Newspaper Page Text
Deaths BAKER, IDA. On Wednesday, December 23. 1942. IDA BAKER, loving mother of Hattie Lynch. Nannie Riley. Julia Beard and Lucy McCann, and grandmother of Robert Lynch. Gloria Riley and Randolph Harris. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home. N J. ave. find R st. n.w., where services will be held Sunday Decem ber 27. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlewn Cemetery. • BALLAUF, DANIEL II. On Thursday, December 24, 1942. at his residence. 424 Shepherd st. n.w.. DANIEL H. F.ALLAUF, beioved husband of Mary E. Baliauf <nee Schiossen ana father of Mrs. Peter Hilt; grandfather of Margaret E. Simons. Funeral services at the above residence on Monday. December 28. at 2 p m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 27 BARKER. HARRINGTON. On Saturday. December 20, 1942. at his residence. 1210 34th si. s.e . HARRINGTON BARKER, be loved husband of Emma Bishop Barker. Funeral services, private, at his late resi dence on Monday morning. December J28. BEESLEY. HILDA PFABE. An Frida*. December 26, 1942, at her residence. *'4k9 ltfth st. n.w., HILDA PFABE BEESLEY. beloved wife of Thomas Quinn Sees ey; Remains resting at The S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14ill st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BELMONT, FREDERICK F On Friday, December 25, 1942. at Garfield Hospital, FREDERICK F. BELMONT, beioved hus band of Sarah and father of Frederick, Francis and Jdhn L. Belmont. Graveside services Monday. December 28, at 10:30 a m., at Arlington National Ceme tery. BIBB, ALBERT BURNLEY. On Wed nesday. December 23. 1942. at Emergency Hospital. ALBERT BURNLEY BIBB, lius- i band of Julia Hanson Bibb and father of j Mary Hanson Bibb and Gertrude B. Merritt. Funeral service and interment priva e. BOWLES. LUCY C On Friday. Decern- ! rer 25. 1942. a? the residence of her I daughter, Mrs. F A. PefTer, 12 8th st. n.e . LUCY C. BOWLER, mohr-r of Mrs. J. C. ! M. Abell, Mrs. F. A. Pefler, George A. and Stephen H. Bowles. Funeral from the above residence on ! Monday. December 28. at 8:30 a m. Re- j Quiem mass at St. Joseph’s Church, 2nd and C sts. n.e., at 9 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BURDETTE. LULA B On Thursday December 24. 1942. at her home, 5 fcouth Adams st . Rockville. Md , LLLA B. BUR DETTE. beloved wife of the late Willis B. Burdette. Funeral services at her late residence ! Sunday. December 27. at 2:30 p.m. In- 1 terment Forest Oak Cemetery, Gaithers- ! burg. Md. 27 BUSH. CHARLES H. Departed this life on Thursday. December 24. 1942. at Provi dence Hospital. CHARLES H. BUSH, beloved husband of Mary C. Bush. He also leaves to mourn their loss five sisters, Mrs. Annie Wills. Miss Mary Bush. Mrs. Verio Hill. Mrs. Glither Thomas and Mrs. Clara Ran som: three brothers, Arthur. Albert and Carl Bush: stepsister. Mrs. Mary E. Garner, and stepbrother. Frank Hicks. Body rest ins at the funeral home of W. Earl 1 George Better. 12<»3 Walter st.. s.e., where ! his remains can be seen Sunday, Decem ber 27. Funeral services Monday. December 28. i at St Cyprian’s Church 13th and C sts. s c . where solemn requiem mass will be ! offered at 9 a m lor the repose of his soul Relatives and friends invited Interment ! Mount Olivet Cemetery Family can be keen at 1209 W'alter st. s.e. 27* BUSH. CHARLES. On Thursday, De cember 24. 1942. CHARLES BUSH 1209 Walter st s.e Members of St Thomas' C'ommandery. 218. Knights of St. John, are requested to assemble a’ the Better funeral home on Sunday. December 27. at | 7.3n pm, to pray for our late brother. F'uneral from St. Cyprian’s Church on Monday, December 28. at 9 a m. • CHANEY, FLORA C. On Friday. De cember 25. 1942. at her residence. 