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Department Store Sales Increase In Washington Business Advances 8.2% Beyond Previous Seven-Day Period By HAROLD B. ROGERS. Department store sales in Wash ington showed an increase of 8.2 per cent in the week ended August 3 as compared with the week ended August 5. 3939, according to a report today by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Sales here also were 18.3 per cent above sales in the preceding week this year. Cumulative sales in the four weeks ended August 3. 1940, averaged 11.8 per cent above sales in the lour weeks ended August 5, 1939. In all respects Washington stood above the average for the Fifth Fed eral Reserve District stores. Sales in the fifth district in the week ended August 3 this year were 8 per cent more than sales in the week ended August 5 last year and were 16 per cent above sales in the pre ceding week this year. Cumulative sales in the four weeks ended August 3 averaged 9 per cent above sales in the four weeks ended August 5, 1939. The averages were based on reports from 15 leading department stores. Baltimore Shows Gain. Baltimore showed a gain of 2.9 per cent in the week ended August 3 this year, as compared with a comparable week last year; a 12.9 per cent gain over the preceding week this year and a 7.3 per cent Increase in the four weeks of this year over the comparable period in 1939. Plans are being made by the audi tors’ section of the District of Co lumbia Bankers Association for a delegation to attend the 16th annual convention of the National Asso ciation of Bank Auditors and Con trollers to be held at St. Louis, Mo.. October 16 to 19. Several Prominent Speakers. Letters have gone out from D. D. I Whitcraft. secretary of the audi- | tors section to the 20 local banks which are members of the associa tion, announcing the convention, and asking for information as to representatives going from Washing ton, The convention will be held in the Hotel Statler and will be ad dressed by a group of distinguished speakers. President of the associa tion is J. W. Massie, who is auditor of the Republic National Bank of Dallas, Tex. Mr. Whitcraft, secretary of the local auditors’ section, is assistant auditor of Riggs National Bank. Other officers of the auditors’ section here are William B. Mehler, jr., chairman; Lewis E. Thomas, vice chairman: James C. Elgin and H. Norman Glasco. Sanitary Commission Bonds. A new offering of Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission [ water main and sewer construction serial UU bonds went on the mar ket today through a syndicate headed by John Nuveen & Co. of Chicago, including Y. E. Booker & Co. of this city, at a price to yield from 0.50 up to 2.90 per cent. The issue of 2si per cent bonds | was awarded to the highest bidding ! syndicate yesterday afternoon at a price of 100.781 amounting to $755, 857.50. The offer was presented to the syndicate by Y. E. Booker & I Co. There were five bidders of which the second high was 99.666 presented by a syndicate headed by R. S. Dickson & Co., Inc., of New j York. The Treasury Department has j made an official report of the final liquidation of the Northest Savings ! Bank of this city, which closed up J its accounts with depositors re- j centlv through Receiver Justus S. Warded by payment of 105.16 per cent dividends. The total disburse ment was $1,653,527. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. Aue. 10 UP).—The free British pound reacted 1«4 cents to $3.97 today after yesterday’s sharp runup to within only a few cents oi the official : Bank of England price. Fresh pressure also developed against i the Hone Kong and Shanghai dollars, both I down around .15 of a cent. Other major units traded in the foreign money market were unchanged, including the Canadian dollar at 87 United States cents and the Swiss franc. Late rates follow (Great Britain in dol lars, others in cents): Canada. Official Canadian Control Board rates for United States dollars: Buying 10 per cent premium selling 11 per cent pre mium. equivalent to discounts on Canadian dollars in New York of buying 9.91 per cent, selling 9.09 per cent. Canadian dollar in New Yorg open market 13 per cent discount, or 87.00 United States cents. Europe. Great Britain, official (Bankers’ Foreign Exchange Committee rates), buying, 4.02: selling. 4.04. open market, cables. 3.97; Germany 40.05n (benevolent. 18.25): Fin land. 2.05n; Greece. 68: Hungary. 19.50n; Italy. 5.05: Portugal. 3.82: Rumania, .52n; Sweden. 23.85; Switzerland. 22.74; Yugo slavia, 2.35n. Iatin America. Argentine, official. 29.77; free. 22.59; Brazil, official. 0.05; free, 5.05; Mexico, 2<>.40n. Far East. Japan 23.48; Hong Kong. 22.26; Shang hai 5 50. (Rates in spot cables unless otherwise indicated.) n Nominal. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Completed Properties (Owner occupied or rental) Favorable Rate FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLI GEORGE I. BORGER 613 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat-1 0350 Selected Industrials Give Stock Market Taste of Rally Many Leaders Loaf, but Buying Flurries Lift Volume to 175,000 Shares By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Aug. 10.—Quiet strength of selected industrials gave stocks a mild rallying hue in to day’s market. While many leaders loafed throughout the brief session, favor ites managed to tack on further recoveries of fractions to a point or so. Buying flurries occasionally lifted volume and transfers for the two hours were around 175,000 shares. Brokers said the carry-over of bidding from yesterday’s improved performance was inspired largely by the belief of market students that the recent drying up of selling was a sign the list was due for a turn about even if only temporarily. War developments and the tax question remained as restraining speculative factors. So far as thf latter was concerned, however, Wall Street seemed to be coming around to the idea Congress would quickly push through a revenue measure with more liberal provisions for corporations as a means of break ing the bottleneck which manufac turers claim has been impeding the defense program. Business news, on the whole, was more hopeful than otherwise. Among stocks accorded support were Allied Chemical, United States Steel. General Motors, Briggs Manu facturing, Sears-Roebuck, Johns Manville, Great Northern, Sperry, Westinghouse, International Paper common and preferred, White Sew ing Machine, Kennecott, Western Union and Baldwin Locomotive. In a sluggish curb prices were a shade uneven. Up a trifle now and then were Cities Service, Republic Aviation and Lake Shore. