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^l)e $:bmttg fslof With Sunday Kerning Edltiea. THEODORE W. NOTES, Editor. WASHINGTON, D. C. SATURDAY...February 7, 1942 The Evening Star Newspaper Company. Main Office: 11th 8t. and Pennsylvania Ave. New York Office: 110 East 42nd St. Chicago Office: 435 North Michigan Ave. Delivered by Carrier—City and Suburban. Regular Edition. Evening and Sunday.75c per mo. or 18c per week The Evening Star_45c per mo. or 10c per week The Sunday Star _10c per copy Night Final Edition. Night Final and Sunday Star_85c per month Night Final Star 00c per month Sural Tube Delivery. Tme Evening and Sunday Star_85e per month The Evening Star-55c per month The Sunday Star ... .10c per copy Collections made at the end of each month or each week. Orders may be »ent by mail or tele phone National 5000. Rat* by Mail—Payable In Advance. Dally and Sunday-lyr.. *12.00: l mo.. *100 Dally only-1 yr., S8.00; 1 mo.. 75e Sunday only_lyr. *5.00; 1 mo., 60c Entered as second-class matter post office, Washington. D. C. Member of the Associated Press. The Associated Pres* Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein also are reserved. Pensions for Congress With half a dozen repeal bills al ready in the legislative hopper and public opinion widely aroused by rea son of the short-lived ‘‘bundles for Congress” campaign, there are in creasing indications that Congress will have an opportunity to recon sider its recent action in voting itself into the civil service pension system. There is need for such reconsidera tion, for the whole controversial question did not receive the study and was not attended by the debate which it deserved. There was little or no discussion in the House and no record vote. The Senate confined its debate chiefly to the Byrd amend ment, which would have required back payments by congressional beneficiaries. This amendment was defeated by a 34-to-28 vote. Under the bill as passed, a mem ber of House or Senate who has served five years and who is 62 years old—or younger, if disabled—becomes eligible to retire on an annuity Janu ary 1 next by payment of this year’s premium. The pensions would range from $58 to $350 a month, according to length of service. As to the basic issue of whether it is proper for Representatives and Senators to become Government pensioners, there are sharp differ ences of opinion, inside of Congress and out. Seemingly persuasive argu ments may be heard on both sides of the matter. There should have been a full airing of these arguments before passage of the recent legisla tion. Apart from this fundamental Issue and aside from the fact that the move was inauspiciously timed, there are other Important points raised by the new congressional pro vision in the retirement law. The propriety of making the an nuities applicable to legislators now in Congress certainly is open to ques tion. Indeed, some critics have sug gested the possibility of conflict with that part of the Constitution pro hibiting members of Congress, dur ing their terms of office, from taking Jobs which they had a hand in creat ing. And if Representatives and Senators are to be permitted to go on the civil service pension rolls, there is no good reason why they should not be required to pay all the back premiums for the years cov ered in computing the amount of their pensions. Moreover, the joker in the law which would enable a mem ber of Congress, by delaying his ap plication until the last day of the year, to obtain a life annuity upon payment of as little as $1.39 —one day’s premium—obviously should be removed. Congress can ill afford to ignore the widespread demands for early reopening of the pensions for-Congress question. Steel Scrap Drive The plan of the International Har vester Company to mobilize its dealers and employes throughout the country in a drive to increase collec tions of iron and steel scrap will be welcomed as evidence that the Gov ernment can count on the co-opera tion of American industry in its efforts to increase our reserves of this essential war material. The project, recently submitted to Lessing J. Rosenwald, chief of the industrial conservation bureau of the War Pro duction Board, calls for a thorough salvage search throughout all the company’s plants, a similar canvass in their homes by its 60,000 employes, and a campaign by its dealers in agricultural equipment to enlist the assistance of farmers in speeding the movement of farm scrap to indus trial users. The output of the American steel Industry last year was estimated at approximately 82,900,000 tons. To achieve this production, substantially larger than that of 1940, the steel in dustry made heavy inroads into its scrap reserves. Though exports to Japan were stopped on October 15, 1940, shipments