Newspaper Page Text
LOTS FOR SALE. fjESIRABLE TRIPLE" CORNER LOT ON 18th »t.. facing Rock Creek Park. Shade trees High elevation. 55c per sq. ft. PERCY H. RUSSELL JCO.J 7 31 K M. n.w. LARGE CORNER. >4 ACRE. CATHEDRAL •ve and Hawthorne pi n w —104-foo* frontage, improvements in: close to Spring Valley; 26c square ft. Phone Oxford_1526. 1 NEAR D. C. LINE—WOODED LOTS. ONE fare zone: $10n; $5 down. $2 month ZANTZINGER CO.. NA. 9593. Eve.. War* field 1377._ ___ FRONT ON WATER STREET—EASTERN branch, thirty-five feet for $800: perfect title._ALLEN C. CLARK. Hi8 14th street. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES ON THE MT VERNON MEMORIAL BOULEVARD TERMS. WILL BUILD NA. 1278. EVE NINGS ALEXANDER 6272 7* 23 BUILDING LOTS, NEARBY MAR Y land. free and clear Will sell on attrac tive terms or trade on a home priced under $12.non MR CARPENTER. EM. 8315_or District _7740 BUILDING LOTS 76x14 0. in Chevy Chase View. Owner absent. Eox 213-Z. Star. ____in* __ SYLVAN SHORES. NR. ANNAPOLIS REA aonable._Phone Capitol Heights 699. >* SEVERAL CHOICE WOODED SUES NEAR Mass. ave. and Sedgwick st. OWNER, Emerson 2015._ COMMERCIAL GROUND IN SILVER Spring section. 200 It. frontage only commercial ground or apt site in this restricted section. Will finance a respon sible builder 14 lots 40x100 in A-l section for de tached houses. Price. $1,100 each Apartment site 50x135 near 15th and Euclid sts. n.w Plan for 38 apts will be given to purchaser. Price $12,500. Call Mr Raine. RA 3441. WAPLE & JAMES. INC DL 3343 _ _ CHEVY CHASE VIEW. BID 100 by 188. on new concrete street west of Conn ave. water and sewer; $1,595. WALTER A BROWN NA. 1652 _ CHOICE LOTS—HILLCREST SECTION. RANDLE GARVIN 949 Qth St. N.W_Republic 221 3 FIRST TIME ADVERTISED. NEW SUBDIVISION 15 MINUTES DOWN TOWN MICHIGAN PARK HILLS For detachprt homes, highest elevation in this vinnity. beautiful wooded lots: nriced from SR50 up. W'lll arrange terms for responsible builder BAKER REALTY CO . INC.. 1420 K St N.W._PI 1512. SENTINELS Like Sentinels of Freedom the Wash ington Monument and Lincoln Memorial stand In clear view from Aurora Hills on Arlington Ridge. . ,A Oniy Aurora Hills offers—within 10 Ininutes of the White House—such combi nations of convenience. improvements, views and large heavily wooded home sites so close to the heart of the Capital. Drive across Memorial Bridge and turn left—south on Arlington Ridge road to fturora Hills Office, corner 23rd st south, j Country Club Hills. Va. Oua to an advantageous trade we can Offer 2 lovely lots in this popular sub division at a bargain price 011c is a wooded lot 80x130 plus all improvements: The other is a well-landscaped lot approxi mately 1*0x128; bo'h can be bought for $4,200 THOS J FISHER A: CO INC.. REALTORS DI HS10. Eves, call Mr. JJeaupre WO. fi 159 _ _ ""LOTS"FOR HOMES. Five beautiful detached building lots, ♦wo lots 50 feet wide each, one corner, one oorner alley and a 40-foot lot: water, •ewer. gas. electricity, paved OP-foot street and sidewalks, in and paid for Look at The price—$5,000. One block to bus and a 40-acre Government Dark, grade and high schools, churches, etc all close by. Corner Underwood st. and Blair rd n w FEALL. TURNER A* CO . 1 loft Vermon* Ave ^ Call Randolph 0885. National H1.1L_* “"Rock Creek Park Estates. Onlv $4,250 100' frontage. 200* deep. Including sewer, water concrete street, curb and sidewalk in and paid for; lo- j cated on B'.rch^drive __ WATER FRONT PROPERTY. £or sale—new. well-built cot tages: $1,150 to $l.$00. Small monthly payments. DR. BAILEY. North Beach- Md. Little cottage at water edge in seclusion of towering pines on tidewater of lower Potomac. Sale $1,500. or rent enkre geason. $3Qo._WL^OOO.T_| DEEP COVE. MD ? ACRE8 WOODED LAND WELL LOCATED $3,150—or 10 acres of clear ground. 050. I>ep Cove Md . overlooking Chesapeake Bay. 2 miles this side of shady side. Suitable for a gentleman's small estate. Not crowded bv next door small lot neighbors Could be subdivided into large spacious lots absolutely restricted. Fine artesian well water, a beautiful har bor for boats plenty of crabbing and near all fishing banks, churches and stores $750 cash balance easy terms, or will exchange for city property. PHILIP G. AFFLECK. 2414 Pa. ave. RE. 8661. ResldenceCO.PH08 _ ACREAGE FOR SALE. _ ‘ ACREAGE BUILDING SITES Restricted section, near Camp Springs. Md : elec . school bus. mall delivery, etc. Direct from owner; price low. terms easy. District 7 321. Home phone, Clinton R4-R. ACREAGE BUILDING SITES Restricted section, near Camp Springs. Md ; elec . school bus. mail delivery etc. Direct from owner: price low. terms easy. District 7321. Home phone. Clinton 64-R. 900-ACRE FARM, $35,000. 12 MINUTES FROM WASHINGTON. PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY BOO acres cleared: can be subdivided into ■mall tracts: :* miles of road frontage, big bargain for Immediate sale N. C. HINES & SONS, Realtors Chestnut ‘.M W STORES FOR RENT_ CORNER STORE AT IPth AND L STS n w Rent. «42.50 Owner will renovate. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD Realtor. ■723 20tli st. n.w._i yOR RENT-STORES. MODERN PI_XJNTB ing. business corner, suitable for grocery. 6 and 10. barber, tailor, beauty parlor or any bus ness See DOCTOR BAILEY. North Beach. Md. STORE TOR RENT. HAS BEEN Occu pied as beauty parlor lor 10 years. 51R Sth it. n e _ __ 2515 14th—LARGE STORE GOOD I.OCA tlon for any business: reasonable rent to responsible tenant. AD 1625._ 2.62P CU. ET : GROWING LOCALITY. pox 227-B. Star._ ___ 1128 7th ST" NW Excellent location: reasonable rental W L SHITLEY. NA 1056. P27 15th st. n.w 14th ST. NEAR PARK RD —STORE 1Px40 ft , storaze room in res-, two show windows: heat furnished: reasonable rent. See Mr. Marshall BOSS At PHELPS 1417 K St _NA. 3200. M05 GA AVE . WOODSIDE. MD. One-Story Store. 