OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 19, 1942, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1942-04-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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Weather Forecast
He'her rooi tn*l*r modem'* to fr**h
wlnrt». T*mperaf'ir*« yeaterdav Hisf
*et an »i s 4) P m k>w**t: 4P at in pm
From th* On':'*i) *•». w*«(h»f r»P"r’
Fu:> ne'dil* on r»*» * •*
The Evening and Sunday Star Is
delivered in the city and suburbs at
75e per month. The Nisht Final
Friition and Sunday Morning Star at
R5c per month.
No. 1.5.34—No. 35,782.
WASHINGTON, 1). ( .. APRIL 10. 1042-126 PAGES. *
Mean* T1 \ < K \ TS.
\«*orftatr(1 frfw * * * ' ‘ ‘
Daring Attack Blasts 4 Jap Cities;
Chinese Retire to New Burma Line;
U. S. Troops Will Aid Commandos
A. .__ A --
Fires Started by
U. S. Planes,
Tokio Reports
• • ‘h* AMKWiftUMJ PrMi.
Japan announced yesterday
that her capital, her two great
est ports and the renter of her
warplane production had been
bombed by planes carrying the
bright red. white and blue in
signia of the United Stales Air
Forre and that most of her home
Islands had spout hours under
raid alarm
The blow fell on the heart of the
emptie Bombs dropped on Tokio
Yokohama. Nagoya and Kobe, the
high command said, and raid alarms
were In force over all Hokkaido all
Bhlkoku and mast of Honshu, the
main Island, covering a span of
more than 1,000 miles.
Thus Japan, by her own account
experienced for the first time in
her history the destruction and ter
ror of air assault which she has
visited on scores of cities, from
Manchuria to Australia and India
these last 10 years.
The raid appears to have been the
most daring of the war
Delay in Full Storv.
The full story, with disclosure of
tire bases from which the attack
uas launched may not come for a
day or two, or longer. If the planes
Planes Made Attack
From U. S. Carriers,
Tokio Paper Says
TOKIO iFrom Japanese
Broadcasts! Sunday. April 19.—
The Tokio newspaper Yomiurl
Intimated to its readers today
that the planes which bombed
Tokio and other Japanese cit
ies came from United States air
craft carriers, asserting Jaffan
must be prepared for more
raids "as long as lire United
States possesses aircraft car
The paper said further: "Now
that the United States has
attacked Japanese territory for
the first time, the Japanese
nation must resolve anew to
smash completely Britain and
the United States Other
newspapers commented In the
same vein
Miyako sat,d. “We have no
cause to fear enemy air raids
in the future because our de
fence preparations arp com
were American, as Tokio declares
Washington may be expected to
follow its policy of withholding its
account until the planes have re
turned to their bases.
The attack came less than 24
hours after Secretary of War Stim
son in Washington said the Ameri
can Army was "gettinc pretty near
to the stage of being ready for an
offensive "
Tokio could not say whence the
raiders came Chungking said they
did not come from China
But the official report that Tokio
was attacked first half an hour
after noon, and Kobe 376 miles to
the west, two hours later suggests
an east-to-west sweep
Such an operation could ha\c been
carried out by a natal task force
built around one or more aircraft
carriers approaching Japan from
the northeast, where the heavy
April fogs might hide their ap
proach Long-range bombers from
the Aleutians, about 2.500 miles
from Tokio. might conceivably have
co - operated with carrier - borne
craft Flights from hidden bases
• See JAPAN. Page A-5 t
New Rating by Japs
Puts U. S. Soldiers
Ahead of Chinese
Associated Press
BERI.IN Prom German
Broadcasts. April IS The
Tokio newspaper Nichi Nichi
corrected the Japanese press
today on a recen; statement
that of all Japans foes the
Chinese soldiers are the tough
The Americans now head
Nichi Nichi* list.