to that country pre ceding that date are another factor contributing to the present shortage of scrap. With the new facilities recently added, or nearing completion, the steel Industry will have a 1942 ca pacity of nearly 90,000,000 tons. To secure maximum output, 32,000,000 tons of iron and steel scrap will be needed, more than was collected last year. If the scrap required is not obtained, steel production may not exceed last year’s output, and mil lions of tons of capacity, badly needed for war production, will be unused. In the light of these facts, It is of vital importance that every effort be made by the Government, in dustry and individual citizens to uncover new supplies and obtain more material from existing sources, such as automobile “graveyards.” Farms and small, towns offer par ticularly good prospects for the scrap searcher. Because of the war, iron and steel scrap, once regarded as a waste product of no great value, now has become an important de fense material, essential to the full output of the steel industry, our basic war industry. American Morale Those persons in the Capital who have set themselves up as guardians of public morale might profitably reflect upon two questions: What is the matter with American morale? And from what direction does the real threat to it come? In the first place there is no evi dence that anything is wrong with the morale of the people. On the contrary, there is every reason to believe it is far better than the morale of those who seem to think that professional dancers, movie actors, press agents and scores of lucrative Jobs are indispensable in gredients of victory on the home front. If there should be any break down in public morale it is much more likely to come from having to foot the bills for the fantastic activ ities of these self-ordained morale builders than from anything the Germans or the Italians or the Japanese are apt to do. It has been but a few months since some people were convinced that the morale of the Army had gone to pot. But that myth has been pretty well exploded. The soldiers who were “going over the hill” in October—if one listened to the gloomy prophets— stuck to their guns and their train ing instead, and have since given a first-rate account of themselves whenever they have met the enemy. Nor is there any reason to suppose that Americans in the civilian ranks are made of softer stuff. Given appropriate guidance in the really essential phases of civilian defense, they will do their part of the job. And they will do it without being coddled and pampered by a comic opera assortment of highly-paid morale-maintainers with fancy titles and vague duties. It does not necessarily follow, how ever, that morale cannot or will not be undermined. The people of this country are prepared to pay the price of victory. They will buy the bonds, pay the taxes, give up the luxuries and comforts, do the work and en dure whatever hardships may be necessary without any imoairment of morale so long as their Government meets them half way and restricts its own program to activities that are genuinely essential. But if the Government does not do this. It is foolish to suppose that the morale of the people can be maintained on a high plane, no matter how many dancers and movie stars may be rushed into the breach. As a first step, the Office of Civil ian Defense should drop all boon doggling activities and stop wasting money on salaries and programs that contribute nothing to the war effort. And this should be followed up by a vigorous and thorough elimination of all governmental activities which smack of “politics as usual.” Testifying before a congressional committee yesterday, Edward A. O'Neal, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, charged that “startling and shocking condi tions of waste, extravagance and other indefensible practices” in the administration of the Farm Security Administration amount to a “na tional disgrace.” In substance, he accused this agency of using public funds improperly to maintain gov ernmental control over the indi viduals coming within the scope of its activities. Earlier, the adminis trator of the agency had admitted that Farm Security funds were used to pay poll taxes of needy farmers and had defended this as a “per fectly proper thing to do.” The administrator denied that the money was advanced for the pay ment of poll taxes with any thought of influencing the votes of the farm ers. Be that as it may, there is no room for denial as to the effect on the morale of the hard-pressed tax payer when he learns that the Gov ernment, instead of spending his money to fight the war, is using it to pay the salaries of dancers and movie stars and the poll taxes of prospective voters. It is from this sort of govern mental