Newspaper Page Text
J*— Couvon A L™.f.i ,!' :■ . Misses’ and Women’s 2.00 , New Summer Dresses _ . With This Coupon Only Crisp. cool dresses to wear now and 4 . _ the rest of summer. Undeniably 1 47 smart and fashioned of printed Bern- ■ .*#4 ber» sheers, printed rayon and wash- I • able raron crep. Sizes 12 to 62 | Included. A Goldenberg's—Second Floor. | Men’s Regular 21c Quality SHORTS AND SHIRTS With This Coupon Only Pull cut well tailored carments for 1 summer comfort. Shorts of striped ■ B_ A broadcloth with 3-button yoke front, B sizes 30 to 42, and shirts of fine B ■ ■ ■ . combed cotton, sizes 36 to 46. IIw/ Goldenberf’a—Main Floor. | ■ r~======1, 4.99 & 5.99 Famous Confoleum 9x12 and 9x10.6 Felt Base Rnfs With Thli Craven Onlr Discontinued patterns tram the 1940^\ /» A line ot these famous felt base ruts. M till Choice of 8 designs. Including floral. ^ *WU tile and leaf effects. Smooth hard ■ surface easy to keep dean. mW Goldenberr's—Third ns*. 5sS“3“B!“5S“5 Couoon D IB " -lion. Regular 1.19 to 1.29 Famous Brands of Sheets With This Coupon Only Four nationally known brands of quality sheets—Mohawk, Cannon. C 1 g B Everlasting and Salem. Sizes 7'!iVIIa 108 and 8lxH» for double and twin beds. Every sheet perfect quality. | W _ f|j snow white bleached and seamless. ftald^nharr'a_Main CIaap One Day Only Wednesday, Aug. 7 ^ Convenient Parking ■ - —=■ Couvon 1 - ■ — Toilet Soaps, 5 Cakes W’ith This Coupon Only. Choice of Lux. Lifebuoy or medium size ivory soaps for toilet and bath. Limit—10 cakes.—Main Floor. =? Couvon 2 "?■ = Washing Powders ... 3 Pkgs. With Thi» Coupon Only. Largo (lie boxes of Oxydol. Rtnso or Ivory Flakes. Limit—ti to a customer.—Main Floor. Covvon 3 —■■■ ~= 25c Facial Tissues With This Coupon Only. Smart Set Facial Tissues, new 3 - in - one tissues, flpe soft quality. 500 in a box.—Main Floor. 75c Sommer Talcum Powders W’ith This Coupon Only. Choice of Djer Kiss or targe size April Shower Talcum Powders. the later by Cheramy. — Main Floor. . i . — Couvon 5 — 60c Melba Joy Perfume With This Coupon Only. 1 -ounce size bottles of •g II this delicately scented f M/| popular Washington per- W fume.—Main Floor. /.„|V ~ ' - . Couvon6 = 72c Toilet Tissue ... 12 Rolls With This Coupon Only. Goldenberg’s soft, fine silky finish toilet paper, in assorted tints. 1,000 sheets to roll. Limit 24. —Main Floor. -— =• Couvon 7 =—■ ■ ■ — 50c Prophylactic Toothbrushes With This Coupon Only. Choice of Prophylactic or Dr. West's tooth- I I IA brushes, soft, medium or I hard bristles Limit 2.— I . Main Floor. Couvon 8 isss 59c to 1.00 Curtains With This Coupon Only. Showroom samples of curtains, also tailored m Efi ■ plain colored gauze, open £ II A mesh weaves and Span ish net. Full width.— ^ 1 VL Third Floor.%Jf_ Cr__ ==■ g Couvon 9 ..=? 1.39 Ruffled Curtains With Thia Coupon Only. Priscilla ruffled curtains M in pin or cushion dots, m.9 H _ 88 in. wide to the pair, ak Mm /• 2'4 yds. long.—Tbird/Mrll Floor. : . ■=— Couvon 10 —. 1.59 Chair Slip Covers With This Coupon Only. For 4 styles of chairs. M Made of multi-color ■ ■ Jm striped fabrics, with boxBB /■ pleated skirts.—Thlrt|W|/ll Floor. ---- :-- Couvon 11 , 1 1 1 —-S 2.49 Studio Couch Covers With This Conpcn Only. Sunfast and tubfast Rivoll 4 nn patterp cretonne, with box I | / pleated skirt. 3 cushion I covers.—Third Floor. rf - • Couvon 12 • 1 ——^ 1.39 Bondoir Chair Covers With This Coupon Only. Made of gayly colored glazed chintz, box pleated skirt 3 sides. Tape bound 6eams.—Third Floor. — — Couvon 13 =S 1.19 Da-Bed Covers With This Coupon Only. Of floral patterned ere- jk tonne, with box pleated lr /■ flounce, contrasting col-^^fcJLi or binding—Third Floor. i=-~ Couvon 14 36-in. 39c Cretonne, yd. With This Coupon Only. Some are sunfast and tubfast or pre-shrunk. W a Large and small floral W patterns.—Third Floor, / j «|v — — Couvon 15 ■" = 19c Curtain Fabrics, yd. With This Coupon Only. Mill lengths of novelty cur tain fabrics, in pin dots and g* colored figures. 