Newspaper Page Text
Unitarian_ All Souls’ Church Sixteenth and Harvard Streets Minister Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. fl:45 am.. Church School 1} :00 x.m. Worship Service "WHAT CAN I BELIEVE?" m. Whet Is There Left?" '/ have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility to every term of ty ranny over the mind of man." —Thomas Jefferson. (HhriBtaftrlplfian ‘ Christadelphian Chapel 732 Webster St. N.W. S. S. 10 x.m. Services—11:15 a m. _ _ .Public Invited.__ THE WASHINGTON ECCLE8IA .8 8. 10 a m. Services—11:00 a m. 1S12 8th 8t. N.W., 3rd FI. Public Invited. _(llatholir_ ST. DOMINIC’S Dominican Fathers 6th and E Sts. S.W. SUNDAY MASSES 8:00. 8:45, 7:30, »:00. 11:15 and 13:15 ALL LOW MA88KS 10:00 a m.—Hirh Mass. PARKING SPACE AVAILABLE ST. PETER’S Second and C Sts. S.E. SUNDAY MASSES 5:30, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12:15 LENTEN SERVICES Weekday Masses 6:30, 7:30, 8:15 WEDNESDAYS, 7:45 P.M. Discourse on "Matrimony" April 14, "The Blessings of Christian Marriage" Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.SS R FRIDAYS, 3:00-7:45 P.M. Way of the Cross Sundays, 7:30 P.M. Miraculous Medal Novena ST. MARY'S •th St. Between G end H N.W. SUNDAY MASSES 7-8-9-10:30-11:30 Norene te the Mlreenloui Medel Every Mender. Meeeea 8 end 10 e.m. De ration! et 11:30 e.m., et neon. 13:05, 4-4:30. 5-5:30—evening, 6:30-7:15. 7:45-8:30 end 0:15. ST. PATRICK’S 10th and G Sts. N.W. SUNDAY MASSES ' 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,12:15 Services During Lent Weekday Masses 7:00—7:30—8:00—12:10 Afternoon Devotion! Daily 5:30 Stations of tha Cross Friday Evenings 7:45 LENTEN CONFERENCE Thursday, April 15, 5:30 P.M. Rev. Dr. John T. Ellis "The Church and tha Totalitarian State" Brookland Church Marks 50th Birthday At Rites Next Week Educator to Address Methodists Tomorrow On 'Kingdom of God' Brookland Methodist Church will celebrate its 50th anniversary next week. President Fred G. Holloway of Western Maryland College will preach at 11 a.m. tomorrow on "The Kingdom of God.” A 8 p.m. Dr. James Shera Montgomery, chaplain of the United States House of Rep resentatives, will be the preacher. On Wednesday evening, the anni versary of the prayer meeting out of which the church grew, a service of commemoration and rededication will be held, with an address by Dr. Harry W. Burgan. pastor of Ham line Methodist Church. On Thursday at 6:30 p.m. an an niversary dinner will be given and j former pastors’ and homecoming I night will be observed. Honor will be paid to several members who were active during the earliest years of the church, and the first-floor rooms, recently renovated, will be rededi cated. Dr. Horace E. Cromer, superin tendent of the Washington east dis trict of the Methodist Church, will preach at 11 a.m. on April 18. The evening preacher will be Dr. Jacob S. Payton, editor of Capitol Comment : in the Christian Advocate. ! The present pastor. Dr. S. Paul ; Schilling, has served since June, 1940. Pastor Lists Programs At Trinity Methodist The Rev. Daniel W. Justice will speak on •’The Savior That Satis fies-’ at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Trinity Methodist Church. The service at 7:30 p.m. will be sponsored by the Youth Council, with Miss Jean Koon as leader, Miss Margaret Doyle reading the scrip ture, and Miss Vivian Schrader, president, speaking on ‘‘God Prays.” The official board will meet Wednesday evening. The Rev. Hartwell F. Chandler of First Church. Bethesda. Md„ will continue a series of Lenten devo ; tions Thursday evening. Bishop Jett to Confirm Class at St. Thomas' • The Right Rev. Robert Carter Jett, retired bishop of Southwestern Vir ginia, will visit St. Thomas’ Episco pal Church at 11 o’clock tomorrow for the purpose of Confirmation. He also will preach. The last of the discussion group meetings at 5 p.m. on Sundays will be held. The Rev. W. L. Goodrich will make another of his Lenten addresses on “Prayer” at the 11 o’clock Com munion service next Thursday. llnitg frigid New Colonial Hotel. 15th at M St. N.W. Marraret Ann Feldt. Speaker. ] 1 00 a m—"The Low of Tithing." Unity Literature Available. DI. 3436. I ——■————————— fftfg flUtlmfttrt CUjurrfr HEADQUARTERS—METHODIST BUILDING, 100 Maryland Ava. N.E. Krai dent Bishop, Aiot ffrisht Leonard. D. D.. LL. D. District Spprrintendrnts, Horace E Cromer, D. D„ and John t. Edwards, D. D. Church School in All Churches at 9:45 A.M, BROOKLAND . ltik nd Unnn Sts. K.I. *. PAUL SCHILLING. Fh. D., Minister 50th Anniversary 11:00 a.m.. Dr. Fred G. Hollowoy. 