activity, repeated time and again, that the real threat to morale comes. And if there should be any breakdown on the home front it will not result from weakness on the part of the people, but because the ad ministration, while wasting its ener gies on non-essential and even harmful "morale-buildiijg” activities, neglects to stamp out the dubious practices which constitute the really serious threat. Korea When at last the tide of battle be gins to run against Japan, it well may happen that the 21,000,000 peo ple of Korea will take advantage of the opportunity thus afforded to at tempt the recovery of their freedom. Certainly no other community of the Orient is more notably entitled to its integral independence. The ancient kingdom of Ch’ao Hsien was a center of culture when Toklo had not yet been founded. Its history traces back nearly three thousand years before the start of the Christian era. The Korean race, separate and distinct from all neighboring tribes, was civilized for ages before the Japanese established the rudiments of their barbaric state. It was from Korea that Japan re ceived Buddhism and the art of writ ing in script. Not even the oppres sion of Jenghlz and Khublai Khan could destroy the essential character of enlightened Korean society. The religion of Confucius, introduced by Ni Taijo or Litan about 1392 A.D., merely confirmed the lofty ethical nature of the native inhabitants. Japanese aggression commenced with raids by pirates who ravaged the coasts. In 1592 the Regent Hide yoshi ordered an invasion of Korea which continued until his death in 1598. “Gigantic and bloody war” during that period left the country desolate. Seoul, the capital, and many other cities and towns were burned, their residents slaughtered and their property—especially their artistic treasures — carried away. Firearms supplied by Europeans, it must be mentioned in this connec tion, were employed by the Japs against the Koreans with deadly effect. A policy of isolation was developed by the government of Korea from the start of the seventeenth century. But such a hermit role merely served to invite foreign interference. Rus sia in 1860 took the province of Usuri, Japan in 1876 obtained Fusan. By 1884 Seoul was opened to the world. An attempted revolution in 1894 revived the ambitions of the Japanese for complete domination of the country. China tried to help her suzerain, but Japan won the en suing contest. The Russo-Japanese War settled the fate of Koreans without regard to their wishes. On August 29, 1910, the Emperor of Korea formally surrendered his crown to the Emperor of Japan. But at no time since the “conquest” has the average Korean wholeheart edly accepted Japanese tyranny. There have been a long list of “in cidents” suggesting the smoldering resistance of the people. Perhaps their hour is soon to strike. If so, their friends in America will rejoice to aid them in their endeavor to achieve their liberty. Help for the Greeks The people of Greece have a legiti mate claim on the friendship of America. Ties of blood exist between the two communities. It also hap pens that the present tragic plight of the Hellenes traces back to the valiant part they played in the struggle against the Axis powers in the critical period before the United States formally Joined the fight. Had the heroic Evzones not resisted the Italians and the Germans then it is possible that the cause of free dom might have been irretrievably lost in Eastern Europe now. Remem bering the history of Greek effort to halt the aggressors, every individual who hopes for the salvation of civil ization must be grateful to the sol diers of Attica and Sparta who de feated Mussolini and waged such a brave fight against Hitler’s armies. Americans encouraged Greece to defy the enemies of human liberty. Help was pledged by both the United States and Great Britain. How fully it was given is a matter not alto gether clear. But there can be no question about the obligation which the United Nations owe to their Greek allies past, present and future. For that reason Prime Minister Churchill has approved a proposal to send food into Greece through the Turkish Red Crescent, a branch of the International Red Cross. To what extent American sympathizers will be permitted to assist in this relief enterprise has not yet been disclosed. Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles, however, is profoundly in terested in the problem. The Nazi conquerors, he has explained, have despoiled Greece of all available food supplies, thus creating a famine which is costing hundreds of lives a day. An Associated Press dispatch from Bern, Switzerland, January 28, confirms his declaration that condi tions among the Greeks of all classes are "utterly appalling.” “People * • • are like skeletons. • • • Bread is selling at fifteen dollars a loaf.” Of course, it is useless to suggest that relief should be provided indis criminately. Such procedure would serve no purpose but that of fur nishing the Axis authorities with an excuse for further expropriation. Yet a practical method certainly could be devised for aiding the starving Greeks without too greatly advantaging their German and Ital ian oppressors. Similar policies have been worked out on other occasions. The "epidemic of hunger” in Greece is so compelling a reality as to prompt immediate consideration of what is feasible to do and how best to do it promptly. Raid Precaution As an Illustration of how the war will affect us more and more as time goes on, one may consider the advice of the New York State Restaurant Association on how to act during air raids or alarms so as to minimize the casualties. Of course, if Messrs. Hitler and Hirohito happen to make a direct hit, there is little that could be done, but that possibility is con sidered remote. Far more likely is the chance that a test air-raid di rector might sound off a few sirens and put out the lights, thereby cre ating panic and opportunity on the premises. Especially opportunity. When the tumult and the shouting die, and the lights go on, it seems to be feared that among the restaurant casualties will be scores of unpaid and abandoned dinner checks, whose sponsors will be out roaming Broad way, reflecting that possibly Sherman was a trifle hasty in expressing his opinion of war. The association does not elaborate so freely—but can any one suggest an alternative interpretation of these actual words from its bulletin— “When an air-raid alarm occurs, service might be discreetly arranged on a pay-as-you-enter basis"? Of Stars, Men And Atoms Notebook of Science Progress In Laboratory, Field And Study By Thomas R. Henry. Can Brazil’s Jungles grow rubber for North America’s tires? After nearly 15 years of experimenta tion-some of it costly—the plantations of the Ford Motor Co. along the Topajoz River, third tributary of the Amazon, are giving an affirmative answer. The extensive plantings at Fordlandia and Belterra, which cover nearly 20,000 acres and Include more than a million hevea rubber trees, now are producing a high grade of rubber on a commercial scale. From the beginning in 1928 spe cialists of the United States Department of Agriculture have watched the experi ment and seen one difficulty after another overcome. American towns have arisen along the Topajoz. Plantations comparable in every way with those of the British and Dutch in Malaya have been established. The Ford experiments have telescoped years of patient experimentation which other wise would have been necessary for gov ernment agencies. Since the start of the present rubber shortage citizens of the United States have been asking how their Government allowed a condition to develop when a major crop, native to th» Western Hem isphere, should have been cornered al most completely by the Far East. The Ford experiment gives the prac tical answer. In 1927 the Companhla Ford Industrial obtained rights to 2,500,000 acres along the Topajoz. The next year was established the thriving settlement of Fordlandia, about 150 miles from the point where this river empties Into the Amazon. It was the native land of hevea rubber. From very close to the site of Fordlandla the first hevea seeds had been taken to England. The Ford agents planted with native stock and the result was dis astrous. The difficulty in producing rubber In the Western Hemisphere has been, from the beginning, the leaf blight disease. The hevea rubber tree Is a native of Brazil and eastern Peru. In the Jungle It grows wild—three or four trees per acre. The wild tree is a poor producer and harvesting costs are heavy. But with such a thin population the blight, a fungus disease, spreads slowly and In an attenuated form. Wild rubber trees through countless centuries have learned to live with it. When the hevea trees are planted in plantations, about 1,000 to the acre, the disease spreads like a forest Ore. It in creases in virulence from tree to tree. The total Investment In a plantation will be lost in a few months. Back in 1876 an English botanist named Wickham gathered 70,000 hevea seeds from a region about 200 miles up the Tapajoz River, in Brazil. He knew nothing about the leaf blight. He carried them to the celebrated Kew Gardens In London. From them has come the Brit ish and Dutch Malayan rubber crop. There were no germs of the disease in the Far East. The seedlings were bred for yield and for resistance to new diseases never heard of in Brazil. At first it was not a particularly profitable Investment. Rubber had a limited use in footwear, garden and fire hose, etc. The Malayan