38 in. wide. —Third Floor. Ilv 79c Holland Window Shades With This Coupon Only. 3xR ft. size. In white and wanted colors. Slight ■ ■ ■ misweaves in cloth, guar- « 1 ■ #» anteed rollers.—Third ■^^1 Fl°°r-_JJv ~ Couvon 17 ■ .. =5 Stripe Window Awnings With This Coupon Only. Painted stripes in as sorted colors. 30. 36. 42 and 48 in. sizes. Some with head rods.—Third Floor. ====== Couvon 18 ====== Canvas Porch Awnings With This Coupon Only. Green, orange and <m «> white painted stripes. I X / 5 and 6 ft. wide, 6 ft. I long.—Third Floor. ^ -- —- Couvon 19 — =s 29c-39c Table Oilcloth, yd. With Thia Coupon Only. 48 in. wide. In solid col- J M* ors and floral patterns. I 1a /) Various lengths. Slight I I Si irregulars.—Third Floor. ^ ' —* — Couvon 20 -.~= Gabardine Watch Straps With This Coupon Only. Cool on a man’s wrist | and attractive in ap- ^ pearance. Several sizes 4 and colors.—Main Floor. ^ ^ =--= Couvon 21 = = 39c to 98c Jewelry With This Coupon Only, Smart hew costume jew elry, 1 n c 1 u d i ng pins, bracelets, necklaces and clips. Many styles.— Main Floor. — Couvon 22 . v.-:.i.lit.= 12.95 to 16.95 Rugs With Thli Coupon Only 0x12 and 8x10 sizes. India Cfi Sisal and Mourzourks. also%r 00 domestic fibres, all re-^%* versible.—Third Flror. — Couvon 23 1 • = 49c Congoleum, Sq. Yd. With Thl, Coupon Only Genuine Congoleum and other makes of floor cov ering, 2 yds. wide. Tile, # £% floral and marble pat- W terns.—Third Floor. ~ ■ ■ — Couvon 24 = 27.50 to 29.50 Rugs With This Conpon Only Pxl3 and '8ilxlO.fl « __ sizes. Choice of wool • ■ | QQ velvets and axmin- M I .QQ sters in Persian pat- W I w terns and Colonial W S effects —Third Floor. 4L —— Couvon 25 ... .=; 5.95 Rug Cushions With This Coupon Only Diamond hair waffle top M n. rug pads, moth-proofed. /I oU 5 8x10 and 9x12 ft. sizes.'^L —Third Floor. — -~ Couvon 26 ■ 1 ■ = 2.95 Felt Base Rugs With Thit Coupon Only Congoleum felt base ruts | Q7 in tile, floral and leaf de- ■ -Of signs. Discontinued pat- ■ w terns. 0x9 ft. — Third | Floor. ^ 9.95 Congoleum Rugs With Thia Coupon Only flxl5-ft. large room-size >17 rugs in floral and tile pat-L terns. Slightly irregulars * • of Gold Seal and other— I makes.—Third Floor. --;-‘ — Couvon 28 ■ ■ ■ — 45c Hall Runner, yd. With This Coupon Only Felt base hall runner, in marbleized and floral pat terns of grey, blue or red ‘24 in. wide.— Third Floor. , — -- Couvon 29 g—.■ 2.49 Stair Carpet, Yd. With Thia Coupon Only Axmlnster carpet for stairs ^ 77 and halls. 22<t, and 27 In. I oil wide. Persian designs'.— 1 Third Floor, jj^ — — ... ~ Couvon 30 =; 1.95-2.25 Fibre Rugs With Tbii Coupon Only 27x54 in. scatter size fibre 4 , a a rugs In assorted colors. I Famous Waite and Deltox 1 weaves.—Third Floor. j| . = Couvon 31 ■ ■ =i 16.95 Knee-Hole Desks With This Coupon Only Rubbed walnut finish. ftp spacious drawers andg I.US simulated center drawer Top measures 40x18— ^ Fourth Floor. a g ——--— Couvon 32 —. ==j Console Extension Tables With Thia Coupon Only This table may be ^ used as a console 1 II Q d beds. Neat brown up- I ■ B.rf4* size of dining table B seating 8 people.— B W Fourth Floor. ^ • f — — Couvon 33 6.95 Maple Folding Cots With Thia Coupon Only Has smart maple ends, M sturdy steel frame. Folds ft AS to size of card table, ft i Mattress priced sepa-^^L rately.)—Fourth Flor. =■— , - Couvon 34 ==; Simmons’ Coil Spring Witb Thia Coupon Only Double deck colls with a m helical top and helical cen*^g ter. Heavy angle iron top^^ border.—Fourth Floor. z" -- Couvon 35 =5 7.95 Upholstered Benches With This Couuon Only Suitable for vanity, radio a p or piano. Has upholstered m seat and sturdy grilled W •V back rall.-^Fourth Flor. zz— ■ ■ - Couvon 36 34.95 Twin Bed Studio With Thi* Coupon A Wm p 1 c opration converts it into twin beds. Neat brown up holstery and metal back and arm s.— —Fourth Floor. .i. 1—— Couvon 37 —■ Reg. 1.00 Lamp Shades With Thla Coupon Only 3 styles—c h o 1 c e of parchmentized with bam- ■ I ■ 1 boo. spun fabric with V V floral patterned cretonne /%■ under and pleated carch-f If 11» mentized.