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For Radio L isteners By Bryson Rash. Yanks in the Orient” is the titli of a new series of program pre sented by the War Department anc heard locally on WMAL Wednesdaj evening at 7 p.m. These 15-min'ut< broadcasts tell the story of the ac tions in which our troops are en gaged in the China-Burma-India area. Lt. Gen. Joseph Stilwell commanding officer in the theater commissioned a team of experienced radiomen to make these transcrip tions so the folks back home could get a true picture of our armed forces in the area. “Yanks in the Orient” promises to be a particularly timely series, what with the daily headlines on the ac tion around Imphal and Kohima. The first program dealt with an Army hospital unit stationed on the Indian border. Nurses, doctors, medical corpsmen were interviewed by announcers on the spot. A brief trip through one of the wards brought out a description of the wounds the men suffered and how they were caused. The patients were Chinese and the announcer spoke through an interpreter. One of the surgeons described the conditions under which he worked close up to the lines of battle. He called it •'surgery by flashlight, under ground." The broadcast was not slam-bang war, but a quiet, inform ative story of the function of the Army Medical Department. It's an honest, interesting series. They will be running at Church 111 Downs next Saturday and Ted Husing. assisted by Jimmy Dolan, will be there to discribe it to you. The 70th renewal of the Kentucky Derby. America's turf classic, will be broadcast on WTOP-CBS begin ning at 6 p.m. You know, when the band plays “My Old Kentucky Home.” you get a big lump in your throat, not because of the horses, or the music, or the setting, but be cause of the event and it’s tradi tion. It’s the same effect as when you see the Lincoln Memorial at night, or the trees that over hang Q street in the bright spring sunlight. * * * * Did you ever winder how much it costs to produce a radio program? Variety, the Bible of show business, radio, screen and stage, probably the mast authoritative publication in the field, published such figures re cently. Here are a few of them. This is Variety’s estimate and does not include the cost of radio time, merely talent and production cost for one program only. Abbott and Costello. $11,000; Jack Benny, $22. 500; Boston Symphony, $12,000: Fred Allen, $14,000; Edgar Bergen. $12,000; Eddie Cantor. $12,500: Fibber McGee and Molly. $10,000: Bob Hope, $14, 750; Kraft Music Hall, $12,500; Lux _ DANCING. PERFECT YOUR DANCING Pox Trot. Waltz, Tango, Rumba. Swing. Individual Instruction and Group Practice 10 Lessons for S-VoO Tap Dancing tor Professional or as Exercise CAPITOL DANCE STUDIO 403 11th St. N.W._Republic 3011. * TAP Opi BALLET * VW,1[4 —f« l>* 1 CkiMrsa m Malls 1 CatsUiaa aim rtaaasf IPHIl HAYDEN Ballroom Dancing Expert Instruction in Modern Dancing Careful Attention Given Beginners Private and Class Instruction Reasonable Rates Leila Fowler Studio 1319 New Hampshire Avenue (Vi Block Below Dupont Circle) North 6041 If no answer^call North 5197 Audience Shows The following programs ad mit the general public to the broadcast. For details, phone the station on which the pro gram is presented. WMAL—National 5400. Dreamhouse. 7:30 p.m.. Tues day. Fighting Coast Guard, 7:30 p.m., Thursday. WOL—Metropolitan 0012. American Forum of the Air, 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. Quiz of Two Cities, 7:30 p.m., Wednesday. WWDC—National 7203. Bible Quiz, 7 p.m.. Saturday. Amateurs of 1944, 12 noon. Sunday. * WTOP—Metropolitan 3200. Battle of the Bureaus, 1 p.m., Sunday. Herson in Person. 