plantations were small. About the beginning of the 20th cen tury there came a use of rubber hitherto undreamed of, the automobile tire. At first It was quite limited, but the world's rubber supply was overtaxed. Tires cost $50 each. They were of unbelievably poor quality, the inner tube had not been invented. It became a common practice to fill tires with molasses in stead of air. Otherwise there was a puncture every few miles. The price of rubber sky-rocketed. About 1910 Brazilian rubber reached the record price of $3 a pound. A frenzy of speculation set In the world over. Ameri can schoolteachers and spinsters were swindled out of their last dollars, in vested in rubber plantations in Brazil, Central America, the Congo region, Dutch East Africa. The hevea tree simply was not suit able for plantations—in Brazil. It was, at the time, the poorest of all known rubber sources, even with the breeding experiments already started by the Brit ish and Dutch. Through Central America there were extensive plantings of the native castilla rubber tree. In Malaya thousands of acres were planted with ficus elastica, the “rubber plant” of Vic torian era parlors. Africans planted their native rubber vine. The yield was very small—less than a pound per tree per year. When such trees were tapped at the right season “rub ber Juice” would stream out, but the stream was short-lived. The automobile, which depended on rubber tires to be come popular, seemed due to be a colossal failure. Denies That American People Rejected “Vision” of League of Nations. To tha Editor of The Star: "Woodrow Wilson’s majestic vision • • • was rejected by the American people In the afterlight.” So goes an editorial in the February 7 Saturday Evening Post. Untrue! That vision never has been re jected by the American "people, but only by less than half their representatives. Our thoughts about the League and Union Now hav# been needlessly confused by fears of “entangling alliances.” Ac tually, there is “no entangling alliance in a concert of power,” as Wilson wrote. And, in case we cannot realize that point, just look at .what actually has happened: We have been forced into an alliance because three anti-democratic powers made and acted upon an Infamous treaty aimed against our very life as a nation. Could anything worse have hap pened to us if we had joined the League? Again, the Post warns us against act ing upon our "feelings”: “The impulse is again upon us.” Well, we Americans, who cotlld find no impulse sufficiently, strong to get ourselves into action till Pearl Harbor, ought to know now that the right impulse is half *>f any victory. No doubt there are many journals other than the Saturday Evening Post which were isolationist over many years and which now aim their guns at any sort of union Now among the nations. All of which shows that union certainly will never come automatically, but only as an act of will—a stupendous act of will on the part of the people. BOLLING SOMERVILLE. A THIS AND THAT By Cttarles E. TraceweU. “14th STREET. "Dear Sir1 "Your This and That column In a re cent Issue of The Star arrested my atten tion, especially in noting a very clear and expressive description of feeding habits which you termed those of a goldfinch, as the description of the bird seemed suited. “This part of the description, Very quick in movement and sprightly, hang ing and feeding head down on the house vines,’ fits habits more particularly the vireo. “I do not know what species of vireo may be found here, nor, for that matter, what goldfinches, but the Arkansas and American goldfinches of the West do not behave in that manner, but it is a definite characteristic of vireo behavior. "Sincerely yours, J. O. P.” * * * * No vireo winters here. The red-eyed vireo is an abundant summer resident. It is ber* from late April to early November. The Philadelphia vireo is classed as a rare migrant, to be seen, if at all, from the first week in May to the first in October. The warbling vireo is a rare summer resident, here between the latter part of April and the first half of September. The yellow-throated vireo is a common summer resident, not seen as often as the red-eyed. The solitary vireo is classed as a reg ular migrant, seen from April 6 to Oc tober 20. The white-eyed vireo is common enough in the underbrush along the Potomac. It is the first to arrive, usually before April 15, and may remain almost up to November. So it may be seen that we have half a dozen vireos hereabouts, none of which is here in the winter, to be mistaken for a goldfinch in its winter garb. The goldfinch is, after all, unmistakable. The American goldfinch, our local one, Is a common permanent resident, with a coat for each of the main seasons, sum mer and winter. As far as we know, it is