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Bratljs ADAMS. JENNIE C. Suddenly. on Wed nesday. April 7, 1944. at her residence. C5B 8th st. s e . JENNIE C. ADAMS (nee Kiernan). beloved wife of the late John M. Adams and mother of Mrs. Levin P. Handy and John M. Adams. Funeral from her late residence on Sat urday. April in. at 8:40 a.m.: thence to Ft Peter's Catholic Church, where mass will be offeird for the repos^ of her soul a' 9 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Mount. Olivet Cemetery. 9 ALLISON. AMELIA T. On 'Thursday. April 8. 1944. AMELIA T. ALLISON, be loved wife of Frederick Allison and mother of Jean Marie. Mary Agnes and Amelia Teresa Allison. Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral home. 810 H st n.e . on Saturday. April 10. at 11 a.m relatives and friends in vited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 9 ANDERSON. HOWARD E. On Wednes day. April /■ 1914. HOWARD E ANDER SON. belo'ed husband of Catherine Ander son. son of Wiiliam F. and Fannie M. Anderson. Services at the residence of his sister. Mrs. Gertrude L. Colvin. 4091 Grant st. n.e on Saturday. April in. at 9 p.m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Services by Cham bers. 9 ANDERSON. MARY CARROLL (NEE CRUMPTON). Suddenly, on Wednesday. April 1944. at the residence of her cousin. Mrs. Carrie Yates. MARY C. AN DERSON oi 1995 Wylie st n.e., beloved wife of Wiiliam H. Anderson and devoted punt, of Calvin S Brodis. She also leaves a host cf other relatives and friends After n p.m Saturday. April 10. friends may call at her nephew's residence, Calvin Erodis. 1941 Bennett place n.e. * O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight On whom in affection I rail Mv comfort by day and my song in the night. Mv hope, my salvation, mv all Funeral Sunday. April 11, at 9 pm. from Rollins funeral home. 4449 Hunt place n.e.. Rev G T. Lon? officiating In lerment Woodlawn Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. Directions Take District Line or Seat Pleasant car. get olT p- 44th st. n e. and walk across street. 95 yards. 1 1* BOWDEN. GENEVA On Friday. April P 194:*. GENEVA BOWDEN, beloved wile of Edward Bowden and sister of Otto and Louts Wolff , , . Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home Kid H st. n.e. on Monday. April 1 at 1 nm Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 1 1 BRAWNLR. C. CONWAY. On Thursday, April A. 1941. at his residence. 11« W. Mount Ida ave . Alexandria. Va. C CON WAY BRAWNER husband of Mae N. Brawner and father of C Conway, jr^. and brother of H Page and Foster J. Brawner. , „ , - Services at his late residene on Satur day. April in, at 4 p.m. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. BROWN, CHARLES WILLIAM. Sud denly. on Thursday. April 8. IjM.L at Gaithersburg Md CHARLES WILLIAM BROWN, beloved husband of Frances Price Brown „ , . , ... Funeral services on Saturday. Apt.l l<). at •-* pm . from his home. 10 Walker a\e . Gaithersburg. Md Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. Mount Airy, Md. BUTLER. ANNIE DIXON. On Tuesday April n. 194.;. at her residence. 194 V st nw. ANNIE DIXON BUTLER mother of Lula Austin and Gertrude Hattie Wright, erandmother of Edna Bowles and Reuben Cox: aunt of Louis Walker She also is survived by six great-grandchildren. Re mains may be viewed at Frazier s funeral home. 489 R I. ave n w , after 4 p.m Fridav. April 9. . , , , -.n Funeral Saturday. April 4<'. a i • '» nm from the Third Baptis* Church. Re\ George o Bullock officiating Interment Payne's Cemetery •* BUTLER. ANMF. D. Mount Olive Tab ernacle. Order ot Galilean Fishermen: Members attend call meeting for Sister ANNIE D BUTLER Friday. April 9 at 8 o'clock pm . 