Newspaper Page Text
HELP MEN. (Continued.) CREDIT MAN, Bt prominent ladies' specialty store. Permanent position and good salary for ont who has had the desired experience. JOSEPH R. HARRIS CO., _____ 1224 P ST. N.W. _____ ARROW CAB CO. Du opening for men oyer 21 ye»r« of age, lo drive: must be residents of D C. or Mefropolitgn Aren for 1 year; free instruc. Uon. ran earn J'15 to vis wkly. Apply at in g.m promptly for further details. 310 M at. pe Ask for Mr Booth._ BOD A DISPENSERS, 18 to 25 yrs. of age, experience not necessary. Applicants under 21 must have birth certificate or other suitable evidence of age. Apply in person. Employment department, Peoples Drug Stores, 77 P st. n.e., 9 a.m. to noon daily. DIAMOND CABS^ White men wanted. 21 years of ate or older, to Qualify ss 'axicab operators Must have up-to-daie District of Colum bia motor vehicle operator s permit and have resided within the metroDoluan aiea Of Washington for one year or longer (nearby Maryland and Virginia included) FREE INSTRUCTIONS. Atmly Mr A I*. Livsie. Room No. 111. 1*35 Utn St. n .3 and ftp m. WOODWARD & LOTHROP desires the services of boys 18 years of age or older. Ap ply employment office, 9th floor. SERVICE STATION AND PARKING LOT ATTEND ANTS. MR. BAYNE, 1535 EYE ST. N.W. MAN. sreadv position now available with *ood Day. excellent chance for advance ment: must be over 24 and ha\e a car. Apply w :to am Wednesday, employment efflee. 4th floor. S. KANN SONS CO. NIGHT CLERK, middle-aged for small ho tel. 560 month, room and midnight lunch: permanent job for right man Write, stat ing age. qualifications; send comes of testi monials re character and sobriety. Box |o:V-A. Star ATTENTION! LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY. This is your oppor'unity. Whether you have sold anythin*: h^forp or not we have % SANITATION SYSTEM that is SALABLE and will give you a handsome return for rour efforts Every HOME STORE APARTMENT. OARAGE AND OFFICE BUILDING needs this eouipment We can prove to you that th^re no faster sellins item on the ma-ket today that will bring you such larce earnint'-. COME TN and see the most WONDERFUL demonstration ?ver nut into the hands of c salesman We train you thoroughly so that from the start you are a producer. This is a PERMANENT POSITION and the earning possibilities are UNLIMITED. IT you are a WIDE-AWAKE and AGORES PIVE GO-GETTER with pleniy of energy and integrity, come in today and be inter viewed PERSONNEL DIRECTOR, 1218 H St, N.W. 2nd F’oor 9AM_to 1 *! Noon Wedne'da* SALESMAN, furniture and inter ior decorating; permanent posi tion. give age and previous experience. Box 300-A Star. 7* DRUG - CLERKS, experienced, over 21 years of age. Apply in person. Employment department, Peoples Drug Stores. 77 P st. n.e., 9 a m. to noon daUy. CURB SERVICE attendants, over 18, no experience neces sary. Apply 5109 Georgia ave. YOUNG MANrAROUND 18. FOR DELIVERY DEPT. OF RETAIL STORE; HOURS 9 TO fi; INSIDE WORK ONLY. EISEMAN’S, F ST. AT 7TH. DINING CAR STEWARDS. White, age 25-32, married men preferred, draft exempt. State age and business experience. Box 112-Y, Star. POSITIONS AVAILABLE. A number of positions for boys and men, 16 to 25 years of age. Some of these positions require the use of bicycles; also a limited number of walking positions. Apply Western Union Telegraph Co, 1317 New York ave. n.w._ CHIEF CASHIER. Opening for thoroughly ex perienced cashier, to take complete charge. Man over 35 years old with local experience preferred. Good salary, pleasant work ing conditions, permanent po sition. Write complete experience and other details. All replies In strict confidence. _JBox 191-Y, Star. SALESMEN. IfANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE for well-established District of Columbia ter ritory. accounts include Industrial plants, •chools. hospital?, milk plants, etc who buy for daily use. commissions paid week ly. Include full credit on mail and repeat business, sales training aJ our expense; ear and territory sales experience neces sary. Address Dept. M. P. O. Box 67, Indianapolis. Inri _ PART-TIME SALESMEN. $25.00 extra each week is easy with my new sales plan. No samples to carry; nothing to buy; selling experience helpful but not necessary. If you want to be independ ent, write today. Gentiles only. Box 292-A, Star. C-g.' ---— —- —r — HELP MEN fir WOMEN. FAMP COUNCILLORS and teacher, if. • nd sr, sue training experience, faith *nd_«f Box I ft'.'-L Star PODA MAN OR GIRL, must have experi ence. good pav and meals. Columbia Drug 6'orp 25QQ Pennsylvania ave. n.w_ EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. __BUSINESS. HUNDREDS OF POSITIONS Tnr Men and Women Over 18 4tl«£_ARr.v . Atlas Bide. »th and F N.W • POSITIONS OPEN. Secre'arifs. typists, bookkeepers, dicta Dhone operators. male and female, salaries up to *:\r> wk. 15-15 noening* dally. No entree unless placed Visit tod a v BOYD EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, _um r si. (Est 23 Yra.) DOMESTIC RELIABLE AGENCY. DE Rft«l. 14<»*! 11th. nas cooks, houseworkfrs. chambermaids, waitresses. day workers. part timers, |telpers.ft* JNSTRUCTIONjCOURSES._ AUTO DRIVING taught by experts, easy parkins a specialty: dual controlled cars assuring perfect saletv Permits secured. Md . Va. and D C Easy Method Driving 6chool._Randolph 8384 nr Randolph 8397. QUICK review courses in shorthand, type writing. bookkeeping, calculating machines. New classes now starting. BOYD SCHOOL. J333_F st Phone NA 2338. AUTO DRIVING INSTRUCTION—Courte ous. patient, professional instructor: learn to drive skillfully, safely and easily, park ing and traffic. Mr. Rundlett. Emerson 4583. PREPARATORY COURSES In card punch and stenographer, for U. S Civil Service examinations; enroll now Wood College. 710 14th st. n.w Metropolitan 50fiL_ OTRL to correct papers in exchange for course in secretarial subjects. Wood Col lege. 71<I 141 h n.w. ME. So51._ PIANO INSTRUCTION Adult beginners and advanced Homes y studio. Mrs. Page. Allan'ic 3399. 11 * Warflynn Beauty College, o O Bt- N W._District MABELLE HONOUR, Beauty Instruction In the Best Methods. FREE CATALOGUE GRADUATES PLACED. 134P N Y. Avf. (EM 'Ll Yr.O ME. 7776. NAKON BEAUTY SCHOOL, 8009 14th 8t. N.W. Hobart 0166. CARD PUNCH. $3—Stcnoaraphy. Speed Dictation—$3 Calculating Machine Course Free With Card Punch. ALL MAKES OF MACHINES ALL INSTRUCTION PAPERS FREE CLERICAL COURSE FREE WITH CARD PUNCH AND MACHINE COURSE Beam at once The Civil Service Prepara ^ tery School. 529 12th at. n.w. ME. 6337. • I _HELP WOMEN. ALTERATIONS on ladles' and men's gar ments: knowledge of jelling preferred Berate g, 71 a 7th st. n w ATTENTION. Oovt. workers—Wanted, ex penenced salesladies for specialty shop for part-time work and Saturdays. Kooy Kat, 11.1 H 5t_n.e. BEAUTY OPERATOR, exp.; nice clien tele. _Eve Rude. 1114 O at n.w _ BEAUTY OPERATOR, must be expert: kood ,*°rk LiiiiM UDt°wn 8*>°n' ! M*6y •'"Dldyment. j BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced: steady1 j position, pleasant surroundings: also op 1 «u*tor Lor Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Phone SH 207P BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER' experf enced Apply S. R. Wolpe At Son, 148 I Eigrce st. n.w. I CLERKS. 2. for laundry office; P 3 X. | experience preferred but not essential. > Reoly. bIvin* j 11 details. Box 11>4-L._Star. COLLECTION CLERK, rapid typist, with telephone experience Apply Phil Boby s j Co.. Inc.. 725 T t h st._n w COUNTER GIRLS for cafeteria. 18 to 30 yrs. of age. Apply 3-5 pm. Tally-Ho j Restaurant. 8lp i ;th_st _n.w\ _ | COUNTERGIRLS with or without experi i encc- 18-25 years. Apply 1340 Wisconsin ave EXCELLENT OPENING for experienced saleswoman over .30. Phone Republic 0795 for appointment. GIRL SINGER wanted for summer job. Call Shepherd 50.3H GIRL for soda fountain, experienced; ref erence required Shoreham Hotel Drug- j store. Conn. ave. and Calver! st. _ GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN for office work in grocery store. Answer in own hand i writing to L. W Beall, c o Clowe A: Davis. • 1215 Maine ave s w . _Washington._D. C. : HOSTESS and cashier, experienced, young refined woman also capable of typewrit ing. Only those qualified for the above need apply Call u to 10 p m . no other time _no_phone calls_1834 Conn._ave LADY young, for hosiery counter; experl- ‘ ence desired but not essential: permanent position inquire before 11 a m . Artcraft Footwear. Conn, avenue a' L street LADY, young. 