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Weather Report ... Continued warm tonight. Temperatures today—Highest, 82, at 3:30 p.m.: lowest. 69, at 5:56 a.m. Yesterday—Highest, 89. at 2:30 p.m.: lowest, 65, at 6:40 a.m. Full report on page A-18. United States Weatner Bureau Report. Closing N. Y. Markets—Soles, Poqc A-19. NIGHT FINAL LATEST NEWS AND SPORTS CLOSING MARKETS UP) Maana Aaaoclattd Praaa. w 91st YEAR. No. 36,282. WASHINGTON, I). 0., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1943—FORTY-EIGHT PAGES. X SdffiZ three cents. U. S. WARSHIPS ATTACK JAP ISLAND OUTPOST inurcmll Here fo Reopen Talks With President Visit Is Expected To Iron Out Details Of Quebec Plans BULLETIN. LONDON «£»>.—Foreign Sec retary Anthony Eden ac quainted the foreign minis ters of the exiled governments In London today with the broad decisions of the recent Quebec conferences as the work of preparing an agenda for a possible Anglo-Ameri can-Soviet conference pro ceeded. Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrived at the White House late today to continue with President, Roosevelt the Hyde Park-Quebec war confer ence that was inaugurated more than two weeks ago. The head of the British govern ment. accompanied by Mrs. Church % 111. was met on arrival by the Presi dent Their daughter Subaltern Mary Churchill, of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, will arrive in Washington late today, coming from the South. A small family dinner at the White House is planned for tonight. Will Iron Out Details. The visit is the fourth made to Washington by Prime Minister Churchill since'the war started. It is designed to iron out any details remaining for discussion when the President and the Prime Minister parted company at Quebec last Wed nesday after announcng plans for stepping up the war against Japan and otherwise strengthening the at tack against the Axis. Because so much of the business for which the heads of the two gov ernments came together was con cluded at their earlier meeting, how ever, the visit here is expected to be more in the nature of a social 6top for the Churchills. I n consider soviet Talks. There were indisputable Signs that the focal point of some of the ■forthcoming discussions would be the question of how to bring Russia into the Allied councils not only for the co-ordination of military operations but also for the solution of postwar political problems.' Russian participation In future meetings, at least in some degree, was described as “necessary and Urgent” by Mr. Churchill in his speech from Quebec yesterday. And Mr. Roosevelt said at his press con ference a little later that things were going along pretty well with i respect to a three-power conference. Brendan Bracken, British Minis ter of Information, declared at a press conference here last night that the time of Mr. Churchill’s arrival must be classed as security Informa tion, but in line with disclosures at Quebec last week it was expected in the immediate future. Total '43 Food Output Due to Top Last Year Agriculture Department Expects Livestock Rise X? Ihe Associnted Press. Asserting increases in livestock would more than offset, a 9 per cent decline in food crops, the Agricul ture Department predicted today that the total 1943 food production would be 5 per cent in excess of last year’s record output. With war requirements expected to absorb about a fourth of the total production, the Department's Bureau of Agricultural Economics declared the per capita civilian sup ply for the year as( a whole would be only slightly larger than the consumption for 1935-1939, when the average production was 32 per cent smaller than this year's indicated yields. Revised estimates, the report said, indicate a total meat production of 24,000,000.000 pounds, by far the largest on record, and accounted for mainly by an expected 20 to 25 per cent increase In pork production over 1942. It said decreases were indicated for food grains, fruits, truck and sugar crops, while potato and dry edible bean crops are expected to be larger than last year. Comdr. George S. Piper Named Aide to Bard Comdr. George S. Piper has been appointed aide to Assistant Secretary of the Navy Ralph A. Bard, relieving Capt. Emmet P. Forrestel. who has been assigned to duty with the Pacific fleet, the Navy announced this afternoon. Comdr. Piper, who was special assistant to the Assistant Secretary, hves at 2800 Woodley