—Downstairs. -,-' — —- Couvon 38 f-sS 1.00 Full-Length Mirrors With This Connon Only Full length clear glass £\ mirrors, with vtlnufSIl I. mahogany, maple or V %l|l white frames. — Do»n-/w ■ I stairs. IV V — ' — Couvon 39 ====== Reg. 7.98 Floor Lamps With This Coupon Only 6-way bronze and ivory QQ floor lamps with onyxw%oOO in base, with matching! I silk shade.—Downstairs. ,_ —— Couvon 40 —. ==; $2.50 Super Service Paint— With This Conpon Only. raL For general use inside * _ and out. 24 colors and I Q M white. Dries with > I 1 gloss.—Downstairs. J, '■— - = Couvon 41 == 12c-18c Wall Paper—Single With This Coupon Only, roll Sold only with border at M 3c yd. Large variety of n designs for every room in I your home—Downstairs. ‘ r——~-~",J --— Couvon 42 ======== Sewing Machine Service With This Coupon Only Vour old machine oiled. Pi inspected, and tension 1^ ||^. adjusted for only 60c—If Main Floor. allf \/ * couvon 43 ^ Reg. 99c Seamless Sheets With Thia Coupon Only Size 81x03 in. Perfect Quality closely woven sheeting cotton, snow white bleached.— Main floor. . 35c Neponset Pillowcases With Thia Coupon Only Extra heavy muslin pil- A lowcases that will give t Jt years of wear. Number ] //l/l seconds of a famous w ZJL I brand.—Mata Floor. y --^ Couvon 45 ~ ■ =g Reg. 19c Pillowcases With Thia Coupon Only. Perfect quality pillow- ' cases made of soft flrmly woven muslin. Size 42x 36 in —Main Floor. --“ Couvon 46 ' ' .■=! Reg. $2 Chenille Spreads With This Coupon Only Solid colors, white with ^ , colored tufting B?au7iful ■ A A Floo105’BCh 51Z*'—Main I * 25c Cannon Bath^Towels With Thia Coupon Only Size 20x40 Cannon Turk- 4 ■■ ish towels, heavy, absor- | W bent quality, with colored I / f* borders.—Main Floor. I A V ——i—'i 59c Table Damask, yd. With This Coupon Only. Jl<^V7Jmerc';rlZf4 cotton table damask in attrac tive floral patterns. Inches w 1 d e.—M Floor. —Coupon 49 ———— 19c Toweling, yd. With This Coonon Only fiOrr pure linen flax . Heavy absorbent Quality with colored border. For dish or roller towels.—Main Floor._ --- Coupon 50 Reg. 89c Tablecloths With This Coupon Only Choice of printed cloths, rayon and cotton, hem stitched damask and others AH large sizes.— Mam Floor. ” - =■ Coupon 51 — ^ 59c Handmade Lace Scarfs With This Coupon Only 45 and 54 in. sizes. Popular pointe Margaret pattern For living and bedroom use.—Main Floor. 3 99 Heatproof Table Pads With This Connon Only Wood grain top and green aa or brown duvfilyne bottom. ■ XX Delivery In about 10 days. W —Main Floor. “ Coupon 53 =i 1.00 Mattress Covers With This Coupon Only ■'8ure-Pit” mattress cov ers of heavy unbleached muslin, with tape bound seams and rubber but tons.—Main Floor. “ -=• Coupon 54 = 1.39 Feather Pillows With This Coupon Only 21 x 27 - In. size. Pilled with soft sterilized feath ers. one-half curled duck and one- half curled chicken.—Main Floor. T~ - Coupon 55 ===== 79c Summer Blankets With This Coupon Only Soft cotton blankets in M colored Dlaids. Just the /III. right weight for eool/laJa* summer nights. — Main^A^TI --—— Couvon 56 ■ 15c Unbleached Muslin, yd. With This Coupon Only Famous "Black Bock" Quality, closely woven and extra heavy. 36 In. wide.—Main Floor. 1 ^ Couvon 57 u ...'._=5 1.19 Comfort Covers With This Coupon Only Made of printed percale 1 In colorful designs. Pro-( tect your blankets and' comforts.—Main Floor. =Z~ —W, • Couvon 58 29c Unbleached Sheeting, yd. With This Coupon Only Firm closely woven un- ^ bleached sheeting spe- | B B _ cially priced for Coupon I m mmm Day. 81 inches wide.— I Main Floor. B^ ^iv _ —y -■- Couvon 59 SS Reg. 5c Handkerchiefs With This Coupon Only Men's plain white handker chiefs with narrow or wide 3 _ hems, also women's print ^ #• handkerchiefs in large sport . size.—Main Floor. a 9 —— Couvon 60 55 Reg. 39c-59c Neckwear With This Couvon Only Samples of women's neckwear; all necklines. 