310 F s' >w Funeral Sat urday. | 30 pm. from Third Baptist Church, 5th and Q sfs. n w. E M MILLER. Ruler 8 E TURNER. Gocty. * Cl ARK. JOHN On Wednesday April I o. ) 04:;. JOHN CLARK of 1318 Corcoran el n w. He is survived bv many friend. Remains resting at the Malvan A: Schey funeral home N. J ave and R st. nw where services will be held Saturday. April in at W am Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. CHRIST. SOPH! \ W. On Thursday. April S. 10 L". SOPHIA \V CHRIST, mother of Frederick C. and Harold E Christ. Services at Chambets funeral home. 517 11th st sc. on Saturday. April H> a: II am Relatives and friends invited Interment in Prospect Hill Cemetery. (New York City papers please copy i DAVIS. JOHN. On Saturday April 3. 1043. JOHN DAVIS of 17 57 Euclid st n w.. loving husband of Catherine Davis and brother of Geoige Davis Many oMier rel ative? and friends also survive Remains nay be viewed Friday. April 0. after 5 p.m • at Campbell's funeral home. 413 4th #>t. « w. Funeral services Saturday. April 10. a' 1 p.m . at above funeral home. Rev. A .1 Friwarris officiating Interment at. Har mony Cemetery. o* DeLACY. ANNA M. On Wednesday. April 7 1043. ANNA M DeLACY daughter of the late John and Ann DrLacv Funeral frfom the Collins funeral home. 3*11 11th st nw. on Saturday. April in. pi S 30 a m Requiem mass at S’ Aloysius Church a* 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited Interment. Mount Olivet Cemetery 9 ELLISON. ISAAC. On Monday April 5. 10 13 af Montgomery Countv Hospital. ISAAC ELLISON aged 50 years, beloved husband of Mildred Ellison Hr is sur vived by four daughters, two sons and me sister. Funeral services on Saturday. April O'. pf 1 p.m, from Norbeck M F Church. Rev C. E Hodges, officiating. Interment church cemetery. FLLTCHLR. CHARLES T. On Thursday. Anril 8. 1013. at his residence. M40 K .-t. r, w CHARLES P FLETCHER. beio\ d husband of Florence B Fletcher and broth er of Mrs. Catherine Lannon. Funeral services at the SafTell funeral hemr. 4 75 H st. n w . on Saturday. April 10. a’ 8:30 a m Mas* at Immaculate Con ception Church at 9 am. Interment P'ort Lincoln Cemetery. 0 FLETCHER. CHARLES P. Washington — Lodge. No 15. B P O. Elks. will convene in session of sorrow at 7 30 p.m. Friday. April ft. 1043. for the pur pose of paying tribute to 'he memory of our late brother. CHARLES P FLETCHER enrolled December 11 I010; died April s Elk services J Saffrli chapel. 415 H st. n w at * p.m FU- order nf LEONARD". PEARCE. Exalted Ruler A: ’ rst W. S SHELBY. Secret ary. GAITHER. EMMA. On Thursday. April 8 10 13 at Tarred men's Hospoitai EMMA GAITHER of 500 P st n.w Remains res’ inc at Frazier's funeral homo. ;;xn r i • vr n w Notice of funeral later. GRANGER. EMMA On Thutsri.iv April 8 1P4T EMMA GRANGER, sister of Hattie Granger. Remains resting at Chambers funeral home, linn Chapin n.w Mass in St Mary's Church. Rockville. Md on Saturday. April I", a: P :tn a m Interment St. Marys Church Cemetery. Rockvile. Md. GRIFFITH. FI.IZABEI II A. On Thurs day April s. 104:4. a* he* resulence. V si se. ELIZABETH A GRIFFITH, be loved wife of Lebanon Griffith Funeral from the above residence on Monday. April IT at 11 am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 1 GREENE. JOHN. On Wednesday. April T IJil'L JOHN GREENE, husband of Grace Greene, father of John Preston. Bernard and Alter Greene, brother of Rachael Butler and father-in-law of Eva Greene. Other relatives and friends also survive Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Malvan A Schey. * HIIE. WILLIAM R. On Tuesday. April 8 104'!. after a brief illness. WILLIAM B HILL of *27 IP Sheridan road s e. beloved husband of Hattie Hill, son of the late William S. and Louisa Hill: loving brother of Lula Scott. T.ewis S. and John H Hill. Remains rnav be viewed at his 'ate resi dence after p.m. Friday Funeral from Campbell M E Church Sunday. April 11. at pm Arrange ments bv Malvan A Sehev. HOWELL. RERTIIA O. On Thursday. April 8. I! * 4 71. at the residence of her cousin. Mrs Viola H Cook. 7 mi South Highland st.. Arlington. Va . BERTHA O HOWELL of Round Hill. Va Remains resting a» the Ives funeral home. *.’84 7 Wilson blvd , Arlington. Va . until Saturday. April 10. at l Tin pm. thence to the M. E Church Round Hill. Va where funeral services will be held at r pm. Interment Lincoln. Va p IAGER. ANNIE KATHERINE. On Thurs day. April s 1P41L at her home. Fulton. Md ANNIE KATHERINE ine« Connell >. beloved wife of Carl R. lager Funeral from St Paul's Lutheran Church. Fulton. Md . on Sunday. April 1 1 at n p nt. Interment in adjoining cem etery. I 1 JACKSON. BENJAMIN. On Wednesday. April 7. 