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Baltimore Minister Will Preach Here At Grace Lutheran The Rev. Henry Whiting To Hold Services in Absence of Dr. Lenski At Grace Lutheran Church to morrow, in the absence of Dr. G. E. Lenski, the Rev. Henry Whiting, associated with the Baltimore Luth eran Inner Mission Society, will preach at 8:45 a m. Charter Heslep, tenor, will sing Eveille's arrangement for Psalm 122. “I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes.” and Rowe's offertory, "Gods in His Heaven.” At 11 a m. the Rev. Mr. Whiting will preach on “The Church Faces a Needy World. Wal ter Eggers, baritone, will sing Wool er's "How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me” and "O Jesus, Thou Art Standing,” by How. Marian Ran berg will give a 15-minute organ re cital before the worship hour. The young women will meet Tues day at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Dora Winkelmann, 3018 Tennyson street N.W. The young people will meet so cially, the girls entertaining the boys. Thursday at 8 p.m. at the home of Ruthellen Platt, 1342 Jefferson street N.W. __ t Congregational Pastor's Topic Is 'Keep Your Faith' The Rev. Walter G. Borchers, jr., Will preach at the First Congrega tional Church tomorrow at 11 a m. on "Keep Your Faith.” Dale Ham ilton, baritone, will sing “Just for I Today,” by Seaver. Mary Lou Lyles I will be at the organ during August I While Paul De Long Gable is on vacation. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Stone Anderson are in Berkeley, Calif., attending the biennial ses sion of the General Council of Con gregational and Christian Churches. Dr Anderson is chairman of the j Middle Atlantic Conference delega tion. On Wednesday the Scrooby Club will sponsor a moonlight boat ride and fishing trip. The service Thursday at 8 p.m. will be held in the east parlor. Rey. Carlton Helgerson To Occupy D. C. Pulpit In the absence of the pastor, Dr. i C. E. Hawthorne, who is on vaca- J tion, the pulpit of the Wallace Me morial United Presbyterian Church j will be occupied by the Rev. Carlton Helgerson, of Woburn, Mass. He j will speak tomorrow, at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Helgerson and his wife, who was the former Miss Mar garet Sangster, will be guests of j her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ! H. G Haydon, of 9 East Thorn- ! apple street, Chevy Chase, Md. The Bethella Shaw Guild will meet at the church Wednesday at 7:45 pm. Other Services White Cross. The White Cross Church of Christ Will hold services on Wednesday at 1810 Ontario place N.W. at 8 p.m. The Rev. Jane B. Coates will speak on ''Tire Rich Man in Hell. Where Is Hell and Who Holds the Keys Thereof?” Followed by a message 6ervice. First Brethren. Tire Rev. Homer A. Kent will preach at 9:30 a.m. in connection with the unified service on “The Sufficiency of Christ.” The subject at 8 p.m. will be "Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord.” Next Sunday will be the pastor's last Sunday here before he leaves oji his vacation. Calvary Gospel. After several weeks of special meetings the pastor again resumes the pulpit, speaking at 11 a.m. on “Do I Owe Myself Anything?” and j at 7:45 p.m. on "Washington's Great est Mistake.” Special organ con- J cert from 7 to 7:45 p.m. Services | Wednesday and Friday at 7:45 p.m. Church of the Brethren. At 10:15 a.m. Dr Warren D. Bow man will preach on "In Him That Strengthens Me.' At 7:45 p.m. there will be a union service at the church. The Rev. Leslie Bowers, pastor of the Fifteenth Street Christian Church, will speak on “When the Stars Fought.” Self-Realization. Smith Tassin will conduct the morning service of tne Self-Reali zation Fellowship on Western ave nue at Forty-ninth street N.W. His subject will be “The Infinity and Eternity of Life.” The public class in philosophy and yoga will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m Pentecostal Holiness. The Rev. J. H. King, senior bishop of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, will conclude his two weeks' ministry in