3||A smart, effective styles for W( dress wear—Main Floor, a ||fV ~ - ■ —i — *r Couvon 61 B 1.19 Blouses and Shirts With This Counon Only Crisp, new blouses and mg shirts of acetate and I M\ rayon stripes in smart ■ Ira color combinations and^W%«BB solid colors. Sizes 32-40. _ ■ SB . —Main Floor. gj —' ■ •' ■ — Couvon 62 ===; t 59c Women’s Turbans With Thia Coupon Only Popular wrap- around pleated turbans In white 3 3 g* and wanted pastel col- ^ ^B ors.—Main Floor. altlv =———=JJ Couvon 63 =jt Women’s 1.29 Sweaters With This Counon Only Long sleeve sweaters. closely knitted, button un ^.S V# _ front, in pink, yellow. WL m /> p"— Couvon 64 22c Printed Percales, yd. With This Coupon Only SO-squire printed g •J'l percales in new fall ■ # JL. patterns. Tub-( lit I W nTl colors.—Main Floor. ■ j a^ ^ -- --- p* .rr- Couvon 65 — ■ =; 99c Black Crepe Back Satin, yd. With This Coppon Only Crepe back block cela nese rayon satin of rich lustrous quality. A fa vored fabric for fall.— Main Floor. 39c Rayon French Crepe, yd. With This Coupon Only Crown - tested rayon French crepe, In a com plete assortment of want ed colors and plenty of plain white.—Main Floor. it=.. j~ Couvon 67 . 25c A. B. C. Percales, yd. With This Coupon Only Oay colorful prints. For ^ £\ school dresses, home ■ ■ ■ frocks, smocks, aprons I and uniforms.—Main ■ **# Floor. ^|/V 35c Summer Fabrics, yd. With This Coupon Only Including prlrrted seer- art sucker, sports pique and*B| suitings, also "Lady m £% Love" laces and nubby W ■ ■ weave broadcloth.—Main X Floor. mm T 11 "1 ■> ===tt ■ • ~ Couvon 69 • i'i-'.Ai-j 22c Summer Fabrics, yd. With This Connon Only Sheer fabrics for late 4 summer and early fall ■ I _ wear. Including flock dot ■ voiles, printed swlss and I SI . dimity.—Main Floor/ (IV »■ ' — - — ■ > — = Couvon 70 ."... 19c Sheer Wash Fabrics yd. With This Coupon Only » Cool, crisp summer wash fabrics in many styles and colors. Guaran.eed tub-fast.—Main Floor. --' - 1" ' I;.j ir— —- Couvon 71 ■■ 59c Printed Rayon Crepe, yd. With This Coupon Only Tremendous assortment of new fall patterns. Crown tested for washa bility and durability.— Main Floor. ^ f i. = '/ ' Couvon 72 __ n 1.59 Fall Woolens, yd. With Thl. Coupon Only 54-in. wool and wool mixtures in the newest (all weaves, including tweeds and dark snades. —Main Floor. Couvon 73 _ 49c Celanese Taffeta, yd. With Thl» Coupon Only Beautiful lustrous, rus tling quality for drapes, slips, dresses, pillows, etc. All solid colors Mill lengths.—M a I n Floor._ 39c Spun Rayons, yd. With This Coupon Only 38-ln. wide spun rayon, in 21 different shades, including plenty of biack and white.—Main Floor, 1 Couvon 75 1.98 Electric Irons With This Coupon Only Full-si^e chrome finish electric irons, with heat indicator. Complete with cord.—Downstairs. -I1 ~ Couvon 76 95c Unpainted Chairs With Tbia Coupon Only Windsor type, made of solid hardwood. For kitchen or dinette. Easy to paint.—Downstairs. i-— — — Couvon 77 = , 5c Toilet Tissues, 10 Rolls With This Connon Only Good quality soft tissu* toilet paper, each roll M M _ Individually wrapped. ^ * #• < No delivery.)—Down- ■ || £-.... -* ' 1 =a 1.00 Folding Ironing Boards With This Coupon Only A strong and durable j Ironing board, well pad ded. Folds into small space.—Downstairs. = Couvon 79 . Reg. 4.98 Lawn Mowers With This Coupon Only Easy running, ball-bearing wheels. 4 crucible steel J oOO Cutting blades. Guaran- W teed.—Downstairs. # p =. Couvon SO .. . --=5 i 59c Johnson’s Floor Mops With This Coupon Only Made of high-grade cot ton yarn head, long wood M m a. handle. For all kinds of < m /» wood floors.—D own- ■ W I . stairs. %J --- -■ . . — Couvon SI n Reg. 59c Window Screens With This Coupon Only. 22 in. high, extend to 33 in. Hardwood finished J g g frame. Anteek-llke cop- ^ %>■( * ger wire cloth filler.— —— 79c Refreshment Sets With This Coupon Only 9-pc. set. consisting of A A\ X tall crystal tumblers, /■ ■ ■ _ with fiesta colored band /■ Uf* decoration and partition(,£ —■ I rack.