Newspaper Page Text
Spinal Meningitis Increasing in U. S.r Health Service Says Once Largely Fatal, It Is Now Curable With Sulfa Drugs By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE, Associated press Science Editor. Spinal meningitis, once highly fatal but now largely curable with sulfa drugs, is increasing in the United States. Cases this year, the Public Health Service reports, totalled 5,826 to April 3, a three-month period, against 953 for the same period last year, and 3,774 for the entire year of 1942. The previous high for the United States, since 1912 when the records began, was 10,551 cases in 1929. The Public Health Service points out that although at the present rate this year could set a new high, it is also possible for the outbreak to fall away to almost nothing in the balance of the year. Spinal meningitis is a seasonal, largely winter disease. It runs mostly from late December to some time in April. The peak is likely late in March or early April. This year the disease is following, so far. the routine seasonal pat tern. The cases of the week end ing April 3 numbered 959, which was 23 more than the preceding week. No special reasons for this year’s increase have been noted. Like the common cold, spinal meningitis is spread from person to person. Crowded conditiions help it to prop agate. Prompt diagnosis and iso lation of patients control the spread. The Public Health Service figures do not show what proportion of cases are in the military forces. But the war is not necessarily a spe cial reason for the present outbreak. In 1D37 the country had 7,320 cases and in 1930 there were 8,384. The present outbreak is widely scattered. The highest States last week, in the Public Health Service Records, were New York, 68: Cali fornia. 58: Mississippi, 43; New Jer sey, 39: Pennsylvania, 38: Virginia, 31: Massachusetts. 23; Maryland, 22; Illinois, 21; Kentucky, 20. Spinal meningitis is inflamation of the linings covering brain and spinal cord. It is caused by a germ, the meningococcus. Formerly the death rate averaged about 50 per cent. Sufra drugs and meningococ cus serum are present remedies. In some areas the sulfa drugs have reduced the death rate to about 10 per cent. _SPECIAL NOTICES. I WILL NOT'PE RESPONSIBLE OP ANY debts other than those contracted by myself from this date on. HUGH C. CREGGER, 8611. Brandt pi., Bethesria. Md._10* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR bills contrar'M by any one other than mvself. DANIEL C. McALLISTER. 524 Atlantic st., s.e. 12* ANNUAL MEETING-OF~SHAREHOLDERS i Washington Permanent Building Associa tion will be held at the office, 620 F st. I n w.. May 5. 1043. at 3 p.m., for elec- I tion of officers and directors. Polls open from 10 p m. to 2 p.m. JULIUS A. MAEDEL. Secretary, HELP MEN. ACCOUNTANT AND BOOKKEEPER to work in public, accounting office. Call District 4264. ACCOUNTANT OR BOOKKEEPER?^ raft exempt, in C P. A.'s office. State age. educaMon. experience and salary expected. Box 256-E Stpr. AMBULANCE ATTENDANT. drRft~exempt7 for an essential business, experienced pre ferred. Capital Ambulance Service, RA. .3:105,_ ATTENDANTS, experienced, ase 20 to 50*. for work with mental patients: ;l .320 annually. Apply superintendent, Gallinger Mi in ic ip al Ho spital._ AUTO or truck mechanics wanted. Repair work on transportation vehicles is essential work. The Trew Motor Co. offers as fine working conditions and as high Pay as anywhere in Washington. We have been o^tablished for 20 years and our reputa tion is well known This is a permanent mb. Sec Mr. Runion or phone him at Decatur !0in for appointment after hours. Trew Motor Cn . 14 th and V sts. n.w. A UTOMCHILE LUBRICATOR. expertencedl ■rood pay and working conditions. See Mr Dennison. Trianele Motors. L4th and Rhode Island ave n e,. DF 6300. AUTOMOBILE MECH A NIC~t o work~on fu 11 or nart time Salary and commission basis. Pahs Church Motors. Falks Church. Va AUTOMOBILE PARTS MANAGER "pxccf lent opportunity for experienced man. Wilson Pontiae Service. SH. ISIS; after 7 p.m., SH. 2655. n/uvEiK. wnite. an around or experienced helper; daywork. 5948 Georgia ave. n.w BAKER, first-class, flrrl eond baker's helppr: good pay. 70S 7th s*. s.w., Southwest Bakery. _Natlonal 3056. BAKERS. 7, for part-time work; cakes, pics, bread. 7630 14th sL_n.w. _• BOOKKEEPER, permanent position, real estate office, state age. cx^^ri^nce and salary first letter Box 380-D. Star BOY over is for Sat. and Sim night, in hamburger shop; good pa'- May arrange ste^dv work. Apnlv lot n*h st. n.w. BRICKLAYERS, non-union, for private defense work. Good wages, steady work. Boy 336-E. Sta r_ BUTCHER, exp,, good workin" renditions. Anply Boulevard Market. 743 Baltimore hlvd.. Colmar Manor. Mri. Hvat tcville 06:’. 