Newspaper Page Text
Mo5ti,^-h"htiy°»r.™frStL8ht, An Evening Newspaper^ ^ tomorrow; possible showers tomorrow; With the Full Doy S News lowest tonight about 64. Temperatures ulTmuii rneriru today—Highest, 81, at 2 p.m.; lowest, Associated Press and i;p| Wirepholos. North bo, at 5:30 a.m. American Newspaper Alliance. Chicago Prom the D"‘t'd®t»t«W«'h«r Bureau report. D»jly News Foreign Service and The Stars _ ° 1 _ Staff Writers. Reporters and Photographers. _Closing N. Y. Markets—Soles, Pagt 18._• _ ^ **.n. A.-ei.te4 Frwt. 89th YEAR. No. 35,434. WASHINGTON, D. CM TUESDAY, % MAY 6, 194i THREE CENTS. —————— " ' ' . v —-—-—-—-_ . ____ _ Pepper Calls For 'Get Tough' U. $. Program Urges Occupation Of World Exits for Possible Attack By the Associated Press. Declaring that “it is time for the United States to get tough," Senator Pepper, Democrat, of Florida urged today that this Nation, in co-opera tion with Great Britain, occupy Greenland. Iceland, the Azores, the Cape Verde and Canary Islands, Singapore and Dakar, West Africa. Senator Pepper's "get tough" pro gram also carried these recom mendations: That the United States and Brit ish Navies "join openly” in the Pacific “to shut up the Japanese fleet in its lair,” and That long-range bombers, manned by American pilots enlisting vol untarily, be made available to China. “A few bombers flown by Ameri can pilots wouldn't leave enough of Tokio^to build a bonfire,” he com mented. Would Stifle Threats. The Florida Senator, consistent administration supporter and early advocate of aid to Britain, said in a speech prepared for Senate deliv ery: “We must stifle threats against us rear their source. We have al ready waited too long. If we con tinue a pussv-footing policy the foe will not fear us and our friends will not respect us.” Speaking of lease-lend cargoes. Senator Pepper asserted that the country “should resolve that no power will keep us from getting the goods to Britain, and getting them there now.” It was up to military and naval experts, he added, to decide on the best method for guaranteeing safe delivery. As far as Hitler was concerned. Senator Pepper said that the United States should react to him as it had to the Barbary Coast pirates in the early years of the last century. and to the gangsters of the Dillinger days. Time for “Plain Talk.” The suggestion of bombers and “volunteer" flyers for China was prefaced by the assertion that the time had come "to give some plain talk and if necessary some plain action to Japan.” “We know that the little yellow men are waiting behind the door with a drawn dagger to stab us when we become involved with another foe.” Senator Pepper said. “We should take the initiative. I believe a few American pilots in first class bombing planes could make a shambles out of Tokio. “If the Japanese get a sample in their capital of what they did to China • * * they may lose some of their blood-thirstiness.” Declaring he stood for “a policy of realism,” the Florida Senator asserted that “we have been par alyzed for a month because the ad ministration and the Congress have not dared to face issues squarely and decide them. “The Government has ceased to lead the people of America, and where there is no leadership the people perish.” Calls for State of Emergency. He then proposed that the Presi dent declare and Congress approve a “state of national emergency—a 6tate in which the Government would have power similar to the war power.” Continuing, he said: "I propose that we close exits of Europe, Africa and Asia against any possible attack upon our continent. I mean that we should not allow the Axis to occupy Greenland. Ice land. the Azores, the Cape Verde Islands, the Canary Islands. Singa pore or Dakar. We know that if they do occupy them it will only be to have a vantage point from which to jump at our throat. “I propose that the United States, • In co-operation with Great Britain, occupy all those territories so we . may stifle near its source this threat which we know to be aimed against : tis. * • * “If we occupy these territories we can keep the sea lanes of Britain open with our Navy and our air force.” • Of the places mentioned by Senator Pepper, only Greenland has figured officially heretofore in United States defense precau tions. Arrangements were re cently concluded to the establish ment of hemisphere defense bases on the territory of the far north colony of occupied Denmark. British forces are in possession of Iceland, Denmark’s neighbor ing sister kingdom, and on the other side of the world Britain has been reinforcing the garrison of the empire’s great naval base at Singapore. The Canary Islands belong to Spain. Azores and the Cape Verde Islands are Portu gese possessions. Dakar, which has repulsed one “free French’’ expedition, remains loyal to the Vichy govrenment of