OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 12, 1944, Image 24

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1944-05-12/ed-1/seq-24/

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Thumbnail for B-11

A Goytwine Handbag will delight your
Mother's beauty-loving heort! Aside from
their brilliant colors, they owe much of their
cool chorm to the ancient croft of braiding
end knotting_ _ $5
pitts 20% tax
Karin's—Street Floor
"Selmo" Sheer Royon Hosiery ... a favorite
with discriminating women! The popular
medium weight for everyday wear . . . made
of Celanese* rayon, the type that dries over
night. Cotton lisle tops and reinforced feet.
"Sundash," a summer shade, in sizes 81'2
to 1CV'2 . _$1.06
•Re*. V. 8. Pat. Off.
A Fine Handkerchief to tuck into
your Mother's Day letter to her! Sheer
white with delicate embroidery in four
corners. Imported from Switzerland.
h aim’s—Street Floor
Coke Service for the Motner who is such a
generous hostess! Eight pieces, consisting of
o large coke plate, a server and six match
ing individual plates. 22-kt. gold border
ond center decoration -$5.98
Kaitn’s—Third Floor
Evershorp "Fifth Avenue" Pen and Pencil
Set . . . a gift guaranteed to last forever!
14-kt. solid gold caps. As advertised in
"Take it or Leave it"—CBS Sunday nights,
Kami's—Street Floor.
Creamy Simulated Pearl* for Mother. Fa
vorite jewelry of every Mother. Always in
fashion . . . always so flattering . . .
Lustrous, creamy tones, round, even simu
lated pearl*. Rhinestone clasp_$5.00
piu* to% tax
Kann’s—Street Floor
Chrome and Glass Relish Dish makes a
thoughtful gift for the Mother who likes to
entertain. Chrome-finished tray holds a
crystal and ruby glass relish dish with six
compartments _ -$2.49
Kanns—Street Floor
Mrs. Sothern's Old Fashioned Sweets . . .
a tempting treat for your Mother or c
Mother whose son or daughter may be for
oway, May 14th. Charming floral dec
orated box holds two pounds of delicious
ossorted chocolates . -$2.50
Kann's—Street Floor.
"Cambridge" Gian Set |
— Iridescent blue pitch- I
er ond six tumblers, glis
tening ond tinkling at N
Mother'* porty. She'll
love to use it on every
occasion when friends
drop in for o chat,
Katin's—Street Floor
A Gift to Treasure . . . this complete King
James version of the Bible, Divinity Circuit,
with beautiful illustrations in full color. A
flexible, genuine leather cover with zipper
fastener _ . - $4.75
kann’s—Downstairs Bookstore
Choose o Blouse to complement the suits
Mother wears so well. She'd love the cool
white rayon sheer sketched ... its collar
cascading with a loce-trimmed ruffle;
youthful short sleeves, 32 to 38_$5.95
Fann'i—Street Floor.
She'd Love Gloves! Espe
cially these fin# doeskin
pul Ions (finished lamb
skin), so well fashioned
ond perfectly tailored. In
white or natural that she
con keep fresh by dunk
ing in mild soapsuds_$4
Kanns—Street Floor Jf
An Extra-Sixe Slip for
\ the Mother who has
\ such a time finding
, lingerie that really
y fits! Four-gore, lace
trimmed style of fine
rayon satin. Tearose
or white. Sizes 44 to
52 - SB.00
Konn’t—Second Floor
A Dram of Her
Favorite Perfume
Charbert's Breathless,
$1.75 dram
Renoir's My Alibi $1.60 dram
Suzy's Golden Laughter,
J $3.00 dram
" Suzy's Ecarlate $3.00 dram
Rubinstein's Heaven Sent,
$ 1.00 dram
Rubinstein's White Flame,
$2.50 dram
D'Orsay's Intoxication,
$2.25 dram
Caron's Rock Garden,
$2.25 dram
Caron's Christmas Night,
$2.75 dram
Coty's Muguet des Bois,
$1.00 dram
Coty's L'Origan $1.00 dram
Coty's Styx $1.25 dram
Le Long Tailspin $1.50 dram
Rigaud's Un Air Emboume,
85c dram
Lentheric's Anticipation,
$2.00 dram
Lentheric's Gardenia,
$1 .00 dram
Lentheric's Miracle $1.15 dram
Worth's Carnation,
$1 .00 dram
Worth's Je Reviens,
$1.50 dram
Ayer's Yu $1.00 dram
lAll rim ?0% Taxi
Dream House" Sewing Box would moke a
welcome gift! Goy rose or blue flowered
chintz, size 9x1 3 inches, with plenty of space
to hold Mother's sewing accessories $1.95
Kami's—Street Floor
Mother’s Day is the one time in the year when you
can be just as sentimental about your Mother as you
please! A day you can shower her with thoughts and
gifts and in some measure show her how much she is
in your heart every minute! We’ve dozens of gifts
you’ll want to put ypur Mother’s name on . . . because
they remind you of her . . . because they’re pretty . , ,
because they’re practical or maybe just frivolous!
WAR BONDS Will Give Her
a Sense of Security!
Yes, Mother is also a realist... though she will
welcome the pretty gifts which you may shower
upon her there is one gift she will prize more
than any other ... War Bonds! Because she
knows that the more she, and every other Amer
ican possesses, the less our boys will die in bat
tle—the more will return to the warmth of
their Mother’s arms! War Bonds are on sale
in this store and many other places throughout

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