18 x65'. Reasonable Rental SHANNON & LUCHS CO 1605 H St N.WNA 2245. PERSONAL LOAN^COMPANIES. Operatina Under Uniform Small Loan Laws _ CASH FOR RENT i V/hen you must raise extra cash to pay h Ms, meet on emergency, buy a cor, re f nonce your present cor, or for any pur pose—rent the cash from Domestic The cost * reasonable, the service fast and private Domestic is a "Frend'y Place to Borrow. " DOMESTIC Finance Corporation, A Small Loan Company Silver Spring, Md. 7892 Georgia Ave. Phone SHep. 5450 KT. RAINIER, MD. *201 E. I Ave. Mich. 4074 ROSSLYN, VA Arlington Tr. Bldtr. 2nd FI. Chest. 0.101 Alexandria, Va. JO.'l S. Wash. >t. Phone Alex. I* lo "A Friendly Place in Borrow"_ " YOU , . . coo get a loon of $100.00 if you con make monthly payments of $7 04. Cosh Loon Amount You Pay You Get In'tiding AH Charges Weekly Monthly $2^00 $0 42 $176 50 00 0 $2 3 52 100 00 1 63 7 04 15000 243 1056 200 00 3 24 14.03 300 00 4 85 2111 Payments include all charges as prescribed by the Uniform Small Loan Law Loans made on your own signature No security required No crecit inquiries are made of relatives, friend* or employer. Apply 1n morning and get money the same day. Just telephone, give us a few facts— then call for the money. Friendship Personal Loan Co. 6A02 Wisconsin Ave —Near Hot Shoppe Opp. Car & Bus Terminal Phone Carl H Barclay—Wisconsin 2fi60 Standard Loan Service, Inc. 8329 Rhode Island Avenue Mt Rainier. Md. | »t»ne HARRY L. HART, Warfield 4224 ^ ... "w __STORES FOR SALE._ MEAT AND GROCERY STORE SOLD~AT sacrifice price because of illness. Call DU. 95! i DRUGSTORE FOR SALE. WEST SIDE OF 17th st n.w : excellent opportunity for light lunch; h.-w.h.: terms or lease. Box 22fi-B. Star_ ACREAGE WANTED. AM INTERESTED IN ACQUIRING 50 TO 9o acres of farm land in Maryland, within 25 miles of D. C.: improvements not nec essary State acreage, location, descrip tlon. price and terms_Box 29>t A. 8tar. 7* OFFICES WANTED. OFFICE WANTED IN LAWYER S SUITE. NA 1050fl« DESK SPACE FOR RENT. ATTORNEY ASSOCIATE—YOUNG MAN or woman to rent desk room in estab lishedj a wo fllrp. 511 Bond Bids. N A. li T.'o. PROPOSALS. COMMISSIONERS D C. WASHINGTON. April 1941.—Sealed proposals will be received at Room 509 District Building, until 2;Oo pm.. E. S T. May 13. 1941. and then publicly opened, for furnishing the materials and performing the work for the construction of (1) service sewer, vicinity Nebraska avenue and Moreland street Northwest. consisting of approxi mately l 035 linear feet of 10" diameter terra cotta pipe sewer (2) Macomb street service sewers, north side Macomb street, between Massachusetts avenue and Idaho avenue Northwest, consisting of approxi mately 370 linear feet of 12" diameter and 500 linear feet of 10” diameter terra cotta pipe sewer: CD Fort Davis Park service sewer, vicinity nt Pennsylvania and Alabama avenues Southeast, consisting of approximately O.Si>5 linear feet of 10” diamtte. terra cotta pipe sewer and <4> 29th street service sewer. 29th street Northwest, between Calvert street and Woodlev road, consisting of approximately *15 linear feet terra cotta pipe sewer, varying in size from 15" to 21" in di ameter Prnpn;ais may be examined and seeured at the Office of the Chief Clerk Engineer Department. Room 427. District Bui.ditiB_ ap.'iiHnyl,1.3.o.*T _^AUCTION SALES. TODAY __ DOUGHERTY AUCTION SALES. INC.. AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALE OP AUTOMOBILES Cars of All Makes and Models Tuesday, May 6th 7:30 P.M. Late Model Ford*, Plymouth*. Chevrolet*, Dodge* end Other Makes AT 1741 Johnson Ave. N.W. (Brtaffn 14th and IBth. R and S) __ TOMORROW. Household Furniture of Every De scription: Valuable China. Glass ware. Bric-a-brac. Plated Ware. Flat Ware, Pictures, Books, Rugs, Beds, Springs, .Mattresses, etc. AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT SLOAN’S 715 13th St. WEDNESDAY May 7th, 1941 At 10 A.M. Terms: Cash. C. G. Sloan A- Co . Inc Aucts. Established 1*91 j Eichberg Auction Salea, Inc. 5 "The Old Reliable” AUTOl AUCTION!! i Lcte ond early model Chevrolets, £ 1 Fords, PlymoutHs, Buicks ond [ other makes Wednesday, May 7th [ 7:00 P.M. “PRIVATE SALES DAILY'’ lEichberE! Auction Sales, Inc.? 1227 R St. N.W. , i 4dam .4. M'nchkr A Son. 4udinnffr», RETIRING SALE -OF DRUGS—SUNDRIES Patent Remedies—Soap, Anti septics—Cosmetics—Dental and Shaving Necessities—Tobacco— Prescription Stock, Etc. ALSO Electrified Soda Fountain—Car bonator — Compressor — Cash Registers — Fans—Scales—Wall and Floor Display Cases—Dis play Front Prescription Counter — Mixers — Sterilizer — Back Bar, Etc. By Auction at 5522 CONN. AVE. WEDNESDAY May 7. 1941. 10 A M. Patent remedies, vitamin*, hair prep aration*. «oap*. dental and shaving eream*. brushes, antiseptics, liniment, tonics, babv food, rives, tissue, bandage, tane. confection*, cigars, tobacco, cig arettes, etc. ALSO liquid Carbonic 10-ft. electrified soda fountain with carbonator and refriger ating compressor. •> elec, mixers, foun tain accessories, back bar. soda tables and chairs, mahnganv wait and floor display eases with sliding plate glass doors, display front prescription counter. Torsion scale, graduates, mor tars. nestles. Remington portable type writer siippositor- machine- Airmaster f pedestal) and Cl. E. fans. elec, clock, etc. IMMEDIATE REMOVAL REQUIRED Terms. Cash. ADAM A WESCHLER & SON. Aucts. _ FUTURE. Attention: Builders, Contractors Home Improvement Companies Homeowners and Individuals THURSDAY. MAY 8. AT 10 A.M. '.VITHIN OUR SALESROOMS No. 107 HOPKINS PLACE BALTIMORE. MARYLAND w* sell without limit or reserve ASSIGNEE’S STOCK OF W. H. JENKS. RICHMOND. VA. Electrical Contractor LIGHTING FIXTURES COMPRISING LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CEILING AND WALL LIGHTING FIX TURFS 3 AND :> FIGHT CHANDELIERS I 'FLUSH AND HANGING* I AND ‘2 LIGHT BRACKETS. LARGE LOT OF BED ROOM KITCHEN SUN PARLOR. PORCH AND HAIL LIGHTING FIXTURES INDI RECT LIGHTING I1XTURES. PORCELAIN I IGHT FIXTURES. SHADES. REFLECTOR FLANGES UNIT HOLDERS RECEPTA- i CUES. CHAIN. COLLARS. TABLE AND FLOOR T AMPS. TABLES. TORCHIERES. ETC ETC Terms: Cash—Immediate removal required. SEABOARD AUCTION CO. Max. Caplan. Auctioneer, Inc. Note: Some of these lighting fixtures are of antique style and warrant the attention of all buyers.