Earlier the Chinese had been
ranged ahead of the Russians
(whom the Japanese fought on
the Korean border in 1938 and
on the Manchukuo border m
1939 British Americans Aus
tralians and Indians
Nichi Nichi said that the
weak showing made by the
British and Americans in the
Fast Asia w ar was the result
of the tact that an essential
part of their forces consisted
of native troops *>vo fought un
In more recent fighting be
tween Japanese and United
States troops Nich. Nichi said
the Americans proved to be
considerably tougher than the
Chinese when fighting under
comparable condition*
Time tor Action in War Is Near,
Gen. Marshall, in Ulster, Says
American Air Forces to Be Established in
Bases All Over British Isles, He Asserts
P* ?h* Pies*
April 18 Declaring the time for action Is near." Gen. George C.
Marshall, chief of staff of the United States Army, said today that
American troops "inevitably will join the Commandos." the British
i shock force which has been raiding the German-held continent
Further forecasting offensive ac
tion. Gen Marshall told a press
conference Dial United Slates air
forces will he established in bases
"all over the British Isles ’
Here for a flung Inspection of the
United States contingents already in
Ulster. Gen Marshall said he had
conferred at length In London with
Lord Louis Mountbatten. chief of
the British Commandos, as well as
with Prime Minister Churchill and
other British 'rvice chiefs
He (minted i>ut, that the United
Stales Army has long trained an
entire arrm corps in land co-opera
tion such as the recent British dash
to St. Naz.atre Nazi submarine base
on tIre occupied Brittany coast, and
against other important Nazi coastal
installations In both France and
Gen Marshall (lew here yesterday
with two of President Roosevelt s
closest advisers Harn Hopkins and
\V Avercll Harrlman. alter 10 da's
nf the most Intimate and satisfac
toidiscussions with the British
He made a speedy inspect ion tour
and review of the bulk of the United
States troops here, and then told
officers these men are but the first
of a "stead' flow "
Tlie first United States troops of
this war arrived in Ulster in mid
Januan a second contingent fol
lowed in about a month
Gen Marshall told the unit com
manders he was ‘‘very much im
pressed with the apparent state of
discipline and the evidence of stren
uous training’’ of the American
Speaking to the same assembly of
officers. Mr. Hopkins said production
'See MARSHALL. Page A-4 >
Great Nazi War Plants
Are Fired by R. A. F.
In Wide Sweep
Railways in France and
Other Targets Blasted
In Unceasing Offensive
Bw ih* An>ociat*d Press.
LONDON, April 18. — Thick
formations of R. A. F. bombers
and fighters skimmed the chan
nel waves today to carry on the
unceasing offensive against Hit
ler-held Europe In which, by day
and night in the last 24 hours,
huge and lethal warplanes have
left great Nazi warplants aflame
deep in the German homeland.
In daylight todav. Hurricane
bombers sped across the Kent coast
at sea level and disappeared in the
haze toward Boulogne. Later. Spit
fires. flying almost wing to wing and
barely 50 feet above the spray, re
turned from a daylight raid, swoop
ing up the roast to avoid the white
cliffs along the channel
The Air Ministry said tlie raiders
encountered no opposition at all
from German fighter planes, and
that all the R A F planes returned
safely after attacking railway and
other objectives in Northern France.
The German radio reported that
33 British planes were shot down
over Germany and occupied terri
tory in the last 24 hours
Weather Reduce* Scale.
Squally weather reduced the scale
of attacks which left extensive
damage yesterday at Augsburg and
Nazi raiders again approached
some southeast British towns where
daylight alerts were sounded but
thev were turned away in dogfights
high above the channel
In this atmosphere of offensive
activity, newspapers jubilantly fea
tured the United States bombing
attacks on Tokio and other Japanese
cities and on Rangoon.
These far-flung auguries that the
United States and Britain were
grasping for the initiative in all
the worlds battlefields prompted
military experts to declare that the
Allies now were hurling 3.000 first
line warplanes against the Axis
exerv da'.