—Downstairs. TmW V -=—■■■ ~ " '* 1 74c Blue Enamel Canner With This Coupon Only Holds 7-quart Jars; wire rack. Enamel cover. Also used as cook pot.— Downstairs. ^===a=? Couvon 84 2.49 Rubber Garden Hose With This Coupon Only 60-ft. length, complete ^ A4 with brass couplings. I o«F“ Mads of nil rubber.— I Downstairs. JL ===== Couvon 85 _ Men’s 89c Broadcloth Shirts With This Coupon Only Sanforized broadcloth, fa M with fused collars. White ■ M and a variety of neatlt%/|4% patterns. Sizes 14 to IT. ■ I til —Main Floor. | — — — Couvon 86 —— = Men’s 69c Broadcloth Shirts With This Coupon Only Full - cut. well - tailored shirts, in wljite and a large assortment of pat terns. Standup fused collars.—Main Floor. -— ~ Couvon 87 -■ — Men’s 39c Polo Shirts With This Coupon Only Rayon polo shirts, 3 button or string front striped patterns and solid colors. Medium and small sizes.—Main Floor. Men’s 69c Union Suits With This Coupon Only Cool nainsook checks, with reinforced snubber back. Well tailored. Sizes •36-40.—Main Floor. Men’s 69c Basque Shirts With Thi* Coupon Only Oneitu basque or tennis shirts of ribbed cotton, white and plain colors.j All sizes—Main Floor. ~ -~ Couvon 90 —- ■ — Men’s 1.29 Bathing Trunks With This Couuon Only Genunie Lastex bathing trunks. with built-in I support and belt to' match. Sizes, small, me dium and large.—Main ( Floor. 1 =-“ Couvon 91 ^==== Men’s 59c-79c Sport Shirts With This Coupon Only Cut - and -sewn sport shirts. in-and-outer style. Large variety of light and dark patterns All sizes.—Main Floor. ~ Couvon 92 = Men s 1.00 Sleeveless Sweaters With This Coupon Only All wool sweaters, barrel * t* f with crew neck II |A Plain colors and blazer # Uf* Mnpes. AU sizes-Main -‘ Couvon 93 — Men’s 1.00 to 1.95 Pajamas With This Coupon Only Fine ouality broadcloths. cool meshes, sheers and / ■ ■ other materials. Coat M Uf) and middy styles. Sizes M ^^1 A to D—Main Floor. M V/ .4 * . Jyy Couvon 94 y —• Men’s 29c Summer Ties With This Coupon Only A host of patterns In rayons, bembergs. ace tates. crepes. mohair and cotton. Light and dark colors.—M a i n Floor. Men’s 19c Wash Ties With This Coupon Only Fruit-of-the-Loom. percale. broadcloth and seersuckers, m. a _ Striped patterns and novelty ml at flgures. Fast colors.—Main Ami tr y.1 y- Couvon 96 Men’s 1.95 Wash Robes • With This Coupon Only Tub-fast and washable. 4 no Broadcloth, cotton sateen. ■ /U crash, slub yarns. Name I • au a/ of a famous maker on I every robe.—Main Floor. I =■•' t~ Couvon 97 —= Men’s 15c Hose*Shortees With This Coupon Only Rayons, cottons, rayon and cotton mixed. Clocks. g* stripes, checks, light or dark grounds.—Main Floor. Ilv — 5 Couvon 9S = = Men’s 1.89 Sport Slacks With This Counon Only Sanforized sport slacks ^ » _ (l'r rlsidual shrinkage). | AQ with pleated and plain ■ »llr» fronts. Some with match- I; ing belts. Sizes 30 to 50. V —Main Floor. ^ ~ y Couvon 99 - . .. =a Men’s 1.49 Wash Slacks With This Coupon Only Every pair Sanforized <lrr risidual shrinkage). Solid shades, stripes‘and checks. Sizes 30 to 4'lf lfll, waist.—Main Floor. ^^g ^^g we iui'i'i' ; ■■ - Couvon 100 — =-: Men’s 7.95 Summer Suits With This Coupon Only Cool wash suits of San-^B OO forized Beach cloth and cotton Gabardine. White and tan Sizes 34 to 42—_ B Main Floor. Couvon 101 55 Men’s 14.95 & 16.95 Suits With This Coupon Only Morton Hall Tropical Wor-^% A no sted Suits, single and dou-B ■ XH ble breasteds. solid colors^*ova/ and stripes. All sizes.— *1 Main Floor. a g — Couvon 102 1.00 and 1.29 Fall Hats With This Coupon Only Smart felts and fabrics In all the new fall styles. m./ — Black and every wanted JU §• color- Head sizes 21Vif . to 24.—Main Floor. ===5 Couvon 103 =====5 Women’s 1.99 Fall Hats ■ With This Coupon Only All the new fall styles. ^ _ including the popular J cfl •'Pompadour'' hats, also B ,JJ brims, off-facers, bretons, ■ turbans. Plenty of black. B Steond Floor. - - — Couvon 104 1.49 Corsettes & Girdles With This Coupon Only Cool mesh corsettes with^^ A self-brassiere top, wlthB I /I A or without innerbelt.