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yntt-Smomittatimial Hear lev. BITTENHOUSE In Perton Every Sunday 8:00 A.M. WWDC 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. I 11 :00 o.m.—Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m.—Young People's Forum. 7:45 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Washington Gospel Temple Joppa Hall 4209-9th St. N.W. Georgia An. at Upahnr &>m dlrruaalm (S wedenboryian) CHURCH OP THE HOLT COT. lffth Above a N.W. 8 45 a.m.—Sundav School. II a.m.—Morning Worship with addres by J. R. Swanton on "The Case fo Religion." 8 p m.—Study Group. UttlttfraaliHl mnVERSALIST NATIONAL MEMORIAL CHURCH Cor. 16th and S Sts. N.W. REV. SETH R. BROOKS. D. D„ Minister 10 a.m.—Church School. Adult Class. 11 a.m.—Worship. "Prevailing Voices.” T p.m.—Open House lor Young People. WELCOME. Nazarrttr ALEXANDRIA Broddock Rood at Spring Street REV. W. H. BINKLEY, Pastor 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev. Warren Posey, Evangelist. 7:45 p.m., Evangelistic service. 9:45 o.m., Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.. Young Peoples service. FAITH 837 Addison Bd.. SEAT PLEASANT. Md. RUSSELL G. LENGEL. MINISTER. 10 mm.—Sunday School. 11 m.m.—Morning Worship. 2:30 p.m.—Fellowship Service. 7 p m.—N. Y. P. S. 7:45 p.m—Evangelistic. Wednesday. 7:30 p.m —Soul Clinic. Friday. 8 p m.—Bible Study. CONGRESS HEIGHTS Atlantic Are. and lat St. S.F.. REV. GERTRUDE F. RIGGS Wnrabin Service*—11 A.M. A S P.M. S. 8.. 10 A.M.: N. Y. P. S., 6:45 P.M. First Congregational Will Hear Lecture On Mexico Tomorrow Dr. Anderson Will Preach Sermon on Jefferson At 11 A.M. Service “Mexico, Our Neighbor” will be the subject of an illustrated lecture bj James E. Walter of Boston at 8 p.m tomorrow in the First Congrega tional Church. At 11 a.m., Dr. Howard Stone An derson will preach a sermon in an ticipation of the 200th anniversary ! next Tuesday of the birth of Thomas Jefferson. His subject will be "Amer - ica's Apostle of Liberty.” The Sunday dinner will be held at . 12:45 p.m. The Standing Committee will meet Monday at 8 pm. The Women's Society. Young Women's Club and Fortnightly Club will meet jointly at 6 p.m. Tuesday Mrs. Helen Sutton Booth will speak on current events. The Wednesday Game night will be held from 7:30 to 11 pm. At 6:15 p.m. Thursday will be a dinner honoring the trustees. The guest speaker will be Attorney Wil bur La Roe, jr. Square dancing will be held at 8:30 p.m. Friday to be followed by ballroom dancing at 10:30 o'clock. Dr. Herbert P. Woodin To Be Takoma Speaker Dr. Herbert P. Woodin will be the guest preacher at 11 am. tomor row in the Takoma Park Presby terian Church. His subject is "Beauty From the Clouds.” The fifth Lenten Sunday evening service at 8 pm. will be in charge of Robert M. Lyon. The theme, “What the War is Teaching Us About the Family,” will be the sub ject of an address by Dr. Woodin. followed by an informal discussion period. I An old-fashioned social, at which | members publicly welcomed into the church during the 1942-43 church year, will be guests of honor, is scheduled for Thursday evening. Postponed from last week, the 15th annual dinner of the Young People's C. E. Society will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday. Dr. Harry Evaul Lists Epworth Church Events "Advantages in Handicaps” will be the subject of t)r. Harry Evaul, pastor of Epworth Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m. to morrow on “Your God Cares.” Dr. Evaul will conduct the prayer service at 8 p.m. Wednesday and will speak on “At Home With Jesus.” A movement has been started in the church to send gifts to men in the armed forces. A committee will meet at 10 a.m- Sunday to perfect the organization. Mt Pleasant Congregational The Rev. Dr. Fred S. Buchsmeyer will speak on "Temptations” at 11 a.m. tomorrow. j On Thursday evening the lenten : meditation service, held in collab oration with the Universalist Na tional Memorial Church, will be held at 8 p.m. in that church, with Dr. F. S. Buchsmeyer leading the meditation. 