The RAF s extensive sweeps
of yesterda' and today were aimed
a; cutting off German submarine
reinforcements for the battle of the
A'lantu The bombers unloaded
their destruction on the U-boat ba-e
See RAIDS Page A-4
Laval Forms Cabinet,
Yields to Petain as
Keeps Three Posts for
Himself; Only Five
Men Are Holdovers
Ly ’h* A?'Ofi»ted Press.
VICHY, Unoccupied France,
April 18.—Pierre Laval. France's
No. 1 campaigner for all-out col
laboration with Germany, re
organized the French govern
ment on h pro-Axis basis today,
but agreed to submit to the final
authority of Marshal Petain. still
chief of state.
Laval won the marshal s approval,
necessary under the constitution, of
a 21-man government. 13 of whom
have been active supporters of his
pro-German policy for France. He
split the civil and military divisions
of government, abolished the na
tional defense ministry and kept
three important posts for himself
foreign affairs, interior and in
The aged marshal, by special de
cree. delegated to Laval the power
to control France's domestic and
foreign policies, but simultaneously
p aced his heir apparent and for
mer vice premier. Admiral Jean
Darlan, in complete command of all
land, sea and air forces, responsible
only to the chief of state
Pet am is expected to broadcast a
message to the nation, probably to
morrow, in explanation of the gov
ernmental reorganization. The cab
inet. which was officially presented
to the marshal today in conform
ance with French political tradition,
will hold its first official meeting
Five \re Holdovers.
Laval’s new government included
f> ministers. 14 secretaries of state
anti 2 miscellaneous officials Only
fi\e of the new members partici
pated in the previous cabinet of
Admiral Darlan,
Petain won a significant point by
retaining two of his most influential
friends as ministers Lucien Romier.
his minister of state without port
folio. and Joseph Barthelemy, min
ister of justice.
Laval compromised by accepting
the marshal's condition that he sub
mit the ministerial list to the chief
of the sta'e "to whom he will be re
sponsible and to whom he will give
I See FRENCH Page A-8
Fire Sweeps Normandie Again,
Structure Escapes Damage
Three Fireboats Called to 3-Alarm Blaze;
Water Sprayed Through Hole Cut in Liner
R* 'ht A*.*r-e'*
NEW YORK. Sunday April 19
Fire that started in supplies
salvagers were removing raged
through a lower hold of the for
mer French liner Normandie last
nigh: but did no damage to the
vessel's structure it was said at
12 25 a m today nearly three
hours after the blare was brought
under control
Tire 83 000-ton vessel had lain on
her port side half submerged since
flames caused her to capsire Feb
ruary 9
It Comdr. William A. Sullivan
said m a ratement
•'The ftres started In decomposed
stores which the salvage people
vveie attempting to remove No
damage to ship s structure Great
difficult! in fighting fire due to the
fact that all entrances to compart
ment in which fire was were located
under water It was necessary to
cut avvav covers which had been
welded over in order to get water
to the fire"
Blare Started hv Spark.
A message received by teletype at
police headquarters from the West
54th street station said the blaze
was started by a apart from a weld
er s torch, landing on cork insula
A spark from a similar torch was
said to have started the previous
Heavy Pressure
Forces Withdraw
On Sit-tang Front
'hr .Rted Pr**-*
main Chinese forces on the Sit
tang front in Central Burma
have withdrawn to a new line
after many days of a powerful
offensive by overwhelming Jap
! anese forces, the Chinese com
mand announced tonight
The fighting on the eastern wing
of the Burma front continued fierce
ly with the Chinese forces under
the command of United States I t
CVen .Joseph W. St dwell executing
a difficult delaying action although
outflanked and outnumbered
The Chinese command said heavy
casualties had been inflicted on the
Japanese as the Chinese withdrew
to their prepared positions’ to the
rear in the fare of great pressure.
British Destroy Wells.