unoccupied . France.) Senator Pepper saw two things that the world “needs to know" from the United States: “That America is determined that tyranny shall die and that when we have saved liberty we shall help tn nurture it to maturity in all the world. "If men ask our motives, we shall sav that we are determined that International bandits shall be dealt with hereafter like we dealt with the cattle thieves of a generation ago.” He suggested that the Govern ment seize all the assets in the country belonging to the Axis pow ers and use them to feed "starving people abroad.” Referring to recent statements by Charles A. Lindbergh, Senator Pepper asked whether the people wished to follow the ideals of the Lindbergh who flew the Atlantic In 1927 or the “Lindbergh of 1941— the chief apostle of defeatism and failure." ♦ Board Approves Emil Schram As New Stock Exchange Head Chairman of R. F. C. Is Selected to Succeed Martin B> the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 6—Emil Schram, chairman of the Recon struction Finance Corp.. has been approved by the Board of Governors of the New York Stock Exchange as the next president of that insti | tution. Mr. Schram would take the post i vacated by William McC. Martin, jr„ i who left the exchange last month for a year's service under the Selec tive Service Act. Exchange officials were said to be in Washington empowered to come to an agreement with Mr. Schram. who was said to have indicated his willingness to take the job. He was said to be the unanimous (See SCHRAM. Page A-6.) EMIL SCHRAM. I Eden Expresses Faith j Turkey Will Remain Loyal to Britain Sooner U. S. Aid Reaches Battlefields Sooner War Will End, Commons Told By the Associated Press. LONDON. May 6.—Foreign Sec retary Anthony Eden told the House ; of Commons today that the sooner United States war materials reach the battlefields of Asia. Africa and Europe the sooner the war will end. He expressed faith that Turkey would stand by Britain and he told Arab peoples, including the Iraqis, to beware of an Axis victory. During his review, which opened the government’s statement in full dress debate on the conduct of the war, a heckling member interrupted Mr. Eden's reference to United States aid with: “Let us do a bit ourselves.” Mr. Eden promptly retorted he was "presupposing maximum effort of ourselves and the United States of America.” Attacked br Critics. Government critics, among them Leslie Hore-Belisha. rose to attack Mr. Eden's long review. "Now that events are going against us. I trust temporarily,'’ Mr. Hore Belisha said, "there is a tendency to minimize their importance, to distinguish them from what is hap pening in the Atlantic.” Laborite Hastings Bertrand Lees Smith. speaking from the front op position bench, warned that in the battle of Suez Britain had a smaller margin of time than in the battle of the Atlantic. “In the Mediterranean.” he said, “it is a race between Hitler's imme diate advantage and our power to build up equipment to hold him until American supplies swing in our favor some months hence.” The Laborite speaker wanted to know why measures were not taken to keep German panzer divisions out of Libya and asked if the govern ment was satisfied that the French government at Vichy is maintaining strict neutrality. Telling of diplomatic efforts in the Near East preceding the Nazi in vasion of Greece and Yugoslavia, Mr. Eden declared he was impressed by the loyal friendship and deter mination of the Turks to “stand firm against any menace to their sov ereignty.” The trouble which h* said was “created” in Iraq. Mr. Eden went on, is of great concern to both Britain and Turkey. He declared Britain had nothing to be ashamed of in her dealings with the Arab peoples, most of all Iraq, “whos^ independence we as sured; it is'we who have assisted them and in every respect we have kept our word.” Mr. Eden said the British were very grateful for the offer of the good offices of the Turkish and Egyptian governments in mediation, but until Iraq withdrew her troops from Habbaniyah and ceased hos tilities. Britain would not discuss fulfillment of her treaty rights. “Arabs in any land must know that the approach of Axis rule means the end of their liberty, which they have jealously guarded and which, in alliance with us, are safe today,” he declared. Irish Bases Mentioned. Mr. Lees-Smith brought Irish bases into the debate, declaring that “it is worth while calling attention of the United States to this matter, because the policy of patrol which the United States now has under taken is being defeated and stulti fied by the policy of Southern Ire land of refusing us those ports." “I believe,” he added, “expression of public opinion in the United States and representations from the United States have more influence with the government of Southern Ireland