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 10.—Cotton fu tures had an irregular trend today following the new cotton loan an nouncement. Final prices were 6 points low'er to 6 higher. With near months under heavy pressure of liquidation and trans ferring to forward deliveries, it gen erally was felt in the trade that the price of nearby deliveries had discounted the new loan rate. Forward positions were more at tractive. Bombay accounts bought heavily in May and July. The same in terests also transferred from Octo ber and December to late deliveries. Turnover was the heaviest in re cent weeks. The range follow’s: Open. High. Low. Last. October _ P.'J.'t Has ».2S Dpcpmbpr _ 9.27 9.29 9.23 9.27 January_ 9 14 9.17 9.14 P.l7n March _ 9.12 P.16 9.11 9.13 Mav _ 9.97 8.97 8.93 8.94n July ".I..: 8 78 8.81 8.76 8.77 Middling spot, lO.OTn, off 11. n Nominal. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC. High. Low. Close. Ala Power 5s 46 A_ 109 109 109 Ala Power 5s 51 _1064 1064 1064 Am C» A El 34s 70.._ 1094 1094 1094 Am GAE 34s 60 _1084 1084 *684 Am P A L Hs 2016 ___ 1024 1024 1024 As El Ind 44s 53_ 494 40 49 As G A E 5s 68_ 14% 144 144 Bald Loco 6s 50 _110 3 16 116 Bell Tel C 5s 57 B_99s* 994 994 Birm El 4 4s 68 _ £84 984 984 Binning Gas 5s 59 __ 101 101 loi Central Pw 5s 57 D __ 102% 102 102 Cent St El 5s 48 ... :>24 324 32 4 Cent St El 54s 54 . :*2 4 32 4 32 4 Cen St PA L54s 53 __ 76 75% 76 Cities Svc 5s 50 _ 7 9 784 78% Cities Svc 5s 58 _ 774 7 7*2 774 Cit S PAL 54s 52_ 854 85 85*2 Cit S PAL 54s 49 ___ 86 4 864 864 Comntv PAL 5s 57_'974 97*2 974 Cons G Util 6s 43 st 92 9° 92 Cont GAE 5s 58 A _ _ 90 4 904 904 East G A F 4s 56 A_ 78 78 78 El Pw A Lt 5< 2030_ 84 83 4 84 Florida PAL 5s 54 ___ 104 4 104 4 104% Gary EAG 5s 44 st 1004 1004 1004 Gen W WAE 5s 43 A ... 1004 inn4 1004 Georgia PAL 5s 78 ___ 70 70 70 Grand Tr We 4s 50 __ 59 59 59 111 Pw A Lt 54s 57_ 97% 97 >4 97 4 111 Pwr A Lt 6s 53 A __ 1074 1074 1074 111 Pw A L 54s 54 B __ 1054 105 4 1054 Inti Pw Sec 7s 57 E_ 254 254 25*2 Interst Pw 5s 57 _ 61 4 61 61 4 Interst Pw 6s 52 _ 39 374 374 La Pw A Lt 5s 57 ... 1064 1064 1064 Mengel Co 4*2s 47 _ 96 96 96 Metrop Ed 4s 65 G . 108 108 108 Mo Pub Svc 5s 60 . _ . 92 92 92 Nevad Cal El 5s 56_ 73 7:*, 73 New E Pw 5s 4 8 _ 954 95* 2 954 New E Pw 54s 54 . 997* 997* 997* No Bost Lt 34s 47 1054 1054 1054 Northw P S 5s 67 A 1054 105s* 105*® Ohio Power 34s 6.8 10«4 IO84 1084 Okla Nat G 34s 55 108 108 108 Park Lex Lshld 3s 64.. 39 4 39*2 304 Penn P Svc 6s 47 C .. 107 107 107 PeoD GL&C 4s 81 B_ 974 974 974 Phila El P 54s 72 ___ 112* • 112*4 1124 Pub S COl 3 4s 64 3 06*4 1064 106*4 Pue Sd PAL 54s 49 99** 99** 99’* Pue S PAL 5s 50 C 964 904 964 Pu S PAL 4 4s 50 D __ 94* $ 94 94 Shw WAP 44s 70 D . _ 73 73 73 Sou Cal E 34s 60 B _ 1 08 108 308 Texas Elec 5s 60 106 106 206 Tide Wat P 5s 79 A_ 96 96 96 Twin C RT 5 4s 52 A 61% 61% 61 % Unit Lt A Pw 54s 59 108 108 108 Unit Lt A Pw 6 4s 74 „ 884 8S4 884 TTni* T&R M 6s 52 A 117% 117% 1174 Va Pub S 54s 46 A . 102*4 1024 1024 Va Pub S«*r 5s 60 B _ 103% 103** 3034 FOREIGN. Stinn (Hi 4s 40 2d st _ 384 38 384 ww With warrants. xw Without war rans n New st (stp> Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. New York Metal Market NEW YORK. Aug. 10 (JP).—Copper steady, electrolytic spot. Connecticut Val iev. 10.75-11.00; export, f.a.s. New York. 9.90. Tin steady: spot and nearby. 51.75; forward 50.50. Lead steady; spot, New York. 4.76-80: East St. Louis. 4.60. Zinc steady; East St. Louis soot and forward. 6.25. Pig iron, aluminum, antimony, quicksiver. platinum and Chinese wolf ramite and domestic scheelite unchanged. Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Aug. 10.— Sales. STOCKS High. Low. Close. 70 Arundel Corp _ 14 14 14 1 Baltimore Transit .31 .31 .31 5 Balto Trans pld 1.05 1.05 1.65 15 Consol Pow com 7P 7P 79 5n Houst Oil pi vtc 16V, Ifli/4 lOVi 350 New> Amster Cas 17 17 17 BONDS. *2000 Balto Trans 5s A 37V, 37V, 37V, Property Management Automobile Insurance Mortgage 'Loans Fire Insurance It is so easy to overlook important details Fire and in connection with Fire and Automobile Insurance coverage—that it is well worth Automobile while to let our Insurance Department Insurance handle this Insurance for you—placing it in the strong companies we represent. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. McPherton Sjuar* National 2100 NEW YORK STOCK, BOND AND CURB MARKETS Stocks (By Private Wire Direct to The Star.) Stock and Bales— Dividend Rate Add 00. Hikh. Low Close Adams Exp .150 _. 2 5% 5% 5% Adams-Millis (1). 1 18 18 18 Air Reduction la 6 40% 40% 40% Air-lVay Elec Apt 1 % % % Alleghany Corp 2 % % *4 Alleg'y J30 pf ww 1 8% 8% 8% Alleg Ludlum 50e 5 21% 21% 21% Allied Chem («) 13 157% 155 157 Allied Mills <.75e) 5 11% 11% 11% Allied Stores _ 4 6% 6% 6% Allls-Chalm .BOe 6 33% 33 33% Am AgCh Del.60e 1 14% 14V, 14% Am Airlines_ 3 56% 56% 66% Am Bosch_ 4 7% 7% 7% Am Can (4) _ 2 95 95 95 Am Car* Fdry pf. 2 43% 42% 43% Am & For P 2d pf 5 3% 3% 3% Am-Hawailan(la) 4 28% 27% 28% Am Homo Pr 2.40. 1 53% 53% 53% Am International. 1 3% 3% 3% Am Loco pf (3k) 2 54% 54% 54% Am Mach & Fy 80 1 11% 11% 11% Am Mach&Metals 9 2% 2% 2% Am Metals (1.25e) 2 14% 14% 14% Am Pwr & Light.. 1 3% 3% 3% Am Radiator .. 8 6% 6% 6% Am Rolling Mills. 4 10% 10% 10% Am Roll M pf 4.50 1 62% 62% 62% Am Safety Rax .80 1 8% 8% 8% t Am Ship Bldg le . 80 30% 30 30% Am Sm&Ref 1.50e 1 35% 35% 35% Am Stl Found .75e 2 23% 23% 23% Am Tel* Tel (9) 2 162 162 162 Am Tob co (B)(5). 1 75% 75% 75% Am Water Works. 3 9 9 9 Am Woolen . 6 9% 9% 9% Am Woolen pf (3k) 1 38% 38% 38% Am Zinc _ 2 6% 6% 5% Anaconda ,75e_ 21 20% 19% 20 Anchor Hoc G .30e 1 15% 15% 15% tAnchor HG pf<5) 10 112 112 112 A P W Paper_ 1 2% 2% 2% Armour (111) _. 6 4% 4% 4% Armstrong Ck.75e 1 30% 30% 30% Assoc Dry Gohds 1 5% 5% 5% Asso DG 2d 13.25k 1 64% 64% 64% tAssoc lnv pf (5). 100 88 88 88 Atch T&Santa Fe 2 16 15% 16 Atch T&SF pf(5e) 1 49 49 49 Ati Coast Line ... 2 11% 11% 11% Atl Refining (1)... 2 22% 22 22% Aviation Corp_ 44 4% 4% 4% Baldwin Loco ctfs 12 15% 15% 15% Balto & Ohio_ 3 3% 3% 3% Bangor & Arstook. 1 8% 8% 8% tBangor&A pf (5) 60 39 38% 38% Beatrice Crea <la) 1 22% 22% 22% Beech-Nut Pkg 4a. 1 115% 115% 115% Belding-Hem ,60e. 1 7% 7% 7% Bendix Avia 1.75e. 11 30% 30% 30% Beneflclal'L’n 90e 1 19% 19% 19% Beth Steel (3.50e). 13 78% 77% 78% Bigelow-Sanf(2e). 2 22% 22% 22% Blaw-Knox ,125e_. 1 7% 7% 7% Boeing Airplane - 5 14% 14% 14% Bohn Alum'n .50#. 1 25% 25% 25% Bond Stores (1.60) 1 23 23 23 Borden Co (.90e) . 20 19 19 19 Borg-Warner .60s 3 17 16% 17 Bridgeport Brass. 5 9% 9% 9% Briggs Mfg (le).. 