3Fm JlrUiahist EAST WASHINGTON PARK MINN. AVE. & F ST. S.E. | REV. ALMA C. FREDERICK. Pastor. Pre-Easter Evangelistic Services Every Evening at 7:45 P.M. Sponsored by the Young People of the Church Guest Speaker. DR. A. E. WACHTEL. | Pres, of Kingswood School, Springfield. Va. • Bible Benamt Bible Beaamt "And They Smote Him!" Rev. Billington Teaehea the World’a Large at Adult Bible Claaa Matthew, the 26th chapter, verse 64, "Jesus saith unto him. Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, ond coming in the clouds of heaven." Little did the high priest of that day know that Christ was the Son of God, ond hod the power of Heaven ond earth in His hand to do whatsoever He would. Verse 65, "Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying. He hath spoken blasphemy: l what further need have we of witnesses? Behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy." To rent one's clothing simply meant that he was very much angered over what had been said or done. Here the high priest heard Jesus soy He was the great powers of God. He cried to the multitude asking, "What further witness have we?" So it is today, ungodly phari sees, I mean preachers who have never been saved, find a man who has been saved and try to trip him in something he has said. Verse 66, "What think ye? They answered and said, He is guilty of death," Ves, according to the plon and program they hod, or may be according to what they had proven bv folse statements, they said Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was guilty of death. Verse 67, "Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him: and others smote him with the palms of their hands." You will recall what the old prophet said in Lamentations I :12, "s it nothing to you all ye that pass by? Behold, and see if there be ony sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce onger." These words were spoken in r e f e r e nee, or concerning our Christ. Oh, yes, how dork and dreary the pic ture seems when we read of our dear boys in the fox holes today, here and there in the battlefields of Flanders — yes world. But Christ took the sufferings of the world in His own body for you and I. Verve 68, "Saying, Phophesy unto us, thou Christ, who is he that smote Thee?" Yes, they smote Him. But the only words we find from Jesus' Iips were these, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." My unsaved friend, did you know Christ died for you that you might be saved? Did you know He prayed for you while in the death hour? He prepared for you in Glory a place of rest. Please won't you prepare to meet God? There is no other name given whereby you can be saved, only through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. My proyer is that this Eoster morning will find you a saved man or woman, boy or girl in Christ. Goodbye. —Dallas F. Billington. Thit ortielo paid for by Ber. Dallas F. Billington 2312 Manchester Rd. AKRON, O. Will Answer Bible Questions Free CORRECTION On Saturday. April 8. In thla column the followlne statement was published: "Our Jewish friends will honor Caster to the extent that they will ecu much foods. They will prepare their stores, and so, therefore, our Jewish friends will recoenise this treat Easter day.” EXPLANATION My thoutht In this statement was to simply convey the thought that all races and peoples of the earth do acknowledee and recoenise Easter, either in a spiritual or a material sense. I realise that millions of Gentile people do not recoenise Christ In a spiritual way. I have so many Jewish friends, real friends, that I would not even think of attacklne them as a race or their relieton. Therefore, If 1 have wounded any heart, please forelve. Thank you! DALLAS F. BILUNQTON. * JAMES E. WALTER. California Chaplain Will Preach Sermon Chaplain John Carruthers of the 1st Aero Squadron of California State Military Forces, will give a sermon on John Witherspoon and Thomas Jefferson at 8 p.m. tomor row at Covenant-First Presbyterian Church, in the absence of Dr. Albert