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TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE! new York Stock Quotations furmaned bj the Associated Pena. Salea— Stock ana Add Pre» Dividend Rate. <>0 High Low Close Close. Abbott L 1.60a. 1 61 61 61 62V AdamsExp ,45e 29 12 11s, 11s, 12% Adams-Mil.50g 1 27V 27V 27 V 27', Addressog'h 1 5 19V 18s, 18s, 20 Air Reduct'n la 8 43V 42V 42V 43% Alaska Juneau 189 5V SV 5V 6V Allet Corn_ 52 Is. IV IV IV Allee pf xw_ 25 16V 15 15 17 Allee S30pfww SO 16V 15 V 15V 17V Alie* prior pf . 4 32s, 31V 31V 34 AllegLud 35* 28 24V 23', 23V 25 Allep Indus 750 2 9 8', 8V 9V Allied Chem 6 . 4 155 152V 152'., 155V Allied Mills le 16 20V 20 20', 20V Allied Strs .30* 93 10', 9V 9s, J0V Allied Strs pt 5 2 81V 81V 81V 81 Allis-Chal.25*. 32 35 33% 33V 35s, Amal Leather . 3 I V IV l's Is, Amal L pf ,60k. 2 17 16s, 16% 17% Amerada (2) 2 77% 77V 77V 78 Am A* Ch 1.20 4 26V 2«V 26 V 27 Am Atrlln 1 S0e 16 63V 61 61 64 Am Bank N.25* 23 16', 14V 14V 16V tAm Bk N pf 3 100 58 57 58 56 Am Bosch 25e 22 9'i 8', 8V 9 Am Br Sh .25* 8 36 3 4', 34', 37s, An^Cable & R 105 6V 5V 5V 6% Am Gan 3 5 79V 78V 78', 80 tAm Can pf 7 40 175 175 175 175 Am Cary&Fy 2* 34 35 33s, 33% 35V Am C&Fy pf 98 5 69si 68', 68' , 70 Am Chain .50* 9 23s, 22s, 22V 24s, tAm Chicle 4a 29 109', 109 109 109 Am Crys S .25* 12 17', 17 17 17V Am Distilling 5 21 20', 20', 21V Am Encaustic T 4 2V 2s, 2s, 2V Am Export .60* 11 26V 26 26 27 Am&Fom Pwr 47 4s, 3V 3V 4'-, A&FP 6pf ,75k. 2 62V 61s, 62V 63V A&FP 7pf.875k 3 68 66 66 69 Am At P P 2d pf 185 15V 14V 14V 15V Am Hawa'n.75* 10 35 34V 34V 35V Am Hide & Lea 18 4V 3*, 3V 4', Am HomeP 2.40 3 61V 61 61V 62 Amice 8 4V 4 4 4v Am Inti .25* 15 8V « 8 s-V tAm Inv 012.50 3ft 43 43 43 43 Am Locomottve 48 13V 12', 12V 14V Am Lopf 1.75k 2 94 92 92 96 Am Mac&P.20g 9 14V 13V 13V 14V Am Mch&M.25g 2 SV SV 8s, SV Am Metals (11 12 26V 24V 24V 26V tAm News 1 80 20 30V 30 30 30V Am Pwr A Lt 38 2 2 2 2 V AmP&Ltepf 44 30', 28 V 29 30'-, Am P & Lt 5 pf 50 26V 25V 25', 27', Am Radiat .15* 1 46 9', 8', S', ,9V tAm Radiat pi? 30 165 165 165 167 Am Roll M 20* 78 13V 13V 13V 14V t AmRMpf 4 50 430 64V 64 64 64s, Am Saf R 50g 5 14V 14 V 14V 14s, Am Seatine le 2 15V 15V 15s, 15V tAm Ship B le 540 32 31 31 31s, Am Sm&Rel 2 36 45 43 43 46 fAm Sm&Rpf 7 190 149', 149', 149', 150V AmSnufIl.20* 2 44 44 44 45 Am Stl Fy .50* 26 25V 24 V 24V 26V Am Stores 50* 3 14V 14 14s, 14 Am Stove .30* 4 16% 16% 16s, 16% AmSugR1.5ng 3 26 25'* 25% 26% Am Sub R pf 7. 1 102 102 102 100 Am Sumat ,25a 2 25% 25% 25% 26% AmTel&Tclfl 21143 141*. 141% 143% Am Tobacco 3a 2 52% 51% 51% 53 Am Tob (Bt 3a 13 53% 52% 52% 54% tAm Tob pf 6 110 IRS 137% 138 137'... AmType F ,50s 20 10 0% 0% 10% Am Viscose la 20 37 36 36 37% Am Water Wks 84 6s, 6 6% 6% Am WatW 1st 6 1 72 72 72 72 Am Woolen ..21 7% 6% 7 7% Am Wool pf 2k 2 68 67% 67% 69% Am Zinc L & S 10 6% 6 6 6% A Zinc pr 2.50k 1 5.3 53 53 52% Anaconda 50b 202 29% 28% 28% 31 ♦Anacon W.25a 250 29', 29 28 29% Anchor HG. 15s 4 19% 19% 19%. 20 ♦ Ancb H G pf 5 30 113% 113 113 113% Andes Cop .25* 1 14 14 14 14% Arch-D-M 50a I 37% 37% 37% 38% Arm (Del) pf 7. 1 110'. 110% 110% 110 Armour (111) 161 5', 4% 4% 5% Arm (111) pr pf 10 57', 56 56 58 Arm (111) pf 10 58% 58% 58% 60 Armstrong .25* 1 1 35% 35% 35% 36% ArnoldConst.50 2 S% 8% 8% 9 Artloom .10a 12 7% 7', 7% 7% Asso Dry G .50* 13 10% 9% 0% 10% ♦ Asso DG 1st. fi 180 85 83% Rt 84 tAsso tnv. pf 5 30 102 102 102 102 AT&SF3S 124 54% 52% 52% 56 A T & S F pf 5. .3 79 78s, 79 79 Atl Coast L2e. 49 33% 31% 31% 3.3% Atl Refin .15* 4 1 23% 21 % 21', 23% Atlas Corp ,25b 9 11 10% 10% 11% AtlasCorppf3 2 52 51% 52 51% ♦ Atlas Pow .75* 2 61 60', 60% 62 ♦Atlas Pwd pf 5 10 118 118 118 118 Atlas Tack ,25b 3 11% 11% 11% 11% Austin Ntchols. 1 3% 3% 3% 4% Aviation .10g 313 5% 5% 5% 6 Baldwin Loc le 59 16% 15% 15% 16', Ralto&Ohlo 176 9% 8% S', 9% Ralto & Ohio pf 70 13 11% 12 13% Bangor&Aroos 3 10% 10 10 11 tBa&Apf 2.50k 50 50 49% 49', 51 Barber Asphalt IS 18% 17 17% IS7, Bark Bros .60 1 8% 8% 8% 8% ♦ Bark Bpf 2.75 200 35 35 35 34% Barnsdail HO 58 16% 15’, 15', lfi% Bath Iron Wig 17 |S% 17% 17% 19 Ba.vuk 1.50 1 26 26 26 26% Beatrice Cre 1 a 2 28 27% 27% 28% Beid-Hem .80 _ 4 11% II 11 11% Bell Aire’ft 2*_. 21 1R% 17% 17% 19% Bendix ,75b . 19 .38% 37% .37% 38% Benef Loan.30g 2 15 14% 15 14% Best Poods .60. 9 11% 11% 11% 1 ]% Beth Stl 1.60b . 64 65% 63% 63% 66%. BethSteel pf 7. 4 115% 115% 115% 116 Biselow-S 60b. 3 33% .33% .33% 33% Black & D 1.60 4 19% 18% 19 19% Blaw-Knox.35e 43 8', 8 8 8% Boeing Arp! la 100 18 17 17% )0 Bohn Alumn 2 4 63% 50 50 53% tBon-A<B)2 50 20 46% 46% 46% 46% Bond Strs 1 60 28 22% 22 22% 22% Borden ,30e 11 26 25% 25% 26% Bore-War 1.60 ?9 30% 29% 29% 31% Boat A- Maine _ 5 5% 5 5 5', Bower RB 50* 2 33% 33 3:1 34 Bridgepr B.75e 16 IP, I|% 11% 12 Briggs Mfg 2 48 26% 24% 24% 26% Brlggs&Strat 3. 4 42 42 42 42 Bristol-M .40g 1 42 42 42 43 BrklynftQueens 5 ft ft ft ft Bkln-Man Tr 3 1% 1 1 1 Bklyn UG.C5g 5 13% 12% 12% It Bruns Balk.25* 2 16% 16% 16% 17 Bucyrus .125s .. 29 9 8% 8% 91, Budd Mfe -- 46 5% 5% 5% 5% ♦ BuddMfgpf - 60 99% 95% 95% 99% Budd Wheel le 37 9% 9% 9% 10% BuffPorge .451 1 18 IS IS 18% Bullard .50g 16 27 25% 27% 27% Bulova Watch 2 2 .32% 31% 31% 33 Burin M.35* 41 25% 24% 24% 25% Bush Terminal 1 5 4% 4% 51, ♦ Bush Ter pf 6 10 58% 58% 58% 50% ♦ BusTBpf .75*210 33% 32 32 34 Butler Bros.30g 9 8% 8 8 8% Butler pf 1.50 1 24% 21 24 24% Butte Cop 25*. 