the only sort of goldfinch hereabouts. The European goldfinch was introduced Into the United States at several times, ranging from 1872 to 1886, but it is scarcely likely that there are any of them left. The Arkansas goldfinch is slightly smaller than the American goldfinch, so widely called the wild canary. It—the Arkansas form—has three stages of development, and at one time was given a different name under each stage, until it was discovered that It was all the same bird. A variant form called the green-backed goldfinch is found in the great Southwest. The Arkansas goldfinch is sometimes called the tarweed canary and the Ar kansas greenback. * * * * The American goldfinch, the common one, is larger in the Pacific Coast and so has been called the willow goldfinch, but it is the same old bird. In the Rockies, it is paler and hence is called the pale goldfinch, but again it is the same species. It is interesting to study the same bird in various parts of the country and try to figure out what makes it slightly different. This may account for the different habits, too. There is every likelihood that a species might not act exactly the same in different sections of the country. * * * * We have never seen a goldfinch at a feeding station. This will not mean that some one else has not seen one in a trough of grain or mixed seeds. But in our yard no goldfinch has ever come within a dozen feet of a feeding box, no matter what foods were therein. We believe that if it were stocked ex clusively with the very weed seeds these birds like, they would not come. They much prefer to take their food directly from nature. When there is no snow, they feed from weeds. If snow covers these, they like to eat at the alders. If they cannot find these, they will seek the seeds of the spruce and hemlock. Al together, they are resourceful little birds. * a a * Dandelions and trumpet flowers will attract goldfinches. The only times when we have had gold finches In the yard were in early spring and late fall. There was one exception. The birds were after the trumpet vine pods In January. This vine is a good one to put on trees. The flowers are great hummingbird at tractors, being of the color and shape preferred by the tiny ruby-throated hum mingbird, the only one that comes to this locality. The trumpet vine once was a great favorite, but In recent years Its popularity has somewhat declined. It Is a fine grower, but not what you would call rampant. It lives year after year, too, another good point. A plant which can attract both hum mingbirds and goldfinches Is well worth having In any yard. Gardeners should use the trumpet vine more. Letters to the Editor Calls for Economies In Preparation for Battle. To the Editor of The SUr: Our national administration has been creating so many new governmental agencies during the past nine years that it actually is handicapped by them in its war effort. They clutter up the Federal District and in an effort to find office space and living quarters for war workers, the Government is scattering various Government agencies all over the country. Why not abolish a lot of unessential, parasitic agencies? That would not only make room for the war machine, but would also save expenses to the taxpayer. The latter is also desirable. The Gov ernment is trying to do too many things for the individual which the latter should be doing for himself. For Instance, there never was any Justification for the Gov ernment's spending millions of the tax payers’ money for “rural electrification.” During the entire life of the R. E. A, neither the Government nor the farmers, as a group, were able to afford such lux uries. Plenty of other Government ac tivities could be abolished or curtailed. In the early years of the New Deal, when the responsible citizens of the coun try became alarmed at the mushroom growth of new governmental agencies, we were told that the latter were but tem porary organizations, created only "for the emergency,” and that they would be abolished In time. By the end of the Hoover administration the number of Federal employes In the District of Co lumbia had been reduced from a wartime peak of about 120,000 to about 57,000. And Mr. Roosevelt, who was not yet President, thought the latter figure was too high. But since he became President the number of Federal employes In Wash ington has grown to four times what It was In 1932, and as we are entering the new war, It is already about twice what it was at its peak during the last war. It would seem that the time has come to do some paring down. When a battle ship prepares to go into battle, It “strips for action,” all unessential structures and equipment being removed. The entire Nation now must do the same, and the Government should set the example. EDW. WOLESENSKY. Replies