than from any other country in the world.” Mr. Hore-Belisha said there was no question that Britain was obli gated to go to the aid of Greece, but asked why. during the months before that. Italy, “the most vulnerable country in Europe,” with railways and industries concentrated along 2,500 mUes of coastline, wasn't bombed by the R. A. P. while the Greeks were whipping the Italian Army in Albania.” “Why has such tenderness been shown Italy.” Mr. Hore-Belisha asked, “when Greece was crying out for airplanes and Beaverbrook (until recently Minister of Aircraft Pro duction) was saying our stores were bulging with airplanes?” He declared that “night after night when Greece was in travail” the R A. F. bombed Germany. The opportunity to bomb Italy, which existed for six months, he added, is gone now. Mr Hore-Belisha criticized the army's strategy and diplomatic maneuvers in the Near East, de manding “Why did we allow all this to happen in Iraq?” I President Summons Chief Advisers for Bombers Talks First-Hand Report on Needs and Facilities To Be Discussed President urges increase in produc tion of heavy bombers. Page A-3 By JOHN C. HENRY. Following up his request of last night that there be "a substantial | increase' in American production of I heavy bombing planes, President i Roosevelt summoned to “the White House today his principal cabinet 1 and defense advisers for a first hand report on needs and facilities. Leaving virtually the entire day free for this consultation, the Presi dent called in Secretary of State Hull. Secretary of the Treasury Mor genthau. Secretary of War Stimson, Secretary of the Navy Knox, Maj. j Gen. H. H. Arnold, chief of the Army Air Corps; Admiral Harold R. Stark, chief of naval operations; Gen. ] George C. Marshall, Army chief of , staff; Rear Admiral John H. Towers, chief of naval aeronautics, and Harry L. Hopkins, director of the lease-iend program. It was explained at the White i House that Gen. Arnold, who re- ! ! cently returned from an observation j mission ip England, will make his first formal* Jeport on British avia-1 tion needs and practices—a basis on 1 i which the new policy of speeding American bombing production is be I lieved to have been decided. Mr. Stimson and Gen. Marshall i remained for further consultation when the other conferees left the i White House about 1 p.m. Two Revisions Made. While undertaking this unusually important conference, the Chief Ex ecutive this morning also directed two important revisions in the ad ministrative machinery of the de fense program. First of these was an order to Sec retary of Agriculture Wickard to set up in his department an Office for Agricultural Defense Relations. The new agency, It was specified, will take over the functions previously assigned to the Division of Agricul ture of the National Defense Ad visory Commission. Resignation of Chester C. Davis as ' ; the agricultural member of the De- | fense Commission was announced ! this morning at the White House. Mr Davis recently was appointed ' I president of the Federal Reserve j I Bank in St. Louis. Second of the reorganization steps was the establishment within the . Office for Emergency Management 5 of a Division of Defense Aid Reports ! and appointment of Maj. Gen. James H. Burns to head the division. First Assistant to Hopkins. In effect, this appointment makes Gen. Burns a first assistant to Mr. Hopkins in supervising the lease lend program, providing Mr. Hop kins with a qualified military ad viser to handle the technical as pects of the program. Regarding today's conference, White House Secretary Stephen T. Early explained that Gen. Arnold already had made preliminary verbal reports on British aviation needs to Mr. Hopkins, a circum stance which presumably led to last night's request by the President. It was further explained, however, that the Air Corps chieftain will present his observations in more de tail to the full group today. In his letter to Secretary Wick ard, directing creation of the new departmental office, the President wrote: “I am taking the position that, broadly conceived, the most vital operating functions of agriculture in the defense program are, first, the guarantee of an adequate sup ply of food for the needs of this Nation and supplemental needs of those nations whose defense is es (See ROOSEVELT, Page A-3.) — Reich and Italy Take Over More Greek Islands Nazis Occupy Lesbos And Chios; Fascists Also Seize Six By the Associated Press. BERLIN, May 6.—The Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios in the Aegean Sea were occupied yesterday by the German Army, an official announcement said today. Both islands were regarded here as strategically important because ot their nearness to Turkish waters. How the German troops reached the islands was not disclosed. Chios is less than 10 miles from the mainland of Turkey, west of Izmir (Smyrnai. Lesbos, the larger of the two islands, is little more than 10 miles from the mainland, farther north. 