18-25. high school graduate, work In dry cleanme branch; will teach system State Qualifications. Permanent. B^x 191-L. Star. MAID, must be excellent cook, for small bachelor apt : must have good references fine salary and steady employment. Box 310-A. Star MARKERS. ASSORTERS. starch and flat, shirt operators, experienced. Mr. Barry, j Washington Laundry. 27th and K ats. n.w. I SALESLADIES, experienced, dresses. 1108 F at. n.w \ SALESLADY, experienced. lor neighborhood : dress shop, cart time Box 589-A. Star, ft* i SALESLADY, experienced, for dress shop. ! nee 51-35. Embassy Gowns, 1103 Conn. I ave n w. 1 SALESWOMEN to earn .V’5 per wk : must i bo thoroughly experienced in women s popu- ! i lar-pricc snccU’ty shop Write auiiiflc, j tions and experience to Box 447-B Star SECRETARY, to manager, fast, accurate I stenographer, typist some executive abil ity desirable: local resident preferred. Apply Wed a m . Keystone Auto Club. _ I STENOGRAPHER, monitor board experi ence oref Stare age. salary, exp. or edu , cation Box 197-Y. Star. SUPERVISED for cafeteria, experienced: ! under 30 yrs of ace: references reauired , Apply 3-5 p m • Tally Ho Restaurant. 810 I 17th st. n.w.__Nn phone_calls i WAITRESS, must be experienced, good op ponunity; downtown restaurant. Apply Babbitts. S54 11th st. n.w. WAITRESSES. ‘J. good hours, good tips, satisfactory working conditions. Apply at once. Irving Food Shop, corner Mt Pleas am anc* Irving sts. n.w_ WAITRESS, experienced, no Sunday, no ' night work. tilH F st. n w. Apply be ! tween 4 and 5 p m _ WAITRESS, young, neat, clean worker •white). See Mr Wentxel between 7 and i* a m . 1031 17th it, n w WAITRESS, white: nearby Maryland tea- . room live on premises, *5i» mo . room and board: good np«. Wl ft949. WAITRESSES warned at Toll House Tav-' ; rrn. Silver Soring. Md : nice, reflned girls; no experience necessary__ : WAITRESS experienced arm service: no Sunday work; no alcoholic beverages served. Apply between 3 and 5 p m . Seymour’s. 909 H St. n.w. WAITRESS, experienced Apply Empire Pnarmacy. ^739 Ccnn^ ave. n.w . WOMAN of character, over 30. in educa tional sales department with national j organisation: free to travel; salary to start, i BoxJIO.’.-Z. S’ ar YOUNG LADY for sales work. Room 414. i 801_13th st. n.w TO A NICE WHITE GIRL I will give a I 1 home and $55-930 to care for my 5 chil- ! dren and ap: Chestnu’ 7000. Apt Rfi4 ALTERATION HAND AND FITTER Experienced on dresses, etc. Apply 1108 . r st. n.w._ CLERK For inventor? and merchandise order rec | ords; aood Denmanship necessary: book keemna and fyoine exDerience preferred, opportunity for advancement in retail store Apply in your own hanriwritini. statin, ase and experience. Box 114-Y. Star__ LADY i Desiring to increase family income by ! working about 10 hrs. per week, with ex celled pay. use of car necessary Apply Box 13P-Y. Star. __ _ - CASHIER, N. C. R. POSTING MACHINE. Must be experienced on this type ma chine and must be rapid typist, good pay. Bond Clothes. 1335 F at. n.w._i SALESLADIES, experienced, in dress department. Apply Hearn’s, 806 7th_st. n.w. SODA DISPENSERS7i8 to 25 yrs. I of age, experience desired but not necessary. Applicants under 21 must have birth certificate on other suitable evidence of age. Apply in person. Employment; department, Peoples Drug Stores,1 77 P st. n.e., 9 a.m. to noon daily. ; CURB SERVICE attendants. I over 21, no experience neces sary. Apply 5109 Georgia ave. MILLINERY. An experienced millinery sales woman. who has acted as assist ant manager, wanted to take ' charge of millinery department in a leading store in Hagerstown. Md. Apply by letter, giving full : details. Box 133-Y^star._ LADY, YOUNG. FOR GEN ERAL OFFICE WORK. PRE FER GOOD TYPIST; MUST BE WILLING TO WORK HARD FOR ADVANCEMENT. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT GIRL. APPLY TUESDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. TO 9 P.M. KAY JEWELRY CO.. 409 7th ST. NVW. __ | YOUNG LADY. RECENT HIGH { SCHOOL GRADUATE. TO BE i TRAINED AS ASSISTANT' CREDIT OFFICE MANAGER.! MUST BE A GOOD TYPIST. WITH A KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEPING, AGE 19 to 22; EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PERSON. AP PLY L. FRANK CO., 1200 F ST. ’ N.W. HELP DOMESTIC. , COOK excellent, colored, laundress and general houseworker. wanted by Kina'll Chevy Chase family; live in: must be re flned. WI. B4QP._ | COOK, experienced. stay nights: 2 *dult» I In family, quiet atmosphere: ST per week. LI. 1179. COOK, experienced, family 2 adults: re ! liable: references willing to leave city. I Call Temple anal._ CCOK. g h.w.. personal laundry, white or colored: references, doctor's card: experi enced: pleasant, conscientious: age 25-40: 1 nice .'trd-flonr room, personal bath: 3 in family; *15 wk : Chevy Chase. Box I •223-R. Star._ GIRL, white, preferably from the country; general housework: private family, live in; *35 month. Call WO. 0B33 before 10 p.m. | GIRL, colored: vicinity of Georgetown, for ! g.h.w. In boarding house 1623 Wisconain ave.____ GIRL, colored, for general housework and ' cooking: live in. Bethesda: *8. Phone j Oliver 1RQ1._____ GIRL., colored, g.h.w., fond of children; stay a nights week; J6 and carfare. Taylor 2064,_ GIRL colored, young, mother’s helper; live in: nice home for rltfu party. Lincoln 0551-W._ GIRL colored, mother's helper t idults; live in preferred. $8 weekly. 4C5 Otle thorpe st. n w. GE, 49&P._ GIRL, colored, refined, experienced with baby, no cooking, small apt.. ST and car pass. Apply Room 610. I105 Q st. n.w„ after 5 o'clock.___• GIRL, white, living in Riverdale. Md vicinity, general housework and care of child: $8 week. Call WA. 1204 before 1_1 am, __ GIRLS (2). mother's helpers, 11 throuih supper: light cooking: stay some nights; 87.50: ret.: Arlington. Va. CH. 0207._ HOUSEKEEPER, mothtrlees home, 4 chil dren, 5 to 15 ME. 6075 day. night. 8 to M 30. AT. 0236._6* HOUSEKEEPER, white, for private home, g.h.w. some ironing: sleep out: no 8un i day work: *8 week to start. Call evenings Dupont 7181.______ I HOUSEKEEPER, care 2 children, light: 1 laundry, health certificate required- "239 I Blh «' so Arlington. Va. CH. >147, i HOUSEKEEPER, white, middle-aged: g.h.w.. live in. dell after 8 p.m.. TA. 9070. HELP DOMESTIC. < Continued ) MAID, colored, to live in; experienced in g.h.w . good cook gnd laundress; must fur nish health certificate and good refs.: aged 25-35: *10 wk. Apply in person. 3919 Oliver st ._Chevy_Chase. Md. WI. 7B92^ MAID, colored, lit, laundry; live In or out; ref.; salary #8 wk. Silver Soring, Md.. SH. 207H. MAID, g h w , cooking, light laundry; city references; 5 afternoons; SB. Phone Shepherd 8424-R MOTHER'S HELPER, coloredMhree »dult«: *5 wk.; live In. Columbia 94 ;2. »• MOTHER’S HELPER, room and board SIS month Call Chestnut 445fi 1002 North McKinley rd._Arlington V» NURSEMAID, white. 35-45. reliable, care for l-vear-old'chlld: references and health certificate; reasonable salary. DI 329!). 2-5 n Vn.__ TWO experienced people, general house work and excellent cook: excel, wages: live in or out, perm, position, small family. WI. 0122_ WOMAN, white, competent, care of child: employed couple: suburban bungalow live In. Shepherd 0028._ WOMAN, white, g.h.w . care of child; pvt. room: no Sundays. Georgia 9459. Call after 5 p m_ WOMAN, white care of 2 children, general housework, including cooklna: no laundry, and help for heavv work preferably live In: in Chety chase Md *10 wk. MI. 5034: after 0 pm WI 7054. WOMAN, white, settled, care for home and children; no ironine; *10 week; reterences. Call Chestnut 4950. WOMAN young, white, unattached, ex perienced. cook and general housework: must have references and driver's permit; *50 per mn : permanent For appoint ment. call Hyttsville 0.397. 7-8 p m WOMAN, young, exppriencpd. g h.w.. plain cooking; sleep in or go home citv ref erences: ** per wk. .301 Gallatin st. n.w. WOMAN cook and houseworker in pleas ant home of elderly couple, room, bath; *3<l dpt month CO 0KT1._ WOMAN, colored, settled, for general housework: $7 week: must like children. 1 15 Conmid ave. n.w.. Apt. .3 WOMAN colored, neat, reliable, g.h.w, Diain cooking: small house. Arlington. 