57 T ft. ne. FLORA C, beloved wife of James C. Chaney. Funeral from her late residence on Mon day. December 28. at 9:30 a m. Requiem mass at St. Martin’s Church at 10 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 27 CHILDS. EMMA A. On Friday. Decem ber 25. 1942. ai her home. Washington ! Grove. Md . EMMA A CHILDS, daughter of the late Nathan and Mary Ann Childs. Funeral services at the Colonial funeral i home of Win. Reuben Pumphrey, Rockville, | Md . Sunday. December 27, at 3:30 P.m. , Interment Olney, Md. 27 DAVIS. ISABEL EDNA. On Friday De cember 25. DM-: at her residence. 1522 . 25t.h s* s.e.. ISABEL EDNA DAVIS, be loved wife of the late Wilson L Davis Rnd mother of Mrv Charles RidReway and Miss Celeste A Davis. Funeral from her late residence on Mon- ( day, December 2s. at 11 am Relatives end friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 27 DIXON. JOHN \V. Departed this life on Monday. December 21. DM2, at his resi dence. 1411 W st s.e.. JOHN W DIXON, beloved husband of Edith Pauline Dixon and father of Pauline Wallcenia Dixon Best, son of John Wesley Dixon and the j ’ate Carrie Dixon He also is survived s bv two sisters. Corrine Taylor and Carrie Richardson, two brothers. James Norman (Tom' and Alvin Dixon: one son-in-law. • Carl S Best: three sisters-in-law. Mary J. j Chisley. Jane' Dixon and Sidney Dixon: t two brothers-in-law. J B Taylor and Her- i man Richardson, and a host of oiher rela- ; Lives and friends. Funeral Sunday. December 27 at 1 pm., from First S D A Church 8th st. n e.. between F and G sts Elder Leslie J Pryor | officiating. Interment Arlington National j Cemetery 24.26 j EDWARDS. DONALD. Departed this i 31 fo on Wednesday. December 24. DM2, at, 1 Galhnger Hospital, DONALD EDWARDS of 1 28 Pierce st. n w , devoted husband of An ne Edwards, loving father of John L. Ed wards and Mrs. Helen E. Ware. Remains resting a' Barbour Bros.' funeral home. 48 K st. n.e Notice of funeral hereafter. EMMART. JANIE C. C. On Friday De r-mber 25. DM2. JANIE C C EMMART. beioved wife of the late George W Emmart. ?r., and mother of Howard Milton and George W. Emmart. Jr Funeral from her late residence 228 !4rh nl. n.e . on Monday December 28. at 2 40 p m Relative* and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hil Cemetery. <BaJti- , more papers please copy > 27 EVANS. CHARLES N. On Thursday. December 24. 1942. CHARLES N EVANS, beloved husband of Clara M. Evans of 1240 nth st s.w Funeral from the chapel of P A. Tal- ; tavull, 490 : th st. sw. on Monday. De-1 comber 28. at 2 pm. Relatives and ! friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. '-’7 GRAY. PALL FRANCIS. Suddenly. Fri d;\v December 25 1942. at his residence, i 2120 F s' n w . PAUL FRANCTS GRAY, be loved husband of Ida Newton Gray and devoted father of Paul, jr Alhston and Everdine Gray Also surviving are two .’li ters. Mrs Mamie Chapman and Mr Amv Hopewell: three brother.’. James. Charles and George Gray two daughters-in-law. Virginia and Gladys Gray, and a grand daughter. Lynne. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. GROSS, ELIZABETH. Entered into eternal rest on Friday. December 25, 1942, , at her residence. 6*. Canal s' s.w., ELIZA BETH GROSS beloved mother of Mrs Geneva Posey. Mr Gertrude S lydan and 1 Mrs. Mamie Brook. She also is survived by one sister Mrs Mamie Scott o'her rel atives and many friends Remains rest- i ing at the John T Rhinos & Co. funeral home. ,'»rd and Eye sts. s w. Notice of funeral later 27 HAGER. HATTIE. Departed this life on Wednesday. December 23. 19 12. »t Orange burg. N. Y . HATTIE HAGER She i.s sur vived hv one sister. Lillie Burns: one broth er. John Burns one niece. Eva Jones, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Eugene Ford fu neral home. 1300 S. Capitol st.. until J p m. Sunday. December 27'. then to 335 M M g.w where funeral services will be held Monday. December 28. at. 1 p m . Rev. .1 H Randolph officiating. Inter ment Payne's Cemetery. 