7 4', 4% 4% 4% Byers (A M) 38 11% 11 14% 15% ♦Byers Pf 5 42k 70 82% 81 81 83% Byron Jae .26e 17 20% 19 19% 21 Calif Pack 1 50 12 28% 27% 27% 28% ♦ CalPke pf 2.50 10 55 55 55 55% Callahan Zinc 8 )% 1% ]% p, Calum ft H .25* 30 8% 8 8 8% Campb W 25* 8 18% 18 IS 19', Canada Dry 60 18 20% 18% 18% 21% Canadian Pac 178 10% 9% 9% 10% Cannon Mills 2 1 40 40 40 40 Cap Admin (A> 8 8% 8% 8% S% ♦ CaroC! ft O 5 110 96 95 95 96 Carpen Stl .50* 2 29% 29 29 30 Carrs ft G 20 4 5 4% 1% 5 Case (Jli 7e 7 108 106% 106% 110 Caterpillar Tr 2 3 46% 46 48 47% Celanese .60* . 46 34% 32% 33% 34% ♦ Celanese pf 7 70 111 109% 109%. 110 ♦ Celanese pr 7. 10 122% 122% 122% 122% Celotex .50 .. 52 14% 13 13% 14', tcelotex pf 5 - 10 88%. 88% 88% 88% Cent Agui 1.50 14 19% 18% 18% 19% cent rrdy .10* 14 3% 3 3 3% Cent RR NJlri 23 11 9', 9% 11% Cent Vlole 2 50. 2 16', 15% 15', 17% Century Rib M. 1 5% 5% 5% 6 Cerro de Pas 4 11 40% 38 38 40% Certaln-teed 19 5', 5% 5% 6 ♦Cert'n-teed nf 620 57% 56 56 58% Chain Belt .25* 1 19 19 19 19% Champ Pan 25g 1 19% 19% 19% 20 Checker Cab 5 17', 16 16 18% Ches ft Ohio 3 40 43% 42% 42% 43% Chi ft East III 42 7% 7. 7 7', Ch ft E 1 A 59s 43 It 13% 13% 14'. Cbl Grt Wn 45 5% 5 5 6% ChGWpf ,625k 29 16% 15% 15% 16% Chi Mall O 50* 13 12% 12 12 12% Chi Pneu T 2 24 20', 18% 18% 20% ♦ ClnPTpr.3 50 51% 51% 51% 52% ChlRlftPirl 6 i* % W s, Chi RI ft P fipf 2 1% 1% 1% 1% Chi R 1 ft P Tpf 1 1% 1% p, l*„ Chickasbail). 2 15% 15% 15% 15% Childs Co . 10 2% 2% 2% 2% ♦Chile Cop 60* 20 32% 32% 32% 32%' Chrysler 75* 62 74% 72!, 72% 71% City IceftP 1.20 9 15 14% 15 14% tCIty Invest... 10 41 41 41 42 City Stores _ 1 4% .4% 4% 4% Clerk Eo .75* . 1 37% 3'7% 37% 38% ♦ ClevEI pf4 50 40 111% 111% HP, HI ClevOraph .50* 1 36 36 36 36% Climax M 1.20a 6 45% 45 45 46% Cluett-Pea .50* 7 36% 36 36 36% Coca-Cola 3_.. 3 98% 97% 98 98 ♦Coca-Cola A 3 10 64 64 64 .644 ColK'e-P-P .60. 23 19', 184 1184 194 Collins * Alk'n 16 234 22 22 244 ♦Colo * Southn 920 114 104 104 114 ♦Col & s 1st pf 320 104 104 104 114 ♦Colo & S 2d pf 100 10 10 10 11 Colo Fuel .25* 4 174 164 164 174 Col Br (A) .30* 5 204 19 19 204 Col Br (B> .30* 2 194 194 194 204 ColGas*Clec 211 34 34 34 34 ♦Col G&E of 5 40 544 54 54 57 CoIG&EofO 6 594 584 584 594 Columb Pie.oOe 21 I64 154 154 17 Columbian C 4. 2 90 89 89 90 1 Cornel Credit 3 9 354 344 344 354 Cornel In* Tr 3 11 374 364 364 38 Cornel Solv 60* 78 14 134 134 144 Comwlth & Sou 105 # 4 4 ft Comw * Sou of 15 49 4 47 4 47 4 504 Comw Edls.36* 28 244 23 4 234 244 CondeNast .40e 1 54 54 54 54 Console um 1 .. 17 214 204 204 214 Cons Csr 1.50e 8 174 174 174 184 ♦Cons C pr 6.50 70 101 1004 101 1004 Cons Cop ,45e 61 64 54 54 64 Cons Edis 1.60. 98 194 19 19 20 Cons Edls pf 8. 3 974 974- 974 974 Cons Film 3 14 14 14 Is* ConsFilmpf,26k 23 144 134 134 144 Consol Laund . 15 34 34 34 34 Cons Oil .60 189 104 9 4 94 104 Cons RR Cub pt 9 74 7 7 74 ! Cons Vultee Air 40 194 18'. 184 20 ' ConsVul pfl.23 4 254- 25 25 264 Cons’da n Coal 7 13 114 114 134 Consol'd’n C pf. 1 56 56 56 61 ♦Consu pf 4.50 50 954 954 954 964 Container .50* 14 21 194 194 214 j Conti Ban 50*. 30 74 7 4 74 84 j Cont Can .25* 17 32 304 304 32 I ContlDiam .26* 19 134 124 124 134 I Conti Ins 1.60a 4 48 474 474 484 i Cont Mot .16*. 228 64 54 6 64 1 Conti Oil Del 1. 21 334 324 324 34!, ; Cont Steel .25*. 2 234 23 23 25 . Copperweld 80 16 14 134 134 144 ♦Corn Ex 2.40 90 464 454 45 4 464 Corn Prod 2.60 . 9 554 544 544 554 ♦ CornProd pf 7 20 178 178 178 1784 Coly Inc 25e .. 3 44 44 44 44 Cot* Internat’l. 1 14 14 1”, 14 Crane Co Is . 34 184 174 17!, 19 tCrane cv of 6 50 1034 103 103 1024 Cream of W.75* 6 214 214 214 214 1 Croslej ,6(le _ 8 164 154 154 164 Crown C'k .60s 9 244 22*, 224 244 Crown Zeller 1. 9 134 134 134 14 ' tCrown Z pf 6. 120 904 904 904 904 Ciucipie Stl 2e. 37 354 34*, 34*, 364 CrucibieSt pf5. 4 794 784 784 814 Cuo-Am S .75e. 37 94 94 94 10 Cudahy Pk*— 17 184 164 164 184 Cuneo 1.50 ... 2 224 22 22 22 ♦CuneoPpf4.50. 50 102 102 102 102 I Curtis Publish. 119 44 34 4 44 | »Curtl, Pub pf 210 704 69 694 714 ! Curt Pu pr ,76k 14 334 314 314 344 Curtiss-Wr le 114 9 8*, 84 94 Curt-W(A) 50* 13 23 4 234 234 244 Cut-Ham .25* . 9 204 20 20 204 Dave** St .50*. 1 6 6‘ 6 64 DavisChem 60e 21 15% 15% 15% 16% tDayPLpf 4.50 30 111% 111% 111% 111 Decca Rec 1_ 5 15 14% 14% 15 Deere 1.35e .. 27 34 32% 33*. 34% Deere pf 1.40 . 2 33% 33% 33% 33% Deis-W-G.375* 3 16% 16 16 17 Dei As Hudson 72 16 14% 14% 16% Del Lack Ac Wn 195 7% 7 7 7% Den RGW pf r. 1 1% 1% 1% 1% Det Edis .60* . 6 18% 18% 18% 18% tDevoeAkRay 1.75(1 25 23% 24 25 Diam M 1.60 . 3 31% 31% 31% 32 Diam M pi 1.50 3 38 37% 37% 38 DiamTMot .25* 15 15% 15 15 15% Dlst C-S h2.22. in 28% 28%. 28% 29% Dist C-S pf 5 .. 1 90% 90% 90% 90% Dixie-Vor .60*. 2 13% 13% 13% 13% tDlx-V A 2.50. 2 39% 39 39% 39% Doehler D 376* 11 25% 24* 25 25% Dome M h.SOg 29 21%. 20% 21 23 Douglas Aire 5e 12 69 67 67 69 Dow Chem 3 .. 1 138% 138% 138% 139% Dres’r M 1.60». 6 25 24% 2 5 25% Dunhlll Inti_ 1 6% 6% 6% 7% Dup SilkH .90s 4 13% 13% 13% 13% Du Pont (1*) . 4 143% 1 43 143 1 14% Du Pont Pf4.50 1 125% 125% 125% 126 Eastn Air Lines 18 38% J6% 36% 38% Eastern Roll M. 6 6% 6% 6% 7% Eastm'n Kod 5. 5 160 156% 156% 160% Eaton Mfg 3 10 40%' 39% 39% 4! Edison Bros SO 2 14% 14 14 % 114, El Ac Mus .06* . 16 3% 3% 3% 3% El Auto-L .50*. 26 36% 35% 35% 36H Elec Boat lc_18 13 12% 12% 13% El Pwr * Lt ._ 30 3% 3% 3% 3% El P Ac Lt 6 pf— 13 43s, 40% 41% 44% El P Ac L 7 pf... 24 48s, 46% 46% 49% El Storage B 2 _ 7 38% 37% 37% 3SVi El Pas NG 2.40. 2 29% 29% 29% 29% Endicott-J 3_ 2 53% 53% 53% 54% Eng Pub Sve .114 5% 5% 5% 6% tEng Pb S pf 5 400 71 72% 74 75 TEng PSpr 6.50 2 76 75% 75% 76% Eouit Off Bldg. 1 s, % % 1# Erie RR la .. 