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Weather Forecast Cloudy, moderate temperature, lowest tonight about 38; tomorrow cloudy, somewhat colder. Temperature today—Highest. 55. at 3:30 p.m.; lowest. 30. 12:35 a m ; 54. at 4 p.m. Frr»m the ûniîea frarrs IVMrnfr Bureau Report. Fuil Dr'ails on PaRe B-*. Clostna Ν. Y. Markets—Sales, Page 17. NIGHT FINAL SPORTS Means Associated Press. 89th VEAIi. No. 30,650. WASHINGTON', D. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1041—FORTY-EIGHT PAGES. THREE CENTS. * ■ ψ ' Vi PRESIDENT SIGNS DECLARATION OF WAR; 350 CASUALTIES AS JAPS BLAST MANILA » 1,500 Dead in Hawaii, White House Says; Battleship and Destroyer Lost ίΠ Gasoline Dump j At Nichols Field Believed Fired Philippine Capital, Blacked Out, Suffers Terrific Damage' Japanese bomber*, following up earlier successes in the two day Battle of the Pacific, raided Manila in the darkness of night, dispatches from the Philippine Capital disclosed this afternoon. The heavy attack opened shortly after midnight Tuesday Manila time '11 a.m. Washington time.i Dispatches telling of the raid I followed acknowledgement earner j in the day a' the White House that the Japanese raid on Pearl Har bor yesterday had resulted in the sinking of "one old battleship" and serious damaee to other war cratt. There were casualties of 3 000 on the island of Oahu. the White House said, and nearly half are dead. The report from the Philippines said the Japanese apparently had succeeded in setting fire to the entire gasoline dump at Nichols Air Field 350 Casualties RepnrtPd. There were unconfirmed report» of pt least 350 casualties at half a dozen points outside Manila. ?00 of them at Clark Field, military air drome 40 miles north of Manila It also was reported that the SlJnited States aircraft carrier Lang ley was attacked twice bv bombers during daylight w hile lying in Mma lace B'v an undeveloped naval base near Davao, Mindanao, in the jr i ι lupf Unconfirmed reports said 10.000 of the 25.000 Japanese who inhabit the Davao region were armed and , ready for action, and it was feared 1 they would attempt to defend their t holdings. The Japanese radio reported that Nipponese warships had surrounded Guam and said all big buildings on the island were ablaze. City Completely Blacked Out. The raid on Manila, apparently, ι was extensive. The first air raid alarms were sounded at 12:40 a m . Manila time <11 40 a.m.. E S T.». The densely populated city, com pletely blacked out. lay under the bright light of a nearlv full moon. Yesterday, it was reported, the city vas saved when interceptor planes from Clark Field drove off Japan ese bombine era It The radio reporter who told of the attack on the Nichols air field paid there was a lull in the action After 3am. Manila time The anti-aircraft fire reopened, said the radio reporter. Don Bell. He added that the fire had died down at Nichols Field, in the south ern part of Manila. He continued: ' From what we can see from the top of this building, the whole sky is a brilliant red " A few minutes after the renewed flnti-aircraft firing, the all-clear vas sounded. Smash at Fort McKinley. The raiders had smashed at Fort William McKinley and the Radio Corp of America short wave trans mitter as well as Nichols Field Bert Silen. a colleague of Mr. Ball's, had said earlier that "the fire is simplv raging out there'' Mr. Bell, standing above a bomb proof shelter, said the anti-aircraft fire, in progress for 15 minutes before he spoke, had quieted down. A large fire »a< left burning in the vicinity of Fort McKinley and Nich ols Field. Mr. Bell said, and gasoline dumps appeared to be afire. He Added that the action was •'con cluded for the present time." But at 3 32 a m 'Manila time>. Mr. Bell casually remarked. Per haps, ladies and gentlemen, you can hear the sound of Japanese ι Sop JAPANESE. Page A-2.i Barkley Will Give Picture of War on Radio Forum Tonight Senate Majority Leader Barkley will go on the National Radio Forum at 9 o'clock to night to give the country a first-hand picture of the rapidly moving events in the sudden war with Japan. The Forum is arranged by The Evening Star and broad rait over a coast-to-coast net work of the National Broad casting System. It will be heard here over Station WMAL. The Kentucky Senator will take as his thei .e "The Ameri- * can Challenge." The program originally sched uled for this evening, in which Senator Mead. Drmocrat. of New York and Representative Ramspeck, Drmocrat. of Geor eia were !o discuss civil service problems, is being postponed in vjpw of the emergency. ****"· · wvmmBiœ* -—ι till ι— ι. m ,__ _ _ "WE WILL GAIN THE INEVITABLE TRIUMPH '—So prophesied grim President Roosevelt, shown today as he addressed Congress, cabinet members. Supreme Court justices and crowded galleries. In his