to Senator's Char** That People Were at Fault. To the Editor of Tfct Otar: In The Star for February 4 I find a report headed: "All American People to Blame for Hawaii Attack. Barkley Says." That Is a ridiculous statement, and It Is most surprising that any American would make such a statement. The terrible destruction of our ships at Pearl Harbor Is graphically Illustrated by the photographs In The Star for February 3, and nobody could have been responsible for such disaster save those who should have been at the spot, but who evidently were not on the Job. They knew the strained conditions which had existed between this country and Japan for some time. It was their business to have ship and plane patrols circulating about that greatest naval base In the world. H. B. BRADFORD. Condemns Dogma of Scarcity As Source of Prosperity. To the Editor of Th« Star: Members of Congress are to be con gratulated for their wisdom in provid ing generous pensions for themselves. It seems that these congressmen are afraid to compete In the economic world that they have created and perpetuated —a world where the right to work and produce has degenerated to a tooth-and claw battle between man and man to get a Job and hold it. Maybe these members of Congress are becoming aware of the age limits on employment The gospel of scarcity I How long must ws plow under cotton, bury pork, bum Letters to the Editor must bear the name and address of the writer, although the use of a pseudonym for publication is permissible. The Star reserves the right to edit all letters with a view to condensation. sugar cane, refuse productive employ ment to millions? Our unemployed in this past decade could have given us invincible armament. Even today, with our inadequately armed forces facing death in far parts of the world, employ ment offices are choked with job-seekers; older persons are denied the right to participate in production; courts still send hordes of hungry vagrants to jail, and the theory that scarcity creates prosperity still thrives unchecked. Wake up, members of Congress, make this truly a land of opportunity and you will not have to pursue your purpose of providing for yourselves while millions of your fellow citizens face poverty and despair. HARRY G. HECKER. Sacramento, Calif. Tells of Patriotic Tipping In Aid of National Defense. To the Editor of The 8tar: It would seem that any new angle, plan or procedure to help increase the sale of Defense stamps would be welcomed. The writer has tried out what he thinks is a new idea. He has purchased a num ber of Defense savings stamps and in at tempting to be generous with those with whom he comes in contact, who have ex tended him service, especially in the various eating places in Washington, instead of leaving the conventional cash tips, has substituted Defense savings stamps. This form of tipping is most acceptable. It gives a recipient a feeling that he or she, too, is contributing to this na tional cause. E. L. BENNETT. Replies to Congressional Critic Of Government Employes, ro the Editor of The Star: I have read with a great deal of inter est and amusement the statements made by the esteemed Representative from Indiana. Does the gentleman actually feel that he is justified in his remarks, or is he merely trying to put himself in the spot light during his first term in Congress? The Representative states that in some Instances 100 people are doing work which easily could be done by six persons. If such a situation exists, it seems to me that it could be remedied if civil service ‘refused to create new positions without first thoroughly investigating the neces sity for them. There are far too many persons being assigned to Government Jobs for which they are not trained and for which they have taken no examina tions. Too many people also are being sent to departments where there is no actual need for their services. As to the proposed curfew, that seems an echo from Nazi Germany. If girls who work for the Government are not per mitted to have any amusement or relaxa tion after office hours, If the manner of spending their leisure hours is to be de termined by a dictatorial Government, then the war we are fighting has no meaning. Even the suggestion of a cur few for Government girls violates the principles of freedom and democracy. It is my belief—from my own personal knowledge and observation—that the average girl who works for the Govern ment does not go out every night in the week nor does she come to work minus breakfast and make-up. I think the Representative from In diana could find more important things to do during this time of emergency than attempting to curtail the few hours of liberty which fall to the lot of Govern ment clerks. MART F. PAGE. Haskin's Answers To Questions By Frederic J. Hasten. A reader can get the answer to any Question of fact by writing The Eve ning Star Information Bureau, Fred eric J. Haskin, director, Washington, D. C. Please inclose stamp for reply. Q. How much electricity will be saved by going on daylight saving?