On the western flank of the Burma
line, the British troops also were
engaged in a rear-guard action as
they continued to destroy the Irra
waddy Valley oil wells despite the
infiltration tactics of the Japanese
seeking to save the wells.
The Chinese forces were out
flanked from both sides, the Chinese
communique said
The communique:
"On the Sittang front fighting
continued without abatement. The
united Chinese expeditionary force,
although flanked on both sides by
advancing enemy columns, is fight
ing a delaying action in the most,
difficult circumstances against a foe
vastly superior in numbers. They are
not only delaying the enemy's ad
vance. but have succeeded in in
flicting heavy casualties on the
enemy. Meanwhile, our forces have
established themselves in previously
prepared new positions.”
Rangoon Is Pounded
By American Bombers
Fy th« Associated Press.
NEW DELHI. April 18.—Big United
Stares bombers pounded at Ran
goon, chief Japanese supply base in
Burma, while battle-worn British
troops stubbornly fought the in
vaders in the burned-out Yenang
yuang oil fields. 140 miles southwest
of Mandalay, it was disclosed here
The heavy assault on Rangoon
was delivered Thursday by fortress
type planes, based in next-door In
dia under the command of Maj. Gen
Lewis H Brereton. whose United
States pilots already have set fire
to Jananrse troopships and a cruiser
in the Bav of Bengal.
Second Blow at Port.
Tt w as Gen. Brereton s second
blow at the great Burmese port,
which the Japanese overran early
in the battle for Burma Docks and
harbor installations were heavily
bombed and the attackers escaped
Military experts expressed the be
lief that a continuance of such raids
on Rangoon and the long roads
leading north along the Sittang and
Irrawaddy Rivers would do much to
relieve the constantly mounting as
saults on the Allied fronts.
The British applied the torch to
the Yenangyaung oil fields just be
fore Infiltrating Japanese attempten
to save the wells by barricading
highways behind the fighting lines.
British armored cars and tanks cur
their way through and completed
the demolition.
Two smaller oil fields are 50 to
60 miles north of Yenangyuang.
O'Hare Leaves Phoenix
By Plane for Capital
B? hi- Associated Press.
PHOENIX. Ariz.. April 18—Lt
Edward H O'Hare. Navy hero of
aerial warfare in the Orient, left
Phoenix hy commercial airliner to
day in response so orders to report
to Washington immediately.
Mrs O'Hare, who became his bride
hne seven months ago. accompanied
him They are due in Washington
early tomorrow
Lt O'Hare, who became an ace by
shooting down six Japanese planes
in one afternoon off the Gilbert
Islands, previously had been ordered
to report in the Capital April 24
He was uncommunicative about the
new order, but friends gamed the
impression he had been invited to
be the guest of President Roosevelt
a’ the White House
Lt O'Hare arrived in Phoenix
Thursday from San Francisco
Thailand to Transfer
Sect of Government
Rv ’ hf A> oc :d>c Pr*>.«
TOKIO i From Japanese Broad
casts! April 18—A radio announce
ment tomght said Thailand, occu
pied by Japanese troops, has de
cided to transfer its seat of gov
ernment from Bangkok to another
city which has not vet been selected
Bangkok wall be developed as a
commercial and industrial center
■ the announcement said.
More Scrap Iron for the Japanese.
Mexico Offers fo Pay
24 Million fo U. 5. for
Expropriated Lands
Presidents Exchange
Acceptance Messages;
Oil Firms Yet to Act
Official recommendation for
settling the four-year-old contro
versy over Mexican expropriation
of American-owned oil properties
through the payment by Mexico
of $23,995,991 over a five-year
period was announced by the
State Department last night
Accepted by the two governments
as a satisfactory basis for settle
ment of what has been one of the
most troublesome questions in their
"good neighbor" relations, the rec
ommendation by a joint United
States-Mexican Commission is not
binding on the oil companies in
volved There was no immediate
word here as to the companies' at
The joint commission, composed
of Morris L Cook and Manuel J.