message asking for a declaration of war against Japan. Tense faces of his audience indicate feeling which surged through the historic joint session. The Chief Executive stands at the clerk's desk in the House Chamber. Shortly after this scene the Senate and House, acting separately, approved a resolution declaring a state of war ' has existed" since yesterday. —A. P. Photo. Draft Act Revisions Studied; D. C. January Quota to Be Doubled I ι House Military Group Hopes to Hear Marshall At Session Tomorrow f Earlier Story on Page A-4.1 Chairman May of the House Mili tary Affairs Committee moved today to determine possible changes in the ! draft act to meet the war conditions as loral selective service headquar ters disclosed the January induction call probably will be doubled and the call in February will be the larg est ever scheduled Representative Mav called a meeting of his committee for tomor row morning to consider what chang< if any. must be made in the dralt . ι to meet the critical new situation The committee hopes to have Chief of Staff George C Mar shall at the session. Officials at the District's selective service office said there would be no step-up in the rate of inductions this month. Lt Col. Edwin S. Bet telheim. jr.. executive officer of local selective service, said the local boards would go ahead this month in routine fashion "clearing up pending inductions." Selective Service headquarters in the old National Guard Armory at Sixth street and Pennsylvania ave nue have been crowded all day with men who are seeking to have their numbers called immediately. During the mornine. about 200 men came in to ask that previously granted deferments be withdrawn or to ask that they be inducted ahead of scheci'ile ! ' - . _ . . . Lindbergh Asks United Stand in ar Etfort By the Associated Press. j CHICAGO. Dec. 8 —Charles A. I Lindbergh issued the following statement through the America First ι Committee today : "We have been stepping closer to war for many months. Now it has I come and we must meet it as united ! Americans regardless of our atti tude in the pa^t toward the policy our Government has followed. Whether or not that policy has been wise, our country has been attacked bv force of arms and by force of arm* we must retaliate. Our own defences and our own military posi tion have already been neglected too long. We must now turn every effort to building the greatest and most efficient Army. Navy and air force in the world When American soldiers go to war. it mu>t be with the best equipment that modern ! skill can design and tha* modern 1 industry can build." Late War Bulletins Churchill Tells British to Close Gap LONDON '-P .—Prime Minister Churchill told the British parliament tonight that the outbreak ci war with Japan meant that some American aid to Britain would cease "for the moment" and said British workers would have to fill the ; pap themselves. Litvinoff Presents Credentials to President Maxim Litvinoff. new Russian Ambassador to the United States, presented his credentials to President Roosevelt this afternoon and then conferred with the Chief Executive for about 40 minutes on international developments. Questioned by newsmen later, the envoy refused to make a statement on the possibility of Russia joining immediately in the war against Japan. North Borneo Attack Reported SINGAPORE "F.—A report from Manila late today said I Japanese forces had made an unsuccessful attempt to land j on British North Borneo, but the report could not be con firmed in military quarters here. Berlin to Announce War Stand Soon BERLIN —'The well-posted commentary Dienst Aus Deutschland predicted tonight that "it will not be long before official German reaction to the new events in the Far East nrp marip nublic." Japanese Businesses in U. S. Seized Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau announced today the seizure of all Japanese banks and business enterprises throughout the United States. He said hundreds of officials hrve been given special instructions to prevent the access j of all persons to the premises of such enterprises and to pre vent the destruction or removal of their books, records and other property. U. S. Takes Up Kurt Sell's Credentials The Secret Service late today took up the credentials of Kurt G. Sell. Washington correspondent for the German News Bureau. Mr. Sell was the only German newspaper correspond ent in Washington. Credentials of Japanese correspondents were ordered surrendered yesterday. R. A. F. Pounding Japs at Malaya SINGAPORE —A communique issued about 8 p.m. here said the R. A F. was delivering extensive aerial counter blows against Japanese transports attempting to land troops in Northern Malaya. (Earlier Story on Page A-3J Tense Τ hrong Fills G rounds As President Goes to Capitol A tense, grim throng slowly