__ ; THOS. J OWEN A' SON. Auctioneers. 1431 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY ROW RRICK DWELLING KNOWN A3 PREMISES NO *211 SEV ENTEENTH STREET NORTHEAST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 6544. folio 395. et | sen.. of the land records of the District of I Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, within the office of Tho J Owen & Son. 1431 Eye st. n.w.. on FRIDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF MAY AD 1041. AT ONE O'CLOCK PM . the fo lowinc-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 60 c f Gruver et al subdivision in square 1093. as per Plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for tiie District of Columbia in Liber 86 at folio 48 Subject to covenants of record. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for S4.8T5.00, further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $300.00 re quired Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be adver tised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. ROBERT B KLINE Jr, / ROBERT W. SAVAGE. myS.*.10.13.15 Trustees. f I MODERN MAIDENS —By Don Flowers Ts^J AP features “AUNT AGGTE WAS ONCE WITH A CIRCUS. SHE USED TO BE THE BEARDED LADY.” _SUMMER CAMPS. __ TALL TIMBERS—CAMP FOR BOYS. AGES 5 to 17 yrs. Fully established, excellent personnel. enrollment limited. AD 4u?4. OFFICES FOR RENT DESK SPACE—‘.’4-HOUR SWITCHBOARD or tel.-secretarial serv. inch; pvt. phone number if jde ired. DI. 2706._ Vl 1*» ! 3th ST. N.W.—2nd FLOOR. ONE room. P B X. service Included. _ MONEY TO LOAN. PLENTY OF MONEY A V AI LAB IE FOR 2nd trusts and delinquent taxes, D. C. and Md. Deals closed in 24 hours; small mon’hly payments. W. T COTHERN 915 New York ave n.W National ?4H> fl* MORTGAGE LOANS ON REAL’ESTATE District of Columbia and nearby Mary land 4-4,2-5''« interest, craded according to .character of loan- prompt and efficient service Tel Metropolitan 4 1 on MOORE A HILL_CO.._S04 J_7th ST. N.W. i IF YOU NEED A QUICK CASH LOAN on your horn* consult COLONIAL INVEST MENT CO 1429 L St DI 6150 5» FIRS'! -TRUST LOAN WANTED Wan' >4 <»no at 5r or S5.o«tu at oh real estate first trust: pay attorney’s lees and other lesal expenses. Address Box 228-B. Star. _ MONEY ON SECOND TRUST. Wp will buy second-trust notes. D C . nearby Md or Va Reasonable rates. NAT MORT. & INV CORP. 1312 N Y Ave N.W National 5833. ~ chattel” notes” Purchased; top prices, same day. BOB HOLLANDER. Tower B!dc ME 4813. CASH IMMEDIATELY For first trust real estate loans in D C at A'r to Let u.s combine vour first 1 and second trusts info one loan for term of years or monthly payments. No charse for appraisals HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP. _J418H ST N.W. DistrlctJTSTT. NEED MONEY? Brin* your nrooiem to a responsible enmoanv with thousands of satisfied cus tomers, We make loans on D C.. nearby Maryland and Viremia property without excessive title charees or appraisal fees. Also indorsed co-maker and collateral loans Low rates Easy terms. Prompt and confidential service Security Finance Corporation sns Investment Building_DI SfiTC TRAILERS FOR SALE. TRAILERS, new and used: pasy to deal with Elcar Coach Co Canary Trailer Camp, Rt I* Berwyn* Md._ VAGABOND the COACH that has Every- ; thins On dlsplev cppo-ite Canary Camp. • Palto blvd • Berwym Md__| MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE. WILL TRADE l!i:t5 Hardley-Davidson mo tor eyrie for au’o. Call AT. 012S-J. * AUTOMOBILES WANTED. CASH FOR YOUR CAR. r^zardless of year, make or condition See Mr Br:ley. 1741 Johnson «ve nw. bet. 14th and 15th. R and S sts LA SALLE 104“. give model, mileage, extra MUinment once and other details. Box 212- A. Star_• _ _ FORDS AND CHEVROLET'S wanted: will pay top price central location Fred L. Morgan, f341 14th n w DUDont Pf)04. WE NEED YOUR CAR We will stive you top ca-sh price for your car ar.d a credit certifica*e towards ■he purchase of ano'her See Mr Wolfe. Town A: Country Motors. 17<)7_14Th st, n.w. WANTED LATF-MODEL CARS. We’ll pay iod cash prices for any late model car Open evenings Call North '755? The MANHATTAN AUTO A RADIO CO.^l7OflJTth st_n.w.__ CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAY OFF THE NOTES. Leo Rocca. Inc.. 4301 Conn Ave_Emerson 7000 AUTO TRUCKS FOR SAIF. FURNITURE VAN BODY. 12-ft $35. Also model A stake truck. Ruxel axle. $75. HO. u::;; _ _ FORD 1040: intercity stake body: MUST SACRIFICE TODAY. See Mr Summerville, rear service station. 