2.3.30 N. Vermont at CTH. 3.34.3 Live in: *H wk live out. carfare. Apply in per son after 6 p m. _ WOMAN, white, for general housework and care of child; live in; $25 mo. Lincoln 3953-W _ WOMAN OR GIRL, care of 2 children from 4 in afternoon till 10 at night: light duties; y wk WARFIELD 5700 SITUATIONS MEN. ACCOUNTANT - BOOK KEPER. Wa.hlue tonian. offlre executive capable takina lull charaa (trait exempt Box 220-A. Star «• ACCOUNTANT. EXP : BOOKS 8TARTED. kept part time, audits, statements, tux service local refs.: * 17 Snjno. RA_7S44 AUTOMOTIVE SALESMAN — Thoroughly experienced In dealer contact work, also re lail selling, trucks and cars. Box 297-A Star • BOOKKEEPER typist, experienced, hard worker, age 31. *30 week. W. Ross MI. 4444.____fi* CARPENTER, young man. experienced. with car ind_toola._Adams 23P3._7* HOUSEMAN and porter: willing to work. Addresa 471 Florida ave. n w LAUNDRY SUPERINTENDENT.-!8 years' experienc* In larger plants, all departments, best inferences Box 282-A. S ar H* MAN. young, now employed desires any kind or evening or week-end work, after 3:30 p m Box *?B4-A. Star._ 8* MAN, married, aged 50 yr.v, wishes ateidy work Handv with different tools also painting, carpet and linoleum work, clean ing or garden work: good habits. 4718 N. 15th at- Art, Va. CH. 34*8 • MAN colored, experienced and licensed elevator operator: rIso handy man around hou«ej_ excellent references. _DU, 084b MAN. colored, wants job as truck driver: have good references. Call DU. 0404 • MAN. colored: house cleaning, floor waxed. Interior painting: ref. AT. 937B-J._• MUSICIAN at liberty: experienced, piano, bass, tenor. For steady lob. reliable, sober. Call 3Jo_H Tuesday _TA. HST7. _ • PART-TIME WORK white man middle age ex-Navy. familiar with first-class cooking, serving, cleaning, valeting Anv thim considered References GE .Mill. SITUATIONS MEN b WOMEN. COUPLE cook and a handr man. refer ences. Can be seen from 4 p.m. until « pm. at Mrs. Frances J. Coates. Falls Church Va _ • COUPLE colored, flrst-elass cook and chauffeur: experienced: will travel. 412 H at n.w • APt.^^Samvie 1 _Martin • MAN AND WIFE, colored, to care for apartment house; living quarters; man employed outside Call DU. lPf>l_ SITUATIONS WOMEN. DRESSMAKING and alterations in or out reasonable prices. 2359 Champlain at. CO. 10232. _ LADY young, excellent comptometer opera tor. general office work, receptionis’ ex perienced. references Please call Georgia 217fr __ • . TYPIST-CLERK, high school education, lit tie shorthand, aged 18. $17 50 wit. Emerson 880#. «• UNIVERSITY GRADUATE, knowledge-*.*? languages, bookkeeping, proofreading typ ing. stenography, five years' publishing f%. periFnce Phone Michigan I 4 7 ~6* SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. GIRL wants domestic work live out $10 and carfare. Call DI. 6381. 5 p.m to 9 p.m._ • GIRL, colored, g hw.. plain cooking; prefer caring for infant; business couple; eatable; reliabiej j-eferences. Franklin 3650._• GIRL, colored, wanta general housework no nights; references. Cora Thomas. 1013 Maryland ive_** GIRL, colored, wanta general housework, full time. MI. 8784. GIRL, colored, wishes waitreas or chamber maid work: references. Phone AT. 6299. 1016 Lamont st. n.m GIRL, colored, wanta general housework, full or part time; no Sunday; ref ; exp. HO 1124. __ GIRL. neat, colored, wishes full-time a* a maid: good reference. Phone HO 6284. GIRLS, two. neat, colored, want part-time work, cooking or nursing; references. Hobart 3561 GIRLS, colored. 2. wish part-time work or cleaning bachelor’s apartment, no Sun days._1017 New Jersey ave. a.g NURSE, middle-aged, white, care for baby and home for an employed mother, refer ence. _Falls Church 849-J-2._ WOMAN, exp . nicely educated, would like a good permanent position as housekeeper in gentleman s home in or near Washing ton. Kindly communicate with Mrs. William JAteys. Marnottsville. MdL '7? WOMAN, colored; morning work, cleaning preferred: good references. Call after 9 3o a m. North 7990._ _ WANT SMALL BUNDLE WASHES and day’* work* Call CO. 8360. _ WOMAN, white, reasonable services for furnished room witn 1 h k. privileges, for couple Box 352-A. Star.__ BEAUTY PARLORS. RELAX AND REDUCE, wonderfully easy method for measurement reduction. EL FRINK HAIRDRESSERS. 1106 Vt. ave. n.w. ME 8472. 6* PERSONAL. WIDOW WILL SACRIFICE HOME IN MT. Pleasant; liv. rm., din. rm.. kit., breakfast north. 4 bedrms . ileenlng porches, bit.-in garage: lot_33xlon._CO. 08HT._ REDUCING SPECIAL! 6 TREAT., *5; HOL lywood method; removing fat in spots; re sults assured, baths. NA. 8134. 1930 K n.w. • HEMS— WHILE-YOU WAIT. 50c UP. IN cludini fitting: reweaving. relining altera tion s__Needlecraft_1^319_F_et.. Roojn 208 IF YOU ARE BOTHERED WITH BILLS or need EXTRA MONEY for any purpose. Just give me t telephone call. You can get $100 end need repay only $1.83 per week. wh:ch includes Interest the only charge. Other amounts In proportion Just call JACK SESSIONS. Michigan 8510._ HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY MY own methvd Results effective tor a life time or money back Write for booklet. No drug* or surgery DR SOMMERWERCK. 1385 Columbia rd Ad»mj_03_88 CHILDREN <TO~lVYRS.t SPEND THIS week end in camo: #3 a day includes riding, swimming, tennis, etc : 15th season. MR. & MRS. L. A. RANDALL. Clarksville. Md. MEN. WOMEN! WANT VIM? 8TIMU lants in Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking vitamin B-l. Iron, calcium, phos phorus. Introductory size ONLY 35c. For sale at all good drugstores.__ CONVALESCENCE HOME—NEW INNER sprine mattresses, plenty porches, lawn, sunlight. Vita Health Foods: individual diet according to doctor's instructions. 3320 l'lh st. n.w. Phone Adams T3H4. v • WANTED RETIRED COUPLlTwiTH ~ FU R : nishings and Income to live in modern fi-rm. bungalow; rent free In exchange for room and board for 33-yr-old em ployed. congenial, single woman. Box 61-B. Star. MOTOR TRAVEL. REFINED CCUPLE driving lo California! J941 Ford; desires 3 passengers; leaving day of May 141h. SH, 8512-W. CAMERA SERVICE fr REPAIRS. CAMERA REPAIRING. FULLER & d'ALBERT. INC. 818-10th_8t N.W. Phone Natlonal 4712. HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES, GARAGI BUILT for OYily #149: 8xlG Dorch inclosed with storm sssh and screens. 3129 Proctor. D1 8843_ QROI Oil burner, o E equip 01,4,1 ment; 2T5-gallon tank. *100 up: 3 years to pay, 2805 Conn, ave. P* GUARANTEED HOME IMPROVEMENTS From Cellar to Attic. Deal With a Reliable Firm. NO CASH DOWN. Small Monthly Payments. Free Estimates. Federal Contracting Co., Inc., PIS New York Ave. N.W. NA. 7418 Night. NA 1417 9* MATTRESS RENOVATING. MATTRESSES REMADE. $3 UP. STEIN BEDDING CO., 1M4 13th ST. N.W. ME. ISIS. h _ REPAIRS » SERVICE._ BUILDER-CARPENTER, repairing, remod eling. recreation rms , shelving, bookcases, screens. naintmn._Nelson.JtE. o«4ft CARPENTER, white mech., 30 yrs.’ exp., fences, cabinets, bookshelves, cedar closets, partitions, French doors, screened porches, steps, etc. Prices right. LI. 407 1-W. CARPENTRY—Porch and garage repairs, roofing, gutters, tile repairing white me chanics. Jack Sparkes. HO. *439. CARPENTRY cabinet making; work njn ± n. x , guaranteed; reason able. ^Lincoln 5180-J 6* CHAIR CANEING, Ocholstcrlng: onrch rocker* splinted. Cl«y ArmMronK. 1C.15 loth »t, n w ME 2nfl2 ELECTRICIAN A11 l[ind* ■ <> x/irvuyim’i. o»trs No job too small Bate nlURS. etc I also reoair (11 makes refrigerators. Wisconsin 7274_ ELECTRIC WIRINGu lets, repairs, old houses a specialty. Regal ' Flee. Co.. 3609 Georgia ave._Ran<L 8301. | FLOOR SANDING “ ^gS5iS£ Waxing O'Hare. HO fSXHn. PAINTING, papering, plastering: special low prices this week: gll work guaranteed; responsible mechanics._Call TA PAINTING of the better grade, reasonable: free estimates. A Gaurd. AT 4457. 1X01 H.'trd st. s.e._n • PAINTING AND PAPERING done by ex perienced men. low estimates given by W. V. Canfield Adams :).'l!)!i _X* PAPERH ANQING and ogtntlng. This week onlv. rooms scraped dry. cracks filled. *H: sun-fast and washable papers I do my own work GE. fH)5». 7* PAPER HANGING—Rooms papered, ffi rm. and up; 1041 washable. sunfast wall paper. RA 9875 PAPER HANGING—Save money on my estimate.* NO 41111. PAPERING, painting. work, guaranteed; looking for work; 30 yrs In business; father and son. Randolph 8773. «• PAPERING *nd Painting; rooms r papered. 