25 20% 19% 20% Bklyn-Man Trans 4 24% 24% 24% Bklyn & Queens _. 1 3% 3% 3% Brunsw’k-B 1.75e. 1 22 22 22 Bucyrus-Erie .25e 3 7% 7% 7% Budd Mfg _ 1 3% 3% 3% tBudd Mfg pf ... 20 38 38 38 Budd Wheel ,20e . 4 5 5 5 Bullard Co .75e _ 1 27% 27% 27% Burlington M (1). 2 18% 18% 18% Burr's Add M 30e. 1 7% 7% 7% Butler Bros <.15e) 2 4% 4% 4% Butte Copper _ 15 4% 4 4 Bvers (AM) Co .. 1 7% 7% 7% tByers pf (6.50k) 10 55% 55% 55% Byron Jackson (1) 1 11% 11% 11% Calif Packing (1). 2 16% 16% 16% Callahan Zinc ..11 1 1 Calumet & H .75e. 4 6 5% 6 Campbell Wy ,90e 1 12% 12% 12% Canadian Pacific 2 3 3 3 Carpenter St 1.75# 1 28 28 28 Case (Jl) Co_ 1 52% 52% 52% Celanese (la) .. 4 29'* 29% 29% tCelanese pr pf 7.. 20 118% 118% 118% Central Foundry 1 2% 2% 2% Cere de Pascol3e) 1 24 24 24 tCertain-teed pf 40 22% 22% 22% tChamp P*F pf 6 . 10 102% 102% 102% Ches& Ohio 2.50 . 3 38 37% 38 Chi&Northwn tr) _ 1 A (4 (k Chi Pn T cv pf (3). 1 30 30 30 Childs Co _ 14 2% 2% 2% Chrysler 3.75e ... 26 74% 72% 74% tCitv I&F pf 6.50 50 90 89 90 Clark Equip 1.25e. 1 33 33 33 Climax Molyb 1.20 1 27% 27% 27% Cluett Peab (le) 2 32% 32% 32% Coca-Cola (2.25e). 1 105 105 105 Columb G & E 20# 6 5% 5% 5% Cornel Credit (3).. 2 31% 31% 31V* Cornel Inv Tr (4) 2 38% 38% 38% Cornel Credpf 4.25 1 103% 103% 103% Cornel Solvents .. 5 9% 9% 9% Comwlth Ed 1.80 . u 30% 30% 30% Comwlth & Sou'n 11 1% 1% 1% Comwl & Sopf (3) 1 61 61 61 Congoleum (1)_ 3 15% 15% 15% Congress Cigar_ 1 12V* 12% 12% Consol Aircraft_ 4 22% 22 22 Consol Cigar .75#.. 1 8% 8% 8% Consol Cop M .15e 3 5% 5% 6% Consol Edison (2) 6 28% 28% 28% Cons Film pf ,50k. 1 7% 7% 7% Consol Oil (.80) . 13 6% 6 6% Contain Corp ,75e 1 14% 14% 14% Cont’l Can (1.50e). 1 39% 39% 39% Conti lnsur 1.60a.. 2 35% 35% 35% Conti Motor _ 10 3 2% 3 Copperweld ,60e _ 2 18% 18% 18% Corn Products(3) 1 49% 49% 49% Coty International 1 % % % Crane Co ... 18 17% 17 17% tCrane cv pf (5) 300 96% 96% 96% Crown Zeller 1.26# 13 15% 14% 15% tCrown Zell pf(5) 20 86% 86V* 86% Crucible Steel ._ 4 30 29% 30 Curtiss-Wright .. 45 7% 7% 7% Curtiss-Wr A (2). 1 25% 25% 25V. Deere & Co _ 3 15% 15% 15% Del* Hudson ... 6 11% 11% 11% Distlll-Seagr (2) . 3 16% 16% 16% Distil-Seag pf (5). 1 71 71 71 Doehler Die C.50e 5 19 19 19 Dome Mines (2) .. 2 13% 13% 13% Douglas Air (3g). 1 71 71 71 Dresser Mfg (le). 1 20% 20% 20% Du Pont (3.50e)_ 7 164 163% 164 East’n Air Lines.. 5 30% 30% 305 Eastm Kodak (6). 6 130% 129 130 Eaton Mfg (2.25e) 3 31% 31% 31% Elec Auto-L 1.50e_ 5 34% 34% 34% Electric Boat .40e. 7 13% 13 13% Elec Pwr & Light. 2 6% 6% 6% Elec P&L *6 pf . 1 30% 30% 30% ElPaso Nat G (2). 2 33 33 33 Endicott-.Tohn(3). 1 39% 39% 39% Eng Pub Service . 3 9 8% 9 Eng Pub S pf 5.50 2 83% 83% 83% Eng Pub Svc pf (6) 1 88 88 88 Erie RR 1st pf(r). 1 1% 1% 1% Evans Products... 16 6 6 Ex-Cell-O (le)_ 2 30% 30% 30% Falrb ks Morse la. 1 36 36 36 Fed Motor Truck . 4 3 2% 3 Freeport Sul (la). 2 30 30 30 Gar Wood Indust. 1 4% 4% 4% Gen Am Invest_ 5 5 4% 5 Gen Elec (.70e)_ 26 34% 33% 34% Gen Foods (2)_ 1 41% 41% 41% tGen Mills pf (5). 50 127 127 127 Gen Motors 2.75e . 56 48% 47% 48% Gen Outdoor Adv 15 5 5 Gen Refractor.50e 1 24% 24% 24% tGen Stl Cast pf _ 10 22% 22% 22% Gillette Saf R 60.. 1 4% 4% 4% GliddenCo (.30e). 1 12% 12% 12% Gobel (Adolf) . 1 2% 2% 2% Goebel Brew (.20). 3 2% 2% 2% Goodyear (le)_ 1 15% 15% 15% Graham-Paige 5 % it % Granby Const.65e) 1 5% 5% 5% Grant (WT) 1.40.. 1 32 32 32 Great North'n pf 10 24 23% 24 Grt No O ctfs .75e 2 14% 14% 14% Great Wn Sug (2). 2 20% 20% 20% Green(H L)(2a)_ 1 29% 29% 29% Greyhound (1) ... 2 12 12 12 Grum’n Aire .50e.. 2 16% 16% 16% Guantanamo Sug.. 1 1% 1% 1% Harb-Walker ,75e. 1 21% 21% 21% HatCorp (A) .30e. 1 6% 6% 6% Hecker Prod ( .60). 1. 8% 8% 8% Helme G W (5a)_ 1 91 91 91 Hercules P 1.20e.. 3 82 81% 82 Holly Sugar.. — 1 9% 9% 9% Homeatake (4.50) 4 40% 40% 40% Houd-Her (B).76e 6 11% 11% 11% Household Fin 4a 1 67% 67% 57% Howe Sound (3).. 2 28% 28% 28% Hudson Motor_ 3 4 4 4 Hupp Motor- 7 % % % Illinois Central... 2 7% 7% 7% Inland Steel (3e). 1 84% 84% 84% Inspiration Cop... 2 8% 8% 8% Interchem 1.20 ._ 1 24 24 24 Inti Harvest 1.60. 1 43% 43% 43% Inti Hydro El (A) 1 2% 2% 2% Inti Mercantile M 1 6% 6% 6% Inti Nickel Can 2 13 24% 23% 24 Inti Paper & Pwr 81 15% 15 15% Inti P&P pf 2.60e 54 58% 56% 58% lntl Tel & Teleg.. 7 2% 2% 2% Intertype (.20e)__ 6 6% 6% 6% Johns-Many .76*.. 8 60 69 60 Kelsey-Hayes (A). 3 13% 13% 18% A Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. Hleh. Low Close Kelsey-Hayes B 2 6% 6% 6% Kennecottf 1.75e). 4 26% 26% 26% Keystone Stl ,50e. 2 13% 13 13 Kresee S S( 1.20a) 4 23% 23% 23% KroeerGroc (2).. 1 30% 30% 30% Ltbbey-O-F 1.50e. 1 39% 39% 39% Litre* Myers B 4a 3 97 97 97 Lima Locomotive, 2 21% 21% 21% Link-Belt (1) ... 1 34 34 34 Lion Oil Ref (1).. 1 10% 10% 10% l-iockheed Alrc_ S 20 25% 26 Loft Inc ... 11 22% 21% 22% Lone Star Cmt 3.. 1 31% 31% 31% Lone Bell (A)_ 1 2% 2% 2% Lorlllard (.60e)_.. 1 20 20 20 tLorillard pf <?)._ 10 155 155 155 MacltTrucks ,50e. 3 23 22% 23 Macy (RH) 1.50e . 1 24% 24% 24% Manatl Sutrar 5 1% 1% 1% Marshall Field.40. 2 11% 11% 11% Martin (Glen) le. 6 31 30% 31 Martin-Parry !. 2 8% 8% 8% Maytae Co pf (3). 1 25 25 25 McIntyre Pore 2a. 2 28 28 28 McKeesport Tin 17 7 7 Me Kesson *R (r) 1 4% 4% 4% Me Kess&R pf(r). 1' 21% 21% 21% Miami Cop 20e ..8 7 7 7 Mid Cent Pet ,40e 4 12% 12% 12% Midland Stl P (le) 1 304. 30% 30% Minn-Moline Imp. 1 2% 2% 2% Mo-Kans-Tex pf.. 1 2% 2% 2% Monsanto Ch (2).. 2 91% 91% 91% tMonsan pf B 4.50 10 119 119 119 Monte Ward 2.25# 10 41% 41 41% tMorrls & Es 3.875 10 25 25 25 Motor Prod .50e .. 1 11% 11% 11% Motor Wheel 1.60 1 16% 16% 16% Mueller Brass .50# 2 18% 18% 18% tMulllns Mfg pf.. 60 29% 29% 29% Murray Corp- 1 6% 6% 5% Nash-Kelvinator.. 6 4% 4% 4*4 Natl Acme (.25e)_ 1 18% 18% 18% Natl Aviation .25# 1 10 10 10 Natl Biscuit 1.60 .. 1 1914 1914 19v4 Natl Cyl Gas ,40e. 1 10 10 10 Natl Dairy ( 80) 2 13% 13% 13% Natl Distillers <2) 1 20% 20% 20% Natl Gypsum - 1 fit* 6Tjl 6% Natl Lead (.50)... 1 16% 16% 16% Natl Supply . 1 574 57* Natl Sup pf ,6875k 1 33 33 33 Natl Sup 6 pf ,75k 10 34 34 34 Natomas (.80) 1 914 8t4 914 Newmont Min(le) 1 23 23 23 Newport Indus .. 2 7% 6% 7% NY Central _. jo 12% 11% 12 NH NH & H pf(r). 1 fl, 8r A NY Shipbutldlne.. 9 20% 20% 20% Nor Am Av ,50e... 4 16% 15% 16% Northern Pacific.. 2 6% 6% 6% Ohio Oil <.20e) . 3 6% 6s 6% Oliver Farm Equip 4 14 13% 14 Omnibus C 1.20 __ 1 10% 10% 10V4 tOmnibus pf (8) ._ 10 104 104 104 Otis Elevat (,60e). 4 13% 13% 13% Otis Steel _ 4 7*., 7%, 7% Owens-Ill G 1.50e. 2 53% 53% 53% Pao Am Fisheries. 2 0% 6% 6% tPaclfic coast ._ 120 2% 2% 2% Pao Gas & El (2) .. 1 29% 29% 29% tPaeTA-Tpf (6). 