1:00 p.m.. Dr. Jomei Shero Mont gomery._ ELDBROOKE Wisconsin Are. and River Rd. N.W. Her. I. a. Lambert. Minister. 11 a.m.—-Morning Worship. BRIGHTWOOD PARK Elehth and Jeffersan Sts. N.W. Her. Robert K. Nevltt. Minister. It am.—"The Obedience of Lore." ■ ♦* p m —Hymn Sint, Yount Adults. LEWIS MEMORIAL Kansas Are. and Foarth St. N.W. Ree. Haskell R. Deal. Minister. 11 a.m.—"Beeinalne Life Anew.” TRINITY Bth A Seward Saaare S.E. Ray. Daniel W. Jastiee. Minister. 11 a.m.—"The Saylour That Satls •es.” ?:30 p.m —“God Frays,” Miss Vivian Schrader. FRANCIS ASBURY _ #1411 16th St. N.W. ROBIN GOULD. D. D.. Minister. 11 a m.—"We'll Keep the Henor of a Certain Aim." S ptm.—"A Tale of Two Cities." WESLEY _Conn. Ave. and Jocelyn St. CLAKRNCE E. WISE. Minister. >: —"Strenath And Beanty In Bellalon."_ LINCOLN ROAD i At Uneoln Rd. and You St. N.E. GEO. H. BENNETT. Minister. Worship. 11:00 a.m. snd 8:00 p.m. i Marrtn Memorial Church (Foar Corners. Maryland) REV. W. D. KEENE. Minister Church School. 10. ! Momina Preachina. 11. NORTH CAROLINA AVE. •th St. and N. C. Ave. S.E. E. A. Witcher. Minister. #:4S a m.—Church School. 11 l.m.—"God’s Victary Garden.” CHEVY CHASE, MD. S401 Connecticut Ave. N.W. CUffard Hamer Richmond. S. T. I).. 11 a.m.—"The Greatest Thinf in the Werld.” EPWORTH 13th St. and North Carolina Ave. N.E. Rev. Harry Evaul. D. D-. Miniater. 11 a.m.—"Advantage in Handicaps.’* 7:50 p m.—"Your God Carea!" WOODS IDE 8814 Georgia A»e. (Silver Spring. Maryland) Rev. R. D. Smith. Ph. D.. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. ___ DOUGLAS MEMORIAL llth and H Sts. NT. Rev. William F. Wright, Minister Worship 11 -.00 a.m and 8:00 p.m. UNION !0th St. Near Penn. Are. N.W. SELWYN K. COCKRELL. D. D., Miniater. 11 a.m.—"Unprofitable Servant*. 8 p m—“The Strain and Fret of Thlnga." _ WAUGH METHODIST Third and A Streets N.E. Samuel E. Rose. M. A.. B. JL. Miniater 11 a m.—"Where Things Clear Up. 8 p.m—"Counting the Coat."__ EMORY 8100 Georgia Are. N.W. EDGAR C. BEERY. D. D.. Minister. f):30 a.m.—Church School. 11 a.m.—"Subatitutes of Grace. 8 om —"I*U*Th hie°Heart Right?" BETHESDA, MD. Norfolk and St. Elmo Area. H. F. CHANDLER. Miniater. 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.—Worship. McKENDREE 8*. Dakota Are. and 34th St., at R. 1. Are. N.E. Rer. Charles F. PMUtpa Miniater. Worahlp, 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 jyn. PETWORTH N. H. Arr. and Grant Circle N.W. Dr. Frank Steelman. Miniater. Worship, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m Everym an's Bible Class. 9:30 a.m._ RHODE ISLAND AVENUE Rhode Ialanl Ave. and First St. N.W. EDGAR A. 8EXSMITH. D.D., Minister Church School. 9:30 a.m. Worship Service. 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Christian Endeavor Societies. 7 P.m. We Cordially Invite You. RYLAND Branch Are. and S St. S.K. (At Fenn. Are.) REV. KARL G. NEWELL. 11 a.m.—Worahlp. 8 p.m.—Evening Prayer. SB A k i ■ Ikir 16th and Allison Sts. N. W. n AM LIN b rev- H- D-D' 11 am.—Lenten Sermon br_the Minister. “Suffering—Divine aud Human.** 6:30 p.m.—Intermediates. • 6:45—Youth Fellowship. 7:30—Young Adults. Hamline Emphasises Church Attendance During Lent. Mount Vernon Place UTSTSFifw. The South’i Rcpretcntmtivc Church DR. JOHN W. RrSTTN, Mlnlater. S and 11 a m—"DO WE NEED TO PRAX?" A B.m—"FLYING ON THE BEAM." ^ A I VAPY 1463 Columbia Road N.W. V*#VLb v AV I\. I Orris Gravenor Robinson, Minister LENTEN SERVICES 11 :00 a m.—"IF Wf CONFESS." 8 00 p.m —"BEYOND OUR HORIZON." 7:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship and High League Meetings. FOUNDRY SST FREDERICK BROWN HARRIS, Minister "The Church of the State*” 11 a m —"WHICH WAY AHKADr i P_m—"THE GREAT FUNDAMENTAL IN THE PEACE TO COME.'* R«. Jama H. R. Cramw.ll. MetropBlitin MemBrial Church I Nebraska and New Mexico Aves. N.W. RDWARD GARDINER LATCH. MiaiaUr. 11:00 n.m.—The Lord's Proyer, "FORGIVE US AS WI FORGIVE.