85 up white mechanics. R. Keener, FR. «8P4 638 7;h st. n e. PAPERING Ro0ms- >*4 up. Work rnriilUHU, guaranteed to aatisfy. Call any_time._ RA 5922. PAPER HANGING, reasonable prices dur I mg May; do my own work; guaranteed. Spinel. TA. 8928 PAPER HANGING, this week only, $6.60 per room- 1941 washable, sunfast papers; work guaranteed. Michigan 631.5._ PLASTERING and cement work no job too small, none too far reasonable District | 457 0. William Thomas. 707 M st. n w. 7* , PLUMBING AND HEATING, jobbing and remodeling * specialty. 24-hour service ' H. E Williams. North_6248_ PLUMBING AND HEATING—Jobbing and remodeling all work guaranteed, new low prices. 1032 Mass ave s.e AT 6 184. 8* Radio Trouble^ Free eat.: work auar. nauiu nuuuie. 3 mo* Honest prices. MID-CITY Radio Shoo. 9-9 p m NA 0777. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY and meat market lor sale. 1817 You at. n w. s* LUNCHROOM for sale; beer license, must .sacrifice on account of ill health. Inquire 4622 14th at. n.w 7» OROC.. FILLING STATION, stock and flX tures; owner ill; price, 5560. Silver Sprin«_7-F :t. FINANCE patent of 5c liquid vending ice cream and bottle machines Have work ing models S. Rolph. 4-H Crescent rd . Green belt. Md. ROOMING HOUSE, completely furnlahedT 11 ao’s 1 and 7 rooms, elec refrigeration; good location and good income colored; >1.800. Call after 7 pm, FrRnklin 2280 PARKING LOT FOR RENT Behrend 719 7th. NA. 4630. 7» HOTELS—2 dandle";, both established many years: owners retiring, property and busi ness for saV ROGERS REAL ESTATE. 604 F 8t. N.W NA 6137 TAILOR and cleaning shop for rent. 565 Der mo : including all fixtures Ra. 0400. I RESTAURANT. North Capitol oceratpd by ROOMING HOUSE. 10 RMS RENT 555. Close-in n w housekeeping; inc . $200 monthly. Owner must sell, only 5100 down bal F-Z. BONDED REALTY. RF 6«»07 • FOR RENT — "Charles Town Inn. 30-room hotel, all modern beautiful grounds, pos session June I. 194 1 Applv I H RUS SELL. Rpa! Estate and Insurance. Charles Town. W Va Phone 4'-F. • lady; too much business, reason for selling This place has beer license Price. 53.500. ROGERS REAL ESTATE , 604 T S’ N W NA 8137 DELICA.. CONF n.w.: well eauipped and stocked. 5-year lease low rent inch ap: ; I same owner many years 111 must sacri fice; price $] 250 Box 353-A. Star • GASOLINE. ACCESSORIES corner station: fully eauipped and stocked price only $1.666 for quirk sale Box 307-A Star. * RESTAURANT. 5800 WEEKLY DELICATESSEN 5650 WEEKLY GROCERIES WITH APARTMENTS 1010 Vermont. Rm 1113. RE 6007. BONDED REALTY CO VALUABLE RESTAURANT AND SERVICE STATION—Going profitable business: on heavy traveled highway Priced for quick sale. 535.000. This properly will bear m 1 vestigation GREEN & MAGRUDER. Chestnut :tR:ts Bve«„ CH. BOARDING HOUSE. 12 RMS. 18th st bpr R and S n w —Maple fur ! nirure net mo. income over 5200 must | sell before 15rh: owner unable to handle I Sacrifice for part cash and term* Saxe broker s comm Call Owner. DE. 6400, Apt 411. ___ LOOK—CASH. To sell your business quickly, confi dentially for cash call us at once; no ' listing fee. Southern Business Exchange, 711 Woodward_Bld*__ME. 7S4K 8* “ miscellaneous for-sale: ACCORDION-—if you w»nt to loam to nlay the accordion, we will loan you an instru ment without charge: ali you Day Is a small fee for private lessons aiven in our studio at hours convenient to you This plan 1* also available to those who want to learn to play o'her instruments, saxo phone. clarinet, trumpet, marimba, drums, etc Call NA 4730. Kitt s. 1330 G st n w imiddle of the b'ocki._ ADDRESSOGRAPH. Used frames, drawers and wooden cabinets._Call RA. PI 51 ANTIQUE mahogany chest of drawers. ! 525: also chest of drawers. 56: 3 pairs draperies. 52._4620 15th at. n.w ANTIQUE FURNITURE and bric-a-brac and reproductions. Must be sold. Dealers invited._1516 H at. n.w._ ! ANTIQUES—Prices reduced, china, glass, books, prints, frames, lamps, silver, chairs, tables Edelson. 618 5th n w ■ ANTIQUES—Sheffield, flat, hollowware and i solid silver. Ideal for wedding presents also bric-a-brac, furniture, etc. Murray ■ Galleries. 1724 20th st. n w._DU. 1211._ | ATTIC FANS, best for cooling: get our prices; motors repaired, exch.. rewinding, refrigerator repairs. CartyL 1608 14th. ATTIC FANS, exhaust Jans, kitchen fans, circulating fans. G. E motors, new, used. See our large selection, get our prices before you buy. Build your own attic ! fans We sell parts, blades, belts, motors, bearings. brushes. pulleys. Repairs, i Harris Armature Co.. Pth and O n w. • AVAILABLE MAY 15—Chippendale~furni ture: 10-mo-old house furnishings, for bedroom, living room dinette, also sec ! retary. Call Randolph 1262 after 5 p m 6* BATHTUBS, used. 55. suitable for scalding hogs, watering stock, other farm u^es. HECHTNGER CO.. 15th and H ats. n.e, BED. dble., plain and inner-spring mat., coil springs, icebox, good cond . sepa rate or 512^50 compL_loo2_22nd n.w. BEDROOM, breakfast set. studio couch, twin beds- chests, electric sewing machine, occ chairs. Duncan Phyfe table. WE DO MOVING. Edeiman._3303 Georgia ave. •_ I BEDROOM SUITE, walnut Chippendale. ! complete with Simmons sprg. and Beauty rest mattr.: exc. cond. Lincoln Studio. . 2219_Wis. ave._EM._4677. until_10_p m. 1 BRICK, lumber—Wrecking 4 blocks, 2(H) bldgs.; million ft. lumber. 515 up, million i hard brick; sash, 25c up: doors. 50c up: plumbing, stairs, pipe, sash weights, kin dling wood. FREE roofing tin, brickbats. ; Hundreds of bargains for sale daily and Sun.. 8 to 6. Arrow. 68 M st. s.w. FR. 9803. BRICK LUMBER AND PLUMBING mate- j , rials at bargain prices from hundreds of 1 wrecking jobs reconditioned and neatly gr ' ranged for easy selection at HECHINGBR'S You'll we time »s well is mom; by com* tng to any of our three yards. HECHINGER CO-. Used Material Dept- j 15th and H Sts NE AT. 1400. Ga Ave N.W 1905 Nichols Ave. S.E BUILDING MATERIAL—A large stock of new and used building materials at rock bottom prices. All our lumber is recondi tioned and free of nails. Com* to our yard for easy selection. ACE WRECKING CO . _58 F St. 8.W. _Republic 3080._ BUILDING MATERIAL—Our Southwest yard has been closed and combined witn our Northeast yard, increasing both our service and your selection. Largest stock <n Washington. ‘Foundation to Roof at Rock-Bottom Price’s'* ha* been our slogan for 30 years. ! HECHINGER CO. 3—BIG STORES—3. j CHEST DRAWERS. Colonial. $35; liv. suite, ; 3-pc., rose and gold. new. $95. cost $195; coffee table. $30; cost $58: 2-PC. liv. suite. $35: grandfather clock. $85: scatter Ori I ental rugs. $25 ea.; mirrors. Lorraine | Studios. 3520 Conn.. Apt. 21. WO. 3889. COUCH — Inner-spring couch, bed. desk, bedroom, kitchenette table, typewriter, etc. [ RA. 0486.__ DIAMONDS. 22 diamonds. 17-1ewel Plat inum watch: very special, $68. Arthur Markel. 918 F st. n.w.. Suite 301-3._ DIAMONDS, from estate and private par ties. Must be sold at sacrifice prices. Fine perfect diamond weighing 2 .l.vioo c»r,ts in platinum mounting with ft side dig* j monds. $075. Beautiful perfect diamond weighing 1 b2/100, was S«oo. can be bought 1 for $3.5. Very fine color diamond. 3* carat, for $1 fin Very fine perfect diamond. 4 (lfi/100 caratv worth $2.(>oo. owner win take $1,250. Bee Mr. Oppenheimer, 901 F st. n.w ___ __ ELECTRIC RANGE. Westinghouse. 4 new burners; cheap for cash. Md. Elec. Co., ] 08 Md. ave.. Hyattsvllle. WA. 1975._ PAINT—Inside, outside. $1.20 gal.: white, cream, ivory, green, roof red; also tools. 1 'M.'l 7th st. n.w. FAN—Four-foot, silent ventilating fan. new; nrice regularly. *148.75; I will sell, 890 cash. Box 44-A Star._ •_ FENCE LUMBER—Good used 4"x4" for post* 4-ft. long 19e ea. Other lengths nrieert low Vx3" runners l'.ac lin. ft All your fencln, needs are at HECHINGER CO FURNITURE BARGAINS—Manufacturer's floor samples and close-out*; brand-new bedroom, dining rm and living rm quality furniture at tremendous saving* for cash. Open until 9. Stahler’a, 82^ F (t. n.w. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) FRIGIDA1RE for sale, good used, recondi tioned. $30 cash. Apartment I, 2209 10th fit. _s.e.____«• FURNITURE—Bedroom suite, cabinet ra dio. 9x12 rug, maple dropleaf table. At lantic 022NJ_ FURNITURE, complete 5 rms . nearly new. less than ** price. '407 Silver Spring ave . Silver 8pring. Md . after ft. _7* FURNITURE—Contents of model home at sensational savings: brand-new living room, dining room. 4 bedrooms chairs, tables, rugs, lamp' etc. 4on Cummings lane (off Brookville rd ). Chevy Chase, Md RA_ 1010_Interior dec GAS RANGES brand new floor samples from $18; deluxe ranges from $30 re built ranges from $8 50. Terms up to 3 years; nothing down J 9 Le Fevre, Inc., 2007 Kyst n_w.. RE. 0017. GAS RANGE, large 5-ft . with griddle: cost $258; good condition: $15. Ber- : wyn_15.3 _ CHIFFON, lavender. 