Zebada was set up last November
to determine the compensation due
the American oil companies which
had failed to agree directly with
Mexico on the value of their prop
erties taken over by the Mexican
government on March 18, 1938.
Agree on A'aluation.
Evaluating the properties at $23.
995.991. the two experts recom
mended that Mexico pay this
amount to the United States Gov
ernment on behalt of the oil com
panies. with one-third being paid
on July 1, 1942. and the balance in
five equal annual installments
The total amount of compensa
tion agreed on was allocated as
follows: Standard Oil of New Jer
sey group, $18.391.641: Standard Oil
of California group. $3 589 158: Con
solidated Oil Co. group. $630,151;
Sabalo group. $897,671, and Sea
board group, $487,370.
Sinclair oil interests, which set
tled their claim in 1940 by a direct
agreement with the Mexican gov
ernment for S8 500,000. were no! in
volved in this proposed settlement
President Avila Camacho of Mex
ico, in an exchange of telegrams
with President Roosevelt, hailed the
Cook-Zebada agreement as carry
ing with it "a definite settlement
of the so-called petroleum question
In reply. Mr. Roosevelt declared
that "Mexico and the United Stales
once again have given a demonstra
tion to the world that the most
difficult international problems can
be satisfactorily solved when ap
proached with good will and in a
spirit of fair play.’’
Sends Friendly Answer.
President Avila Camacho said the
"spirit of conciliation shown by the
agreement should be considered a
confirmation of his government's
attitude "in its desire to grant ample
guarantees to the participation of
private capital" in development of
Mexican resource.
With the nl question "happily
settled " he added, the path remains
open for "redoubling our effort ' in
the common struggle for the "tri
umph of democracy and the defense
of continental solidarity '
Mr Roosevelt expressed "the very
deep appreciation of my country for
the active and constructive collab
oration and assistance of Mexico on
the cause of freedom and democ
The agreement of the two gov
ernments on value of the expropri
ated oil properties represents a com
promise favorable to Mexico be
tween claims of the oil companies
that thev were worth $150 000.000
to $200,000,000 and previous Mexican
contentions that thev were worth no
more than $10.000 000 to $20.000 000
Whether accepted immediately bv
the oil concerns involved, the offi
cial agreement removes the last
sore spot" in relations between the
two governments.
Radio Programs Page E-4
Complete Index Page A-2
Stolen Ring Revealed
In Maid's Stomach
By Fluoroscope
Called to the home of Mrs
Karl Riemer. 3340 University
avenue N.W. to investigate the
reported theft of a valuable
ring Precinct Detective Charles
T. Williams arrested a depart
ing servant.
En route to a precinct station,
the maid swallowed audibly
It gave the detective an idea
and he changed course for
Freedman's Hospital.
There the suspect was placed
before a fluoroscope screen. At
once, police said, the outline of
a ring was visible in the stom
The woman was being held at
the Woman's Bureau last night
without charge.
Two Youths Killed
When Train Hits
Auto at Berwyn
Wreckage Carried Mile
From Crash Scene
By Locomotive
(Pictures on Page A-2.)
Two Berwyn <Md i youths were
killed instantly late yesterday
when a truck in which they were
riding was struck bv a B. & O.
express train at the Berwyn
The boys, identified as William
Forrester. 16. and Paul David Sny
deman. 12. were the sole occupants of
the truck, parts of which were car
ried over a mile to College Park by
the engine of the Capitol Limited.
They had stopped to make some
purchases at the Kfefauver grocery
store, the proprietor said, and were
on their way home when the acci
dent haopened.
It is believed by police that For
rester. who was driving the truck,
stopped at the crossing while a
train was passing, and then pro
ceeded eastward across the track
apparently not seeing the second
rain, headed south, that hit the
According to Mis. R B Miller.