20 149% 149% 149% Pac Tin Con .40e_. 9 3% 3% 3% Packard Motor .. 21 3% 3% 3% Pan-Am Airways. 4 14 13% 13% Param't Pic .15e . 2 5% 5% 514 Param’nt 2d pf 60 2 8% 8% 8% Parke Davis 1.20e 1 32% 32% 32% Pathe Film . 2 8 8 s' Penney(JC) 1.50e. 3 80% 79% 80% Penn R R (,50e) . 5 20 20 20 Peoples Drug ,50e. 3 19% 18% 19% tPere Marq pr pf 10 29% 29% 29% Petrolm Corp ,35e 5 6% 6% 6% Phelps Dodge .75e 5 29% 29 29% Pitts Coal pf ... 1 21% 21% 21% Pitts Screw .30e 1 5% 5% 5% tPitts Steel Sf« pf. 60 15% 15*, 15% Plttston Co .1 % % % Port RAmTA(r) 5 % % *, Postal Teleg pf 1 7% 7% 7% Pressed Steel Car. 10 40% 10% 10% Proctor & Gam 2a . 1 65 65 65 Pub Svc NJ pf (6) 1 123 123 123 Pullman Co .75e 5 19*, 19% 19*, Pure Oil _ 2 7s, 7V, 7*, Pure Oil pf (5)_ 8 77% 77 77% Radio Corp < 20e). 21 4% 4% 4% Radio C cv pf 3.50 3 54% 54% 54% Radio-K-O new .. 1 2% 2% 2*, Rayonier Inc . 1 16% 16% 16% Rem R pf ww 4.50. 1 60% 50% 50% Reo Mot vtc ctfs . 1 1% IV, 1% Republic Steel 28 17% 17 17% Hep Stl cv pf (9k) 50 95% 95 95% Reyn Tob(B)1.50e 11 33% 33% 33% Richfield Oil .60g 15 8 8 8 Safeway Sts 2.25e 1 44 44 44 tSafeway S pf (5) 30 106% 106% 106% St E-San Fr pf (r) 1 14 % % Savage Arms (le) 1 22% 22% 22% Schenley Distill .. 3 10% 10 10 Seab’d A E pf (r).. 1 ft & ft Sears Roebuck 3_ 18 77% 77 77% Sharon Steel 1 10% 10% 10% Shattuck F G .40 2 5 5 5 Simmons Co .50e _. 2 15% 15% 15% Socony-Vac .50e _ 26 8% 8% 8s, So Port Ric S la.. 1 17% 17% 17% Southern Pacific . 2 8% 8% 8% Southern Railway 3 11% 11% 11*. ] Sparks Withingt'n 3 1% 1% 1% Sperry Corp (le). 3 38% 38% 38% Spicer Mfg (le)... 2 27** 27% 27% Spiegel. Inc .45e . 4 6*s 6% 6% Square D Co .80e_. 3 32 32 32 Stand Brands .40.. 17 6% 6% 6% Stand Gas & Elec.. 4 1% 1% 1% Stand G&E 84 pf._ 4 4% 4 4% Std G4E 37 pr pf.. 1 17% 17% 17% Stand OiKCaD(l) 2 18% 18% 18% Stand Oil Ind(la). 3 26% 25% 25% Stand Oil NJ (la). 21 34 33% 33% Studebaker _ 11 7% 7% 7% Sunshine M 1.60.. 6 8% 8 8% Baltimore Tobacco Sales Drop Slightly in July Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, Aug. 10.—A total of 4.011 hogsheads, or 2.499.140 pounds, of Southern Maryland tobacco was sold on or through the Baltimore market during July, according to a summary of returns from selling agents. The average price received for the tobacco was 0.2392 per pound. In June of this year the sales to taled 2,986,170 pounds and the aver age price was 0.2236. In July of last year sales reached 5,352.323 pounds, but the average price received was only 0.1870 per pound. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Auk. 10 i)Pt.—National As sociation Securities Dealers, Inc. Bank, trust and insurance stocks: Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS <SF) (2.40) 34 3H Bank of Manhattan (.80a)_ 15 16% Bank of N Y (14) _ 310 320 Bankers Trust (2) _ 40% 51 % Brooklyn Trust (4) _ 70 75 Cen Han Bk A- Tr (4)_ 88% 01 % Chase Nat (1.40) _ 20% 31 Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 42% 44% Commercial (8) 1H3 160 Cont Bk A Tr (.80) _ 12 13% Com Ex Bk A Tr (3)_ 40% 50% Empire Trust (.60) _ 45 48 First Nat. (Boston) (2)_ 41% 43% First National (100) 160n 1730 Guaranty Trust (12)_ 276 281 Irvina Trust (.60) ... 10% 11% Manufacturers Trust (2)_33% 35% ManufTs Tr pf (2)_ 51 53 National City (1) _ 23% 25 New York Trust (5)_101% 104% Public (1%) _ 20% 31 Title Guaranty A Trust_ 2% 3% New York Clearing House NEW YORK, Aug. 10 (/Pi.—The weekly statement of the New York Clearing House today showed: Total surplus and undivided profits un changed at 8032.644.800. Total net demand deposits (average) de creased *136.805,000. Time deposits (average) increased 810, 378.000. Clearings week ended yesterday, 82,743, 819.112. Clearings week ended August 2, 82,959, 647.689. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Aug, 10.—Prepared b' Fitch Publishing Co.: Extra. Pe- Stk. of Pay _ Rate. riod. red. able. Sunsel-McK Salesbk B 60c __ 8-9 8-20 Perron Gold Mines Ltd 4c Q 8-31 9-21 Accumulated. Cal Art T Corp cv pf_.25c_8-16 9-1 Lit Bros 6% pf-82 __ 9-21 10-1 Regular. Central Cold Storage.12%c Q 9-6 9-16 Chestnut Hill RR_75c Q 8-20 9-4 Delaware Fund_15c 8-31 9-14 Laura Secord C 8 Ltd..20c Q 8-15 9-1 Oshkosh B'Gosh Inc 10c Q 8-20 9-1 Perron Gold Mines Ltd..4c Q 8-31 9-21 Straits Manufacturing lOe _. 8-5 8-10 Sunset-McK Sales A 37%c Q 9-4 9-14 Sunset-McKee Sales B.25C Q 9-4 9-14 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Superior Steel ... 1 12% 12% 12% Swift* Co (1.20). 3 18% 18% 18% Swift inti (2) ... 2 17% 17% 17% Syming-Gould xw. 1 4% 4% 4% Tennessee Corp... 1 5% 5% 5% Texas Corp (2) .. 9 36% 36 36% TexGulf Sul (2a). 1 31% 31% 31% Tex PacC&O .40.. 1 6 6 6 Thermoid 6 3% 3% 3% tTherm’d pf 1.75k 60 28% 28 28% Tide Wat AO.55e 5 9 9 9 Tiink It Brg <2e) 3 43% 43 43 Transamerica .60. 1 4% 4% 4% Transcontl&W Air 7 17% 17% 17% Tri-Continental . 1 1% 1% 1% 20th Century-Fox. 2 5% 5% 5% Twin Coach 2 7% 7% 7% Underw-E-F 1.50a 7 27 26% 27 Un Bag & Pap ,30e 23 12% 12% 12% Union Carb 1.70e .. 5 70 69% 69% Un Oil (Cal) .75e. 2 12% 12% 12% Unit Aire'ft 1.50e. 4 37% 37% 37% Unit Air Lines_ 5 16% 16% 16% United Corp _ 7 2 1% 1% Unit Corp pf (3)._ 2 36% 36% 36% Unit Elec Coal .. 1 4% 4% 4% Unit Gas Imp (1). 3 12 12 12 Unit Mer * M ,60a. 19 9 9 U S Hoffman 14 4 4 U S Indus Alcohol. 3 18% 18 18% U S Pipe&Fdy (2). 2 25% 26% 25% U S Rubber . 14 19% 18% 19 US Steel (2e)_ 61 54% 53% 63% U S Steel pf (7)— 2 117% 117% 117% Vanadium . - 7 31 30% 31 Van Raalte 1.50e_. 1 25 25 25 Va-Caro Chem .. 2 2 2 2 Virgin’n R pf 1.50. 1 32% 32% 32% Walworth Co _*1 4 4 4 Warner Bros Piet- 2 2% 2'4 2% Warren Bros (r) 8 1% 1% 1% tWest Penn El A 7 20 102% 102 102% tWest Pen E pf 6 . 10 102% 102% 102% W Va Pulp*P.25e. 1 lfi% 16% 16% West'n Maryland. 1 3% 3% 314 West’n Union Tel. 8 18% 18 18% Westh'se A B .75e 1 21% 21% 21% Westhse El 2.75e 9 101% 100% 101% tWesths E pf 3.56a 10 125% 125% 125% tWh*L E pf 5.50.. 80 97% 97% 97% White Motor_ 4 10% 10% 10% White Rock ._ 1 8% 8% 8% White Sewing M . 31 5% 5% 5% White SM prpf(2) 8 21% 20% 21% Wlllys-Overland .12 2 2 Willys-Overl'd pf. 1 4% 4% 4% Wilson* Co - 1 4% 4% 4% Woolworth (2.40). 5 33 32% 32% Worthingt'n Pump 9 20% 20 20% t Wright Aero 2g._ 20 98 98 98 Wrigley (3a)_ 1 79" 79 79 Yellow Truck ... 16 13% 13% 1314 tYellow Trpf (7). 10 117% 117% 117% Young Sp&W ,50e. 2 11% 11% 11% Ygstwn S&T ,50e. 8 32 31% 32 t Unit ot trading 10 shares. r In bakruptcy or receivership or belna reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates ol dividend In the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarter or semi-annual declaration Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not included x Ex dividend xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, d Accumulated dividends paid last vear e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable In stock g Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends paid or declared this vear. Washington Produce BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 303i: 1-Pound prints. 