OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 21, 1943, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1943-10-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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Subsidy Ban Would
'Torpedo' Price Rule,
Vinson Declares
' Prohibition of the use of Federal
funds to subsidize the production oi
-distribution of food to hold down
prices would torpedo the stabiliza
tion policy as effectively' as any
•JJ-boat ever torpedoed a Liberty
whip, Fred M. Vinson, director of the
Office of Economic Stabilization told
la Nation-wide radio audience last
- Speaking on The Star's radio
Jorum, presented in conjunction
Vith the Washington Board of
Trade's first autumn meeting at the
Willard Hotel, Mr. Vinson told his
listeners there is only one real alter
native to food subsidies—higher
prices. Unless checked, he said,
they will result in other rising costs
until the "familiar spiral will be set
in motion and inflation will be upon
Declaring that a good job had
been done and is now being done in
various fields to hold down the cost
of living, the speaker assailed a bill
reported out by the Banking and
Currency Committee of the House
which would block the use of Fed
eral money for subsidies.
Admits Living Cost Rise.
Admitting the cost of living last
May was 6.2 per cent above the pre
scribed level of September 15, 1942,
Mr. Vinson blamed food controls.
Four-fifths of the Increase between
September and May was due to the
failure to control effectively the
prices for food, he said, pointing
out that these prices soared by
almost 13 per cent in that period.
The Government had the high
cost of living on the run through
subsidies to farmers, processors and
distributors of meat and butter, and
through a simple dollars-and-cents
ceilings established on most food
Items, Mr. Vinson said, but the Wol
cott amendment to the commodity
credit corporation bill would abruptly
terminate at the end of this year
all subsidies now in effect, and
knock the entire structure into a
cocked hat.
Alluding to the fact that subsi
dies on peanuts and cottonseed and
other domestic vegetable oils were
exempted bv the proposed amend
ment, the former Kentucky repre
sentative charged it was ' an obvi
ous political concession by those
who rest their case against sub
sides on the high ground of prin
Adoption Seen Disastrous.
The immediate, disastrous conse
quences if the amendment is
adopted, he warned, will be Increases
of a penny for a loaf of bread, of 5
cents a pound for butter, 1 cent a
quart for milk, 10 per cent in the
cost of bacon, beef, pork chops, ham
and hamburger: 25 per cent in the
price of canned vegetables. 4 cents
a pound for American cheese. 1 cent
a pound for sugar and 2 to 3 cents
a pound for potatoes.
The overall effect, he said, would I
be an immediate increase of 4 to 6
per cent if the existing or imme
diately contemplated programs were
terminated. Rising prices would be
reflected in rising costs for other
commodities, he declared, "and the
increases which this proposal would
require would only be.. the spark
which might start a sweeping fire
of inflation”
Although the need for maximum
food production is greater than it
ever has been in the Nation's his
tory and the War Food Adminis
tration has planned the necessary
production, the Senate bill would
defeat this aim because it would
prevent the CCC from assuming'
any losses If the market fell below
the prices guaranteed, Mr. Vinson
War Board Praised.
He asserted that those who think
"we can let food prices go up and
at the same time hold wages at
their present levels are living in a
dream world." He complimented the
National War Labor Board for a
"tremendously effective job in sta
bilizing wage rates." but added its
effectiveness would depend in a
large measure upon our ability to
hold down food prices.
As an illustration of this he re
ferred to the board's recent denial
of shipyard workers' plea for higher
wages. The employes contended the
Government had failed to control
living costs and demanded that the
board abandon the "Little Steel"
The board's action, he said, was
based on the opinion that the policy
should not be abandoned but that
it should be held to. w'hile giving
particular attention to better con
trol of the cost of food. Its wage
stabilization program depended on
prompt carrying forward of an
nounced policies of the administra
tion affecting the cost of food.