7:45 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. Radio Theater, $16,000: Radio Hall of Fame, $15,500. and It's all foi your listening pleasure, free. * * * * Success story. Two years ago a girl named Mary Beth Rolfe went to WOL and offered her services free just because she wanted to get into radio as a career. There was an opening for a page for the sum mer months at a small salary. Mary Beth really got a good look at radio in those two months, for a page is only a glamourized office boy. Then back to Cornell for her senior year and lots of activity at the college radio station and in the Dramatic Club. After commencement at Cor nell, Mary Beth returned to WOL, this time assisting Madeline Ensign, program director—doing work she likes, and it seemed so remote when she was a page, running errands. * * * * A 20-year veteran of Washington radio celebrates that anniversary today, April 30. Jim McGrath, an nouncer at State WWDC, has a long and varied career behind him. He played a lot of saxophone for Paul Whiteman back in the days when the king of jazz began to reign. Jim broadcast one of the first wrestling matches ever to hit the air, he handled symphony concerts, he has been a commentator and a master of ceremonies. * * * * Arch McDonald and Russ Hodges throught up a good stunt to help them keep %eir 20 fingers on <rery source of information throughout a baseball broadcast. It’s a special telephone switchboard with direct lines running to the dugouts of both teams, the dressing room of both teams, the ball park office and to Stations WOL and WWDC. That must have taken same tall talking to get “Griff” and the phone com pany to install the gadget. Program changes. The “Carnival” program with Alec Templeton and Morton Gold moves to Tuesday eve ning at 9:30. “Report to the Na tion” takes over the vacant slot on Wednesday, 10:30 p.m. Both these shows on WTOP. WOL announces that for the duration of the base ball season “Wide. Horizons” with Eddie Dowling moves to 5:30 p.m. Sundays. “The Abe Lincoln Story” advances to Sunday evening at 6. * * * * There will be big doings on WTOP CBS next Friday night when Wash ington's Kate Smith celebrates her 13th anniversary on the network Kate will sing the four numbers she did on her first breoadcast. . . Xavier Cugar was assisting artist for the famed Enrico Caruso during 1921, the last year of the tenor's life. . . . The story of the K-9 Corps will be told on the Army Hour today, WRC-NBC. . . . Jack Owens has taken the place of Navy bound Jack Baker on the Breakfast Club program. . . . Spotlight Bands did its 500th broadcast on WMAL Blue last Tuesday, traveling 615,000 miles in 46 of the 48 States, the DANCING. graceful SANC1NC w/th Cane!(is instniLction v.nuaren Classes in Ballroom. Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic and Spanish. Special 9-Week Course starts May 3. Only those with sense of Rhythm accepted in this class. Audition Tuesday. May 2. For de tails phone . . . District 1673 .. . Today or tomorrow! Private lessons any time from Id A.M. by appointment. All dances. Adults and children. Canellis Dance Studios 625 F St. N.W. District 1673 -OPEN TODAY, SUNDAY, 2 TO 8 P.M_ Shall we DANCE? You may "REQUEST" or say "YES" with *** confidence . . when you've had "DON ‘‘mmK MARTINI'S" instruction1 Will you give yourself 6 HOURS to become a GOOD DANCER? You'll find that DON _ ' mtm MARTINI lessons COST LESS, too! • WALTZ • FOXTROT • JITTERBUG % RUMBA —.