31*4: ‘4-pound prints. 3134 92 score, tubs. 2934: 1-pound prints. 30»4. ’4-pound prints. 3034 91 score, tubs. 29s;: 1-pound prints, 30* 4 ‘4-pound prints. 303i»: 90 score, tubs. 28 1-pound prints. 28’2: ‘4-pound prints, 29: 89 score, tubs. 2 73 4: 1-pound prints. 28V '4-pound prints, 2834: 88 score, tubs. 27’2: 1-pound nrints. 28 ‘4-pound prints. 28 V LIVFSTOCK—Calves. 9: spring lambs. 8. Other livestock prices unavailable Prices paid net fob. Washington EGGS—Market flrnu Prices paid for Federal-State graded eggs received from grading stations (August 10): Whites. U. 8 extras, large. 28-31: U. 8 extras, me dium', 22-25: U. 8. standards, large. 23 25: U S standards mediums. 18-21; U S. trades. 15-19. Browns. U. S. extras, larg**. 27-31: U S extras, mediums. 22-24: U. S. standards, large. 22-25: U S standards, mediums. 18-21,; U 8 trades. 15-18 For nearby ungraded eggs, current receipts, whites. 18-18; few higher; mixed colors, 14*2-18 LIVE POULTRY—Market steady. Fowls, colored, all sizes. 15-18 No. 2. 11-12; Leg horn hens. 11-12: roosters, 8-9. Chick ens. Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes, 18-19; No 2. 12; Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 17-18; No. 2. 11; Leghorn broilers all sizes, 14-15: mixed colored chickens. 14-18, Other Markets. L. C. L express receipts of fresh fruits and vegetables Florida—4 half-boxes okra, 3 bushels okra. 4 lugs mangoes North Carolina—us half-bushels and 8 bushels okra, 2 24-quart crates huckle berries. South Carolina—52 bushels peaches: 7 24-quart crates dewberries Pennsylvania—138 3-pounc baskets mushrooms, 3 24-quart crates huckleber ries. California—2n flats figs. West Virginia—2 bushel boxes water cress Michigan—150 16-pint crates blueber ries Virginia—23 standard crates canta loupes Unknown origin—60 crates mixed veg etables, APPLES—Market steady. True* receipts tight. Bushel baskets. U. S. No. 1 Virginia. Transparents. 2-lnch minimum. 75-85: 2'j mch minimum 85-1.00; Duchess. 2-inch minimum 35-40: 2'4-Inch minimum, 50 65: 2Va-inch minimum. 80-1.10; Wil iams Red. 2-inch minimum, 50-65: 2V« inch minimum. 15-00; 2'j-lnch minimum, i'.’l'l —5: Wealthys. 2V«-inch minimum. ,5—-a"lnch minimum. 1.00-1.10. CANTALOUPES—Market steady. Truck receipts moderate. North Carolina. Redge way section. Salmon Meats, standards, all •law. tobeied U 8. No. Is. 1.25-1.50: Plain. 1.00-1.25. Virginia. Salmon Meats, standards, all sizes. 1.00-1.25. Eastern chore Maryland, h crrftes, all sizes. 1.00 HONEYDEWS—Market slightly stronger lor best stock. One California arrived; two unbroken cars on track. California, standard crates Os and 12s. 2.00; Jumbo crates, tis to 8s. 2.00-2.25. «,£A,?ABAS;“N?arket steady. California, mixed car. Jumbo crates. 5s and Os. 2 75 standard crates. Os and 12s. 2.50 raff r -AN MELONS—Market steady. California, mjxed car. ponys, 8s to 8s, 1.50 1.80. .r£v,SROTS—?*arket steady. No carlot one broken car on track. Cali *0r£rvbMjOS*£n?eles crates* bunched. 3.00. steady. Truck receipts PFACHFc£2«byi,S,aCkS' 75-1.on. ..SCHES—Market steady. No carlot fljiyals. one broken car on track. Truck Sonet1htSr«I?c!der*tl: v.Norid Carolina and South Carolina, bushel baskets, Elbertas, l3.-inch minimum. 2-inch min mum. l .50; 2'/4-lnch minimum: 1 75: 2’" inch minimum. 2.00. Virgin,a. bmhei baskets. Golden Jubilees. U. S. No. 1. 2-2*4 x?,C.v.e^'a1 ^ according to condition inches Carmans' U' S' N°' “*** CELERY—Market steady. No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track Truck reetdph. light. New York, half-crates in dividually washed. 1.00-1.26: 10-inch crates, individually washed. 2.00-2 25 New Jersey, half-crates in the rough. 1.00 H5: w.l,wn£h„craJSs-in the rou*h’ 1-40 1.5«». hieh balls 80-75. lettuce—Market slightly weaker. Two California, one New York arrived; 10 broken and .1 unbroken cars on track. Los Angeles crates Iceberg type. California. 5-dozen >50-3.00. mostly 2.75: 4-dozen. 2.50 Colorado. 6-dozen, 1.50. New York, 4-5-dozen. 1.60. ONIONS—Market steady. One Massa chusetts arrived: one unbroken car on track. Truck receipts light. New York and Pennsylvania. 50-pound sacks Yellows. U. S. No. 1. 85-1.00 PEAS—Market steady. One Colorado arrived; two broken cars on track. Colo rado. bushel baskets, 1.60-1.75. POTATOES—Market ateady No carlot arrivals: two broken cars on track. East ern Shore Virginia, loo-pound sacks. Cob blers, U. S. No. 1. 1.10; fair quality. 90 1.00. Idaho. 1 on-pound sacks. Russet Bur banks. U S No. 1 2.75 SWEET POTATOES—Market steadv. Supplies very light. North Carolina, bushel baskets Goldens. U. S. No. 1, 2.25 WATERMELONS—Market, steady. Boat receipts equivalent four cars East Shore Virginia. South Carolina. Lone Stripes. 30-40-pound average. 35-40 each; 40-50 pounds. 40-50 each; Cuban Queens, 20-30 pound average. 70-35 each. BLUEBERRIES—Market steady. Ex press receipts light. Michigan. 18-20 pint. HUCKLEBERRIES — Market steady. Maryland and Virginia, 12'/i quart; Penn sylvania. 14-15 quart, LIMES—Market dull. Truck and ex Eress receipts light. Florida, quarter oxes, 1.00-1.26. LIMA BEANS—Market steady. Truck receipts light. New Jersey, bushel ham pers. 2.50: fair quality. 1.75-2.00. SNAP BEANE—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Pennsylvania, bushel bas kets Black Valentines. 1.25-1.50. BROCCOLI—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Pennsylvania crates, one dozen. 1.25. BEETS—Pennsylvania, crates, 2 dozen bunches. 60-76. , CHICORY—Ohio. 24-quart climax bas kets. 40-50. MUSHROOMS—Pennsylvania, 3-pound baskets. 1 00-1.25. ESCAROLE—Ohio. 24-quart climax bas kets. 40-50. ORAPES—One California arrived: two broken and one unbroken cars on track California, lugs. Thompson Seedless. 1.40 1.50; Red Malagas. 1.25-1.40; Ribiers, 1.50-1.75. ORANGES—Two California arrived: six broken and five unbroken cars on track. California, boxes. Valencias, 3.00-3.75, as to grade and size. LEMONS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. California, standard boxes, 5.00-6.00 as to grade and size. PINEAPPLES — Florida, crates, 3.00 3.50. PEARS — California, boxes, Bartletts, 2.00-2.50. FIGS—California, flats. 75-1.00. EGGPLANT—Norfolk section, Vi-barrel crates. 1.00-1.25. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot arriv als: two broken cars on track. * Bonds By ornate wire direct to The Star Approximate Transaction* Today. Domestic Bond*_ 1,5:00.000 Foreign Bonds_. 