2nd and Constitution ave. n.w._ BROCKWAY 1038 2,a-ton. 176" wheel base: 2 International model C 40s. ] 85" wheelbase; completely overhauled and in excellen’ condition, terms and tradp. Brockwav Motor Co., Inc, 608 Rhode Island ave. n.e. PI, 1040._ FORD 103* 12-ton panel, from our rental fleet; good condition: $05 STERRF' T OPERATING SERVICE _201_Ou» St N W_North 3311 TRUCK BARGAINS ’37 Chevrolet IV2-T. Cab & Chassis $275 ’37 G. M. C. Dual Wheels Cab & Chassis $215 ’35 International IV2-T. 12 Flat Body $185 ’37 Ford «2-T. Panel $195 | ’37 Dodge Panel _ $165 ’35 Dodge Pickup $115 \ ’34 Dodge Cab. & Ch. $95 MANY OTHERS Priced Exceptionally Low [ International Harvester Co. OOI Bladensburg Rd. N.F. FR. 4300 Open Evenings AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUICK 1940 super 6-PftSS. club coupe; heater and defroster: beaut:/ul 2-tone blue finish: white-wall tires; 1 owner; low mile age; cost $1,200 new; now $850. Trade; terms. COMMUNITY MOTORS INC . 4 800 Hampden Lane < Bethesda). WI. 5300. BUICK 1940 4-fir. trk sed . 41 series; heater, etc.; little used $750. Criswell, 3168 17th st. n.w. CO. 6186-M._ BUICK 1037 4-door "Roadmaster": fine maroon finish, good tires, a popular model that has had the best of care: only $420; $29 down. $29.83 a month. LOGAN MO TORS. _18th and M sts. n.w._RE. 3251._ BUICK 1038 2-door trunk sedan: heater, original black finish. 4 A-l tires, motor in good condition: $405. MERSON & THOMP SON.^ 859 Wisconsin ave. WI. 5105. BUICK 194 0 Super sedans: 2 to select from: one-owner cars in new-car condi tion mechanically and in appearance; your choice at $805; written guarantee; liberal trades; 2 years to pay SUPERIOR MO TORS. I5Q9 14th st n.wT. Dupont 1300. BUICK Special 1939 4-door sedan; driven less than 18.000 miles; private owner, perfect condition radio, heater, sun-light top. Phone Mr. H. Haskins, District 8100. BUICK 1939 twc-door tourine sedan; a very desirable car that reflects the fine care It received from its one former owner: very low mileage; perfect from bumper to bumper: thoroughly CHERNERIZED and fully guaranteed for your safety and comfort: only $639; liberal trade and easy terms. CHERNER MOTOR CO.. 1711 Florida Ave. N W Hobart 5000. BUICK 1940 conv. club coupe; very attrac tive one-owner car in new-car condition mechanically and in appearance; $945: 90-day written guarantee: 2 years to pay; liberal trade for your car. SUPERIOR 1509 14th st. n.w. Dupont 1300. BUICK 1934 sedan: many miles of trans portation for only $139. $9 down. $10 a month LOGAN MOTORS, 18th and M sts, n.w, RE. 3251.__ BUICK 1937 “Special" 4-door sedan: radio and heater, black finish: carefully driven, look* and performs like new: only $.395. McKEE PONTIAC. 5160 Wisconsin Ava. Emerson r AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Continued.) CADILLAC, 193ti white tires, radio, heater, lovely car excellent condition, privately owned $425.00. Phone Michigan 0260 • CHEVROLET 1935 de luxe sport coupe, ex cellent condition throughout; low-cost trails.; $195. COMMUNITY MOTORS. INC. 4800 Hampden Lane (Bethesda) WI. 5300. CHEVROLET 1939 de luxe town sedan: low mileage lustrous original black finish, me chanically and appearance like new, good tires, very clean throughout: 30-day guar antee: $515. ADDISON CHEVROLET. 1522 14th St N W Hobart 7KOO._ CHEVROLET 1934 coach; black’ finish, good motor, clean mohair upholstery: only $149: $9 down. $12 a month. LOGAN MOTORS 18th and M sts nw RE 32M. CHEVROLET 193? master de luxe 2-door trunk sedan, radio, black finish: $.39 down, including tags and title: $21 11 a month; 3n-day written guarantee. LOGAN MO TORS 35to 14th st. n.w. Hobart 4109 CHEVROLET 19.39 master de luxe coupe: a one-owner car. in perfect condition, suit able for business or pleasure: reduced to $4*»0: sold with our 30-day guarantee. Ask for car No. 3174-A L P Steuart, Inc . 1325 14th at. n.w. Decatur 4803._ CHEVROLET 1938 de luxe sedan: will sac rifice: terms: in lst-class condition. See car rear 3012 Adams at, n.e._ CHRYSLER 19.37 coupe: rt-cylinder im maculate $250. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Conn. WO. 8401.__ CHRYSLER 1939 Royal sedan: good con dition MUST BE SOLD TO SATISFY CP EDITOR_2192nd st_ n.w._ CHRYSLER 1939 Royal 4-dr" trk. sedan; motor in perfect cond . 4 A-l tire^: very low mileage must be sold regardless of price: in months to pay MERSON A: THOMPSON. »JS59 Wisconsin a\e WI 5195. CHRYSLER 1937 Royal six coupe: rumble seat; excellent black finish, very good mo tor 5 like-new tires; excellent car for business or pleasure: reduced to $3d0; 30 day guarantee Car No. 28*78. L P Steuart. 1325 14th M. n.w. Decatur 4803 CHRYSLER 1938 4-dr. trk. sedan: radio, heater, one-owner wr; $539. MERSON A; THOMPSON 8859 Wisconsin a\e WI. 5195. ! CHRYSLER 1937 Royal 4-door trunk se dan ciean blue finish. cream-colored wheels, radio, hea’er and defroster $389: any car a down payment, easy terms on balance. LOGAN MOTORS. 18th and M sts nw RE 3251._ DE SOTO 1940 de luxe coupe: one-owner car driven very little: new-car condition mechanically and m anpearanre fully guaranteed for 3<i days: reduced to $849; b;g allowance for your car. Car No. 2057. L P Steuart. Inc . 1325 14th at. n w Decatur 4Sn:t____ DE SOTO 1939 5-oassenger 2-door sedan; attractive green finish. equipped with rad’o. heater and overdrive, in perform ance and appearance, can hardly be told from new: reduced to only $560 Ask for rar No. .T.'Bfi-A L P. Stfuart. Inc . 1.125 I4th st. n.w. Decatur 4803._ DE SOTO 1937 4-door touring sedan; equipped with radio, very clean black fin ish. immaculate interior; a very flnp runninit car that will Rive you a lot of service: reduced to only $.110. Ask for car No. 2074-A L P. S’euart, Inc . 1.125 14th st n.w Decatur 4893._ DE SOTO 19 th 4-dr trk srd : original blue finish, we will allow you $279 on your 1936 Dr.dBP. Chevrolet or Plymouth (if in aver age condition' and you pay only $5 weekly. MERSON A THOMPSON. BBSii Wisconsin ave._WI 5195._____ DODGE 193s de luxe 4-door sedan: radio, heater; unusually clean car in every de tall 1 owner; low mileage, 5445; trade; terms. COMMUNITY MOTORS INC . (Sno Hampden Lane* 'Bethesda* AVI. 5300. DODGE 194" de luxe 2-door sedan; radio and heater just like new appearance and i mechanically perfect; an almost new car for only $845 McKEE PONTIAC. 