40 14% 13', 13% 14a, Erie R R ct le. 205 13% 12% 12% 14 ErieRRplAft 1 1 48 48 48 49% Eurek VC .125* 22 7s, 6% 6% 7% Evans Products 6 9% 8% 8% 9% Ex-Cell-0 2.00. 11 28 27 27 28% FairdanksMl. 5 40% 39% 39% 40% Fajardo Sug 2. 14 24 22% 22% 24% Fed Lt Ac T .25* 3 11% 11% 11%. 11 tFed LAcT pf 6 20 97 97 97 97 Fed Min Ac S lg 2 28% 27% 27% 29% Fed Mogul 1 . 1 15% 15% 15% 15 Fed Mot T .10*. 15 5% 5% 5% 6 FederDS 1.40a 2 19 18% 18% 20 tFed DSpf 4.25 40 90% 90 90% 90 Ferro Enamel.. 4 14% 13% 13% 14% FidPhFl 1.60a. 2 49% 48% 48% 49% Firestone .75*. 12 34% 32 32 34% Firestone pf 6 . 1 107% 107% 107% 108 FirstNat S 2.50 4 37% 36% 36% 37% Flintkote .25* . 14 18%. 18 18 18% Florence St.50* 1 30% 30% 30% 31 Florsh Sh A 1 (. 1 24% 24% 24% 24% FollansDee SU.. 11 7% 7 7 7% tPollansb S pf 140 40 33 33 40 Food Fair St 1 4 10% 10% 10', 10% Food Mach .85K 4 47 46 46 4* Foster Wheeler 16 16% 15’, 15% 17 'FostWpf 1.50 100 19% 19% 19% 19% FranciscoSugar 5 7% 7% 7% 8% Freeport Sul 2. 7 35% 35% 35% 35% Fruebauf 1.40 _ 3 21% 20% 20% 21% lFreuhaufplS 10 97 97 97 97 GaoileHAJ.lO*. 7 3% 3', 3% 3% Gair(Rbt).25e. 19 • 3% 3% 3% 31, GairlRlpI 1.20 I 12% 12% 12% 12% tGamewdl .5(1*470 23’, 22% 22% 23% Gar Wood .25g. 41 5% 5% 5% 5% Gaylord .50a . 2 13', 13% 13% 13% Gen Am In .40* 5 9% 9% 9% 9% : Gen Am Tr 2e 6 43 42% 42% 43% Gen Baking .30i 34 8% 7% 7% 8% Gen Bronze_ 6 6% 6% 6% 7% Gen Cable . _. 16 5% 5% 5% 5’* Gen Cable (A) 5 141 a 13% 13% 14% tGCabpfl.TSk 30 80% 80 80 82% Gen Cigar 1 2 25% 25% 26% 25% Gen Eec 1.40 62 36- 35 35% 36% Gen Foods .401 8 38 37', 38 38% GenG&E(A> 201 2 l', 1% 1% tGen GdtE cvpl 80 94 94 94 99 t Gen Mills pf 5 30 131 131 131 131 Gen Motors.50* 73 49% 47% 47% 60 Gen Mot pf 5 I 128% 128% 128% 129% Gen Outdr .20e 4 3% 3% 3% 3% Gen Outdr A 3e 1 23 23 23 24 Gen Precis .25* 23 20 19 19 20% Gen Prink.10* 4 6% 6% 6% 6% tGen Pr I pi 6-. 10 108 108 108 108% Gen Public Sec. 11 1% 1% 1% 1% Gen Ry 6.25*. 11 18% 17% 18 19% Gen Real&Util 23 1 % % 1 Gen Rcfrac.30* 21 22 21% 21% 22% Gen Shoe .50* 1 13% 13% 13% 13% tGenSCPiak 250 75% 73% 73% 76% GenTelephl flu 12 21 20% 20% 21% Gen Tire .50*.. 9 20% 18% 18% 20% I Gillette 45e_ 47 7% 7% 7% 7% Gillette pf 5_- 1 70% 70% 70% 70% Glmbel Bros... 18 8% 8 8 8% Olmbel Dl 6- 1 71% 71% 71% 72% Glidden 30* . 12 20 18% 19% 20% Gild cv pf 2.25. 1 47 47 47 45% i Gobcl (Adolf) . 6 % % % % 1 Goebel Brew.20 18 3 2% 2% 3 ; Goodrich 25*-. 64 37% 36 36% 38', Goodrich pi 6.. 5 95 93% 93% 95 Oqpdyear 30*.. 64 35 32 32 36% Goodyear pf 5. 3 96', 96% 96% 96% Goth 8 B.25*. IS 6 *» 6% 6% 6', Graham-Pat**. 89 1%’ 1% 1% 1’, Granby .60 49 6% 5% 5% 6% Gran City 95e 15 11% 10% 10% 12% Grant 1.40 ... 2 32% 32% 32% 33 Great N O ct 2* 7 17% 17', 17% 17% Grt Nor of 2e 54 ^9% 27', 27% 30% Great W Bui li 3 26% 26 26 26% Green (BL) 2a 6 40% .40 40 40% Greyhound (11 43 16% 16% 16% 16% Greyh'd pf .55 4 11% 11% 11% 11% Grum'n A 1 60* 16 16 15% 15% 16% Guantanamos 3 3% 3% 3% 3', •Guantan 8 pf. 40 102 102 102 104 Gulf Mob dsO 61 8 7 7 8% GMdtO pf 2.60# 21 37% 35% 36 38% Hack W 1.60 3 24 23% 23% 24% Hall Println* 1. 9 16% 15% 16 16% Ham Wtcb .20* 2 14 131% 14 14 Harb-Walk.25* 6 16% 16% 16% 17% Hat (A) .25* .. 5 5% 5% 5% 6% Kayes Ind .15*. 4 8% 8% 8% 8% Hayes Ml* Co . 21 2% 2% 2s, 2% tHaxel-AtOIS 110 102 101% 102 100% Helme 2.25*... 1 69 69 69 71 Herculea Mot 1. 8 16 14% 14% 16% Hercules P .50* 6 78 77% 77% 78% Holland Purn 3 * 5 37% 36% 36% 37', Hollander .50*. 5 13% 12% 12% 13% Holly Sucar 1.. 7 16% 15% 15% 16% ! Homestake Min 46 39'. 374 38 404 Houd-H B.25C- 21 144 134 13V. 144 Household F 4 2 50 .50 50 504 tHouseh'd pf 5 . 60 106 10644 1064 1064 j Houston Oil .. 34 74 64 64 74 Howe Sound 3_. 3 39 3§4 384 41 Hudson* Men. 9 24 2 2 24 j Hudson *Mpf 1 74 7'i 7'i 74 Hudson Bay h2 8 27 264 26'* 284 Hudaon Motor 32 84 84 84 9 Hupp Motor (r) 24 14 14 14 14 111 Central . 86 134 124 124 14", till C Isd Ins 4. 140 444 434 434 45 111 Central pf . 4 28 264 264 284 Indian Reflnini 2 12 114 11', 124 1 Ind'apP&L.SO* 3 154 154 154 164 ; Indust Rayon 2 2 37 37 37 384 Inser-Rd 1.60*. 7 100 99 99 100'* In*ersol-R pf 6 10 160 160 160 162 Inland Steel 1* 2 70 694 694 704 Insplr Con .25* 85 13', 134 134 14*, Intercbem 1 60 3 294 29 29 30 Intercont R la. 5 84 84 84 84 Interlace 60e. 86 84 84 84 94 Int Bus Mch 6c 1161 1594 1594 1624 Int Harvest 2 - 22 69 674 674 694 Int Hydro B<A» 8 2 14 1", 1', Int Mer Marine 53 134 12*. 124 13*, Int Mineral 60e 14 17 15** 16 17** Int Miner pf 4. 2 65 61 64 66 Int Mining ... 18 64 54 54 6 Int NicC<Can)2 60 344 334 334 344 Int Pap * Pwr 109 114 10-4 104 114 Int Pap*P pi 6. 4 57 56 56 574 Inti RCA 3 64 6 6 64 . 'IRCA pf 1.25k 100 56 56 56 56 Int Salt ,50c _. 1 43 43 43 44 Int Shoa 1.80 . 2 324 324 324 32', Int Silver .75*. 2 41 404 40'* 424 Int Tel * Tele* 369 9', 9 9 10 Int T*T Tor ef, 8 94 94 94 104 Interst D S 60* 12 124 104 104 13 Intertype .25*.. 1 134 134 134 134 Isld Creek C 2.. 1 314 314 314 32 JarvisWB .30*. 7 114 114 114 114 Jewel Tea 1.60. 2 294 284 284 294 Johns-M .60*.. 9 82 80 80 83 Jones*Lau 1* . 98 25 234 234 254 Jones&L ol A 5 3 634 63 63 634 Jones*L pf B 5 3 78 75 75 804 JoyMfC 220* 1 114 114 114 114 Kalamazoo 8.60 2 154 15 15 154 Kan City Sou.. 70 94 94 94 104 Kan C 8 pf 2e . 6 284 28 28 29 Kaufm DS .20* l 10”* 104 104 114 tKailfm DSpf 5 20 96 94', 944 96 Kayaer (J) .26* 1 15 15 15 15', 1 Kels-H(A) 1.60 4 17** 174 174 18 I iKeli-H <B).75* 28 13 124 124 134 Kenneeott .60* 131 334 324 324 344 | Keystone S .26* 1 174 174 174 17**1 Kimb-Clark 1— 2 284 27** 274 28", Kinney (GR)._ 4 34 34 34 34 tKin 5 pf 1.60k 50 40 394 394 40 | Kres*e 83.25*. 