Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS FURNISHED. lOontinued.) c err ni—basement: front: large rm. and kitchen: newly decorated, Attract, furn.. $7.50. Adults. Lady to share nicely furnished ■4>t. with refined lady; nr. Senate Office and Congressional Library WO fi.IS.'j CALIFORNIA ST., WEST CONN.AVE — Completely furn., ? bedrms. liv rm., kit. Pu. 57X8 or Jackson 1X78 for appointment. TAKOMA PARK-4 ROOMS. PORCH. ptano. completely furnished. S45: adults; nay loth to June 15th. _SH. >151U-W. BASEMENT APT. FOR COUPLE I one reduced rent and wife’s services: pw rooming house. Box 196-Y. Star. Downtown. frSe lxth ST nvw -one lee. rm., kit. and bath: front: cross ventila Jton: eas, elec . Frigldaire: reasonable. Mgr , sng. ijiALFONTE APTT~3;t:l. 1601 ARGONNE W n w.—Attract.. 4 rms.. inclosed porch, aouthem exp.: including linens. $05. Shown *vf„ ft to 9. PETWURTH. 3923 GEORGIA AVE. 1N.W.—• ®ntire :Ind floor modern home, very aitrac- ! tive: adults only. tfdo. TA. ssiii If|1 5 K ST NW—1 ROOM. KITCHEN' bath: nicely furnished: gas. elec, and refg. Or. house: conv downtown. _ME X.'IOS 271.1 ONTARIO RD— :trd FLOOR 'EN tire), large bedroom, kitchen, tiled bath: IK, elec. furn.. $12 wk^_ • 515 MADISON ST. N.W. LARGE 1 ROOM API, practically new furniture, private bath. elec, refa . private entrance: lltili furnished: express bus at door: suit able for employed couple. $35. 2700 CONN. AVE—-l ROOM, SLEEPING Alcove, kitchtn and bath, newly dec orated. attract, furn.: $«>). CO 8108. MRS, WEI LS _ MT. PLEASANT SECTION—LGE REc’ hall 1 large bedrooms, porch, dining room, kitchen, pantry and garage. DO 4074. GEORGETOWN—1 ROOMS. KITCHEN' etre and bath, large living room nicely furn.: janitor service. Apply 3414 N *t. n W SUBLET. EDDYSTONE. 1301 VT. AVE - Atrrac.. furn . liv rm : small berirm . dressing closet, kit . bath May 7, June 7 cr Jun° 15; $75 a month. 3 3 3 j 14th ST N.W WALKING Dis tance Gov’t bldgs.: large front room kitch en. adj bath, every thine furnished $8. SHORFPAM HOTEL -LIV. RM.-BEDRM., bath, dress, rm., clothes closet, full kitch en AT 3120 8* CULTURED YOUNG MAN TO SHARE Ex“ eellent apt. with another reasonable. 5ono Conn. ave. MI. 3000, Apt. 514, eve nings__ _ \ NEWTON ST. N W—MT. PLEASANT ear. Attractive one-room. kit. apt., semt gvt. bath- very cool- utilities furn. $115. X‘ BELMONT ST. N.W. Hewly furnished 2-room apt., incl. utill- - *4*s; near downtown. $47.50; also twin bed-room_Ml. _ ___ LONDON HALL, IIP® 13th n w Bed-living rm . kit., bath. 1 •If'o Frigidstre incl . $5 up daily, $17.50 i liP wkly . $55 up mo. NV noio 1840 PARK ROAD N.W., 1 room, kitchen and b8th porch; beau- j ♦fftillv famished; Frigidaire on house fircent8* j ' APARfMENTSWANTED._ SaWofficer wants 2-bedrm. apt . liv rm . kit., tile bath, all utilities; about occupancy Sept 1st; D. C. or subur ban Box 200-Z. Star._i 1 APARTMENTS-UMFURHISHEdT"3 | frEAR NAVY YARD. 231 15th ST 8.E.—2 wts.. 2 rms.. kit . b. refg., $40-945; 1 apt.. 1 rm., kit . Murphy bed, b , refg., 937 50. National 2*05 0“ Living room, bedroom, dinette. kitchen, bath refrigerator: extra large rooms: all utilities furnished, available May 15: 955 Apply W. B. CATON, 2528 Pennsylvania ave s *__ To28 21st ST. NW.—ONE ROOM AND oath; $26.50 Will Tent to responsible colored tenant. JAMES MORRIS WOOD WARD Realtor. 723 20th street n.w._ fAKOMA PARK, 313 GREENWOOD AVE — New 8-rm apt., private bath. elec, kitchen: will furnish, if desired._SH. 2420. Ex’ 25. THE DIANA. 1630 LYMAN PL. NE— Cool, comfortable, 2 and 3 room apts : refrg.. chw., conv. transp . 20 min. from downtown Apply janitor. Phone FR. 6856 weekdays__ SIS E ST! NE—BEDROOM. KITCHEN • nd bath: private home, all conveniences; near Union Station: $30 month 6* 508 PARK RD. NW.-2 LARGE ROOMS kitchen, bath. Inclosed porch, entire 2nd Poor private home; adults; reasonable. 1325 ORREN ST. N E—2^d~FlT;_MOD^ ern duplex. 2 lge. rms., dinette, kit., bath, pch, yard and storagp: oil heat, h.w. rnrn : only $45 50 PI 2434, 8-6 p m NORTHUMBERLAND APTS. 203P~NEW Hampshire ave. n.w.. Apt. 106—6 rm*., kitchen, bath. $06, Hobart 32so. TAKOMA PARK. 304 LONG BRANCH PKWY —8 bedrms . liv. rm., din. rm.. kit.. bath: cont. hot water: refg SH 7^35._ WOODRIDGE 2209 CHANNING N.E , APT. 1-—An unusually attractive, spacious near ly new. 3-rm. k, dinette and tiled bath Sot ; country-like surroundings; heat and ot water included; $45. D. S. NASH, ownar. 1S16 Bryan? n e Js?6 C ST. N.E—8 ROOM9-AND BATH: $45; Includes gas. elec. heat, hot water; haw condition; adults only._AT_2702. 1741 LANIER PL N.W.-2 RMS.. ETCH MI. bath. hall. $37 60. See janitor 1*1 13th st ne—2 rms bath. $32 60. HA. 2865 or, after 6 p m,. TA. 547*. 3-ROOM AND KITCHENETTE APT . screened porch, garage, a.m.i.; reasonable. 3803 Lawrence st. n.e,_ ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR OF NEW'HOME. 2 rooms, modem kitchen and bath: gas. elec tricity and Frigidaire furnished, $45. 3020 pt-h at, s e. Lady to share large 2-room~apt. with another. 3000 Conn, ave., Apt. 428. Apply after 5:30 p m.___• »np 9th ST N.W —E LARGE. SUNN"? rooms, kitchen, bath, heat; $35 month. Apply 819 9th st. n.w., until_5:30 p m_ $32—636 SOUTH CAROLINA AVE 6 E — t rooms, kitchen, bath: eellar, Areola heat. Apply_ Apt L__ sTfll 3rd ST~T<f E.—1st AND 2nd FLOOR apts , 6 rooms and bath, h.-w.h. Excellent cond. Cool. Rent. S47 50 each. L. J. MILLS. NA. 4661, __ _ ’ $37.60—2 RMS.. KITCHEN AND BATH: electric refrg ; fireproof apt. bldg. 3534 10th M. n w See res mgr. or PLANT &• GORDON. 1394 Park Rd. y W._CO 0838. #406 CONN. AVE—3 RMS., KIT. beth _ _$65 no 102J 7th st. n w.—3 rms. _ 28.50 1 1021 7th st. n w.—2 rms.. kit_ 25.50 M- FRANK RUPPERT. 1021 ?th St. N.W. WALKING DISTANCE GOVT. BLDGS APT L 2421 PA. AVE—2 R.. K. B _$35 00 APT. 25. 1403 V ST— 2 R K . B. _ 37.50 APT 2, 1236 14'h—1 R . K . B. _ 30 oo AFFLSCK, 2423 PA. AVE RE. 8663. i ROOMS, KITCHEN. DINETTE' BATH, with eolarium. $62 50: same without *o larnun. $50 oo. Large, modem, fireproof, elevator building SEE RESIDENT MANAGER 8800 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. ASUSrOTON, VA— IMMEDIATE occu pancy new, 2 b. r.. liv. r., d . k. and bath; IQS bog Apt 2, 1726 N. 16th. OH. 3934. NORTHEAST APTS. >9 5eh yt. n e.—2 rms . kit din b, $45. Ini Mt. Olivet rd.—2 r., kit., din., bath. §30.60 JOP A HERBERT A SONS. &15 East Capitol_St_LI. 0129 58 FARRAOUT PL. N.W., NO 2 $ rms. kit, bath, in almost new 2-famlly house: heat, gas, light, hot water in cluded at S52.n0. WAPI.E A- JAMES, INC. _ 1824 14th St. N.W_PI 3346. 3*654 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. A thoroughly modernized building con to express bus line shopping cen ler. schools, movies and bank Foyer, living room, bedroom, kitchen **d bath. $45. Refrigeration on house current. Re*. Cm RA 700-'. CONN. AVE.—3221. . I R K., B . Shower. Elevator. $52.50. 1832 BILTMORE N.W. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. CO. 1348. 1811 WYOMING AVE. N.W. 4 room*, kitchen, bath and porrh: eon Jement to cars, buses, schools and down wwn. Apply ar Apt. No :i. CHAS S SHREVE. 10<»1_15th St. N.W,__ Prince Georges Gardens. “NEW.” 1 no COLUMBIA AVE West FvattsvlUe. Maryland. IMfil Room. Bedroom. Dinette. J55 00 Kitchen and Bath. to _All Utilities Included $57.00 EUGENE B. ROBERTS, 1327 Conn, Ave._DP. 2259. 1212 N ST. N.W. V rm.‘ kit., dinn. and bath, *47.50. Immediate possession, kev in Apt. 2. BAKER REALTY CO INC . _i 420 K ST. N.W._ §408 FIRST PL. N.W., Pitting Now Hampshire ave.