27 HOLLEY. JAMES H. Departed this life on Friday. December 25. 1942 at his resi dence, 000 3rd st. s.w JAMES H. HOL LEY. the beloved husband of the late Catherine Holley and loving father of Marie. Albert and Parren Holley Ho also i« survived by one brother. George Hol’cy. other relatives and many friend- Remains resting at the John T. Rhines A; Co. fu neral home, 3rd and Eve sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later, 27 HOOKER. GEORGE BLISS. On Thurs day. December 2 1. 1942. a: his residence. JHOR Col. rd nw. GEORGE blISS HOOKER, brother of Mrs. j. B. KerMsll. Services will be held at St Paul's Church. 917 23rd st. nw, on Monday. December 28. at 2 30 p m. Interment Spring'>M» Mass Please omit lowers. 27 JAVINS. WHITE. On Wednesday. De cember 23. 1942. at her residence. ]337 Corcoran st. n w V.TLLIE JAVINS. wife of Leon Javins *nd mother of William Jones and Genevieve lewis A’so surviv ing are two sisters. Mrs. Louise Brown and Bessie Pratt: two brothers. David and Henry P-raft: other relatives and friends After r, p m. Saturday Friends may rail at her late residence where services will he held Monday. December 28. at 2 n.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. 27 JOHNSON. FANNIE. On Saturday. De cember 20. 1942. at 4:30 am. at her resi dence. 402 L st s.w., after a lingering illness which she »>ore with Christian faith. FANNIE JOHNSON, wife nf the late Janies W. Johnson mother of Mrs Lillian Mohonry. grandmother of Mamie and Nan p-e Lewis and mother-in-law of George Mohonev. sister of the ia'e John lewis. We Jennet la Smith end the late Mary Walters Also survived bv three sisters tin Pennsylvania', ’wen’--five neohrws, eighteen nieces and a host of o*her rela tives and lrie^ds. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements bv Smith’s service. 27* JOHNSON. HENRIETTA GRACE LOUSE. On Friday. December ”5. 19 4" at Mother Jones' Rest Home. HFNFIFTTA GRACE I GUISE JOHNSON, wife of the late Cyrus Johnson and mother of the late Georg" C. Wells, formerly of 6409 45th st.. Riverdale. Md Services at Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home on Monday. December 28, at 2 o m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 27 KELLY, CHANAN. On Thursday. De cember 24. 1942, in Preedmen's Hospital. CHANAN KELLY, the beloved husband of Mattie Kelly. He also is survived by one son. Elsworth Kelly: one brother. Willis Kelly, and other relatives and friends. Re mains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. Funeral notice later. • KINNEY. MARY A. Suddenly, on Thurs day. December 24, 1942. MARY A. KIN NEY. 4416 50th st. n.w., beloved mother of Leo C. and Edwin R. Kinney of Wash ington. D. C . and William F . John G. and Francis D Kinney of Buffalo, N. Y. Funeral irom the home of William F. Kinney, 402 West Delevan ave., Buffalo. N. Y. 27 Drallja KRONHEIMER. I. HARRY. On Thurs day. December "4. 1S4-J. I. HARRY KRON HEIMER. beloved brother of Louis Kron heimer. Funeral services at the Bernard Dan zansky & Son funeral home. 3501 14th st. n.w , on Sunday, December 27, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Washington Hebrew Con gregation Cemetery. LAWSON, MATILDA. On December 24. 1042. at her residence. 430 Ridge st. n.w., MATILDA LAWSON, the mother of Bea trice Lawson. She also leaves twelve grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Dabney & Garner's funeral home. 442 M st. n.w. Notice of the funeral later. LICIIT! RMAN, LOUIS. On Friday. De cember 25. 1042, at his residence. 