1 CAR WASHER AND WAXER. experienced! Will nay excellent salary; permanent job; report for work Monday. 3 am. or call Wi«ronsin 1635. Chew Chase Chevrolet. 7725 Wisconsin ave n w CAR WASHER, experienced. Earn $75 a week at the Trew Motor Co., est. 79 years All modern equipmen* Good hours and working conditions. This ta a nerir^nent job Sno Mr. Ropion at once. Trew Motor Co., l-*fh and v sts. n.w CLEANERS. PAPER HANGERS, combina tion men pref.. drinkers wanted. Call Mr. Ridenour. HO 3147. COLORED cook*. dj*hwn'he-s. bus boys, porter and c^rk^n cut*or: **ood Pay. Chicken in the Rough. 5031 Conn, ave COUNTER,'TAN. experienced: chort hours: no Sunday work; good wages. 1303 H s+. n.w._ CUNTERMEN. exoer rr,rM. good wages and working conditions. Hurapty Dumptv Grill. 1418 Park rd. n v: dental TTr-HNirTAN; must be expert: steady po*ifion Call or write Dr. F. ^ She’W. 1777_Eve st. n.w._NA. 9706. DTSHWA^^R. $22 and meals.' Barn hart’s. 5510 Conn_._ave._nw. DOORMAN co'nrori. experience not nec essary. Apply Ebbitt. Hotel. JOth ar.d H sts. P w. DRIVER, white, for established route. 1 white part-time helper. 5073 Wisconsin ave. n.w.__ DRIVERS, colored, for wholes#1® cleaning plant. Apply Regal Cleaners. 617 M st. s w,. renr\_ __ _ DFIVFR AND HANDY MAN. white or colored. w*th license, full or part, time: family of *\ WT 1873. DRIVER-SALESMEN ' WANTED—Nation ally known firm needs several r^hab!" men to work as driver-salesmen. UMon scale salary and commission. Write, stat ing qualifications to Box 797-E Steir ELECTRIC!' N S H^TP^R. good steady. Call Sunday after 1 p.m., SH. 2954.___ ELEVATOR OPERATORS, colored men. 45-50 years of pge Aoplv to superin tendent. Evans Bldg-. 1470 New York ave. n.w. _____ ELEVATOR OPERATORS, with permits; good pay. Apply manager, 2515 13th st. n.w._ FARMHAND. nearby Maryland farm. Randolph 8041._11* FIRE ESCAPE ERECTORS, experienced: also junior welders. Apply Dupont Iron Works. 1166 18th st. n.w FURNITURE DELIVERY MEN and truck drivers; must b* capable and reliable; these are excellent paying, permanent jobs. See Mr Nee. P J. Ne» Co . 745 7th st. n.w., or phone EX. 2600 for appoint ment._ GROCERY CLERK, middle-aged, full or part time: good pay. Apply D. G. S. 7th and Webster sts. n.w. ___ GROCERY CLERK, experienced. Apply Clagett’s Market, 4233 Wisconsin ave. nx* HOUSEMAN, colored, hours 8 am. to 5 p.m ; one day oft a week; good salar Apply to housekeeper. 2123 California st. n.w. No phone calls. HOUSEMAN white or colored, exempt from draft; private club: no Sundays: must have ref. For appt,. PI, 2122. HOUSEMAN-CHAUFFEUR, steady job. good pay. Telephone Dupont 0247._ HOUSEMAN-CHAUFFEUR, beautiful pri vate home: $75 per month. Sleep in or out. Phone MI. 2456._ JANITOR, must be over 30 yrs. of ate. Apply Jewell Theater. 820 4th st. s.w. JANITOR, colored, part time for apart ment house: salary and apartment. Call fiftr. Burleson. H. Q. Smithy Co., NA. 6904. HELP MEN (Cent.). JANITOR for small apt. house. Age be tween 46 and 60; no children; full-time job. Living Quarters and salary. See Mr. Ruff, 1117 Vermont ave. n.w., after 11:30 a m. JANITORS, colored; prefer draft exempt and experienced: must be willing and thorough. Initial salary, $18 weekly for 40 hours, with overtime due to 48-hour week, $23.40 weekly. If work oustanding will be advanced in reasonable time to $20 for 40 hours, making weekly pay for 48 hour week $26, including overtime. Apply In person or address letter to Super intendent's Office, 601 Star Building, 1101 Pa. ave. n.w. JANITOR’S ASSISTANT (colored). 5 a m. to 2 p.m.. 1 hr. for lunch. $80 mo. See resident manager. 2126 Conn, ave. n.w. JANITOR, eood pay; no quarters. Call ME. 2364 between 6 and 8 p.m._ JANITOR for real estate office and small building, full time. Married, no children. $100.00 mo. and quarters. See Mr. WhOtimore. DRURY REALTY CORP . 1737 K ST. N.W. KITCHEN MAN, colored, live in. private school. Call Mrs. Stanley, Woodley 831 s. KITCHENMAN. all-around: also counter man. Little Garden, 1928 M st. n.w. LIMOUSINE DRIVERS with identification cards. $40 per wk. plus. commission. Mr. Selfridge. Airport Transport, Inc , Wash ington National Airport. MAINTENANCE MAN, white, with some electrical experience, to assist enginee”, 6-day week. Apply engineer, Carlton Hot eh MAN with executive ability, gooa educa tion, character and pleasing personality, who has had several years’ experience in selling, or in commercial work which has brought him in contact with the public. If you have these qualifications there is an opening for you. with a splendid oppor tunity for advancement, in a business that has been long established In applying staie your age, telephone number, number of dependents, education and actual ex perience. Replies confidential. Box 286-Y. St a r._ MAN for fhippine dept., 18 years or over, disabditv deferred; rapid advancement. Box 317-E. Star.