and lambs offset a small increase in hog prices. The index for fuels was slightly higher. In this group most items were unchanged, but a small ad vance was reported in coke prices. The hides and leather index dropped off rather sharply, as weak ness developed in hides, calfskins, union sole and side upper leather. The non-ferrous metals index, re versing its recent trend, worked somewhat higher during the week. Strength wras attributable mainly to an advance in copper prices, al though tin also advanced during the week. Declines were noted in aluminum and quicksilver. The index for paint materials ad vanced sharply. Higher prices for chinawood oil. turpentine and rosin offset a drop in linseed oil. The fine textiles index was some what weaker, due to lower cotton, silk and wool. Vegetable oils also dropped off, as lower prices for coconut, cotton seed and linseed offset minor strength in chinawood and olive oil. Australia Seeking Caches for Dollars In an effort to find much-needed United States credit the Australian government may authorize the search of safe deposits for dollar*. A movement with this end in view started recently in Sydney when it was learned that refugees and other aliens were well sup plied with dollars. One refugee offered to sell 75.000 United States dollars, but was holted by legal restrictions. While it is not an offense for any one in Australia possessing dollars to try to sell them, it is illegal to buy them. Moreover, it is illegal to take them out of the country. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Aug. 6 i/Pv—Hogs moved steady today with a few spots 8 to 10 cents lower on medium weights and heavy Butchers. The top was $6 55 Cattle were strong to 55 cents higher and lambs 10 to 15 cents higher Hog receipts totaled 16,000 with 4 000 direct to packers. Best wholesale pork loins remained at 18 cents a pound. Fed steers and yearlings were strong to 55 cents higher, heifers, cows and bulls. 10 to 15 cents up. and vealers. 55 cents higher. Trade was very active on both local and outside accounts. An unusually small supply of grass steers shared the advance on both Stocker and killer ac counts. An extreme toD of $11.90 was paid for three loads of long fed steers with weight. (United States Department of Agricul ture Salable hogs. 15.01(0; total. 16.00(1; uneven: mostly steady with Monday’s av erage; few spots. 5-io lower on medium weights and heavy butchers, good and choice. 190-540 6.55-50 generally: top 6 55: 540-570-pound butchers 6.on.50 load 570-300 oounds 5 65-6 10: 300-330 pounds. 5.5(1-75: smooth packing sows. 360 pounds. 5.15-50: few. 5.60: most 560-450 oound sows. 4.55-5.55: heavier kinds. 4.55 50. Salable cattle. 0 000: calves. 1 000: an other active market strong to 25 higher on fed steers and yearlings- 10-15 up on red heifers, cows ami bulls: vealers 25 hieher: trade very active on both local ou*side accounts: practically every thing well absorbed on early round: un usually small supplies grass steers here: these sharing advance on both Stockers nnd killer accounts: extreme top. 11.90: paid for three loads long fed st*«rs witb weight: next highest orice. 11.85. 1.030-pound yearlings, 11.75; very few fed steers under 10.00: grfissv and short ted offerings. 