250 yds., new; cost j $1.50; sacrifice. 25c a yard. 728 14th at. n.w. Trans-I,ux Bldg GLASS WASHER. G. E., washes and steri lizes glasses for cafes, boarding houses; greatly reduced; $10 a mo. Md. Elec Co., 106 Md._ave._Hyjittsville.__WA I97.V GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK for Quick sale', will sacrifice for $-300. originally $ooo. F<*r information cal! ME 084 1. HEARING AIDS. $10 up; guaranteed re- j conditioned or money refunded. Phone Mr Kelly._RF 1977. INVESTORS’ SYNDICATE CERTIFICATES 2; 1. and 1. 4 W NA. 4230. LIVING ROOM SUITE 3-piece, rust color mohair: $10. 3726 ftth st. n.w. MATTRESS, inner spring. $08.60; maple poster bed coil springs, baby bed and manr. Ail for 625. 1420 2Qtb at nw. MIRROR DOORS Used. $lu: sir.e’28 xS4 Replace closet door with a full length mirror door._HECHINOER CO. OIL RANGE. 5-burner; slightly used origi nal price. $50; will sell for only $10.95, easy terms. 732 7th at. n.w Oil, BURNER, special spring price only $1.38 completely installed Pay nothing down. $5.18 per mo starting Sept J. 8 Le Fevre^Inc 2067 K at. n w., RE oni T. PAINTS. SPRING SALE of MONAD PAINTS Specials this week only' See our large Ad. page A-0. HECHINOER CO. I PIAN06. uprights, $15 and up. condition guaranteed: delivered free. Schaeffer. 1428 Irving at. n.e.__*_ PIANO. E.stey spinel, apartment console style:: walnut; like new: lull keyboard. bargain._Schaeffer;_1478 Irving .st. n e. PIANOS- Whv rent a piano when you can buv a good used upright for less than rental charges? Uprights from *15 Also fine selection of Steinway. Chickenng Knabe grands and Shoninger spinets. Rainer s Music Store. 7:l♦ I 13th st. n.w._ PIANO—Used Chickenng baby Brand in very good condition. $.345: very easy term* New-piano guarantee NA 4!.'in Kitts. 1.3.30 G_st. n.w «middIe_of the blocki PIANOS—Buy at The Piano Shop and save: Used small spinets, in good condi t on. $95; used uprights. *10. *15. $70 and up also \alues in used grand* We are exclusive local agents for Everett and Cable-Nelson pianos. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop 1016 7th s’ D.W. _ PIANO, used, small atudio-siae spinet^ in good condition. *98. easy term* NA 4730 KiM’s. 1.330 G st. n w ♦ middle of the block) PIANO-—If you haM an old tr»nd. Dlayfr or upright vou re not usinir. why not l.t tis c»U for it? We will give you a credit good now or in the future on any piano, radio. phonograDh or musical Instrument in our store. Credit is transferable NA. 4730. Kilt I, 1330 O at. n.w. .middle cf the block i_. PIANOS FOR RENT -New and used spinets, consoles, grands and small uprights at low monthly rates Money paid as rental applies on purchase price if you decide *o buv later NA. 4730. Kitt’s. 1339 G st ♦ middle of the blocx PIANO new model, small size Knabe spinet, only very slightly used now for sale at a substantial saving over the new price easv terms: new guarantee NA 4“3ft. j Kilt's, l.'l.'id G st n w 'middle of the block> PIANO used, plain mahogany ca*e baby grand. In good condition *150 verv ea*>v terms NA 4730 Kitts. 1330 G st. nw (middle of the block1 RADIOS. $b 88: complete re* $9 96 | model, rest $17 95 Emerson, $8 88; o’ner* 75 to 50‘7 off for cash. Apex Radio Co . 709 9th St r w at G. RADIOS $3. all mages, orig vai to *150 700 repos A: from storage all rebuilt, guar to pinv_mio 7th 81 n.w. Open 9 to 7. RADIO-PHONO COMB 1041 RCA end Emerson automatic floor samples 75'*- to 50*r off for cash. Apex Radio Co. 7u9 l nth at. n w. at Q._—__ REPRIOERATOR3- Sale repossessed, re built and new. We have Washington's i largest refrigerator display and election. I Ail make*., ail r-iodels all sizes ai rcc* bottom i rice*. We will positively not be undersold Compare our prices and mer . chand >e befor* you buy Large selection of Frigidair**. Norge Westinghouse. G. F , Croslev. Coldspo . Kelvinator. Leonard, etc., from $19 50 Up to 3 years’ lree service. 1 Wp are authorized G F. Hotpoint. Nor*u. Philco. Stew art-Warner. Kelvinator and Crosley dealer*. No money down 3 y^?*rs 11 pa-. Extra larae trade-in allowance Brand-new M»40 atardard refrigera'ors wit.n 5-year guarantee. in factory crates, 40', off LUX APPLIANCE COMPANY Washington’s Largest Refrigerator Dealer 811 9th St. N.W RE. 1175. Open__T:ll 8 PM REFRIGERATORS—Do you want bargain* in nationally known refrigerators washers and o'her appliances? Come out to the low-rent district, buy a’ builder s prices 1940 models. Westinghouse, G E Hotpoint. Kelvinator. Philco. Norge All brand-new 1940-194! models in stock Renewed re Ifneerators. excell, cond . at lowest prices Cash or terms. Cor. Sil. Spr. chopping center WARD RADIO A’ APPLIANCES 8536 Ga A\e . Sil. Spr «T2299. REFRIGERATORS —— Deep - cut sacrifice prices on over 500 refngerators. in ail makes, models and sizes from 4 cu. ft. to 47 cu. ft. We have the largest display of refrigera’ors in various models and sizes , in Washington. We guaran’ee not to be undersold Brand-new 1941 standard makes of refrigerators with factory 5-vear guarantee a* Atlas’ low prices. Twenty | six years’ experience is your guarantee of I satisfaction We have a group of Gen eral Electric. Frigidaire. Westinghouse. 1 Crosley Kelvinator. Norge Leonard Cold *DO’ Mayflower, used models in oerfert condition as low as $19. Better refrigera tion values at Atlas’ famous low Mice?. A group of refrigerators in onclnel fictory cases will be sacrifhed at deep-cut prices of 507r off 1st prices No money down. Long- easy terms. Unusually liberal trade in allowance ATLAS APPLIANCE CO . naxnington s Largest Appliance nou* 971 G St N W. Entire Butld-ng District 3737. Open Etcs. Till 9 P.M. REFRIGERATORS—See the new 1941 mod els. G. E. WESTINGHOUSE. KELVINATOR. PHILCO AND CROSLEY at new low prices. Liberal trade-in allowance on your old box Easy terms. Washington's largest service i company on all makes refrigerators. You . may pay with vour light bill ELECTRICAL CENTER 514 10th St. N W _National SS7? REFR ITERATORS. new and used: $20 up: ! guaranteed up to 5 years; easy terms. |PO Smith. 1344 H st n.e. Lincoln 6050. 1 REFRIGERATORS. 4 ft. G. E . $74 95. R-ft. Westinghouse. $39 95. 5-0 Norge ,$49 95. 4-ft Kelvinator. $39 95 fi-ft. Malestic. $79.95. Many other popular makes, priced equally low. Open till 10. Park Radio Co. 2146 P st n w REFRIGERATOR. G E.. 6 CU ft., like new'; must sell today. Md Elec Co.. 106 Md , ave.. Hyattsvllle. WA. 1975._ REFRIGERATORS—Gala reopening sale, repossessions and rebuilt*. G, E WEST | INOHOUSE. KELVINATOR. PHILCO. CROS | LEY and many others as low as $39 95: easy terms. You may pay with your light I bill Washington's largest service in all i makes refrigerators. ELECTRICAL CENTER _514 IQth St. N.W. National 8872. RUGS wanted to sell on consignment Chi nese, Oriental: lrtr« comm. Also assort ment for sale. A. A P. Rug Co . 916 17th n.w. SAFES for every purpose; combinations changed, repaired opened, bought, moved. THE SAFEMASTERS CO. _7304_Pa Ave, N.W National 7070._ SAFES ALL SIZES: MONEY CHESTS. ETC. Three used modern York safes 67" h . 30" w.. 19" d ; Inside interiors arranged to suit your requirements: combinations changed: safe repairs. YORK SAFE AND LOCK COMPANY. _ 1331 Conn, Ave-, N.W._Dupont 6057._ | SAWS, electric portable, new reconditioned SDeedmatic and Skillsaw: terms and trade. ! Iflns 14th n.w__NO 0734. LI 4911_ SEWING MACHINE8—Clparancp Mle nn used Singer port, at $22.50. $2.5. $27.50 Elec con., $29.50 Singer treadles. $10. Other portables. $12.50 These machines are all guaranteed, with free instruction. Many other good buys We rent, repair ail 1 types of machines. 917 F st. n.w. Republic 1900 _ __ SEWING* MACHS,. $10 up: treadles, port consoles: new machs. low as 10c a day: . rents, repairs, 611 13th n.w. NA. Ills. SEWING MACH., Singer, console, pract. i new fully guar.: sew. course: terms. 16c ! per day up: $56 discount. 3337 Conn, ave I SINGLE METAL BED. inner-spring mat I tress: good condition. Atlantic 8.96-W. SINGER SEWING -MACHINES, new and i used: dress forms. Open eves . 9:3(1. For Information. LI. 7027. 703 H st. n.e._ I STUDIO COUCH. 3 Victorian chairs 9x13 ! rug. other household pieces. 