* It’s Graceful. Soothing. Beautiful It’s Popular, Rhythmic, Modern ■jlj*.. It * Youthful, txhilaratinr. Gay It's Latin. Sophisticated. Smart mp Join a Gay, Congenial Dance Class SAVE 50% ON PRIVATE LESSONS Two >rrsons can learn lor the vnce ot one Inquire about our TEEN-AGE DANCE CLASSES ' Now Forming ! DANCE LESSONS 502 13th EARLEP THEATER 11th Washington Year . . . Call EX. 0897 “A SCHOOL WITH A NATIONAL REPUTATION’’ New York - Philadelphia - Baltimore - Charlotte - Atlanta • Miami ^——— Open Daily 12 to 10 ADIEU—For a while, ivill be sung by Marjorie Lawrence on NBC’s “Great Artist’’ series tomorrow. She leaves soon to entertain troops in her native Australia. District, Canada. Mexico and Hawaii. ... As you have probably heard, Harry Von Zell has been picked to succeed Ralph Edwards on “Truth or Consequences,” but the grapevine has it that Edwards will not leave after all. . . . “Information Please” travels to Canada to aid the Domin ion’s Sixth War Loan drive, the broadcast tomorrow' evening is from Toronto. . . . Eddie Cantor has been renewed by his sponsor for another year. . . . The George Burns and Gracie Allen contract with their sponsor, with two years to go be fore expiring, has been torn up and replaced with a brand-new, five year pact. ... A show starring Ransom Sherman may be the Fibber McGee and Molly summer substi tute, and James Melton is expected to star in a warm weather musical replacing Fred Allen. . . . John Reed King of “Double or Nothing” was nearly floored on a recent show when the next contestant was intro duced as Phil Baker; a 20-year-old college student from Philadelphia. ■ . . Queried Hildegarde on NBC’s \ NEW DEAL—Contractual, not political, is signed by George Burns and Grade Allen. It is an arrangement which covers five years and involves more money for the comedy team, which is heard on Thursday nights over CBS. “Beat the Band” show; “What does the needle say to the magnet?”; the answer from the pianist in the band, “What Have You Got That Gets Me.” News Broadcast Today WMAL WRC WOL WINX WWDC WTOP 12:00 12:00 12:15 . 12:00 1:00 .... .... 1:30 1:30 - 3:00 - Every _ 2:30 7:00 4:30 6:30 Hour 3:30 4:25 7:15 7:55 ... on 5:30 7:00 9:00 ... 8:45 the 7:30 8:55 11:00 11:15 Hour 9:30 11:00 12:00 12:00 10:00 10:30 12:00 U. S. and the Movies Share Big Business By the Associated Press. HOLLYWOOD. The goose that lays the golden egg for movie producers still flies high in spite of a heavy handicap. Figures reported from box offices during the first two weeks of the 20 per cent tax show not only no loss in admissions but an increase in vol ume as well, compared with figures of last year. Fight inflation . . . Speed inva sion . . . Buy more bonds! Sundays Radio Program April 30, 1944 cTiaTiyej in raata programs sometimes reach The Star too late for correction ___that day a.m. WMAL, 630k. WRC, 980k. WQL, 1,260k. W1NX, 1,340k. WWDC, 1,450k. WTOP, 1,500k. News—Treasure House Or Percy Crawford News-Places To Go Symphony of Melody Elder Michaux J.15 Sunday Prelude Music Treasure House " Places to Go " " " " !;« .. ", Norway Fights On Just Music Gospel News Time Wings-Over Jordan __ "Ir Castles_News—Serenade Goodwill Choir !:?? f.r?“ndtf,0r^,.N”" J,0.r,d Nrewj Round“PMorning Serenade News; Nazarene Ch'chWildwood Church News of World !:{o .r V085’ Bus yic °rT Gardenmg Good News Nazarene Church Voice of Hope E. Power Biggs „ - Waltzes of he World Voice of Prophecy Christian Science News—J.B.C. Presents ” " ;-Commando Mary _Chapel^ Singers J.B.C. Presents Labor News Review 10:00 Bud Ward Radio Pulpit Bible Class News—Musicale “ Mike Hunnicutt Church of the" «r r . T. ... Morning Musicale " " " 10 30 Southernaires :J»"« Was . Symphonic Strings " ' ' " Salt Lake Tabernacle ___ Rexall Review " " *• >> A°rlhn0i,n,0idurd News—Recordiana " " News—Holiness Castles on Air News—Naval Choir "• •• Kit"'* Recordiana " Pentecostal Holiness " “ Gr. Lakes. Naval Choir <<!ir ■■ 0 •> a , _ ... Presbyterian Church " " News—Baptist Church Invitation to Learning 11 45 BetjY Ro« Girl . - " Centennial Banfist " - P.M. WMAL, 630k. WRC, 980k. WOL, 1,260k. WINX, 1,340k. WWDC. 1,450k. WTOP. 