Sudsidies are not new to this
country, Mi. Vinson said, stating
that funds from the Federal Treas
ury had been used to help develop
the Nation. "The biggest, subsidy
of them all. the tariff, was enacted
by our first Congress,” he said. He
recalled that ocean-going mail was
subsidized to the tune of $20,000,000
as early as 1891 and that agriculture,
transportation and industries of
most kinds had. at some stage of
their growth, received help from
the Treasury.
Subsidies Less Costly.
Subsidies, he argued, are actually
Jess costly than higher prices and
rot only to the economy but to the
taxpayer as well. While the Gov
ernment is spending $100,000,000,000
for war purposes he said, higher
prices will send that amount soar
ing, while food subsidies actually
save the Treasury $5 for every dol
lar paid out.
Mr. Vinson also approved addi
tional taxes as another weapon in
the fight on inflation, but warned
that our fundamental policy of an
equitable distribution of available
food, clothing and other goods is
seriously threatened by the pressure
of too many "loose and eager
He reminded his listeners that
While taxpayers were making sac
rifices on the home front they were
rot comparable to those made by
the men on the fighting front.
"In my opinion, our folks do not
want luxuries, baubles and second
hoioings of dessert while reading of
S&taans, Dieppes and Salernos
Which lie ahead.'’
Mtirder Charge Filed
OGDEN, Utah. Oct. 21 up).—Jo
seph Oliver'Moss, 40, Tooele. Utah,
painter, was charged with first
degree murder yesterday, accused of
Staying Mrs. Dorothea Cramer. 34.
native of Madison. Wis., whose bat
tered body was found in an Ogden
hdtel room Monday. Mr*. Cramer
was the wife of am Army private
Stationed at Wendover, Utah.
BOARD OF TRADE SPEAKERS—William R. Johnson (left), missionary from China, and Fred M.
Vinson, economic stabilization director (center!, are shown with Granville Gude, president of the
Washington Board of Trade, at last night’s meeting of the organization. Mr. Vinson’s speech was
broadcast over the Blue Network as a feature of the National Radio Forum, sponsored by The Star
and the network. Mr. Johnson described conditions in war-torn China. —Star Staff Photo.
Military Advisers Join
Tri-Partite Sessions;
Western Attack Hinted
Associated Press War Correspondent.
MOSCOW, Oct. 21.—The tri
partite conference dug Into its
i agenda in a harmonious four
hour session yesterday, and the
presence of American and Brit
ish military advisers suggested
that a land attack on Western
Europe might have been a topic.
Although all official representa
tives stuck to the rule that nothing
about the actual conversations can
;be made public until the conclusion
of the conference, they relaxed suf
ficiently to say that a cordial at
mosphere prevailed throughout the
! second formal meeting.
Aides participating in the talks
will change at. the various problems
wherein they are experts come be
fore the conferees. The call yester
day to United State* Mai. Gen. John
R. Deane and British Lt. Gen. Sir
Hastings Ismay to enter the closed
meeting room left little doubt that
i the main topic on the agenda
worked out the day before was mili
Kharkov Captor Called.
Gen. Deane has been attached to
the United States Army Chief of
Staff's office and Gen. Ismay is from
the office of the British War Cabi
net. As their Soviet counterpart,
the Russian delegation called to the
council rooms a high Red Army gen-(
eral, Col. Gen. Filip I. Golikov, com
mander of the forces which cap
tured Kharkov and head of a Soviet,
j military mission to the United
States in 1941.
The Soviet press insisted before
the conference opened that closer
military co-operation must precede
any improvement in political and
economic co-ordination of the three
great powers—the United States,
Russia and Britain.
In an editorial entitled “Chief
Task of the Moment." “the Moscow
News, an English-language news
, paper, yesterday declared that “If
the Hitlerite army has not yet been
' defeated it is only because there is
not yet a second front in the
• west. ■ — **
Smiwi Follews Luncheon.
Yesterday’s conferees for the United
States were Secretary of State Hull,!
Ambassador W. Averell Harriman
and Gen. Deane: for Britain. For
lgn Secretary Anthony Eden. Gen.
Ismay and William Strang, as
sistant undersecretary for foreign
affairs, and for Russia, Foreign
Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov.