5 224 224 224 234 Kress(SH) 1.60 5 294 28 28 29 Krocer Groc 2. 11 28*, 274 274 284 tLaclede Gaa.. 20 14 134 134 15 tLaclede G nf__ 20 594 594 694 64 Lambert 1.60_ 6 22 214 21*, 224 Lane Bryant 1. 1 15** 15** 15** 16 Lee T * R .75*. 5 34 33 33 344 Led PortC 1.50 1 22** 22'* 22'* 24 Lea Valley Coal 10 l», 14 1', p, Lea Vail C of.. 19 14'. 134 134 15V* Lea Valley RR. 45 64 6 6 64 Lehman Co (1). 14 294 29 29 30 Lehn&Fink.35* 3 IS', 174 174 174 Lemer 8tra 2 - 2 314 31 31 32 Libby-O-F .25* II 36 334 34'* 364 LibMeN*L 45*239 74 64 7 74 Life Say 1.60 _ 1 31V, 314 314 3214 Lig* & My 3 1 66 66 66 67 Ligg Sc My B 3. 3 6S 674 68 68'* LllyTulClSO 2 284 28 28 28'-, Lima Loco 50g 19 334 32 32 35 Link-Belt 2_ 2 39'* 39 39 404 Lion Oil Ref 1.. 7 164 164 164 17V, I Liquid Carb la. 9 184 184 184 184 Lockheed A.50g 67 23 214 214 234 Loew s Inc (2). 13 55 53 53 564 Lone Star G 3_. 2 434 43 43 444 Long-Bell (A).. 8 84 84 84 9 Loose-Wiles 1_. 5 26 254 254 26 j Lorllard P .25*. 8 19!. 184 184 19', | tLonllard of 7. 50 153 153 153 153 Louis&Nash 2g. 2 72 71 71 72 LouG&E A 1.60 1 194 194 194 194 MeAn & F .95* 4 254 254 254 254 Mack Trucks 3e 22 35V, 34 * 35 364! Macy (RH) 2 . 4 254 25 25 254 Mad Sq G .25*. 2 114 114 114 114 Magma Coo.50* 7 224 22 22 234 Manati Sugar.. 13 5 44 5 54 Mar Mid .08*.. SO 5 44 44 44 tMarkStRy or. 2080 164 154 154 164 Marsh Fid .80.. 25 144 13 134 14 Mart G1 1.50*. 23 214 20v* 204 224 Martin-Parry.. 15 54 51, 54 64 Master El .35*. 3 274 274 274 274 Mathie* A! .25* 3 244 24 24 244 May DeotSrs 3 4 444 44 44 454 Mayta* Co 5 4 4 4 4 44 44 Maytag of 75k 1 27 27 27 27V* McCall 1.40.1 164 164 164 17 McCrory Str* 1. 7 14!, It 14 14H McGrawEleel. 2 24 234 23'* 244 McGraw -H 15* 4 144 14 14 144 Mclnty h2.22a. 3 504 49 49 50V* McKtas&Rob 1. 31 174 1*4 174 184 McLellan .40*.. 6 94 9 9 94 tMcLel n of 6 . 10 108 108 108 109 Mead Coro .15* 28 10', 9'* 94 104 iMeadof»5.50 60 724 71 71 74 Melville Shoe 2. 2 304 30 30 30'* Meniel S ,25e.. .31 84 74 74 8'* tMen* Sof 2.50 40 344 331, 334 324 Merch&MT 50* 2 26*. 264 26', 284 MiamiCoo .25* 57 8", 8 8 84 Mid Cont .40*.. 23 24 23 234 24 Mid Steel .60*.. 1 274 274 27V, 30 j tMld Stl 1st 8.. 10 115-4 1154 1154 116 Mina Hon R 2_. 5 674 67 67 674 j Min-iloline Im. 33 6'* 6 6 64 Mission Co .85* 3 194 18'* IS'* 20 Mo Kan & Tex. 53 34 34 34 34 MoKan&Tpf 16 10 94 94 104 Mohawk Carp 2 2 23% 23% 23% 24% i MonsanCh 2.. 1 87% 87% 87% 89 tMons pfA 4.50 70 119 119 119 119 tMons of C 4. _ 10 113% 113% 113% 113% : Mont* Ward 2. 30 38% 37% 37% 38% 'Morris & EssexlgoO 20% 18*« 18", 20% Motor Prod 50a 3 14 13V. 13% 14 Motor Whl .20* 9 17% 17 17 18 Mueller Br .40* 4 27% 27% 27% 29% Mullins Mfi'B) 8 5% 5% fi% 6% tMuilns pf 7... 10 66% 66% 66% 66 Munsin* 2.25e. 1 21 21 21 21 Murphy (GC) 3 1 64% 64% 64% 65 Murray Co .60* 39 8% 7% 7% 9 Myers (FE) 2 . 1 43% 43% 43% 43 Nabco Liquldat 5 1% 1% 1% 14 Nash-Kel .126* 149 9% 8% 8% 9*. t.NashC&SlL 3*110 38% 38 38 38% Nat Acme .60*. 17 18% 17% 17% 18% Nat Auto Fibre. 6 7% 6 % 7 7% Nat ATla .825*. 5 11 10% 10% 11% Nat Bisc't .6O1. 27 19% 19% 19% 20 Nat BdiS .30*. 2 20 19% 19% 20% i NatCan ... 24 7% 7% 7% 7% ! Nat Cash Real. 11 23% 22% 22% 23%' Nat Cyi Gas.80. 11 13% 13*, 13V 14% I Nat Dairy .80 . 25 18% 17% 17% 18% < Nat Dep Sts .60 4 8%, 8% 8% 8% I Nat Distillers 2 12 29% 29!* 29% 30% I NatEnam.376* 3 23 22% 22% 23%' Nat Gyp Slbt 34 8% 7% 7% 8%; tNat Gy Pf4.50 20 82 82 82 84 Nat Lead .60 . 24 17% 16% 16% 17% TNat L’d pf B 8 20 140 140 140 139!, NatMal ble 25*. 12 19 18 18 18% NatPwr&Lt.. 58 4% 4% 4% 5% Nat Steel 3-14 SS%" 57% 57% 60% Nat8upply- 42 10% 9% 9% 10% tNSuepf 1.60k 10 78% 78% 78% 79 tNSu5!,1.375k SO 72% 72 72 73% Nat Sup *2 pf.. 2 21 19% J9% 22 Nat Tea Co- 30 5% 5!, 5% 6 Natoma* 1 ... 42 9% 8% 8% 9% NehlCorp.SB* 12 13% 12% 12% 13% Neisner(l) . 6 19 18% 19 19 Newberry 2 40 1 48 48 48 48 Newmont .376* 5 35 34 34 37 Newp’tlnd 20* 26 13 12% 12% 13% Newpt N S .50*. 8 20 19% 19% 20 N Y Air B .50*. 3 35 33 33 35 | NY Central 1*. 635 17% 16% 16*, 18% NYChl&StL. 12 16% 14% 14% 17 NYChl&StLpf. 37 43!, 41% 41% 44% NYCOm.50*. 9 20 18!, 18% 19*. N Y Dock_ 5 11% 11 11 in, i N Y Dock of... 5 25 23*. 23% 25 1 tNY & Ha rim 6 50 96% 96 96% 96% j tN Y Lack A: W 10 40% 40 40 40% N YN H k H(r) 35 1% 1 1% 1% i NYNH&H pf(rl 17 3% 3% 3% 3% 'NYOnt&Wn. 1 % % ", ,, ; N Y Shipbld *e. 11 25 24% 24% 25% TNorf & Wn 10 27(1 174% 173% 173% 174% : tNorf & W pf 4 10 114% 114% 114% 115 Nor A Aviat 1# 58 13% 12% 12% 14 Nor Am Co 3Sf 192 14% 13% 14 15% Nor Am 6 pi 3 2 54 54 54 55 NA 6%pf 2.876 3 53% 53% 53% 53% NorthnPacl* 354 15% 14% 14% 16% tN'or St P pf 6 10 111 110% 111 111 N W Alriin 50e 2 18 17% 18', 18% tNorthwTel 3 40 39% 39% 39% 40 NorwalkT .20*. 14 5% 5 5 5% tNorwk pf 3.50 10 43% 43% 43V, 45 Norwich P .15*. 3 11% 11% 11% 1 It. OhioOU.60* . 80 16% 15% 15% 16% OUv Farm* 2*.. 7 40% 39 39 41% Omnibus.. .. 29 7 6% 6% 7% Oppenh'm -50*. 4 7% 6% 6% 7% Otla EleTat .20* 13 19% 18% 18', 19% Outboard .60*. 2 35% 34% 34% 38 Owens-m Ol 2. 3 67% 56% 56% 57% Pac Am Fish le 3 11% 11** 11*, 12% tPae Coast ...350 10% 10% 10% 11% tPae Coast lit. 90 37% 36% 36% 38% tPae Coast 2d. 100 21% 19% 19% 21 Pac Gat ASS. 10 28% 28% 28% 28H Pae Light'* 3._ I 40 40 40 404 Pac Mill* .50* . 15 25 234 23V, §254 ♦PacT&T 1.25* 30 98 98 98 984 Pae Tin - .. 32 34 34 34 34 PaeWnO.SOe. 1 154 154 154 16V* Packard .10* . 375 44 44 44 5 Pan Am Air 1* 75 304 29 294 304 ♦ Pan EPpf 5.60120 1104 1104 1104 111 Pan le Pro .10*. 12 24 24 24 2V4 Paraffine 2 .. 