1P4.T Rt ipos Vermont ave. n.w . BENJAMIN JACKSON, father of Florence Krmn Rebecca Matthews and Hattie Lewis. He also is survived bv tour grandchildren, one sister-in-law, three nieces and one nephew. Remains resting at the Malvan A Sehev funeral home. N J ave and R st. n.w . '»here services will be held Saturday. April I*1, at pm. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. * FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER’S SONS CO. net Till St. N.W. NA "4: ■'« H'titS 14th St N.W. HO 232« Our Charges Are Reasonable.^ V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. s,tIh— J. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4 th and Mass. Ave. N.E. LI. 5300 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium. FUNERAL DESIGNS^ GUDE BROS. CO Floral Pieces _2 F gt. N W._National 4*7<L_ GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. .EXPRESSIVE El ORAL TRIBUTE AT MODERATE PRIJES PHONE NA OlOd Cor. 14th & Eye RS3S? Seatlifl JACKSON, WILLIAM. On Tuesday. April 6. 1944. at 6:45 P.m., WILLIAM JACK SON, beloved husband of Mary Ida Jack son. devoted father of Rosavell Burno. He also leaves three step-grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains at thp W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 144*2 You st. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. April 14. at 1 pm., from the Tenth Street Baptist Church. Rev. J. L. Henry officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 9.11 LEE. MARTHA TRIPLETT. On Wednes day. April 7. 1944. at the residence of her daughter. 1 ion South Cleveland st., Arling ton. Va.. MARTHA TRIPLETT LEE. beloved wife of the latp Richard Henry Lee. She is survived by five daughters. Mrs. Isador Blum. Miss Evelyn Lewis Lee. Mrs. Carolyn ; Lee Motlow. Mrs. Florence Lee Fitzhugh and Mrs. Virginia Lee Middlethon: three sons. Richard H.. Frank Fairfax and Rob ( ert E. Lee and one sister, Miss Florence j Alexander Triplett. I Remains resting at the Ives funeral ' home. *264 7 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va.. | until Saturday. April 10. ai !*2:4n p.m ; ! thence to Greenwich Presbyterian Church Greenwich. Va.. where services will be held j at *2 p m. Interment Warrenton. Va. 9 j MAYHUGH. GEORGE L. On Wednes day. April 7. 1944, at his home, Savaee, Md . GEORGE L MAYHUGH. beloved ! husband of Harriet A. Mayhugh. Funeral services at his late residence j on Sunday. April 11 at 1 p.m. Inter ment in Fairfax Courthouse. Va., Cem etery. 1L MeKNEW. SUSAN’ F. On Wednesday. April 7. J944. at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Greene. *281 1 McGill terrac* n.w, SUSAN F MeKNEW, beloved aunt of Mrs. S. II Greene. Capt. Donald H. Mc Knew and Richard Taylor McKnew. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. April in. at 11:40 am. Inter ment Glenwood Cemetery. in PAYNE. GEORGIA M. On Wednesday. April 7. 194 4. at. her residence. 1419 Riggs i st n.w.. GEORGIA M. PAYNE, wife of the late James A. Payne. She is survived by four sisters. Mrs. Diana Hunter. Mrs. Susan i Augustus. Mrs. Winnie Johnson and Mrs. j Martha Lucas three brothers. Austin Cole man. William H. and Samuel Branson; . other relatives and friends Friends may call after o p.m Friday April 9, at the Allen A Morrow. Inc fu neral home. 14*26 V st. n w . where funeral services will be held Saturday. April in. at 1 p m., Rev Campbe'l J Beckett of ficiating Interment Lincoln Memorial . Cemetery. PHILLIPS. JOHN CURTIS. On Thurs . day April 8. J944. JOHN CURTIS PHIL i LIPS, beloved son of the late William E. and Marion Easton Phillips He is sur j vived by three sisters and four brothers Funeral from 1401 N. Roosevelt st . Falls Church. Va . on Saturday. April 10. i at l :4o p m. Interment Andrews Chapel ! Cemetery. PINKNEY. JESSIE ROBERTA. Departed 'his life suddenly. Thursday. April 8. 