7.25 9.-5. according to qualitv and condition; best heifers. 11.00: weightv cutter cows, to 5.25- medium to aood grass fat native cows. 7.00: dry fed. R.oo and better: weightv sausage bulls to 7.15: practical &p«.700: v«l«rs 25 higher at 9 75 10 25; very few. 10.50 Salable sheep, 4.000: total. 4 500: late Monday, spring Iflmbs mostly 15-25 high er: plainer kinds showing less advance: best Westerns. 9.00: bulk. 8.H0-90: few down to 8.35: sorted natives. 8.85; small lots. 8.75 down: throwouts. 0.50 down; medium to good fed yearlings. 0.75-7.00: today’s trade, fairly active: spring lambs and yearlings. 10-15 higher: one deck bes* Washington springers. 0.10: bulk Westerns. 8 75. medium to good kind. 8.50 sorted: good to choice native springers. 8.85-9.00: throwouts largelv fl.5o down: one deck good 90-pound yearlings. 7.50: better kind hel* higher: small lots fat native ewes. 2.25 and better: with bulk supply. 2 00-3 00- one double Western feeding lamb 7.nn strong weights, West erns. upward to 8 00. Dividends Announced NEW YORK Aug. 6 (Ah.—Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co. Initial. Pe- Stock of P«y , Rate r(od. record, able. Ohio Seamless Tube . 50c 8-15 9-3 Surf Inlet Cons Gold Mines Ltd .015 _ 8-18 9-18 Extra. Shaeffer W A Pen Co. 25c. _ 8-15 8-28 Std Oil Co of Calif „ 25e 8-18 9-18 Accumulated. New England Pub Svc S7 or L pf _87V»e_8-31 9-18 Do S3 or L pf ... 75c _. 8-31 9-18 ■educed. K C Stk Yds of Me . 50e __ 7-26 8-1 ■egalar Barber W H Co_ 25c Q 8-31 9-15 Bloch Bros Tob_37M,c O 8-10 8-15 Do of ... *1.60 Q 9-25 9-30 Boyertown Burial Casket Co 25c Q 8-22 9-3 Brunswick Balke Col 51 9-5 9-18 Do pf 51.25 Q 9-20 10-1 Coca-Cola Co _ _ 75e 9-12 10-1 Col & Aikman Coro 25c __ f-20 9-3 Gaylord Corn Corp 26c 8-30 9-16 Inti Nickel Co of Can 50c Q 8-31 9-30 Masonite Corp .. 25c Q 8-14 8-26 Matson Navigation 30c Q 8-10 8-15 Moore Drop Fora A 51.50 Q 7-22 8-1 Shaeffer W A Pen Co 50c Q 8-15 8-26 Scars Roebuck ft Co 76c Q 8-15 9-10 Freight Loadings NEW YORK. Aut. 6 (Ah.—Revenue frelrht earloadlnts handled on railroads reporting today for the week ended August 3 Included: Prev. Year Aug. 3. Week. Ago. Erie _ 24.047 24,311 22.78B Santa Fe_ 23.707 24,736 23,894 Northwestern . 29.308 28.835 28,602 IllinolA Central . 29.104 28,497 27.460 Missouri Paeifle. 20,888 21.168 19.934 New Haven 20,711 20,399 20,046 N. Y. Central and leased lines . 81.834 80.852 71.250 Southern Paeifle 37.585 36.380 38.218 Southern Railway 38.119 38.040 34.943 8t. Paul_ 27,074 26.305 27,774 i NEW YORK CURB MARKET •» imin wire IIthi to The Star. Stock and BsJee— Dividend Rate Add 00. Rich. Low Clew. Aero Sup(B) .26e 5 54 614 614 Alum Co Am (2e) 200* 16114 160 160*. Am Capital (A).. 1 114 14 114 Am Capital (B)._ 2 4 4 4 Am Cynam B <0. 4 33*4 33 33 Am Export.60* 6 12 1114 12 Am GAE1 pf 4.76 26* 11114 1111* HIV. Am General 5 3 3 3 Am Hard Rubber 60s 15 15 15 Am LtATrao 1.20 3 1414 1414 1414 Am Republics . 4 6 6 6 Am Superpower. 8 & *4 i Am Superp’r let. 650* 72 7m 72 Ark Net Uaa<A i 1 214 214 214 Ark PA Lpf <7). 10* 91** 91** 91»« Ashland OAR .40 2 44* 4** 44 AssoGAE IA)(r) 14 4 4 Atlas Corp war.. 6 14 # Automat Prod... 2 114 114 1'4 Aviation A Tran* 4 2*4 2*4 2*4 Babcock A W.SO* 10 26 25 26 Baldwin Lo war 2 5*4 5*4 64* Basic Dot (.26e). 