the city by preaching at both the 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. services at 1015 D street N.E. The Rev. Hubert T. Spence, the pastor, announces a photograph of the Sun day school and congregation will be taken at 11 am. This will include a front view of the church, which has recently undergone repairs and alterations. BIBLE FAVORITES 1st Samuel, xvi.1-13 David Anointed King „ One day god said to samuel the prophet, SAUL HAS DISOBEYED ME. HE SHALL NO LONGER BE KING OVER ISRAEL. GO TO BETHLEHEM. PREPARE A SACRIFICE AND ANOINT ONE OE JESSE'S SONS TO BE KING'S SAMUEL TOOK A CALF AND HIS HORN OF OIL AND WENT TO BETHLEHAA. AMUEL WENT TO JESSES HOU5E AND PREPARED THE SACRIFICE. JESSES SEVEN SONS CAME AND STOOD BEFORE HIM. BUT THE LORD DID NOT CHOOSE ONE OF THEM. “APE THESE ALL OE YOUR CH/LDRENPI’ASKID SAMUEL. "THE YOUNGEST IS KEEPING THE SHEEP "ANSWERED JESSE. “SEND FCR HIM .’’COMMANDED SAMUEL. ' n T i m rn ’ l/AVID LEFT THE SHEEP AND WENT HOME WITH THE MESSENGER. HE CAME INTO THE ROOM WHERE- HIS FATHER AND BROTHERS AND SAMUEL WERE WAITING. DAVID WAS A HANDSOME BOY, TALL, STRAIGHT AND BRAVE.THE LORD SAID TO SAMUEL "TH/S IS THE ONE / HAVE CHOSEN. Aff/SE AND ANOINT HIM." Bantu ftaluir Bsnd.ralt JES5E AND HIS SONS WATCHED AS SAMUEL POURED OIL ON DAVID'S HEAD AND ANOINTED HIM TO BE KING OVER ISRAEL .THIS MEANT THAT WHEN KING SAUL DIED, DAVID WAS TO TAKE HIS PLACE. GOD SENT HIS SPIRIT INTO THE HEART OF DAVID FROM THAT DAY. Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Fifth. Dr. John E. Briggs will preach at both services tomorrow. His morn ing subject is “A Program for Christian Living” and in the eve ning "Big Blunders.” Special music will be offered by J. Herrick Hall. Wisconsin Avenue. The Rev. Gerald L. Stover of Philadelphia, Pa., will preach at 11 1 am. on "Walking in the Light.” Miss Elizabeth Fox will lead the young people in a gospel service at the Home for the Incurables at 3 p.m. The Rev. Clarence Ray Fergu son will preach on "More Than Con querors.” Tire pastor will preach at 8 p.m. on “Why the Cross?” Takoma Park. "Better Than Gold” will be the topic of the Rev. William E. La Rue tomorrow morning. Mrs. Isabel P. Middlekauff, organist and director of music, will resume her duties. On August 18 and 25 Rev. C. E. Deems, pastor of the Livingston Avenue Baptist Church of New Brunswick, N. J., will be the guest preacher. West Washington. Sermon at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Paul B. Watlington. pastor of the First Baptist Church. Hagerstown. Md. E. W. Ladson will conduct the service Thursday evening. I? a t li >i n » The Rev. F. F. Briggs will be the guest preacher at both services to- | morrow. The Stevenson Men's Bible Class will conduct services at Cen tral Union Mission Tuesday evening. Miss Frances Birge will lead the meeting Thursday evening. Vermont Avenue (Colored). The Rev. T. T. Lovelace of Chi cago, 111., will be guest speaker at 11 a.m. and 8 pm. At 11:20 am. the Rev. S. W. Williams will ad dress the junior department. Holy communion will be served at 3:30 pm. Rehoboth (Colored). “His Jewels” is the topic of the Rev. Mr. Johnson's morning ser mon and at 7:30 p.m. “Life's Preci ous Promises.” In the afternoon will be the Lord's supper and reception of new members. On Thursday the members are invited to accompany the pastor to the Metropolitan Baptist Church. The Hallelujah Chorus will sihg. Trinity (Colored). At 11:30 a.m. the Rev. J. S. Lucas will conclude his discourse on Want.” Evening worship. On August 17 is the Sunday school picnic at Sparrows Beach. Mount Pisgah (Colored). The church will give free bus rides to all members and friends to Forest Hill. Md„ where the Rev. Lloyd N. Young will hold the morn ing service at the church at 10:30 am.: bring lunches. The night service will be at the Mount Pisgah church at 8:30 pm. Mount Bethel (Colored). The Rev. Charles Hungerford will be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. The Rev. B. C. Robinson will preach at 8 p.m. Zion (Colored). The guest preacher for 11 a.m. will be the Rev. Horatio