__ MAN, colored; experience not necessary, good wages, steady work. Applv Mr. Murchie. Manhattan Co., 1328 Florida ave n.w._ MAN. colored or white, for work in mod ern D. G. S. market. Must have permit to drive: good hours and good salary. Call GF 4700 up to 7 p.m._ MAN. not subject to draft, to superrise unloading of coal cars and directing trucks in yard of large retail coal mer chant. Experience preferred but not necessary; good wages and chance for advancement Answer in own handwrit ing. _Box 313-H, Star._ 13 • • MAN—Large real estate office wants col ored man. about 40 yrs. of age. for messen ger: must have auto driver’s license: goed hours and salary. Reply in own hand writing stating a«re. by whom employed during last 5 years and draft classifica tion. minimum salary accentable. Box 4T4-B. Star. MAN, colored, to assist dishwasher in guest house evenings and every other Sun day._Call m anager. HQ. 7000. MAN to work in stockroom of wholesale hardware concern and to drive truck; must know city. Caff NA. 9095._ MAN. white, for service station work: reliable, with references. Apply H-'ynes Esso Service._2708 Virginia ave. n.w. MAN WANTED to drive pickup truck draft exempt: $25 and commission. Apply | 2315 L st. n.w.. rear. Mr. Fox^ RE. 0028 man. over draft age. must understand bookkeeping, office management and ship ping. also operate typewriter with large wholesaler: good salary, steady employ ment- best of references required. Box 314-H, Star.11 * MAN. white, between 60 and 65, as clerk in branch store in Clarendon; desire man living in or near Clarendon, who is seek ing a permanent position; advancement to manager after short training period. See Mr. Thompson, Washington Laundry, 2044 Lee highway. Arlington. MAN, aged 20-40, interested in assisting students in ballroom dancing; evening work, $1 per hour to start. All training free. Apply Anthony West Studio, 2131 Pa. ave. n.w._11 • MAN. white or colored, to work in used furniture store, also able to drive truck; must have D. C. driver's permit. American Furniture Dealers, corner N. Capitol and R sts. No ph one cal Is.__ MAN OR BOY. white, draft exempt, reli able; filing and messenger work with in surance association: 44 hours; $12u per month: permanent. Write Box 218-H. Star. MEN. young, full time or few hours each evening, to sell refreshments on commission basis. Mr. Tash. candy stand, Gayety Theater. 513 nth st._! 1 * i MEN for defense plant, draft exempt. Apply 1240 Mt. Olivet rcL n.e.. Monday MEN. colored. 2. to work in auto wreck ing yard._1114_Half’ st. s.w._ MEN’S furnishing ana clothing salesman, part time for Thursday evenings and all day Saturday. Hub Furniture Co., Tth and D sts. n.w._ ORDERLY WANTED AT ONCE, Children's Hospital. Please do not call. See Mrs. West before 4 d.m. PAINTERS, white, for steady inside work. A pply Pa i n t Shop ,_War dm an _Pa r i; _H otel. PAINTER'S HELPER, experience not nr' p; - sary; good pay; short hours. See Mr. i Dennison. Triangle Mo’ors. 14th and Rhode Tslnnd ave n.«v. DE. 6.3(H) PAINTERS WANTED—Apply N Becker Sc Co.. 31' Kennedy st. n.w. GE. 1532; after 6. call RA. 4650 PANTRY or cold cut, experienced. Call District 8235. PARCEL ROOM CLERK must have knowl edge of switchboard. new building; refer ences required; SI,500 per year. Call Mrs. Davis. NO. 6000 PART- TIME STOCK-CLERK, for mo'ning or afternoon, wholesale drug house. Good pay: close to Govt bldg. Apply in person, H. B.'Gilpin Co.. 220 Tth st. s.w. PHARMACIST, full time. perm, position, good hrs. and pay. California Pharmacy, 2162 California st. n.w.__ PLUMBER'S HELPER. 627 P st. n.w"._ PLUMBERS, steam fitters and helpers. 1st class: good pay to the right men; come for interview. C’arendon Plumbing Sc Heating. 4845 25th rd. N.. Arlington. Va. PLUMBER tor jobbing and new work, D. C. driver's permit._ Cali GE. 3006. PLUMBERS HELPER—Progressive Wash, jobbing shop, established 25 years, has opening for helper; full time every week of year, at highest wage rate; chance for promotion; sure of jo’o after war. If in terested in real opportunity. Bo-; 354-E. Star. Replies_ strictly confidential. ‘ PORTER and dishwasher, colored, good 1 pay and good hours. United Whelan, ftth and F sts._ _ I PRESSER to replace man leaving city. I All the work you can do on piecework i basis, at a good price, or straight salary, j 2.'hiu Rhode Island ave. n.e. DU. 1413. RAILROAD FREIGHT AGENT, near D C. Must be thoroughly experienced in local agency work Good salary. No Sunday work. Box 353-E._S!ar._ RODMAN. CHAINMAN. for survey party7 experience hlepful. Write Box 378-H, Star._* _12* ROUTEMAN for established laundry and dry cleaning route. Good pay while learn ing. Draft exempt. Experience not neces sary. Must be sober and honest. Refer ence required. Apply Mr. Smith, Washing ton Laundry. 