16 5 5 Bath Iron <.26e). 24 14*a 1414 1414 Beech Aircraft... 6 4 4 4 Ball Aircraft .. 6 16V* 16 16 Ball Tel Can <*)_ 10* 964 9614 9614 Bliaa lEBl ... 2 1314 13V* 1314 Bowman-Bilt_ 1 V* V* 14 Brasilian TrLAP 2 3!» 3l» 314 Braaxe Corp .60*. 1 6V* 5V* 614 Brewster Aero 3 9** 94 9** Brld*p t Machine 1 1** 1** 1*« Brlt-Am O r* (1) 5 11V* 11 11 Brown PAW.. 1 2*4 2*4 2*4 Brown For Dlst.. 1 114 114 114 Brown Rubber .. 1 m 1*4 1*4 B NAEP ot 1 <0 _ 3 20*. 20V, 201. B NAEP 1st IS) 60s 99** 99** 99** Bunker Hill .75e. 1 104 101-4 10'/« Cable Elec Prod.. S H H Callite Tung .20.. 1 2 2 2 Can Mhi w 04* 3 14 14 '4 CatUn (Am) ,10e. 2 2*. 24 2*4 Celan pic pf t7a» 75*121 121 121 Cent N V P» pf 6 10* 994 9914 994 Cent Ohio Stl.SOe 1 81a 8!4 814 Cent St E 6% pf 75* 1*. m m Child* pf .100* 11 11 11 Cities Service .. 5 6*4 64 5*4 Cities Service pf 1 68*4 6814 68V, Cities Svc P A Lt pf (6) .15k . 10* 8914 89'4 894 Clav Elec 111 (2a) 60s 38 38 38 Col Fuel A 1 war. 2 414 414 414 Colts Pat F A (2) 60s 78 78 78 Col G A E pf (6) 25* 64 64 64 Columb Oil A Gas 4 1*4 1'4 1*4 Conn Tel A Else. 11 *4 4 4 Consol MAS lie). 60s 21*4 21*4 214 Con* Steel Corp.. 1 6V* 64 51* Copper Kang* . 100s 314 34 34 Corroon A Reyn 1111 Corr'nARpf 4.50k 30s 654 654 654 Creole Petr 6Ua 1 13 13 13 Crocker-Wheeler 1 34 34 3'4 Crown Cent Petr. 1 24 24 24 Crown Drug 05e 3 14 14 14 Dennis n pr Of 3# 25* 25 25 25 Derby Oil pf(2k) 10* 34 34 34 Diam d Shoe (2) 25* 214 214 214 uismiea Etquors 1 Is, 14 14 Dlvco Twin T..5* 1 64 64 64 Eagle Pich L .10* 1 84 84 84 Eatt’n Gas*Fuel 12 2 2 Eaetn G*F 6 Dt 400* 204 204 20V* Eaatn Mall Iron. 60s 9 9 9 £leo Bond ft 8b . 18 54 54 54 Eleo B ft 8 pf (6) 1 634 634 634 ! Elec B ft S pf <•> 5 72 71 72 Elec PAL 2d pf A 60s 154 154 154 : Emerson Electric 1 34 34 34 ' EmpGftFS% pf. 10s 724 724 724 1 Equity Corp 3 ft ft ft Equity Corp J3pf 325* 204 20 20 • Esquire t.Sui .. l 34 34 34 j Fairchild E ft A 2 44 44 44 I Fanny Farm 1.60 100s 21 21 21 | Fiat rets <.978g). 1 11 11 11 j Fideiio Brew 9 ft ft ft , Ford (Can IA11).. 1 104 10V* 104 I Gen FireDrf .80* 1 154 154 154 • Gen Out Ad pf (6) 10s 75 75 75 Gen Share pf(6h) 10s 65 65 65 Ga Power pf 16). 25s 964 964 964 Glen Aid C 375e 2 84 84 84 Gorham Mfg(2e) 1 244 244 244 GAAP 1st pf (7) 25a 1274 1274 1274 Grt Nor Pap (le) 150s 444 43 43 Gulf Oil of Pad) 4 29V* 29 29 Hall Lamp (le) . I 84 84 84 Hartford El 2.93. 25s 674 67V* 674 Hecla Min ,20e . 2 44 44 44 Helena Hi AMI) 150s 94 94 94 Heller pf xw 1.75 50* 25 25 25 Heller pf ww 1.75 100* 25 25 25 Hoe( R )* Co A 1 94 94 94 Holophane (.75*) 2 12 12 12 ! Hubbell (H) 1.80 50s 164 164 164 | Humble Oil ,75e. 3 63 524 624 j lll-la Power Df . 2 25 25 25 Imp OH Ltd 60a. 2 64 64 64 I Ind Svo 7% pf . 10s 154 154 154 i In* Co N Am 2a 60s 64 64 64 I lnt PaftPwr war 16 34 24 24 ! lat Petrolm 1.50 6 104 10 10 ' lnt Vitamin (.30) 11 44 44 44 Interst Home.80a 1 84 84 84 1 Inv Royalty (.04) 14 4 V* 4 Iron Fire vtc 1.20 310s 15 15 15 Irvine Air Ch (1) 3 144 144 144 Ital Superpwr A. 14 4 4 J*r CPAL of (8). 20s 984 984 984 Jones ft Lau Stl. 4 224 22 22 Kingston Prod... 1 14 14 14 Koppers of (8) 30* 78V* 784 784 Kreuger Brew 60 6 54 64 54 Lakey Fdrv ft M. 1 34 34 34 Lane-Wells (la). 3 94 94 94 Lehigh Coal ... 