(See WRECK. Page A-2.1
Resignation of Syrian
Cabinet Accepted
By ibt Associated Press.
DAMASCUS. Syria. April 18 —
President Sheikh Tajjedine el Has
sani today accepted the resignation
of the cabinet and named Husni
Be\ Berazi. the mayor of Damascus,
to form a new government.
The new cabinet includes Emir
Hassan Attraeh. administrator of
the Djebel Druze area as minister
of national defense and Mounir Be\
Ajlani. former chief of the cabinet,
as minister of youth and propa
U. S. Will Operate
All Seagoing Ships
To Cut U-Boat Toll
Several Hundred Taken
Over; Navy to Plan
Safest Routes
All American-owned sea-going
freighters and tankers were
placed under direct Government
control yesterday, presumably in
an effort to make more efficient
use of them in face of the Axis
submarine warfare.
The War Shipping Administration
announced it had requisitioned
"possession and use'' of several hun
dred vessels—the last of the
merchant fleet not already under
Government control.
This means that in combatting
the shortage of shipping space for
war-essential cargoes and in plan
ning the safest routes for the ves
sels through submarine-infested
seas. Government, officials hence
forth will be able to give orders di
rectly to every ship in the American
merchant marine, without any delay
in negotiating with private opera
In this connection, it is recalled
that officials have said some of the
ships sunk by Axis raiders off the
Atlantic coast probablv could have
avoided attack if they had followed
routes prescribed by thp Navy.
Rear Admiral Emory S. Land,
head of the War Shipping Admin
istration. pointed out that the Gov
ernment previously has acquired ap
proximately 75 per cent of the Na
tion's merchant marine through
purchase, charter or requisition.
W'hile yesterday's action affecting
the remaining 25 per cent brings to
an end all private shipping for the
duration of the war. original owners
will continue to operate the vessels
under Government order, receiving
'reasonable compensation" for their
1.000 Nurses a Month
Needed by Red Cross
B> tt'e Associated Press
The Red Cross reported yesterday
that to meet Army and Navy needs
1.000 trained nurses must be re
cruited each month during the re
mainder of this year.
Miss Mary Beard, national di
rector of the Red Cross Nursing
Service, disclosed that 7.000 regis
tered nurses had volunteered for
war duty since Pearl Harbor
Noting that this was more than
the total enrollment during 1940
and 50 per cent above the enroll
ment for the same period a year ago,
she added:
"Although the response from
American nurses is heartening, the
problem of supplying nurses in suf
ficient numbers to meet the con
stantly increasing demands of the
Army and Navy still is a serious
one ”
New Synthetic Rubber Methods
May Double 1942 Output
200,000-Ton Production in Next Year Seen;
Nation's Needs Eventually May Be Exceeded
S'ar 8'aff Corresjxmdent
Synthetic rubber producing plants
now in operation or contemplated
can turn at least 1 000.000 tons
a year Buna S—the cheapest and
most practical tvpe for tires.
This is almost 25 per cent more
than the amount of crude rubber
normally required by the United
States in peace time It is consid
erably above previous official esti
mates because of improvements al
ready in progress in technical
processes and plant operation
About the lowest possible price is
20 cents a pound. Before the war.
crude rubber from Malaya could be
laid down at the dock* at 12 cent* a
pound The 20-cent price allows
nothing for amortization of plants
It Is entirely possible that the
price of synthetic rubber will be
greatly reduced bv more efficient
methods, so that the pnormous in
dustry now being built up will be
able to continue on a fair competi
tive basis after the war—even if the
Japanese do not destroy entirely the
Malayan rubber plantations before
abandoning them
This is the opinion of petroleum
chemists here who are providing,
with constantly increasing effi
ciency the chemical which consti
tutes the bulk of Buna S—the syn
thetic hydrocarbon, butadiene
Some of the most notable progress
' See RUBBER Page A-6.)