** I* j DA. S. PAUL SCHILLING. I Other Services Potomac Heights Community. At 11 a.m. Dr. Chesteen Smith will preach on "Advantages, the Measure of Responsibility.” An evangelistic service will be held in the evening with a message on "A Man and His Shadow.” At the prayer meeting on Wednes day evening there will be a discus sion of "The Necessary preparation for Spiritual Victories.” Self-Realization. Swami FTemananda of Calcutta, India, will conduct the Sunday morning service of the Self-Realiza tion Fellowship on Western avenue at Forty-ninth street N.W. His sub ject for the day is "God-inspired Men.” The public class in philosopsy and yoga will be held Wednesday eve ning. Divine Scienct. The Rev. Grace Patch Faus will give the Divine Science interpreta tion of "The Law of God" in a les son sermon tomorrow at 11 a.m. at 2600 Sixteenth street N.W. Spanish Serivice. The non-denominational religious service in the Spanish language is at 4 p.m. Sunday in the First Church of the Nazarene. Brief messages will be brought by members of the con gregation from Argentina, Guate mala. Mexico and other countries. Dr. Eugene D. Owen will preside. The public in invited. Church of Two Worlds. The Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs ■will take his text for his address from Luke xvi.22 tomorrow eve ning at the Hotel Continental. On Wednesday evening there will be a lecture by the minister, fol lowed by a message service. This evening a dinner, for the benefit of the church, is being given at the residence of Mrs. William J. Egbert. The Rev. Mr. Burroughs will be in Western Pennsylvania for a few days the latter part of next week in connection with his work as missionary at large for the National Spiritualist Association. French Services. Dr. Leon Wencelius of Swarth more College, Swarthmore, Pa., will be the preacher at the French service at St. John's Episcopal Church tomorrow at 4 p.m. Truth Seekers. Albert Thatcher Yamall will give two free lectures Sunday in the Mayflower Hotel at 2 and 8 p.m. The subjects will be “Man’s Direct Contact With God Which Results in Health and Well-Being.” Also “Reincarnation Defined.” Hall Mission. A preaching, praise and testimony service will be held at 522 Sixth street N.W. tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. M. R. Japhet will be the speaker. Baha'i Lecture. C. Irving Hansen, management engineer, will speak at 1308 I street N.W. at 8:15 p.m. Sunday on “The Oneness of Mankind.” During April, Miss Leona Barnitz will conduct the Sunday class at 11 a.m. to study “The Dawn Break ers.” Carl C. King conducts the Wednesday meetings at 8:15 p.m. ITniveisal School of Truth. Virginia Neuhausel, founder and director of the school, 1727 H street N.W., announces the following serv ices: Sunday, 11 a.m., Mrs. Frances McAtee speaks on "What Is Faith?” 8 p.m., Miss Fleurette Joffrie ex plains the meaning of "The Prodi gal Son”: Friday night Mrs. Neu hausel continues her course on spir itual laws, basing her talk on her book, “The Sanctuary of the Si lence.” The public is invited. Open Door Church. Pastor C. W. Oyer announces for his subject Sunday at 11 am. “The Present Age as an Age of Mixture.” At 7:30 p.m., a gospel service, con sisting of song and sermon. Anglo-Saxon. Dr. Conrad Gaard will speak on the Israel identity of Anglo-Saxons in his subject, "God and Ouf Ene mies,” at 3 p.m. Sunday at 1322 Vermont avenue N.W. Unity SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. D. C. HIS 14th St.. Sind Floor. STELLA LANGFORD. Loader. Sunday. 11 a.m.—"The Good Shepherd.” Tuesday 8 D.m.—"Oeereoroint Fear.” Thursday. 8 p.m.—Class, "Sub ol Hither Inderstandins” Chapel of Washioatoa Christian Institute. • Dr. J. W. Rustin Gives Sunday Sermons at Mount Vernon Place Buffet Supper to Be Held in Social Hall * For Young People Dr. John W. Rustin, minister, will preach at 9 and 11 a.m. tomorrow at Mount Vernon Place Church on “Do We Need to Pray?” At 8 p.m. his subject will be "Flying on the Beam ” The Rev. Nelson Pierce will conduct the Junior Church service in the chapel at 11 am. and will uae as his theme “Christ and Pilate.” A buffet supper for all young peo ple, with service men as guests, will be held at 6 p.m. in the social hall. "The Forgotten Village,” a motion picture, will be shown in the church school on Thursday evening. A fel lowship will follow in the social hall. Lenten services will be held on Friday from 2 to 2:30 p.m. in the chapel. The pastor will conduct his last class of instruction for juniors and intermediates on Saturday at 2 p.m., for all those who are to be received into church membership on Palm Sunday. The young adult evening fellow ship will have open house on Satur day from 8 to 11:30 p.m. for service men, war workers and all young people who are interested. Lenten Services Continue At Albright Memorial The