Gen. Golikov and Maxim XJtvlnofl.
former Ambassador to Washington.’
The session oppned at 5:45 p.m
after a prolonged formal luncheon
given by Mr. Molotov and ended
at 9:45.
The rule of secrecy on the nature
of the conversations was attributed
by a spokesman to the fact that the
foreign representatives of the three
nations are "working on big prob
lems which will shape our world
and there is no reason to let the
enemy know what we are doing.”
Many of the conference decisions,
it is understood, may become effec
tive as soon as ratified by the re-’
spective governments, but others
may go before another meeting of
high leaders of the three nations.
Pimlico Entries
___ iTrack fist 1
FIRST RACE—Purse. S1.200: claiming
"-year-olds and up: A furlongs
d xG 11 t M alee ItipLord pan 114
John s Teddy 114 xSir Talbot 11.3
e xLady Calvert lOfiaxDinna Care inn
d Atom Sm'sher 118c Queens Sho* lit
Ai.so eligible: e xSecond Love 1 OB
Captain Ban 1 14Bell Soma 111
a xSally Lunn lOBNoidmann 114
xJack Wilson 1 13c Blicky Boy. US
a Stephens and Adams entry
c Huntzinger and Blick entry,
d Lyon ar.d Straus entry,
e Rtpgs and Bryson entry.
SECOND RACE -Purse. *1.2(10: claim
ing '.’-year-olds 8 furlongs
Leo McLaughlin 111 Little Bunny tin
xCol Horkweld 1 (|5 Our Damsel 11"
xApneal Agent 110 Saury Song 110
Black Africa 113 Also eligible
a Anne Again in: Suattna 103
xHair Cut 104 Roy J.y lo«
Trast 10B Felt Hat 1 Op
Rene s Polly 10: Free Dutch __ 11.3
a Gay Brigadier 113
a Vaughan and Stanley entry.
THIRD RACE—Purse. *1200: steeple
chase. claiming: 3-year-olds and up: 2
5P?Ja-Quaa' 142 aWhoReigh 141
Field Fare . 143 a Similar. ... 141
Emmas Pet __ 143 cRollo 1 JS.i
Pico Blanco 2d ISO Bagpipe 141
cDundrillin 141 Nat 1 Anthem 160
aT. T Mott entry
cRokeby Stables and Skinner entry.
FOURTH RACE—Puree. $1,200; claim
ing. 4-year-olds and up; 1A miles.
Scarcamer 11:1 add River llv
xPurpon 113 xcMighulv ins
xWesley A 10* eTony Steel 113
xCny Judge ... Jlo Also eligible;
Residue 113 Wondbuck 113
Town Hall 113 Paihflnder 12u
Well AUright 113 Haxel W 11 it
aSaxonian 11.3 xJohn's Buddy 10R
xRose Anita 105
aMoore and Young entry.
cLeonard and Gilbert entry.
FIFTH RACE—Purse. $2,000; S-year
olds: 0 furlongs.
Scot s Bill 117 Sabu 113
High Fashion 114 Bell Song .114
By Jimminy 120 Lady Gremlin 114
Dustman .117 All Bright .117
i'.im — 117 Also eligible:
lEdemgee .... 117 a Are's Girl 110
Nibby Jock__ 117 a Liseusette _110
Leavenworth 117
a J. W. Stanley entry.
„ SIXTH RACE—Puree. $1,200; claiming;
3-yeaf-olds: 1miles.
Discmont 103 Freespender _ 107
Miss Kalola _ 10* Canto Gallo _100
War Shy 117 xElmo Grier._ 104
xCherry Crush 113 Tack Room 112
\Dehigh . . 105 Also eligible:
More Stings 112 Procla inp
xSenate .... 115 Sir Carrol_ 104
Cobeggo _110
SEVENTH RACE—Grade C: purae
$2.5o«>: 3-year-old fillies: 0 lurlongs.
Miss Gosling 100 Gallant Witch 10!)