road N.W. Capt. Forrestel lives at 2023 North Danville street, Arlington. Vs. Markets at a Glance NEW YORK. Sent. 1 (/P). — Stock* steady; mild recovery continue*. Bonds even; some rail* advance. Cotton steady; unfavorable weekly weather re pprt. C H I C A G 6 —Wheat dropped about a cent on late selling. Rye closed %-% higher; Eastern buy ing. Hogs 10 cents higher, mod erately active; top. *15.05. Cattle, fed steers and yearlings strong with Tuesday’s average; top, - - ——— - :^>,:-:vKv,:> ' ■:* BERLIN DIGS IN—Caption on this picture, received from Sweden by way of London, describes it as showing Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering (light* uniform, center) “inspecting the shelter dig ging of^the Berlin population in the eastern district of the German capital.’’ This picture, received from the same source, according to the accompanying caption, shows "housewives and children in Berlin busy with fetching sand in paper bags for fire protection for their apartments in case of raids.” _A, P. Wirephotos.. Flying Fortresses Attack Pisa, Increasing Blows Against Italy Medium Bombers Smash at Railway Lines; British Dreadnoughts Bombard Shore By the Associated Press. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Sept. 1.—Press ing the aerial offensive against Italy with ever-greater vigor, American Flying Fortresses yes terday made a 1,000-mile round trip from Northwest African bases to pound railway lines, air fields and an aircraft factory at Pisa. Pisa is situated near the Italian west coast about 13 miles northeast of leghorn. Meanwhile, medium bombers de livered strong blows at railway com implications at Salerno, Cosenza and Catanzaro in Southern Italy. At the same time American Lib erators from the Middle East pounded enemy rail installations at Pescara on the eastern coast of Italy. A Cairo communique said the freight yards "were well covered by bombs with resulting fires and explosions." The four-engined bombers scored direct hits on the railway station and a railroad bridge and shot down 10 enemy fighters which attempted to intercept them. Two British warships joined in the daylight offensive against the , (See ITXly, Page A-5.) Wheeler to Ask Vote Sept. IS on Drafting Of Prewar Fathers Will Demand Showdown On Bill for Deferments Until After January 1 By the Associated Pre.*e. Senator Wheeler, Democrat, of Montana has notified congres sional leaders he will move for a showdown September 15 on the drafting of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers, and an Administration strategist conceded today the chances are better than even the Senate will vote to postpone their induction until after Jan uary 1. Senator Wheeler has sent word that on the second day after Con gress reconvenes he will call up his measure, already approved by the Senate Military Affairs Committee, prohibiting the drafting of fathers for the remainder of this year. Although polls have been imprac tical because of the absence of most Senators, an administration lieu tenant said indications pointed to ward approval of the measure. The • See DRAFT, Page A-.V) Berlin Radio Says Rome Peace Strike Failed By the Associated Press. LONDON. Sept. 1.—The Berlin radio quoted a Rome dispatch today as saying an anti-Fascist appeal to the citizens of the city to stage a 15-minute strike this morning in a peace demonstration had 'proved a complete failure." The broadcast, recorded by the Associated Press, said no interrup tion* of work had been observed, t Pope Asks Generosity Toward Nations Less Favored in War Peace Appeal Voices Hope Conflict May End This Year By the Associated Press. LONbON, Sept. 1.—Pope PiuS XII, appealing for peace and ex pressing hope that It comes be fore the end of this, the war’s fifth year, declared to the world's leaders today that “real strength need have no fear of generosity In behalf of nations less i a voted than others by the trend of war at any given time.” Speaking of “the powerful and the leaders of the peoples,” the Pope declared: “May their wisdom, their modera tion, their strength of mind and their deep sense of humanity throw a ray of comfort upon the tear and blood-drenched threshold of the fifth year of war. and give the sur vivors of the immense conflict, bent under a load of sorrow, the joyful hope that the year may not end under the sign and in the shadow of slaughter and destruction—but may be the beginning and dawn of a new life of brotherly reconcilia tion, and a thorough and concordant reconstruction." No Mention of Allied Terms. In a 14-minute message to the world from Vatican City—trans lated here and made available by the Ministry of Information—the pontiff did not mention the Allied terms of unconditional surrender. He dwelt at length, however, on the theme that all belligerents must be given "justified hope of a worthy peace which does not clash | (See POPE, Page A-liU a RAF Heavy Bombers Blast Berlin Anew In 45-Minute Attack Air Ministry Reports 'Great Damage' Inflicted On Reich's Capital By the Associated Press. LONDON, Sept. 1.