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SHOP TALK News About Builders And Real Estate Personalities Delving Into his 1941 District of Columbia assessment book, Rufus 6. Lusk comes up with the informa tion that of the approximately 162. 000 lots and parcels in the District the Federal Government owns 5,394, the District government 871, while there are 1,882 other pieces of tax exempt property. The miscellaneous properties which are tax-free include schools, colleges, orphan asylums, churches, embassies and places exempted by Special acts of Congress such as the Y. W. C. A., part of Constitution flail, part of the National Geo graphic Society holdings, American Legion property, Society of Cincin nati headquarters, etc. In the orig inal District there were approxi mately 46,107 lots in private owner ship and 2,436 lots owned by the pistrict of Columbia, the United 6tates and others not subject to taxation. Plans already are being made by the Washington Real Estate Board for the 1940-41 bowling season. Any office which is a member of the board may enter a team in the Realtors’ League. The deadline for entries is August 15. The matches will be rolled on Friday nights at the Chevy Chase Ice Palace at 9:30. Franchise fee per team Is $10, and this sum will be returned at the end of the season. If you want to enter or desire further information call the league secretary, Thomas H. Schaffert, Weaver Bros., Washing ton Building. He may be reached bv calling District 8300 or Ran dolph 2398. * * * * The F. & W. Construction Co. has 8 $150,000 shopping center under construction on North Glebe road, Arlington, adjacent to Buckingham community. Seven stores are being built on an acre tract, and all of them are rented in advance of com pletion. There wdll be a huge new market, a 5 and 10 cent store, a laundry office, drug store, delica tessen and beauty parlor. The builders will provide parking space for 52 cars. * Ik * 3k During the last week the District Real Estate Commission issued li censes as real estate brokers to Sun Realty Co.. 1209 I street N.W.; Simon Sherman, 1209 I street N.W.: Thomas T. Keller, Tower Building; Herbert Brenner, trading as Brenner & Co.. 800 Southern Building; Army Navy Realty, Inc.. Woodward Building, and Max B. Garber, Woodward Building. Real estate salesmen's licenses were issued to George O. Woodall, 308 Pennsylvania avenue S.E.; S. Franklin Posey, 1011 U street N.W.; Emil M. Peterson. 308 Pennsylvania avenue S.E.: Bruce R. Kessler. 1505 H. street N.W.; Orrel J. Mitchell, Shoreham Building, and Merton A. English, jr„ Shoreham Building. Applications for real estate brok ers' licenses were received from Soterios Nicholson, 1120 Vermont avenue N.W.; Nathaniel J Taube. 1010 Vermont avenue N.W.; Rio Realty Co., 5629 Georgia avenue N.W.; Joseph H. Nicholson, 5629 Georgia avenue N.W.. and Thomas M. Walsh, 815 Eleventh street N.W. Applications for real estate sales men's licenses were received from Louis Macina. 205 Seventh street 6.W.; Charles D. Murphy, 617 Penn sylvania avenue S.E.; Rhesa M. Norris, 1522 K street N.W.; Thomas A. Whitney, 1621 K street N.W.; Horace E. Williams, 925 Fifteenth street N.W.; Richard H. Mansfield, jr„ 1515 K street N.W.; Frank B. Guest, 114 Fifteenth street N.E., HILLWOOD DWELLING SOLD—Mr. and Mrs. Otto Holden have purchased this new home at 228 Meadow lane, Hillwood, Falls Church, Va., from Muhleman & Kayhoe, owners and builders. —Star Staff Photo. Industrial Expansion Boosts F. H. A. Activity Increased home construction in areas affected by recent expansion in industrial production carried Federal Housing Administration op erations to new peaks in July, Ad ministrator Stewart McDonald an nounced today. During the month nearly 800 homes a day were started under F. H. A. inspection and the number of mortgages accepted for insur ance reached a new monthly high totaling 20,291 in the amount of $88,073,500. This compares with 12,074 mortgages totaling $50,803,100 in the corresponding month last year. * Applications for F. H. A. mortgage insurance also Increased substan tially last month, exceeding June by approximately $10,000,000 and the corresponding month of 1939 by more than $30,000,000. A total of 20,499 mortgages amounting to $94, 120,780 were selected for appraisal by the F. H. A. in July on homes to be built under its inspection. This compares with 12,649 mortgages in the amount of $60,747,320 in July, 1939, an increase of 62 per cent in number and 55 per cent in amount. June figures were 18,492 mortgages for $85,226,150. Storage Space Essential Every housekeeper know's the im portance of having a place "to put things.’’ In designing a home plans for systematized storage should be made. In the kitchen, cabinet space for storage of china and foods is vital. Clothes closets should con and Aaron Aaronson, 5320 Georgia avenue N.W., * * * * Eugene M. Fry announced today that Samuel J. Roberts will be asso ciated with his firm in the handling of real estate sales, rentals and in surance. Mr. Roberts was assist ant secretary of the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co. for a number of years and had charge of the agency organization. He is a graduate of George Washington University, where he was a member of Sigma Chi Fraternity. He also is a mem ber of the District bar. Mr. Fry's offices are located at 4703 Hampden lane, Bethesda. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Rathbun j are on a vacation trip in New York i State. Mr. Rathbun is vice presi dent and sales manager of the W. C. & A. N. Miller firm .. . Miss Ruth Welch, secretary to George J. Moss, president of the Moss Realty Co., will leave this week end for Cape May. N. J. . . . Lewis F. Colbert of Brodie & Colbert is on vacation in Kentucky . . . J. McKenney Berry, the Georgetown realtor, is in At lantic City for a stay . . . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sandoz and children are vacationing in Cape May . . . Thomas E. Jarrell has returned from a visit in Atlantic City . . . Thomas D. Lewis of the H. L. Rust Co. got back this week from Virginia Beach . . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Drury are at Wedgeport, Nova Scotia, where Mr. Drury plans tuna fishing. Striping Lends Contrast Striping, the process of running I narrow bands of paint around the i walls a few inches from and parallel with the wood trim, may be an effective answer to the desire to I avoid one-color interior wall monot ony. The width of the stripe, its color and the distance from the wood trim will usually depend on the size of the room, the amount of decoration required to offset the objectional plainness and also on the prominence of the door and window casings. . Brand-New Homes f East of Rock Creek Pork 1352 Van Buren St. 6 RmsM 2 B.; Garage Near H alter Reed A very charming, well-constructed home in a refined new-home neigh borhood. convenient to stores, theater, schools, etc.: excellent transportation to downtown. Has large recreation room with fireplace, finished attic, slate roof, air con ditioned (oil burner), screened, weatherstrioped. furred and insu lated: brick garage. Lot 4f)xl.1.S. While inspecting, note the excep tional quality of materials and workmanship. Open Daily and Sunday Drive out 16th St to Van Buren, turn right to house 1 block. West of Rock Creek Park 6678 32nd St. N.W. 7 Rms., 3 B.; Garage Burnaby Woods Delightful detached brick home with appointments that will appeal to the discriminating home lover. On the first floor there is a large liv ing room 14x"3. dining room 14x15. kitchen, bedroom with shower bath, three large bedrooms and two baths on second floor, recreation room, maid's room and bath, oil-burning air-conditioned heat, built-in ga rage; insulated, furred, weather stripped and screened. Open Daily and Sunday Drive out Conn. Avr to Chew Chase Circle, right on Western Ave. to Tennyson it., right to Sind, left to home. L. 1. Gravatte 729 15th St. N.W. Realtor NAtional 0753 We Leave It to YOUR JUDGMENT We offer for the first time for your criticism and comparison a group of brick homes designed and equipped in the most mod ern manner. We think they represent the best values in this new section—DUPONT TERRACE. Government Park, stores, churches, school and bus are nearby. MODEL HOME 3800 East Capitol St. S.E. • 6 large rooms, tiled bath, gas air conditioned heat, basement lava tory. On deep lots with fenced-in rear yards. *5,750 and *5,975 • Drive over Pa. Ave. S.E. Bridge to Minnesota Ave, (1st traffic light over bridge!, turn left to barricade, righ* I short block to Anacostla Rd., right 1 bloc* to East Capitol St. and homes. RANDLE & GARVIN, INC. 2539 PA. AVE. S.E.AT. 7500 Outdoor Colors Help \ Indoor Summer Comfort Bring outdoor colors into your j home, advise interior decorators as | their contribution to summer com fort. Borrow nature's own cool col ors. This, added to the other hot weather hints, such as shutting - the windows during the day, draw ing curtains and pulling down shades to prevent warm air and sunlight from streaming in, will make the house appreciably more comfortable. A paneling board which cools off a room in two ways—by insulating against heat and by making the room look cool—has recently been introduced. The colors of the panel are apple green, sky blue, apricot, shell pink and ivory. The board which borrows nature’s cool colors also takes the place of lath, plaster, wallpaper and cal- I cimine. It panels a room in color and insulates it against heat and cold at the same time. 5® Home-Seek J/f ers Need Look — No Longer! One f of These Charm ing Stone-Built Homes Will Meet Your Needs. y 48th & Alton ' PI. N.W. Colonial homes with 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, air condition- | Ing, automatic heat, modern kitchens, concrete screened , porches, floored attics, rock | wool insulation — these are only a few of the features. To Inspect—Drive out Wtaconjtn | Ave. to Yuma St <at Tenley Cir cle). left to tilth St., right l block to Alton PI., left to homes. ] 15 E. Irving Street Chere Chase. Md., 1 Block From I Church of the Bleated Sacrament Kentucky Colonial front, center-hall plan, with 4 bed rooms, 2 complete baths, 2 fireplaces, large screened k porch, copper downspouts and screens. Venetian blinds. - Air - conditioned automatic ■ heat. To