2 24 24 24 Lon* Star .40*._ 1 94 94 94 Long Island Ltg 4 ft ft ft Long (sl Lt pf B 175s 34 334 34 Ludwig-Bau pf _ 100s 22 22 22 Me Will msDredg 3 5 5 5 Massey-Harris 2 2 2 2 M ft M pt pf (2a) 100s 27 27 27 Merr-Chao AS 14 4 4 Merr-Ch ft S pf A 25s 694 694 694 Mesabl Iron _. 1 4 4 4 Mich Bumber_ 1 ft ft ft Mich Sugar ... 1 4 4 4 Mid West Corp 3 6 6 6 Minn MAS 1.20e 75s 564 564 564 Molybdenum .60* 2 7 64 7 Monarch M 1.5Ue 1 394 394 394 Mount City C 7 24 24 24 Mount Prod (.60) 1 5V« 54 54 Nat Bella Hess .4 ft ft ft Nat Fuel Gas (1) 3 104 104 104 Nat Oil Prod .50e 1 344 344 344 Nat P ft L pi 16) 125s 904 90 904 Nat Tea pf 25* 7'* 74 74 New Haven Clock 1 44 44 44 NJ Zinc (2e) ... 100s 59 59 59 NT P ft Lt pf (8) 30* 1054 1054 1054 NT ShlpD g fd ah 1 184 184 184 N 7 Transit .25*. 1 54 64 54 Nlag Hudson Pw 5 44 44 44 Nor Am Lt ft Pwr 2 4 tt (4 North'n Sta P (A) 1 94 94 94 Ogden Corp a'tlon 7 34 34 34 Ohio Brass B le. 100s 214 204 21 Ohio OH pf (61 50* 1004 1004 1004 Ohio Pwr pf (6). 40* 1154 115 1154 Ohio PS 1st (6) 50* 1064 1054 1054 Okla Nat Q pf (3) 50s 484 484 484 Pee Gas8%pfl 60 5 334 334 33V* Pender Gr A 3.60 10s 46 46 46 Pennroad 12 2 2 2 Pa Cent Airlines 3 16 154 16 Pharls T&R 30*. 3 44 44 44 Phi la Co (.45*) _ 1 64 64 64 Phillip* Packing 14 4 4 Phoenix Secur pf 100s 294 29 29 Pttney-Bowes .40 1 64 64 64 Pitta* LE (2*) 190s 614 61 61 Pitta Plate G(2e) 2 82 82 82 Pleasant VW 05# 4 2 2 2 Potrero Sugar 1 ft ft ft Powdrall ft A .20* 1 34 34 34 Premier Gold 12 4 4 ft 4 Press Matals .60s 17 7 7 Producers Corp 1 ft ft ft Pb Svo Ind S6 pf 75s 424 414 424 PugSd *5pf 2.50k 25s 81 81 81 Puget Sd P ** pf 300* 23 22 224 Radlo-K-Or wi.. 1 ft ft ft Republic Avlat’n 1 44 44 44 Roch GAE pf D 6 60s 104 104 104 Root Petroleum 1 14 14 14 Rustless I&S ,20a 3 114 114 114 Ryeraon H - 1 4 4 4 8t Regia Paper . 3 24 24 24 St Regis Pap pf.. 26s 62 62 62 Savoy Oil_ 14 4 4 Segai Lock 8 4 4 4 Sel Ind pr pf (.50 100s 44 44 44 Simmons H ft P 8 6 5 6 Singer Mfg (6) . 30s 105 1044 105 So Penn 011 1.(0 2 324 324 324. S C Ed pfC 1.275. 1 284 284 284 Stand C ft S (0*. 16 6 6 Stand Invest pf._ 1 84 84 84 Stand Pwr ft Lt.. 29 4 4 4 Stand Prod .75#.. 1 74 74 74 Sterchi Bros.. .. 2 24 24 24 Sterl’g Alum .40* 2 74 74 74 Sterling Brew... 3 14 14 14 Stetson (J B) 25s 34 84 34 Sun Ray D (.80*) 1 94 9V* 94 Sunray 011 05* . 1 14 14 14 TayIor(Ky)Dist 26 14 14 14 Technicolor .60# 8 94 94 .94 Thew Shovel ,50e 50s 174 174 174 Tob ft All Stks le 100s 60 50 50 v t ■tnck and Sale*— Dividend Rate Add 00. Rich. Low. Cloee. ToddShlpyd 1.76* 210s 70 66 70 Trannwest OU 2 2*4 2*4 2*4 Trt Conti war 8 ft ft ft TubizeChxt A.2e 100s 28*4 28*4 28*4 Udyllta ( 20e) _ 2 44» 4*4 4*4 Unaxcallcd Mff 12 2 2 Unit Alrc t P 10a 4 12’4 12*4 12*4 Unit Cfr Whelan 4 ft ft ft United Gas .. 7 1*4 1'4 1*4 Unit LAP i B).. 2 ft ft ft Unit LtftPwr pf 8 28*« 28*4 28*4 Unit Spec ( 50e). 2 644 8*4 6*4 USKoil iB) 2 4*4 4*4 4*4 U 8 Linas pt- 1 2V4 2*4 2*4 U 8 Radiator 10 1 1 1 Unit Wall Paper. 2 1*4 1*4 l*. UnlvCorpvtc _ 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 Utah Idaho Su*_. 1 1*4 1*4 1*« Valspar Corp 2 1*4 114 1'4 Van N'orm'n 1.20e 60s 27*» 27*» 27*4 Vultea Aircraft.. 17 7 7 Waco Aircraft .. 