—Great fleets of RAF heavy bombers blasted Berlin last night in a 45-minute concentrated assault of block buster and incendiary bombs to usher in the fifth year of war for the Germans with an ordeal of fire and exploding steel. “Great damage” was inflicted on the Nazi capital in this second mas sive Assault in eight days, the Air Ministry announced in a communi que. Mosquito bombers hit Berlin twice following a saturation raid a week ago last Monday night. Forty-seven bombers and one fighter were lost as the bombers bored through stiff defense by Ger man fighters, and other planes struck targets, including airfields, in France and the Low Countries. "Several” Nazi fighters were downed. The first formations of bombers, with Canadians also throwing their heaviest planes into the attack, be gan pouring down explosives at 11:30 p.m. and continued the hail into the morning of another year of war. Canadian Bombers Lost. Eight of the heavy bombers lost in this rekindling of fires in Berlin were Canadian. The German com munique reported 47 bombers downed. Again the Germans relied on New tactics of defense—throwing out swarms of fighters while hundreds of searchlights probed for the at tackers and antiaircraft fire was lightened. This was tried in the raid on the capital last week and later over Nuernberg. “Last year when I took part in two attacks on the German capital there seemed to be even more guns than in the Ruhr, but then there were few fighters around," said one veteran of the 1942 attacks. "Now it is the' other way around. There were droves of fighters last night but the antiaircraft fire was only moderate.” It was the 77th raid of the war on Berlin and preliminary reports "in dicate great damage was done," the Air Ministry declared. Observers on tile British south east coast declared the drone of the Berlin-bound bomber.-! was heard overhead for two hours, suggesting that the attacking force was as great or greater than that hurled against the city in last week's big raid, when 2,000 tons of explosives and incendiaries were dropped. Fifty-eight bombers were lost in that attack. Characteristically the, German radio described the assault as a (See RAIDS, Page A-5.) Russians Clear Taganrog Trap/ Killing 35,000 Moscow Announces Liquidation of Nazi Troops in Area By the Associated Press. LONDON, Sept. 1. — Russian troops completed the liquidation of encircled German forces at Taganrog this morning, killing over 35,000 of the enemy, Moscow announced tonight. The Soviet announcement, made in a communique broadcast by the Moscow radio, followed by only a few hours a German broadcast say ing the Nazis had retreated in the Donets Basin area southwest of Voroshilovgrad. The Berlin broad cast, also recorded by the Associated Press, quoted a dispatch of the Ger man news agency DNB. The Moscow war bulletin said the Russians routed the German 111th and 2S4th Infantry and 15th Air borne Divisions at Taganrog and in flicted heavy defeats on the 304th, 306th and 336th Infantry and 13th Tank Divisions. Much Materiel Destroyed. “In these battles our troops de stroyed 212 enemy planes. 537 tanks. 494 guns of various calibers, 1,500 machine guns, 3.600 trucks, 10 fuel dumps and 29 ammunition dumps,” the communique said. “The enemy lost in killed alone more than 35,000 officers and men." >Jt added that 5,100 German offi cers and men were taken prisoner. Nazis Admit Retreat. The German broadcast of the DNB dispatch said earlier: “Another shortening of the front, involving the possibility of estab lishing operative reserves, was achieved by a planned withdrawal of German lines in the Voroshilov grad area which the Soviets at tempted in vain to impede.” The regular German communique, recorded by the Associated Press said numerous Russian attacks in the Mius, Rylsk and