filled j the Capitol grounds and an equally solemn, tight-faced parade of Sena tors. Representatives and diplomats filed into the domed building shortly before noon today ahead of the ar rival of President Roosevelt to de liver the most momentous message a Chief Executive has read to Con gress since 1017. Mr. RooEcveit arrived a' the Cap itol at 12:12 p.m. When he entered the House chamber, there was long ♦applause which turned into cheers. He was preceded to the rostrom by a committee of the Senate and the House. Senator Glass of Virginia. Secre tary of the Treasury under President Wilson, came first. He was followed by Democratic Leader Barkley. He publican Leader McNary, Minority Leader McCormack. Minority Lead er Martin and Chairman Doughton of the House Ways and Means Com mittee. Takes Senate Just 9 Minutes. The President was on the arm of his oldest son. Capt. James Roose velt in the uniform of the Marine Corps. After a solemn prayer by the House chaplain, the Rev. James Shera Montgomery, the House im (Seë CAPITOL-Page ~A-47i i Nazi's Do Not Expect Γο Take Moscow in 1941, Berlin Says Spokesman Says Cold Is So Terrific Oil Freezes in Vehicles BJ the Associated Press BERLIN. Dec. 8.—The German j Army does not expect to capture Moscow this year, a military spokes- ; man said tonight in explanation of a high command communique's , reference to the coming of winter He declared the cold, which set in parly this year, "is so terrific that ' even the oil freezes in motorized vehicles." "Soldiers and officers trying to take cover." he said, "simply freeze to the ground." The high command reported an attack by German and Italian troops in the Donets Basin was making progress. Nazis Reported Crushed At 2 Points Above Moscow LONDON. Dec 8 V —Soviet troops attacking in sub-zero cold were re ported today to have crushed Ger man positions at two points above Moscow and wiped out two di visions of the invaders <30.000 men» during the process. (Reports received by the Asso ciated Press from Europe Sunday night said Adolf Hitler's troops, in a move linked with" the out break of war in the Pacific, were girding for offensives intended to take both Moscow and Lenin grad and recapture Rostov "at any price" within two weeks.» The Moscow radio said the Ger mans were beaten bloodily north of the capital ι perhaps in the Klin or Dmitrov areas ι and in the Kalinin sector. 95 miles to the northwest on the ice-bound Upper Volga. A vil lage was reported recaptured in the Kalinin combat. The Russians acknowledged the continuance of heavy German pres sure in the Tula zone south of Mos cow. German war dispatches implied that the intense cold had virtually paralyzed both armies on the cen tral front. Local successes were claimed in the Donets Basin. Kuibyshev dispatches declared the Russians had advanced from 50 to 75 miles in the three-wcek-old Rostov Mariupol counteroffensive. Cossack cavalrymen were said to be slashing down Germans seeking to escape across the Mius River near Tagan rog while Red Army planes bombed their clogged routes of retreat. The Soviet Information Bureau declared Russian air squadrons alone had accounted for 82 Ger man planes, 143 tanks and 2.600 trucks and killed more than 8.000 men in these operations. LONE DISSENTFR — Repre sentative Jeannette Rankin. Republican, of Montana, cast the single dissenting vote as Congress declared war on Ja pan today. Miss Rankin was among those who voted against war in 1917. Nats' No. 1 Baseball Fan, Sylvester A. Breen, Dies Sylvester A Breen. 75-yeaï-olc! No. 1 fan of the Washington base ball club, died suddenly this after noon at his home, 1322 King street Alexandria. Va. Mr. Breen. when only 14. saw President Garfield assassinated b\ Charles J. Guiteau on July 2. 1881 at the old Baltimore Potomac Railroad depot. Alexandria police said Mr. Breer collapsed in the rear yard of hi· home and was carried to the Alex andria Hospital, where he was pro nounced dead by Dr Lawrence Jack Ian on arrival. For nearly 19 years Mr. Breen an intimate friend of Clark Griffith has been handed pass No 1 for thi Washington baseball club's game He was a retired Government Print ing Office employe. Markets at a Glance NEW YORK. Dec. 8 '.-Γ Ι Stocks weak: war outbreak hits leaders. Bonds lower; Federals slip in nominal dealings. For eign exchange inactive Cotton firm; Wall Street, mill ; and New Orleans buying. Sugar I higher; trade buying. Metals I steady; steel operations ease slightly. Wool tops strong; short ! covering and trade buying. CHICAGO.