6 of Kykladon Group Occupied by Italians ROME. May 6 (A5).—Italian occu pation of the six islands of the Ky kladon (Cycladesi group, adjoining Italy's Dodecanese Archipelago and 1 standing in the southern waters of the Aegean Sea. was announced to- j day by the Fascist high command, i The occupied islands were an-1 nounced as Amorgos. Anaphe, Ios, Thera, Naxos and Paros. In Circle Around Delos. The Kykladon. or Cyclades, were so named by the ancients because they are arranged in a kind of circle around the island of Delos, smallest but most famed of the group. There are 17 large islands, and numerous ones, in three rows, ex tending in a southeast direction from Southern Greece. Delos, according to Greek myth ology drifted about until moored by Zeus for the birthplaceiof Apollo and Artemis, and became Apollo's i place of worship It was sacked by Menophanes in 87 B C. The entire group has a total area of 1.041 miles and a population of about 135.000. The capital is Her moupclis, on Syros Island. lick Every Bottleneck/ Says Ball, Urging Bill Senator Ball, Republican, of Min nesota told a Senate Labor Sub committee today that the United States could not overcome the seven-year lead held in Germany in "the battle of production” on any business-as-usual basis. "We cannot win it unless we at tack and lick every single bottle neck. however small and minor it may be, that slows our production effort.” he declared in urging speedy approval of a bill he intro duced to require a 10-day "cooling off” period before any strike af fecting defense production. The Vinson bill to require a 25 day “cooling off” period and to freeze closed shop agreements in defense industries is on the House calendar for debate soon. Thomas R. Jones, representing the National Association of Manu facturers, told the Senate group the N. A. M. indorsed the general principle of the Ball bill, adding that the association was "opposed to any attempt to forbid strikes or provide for the compulsory arbi tration by Government of strikes which do occur.” Selassie Back in Capital After Exile of 5 Years ■y th* Associated Press. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia. May 5 (Delayed).—Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia and Lion of Judah, en tered his capital today after five years of exile while Ethiopia was in Italian hands. Intense excitement prevailed in the gayly bedecked city as the Em peror rode in triumphantly to re claim his throne. He was met by Gen. A. C. Cun ningham, commander of the British forces which drove the Italians from the city, and by Selassie's sons, Crown Prince Makonnen and the Duke of Harar. All Italians left in the city re mained indoors. Ethiopian natives who had ridden Into the city astride gayly capari soned mules were on hand to wel come the slight, bearded Lion of Judah. The processional route followed by the monarch and his party was out lined with poles bedecked in the country’s colors. Capt. Roosevelt in Burma RANGOON, Burma. May 6 (jP>.— Capt. James Roosevelt, son of the President, arrived yesterday en route to Cairo, Egypt, after a visit to the Chinese capital at Chungking. \ Canadians List 12 Americans Among 122 Missing at Sea ! By the Associated Press. OTTAWA, Ontario, May Twelve Americans—11 of them plane ferry pilots—were listed today among 122 persons reported missing at sea from various branches of the civilian and armed services. The full list included men from the army, navy, Royal Air Force, the Royal Norwegian Air Force, members of the United Kingdom and Canadian inspection board and some civilians. The Americans were listed as fol lows: Reginald Lawrence Wells, Royal 4 Canadian Signal Corps, Melrose Highlands, Mass. Perry pilots: R. E. Fordyce, Chicago. R. W. Lowell, Chickasa, Okla. J. S. Wright, Medford, Okla. J. C. Torpey, Silverdale. Wash. E. Frederichs, Peoria, 111. R. Burden, Warsaw, Ind. J. A. Woodall, Dallas, Tex. K. B. Codings, Oceanside, Long Island. N. Y. W. H. Nance, Houston, Tex. R. G. Smith, Warsaw, Ind. I. Landis, Boyertown, Pa. Inclusion of the pilots in the list of missing raised speculation that (See MISSING, Page A-4.i 1 >\ I - /TcANBEAf\ UHL WORLD ! ^^bettermentman YOU HAVESAID ^ THAT! Senate Subcommittee Gets Petition Urging Vote for District Capper-Sumners Plan Backed by 30 Civic And Trade Bodies By J. A. OLEARY. A petition signed by officers of more than 30 of the principal civic and trade organizations of the city in support of the Capper-Sumners resolution for District suffrage was filed today with the Senate sub committee. which plans to bring its hearings to a close tomorrow aft ernoon. The petition was presented by Jesse C. Suter on behalf of the Citizens' Joint Committee on Na tional Representation, and the other city-wide co-operating groups in the fight for suffrage. Mr. Suter told Chairman McCarran that Senator Capper, Republican, of Kansas, had suggested presentation of the peti tion to the subcommittee. Senator Capper plans to offer a copy of it in the Senate. Most of the morning session was devoted to opposition witnesses, who defended the present commission form of local government, and argued statehood would have to be conferred on the District to give it representation in the Senate and House. Near the close of today s hearing, however. Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley, made a stirring appeal for the vote on behalf of the Woman's City Club and the District Legislative Council* Mrs. Margaret Hopkins Worrell of the Columbia Heights Citizens’ Association and of the Wheel of Progress also spoke briefly in sup port of suffrage. “Do you think the founders of the Nation intended the people of this District should have the vote and the same rights as citizens of the States?" Chairman McCarran asked Mrs. Wiley. "I do not think they foresaw a city of more than 600,000 inhabitants here—they could not have foreseen it,” Mrs. Wiley replied. Sees No Interference. When Senator McCarran asked if the founders envisioned a seat of government that would be free from the political influence of any State, Mrs. Wiley replied that she did not believe national representation for the residents of Washington in the House, Senate and Electoral College would interfere with that theory' of what the seat of government should be. “What do you lose by not having a vote for President?" Senator Mc Carran inquired. “I think I am entitled to vote for the President of my country, as an American,” Mrs. Wiley replied, add ing that she also felt there should be some one in the Senate and House to whom she could go as her representative on legislative prob lems. Signers of Petitions. Those who signed the general petition filed by Mr. Suter in sup port of the proposed constitutional amendment, which would give Con gress discretionary power to grant both national representation and a greater degree of local self-govern ment, were: Theodore w. Noyes, chairman, Citizens’ Joint Committee on Dis trict of Columbia National Repre sentation; James E. Colliflower, president. Board of Trade; Harry N. Stull, president. Federation of Citi zens’ Associations <65 member or ganizations); John Locher. presi dent, Central Labor Union (150 local unions); Mrs. Ernest H. Daniel, president, Federation of Women's Clubs (32 clubs); Mrs. M. O. Lorenz, president, Voteless D. C. League of Women Voters: Arthur Sundlun, president. Merchants and Manufac turers’ Association: william Payne, jr„ president. District of Columbia Building and Loan League; Francis W. Hill, president. Bar Association; Mrs. EUzabeth M. Cox, president, Women’s Bar Association; Louis J. Bowdler, president. Federation of Business Men’s Associations: Joseph P. McCurdy, president, Maryland State and District of Columbia Fed eration of Labor; Fred Gast, chair man, Interfederation Conference; Theodore W. Noyes, president, As sociation of Oldest Inhabitants; William McK. Clayton, president, District Delegate Association; Evan H. Tucker, president, North east Washington Citizens’ Asso ciation; Waverly Taylor, president, Washington Real Estate Board; George B. Burrus, president, Adver • See SUFFRAGE, Page A-6.) A Arlington Water Supply Short; Use for Airport Grass Blamed Unusual Consumption Denied by Officials; Taps in County Yield Only a Trickle Arlington County residents were warned today to use water sparingly for the next eight or ten days be cause of unusual demands on the county's supply. Taps throughout the county yielded only a trickle late yesterday and. although the reason was not entirely clear, the blame temporarily was placed on the new Gravelly Point Airport. County Manager Frank C. Han rahan said he understood the air port was drawing heavily on the county's supply to grow grass on the now bare flying field area Airport officials denied, however, that they were using more of the county’s water than usual. It was admitted that the airport had been newly seeded, but it was reported they were "letting nature takes its course.” Officials pointed out that the air port has its own pumping station installed, but that it is not planned to use it until the field itself is ready for operations. Then the airport will pipe all but its drinking water from the Potomac River. A. T. Lundberg, county water en gineer, said also that the airport's demands had been responsible for the shortage, with an 8-foot drop being reported at the county's 1.750, 000-gallon reservoir at Lee Heights. The result yesterday was that Oakcrest and some developments in the