lenten series of sermons con tinues at Albright Memorial Evan gelical Church with the Rev. George E. Schnabel preaching. The sub ject Sunday morning will be “The Third Thing Every Christian Always Ought to Remember.” The Men's Bible Class will be taught by Prof. Holger Langmack, director of physical education at Paul Junior High School. At 7:45 p.m. the subject will be “Living Up to Your Best Self.” At 3 p.m. Monday the Junior Council will meet. The Brotherhood will have a.s their guest speaker at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Col. Charles D. Trexler of Walter Reed Hospital. The Lenten service will be held at 7:45 pm. Wednesday. National City Christian Pre-Easter Program A special pre-Easter dramatic program will be presented in the social hall of the National City Christian Church on Thursday eve ning. Mrs. J. Warren Hastings will give a dramatic reading of the one act play, “Barabbas,” by Dorothy Le&mon. The play will follow the midweek dinner of the local congre gation. The dinner will be served at 6:15 o'clock. The public is invited.- Res ervations must be in the church of fice, National 6230, by noon on Wednesday. Howard University Dean Howard Thurman of How ard University’s Andrew Rankin Chapel announces Dr. J. Edgar Park, president of Wheaton College, Nor ton, Mass., will be the guest preach er Sunday at 11 am. Dr. Park is the aUUior of many books dealing with religion. He has been the president of Wheaton College since 1926. The public is invited. Anniversary Services The 32d anniversary of the Pil grim Colored Baptist Church and the 17th anniversary of the Rev. John S. Miller will be celebrated tomorrow. He will preach at 11 a.m. At 3 p.m. the Rev. J. Harvey Randolph will be the guest speaker and at 7:30 p.m. the Rev. Samuel J. Dean. The Pastor’s Aid Club will sponsor the program Thursday at 8 p.m. (Ei|urrlj of (Hljrtat Arlington (Va.) Church of Chriat 20 North Irving St. Harry Pickup, Minister 10 a.m.—Bible Study. 10:50 a.m.—“The Importance ef Com plete Obedience.” 7:45 p.m.—“God's Blockade.” Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.—Prayer Service. Anacostia Church of Christ Matting in Maaonie Templa 14th and You Sts. S.E. BONDS STOCKS. Minliter. 10:45 a.m.—Bible School. 11:15 a.m.—"The Skilled Workman.” 5 p.m.—“The Open Door.” Avalon Heights Church of Christ 28th and Douglas Streets N.E. At Bladensburg Road John T. Smithson, Jr., Minister. 3 0 a.m.—Bible School. 31 a.m.—“Greater Works.” 7 p.m.—Youn* People's Meetinf. 8 p.m.—“God Is Risht—Man Is Wronr.” 14th St. Church of Christ 3460 14th St. N.W. C. E. McGAUGHEY, Evangelist 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 10:50 a.m.—“A New Creature.” 8 p.m.—”1 Have Dreamed.” 8:45 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. 5gsasg5asasg5a5g5gsaszsgsasz5aBgsa5gsa5asa5g5asgggs25asgsasasasgs?g»s?s?s?^?«=K?«j«^«=»«=»«=»«=n=n: jesus, i Have PRoauseD" \ JOHN BRNEOT BOOS « - • 0 Jesus. 1 have promised To serve Thee to the end. Be Thou forever near me. My Master and my Friend. 1 shall not fear the battle If Thou are by <my side. Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my Guide. &88B, ^ , n mi written In IMA /or the Confirmation of the author e 1 and a daughter ll u<os inspired fry the verse from St John. Jj 'If any man seme me, lot him foBow mo — and where I am, there I shad oise my servant fro." J DEAL FUNER&HOME •4812 GoorgteAw.NX mHXnrtJOL BnmctMmm, The Week in Religion Japanese Authorities Continue Regimentation of Churches Br Relitiou* New* Service. Japanese authorities continue their interference with religious life in Japan proper and in the occu pied territories. The Tokio radio, in an English language broadcast this week, an nounced that the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches in Japan are revising the Old Testament. Missionary leaders here cautioned against placing too much credence in the report, but at the same time admitted that such a development was not at all impossible. It was emphasized that if moves to modify the Old Testament are actually under way they are un doubtedly being pushed by the Jap anese government and not by the churches. The-Japanese, it is ex plained, are probably acting under pressure from the Nazis, whose hos tility to the Old Testament is well known. However, missionary lead ers do not completely rule out a church-spOnsored move to revise the Japanese Bible. Some sections of the Japanese church