1.500kT 2;00 War Journal News Presbyterian Church News—Music Box Amateurs ot 1944 Noontime News Th. ..... Heimisphere Matinee News—Melodic Gems Music Box " " Let's Learn Spanish 2 S,^dl¥,r. Orchestra Churches ot Christ On Wings of Song - - Transatlantic Call iz:o pang Mano_ 'Swing High " " " ” " !':?? Bfti.yjJiif Dairy Farmar Maglc Dollars News Roundup Cantor Shapiro Bails of Bureaus Sallin rY in At1,on Labor ,Br VirtorV Marching to Victory " " * " US Ba“d Stand "9° •■°Und Tab,e Lutl)eran., Hour Bib.le T™,h "Soasg and Story" News. Edward Murrow 2:00 Chaplain, Jim Those We Love Pilgrim Hour News-Symphony Hr. Sunday Serenade Ceiling Unlimited CnnU»v v«n.r« „ „ Symphony Hour Hollywood Snapshots ” ” 2.30 Sunday Vespers John Charles Thomas - ” " - Homer Rodeheaver World News Today --!_ m__Z_A to l Novelty " " 3:00 Life of _Riley World News Parade Author Meets Critic News—Half and Half Xavier Cugat's Orch. N. Y. Philharmonic Hn) rnnv ru * u Ha,f and Half Aloba Land “ ” vac " ■■ Lhe_ Arm.y Bflur Mysterious Traveler News—Music News—Music ' " —rig. — iVi—-' '_”_" _Concert Master Kostelanetz Or. " " 4:00 fun, VaHey " " News—Music News—Music Waltz'Time ~ " Wnr,j ,... .. . - , [Service Unlimited [Red Cross Program " " Philharmonic—News 4:30 World of Song News—Federal Diary [Treasury Salute News—Musicale Five Spot Tunes Pause That Refreshes 4:45_Paul Baron _ [The Gardeners Petite Musicale " " - 5:00 Mary Small Revue Symphony of Air (Green Valley News-Light Opera .Notes of Love Family Hour ?MiKirai He.imaVor. .. .. Light Opera Boothby-Mansell • 5:30 Musical Steelmakers ^ ^ Wide Horizons News—Music News: Look and Live ” - -f-,L u-—_____ LwK and Live Woman From Nowhere 4:00 Hiill ot Fame Catholic Hour Abe Lincoln s Story News—Pentecostal Gospel Tabernacl* Silver Theater j - - . . .... . ” Pentecostal Church " " " " 4:30 „ „ Great Gildersleeve News, Upton Close Weather—Music News—Music America in the Air _0:45 ____ _ ■_Baseball Today Progressive Four .... „ „ J:?r Dorothy'Thompson" Be--y Old-Fashioned Revival News-USO Dance Sh^ News, William Shirer 7:30 Quiz Kids Bandwagon " ” News Roundup News—Tabernacle WMheTeople --Bandwagon—News_Beyond Victory Gospel Tabernacle " I!] SnSmslSSlLs Be'?en -nd McCarthV M®aiati0" Board Bibleway, Church Call to Worship Starlnd Story J3® Ke*psak" One Man's Family - * " " " ” Crime Doctor 8:45 ... --■_iNews, Gabriel Heattei “ "_J " “ [nm9 Doctor—News EMlSfi* Se1; MiI!ard Tydings Me,IC0 Symphony News—Symphony Hr. Know Thy Neighbor- Listeners' Digest 9:15 Bas,',n i",eeT iotie,y Symphony Hour ' " - - Jimmv Fidler F,T.i,iar..Mus,c Album "m \ " " News-Ben Kramer Fred Allen W:45 i!MLnd,#r,-- _ " Catholic Guild " " Nnrmfr ril.w Hour of Charm News, Cedric Foster , News— Evangelists Ave Maria Taka It or Leave It ,0:,5|S wL Goodwill Hour Evangelical Church . aw .i or cave it 10:30 Mu.s.lcal .Autographs Crosby and Tremayne " " " " News-Church of God Thin Man Adventures 10:451__ _ " " ” ** Church of God ' ” !Around;C'ock News Man at a Grand Georgie Auld's Orch. News—God s~Church " " Headlines and Byline* : 5 Hour of JJreams News of World " " God s Church Church-Hits Let's Learn Spanish „ „ Lands oMhe Free News—Duke Ellington Weather—Music News—Hits Hasten the Day __"_Art Kassel's Orch. Slumber Music_Continental Hits_Hal McIntyre Orch. 12:00 News—Sign Off News—Orch.—News. I Sign off [Midnight Newsreel Midnight Melodies News DeliveTGoodr MONDAYS RADIO PROGRAM May 1, 1944 A.M. WMAL, 630k. WRC, 980k. WOL, 1,260k. WINX, l,340k.WWDC, 1,450k WTOP 1 500k. . ———— ■ ■■ ■ ----- ' 1 6': 15 w^oii^ IftV8"1 rterson Dai!n Pa!roi Sunrise Newsreel News—Serenade Corn Squeezin' Time 6 30 T d?yS..Prelude Bit). Herson " " Sunrise Serenade " " 6:45 „ „ „ News—Art Brown News—Jerry Strong News, Bob Ball ----M bmn_" _Dale Crowley (Breakfast Table News 7'15 ^ws—Town t'l0Ck News, K. Banghart '' " News—Jerry Strong News—M. Hunnicutt Arthur Godfrey 7:30 To'f'.n Cl?.ck Bl1!, Her?.on " Jerry Strong Mike Hunnicutt " ” 7 45 u „ , News, Billy Repaid News—Jerry Strong News—M. Hunnicutt News Reporter —(TM News, Claude Mahoney Bill Herson—News Art Brown_Jerry Strong Mike Hunnicutt Arthur Godfrey 8 15 To'?'