2 4 4 4 Wichita Rlv Oil. 1 6*4 6*4 6*4 r In Bankruptcy or receivership or belns reorganised under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such compsnlee Rttes of dividends in the forexolnx table are annual dlaburtemente based on the last ouartsrly or semi-annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted, epeclal or extra dividends are not Included, a Also extra or extras d Accumulated dividends paid last year e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable In etock t Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividends paid or declared thla rear ur Under rule ww with warrants iw Without warrants war Warrant* Washington Produce BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 30*4; 1 pound prints. 31 '/.-pound prints. 31‘/j; 93 score, tubs. 29*4: 1-pound prints, 30. '4-pound prints, .'loti 91 score, tubs. 29*2, 1-pound prints. 30; '.-pound prints. 30*2: 90 score tubs. 281. 1-pound prints. 383.; '.-pound prints 39'/.; 89 score, tubs. 28*4; 1-pound prints. 39: '.-pound prints. 39'/4; 88 score, tubs. 38: l-pound prints, 38*4: ‘/.-pound prints. 39. LIVESTOCK—Calves. 8. spring lambs. 8*4. pigs, 130-130 pounds 3.00-3.50; 130-140 pounds. 3.75-3.90: 140-150 pounds 4 00-4 25 150-180 pounds 4.90 5.10; 170-310 pounds. 5 00-5.36; 310 34o pounds 4.00-4 35: 350-300 pounds, 3.75-4.05: sows. 3.00-3 50; calves, 10.25 10.50: lambs. 9.50-9.75. * EGOS—Market firm. Prices paid Fed eral-State graded eggs received from grad ing stations 'August 6): whites. U. S. extras, large, 25-37; U. S extras mediums 30-2.3: U. S. standards large. 21-23 U. S standards, mediums. 17-20: U. S trades 14-17. Browns. U. S. extras, large. 24-27; U. S. extras, mediums. 19-23: U S. stand ards large. 20-23: U. S standards, me diums. 1,-19: U. S trades. 14-17. For nearby ungraded eggs, current receipts, whites, 16-17; mixed colors. 15-16. LIVE POULTRY—Market firm. Fowl, colored, all sixes. 15-16; No. 2s. 11-12: Leghorn hens. 11-12. Roosters. 8-9. Chickens. Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 18: No. 2s, 12. Delaware Rocks and crosses broilers and fryers all sizes. 17: No. 2s. 11. Leghorn broilers all sizes. 14. Mixed colored chickens 14-15. Volume of Commercial Paper Off $10,000,000 By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, August 6 —The vol ume of commercial paper outstand ing at the end of June totaled $224 100.000, according to reports of dealers to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, This compares with $234,200,000 a month earlier but Is substantially greater than the $180, 700.000 outstanding a year ago. The prevailing rate for average grade prime 4 to 6 months com mercial paper remained at a range of *2 to *» per cent during July, the bank said, with transactions also being consummated at per cent in notes of concerns rated as being among the choicest of com mercial risks. Income of American Business Credit Up Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. August 6.—American Business Credit Corp. reports net income of $300,648 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1940, as com ! pared with a net income of $129,882 ; for the previous fiscal year. Gross cumulative volume of busi ness written during the year ended June 30, 1940 (including reserves), amounted to $58,876,552, compared with $21,087,869 for the previous fiscal year. Capital and surplus at June 30. 