Vyazba sectors —on widespread sections of the front—were beaten off after violent hand-to-hand combat. Voroshilovgrad, approximately 70 miles northeast of Stalino and 90 miles north of Taganrog, is already some distance behind the front and the German announcement indi cated the Nazis were falling back on the defenses of Stalino. their army headquarters for the entire southern front and seriously threatened main bastion in the Donets Basin. The German communique in effect disclosed the Russians were attack- j ing along the entire 600-mile front from the Sea of Azov to Smolensk. Only yesterday Moscow's guns thundered a salute to the forces of Gen. Vassilly Sokolovsky, which swept forward several days ago in the Smolensk sector to take Yelnya, vital highway and railway junction, and crack the German defenses on the eastern bank of the Ugra River. The Germans threw tanks, artil lery, planes and infantry into their desperate defense and counter offensives. The Russians finally succeeded in crossing the river, however, and Soviet tanks cut the railroad and opened a gap through which the following infantry poured. In a twin drive a little to the south, forces of Gen. Constantine Rokossovsky’s central army attack ed from Sevsk on a 60-mile wide front to push into the Northern Ukraine. They were reported in Moscow dispatches to have extermi nated or taken prisoner the entire German garrison of Glukhov, the j tSee RUSSIA, Page~A^27) j 3,900 Prisoners of War to Harvest Peanut Crop By the Associated Pres.*. ATLANTA. Sept. 1.—Work on 10 temporary camps in Alabama 'and South Carolina for more than 3,000 prisoners of war who will help har vest the peanut crop in those States will begin tomorrow, 4th Service 1 Command headquarters announced today. In South Carolina the camps will be located at Aiken, Barnwell, Bam ! berg and Hampton, and in Alabama at Andalusia, Geneva, Enterprise, Daleville, Dothan and Troy. The camps will hold from 750 to 250 pris oners each, the announcement said. From Auburn, Ala., P. O. Davis, State extension director, said Ala bama would receive 3,000 of the prisoners and South Carolina the remainder. The work will be under the supply and engineers divisions of the 4th Service Command. Admiral Richey Shifted To Post in Washington By the Associated Press. NORFOLK, Va.. Sept. 1.—Rear Admiral Thomas R. Richey, U. S. N.. industrial manager of the Norfolk Navy Yard for the past two years, has been ordered to duty in Wash ington. D. C., w'here he will serve in the office of procurement and ma teriels under Vice Admiral Robin son, chief of the Bureau of Ships. Admiral Richey's new assignment will involve duties connected with the entire Navy shipbuilding pro gram. Guide for Readers Page Amusements, A-14 Comics _ B-26-27 Editorials_A-10 Editorial Articles_A-11 Finance .A-18-19 Page, j Obituary_A-12 j Radio _B-27 i Society . B-3 Sports A-16-17 Woman’s Page, A-13 i I Base 1,200 Miles From Tokio Target of Vessels and Planes --— 11 - .. . . ' ■■ ‘ -- A AMERICAN FORCE ATTACKS MARCUS ISLAND—Circle indi cates Marcus Island. 1,200 miles from Tokio, which the Navy disclosed today is under attack by an airplane carrier task force. Earlier a Japanese broadcast said the island had been attacked by United States warships and "many planes.” —A. P. Wirephoto. Commissioners Seek Source Of Pollution in District Water Prompt Emergency Chlorinization Wards Off Danger, Dr. Seckinger Advises Public Emergency steps were taken today by the Commissioners to find* the source of pollution of the water supply for certain Southeast Washington areas, in cluding the Naval Air Station and Bolling Field, for which extra chlorination was provided recently within a few hours after tests showed pollution. Deputy Health Officer Daniel L. Seckinger declared there was no cause for public alarm, since the additional chlorination had served to counteract the pollution of the water supply, and the action of the Commissioners today was to seek the source of the trouble and to apply prompt corrective measures. The whole problem will be studied by a committee headed by Col. Jo seph D. Arthur, jr., assistant engi neer commissioner; Maj. John B. Gordon, District sanitary engineer; Dr. Seckinger and a representative of United States District Engineers Office, yet to be designated. Deputy Health Officer Seckinger voiced assurance that the presence of bacillus coll in the water supply (See* WATER, Page