—Living room. S bedrooms, kitchen, dinette and bath with •bower painted walls, ample closets. Eng lish basement entrance._$59 50. _ ARE YOU LOOKING Fn* a large newly renovated 3-rm., kit. And bath apt’ s,>2 50. See janitor. 2252 HALL PL. N.W. Comer D.'lliO Wisconsin Ave N.W._ CONNECTICUT GARDENS. 3 915 KALORAMA RD N.W. New Ultramodern Building. Beautiful apartment of foyer. larae liv ing: room, bedroom, combination sunroom and dinette, rie luxe kitchen, colngpd tile bath: features: Air cooled Venetian blinds, carpeted corridors, parquet floor, sec retarial service, roof aarden. painted walls And casement windows: *69.50; utilitie& Included. Available June_i._* NEAR GOV’T "DEPTS. LARGE 5-ROOM APT., $65. Modern, fireproof, elevator building: large, bright rooms: save by subletting jpomi. 1015 N st. n.w. NO. 0172. LARGE 4-RM. APT., $40. Modem apt. bid*.: lar*e. bright rm« : near Union Station. 48 H st. n e. Se* _ GLOVER PARK—DUPLEX 2520 41st ST. N.W.—$55. 2 bedrm«. Uv. rm . dinette, kitchen. fc«th. screened rear porcn: large fenced-in re*r y»rd. heat, hot water, ref*., furn.. Venetian bhrds; locker space FLOYD E. DAVIS CO, Ida* k at. n.w. • na. oase. i APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) PINEMANORAPTS^ 5811 14th ST NW 18pw building: cross ventilated, spacious rooms plenty closet space Corner apt . 1 bedroom, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath; $65. Also apt of l room, din ette, kitchen and bath; $45 Adult* only. Call resident mgr L RA 7226._ LYON VILLAGE APTS., 3000 Lee Highway. Second addition now ready for occu Pftnr.v. 1 bedroom. $59 to $H.t 50 2 bed rooms. *7*.\n0-$7350. utilities included. Open, lighted to fi p m LYON INC.. CH. 7070. Resident manager CH. 8040 THE ROLAND. 201 2nd ST. N.E. *? rir.s . kit., bath, ref*.* heat, hot water turn. To inspect apply lamtor. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO . K St. N W _NA 0353 OUTSTANDING VALUE. 1710 Capitol Ave. N.E. *44 MO—Apt. living room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen, bath, screened porch, large rear yard, heat and hot water furnished 14th and K. CAFRITZ. _PI. Sb$n. WILLARD COURTS 1916 17th St. N.W. 44A Nice Place to Live94 1 room kitchen and bath. $37.50 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $47.50 24-Hr. Elevator Service. See Res. Mir., Mr*, jee. or J. DALLAS GRADY & SON 1101 Vermont Are. DI. 3750 Piney Branch Garden Apts. 312-room apts. including living loom, ]8'5"xl7'4", bedroom, 14'x 11'4'', modern kitchen, tile bath, closets. All Utilities—from $54.25 *11 min. to downtown Washington Located on wooded site overlook ing Sligo Park. Separate buildings. Open Daily A Sunday 'til 9 P.M. j Phone Shepherd 6400 North on 1.1th St., just beyond *100 block, to intersection with. Piney Branch Rd. and Georgia Are., ?V*» vn. to right on Piney Branch Rd . or right on Sligo Ave. immediately beyond Georgia Are. underpass »n Silver Spring to Piney Branch Rd. and apartments. OveJitoolmu) Pptomac GARDENS First Bidg. Completely Occupied. Aportments consisting of large living room, one and two bed- , rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath. 1 Ample closets. Every Modern Convenience $55 to $66-50 Including All Utilities --—-**>-^-*"*- ------ I Drive doirn beautiful Mount Vernon Boulevard to Bash ford Lane, north of the circle at Alexandria. i ! AMPLE PARKING AREA ! j Resident Manager, Temple 4299 j COLORED—NEW APT. FOR REFINED couplf: heat, h w . refg and gas stove furnished. 121 ft 4th at, n.w._7* COLORED—lft 1ft 20th ST. N.W.—2 URGE light rooms, semi-kitchen and bath; elec.; reasonable FLATS FOR RENT. 71 ft ALABAMA AVE. S.E 4 rooms and bath; modern. Key lei floor ft* APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. ALEXANDRIA VA . 50« LLOYD LANE W. — 1st floor 2 large rooms kitchenette, private bath: garage hea'. light, water: fine location: conv. to bus: reas. rates. UNFURNISHED. 2 RMS.. DINETTE, kitchenette and bath all extra-large rooms; screened porch: adults only. 005 N. Irving st.. Arlington. Va._ ARLINGTON — FINEST APARTMENTS: close in: new building: available now: S4:» 5Q ud. BURNETT. Oxford 241« APT , I ROOMS. KITCHEN, BATH. UN furnlshed: elec, and gas inch SH. 4372-J after ft p.m. _ft* FURNISHED-3701 COLUMBIA PIKE. AR lington, Va. 7 rooms and kitchen: am i.; on 10c bus line, Gentiles.__ • ENTIRE 2nd FL. IN OUR 8PACIOUS Su burban home, newly conditioned: 4 large rms and bath: Immediate possession; h. and h w giant oak shade: on car and bus line; exceptionally low rental. ft40 Cleve land ave . Riverdale. Refs WA. 1017 FURNISHED. LIVING ROOM. KITCHEN rtre, bedroom, private bath, porch, separate entrance, utilities included. $47.50. CH. 3341. ARLINGTON. VA., 1507 8 MONROE 8T — Furnished first-floor apt . 3 rms.. pvt bath, pvt, cntr.; $4o inch util Quiet adults. AN UNUSUAL FURN. SUITE. PRIVATE home. Fine river view. Boating. Ashing: near Alexandria; $40. NA. 3771, Ext. 615, _____ ARL , FINEST NEW APTS. #02 5?h ’ FIREPROOF BLDG CORNER APT . LARGE RMS. Llv. rm, din ale., bedrm . kit., batfe. SPACIOUS CLOSETS. Laundry. Parking Lot McCLAINE. 2100 Wilson Blvd. CH 3300. ■ ■' ‘ '■-- r.— . .a APARTMENTS SUB. WANTED. WOULD LIKE SMALL FURNISHED apartment for two on or near Pershing drive or Lee blvd . Arlington. Va. Maxi mum. $30. Bos 30S-A. Star. ft* HOUSES FURNISHED. BELL HAVEN. ALEXANDRIA. VA.—8TU dio living rm . 3 bsdrms, •1 baths, screened Dorch. flower garden, garage, complete with linen and silver. Tempi* 4137. 7-ROOM HOUSE IN CHEVY CHASE, D. C, to responsible people. June 20 to Sept. 20 Large porch, garage. Rent, $95 mo. Call Woodley 1137. NEW HOUSE. DETACHED: GOOD N.E. Ruction: rt rooms brick. lVa baths, auto matic heat. 2 fireplaces, recreation room, new furniture, garage. Dupont 2196._7* NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM. 2-STORY BRICK, May 25 to Oct. 15. Vicinity Mass ave. and Western. Oliver 2075. 18th ST. N.W—DETACHED-ATTRAC tive, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, automatic oil heat, garage: private family only, SI26 per month. Taylor 3276. 8* CHARMING DUTCH COLONIAL. 6 ROOMS, latest improvements: cool, auiet, near buses, stores; for summer and maybe longer; very reasonable if qualified. GE. 3015 _ AVAILABLE FOR 4 MONTHS—A COM pletely furnished home including recreation room, a m i, Benriix electric washer. Near North Capitol and Buchanan sis. LEO V GLORIU8. 1013 15th St. N.W. DI. 1995 6*739 13th ST. N.W. s rooms, bath, refrigeration, oil-hot water heat, garage. Completely furnished. A nice home. Bus transportation at corner, non. WAPLE & JAMES, INC.. 1224 14th St N.W DI. 884« ATTRACTIVE HOME. WELL FURNISH®', for rent until January 1. 1942: six rooms and bath and inclosed, heated porches, at tracts grounds, rent. $175. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, Realtor, _723 20th St. N.W._ 5318 42nd PL. N.W. New detached brick residence of 5 rooms and bath: nicely furnished. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC., 1519 K SI. N.W. DI, 1015. HOUSES FURN. OR UNFURht_ TO RENT. FROM JUNE 16 TO SEPT. 15: 3 0 rooms. I1 a baths. 2 acres, available for rooming house or summer school. 3 400 Old Georgetown rd.. Bethesda. Md. Oliver 61R5___ HOUSES UNFURNISHED. 8103 HAWTHORN* 8T. N.W- OFF 82nd st., between Cathedral and Garfield—3 bedrms. 