1 404 404 404 42 Param't 1.20 164 234 22 224 234 Park Ctah Min 60 24 24 24 24 Parke Dav SOa 13 284 28 284 284 Parker R .376*. 1 174 174 174 18 Parmelee Tran. 13 44 44 44 44 Patino Ml* . 19 264 25 254 26s. Penlck&F .75*. 3 564 56 56 574 Penney (JCI 3_. 3 89 88 88 S94 Penn Coal A C. 23 6 54 54 6 Penn Dixie C 4 3 3 3 3 Penn Dixpf.76k 2 404 394 394 41 Penn RR 2.60e 102 304 294 294 31 Peop Drug .26*. 1 22 22 22 224 Peo» Oas Lt 4 . 2 514 51 51 514 Peoria & Eastn 5 54 5 5 54 Pepsi-Cola .5n* 71 414 404 404 424 Pere Marquette 20 134 124 124 134 ♦ Pere Mara pf 200 38 374 37-4 394 ♦Pere Mar pr of 100 46 46 46 49-4 Petrol Corp.35e 6 84 84 84 84 Pfeiffer Br .25* 7 64 64 64 64 PhelpsDod 1 80107 274 264 264 284 ♦ PhilaCoOpf 3.110 444 444 444 414 Philco .15* ... 27 214 194 194 22 Phil Morria 3a. 7 774 754 754 78 ♦ Phil M pf 4 23 80 1064 1064 1064 107 Phillips Pet t__ 15 484 48 48 49 Phoenix Hot_ 1 5 5 5 54 Pillsbury PI l__ 2 244 244 244 25 Pitts & W Va_ 4 15 144 144 154 Pitts Coal ... 11 54 5 5 54 Pitts Coal pf Ik 7 Si's 484 484 524 Pitts C A 1.50* 8 8 74 74 84 ♦Pitts C&I pf 5. 10 694 894 894 89 Pitts Forge .25* 3 124 12 12 134 Pitts Sere*.10* 21 84 54 54 64 Pitt* Steel- 4 84 84 84 94 ♦PitteStl 6 pf. 390 39 38 38 39 ♦Pittston pf A.. 30 37 37 37 384 Pittston Co .. 4 34 34 34 34 ♦Pittston pf B- 20 304 304 304 304 Ply’th Oil .25*.. 6 194 19 19 204 Pond Crk .50*-. I 22 22 22 224 Poor A Co <B). 11 84 74 74 84 Postal Tel pf. - 3 194 184 184 194 Press StI C .60* 46 104 9 4 94 104 Press 8C lst.25 2 104 104 104 114 Press8C2d 2.50 2 34 324 324 35 Proet 4k Gam 2. 3 554 55 55 554 Pub Sve NJ.25* 66 164 154 154 174 ♦Pub S NJ pf 8. 90 125 125 125 126 ♦ Pub S NJ pf 7. 40 1104 109 109 110 ♦ Pub S NJ pf 6.100 1004 1004 1004 1004 ♦ Pub S NJ bf 6 200 87 86 86 87 ♦ PubSvEIG pf6. 10 1174 1174 1174 1174 Pullman ,60t__ 53 334 324 324 344 Pure Oil .60e._ 124 16 154 154 164 PureOUpfS... 2 99 984 984 99a, Purity Bk ,*5a. 5 164 164 164 174 Quaker State 1. 2 13 13 13 134 Radio .20* 540 94 9 94 10 Radio cypf 3.50 5 67s, 67 67 674 Radio-K-Or - ,6 7% 7% 7% 8 IRadlo-K-Or pf220 83% 82 82 85 ♦ Ry Secdll at).270 10% 9% 9% 10s, Rarbest .378*.. 5 26'* 26% 26'* 26% Rayonier .25*.. 4 12% 12% 12s, 1.1% Rayonier pf 2— 3 28% 28 28 28% Readme <1 > — 21 20% 19% 19% 20 Readin* 1st 2_. 1 31% 31% 33% 33% Readin* 2d 2.. 1 28% 28% 28% 29% tRelsACo lstpf 270 33 31% 31% 33 Reliable Sts .50 1 9% 9% 9% 9% Reliance M.60* 3 19% 18% 18% 19% RemRand -B0«- 20 14s, 14s, 14s, 15 tRena&Sar 8, 100 65% 55% 55% 55% Reo Motora ... 11 9% 9% 9% 10% Repub Stl .26*. 131 17% 16% 16% 18 Revere Copper, 27 8% 8% 8% 9 tRevereCpf". 10 93% 93% 93% 96% tRev C pf 5.25, 10 67 67 67 69 Reyn Metis.60a 3 10% 10% 10% 11 Reyn8pr*.J5e 15 10% 9s, 9% 10% Reyn To B 1.40 12 27% 27'., 27% 27% Richfield .50e_ 12 9% 9s, 9% 10% Ritter Co .25*,. 4 17 16 16 17 Roan Ant .16*. 3 8% 8 8 9% Ruberold .15*.. R 24% 23% 23*. 25 Rustlesi Ir .60. 15 16% 15% 15% 16% Safeway Sirs 3 8 39% 38s, 38% 39 ♦ Safeway pf 5 110 109% 109% 109% 109s, SiJoeLead .60*. 7 35% 35 35 36% St L-San Fran. 13 A, % j, 4, St L-San Fr pf. 6 1 % 1 ] 1 % ♦ StLSWpf(r) 10 9 9 9 9% SavArmi.25*. 31 11% 11% 11% n% Schen Dist 50* 50 33% 31% 32 33% Schen pf 6 50 . 2 100 100 100 101% Scott Pap 1.80. 4 40 39 39 40 tScott Ppf 4.50 10 113 113 113 112% Seab'd A L (r> 23 H s» 44 % SeabdALpf(r) 3 2% 2 2 2s, Seaboard Oil 1. 6 21% 20% 20% 22% Seatrave Corp - 2 3 3 3 3% Sears Roeb 3... 29 68% 67% 67% 69% Servel Inc 1 26 13s, 13 13s, 13% Sharon Stl .25* 7 13% 12% 12% 14s, tSharon S pf 6. 20 65% 65% 65% 64% SharpeAD .25* 34 14% 13% 13% 14% Shattuelc 40 5 9 8% 8% 9 Shell Dn OH la. S6 22% 22% 22s, 23% Silver King.70* 11 4% 4% 4s, "4,, Sim'na Col.25# 21 24% 22% 22% 24% Simonds 8 .40*. 2 25% 25% 25% 26 Skelly 01.25e 9 38 37% 37% 38s, tSloss-Sh 1.50* 80 120 118 118 125 8mith (AO) la. 5 27% 27 27% 28% Smith* Cor 2. 4 20% 19s, 19s, 20% Snider Pk* .75* 4 26s, 26 26 27 Socony-Vae .60121 13 12% 12% 13% So A Gold .10*. 100 4% 3s, 3% 4% SoPRiaoSl*.. 2 25 24V, 25 26% SB Greyh 1.80. 2 20 19% 20 197, Sou Cal E 1.50, 1 24% 24% 24% 24% Sou Nat G.25* 7 13% 13% 13V, 13% Sou Pacific le. 363 24 22s, 22% “>4% sou Railway 2* 22o 28' i 26*, 2fi'i 29 Sou Rypf 3.75* 27 464 44 44 464 tSou Ry MAO 4120 59', 584 584 594 Sparks W .15*. 24 54 44 44 5*. Spear A Co_ 5 4", 34 34 4,, ♦Spear A Co pf. 80 384 38*, 38** 40 Spene Kel .40*. 1 27 27 27 274 8perry l.SOe . 39 324 32 32 324 Spicer Mfl.50* 3 37', 37 37 3,8 6pietel. Ine 39 5', 54 514 h'i, tSplegd pf 4.50290 46** 46 46 47«, Square D .50*.. 6 35', 35 35 36', ♦ Squibbs pf 5 . 10 114 114 114 1144 Std Brands.10* 150 7 S', 64 74 Stand B pf 4.50 1 1074 1074 107', 107', Std Gaa A dec. 41 ! tit tit tit StdGAE$4pf. 16 3 24 2** 3 Std GAE S6pf _. 22 2.3** 22** 224 24 Std GAE $7 pf 122 27*, 244 264 254 Std Oil Cal .40* 83 344 334 334 .247, StdOllInd(l). 30 324 314 31** 32*4 Std Oil N J la . 71 524 50'* 514 534 StdOll Ob 1 50. 8 43 424 43 43', Starrett .75k .. 1 284 28** 284 29 Sterl Drug .75* 6 634 63 63 634 Stew Warn .50# 41 11', 10*, 104 11*, Stokely Broa .. 23 7*4 74 74 74 Stone A W .75* 63 9 84 84 94 Studebaker.25* 101 104 9*, 9** 114 Sun Olll .. 5 60 60 60 59** tSun OpfA 4.50 90 122 122 122 1234 Sunshine M.15* 17 64 64 64 64 Superheater(l) 12 17', 16** 16** 18 Sup Oil Cal.50* 3 7 2 71', 714 734 SupOil.OSe __ 34 3 24 2** 3 Super Stl 1.20- 14 284 26', 26', 284 Sweets of Am . 2 94 94 9'* 104 BwlltACo 1.30a 11 25 24*, 244 254 Swift Inti 2 ... 19 344 32*, 32*, 35 SylT’la El .25*. 7 26 25 25 264 Sym-Gould.25*. 33 74 74 74 77, Talcott .40 . 1 74 74 74 8 Tenn Corp .25*. 3 111, IP* 11'* 1214 Tex Pae Ryle. 17 26 23s* 23** 264 Texas Co 2 . 