Nellie Mow lee. 10* Fed .. .11*
Tellmenow_115 Can Time. _ ion
Adroit - 115 xOpera Singer 104
Even Stitch 115 Cregm _ . 100
EIGHTH RACE—Purse, $2,500: 2-year
olds; mile and 70 yards.
Plucky Raider 111 Clanaman _114
gQulck Draw.. 114 Smolensko 114
aBlue Wings— 114 Me Chare _105
Tagel -ill Blgrk Gan*-114
Larky Day. 117 A Sweep_ 114
aOreer and Jack eon an try.
xAPprantlee gllewanog.
Post time, 12 noon.
3 Conscientious Objectors
To Draft Get Jail Terms
By the Associated Press.
BALTIMORE, Oct. 21—Three
young men who told a Federal judge
their violation of the Selective Serv
ice Act was due to their religious
beliefs were sentenced yesterday to
four years each in prison.
The youths, two of them brothers,
were Henry Calvin Sparks. 18, and
Joseph Milton Sparks, jr., 20. of near
Marriottsville. and John Nathan
Fraley. 26. of Dernwood. Mont
gomery County. All were accused of
failing to report for induction.
Fraley had been classified as a
conscientious objector, but was
charged with violating the draft law
by failing to report as directed.
The youngest of the three. Henry
Sparks, answered every question put
to him by Judge William C. Coleman
by reading one or more passages
from the Bible.
The men described themselves as
members of a religious sect.
Stimson Acts to Use
War Prisoners Here
In Essential Labor
By the Associated Presa.
With more than 140.000 prisoners
of war now held in permanent
camps in this country. Secretary of
War Stimson announced today steps
were being taken to divert this man
power where it is needed to perform
essential labor.
Approximately one-fourth of the
prisoners are used by the Army for
maintenance labor at military posts
and about 10 per cent are employed
on work primarily for the benefit
of the pgsoners themselves—main
tenance of their own compounds,
cooking, tailoring and duties as hos
pital attendants and canteen clerks
within the compounds.
How many of the others have
bejen employed a* cojjyact labor.
Mr. Stimson did not "disclose, but
his pfess.conference statement re
ported some of the types of work
they have performed-^-recon-st ruc
tion of automotive equipment from
old machines and parts, labor in
brick plants, land clearing projects,
canning plants, dry cleaning plants,
construction of reservoirs for city
w'ater supply and water power, and
harvesting fruit, tomatoes, potatoes,
peanuts, cotton, sugar beets and
corn in such widely separated States
as Georgia, Colorado, Texas and
New' York.
Mr. Stimson said the ratio of Ger
mans to Italians w>as about three
to one. Only a few of the prisoners
in this country have escaped, he
said—"an infinitesimal percentage"
—and all were recaptured within a
few hours.
Pimlico Results
FIRST RACE—Pur*e *1 200 claiming
4-year-old* and up. 1 mile*
Lochnes* <Breen» 22 Po 11 oO 4.70
Displayer ‘Jema** 3 5‘* 2 6m
Conquer (Kirkland) 3 50
Time— 1 :4M*
Also ran—Westnesia. Golden Mowiee.
Foot Soldier. Le: Ilima. Second Thought.
Great Step, Balloter. Newfoundland. Iron
SECOND RACE—Purse. *1.200; claim
ing: 3-year-olds-: 6 furlong*
Sparker ‘Arduini* 10 40 5 40 3.60
Bulrushes ‘Kirkland* 7.70 5.10
Winning Smile ‘Keiper) 3 10
Time. 1 15
Also ran—Wayuma. Queen Mintadore.
Oak Queen. Gold Tint. Ship Signal. Miehael
Orin. Maldnra Deptl Cheater
(Danly Double Pair $126 40.)
THIRD RACE—Purse. $1,500: steeple-'
chase; 3-year-olda and up: 2 miles
Bavarian ‘Harrison* 3.60 3.10 2 *0
Lancastrian ‘Mareanl) 4 60 3 50
Raylwn (Owen* 3 30
Time. 3.66*8
Also ran—St. Patrick’s Day Himmel.