1940, totaled $4,065,146, compared with $2,623,017 at the be ginning of the fiscal year. New York Bank Stocks Rise Moderately in July NEW YORK. Aug. 6 (Special).— New York City bank stocks rose moderately during July, in further extension of their recovery from 1940 lows, Hoit, Rose & Troster report. Weighted average of 17 leading issues opened July 1 at month's low of 42.78 and reached month's high of 45.38 on July 16. At this point, the average was 21 per cent above 1940 low of 37.53 on May 21. Close July 31 was steady at 44.81. thus netting a 4‘2 per cent gain for the month. Richmond Terminal Acts To Refund 5% Bonds The Richmond Terminal Railway Co. applied to the Interstate Com merce Commission today for author ity to issue and sell $3,150,000 of 3s, per cent first mortgage bonds in connection with the redemption of $3,233,000 of outstanding 5 per cent bonds. Subject to I. C. C. approval, the company has sold the new bonds to Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. at 104 per cent of par plus interest from September 1, 1940. to the date of delivery. The company proposes to call the outstanding 5 per cent bonds at par on January 1, 1941. Manufacturing Orders Up 11 Per Cent in June Edward J. Noble, Undersecretary of Commerce, announces a survey showing that manufacturers of va rious lines booked 11 per cent more orders in June than in May. June orders, he said, were twice as much as in February and about 60 per cent more than in June, 1939. The rise, he added, accounted for a 7 per cent increase in the volume of unfilled orders. Castings Output Gains Production of commercial steel castings, the Census Bureau says, increased to 358.787 short tons in the first half of 1940, compared with 236,378 short tons in the first six months of 1939. New York Rubber NEW YORK. Aug 8 ifPi.—Crude rubber future* closed 8 higher to 2 lower. Sales, No. l standard, 24 contracts. _ , . High. Low. Last. SeDtember ... .... 19.70 lp.rn 19.86b December _ 19.29 19.25 19 28 MaJch, .. J 19,00 18.98n Smoked ribbed, spot, 19.87n. b Bid. n Nominal. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK, Aug. 6 C/P).—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4s July, 1948-44_110% 111 3%8 May. 1955-45_106% 106% 3s July. 1955-45_105% 105% 3s Jan.. 1956-46_105% 106% 3s May. 1956-46_105% 106% Mount Parnassus in Greece was the legendary home of Apollo. Tobacco Markets \ Open This Week On Dark Outlook ;' Near-Record Supply and \ Poor Export Prospects Face Auctions This Year By the Associated Press. First American tobacco markets of the season open this week with prospects clouded by a poor export outlook and a near-record supply. Auctioneers will start their sales chants Thursday at markets in Georgia and Florida, the Southern border of the flue-cured belt. Concerned over a sharp drop in exports last season as a result of the European war. Agriculture De partment officials awaited the open ings to see what kind of pi ices buy ers would offer for the new crop. The price offers, they said, may have an important bearing upon proposed Government loans to pro ducers on surpluses. The Agriculture Department said the new marketing season