14 4R'i 464 46', 49 Tex Gulf P.10* 14 44 44 44 47, Tex Gulf Bui 2. 13 39*. 394 394 394 Tex PCAO .40 . 26 114 10*. 104 11** Tex Pac LT.lOe 34 94 9'i 94 97 j Thatcher Mf* 9 94 9', 94 104 tThatch pf 3 60 30 454 44 44 454 Thermoid .40 11 7 6*i 64 74 tThermoid pf 3 20 394 39V, 394 41 Third At Trans 6 44 4 4 4*, Thom Pr 225*.. 7 30 294 294 31 Thomp-Starr.. 6 2s, 21* 24 2'.* Thom-Starr pf. 2 224 22 22 224 Tide Wat O 60 49 13** 13 13 144 tTideWOpf4.50200 99 98'* 99 984 Tim-Det A .75* 11 324 314 32 334 TimkRB.60*. 3 474 46 46 47V, Transamer .50. 9 8 74 77*, 8 Transcont Wn 6 184 18 184 184 TransAWil .60* 3 16 144 144 16*, Trl-Contl 40 34 3', 3*, 37* 'Tn-Contl pf« 10 85 85 85 87 Truax-Tra .20* 6 8 8 8 S', Twen C-P .25* 93 194 IS', 184 194 20thC-Fpf 1.50 2 31 304 30', 314 Twin City RT_ 27 74 6*« 64 74 tTwlnCPf7* 200 ,71 694 694 724 Twin Coach.50* 23 8 4 8 4 8 4 9 Cnd-d!-F .50*. 1 464 454 464 48 Un Bag A Pap . 35 104 104 104 104 On Cart 1.60*. 16 834 82 82 844 On OU (Call l. 38 194 184 184 194 On Pacific «... 25 924 90 90 93 On Pacific pf 4. 1 844 844 844 844 On Tan* C.60* 5 274 264 264 274 Unit Air L.60* 62 22 214 214 224 Onlt Alrcraft3a 39 344 334 834 344 Onlt Blse 325* . I 184 184 184 184 tOnit Bisc pf 5. 40 1114 1111,1114 IIP, Onlt Carbon 3 7 644 64 644 64 Onit-Carr 1.20 1 22 22 22 214 Onlt Corp-121 14 1 14 14 Ctd Corp pf 1*. 71 244 234 *234 254 Onlt Drue- 37 104 94 94 104 Unit Dyewood.. 2 5Vi 54 5Vi 64 ♦Unit Dywd pf. 80 50 494 50 50 Unit Elec Coal .77 64 64 74 Unit Fru 1.25*. 16 67 65 65 674 Unit Gaa .10* 180 8 4 8 4 8 4 84 Unit Gas 1 pf 6 1 1084 1084 1084 1084 Unit M 4k M la 15 234 224 224 24 Unit Papbd.SOe 9 54 5 5 54 U S & For Sec 17 10 94 94 104 U 8 Freight.25* 6 144 14 14 154 U S Gypsum 2. 5 674 67 67 684 USHoS.60e 4 84 84 84 94 tUSHopf 2.75.10 414 414 414 404 U Sind Ale la. 23 384 364 364 394 U S Lea A .50*. 17 19 184 184 194 U 8 Pipe As F 2. 13 36 344 344 364 US Plywd 1.20 4 374 37 37 374 D S Realty 4 2 14 14 24 U S Rubber .25* 94 364 344 35 374 U S Rub 1st 4* 5 1154 115 115 1154 USSmAcR 1.75* 14 594 57 4 574 604 US Steel 1* ..272 564 544 544 574 USBteelpf 7.. 6 1174 1174 1174 118 US Tobae .30* 1 26 26 26 264 Unit Stkyds 15e 1 24 24 25 24 Unit Stores (A) 6 14 14 14 14 Univ-Cyel .25*. 3 18 18 IS I84 ’Untv Leaf T 4. 70 67 664 664 68 Vadsco Sales ._ 6 4 4 4 fj tVadsco pi ... 70 454 45 45V, 454 Van Nor .25* . 5 tl4 11 tl 114 tVan Raal 1st 7 10 1164 1164 1164 116 Vanadium .25*. 45 214 204 204 224 Viclc Chem <2). 3 42 414 414 424 Victor Ch .25*. 1 25 25 25 25 Va-Caro Chem. 12 44 44 44 44 Va-CarChpISe 12 554 52 52 564 tVa It CdtC pf. 120 28 274 274 28 Virgin Ry 2.50. I 38 38 38 374 VirgRypfl.50 4 314 31 314 31 Wahashpf4.60g 23 32 314 314 324 Waldorf Sys 1. 3 84 8-4 84 84 Walgreen 1 50. 1 234 234 234 234 | Walker (H) hi. 8 47 454 46 49 Walworth .50e. 42 74 74 74 74! Ward Bak <A>. 5 114 10 10 12*. Ward Bakin* B 6 24 24 24 24 Ward B pf ,65k 4 444 424 424 454 Warner Piet... 172 12 114 114 124 Wmynt Pump 2. 2 23 224 224 23V, Webster Eiseiu. 7 6 54 54 6 Wess Odes .50*. 14 23 224 224 24 Wees OdeS pf 4. 1 724 724 724 72 West IndS .60e 37 144 134 134 114 tWeit PEl A 7. 50 73 714 714 734 tWest P El pf7_ 20 88 86 86 884 tWestPEpfS. 30 784 784 784 79 tW Pa Ppf 4.50 110 1144 1144 1144 114', WVaPArP.30g 1 154 154 154 154 West Aut Sup 1 11 23 22 22 234 Western Md . . 29 54 44 44 54 Westn Md 2o pf 4 94 yu 94 104 Western Pac pf l 14 14 14 ji, West n Un 50g 77 344 324 324 314 Westh A B ,25g 42 214 204 204 224 Westhse El lg.. 26 924 904 904 94 Weston Elec 2.. 1 334 334 334 344 Westvaco 1.40 . 2 28 4 28 4 284 284 t Westv pf 4.50. 30 1084 1084 1084 109 tWAsLE pf 5.50 240 90 894 90 91 Wheel Sll.2og 15 224 21 21 224 tWheel Stl pr 5 20 674 67 67 674 White Den 1.20 1 18 18 18 184 White Mot ,25g. 39 20 1*4 184 204 While R’k.lOe. 11 6 54 64 64 White Sew M . 4 44 34 34 44 TWh SMpf ,50k 10 65 65 65 61 White S M pr 2 2 244 24 24 244 Wilcox Oil & G. 1 34 34 34 34 Willjs-Overl'd 76 54 5 5 54 Willys-Overl pf 4 104 104 104 114 Wilson At Co.__ 90 7-4 64 7 74 Wilson pf 3k x 2 73 73 73 75 Wil-Jones.375g 3 11 104 104 11 Woodw'd Ir.25g 1 22 22 22 23 Woolworth 1.60 29 37 354 354 374 Worthington P. 15 22 214 214 224 W P cv pr 4.50. 3 53 53 53 534 W P pr pf 4.50. 1 52 52 52 53 Yale At Tow .60. 3 27 26 26 274 Yell Trie 22oi . 54 164 lt>4 164 174 Young Sp At W. 14 114 11 II 124 Ygatn SAtT 60g 68 364 35 354 374 tYg SAiTpf 5.50130 90 90 90 90 Ygstwn SD .25* 17 124 IT, 114 124 Zenith Radio lg 15 284 274 274 284 Zonite.loe- 54 34 34 34 34 Approximate Seles Today. 11:00 A.M. 709,000 12:00 Noon 1,080.550 1:00 P.M. 1.313.050 2:00 P M. 1,741,870 Total_2.521.410 tUnlt of trading, 10 shares: sales printed in full, r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under bakruntcy Act, or securities asumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are anuual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. x Ex dividend. r Ex rights. a Also extra or extras. dCash or stock, e Paid last year, f Payable In stock g Declared or paid so far this year. h Payable in Canadian funds k Accumulated dividends paid or declared this year. Washington Exchange SALES. Washington Gos $5 preferred—4 at 101 Capital Transit Co —50 at 32 BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY . _ . _ Bid. A5tc»d Am TI T rv deb 3s 1056 ^ 111 n2 Anicosna A Pot Si 1049 106','* Ana A Pot guar 6s 1949 .112 Ana A Pot mod 34s 1951. 106 CaD Traction 1st 5s 1947 1054 10« City A Suburban 5s 1948 1064 City & Sub mod 34s 1951 . 1054 Georgetown Gas 1st Es 1961 1214 125 Pot Elec Pow .3 4s 1966 _ 108 Pot Elec Pow 34s 1977 1104 Washington Gas 6s 1960 129 Wash Rwy A Elec 4s 1951 . 