Message on Subsidies
Held Up lor Revision;
Battle Lines Drawn
Bt th# A*«oci»t»d Pr»»«.
!- All the elements prevail today
for renewal of the battle between
the administration and the con
gressional farm bloc over Gov
ernment use of subsidies to keep
down food costs.
Farm organization leaders, on the
sidelines, contend, however, that a
showdown could be avoided by com
Whether the issue is to be joined
again may depend largely on the
tone and contents of a message
President Roosevelt soon will send
to Congress asking that the War
Food Administration be given the
signal to proceed with subsidies. The
message was expected to be dis
patched to Capitol Hill today, but
was held up for some revisions.
A stern message sharply criticizing
opponents of food subsidies—and re
ports coming from the White House
say that preliminary drafts were of
that character—would in all likeli
hood touch off another fight such as
was waged last summer Then. Con
gress passed legislation banning sub
sidies. but was unable to override a
presidential veto.
O'Neal. Goss Fight Subsidies.
Veteran farm organization leaders
iike President Edward A. O'Neal of
the American Farm Bureau Federa
tion and Master Albert S. Goss of
the National Grange, unrelenting
opponents of what they term con
sumer subsidies, say they would like
to get together with the administra
tion on a farm-food program which
would gradually do away with such
financial supports.
Both Mr. O'Neal and Mr. Goss
expressed belief that a compromise
could be reached if the White House
would give War Food Administrator
Marvin Jones some leeway in meet
ing the position of the anti-subsidy
They indicated, however, that they
were ready to go to bat on the issue
If the President s message insists on
continuation of the present program.
“Frankly, I think the administra
tion Is more worried than we are,”
said Mr. O'Neal.
Vinson Broadcasts.
Economic Stabilization Director
Vinson, in The Evening Star s Radio
Forum last night, expressed the
view- that any ban on food subsidies
would “torpedo the Government's
stabilization policy as effectively as
any U-boat ever torpedoed a Lib
erty ship." i Forum story on
page A-2.1
The medium for the subsidy fight
is a request of the Commodity Cred
it Corp.—the banking agency for the
War Food Administration — for
$500,000,000 additional funds and au
thority to use that and an equal
amount it now holds to finance the
1944 farm program calling for the
largest output of food in history.
Some of the money could be used
to support farm prices at levels above
ceilings established by the Office
of Price Administration. Commodi
ties so affected would be bought by
the CCC and resold to processors
and distributors at prices in line
with ceilings.
Industry Expands
With the establishment of a new
tannery in Bellfast, it Is officially
polntde out that Northern Ireland
industry has greatly expanded in the
last few years as a result of the
arrival of many continental refu
gees who were prominent industrial
ists in their own countries.
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Limited Suffrage Bill
For District Assailed
In Trade Board Report
Declaring that representation In
Congress was the only solution to
the complex problem of munici
pal government for the District, the
Washington Board of Trades Law
*nd Legislative Committee last night
brought in a report disapproving a
measure now before the Senate that
would grant ordinance-making pow
ers to the District Commissioners.
Carefully reviewing the proposed
measure, the committee reported
that the present form of commission
government generally had worked
well and that matters relating to
the local government were so closely
allied and interwoven with those
relating to the Federal Government
it was doubted whether Congress
would grant the District full con
trol over the affairs of the District
such as is found in other munici
The framework of the measure,
the committee reported, was such
that complete autonomy could not
jbe given Washington residents.
Congreas to Control Funds.
The committee, headed by Joseph
C. McGarraghv, pointed out that
provisions of the proposed bill did
not clearly distinguish between
the legislative power retained by
[Congress and the ordinance-making
power of the commission. Any law
ordinance or regulation promulgated
by the Commissioners would have to
ire approved by the chairmen of both
the House and Senate District Com
mittees. constituting complete veto
power of any act of the Commis
Thus, the Commissioners could
legislate entirely to the wishes of
their constituents, yet be thwarted
by the power held by the District
Committee chairmen. And even
though such legislation might be ap
proved originally, overriding legisla
tion could be enacted by Congress
at any time.