190,000 US Govt Bonds_. 10,000 TREASURY. Hleh. Low. Close. 2648 1945-47_ 108.20 108.20 108.20 2%s 1956-59_100.10 106.10 106.10 2%8 1960-65_ 106.4 106.4 106.4 2%s 1955 60_ 107.12 107.12 107.12 3s 1951-55_110. 110. 110. 3 %s 1941. 103.12 103.12 103.12 NEW YORK CITY BONDS 3s 1980- 96% 96% 96% FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low Cloie Antloqula 7s 45 D ... 10% 10% 10% Argentine 4s 72 Feb.. 56% 56% 66% Argentine 4 %s 48_ 76% 76% 76% Argentine 4 %s 71__ 63% 63% 63% Australia 4 %* 66_ 42% 42% 42% Australia 5s 65_ 49% 49% 49% Austria 7s 57 9% 9% 9% Brazil 6%s 1926-57_ 12% 12% 12% Brazil 6%s 1927-57 _. 12% 12% 12% Brazil C Ry El 7a 62.. 13 12% 13 Brazil 8s 41 15% 15% 15% Budapest 6s 62_ 8% 8% 8% Canada 6s 62 ... 91% 91% 91% Chile 6s 61 Jan assd.. 11% 11% 11% Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62... 11% 11% 11% Costa Rica 7s 51_ 16 16 16 Denmark 6s 42 37% 37% 37% French Gov 7s 49_ 70 70 70 Ger Govt 6%s 65_ 16% 16% 16% Grt C El Jap 7s 44_ 83% 83% 83% l*al P U Crd 7s 62_ 30 g9% 30 Japan 6%s65_ 62% uj 62 Japan 6%s 64_ 86% 85% 86% Milan '6%s 52 .. 31% 31% 31% Minas Geraes 6%g 58 8% 8% 8% Minas Geraes 6%s 59 8% 8% 8% Norway 4s 63 39 39 39 Oriental Dev 5%s 58. 52 52 52 Orients! Dev 6s 53_55% 55% 55% Pernambuco 7s 47_ 7 7 7 Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 6% 6% 6% Peru 2d 6s 61_ 6% 6% 6% Peru 7s 59 7% 7% 7% Queensland 7s 41_ 83% 83% 83% Rio de Jan 6 %s 53_ 7% 7% 7% Rio de Jan 8s 46 8% 8% 8% Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 10% 10% 10% Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 38 37% 37% Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 12% 12% 12% Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 13 13 13 Taiwan Elec 6%s 71.. 52% 51% 51% UJlgawa El P7s 45 . 99% 99% 99% Uru 3%-4-4%s adj 79 40% 39% 40% Uruguay 4’4s-4%s 78 40% 40% 40% DOMESTIC VONDS. Abltibl P&P 6s 53 ... 38", 38% 38% Alleg Corp 5s 49 72% 72% 72% Allls-Chalmers 4s 62 108% 108% 108% Am * For Pw 5s 2030 45% 45% 45% Am T & T 3 %s 61_109 108% 109 Am T& T 3 % a 66_ 108% 108% 108% Am T & T 6%s 43 . 105» 105M 105« Arm'rl Del) 1st 4s 55 102% 102% 102% A T&S Fe 4s 1909-55. 96% 96% 96% A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 106% 106% 106% A T&SF RMt dv 4s 65 99 99 99 Atl Coast Lclt 4s 52. 63% 63 63 Atl Coast L 5s 45_ 69% 69’, 69'. R A O 1st 4s 48 _ 67% 67% 67% R & O cv 60s std. 12% 12% 12% B A O 95 A stamped.. 29% 28% 29% B A O 96 F stamped 28% 28% 28% B&OPLE& WVa4s51s’ 57 57 57 B A O S W 60a std... 44 44 44 Beth Steel 3s 60_101% 101% 101% Beth Steel 3% a 59_ 105% 105% 105% Beth Steel 3 %a 62... 108 107% 108 Boston & Me 4s 60 .... 71% 71 71 Roston & Me 4%s 70. 21% 21 21% Bos & Me 5s 65 ..... 74% 74% 74% Buff G P 4%s 81_ 110% 110% 110% Buff Roch & P 57 atd. 38 38 38 Bush Term cn 5s 55 . 39 39 39 Bush Ter Bldg 5s 60.. 58 58 58 Canada South 6s 62 . 74% 74% 74'. Canadian NR 4%s 61 82 82 82 Can Pae 5s 44 94 94 94 Caro Cl & Oh 6s 52... 107 107 107 Car & Gen 5s 50 ... 93% 93% 93% Celotex 4%s 47 ww . 80% 80’. 80% Cent Pacific 6s 60 45 45 45 Cham PAF 44.s 35-50 104% 104% 104% Ches&Ohlo 3%s 63 F 107 107 107 ChesA O 3%s 96 D 100 100 100 Ches & 03%s96E_ 100 99% 99% Chi & Alton 3s 49_ 12 11% 12 Chi B&Q 4 %s 77_ 77 77 77 C B A Q rfg 5s 71 A_ 84% 84% 84% Chi &E 111 6s 51 ... 14- 14 14 Chi Grt West 4s 69... 27% 27% 27% CM&StP 4 %s 89 C __ 2S 22% 23 Chi MU A St P 6s 75.. 4% 4% 4% CM&StP ad1 6s 2000.. 1% 1% 1% Ch1&NW6%s36 . 16 16 16 Cht Rl&P cv 4%s 60 1% 1% 1% Chi Un Sta 3%s 63 ... 100% 100', 100% Cht Un Sta 3%s 51 105% 105% 105% Chi A W ind cv 4s 52 90% 90'. 90% Childs* Co 6s 43 391, 39% 39% Clev Short L 4%s 61. 78 78 78 Clev Un Ter 4%a 77 . 65% 65% 65% Clev Un Ter 5%s 72 Sf) 79% 80 Comw Ed 3%s 58 122% 122% 122% Cons E NY db 3%s 48 106% 106% 106% Cons Pd N Y 3%s 56 106% 106% 106% Consol Oil 3%s 51 106% 106 106 Consum Pwr 3 %s 65 108% 108% 108% Consum Pwr 3%s 67 109% 109s, 109% Consum Pwr 3 %s 70 110% 110% 110% Crucible Steel 4 %s 48 103% 103% 103% Cuba Northn 5 %s 42 16 15% 15% Dayton P A Lt 3s 70 104s, 104s, 104% Del A Hud ref 4s 43 .. 50% 50 50 Det Edison 4s 65_ 110 109% 110 Dow Chem 3s 51_105% 105% 106% Elec Auto Lt 4s 52_106% 106% 106V, Erie cv 4s 53 D_ 21 21 21 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 65 64 65 Erie ref 5s 67_ 11% 11% 11% Erie ref 6s 75_ 12 11% 12 Firestone T 3%s 48 .. 105% 105% 105% Fla E C Ry 4%s 59 ... 53% 53% 53% Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ... 6 6 6 Gen Cable 5 %a 47 ... 105 105 105 Gen Stl Cast 5%s 49_. 72% 72% 72% Ga Caro A Nor 6s 34.. 14 14 14 Grt Nor Ry 31*8 67.. 78 78 78 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G - 102 102 102 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 93 93 93 Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61. 108% 108% 108% Grt N Ry 4 %a 76 D 87 87 87 Grt N R gn 4%a77 B 86 86 86 Grt Nor Ry 6%a 52 103% 103 103% Gulf States St 4%s61 103% 103% 103% Gulf St Util 3 %s 69 110% 110% 110% Har Riv & P 4s 54 .. 65 65 65 Houston OU 4%s 54 . 100% 100% 100% Hud & Man Inc 6s 57 12% 12% 12% 111 Cent 4*is6« .. 39% 39 39% ICCAST NO 4%s 63 .. 41% 41% 41% ICCAStl. NO Ss63 A. 45% 45% 45% Inta^id Steel 3s 61 . 104% 104% 104% Interlake Iron 4s 47.. 84% 84% 84% Int Hydro El 6s 44 . 47% 47% 47% Int Merch Mar 6s 41. 60 60 60 Int Paper 1st 6s 47... 102% 102*? 10*% Int Paper ref 6s 65... 102% 102% 102% Int TAT Es 56 30% 30 30 Jones A L Stl 4%s 61 98% 98% 98% /Cans City St rf 6s 50 66 66 66 Kan City Term 4s 60 107% 107% 107% Laclede Gas 6 %s 53. 49% 49% 49% Laclede Q 5%s 60 D.. 49 49 49 Lautaro Nitrate 75... 30% 30% 30% Leh CAN 4%s 54 A... 52*. 52% 52% Leh CAN 4%s 54 C.._ 50% 50% 50% Llgg A Myers 7s 44.. 124 124 124 Loew s 3%s 46 ... 102% 102% 102% Lorillard 7s 44 . 123% 123% 123% L A Nash 3%s 2003 83 83 83 LA N 4%s 2003 ... 93% 93% 93% LAN PM 4s46 _ 105% 105% 105% Me Cent RR 4s 45 ... 74% 74% 74% Manatl Sugar 4s 67 . 30% 30% 30% Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 103% 103% 103% MStPASSM cn 4s 33. 5 4% 5 Mo KAT 6s 62 A. 14% 14% 14% Mo Pac 4s 75 - 1% 1% 1% Mo Pao 5s 77 P .. 16 16 16 Mob A Ohio 5s 33 ct.. 40% 40% 40% Monong PS 4%s60._ 110% 110% 110% Mont Pwr 864s 66 101% 101% 101% Morris A Es 3 %s 2000 40 39% 39% Nasbv C A L 4s 78 ... 66 66 66 Nat Distill 3%s 49*.. 104% 104% 104% Nat Steel 3a 65 104% 104% 104% New ETAT 4%s 61 B 125 125 125 New Eng T A T 6s 52 127 127 127 New Orl Ter 1st «s 53 64% 64% 64% N Y Central 3 %s 62 66% 66% 56% N Y Central 334s 46 82% 82% 82% N Y Cent 4%a 2013 A 52 51% 52 N y Cent rf 6s 2013 67% 67% 67% NYC Mich C 3 %s 98 63 53 53 N Y ChiAStL 4 %s 78 55% 55% 55% N Y CAStL 6 %s 74 A 65% 65% 65% N Y Chi A St L 6s 41 81% 81 81% N Y Edison 3%s 65 108% 108% 108% N Y Edls ref 3%s 66 108% 108% 108% NY NH A H 4s 66_ 14% 14% 14% N Y Steam 3%s 63_106% 106% 106% Nlag Sh 6 %s 50 _ 102 102 102 North Am3%s49- 106% 106% 106% North Am 334s 64 ... 