818 22nd st. n.w.. Apt. 3._8* . TYPEWRITER. Royal. $19.56: Under woods. $17.50: many others: rental, $3. applies on purchase. Arlington Typewriter Co . Glebe 6-7-11 Open eve. till 9. No delivery charge tn Arlington. _ TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES, new and used, sold, rented, repaired Terms. Open evenings. American Typewriter Co.. 1431 East Capitol st. LI. 0082._ TYPEWRITERS, bargain* in used ma chines. $18 up. TERMS. Rentals. $3: j rental applies on purchase McDonald (Washington's letdint typewriter dealer), PIS 14th st. n.w. Open evenings._ TYPEWRITERS at give-away prices; used machines. 20 to 40*-;- off. $15 uo must move stock District Typewriter Co., M.M Eye st. n.w _ VACUUM CLEANERS—HOOVERS, $ 12.95: EUREKA. $8.95. ELCTROLUX. $18.95: with att„ rebuilt and guar, like new l year. BEST BRANDS CO _ 865 1 nh St. N.W. National 7773. 7* VACUUM CLEANERS, rebuilt and like new: Royal. Eureka. Hoover. General Elec tric: $8.95 up. Guaranteed 1 year. Author ired factory aervice for Eureka, Royal and General Electric. J. C. HARDING CO . INC.. Electrical Headquarters NA. 2160.517 16th St, N.W. VACUUM CLEANERS—Gala reopening sale, rebuilt cleaners as low as $6.95 We are one of the oldest and most reliable vacuum cleaner parts and aervice companiea in Washington ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 lOth St. N.W. National 8873. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. WASHERS--Bendlx. repos* . de luxe model, formerly fl79.5o. now 599 95. also brand n'w 1940 Thor washers, with pump. In the 1 crates. *.'19 95; easy terms: pay with your light bill ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th OT. N.W. ] WASHERS—Sale of discontinued models. Maytag. ?44 ADex. mi ABC. *:>7: CroMey, Thor. All complete with filler pump hose lO DAYS’ TRIAL Pay $1 weekly Two-tub spinner washer, half price Republic 1SW(». The Piano Shop, lnift 7th st. n.w WASHERS—Deep-cv^ prices on brand-new standard makes of washing machines. In crates at discounts of more than 60% off , list prices: nn down payment: terms as low as $L weekly liberal trade-in allowances. ATLAS APPLIANCE CO Washington's Largest Appliance House. fi'.’I G Si N.W Eh lire BuVdlne District .TL’l? Open Eevs._Till P M._ , WASHERS bendix Home Laundry, floor models tremendous reduction*. J C HARDING CO . Elef'rical Headquarters. 517 10th SI. N.W_NA 5160 WASHFRS AND IRONERS. gala reopening sale, ail standard makes a* low as 612.0A Big trade-in allowance. Easy termv You mav nav with vour lieh* bill WE ARE AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE FOR BENDIX. MAYTAG G E . WESTING HOUSE. A P. C AND THOR ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 mth_8t. NW _National SP7T _ WASHING MACHINES. Maytag. Thor. Apex and Easy. used, rebuilt and floor samples J 14.05 UP J C HARDING CO . Electrical Headquarters. 517 10th Si. N.W_NA ?160. TYPEWRITERS fJSSft”** Many Bargain*. 719 14th St. RE "_VS BRAND-NEW FULL KEYBOARD SPINETS *195 These pianos were built for ex port but war conditions forced shipment cancellation, so the manufacturer offered them to us at a rock-bottom price—a price so low that we had to buy. So here they are—spinets made to sell for much more offered at only $195. See and compare their many features ond you will be convinced that these instruments are worth at least $75 more than we are oskmg. Only a few left so corns in quickly if you are interested. VERY EASY TERMS JORDAN’S CORNER 13th Is G STS. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. BEDROOM, dining, living room furniture contents ot apis or homes WE DO MO VINO CAREFULLY. REASONABLY. Georgia 1416. • BOOKS—Highest Driers paid for good books Bargain Book Store, xos 9th st. n.w. DI. 5007. Open Sunday and evening* !_«•_ BOOKS all kinds and old magazines: best cash prices Phone Met 1840 or bring in. Storage Book Shop. 420 10th st. n w CLOTHING—Highest prices pud for men's used clo'hing Berman'' 1122 7th at. nw ME176? Open eve Will call _ CLOTHING—Better prices paid for men's used clothing Harry’s. 1118 7th at. n.w. DI 6769 Open e\e. Will call. FURNACES, radiator.': used heating and plumbing, surplus equipment of any de scriptor. Block Salvage Michigan 7141 FURNITURE—Household or office furni ture bric-a-brac, rugs Pay cash Call Dupont 0511._my8* FURNITURE would like to buy some used: also_piano elec, refrigerator ME 5255. FURNITURE bric-a-brac, china, glassware rues, silverware, painting' highest ca'h prices_paid_Call__Murrav._Taylor 1111. FURNITURE WANTED AT ONCF We buy all kinds. Also elec, refs« stoves, tools. etc. _pay_or_nighu_Franklin 2807. H* FURNITURE—Household furnishing' of all kinds; maximum cash prices: bric-a-brac china. Call any time RE 7904. ME 5117. _11* _ FURNITURE—Rues, household goods, office furniture, etc higher prices For best results call NA. 2174. 9 a m _:o_? p m 7* ' PIANOS—We buy and sell used pianos of all kinds Republic 1590. The Piano Shop 1015 7th st. n w _ _ SEWING MACHINE—We buy all types; repair: hemstitching Duttons covered. Pleating. 917 p st RE. 1900, RE, 2311. BRING US your gold silver, diamonds: highest price' paid Ask for Mr. Oppen ; heimer. Pol F st. n.w. ALL KINDS OF METAL, rags and furniture bought Cash paid District 8233 8* I GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD* SIL VER PLATINUM. TEETH DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY CASH ; A. KAHN. INC- 49 YEARS AT 935 F. CASH FOR OLD GOLD Silver, watches, diamonds and old dis carded Jewelry: full cash value paid. SELINGER 8 818 F ST N.W _ A BETTER PRICE PAID for old gold, plat ; mum. jewelry, diamonds watches and diamond watch cases: condition unimpor tant. as we use same In our mfg depart. NEW YORK JEWERLY CO.. _ 727 7th ST N.W._ SAFES OR VAULT DOORS. I HE S A FEM ASTERS CO . _2104 PA._AVE_N W._ NA. 7070 GOLD, DIAMONDS! Highest cash prices paid Arthur Market. 918 F st nw. Rm 101 NA 0284 TURN your JUNK INTO CASH! WE ARE YOUR BEST MARKET FOR SCRAP IRON, METALS OF ALL KINDS, TIRES, TUBES AND RAGS. Plumber's Lead, 4‘/2 c lb. Plumber’s Brass, 6 lb. Newspapers Wanted 40e J.R.SEUS saonnds II25 FIRST ST. N.W. Dl. 9594 BOATS. 8-HOR5EPOWER 1930 Neptune: used very little. 4825 Locust st.. Decatur Heights, Md. _WA. 2527._ *200 OR BEST OFFER, may rent, ablest 21-ft. sailboat cn Potomac. Skill, anchor, lights, cabin. 2 berths. At Gregory's, Maine ave. DI. 7052 __ • FIFTEEN-f60T"’SAILB0AT. 3 yrs. old! sloop rig (with jib), open cockpit, new paint: bargain: at 900 Maine ave. or Phone Michigan 3403._•_ NEW OUTBOARD SPEEDBOAT, equipped with steering wheel and throttle; will sell cheap Call Atlantic _7014. DOGS. PETS. ETC. _ ENGLISH SETTERS. S weeks old: whelped by one of the best hunting dogs in this section. 4825 Locust st.. Decatur Heieht*, Md, WA. 2522.___ SCOTTY PUPS: all black A. K. C. ree ntered. *15 Mid *20. AT. 8139._ PEKINGESE, ideal mother's gift, pedigreed, beauties, wonderful dispositions: pups and grown: variety of colors. 1219 Vermont ave. n.w. ME- 7204._ SCOTTIE. black, male. 4 months old. reg istered A. K C. Reasonable. Phone Randolph 8665._ TOY MANCHESTER, unusually fine fea tures. excellent pet; thoroughbred; sacrifice, »12. SH, H512-W. BABY CHICKS i BARRED ROCKS. R I REDS. whi*e Leg I horn, Conker's Y-O feeds. Jamas Feed Store. 819 K at. n.w. Metropolitan 0089. 4 _FARM b GARDEN._j AZEALA8. potted 2,Ac up. several varie ties large specimens. $5 to $15. At Leys Nurseries. Camp Spungs. Md Sl.'t.MMi DAIRY FARM MONTGOMERY Co . 228 acres, 8-rm house, tenant house. ; bank barn. 2u stanchions and many other outbldgs. Shipping to D. C. Plenty or corn and hay year-round 47 acre1 wheat and barley: very productive soil; 2 streams, many springs Many Other Farms for Sale Open Eves. JOHN BURDOFT Coles villa. Md Phone Ashton 3848. SOMETHING UNUSUAL. P MILES FROM D C LINE IN BO MD Productive 121-acre tobacco farm, splen did 7-room modernized farmhouse elec tricity. complex bath with built-in tub and shower hot-water heat. etc. tobacco barns, tenant house, other outbldgs with an experienced tenant who lias for several years made this property show a nice return for the owner necessary imple ments. livestock and machinery included price <11 ."»»<>; VUROO cash, balance e„sv JOHN A BRICKLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENT, Barr Bldg , DI 7321 Cinton 84-R. AD 87 80 _ CATTLE fir LIVESTOCK. RIDING HORSE Ideal for beginner priced reasonably, owner must sell. Call Warfield 3853_ I AM offering for snle Friday. May P, all my show horses which I purchased from U B Randle including Randle's Wav. Randle’s Cateer. Randle's Prince. Rand!