2 baths, large living room with fireplace, spacious din. rm, kit, lge. open porch, lovely sun porch on 2nd fl„ maid'i quarters, equipped laundry rm, built-in garage: on quiet street, finest restricted residential neighborhood: immediate oc cupancy. MR. BAKER. NA. 2440. BRIGHT 7-ROOM HOUSE. PORCH, shade. $76 213 Prospect st. Friendship Hts. WI. 3480._ LOVELY NEW HOME, « RMS, 1V, baths: all mod. Improv.: 976 mo. Also bouse. « rms, 1 bath, large sleeping porch; both within 4 blks. Univereity of Md can be seen any time by calling Berwyn 3B2-W. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—7 RMS, b ; OR better yet. buy detached homes In this neighborhood of character: built during de pression save $.3,000 to $5 000; A rms. b. to 11 rms . 3 bs $7,950 to $19 000. FUL TON R GORDON, owner. 1427 Eye gt. DL 6230; office also open 7 e.m. to 9 o m. i HOUSES UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) FOXHALlTVTLLAGE-~fl~RM8~AND BATH garage, large back yard, automatic heati immediate occupancy. AD. 1846._ Si 77—IN CHEVY CHASE. D. C,—A DET. brick in an excellent subdivision This home, almost new. has tour bedrooms and three baths on second floor Library and lav on flrst floor. Game room on third. Maid s bath in basement 2-car garage. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. 3518 Conn.. WO. 78(10.__ 3609 S ST N.W.—6-ROOM HOUSE. OAS. hept, garage._•_ BETHESDA—5 ROOMS. OIL HEAT, screened porch: large lot. trees. 1 square bus: $50. OWNER. Wisconsin 5161. CHEVY CHASE. MD—7-ROOM HOUSE, center hall. 3 bedrms . bath. den. garage, oil heat. $90. PJione_NA. 6680 1311 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—SIX ROOMS, bath ami., deep lot, double garage, porches. excellent condition: available June J Owner will consider reserving two back rooms with board for two adults. Box 290-A. Star._* PETWORTH. 838 Varnum st. n.w.—8 rooms (4 bed rooms). bath: oil heat, all redecorated $7 5 month Key at 836. J. C. WEEDON CO,. ME 3011. 19 RMS. 2 BATHS. STORE. C.ARAOeT near 18th and Columbia rd.; very reason able rent CHAS. 8. MUIR k CO.. _NA 15!*5._•.,(i;i Southern Bldg._ 3110 OGLETHORPE ST. N.E. 4-room bungalow, gas. elec . water, $30. 4302 13th PL. N E « rms., bath. 2 inclosed porchea. aeml det ached. $65. LEO V. GL0RIU8. 1013 15th St fCW._PI. 1995. BRADLEY HILLS. BETHESDA, MD. 6740 Fairfax rd.—9 rms. (2 bdrms >. 2 baths modern. 2-car garage, large lot. newly decorated: $100.00 mo. Key at office. J C. WEEDON CO., 1727 K st. n.w. ME_3011_ ! 507 KENYON ST. N.W.—6 ROOMS AND bath. 2 inclosed porches: newly decorated I throughout Open 8 g m -6 p m.__ ' 2608 PENNA. AVE. N.W. 5 rms. and bath, elec . h -w.h„ $50. D CONNOR & SON 2426 Penna. Ave. N.W. __ RE 2426. 4608 48th ST. N.W. Attract, bungalow: rent. $57.50. NA- 3630. •‘-FAMILY HOUSE. 56 ADAMS ST. N.W.—$62.50. 7 rms. bath, 3 kitchen*, n»w oil burner, t porches. -’-car garage FLOYD E. DAVIS CO . I 16*9 K St._N W.__ NA 0352. 4605 48th St. N.W. Bungalow 5 room*, bath, Oil heat, re frigerator, screened porch.__ OPEN TODAY, 4-7 P.M.. 4008 14th St. N.W. Attractive brick, newly renovated through out fi large rooms, 3 bedrooms, bath, l new auto, heat: refc., gar., conv location. fVt Mr Thompson. RA. 3T62. DIXIE , REALTY CO NA. 8886. _ COLORED—323 14 th PL. N.E.—6 LARGE rooms, h -w.h., me# condition; #onvenient. NA. 1613,_ For Regularly Employed Colored. NEWLY RECONDITIONED. ALL SECTIONS. Washington Housing Corp., 931 H St N W_National 3570 M HOUSES WANTED TO RENT._ 3-BEDROOM HOUSE. UNFURNISHED. OA rage. In Washington or nearby Md By May 15 Not over $50. Cail after 6. HI. 048.5-J. —iw—« I HOUSES FOR SALE. ; CHEVY CHASE. D. C., 3731 MORRISON st., off Conn. ave.—7 rooms, but garage, basement recreation, oil heat; big trees. I rose.s. flowerbeds; $10,500; reduction for ! substantial cash; open day and evening. | OWNER_ VIC. PRINTING OFFICE AND ST ALOY sius Church—Large brick house. 8 bedrms . I oil heat; deep lot with garage: storage ! space above: $10.000, Box 158-Y. Star._ FIRST COMMERCIAL CORNER LOT; | fronts 80 feet on Conduit rd. and 75 feet on Cathedral ave ; improved by frame dwelling, price. $10,000. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, realtor. 723 20th sL_n w.__ IN CHEVY CHASE GARDENS—THIS DET brick at $11.5ou. three bedrms. and two baths on second floor; lav. on first floor, large screened porch, two-car garage; wide lot THOS L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7 90U. until P p.m, 3518 Conn._ 1113 B ST. N.E.—P ROOMS AND BATH' brick: hot-water heat. 2-car garage, now vacant: price. $7,500. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD realtor. 723 20th st. n w._ 1 BLOCK FROM WISCONSIN AVE —0 lovely rms.: bath. auto, heat, new condi tion. garage, yard, shrubbery. My transfer make* sale imperative. Will accept, small cash payment. Bal less than rent: $0 950. J. LOGAN HOPKINS. 1358 Fairmont st. n.w. AD 8840.__ 813 WHITTIER PL. N.W.—NEWLY RENO vated 8 rms. and bath on 1st floor, fin ished top floor, full basement, automatic heat; 2-car garage extra lot; substantial cash. Open daily. Randolph 87QQ. BUY CHEVY CHASE DETACHED HOMES' built-dunng-depression prices: save $3,000 to $5 000; 0 rms, b . to 11 rms . 3 b.; I $7,950 to $10,000. FULTON R. GORDON. owner._l 427 gye st. DI. 523o._ IN~ CHEVY~CHASE—THIS INDIVIDUALLY designed det. brick home with very large living room and entrance hall; three bed roomg. two baths on second floor, two bed rms.. one bath on third floor: oil ht ; two car brick garage THOS L PHILLIPS, WO. 7»o. until 9 p.m._3518 Conn. ON 11th ST. N E . NEAR LINCOLN PK.— 3-story brick, nicely arranged for apts or rooming purpose; price. $7,50<» on easy terms. E A. GARVEY, DI. 45C8. Eve and Sun., GE. 0090.__ NEW 3-BEDROOM AND 2-B/TH BRICK home, in excellent Motion of nearby Mary land: a fine home of less than $10,000; liberal terms FRANKLIN REALTY CO., 8H. 543ii. Open till 9 p.m._R* NEW TWO-STORY DETACHED H -W H ; large lot. 5 rooms, cellar, only $4,850, terms; buses, schools. WA. 6307. _ TWO-APARTMENT HOUSE, INCOME. S960l detached, oil heat built-in garage; Trans., schools, stores: owner aacriflce. $6,750, terms. WA. 4542._____ KALORAMA HEIGHTS (WEST OF 18th st.)—1? rms.. 3 baths, oil heat, semi detached- beautiful sideyard: o-car ga rage: fully rented: splendid guest or pro fessional mans house- real possibilities; rare opportunity Mr Whiteford of Mc KEEVER AND WHITEFORD DI. 9706. NR. MASS AVE . D. C . $12.500—LARGE wooded lot. center-hall Colonial brick home: lav. on first floor, three bedrms . two baths on second floor finished attic; every room extra large built-in garage: I completed by August, will plan details to suit your requirements: do not wait until prices advsnce Call MR. LYON, WO. 7900. Eves- EM. 4570,_ THREE-FAMILY APT.. OIL HEAT. RE frigeration. Will consider lot as part pay ment. Hillcrest or Woodridge. OWNER. Box 301-A Star12* $3.950—DETACHED. 5 ROOMS ASBESTOS shingle, h -w.h . lot 50x160. in Mt. Rainier; easy terms. Eve . HO 6319. WASHINGTON REALTY CO.. GE. 8300. ALMOST NEW 6-ROOM BRICK. NR 14th and Rittenhouse sts. n.w : completely mod ern priced low Eve . HO. 531P WASHINGTON REALTY CO . GE. 8300 BUNGALOWS. Silver Spring—Takoma Park—Several new brick 4 and 5 room homes, large lots; hot water heat, tile bath, porch. Priced from $5 5oo up Exceptionally easy term* ar ranged. Ctl! Mr. Tabler, SHANNON * LUCHS CO.. National 2345__ 6th AND RANDOLPHSTS. N.W. Semi-det brick. 