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ASIAN _I ARTS CHINESE SCREENS, JEWELRY, SILKS. FURNITURE, LAMPS, Etc. 1518 CONN. AVE. TEL. DU. 4535 Capri Isn't Beautiful To D. C. Flyer Bucking Heavy Flak Bursts Lt. James W. Gillespie Helped in Protection of Africa-Bound Convoy ! Ly a Staff Correspondent of The Star. UINTED STATES AIR STATION IN ENGLAND (By Mail).—For Lt. James W. Gillespie, former student in Washington, the "beautiful isle of Capri" has no romantic associations. It is the place, he says, "where you could hear flak dragging on the bottom of the plane like pebbles against the bottom of an automo bile when you drive over a newly tarred stretch of road. American bombers raiding Italy from Africa have encountered some of the most effective flak batteries there. Naples, Lt. Gillespie says, is about the best defended city in Southern Europe. It is surrounded by efficient anti-aircraft batteries, probably manned by Germans. But by far the hottest target he himself has encountered is Bizerte from which he returned with 320 holes in his ship and with the oxy gen, hydraulic and electrical sys tems out of commission. A 20-mm. shell has burst in the face of one of his crew. Despite this, the ship was brought in safely. Protected Convoy. Since flying to England in a re placement bomber, Lt. Gillespie has taken part in 23 operations and has. had 195 hours of combat flying, to say nothing of several diversion |--MAY THE GLORY OF EASTER FOREVER BE A RADIANT LIGHT UPON YOUR PATHWAY_ THIRTEENTH • BETWEEN E AND F ¥ COMPANIONS 15.00 per skin Perfect companions for suits, untrimmed coats and Spring frocks . . , beautiful long wearing skins or natural dark mink . . , Now presented by Kaplowitz in a choice collection of 5, 4, 5 and 6 skin arrangements. JUNIOR MISSES MISSES WOMEN’S EXCLUSIVE AFPAREL SPECIALISTS FOR A GENERATION r r V $ M M Such Fine Quality ff Is Rare at This | —— ||j Reasonable Price! ft — 1 P Sites to 10 |j[ AAAA to C I /K i P iXJ7 s|» i MflROLER'S I 1208 F ST. N.W. operations. He started on Western European bombing operations and then, as part of the Coastal Com mand, formed part of the umbrella thrown over the Bay of Biscay for convoys going to Africa. They were attacked there once by seven Mes serschmidtt 210s and succeeded in shooting two down. In the same squadron is First Lt. James A. Latane, University of Vir ginia ’42, nephew of Dr. John Latane, Latin American expert and dean of Johns Hopkins University. Lt. La tane, navigator of the Eager Beaver, has taken part in 23 operations and several diversion flights. Starting with a raid on Cherbourg shortly after arriving in England, his crew also was made part of the Bay of Biscay umbrella and then sent to Africa, from which it has Just re turned here. In the same crew are Tail Gunner Violes Flannery, a Pennington Gap (Va.) High School boy a little over a year ago, and Waist Gunner Rupert G. Thacker of Roanoke. Between them they have one German fighter to their credit. Lest Over Desert. Probably the most thrilling adven ture of this crew was being lost for nine and a half hours in the dark over the desert. They found them selves over a thick carpet of cloud through which there was no possi bility of sighting any object to get bearings. They found one hole in the cloud but when they went through it found themselves directly over Gabes. The enemy opened up a terrific flak fire on them. Finally they picked up the smoke stream of a train and followed it until they were able to pick up radio signals. They finally landed at the home station with less than 10 min utes supply of gas left. This crew is among those which has dropped in on Malta, which they describe as ■ looking very much like pictures of the Acropolis in history books.” Tell of Officers’ Death. From them came the story of the death of Lt. Gordon Sorrell of Balti more and his whole crew while form ing part of the Bay of Biscay um brella. They were returning in a dense fog from one of (he patrol operations when they crashed into a hillside near the Bristol Channel. The bomber was a total wreck and all the men were killed. This is the worst loss this particular squadron has met. The latest word received by the members is that at least two of the | crew of the Double Trouble, shot I down over Sousse in January, are ! safe in a German prison camp. One of these is Navigator Luther C. Cox of Femdale, Md., near Annapolis, who was one of the six out of a crew of 10 who jumped. Two Jail Inmates Hunted After Escape at Ball Game Police today were maintaining a sharp watch at all bus terminals and the Union Station for two in mates of the District Jail who strolled to freedom yesterday during a baseball game at the jail's recrea tion field. The two, bbth natives of South Carolina, are Charles Cummings. 