108 _. II MISCELLANEOUS Ter Rf A W Cp 1st 44s 1948 1034 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. . _ . . _ , Bid Asked. Amer Tel A Tel (9i *14"4 Capital Transit laSOi _ 3j 4 33 N A W Steamboat (+4) . 125 135 Pot Elec Pow 64 p/d <_1154 Pot El Pw 544 pfd i5.50) 1144 Wash Gas Lt com (1 5oi ins, 204 Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf (4 50i 93 4 98 Wash Gas Lt cum pfd (5.00) 102 104 Wash Ry A El com (a.9.00) 520 600 Wash Ry A E! pfd (5) 113 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec A Trust Co (eR> *186 Bank ol Bethesda (UTS)-. 30 Capital (t6) 170 Com A Savings (TlO.OO)_325 Liberty (iOl _ _ 171 200 Lincoln (h5> . _200 Natl Say A Tr (t4.004 . 203 Pr Georges Bk A Tr ( + 1.00) 20 24 Riggs (10) »270 Riggs pfd (51 1024 1064 ' Washington 16) _ 100 Wash Loan A Tr (e8i 201 _ TIRE INSURANCE American (tfii _ 125 Firemen s U.40) 30 National Union ( 75) 134 _ TITLE INSURANCE Columbia <k.30) _ 14 16 Real Estate (mti> 150 170 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) . 21 Garfinckel com ( 70) __ 94 ins* Garfincl 6r7 cu cv pf <1 SO) 25 28 Lanston Monotype ttl.oO).. 30 Lincoln Serv com (1.25) 10 16 Lincoln Serv 74 pr pf 13.501 36 42 Mergenthaler Lino (al.OO). 414 43 Natl Mtee A Inv ofd (.35) 4V« Peoples Dr com (new) (a 25) 21 _ Real Est MAG pfd (t.60 ) 7 4 8 Security Storage ( + 4) *64 71 Ter Ref A Wh Corp < .3)_ 52 60 Wdwd A Loth com (p2.30). 32 Wdwd A Loth pfd (7) _ 118 •Ex-dividend. (Plus extras, a Pgid so far this year. e24 extra h S3 extra k 20c extra. m *1.50 extra. p Paid in 1942. y *10 extra. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. April O (JP>.—President Roosevelt's order directing thst ceilings be set on *11 commodities affecting the cost of living" unsettled grains today and prices dropped more than 2 cents at one time in heavy trading. Grains subseouently rallied from their lows in diminished activity but wheat, oats and rye were unable to get back to yesterday's finish. Most corn contracts held at their ceilings and September, after breaking a cent at the opening, recovered a major part of the lost ground. At the close wheat was off 1-1V», May SI .42Vs. July 81.41 Va-*,: corn was un changed to 'i lower. May 1.01, Septem ber *1.04'i-*sr oats were *4-1 lower and rye showed losses of l*a-l’«. WHEAT—Open, High. Law. Close May 1.41 1.42'j 1.40=4 1,42'.-14 July 1.4 Pi 1.4-: 1.41 1.41 *,-*4 September 14«, 1.41 1.42 1.42*.-*, 4 December 1 44 1.45 1.44 1 44=4 CORN— May 1.01 ..._ 1 01 July 10.1 _ _ l (i.l September 1.04'a 1.05 1 04 1.04'a-’, December 1.01 _ . . .1.01 OATS— Mav .HI ’* HI =, HI Hl=, July .Ho HO .5<n, ,50'a September .59', .50=, .58=, .50 Va December.. .HO’, HO’, .60’, .60=, , RYE—— " May . . ,50'a .811, .70*, >0',-8O July .8.1'.* -*4 .82 Va SI',-', September. .85 .8H', .84 .SS'a-'z Dceember .87 =a .89 .87=, .88'.4-vi Caah wheat, no sales. Corn, No. 2 yel low, 1.02: NO. 3. l.Ol'i: No. 4. 08-99; No. 5, 93,j-94'i. Oats, No. 1 mixed. 64*, 05: No. 1 white. 66: No. 4. 64. Bariey. malting. P0-1.07. nominal: feed, 80-90. nominal. Soy beans, sample grade, yellow. 1.53',-1.60=4. Field seed, per hundred weight. nominal. Timothy. 4.75-5.00; alsike. 21.00#6.00: fancy red top. 7.25 7a: red clover. 20.00-25.00; sweet clover, 7.50-0.50; alfalfa. 32.50-39.00. Don't lire till yon see the whites ef their eyes. Bat you may buy War bonds now. Stock Market Drops Sharply inWake of Roosevelt Order Many Leaders Near Day's Lows After Recovery Attempt By VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Wriier NEW YORK. April 9.—Specula tive liquidation shook financial mar kets today in the wake of the Presi dent’s latest strong anti-inflation policy. Stocks dropped 1 to 3 points at a fast opening. Turnover of 709.000 j shares for the first "hour was the i largest for this period since Novem ber 8, 1940. Under-the-market bids helped steady quotations by midday, Dut dealings slackehed appreciably on the come back. There was an other dip subsequently and, ap proaching the close, many leaders were at or near the day’s lows. The break, on average, was one of the sharpest in about 16 months. Trans fers for the full stretch approxi mated 2.300,000 shares. Tlie wage-price drive generally put good war news in'the background as a market influence. Prominent on the slide were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, American Telephone. General Motors, Chrys ler, Goodyear, U. S. Rubber, Ana conda. Standard Oil of N. J„ Sears Roebuck, J. I. Case, Boeing, United Aircraft, Westinghouse. Union Car bide, Du Pont, Philip Morris, Home stake, Dome Mines, Loews and Hiram Walker. Standard Gas 7 per cent preferred was an exception, ris ing better than a point. Baltimore Stoeks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. April 8 — Sales. STOCKS. High Lot Close. 25 Arundel Corp _ 17 *, 17», 17*< l.'tHOBalto Transit 1.70 1.50 1.70 200 East Sugar A* VT 9 O 9 100 Houston Oil pf vte 25'i "S', 75% 12 Mt Ver Mis pf<i 83 83 83 75 Pa Water <fc Pow 55'2 54'2 54Vi fi2 U S Fidel A Guar 32 32 32 , BONDS. $45500 Bal Tr deb 4s A 51-2 51 5 Pi .->■300 Balto Trans 5s A 5»,« 58*4 »na4 New York Cotton NEW YORK. April 9 wFi,—Cotton fu tures broke more than 8J a bale today on heavy liquidation caused by the anti inflation order of President Rooaevelt, but regained part of the early loss There was confusion In the trade as to the level at which a ceiling price may be imposed on cotton, and the market fluctu ated nervously awaiting further interpre tation of the order. In late afternoon price* were off fin to 75 cent* a bale. May, 20.25; July, 20.01, and October. 