5500 MacArthur bivd. n.w . LOUIS LICHTER MAN. beloved husband of Alice Lichterman and devoted father of Mrs. Julius Schles inger. Funeral services a' the Bernard Dan zansky & Son funeral home. 3501 14th st. n.w., on Sunday. December 27. at. 3 p.m. Interment Washington Hebrew Congrega tion Cemetery. LISBON, EDWARD D. On Saturday. De cember 10. 1042. EDWARD D. LIS?ON. father of Vernon E. Lisson and Mrs. Myrtle Clayton. Services at Chambers’ funeral home, 1400 Chanin st. n.w.. on Monday. Decem ber 28, at 13 a.m Interment in George Washington Memorial Cemetery 27 MEEHAN. WILLIAM MAtTHEW. At his ■ home, in New York. WILLIAM MATTHEW I MEEHAN, veteran of Machine Gun Com- ! pany. 105th Regiment. Rainbow Division, brother of Edward J. Meehan and son of ; the late John and Mary Meehan. i Graveside services Arlington National ! Cemetery on Monday, December 28. 1042, | pt 3 p.m Relatives and friends invited. I Arranegments by P. A. Taltavull. 27 MIDDLEDORF. ANNA I. On Thursday, December 24. 1042. at Providence Hospital, ANNA I. MIDDLEDORF < n^e Ward), be loved wife ot Frederick H. Middledorf. Funeral from her late residence. 530 Taylor st. n.w.. on Monday, December 28, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at 6l. Gabriel's Church at 0 a.m. Relatives and iriends invited, interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 27 PAGE, JOSEPHINE POHLMANN. On Thursday, December 24. 1942. at Doctors’ Hospital. JOSEPHINE POHLMANN PAGE, wife of thr late Aubrey Page. She is sur vived by her mother, four brothers and ! three sisters. Services will be held at Gawler’s chaoel, j 175« Pennsylvania ave. n.w.. on Monday,) December 28. at 11:20 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. PETERSON. JAMES. On Friday. Decem ber 25. 1'112. r !•» p ru at Galliuger Hos pital. JAMFS PETERSON of 000 G st. n.e.. beloved husband of Rebecca Peterson and devoted son of Sarah Peterson. He al-so is survived by one sister. Sarah Peterson New ton: one nephew. Robert B. Newton, and other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at Frazier’s funeral home. 289 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 27 PUMPHREY. RUTH V. On Thursday. December 24. 1942, RUTH V PUMPIIREY | (nee Cole), beloved wife of Sidney R. Pum Phrey and sister of Mrs. Bessie Deck, Mrs. Ethel Reiser. Miss Acncs Cole and John Cole Funeral from her late residence. 1257 South Carolina ave. sc. on Monday, De- : cember 28. at, 11 am Relatives and friends invited. Intermerit Mount Olivet Cemetery. 27 QUARLES, HANNAH. On Wednesday. December 22. 1942. at Gallmger Hospital, HANNAH QUARLFS. loving mother of Thomas Garnett. Nancy Nash. Allie and William Hmiry Garnett and sister of John Jackson and Georgia Hunter. A host of other relatives and friends a bo survive. Remain: may be viewed at the Frazier fu neral home. 289 R I. ave. n.w Funeral Sunday. December 2 7. at 1 p.m , from Oak Grove Baptist Church. Wcstmore- ( land County, Va. 27 1 RAINEY, ADA. On Friday. December 25. 1942. at Emergency Hospital. Miss ! ADA RAINEY of 1512 O .st n.w. Rempinv resting at Hysong s funeral | home.•1200 N st. nw. where services will be held on Sunday, December 27, at 2 p.m. ROBB. JANE C. On Friday, December 25. 1942. at Sihley Hospital. JANE C. ROBB, beloved wife of Edwun J Robb Funeral from T F. Costello's funeral home. 1722 North Capitol st. on Monday, 1 December 28. at 8:20 a m Requiem mass ’ at St. Francis De Sales’ Church at 9 a.m. j Relatives and friends invited. Interment I Mount Olivet Cemetery. 27 ROBINSON. RUTH M. On Friday. De cember 25. 1042. at Homeoparhic Hospital. RUTH M ROBINSON of :i 172 17 th 6t. n.w . ' beloved wife of Gordon C Robinson Re mains resting at the S H. Hines Co. funeral ; home. 2301 14th st. n.w.. until 3 p.m. Sat- ; urda.v. December 20. Services and interment Aueusta, Ga. RUSMISELLE. OR. LESLIE TANQUARY. On Saturday. December 23, 1342. at his ! residence- 044 F st. > w . Dr. LESLIE TAN- ! QITARY RUSMISELLE. be'oved husband of Sara Rusmiselle and fa*her of Ruth Lee Campbell Funeral services at the above residence on Monday. December 28. at 1 p m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 27 RUSSEI i MONROE. On Wednesday. December 23. 