9 rms.. 2 complete kitchens with xefg. Will make excellent rooming house. 5 bedrooms Priced at $7,950: terms. Call S O. Peck, DI. 3346. WAPLE A JAMES. INC._ WORTHINGTON ST. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. Something unusual, about l yr. old; eenter-hall stone and brick detached: very spacious quarters, den. recreation room. 3 v2 batha: garaae: wide. deeD loi: olenty of shade: 616.500: terms. GE. 4138. CHILLUM HEIGHTS. 6 rms., 3 baths, recreation rm : 4 yra.; pony, stores, transp.; bargain. OK 8660. GEORGETOWN—$14,000 Unuiually charming 6-room home, with garden. _J._E_8H0EMAKER. RE. 1663, A RMS , 2 BATHS, H.-W.H : GOOD N.W. aection. now rented for $65: priced at $7,250 for quick sale. HOME OR INVESTMENT—In very de sirable n.w. aection: 30 rms. 2 batha; well rented. Can be sold for $12,750. CHAS. S. MUIR A CO WA. 16P5_ 203 Southern Bldg 8EE TODAY New det. brick, 4 real bedrms.. 2 bathg. ? fireplace* oil heat. gar . large wooded ot Out Colesville rd. to 81igo Branch, left l1*, bike. $9,760: $1,000 cash. bal. like rent Open daily to 8. RA. 87 00, OE. 4138. _ TOURIST LOCATION ON NATIONAL highway. 7510 Wis. ave., Bethesda. 7 room house, large lot. OWtVER NA. 2075 OR WI. 5440, P« YOUR LAST CHANCE To buy a detached, all brick, like thla for $8,260; terms; 6 rms. J>2 baths; com plete in every detail; LAVATORY. TOILET. 1st fl. (very important); convenient to bus. stores, schools. See sample house at 8754 Eastern ave. n.w. Call Mr. Lynch, Sun days. eves.. RA. 1242. O’HARE ESTATES 927 15th N.W._NA. 6748. SLIOO PARK HILLS. MD. New detached brick home. 6 rooms, bath, 'ec. room, state roof, screened end porch, brick garage; only two left at $8,550. Price of reproduction of the game house will be $9,000 Call for appt to inspect, Mr. Bennett. GE. 2298. WAPLg <fc JAMES. INC ■ District 3348. *7.500—DETACHED HOME IN CHEVY CHASE. MD—Six rooms and bath; situated on lot 60x180 ft. Near bus lines and stores. Automatic hot-water heat, garage. For sale to settle estate. Will eonsider very easy terms. *12.750—NEW DETACHED BRICKS— Homes that are really different; each Individual in design and architecture. Center-hall plan, step-up dining rooms, beamed ceilings, casement windows to the floor. DEN AND LAVATORY ON THE FIRST FLOOR, three bedrooms, two baths, built-in garage, air-condi tioned oil heat. SHANNON A LUCHS CO.. 1605 H St. N.W.National 2345. DIRECT PROM BUILDER. NEW HOMES—MT. PLEASANT. Net ring completion; near Rock Creek Park (1 blk. off 18th and Columbia rd.)— 8 large rms., 2 baths, recreation rn.. air eond t oning, gar. il770 Hobart at. n.w.) Call MR. PISANI. WI 5115._ ROOMING HOUSE. 1839 Kalorama rd. n.w.—Muat to gold to eettla an estate MM Mot'S! irw?LOR^trtat MM. 4 CROSSTOWN — u.i _ —By Roland Coe “JUST A COUPLE QUICK SHOTS OF THE LIL’ FELLA. DOC! ITS OKAY—I'VE STERILIZED EVERYTHING BUT THE CAMERA!” HOUSES FOR SALE. (Continued.) BROOKMONT^ii ROOMS._3_BEDROOMS, oil heat, air-conditioned: built-in. garage, house completely furnished, on grounds &UX150. Price. $7,750. ROGERS REAL ESTATE. 604 F_St. N W._ National 8137. ^ $14,950—NR CONN AVE AND HARRI son st —New detached brick home. 4 large bedrms.. It baths, storage attic, lava tory of 1st ft ; beautiful recreation rm . built-in garage; air-ccnditioned heat a most conv. location; let me show you this home. $12.950—American University Park — Red brick, center-hall Colonial home; 3 de lightful bedrms. and 2 baths; finished, heated 3rd floor; lavatoPf on 1st fl large recreation room with fireplace; air-con ditioned heat; only 2 of these home* to be had; one look will convince you. call E. H. IRWIN EM. 1401. F. A. Tweed Co.. _ 907 15th SLJN.W._RE. 8199._ SOUTHEAST VALUES. Randle Highlands—6 rooms, detached., attractive yard; $7,950. 2336 Que at. *.e. Hillcrest. Dutch Colonial. 2704 33rd at a e. Hollywood Park—2-story brick, near Pennsylvania ave . bedroom and bath on 1st floor. 3405 Texas ave. $3.H6o—Bungalow, lot 60x100. 4420 Schley ave . Bradbury Heights. Md New brick, semi-detached will be com pleted In 2 weeks. 4022 Foote at. n e. Inquire at branch office. 3601 Alabama a?e. i.e. Lincoln 1000. ADELBERT W. LEE. _ a 1343 H St. NW._District 4600. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE Randolph at. n w. in 400 block. 7 rooms 3 porches. 2 kitchens, oil heat: lot 22x165. Garage New-house condition throughout. Price. $7,950: terms. Call Mr Raine. RA. 3441. WAPLE &i JAMES, INC. Disrict 3346.__ MARIETTA PARK , , ^ Semi-detached brick: 8 rooms and bath f 4 bedrooms*, built-in garage, oil heat; express bus transportation at corner. Call Mr. Allman. Franklin 3904. WAPLE <k JAMES. INC 1224 14th St N.W PI. 3346 A BARGAIN On Wyoming ave. between 3 8th and 19fh n w.—A fine residence, 14 rooms. 4 baths, h -w.h., oil burner, large closets, open flrepiace, 3 porches, 2-car garage; this property can easily be turned into 4 or 5 apts.; original cost of this home was $27,000; for a quick saie our price la $13.500; $3 500 cash required and $75 per mo. Call Mr. Pendleton. DU. 3468. WAPLE Ac JAMBS. INC.. PI. 3346 _ JUST OFF CONNECTICUT AVI., 3714 MILITARY RD A large 8-room home, in need of some repairs, a bargain at $8,750. lot 50x100. Shown by appointment only. Call Mr. Sharnoff. EM 2527. WAPLE 4c JAMES, INC.. PI. 3343.__ BEDROOM AND BATH ON FIRST FLOOR Detached 6-room home with 25’ living room, open fireplace, dining room 13x14. modern eoulpped kitchen center-hail en trance. large basement with built-in ga rage. beautiful lot 200' deep; located in Woodside Park: only 4 years old. owner transferred and must sell immediately. Seen by appointment only. Call Mr. Leache. SH. 6200. WAPLE * JAMES. INC JUST OVER I) C LINE NEW DETACHED HOMES J6 490 to ST.450. F. H A Approved 5 and 6 large rooms with beautiful tile baih. hot-water oil heat, porchex on front and rear, extra large kitchens, full base ment. plenty of shade trees, large lot; must be seen to be appreciated, liberal terms can be arranged Call Mr Bedell CO. 5386. or WAPLE Ac JAMES. INC., DI. f* ROOMS AND BATH-DETACHED HOUSE in desirable n w. residential community. • s_c*r brick garage; not over 20 min. from Treasury and Oovt b’dg*. PTice. *10,750. Splendid condi lion throughout. » _ , CHAS D. SAGER 624 14th St. NW NA 0038. Evenings. Mr. Lewii. Wo 0580. PETWORTH BARGAIN. Semi-Detached The most conservative purchaser will be Interested in this beautifully kept home 8 rooms and bath on two floors; attic, oil burner, instantaneous heater, new gas range icebox: 4 large bedrooms: this home must be seen tby appointmenti to be appre ciated. Price. *9,500. . CHAS D. SAGER. •24 14th 8t. N W NA 0038. Evenings. Mr Lewis. WO. 0580. I GOT 'EM Several 4-bedroom houses with 2 baths, automatic heat, garage in Northwesr sec tion Priced for immediate sal* To In spect. call Mr Bedell, CO. 5386 or WAPLE Ac JAMES. INC., DI. 3346. A BEAUTIFUL SETTING. Six spacious rooms, two tile baths flat floor bedroom and bath', large lot; restrict ed neighborhood: lots of trees: convenient Arlington, l-fare transportation; in min utes downtown. CH. 1438 till 9 p.m. A HOME IN THE WOODS, „ Close-In Md. Unusual floor plan, various levels, most attractive; 3 bedroom*. 1 bath*, rerrea non room and large attic with plumbing, heating roughed in imake another room and bath later), closets and storage space galore priced under WH.pnn Call J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. ME 1143._ ROLLINGWOOD, 109 EAST WOODBINE 6T. *11,950. Open Dfiiiy and Sunday. Your last opportunity to purchaao or trade in this group of new detached brick hornet at this low price. There are 6 large rooms. 