Hill, director of the Baptist Educational Center, New York, whose subject is: “Dare We Follow Jesus?” At 8 p.m. the guest preacher will be the Rev. Thomas C. Garnett, who has for his theme “Our Supreme Offering to Christ.” At 6 pm. the Christian Endeavor Society will hold evan gelistic services at No. 4 Fire Engine Company, Fourth street and Vir ginia avenue S.W. The First Aid Unit is sponsoring a lawn party on Thursday at 928 E street S.W. Friendship (C olored). The Rev. C. W. Williamson of Philadelphia. Pa„ will be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The Bonafide Six will render a musical program at 4 p.m. Good Will (Colored). Dr. James L. Pinn will speak in the morning on “The Power of Cus tom" and in the evening on “A Rev olutionary Petition.” Second (Colored). Dr. J. L. S. Holloman will preach at 11 am. on “A National Crisis in Judea.” Communion services will be held at 4 pm. In the evening the “chs church’s one FounMcionj • » - SAMUEL J. STONE . A^^M The Church's one foundation ; Is Jesus Christ our Lord; ^ She is His new creation By water and the Word; From heav’n He came and sought her To be His holy bride: With His own blood He bought her. . And for her life He died. ' XittA Sfonts of GREAT HYMNS This favorite hymn of dedication reiterates the central truths of the Christian Faith found in the Apostles Creed. It is a fitting choice when a cornerstone is to be laid, for it suggests the words of Jesus. "T he stone which the builders refected, the same is to become the head of the corner. Conthitutkd iy IDEAL FUN ML HOME 4812 Georgia Ave.NW. 5 SJ6 H Street NE. Branch Homt il pastor will preach on "The Fortunes of the Righteous.” Liberty (Colored). Dr. Hampton T. Gaskins will preach at 11 a.m. on "The Second Mile" and at 8 p.m. on "The Crucial Test.” Capitol View (Colored). The Rev. J. Clarke Griffin will preach on "Jesus and the Power of the Spirit” at 11 a.m. At 3:30 p.m. the Rev. Tyler of the Grace Metho dist Church, Fairmont Heights, Md., will preach, and will be accom panied by his choir and congrega tion. Preaching service at 7 p.m. The church continues in its $1,300 drive, and the pastor .and officers would appreciate pledges and con tributions. Third (Colored). Dr. George O. Bullock's topic at 11 a.m. is "Power With God and Man.” At 3:30 p.m. he will preach to the ushers of the District. At 8 p.m. h*s topic is "Key to the King dom.” McKinley Memorial (Colored). The Rev. W. B. Hill will be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. His topic is “Rise and Shine, the Light Is Come.” Evangelistic services at 8:30 p.m. The Rev. Sanders Davis will be in charge. Christian Third. “The Divine Contract" is the sub ject of the Rev. C. N. Williams to morrow at 11 am. The Lord's supper will be observed. Park View. The Rev. William La Roche will speak at the morning service on "Rocks in the Road.” The evening service will be under the direction of the Sunday school classes of Mr. and Mrs. Simon McKimmie. Mr. McKimmie will be the speaker of the evening. The Missionary Society will meet ’ Monday evening. Members of the society will take part in a dramatiza tion, "The Pedlar of Books.” The devotional period will be under the direction of Miss Nell Cottington. Wilbur Ratcliffe, president of the Christian Endeavor Society, will j have charge of meeting on Thurs- j day evening. Columbia Heights. The Rev. A. P. Wilson’s last ser mon on “Prophecy and Modern His tory” will be given Sunday morning. 1 His topic will be “Have We Reached the ‘End of the Age' ” Special music will be rendered by Marjorie M. Wilson, who will sing "Hamblin's “Beside Still Waters.” — Fifteenth^Street. At 11 a.m. sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “Pray On!” Evening service at 7 o'clock, con ducted by the three youth groups. Congregational Lincoln (Colored). The Rev. William E. Carrington of the school of religion at How ard University will occupy the pul pit Sunday in the absence of the pastor, who is on vacation. The Lost Chord Quintet, radio and con cert artists from Johnson C. Smith University, will furnish the music. The brotherhood will be ad dressed by St. Elmo Brady of Fisk University at 10 a.m. on “Chris tianity in a Capitalistic Govern ment.” iCuttycran INCARNATION g7L^n>V (Maryland Synod United Lutheran Church) Rev. Henry Manken, Jr.. Pastor. Services, R:.