Another point the committee em
phasized was that District funds
would not be controlled by the
Commissioners but by Congress. It
doubted whether Congress would
relinquish its exclusive power over
these funds and added that it "is
axiomatic that coritrol of the purse
strings is a most important factor
in any government."
City Manager Setup Hit.
I The committee also hit the pro
posal to entrust the administration
! of local affairs to a city manager,
appointed by the Commissioners
with the approval of the Senate,
declaring such a move would not
bring the Government closer to the
In advocating Congressional rep
resentation for District residents,
[the committee maintained that
many residents with voting resi
dence in their respective States
would not "be willing to surrender
those valuable rights for the right
i to vote for a Commissioner on a
Board of Commissioners of the Dis
trict of Columbia having such lim
ited power and significance. There
fore. it is believed that a vote such
as proposed in the bill, without na
tional representation, would not be
representative and would be fraught
with evil.”
While recording itsplf in opposi
tion to the bill the committee also
, indicated its willingness to aid Con
gress in working out a just and
feasible plan to give Washington
ians control of local affairs, but not
at the cost of foregoing the right
to a voice in Congress.
Capacity Crowd There.
The report was read at the or
ganization's first autumn meeting,
which attracted a capacity crowd to
the Willard Hotel's main ballroom.
John A. Reilly, chairman of the
Third War Loan drive, told the
audience a fourth drive is due in
January and that unless the pessi
mistic attitude of too many cam
paigns is dispelled the Government
may invoke a compulsory savings
program to finance the war. He
praised the board for its role in
putting the recent drive over the
top and urged the members to even
greater efforts in the forthcoming
Other speakers were Capt. T. G
Cassell, who talked about the paper
salvage program: A G. Neal, who
discussed the Potomac Electric
Power Co.’s role in the fuel conser
vation program, and William R.
Johnson, a missionary to China for
Sergt. Caspar J. Chirieleison, 31, of 808 Upshur street N.W. (third
from left, bottom row* joins members of a B-24 Liberator
bomber of the U. S. 14th Air Force based in China in waist gun
hatch after a successful raid on Jap installations. Crew mem
bers of these Liberators are known as "Liberators of China.”
Sergt. Chirieleison s sister, Mrs. Nick Cicala of Washington,
said he wrote last summer that the plane had 22 Jap fighters
to its credit. The entire crew w'as awarded the Air Medal. At
extreme right, back row. is Sergt. Arthur J. Benko, Bisbee. Ariz.,
credited with shooting down seven Zeros on a single mission.
—A. P. Photo.
Colleague Booms Wadsworth
For Presidential Nomination
E* ’hf Associated Pre**.
Representative Wadsworth of New
York, a former Senator, was pro
posed for the 1944 Republican presi
dential nomination today by an-:
other long-term Representative.
Charles A. Eaton, Republican, o!
New Jersey.
"He is probably the most influ
ential member of the House of Rep
resentatives." said Mr. Eaton, who
campaigned for Wendell L. Willkie
in 1940.
The 75-year-old Mr Eaton, now
in his 20th year in the House, ex
pressed his choice for next year in
an Interview.
i Mr. Wadsworth. Informed that n
Randolph Drafts Bill
On District Boundary
Chairman Randolph of the House
District Committee Is preparing to
introduce a new District boundary
bill granting authority to the United
States to accept from the State of
Virginia more than "concurrent
jurisdiction" over areas owned across
the river by the Federal Govern
The Virginia Legislature passed an
act to become effective when Con
gress enacts a law settling the old
Virginia-District boundary dispute.
That Virginia art would authorize
the Governor and attorney general
of the State to grant to the United
States more than concurrent juris
diction over Federal-owned proper
ties. Attorney General Biddle draft
ed a new section to a bill now pend
ing in Congress.
The new section accepts the Vir
ginia proposal for broader author
ity. which will especially facilitate
law enforcement in those areas -po
liced by the Federal Government.