J. McCartney. - He said he would give “the Pres byterian point of view on what the author of the Declaration of Inde pendenc# might have said to the only clergyman who signed it, and what that clergyman, President John Witherspoon of Princeton Uni versity, might have said to Thomas Jefferson on the subject, Chjrist and the church in the wartime Amer ica." The Rev. Delbert Grant, who has traveled 7,000 miles by airplane and jeep to address soldiers in camps, will show motion pictures, of the Alaskan war front, at 4:45 p.rh. The Rev. George H. Yount will preach at 11 a.m. on “A Time to Seek God.” Lt. El wood Hill of the Signal Corps will give an organ recital at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. Baraca-Philathea Quiz On WWDC Tonight Featured on the radio’s. Bible quiz tonight at 9 o'clock over Sta tion WWDC will be a contest be tween the Baracas and the Phil atheas. Contestants will represent several churches of the Tri-City Baraca Philathea Association. The Baraca team will include Lt. Allen A. Mur ray, Washington, and David Pettus and Stewart Balderson of Alex andria. Vieing with these for the highest score In Bible knowledge will be Mrs. Ruth McCoy and Mrs. Marie Hilton of Washington and Miss Grace Michael of Arlington. Evan gelist Dale Crowley will be master of ceremonies. The Rev. Mr. Crowley will con duct the morning twilight devotions over this station, beginning Mon day at 6:45 am. Dr. Gould Will Preach Two Sunday Sermons Dr. Robin Gould, minister of the Francis Asbury Methodist Church, will occupy the pulpit tomorrow at both the morning and evening serv ices. At 11 a.m. his subject will be “We'll Keep the Honor of a Cer tain Aim.” At 8 p.m. Dr- Gould will discuss “A Tale of Two Cities.” At 8 p.m. Thursday Dr. Gould will conduct the service of prayer and meditation. This will be the last Thursday before Holy Week and his subject of discussion will be “Going Up to Jerusalem With Our Lord.” Dr. Steelman to Preach In Petworth Church At 11 a.m. tomorrow in Petworth | Methodist Church Dr. Frank Steel man will preach on “The Hope for These Days.” A service of hvmn ' interpretation will be presented at 8 p.m. A meeting of the board of educa tion will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. The Lenten service will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. Srutl; Center A TRUTH CENTER MRS. APPLETON, Leader. 1713 K Street N.W. Sunday. 1! a.m.—"She Shall Lire." Tuesday. 8:15 p.m.—Prayer. Interviews Tuesdays. Wednesdays. Thursdays. 2 to 6, Thursdays, fi to 9 hy appointment. • Chaplain Taggart at Temple Baptist Church The Temple Baptist Church Is featuring a special program Sunday evening. Capt. Bill Taggart, the first chaplain to return from a com bat area during this present war, will be the guest speaker at the Training Union. Dr. Francis Carr Stifler, who re cently presented a Bible to Capt. Eddie VRickenbacker, will speak at 8 p.m. He is editorial secretary of the American Bible Society. The Rev. L. J. Holcomb will deliver a sermon Sunday morning on ‘ God's Pledge Card.” Dr. Clarence W. Cranford Lists Sermon Subjecfs Dr. Clarence W. Cranford will preach at Calvary Baptist Church tomorrow morning on “Invested As sets.” In the evening his subject will be “What Makes Morale?” The Rev. Edwin H. Tuller, associ ate minister, will conduct the junior church service tomorrow morning. The annual meeting of the Wom an's Missionary Society will be held Wednesday morning with Dr. Cran ford giving the charge to the new officers. Communion service will be held Maundy Thursday, April 22. This service will replace the regular Wednesday midweek service that week. The Sunday school teachers will hold a supper meeting next Wednes day followed by the Bible study les son taught by Dr. Cranford. The Citizenship Committee will hold its supper meeting Thursday with Mrs. George Mathes presiding. 