—Wheat up 5 cents, the limit: war news. Corn closed j 3\-4:, higher. Hogs. 15-25 up; top $10.45; war bullish influence. Cattle active; steers and year I'tçs higher. Roosevelt Says Date J; Of Attack in Pacific ; Will Live in Infamy C BULLETIN. Charging that Germany is to blame for "push ing" Japan into war as a means of curtailing American lend-lease aid to anti-Axis nations, the White House late today pledged that such assist ance is still in full operation and will continue so. By JOHN C. HENRY. Congress today declared a state of war exists he- " tween the United States and the Japanese Empire, making this fateful decision less than an hour after * President Roosevelt appeared before a joint-session. The President spoke at 12:32 p.m. The Senate vote came at 1:05 p.m. It was 82 to 0. ^ The House voted at 1:27. The vote was 388 to 1. Representative Jeannette Rankin of Montana, who „ voted against war in 1917, was the single dissenter today. < In the presence of a large congressional delegation, the President signed the resolution of war at 4:10 < o'clock in his executive office. The President's request for a declaration that a * state of war exists, phrased in historically brief form, pronounced as war's justification the "unprovoked *, and dastardly attack" by the Japanese on American forces. It was delivered to a solemn ana angered C ongress , and before crowded galleries as the legislators met in the House chamber. « Mr. Roosevelt charged, with grim bitterness, that the Japanese had "deliberately planned" their attack many % days or weeks ago. while they brought bland words of peace « here "by false statements." , The date of the first Japanese attack. December 7. 1941. , is one "which will live In infamy," the President told the hushed and expectant Congress. * * Germany Not Mentioned. Nowhere in his 500-word presentation did Mr Roosevelt men- * tion other partners of the Axis. Germany and Italy. Neither did he make anv specific mention of initial American * losses, announced by the White House earlier this morning as ' "more serious" than at first indicated. * ' The attack yesterday." the President said on this subject. "on ' the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval < and military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. In * addition. American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high * seas between San Francisco and Honolulu." J Brieflly. then, the President recounted that the Japanese gov ernment in intervening hours has attacked Malaya. Hong Kong, ι Guam, the Philippine Islands, Wake Island and, most recently. Midway Island. t "The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and * safety of our Nation," Mr. Roosevelt said solemnly. "No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premedi- * (Continued on Page A-4. Col. 5.» Text of President s Message to Congress Asking for Declaration of State of War The te.rt ol President Roose velt s message to Congress fol lows : ; To the Congress of the United J States: Yesterday. December 7. 1941—a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately at tacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and. at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had com menced bombing in Oahu, the 1 Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed use- | I less to continue the existing dip I lomatic negotiations, it contained ! no threat or hint of war or armed ; ! attack. It will be recorded that the dis tance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Jap anese government has délibérate Iv sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused ! severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many I American lives have been lost. In addition American ships have j been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday the Japanese also launched an attack against I Malaya. I Last night Japanese forces at tacked Hong Knnc. I Last night Japanese forces at- « tacked Guam. Lait night Japanese forces at tacked the Philippine Islands. " ljast nieht the Japanese at tacked Wake Island This morning the Japanese at tacked Midway Inland Japan has. therefore, under taken a surprise offensive ex tending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the veiy life and safety of our Nation. As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this pre meditated invasion, the Ameri can people in their righteous might will win through to abso lute victory. I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the ut termost but will make very cer tain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again. Hostilities exist There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our in terests are in grave danger With confidence in our armpd forces—with the unbounding de termination of our people—we will gain the inevitable triumph— so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since thp unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday. December 7. a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire. FRANKLIN Γ) ROOSEVELT. The White House, D?-rmber ε. 3011. A