.n Cl?,ck M,rltl Roendup News—Art Brown News—Jerry Strong Cash—M. Hunnicutt News of World ~ 8:30 u. , T n I Biil Her“?„ Art Brown Jerry Strong Mike Hunnicutt Arthur Godfrey 8 45 News—Town Clock News—Bill Herson News, Billy Repaid News—Jerry Strong News—M. Hunnicutt -jToo -- Clock_6111 Herson_Art Brown_Jerry Strong Mike Hunnicutt " " 9;,5 Breakfast Club Mirth and Madness " " News—Music Cash—M. Hunnicutt- News,’ Arthur Godfrey 9:30 - .. u u ti , , Music in the Air Mike Hunnicutt Home Service Daily 9:45 « « ”ews: Ban?"art L|S,en Ladies Traffic Court News—M. Hunnicutt To Be Announced liTSfi-_;_Broadway Melodies _J_" " Mike Hunnicutt " " 10:15 Lw#? Rlv,'r Fora Lawton Front Page Features News—Music Hall Cash—Popular Music Valiant Lady 10:30 ,,Tru*,Story News Mr. Moneybags Music Hall Popular Music Kitty Foyle 10:45 Air lin. Tri„ ”elpma'e Lijida's First Love " " News—Alice Lane Open Door 71700 AhLLane Trio Music Room Editors Daughter_'_Alice Lare Bachelor's Children 1lil5 Br" Sardis Road °j cLi? News, Arthur Gaeth News—Symphony Cash—Alice Lane Honeymoon Hill 11:30 Dllfh fr.n, Vicand Sade Handy Man Symphony Hour Alice Lane Second Husband ,,:45 Ruth Crane Brave Tomorrow cratches-Music j __ " News-Jam Session Bright Horizon —P.MDavid Harum What s Your Idea i _ Jim Jam Session Aunt Jenny imu S!5 ^ MUSIC News Boake Carter News and Music Password Please Kate Smith Speaks 12:15 Little Show Devotions [Luncheon Music • Luncheon Music " " Biq Sister 12:30 i Earm and Home j Matinee Today Naval Academy Band Weather—Music News—M. Hunnicutt Helen Trent i2:*5 [__---__L _i ..[Luncheon Music Mike Hunnicutt Our Gal Sunday 1;00 Baukhage Talking Nancy Osgood News, Ray Dady [News Roundup Cash—Blessed Eventer Life Is Beautiful Pm„Money j Jack Berch [Tony Wakeman lEventer—Melodies Ma Perkins :30 ff _ Victory Gardening Luncheon With Lopez News-World of Sports News-1450 Club News, Bernadme Flynn _ _Morgan Beatty_Russ Hodges_[World of Sports_ [ 1450 Club The Goldbergs jj*® ft/'u w”,i jGuiding Light " ” News-Wakeman j Cash—1450~Club Portia Faces Life 2:15 David Wills i Today s Children [Tony Wakeman (1450 Club Joyce ’Jordan 2:30 Little Jack Little [Light ot the World News, Walter Compton News—World of Sports! News—1450 Club Younq Mr Malone 2:45 Baby Institute iChurch Hymns_ Hodges- News Game World ot Sports 1450 Club Perry Mason 3:00 Morton Downey Woman of America Wash. vs. Boston News-Wakeman Cash —^1450 Ctub Mary Marlin ~~ 3:15 Appointment With Life Ma Perkins Baseball Tony Wakeman 1450 Club Janice Grey 3:3.5 ’ ” ... . lYoung s Family " " News—World of Sports News—1450 Club Now and Forever 3:45 Ethel and Albert_[Right to Happiness World of Sports 1450 Club News for Women 4:00 News, Evans Backstage'Wife " " " News-Wakeman " Cash—1450 Club Broadway Matinee— 4:15 Accent on Music (Stella Dallas ” ” Tony Wakeman 1450 Club Matinee-News 4:30 Views of News , Lorenzo Jones " " j News—World of Sports News— 1450 Club Texas Rangers 4:45 Accent on Music [Young Widow Brown ' " [World ot Sports 1450 Club_Cash " " SVELTE—No less is the look of Sophie Tucker, last of the red-hot-mamma clan, toho appears today on the Hall of Fame program on the Blue Netrcork. Last Romance Is a Problem In Next Movie By the Associated Press. HOLLYWOOD. It's always a problem in series films to get rid of the romance In the last number released, so to make room for the new one. In the case of the Maizie series, Maizie nat urally can’t marry, or it would be all over right there. The last epi sode had Maizie at the sizzling point with an airplane pilot as the film ended. In the new one, to satisfy the wondering public about it, John Hodiak, the new love interest, asks Ann Sothern—Maizie to you—about romantic attachments. She an swers: “There was a guy—a pilot— but he got interested in studying the native dances—in Dallas, Tex.’’ It’s That Simple Ey the Associated Press. HOLLYWOOD. Betty Hutton boasts the trickiest dressing room in filmland. By merely pressing a button, the wall panels resolve into lighted mirrors through which she can see herself from any angle, and by pressing another button the panels reverse, giving her a completely equipped sitting room. f ■ nuNG'S i GASPHALT tile jf/ltl tPA°sne I Include* 'r.i-®?: *% J| Features on The Air Today WMAL. 11:00—Lothrop Stoddard analyzes the week’s news. WRC, 12:30—Moskovski, Lehar and Wagner featured. WRC, 1:30—"What Should Be the British American Policy Toward International Monop oly." WTOP, 3:00—Dr. Artur Rodzinski conducts Beethovens "Lenore Overture, Mo. 3," "Les Preludes" by Liszt, and "D Minor Symphony" | by Franck. Admiral Ernest J. King, commander in chief of U. S. Fleet and chief of Bureau of Naval Operations, speaks in intermission. WRC, 3:30—Story of K9 Corps and how these Army dogs are helping to win the war in Italy. WMAL, 4:30—Christine Johnson, contralto, and Emery Darcy, tenor, guest soloists. WTOP, 4:30—Eileen Farrell, soprano, guest. WRC, 4:30—"Indians of the North." WOL, 5:00—Victory Jory, guest. WTOP, 5:00—Gladys Swarthout sings the "Flower Song" from Gounod's "Faust." WRC, 5:00—Violinist Mischa Mischakoff, soloist. WOL, 5:30—"The Devil's Coffin," a woman’s body stolen from the city morgue. WMAL, 6:00—Sophie Tucker and Paul Muni, guests. WTOP, 6:00—Paul Gallico’s story of Dun kirk, "The Snow Goose," stars Ronald Colman. WTOP, 8:00—Donna Reed (o-stars with Wal ter Pidgeon in "The Outsider." WOL, 9100—Premiere of Mexican Symphony Orchestra, Carlos Chavez, conducting from Mexi co City. WTOP, 9:00—The story of Michigan’s efforts to provide enough blood plasma for civilian use. WMAL, 9:15—Chico Marx, piano playing, language-mangling brother, guest. WRC, 10:00—All-Russian musical program. WTOP, 10:30—"The Case of the Disappear ing Poppa." TOUCH OF YOUR HAND I a BROOKS | BATTLE OF THE /% BUREAUS Master of Ceremonies WARD WILSON TODAY 1:00 to 1:30 P.M. Office Scientific Re search & Development V9. I Bureau of Medicine fir Surgery-Navy Dept. WTOP 1500 Brought to You by BROOKS—1109 G St. ■ Gives greater Summer and Winter comfort. Cuts fuel bills up to 30%. Write or Call tor Free Booklet or Sttimate. % Johns-Manvilit Salts Corp. Ht816th St. N.W. EX. 1177 Mill" 4b John »-Man vlllr Ncvwut WTOP. Mon. thru frl.. B:M P.M. flH Sj 11 H ■% j Wm _ Sn ■ &45. I Mi :v Essn [' v ■PPWmfW TUNE IN 4*fke MARY SMALL REVUE „ Fred Utell, M.C. £ Ray Block's Orchestra ' ’ Sunny Skylar Guest Artists TODAY—5 P.M. WMAL 630 On Your Dial_ TEST A simt-TELEX BEFORE YOU BUY ANY HEARING AID Clear, effortless, complete hearing can be yours with the ONLY High Fidelity Vacuum Tube Hearing Aid hi the world with four Pentode tubes in a "push pull" circuit. Imagine, with tfie Tone Discriminator of the super-Telex, you can tune out ob ■ jectionable "background noises" that even the normal hearing can't avoid. H you want the best, you can't buy a Oner vacuum tube hearing aid at any price. Scientifically fitted by trained technicians. OWN A TELEX AND YOU OWN THE FINEST Caff or write hr free hearing test, heme or office. No obligation. Custom Moulded Earpieces. By New Process for all Hearing Aids. A. Thompson, Mgr. Telex Hearing Center 212 Homer Bldg. 13th & F N.W. RE. 3062 1 ft* «se600 Voo-«‘°7