^B/■ #• Side fastening girdles.— ”■ ^^1 . Second Floor. W g V . . -—-rsj, —- — ~ Couvon 105 i ■' in. .S 49c & 59c Brauieres-Baadeaa With This Coupon Only Sample lot of brassieres and bandeau of rayon IIJa satins, coutils and laces. W —-Second Floor. ^ of V Women’s 3.99-5.99 Dresses With Thin Coupon Only Misses’ and women’s dresses j j of printed chiffons, printed w U ft /I bemberg sheers and wash- m • I » able crepe. Sizes 12 to 62. —Second Floor. 1.59-1.99 Rayon Dresses With This Coupon Only Rayon crepe, spun rayon ^ and sharkskin dresses in ■ * /U prints, stripes and dots. ■ «(y J White and pastels. i Misses’ and w o m e n's 1 sizes.—Second Floor._«Jk__ 'tz=~. ..=■ Couvon 108 ■■ 5 1.99 Washable Housecoats With Thlo Coupon Only Washable print aeersuck- ^ p* J er and percale housecoats. ■ K cl wrap-around styles Misses' ■ Ow » and women s sizes.—See- | ond Floor. 1 !?====' = . 11,1 Couvon 109 ■ ,5S 79c to 1.19 Cotton Dresses With This Coupon Only Washable cottons in sheers and percale, tub fast flock dots and prints Sizes 13 to 50.—Second Floor. -Couvon 110 =5 Reg. 69c Hooverettea With This Coupon Only Hooverettes of printed M percales and pinafores, I ■ _ ail tub-fast colors Bizes/1 14 to 60.—Second Floor."ga J y g=- = ==j -1 — Couvon 111 =» $2-$3 Bathing Suita With This Coupon Only Women's rayon and laatex 4 /% a swim suits, flare and panel ■ ftlti styles, uplift bra. cotton ■ •V*f knit lining. Sizes 32-38.— 1 Second Floor. 1 r " ll= Couvon 112 == Women’s 1.19 Play Toga With This Coupon Only Culotte dresses in prints and florals. Also play - suits and slack sets. w Sizes 13 to 30.—Second Floor. J — - =-—■ Coupon 113 ~i_ Reg. 1.19 Rayon Slips With This Coupon Only Rayon satin and crepe slips, lace trimmed, tai- / / lored and embroidered f f ft styles, adjustable straps. M M I —Main Floor. M M V —:='~- -. — e=r Couvon 114 ■■ 1 ga 59c-69c Rayon Slips With Thli Coupon Only Rayon aatm and crepe slips. In lace trimmed and tailored styles, adjustable straps. Tea rose and white.—Main Floor. —= Couvon 115 . 1.00 Gowns and Pajamas With Thla Coupon Only Batiste gowns and 2-pc pajamas, lr. florals and B I I _ prints Ruffled, tailored ■% U/* undortrlmmed.-M.lnQJJ^ Couvon US — Women’s 49c Unionsuits With Thia Coupon Only Women's knit union suits. shell and knee length, B~. built-up shoulder. Sizes wwwf* 36 to 44 —Main Floor. a |t/V v — Couvon 117 = 39c-59c Rayon Undies With Thla Coupon Only Regular and extra sizes In panties and atep-ins. BB B _ of satin stripe rayons. M ^B#* Lace trimmed and tai- W ^B1 . lored.—Main Floor. m M V -- — -v —-— Couvon US —— 59c-79c Gowns & Psjsmss With Thia Coupon Only Sample lot of sheer batiste gowns and pa- BB B lamas, in prints and em- CUP broidered Porto Rican 1*11, styles.—Main Floor. g f . I V ■- - ==~~- 'i! s=T--— Couvon 119 ==fr 1.29 Extrs Size Gowns-Slips With This Coupon Only Rayon satin and crepe slips, lace trimmed and tailored, also gowns in sheer, prints .—Main Floor. 5 == Couvon 120 i"1 1 1 =■ 1 69c to 1.15 Sheer Dresses With Thia Ooupon Only Tots’ and girls' dresses of cool washable cottons in * BB B prints and floral pat- ^B B/w terns, also play suits In built-up and halter styles. _ B Hi 7 to 14.—Seeond Floor. ** -■= ' ' 'it.1. - Couvon 121 5^ Reg. 10.99 Gem Cribs With This Conpon Only Gem Cribs with collapsible CO aide and spring; 6-inch / aQ J panel. Pinished in wax M and maple.—Second Floor, | , — Couvon 122 ■••• , 1.19 Birdseye Diapers With This Conpon Only 27x27-!nch blrdieje diapers, soft, absorbent /II. quality, in sealed sani- § 11/1 tary package of one M . dozen.—Second Floor. ■ afV . TT-rr-rr ——-1 ==-*■■■" ? Couvon 12 3 . . 5 . 59c Infants' Handmades With This Conpon Only Infants' Philippine hand mades. including dresses, ■■ ■ _ slips, creepers and sun suits, daintily embrold- w ^ I ered styles. — Second V =r'-= Couvon 12 4 29c-39c Slips & Panties With This Conpon Only Children’s cool cotton slips and panties, built up slips, plain or lace trimmed, also rayon pants. 