1342. at his home. Bristow. Va . MONROE RUSSELL, husband ol the late Annie Russell <nee Butler*, father of Mony Russell of Phoebus. Va ; McKinley of Manassas. Va’ ; H Monroe, ir.. of Wash ington. D. C. Also survived by one grand daughter Eloria. of Washington. D. C : one sister. Roberta, and one half-brother. John. Funeral services Sunday December 27. at 2 P.m . at his late residence. Arrange ment by Faker A Sons. Manassas, Va. SAMPSON (S AKELLARIDES >. JAMES. On Thursday. December 24. 1342. a! Gar field Hospital. JAMES <SAKELLARIDES» SAMPSON. uncle of Milton Sampson <Sakellarides) Remains rcstins at Cham bers funeral home. 140u Chapin ft n.w., until Monday. December 28. at 1 :3() p.m. Services at Si. Sophia’s Greek Church, i 8th and L st>. n w., at 2 p.m. Interment in Glenwood Cemetery. 27 SHORE, LEON. On Friday. December 25. 1342. at Mount Alto Hospita1 LEON SHORE ol Reno. Nev. beloved husband of Elsie l Shore, son of Mrs. Henry A Shore and fntl'ei of Leo i Shore ! . Mansion. Parkhurst and Philip F. Shore Servers at the S. H Hine.s Co funeral homo 23(il 14th s t n.w . on Monday. De cember 28. at 3 n m Interment Brent wood Cemetery. (Reno, Nev . papers please copy.) 27 SMITH. BABY On Friday. December 25. 1342 at Trailer Camp. Arlington. Va.. EABY SMITH, the devoted daughter of Mr and Mrs. L A Smith of Arlington Va i Burial Sunday, December 27. Rosemont i Cemetery 27 I SNOWDEN. CLIFTON. On Wednesday. 1 December 23. 1312. CLIFTON SNOWDFN He leaves one sister, Mary Snowden: five uncles, three aunts, one great-aunt, one niece, one nephew, other relatives and friends The late Mr Snowden may be viewed at Stewart’s funeral home. 3u H st n e.. after 4 p.m Sunday. December *.’7. where serv ices will be held on Monday. December 28, at 2:30 pm. 27 I SOWER BUTTS, RICHARD C. On Thurs- ; day. December 2L 1342. RICHARD C. ! SOWERBUTTS of 331 J Georgia ave. n w . beloved husband of the late Lillian Sower- ; butts and brother of Mrs. Laura Davidson Funeral from the W W Deal funeral . home. 4812 Georgia ave. n w . Monday, ; December ‘.'8. a: 11 a m. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. 27 STAFFORD. MINNIE (MENTYL On Thursday. December 24. 1!)42. MINNIE? iMENTY) STAFFORD, mother of James R. Stafford. Laura McKelvin and Martha But ler. She also us survived by twenty-three grandchildren, twenty-one great-grandchil dren and other relatives and friends, Re- , nr ns resihu at the Malvan & Sche.v lu- , neral home. N .L ave and R st. n.w. Funeral from the First Baptist Church. Sherman ave. and Lamont st. n w . Mon day at l p in. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. 27* s TEA I NS. I I.OISE T. On Thursday. December 24. 134*’. at her residence. 1201 N Vernon st . Arlington. Va.. ELOISE P. STEVENS, beloved wife of the late William L. Stevens and mother of Mrs. Bryant Gordon, Miss Julia Stevens and Mrs. W. B. Mansfield Remains resting at the Ives funeral hom*’. ‘.'847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. \a.. until Sunday. December 27. at lo:3<» a m : thence to the residence of Leroy Foster. Orange. Va.. where funeral services will be held at 2 p in. Interment in the family cemetery. 27 TIU’SSELL. El GENE STRAIT!!. On Friday. December 2•'». lol2, at Georgetown Uni' ers-ty Hospital. EUGENE STRAiTH TRUS5FTX. beloved brother of Mrs. Irene T. Phillies rf Alexandria. Va Remains renting at Chambers’ funeral home. ;*l? 1 11b v?. s e., until Sunday. December 27, at 10 p m. Services and interment in Charles Town. W. Va. 2 7 IV ATKINS, GEORGE. Departed this life suddenly, on Friday. December is. 134”. at his residence, 207 G si. s.w . GEORGE WATKINS. Many friends mourn his pass ing. Funeral Monday. December 28. at 1 ;30 pm. from ’lie John T Rhines Co. fu neral home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. Rev. Randall officiating. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 27 WERTMAN. WILLIAM HENRY. ,IR. On Wednesday. December 23. 1342, WILLIAM HENRY WERTMAN. Jr . beloved husband of the lete Margaret Hummer Wertman. father of William H. Wertman. 3d. end Shirley A^n Wertman. and son of William H. Wertman, sr.. and the late Ada M. Wertman. Funeral from the W W Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia avc. n.w . on Satur day. December at 2 pm Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 2U Mil SON. GlADYS. On Friday. Decem ber 1342 a' Casual y Hospital. GLADYS WILSON, daughter of Wilbert and Annie Wilson; sister of Elma, Katie. Marion and J. F Wilbert Wilson Services at Stewart's funeral horn'’ 30 H st n.e., on Monday, December 28. at l p m. 27 lit fKrnuu.uut BAILEY. RYLAND B . JR. In loving mtaioij of my dear son. RYLAND B BAILEY. Jr . who departed this life one ; year sbo today. December JO. 1041. Somewhere back of the sunset. Away from this world of strife. Our loved one is sweetly resting In that land where there is no night. MOTHER. LILLIAN BAILEY. • BAILEY. RYLAND B.. JR. In loving j memory cf my dear brother, RYLAND B. i BAILEY. Jr . who departed this life one , year ego tode,y, December 20. IH41. We are sad within our memory. Lonely are our hearts today. For the one we loved so dearly , Has forever been called ajray. We think of him in silence. No eye mav see us weep: But many silent tears are died When others are asleep. _ SISTER. M W. DAVIS. • BROWN. LT. ULYSSES. In memory of Lt. ULYSSES BROWN, who. died Decem ber 2B. 1P40 __ MR. AND MRS. PERCY E. RICKS. • TANKMEN’S POTLUCK—Members of a British 8 th Army armored corps have lunch beside their tank in Egypt. This bit of “luxury” preceded the great British offensive, i -—————————— -—— - | Funeral Services Held For William McGrath William McGrath, superintendent of the ^Soldiers’ Home farm, who died Wednesday, was buried today in Mount Olivet Cemetery following requiem mass at 10 a.m, in the Soldiers’ Home chapel. Funeral mass was sung by the : Very Rev. Ignatius Smith, O. P„ dean of the School of Philosophy of Catholic University. Mr. McGrath was well known for his work in animal husbandry and has been a consultant of the Army in the :-war program. Superintendent of the | farm, dairy and chicken ranch for ! 35 years, Mr. McGrath played a part in the development of pedigreed herds of cattle in Central and South American republics and his work helped to improve American dairy ! cattle. Mr. McGrath was a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Elks, the Third Order of St. Dominic, the Holy Name Socoety. the alumni of the university and St. John’s Col lege. His late sisters, the Misses Agnes and Mary McGrath, were prominent in Catholic activities here. No im mediate relatives survive. William H. Osborne Dies; Author and Attorney By the Associated Presi. NEWARK. N. J.. Dec. 26.-William Hamilton Osborne, noted author and authority on copyright law, died at his home yesterday after a long illness. He was 69. Mr. Osborne was author of five novels and about 500 short stories. He was counsel for the Authors' League of America and the Dra matists' Guild. [ His novels were "The Red Mouse,” a best seller in 1909: “The Running Fight.” 1910: ‘‘The Catspaw.” 1911; j "The Blue Buckle,” 1914, and "The Boomerang," 1915. Mr. Osborne had lived in Newark all his life and was educated in local i schools and the New York Law School. i ___ Baby Dies as Tree Burns WESTMINSTER, Md„ Dec. 26 UP). ! —Brenda Louise Greenholtz. 