19.7 7. Futures closed 55 cents to 1.05 a bale lower. Open. High. Low. Last. May_ 20.25 20.30 20.15 20.16 July _ 19 95 20.06 19.91 19.95-90 Or:. _19.70 19.84 19.69 19.70-72 Dec .... I9 60 19.76 I9 60 19.67-08 March 19 50 19.70 19 56 19.07 Middling spot, 21.95n. New Orleans Price*. NEW ORLEANB. April 9 '.TV—Cotton futures were nervous here today because of different Interpretations placed on the President s freeze order on prices and wages. The market closed irregular So cent* to 1.80 a bale lower. Open. High. Low close Mar _ ._ 20.48 20.56 20.38 20.38-41 July _ 20.3n 20.34 20.17 20 17 Oct. _ 20.00 20.12 19.05 20.02-03 Der._ 19.97 20.04 10.80 19 97 Jan ]9.SHb 19.94b March 19.80 19.99 19 S| 19 89 May 44 19.7 7 19.17 19.77 19.81b b Bid. n Nominal. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO April p <United States Department of Agriculture*.—Salable hogs, 7,000; rotal. 13.000: general trade slow, mostly 10-30 lower than Thursday s aver ages: top. 15.80: bulk good and choice 180-300 pounds, 15.50-75: most good and choice 15**-180 pounds, light* and unrirr weiehts. 14.75-15.00; good 356-550-pound sows, 15.35-00. Salable cattle. 1.000: salable calves, 400: all killing classes steady: no choice steers here; bulk, 14.75-16.00; about 300 head 065-pound medium to good grade short feda. 16.00: top. 16 60 heifers very scarce: steady at 13.00-15.0o; Rood of ferings. 15.60: cows a little more active, but unevenly lower for week; strictly good beef cows to 14.50: bulk common and medium grades. J 1.00-13.00: canners and cutters. 7.50-10.00. according to weight and condition: bulls barely steady at 14.60 down: vealera firm: odd choice head to 16.00. mostly 14.00-15.5o on good to choice kinds: liberal movement stock cat tle this week at 33.75-16.35 mostly. Salable sheep. 3.500; total. 3.5oo. Late Thursday—Fat lambs active, mostly steady: clipped lambs stronger: good to choice 8P-11 5-pound wooled lambs. 10 15-35; sev eral loads cho.ce lambs to shippers and small killers. 16.40-50: top. 16.50; good to choice 88-108-pound fed clipped lambs with No. 3 skins. 15.10-40: top, 15.50 on 103-pound weights carrying No 1 and 3 skins; sheep steady: short deck strictly good 141-pound ewes, 0.40; package 135 pound weights. 9.50. the top. Today's trade—Fat lambs active: steady to in higher than Thursday: good to choice fed Western fed wooled lambs, 113 pounds down. 16.35-50: top. 10.00. on two loads choice offerings: good to choice fed West ern clipped lambs mostly with No. 3 skins. 15.10-40: sheep steady: scattered lots mostly strictly good to choice ewes most ly 9 00-50 Open up a new front—your pork etbook. Buy War savings stamps now. Washington Produce BUTTER—30s, to B3. LIVESTOCK—Calves, 16; spring lambs, X o - From the Food Distribution Adminis tration, Prices paid net Lob. Washing ton ; EOG3—Market steady. Price* paid tor Federal-State graded eggs received from grading stations tAoril f>>: Whites. U. S. grade A. large. 37-46: average. 38'2: U. S. grade A. medium. 35-36: average. 35'i: U. S. grade B. large. 35-38; average. 37; U. S arade B. medium. 35: U S grade C. 33. Browns. U S grade A large. 37 3!>: average. 38; U. S. grade A, medium, 34-36; average. 35'i: U. S grade B, large. 35-37: average. 3K: U S. grade B. medium. 35: U S grade C, 33-34: aver age. 34 Current receipts, nearby, un graded eggs, white. 34-34'a. mixed colors. 33-33’ 2; receipts. Government-graded eggs, 367' rases. LIVE POULTRY—Market firm Fn-T, receipts too limited to establish basis for prices; roosters 51 j pounds and over, 18-20: broilers. under 3 pounds. 2*. fry ers. 3-4 pounds. 29*2. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. April 9 "pi.—National As soc.ation Securities Dealers, Inc.. Bid Asked. Bk of Am NTS <S F' 12 40) 39J« 1)’, Bank of Man >.Soa) If)1, 21 Bank of N Y t141 332 342 Bankers Tr (1.401 4"-’, 48’, Bklyn Tr Mi Sn 84 Ccn Han Bk A Tr (41 95', 98', Chose Nat M 4'" 351, 3o’, Chem Bk A Tr 11.801 48 50 Commercial <81 ... 1ST 193 Cont Bk A Tr ( 8(11 1 ; I S’, Corn Hi chi Mi 93', 96', Corn Ex Bk A T (2.40) . . 45’, 4"’« Empire Tr < 31 59', 6°', First Nat (Bos) (21 _ 4'i'j 48'.* First Nat Chi 410a) _ 321 329 First Natl '8(11 . _ _ 1350 1380 Guaranty Tr 112)_ 289 294 Irving Tr ( 60' _... 13’, 14’i Kings County (SO) ___ _ 125" Lawyers Trust < 1 ) 28 31 Manufacturers Tr (21 4'.’, 14’, Manufacturers Tr Df (2) 52s, 54', Natl City (li . ... 33s, 34’, N Y Trust 13Va) - 85s, 88’, Public (l'jl . _ 31’, 3:c4 Titie G & T 5', " United States i60»i .1095 1135 a Also extra or extras. a THui i .rrnnrrnTTTf^ • LOW Rates • Prompt Service Monthly Payment Loans as low as $6.33 per $1,000 per month. FHALOANS ■■■IEEB9BSSB90SIIHH These shares all have been sold. This advertisement appears as a matter of record only. 21,024 Shares WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY $5.00 Cumulative Preferred Stock (Wttksvt Psr Vslae) Price 100 and Accrued Dividend Copies of the prospectus describing these shares and terms upon which they were offered may be obtained, from the undersigned. Y. E. BOOKER & CO. JOHNSTON, LEMON & CO. ALEX. BROWN & SONS MACKALL & COE ROBINSON. ROHRBAUGH & LUKENS April «. 1*43 AUCHINCLOSS. PARKER & REDPATH FOLGER, NOLAN & CO., INC. BROWN. GOODWYN 4 OLDS FERRIS EXNICIOS 4 CO„ INC. ROBERT C. JONES 4 CO. Do Your Part Notv! ■nrtti II. S. WAR BONDS PERPETUAL Ar.VcSV.V.* I1TH AND E STS. N.W. *AMERICA’S LARGEST