1944. JESSIE ROBERTA PINKNEY, daughter of the late John and Emily Freeman and wife of the late George W. Pinkney. She leaves to mourn their loss a daughter, two sons, a erandson and a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the resi 1 dence of her daughter. Mrs. Emily Alex ander. 5444 E Capitol st.. after J 1 a m Sunday. April 11 Fun ral Mcnday. April IT at 1 pm., from the above residence. Rev Arthur Gray officiating. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis 1 1 RADCFIFFE. BFRTH A MAE. On Thurs day. Anril 8. at her residence. 78 ■ L st n w . BERTHA MAE RADCLIFFE. beloved wife of Robert Radchffe and mother of Nelson. Bessie Thomas. Martha. Ray mond and Florence RadclifTr. Also sur viving are a daughter-in-law. Dorothy jwLvAifTe a brother. Nelson Sheldon two sisters, Mrs Nana G Curtis and Mrs Mabel Scoit an aunt. Mrs. Hattie Ford, and other relatives and friends Af'cr in am. Saturday friends may call a* the McGuire funeral home i svo nth st n w.. where services will be held at i 0 clock p m. Interment at Warminster. Va. 1 o RADCLIFF. BERTHA. All members of Maedalene's Tent and sister tents are requested to attend the funeral of Sister BERTHA RADCLIFF. Saturday April in im.{. at j pm. at the McGuire funeral home. 18VO jith st. n.w _ A M WILLIAMS. Leader. L. SWANN. Secretary. RHONE. BETTY BROWN On Friday. April » DM:;. BETTY BROWN RHONE, wife of the lair Nelson W. Rhone and de votf'd mother of Dorothv Rhone Cooper and Louis P. Rhone Family at. S st n w Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. RIFFY. VIRGINIA | On Thursdav. April V ini:. VIRGINIA F RILEY of • V!»:h st. n.w , beloved mother of Mrs. Mertie E Henry. Harry F . Charles R George D. and Ernest F. Rilev of Wash meton. D. C Funeral services at the Be'hesda-Ch*vy Chase funeral home of Wm Reuben Pum phrey. Saturday. April in. at V pm In terment Rock Creek Cemetery. ROSSON. JESSE G. On Wednesday April 7 mu. at h’s residence. 1st M n v JESSE G. ROSSON. beloved hus band of Helen M Rosson and brother of William M and Vincent H. Rosson. Mrs J L. Spicer of Washington D C . and Mrs. C N. Anderson of Providence. R. I Services at the S II Hinec Co funeral home. V!*ni 1 Ith st. n w . on Saturday. April 1 <». at Jo am. Interment Bright, - wood. Va., at V p m. ;i SCOTT. VIOI-A S. On Wednesday*. April 7. mu. VIOLA s SCOTT, mother of i Myrtle Brovvn and sister of Edna Gray and Magdalene Davis. Other relatives and friends also survive Remains resting at the Malvan A- Sehry funeral home. N J. ave and R st. n.w. where services will be held Saturday. April l". at I p.m. Interment Harmony Ceme tery. • SHREVE. RICHARD R On Thursday. April 8. mu at his 5ni:; *’5th N Arlington, Va RICHARD P. SHREVE. beioved husband of Florence Price Shreve and father of Mrs. Frank L Ball. Richard Clayton and T Keith Shreve and Mrs. Edna Holland He also is survived by three brother?. Dr William A, Hanley S. and Thomas Bradley Shreve Remains '•r.sting at the Ives funeral home. VS ♦, Wilson bivd . Arlington. Va . where luneral services will be held Sun day. April 1!. a' :t p.m Interment Na Ere highway near Falls Church. Va 1 1 SPARROW. FREDERICK K. On Ihurs riay. April s. i!H:i. at Mount Alio Hos pital. FREDERICK K. SPARROW, beloved husband of Minnie T. Sparrow and father of Frederick K. Sparrow. jr Funeral services at the Saffell funeral home. 4,5 H st. nw. on Saturday. April I*' at V Pm. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. SPARROW. FREDERICK K The com rades of Ger. Nelson A Miles Camp. No !. U. S W. V. are requested to assemble at he Saffell funeral home, 415 H st 11 " a: 1:45 p.m. Saturday. April in. I f»4:». to attend the funeral of our late comrade. FRED I, SPARROW. Burial Aii.n-ton National Cemetery ..