'Coming World Dictator' Subject of John Ford “The Coming World Dictator” will be the lecture to be given by -John Ford, superintendent of the Temple of Christ, Sunday at 8 p.m. in Almas Temple, 1315 K street N.W. In his lecture Mr. Ford will an swer the o.uestions: From what nation will he come? Will he be the choice of the people or will he ac quire his position by force of arms? Will he be able to stop all war? Will he be a beloved ruler or a cruel dictator? He speaks every Friday and Sun day at 8 p.m. and every Saturday at 3 p.m. in Almas Temple. He also speaks over radio WOL every Sun day at 12:30 p.m. Theosophical Society Washington Lodge. Hugh F. Munro, sr„ of Philadel phia, president of the Middle At lantic Federation of the Theosophi cal Society, will deliver lectures, open to the public, tomorrow and Mon day at 8 p.m. at 1216 H street N.W. Subjects, “Supermind in Nature” and "Science and Religion.” At 6:30 p.m. tomorrow James W. McGuire will speak on “The World Struggle, Humanity's Ordeal of Ini tiation.” Tonight at 8 p.m. the New Age Group will have as guest speak er Mrs. Peoples, divine science teacher, whose subject will be "A i Loftier Race Than E'er the World Hath Known Shall Rise.” Wednes day, 8 p.m., members meeting to study “The Song Celestial” and "The Secret Divine.” . Friday at 8 p.m., Mrs. Lillian F. Boatman gives blackboard talks on “Astro-Psychol ogy, the Relation Between the Cos mos and Character.” Lightbringer Lodge. ‘‘Parasites of Religion" will be the topic of Mrs. Ludavene Rauzi on Thursday at 8 p.m. at the open forum at 1713 K street N.W. At the close a question and answer meeting will be held. The public is invited to bring questions con cerning theosophy and its applica tions. Fifth Baptist The Rev. J. Herrick Hall will speak Sunday at 11 a.m. on "Not as I Will” and at 8 p.m. on "Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone?” The eve- j ning service will be broadcast over ! WWDC, 1450 kilocycles, from 8 to 9. Euattgrliral & Urfnrmrii GRACE REFORMED Rev. Calvin H. Winrert. Pastor. The National Reformed Church 9:40 a.m.—Church School. J 1 a.m.—"It Is Finished." 6:00 p.m.—Fellowship Tea and C. I. i Wednesday Lenten Service 8 p.m. CONCORDIA evangemcai. I j 2«Wh and G St». N.W. REV. CHARLES ENDERS. Pulor. 9:4.v* m.—Bible School. 3 1 a.m.—Worship and Preaching. 6 p.m —-Sunday Evening Gathering. FIRST REFORMED^‘rhw*MS,"(r R*y* F. Nelaen Sehlegel. Pastor. 9:4?» a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a m.—Morning Worship. 6 J?:"1*—Fellowship Supper. Chaplain Wilson DeChant will speak on ‘‘Re ligion in the Army." Thursday Evening ak 8:00 — Lenten Service. IP temple of Qlfrngt (Temple of (HljrtHt “THE COMING WORLD DICTATOR” The Bible foretells of a coming world ruler. From what nation will he come? jWill he be the choice of ( the people or will he ac quire his position by force .of arms? WiU htf be able | !to stop all war? Will he be a beloved ruler or a ; cruel dictator? What is his name? I THE BIBLE 6IVES THE ANSWERS I SUNDAY, 8 P.M. ALMAS TEMPLE ' 1315 K St. N.W. I JOHN FORD I Noted Bible Lecturer MISSION—The Rev. Father Norbert, a Capuchin mission ary of Passaic, N. J., who will conduct the annual one-week mission at Holy Rosary Church, starting Sunday morning and closing on Palm Sunday evening, with special services daily at 8 p.m. Dr. Burgan Will Speak At Hamline Methodist Dr. H. W. Burgan will preach at Hamline Methodist Church at 11 a.m. tomorrow the sixth sermon In the special lenten series. He will use as his subject ‘'Suffering: Divine and Human.” A group of new members will be received. At 7:15 p.m. Walter Cole will speak on ‘‘Courage for Today.” and at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Boris Shifchkin of Russia will speak. The Brotherhood Bible Class is planning its annual banquet for April 27. The upper Sixteenth street com munity service, in which Hamline Church participates, will be held Thursday night at the North Wash ington Baptist Church. Lenten Series to End At St. Paul's Lutheran A series of five lenten sermons on "Great Teachings of Our Church” will be brought to a close tomorrow morning at St. Pauls Lutheran Church, when Dr. Henry W. Snyder will speak on "Shall We