* a Dawn. 2 Yearlings 2 brood mares A^o several o'her hordes. Sale to be held at. Bannockburn Farm. Vienna, Va by Leon Arnold__ ____ l ROOMS FURNISHED.^ THE WESTMINSTER 1607 17th nw — Newly decorated rms.. running wsrer; Inner-spring mattresses. 24-hour elevator. TOURIST, :oc per person; 10 min. down town. clean, cool outside rm' 4 baths, c h w_l*34 Columbia rtL n w Adams 4 •••'•O attractive rooms Georgetown house; 2 m room. $20 ea. mo : larqp front room. $25 ea ground-floor basement and bath. for 2 *15 ea b*-t of rrfprt*nc^s necessary: breakfast oDtmnal. Phone before y morn ing.s. _EM 5412. or all dav Sun. 3714 MASS AVE. NW—Twin-bed room, connecting bath; gentlemen preferred. Reasonable Woodlev 107* MASTER BEDRM pvt rirt. hORI adults: 2 baths; bus 1 block, Quiet; free morning transp ; breakfast Incl , $.'," \VI 331 4 1743 P ST. N W.. Apt. 4n—Bright room, i adj bath; double bed. clo : pvt. fam ; nr. Dupont Circle _s3i»_jpomh._ LOVELY large, cool Iront room In pri vate home, unllm. phone. ALi 8834 NICELY furn front raff suit j or 2 young men bath and shower nr. Bureau of Standard Emerson 21**9 1834 COLUMBIA RD N.W.—*4 wk. single rms dou *6; clean, cool, outside in nr.n dowrtn ; 4 bat';' r h w Adams 4330. 1 81 fT" KALORAMA * RD . ’ Ad 3 f- La rge area room 2 people preferred double bed pvt. lavatory adj ; convt. to trans.; rea s CHILLUM HEIGHTS 22 JefT^rsor. n f —Front rm 3 expos. - * new furn : in new det. home; gentleman. RA 7628. DUPONT CIRCLE 1387 Conn * - Studio rm , '•unable 1 or 2 Semi-pvt. bt'h. elev.. 3rd fl North 1022 *25 14th AND HARVARD NW—Large outside room twin beds nicely furn Unllm. phone NO 954 9 Close car line. CHEVY chase d C Nicely furnished room, new home semi-pvt bath; gentle man preferred Call WO 5453. 3429 34th PL. N W — Double room nicely furn.- unlimited phone ‘a block from transportation Emerson 1965 DUPCNT CIRCLE 1515 20th s' nw A'tractr.e large rm.. adj. b&’.h. lge closet, sinelp $25: double. $30 1335 COLUMBIA RD N W —Large 2nd-fl front room 2 double bed Also nice tw :n bedrm management. 13**0 HARVARD ST. N W —Newly fur mshed room $4.00_ 4014 marlboro PL N.W Furnished room in small Jewish family 2 gentlemen preferred nr. bath: ho: water all times GE 94:5 KAI.ORAMA PD HOTEL 2305 l*th s', n w —Neatly furn : adloimng the bath, rhw conv 'ransp • *5 wlc j 320 ROOSEVELT AVE Beat Pleasant Md —2 1 h k rms . incl. porch and bath | utilities included $35 Hil;l:de ooto-W | 220 1 OUE ST N.W.—l arge double cool studio loom, mcelv fyni'hed excel, trans 1 porta* inn reasonable* __MI 8276 13 47 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Basement: j single studio rm clean and attractive. ‘ semi-pvt bath. p_vt entrance 2135 F ST N.W—Basement studio rm . 'ink. grill, *20-$25 me. Small hail rm . *15._DI. 2135 1401 FAIRMONT ~8T~ NV/.—Large airy : front corner room, twin beds: porch. Call akr 5 Apt 316 2014 CONN AVE—Large front studio rm . cool and comfortable; gentile gentlemen ; pref_ _____ i '"HEVY CHASE. MD —Large front rm.. private hath._*25 a month. W7 6634 _ ! 14r: MASS AVE N.W.—£»r,e rm.. run" i nine water, with or without twin beds, inner-spring mattresses, couple or gen'le men.___ __7* ; 1409 N—Second, front, third, rear two rooms, kitchen, all utilities, well furnished f Suitable for two or_three adults._ 4224 16th ST. N.W.—Army officer s widow has twin bedrm . pvt. bath, shower, pvt. sun porch: single rm :_break?ast gar._ SCOTT CIRCLE. 1 308 16th at. r. w —Lge handsome front rm running water, auit. 3 gentlemen: also attract single_ LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Hi rm apts : 1 with kitchenette 1 with pvt. bath: uni. phone:_ML_Pleas._car._l 394 Lanier pi. Ii w. I 1008 M ST NW.—2nd floor; large front j room, twin beds, next bath: also single; reasonable_ 900 19th ST N.W—Room for two ladies <gen'ile *: walking^distance_Govt. depts._• 616 RANDOLPH ST. N.W —Large, bright room, mcelv furn . close to batn. c h w . unlim. phone$2<‘_mo for _1 RA. 713P. SCOTT CIRCLE 1521 R I. ave.—Desira ble double, ^ngle room every convenience, service, home; rea^ translcnta considered. ARL. VA—Attr Iron' rm . pvt bath; 2 in j family; la block bus. 10c fare, gentile gen tleman. Chestnut 6633. $• 1762 N ST. N W.—Unusuallv large at ! tractive room for business. 2nd floor front; j walking distance downtown_ 2331 ASHMEAD PL N.W.—Large i ment room, pnva’e ba’h: newly furnished; gentleman North 1944._ CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN—Nice clean room, twin beds. 15 M st n.w . Apt 5 District 565-: (Walking d;st. Government Print ■ ina Office)_ 3000 CONN AVE -Large double nex' to i bath, for gentleman. Phone Hobart 4‘10<>. , Ex' 200 _ : 16th AND UNDERWOOD STS NW Master bedrm.. 2 exposures. 2 closets, j private shower bath. Gentile gentleman. I i RA 2400 I 1450 NEWTON ST N E—Small. medium : 2 windows each; newly decorated next : bath^pearjsus: moderate._DU. 019!* 5605 WIS. AVE."— Dble.. triple rms: men empl. ladies, empl. couples; 2 baths; uni pfc _ l bj tran»-r. WI 0588 STUDIO ROOM, private bath: $30: of small room next bath. $20; gentleman ; private family Chestnut #122 3100 CONN. AVE. N.W. Apt. 430. opposite ! Kennedv-Warren — Double corner room, semi-pvt bath._showei. bus a* door: $38. 501 u 25th ST N. Arlington. Va—Beau tiful front room with quiet family of 2: to young student or Government worker, gentlemen; $20 month for 1. or $25 for 2: only ’hose with best reference consid ered Chestnut 4780. 2806 UNIVERSITY PLACE N.W. COHV. to • 14th and Fairmont—2 lge. rms. for 1 h.k., everything furnished 87 50 wk 1713 V. ST. NW--Extra !ee twin-bed rm . 3 windcws. unlim. rhone 2 gentlemen. $5 each; sgle. rm . $25: dbi . $3.25 ea. 14 RHODE ISLAND AVE N.W.-—Newly furnished room in private home, single or double: reasonable _ 1024 N ST. N.W—Large front sleeping room. 1st floor, for 1 or 2; c.h.w , $6 single• «S double. ME. 8559. DOWNTOWN—2140 N »t. nw.—Nicely I furn. rm.. in pvt. apt., suit. 1 or 2: single. $4: double $5.50; adult family DI 0877. DOWNTOWN. 914 22nd at. nw. Apt 20— Front studio rm. in modern apt., suit. 1-2. DI 5033 after 4. 627 INGRAHAM ST. N W.—Furnished rm~ next to bath, for 2 gentlemen, very reas.: ’2 blk. bus. ^Randolph 7 5 11 FRONT DOUBLE STUDIO ROOM 2 Clot’ i ets. pvt. lavatory: ^2 bl. transp.; $32 ' for 2 6202 12th st. n w. TA. 7937. 1 6:::’. IRVING ST. N W.—Large, attractive, 1 southern exposure: semi-private bath; l.h.k. privileges. Frigldaire 1202 STAPLES ST. N E.—Attractively fur nished room, private home; unlim. phone; > neat^cars and buses. Reasonable. I fir; KENYON ST. N.w.—Large furnished housekeeping room, near bath, c.h.w., refs., good transp.: adults 11418 PARKWOOD PL. N.W -Single rmT adjoin, bath: gentleman private home. ; conv. 14th st transo. CO. 11 'in I 1.14U TAYLOR ST. N.W.—Large front I room, near transp.; unlimited phone. Gen I tlemen. _ NR. WARDMAN PARK. 28411 27th st n.w. —Large comfortable rm. in pvt. home. Adams 1B04. | NR. 14th AND DECATUR STS. N.W —2 clean, well-furn. rooms, pvt. bath; no j housekeeping; Si'-T.fto mo.; lady. GE.jMMO. '3 522 MONROE ST. N.W.—A front bay window room, newly furn. and decorated; twin beds, attr., lovely pvt. home. AO. 2136. | ltith AND R ST8. N.W.—Nicely “furnished ! room in apartment, furnished as studio or bedroom: suitable couple or 2 employed \ women: use of kitchen DU. 3736. j 1716 IRVING ST. N.W—Master bedroom. | private shower bath: _nlcelyjurnished l 1320 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Housekeeping ! room, next to bath. See manager. Apt. 11. 1439 CLIFTON ST. N.W. Newly furnished; close in: single room: tw^n bedrm.; triple bedrm.; $4 wk. ea. MI. 1725 H ST. N.WTAPTrTr I Vac, for Kiri: also dble : bd opt. MI. 3117. 1738 M ST. N.W., AT CONN AVE OPPOSITE 8T. MATTHEW S CATHEDRAL 1627 19th ST. N.W., DUPONT CIRCLE AND OONN AVE 12* COLORED—2 ATTRACT. FURN RMS. modern conveniences. Dupont 7147 Sun . or mornings bet. P-3.__ COLORED—22Vg Hanover at n.w.—Fur i nished room for employed couple or men. Cell efter 6 p.m. ROOMS UNFURNISHED. PRIVATE UNFURN. ROOM IN 2-ROOM apt with all privilege*: uniim. phon* ki* . semi-private hath to L or 1 young men. DU 0383. afer H p m 208 CHANNINO ST N E--1 room, krcherf. porch new. >:{•;. mcl gas. elec, refrlgera t or adults _8* rOLORFI> 604 21lt 81 N F —Urie unf! front room for refined married couple or 2 gentlemen who are employed AT 49'2 __ COLORED—Unfurn. room, refined couple. 1827 Vermont ave _n w ROOMS WANTED.” 