-.^AMES M BENNER Commander. •JAMES F. FARRELL. Adjutant. STANDERWICK. MARY E. Suddenly on rhursriav. April s mu. at her re^'i dmcr Er^.riv Plaza Gardens. Alexandria. v\ MARY F. STANDERWICK. beloved I 'V‘r °‘ Wilbur Standerwick and niece of Mis- Gertrude Robinette. Friends mav call at the Lee luneral home. Ith st. and Mass. ave n e . where services will be held on Saturday. April ,n ' nm Relatives and friends in vited Interment. Cedar Hill Cemetery STEWART. REV. JACOB. On Wednes April L I !*U*. Rev JACOB STEW AR I He is survived by three brothers. I font' sisters, other relatives and friends • , Remains resting at the Malvan A* Schev funeral home. N J ave and R st. n w'. where services will be held Mondav. April 1 . at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cem etery. * 1 STEWART. JOHN V. On Thursday. April s- m-u. at his residence. J.JOS °7th st sr JOHN Y. STEWART, beloved hus band of Annie I.ouist- Stewart and father of \Trs Yule Ball and W. Harry Stewart. Friends may call at the Lee funeral • home. 4 ih st and Mass avc. n.e where , services will be held on Sunday. April l I. at V .'Hi pm Relatives and friends in vited Interment private. (Toronto pa ; pers please copy.) j 0 STONE. ARTHl R Departed this life suddenly, on Thursday. April S. 1949. ARTHUR STONE, beloved husband of Ida ; Stone Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting a’ the John T : Rhinos A Co. funeral home, 9rd and Eve j St S S W Notice of funeral late**. TAYMAN. ROBERT SEWELL. On Thurs day. Anri] s. 1949. af his home. Clinton. Md RORFRT SEWELL TAYMAN. hus band of Rosa Lee Cranford Tayman. Services at St. Thomas Episropal Church. Croom. Md . on Sunday, April li, 2 P m. Interment Trinity Cemeterv Upper Marlboro. Md 10 THOMSON. ALFRED R. On Wednesday, j April T. 1949. ar Georgetown University ! Hospital. ALFRED R THOMSON of 4*19 ! Quebec st. n.w., beloved husband of Marion , Thomson and father of David R. and : Mrtcolm S. Thomson Services at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home, 9901 14th st. n.w. on Saturday. April 10. at 2 p m. Services and inter ment private THORPE. MARY ANN. On Wednesday. April 7. 1949. at her residence. 501 oxth si. n.e. Mrs. MARY ANN THORPE, be loved wife of Mr. Alfred Thorpe. She also is survived by her nieces and nephews. Remains resting at. Hyson* s funeral home. 1900 N st. n.w , where services will be held on Saturday April lo. at 2:90 n m. Relatives and friends are invited to i attend Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. TRAMMELL. GRETCHEN. Entered into eternal rest on Thursday, April S 1949, GRETCHEN TRAMMELL of Purcellville. Va . the beloved wife of Emory Trammell and loving mother of Polly. Bernice Gan nett. Amos and E’ston Trammell: daugh i ter of Mr and Mrs. Edward Dade. She I also is survived by fve sisters, seven i brothers, other relatives and manv friends. ; Remains mav be viewed on Sunday. April 11. at 2 pm. until Monday. April 12. i at li am . at the John T. Rhincs & Co ; funeral home. 9rd and Eye sts. s.w\; then at her late residence. Funeral Tuesday. April 19. at 1:90 pm., from Grace M. E Church. Lincoln, j Va.. Rev. Jasper officiating. Interment Church Cemetery. 9.11,12 WHITE, PAULINE. Departed this life i on Tuesday. April 0. 1949. at Georgetown i University Hospital, after a lingering ill* 1 ness. PAULINE WHITE, daughter of the late Julia Campbell: beloved wife of James White and beloved mother of William, Julia. Hattie. Pauline: cousin of Joseph Adgley and Hattie Miller: mother-in-law of Ada White. She also leaves a host of friends. Remains will rest at her late home, 1018 Florida ave. h e., Friday, April Funeral Saturday. April 10. at 1:20 Pm. from Smiths funeral home 1125 19th st n.w.. Rev. Whiting officiating. Interment at the Lincoln Memorial Cem etery. Frederick K. Sparrow Dies; 30 Years at Navy Yard Frederick Kroeber Sparrow, 68, of li06 East Capitol street, who retired | eight years ago as inspector