2 bath*, automatic heat, screened porch, finest location: large lots; convenient to aehools, bus and stores. A. Luchs <fe Son, builder Call MR. WHITE HURST. ME. 3033. Evenings. AD. 1504. _HOUSES FOR SALE._ $11,750. CHEVY CHASE. MD New brick Colonial of very popular type just completed. Double-size bed Sorn. with bath, off stair landing suit le for den or as lst-floor bedroom. 2 additional double-size bedrooms and bath. Copper gutters and downsDOins: air-condi tioned. Built-in garage Screened rear living porch. Entire lot sodded. Call WO. 2300. _EDWARD H. JONES A CO. INC. BEST VALUE TODAY In Chevy Chase, Maryland. Center-hail brick Colonial of individ ual design. 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, den and lavatory on 1st floor oil burner; built-in garage Wide lot, completely cov ered with shade trees. Excellent com munity. walking distance to all schools. Your opportunity to puachase this very desirable property now at the right price. Call W’O 23oo to Inspect EDWARD H JONES At CO . INC LIKE SOMETHING DIFFERENT? A beautiful stone home with a gorgeous setting of trees, on large lot. restricted development of new homes in Virginia only 15 minutes downtown: massive living room, fireplace. 3 huge bedrooms. 35-ft. recreation room For appointment to in spect this unusually fine constructed home. CH 1438 till 9_p m__ New Brick Bungalow. Woodridge—Exhibit house. 3082 Clinton st. n e.—5 large rooms, finished attic room, tile bath, shouer: open fireplace furred walls weather-stripped oil air-condl I tioned heat with summer and winter hookup: price. *8.250. Open. To inspect, drive out Rhode Island ave. n.e. to Mon roe st., right on Monroe one block to Clinton. WM R TH OROW GOOD, i _2024 R I Ave SJE._DE. 0317._ WOODSIDE PARK, MD. Beautiful detached brick home on very large lot containing 10.000 sq. ft of Rround; ti rooms. •; baths 'bedroom, bath on 1st floor'; complete oil heating unit, summer-winter hookup modevt in every respect as It is only 4 years old owner leaving citv and must sell at the bargain price of 810.500. Call Mr Parker. DI 3830 WAPLE &_ J AMES JNO_ Delightful Summer Here! 89 I5n—Restricted suburban. brand* new brick home 8 lovely rooms screened side porch grand wooded lot 70 ft. wide superb home in excellent location REALTY ASSOCIATES. is’A. 1438, until ! B pm_ Near Chevy Chase Circle. Five bedrooms. 3 fireplaces, large living room library, two and half baths, nice lavatory on first floor, full center hall. ! recreation room all brick, ultramodern ’ large lot. onlv $16,500 call Mr Aiken. PI 3100, with BEITZELL, eves ■ AD. 62P7. Desirable—Convenient. New seml-det. brick. 6 rms., bath. i lav built-in gar . superior design, con struction. equipment. RA f)56o. Open Till 10. j Blk. Above Concord Avt. 5729 6th St. N.W. SPECIAL SACRIFICE. SILVER SPRING. MD. Practically new. detached home on large corner lot with lovely trees: fine neighbor hood. only 3 blocks from shopping center; yery large liv. rm 'fireplace', din. rm., latest kit., 3 bedrooms 2 baths, tar., oil burner, Imported ‘SaHibra" wall dec orations, owner needs rash, willing to sacrifice fall Mr. Reily. to inspect. DIXIE REALTY CO NA RRR"_ WESLEY HEIGHTS. 4 BEDROOMS—-412.250 A real opportunity in one of Washing ton a best locations, close to transportation and Horace Mann School. Situated on spacious wooded lot. it includes large living room with fireplace, cozy breakfast room, well-equipped kitchen, oil heai. earage. In beautiful condition. This home is a real buv pv»r details, call Mr. McElhinney. Temple 1355. FRANK S. PHILLIPS, PI. 1411, 2-FAMILY HOUSE, PETWORTH—*7.000 Near 3rd and Varnum. This row-brick house is now a complete 2-family unit, with 2 kitchens, 2 baths, sunroom and finished basement room. Timken oil burner. Call Mr. Miller. R. A. HUMPHRIES. 808 No. Capitol St. Realtor. NA. 6730. «7 AKft BUYS THIS ATTRACTIVE BUN 4, i Ka)ow ,n heart of Brightwood. 5 lovely rooms, rile bath, modern kitchen, porches, gar.; finished attic with 2 extra bedrm, : deep lot. ete.; excellent condi tion: terms LEO M. BERNSTEIN St OO . ME 5400 _ COOLEY & GRUVER, BUILDERS. NEW HOME, N.E., $5,950 and up. 2214 13th ST. N. E. Open and Lighted to 9 P M. Daily. furnished bv P J Nee Co From 14th and Rhode Island «ve n e to Montana ave. aouth to Downing it., west 3 blocks to homes _Phone Michigan 9260._ CHEVY CHASE, MD., $1,000 I Down; $62 mo., inch taxes; new stone l house modern: 7 rms <3 bedrooms ), 1 Vj baths; oil heat; gar.; $10,750. WI. 1843. LIFE'S LIKE THAT —By Fred Neher if^piss^n THIS IS WHAT I JOINED THE ARMY TO GET AWAY FROM 1 AT HOME!!** _ HOUSES FOR SALE._ ARE YOU INTERESTED In purchasini a 2-IamlIy semi detached home in if. Wash. Lower apt. 4 rms , kit. and bath open back porch. 8econd floor has large 2-rm . kit. and bath apt Hardwood floors, oil heat, fully weather-stripped and insulated tfi.UOO. JOS A. HERBERT A HONS 615 EAST CAPITOL ST._LI. 0129. EVERYBODY WANTS A home auch as we now offer. Brick, de tached. on extra large lot. O large rooms and sleeping porch. The smallest of the 3 bedrooms is 12x14 ft.: the kitchen is 18x11 ft., including breakfast nook: large dining room and living room with fire plate. full basement, attached garage. Priced less than $8.0<»o: F H A. terms, or subject to one trust with payments as low as $33.‘>'.3 per month. Phone at once to SH £069 and arrange to Inspect._p 1312 UNDERWOOD ST. N.W. New detached brick, fi rooms. 2 baths, rtcreailon room, large lot. Open dally. d s biron._me in;.. CC ettn NEW BRICK, ft LABGE ROOMS «pu,uou 8nd bath. auto. heat, stream lined kitchen, recreation room NA. lb 13. MT. PLEASANT. UNDER $9,000. Quiet street and good neighborhood: rear of house faces on park 20-ft. row house, entrance hall, large living room. French doors from dining room to solarium which extends across the rear of the house. 3 large bedrooms and 1 small one built-in garage, automatic heat; convenient to shops and transportation. Cali J WESLEY BUCHANAN. 1733 K st. ME. 1143. Office open Sat. evening and Sundays _ HOME WITH INCOME. Practically new. semi-detached brick. 3 bedrms . Z baths and lovely separate ter raced apt to rent out: best n.w section, walking distance of Georgetown U. Priced low: terms MILLS & DAVIS. INC . REALTOR ME 4900 1405 K St N.W. m • Let Us Sell or Rent Your Property,’* GLOVER PARK. 6 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. Owners are compelled to sell their nearly new home at bargain price of $7,950. There are 6 lovely rooms. Z baths, gas heat, recreation room, lovely rear garden, overlooking park: new-house con dition Easy terms Don’t wait Houses are scarce in this close-in. convenient location WILLIAM BOSWELL. ME. 3033. Eve.. WI- 4410_ LUUK! *500 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT In the district; new. detached; 6 rooms, bath; all brick. 20 minutes downtown Washington; *m,550. Call Mr Dreisen, with BEITZELL DI. 310(1. Eves., FR. SIR Q^n NEARLY NEW CORNER BRICK cemer riatl; 4 lge. rms. on each floor: auto^heat. gar. NA. 1613. __ OPEN TONIGHT, 6 TO‘9. 615 GALLATIN ST. NW Attractive brick, situated in the heart of Briahtwood. 