1 OR 2 FURN OR UNFURN RM8~for~ 1 h k . nothin* fancy. In or near Potomac Htp bf one settled man hv June 1st. best re fa. Phone Mrs Smith. WO 5119 ___ YOUNG LADY wishes single room in mod ern home with refined Jewish family B^* 304-A 8tai _• TWO GIRLS des:re ro#.m Jewish familv. kit. nriv conv transp : be- 820-425 mo. Box QOQ-A. Star_2" SUBURBAN ROOMS. ALEXANDRIA—New home room W’.’h semi-pu hath, shower, phon* 20 min. ro D C . >25 mo Temple ARLINGTON. VA 1304 N ADAMS ST — Furnished rm and board with private fam ily Rea* convenient bus: JOc fare _ BEVERLY HILlvS Alexandriafat-floor furnished rm. and private bath, 438 Call Temple 4518. _ ARLINGTON—Nicely furnished, amtle a^d double. n»x» bath. 2 exposures; near bus. refined gentiles, employed women Ch*st M':;. 9* AURORA HILLS. VA —Room *ih *un porch private entrance 15 minu'ea to J4th and F 814 24th at. a. Arl., Va . Jacksoi. 1*4T-W__^ ROOMS WITH BOARD. ON* BEAUTIFUL old "historic rstt^r. .'1 lar„ ■*outh bedroom-. f»vc*l. m.ftb ovt fimi.' porchr,'- and lov*iv trees. Very rool and delightful for summer ChaufT*ur-drl'»n car 'or tram if necessary. Cap. Hr». K05-J-4___ 1 CONN, Opd 8horehem—Coni, attract, turn rooms- overlooking park, innersprlng. ample baths and closets, del. meals.___ DOWNTOWN 1708 l«th at n.w — Nemlr decor., newly turn., with lnnerspring mat* ; home cooking: *35 and *40__ BEAUTLFUL CHEVY CHA8E paying gue*sts desired in naval offlier a home; delicious meals. WI 3516.__ NR WARDMAN PARK and Conn ave — Pvt home, dbie rm . twin bed? unlim. :el excel, meals: gentleman: $33. CO. 3137-J. __ CLOSE IN: 151? Rhode Island ave n.w.— Small double rooat reasonable, excellent ineal>: cheerful surrounding*_8*— 1242 21st NW —Walking dist : tile baths, shower running uaTer in rms . excel, meals; neu inner-spring mar $46. 1743 IMh ST N.W.—Large triple rm for young ladies or men walking dimmcei next beih modern furniture *35 ea_ 1405 EMERSON ST N.W —Pleasant home like atmosphere hr tranvp privileges generous table *35 Tavior ** «]? H ST. S W nr.'Gov t'bldgs’—Lar*a front rm . suitable for 3 excellent meals; unlim fd phone Metropolitan 4755 160!* Jf»rh ST NW. Apt 205— Vsnrrf in double- room with another gentlemsr.; twin beds. private bath. *4‘> month. pri« vare home DU. 8903. 1721 QUE st nw Double room, nicely furnished, next ba'h, delicious meals al*® vacancy with young man 17 76 MASSACHUSETTS AVE N.W.—A distinctive home for young People. In an unsurpassed location reasonable JEWISH GIRL To share room With an other unlim phor.e excellent tran«p ; excellent meals. 5121 Conn Ave EM. 8.3.36. 1919 S ST N.W.-—Attractive medium M/e single room, excellent meals. $45. NO. 9703 _ 2 ft 8T N.W Young men. laraa newly decorated basement rm double, : inner-sprg bed*. ba'h and run water BEAUTIFUL upper 1 Hth st. home on buf line master bedroom, pvt ba'h f°r 'ti single Army-Navy officers or Gov ex*cu $5fi r> m OB 7724 MANCHESTER APARTMENTS 1436 M Sr NW Available May 15- single studio aparf ment. pr:\a'e ba’h and telephone. $5950. incl. 2 meals daily _ Apartment-Ho*el Service_ MANCHESTER APARTMENTS 1426 M S' N W ; Available May 15 double rudio room, ! private ba’h and telephone. 6 windows. 2 closets, $49 5<> per person, including 2 meals. | __Apartment-Hotel Service 3320 lrtth ST N.W" Convenient rransporarlon. cool com fortably furnished single, double rooms: delicious meals served hom* Myl® ary hour lunches pacit*d_ 00^956_ 1626 RHODE ISLAND XVE. N.W. l Close in. phone every room, Mlee’lv® menus- over ion young guests A double: a room to ahare for boy anothar for girt, 1401 16TH ST. N.W. Id*»l r»Rid*nc» for btinr.M* s>«t>pl*: •o«!. outsid* room? on* for 4 with prlrtt* bath: switchboard, choice menux_ DADIAN HALL, iM? lath grr. k w Beautiful front single. $49 50: 4oubtf. $42.50 CARROLL SPRINGS ttTO. FOREST GLEN. MD —BUS ffiBVICI. 20 ACRES SO ROOMS OOOOFOOD. PHONE SHEPHERD 2040 OR B781 APARTMENTS FURNISHED. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 6-RM. IxT* plex large liv rm 2 bedrm*. »**h with batlu_National 3120. Branch 970 FRANCIS 8COTT KEY APT HOTEL- fOtll and F st*. n.w.—Fireproof. A. A A.; one room, kit., dinett*. pvt bath: 1 or 2 per son.* day. week, month: Prfffldfttre; Fill service, nicely furnished. NA. 6425. *5P-*65 MO.: UV RM.. BEDRM K . B i WYATT APTS 45"0 Ga av^ Also 4526 | 13th at. n w _SS5-$5V_ Adulta. GE. 18»3. 4417 5th ST N.W—3rd fl apt., newlv furn. living rm bedrm . bath, complete kitchen, incl. sun porch nice yard; fror.t porch; util.: tentile adults; $62 50. TA. 2611. ___ LOVELY APARTMENT NEW BUILDING j nearby A-llngton. living room, large dining alcove, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath and hall. ! BURNETT 0X 241 tv_ DOWNTOWN. 1239 1 Oth ST. N.W — Large bed-living room large kitchen. ; Frigidaire. bath: everything furnished BRIGHT CORNER APT CONSISTING OF 2 rms.. kitchen and bath, quiet residen 1 tlal stree conv to shopping center and transp._?«5._2410 20th st. n w Mr MAY 15 TO SEPT. 15: CONN. AVE APT I —2 bed rms . large living and dining rms . kit.. 2 baths; completely furn; 1150. : Phone Adam* 8584.__ 1 N E — MODERN IMMACULATE; ENTIRE i 2nd fl.: 2 rms . k . b . incl porch: conr h w. refc . oil h adults: $50. HO 2028 DESIRE CONGENIAL GIRL TO SHARE "-rm. apt. with another; studio rms M’. Plea sa n t sect : conv. transp CO. 243P-W. COMPLETELY FURN 2 ROOMS KITCH i enette and bath; utilities ' irnished $60 • month lit. The Portner. 15th ar.d U , 1725 EUCLID ST. N W — J RMS . SEM1 bath. Frigidaire. sink, gas range. $7 W'eklv co 9229 _ | 2100 19th ST N.W.—GIRL. ~AC»E 27, ; wishes another to share 2-room apt C* 1 after 5 p m . 2100 U»th st. n v . Apt 304 715 ALLISON ST. N.W.—3 CHEERFUL ! rms. kitchen, semi-bath; well furnished. ; aas. electric, refg., c h w.. phone adults, ge: • i 1e , 2 REFINED GIRLS TO SHARE LOVELY ; maple furnished apt. with another. TO ' H5Q0. Evs 404 North __ ‘ rEDAR COURTS ' TAKOMA PARK c7 I Nr. Walter P^ed 410 Cedar st—2 or 3 i lg'* rooms . kit bath. scr. porch suit able 4-6 everything furn ; $85. Mar.. GE 0533._ ; N.W.—SIX ROOMS COMPLETELY FTJR mshed. exclusive; no children; ref. Tel. I MI. 8037. «• 1200 OTIS PL. N.W. - FURNISHED apartment for rent 644 MASSACHUSETT9~AVETN E^SOME sublet apt*.. June 1 to Sept. 30: 2 rooms, kitrhen and bath $52.50. Call AT 611P-R. • IN PRIVATE HOME 1451 CHAPIN ST. n w—Cool, living room, kitchen and b#d rqom;_$uO^ references CO. 1312 MAN. YOUNG TO SHARE WITH An other a two-room apt at 14th and 1 n.w Maid service, shower and southern exposure; gentile gentleman, AD flisi, * ft 1015 N ST. N.W.-2 ROOMS. KITCHEN. shower bath, all utilities furn.: maid **rv. ice. uni phone, radio: $85 month. North 48.15. Apt. 4<*»5. _ i ANOTHER GIRL-TO SHARE*COR.~ArT7 cool in sum.; sep. beds. $22.50. 145S 1 Col, rd. n.w.. Apt 410_AD 29DS. 11* KALORAMA RD APTS —NEATLY FI R mshed bedrm and kitchen, eiec refg : adjoining tile bath: conv transr . <10 * k 2334 R ST S E -2 LARGE RMS . EM* Ployed adults only, refs 3579 WARDER ST N.W.—1 RM . KITCH* en. private bath. elec, refg.; all util.; $1$ semi-monthly GE 9705 __ 2015 19th ST. N.W.—2 RMS.. KIt7. private bath, porch, nicely furnished; utilities, refrigeration lncl.: $15 week __ NR SILVER SPRING—ENTIRE 2nd FL7; 3 rms. kit., bath; private: util, me! ; newly and well furn.: large grounds, year lease: gentile adults: no dog. SH. 6274 LARGE FRONT ROOM AND KITCHEN^ eite. 3 large windows, fireplace, cont hot water. Frigidair* reasonable. CO. 45 14. 3543 I Oth ft n w _ _ TV, WOMAN. ABOUT 35, SHARE 2-RM APT. with another. 1473 Irving st. n.w., Adi. • 28 Adam? ___* j 3320 19th ST. N.W. »AT NEWTON)—3 I rooms. 510 week. Frigidaire. Beauty | resided,__ , 2428 1 6th N.W.—PRIVATE HOME- FACING Dark: 2 rooms, kitchen, bath: second floor: SAP monthly._*_ ! 3 100 l»th ST. N.W.-BACHELOR APART ment attractively rurmstird ronvenim; lo cation: excellent service: switchboard ten * 136 13th ST. SE. LINCOLN PARK—3 rms., liv. rm.. bedrm.. kit., range, elec refg : c h.w.; refined home. 2 adults ; refs • ALBAN TOWERS—MAY 15-SEPT. M; attractively furnished, livin* room with in-a-door bed, large bedroom, kitchenette, bath, porch. $05. Apt. 505. EM 637S WILBURTON. 1844 COLUMBIA RD. N.W. —Air conditioned, beautiful living room, bedroom, Pu'lman kitchen, ihower bath, 35R.5Q month. | 4417 5th ST? N W.—lst-FL. APT.. NEWLY furn. living rm . bedrm . bath. compkM kitchen incl. sun porch: nice yard front i porch; util.; gentile adults, $62 50. TA, I 2811_. 1 (Continued on Next Page.)