2 to 14.—Second Floor. j-—— Couvon 123 = 29c & 39c Sun Suits With This Conpon Only Tots' sun suits in floral and print designs, built up backs. Full cut. well made. 2 to 6.—Second Floor. . =Li!i = Couvon 126... " =s , $5 Oil Dnart Permanent Wave I With This Conpon Only Includes shampoo. Anger Pn wave and hair cut. This J a DU special price for Coupon J Day only Second Floor. =*-'-- Couvon 127 Ttni:.'j= 1.00 Ringless Crepe Hose With This Coupon Only Substandards of women’s || fine Quality 2-thread 4s-1— ■ ■ ^ gauge ringless ciepe chif-^W%(■■■ inn hose full-fashioned._ ■ gl. —Main Floor. ■= -= Couvon 121 ... 3* 79c Famous Make Hose Wllh Thla Coupon Only Full-fashioned ringless eg chiffons in 3-thread JI l/> weight. Slight seconds of ^ W||* a famous make.—Main ■ ■ I . Floor-l/«/V “—-— Couvon 129 - = 79c-1.00 Chiffon Hose With This Coupon Only Mill mends of 2 and 8 thread all silk full fashioned ringless chif fons. in wanted colors.— Main Floor. Couvon 130 ■ ■ = 39c All-Silk Chiffon Hose With Thi* Coupon Only All silk from too to toe. ^k knit to fit chiffon hose In I I summer colors. Blight I M I seconds—Main Floor. I | V =? Couvon 131 — 29c Service Weight Hose With This Coupon Only Durable. long - wearing stockings of rayon serv ice weight. Summer col ors. Slight seconds.— Main Floor. 19c Children’s Anklets With This Coupon Only Solid colored bodies with contrasting color lister top Sizes flVi to lOti. Blight irregulars.—Main Floor. ,-1—. — Couvon 133 ~= 29c Silk Chiffon Hose With Thla Coupon Only Women's all silk chiffon hose, knit to fit construe- I Mg% tion Seconds of better I W I grade hose.—Main Floor. ^ —' — —— Couvon 134 - Women’s 59c Fabric Gloves With Thi> Coupon Only Novelty styles In angel skin rayon gloves, white and colors. Sizes 6 to 8.—Main Floor. ....— Couvon 135 ===== Women’* 29c Filet Glove* With This Conpon Onli Choice of 3 styles In 4 handmade imported filet I m g\ (loves, whit# only. All I W I sizes.—Main Floor. ^ ===== Couvon 136 ======== Boy*’ 1.29-1.59 Slacks With This Conpon Only Boys' Slack Bets, ln-and- A outer shirt and matching 4 g* slacks with belts. Sizes /\/| | 8 to 19— Main Floor. V^TL^ - Couvon 137 = Boys’ 59c Polo Shirts With This Conpon Only “Lucky Lad'* polo shirts. ln-and-outer style. J ■ I a Variety of colors. Sizes 8 to 18—Main Floor. 0 § jlv ===== Couvon 136 — Boys’ 59c-69c Wash Suits With This Conpon Only Cool, practical wash suits of tub-fast cottons, in solid colors and fancies. Sizes 5 to 10.—Main Floor. ===== Couvon 139 ■■■■.■■..= Boys’ 59c to 79 Shorts With This Conpon Only Boys’ Sanforized wash \ shorts, with belts to W match. Large assortment ^ of styles Sizes 6 to 15. l/n| —Main Floor. a 11 |V =~ = Couvon 140 = Boys’ 1.00 to 1.49 Slacks With Thiz Cenpon Only Pull cut. well tailored Sanforized slacks, with matching belt. Light and dark shades. 8 to 18.— Main Floor. ====*= Couvon 141 ... . =e Students’ 10.98 Coats With This Conpon Only Students’ reversible coats— all wool on one side and gabardine on the other. . Sizes 14 to 20.—Main * Floor. . - _ — Couvon 142 • — Boys’ Reg. 7.98 Mackinaws With Thii Coupon Only Boys’ mil wool mackinaws M A Q In large patds; button on A or zipper styles. Sizes 10 to 20.—Main Floor. .. =r Couvon 143 —— Boys’ 19c Shorts-Shirts With This Coupon Only Pull cut, well made pre shrunk shorts with elas- ■ ■ ■ _ tic sides, ana white rib- ■ ■ l/l bed cotton shirts. Sizes ■ ■ ■ ■ 8 ko 18—Main Floor. ■ 1|V - Couvon 144 ^ Boys' 1.00 Sweaters With Thla Ca.p.n Only Hew fall sweaters, half P™ zipper pull-over style. M Navy, brown and royal. Sixes 30 to 38.—Maln^l —1 - Couvon 145 =* Boys’ 79c-1.00 Pajamas With This Ceapen Only 2-piece middy style of i® fine quality broadcloth, I_ ■ ■ In stripes and figures. >%U/| 8 1 g e s 8 to 16.—Mala ■ ^11 _ tfi/V =:"■ ~ Couvon 144 — Boys’ 50c Polo,Shirts With This Ceapen Only Utica knit polo shlrti In white with colored trim and pockets. Small, me dium and large sizes.