have been dissatisfied with the present trans lation of the Old Testament, which contains uncomfortable similarities to Japanese religious terminology. For exampld, the name of God as it appears in the Japanese version is identical with the name for God in Shinto usage. Congress of Religions. While there is some uncertainty over the significance of the Bible revision, another current Japanese move is ominously clear to mission ary leaders. A Congress of Reli gions, representing Shintoism, Bud dhism, Mohammedanism and Chris tianity, is scheduled to be held in Tokio. Christian missionaries in East Asia believe the congress is a step toward setting up Shintoism as the state religion in the occu pied territories. The Congress of Religions Is viewed as the second phase of the Japanese religious program. The first w-as the forced unification of Christian groups in Japan and the occupied countries, which culmi nated in the liquidation of individ ual Protestant groups and the set ting up of a single church. This phase has been rapidly pushed by the Japanese and is now in effect in virtually all occupied territory. Not only have individual denomi nations been regimented in this wray, but also groups such as the YMCA, the WCTU and the Student Christian Movement. It was re cently learned, for example, that the Student Christian Movement in Japan now functions as a “Bible Study Group’’ in the cultural and religious section of a national youth organization which controls all leisure-time activity of students. The length to which the Japa nese have gone to achieve regimen tation is illustrated by the situa tion in Manchukuo, where church union has taken a more drastic form than in any other occupied area. All religious denominations 1 have been dissolved and a unified native church organized. This church has been forced to set up common forms of baptism, com munion and ritual for all religious bodies. Foreign Protestant mis sionaries have been prohibited from carrying on their activities, and mission schools have been closed or handed over to the new united church. Churchmen Arrested in France. Nicholas Berdyaev, noted Russian theologian, has been arrested In Paris by the Nazis, according to unconfirmed reports reaching Swiss church circles this week. The theologian, who was expelled from Russia in 1922, after organizing his own philosophical university, was engaged in writing an auto biography describing his conversion from Marxism to a philosophy of freedom based upon the orthodox faith. He is in poor health and re-’ cently underwent an operation. Berdyaev’s arrest is one of a series which have taken place during the past few weeks, Involving church men in various parts of France. Among the arrests are those of the pastor and several influential mem bers of a Protestant church in Marseille and the internment of two Protestant pastors of Le-Cham bon-Sur Lignon, a' Protestant cen ter in the newly occupied area. One of the seized clergymen, Edouard Theis of the French Re formed Church, is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary In New York. He was one of the main supporters of the "underground rail road” which smuggles Jews out of France, and personally provided shelter for many Jews. Healing Services. "On Being a Real Person,” by Harry Emerson Fosdick, has been added to the lending library of the St. Stephen’s Healing Mission. The prayer circle of the mission will meet Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. In the parish house of the Church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation. A study from “Your Morale,” by Dean Austin Pardue of the Buffalo Ca thedral. will be reviewed. Testimony, fellowship, reports on cases being helped, prayers for the sick and world conditions will be included. Mrs. Z. D. Blackistone will lead. Holy communion and Christian healing will be Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Chapel of the Incarnation The Rev. Edmund H. Stevens will officiate. <g|pirr!| at (6oh National Memorial Church of God 16th ani Tartar Streets N.W. Bandar Services. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. II :00 a.m.—Mornm* Worship. 7:00 p.m.—Youth Crusaders. 8:00 p.m.—Bvenine ft'anaelistie Sorr ice. i Midweek Prarer Service. Wednesday. S P.M. Esther M. Borer, Pastor. Taylor **S3. $rwbgtfriatt #r*uhgttrian i ■■■ ~~ ■ . THE GEORGETOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3113 P Street N.W. Her. John Bailey Kelly* D. D.