2627 K st. n.w. NIGHT JANITOR, settled colored man. must understand elevator; quarters. Call manager. HO. 328<h_ SALESMAN, gentile, to represent national manufacturer of paper specialty items. To develop our line through established job bers. Calling on offices, business house.. res taurants and soda fountains; starting sal ary. $50 wk. plus bonus. Write S. \Y. Franklin, care of Shoreham Hotel, Wash ington. for ir.terviey ato_nce. li* SALESMAN, draft exempt, for retail l.quor store, fine working cond.; experience not necessary. Call ME. 7061 between 9-1. SALESMAN to take over established whole sale grocery route; man over military age preferred. Box 322-H._Star. SALESMAN for large wholesale grocery house, for established territory on the outskirts of Washington. Box 217-H, Star___ SEXTON, school bus driver and general handy man. draft exempt, for Catholic church. Rockville 69. SHOEMAKER FINISHER WANTED; $35 wk. l 037 Bladensburg rd. n.e. SHOEMAKER WANTED; good pay. good hours. Apply Bureau Shoe Repair, 1( Oil C st. n.w._ SHOE SALESMAN, experienced, steady: salary. Public Shoe Store. Oxford 2004, 3156 Wilson blvd., Arlington._Va. SHORT-ORDER COOK, colored; $30 week. Apoiy 3512 l_2th st. n.e., Hobart 9454. SLIP-COVER CUTTERS, experienced only on custom sIId covers, highest wages. J. Holober & Co.. 611 F st. n.w. STOCKMAN, white. 19-40. draft exempt. Permanent. Interesting work. $30 week. 1218 Mt. Olivet rd. n.e._ STOREROOM CLERK (white), for day work. 6-day week; must have high-school education: good salary and overtime. Ap ply Steward's Office. CarltQp Hotel._ STUDENT for afternoon work at Esso Service Station, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Haynes’ Esso Service. 2708 Virginia ave. n.w. RepnbUc 8602._ TRUCK DRIVER for furniture store, $30 weekly; must know city and have permit. 1610 7th st. n.w.__10* 1 Y^TS^-CLERK; permanent; good salarv. General Typewriter Co., 806 F st. n.w. See Mr. Bush._ UPHOLSTERERS: experienced only; all yenr-around work. J. Holober & Co., 611 F st n.w._ WAREHOUSE MEN. wholesale mill work warehouse: draft exempt, those over 40 or having mino- physical disabilities will be considered: 48-hour week: permanent position, good working conditions. Phone DP. 2146._ WET WASHER, experienced, dry cleaning plant. 5 days a week, $35 week. 1333 Buchanan st. n.w.__ NIGHT AUDITOR. SMALL HOTEL. PRE FER ELDERLY MAN WITH SOME EX PERIENCE. GIVE REFERENCES. BDX. 298-E._STAR.__ TIRE CHANGERS. $33.50 PER WEEK. MUST BE EXPERIENCED. BEN HUND LEY. 3446 14th J3T. N.W_ PORTERS Drugstore work; must know how to r*de bicycle; good salary, good hours. Co lonial Pharmacy. 1113 15th st. n.w. MECHANIC. Will train to service vari-typers for Army and $avy; permanent position, good wages to start, all tools furnished. Phone District 1137. Mr. Art, for interview. 11* NIGHT GARAGE MAN. DAY ELEVATOR MAN. PART-TIME PORTER. For fine apt. bldg. Apply at MARLYN APARTMENTS, corner 39th and Cathedral ave. n.w. Take Wesley Heights bus from 18th and Penna, ave. to door._ Young Man, Draft Exempt, For position with future; in extremely mterestln* business, sellint exper. helpful. CO. 3164. _HELP MEN. HAZELTINE ELECTRONICS ~ CORPORATION, 1775 Broadway, New York City. Openings for RADIO INSTRUCTION BOOK WRITERS. Thorough knowledge of radio principles and ability to describe in simple terms thei operation of UHF circuits required. Work relates to instruction books for Navv ap paratus. Excellent opportunity to do essential work in very essential war in dustry. Salary depends upon qualifications and experience. Write complete qualifica tions and salary desired. Replies solicited from teachers, patent attorneys, engineers and any others qualified._ RODMEN AND CHAINMEN. Call or write Mr. Swan, Post Office 200. Upper Marlboro, Md. Call Hillside 1400. _ MEN FOR FRUIT STORE, Experience unnecessary, reliable, ref. 2001 Bladensburg rd. n.e., near N. Y. ave. MASTER PLUMBERS Who are established in business in Wash ington. Arlington. Alexandria and Mary land. to take plumbing contracts in co operation with a large local heating and air-conditioning company. We can supply you with all the work you can handle at a good profit. We also guarantee prompt payment by our customers. Box 385-E, Star. _ PRESSERS. Vogue can use 3 good men, either straight salary or piecework. You can make good money here. Vogue Cleaners, 826 Bladensburg rd. n.e. 10* MECHANICS We have been classified an Essential Industry by War Manpower Commission and have openings for men with mechan ical ability at top wages, good hours and excellent working conditions with tools furnished. See Mr. Messick. STEUART MOTOR CO, _8th_and New York Ave. N.W. SPOTTER—SILK, Cleaning Room Helper. Good working conditions and pay. Ap ply in person. Johnson Cleaners. 