A-2.) Coroner's Jury Finds Morton Responsible For Woitian's Death Murder Suspect Denies Telling Detective He Struck Mrs. Groome By LEWIS F. ATCHISON. Hungrily munching a jelly sandwich held between man Ucled hands, John Walter Mor ton, 39, this afternoon heard a coroner’s jury order him held for action of the grand jury after finding him responsible for the death of Mrs. Grace Grubbe Groome. Taking the stand in his own be half after nine persons, including another “surprise" witness had been heard, Morton told the jury the bloodstains found on his sports shirt was the result of a nose bleed suffered in a fistfight with a would be pickpocket. He denied being in Rock Creek Park the night Mrs. Groome was battered to death, denied telling a detective that he struck the woman in an argument over his money and declared he had not been on a streetcar or bus in Washington at any time during the past month. Cross-examined by Assistant Dis trict Attorney Jack Fihelly, Morton ~ ‘ See MORTON, Page A-2.) Rome Radio Denies Grandi is on Way to Washington By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. SeDt.. 1.—The Rome radio said today there is no “oon firmation whatsoever’’ of reports that Count Dino Grandi. former Italian Ambassador to Britain, is en route to Washington “with spe cial political assignments.” The broadcast was recorded by CBS. A Zurich dispatch to the Stock holm Dagens Nyheter yesterday quoted the Turkish newspaper Aksham as saying Grandi was on his way to Washington to discuss peace. The Swiss telegraphic agency, in a disDatch from Chiasso. Italy, said the Grandi report was “fan tastic,” with Grandi far from per sona grata to the Badcnrlio govern ment. Nazi Long-Range Guns Shell British Coast By the Associated Press. LONDON, Sept. 1—German long range guns on the French coast opened fire at 8 a.m. today and shell warnings sounded in areas on the British southeast cost a short time later. The shelling lasted about a half hour, with the Germans lobbing over a steady stream of two-gun salvoes. Buildings in the Dover area were shaken by explosions. The firing ended abruptly when RAF planes streaked out across the English Channel. Shortly after the planes disappeared observers saw flames rising on the French cliffs ( between Cape Gris Nez and Calais. Attacker of Five Girls Slain by Defective as He Grabs for Gun Shot Earlier in Line-up By Coast Guard Officer Whose Child Was Victim By the Associated Press. NEW ORLEANS, Sept, 1.— Willie Stevens, 36, shot and wounded in the arm yesterday in the police line-up room by a Coast Guard officer whose 9 year-old daughter identified him as an attacker of" young girls, was shot and killed today in a police automobile. Detective Joseph Vigurie reported to Chief of Detectives John J. Grosch that Stevens became “ma niacal” while being transported in the car from the seventh precinct police station to detective headquar ters for further questioning and grabbed the barrel of the detective's pistol. “I want to die. Give me your gun," Detective Vigurie said Stevens screamed. “I started to grapple with him and when he got completely out of hand I took my gun and tried to hit him on the head with it to quiet him. He grabbed the gun and I let him have it." Detective Vigurie was seated with Stevens on the rear seat of the car. Detective Prank Weber, driving the car, corroborated the story. An examination of the body i See ATTACKER, Page A-2.) Alsab Won't Enter $50,000 Chicago Race By the Associated Press. PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Sept. 1.— Trainer "Sarge” Swenke announced today that Mrs. Albert Sabaths Alsab will not be shipped to Chicago for the $50.000-added Washington Park Handicap to be run at Wash ington Park on Labor Day. Alsab was assigned top weight at 126 pounds for that race. Swenke said the colt will be kept at Narra gansett Park to prepare for the $25,000-added Narragansett Special September 18. Wo manpower in War Is Forum Subject The requirements of woman labor in the coming year and what is to be done to meet these requirements will be discussed from three points of view in the National Radio Forum this evening. Those, participating will be Miss Margaret Hickey, chairman, War Manpower Commission’s Women’s Advisory Committee; Randall Irwin, Industrial Re lations, Lockheed Aircraft Corp., and Miss Elisabeth Christman, secretary-treasur er, National Woman's Trade Union League of America. The