* Pastor Church School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship at 11 o’clock. Se-rmon Subject. “Thomas Jefferson—Cham, pion of Democracy." ALEXANDRIA Second Presbyterian REV. FRED V. POAG. Pastor. 11—“Man-Power in the Church." Election of Church Officers. 8—"Living Sacrifices." Vested Choirs, Mrs. Garthoff. NEW YORK AVE. CHURCH 13th & H & M. Y. Avenue Ministers: v DR. PETER MARSHALL, DR. ALBERT EVANS. REV. GEORGE W. BURROUGHS* Jr. 3 SERVICES EACH SUNDAY DURING LENT. 9 and 11 a.m.—“His Only Legacy." 8 p.m.—“The Originality of Jesus." Dr. Marshall preaching. Choral Music. Church Bible School at 10 a m. Young People’s Meetings at 0:30 p.m. NORTHMINSTER Alaska and Georgia Ayes. WALTER E. PRICE, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship, "Whet li th. Answer?" 8:00 p.m.—"Th, Man Wha Wo, Not Ashamed." EASTERN Md. Ave. at 6th N.E. WILLIAM NF.SBIT VINCENT, Miniiter. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Divine Worship. “The Call to Prayer.” 8 p.m.—“Forgive Us.” Join a Church of Your Choice Now For Freedom of Worship. gpfyertooob Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St. N.E. RICHARD M. MUSSEN, Minister 8:50 and II a.m.—“A New Life For Our World.” 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Thursday. 7:30 p m—Lenten Service. VISITORS CORDIALLY RECEIVED. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Kalorama near Columbia Rd. REV. JOHN C. PALMER. D. D.* Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Bible School Classes for All Ages. 11 a m.—Sermon by Dr. Palmer. "The Christian Brotherhood." ~UNITED PRESBYTERIAN WALLACE MEMORIAL N. Hompshire Ave. & Randolph St. N.W. C. E. Howthorne, D. D., Miniiter 9:30 am.—Bible School; classes for all sees. 11 a m—“What la Important?” 0:45 p.m -—Christian Endeavor Societies. 8 p.m-—“Our Walk.” V Central Presbyterian Southern General Aaaembly. Intertaction of 15th, 16th and • Irving Sti. N.W. Rev. Jamea H. Taylor, D. D., Faster. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. It am.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. 5:00 p.m.—Westminster Leacua. 0:15 p.m.—Fellowship Hour. 7 p.m.—Christian Endeavor 8 p.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. The Covenant-First Presbyterian Chureh Conn. Aye. at N St. N.W. Ministers: Albert Joseph McCartney, D. D. George H. Yount. Chaplain: John F. B. Carruthere. 0:45 a.m.—Church School. IX a.m.—Morning Worship. "A Time to Seek God," Mr. Yount Preaching. j fl:.T0 p.m.—Covenant Fellowship, C. F. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service. Lenten series. “Two Christian Patriots. John Witherspoon and Thoman Jefferson.’* I Chaplain Carruthers. preaching. What the author of The Declaration of j Independence might have said to the signer Rev. John Witherspoon, Presi dent of Princeton University, and what the signer might have replied to Thomas Jefferson on the subject “Christ And The Church” in wartime America. Chairman United States Christian Commission founded in 186‘J for military Evangelism with the Army and Navy. Takoma Park Maple and Tulip Aves. R. RAUL SCHEARRER, Minister DR. HERBERT P. WOODING WILL | PREACH AT 11:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. GUNTON-TEMPLE Iflth and Newton St.. REV. BERNARD BRASKAMP, 0. D. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11 a.m.—Rev. L. Gordon Leech. Guest Speaker “Gethsemane. the Victory Garden.” 6:45 p.m.—Dr. Vladimir M. Palic. Sec retary of Czechoslovakian Legation. CIVTII Sixteenth and 0lA 1 XT Kennedy Sts., N.W. Nursery During Church J. HERBERT GARNER, Minister. 11:00 s.m. "Christ Puts Meaning Into Prayer" 9:45 s.m.—S. S. 7:00 p.m.—Y. P. Western 1906 H St. N.W. C. Stewart McKenzie, Minister 9:45 a m.—Church School. 11 a m —'The 'I Must' of Christ.'' 7 p m—Christian Endeavor Societies. Fourth Presbyterian Church l.Vth nnd Fairmont Street! N.W. REV. JAS. H. MIERB. Minister. 11 a m.—No. 2—"Jeans la The Life.” (Brondenat Over WOL nt 11:30 A.M.) 8 p.m.—"Happy Gaeats At The Marriage Feaat.” f Revelation aeries). CHEVY CHASE Chei’,r Chase Circle Dr. J. Hillman Halllster, Minister 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11 a.m.—“My Hand Upon My Month.” 5 p.m.—“And I Will Answer Him.” METROPOLITAN Where Welcome Mean* Welcome. 4th b B Sts. S.E. Rev. J. L. Fendrich, Jr., 1) a.m.—"MAKING FAITH WORK.” 7Rth Anniversary. 7:4.3 pm.—“Technlene Far Sanity.” Dr. Fendrich Brandcnata, WINX, Every _Wednesday. 