‘IO and 11:00 a.m. _ Bible School, 0:46 a.m._ (Starr Taflwrsn tfljurtl} !•*«( Yirmnn 5tWW. S. UNIKI , PASTML - 8:45 a m.—Matins, sermon by Pastor Henry Whiting. 0:45 a m —Sunday School. Classes for All. 11:00 a.m.—"The Church Faces a Needy World," Pastor Whiting. We Invite You to Attend Atonement Lutheran Church Maryland Synod, U. L. C. North Capitol and Rhode Island Ave. During August Sunday School. 9:45 am. Worship, 8:30 am. and 11 a.m. REV. H. E. SNYDER, Pastor. RESURRECTION ”%&S8S? vaTd Virginia Synod, United Lutheran Church, REV. WILLIAM J DI CKER. Pastor. 0:.‘10 a m.—The Sunday School. 1100am.—The Service. CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION Opposite Folger-Shakespeare Library 212 East Capitol Street Morning Services at 8:30 and 11. Sermon, "Propaganda: For Jesus' Sake” 7:00 pm.—Young People’s Fellowship. 8:15 p.m.—Evening service. Sermon "The Virtue of Stayinr Put.” Rev. Ralph W. Loew Will Preach. The Public Is Cordially Invited. LUTHER PLACE Memorial Church At Thomas Circle Rev Carl C Rasmussen. D. D.. Pastor. Rev. Carl W. Folkemer. B. D., Assistant Pastor 8:30 am.—Worshin Service. "LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW.” Rev. Carl W. Folkemer. 8:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“What Is Righteous Indig nation?" Rev, Carl C. Rasmussen. 5:30 o m.—Luther League Service at the home of Dr and Mrs. Gould Wlckey. 7510 lflth at. n.w. Episcopal St. John's. The sermon at 11 a.m. will be preached by the Rev Nathaniel C. Acton, curate. There will be a cele bration of holy communion at 8 a.m. Holy communion will be celebrated on Wednesday at 7.30 a.m. and on Thursday at noon. Church of the Ascension. Services tomorrow will include holy communion at E am. and ser mon by the Rev. James W. .Conner at 11 o'clock. Mr. Conner was or dained deacon in his home parish, St. Mark's, on Capitoi Hill, last June by the Bishop of Easton, acting for Bishop Freeman. St. C'olumba's. The Rev. E. A. Le Mone will con tinue his series of sermons on “The Beatitudes’’ at 11 am. Sunday. His topic will be “Blessed Are the Peace Makers.” Holy communion will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m Church of Our Savior. At 7:30 am. there will be the celebration of the holy communion: 11 am., sermon by the Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills on “Making the Most of Our Leisure Time.” Trinity. The Rev. Christian M. Young, rector emeritus, will be the guest preacher at 11 a.m, He was rector of the parish from 1918 to 1928. Lutheran Atonement. “Hearing the Multitude” will be the theme of the Rev. James T. Powers at 8:30 am. At 11 am. he will preach on “The Bounty of Bit terness." The sacrament of baptism will be administered at this service. C4 Services at 8:45 and 11 a m., with sermons by the Rev Sam H. Korn mann on "The Message of the Moun tains.” Georgetown. ‘‘Open Minded Christians” will be the subject at 11 a m of the Rev. Harold E. Beatty. The midweek services will be resumed the first week in September. Takoma. “The Continuing Question” is the topic of the Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer at 8 and 10 a.m. services. He will also deliver the sermon at the Christ Lutheran Church. Bethesda. Md„ in the absence of the Rev. Raymond A. Vogeley. The Takoma Ladies’ Society will meet Friday evening in the home of Mrs. Richard Martin. 202 Southmoor drive, Woodmoor, Silver Spring, Md. Methodist • Trinity. The Rev. Dr. John W. Hancher, a member of the Iowa-Des Monies Conference, will speak at 11 a.m. on “Touching the Goal ” Dr. Hancher was a one-time missionary in the Black Hills, later pastor of outstand ing churches of Methodism and is Eutlrrratt “FAITH” Lee Bird, at Jackson. Arlington. Va. Church Service. 