of ord nance after 30 years’ service in the Navy Yard, died of a heart attack j yesterday at Mount Alto Hospital. Mr. Sparrow was a member of | the Governor's Troop of Harrisburg. ! Pa., which occupied Puerto Rico j during the Spanish-American War. i He was a descendant of one of the ! original Maryland families. The ! Bethlehem steel plant at Sparrows | Point is built on Jand granted an i ancestor by Lord Baltimore. I He is survived by his widow. Mrs. : Minnie Tomlinson Sparrow, and a ! son, Frederick K. Sparrow, jr„ pro ! fessor of botany at the University of Michigan. Five sisters, a brother ! and two grandsons also survive. Miss j Marthe Caroline Sparrow of the faculty of Wilson Teachers’ Col lege is a niece. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Saffel funeral ‘ parlors. Fifth and H streets N.W., with the Rev. Edward Gabler, rector ' of Christ Episcopal Church Parish, I officiating. Burial in Arlington Cemetery will be conducted by the i Spanish War Veterans. Leland E. Whitmore Dies While Driving to Office Leland E. Whitmore, chief of the location department of the Federal Housing Authority, died of a heart ailment today while driving to his office. A native of Los Angeles. Mr. Whit more had been connected with the FHA for the last year. He made his home at 4411 Maple avenue, Be thesda. Md. Before coming to Washington Mr. Whitmore had been head of the val uation department of FHA in Cali fornia since 1933. and before that he was in the banking and real estate business in that State. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Anne S. Whitmore of Bethesda: two sons, Lt. ij. g.» Joseph Sharp Whit more. on duty in the California area, and James Whitmore of Betheda. and two daughters. Mrs. Melville Jacoby of Bethesda and Miss Carol Whitmore, a student at Stanford University, Calif. Funeral and burial services will be private. D. C. Delegates Urged At Party Conventions The Washingtonians last night reiterated its support of legislation to elect residents of the District as delegates to national political con- ' ventions. It was contended that although the District ha.s delegates to conven- j tions of the major parties, they are selected by small groups and that ; legislation was needed to establish a more definite procedure of election The group voted favorably on a motion recommending that First ; Assistant Superintendent of Schools j Robert L Haycock be named by the I Board of Education as its represent- I ative on the Board of Recreation. It ! also indorsed the recent renomina tion of John Russell Young as Dis trict Commissioner. A reo.uest was marie to the Office of Price Administration to allow people living in private homes to fill their oil tanks during the summer months to ease the burden on dealers next fall. It also suggested simplifica tion of rationing forms. The meeting was presided over by | Miss Etta Taggart, president. i Bratha WILHIDE. EDNA MAY. On Thursday 1 April s. 1 s»4:». at her residence. 1005 D i ft • Seat Pleasant. Md . EDNA MAY WIL HIDE beloved wife of Charles A Wilhide and mother of Charles L. Wilhide. Mrs 1 Arthur Posey of Arlington, Ya . and Miss JaCQupline Wilhide Services at. the S. H Hines Co funeral 1 home, -’uni 14th st. n.w . on Saturday April lo. at .‘1 pm. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. WHITMORE. LELAND E. Suddenly, on Friday, April 9. LELAND E WHIT- i MORE, beloved husband of Annie S. Whit- j more of 4411 Maple ave., Bcthesda. Md I Remains resting at the Bet hesda-Chew ' Chase funeral home of Wm Reuben Pum phrey. where friends are invited to call I between 7 :.'!0 and 1<» p m. Saturday, April io Funeral services and interment private 10 WILSON. OSCAR A. On Thursday. April 1. 104.!. OSCAR A WILSON, be ; loved husband of Myrtie V. Wilson, father i Oscar W.. Rohert L. and Albert B. Wil son and Mrs. Alberta E King. Services at Chambers' funeral home : .">17 11th st s.r . on Saturday. April pi. ; at l p m. Relatives ana friends invited ; . Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. P YASSEM. MARY ELLEN. Ort Tuesday. : April o, 104.!. at Siblfv Memorial Hospital. ! MARY ELI.EN YASSEM. beloved wife of Corpl. Michael Yassem. jr . and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J Fitzpatrick of .lop ; Park ave.. Takoma Park. Md. Mrs. Yassem rests at the Warner E > Pumphre.v funeral home. M34 Georgia . ; ave . Sliver Spring. Md.. where prayers ! will be said on Saturday. April 10. at 9 :?0 ; a m : thence to Our Ladv of Sorrows ■ , Catholic Church. Takoma Park. Md. where : mass will be offered at in a m. for the repose of her soul. 9 In Urmnriam C ARTER. WALTER S. In loving mfm ory of our dear husband and father. WAL TER S CARTER who fell asleep in the arms of Jesus three years ago today. April 9. 194n. ! Oft to my heart comes a bitter cry. 'Why oh. why. did my husband die** * ; Then comes the answer, so softly and sweet. ■ "He's not dead, he's only asleep." i Peaceful be thv rest, dear father. Tis sweet to breathe thy name; i In life we loved you dearly. In death we do the same. I Our hearts still ache with sadness, ; Our eyes shed many a tear. ! God only knows how we miss you ; At. the end of three long years. DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN • DORSEY. MARY ALICE. In memory of I i our dear mother and mother-in-law. MARY ALICE DORSEY, who passed to the great i I beyond one year ago today. April 9. 1942 Some day we hope to meet you. Some day. we know not when. To clasp vour hand Never to part again HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER AND SON IN -LAW. FREEMAN. ANNIE A. In loving me morial to our mother. ANNIE A FREE MAN. who departed this world one year ago, April 9, 1942. Her weary hours and days of pain, Her troubled nights are passed; And in our aching hearts we know She has found sweet rest at last. I Tis sweet to know we will meet again, Where parting is no more. And our dear mother we love so well Has only gone before, j God knows how much we miss her. He counts the tears we shed. ; And whispers. "Hush, she only sleeps, Your mother is not dead " j Some day. some time, my eyes shall see The face I love so well | Some day. some time, her hand I'll clasp ] And never say farewell.'' HER LOVING DAUGHTER AND GRAND- ! SON. PEGGY AND RONALD KING • HACKETT. JOHN L. In sad but loving ! j remembrance of our loved one. JOHN F j ; HACKETT. who nassed away three years i ago April 9. 1940 I MRS MOLLIE A HACKETT AND FAMILY LAUER. ABRIL ANN. In memory ol ABEIE ANN LAUER. who departed this life two years aco today. April 9. I9tl. However long thou walkest solitary, The hour of Heaven shall come CHILDREN • MATTHEWS. GEORGAMA. In loving I remembrance of my mothc. GFORGAMA MATTHEWS, who departed this life twenty ; three years ago today. April 9. 1920. The face I loved is now laid tow. She was so sweet and kind. : DEVOTED DAUGHTER. IRENE MAT THEWS PAGE. McCAULEY, SARAH LOUISE. In mem ory of our mother. SARAH LOUISE Mc CAULEY. who died twenty-six years ago today. April 9. 1917. HER SONS * WALKER, LYDIA J. In loving remem brance of my dear mother. LYDIA J. WALKER, who entered into rest April P, | 1940 You are not forgotten, mother, Nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last I will remember thee. HER DAUGHTER, FANNIE M. WASH INGTON. Itsiin AI BLACK MARKET HEARING—George A. Casey (left), president of the National In dependent Meat Packers Association, yesterday termed OPA regulations “arbitrary, capricious and confiscatory at a House Small Business Committee hearing Into the black market in meat. Rabbi Joseph Waldman (right) of Wilmington, Del., said he had been told if he did not sell his unprofit able meat business for $10,000 he would be out of business in two weeks. _A. P. Photos. Magnuson Defends Army Rank of John Boettiger A rank of captain for John Boettiger, President Roosevelt's son in-law, is not too high, in the opin ion of Representative Magnuson. Democrat, of Washington. Commenting