Break Bread?” The evening sermon will be on "The Book of Life.” The catechitical classes will com bine for their final meeting of the season at 7 p.m. The Church Coun cil will meet at 8 p.m. Dr. Snyder will preach at the closing union lenten service of the Chevy Chase churches in the All Saints Episcopal Church. All Souls' Church Pastor Concludes Bible Course Concluding the course of sermons on “What Can I Believe?” Dr. U. G. B. Pierce, minister of All Souls’ Uni tarian Church, will preach at 11 a m. tomorrow on “What Is There Left?” The 200th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson will be observed at all services. Dr. Ernest S. Griffith of Ameri can University will address the Cur rent Problems Class at 10 a.m. on “Basic Understandings for Postwar Planning.” At the same time Rabbi Harry Silverstone will continue his series on "Treasures of the Talmud,” speaking on “Talmudic Astronomy.” The annual meeting of the con gregation for the election of new officers will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday. It will be preceeded by a congregational dinner. At the final foreign language cinema presentation of the season April 17. the feature will be the Mexican film, “La Zandunga.” Last Lenten Service At Stansbury Temple The last of the upper Sixteenth Street Community lenten services will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday by the North Washington Baptist Church in Stansbury Temple. TTie Rev. Esther Boyer, pastor of the Church of God, will preach. Tomorrow morning the Rev. Henry J. Smith, pastor of the North Washington Baptist Church, will preach on “Powerless Dreaming” at 7:4b p.m. on “God’s Kindling Voice.” The Intermediate Baptist Train ing Union will entertain the Dis trict Federation of Unions Friday night at the National Baptist Me morial Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Urich and their seeing-eye dog, will give a program. Saturday the women's organiza tion will sponsor a cooked food sale at Third and Rittenhouse stretets N.W. Applied Religion Dr. Norman Vincent Peale of New York City, pastor of the Marble Col legiate Church, will be the guest speaker for the Institute of Applied Religion of which Dr. J. L. Fendrich, pastor of Metropolitan Presbyterian Church', is dean, on Monday at 8 p.m. The meeting will be held in Dr. Fendrich's church. Fourth and B streets S.E. There will be no admis sion charge. u>rutb LEARN TO HEAR GOD'S VOICE YOURSELF Free Demonstration—'! Great Lectures. Sun., ‘i and H P.M. ALBERT THATCHER YARNALL NORTH ROOM. THE MAYFLOWER Also: “Healing: from God.*’ Extra. "Reincarnation Defined." • Cutijfran Cutfrgran Luther Place Memorial Church Thomas Circle, 14th and N Streets N.W. REV. L. RALPH TABOR, Po*tor 1 1 00 a m —"LETTING CHRIST PASS BY." 9:45 a m.—Graded Sunday School. 5 :30 and 7:00 p.m.— Luther Leagues. Wednesday, 7 :30 p m —"THE PASSION OF THE PRAYER." AUGUSTANA V St. N.W., East of 16th St. Arthur O. HJrlm, D. D.. Pastor. 9:45. Church School, 1J am. — Morn- , i n g Worship. “The Love of j God." 7:30 p.m—Moving Pictures on “Af- j _rica" by_Missionary_Martin Olson. I St. Luke Lutheran SILVER THEATER. Silver Spring. U. L. C. A. THE REV. R. C. SORRICK, Pastor. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Theme: _“TEARS OF CLEANSING."_ TAKOMA LUTHERAN Seventh and Dahlia Sts. N.W. fThree blocks east of Walter Reed> Rev. J. ADRIAN PFEIFFER, Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon, “Christ’s Alchemy With Men.’* FAITH REV. ROBERT W. I.ONG. P»«lor. Lee Blvd., af Jackson, Arlington, Vo. Church School. 9:30 a.m Church Services. 8:30 and 11 am. Cnfittwn tflpircH 16fcand\W*t tftliW. fiftfil Oeshwd E. Unjki , Pajtor. 9:45 a.m.—Church School, Classes for All. 11 a m.—"The Good Life," Sermon by 1 Pastor. 7:30 p m—"The Lord's Supper." Wednesday. 8 p.m.—Lenten Service. CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION Opposite Folger-Shakespeare Library 212 East Capitol Street DR. OSCAR F. BLACKWELDER. Paster | REV. RALPH W. LOEW. Associate Pastor. SUNDAY 8:30 a.m.