Columbia pike section were com pletely "dry,” with other communi ties throughout the county being little better off. Arlington Courthouse was hard put tc handle calls from irate home owners who protested that their (See WATER. Page A-2.) Victor Kauffmann, Treasurer of Star, Dies in 74th Year Sunday Editor, III for Year, Had Been With Newspaper 52 Years Victor Kauffmann. treasurer of The Evening Star Newspaper Co., Sunday editor of The Star, and for more than fifty-two years an em ploye of this newspaper, died at 6 o'clock last night at Emergency Hos pital. Mr. Kauffmann had been in poor health for the past year or more. He had spent the past winter i in Florida and, upon his recent re turn. was taken to the hospital. Funeral services will be held at 3 pm. Thursday in Rock Creek Parish Church, with the Rev. Franklin Johns Bohanan, rector, officiating. Burial is to be in Rock Creek Ceme | tery. Honorary pallbearers will be James 1)1. Green, John W. Calvert, Fred W. Walz of New' York, Theo dore W. Noyes. Frank Noyes, Fleming Newbold. Maj. Gen. Fred erick W. Coleman, Thomas D. J. Puller, R. M. Kauffmann. Crosby Noyes Boyd. George Adams Howard, Eugene G. Adams and Col. Leroy W. Herron. A lifelong resident of the National Capital, Mr. Kauffmann was born at 1000 M street N.W. on January 3, 1868. He was the son of the late Samuel Hay Kauffmann and the late Sarah Clark Fracker Kauff mann. His father, until his death in 1906, was president of The Eve ning Star Newspaper Co. Mr. Kauffmann attended local public schools and later prepared for col lege at the old Rittenhouse Acad emy maintained by Prof. Wight. He entered the College of New Jersey : (now Princeton University > in 1885 i and in 1889 he received the degree [ _ < See KAUFFMANN. PageA-3.) * Iraqi Army Positions Bombed as Fighting Spreads, British Say Result of 4-Day Shelling of Habbaniyah Negligible, Cairo Command Asserts B> ti e Associated Press. • CAIRO. Egypt. May 6—Fighting in Iraq has spread, with British planes bombing Iraq military posi tions at Diwaniva and motor trans port at A1 Falluja. the R A. F Near East command announced today. The war bulletin said the four-day Iraq shelling of British-held Hab baniyah Airdrome. 60 miles west of Baghdad, had produced only ••neg ligible” results. Diwaniva is on the Euphrates River, about 130 miles below Bagh dad. and A1 Falluja is some 30 miles west of Baghdad, just below the British-held airdrome at Dhibban. Patrols Are Maintained. "Throughout yesterday aircraft of ' the R. A. F. maintained constant j patrols over Iraq portions outside | the Habbaniyah R. A. F. station,” said the communique. "Motor transport and personnel were bombed and several direct hits registered on gun positions.” At Diwaniya. it said, many direct hits were made on barracks and administrative buildings. The British Near East command said the Iraq bombing of the Hab baniyah area was "intermittent and inaccurate.” Basra Area Quiet. The situation in the Basra area at the head of the Persian Gulf, where the British have troop con tingents. “remains quiet,” the war bulletin said. Habbaniyah airdrome. 60 miles west of Baghdad, has been under (See IRAQ, Page A-4.) Summary of Today's Star Page. Amuse ments B-20 Comics B-18-19 Editorial -- A-10 Finance A-17 Legal Notices. B-17 | Lost, Found.-A-3 Page. Obituary ... A-12 Radio Programs. B-18 Serial Story. A-9 Society- B-3 Sports .. .A-14-16 Woman's Page .B-14 Foreign Shipyards on Clyde fiercely pounded by Nazi bombers. Page A-2 R. A. F. hits Benina Harbor and air drome, British report. Page A-4 National. D. C. engineer tells Senators of work for contractors. Page A-2 Manufacturers’ group urges broad ened income tax base. Page A-2 Greyhound strike continues as peace parleys are resumed. Page A-3 U. S. reported halting all machinery exports to Russia. Page A-3 Allen immigration resolution seen working injustices. Page A-3 Mediators renew efforts to avert two defense strikes. Page A-4 Washington and Vicinity. Emperor penguins from Antarctic arrive at Zoo. Page A-5 % Literary- notables will address book sellers. Page A-12 House probe of D. C. recreation fa cilities is asked. Page B-l Street repair to use 15 per cent of road program cost. Page B-l Editorial and Comment. Editorials. Page A-10 This and That. Page A-10 Answers to Questions. Page A-10 David Lawrence. Page A-ll i Gould Lincoln. Page A-ll John Bird. Page A-ll Constantine Brown. Page A-ll The Conning Tower. PageA-li Sports. Superb pitching helps Indians. Cards hold lead. Page A-14 Failure of Nats «ac blow to Griff ana Harris. Page A-14 Bold Irishman gets Freakness test at Pimlico today. Page A-15 Mid-Atlantic pros find Eurning Tree tough golf course. Page A-16 Miscellany. Nature’s Children. Page B-7 Vital Statistics. Page B-10-11 Bedtime Story. PageB-18 Winning Contract. Page B-19 Letter-Out. Page