Properties in the area Include the
Mount Vernon Memorial Highway,
the National Capital Airport and the
Congress in Brief
Ey th» Associated Pres*.
Takes up routine business.
Foreign Relations Committee con
siders postwar resolution.
Continues debate on repeal of
Chinese exclusion laws.
37 years, who spoke on behalf of the
Community War Fund drive
Mr. Johnson declared that be
tween 12.000.000 and 15.000.000 Chi
nese are doomed to die of starvation
this year and that the death rate of
50.000.000 annually will continue to
increase and multiply until we get
enough material and men in China
to clean out the Japanese.
colleague wanted him to be the
nominee, said, "I appreciate the
compliment, but I can’t take that
Mr. Wadsworth has been consid
ered for the presidency and vice
presidency on Republican tickets be
fore, but nothing came of it.
He co-authored the present draft
bill, having had experience with
similar legislation as chairman of
the Senate Military Affairs Com
mittee during the World War. He
served two Senate terms, from 1914
to 1926, but was defeated for re
election in 1926 when another Re
publican entered the race on a dry
platform and split the vote. Mr.
Wadsworth, a strong antiprohibi
tionist, was elected to the House in
Looking back over the New
Yorkers record today, Mr. Eaton
“Jim Wadsworth has never re
ceived the general appreciation of
the people of this country of which
he is worthy. He is a profound stu
dent of government and inter
national relations and all the social
problems we have to face He has
courage and intelligence and experi
ence to a unique degree I doubt if
there is a man in public life today
with a profounder understanding of
the tremendous problems, and issues
now facing the people."
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Discussed at Baptist
Breakfast Seminar
Dr. Roland Q. Leavell, director of
the current city-wide Baptist evan
legist campaign, led pastors and vis
iting evangelists today at the break
fast seminar at the YWCA, 614 E
street N.W., in a discussion of plans
for the visitation program on Sun
Dr. Leavell, who also spoke oa
"The Pastor's Job as a Sales Man
ager in His Own Church," said th»
pastors will endeavor to reach all
Baptist church members in their
The Rev. James P. Rodgers, chair
man of the Steering Committee, an
nounced that more than 5,000 per
sons attended special services in the
■ 29 Washington area Baptists
.churches last night. He said this
makes an estimated 35.000 persons
who have come to these services
since the drive began Sunday. Dr.
Rodgers also stated that 37 new
Baptist church members were re
ceived yesterday.
Dr. W. W. Ayer of the New York
Calvary Baptist Church spoke over
WWDC today on "Evangelism.” He
j will address the breakfast seminar
| tomorrow. Dr. Clarence Jordan of
; Americas. Ga . discussed the spiritual
law's in a broadcast today over WRC.
The pastors and visitors toured
Washington Cathedral, under the
guidance of Howard Reese, secretary
of the Baptist Student Union, after
the breakfast seminar.
Bill Introduced to Allow
Admiral Byrd's Pay Raise
By the Associated Press.
A bill to eliminate a legal barrier
preventing Rear Admiral Richard E.
Byrd from getting a pav raise was
received yesterday bv the Senate
Naval Affairs Committee.
Introduced by Senator Brewster,
Republican, of Maine, the bill pro
vides that the explorer shall receive
the pay of a rear admiral of the
upper half, rather than that of rear
admiral of the lower half. The
lower grade has a base pav of
$6,000 annually, the tipper $8,000.
It was by a special act of Con
gress m 1930 that Admiral Bvrd re
ceived the rank of admiral, on the
retired list, in recognition of his
explorations. Previously he had
held the rank of commander. Under
existing statues a rear admiral on
the retired list, returning to active
service, cannot receive an increase
in pay. except by a special act of
The new legislation Is intended a$
a reward and recognition for Ad
miral Byrd's present services, sain
Senator Brewster, who observed
that the naval officer currently is
on active duty and has seen service
in the South Pacific.
Drought Kills Cattle
Drought in Mexico this year
kilipd 156.000 head of food cattle in
tended for shipment to the United
Calvary Twill


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