105% 105 105% Nor'n Pao gn 3s 2047. 44% 44 44 ft . High. Low. Close. Nor'n Pae 4s 97 _ 66% 66 66% NoRn Pac 6s 2047 C._ 52% 52% 62% Norn Pao 6s 2047 D— 53% 52% 53% Nor’n Pae 6* 2047 60% 60% 60% Northn Sta Pw 3% 67 109% 109% 109% Oregon W RR 4*61.. 105% 106% 105% Otis Steel 4 %a 62 70 70 70 Pac Gas # El 3 %s 66. 110 109% 109% Fac G A E 4s 64 ... 112% 112% 112% Panhand E T 4s 52—. 104 104 104 Penn Co 4s 63 _103% 103% 103% Penn PAL 3 %s 69 _108% 108% 108% Penn P A L 4%s 74„ 107% 107% 107% Penn KR 3%s 52_ 85 85 85 Penn RR 3 % s 70_ 89% 89% 89% Penn RR 4% *1 _ 97 97 97 Penn RR 4%s 60_118% 118% 118% Penn KR gn 4%«65 . 103 102% 103 Penn FIR deb 4%s 70 91 91 91 Peoria A E Inc 4s 90. 7 7 7 Pere Marq 4 %s 80___ 60 60 60 Pere Marq 5s 66 65 65 65 Phelps Dodge 3 %g 52 109% 109% 109% Phlla Co 5s 67 ... 106% 106% 106% Phlla Elec 3 %s 67 . 110 110 110 Phlla R C A lr 6a 73.. 14% 14% 14% Port Gen El 4 %s 60 .. 67 65% 66% PtRATb 6s 42 unst — 91 90% 90% Reading R 4%s 97 A. 70 70 70 Rem R’d 4 % s 56 ww. 97% 97% 97% Rep Steel 4 %• 66 . 99% 99 98% Republic Stl 4%s 61. 99 99 99 St L Pub Svc 6s 69 ... 64% 64% 64% St L-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 9 9 9 Shell Un Oil 2Us 64„ 97 97 97 Simmons Co 4s 62_101% 101% 101% Skelly OH 3s 50_101 101 101 So Pac 4 %s 69_ 39% 39% 39% SoPao4%s81- 40% 40% 40% So Pac Oreg 4%s 77— 46 45% 45% So Ry 4s 56_54% 54% 54% So Ry 5s 94 _ 87% 87% 87% SoRy5s94reg- 84 84 84 So Ry gen 6s 56 - 73% 72% 73% So Ry 6%s 56 _ 78 77% 78 Stand Oil N J 2%s 53 105 105 105 StudeDakercv 6s 45 100 100 100 Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 109% 109% 109% Tea: Corp 3s 59 _ 105% 105% 105% Third Ate 4s 60 _ 56% 56 56 Third A ve ad: 5s 60 . 18% 18% 18% Tol A Ohio C 3%s 60 87 87 87 Un Pacific 3%s 80 A. 102% 102% 102% Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 . 112% 112% 112% Unit Biscuit 3%s 55. 106 106 106 United lirug 5s 53_ 82% 82% 82% U S Steel 2.20s 50_101% 101% 101% U S Steel 2.60s 54_101 101 101 U S Steel 2.65s 55_101% 101% 101% Utah LAT 5s 44_101% 101% 101% Va Ry 1st 3% 66- 107% 107% 107% Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 39% 39% 39% West Sh 1st 4s 2361 — 47% 47% 47% West Va P A P 3s 54. 102% 102% 102% West Penn P 3%s 66. 110% 110% 110% West Md 1st 4s 63_ 84% 84% 84% West Md 5 %s 77_ 89% 89% 89% West Union 6s 51_ 65 64*1 65 West Union 6s 60_ 65 64% 65 Wheel A L E 4s 49_113% 113% 113% Wheel Steel 4 %s 66— 102% 102', 102V, Wilson A Co 4s 55_105% 105% 105% Wis El Pw 3%s 68... 109 109 109 Wis Pub Svc 4s 61... 110 110 110 Youngst’n S&T 4s 48 1031% 103% 103% Youngst'n SAT 4» 61. 105V, 105% 105% Baltimore Markets BALTIMORE. Aug. 10.—Potatoes, 100-pound sacks, 60al.00; sweet potatoes, bushel, 1.50a2.50; beans, bushel, nearby, 65al.50; beets, near by, bunch, 2a3; cabbage, bushel, 40a60; nearby, round. 25a40; carrots, bushel, 1.00ai.25; Western, crate, 2.00a300; cauliflower, crate, 75al,75; celery, crate, 50al,75; corn, nearby, dozen, 15a25; cucumbers, nearby, \2 bushel, 50a75; eggplant, bushel, 1.00al.25; nearby, \2 bushel, 50a65; lettuce. Iceberg, crate, Western, 1.25a275; Eastern, 25a75; Big Bos ton, 25a60; lima beans, bushel. 1.50a 2.2*; nearby, ]2 bushel, 75al,00; onions, 50-pound sack, 60al.00; peas, bushel, 75al,75; peppers, bushel, 40a 60; nearby, J2 bushel, 25a35; ! spinach, bushel. 50al.00; squash, nearby, bushel, 25a40; tomatoes, 12-quart basket, 20a30; nearby, \2 bushel, 20a50; apples, bushel, 25a 1.25; blackberries, quart, 10al7; blueberries, pint, 17a20; canta loupes, crate, 50al.25; bushel, 40a75: nearby, '2 bushel, 25a60: grapefruit, box, 2.00a4.00; grapes, lug, 1.25a2.00; honeydews, crate, 1.00a2.00; huckle berries, quart, 8al5; lemons, box, 3.50a6.00; limes, ti box, 1.00al.50; oranges, box, California, 2.50a4.00: peaches, bushel, 75a2.25; nearby, \2 bushel, 20a50; pears, box, 2.00a2.25; | plums, crate, 1.00a2.23; watermelons,! each, 10a30. Poultry and Eggs. Live poultry — Chickens. Rocks, pound, 18a20; crosses. 18a 19; Leg horns, 15al7; fowl, Rocks, 17al8; mixed colors, 16al7; Leghorns. 12a 14; roosters, mixed colors, 10al2; Leghorns, 7a 10; ducks, Pekins, 10a 14. Eggs—Nearby, ungraded, current receipts, dozen, white. 17a23: mixed colors, 16al8. Receipts. 918 cases. Butter—Prints. 92 score, pound, 28a29; 90 score. 27a28; country rolls, 20a21; packing stock, 18al9. Re ceipts, 591 tubs. Livestock Markets. Cattle, 50—Compared with Friday last week; Steers, 25-50 cents higher; dry-feds scarce; part load, 884 pounds, 10.85. top for week; half load, 910 pounds, 10.65; good, 1,283 pounds, grain on grass, 10.50: straight grassers around 10.25 downward; bulk steers for week, medium and good. 900-1.300-pound grassers at 8.25-9.90; load common Southwestern type, 6.50: carload good 865-pound heifers, 8.50; cows mostly 25 cents higher; good grade, 6.50-7.00; common and medium, mostly 5-50-6.25; bulk canners and cutters, 4.00-5.00; top sausage bulls, 7.00. Calves, 10—Compared with Friday last week: Vealers, 50 cents higher; good and choice, 9.00-9.50; common and medium, 6.50-8.50. Hogs, 665—Steady with Friday; practical top, 7.10; good and choice, 170-220 pounds, 6.85-7.10; 220-240 pounds, 6.60-6.85 ; 250-300 pounds, 6.10-6.60; 150-160 pounds, 6.45-6.70; 140-150 pounds, 6.10-6.35; 130-140 pounds, 5.85-6.10; 120-130 pounds, 5.70-5.95; packing sows. 4.75-5.25. Compared week ago. weights 150 pounds up, 25 cents higher; lighter weights, 15 cents higher: packing sqws up 10 cents. Above prices based on grain-fed hogs. Sheep, 50—Compared with last sales last week: Fat lambs, mostly 1.00 higher; good and choice ewe and wether springers, 9.25-9.85; fat buck lambs, 1.00 less; few lots, me dium and good, mixed, around 9.00; cull, common and medium grades, numerous early in week at 5.00-8.50; fat slaughter eyes again scarce; few steady to 25 cents higher at 3.00 3.75; old thin sheep downward to 1.00. Grain Market. Opening prices were: Wheat, No. 2 red winter, garlicky, spot, domes tic. bushel, 77%; August, 11%. Set tling prices were: Wheat, No. 2 red winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, bushel, 7734; August, 77%. Com, No. 2 yellow, domestic, bushel, 78a80. Western billing at a premium over this price. Cob com, barrel, 3.50a3.70; country prices reported, 3.30a3.50. Oats, bushel. No. 2 white, domes tic, 38a43. On all sales of oats to the local trade, excepting those on track, there is an additional charge of 1% cents per bushel for storage and elevation, which is paid by the buyer. Rye, No. 2, bushel, 60a65. Barley, bushel, 55a60. Hay, ton, old, 14.00a 17.00. Wheat straw, ton, new, No. 2, 7.00. Floun barrel, winter patent, 4.85 Curb Bv private wire dlreet to Tie Star. Stock and Sale*_ Dividend Rate Add 00 High Low. Clos*. Alum Co Am <2e) 100* 165 165 1«5 Alum Co pf i«).. 