7:30 F.M. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN RIVER ROAD River Road, 45th b Fessenden Sts. N.W. REV. VIRGIL M. COSBY, Pastor Bible School, 9:45—"Study the Word." Worship Service, 11:00—’Tho Moaning of tho Cross Today." Youth Fellowship, 7:00. CHURCH OMHE PILGRIMS On the Parkway at 22nd and P Streets N.W. am at the P reeky torlue at the Seetk to toe NeUea’s Capital Bee. ANDBEW B. B1BD. D. D- IHaietot i iw® i5M^'iiSl,Giip!tolr nisoME5®' * :.1# P.M.—OB47 AN BECITAL. 7:48 P. M.—"EVEBY MAN’S QUESTIONS ‘WHY WAS I BO BN?' ’’ Wa Card tally lav, la Yam la l« at Hama With U* Dr. Ball Continues _ * ' Pre-Easter Sermons At Baptist Church Rev. John M. Ballbach Will Preach on Topic Of Last Words of Cross Dr. John Compton Ball, pastor of ! the Metropolitan Baptist Church, | continues Easter season sermons to morrow morning on “The Set Face.” A large group of new members will be received. In the evening the assistant pas tor, the Rev. John M. Ballbach, will continue his series of sermons on “The Seven Last Words of the Cross.” His topic is "God at the Cross.”' The Sunbeams and Crusaders will meet Monday at 3:30 p.m. At 7 p.m. Thursday the Through the Bible Class will meet. At 8 p.m. the Delta Alpha Class meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Dickey belle Napier. The deacons meeting is Wednes day at 7:15 p.m., followed by prayer service led by Dr. Ball. White Cross. The White Cross Church of Christ will hold services on Wednesday at i 8 p.m. at 1810 Ontario place N.W. The.?ey' “ane B- Coates will speak . on ‘Internal Strife,” followed by a healing and message service. ^rfrool of ®rntl| Universal School of Truth 1727 H Street N.W. VIEdNIA XEUHAUSEL, rounder and Director. SUby*Frances*McAtetW,1*t “ F‘“hT" * rtulXi' Pr0dirl1 Son” by "««r “Member of I. N. T. A ” • I $imth ffiallg 3600 SEATS Constitution Hall (Interdenominational-United) YOUTH RALLY Easter Sunday—3 P.M. Hear Percy Crawford AND HIS MALE QUARTET SERVICE MEN'S CHORUS Dale Crowley’s Radio Quiz Congressman Marion Bennett Master of Ceremonies Spontored by the United Youth Committee GEORGE H. KENDALL, Chairmen fcpiflrjpal fEptaropal ^re You a Stranger in Washington? The Episcopal Churches Invite you to attend Church regularly during this Lenten Season A People to Endure Must Have Spiritual Vision f°r ;;*r"iencvenof tj°!Tf'Tiivirt thc «« listed a^0,i. mg to Mctiont. You will find a church nearby no matter where you live. FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT ___ Come to Church This Sunday NORTHWESTNORTHWEST WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 and 9:30 AM. 1 1 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon, Preacher, Canon Smith. I . * pm. Passion Sunday Musical Service by the Cathedral Choir. Entrance, Woodley Rd. at 36th St. 8 p.m —Evening Service and Address __ <Bu» x-». m« and Trailer an) Speaker, Canon Wedel. EPIPHANY 1317 G Street N.W. The Her. Charlei W. Sheerln, D. D„ Rector. Tho Rer. Hunter M. Lewia, B. D. 8:0(1 a.m.—Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.—Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a m.—Church School. 11 a.m—Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr Sheerin. 0 p m.—Young People's Fellowship. 8 Evening Prayer and Address by Dr SheeTin. Christ Church, Georgetown Corner of O and 31st Streets REV. PEYTON R. WILLIAMS. Rector. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 8 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. ST. JOHN’S Lafayette Square S:00—Holy Communion. 9:;t(i—Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—:Morning Prayer. Dr. Robbins. 4 p.m.— French Service. Dr. Wencelius. " p.m.—Evening Prayer. Mr. Magee. ------ | All Soul’s Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn. Aves. N.W Rer. H. H. D. 8TERRETT, Rector. ?:« a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser m o n. 4:30 p.m.—Children’s Service. _ Wednesday. 8:00 p.m.—Service and Address. nn Friday. 4:30 p.m.—Evening Prayer. Ascension Mass. Ave. at 12th St. N.W. REV. RAYMOND L. WOLVEN, Rector. £ —Holy Communion. 8:30 a.m.—Church School. U a.m.—-Morning Prayer and Sermon, o P.m.—Evening Service. Sermon by Canon C. W. F. Smith. . ST. STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newten Streets N.W. _ Sunday Services. s:oo a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Guest Preacher. Rev. Harold V. Louns bury. _ Wednesday. 