McNutt to Head
Unit Mobilizing
U. S. Man Power
Roosevelt in Creating
Commission Grants
Him Broad Powers
Text of Ordrr <>« Poor A-l5 )
President Roosevelt yesterday
created a new War Man Power
Commission and vested in Paul
V Mi'Nut!. Federal Security Ad
ministrator. sweeping powers to
mobilize American men and
women for the war effort
The action was taken through an
executive order which seemingly
confers on Mi McNutt unprece
dented authority for determining
how even adult in the country inav
contribute in manual or mental en
etgv to ttie prosecution of the war
Although it is understood that
outright drafting of labor and com
pulsory assignment to non-military
occupations would require statutory
sanction, (lie order specifies that
Mr. McNutt may formulate legis
lative programs designed to facili
tate the most effective mobilization
and utilization of the manpower ”
With the approval of the President,
he may recommend such legislation
to Congress .
A White House statement Rccom
panymg the order noted that al
though the term “manpower" was
used throughout, “it definitely in
cludes womanpower, and a special
announcement will soon he made
with respect to the voluntary regis
tration of women * • * for their
mobilization in the war effort.”
Hillman Named Roosevelt Aide.
At the same time, the White
House announced that Sidney Hill
man director of the Labor Division
of the War Production Board, is
being appointed a special assistant
to the President on labor matters.
His status, the White House added,
will be similar to that of Harry L.
Hopkins in the field of lcase-lend
aid and munitions allocations
Mr. McNutt will retain his post
as Federal Security Administrator,
in which capacity lie already was
supervising manv of the functions
vested in his new office.
In delegating the broad new pow
ers to Mr. McNutt, the President's
order named 10 specific Federal
agencies which must "conform to
such policies, directives, regulations
and standards as the chairman may
prescribe * • * and shall be subject
to such other co-ordination • • •
as may be necessary." The agencies
named already have somp functions
in the fields of labor training or
supply, and any others operating
within this field are similarly di
rected to conform to the program
of the commission.
Armv, Navy Excluded.
Among the 10 agencies is the
Selective Service System, in which
connection the White House state
ment said Chairman McNutt "will
have the right to issue directions
and make regulations and standards
with respect to the use and classi
fication of the man power nepded
for critical industrial, agricultural
and governmental requirements.
"In other words, the chairman
* * * will have the power to see
to it that adequate supplies of
workers in industry and agriculture
are provided from Selective Service
registration records "
The order defined "governmental
requirements" as "excluding those
of the military and naval forces"
The general interpretation of the
effect on the Selective Service Sys
tem was that on instructions of
Chairman McNutt it will defer from
military induction men who mav
be needed more urgently in civilian
I See MAN POWER Page A-5 >
Hershey Lists 7
Top Occupations
For Deferments
E> ihc A.^soc^ated Pre.>i.
BLYTHEVILLE, Ark. April 18
Bng. Gen. Lewis B Hershey, Na
tional Selective Service director,
tonight listed in order what he con
sidered the seven most important
occupations on which draft deter
ments should be based. They were:
Munitions production, food pro
duction. transportation, communica
tions, health, maintenance of each
and "to some degree education.
"These supporting agencies to war
maintenance are necessary, but to
what degree will depend on develop
ment of the war," Gen. Hershey said
in an interview preceding his ad
dress before the Arkansas Sta'e
Junior Chamber of Commerce con
"We think society has to have all
of these things and we hope we don't
hate to do without any of them—
but we may.''
The director told the delegates
that "the local draft board has the
job of .seeing If each man is in tha
place where he can best serve,"
Senator Hatch Out of Cast
ALBUQUERQUE. April 18 ./T*- —
Senator Hatch of New Mexico was
removed today from a cast in w'hich
he has been encased since his spina
was fractured in an automobile ac
cident seven weeks ago
"In the next couple of weeks we
hope he will be able to return to
his dunes in Washington," (aid Dr
W. R Lovelace.

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