50* 11314 1131*1134 Am Book (4) _ 10* 3814 381* 881* Am Cynam B .60 6 32*4 32*4 32** AmO»i* El 1 SO 1 33*4 33*» 83&* Am G&E1 pf 4.75. 25* 111V4 11 Hi 1 111* Am Gen pf <2) 25* 26*4 26*4 26** Am Superp’r 1st. 50* 72 72 72 Ark Nat Gas_ 1 it* it* Ark Nat Gas(A) 12 2 2 Ark Nat G pf.90k. 1 714 ' 714 714 Ashland OAR .40 1 4*4 4&* 4s* Aviation A Trans 2 2*» 2H 2** Baldwin Lo war 6 614 5»* 6>4 Barium Stain Stl. 4 A * 4 Bath Iron <.25e)_ 2 15** 15*4 15H Beech Aircraft... 2 4*4 4*t, 4** Biles (EW) ... 2 131* 131* 131* Bowman-Bilt 1st 50* 3 3 3 Brewster Aero.. 5 1014 10 10'* Bril] <A> 1 294 2*4 2*4 Brit Col Pw A (2) 25* 16 16 16 Bruce Co (E L)... 1 8*4 8*4 89* B N&EP 1st <51.. 60* 100 100 100 Can Col Airways. 5 6*4 614 6H Can Mar W 04e_. 1 1* 14 1* Carrier Corp 1 g*„ ga* g*j Cent Ohio Stl.SOe 1 814 814 814 Childs pf - 25* 10*4 10*4 10*4 Cities Service... 3 6 6 6 Cities Service pf 1 69t* 691* 691* City Auto Stpg.60 1 594 594 6*4 Claude Neon L .. 10 14 14 14 Col Fuel A 1 war. 1 414 414 414 Columb Oil & Gas 1 194 19* 1*4 Consol Gas Util.. 1 114 iy4 H4 Cons Steel Corp.. 6 61* 5>4 6'* Cooper Bess 1« 71* 7V4 71* Corroon & Reyn.. 2 1 11 Decca Rec .60 -— 1 514 554 514 Eastn G&F 6 of 50g 20 20 20 E G&F Drpf 2.25k 50s 48T4 78*4 48:4 Easy W M<B) .50 1 3V* 3V* 314 Elec Bond & Sb 3 5*4 5*, 5** j Equity Corp 2 ft ft ft j Equity Corp *3pf 100s 1915 1915 19™ Fairchild Av ,25e 4 915 914 914 I Fairchild E* A 1 41. 41* 4,4 | Fia P&L pf 6.13k. 26s 1071s 1071s 107*4 j Ford (Can) All).. 1 10!4 1015 10*4 i Gen Invest 12 Is 44 it Glen Aid C 375e 4 814 8 814 Gorham Mfg(2e) 2 26v* 2614 26>4 Greenfield T & D- 1 8*4 8I5 814 Gulf Oil of Pa(l) 1 291* 2914 2914 Harv*d Brew .05e 1 214 214 214 Hazeltlne (3)_ 2 24 24 24 . Hecla Min .35e ... 2 4*4 4% 454 Helena R(AMl). 160s 9*4 975 974 Humble Oil ,75e.. 1 6214 5214 6214 Imp Tob Can 40a 1 8*, 8*» 8*4 Ins Co N Am 2a 50s 64*. 64*. 64*4 Int Pa&Pwr war 50 314 314 314 I»t Petrolm 1.60 4 97* 9*. 975 Interst Home.60a 3 874 8** 8T» Jer CP&L pf 5.50 145s 92 91** 92 Jer CP&L pf (6). 10s 9914 9914 9914 Jones & Lau Stl. 4 221, 22 22** j LakeShMde).. 2 12»* 12*4 12*4 Lane Bry pf (7). 250s 100 100 100 Line Mater .15e 60s 915 914 915 Locke Steel 1.20a 60s 12** 12** 12*4 Lone Star.40e 19 9 9 Long Isl Lt pf B 200s 33 33 33 Marlon St Shovel 1 2*» 2*» 2*4 Mead John (3a). 10s 139 139 139 Mich Bumber_ 10 s* ** v. Mid West Corp 5 6 6 6 Molydenum .50e_ 1 6*4 64 6*4 Nat Rubber Mack 2 5H 514 514 Nat Tranp't .50e 5 914 9(4 914 NEPA6%pf 4.50k 25s 621s 62*4 624 New Idea (.60).. 1 14 14 14 NJ Zinc (2e)-100s 6815 57*. 57*4 NY P&L pf (7) 10s 115*4 115*. 115** NYShipbgfdsh 5 171s 1715 1715 Niles-B-P 1.25e . 1 65 65 65 Nor Am Lt & Pwr 3 *4 *4 o ** Novadel-Ag (2).. 1 31 31 31 1 Pac Gas6 % pf J.60 1 334, 3314 33^ 1 PantepecOU_ 13 3 3 ! Pennroad_ 2 2 2 2 I Pa-Cent Airlines 1 1514 15*4 15*4 I Phoenix Secur 1 8*4 8*4 8*4 | Pitts & L E (2e) 10s 601, 6O1* 60*4 Pitts Plate G(2e) 1 84*. 84*. 84*. j Polaris Mining 1 a, s, », Powdrell & A 20e 2 3*, 3's 374 | Press Metals .75e 3 714 715 714 Producers Corp.. 2 ft ft ft Prud Inv pr (6).. 50s 102 102 102 P S lnd *7 pr pf 25s 92*4 92*4 92*4 PS Ok prln pf(7) 20s 111*4 111*4 111*. Puget Sd P S6 Of 100s 26*» 26*, 26*4 Pug Sd Pulp 2.25e 1 19 19 19 Republic Avlat’n 6 4*4 4*4 4s* Rustless I&S .30s 6 131, 12** 1314 Scranton L(.50e) 10s 1915 1915 19*5 Segal Lock 1 &, s. Sher-W'ill (2.25e) 50s 75s* 75** 75** Singer Mfg (6) 180s 102*4 101 101 So Col Pw pf dk) 10s 661* 6614 66*4 Stand C&S .60e 1 514* 51, 5*5 Stand Oil Ky d). 1 18*, 18*5 18’, Stand Pwr & Lt.. 19 1, t, 1, Sunray Oil 05e.. 2 11, H, 1*4 Tampa Elec 2.24 I 27 27 27 ToddShipyd 1.75e 20s 68>* 68 6SH Trans-Lux ».10e) 1 H* m m Udyllte (,20e)_ 1 41* 474 474 Unit Alrc't P .10# 1 1214 12W 12>4 Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 1 0 *» 0i Unit Lt&Pwr dI_ 1 28V* 28V* 28V4 US Foil <B) 1 4** 4*, 41, U S Plyw'd(.90e) 2 2414 24V> 24f4 U S Radiator_ 3 1 1 1 UnlvCorpvtc_ 1 3V4 3:4 3T4 Vultee Aircraft.. 1 7V4 7V4 714 Wellington Oil_ 3 14* 14* 1** West VaC&C 2 1»* l»» 14* Wichita Rlv Oil.. 2 65» 65* 6l* Wolverine Pt C_. 1 4 4 4 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not Included, a Also extra or extras d Accumulated dividends Paid last year e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable in stock g Paid last year h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividends paid or declared this year i£..Ilnder rule ww wtth warrant*. xw Without warrants war Warrant*. Virginia Charters Issued RICHMOND. Va., Aug. 10 OF)..— Charter and certificate of authority were issued by the State Corporation Commission to: Virginia Developers. Inc., West Falls Church. Rudolph H. Tushek, president. West Falls Church. Max imum capital, $5,000. To deal' in real estate. Corporation Guarantee & Trust Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., secured charter. Certificate of authority: The Goodman-Wagner Co., a Maryland corporation. Principal office in Alexandria. Leroy S. Bend heim, agent in charge of business. Maximum capital, 50 shares without par value. To Investigate, adjust and or settle insurance claims. Le roy S. Bendheim, attorney, Wash ington, D. c. Boston Wool Market BC8TON. Aug. in up).—Very little do mestic wool was sold in the Boston market during the past week Demand was con fined mostly to small quantities of fine wools in original bags. Quotations on graded combing bright fleece wools were steady at 33-35 cents in the grease for fine combing delaine, at 34-36 cents for one-half bloods and 36-40 cents in the grease for three-eighths and one-quarter blood wools. Low one-quarter blood combing wools were firm at 40-42 cents grease basis. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Aug. 10 UP).— 4 s July. 1046-44_l?ox; 3'ss May. 1055-45_106H lOfl’i 3s July. 1055-45_ 1051/, 105ti 3s Jan.. 1056-46_Z 105*1 105*; 3s May. 1056-46_105*% 105*4 London Money Rates LONDON. Aug 10 UP).—Money, 1 per cent. Discount rates: 8hort bills. 1 1-32 per cent: 3-month bills, 1 1-32-1 1-16. a5.45; winter straight, 3.65a3.90; spring patent, 4.95a5.20; spring straight, 4.70a4.90; hard winter patent, 4.60a4.80; hard winter straight, 4.40a4.65; rye flour, dark to white, 3.30a4.00. Millfeed, ton, spring bran, 26.00a 27.00: standard middlines. 27.00a . 28.00.