3231 Rhode Isl an d_av(\ n. e._ _ COLORED MAN, Experienced, to clean fish and draw poultry. Must be sober, reliable and honest. $27.50 per wk. to start. Larimer's, 1727 Conn. a vp n w. AUDITOR < NIGHT. > $1,800 YEAR. Draft Deferred. Experienced. _Box 2P6-H. Star_ I ICE HANDLERS. Apply Ameri can Ice Company, Mr. Brady, 1515 F st. n.e. I NIGHT CLERK il l. for Hotel: $35 Week. ! NEW YORK HOTEL, ....612 F St. N.W._« Truck Driver, Colored, Steady work. Apply 36If> Benning rd. n.e. SHOkT-ORDER COOK, COUNTERMAN. Apply Mayflower Diner, ^ 5th and Rhode Island Ave CLERK GENERAL OFFICE WORKER. 18-.‘t0, must be able to meet public in retail store and on telephone, and to learn rather complex line of products. Excellent opportunity for advancement and permanent position to right partv Give age and telephone no. in reply. Box ■•17,-H. Star. ’ SHOE SALESMEN, Experienced: liberal salary and commis sions. Joseph Deyoung, Inc., 1306 F st. n.w._ Part-Time Soda Fountain Work, 3 nights. 6 to 12 p.m.. half day Sunday. 1 Good pay. Service Pharmacy, 14th and L sts. n.w. MOTORCYCLE “DRIVER! Good iob and salary for steady colored boys with D. C. permit. Apply 1313 F st. n.w. dishwasher, $20 week. Empire Resiaurant. 14Kf_N. Y. Ave N W BOOKKEEPER. One of Washington's largest, furniMire I stores offers permanent position for com- < potent man to handle Invoice register i daily reports, etc. Please state age. draft 1 status and briefly, past experience Salary 51,800 to 5'J.OOO. Box 1S55-E, Star. Tl ? I ,T i I l~;*!T PRINTING PRESSMAN, ! MEIHLE VERTICAL Good pay. Time and half all over 40 hours. Drake Press, 1221 New York ave. i n.w._; 2 COLORED MEN, One to operate power lawn mower and the other clean ant. and wax floors; prefer men not subject to draft: H-riav week, good salary, vacation with pay. permanent ema'oyment. Apply Arlington Village. 2.iOH Columbia pike. Arlington. Va Chest nut 7500 between .0-10 a m. and 7-8 p.m. “FIREMAN, “ White or colored, to handle automatic stoker in larze apt-hotel: good salary, permanent position. AD^0103 AUTOMOBILE PAINTER, AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, GOOD CAR WASHER. Essential work: permanent job with many benefits, pleasant working conditions, excellent, pay See Mr. Ellis. H R LEARY. Jr. & BROS 1625 You St. N.W. HO 6Q0Q. AUTOMOBILE METAL MEN. We have openings for two experienced metal men. Plentv of essential work Large earnings assured. Excellent work ing conditions. Apply to Mr. Mahoney. BARRY-PATE & ADDISON. 15'M 14th St. N.W. HO. 7500. V/A ITER, COLORED. _Parchey’s Restaurant. 1300 K 8t. N W, ROOFING & SIDING MECHANICS & HELPERS. Will pay highest rate hourly or per square basis. Rtrady work. .TOFNS-MANVILLE DEPARTMENT. P*'*i Investment Bldg - DI. 0787. _ See Mr. Powley. PHOTOGRAPHER, I Experienced in portrait work, i Too salary to right party. Apply White Studios, 922 I Nat. Press Bldg., after 10 a.m. ! SALESMAN, experience not ! essential; fine men’s furnish ing shop; permanent posi tion. Apply Mr. Magiday, Grosner of 1325 F st. n.w. plumbers; Must be lst-class mechanics; steady work, good pay for right men. Apply Day Bros., 1400 Spring rd. n.w. A S SI ST A.NT IN WARE HOUSE. ALSO NIGHT WATCHMAN. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 1140 15th ST. N.W. CARPENTERS, long job, bring tools ready for work. 9224 Old Bladensburg rd., Silver Spring, Md. DRY-CLEANING Plant Manager TO ONE THAT HAS THE ABILITY Tills IS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR TENITY—IF YOU ARE PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE THIS IS YOUR j CHANCE. VOGUE CLEANERS 826 Bladensburg Rd. N.E. 10* OPTICAL Bench Man Also Surface Man Full or part time, excellent Salary. New York Jewelry Co. 727 7th St. N.W. HELP MEN, SHOEMAKER, Experienced. See Mr. Greenbere. 1735 G st. n.w. JANITOR, reliable, married, not under 45; quarters and salary. Apply Apt. 1, 1537 Key blvd., Arlington, Va., near Colonial Village. JANITOR, Colored man, 35 to 50 years of age; steady job, good pay. 2125 G st. n.w. PHOTOGRAPHER, Experienced in portrait work. Top salary to right party. Apply White Studios, 922 MEN (Colored) For Shipping Room and Also Wash Room Apply Mr. G. P. Bergmann 623 G St. N.W. Boy Wanted To assist window display manager. Excellent oppor tunity for ambitious and industrious young man to learn well-paying profes sion. Apply to Lewis F. Cowen j The Young Men’s Shop 1319 F St. N.W. TSy CLEANING Wool Spotters and Pressers Good permanent jobs. Apply SANDOZ Tolman Laundry 5248 Wisconsin Ave. ‘ N.W. HELP MEN. COUNTERS AND ASSORTERS Inside Work, No Experience Necessary Apply to Mr. Ruff, After 1 P.M. American Linen Service Co., 2306 Georgia Ave., DU. 7800 MEN. COLORED We need several experienced tire changers with D. C. driver’s per mit. Also men desiring to learn the vulcanizing and recapping trade. This is an essential indus try offering steady employment and good pay to dependable men. Apply in Person LEHMAN'S 12th and K Sts. N.W. JANITORS PORTERS FOR STAR BUILDING Male, Colored, $23.40 —for 18-hour week. If work outstand ing will be advanced in reasonable time to 826 for 18-hour week. Vacations and other employment advantages. Prefer draft-exempt men or those over 38 years old. Apply in person. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 601 STAR BUILDING 1101 PA. AVE. N.W. MECHANIC’S HELPERS Good Pay and Working Conditions Apply to Master Mechanic's Office R.F.&P.R.R. POTOMAC YARD ALEXANDRIA, VA. Take but 12th fir Pa. Are.—10c Fare YOUNG BOYS to Service Cigarette-vending Machines in Pentagon Bldg. Must have clear record, good moral character. $30 per wk., plus bonus. Apply 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1119 21st St. N.W. - ■ ... sn i i HELP WOMEN. ACCOUNTANT OR BOOKKEEPER, in C. P. A.’s office; state age, education, experi ence and salary expected. Box 257-E, jgtar BAKER'S ASSISTANT, white woman, 35 no: hteh-class restaurant: no liquors. Con genial fellow workers. Hrs., 12 to 9. WO. BEAUTICIANS (2). also one manager for n.w. beauty shop; sal., operator, $35; man ager. $40. Apply 023 Pennsylvania ave. g.e. TR. 9493._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, excellent salary. Ap ply in person, Nakon Beauty Salon, 3009 14th st. n.w._ BEAUTt OPERATOR—Thoroughly experi enced all-around operator- salary, $30 wk. WO. 0785; after B. NO. 8197._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, must be experienced: permanent: open 2 nights. Silver Spring Salon. Call SH. 5566 or DU. 33gfi._ BEAUTY OPERATOR—Experienced, all round operator: good salary; apply In per son- Royal Beauty Shoppe, Southern Bldg.. 15th and H sts. n.w.__ BEAUTY OPERATOR, all-around, for first class beauty salon. 1 ambitious to pro gress rapidly. Salary to start, $30. No 1'mit to increase If and when qualified. Must be refined. Gentile clientele. No evenings. Any time, any day. Call RE. # 818_ BEAUTY OPERATOR, good salary and comimssion; also manicurist. Gaston. 1741 Conn, ave. HO. 6440. BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced alf arbund operator, good salary. Apply Mari ne 1 L°-B^uty Bhop. 1.843 Columbia rd._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, man or woman for better position; also manicurist. Call in person, Duke Salon, 810 15th st. n.w. BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced; excel lent E,ala.17e commission. Richard Hair Stylist. 1745 Conn, ave. n.w.,4jE. 3350. i BEAUTY OPERATOR, first-class; salary, ! $30 wk. Week's vacation with pay. Lib i eral commission Shepherd 9883. 8406 i Georgia ave., Silver Spring._ ___ J ; BEAUTY OPERATOR, all-around experi enced. full or part time. Apply Robert of Paris. 1514 Conn, ave._ T,Y OPERATOR - APPOINTMENT CLERK, Jst-class; $3o week salary. Call Henri & Robert._1626 K st. n.w. BEAUTY ^OPERATOR; very good oppor tunity, excellent salary. Call Emerson 8495._» BEAUTY OPERATOR, part or full time; apprentice. Sligo Beauty Salon. 719 i Shgo ave.. Silver Spring. Phone SH. 9780. BOOKKEEPER in printing plant. Give i age. experience, salary, etc. Box 500-Y, i Star._ CARD PUNCH OPERATORS7~1Tb. M. ex prrienced (white). $125-5135 per month; 10 hrs. per wk.. chance to advance. Apply j Room 606, 1101 Vermont ave. n* ; CHARWOMEN—Hours, 5 a m. to~8 a.mT Apply superintendent. 1835 Eye st. n.w. j CHILDREN’S NURSE, with reference; I ooon-7 p.m.; $8 week and carfare. North i CLERK, general office work; permanent \ Position; $35 week to start. State age and qualifications. Box 445-E. Star._ j j CLERKS—Permanent position; previous j experience not essential; 4u-hour week; I starting salary. $22 per week. Apply Eve ning Star Newspaper Co.. Room 600. CLERK, over 16 years old; some tvping; : about $22 per week to start. Mrs. Copple, I Room 424, Bond Bldg_ j CLERK, familiar with Remington B ma chine; ideal working conditions and hour*, i ! ^>ee Miss rrtheroridge, , Randall H. Hagner & Co.. Inc., 1..21 Conn. Ave. DE. 3600. I j CLERK-TYPIST. permanent; experience ■ I unnecessary; good salary. General Type | writer Co., 806 F gt. n.w. See Mr Bush. 1 CLERK for general office work: knowledge ' of typing oref., but not necessary. Apply . : general office. Wardman Park Hotel. 1 | CLERKS-TYPISTS. 8230 to 4:15 p.m„ 5 ; day week: no Saturday work; permanent positions, excellent working conditions Must be high-school graduates. Apply Mon. through Fri.. Room 705. *16 14rh st. n.w.. Equitable Life_Insurance Co COOK, experienced.' for' tearoom;- no Sunday or night work. The Fireside Inn. 1 .42 Connecticut ave. n.w. COUNTERGIRL. white, for hamburger I shop. Sat and Sun nights only; $4 -per I day, meals and uniforms furnished. Ap Ply at 404 9th gt. n.w.