8::10 a m. and 11:00 a m. Church School, (con a.m GEORGE J. GREWENOW. Pastor. A Charming Church and a Biblical Message CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. REV. J. FREDERIC WENCHEL, Pastor. 8:30 a.m.—Service. Sermon on Psalm 8. “What Is Man?” TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG 8:30 a.m.—German Service. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—English Service, "Your Ears and Tongue.” ANACOSTIA BRANCH 14th and You Sts. S.E. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Service, 11:15 a.m. ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN Kentucky Are. at 15th St. S.E. Rev. Theodore Paul Fricke. S. T. M. 9:00 a m.—Sunday School. 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. Augustana Lutheran Church Invites you to Its service in its new sanctuary on V St. N.W. Just off of lfith St., tomorrow at 11 a m . and to its Sunday School at 9:45 a.m, ARTHUR O. HJELM. D. D . Pastor. Residence, 3820 Veaiey St. N.W. Tel. EM. 00X1 ST. PAUL’S Connecticut Ave. at Everett St. N.W. Henry W. Snyder, D. D., Miniiter. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by the Rev. J. E. Oraefe. Th. D., D. D. Keller Memorial Lutheran Church Maryland Avenue and 9th St. N.E. J. Harold Mumper. S. T. M„ Pastor Sunday Church School at 9:30 a.m. Bible Teaching Applied'to Life. MORNING WORSHIP at 11 a.m. Sermon: "What Our Father Does Is Well" VESPERS at 7 p.m. Sermon: "Creation Reveals the Creator." The pastor will preach at both services. The Homelike Church former chancellor of Iowa Wesleyan University. Brookland. During August Dr Paul Schilling is taking his vacation In his place tomorrow will be Dr. Harold M. Dudley of Washington. D. C. The subject of the sermon will be “Se curity Through Change.” Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. Maj. E. W. Brown, first vice president, will pre side. L. C. Bowers will have charge of the lesson. William H. Harrison, jr., will be the guest speaker. The lesson theme is, “How God Reveals Himself.” In the absence of the pastor, C. E. Lusby will preach at 11 am. and the Young People's Society will have charge of the services at 7 pm. Lincoln Road. “America Awake—Peril Ahead” will be the theme of Dr. Reginald Heber Stone at 11 am. The church school meets at 9:45 for all over 9 years of age and at 11 am. for all under 9 years. At 8 p.m. the serv ! ice will be in charge of the Youth Council, and the Rev. Hughs Evans will preach. Waugh. The guest preacher tomorrow morning will be the Rev. Karl G. Newell, pastor of the Ryland Meth odist Church. The young people will conduct a Seth Parker at 7:30 p.m. Pilgrim A. M. E. The Rev. Charles E. Walden will preach in the morning. The after noon services will be under the auspices of the Trustee Volunteer Club, with Charles E. Walden, jr„ j as speaker. Evening service and 1 preaching by the pastor. John Wesley A M. E. Z. Dr. Stephen Gill Spottswood will preach the last sermon in the series John iii.16 from the subject "Ever lasting Life’’ at 11 a m. He will also preach at 8 p.m. Music will be fur nished by the chorus choir. St. Paul A. M. E. There will be a special sermon by the Rev. J. M. Harrison, jr„ at 11 am. At 6:30 p.m. the Allen Christian Endeavor League will meet. At 8 pm. a service will be held. Choir No. 2 will sing at both services. Lane Memorial C. M. E. At 11 a.m„ sermon by the Rev. J. O. Myers on "When I Saw the Lord.’’ Music by the senior choir. At 3:30 pm. the pastor and con 1 gregation will worship with mem bers of Miles Memorial C. M. E. Church in a union quarterly con ference of all four C. M. E. churches in Washington, D^C. At 8 p.m,, ser ^rhmil of arulh Universal School of Truth 907 15th St. N.W., Room 303, Virginia Neuhausel Founder and Director Maude Aiton speaks Aug. 11th—8 P.M. “God and Habit” Friday, 8 D m„ Public Healing Meeting Advice and hele available dailv. 11 to 4. No Stated Fe«—Free Will. _Republic 4778 • llttilrb ^rrabytmatt WALLACE MEMORIAL New Hampshire Ave. and Randolph St. N.W. C. E. HAWTHORNE, D. D„ Minister Guest Minister at Both 11 *.m. and 8 p.m. Services: Rev Carlton Helgerson of Woburn. Mass. PrrHbytman METROPOLITAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH * 4th & B S.E, <• Rer. J. L. FENDRICH, D. D.