Inspect—Out Conn Aie. to Western Ave , right 1V4 blocks p®, to property. PAUL T. STONE INfc. 927 15th St. N.W. NATL. 0856 Kenwood "Live Where You Walk to Play” mm i——— —,— 709 Norway Drive M F YOU are planning to acquire a home in a I rigidly restricted community with worlds of natural beauty, good neighbors and splendid recreational facilities Kenwood is your answer. Your investment is safe in Kenwood. THE above home, moderately priced and ideally located, should meet your requirements. The i plan is practical and the finest of materials and workmanship have gone into its construction. The lot is 100 feet wide and it is just a short walk to the Kenwood Golf and Country Club, where Ken wood residents enjoy Golf, Swimming and Tennis. See it over the week end. HOMES AND HOMESITES SOLD ONLY TO APPROVED PURCHASERS Open 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Daily and Sunday Pictures by Courtesy of Venable’s Completely Furnished by Brinson's Furniture and Decorating Co. 1737 14th St. ,\.W. Kennedy-Chamberlin Development Co. KENWOOD OFFICE: KENNEDY DR. AND CHAMBERLIN AVE. * WIS. 4425 Drive out Connecticut Avenue to Chevy Chase Circle, west on Grafton Street through Somerset to Kenwood, or out Wisconsin Avenue to Dorset Avenue, west on Dorset Avenue, through Somerset to Kenwood, or out Connecticut or Wisconsin Avenue to Bradley Lane and West on Bradley Lane to Kenwood. The First and Best Low-Cost Washington Development GLENBROOK Village INVITES YOU TO THE FIRST SHOWING OF ANOTHER 1 “■ Featuring • The Finest Brick Con struction • Fully Insulated , • Air-Conditioned Heat • 5 Fine Rooms • Tiled Bath * • Beautiful Landscaped Lot 404 BYWOOD LANE There is no home setting comparable to this model com* munity of over 200 homes laid out in a woodland park , with winding, tree-lined drives—adjacent to the National Institute of Health buildings and new Naval Medical Center. We will build to your requirements, or you may select a plan from hundreds we have on file. Financing arranged te fit your budget. Drive out Wisconsin Ave. past Bank of Bethesda to Glenbrook Village entrance. The Newbold Development Co. 7611 Wisconsin Ave. WIs. 5286_-— tain a hook strip on three sides and a wooden shelf on top of the hook strip. Linen closets should Jiave sufficient shelves to accommo- j date the household linen. Addi-! tional storage space may be pro-1 1 - vided In the attic, which can be reached through a scuttle if neces sary. AN INVITATION TO 7 GRACIOUS SUBURBAN LIVING IN A I SETTING GLORIOUSLY ENDOWED WITH I THE COOL, PICTURESQUE BEAUTY OF I tied /ilAwau * TRESCOTT SUBDIVISION " IN SEVEN OAKS THIS group of four distinguished homes has just been completed. ■ Situated in the heart of a beautiful wooded section, offering all the recreational facilities of suburban surroundings, yet easily accessible ' to transportation, stores, schools and churches. EASY TERMS WILL CONSIDER TRADE Furnished by Hilda N. Miller Open 10 to 9 Doily & Sunday 1 ALREADY SOLD Consisting of large living room with fireplace, attra ctive dining room, breakfast room, spacious kitchen equipped with all modern appointments, including glass brick; powder room on first floor. Three full sized bedrooms and two baths on second floor. Oil air-conditioned heat, lavatory and laundry room in basement. Planned for recreation room with fireplace. Detached brick garage. Many extra con. veniences rarely seen in moderately priced houses. Out Georgia Ave.. right at traffic light In Silver Spring on Colesville Pike, turn right 1st street after passing Mrs K s, then 1 block to our sign and homes. 1420 K St. N.YV. E'RE meeting—and beating—the best home value that any other builder in the Washington market has to offer. No idle boast, this. It's a fact you can quickly verify by visiting Westover Hills today. We want you to know at first hand why we're smashing all home sales records, why we still command the attention of more home seekers, week in and week out, than any other development, why Westover Hills is still "tops" in downright dollar-for-dollar value. Why? The answer is easy! Westover Hills provides the answer to ALL your housing problems—spaciousness, beauty, every utility for conven ience and comfort, STEEL, CONCRETE and MASONRY construction al! at these low prices! It's an opportunity you can't afford to miss. Brick, concrete and steel construction. Selected hardwood floors over steel and concrete. Timken oil, air con ditioning unit. All-steel kitchen cabinets. Coffer water piping throughout. Reflective type in sulation. Automatic hot-water heatfr. Automatic gas range. Iron stair rails. Plenty of electric outlets. A ll-tile bath with built-in tub and shower. Light, airy, full-size basement—complete ly equipped. Schools within $• minute walk. Mod ern shopping center to be erected. Twen• ty-minute bus service —one fare. Arlington, Virginia Exhibit Rome Furnished be The Reeht Co. Open Today and Daily Until 9 P.M. TO REACH: Drive over Key Bridge to Lee Highway, right to Glebe Road (first traffic light), turn left on Glebe Road to N. Washing ton Boulevard, thence right on N. Washington Boulevard to property. MACE PROPERTIES, INC. CHcstnut 8118