33, I and Melvin Brazell. 21. Both were ! attired in khaki shirt and pants when they walked away. The num ber 200 is stamped in the seats of their trousers. Police described Cummings as being 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighing 136 pounds, with blond hair. Brazell was stout and of medium height, ! with light, wavy hair. Boats Serve in Shortage Because of the gasoline shortage. Argentina has established steamer service on the Rio Negro to carry fruits and wines from producing areas to markets. Newspaper Uncovers 1 Food Price Violations Survey of 144 Items Shows 76 Over Ceiling By the Associated Pres*. BALTIMORE, April 9—nie Balti more Sun said today that a survey of 144 retail food and meat markets ; disclosed 76 separate violations of j ceiling prices ranging from 1 to 2 j cents for a head of lettuce or a ! pound of butter to 7 to 12 cents for sliced ham. “Price excesses were not confined to food under ceilings,” The Sun said. “Sixty and 75 cents a bunch for asparagus was the rule rather than the exception. "The same market that charged 20 cents for a cucumber took 15 cents for a green pepper. These three commodities are not under price control. “The most common overcharge was for potatoes. “In the Belair and North Avenue markets overcharges ranged from 4 to 10 cents for a 5-pound sack.” Berbers Increase Herds Berbers, original inhabitants of French Morocco, are raising more than 16,000.000 sheep and goats, nearly double the number cared for 10 years ago. YOUR EASTERTIME FUR JACKET! iu Coat IS Small T Natural Wolf, Monkey, Silvered Fox, Red Fox and many other fur jackets to select your Easter jacket from. A Deposit Will Hold Your Selection Fox Fur Co. 425 7th St. N.W. (Opart 9 AM. ’Til 9 PM. Daily) V V 4295 Perfect Navy Sheer Sweetened with white lace A “beau-catcher” if there ever was one. Flattering coat style that buttons all the way down front, brightened with large lace rosette. Also a touch of lace on the short sleeves. Sizes 9 to 15. Third Floor. .Buy Wor Bonds and Stamps Regularly Easter Hats in Washable Rayon Rayon Faille _ Shantung Blouse Easter Bags Quilted Taffeta * SO •3 » 9<9.SO . .. 1 Beautiful dress bags n I f Colorful blouse with fine royon faille. With convertible neckline, coin purse and mirror, yoke, two-way pocket, Black, Brown or Navy. Flattering round and huge and cuff linked sleeves. Bags—Street Floor . . . this pompadour bon- Yellow Corn, Blue or net in unusuol quilted White. Sues 32 to 38. taffeto, with generous Blouses—Street Floor veiling to tie under your chin. Black or Navy. Sues 21 Vi to 23. Millinery—Fourth Floor. 3-Piece Wardrobe t Matching Coat A Suit in 100% Wool Shetland *19'95.ock There's no combination lovelier for Easter than a boy coat with matching classic two-piece suit be neath! This coat, with 3 buttons, wide lapels, vent back. The suit with kick pleat skirt, 3-button jacket, flap pockets. Blue, Red, Gold, Beige, ond colors. Sizes 10 to 20. Suits end Coetj— Third Floor. Handsome Easter Suits All Wool Twill *29»5 Beautifully designed suit in finest twill, as well as in a wool Shetland. Slit pock ets, three buttons, kick pleat skirt. Looks far more expensive than its modest price! Blue, Red or Gold. Sizes 10 to 20. Tropical Worsted 839.95 Classic three-button suit with kick pleat skirt and exquisite tailoring. Fine 100co wool tropical wor sted in Beige. Brawn, Blue or Navy. Sizes 10 to 20. — Suits—Third Floor 1 into* strife Sulette Slips *2 Lovely royon crepe slips with famous fitted uplift . bodice. Made for perfect fit and stretchobility with elastic back panel. Tea* rose, white or black. Sizes 32 to 38, 31 Vi to 37 Vi. Street Floor Junior Easter Frocks «10 »3 f< |/| .9S Right on the Polka Dot . . . in quality royon broadcloth. Suit-dress with bright red buttons, bow collar, and full flared skirt. Navy, Red, Coperv Brown. Sizes 9 to 15. Gabardine Suit-Dress, with draped shoulder, set-in belt, big amber buttons, and kick pleated skirt. See it in Chamois, Prairie Tan, and Aqua. Sizes 9 to 15. Jr. Vogue—Second Floor