for flue cured tobacco would open with a supply of more than 2,000,000 pounds on hand, or about the same as the record of the last season. Crop con ditions on July 1 indicated a flue cured crop of 677.000,000 pounds. This is about 480,000,000 pounds less than the record 1939 crop, but the decrease in current production was almost offset by an estimated in crease of about 465,000,000 pounds in the surplus from past crops. American stocks of flue-cured to bacco on July 1 were officially esti mated at 1,410.000,000 pounds. Of this amount, 161.881)000 pounds were being held by the Commodity Credit Corp. for the option of British man ufacturers. Whether the options will be taken up is not known. The principal cause of the in crease in domestic stocks, officials said, was a sharp decrease in Brit ish purchases. Exports to the United Kingdom during the last season to taled only 97,000,000 pounds, com pared with normal exports of ap proximately 200,000,000 pounds. The British imposed a virtual embargo on the product in a move to con serve buying power in this country for war materials. All exports of flue-cured tobacco totaled 252.000.000 pounds, compared with 362,000,000 in the previous sea son. "No immediate improvement in the export situation as a whole is likely,” the department said. The department hopes, however. • that British purchases will be larger this season. It said that the United Kingdom, in order to maintain nor mal consumption, would require at least 140.000,000 pounds annually of flue-cured tobacco from the United States. _ Two Mail Order Houses Report Heavy Sales Gains By the Associated Press. I CHICAGO, Aug. 6.—Sears, Roe I buck & Co, today reported sales | for the month of July totaled $51,351,896, as compared with $43 - 941,139 for the same month a year ; ago, an increase of $7,410,757, or 16.9 per cent. I Sales for the six months period from February through July amount ed to $328,749,926. as compared with $296,226,587 for the corresponding : 1939 period, an increase of $32,523. 339, or 11 per cent. Montgomery Ward & Co. reported that July sales were $37,212,720, as ; compared with $33,451308 for the same month a year ago, an Increase of $3,761,212, or 11.24 per cent. Sales for the six months from February through July were $241, 450.081. as compared with $219,365. 339 for the corresponding 1939 period, an increase of $22,084,742, or 10.07 per cent. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC. High Low. Close. Ala Power os 56 _1044 1044 1044 Am P A L 6s 2016 1024 1024 1024 Appalach E P 4s 63... 1084 1084 108s* Ark P A L 5s 56 _ 1064 1064 106V* As El Ind 4 4s 53_ 494 494 494 As G A E 44s 49 ... 15 15 15 As G A E 5s 50_ 154 144 144 As G A F 5s 68 _ 15V* 144 144 Bald Loco 6s 50 _1154 115 115 Bell Tel C 5s 51 B ... 994 994 994 Beth Steel Hs 98 _ I5n 149V, 1494 Bi m El 44s 68 ... 99 984 99 Birming Qas 5s 59_ 994 09 994 Can Nor Pwr 5s 53_ 754 75 4 754 Cent St El 54s 54 ... 334 324 324 Cen St PAL 54s 53 .. 75 4 75 4 754 Chi Rys 5s 27 cod ... 47 454 454 Cities Svc 5s 5o _ 784 78 78V* Cities Svc 5s 58 77 77 77 Cit S PAL 54s 52_ Su 854 854 Cit S PAL 54s 49_ 874 87 87 Comnty PAL 5s 57.. 984 974 974 Cons GELAP 3s 69 . 