6 lovely rooms, tile bath, porches, etc ; completelv recond ; priced lor only *7.450 on terms _LEO M BERNSTEIN * CO ME 5400. n BARNABY WOODS. *12.750. Almost new. this distinctive red brick home, situated on attractive lot. 9«»-if. frontage, must be sold Includes spacious living room, lst-floor psneled den. auto matic heat; 2-car built-in garage: 3 fine bedrooms. 2 baths: huge finished 3rd-floor room. No better value in this excellent community today For details, call Mr. McElhinney. Temple 1355 FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. 3822 CALVERT ST. N.W. A rooms. 2 baths, reception room, ga rage. automatic heat: *8.950. Phone CO 1348—Evenings. EM 0289. OPEN EVEN INGS AFTER * P M _ Naval Officer Transferred. Must sell beautiful home surrounded by large trees Bedrm and bath on 1st fl maid's rm . bath and recreation rm. in basemen* nr Kenwood Country Club. No. 2 Winston dr . Bethesda. Md._WI. 5133. LIVE IN ONE—RENT THE OTHER ; Two-family brick house, near 7th ana ! Girard sts. n e main floor apt.. ha« 4 j rooms, dinette kitchen, bath and inclosed porch second floor. 2 rooms kitchen, bath I and inclosed porch h.-wh.: nice yard. 2-car brick garage. For appointment, call Mr. Britt evenings. EM 2663 R. A. HUMPHRIES. NA #730._Realtor._MW W. C»p»o?. APPROXIMATELY *2-ACRE IN BEAUTIFUL SOMERSET. This 1* a place of charm and dlstinc I tlon. can readily be remodeled, contain ing 7 rooms, oil hot-water hear. 2-car garage: ground beautifully landscaped Call F R SPEAR. WI. 2108. 7072 Old Georgetown _Td __ _ NEAR 12th AND G STS. N E. ONLY $4,950. Substantial brick home fl large rooms, new roof, hot-water heat in very good condition act quickly. Call DI. 1312 lor appi, to inspect.____ AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK—$9.550 New detached houses, situated in one of most beautiful sections fl large rooms, flrst-fl lavatory Nicely arranged. An extraordinary value. 5 sold before eom i pletion. Purchasers will have privilege of ; selecting interior decorations a* this time. Conveniently financed. Shown b* ap pointment only Call Mr Gmnetti. DI. 3100. BEITZELL. or RA 074«^eves_, SMALL CASH PAYMENT. *6.450—Brand-new brick home lovely rooms, air-conditioned heat: fenced yard; convenient D C. location high elevation overlooking the city Here s your oppor tunity' Why pa^ rent1* REALTY ASSO CIATES NA. 1438. until 9 pm._ ’near McKinley high. Income, *14fi per month: story »nd cellgr brick. 10 rooms. 2 baths, arranged into apartments and room*: oil heat with sum mer and winter hookup - elec refrlcera tor* Price only *8.000. Eve. or Sun., phone Temole 17 fl* _ L. T. GRAVATTE, ?;p 15th St. Realtor. NA 0753 $7,500. Nr. Madison St. and Concord Ave. A splendid tapestry brick home, well situated and conv. to Paul Jr. High, fl Igp . bright rms • tiled bath with shower, glassed in sleeping porch, wide covered front porch: I many built-in features and conveniences. OIL HEAT. Built-in garage. You will do 1 well to investlge’P THOS J FTSHER A: CO. INC REALTORS DT 8830. Eves, call Mr. Key. Emerson 1101. A PERFECT HOME. Beautiful center-entrance brick <Cape Cod*, with 2 bedrooms and bath on 1st floor and 2 bedrooms and bath on 2nd I floor Full basement with recreamon room. ! attractive garage A corner lot. 120x70 ft . artistically landscaped. In the Bethesda vicinity, only *10 450 Don't buv until you've seen this F R. SPEAR. INC., WI. 2108 or Bradley 0145. $350 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. 1829 B st s.e.—6 rooms and bath, oil burner. Call District 2T24. evenings. Woodley 0432.____ _ IF YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL home, plus approximately 12 acre of rolling lawn and grounds, you should see this. On Connecticut ave House contains 3 bedrooms with l'» baths upstairs and '2 bath on 1st floor. Larae sunroom 11x18. 1 bui’t-in garage, full basement: oil h.-w. heat Address 10204 Conn, ave Open Sundav from 12 till dark For informa tion call F. R. SPEAR. INC., WI. 2108. I Bradlrv 014". ___ Cfi 7^0 DET. CORNER. 4 BEDROOMS; oil heat, garage; convenient. Republic _6895._ JUST OFF GEORGIA AVE. fl-room row home, on Hamilton *t.; only $<5.9.50: reasonable terms MONTGOMERY REALTY CORP . 7204 Wis, Ave. _WI. 2431 WOODRIDGE BUNGALOW. 3209 Walnut st. n.e.—Reconditioned: 4 rooms, bath, breakfast room: h.-w h.; large lot; garage; near transp. Open. $5,450. WM. R. THOROWGOOD. 2024 R. I Ave. N.E. DE. 031T. naval (Officer leaving. Muse sell at once. 3 larae bedrooms. 2 baths paneled den or breakfast room, grand closets, stairway to floored attic: larae lot with splendid shrubberv and rear yard inclosed with white picket fence Less than 1 block to Mass ave. bus transporta tion For particulars. J WESLEY BU CHANAN. ME. 1143. Office open Sat. eve. and all day Sunday. BETHESDA A REAL CAPE COD AA' long, solid brick vails: lot 145x80 deep; trees, fenced back yard. Living room 23'7xl3 with paneled side walls: fireplace: inset bookcases. Large downstairs bedroom and bath. 2 large bedrooms with bath on 2nd floor and office or nursery room. Pull basement with maid’s room, toilet and paneled recreation room with asphalt tile floor. 2 screened porches. 2-car attached garage: oil heat; concealed radiation. Completely Redecorated—Immediate Oeeapaney. PHONE OWNER OLIVER 1376 HOUSES FOR SALE. COLONIAL CHARM. Beautiful Colonial home, situated on nice lot. within walking distance to theaters, schools, churches and store.-. 1-> block from Wisconsin ave and ’a block from Bradley blvd House contains two very large bed rooms and bath, full basement with oil h -w heat, large living room with open fireplace, beautiful kitchen and large din ing room with porch: built-in garage; located 4805 Wellington dr.. Bethesda, Md. Open Sunday from 12 till dark. F. R. SPEAR. INC . WI 2108. BR 0145 NEAR 14th AND C N.E. S3.750. Delightful brick home. 4 rooms, bath; h -w h., gas, elec . garage in perfect con dition: can place $3,0h0 loan payable *22.50 monthly, will rent for *40. See Mr. Boucher. R. A. HUMPHRIES. 808 North Capitol. Realtor. NA. 6730. 7201 OVERHILL RD„ In Greenwich Forest, Bethesda, Md. Attractive brick home, h large room*. 8 bedrooms. 2 baths, large storage room, rec reation room with bar. maid s room and bath, screened side porch eiec kitchen attached garage. hot-water heat. oil burner: beautiful lot. K0xl40. with large oak trees and manv dogwood in bloom: attractive pr ce and terms To inspect call WI. 7000. Eves., WI. 4043. BETHESDA, MD.—$7,150. 317 N. Chelsea Lane. Attractive Bungalow. 5 large rooms anti bath- full ai'ic and dry cellar, beautiful lot with large ahade trees, reasonable terms._WI. 7Hon._ JUST OFF SIXTEENTH ST. OVERLOOKING RO( K CREEK PARK 10 ROOMS—4 BATHS THIS LARGE HOUSE OF UNUSUAL CHARM AND REFINEMENT EM BODIES ALL THE FEATURES AND COMFORTS OF THE IDEAL HOME FOR A FAMILY DESIRING MORE THAN AVERAGE ACCOMMODA TIONS THIS LOVELY PLACE WAS SPECIALLY DESIGNED AND BUILT BY ITS ORIGINAL OWNER TO MEET THE MOST DISCRIM INATING TASTE AT A COST FAR ABOVE THE PRESENT SALE PRICE INSPECTION BY AP POINTMENT CALL MIR. GRILLE WELLINGTON ESTATES, INC. na • A HOME FOR THE FAMILY THAT IS WILLING TO MAKE A MODEST START, $2,650 Living room l.'ixM *’ beri rooms «pn loxii each, kitchen - • in bat) - room; lo's 55x1 on These homes are being hullt and sold :r; Dillon Pa:-; under F H A. home owncr'h.D plan Down payment of S.'loO include' n^ro. sarv equity and all 'Pttienunf charges. Monthly payment about y> 5<» HOI SES M*V BE INSPEC TED DAILY AND EVENINGS *Ti| «:.;o P M TEL HI 1170. Drive out Penn Ate S.E. to Alabama Ate : go nr,rth on Air *» Boulevard Ate , Turn mqli*. qo ? block < to Baker Ate. then right 3 blocks to Dillon Park, Md. WM. M. THOMAS 10IO VI. Ave. NAY. NA. 1897. • COLORED. NEAR 13th AND R STS N.W. —T r., h -w.h . lull cellar, double garaer. newly decorated Term*. A W. STEV ENS_ Decatur 1115. _DE 11 6*: ~ COLORED. OPEN 1 -:* PM DAD Y. 818 20th st. n.e.