—Matin Service Sermon. “The Cross and the Meaning of Life.” Mr. Loew. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Service. 8ermnn, “Confessing the Sins of Others.** Dr. Blackwelder. 6:45 p.m.—Luther Leagues. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service. Sermon, “The Temptations of Middle-Ago Life.** Dr. Blackwelder. WEDNESDAY. 7:30 p.m.—Conference on Methods of Effective Christian Living. 8:15 p.m.—Midweek Lenten Service. Dr. Clarence W. Cranford. Guest Preacher. FRIDAY. 12:10-11:30—NoOnday Service in Fire side Room. The Public Is Cordially Invited. CUn ICT 0F BETHESDA V*niVld I CHEVY CHASE Old Georgetown Rd. at Glenbreok R. A. VOGELEY. Pastor. 9:45 a m—Sunday School. 1 I a m—"God’s Answers." Wednesday. 8.15, Lenten Service. ST. MARK'S AND THE INCARNATION 14th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. (Maryland Synod. United Lutheran Church) REV. HENRY MANKEN, Jr.. D. D.. Pastor. REV. M. D. WHITE. Assistant. 8:3(1 a m.—Matins and Sermon. 1 t a.m —Worship and Sermon 9:45 a.m.—Bible School for All. 7 p m.—Luther League WEDNESDAT. 8 pm.—Lenten Vespers._ Keller Memorial Lutheran Church Maryland Avenue and 9th St. N.E. J. Harold Mumper. D. D . Pastor Robert G. Reiter. Assistant. 9:30 a.m.—SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL. I 1 :00 am.—Morning Worship. No. 5—-On Faith of Our Times, "FAITH MISUNDERSTOOD," Mr. Mumper. j 6:30 p.m.—Luther Leagues. 7:45 p.m.—Evening Worship. No. 5—Studies in the Lord's Praver, "DELIVER US FROM EVIL," Pas tor Reiter. The Home-Like Church SL Matthew’s Lutheran Church Kentucky Aye. at IMk it. S.l. Rev. Theodore Paul Frlcke, Paeter ft:30 a.m.—Sunday School II a m.—“A Friend at Court. Lenten Service Wed., 8 p.m. A Cordial Welcome to All. Arlington—Resurrection N.Wash. Bird, and Powhatan. (D.L.C.A.) 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—"The Path to Prosperity.’' 5 p.m.—"Conenerlng Yesterday. Dana H. Johnson. Pastor. Oxford 3<1B. ZION~ New Haua. Are and Buchanan St. N.W. (Maryland Synod. U. L. C. A.) EDWARD G. GOETZ Paatnr. 9:40 a m.—Sunday Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Church Worship "THE SINLESS SAVIOUR" ATONEMENT N. Cop. & Rhode Island Are. Rer. H. E. Snyder. Paster. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—The 8ervice. 7:oo p.m.—Youne People. 8:00 p.m.—Vespers. Vlsitori Alwaya Welcome. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Connecticut Are. nt Fverett St. N.W. Henry W. Snyder. D. D.. Minister. P:30 a.m.—Sunday School. a ^ 11 a.m.—“Shall We Break Bread?” 8 p.m.—“Tlie Reek ef Life/* MISSOURI SYNOD CHURCHES OF THE LUTHERAN HOUR BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN 2407 Minnesota Ave. S.E. Rev. Edfar C. Rakow, Pastor 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Bible 11 a.m.—Sermon. "Faithfal Farerer.” Lenten Serriee. Friday, 8 p.m.—‘‘CracIBed—Ta Remora Oar Cam." TRINITY 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.—"An Ac count of Faith.” 8 p.m—"Bt/ievinf in Jesus.” CALVARY LUTHERAN 9601 Georfie Avenue 1B:40 Farsst Glen Baa at Geerria and Alaska Area.. Silver Sarins. Md. CAUL A. KOBBUKU. Paster. Cordially we incite vnv to worship. 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a m.—"What It Means ta Walk With Wad.^).S^y.ur—lenten Serriee. "Shan CHRIST LUTHERAN A Biblical Message in ■ Charming Church f 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. UV. J. FREDERIC WENCH* L. Putsr. Mr. Leals Wesiermsan, Aealataat. 0:45 a m.—Sunday School. 0:45 and 11 a.m.—Services. 8ermon on "A Forgotten Christian Virtue." 8:15 p.m. Wednesday—Lenten Service. Address on "What 8hall I Do with Jesus?" TRINITY LUTHERAN SOth 84. AND HINKER HILL ROAD (Just Aerate the District Line.) MT. RAINIER. MARYLAND. RET. EDWIN E. FIEFLOW 8:30 and 11 a.m.—"The Temp tations of Youth." 0:45 a m.—Church School and Bible Class. 8 p.m.—Junior Walther League. 8 p.m.