5100 Wisconsin Ave Emerson 5865_ DODGE 1938 de luxe -.’-door sedan: very seldom do we receive a car in trade that is ! in as good condition as this Trew Value used car' The former owner had it checked regularly and this excellent care ! is reflected in its splendid performance' Looks almost new finished in a smart blue: iow onlv $470 THE TREW MOTOR CO.. 1526 14th St N.W 14th & Pa Ave SF DODGE 1938 de luxe 4-door sedan: your family is entitled to the safety and de pendability that you will get from this guaranteed Trew Value car: it has a fine hot-water heater, spotless upholstery and the tires are like new' The finish is a beautiful Avon ereen. and we offer this car on the easiest of terms: now reduced to $185. THE TREW MOTOR CO . 1526 14th St N.W 14th & Pa Ave S E DODGE 1940 de luxe 4-door trunk sedan: an exceptionally nice one-owner car that has hud the best of care: in performance and appearance, it can scarcely be told i from new; reduced now to $870 and backed i by our famous guarantee. Ask for car No ' 3250-A. L. P. Steuart. Inc., 1325 14th st. n.w._Decatur 4803. _ DODGE 1039 de luxe 4-door trunk sedan: one-owner car. equipped with radio and heater; immaculate interior original black i finish; reduced to $545. Ask for car 3621. j L P Steuart. Inc., 1325 14th st. n.w. ; Decatur 4803.__ DODGE 1938 5-pass. 2-door trunk sedan: an ideal family car that's in perfect con dition. metallic gray finish, very low mile asr reduced to $430: sold with 30-day guarantee. Ask for car No. 2966-B L. P. Steuart. Jne . 1725 R I ave. n.e.JDU. 7343. DODGE 1939 two-door spdan: equipped with radio and heater: a spotless car that is in splendid running condition; looks and operates like new. Drive this car and ap preciate its real value: thoroughly CHER NERIZED and fully guaranteed for your safety and comfort. Only $589; trade and terms. CHF.RNER MOTOR CO . _ ^ 17 11 Florida Ave. N.W. Hobart 5000. _ STATION WAGON. 1939 Ford: immacu late; $535. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Conn. WO 8401_ : FORD 1939 convertible cabriolet: raoio and heater. Kray finish, biack top. excen 1 tionally clean throughout: $585. McKEE PONTIAC. _Sinn Wisconsin Ave. Emerson 5599_ I FORD 1949 de luxe Tudor sedan: an 1m I maculate car that you will enjoy driving I for many thousands of miles: like new in ' appearance and operation: fine tires and a i quiet. economical-to-ODerate motor: thor I oughlv CHERNERIZED and fully guaran 1 teed, only $589: trade and terms. CHERNER MOTOR CO. 1711 Florida Ave. N.W. Hobart 5n0o FORD model A Fordor sedan: very reason able._Atlantic 3339-R_ FORD 1939 convertible coupe; good condi I tion: WILL SACRIFICE IF SOLD TODAY. I See Mr. Frank, rear service station. 2nd ! and Constitution ave. n.w._ FORDS—1935 Tudors and coupes. These i cars are priced to sell Compare this group ! with others in the city for appearance, i performance and price. Every one a bar gain. in good running transportation. Only $9 down and $13.37 per month. This price includes tags. CHERNER MOTOR CO.. 1711 Florida Ave. N.W. Hobart soon. FORD 1939 Tudor sedan; bright black finish, heat and music, fine-running motor, very good tires; only $475. McKEE PONTIAC. 51 nn Wisconsin Ave. Emerson 5869. FORD 1939 coupe: clean Inside and out runs and looks like new. excellent tires and motor: $445. McKEE PONTIAC. 51 np Wisconsin Ave. Emerson 5869, FORD 1940 Fordor sedan: Just like new inside and out: if you want a car with pep and economical service this Is the one: tires and motor are in tiptop condition and upholstery is perfect: very specially priced at only $549: $49 down. $29 a month. LOGAN MOTORS. 18th and M I sts. n.w. RE. 3251._ FORD 1937 Tudor sedan: clean black fin ish and economical, nice-running motor, upholstery shows very little wear, tires are good for several thousand miles of serv ice. entire car in superb mechanical shape and guaranteed for 30 days: only $9 down. $16 month. LOGAN MOTORS, 18th and M sts n.w. RE. 3251._ FORDS—19.36 Tudors and coupes. For real economy in operation and in original purchase price, look over this group before buying Compare and be convinced that these are real bantains In thoroughly | CHERNERIZED and fully guaranteed cars. Only $9 down and $17.68 »er month. Thla price Includes tags. # CHERNER MOTOR CO . 1711 Florida Ave. N W. Hob.^t 5000. _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD 1940 de luxe 4-passenger coune; equipped with auxiliary seats: absolutely immaculate inside and out. performs just like a new car ar.d has had exceptionally good care by one particular owner, very cpecially priced at only $595: any car a down payment, easy terms on balance. LOGAN MOTORS. 18t,h lind M fits. n.w. RE. 3251.__ FORD 1937 Tudor sedan; an exceptionally clean ’37. with powerful 85-horsepower motor, very clean inside, excellent rubber and finish that shows very little wear, special sale price only $2279: full 30-day guarantee pay $9 down. $17.50 a month. LOGAN MOTORS. 18th and M sts. n.w. RE 3*251 FORD 1937 Fordor sedan immaculate blue finish and excellent motor, rubber very good all around, spotless inside: $-289: $19 down. $19 month LOGAN MOTORS. 18th and M sts. n.w. RE. 32251 FORD 1939 de luxe coupe; handsome ma roon finish, upholstery shows practically no wear and entire car is in the very best of mechanical condition- real economy of performance and pleasure driving only $495: $39 down. $'27 a month. LOGAN MOTORS. 