( LL. D. 11:00 A.M.— REV. JOHN EDWARD BENTLEY, "A PARABLE IN BRONZE" 7:45 p m —SOUTHEAST UNION 8ERV _ICE, NEW YORK AVE. CHURCH 13th & H & N. Y. Avenue Minister!: DR. PETER MARSHALL, DR. ALBERT EVANS. 9:30 a.m.—Church Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Church of the Living God.” 6:45 p.m.—Young People’s Meetings. Dr. Evans Preaching. GUNTON-TEMPLE MEMORIAL 16th and Newton Sta. REV. BERNARD BRASKAMP, D. D.. Minister. 9:45 am.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Rev. F. A. * Kullmor 6:45 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. EASTERN Presbyterian Church Md. Ave. fir 6th St. N.E. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 'THE FAITH FOURSQUARE" (Rev. 21:13) Rev. William Nesbit Vincent, Minister mon by the pastor on "Abide With Us for It Is Toward Evening.” Music by the Lane Evening Gos pel Chorus. Allen A. M. E. At 11 a.m. Dr. G. Oliver Wing will speak on "Let Your Light So Shine." The senior vested choir will sing. At 3:30 p.m. the Lily of the Valley Chorus from Mount Olive Baptist Church will give a pro gram sponsored by Mrs. Frances Jones, captain in the fall rally. The Trustee Board will meet Monday at 8 pm. Israel C. M. E. Praise service, 6 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m., with sermon by the Rev. Lester S. Brannon on "A Chance.” Music by the junior choir. At 3:30 p.m. the pastor, choir and congre gation will worship with Miles Me morial C. M. E. Church. At 8 p.m. the pastor will speak on “The Up ward Way.” Praise service Tuesday evening. Metropolitan A. M. F. At 11 a m., preaching by the Rev. P. C. Williams; 6 p.m,, A. C. E. League; 8 p.m.. preaching by the Rev. J. C. Beckett. __ Miles Memorial C. M. E. At 11 am. the presiding elder! of the Washington district, the Rev. R. E. Brooks, will preach on "What j Will You Do With Christ?” At 3:30 p.m, the pastor of Israel C. M.: E. Church, the Rev. L. S. Brannon, j will preach at the union quarterly i meeting. At 8 p.m., preaching by the Rev. R. E. Brooks. Presbyterian Chevy Chase. The Rev. Gladstone T. Cooley of Pennsylvania will be the guest preacher tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. — Ilermon. The Rev. Carl L. Bemies will | preach on "Christian Ambassadors" I at the morning service. Western. Dr. Dunham's subject Sunday morning will be "Behold Your God." | Dr. and Mrs. Dunham will leave on their vacation on Monday. Guest Euattgrliral atth jRefnrtttrh CONCORDIA ElCtheranL 20th unit G Sts N.W REV. CHARLES ENDF.RS. Pastor. 0:45 a m.—Bible School. 11:05 am.—"The Power From God." GRACE REFORMED i*",Nw.d Rev. Calvin H. Winrert. Pastor. * 0:40 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Mr. D. W. Schllcher. Al lentown Pa.. Preacher. $rrabgtrrtmt CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN Southern General Assembly. intersection 15th, 16th and Irving Sts. N.W. Rev. James H. Taylor, D. D., Pastor 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. ll;00am.—Sermon by J. Walter Dickson, Jr. 0:15 pm.—Fellowship Hour. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. _8 :OOj> m.-—Sermon by_Mr. Dickson._ Church of the Pilgrims On the Parkway at 22nd and P Sts. N.W. Gift of the Presbyterians of the Sooth to the Nation’s Capital. Rev. Andrew R. Bird. D. D., Minister. Divine W’orship, 11 a m. and 7:45 p.m. A Cordial Welcome to You. Fourth Presbyterian Church 13tb and Fairmont Streets N.W. REV. JAS. H. MIERS. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—“Christ, the Judge of All Men.” (Broadcast over WOL. 11:10 AM.) 8:00 p.m.—“The Angel fxlorious.” (The Revelation Series.) WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Kalorama near Columbia Rd. REV JOHN C. PALMER. D. D.. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. Rev. Paul A. Walenta. Baltimore. Md„ Guest Preacher. a Cordial Welcome to All. QIYT14 Sixteenth and UJLSV 1 n Kennedy Sta. N.W. J. HERBERT GARNER, Minister 11:00 A.M. Rev. Samuel Shane Washington. Pa. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. CHEVY CHASE Chevy Chase Circle Dr. J. Hillman Hollister, Minister. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship, "A Faith For Tomorrow,” Rev. Glad stone P. Cooley. SHERWOOD Rhode Island Are. at 22nd St. N.E. 2 CHURCH SERVICES 8:50 A.M. II A.M. Gnest Minister Rev. Russell W. Annich, Haddon Heights, New Jersey. COVENANT FIRST Connecticut Are. at 18th & N Sta. N.W. Miniitert: ALBERT JOSEPH McCARTNEY. D. D. WILLIAM HENRY DENNY 11 A.M.—Morning Worship. "The Romance of Religion." William Henry Denny. Preaching. General Sunday School Class—9:*5 a.m Vesnet Service, Thursday. 8:00 D.m speaker August 18. the Rev. Walter Wolf; August 25, the Rev. Wendell S. Tredick, jr.; September 1, the Rev. D. Hobart Evans. Knox Orthodox. The Rev. Leslie W. Sloat of the Westminster Theological Seminary will preach Sunday in the absence of the pastor. Services are at 1316 Ver mont avenue N.W. Eckington. The Rev. Henry B. Woodihg will preach at 11 a.m. There will be no evening services during August. Westminster Memorial. The Rev. Harry V Porter will preach at 11 a.m. on “Are You Afraid of Christ?” Metropolitan. “A Parable in Bronse” is the sub ject of Dr. John Edward Bentley, professor at American University, at 11 a.m. He will be the guest speaker. 1 Christian Advocate Editor to Preach at Mount Vernon Place W. J. Vaught to Speak At Adult Department Service in Morning Dr. W. P. King, editor of the Christian Advocate, Nashville, Tenn., will be the guest preacher at Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church to morrow. Dr. King is the author of many books. His most recent book is “The History of the Methodist Church.” Sunday morning he will speak on the “Mind of Christ" and at night, “A Condition of Divine Forgiveness.” W. J. Vaught will speak at the adult department worship service at 9:30 a.m. on “The Consecrated Christian Family.” The Rev. Gordon Clews, pastor. Maple Grove Methodist Church of Richmond, Va., will speak Thursday at 8 p.m. This service will be spon sored by the young adult depart ment. Epworth Methodist Dr. Clifton K. Ray, pastor of Ep worth Methodist Church, is on his vacation. During his absence the Rev. W. D. Keene will preach on "Challenge of the Master” at 11 a.m. tomorrow. On Sunday evenings the services will be held alternately by the Wes ley Fellowship and the young peo ple's department at 7:30 p.m. r ~ Old Fashioned Revival Charles E. Fuller. Dir. Forceful Gospel Preaching Old Hymns of the Faith EVERY SUNDAY H:CH» P.M. WOL 1230 Kilocycle* A Nationwide Gospel Program. Continuing a Series of Meditations on "HEAVEN AND ETERNAL LIFE" By REV. DALE CROWLEY at The Little Church of Fort Lincoln Bladensburg Road at the District Line EVERY SUNDAY AT 4:00 O'CLOCK Inspirational Music by the Choirs of Washington Churches With Organ and Deagan Chimes SUNDAY, AUGUST 11—CHOIR OF SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. DR. HERBERT HUTSON, DIRECTOR. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS eljr iHftlfobiBt <El|urrlf Headquarters—Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave. N.t. t Resident Bishop. Edwin Holt Huche*. D. D.. LL. D District Superintendents. G. Ellis Williams. D. D., and E. C. Beery. D. D. Church School in All Churches ot 9:45 A.M. WAUGH Third and A Sts. N.E. Clarkson R. Banes. Minister li nn a m. and p.m.—Worship. DOUGLAS MEMORIAL 11th and H Sts. N E. Rer. William F. Wriaht. Minister. Worship. 11:00 am and»:O0p in. RYLAND Branch Ave. and S St. S.E. (at Penn. Ave.( REV. KARL G. NEWELL. Worship. 1 i :00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ELDBROOKE Wisconsin Ave. and River Rd N.W. Rev Walter M Michael. D.D.. Minister. Worship. 7.00 a m. and 11:00 a m. TRINITY ftlh A Seward Square S.E. Her’ Edward B. Wilcox. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Dr. John W. Hancher. _ “Touchim? the Goal^_ PETWORTH N. H. Ave and Grant Circle N.W. Dr. Frank Steelman. Minister. Worship. 11:00 a.m and 8:00 p m. Every Man's Bible Class. 0:30 a.m. HAMLINE Ifltb and Allison S's. N.W. Rev. H. W Burran. O. D.. Minister. li:00 a.m.