—'Tha Crown of Thorns." Lenten Semce, Wed., 8:15 P.M. The Sin of Compromise1 Topic of Dr. H. L. Bell Dr. Harry L. Bell will speak on “Pilate—the Sin of Compromise-’ Sunday morning at the Columbia Heights Christian Church. The con gregation is participating in the city-wide “Capital-for-Christ” cam paign, under the direction of the church’s committee on evangelism, of which Dr. Williairt Hill is chair man. The annual father-and-son din ner will be held Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. with Arthur C. Ridgeway as toastmaster. Appearing on the pro gram will be Thomas and Granville Leef, novelty singing, and Ralph Mittendorf, magician. R. I. Avenue Methodist Dr. E. A. Sexsmith will continue his series of sermons on “Christian Beliefs” tomorrow morning. His topic will be "Christian Beliefs About Sin.” "Behold the Man!” will be his subject at 8 p.m. The service will open with an old-fashioned hymn sing. Lenten service will be held Thurs day evening, with the pastor in charge. £pattiflfy 0*rtito Non-denominational 4 O'Cloek Each Sunday at Firat Church of the Nazarene 7th and A Streets N.E. * Urctljrftt UNIVERSITY PARK Balto. Bird, and Tuckerman St. John D. Long, Minister 10 a.m.—Church School. 11 a m.—Morning Worship. Sermon by the Rev. Saylor Cubbage. Washington City i! CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 4th and North Carolina Arc. R.E. REV. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Minister. 9:45 a m.—Church School. 11 a m.—“The Last Judgment." 8 p.m.—“A Question *God Cannot Answer." j 6:50 p.m.—-B.Y.P.D. “Everybody Talk in’ About Heaven Ain’t Goin* There.” Mr. Chris Ahrens. | _HapttHtlajrtiat D. C. BAPTIST CONVENTION The New Baptist Church, 3738 Minnesota Ave. Northeast S have the following slated meetings: Sundays. 10 a m —Preaching and Sunday School. Dm—Broadcast. “Look and Live.” WWDC, 1450 on your dial. n.0J,m7~^Pre?chln* and Trainin* Onions, luesdaya—study of Sunday School lesson lor coming Sunday, followed by B. T, P • ollQ D, A. U. eriday—Junior Union and Intermediate Union. Missionary Society. 2nd Monday Monthly 8 pm. Easter Meetings Nightly, Passion Week. e CHEVY CHASE Western Are. W. ef Ctrele Rev. Edward O. Clark, Pastor 11:00 a.m.—"The Sure Cure for Worry.” 8:00 p.m —Special Evangelistic Serv ice, Mr. Howard D. Rees. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 6:00 p.m.—Young People. WELCOME t FOUNTAIN MEMORIAL w. B. KING. Patter Noylor Road Above Minn. Ave. S.E. 9:30 a.m.—-Sunday School. 8:.30 and 11 a.m.—Two Identical Serv ices. “To the Cross.” • :OOp.m.—Young People. 8 p.m.—Studies in Romans. GRACE BAPTIST Oth and South Carolina Ave. S.E. PASTOR. W. L. MacMILLAN. Mr. Julius Whltinger. Director of Musle ! Mr. Richard Beale, Organist. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School Classes for All 11:00 a.m.—“Doing My Heart's Delight.” • Sermon by the Pastor 7:45 p.m.—“Are Baptists Protestants?” Sermon by the Pastor B. Y. P. U . 6:30 P M. Thursday, 7:15 p.m.—Prayer Service. Graee With the Goapel of Graeo. SECOND 17th and Ea«t Caplt.l Sts. Rev. i. Ray Garrett. Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 11 a.m.—Sermon by the Pastor, "The Final Plea.” 6:45 p.m.—Baptist Training Union. 8 p.m.—"Rejected Mercies.” Plney Branch Road and Aspen St. N.W. 11 a.m.—“Consider Him.” 7:45 p.m.—N. B. Habel Speaking. WILLIAM E. LA RUE, Pastor. WEST WASHINGTON 31st and N St*. N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Pastor. II s.m.—"A Meeting with God.” 8 p.m.—"Path, to Perdition.” 9:45 s.m.—8. 8. 7 p.m.—B. Y. P. TJ. FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH Kt» E S.W. ME. 0438 Bible School at 9:30. Worship at. 11. B T U . 8:30. Evening Service broad cast from 8 to 9 over WWDC Minis ters: John E. Briggs, J. Herrick Hall. CONGRESS HEIGHTS Congress Heights Bus to Esther Place G-lIEST PREACHER. Rev. UT. S. Knox of Falls Church. 9:45 am.—Sunday School. 11 a m—Dr. M. C. Brubaker of White Stone, Va . Gues Preacher. “Easy Reli gion—Is It Worth While*” 6:45 pm— B. Y. P. U. 8 p.m.