18th and M fits, n.w RE 3251. FORD 1940 de luxe Fordor sedan; spotless black finish, absolutely A-l all around; new-car appearance and performance; $639; any car a down pavment. 224 months on balance. LOGAN MOTORS. 18th and M fits, n.w RE. 325 L_ _ FORDS- - 19.37 Tudors and coupes: immac ulate cars that are in above-average condi tion from bumper to bumper These cars have gone through the 30 famous CHER NERIZED steps that lead to safe and com fortable transportation and are fully guar anteed Only $5 down and $19 per month. This price includes tags CHERNER MOTOR CO . 1711 Florida Ave NW Hobart 5009 FORD 1911 Tudors and Fordor.s; company official cars: considerable discount $150 down, balance *24 months: new-car title, new-car guarantee. LOGAN MOTORS. 3540 14th sL_n w._Hobart_41oo. FORD 1940 Tudor sedan: bright black finish 85 horsenower looks and runs like new. $549. your car down payment *24 months on balance LOGAN MOTORS. 3540 14th 8t__n.w. HO 4100 FORD 1939 Tudor low mileage: black: mohair upholstery, spotless inside and cut. Ml9. any car down payment. 224 months on balance LOGAN MOTORS. 3540 14th st. n.w. HO 4109._ FORD 1939 de luxe ‘85 * coupe: original black finish, offset by excellent white-wail tires a one-owner car. driven carefully: reduced to $4*25; sold with our 3n-day warranty Ask for car 3087-A L P SteuarC Inc,. 13*25 14th sL_n w._DE 4803. FORD 1935 coach: good tires, etc ; $95. 4;»15 Con d u it_rd. n.w. _ Wood lev 7‘.mid FORD 1939 conv. coupe; attractive ma roon ftni-h. tan top, w.-w. tires, radio and heater: in perfect condition throughout: $565. TOWN At COUNTRY MOTORS. 1707 14th St N W MI 6000. HUDSON 0 special 1935 4-door trunk se dan; clean, like new: fingertip shift, radio, excellent motor and tires: verv economical: must sacrifice. Many, 1225 Eye it n.w • HUDSON 1040 club coupe finished in a beautiful golden beige; radio heater: just nicely broken in: a car you would be proud to own; only $645. McKEE PONTIAC. _MOO Wisconsin Ave. Emerson. 6800 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1940 4-door * sedan: lustrous black baked enamel finish, broad cloth uph.. w -w. tires, radio, heater, over drive: like new in every respect. PO-day guar.: liberal trade and saving TOWN A- COUNTRY MOTORS _1707 14th St. N.W,_MI._«»on _ LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 4-door sedan, black finish, clean interior, w -w tire*, motor in excellent condition: sold new in 1938: special. $.34 7 TOWN & COUNTRY MOTORS _1707 14th St. N.W._MI. 6900. __ LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1938 four-door sedan: a truly streamlined car that is as modern as the future: excellent from bumper to bumper: a car you will be proud to own and enjoy driving thoroughly CHERNER IZED and fully guaranteed for your safe’y and comfort: $569: liberal trade and easy terms CHFRNER MOTOR CO . 1711 Florida AVC NW HobjH 5900 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 sedan, in excellent condition: MUST SACRIFICE AT ONCE to save credit. See Mr. Pasnick. 219 2nd st n_w_ MERCURY 1940 club sedan-coudp one of the most Dooular bodv styles in the used car market today This car is as immac ulpte as new excellen’ tire* beautiful finish and inferior, fine motor that is eco nomical to operate thoroughly CHERNER IZED and fully guaranteed only $859. trade and terms CHFRNER MOTOR CO. 1711 Florida Ave N W_Hobart 5099._ MERCURY 1939 sedan coupe: beau’.iful 2 | tone maroon finish, custom-built radio. reed seat covers, white-wall tires. Lifeguard I tubes very low m’.leaee must be sold re cardie's of price, IS months to pav: name vour own term' MERSON A- THOMPSON, BS59 Wisconsin m. W1 .*« i n s _ PONTIAC "BY McKEE To the buying public this means the utmost in automobile value. Our Used | Cars are reconditioned under the strict supervision of Mr. A. B. McKee. Visit our big used car Jot at 5100 Wisconsin Ave and look around. You are as welcome to look around as you are to buy. ' Remember, the name McKee is your Guarantee! .McKEE-PONTIAC A B McKee, Pres 1 22nd & N Sts. N W. Open Eves. & Sun EM. 5869—ME. 0400 ADDISON “AtHEVROUll u LATE MODELS GUARANTEED VALUES lilt Chevrolet (Clipper) £C4E 4U Town Sedan #009 900 Chevrolet Da Luxa EOOE 90 Town Sedan 9999 ’39 Chevrolet Town $475 900 Chevrolet Da Luxa 00?E 90 Sport Coupe --- 99 I 9 )QQ Chevrolet De Lnxe CAfaK 99 Business Coupe, radio 9499 90? Chevrolet Da Luxa EOAE 9 I Sport Sedan _ 9949 900 Plymouth De Luxa OOQC 90 Town Sedan 9999 ,40-ch.vri«rD^—$595 1AA Chevrolet 4-Paaa. be PC | C 99 Luxe Coupe 99 I 9 Many Other Guaranteed Valuet at Bargain Prieet to Chooee From ADDISON-CHEVROLET 1522 14th St. N.W. HO. '#00 Open Evenlnas, Sundays memo book THESE CARS ARE MECHANICALLY SOUND CHRYSLER*40 Con. Cue. *950.00 PACKARD '39 Coupe *975.00 PLYMOUTH ’*0 4-dr. *945.00 PONTIAC '39 4-dr. *595.00 CHEVROLET ’39 4-dr. *525.00 FORD '39 Cone. Cpe. — *525.00 PLYMOUTH '39 2-dr—*495.00 PLYMOUTH *39 4-dr. . *425.00 NASH *38 4-pate. Coupe *395.00 PLYMOUTH *37 4-dr—*335.00 CHRYSLER '39 Coupe *250.00 PLYMOUTH *39 2-dr. *225.00 See HALEY'S SKETCH BOOK in Sunday'* Star and Remember 3f it Come* from Matey ’* - YOU’RE SAFE! HMJUrS i n c n«Tio**i 1900 ^ _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. MERCURY 1940 convertible club coupe, maroon finish, radio, many extras; run 9*000: must .veil. >795 DU 2344. MERCURY 1940 sedan RADIO AND HEATER: like new: WILL SELL TODAY for only $595. See Mr. Engbretson. 219 2nd at. n.w._ MERCURY 1940 de luxe 2-door 'sedan; equipped with radio and heater: hich luster black finish: this car has had only one careful owner who drove it very little; it shows the result of excellent care and is virtually a new car in appearance and performance: special sale price only $695: any car a down payment, easv terms on balance. LOGAN MOTORS. JKth and M sts. n.w RF 3251 _ NASH 1940 ‘.’