__ ! CULTURED WOMAN for assistance in I nur.ery 2 to 5 daily; nursery training de ■ sira but not necessary. OL. 4243 • DINING RM GIRL, colored, some kitchen I duties; 3;>c per hr., meals and tips. Barn hart s. 5510 Conn. ave. n.w. WASHER, colored womanl Apply L3, Penn ave._s.e_. Harry's_Restaurant. ! DISHWASHER, colored: tj-day week good Pav. Apply 5015 Ga. ave. n.w. j ELEVATOR GIRLS (white), with D~ c" permit: excellent salary Apply superin tendent of service, Carlton Hotel, j ELEVATOR OPERATOR, woman, colored? : large apartment building: must be neat and able to wear size 18 uniform. Phone HO 4jmq mornings beL_f) and 12. ! EMPLOYES, white, for part"time, .3 nights l a wee.:, including Elliot addressograpn operators, typists, stenographers, clerks State qualifications in detail and give anc* date of last employment. Box -U2-E. Star. ; CLERKS. 2, for law office; $20? i Suite 800. 1331 G st. n.w. ! FOUNTAIN CLERKS, white, full or pan ' 1 time: $22.o(); everything furnished; pleas i #nt _srll.t,rountl!ngs. Apply in person. Fa;r | -v Vjiiase Pharmacy. Pa. ave. and Ain. s.e. ! GENERAL OFFICE WORK, some knowledge of bookkeeping and typing, ra. 7250. ! GIRL—Good opportunity, work” at ban , pouring straight drinks, later learn mix 125 drinks Excellent starting salary and I n9 Sunday work. Apply in person, The Mayfair Restaurant. 527 13th st. n.w. ' *®nti1e. 21-30 yrs., for Part-time office v.ork, hours 9-1, Monday through i Saturday. Vacation and chance for ah | vancement. Give phone number. Box 290-E, • P,IRL ,for worlc ln contractor’s field office Must be able to do typing and assist in keeping time and payrolls. Phone Jackson 2051 for interview. GIRL, young, colored?- between 20 and 30 years, to serve tables and do some cleaning in cafeteria, hours 10 to 7; refs Mullin’s Cafe. 4th and R. I. n.e. GIRL, neat, colored, to work in sandwich shop. Must be willing worker. Good wages with Sunday off; day work. Apply Gaston s Sa ndwich Shqp._73 l l 2 th n.w. in* GIRL, single, to work in life insurance office; good hours, pleasant work; must be able to do some typing: salary based on qualification. JBox 258-E. Star. GIRLS, aged IS to 35. for "clerical work, accounting office. Apply in person to Armour & Co., 501 12tji st. s.w. Refer ; ences required. GRADUATE NURSE (white) for defense i worn: good hours and working conditions, i Box 341-B. Star._ | HATCHECK GIRL for local popular res- i taurant. *25 wkly. plus meals. Apply in ‘ person. 308 Bowen Bldg. bet. 10-11 a.m. HOSTESS for local popular restaurant, $25 plus meals; excellent conditions. Arply m person, 308 Bowen Bldg., 10 1 a m LADY CLERKS for branch stores. Apply Elite Laundry Co., 2110 14th st. n.w. LADY WITH CHILD, aees 2 months to 3 years, to work in nursery for salary, room jnd^board for self and child. Call Oxford MASSEUSE, full or part time; experienced. Apply 1420 F st. n.w.. 2nd floor._ MAID, colored, for housework; middle aged; vicinity of Georgetown. lfi°3 Wis consin ave. n.w. NURSE, experienced, sole care 2 children] 3'/2. 13 mos., no domestic duties; liv in; excellent salary. Call WI. 8883._ P- B. X. OPERATOR for defense plant: good hours and working conditions. Box 342-B. Star._ PERMANENT POSITION in life insur ance office for stenographer; pleasant work. 40-hour week, retirement benefits and op portunity for advancement; starting salary, $115. Box 381-H, Star._ PRESSER. wool: salary or piecework. We have had one girl who made $30 per wk. in less than 40 hrs. If you know of a lady who presses wool, please tell them about this ad. If you wish to learn this J,rS,de,-.w£ wi!1 Day you while you learn. 2300 R. I. ave. n.e. Dupont 1413._ SALESLADIES for ready-to-wear shop: good opportunity for women who know how to sell: paid while learning. Apply Klmes. 1227 F st. n.w._ SALESLADY as assistant in our bakery dept. Cornwall’s Inc.. 1320 G sU n.w. SANDWICH AND SODA GIRLS, colored, exp. only. Apply in person. Good pay, pleasant job, good hours. Quigley s Phar macv. 21st and O n w_ SEAMSTRESS, white or colored, experi enced on men's and lady’s tailoring. Ap Ply Riggs Tailors. 800 2<)th st. n w._ SEAMSTRESS WANTED for permanent position: must be experienced In fine work on draperies, slip covers, upholstering, etc.; this is a top-rate position. See Mr. Lawshi. fabric dept., P J. Nee Co. 745 7th st. n.w. Or phone, EX. 2H00, for appointment._ _ SEAMSTRESS, white or colored, for tailor shop, full or part time, knowledge of men's clothing; pleasant working conditions. 1400 You st._n.w. Greenbaum’s._ SEAMSTRESS (clever housewife', white, who makes own clothes and can fit others, assist lady with simple summer frocks. 