—6 r. auto, heat col ored tile bath, hardwood floors inclosed porch ample closets, modern kitchen, furnished and lighted Decatur 1160 COLORED BARGAIN—$4,450. 4704—4710 EADS ST. N.E. *150 down and balance *40 monthly 2 detached new brick bungalow*, consist ing of 4 rooms and bath each, all modern convenience- shrubbery, trees, bea-mtul exclusive section: convemen* to schoo. and transportation. FEDERAL FINANCE CO ■ Pin New York ave n w NA 7416 7* COLORED $7,850—New Hampshire Avenue and Park Road. A wide. 2-story. Colonial-’ype tapestrv brick home. 6 splendid room' tiled ba’h. parquet floors, hot-water heating system with MmneaDOlis heat con’roi rock-wool insulation, front porch and 2 rear porches upper one inclosed THOF J FISHER A* CO • INC • REALTORS. DI 6830. Eves call Mr Kev Emcr-^n 11'»! HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. WILL PAY ALL CASH FOR COLORED OR white property. D C FEDERAL FINANCE CO 915 New York ave it W NA 7416 IF~YOU~WANT~TO~SELL YOUR PROP erty. list it with us Arlington Maryland and Washington. Business is good W<» need more property to sell N C HINES & SONS, realtors, Chestnut 2440 and DI 7739_I I WILL BUY YOUR HOME IN PETWORTH for cash; prompt attention, mus’ bp settled in 30 days Call D J O CONNOR. 907 Allison st. n w RA on67 I PAY HIGHEST ALL-CASH PRICES FOR old D C houses: no commission MRS KERN. 2632 Woodley pi n.w_CO_2675 fl TO 10 ROOMS: PREFER OLD HOUSE j • ike possession within 45 days: all cash: i D C only E. A GARVEY. DI 4508: eve, and Sun . GE 6600 1126 Vt. ave PETWORTH—PRIVATE HOME. PREFER ably near St. Gabriel's. 6 rooms and bath, brick, front and back porches, substantial cash. Box P5-A. Star._ CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR FRAME, white or colored, any condition E. A BARRY. 1807 H st n.w. ME 2025 HAVE SEVERAL CLIENTS INTERESTED in purchasing used homes m American University Park. 6 or 7 rooms If you arp desirous of selling your home Please call Mr MacMurray. EM 5334 or DI 334* WAPLE & JAMES INC 1224 14th St N.W WILL PAY CASH IMMEDIATELY FOR D C. property, any size, any condition, fa 11 er write STERLING \ FISHER CO. 2133 14th st nw. HO. 8880. Eves, and Sun. TA. 6538,__ I WILL PURCHASE YOUR D C PROP ertv and pay you your m cash Nr* commission Personal attention. Call or write F H. PARKER. 1224 14th at nw. DI 3830 or TA. .3668 evenings P A T T WASHINGTON'S LARGEST BUY ers 0f £ q property Over one million dollars' worth bought in 194*». Prompt action LEO _M BERNSTETN_A CO ME 5406. LIST YOUR HOUSES AND LOTS WITH A realtoi for quick action RANDLE & GARVIN, INC., _949 9th gt, NW._RE 33 13. CONSULT A REALTOR. WE HAVE CASH BUYER FOR YOUR D C. property if the price is right Frame or brick, large or small, condition immaterial. R A. HUMPHRIES 808 No Cap Realtor NA 0878 SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. i DESIRABLE HOMES IN ALL SECTION'S of Arlington County Call OLD DOMINION REALTY CO. Chestnut 6343_ RIVERDALE HGTS—5 R. AND BATH bung., a mi: p furnace; price. $2,950 | cash. $150; month. $25 WA 1819 6* : NEW MODERN BUNGALOW^. LARGE LIV- 1 me room. 2 bedrooms, bath dinette and 1 fully equipped kitchen. air-conditioned heat: $1,675 F. H A approved $175 down payment (including settlement charges*. $25.61 per month incl. principle, interest, taxes and insurance CHERRY HILL HOMES. BERWYN. MD. BURCH REALTY CO . EXCLUSIVE AGTS. _WA. 7748 or Beruyn 83 NEARBY MD . 1 MILES FROM DISTRICT line, lot 100x125. « rooms, very modern, will sacrifice. $5,250. small down pay ment. balance monthly LEWIS A DAVIS, 120 Md ave . Hyattsville. Md . WA 3000. ON ROUTE 224, 7 MILES D C . CONV. to Navy Yard or Indianhead. 6-room bun galow. 4 years old. h.-wh.. gas range, electricity, bath, full basement, attic, 2 car garage; nearly 4 a. land, fine for garden or poultry: reduced to $4,750, j $500 down. DAN ABBOTT, Camp Springs, M d . Clinton 87. KENSINGTON VIEW. 21. MILES NO OF Sil. Spr.: bungalow. 5 rms., bath, extra lot. 3 75 ft. front rock fish pond pansy bed and flowers; $4.250. SH 6565 6 ACRES! 7-RM. FRAME MODERN STL CO house, bath, oil burner h.-water heat, nr Rockville; 13 miles from D C : sacrifice to settle estate price $0,000. terms BUELI M GARDNER A J. E KELLY. __ Rockville. Md. Phone Jlockviile 280 BUNGALOW—SACRIFICE.BEST SECTION Bethesda: beautiful grounds and outlook reasonable cash and low F H A monthly payments. Wisconsin 8858 after T pm :• $6.350-NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW A 1 1 Rosedale ave.. Bethesda, Md. Easy terms. ; Phone Oliver 2630. *• 20 ACRES :-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRIC ity. running water, fruit and shade, only ; 12 miles from Washington: $5,000. $1,000 cash, balance less than house will rent, tor._G T. _McNAB. Falls Church 14ns. LOTS $200 UP. ACREAGE 7 MILES I D. C., $250 up; your terms. G. T. McNAB, Falls Church 1408.___ $14.00 PER MONTH. New 5-room Brick House, Automatic Heat. Refrigerator. F. H A Approved; Small Down Payment. Inquire 2301 So. Arlington Ridge rd . Arlington. Va._ $3.000—EASY TERMS 4 rooms, bath, h.-w h . oil burner, ga rage. lot 50x150 ft. ERVIN REALTY CO.. call Hyattsville 01.14: eves WA 1231._ LANHAM HEIGHTS. MD New 5-rm. and bath bungalow, full-sir* concrete cellar, elec . city wafer. eas, fur nace heat: *2 acre land si on cash, $15 mo. O' B HOPKINS 1126 Vt. ave. n.w. PI. 7271 or WO. 0929._ EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD Very smart and attractive 3-bedroom Residence on alope of wooded hill, a.m i : I onvenient to 10 cent bus. nearby Vir- i ginia: price $7,950 on reasonable terms: 1 widow must sell immediately: will re- | decorate to suit. Call MR. BOWEN, Fall Church 2267.• _ SEE THESE 4-ROOM HOMES, McLean. Va—54.C50 to 54,850. 5450 Cash. S25 Mo. Pull basement, large wooded lot. oak ! floors, dormered attics. Sherwood air con ditioning, Venetian blinds, public water , gupply. Open 5 pm. until dark Out Old Dominion drive or Chain Bridge rd. to McLean. Va . and follow sign. Old Do iwtwWw, Home*. Cheatnut 7086. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. tOmtmued.) BARGAIN—$4,750. “ CENTRAL AVE. Randolph Village Md *150 Dovin and Ralance *4<» Month]* To get to property, ro out 2 mile* past Capitol Heights, property located Tight on Central a\e : five asbestos-shingled bunualows being just completed, consisting of five spacious rooms, tiled bath built-in tub. shower kitchen cabinet, all modern eon\eriences. full basement: large lot. Hnx'.’iMi; convenient to transportat-on FEDERAL FINANCE CO., »lj New Yor« ave. n.w. NA. ?41tf. ’7* BARGAIN—$8,750. 320 LONG BRANCH PARKWAY. Takoma Park Md. Ju.^t Completed S4.V) down and balance SHh .SO mon'h!»; English style detached brirk bungalow, consisting of spacious living room w h fireplace large dining room ‘l roomf bMrooms lovrly modrrn kitchrn rx ouiMte tiled bath full basement, toilet m basement, attic that can be converted tn’o •t rooms large lot. oil hea». hou = e facing nark lovely exclusive section, corner lo' ^ypnirnl ?rj transportation FEDERAL. FINANCF: CO , 81.r. Nrw York a\f n w. WA. 741B • McLean, Va.