B-19 Uncle Ray’s Comer. Page B-19 Crossword Puzzle. Page B-19 D.C. Sites Picked For 4 New U. S. Office Buildings Arlington Location Dropped for Mall And War College BACKGROUND— Need for office space has in creased with expansion of Fed eral agencies under defense pro gram. Working ahead of neces sary appropriation. Public Build ings Administration planned to erect office buildings in nearby Virginia. Congress,, meanwhile, made $4.100,000 available, but re quired that buildings be located, in District on Federally-owned property. This meant drawing new plans, as well as selecting new sites. By HENRY MUSTIN. Selection of two sites for four tem porary Government office buildings made necessary7 by expanding de fense needs was announced today by Federal Works Administrator Carmody. On one of the sites—situated be tween Fourth and Sixth streets N W, on Independence avenue on the southern margin of the Mall—a single building will be erected. The other three buildings all will be put up on the second site, a portion of the Army War College grounds. At the same time, it was an nounced that seven temporary build ings will be erected. Three sites have yet to be selected in different parts of the city. Six buildings originally were planned. Faced with the need of an addi tional 8.000.000 square feet of Fed eral office space. Congress made available $4,100,000 in March In framing the legislation the stipula tion was written in that the neces sary buildings must be put up on Government-owned land within the District of Columbia. Arlington Site Planned. The Public Buildings Administra tion originally had planned to make all the space available in a single office building on the experimental farm in Arlington County. A frantic search began under the new re striction. with District and Federal officials working together to obtain new sites. President Roosevelt at one time was drawn into the picture. The four new buildings will pro vide an estimated 523.000 square feet of office space, leaving 177.000 yet to be provided. Although no definite steps have been taken as yet. Mr. Carmody said today this space probably would be made available in three separate build ings and that sites for them soon would be announced. He said the four building* for which sites now have been deter mined should be ready for occupancy late this summer. All will be simi lar in design anrd material. Mr. Carmody said — two - story frame structures finished with fire-re sistant "board." They will be "comb shaped," with a central portion from which wings will jut at right angles. Total cast of the four is estimated at approximately $3,000,000. Bids Asked by May 13. Mr. Carmody said he had asked contractors to submit selective bids for the Mall building by May 13. The contract will be awarded about June 1 and the time limit will prob ably be 90 days, he said. Work on the three War College buildings should get under wav within a month of that time, it was said. Office space for about 1.200 per sons will be provided in the 118.000 square feet to be provided in the Mall building. Space-control offi cials say it will handle the overflow from the nearby Social Security Building, currently occupied by the Office of Production Management and the Army Quartermaster Corps. The War College buildings are to be erected north of the Administra tion Building, which lies near the southern extremity of the grounds. Two will be equal in size—687 by 191 feet—and the third, which will house a cafeteria, somewhat smaller. The Army probably will be given the office space. Yugoslav Exile Regime Pledges Fight to End By the Associated Pr*ss. NEW YORK. May 6.—The British radio, heard by C. B. S. today, broad cast a statement of the Yugoslav government-in-exile declaring that Serbs, Croats and Slovenes would fight on until they achieve inde pendence. B. B. C. said this was the first authoritative, statement of the Yugoslav government now in refuge somewhere in the Near East. “The Allies intend to restore In ternational order in which moral rights are stronger than brute force," the statement said. "For thesB ideals the Serbs. Croats and Slovenes will continue to fight. The struggle will only cease when full independ ence is achieved under King Peter.” 40,000 Facing Hunger After Brazilian Floods B* tbe Associated Press. PORTO ALEGRE. Brazil. May Forty thousand persons were ma rooned and facing hunger today on account of floods in Rio Grande do Sul. Communications were cut and crops heavily damaged during tha past few days. 17 Survivors of Sinking Reach Cape Verde B> the Associated Press. SAO VICENTE. Cape Verde Is lands, May 6—A lifeboat bearing 17 survivors of the 10.305-ton British merchant ship Calchas, torpedoed April 20, has reached Sal Island. Three of the survivors are women. The sinking was previously reported. f