— Main Floer. =— -— — Couvon 147 ’ 11 ~11 —i Dry Clesned sad Pressed With This Coapen Only Men's suits, topcoats and^^^^ women's plain 1-pe. ■ a# dresses, plain coats. No M ja /a whites or gabardines, f fwl Limit—6.—Main Fleor /.IIIt «i-i-— Couvon lit =s $3 Medico-Pedico Oxford* With This Coupon Only Nuraes’ Medico-Pedlc Ox fords of soft kid leathers in black or white. Sizes 4 to 10 —Main Floor. $3 & $4 White Shoes With This Coupon Only Women's and tlrls' white ^ in pumps, straps and ties. I o49 Large selection of styles.— I Main Floor. j| $4 to $6 Arch Shoes With This Connon Only Ideal for walking and busi-^^ n e ness wear. Famous makes. W S Fine soft kid leathers. Ilex- W **** lble soles. All sizes.—Main f Floor. :■ = Couvon 151 ^ $2 Sc $3 Dress Shoes With This Coupon Only Women's and girls' dress shoes in all white and! If 2-tone« Ail sizes in tli.SJI Ba% group, but not in every style.—Main Floor. V — -tv— Couvon 152 - Women’* $2-$3 Arch Shoe* With Thl* Coupon Only All white and black kid. ^ flexible idea. Every pair I IjM with arch support feature I * for comfort.—Main Floor. ^ Couvon 153 — Reg. $2.-$3 Wedgies I With This Coupon Only Women's and girls’ VleA gies. in all white and 2-1 II 1 _ tones. Many smart styles > MB ■ #0 to choose from, all sizes. -—Main Floor. —W —- .= Couvon ISi ■■ $1.49-$2 Shoes Sc Sandals With This Coupon Only Women's tirls’ dress shoes and sandals in a ■ ■ — number of the season's ■#* most desired styles. All. ■ ■ , sizes.—Main Floor. ^ ^ V m — Couvon 155 . ." = $2 and $3 Sport Oxfords With This Coupon Only Women's and girls' sport ^k QQ oxfords in all white and ■ . J j two - tone combinations. ■ Saddles. moccasins and ■ other styles.—Main Floor. '1 — rminnn 156 » ^ 69c-99c D’Orsay Slipper* Wrth This Coupon Only Copers of floe fabrics in A various colors, comfort- a# — able Cuban heels. Many #1 wtfP styles, all sizes —Main Floor. . ■-/ = Couvon 157 Children’s 1.49 Oxfords With This Coupon Only Children's all white and two-tone oxfords, with durable soles Many styles. Sizes to 3.—Main Floor. s===g Couvon 155 — Women’s 1.49 Slippers With This Coupon Only Comfortable house slip pers with feather soles m. # ^ Large selection of wanted #• styles. All sizes.—Main Floor. V - — — - - -■ g —— CcruDon 159 ■ Men’s $2 & $3 Shoes With This Coupon Only Men s white oxfords In ^ m aw various toe shapes, leather 1 #J J heels. Choose from 70 I styles.—Main Floor. S Couvon 161) = Reg. 1.59-1.95 Handbags With This Coupon Only Duckskin pufette*. smooth calf and grain finished fabricolds Prints with wood and shell frames.— Main Floor. — Couvon 161_ Reg. $1.00 Handbags With This Coupon Only Black, navy. red. tan and washable whites, pat entex and simulated leathers. Some slight ir regulars—Main Floor. ~ — Couvon 162 — • =5 Reg. 1.95-2.95 Umbrellas With This Coupon Only Glorias, rayons, oil silks 4 n n and combinations, lfi-rib, I jM all colors. Smart handles. I • •—Main Floor. | - Coupon 163 ====^ 50c Crochet Cotton, 3 for With This CouDon Only Bucilla Wondersheen cro chet cotton in ivory color, Jot making bedspreads. cOO-yd. skeins, — Mai Floor. —i Coupon 164 __ 25c Dress Shields, 2 Prs. With This Coupon Only Regular shape, double covered. some pin-in niTih8/ 7h,t« , *nd fl«h. Slllht irregulars.—Main w loor. -• Coupon 165 - 25c Rubber Crib Sheets With This Coanon Only 36x36-111. sine rubber«g crib sheets of heavy I g_ _ quality in pink and I ggf* _white—Main Floor. X Reg. 35c Crochet Cotton With This Coaaon Only Bucilla "Red label" cro-«g ehet cotton, for making g ■ ■ bedspreads. 809-yard I skeins.—Mala Floor. 1 ■-? Couz)on7«7~====== 10c Sewing Cotton, 6 for With This Conpoa Only Clark's O. K. T. sewing cotton, in white and black. 40 to 70. 300 yard spools.—Main Floor.' S Coupon 16S 59c Stamped Pillowcases I With This Coapon Only I Famous Pepper ell stamped pillow cases, in numerous easy to em broider designs.—Mai ni Floor. 1