—Worship. UNION "(Mli Street Near Penn. Are. Nil JOHN R. EDWARDS. D. D., Minister. lltOOa.m and 8:00 pm. — Rev. Marion 8 Michael, guest speaker. McKENDREE So. Dakota Ave. and 34th St, at R. I. Ave N.E. Rev. Samuel E. Rose, D. D . Minister. Worship, 11:00 a m. and 8:00 p.m. Metropolitan Memorial The National Church. Nehraaka and New Mexico Area. 11:00 a m.—The Her. Ralph M. _Sharpe. 8. T._D._ WOODSIDE 881 I Georgia Are. (Sliver Soring. Maryland! Rey. R. D Smith. Ph D., Minister. 8:30 and 11:00 a m. WESLEY Connecticut Ave. and Joeelvn St. Rev J. I.uther Neff. Minister. 11:00 a m—Rev. Harold W. Snapr. CALVARY Columbia Rd . Near tilth St. ORRIS GRAVENOR ROBINSON. Minister. Louis A Potter. Director of Music. Identical Services, 8:30 and 11 a m Mount Vernon Place « nSST™: The South’s Representative Church ,, .. , „ dr. JOHN W RUSTIN. Miniater II :OOa.m.—"THE MIND OF CHRIST." . 8:00 p.m.—“A Condition of Divine Forgiveness.” __Dr. W. P. RING, Nashville, Tenn. FOUNDRY S5T “The Church of the States” FREDERICK BROWN HARRIS, Minister *'m'—"lIFE AS A CHANNEL OF BLESSING.” S:00 pm.—"SECOND-MILE CHRISTIANITY.” DR. CHESTEEN SMITH. Preachin*. _Spiarnpal Ejrifirnpal Mafifyingtim (Cattyr&ral Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues and Woodley Road Holy Communion_,7:30 and 0:30 a m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 a.m. Preacher, Canon Bradner. Peoples Evensong and Sermon 4:00 p.m. Preacher, The Rev. W. C. Draper ST^AGNES’ CH URCH 40 Que Street N.W. Rev. A. J. Dubois. 8. T. B.. Rector. Summer Schedule: Surdays: Masses at 7 and 10 a m. Mass dady at 7 a m.; Thurs . 0:30 a.m Holy Hour. Fridays nt 8 p.m. Confessions. Sat.. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 23rd St. Near Washington Circles 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Eucharist and 8ermon The Rev. Calvert E. Buck Will Preach. ROCK CREEK PARISH REV. F. J. BOHANAN. D. D. The Country Church In the City. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Webster St, and Rock Creek Chureh Rd. Services 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. HOLY COMFORTER CHAPEL 7th and Oglethorpe Sts. N.W. *?V. HOWARD SYLVESTER ARNOLD. ,< 22 a m-—Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. &aint JRarfe’s “ON CAPITOL HILL" Third and A Streets Southeast REV. ROBERT J. PLUMB. Rector. 7:30 ’a.m. to 8:00 a.m.—Holy Com munion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon by Rev. D. W. Curran. Thursday. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. All Souls’ Memorial Church Calhedral and Conn. Ares. N W. REV. H. D. BTERRETT. Rector. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser _mon. ___ _ The Nativitv 1348 Mass. Ave. S.E. me nativity 7:30 and 18:38 A.M. Rev. Enoch M. Thompson, Rector Resurrection Harding Memorial chapel needs 16 pews 100 chairs, organ, font. SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH 16th and H Street* 8:00 a m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and S»r mon. Preacher, Rev. Mr. Acton. ST. JAMES’CHURCH 2Ti 8th St. N.E.—Tel. All. 1746. THE REV. A. Q. PLANK. Sunday Masses. 7:30 and 11. Church School at 9:30 a m. Vespers. 7:30 p m. Daily Mass. 7 a m. Holy Hour, Thurs. 8 p m. Confessions, Sat. 7-9 p.m. St. Margaret’s Conn. At*, and Bancroft Place REV WILLIAM L. MATO. B. 8.» Minister In Charge. 7:30 am.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Short Form. Brief Talk. Thurs., 11 a m.—Holy Communion. Izjjtjiliattg 1317 G Street N.W. Bey. Z. B. Phillips, D. D . LL. D. Bey. Duncan Fraser. B. A. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. CHURCH OF ST.STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Streets N.W. The Rev. Paul D. Wilbur, S. T. B, Rector. REV. F. ALAN PARSONS, Priest-in-Charge. „ , „ SUNDAY: Holy Communion 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 am „ , THURSDAY: Holy communion _10:00 a.m. OLD POHICK George Waehington’t Home Church Visitor’s Welcomed Cordially Sunday Morning Service. 11:00 O'Cloek. REV. JOHN CURTIN RUNKLE. „ LL. B., B. D . Beater \ Mo. 1 Hwy . 10 Ml. South of Alexandria. I