on a statement by Representative Lambertson. Repub lican. of Kansas that Mr. Boettiger. Seattle publisher, due to renort next week at the University of Virginia for military training, may soon be a captain. Mr. Magnuson told re porters he is well qualified for the rank. Mr. Boettiger's administrative ability, his age and his experience probably entitled him to a higher rank, Mr. Magnuson said. He added that the publisher had "leaned over backwards” in accepting a captaincy and that he "could take Lambertson down to the Pentagon Building and show him any number of lieutenant colonels and other high ranking of ficers whose qualifications are not nearly so valuable to the Army as Boettiger's.” "If Boettiger were anybody other than the President's son-in-law." he concluded, "he probably would have been given a higher rank commensurate with these qualifica tions.” Mr. Boettiger, 43, served in the Navy in the World War and has been publisher of the Seattle Post Intelligencer since 1936. One of the Largest Undertakers in the World—W. W. Chamhers This Gasket and 60 Services, $95 | People often wonder how Chambers can provide a funeral of such quality and propriety at such low cost. The answer is simply that Chambers effects ; great savings through vast purchasing power, and passes these savings on to you. Opened and Closed Burial Site—$34 I (J/wite/1 (foamfet'd ItOn Chanin St. N.W , CO. 0132 1 SI 7 llth Street S.E.. AT. «T«« •Hat and M Sts. N.W.. MI. 0123 ^pf Rivrrdale. Maryland. WA 1221 ! __ Mrs. K. K. W. Deboo Dies; Called Marines' Mother By the Associated Press. QUANTICO. Va„ April 9.—Mrs. Katherine K. Williams Deboo. 1 white-haired, amiable “mother of | marines ’,.: died yesterday at the: Quantico Marine Base Family Hos pital. She had been ill for three months. Mrs. Deboo, widow of Sergt. Maj. Michael Deboo, was bom at Union town, Pa„ October 29, 1877. She was married twice and as the wife of Sergt. Maj. Deboo came to Quantico in 1925. Her husband died on August 17, 1933. but she stayed on at Quantico and in 1929 May Gen. Smedley D". Butler made her hostess of marines at Quantico and called her “Mother of Marines." Always popular at the marine base, she was a familiar figure to visiting officials from Washington and once she reviewed a detach ment of marines at Chicago. Many of her “boys" never forgot on Christmas and her birthday to send her greetings cards, and once she received one from a marine with tlie Byrd expedition at the South Pole. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. R. D. Lawson, Quantico; two grandsons and one sister. Funeral arrangements w-ere not announced. Minister Drives Ambulance The regular driver having been drafted, the Rev. D. M. Evan?, ttje Baptist minister of Ibstock, Eng land, is the driver of the only public ambulance in a colliery district hav ing a population of 75.000. Iq^aionuments N T $40up T II 11 MARKERS»15*i> m I JEAJLVEY wBANITE CO.OIC W» ljM^SiPSHuas?Kr '? She lew Sanctuary /}l]audo(eum In the new Sanctuary at Cedar Hi one finds crystalized the sum total ol man s experience in entombment. You’ll be thrilled with its breath taking beauty, 'i ou II be surprised at the low cost. Drive out Pennsylvania Avenue. S E . to Cemetery Cates, open until sundouen. _ Cedar Hill \V a s h i n g t o n s Most Beautiful Cemetery 100% ALL WOOL! RIGHT FOR SPRING! RIGHT FOR WORK! RIGHT FOR TRAVEL! RIGHT FOR SPORTS! RIGHT FOR HOME! RIGHT FOR B USINESS! RIGHT FOR ALL! WEAR THE COAT AS A SPORTS JACKET! The Gladstone_32.50 The Leicester_36.50 Doctor up your wartime wardrobe in one easy gulp—a tiny 24.50 does the trick and makes the cure permanent. Feel your shoulders set. against that fine Wonder Virgin Wool—watch that collar snuggle down and stay put around your neck! See the shape that’s tailored in to stay . . . it’s all in your Wonder Rough Weave. And re member—you pay for suit and only suit—no middleman’s profit in the price ticket! ^ \ CONVENIENT TERMS— \ NO EXTRA CHARGE