2 days a week. 0 to 4. $3 a day, lunch end carfare. Shepherd 5503._11* SEAMSTRESS OR TAILORESS—1 Oil Nichols ave. s.e. SILK PRESSER. dry cleaning, experienced. Apply at rear of 2110 14th st. n.w._ SORTERS AND INSPECTORS, colored: experienced not necessary: steady posi tion. good pay. See Mr. Leroy. Monday after 10 a.m. 132(1 South Capitol st. STENOGRAPHER, part time, wanted by large insurance company. Phone Na tional tiljHti STENOGRAPHER, large nat'l. organization: good salary and opportunity, attractive conditions. Box 202-H. Star. to* STENOGRAPHER. S160 per month. 40-hr. weekly base. State age. education and experience. Permanent position. National concern. Box 300-B. Star,_ STENOGRAPHER for real estate office] Pleasant working conditions. Box 32t)-B, Star.___ TEACHER, kindergarten, for private school. Must live on premises, i State Qualifications and salary expected. Write Box 189-B. StTr.. TEACHER for first grade, private"school" Superior group and children; state quali llcatlons. P. O. Box 402(1, D. C. TELEPHONE OPERATORS (white) for part time or all night work. Apply Chief Oper ator. Wardman Park Hotel. Conn, ave. and Woodley rd. n.w., bet. 9 a.m. and ft p m. TYPIST for general office work; experi ence not necessary, permanent position. 1108 Woodward Bldg._• TYf IST-CLERK, pleasant work, perma nent, good salary. General Typewriter Co., 808 F st. n.w. See Mr, Bush. TYPIST-STENOGRAPHER for one-half day's work, 1:45 to 5:45 p.m.. 8 days ai week; 18 to 85 years. Apply Mrs. Ways. 1 Smith's Storage Co.. 1313 U st. n.w. HELP WOMEN (Cowt.K WAITRESSES, two: 6 days a week . $17. good tips, meals. Apply Carl At Daves Grill. 1737 Conn, ave. n.w, DP. 4070, WAITRESS, colored, part time, hourly basis. Apply In person. Candlestick Coffee Shop, 1710 Eye st. n.w.__ WAITRESSES and fountain girls: experi enced: full time, good wages. 2718 Georgia ave. n.w.__ _ WAITRESSES, full and part time lobs available. 10 a m. to 3 p.m,. or 5 to 0:30 p.m Apply Mrs. K's Toll House Tavern, Silver Spring. Md. Shepherd 3600. WAITRESS, colored: $18 week, very good tips: 6 days a week. Johnson s Sandwich Shop. 1421 11th st. n.w. No telephone calls.__ WAITRESSES, good pay and tips; hours, o p.m. tiH 2 a.m. Apply after 6 p.m.. Brown Derby. 3333-A Corm. ave.]2* WOMAN, white, middle-aged, for general housework, cooking and care of two chil dren: live in. Sundays off. $10 wk. Phone Michigan 0401 between 8:30-11 a.m and 4-5 p.m.. Mrs. Mary Cowne._10* WOMAN, colored, for dishwashing and Cleaning in guest house 8 to 5 p.m. daily. $50 per month and meals to start. Good working conditions and advancement to reliable, steady worker. Call manager. Hobart 7000. WOMAN, young, with knowledge of adding machines or calculators: stenographic ex perience desirable. United States Inde pendent Tel. Ass n. 411 Munsey Bldg. WOMAN—Old-established real estate and insurance office desires middle-aged wom an for telephone operator and file clerk: experience not necessary, but pref.; typing and stenography would be an asset. Give refs. Box 477-B. Star. HELP WOMEN. WOMEN (2). colored, for kitchen work; steady employment; good pay. Apply 1003 You st. n.w. after 11 a.m. Ask for manager. WOMEN, white. 18 to 30. with 2-door automobiles, to deliver energy foods to war workers. Steady w’ork. $35 per week. 1218 Mt. Olivet rd. n.e. CHRISTIAN YOUNG LADY, white, 17-25 years, with insurance association, posting premiums, general office work, ability type letters: 44 hours, starting $120 per month; permanent position. Write Box 216-H, Star.____________ WAITRESS. WHITE. EXPERIENCED: PRIV. HOME: $90 MONTH. IiONG ISLAND IN SUMMER. TELEPHONE DUPONT 0477. WAITRESSES. COLORED, GOOD PAY. SHORT, HOURS. NO SUN. WORK. STATE PHARMACY. 1722 EYE ST. N.W. ELEVATOR OPERATORS. Colored, with license, large apt.-hotel. Good salary, permanent position. AD. 910 (h__ WOMEN, young, wanted to sell ladies’ shoes, no experience necessary. Regular salary guaranteed while learning. CROSBY SHOE STORES, 1115 F ST. N.W. _414 7th ST. N.W.__ LAUNDRY HELP, Press operators, flat work dept., shakers, feeders, catchers. Assorters earn up to $30 wk. Independent Laundry, 37th and Eastern ave._ COLORED GIRLS (10), To learn pin setting. Guaranteed salary. I Day or night work. Clarendon Bowling Center, 1047 N. Irving st.. Arl., Va. CH. 0055. POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN WAR WORK FOR WOMEN AGES 18 TO 50 ALSO PART TIME WORK IN EVENINGS Experience unnecessary; permanent positions for quali fied people, rapid increases in pay, excellent environ ment, in convenient location. Reply giving age, education, address and telephone number. BOX 311-D, Star Woodward & Lothrop Has Immediate Openings For SALESWOMEN Apply Employment Office 9th Floor Floor Supervisors in Large Cafeteria Chain in D. C. Area Permanent positions, annual leave, opportunity to advance to administrative positions. Home economic background helpful but not essential. State educa tion and experience. Box 389-E, Star (Continued on Next Pip >