107 107 107 Cons G Util 6s 43 st... 9ft 89 894 Cont G A E 5s 58 A _ 92 91 4 91 4 East G A F 4s 56 A _ 79 4 79 4 794 El Pw A Lt 5s 2030 .. 834 S3’, 834 Emp Dis El 5s 52 _ 104’, 104’, 1044 Florida PAL 5s 54 ... 104V* 1034 104 Gatineau P 34s 69 . _ 66 65’, 66 Gary EAG 5s 44 st .1004 1004 1004 Gen Pub Ut 64s 56 _ 984 98 4 98 V* Gen W WAE 5s 43 A __ 100 4 1004 1004 Georgia Pw 5s 67 ... 1064 1064 1064 Glen Aiden Cl 4s Bo... 72 4 72 4 724 Grn Moun P 34s 63... 1044 104V, 104'* Houston G 64s 43 ... 109'* 109', 109', Di Pw A Lt 54s 57. ._ 98 974 974 111 Pw A L 54s 54 B _ 1054 106’, 1054 111 Pw A L 5s 56 C .. 1044 104’, 1044 Indiana Svc 5s 50 A_ 74 4 74', 74V, Indianan Gas 5s 52 __ 90 894 894 Inti Pw Sec 7s 52 F 25 24 4 24 4 Interst Pw 5s 57_ 62 614 614 Interst Pw 6s 62 _ ... 38’, 384 38-4 Ital Su Pw 6s 63 A .. 37 37 37 L 8 Dist P 34s 66 A 107 107 107 Lone Is Lt Hs 45 104’, 104 4 104 4 La Pw A Lt 5s 57_106’, 106’, 1064 Mil GAE 44s 67 _1034 1034 1034 Minn PAL 44s 78_ 103 103 103 Miss Pow 5s 55 _ 1044 1044 1044 Nass A Su L 5s 45 ... 1004 1004 1004 Nat P A L Hs 2026 A. . 1124 1124 1124 Nat P A L 5s 2030 B _ 106’,, 1064 1064 Nevad Cal El 5s 56 ... 73 72 73 New E GAE 5s 47_ 66 654 654 * New E GAE 5s 5ft..„ 64’, 644 64 4 New E Pw 54s 54 . . 100 994 100 New Or PS 6s 49 A___ 1024 1024 1024 NY PaAOhio 4 4s 50... 95 4 95 4 954 Nor A LAP 54s 56 . 1014 1014 1014 Northw P S 5s 57 A___ 1054 1064 1054 Ohio Power 3‘,s 68. . 108 101’, 108 Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62... 1074 1074 1074 Psc G A E Hs 41 B .... 1064 1084 1064 Pac P A L 5s 55 934 93 934 • Penn C LAP 44s 77... 1034 103 1034 Penn Elec 5s 82 H... 1074 1074 1074 Penn P Svc 6s 47 C_ 1074 107 107 Peon GLAC 4s 61 D.._ 994 984 984 Peop GLAC 4s 81 3... 974 97V, 974 Phila Rap T 6s 62_101 101 101 Pitts Steel Hs 48 _102V* 102V* 1024 Portld GAC 5s 40_ 82V, 82 4 824' Port GAC 5s 40 cfs ... 90 00 90 Potomac E 44s 61 F ._ 1084 1084 1084 Potomac E 5s 56 E... 10841084 1084 Pub S Okie 4s 86 A_1064 1064 106V, Pug 8d PAL 54s 49... 994 994 994 Pug S PAL 5s 50 C—. 964 964 964 Pu S PAL 44s 60 D... 94 93V* 93V* Sife H Wa 4 4s 79 ... 1064 1064 1064 Shw WAP 44s 67 A... 73V, 73V, 734 Shw WAP 44s 70 D... 734 73«» 734 8 E PAL 6s 2025 A . 1124 1124 1124 80 Co Gs Cal 44s 68 . 1054 1054 1064 Sou Ind Ry 4s 51 ... 434 43V, 434 Souw PAL 6s 2022 A... 101 101 101 Souw Pb Svc 6s 45 A . 1054 1064 1054 . Std GAE Hs 48 st ... 70 70 70 Std GasAEl 6s 61 A... 704 694 894 Std Gas A El 6s 57... 694 694 694 Std GasAEl 6s 68 B_._ 704 89V, 69V, Stand PwALt 8s 57... 70 694 694 Texas Elec 5s 60_ 1064 108 106 Tex Pw A L 5s 56 _ 1064 106 106 Unit LtAPw Hs 75 _ 86% 884 864 Unit LAR D 54s 52_ 914 904 914 Utah PAL 6s 2022 A... 96 4 964 984 Va Pub Ser Hs 46 ... 994 99V, 994 Va Pub S 54s 46 A... 103V, 103 1034 Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B_._ 1024 1024 1024 Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 4 4 4 West News U 6s 44_ 51V, 51 514 West Pa 5s 2030_ 1064 1064 1064 Wis PAL 5s 66_ 107 107 107 FOREIGN— Cauca Val 7s 48 __ 9‘/« 9V* 94 Guant A W 8, 58 A_ 42 42 42 Lima City 64s 68_ 64 84 64 Parana Brag *1 58_ 134 13V, 134 Rio de Jan 64» 59 ... 84 6*. 64 Stii (Hi 4s 4ft 2d it 364 384 364 Terni-Soc 84s 53 A 26 254 254 ww—With warrants, iw—Without war rants. n—New. st fstpl—Stamped (Negotiability impaired by maturity.