—M. V. A. The Federal Power Commission es timates there will be a saving of 736, 282,000 kilowatt hour* of electricity an nually. Q. Why are the Australians called "diggers”?—M. E. A. The nickname derives from the early days of gold digging In that coun try. Q. Where was Sally Benson, author of "Junior Miss," bom?—M. V. L. A. She was bom in 8t. Louis, Mo., but has lived In New York since childhood. Q. What does the "U” stand for In U Maung Saw, the name of the Premier of Burma?—C. S. S. A. The U, in Burmese, means “elder* and Is employed in the sense of "mister.* • 111 ■ How to Cook Poultry—The rules of modem poultry cooking are few and easy to follow. They hold for birds of all ages and kinds from the spring chicken to the old hen sent to market when she ceases to pay her way in eggs. This publi cation has 30 beautiful halftone illustrations, numerous recipes and suggestions for carving. To secure your copy of this booklet inclose 10 cents in coin, wrapped in this clip ping, and mail to The Star Infor mation Bureau. Name Address Q. Does cold weather affect the run* nlng of a clock?—H. M. A. The National Bureau of Standards says that temperature affects clocks un less they are specially compensated for temperature changes. Most clocks tend to gain in cold weather and to lose in hot weather. Q. What is the name of the tree that has hundreds of roots?—O. A. D. A. The banyan tree, which belongs to the mulberry family, is notable for its aerial roots. They grow from the branches and on reaching the soil thicken and form supporting pillars. Q. Can the flesh of the porcupine be used for food?—M. L. B. A. The flesh of the porcupine is edible and considered quite a delicacy by the Indians. Q. What is the neutral comer in box ing?— B. M. A. A neutral comer is the comer which is not being used by any of the con testants between rounds for their rest periods. Q. Are there any birds besides ostriches that cannot fly?—W. S. B. A. The kiwis of New Zealand, the cassowaries of Australia, the emus of Australia and penguins are unable to fly. Q. Have any pieces ever been written for the violin alone, without accompani ment?—R. F. A. There is a considerable repertoire of such music, the best-known piece be ing the famous “Chaconne,” by Bach. Q. Is school attendance compulsory in all States?—M. E. L. A. Since 1918 compulsory school at tendance laws have existed in all the States. Q. Where was Simon Newcomb, the great astronomer, bom?—C. L. O. A. Newcomb was bom at Wallace Bridge, Nova Scotia, on March 12, 1835. His ancestors, of New England extrac tion, were among the early settlers in Nova Scotia. He worked his way to Salem, Mass., and thence to Maryland, where he privately studied mathematics. Q. Can you name the three Indian women who acted as guides or interpre ters during certain exploring expedi tions?—M. L. A. Sacagawea, who was known as the “bird woman” accompanied Lewis and Clark in 1804 and 1805. The “Lady of Cofitachequi” went with De Soto's army from the neighborhood of Augusta, Ga, to the Little Tennessee in 1540. Dona Marina accompanied Cortez in his con quest of Mexico. Q. Why Is a cat so often referred to as pussy?—L. S. F. A. Its origin is unknown, although the word is present in many Teutonic lan guages. It was applied also, in the 17th century and since, to hares. Q. What is the origin of the name of bridge?—B. M. A. In the original bridge whist, the dealer could name trump or could ‘‘bridge" this prerogative over to his partner, and it is from this that the name derives. Q. How tall was Maginot?—N. K. A. A. Maginot was 6 ft. 6 in. tall. Q. What percentage of the inhabi tants of Martinique consists of Negroes? —E. B. A. A. Negroes comprise 99 per cent of the population. Q. Who developed cubism in art?— A. K. B. A. This form was evolved by Picasso in collaboration with Braque. Q. How far is it from Niagara Palls to the home of the Dionne quintuplets? —R. D. H. A. The distance from Niagara Fall* to Callander, Ontario, the home of the quintuplets, is approximately 310 miles. * Q. What is the most popular shade of automobile?—T. F. C. A. Black is the most popular color. Q. How long has the Homes take mine in South Dakota been operating?—O. H. A. A. It has been producing almost con tinuously since 1876. Q. In which State are the most wild flowers found?—F. L. A. A. Texas claims to have more varletlea of wild flowers than any other State, the number exceeding 1,400. Q. What is Mickey Rooney’s real name?—S. X. A. The actor's real name is Joe Yule, Jr. a