-floor: original wme finish, spotless interior, de luxe, rad o and air conditioning reduced to $945 McKee Pontiac. 22nd and Njts ji.w^ME 0400. NASH 193H *‘H" 4-dr. trk sed . here is the car for a Nash owner: trade and terms $159 down, balance easv. MFRSON A THOMPSON. 6859 Wisconsin ave WI 5195. OLDSMOBILE 1937 4-door truriK sedan; radio: low mileage: 1 owner; $395. Also 2-door trunk sedan, radio and heater, $395. Trade: terms COMMUNITY MOTORS. INC. 4R00 Hampden Lane tBethesda) WI 5300. OLDSMOBILE 19.39 sedan good condition: MUST SELL AT ONCE to avoid mortgage foreclosure Rear of service station. 2nd and Constitution ave n w OLDSMOBILE "0 ” 1939 4-door sedan, with push-button radio ana heater orig inal black finish, spotless interior priced to sell quickly at $595. McKee Pontiac. 22nd and N sis n.w. ME 0400 OLDSMOBILE 1938 de luxe club coupe: all the comfort of a sedan and yet it is very little larger than a coupe' in ex cellent condition, having been driven only by its original owner: equipped with many extras, including a custom radio and heater: good tires and clean interior: very easy terms now $495 THE TREW MOTOR CO . 1526 14th St NW 14th Ar Pa Ave RE. PACKARD CLUB SEDAN—In good condi tion: an excellent buy at any reasonnble offer for auick cash sale Phone North 3963. PACKARD 1937 convertible coupe im maculate $390. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Conn. WO MO 1 PACKARD 19.37 4-door sedan radio, heater, white-wall tires; a perfect car at a bargain price. $375. Crystal Motors, 11th and M sts n.W. RE 9900 PACKARD 1939 "*i” 4-door touring sedan: radio, heater, beautiful Packard blue fin ish: a fine, distinctive car: only $595. McKEE PONTIAC 5100 Wisconsin Ave Bmersoi 59 9 PACKARD 194 i convertible coupe demon strator: only 2.700 mile*: $195 down or trade your car JACK PRY. Packard deal er _16th and Pa. ove s e. _ PACKARD 1937 129“ corn, coupe: at tractive canary finish, tan top. genuine black leather upholstery, radio and hea’er. new' tires, perfect motor, priced for im mediate sale TOWN A' COUNTRY MOTORS 1707 14th at. N.W __ _MI 6900 PLYMOUTH 1938 de luxe 4-door sedan beautiful beige finish, clean interior ex cellent tires and motor; a very economical car for only *4 4 5 McKEE PONTIAC 8100 Wisconsin Ave Emerson 58«9 PLYMOUTH 1939 do luxe 4-door sedan: this is a one-owner car in perfect me chanical condition, which we have reduced to *495 for quick sale McKee Pontiac. 22nd and N sts n.w. ME 0400._ ,4lfi Buick Special 4-Dr.; fCCC 1 00 low mileace #DOD } *^0 Buick Special 4-Dr. CfiCC Scd . RAH; black Buick Super 4-Dr.; CQ4C R. St H , w tirei ’40 l $625 U/IUIS-fluickV SILVER SPRING 8516 Georgia Avt. Shep. 6544 ! a‘SMALL*ad* a BIG value 1938 Oldsmobile Coupe A one owner car; finished in block, good rubber all around. Priced QQQ as low as ___ down Plus 117 Other SmatTs -Sup«r Serrked-Gors l sSMALL: 215 PENNA. AVE. S.E. % I Piux Three fl?qr Vxrd Car L^tx Mechanic's Special Too busy in our shop to iron out the little wrinkles, so we are offering this selection to you at absolutely wholesale prices. $5 Down Including Tags ’36 Pontiac Trg. Sed. __ $285 ’37 Ford Tudor, r. 4h... $235 ’36 Plymouth Sedan_$245 ’36 Chevrolet Sedan-$225 ’37 Ford Sedan _$215 ’36 Dodge Sedan_$195 ’35 Pontiac 2-Dr._$195 ’34 Pontiac 2-Dr._$145 ’35 Ford Tudor_$135 ’35 Pontiac Coupe_$89 ’35 Ford Coupe_$125 ’35 Pontiac 2-Dr. _$145 ’34 Studebaker 2-Dr._$85 McKee Pontiac 5100 Wisconsin Ave. EM. 5869 | EMERSON & ORME mlcL„. 5765 BUicL„.5845 BVicL.. 5625 BUICK CROR ’38 Sedan. VWC5l BUICK MAR ’37 Sedan U*f*f*I CHEVROLET CRAR ’39 Sedan . . "SSL.5345 F®BDc„,p...... 5365 "SSL. 5395 “JSS? 5495 OLDSMOBILE CMC ’39 Sedan _W*™ “-S’EE?. 5795 5425 "SEE"' 5495 STUDEBAKER Cggg "Home of the Buick" 17th & M Sts. N.W. DISTRICT 8100 4th and N. Y. Ave. N.E. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PLYMOUTH 1938 4-dooi edai b finish, excellent floating-power engine. . afe i brakes. ;» like-new tires, very clean interim i economical family car. reduced to se .it ; once* lor $380; 30-day guarantee Car No ' I 3083A. L P. steuart, Inc. 1335 11 h s', n.w Decatur 4*03 PLYMOUTH 1938 de luxe coupe. If you ! want the utmost in economy . . 'he i last word in dependaoility and safety. : this guaranteed Tr< w Value car. equipped with heater, is your answer; very low mileage: one-owner driven and finished in lustrous jet black: good tires. and offered on convenient terms, now only $435. THE TRFW MOTOR CO.. 1530 14th S' N.W 14th <V Pa Ave SE PLYMOUTH 1940 de luxi 4-door tout sedan glistening black finish, lmtaaru!*' 1 interior, low mileage, one owner; reduced to *810: backed by our warranty Ask for car No 3185-A L P 6t.< lart. Inc . 1325 J4 h st n w._ Decatur 18t»3. PLYMOUTH 1937 coupe good condition' FORCED TO SELL AT ONCE anv rca •' - able offer accepted. See Mr Pa nick. 219 2nd st. n w PLYMOUTH 1939 de luxe sedan black immaculate condition iov. mileage; mu.-t i sacrifice. *425 EM 8783 PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe sedan in excel lent condition throughout, including tic low mileage sacrifice. $305 EM n'8.3 :• PONTIAC 1940 coune M-cylinder; immani- , late; $550. Flood Pontiac, 4 .’31 Conn .WO 8401 _ PONTIAC 1939 2-door: 6 cylindei im maculate: $490. Flood Pontiac. 4321 Conn. WO $40 L____ PONTIAC 1940 Torpedo 4 -door sedan; heater and defroster low mileage l own er. Save 1st year's dc-prrciauon Cost $l.lbo new now $835 Trad' terms. COMMUNITY MOTORS. INC . 