3 month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenholtz. was burned to death when a Christmas tree toppled over and caught fire near where : the baby was lying. j It! Mmnrtum BROWN. WILl.lAM A. In loving mem ory of our son and brother, WILLIAM A. BROWN, who departed this life two years ago today. December CM, 1940. One bv one the kind, gentle and loving spirits elide away. Who have done their life's work nobly, who have labored while twas day: And like them when work is ended we shall peacefully wait. i Knowing there is joy and gladness Just beyond the heavenly gate. MOTHER. STEPFATHER AND SI8TER8. HELEN WADE AND MINNIE JONES. • BYRNES. NORA B. In memory of my . beloved wife. NORA B BYRNE8. who passed into eternal rest four years ago today December CM. 3 938. LOVING HUSBAND. JAMES M BYRNES. • ! C LIFFORD. LFANDFR O. In sad but i loving remembrance of our dear father, I LEANDER O CLIFFORD, who departed this life eleven years ago today. December I CM. 1931. THE FAMILY. FREEMAN. HAYWOOD. A tribute of I love to the sacred memory of our devoted i husband and father. ^HAYWOOD FREE ! MAN. who departed this life nine years j ago today. December CM, 1933. • HADLEY. MARY E. A tribute of love ■ to the memory of mv dear friend. MARY E HADLEY, who passed away four years ag" nd — T FST IE W. ROBINSON. • HARRIS. NANNIE B. In loving memory of our dear mother and aunt, NANNIE B. HARRIS, who left u= three years ago to day. December CM. 1939. It may be in the coming years, It may be in the better land We'll know the meaning of our tears And then, sometime, we'll understand, i MARGARET. MARTHA AND RAY. • McCAIN, WILLIAM DE WITT. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear hus oand. Wn LIAM DF. WITT McCAIN. who de parted this life three years ago today. De cember CM. 1939. i Beautiful memories of one so dear. I v.'in always cherish with love sincere, j DEVOTED WIFE. MARY McCAIN. • STARKF. SARAH C. In loving memory of our dear mother, wife and sister. SARAH c. STARKE, who departed this life seventeen years ago today, December 26, 19C5. Today recalls a memory Of a loved one laid to rest, And those who think of her today Are those who love her best. THE FAMILY. • 4 SWINK, EDWARD BELL. A sincere tribute to the memory of a very dear friend EDWARD BELL SWINK. who en tered into eternal rest one year ago to day. December C6. 1941. His life was earnest, his actions always kind. A generous hand and an active mind; Anxious to please, never to offend. Always so pleasant and a true friend to the end. V. McC. JONE8. • WILLIS, REV. JAMES E. 8acred to the memory of my dear husband, JAME8 E WILLIS, who passed into the great beyond fourteen years ago, December CM. 1928. You are gone but not forgotten. Never shall vour memory fade: Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Around the grave where you are laid. LOVING WIFE. MARTHA J. WILLIS. • FUNERAL DIRECTORS. v:l speareco. i Neither successor to nor connected vttfe tire online] w R. Stteare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. HsttoTtm FRANK GEIER’S SONS CO. 1113 7th St. N.W. NA. 2473 3(305 14th St. N.W. HO. 2328. Our Charges Are Reasonable. J. William Lee’s Sens Co. Itfe sat Mass. Its. NR. LL mm FUNERAL DIRECTORS _Crematorium. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. Cor. 14th & Eye SKTrEUS^1 CODE BROS. CO. rSSo funs tut r st. n.w. neti—ei im. Miss Mary Linehan's Funeral Is Held Special Dispatch to The Star. LEONARDTOWN. Md., Dec. 26 - Funeral services for Miss Mary Line han, 70, member of a prominent St. Marys County family, who died Wednesday after a six-year illness, W'ere held today at the St. Aloysius Catholic Church here, with burial in Our Lady’s Chapel Cemetery. Miss Linehan, who was active in ! church work here, is survived by a sister. Mrs. F. F. Greenwell, with whom she made her home, and two brothers, Joseph Linehan of Cincin nati and James Linehan of Pits burgh. Dies in Jail Here A 45-year-old man, identified as George Malone of no fixed address, was found dead in a cell of the first precinct police station early today. An autopsy will be per formed at the District Morgue to determine the cause of death. Capt. Robert C. Pearce said the man was locked up last night on a charge of intoxication. Charles H. Sessions Dead TOPEKA, Kans., Dec. 26 (>P>.— Charles H. Sessions, 74, veteran managing editor of the Topeka Daily Capital, published by Senator Arthur Capper, died yesterday. Mr. Sessions’ first association with Mr. Capper was as his secretary while Mr. Capper was Governor of Kansas. Edward S. Beck, Retired Chicago Editor, Dies at 74 Bf tlM iMKliM Praia. CHICAOO, Dec. 36.—Edward 8. Beck, managing editor of the Chi cago Tribune for 36 yean and later assistant editor in chief until his retirement last January, died yes terday in Passavant Hospital after an illness of several months. He was 74. A Chicago newspaperman for al most 50 years, Mr. Beck was on the Tribune for about 45 years as reporter, copyreader, night city editor, assistant city editor and city editor. He became managing editor in 1910. He was born December 13, 1868, in Bainbridge, Ind. His father, Capt. M. M. Beck, who served with the 18th Indiana Artillery Bat tery during the civil War, moved to Holton, Kans., and founded the Holton Recorder in 1875. Young Beck became a printer’s •'devil’’ on his father’s newspaper when he was 8 years old. The year he was graduated from grammar school at the age of 14, he covered the entrie county astride a pony, obtaining subscriptions, making collections, and gathering material for stories. Mr. Beck entered the University of Michigan in 1889 and became one of the school’s first journalism students, spending his vacations working on Chicago newspapers. He came to Chicago to stay in 1893 and his first assignment was the first world’s fair, the Columbian Exposition. Net everybody with a dollar to spare can shoot a gun straight—but everybody can shoot straight to the bank and buy a War bond. f (Christmas As on the Sea of Galilee The Christ is whispering "Peace." —Whittier ^ •Sock Creek Cemeterp Rock Creek Church Road Opposite Soldiers' Home, in Washington D. Roy Mothews, Supt. Woodward & Lothrop 10” IT* F AMD G Streets Pnom DI strict <300 Shop Monday 12:30 to 9 The remainder of the week the store hours will be 9:30 to 6:1 Return Engagement in theJumorMisses'Shop your all-time favorite frock done in sunshine colors by Louclla Ballerina Pinafore influence in its demure Peter Pan collar, embroidered pocket, button back and full skirt—soft rayon gab ardine in evening pink, morn ing blue and sand; sizes 9 *\A to 15_ Junior Misses’ Apparel, Fourth Floor The Road to VICTORY gets Shorter every time you invest 10% of your earnings in WAR BONDS. Victory Booth. Fust Floor; U S. Post Office, First Floor; All Service Desks (Except First Floor). Extraordinary Savings—3 Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 28th, 29th and 30th Handsome Fur Coats Special purchase of the stock of one of our leading furriers, featuring Black-dyed Persian Lamb *195 to *495 regularly $295 to $595 Brown and Black-dyed Alaska Seal *295 to *495 regularly $395 to $595 A unique opportunity to purchase the two furs which, more than any others, are truly long-term investments. To this native dura bility is added the assurance of perfect workmanship, fashion-wise styling and integrity built into your coat when the tiny Woodward tr Lothrop label was sewn in. We urge your earliest selection. (AH prices plus 10% tax) Deferred, Payments May Be Arranged Tut Pm Salop, Trim Floor.