8 pm—Litany and Sermon. Guest Preacher. Rev. Howard S. Wilkinson. OTrtttittj finer Branch Rd. at Dahlia St. N.W. REV. RENO S. HARP. Jr.. Rector. S:00 a m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. ST. AGNES CHURCH _ 46 One St. N.W. Rct. William Eckman, S. S. J. E., in Charge Sunday Masses—7, »:30 and 11 o clock. Mass dally, 7 a.m. Confessions Saturday, 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 917 23rd Street 8:00—Low Mass. 11:00—Litany in Procefsion. Eucharist and Sermon. 8MKl~1Evenson* an<* Meditation. Ben ediction. NORTHEAST <0ur ^atotour 16th and Irving Sts. N.E. REV. ALVIN LAMAR WILLS 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 0:30 a.m—Church School. 31 a m—Morning Prayer and Sermon , by the Rector. o:..(l p m.—Young Peoples Fellowship. 8 p.m.—Round Table. Prof. William M. „ Gewehr. Ph D., will speak. Wed., i :30 p.m.—Lenten Service. Rev. Frederick B. Harris. D.D., pastor of Foundry Methodist Church and chap lam of the Senate will be speaker. Hmod shepherd 6th St. Between H and I NORTHEAST REV. EDWARD B. HARRIS. Tlaar. Bertflcea at 7:30 and 11 a.m. ALL SAINTS CHAPEL in ,l*V?i£;Jr“MNnLAND8!l"fiear 10:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:30 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon. ATONEMENT CHAPEL (Colored) 66th Near Grant St. N.E. Sunday—7:30. »;3l) and 11 a.m. Thuraday- 8:00 p.m. ROCK CREEK PARISH REV. CHARLES W. WOOD. Rector. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Webster St. and Rock Crerk Church Rd. S:tO am.—Holy Communion, am.—Church School? 1Vn«;—Mornine Prayer and Sermon. Giiest preacher. Rev. Wm. Curtis Draper. Canon. Washington Cathedral. 7 p.m.—Yount: People’s Fellowship. SPECIAL LENTEN SERVICES. Wednesday. April nth. am.—Holy Communion. 8 r£m™TPenUentlai offlce «"<t Holy Communion. f.eT°.U v,’*iLl dnd .* genuine welcome and ieei a hominess in our services. ST. JAMES' CHURCH S'S St N.E—Tel. AM. 1716. THE REA. A. Q. PLANK. fPPday Masses 7:30 and 11. church n«*iP° a?1 a m. Vespers. 7:30 pm ?'*‘ly Mas?. ■ afm- . Holy Hour. ThGr?i ® pm. Sat., Confessions, 7-9 p.m. ££>atnt Jilargaret’s Conn. Ave. Cr Bancroft PI. REV. ARMAND T. EYLER ..3n a m.—Holy Communion !I:.!(> a m.—Church School. 1 m —Mornmc Prayer and Sermon by the Rector. 7.IIIP pm.—Youne People’s Fellowship Wednesday. H:IK. p.m — Evenine Service. PriH?.SJaya r... a m—Ho'y Communion. Friday, 4.00 p.m.—Children's Lenten Service. ST. THOMAS ' I8th Si., Bet. P and Q Nr. Dupont Circle Rev. H. S. Wilkinson, D. D., Rector Sunday. 8 and 9:30 am.—Holy Com munion. 9:30 and 11 a.m—Churrh School. ,, ftnl—Confirmation and Sermon he the Rt. Rev. Robert C. Jett Wednesday at 8 am, and Thursday et Jl a.m.—Holy Communion. ST. JOHN’S Georgetown _ 3210 O St. N.W. Her. P. Bland Tuckrr, Rhetor. 8 a m.. 11 a.m. and 7:.‘!0 p.m. a.m.—Sunday School. ST. COLUMBA'S CHURCH~ 42nd and Albemarle Street N.W. Sun. 7:30 a.m. —H C.: 9:30 a.m.. C S: 11:00 a.m.: M p : 8:00 p.m.. E P Wed.. 7:00 and 10:00 a.m., H. C.; 8 0(i P.m.. E. P. ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL (Colored) 2nd and U Streets N.W. "un, 7. 8:4.5 and Jl:(»o a.m.; 8:00 p.m Wed. 7:00 am.: Fridays. 8:00 pm _SOUTHEAST_ £s>aint iWarfe’s _ "ON CAPITOL HILL" Third and A Street® Southeast REV. ROBERT J PLUMB. Rector. 8 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon, by Rev. Clyde Brown. 8 p m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon by Rev. Clyde Brown LENTEN SERVICES— Wednesday. 8 p m.—Litany and Sermon by Rev. Harold V. Lounsbury. 11 a.m.. Thursday—Holy Communion. Church of the Holy Communion Nichols Ave. and Esther TUee S.E. _ REV. J. C. RUNKLE. Rector. Sunday—8 a.m . H C.; 11 a m.. M P Thursday—8 p m . E. P and Bible studv; CHRIST CHURCH Washington Parish, Pounded 1794 H20 G Street S.E. REV. EDWARD GABLER. Rector. Sunday—7:30 am. H. C: 9:30 a.m., Church School; 1 I am. M P Thursday—8 p in., II. C. and Sermon. SOUTHWEST GRACE CHURCH 9th and D Street! S.W. Sunday. J1 ;0H am; Wed., 8:f)0 p m. Montgomery Co., Md. GRACE Go. Ave. and Groce Church ltd., Silver Sprianr. Md. REV. WALTER W. GALE. Rooter. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church School 11 a.m.—Dedication ot Service Flag and Roll Call. Address hr Brig. Gen. Prank T. Hines. » Thors.. 8 p.m.—Evening Service._ ST. JOHN'S. BETHESDA Cer. Bradley Lane and Wfe. Ave. Sun.. H. £.. 7:30. 9:45 and 11 a_m. Confirmation Lectures—Sat.. 9:00 a.m. Confirmation Class—Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Clssses meet at Rectors.