National Radio Forum is a Blue Network feature, ar ranged by The Star and broadcast locally from The \ Evening Star Station, WMAL, 1 at 10:35 this evening. Americans Challenge Enemy Fleet to Fight In Home Waters The United States Pacific^ Fleet, challenging Japan’s still powerful navy to battle in its own home waters, has hurled a powerful force of war planes and ships against the enemy defense base on Marcus Island, 1,200 miles southeast of Tokio. News of the operation against the strategic outpost came from both Washington and Tokio. The Wash ington announcement said the ac tion was planned for September 1 (Japanese time; August 31, domes tic time) and indicated it might still be in progress today. If this were true the Intent apparently would be to level the island’s de fenses. The first information came from Tokio which said many planes and naval guns poured bombs and shells into Marcus at dawn. Washington followed this with an announcement before noon today saying a carrier task force raid was planned for Sep tember l, that the plane-laden ships and their escorts should have arrived on schedule and that the attack "is presumably in progress," although no report has been received and none is expected until radio silence can be broken. West of Date Line. Marcus Island is west of the in ternational date line and September 1 there was August 31 in Washing ton. Thus the Navy statement that the attack presumably is continuing meant that American warships were operating in waters the enemy heretofore has dominated long after their presence became known. Marcus Island, which is on a direct route between Hawaii and Yokohama, was raided once before by an American naval .task force on March 4, 1942. It is 900 miles north west of Wake Island. The island is about one and one half miles long and two-thirds of a mile wide and is the easternmost j of the Japanese Bonin group, 3.000 i miles west of Honolulu'. It is also ! known as Weeks Island. This is the farthest westward raid of naval surface vessels in the Pacific war. Only the task force carrying the planes which raided Tokio on April 18, 1942. is known vto have penetrated farther. No Hint of Extent of Action. There was no indication in either the Tokio statement or the Navy disclosure here to show whether the action was limited to Marcus Island ; or whether American forces had struck simultaneously at. other points. Not in 20 months of this war had the Navy issued a statement report ing a raid while it still was in progress. The announcement today (See MARCUSTPage A-5.) Nazis' Sinking Claims Lowest in 9 Months 23 Merchantmen Declared Destroyed in August By the Associated Pre**. LONDON, Sept. L—The DNB German news agency in a dispatch broadcast by the Berlin radio and recorded by the Associated Press today announced German submarine sinking claims for August which were the lowest for at least nine months. The agency said U-boats sank 23 merchant ships totaling 142.500 tons and four sailing ships in August. In May when the Germans gave the monthly return of 380.000 tons they admitted the sinkings were the low est for six months. July figures were 58 ships and 350,241 tons. The German International In formation Bureau in another broad cast set total submarine sinkings by the Germans during the fourth year of the war at 6.054,800 tons. The bureau claimed 18.428.800 tons of merchant shipping and warships had been sunk during the four years of the war and added that naval and air forces of the Axis powers had sunk "roughly" 33.400,000 tons. The bureau also said German sub marines had sunk 55 per cent of the total, "which means that they alone have sunk more than German sur face craft and the German air force as well as the Japanese and Italian air and naval forces put together." Major League Games AMERICAN LEAGUE. (No Games.) NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Cincinnati— Chicago ... 230 121 00 — Cincinnati . 201 001 20 — Batteries—Paaseau and MrCullonrht Starr, Hueaarr and Mueller. At Pittsburgh— (Suanrndrd aame of ,iu|v lath re aumed in the laat half nl 1th inninr.) St. Louis .. 011 102 100— fi 15 0 Pittsburgh .. 011 012 000— 5 10 1 Batteries—Dickson. Mtinfer. M. Cooper *ntJ Rescicno. Podfajny. Sewell and Baker. I.oper.. At Pittsburgh— St. Louis .. 000 100 — Pittsburgh 030 000 — Batteries—M. Cooper and W. Cooper| Gee and Baker. (Only Games.) Today's Home Runs National League. Hass, Cincinnati, 1st inning.