—6 rms., a m i., large lot, nice shade and shrub bery; centrally located on mam street. $6,500. Terms. 4 rms., bath, h.-w.t., oil burner, gas range, full basement, city water and sewer; 2 1 z blks. from bus. In beautiful town 15 miles from D C. $3,500 $500 cash. $35 month. IF YOU ARE interested In a farm, large or small; afcreage, building sites, home or estote, see FRENZEL, McLean, Va. Elmwood 377. OPEN SUNDAY. WHITEHAVEN Lowest cost housing project in Arling ton County, v. h. A. inspected »nd approved. Including all settlement costs $425 down ond $2648 monthly, Including Taxes ond Insurance .*5 rooms and bath. Masonry houses with ft i' burner, city water, sewer, r as and electricity. Lnration: Out Lr* Hiohitny to Roo<e velt St., left to J6th St. and property. 2 PM.-6 PM Daily I*?-*! PM Satnrdav lO A M.-*» P.M. Sunday MONCURE Exclvsivi Agent halls Church. halls Church 2:00 SUBURBAN PROP. SALE OR RENT. FAILS CHURCH- HANDSOME FI-ROOM mansion, set ii; an acre of beautiful trees and flowering shrubs, larsp porche w.*h bright new awnings: oil heat- '.'-car gar age: on Siafe highwav near cen’er of c;v id*el for tour:*' price ‘U' or »:.l rer,’ ;! *l:iu furn or *105 unfurit CR AIN 1 Oil Lee Hwy ?H :i'.'*.*i OX ::A SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. CALVERT HILLS. MD tNFL COLLEOB Park I—From June 1 -Oct 1. Brick home H rin? bath, cnrrhe. newly dpcnrated and attractively furnished va.d wrh tree' wav. 4tini Amherst rd.. Hyatisville 53ifi, eie* nine*__ HILLSIDE MD 300 BALTIMORE AVI — .-.-room bur.aalow ci'v convenience*, h -w h *33 mo_Hillside <i4r>'i-R l,t''.‘ GRANT AVE TAKOMA PARKTmD - n-rooni house, furnished screened porch. I’c baths double corner lot; fenced ARLINGTON TI•*> TO "Mm LEE BLVD.^T Enure pi • floor of new del '.’-ap- house; 5 rmE 4 expos., porch earden «fl.o mo, incl.v. hea’ e.nd h e l"c bus j« min. tioan^B J GREENHOUSE NA 3UTU. SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTED. POR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR SUB urban home*- and *Dt? for sale or rer.r with us GOSS CO. Glebe 1J4S, Oxford ] OJ#« NEAR ~ALEX A N D RI aTo VERLOORINO PO - tomac—Attractivelv furn’shed house fep summer months. CaL Hobart 1277. Ext. 4 4 _ _ 7 • IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL OR ren- :n nearby Md list ir with J NOBLE BOAZ fW4Q W:- ave _y/I • i IF YOU WANT TO"SELL YOUR*PROPERTY list it with uc Arlington. Maryland and Washington Busin**®' is good. We need more property to <■*11. N c. HINES A: SONS, realtors. Chestnut 2440 and DI 7T.2R__ INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. TWO 3-FAMILY HOUSES BEAUTIFUL location. Takoma Park 1001-1004 Ken nebec ave. Shepherd 3674 SIX-FAMILY APT BLDG . NEW BRICK. Tenants furnish heat Rems. $440 Ppr month convenient terms. MR. TISHLER. NA ] 6KL SMALI BRICK HOUSES N.W.: GOOD condition: rent $45 month: priced. $4 450. 45 acres. Defence hlghwav reads- for sub division will sei'.. trade or assist in bid?, small houses. Box 104-Y. Star $65.onn—3-STORY BUSINESS BUILDING on mam street containing 4 stores 8 apartment' with large rear lot. Fronting on two strep's You can build another building of equal size on rear street A't opportunity for speculation as this build ing is located in tne Nation s fastest grow ing suburb. For opportunity to Inspect call F M FRY. INC.. 6840 Wisconsin ave WI 6740 *7 450 —TWO-FAMILY APARTMENT* detached brick, ir. Takcma Park. Mary land oil hear in hist-class condition; renting for $969 90 vearly Call Mr. Gough at F M FRY- INC WT 6749 APARTMENT SITE. APPROX 56.009 SQ* feet, fronting on three streets close in. exceptional vifw, low price. Owner NA. 4o75. 9* FOUR-FA.\HLY BLDGST~TENANTS“*FTF - nish own hea- low rentals. Also fouj family bldg in Georgetown THADEN. IJ46 Vt ave n.w NA 4075_9* MR “BUILDER- 40~"LOTS. HYATTSVILLF 4 blocks from highway and car line (.pe erage. gas. electricity and gravel ^reet up to and on part of property priced $400 each; owner anxious to sell at once. ROGERS REAL ESTATE, _694 F S: N.W_ NA $137 4-FAMILY APT.. PRACTICALLY NEW. semi-dft . some 4-bedrm. apts . splendid lo cation and construction an unusually sound investment; income. $4,640 yearly; trust. 514.9<m» priced for quick sale. STERLING & FISHER CO . HO 8880 _ _ Eve TA 6533 A GOOD INCOME WITH SAFETY * $4 450—Six-room and bath brick house: furnace heat and elec. Good rental section lust off North Capitol street, white tenant at *45 per month $7.750—Complete three-family dwelling situated in convenient white rental section Each apartment has TWO rooms, kitchen and bath Completely furnished, hct-water h^a'. oil bumei Monthly income, $119 50. Splendid investment $14 5oo—Brick store and two apartments of five room' and bath each, hot-water heat oil burner; well loegted no1 far from fSth and Columbia road. Total income >175 monthly SHANNON A: LUCHS CO 1595 H St. N W_ National 434 3 DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL—F ST NEAP, Civil Service Commission 4 buildings side by each. Values are going up This prop erty can be bought reasonable and some terms. Priced to sell ROGERS REAL ESTATE. _604 F St. N.W__NA 613? APARTMENT SITE. PENN A. AVR. 61. near schools, churches, stores. RANDLE A GARVIN. INC.. _940 9th St N.W_RE $219. ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA. 2 aparrment sites near Clarendon and Buckingham- J 6.000 sq It., 16c *q. ft.. 40.000 >q ft.. 25c sq ft JUDSON REAMY. 1122 North Irving St .Arl.Va.CH 0220. 4-FAMILY APT.. $11,950. Annual rental $1,704, wht’e tenants, furnish own hoai: splendid mves'men' For full information call J C. BENSON. DI _1X '.7. ro. AD nxift___ HIGH VIEW APT., Located on one of the highest points In D. C. opposite Gov! park BldR about 2 years old- 3 stories, 30 apts. of 2 rms . k. and b . detached on large lots mod. equip. stoker: gross annual Income ap prox. $20.ot Ml • 10-year loan, reasonable cash payment and terms Rents reduced. Priced low will take small property aa part payment Earns approx. 20r neu Call MR DREW RE. 11M F. ELIOT MIDDLETON. Investment Bldg. FARMS FOR SALE. DAIRY FARM, 250 ACRES ELEC.: COW barn, accom. 26 cows drinking fount . 40 acres alfalfa; 25 miles wen Leesburg. Box r:;»-Y. Star. __ GOOD INVESTMENT—187 ACRES ON hard road. 24 miles Washington. 3 mi south of Lee highway: in limner, part commercial: more hardwood than puiN swift stream good building site $27 50 per acre: half cash Other bargain' BUELL FARM AGENCY. Herndon Fairfax ■Co . Va Office at house Phone .IK_7 •_ 155 ACRES. h-ROOM HOUSE BARN. OTTT bldgs., stream. 25 acres in wheat, several fields teady fnr seed: 3 farm horses all necessary Implements, 15 head of cattle^ 20 hogs 100 chickens corn In crib, feed in silo: electricity: 40 min D. C.: $8,300; terms. G T. McNAB. Falls Church 1408. 2H-ACRE CHICKEN FARM—S-RM MOD ern house, bath, h-w. heat. elec , meg shade on paved rord: 20 acres of corn. 140 Iruit trees, all crops, farm equipment and garden tools. 500 chickens, laying houset for 500 hens incubator, etc.. 44 miles to D. C : price $9,000. 'j Ca ,h 412 acres. 5-rm. bungalow, several out buildings. shade, paved roads elec well of water. 25 miles to D. C.; price $4,000, terms 105 acres, good S-rm house, 2'.’ mile* to D C.: price $13,500 $5,000 cash. baL to suit Many Other Farm* Luted. Buell M. Gardner J. E. Kelly ROCKVILLE. UP PHONE 280. i •