480ii Hamnden I.ane tBPthesda* WI 5:9*0 PONTIAC 1938 2-door, radio and heater, attractive Parma win'* finish an exception ally clean, smooth-running car. $475. McKEE PONTIAC 5100 Wisconsin Ave Emerson 5* >'» PONTIAC 1939 custom " sedan du.1i button radio, heater, white-wall tires, one owner car that will give you service: written guarantee: *505. i months to pay SUPERIOR MOTORS. 15»»9 14th *t n w Du Do lit 1300 P< XNTI AC 1939 n edai Li «x< *. - lent condition throughoir very good tire kept in garage every night, hea’er. s'*at covers For sale by on-- rial owner At tractive price No dealers. Mr. Bowles Columbia okoo PONTIAC 1937 sedan new blue paint radio and heater, very good motor, fine rubber: only *385 Mf KEE PONTIAC _5loo Wisconsin Ate_Emerson 5809. PONTIAC “H” 19,39 4-door sedan: a ore owner car with original finish 1 pot less in terior. perfect motor. $5hf> McKee Pon tiac 22nd and N sts n j ME 0400_ STUDEBAKER 1940 President de luxe 4-nr sedan Th: car was chauffeur-driven and had the best of care finished In a beau tiful black *hat doesn't show a scratch; equipped with custom heater and the ;n | tenor is perfect low mileage and excellm* • tires make this Trew Value guaranteed used car one of the ben h ;>s on the mar I ket at the low nrice of «7$T THE TRFW MOTOR CO . i 1528 14th S N w 14th & Pa Ave. SE a'SMALL'ad* a BIG value 1940 Four door Ford Sedan, A one-owner car; finished in harbor gray, equipped with radio and heater. Priced C* I QC as low os V ■ down Plus 117 Other Jmalls-Juper Jerviced-^ars “SMALL1, 215 PENNA. AVE S E # !' u " 1939 FORD STATION WAGON Excellent Condition Fully Guaranteed REDUCED TO *595 Easy Termt STANDARD MOTOR SALES 1605 14th 14th & Q Sts. NOrth 2298 *5 DOWN INCLUDES TAGS 20 MONTHS TO PAY ’36 Dodge 2-Dr. Trunk ’36 Chev. Mit. D. L. 4-Dr. ’36 Plymouth Sedan ’36 Ford Tudor ’36 Stude. 4-Dr. Sedan ’35 Pontiac Coupe, R. S. ’35 Ford D. L. 4-Dr. Trk. ’35 Chevrolet Coupe ’36 Chevrolet Mtt. Cpe. ’35 Pontiac Sedan ’35 Dodge Sedan 30-Day Guarantee SUPERIOR 1509 14th DU. 1300 146 \ LATE MODEL I 'I [36> 1940’s [§S> 1939’s j5o) 1938’s Ghevrolets, Fords, Plymouths These Cars in Excellent Condition All Look nnd Run IAke New SB 625 H Street N.E. 16th & N. Y. Ave. N.E. 2nd & Fla. Ave. N.E. gjpiiMt Uiwji moo AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. STUDEBAKER 134<» Champion club coupe; here .« renl economical transportation at a prior -hat if lar below : h»- marke'; only $545. McKee Pontiac, 22nd and N m- n w. ME 040i> STUDEBAKER 1340 Champion 1-dr. cruis ing sedan: maroon finish, heater, driven oniv 10.000 mile* ike new all around: ,’io-day wri' en guarantee iow down payment 31 months on balance LOO AM MOTORS. :*54n 1 1th st n v. Hobart 4lnO. STUDEBAKER 1338 Commander sedan; original grav finish. hearer. large luccaaf comnartments, planar suspension, mechan leally sound Butler Bonded. Onlv $147. LEE D BUTLER. INC. 1131 21st st. n w. District 1218. _ 8TUDEBAKER lf»4« President sedan: equipped with radio, overdrive and clirr.a tizei. beautiful blue factory finish Thu is real high-class performance and service in a car that is ms* like new ;n every respect only -hi»T. Butler B'tided LEE D BUTLER. INC.. 1121 21st at. n.w. D:s tric 1218 STUDEBAKER 1337 President sedan: equipped with heater clean jet-black fin ; h. i phoistery immaculate, fine tires and smooth-running motor Butler Bonded »nd a real bargain at only $345. LEE D BUI I.ER INC . 1534 Penna ave. s e. At i . ; STUDEBAKER 13In Champion club sedan: or: m.i black radio: for an eco Tiom:(al -*yl» ai.d p« rlormanee. you can t beat a Champion Butler Bonded $537; onlv -57 down and mall monthly Day men- LEE D BUTIJSR, INC . J 534 Pa. ave. s e. Atlantjr 4.314_ STUDEBAKER 133.7 5-passenger if dan: beautiful black finish, equipped wi’h radio and heater thoroughly reconditioned to give economical and dfrendable service; reduced to *3 in sold with our 30-day guarantee Ask for car No 273H-B L P. Stcuart. Inc.. 1325 1 4'h si nw DE 4833. a SMALL’ad* a BIG value 1939 Ford De Lu»e Coupe A one owner cor; blue, equipped with heater and white side wall tires. Priced as low $100: down Plus 1 17 Other £malls Super Servic»d (ori #55^ 215 penna AVE SE. • PIu< Three Bic BUY NOW Opportunities come only once *A(l Packard Super “S’* -iU Model X*0 Touring ffl A OX Sedan >,10 Packard 120’ Trunk <C7Q7 ^ Sedan, radio y I I/O ’39 |*Sanrd "12n" Trunk $695 ’39 p^Znd "no" Trunk $650 ’38 Sedan’^ "1S0" _TrUnk $495 ^OQ Buick 2-Door Trunk Sedan vOt/O >OQ Chrysler ”R ’ 4-Door 0-7 Touring Sedan ’38 Sedan 4’D°°r ^U"k $450 lOO Dodge De Luxe Sedan <J --n radio and heater . _ _ OOOU ’40 Fordo."5* Lux* ... $595 ZELL MOTOR CAR CO. 24th & X Sts. X.W. RE. 0145 Open Evenings and .Sunday DEPENDABLE FINEST QUALITY GARS Guaranteed I00rr (Both Labor and Materials) IJA Cher. Special I>e CISCO 411 Luxe Snort Sedan 9009 fill ChttroM inM MM 4U De Luxe Coupe 9399 f AA Chevrolet He Luxe ( JAA 09 Town Sedan 9499 >39De In”$489 f AO Chevrolet He Luxe ^4 4 O 00 Town Sedan 94 19 $489 100 rh''' Sport De e J on 00 Luxe Coupe 9409 f Chevrolet De Luxe AA JA 0 I Town Sedan 9049 >3| gy*.- ,r$449 10*1 Pirmnnth 4-Itoor C 0 0 0 O I Tnunnr Sedan Ouw3 65 other fine cor values Liberal trade ond terms Open Evenings till 10 P M. BARRY-PATE 1130 Conn. Ate. 75 BUICKS Drastically REDUCED AT HORNER'S CORNER 6th £r Fla. Ave. N.E. (Ti) 1940 MODELS (23) 1039 MODELS (n) 1938 MODELS f 1937 MODELS '35, '36, '34 Models Here's a Few Examples 1939 BUICK Speciol 4-dr. Trunk Sedan. Car No. 882. REDUCED TO *595 1940 BUICK Special Coupe Cor No. 710 REDUCED TO *745 1938 BUICK Century 4-dr. Trunk Sedan Cor No. 700 REDUCED TO *525 1937 BUICK Century 4-Dr. Trunk Sedan Cor No. 701 REDUCED TO *395 Stanley H. Horner, Inc. The Established Buick Lot 6th & Florida Ave. N.E, AT. 6464 Open Evening*