—“The Matter Musician Of My Soul.” METROPOLITAN Sixth and A Sts. N.E. John Compton Ball, D. D. Paster Rev. JOHN M. BALLBACH Assistant Pastor Morning .t Eleven Dr. Ball will deliver hi. third Easter Prelude OH “The Set Face” A large group of new member, will be received at close of service. Evening gt Seven Forty-five Assistant. Pastor continues Series of Sermon. In "The Seven Words." “God at the Cross” 9:30—Church Bible School. 0:30—Young Peoplr Thursday, 9 pm-WWDC Service. Attend the church that glows, goes and grows continually. Ride If you can. Walk If you must. i AVONDALE No. Woodridge I SUNDAY SERVICES j 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. : 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service. MARYLAND AVENUE 14th and Maryland Ave. N.E. W. A. EMMANS, Patter 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 m.m. “Behold Jesus” ' j * 7:45 p.m. “The Jew—Is God Finished With Him?” Sixth in Series of Bible Messages in the Book of Revelation. Special Music at Both Services. SILVER SPRING 832 Wayne Avenue J. WESLEY LOFTIS. Minister. 11 a.m.—“Jesus Calls For Reports From The Front.” j 8 p m.—“The High Priest Of Our Pro fession.” 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 7 p.m.—B. T. U. Program? for Youth. The Church Militant Reliving the __ Passion of Jesus. i LUTHER RICE MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 5315 North Capitol St. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 7 p.m.—Baptist Training Union. 8 p.m.—Evening Service. KENDALL Oth Near Independence Ave. 8.W. Len Franklin Stevens. Minister. j 11 a m.—Communion Meditation. I 8 p.m.—Stewardship Play. Highlands Fourteenth Street, at Jefferson I ■fS*®*******® VUUI Newton Mercer Simmond*. Mlnletee. I 11 t.m.—Morning Worship. “Jerusalem—the Halls of Judgment.” j PET WORTH Randolph Stv N.W. __ REV JAMES P. RODGERS. Pastor i . DR. J. R. ANDRUS. Returned Missionary, Supply Speaker. 8:45 a m—Sunday School Classes for All 11 a m—"BRtC.HT PROSPECTS IN BURMA.” Dr. Andrua. o:45 p.m—Baptist Training Union S P.m—"A CHRISTIAN PEACE."—Dr. Andrus. Special Recosn’tion Service for Members of Children’s Religious Instruction Class CIDCT 16th and O Sts. N.WT rIIh^ I Edward Hughes Pruden, Minister ® ® ® Harlan Stenger, Associate Minister 8:45 and 11 a.m.—Dr. Francis C. Stiller of New York. Please attend the first service ii possible P-m-—for Identification.” Rev. Harlan Stenger. 9:30 a.m—Sunday School. 6:30 pm.—B. Y. P. U. BROOK LAND 11:00 o.m.-7:45 p.m—M. THOMAS HANSEN, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Special Pre-Easter Meetings, 7:45 P.M. Dally, April 1 I -18th Morning Meetings, 10:30—Monday Thru Friday TVTnmttT* • Tenth and N Sti. N.W. Vil'tllipit LUTHER JENKINS HOLCOMB, Minister I 1 :00 a.m.—"GOD'S PLEDGE CARD," Mr. Holcomb. 8:00 p m —DR. FRANCIS CARR STIFLER, New York City. D PTM A hi R. I. Ave. and 2nd St. N.W. DEI mAIy I M. P. GERMAN, Minister 11 A M—“CHRIST CRUCIFIED DAY BY DAY.” 8 P.M.—“EXPERIENCING THE NEW BIRTH.” The Men a Bible Class. Coma to hear Horace Stevenson. Rational baptist jHemortal 16th AND COLUMBIA ROAD N.W. Gove G. Johnson, Pastor. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor. II a.m—“Another Great Awakening.” Looking to Special Meetings Beginning Next Sunday Morning. 8 p.m.—“Our Abiding Treaanre.” Large chorus choir at both services. 9:40 a.m.—Bible SchooL 6:45 p.m.—Training Unions and Brotherhood. Mid-Week Fellowship Service Thursday, 8 p.m.—Prayer for the “Eight Great Days” Next Week, with Gaye L. McGlothlen as Evangelist. Calbarp 8th and H Sts. N.W. I; DR. CLARENCE W. CRANFORD, Minister ! REV. EDWIN H. TULLER, Associate Minister 11 a.m.—“INVESTED ASSETS.” 8 pm -“WHAT MAKES MORALE?” 9:30 a m. Sunday SchooL 6:30 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:45 p.m. Organ Recital. Thomas Moss. CENTENNIAL ON THE AIR "GM’. Corner” 11:35 A.M. wIlSON^ HOLDER! Rostov 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. Meralas Warship Berries 11:30 s“Who b Year Hester?” REV. WILSON HOLDER, Minister 0:46 p.m.—Baptist Training Union. 8 p.m.—"The Balesr Sitters.” MBS. MABIB C. DIAL Soloist B-PT,Ter *nd DM 1450 of 11:38 AM. Prayer for the gtek at every service. NORTH WASHINGTON 5632 Georgia Avenne N.W. MV. HINRY J. SMITH, Pastor