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Accident Insurance For Boys and Girls From the Age ot 5 Years I Youngsters do most things with * maximum ot speed and minimum ot |' j caution. Junior Special Indemnify Policy Covers all injuries arising from acci dental means, sports included. Write or Phone for Circular ROGER N. STUART Preferred Accident Insnrance On. of New York 600 Woodward Buildtnv Telephone National 3996 Today's accident is not covered by tomorrow's policy ) Bridal / v Portraits ) 7 ly Underwood A Underwood From \ V twenty-fire dollort a dozen '} ? <Underwood \ I *Underwood 0 r Connecticut Av». at Q y y Ueke Vour Appointment Todty t* 6 EMorgon 0200 V N Thurgday ‘til 9 P. M. (. J Sunday 12 to < P. M. \ ^ ^'g NORCROSS GREETING CAROS * rf-fr Drafts of Ordinances For Ratproofing of Buildings Completed Drafts of proposed new city ordinances calling for rat proofing of buildings have gone to Health Officer George C. Ruhland, Maj. William H. Cary, jr., acting director of the Bureau of Sanitation of the Health Department, said last night. Health officials have been working some time on revamping present regulations dealing with rats. After the new ordinances, which are based on suggestions made by the United States Public Health Service, have been passed on'by Dr. Ruhland, they will go to the Commissioners. Officials hope to attain authority to require new’ buildings to be rat proof in construction and present buildings to be altered sufficiently to make them ratproof. Plans cover homes, business and industrial establishments. If the city gains authority for the program, funds will be required to carry it out. It is proposed to set up a revolving fund, with which the city could ratproof buildings not altered by private concerns, eith the cost being assessed against the owners. Rodent-control workers are now receiving an average of 250 com plaints a week on rats, which is considerably more than the present eight-man crew can handle. The crew is now' being used to work in blocks or areas rather than at any individual building. A request has been made in the 1945 budget, now before the House Appropriations Committee, for an additional crew. Finland Gravestones In Big Nazi Demand By the Associated Preaa. SAN FRANCISCO.—Note on world economic trends issued from the regional office of thg Commerce De partment: “Exporters of stone in Finland re port a brisk trade with Germany in building stone and increased exports of gravestones to Holland, Belgium and France.” 2 Howard Educators Win Fellowships Two Howard University educators, a graduate of the dental school and a student in the law school of that institution, were named today as recipients of Julius Rosenwald Fel lowships by Edwin R. Embree, pres ident of the Julius Rosenwald Fund I of Chicago. ; Awards for 1944 have been made to 15 white Southerners and 22 (Negroes, selected for their creative talent or distinguished scholarship, i The fellowships have a total value ' of $78,100, or approximately $1,700 j to each recipient. In addition, three members of the (Class of 1944 at Howard won schol arships of $500 plus tuition, for graduate work. Awarded fellowships were: Rayford W. Logan, professor of history and acting head of that de partment at Howard, has been given a grant to write a history of the mandate system in Africa from 1928 to 1940. Dorothy Burnett Porter, super visor of the Negro collection of the university library, will compile a bibliography on the contributions of the Negro to Spanish-American and Brazilian poetry and Action. Dorothy Margarette Reed, D. D. S„ a graduate of Howard last year, whose Home is in Glen Cove. N. Y„ will do postgraduate work at Colum bia University, New York. Pauli Murray, a student In the law school, will analyze the extension of minority rights under New Deal la bor and social legislation and do graduate w’ork at Harvard Univers ity. The scholarships were awarded to Hera Phyllis Bowie of Washington, for graduate studies in Latin and Greek at Columbia University; Wil liam Henry Branham, jr., Charles jton. W. Va., for graduate study In [psychology at Harvard, and Sybil iMarie Jones. Pensacola. Fla., for I graduate study in political science at the University of Chicago. Tojo Admits Jap Crisis; Koga Funeral Today By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 12.—Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo said in a statement issued in advance of funeral services today for Admiral Mineichi Koga, late commander in chief of the Jap anese fleet, that “the prevailing situation is now, indeed, very crit ical. the To*o radio reported last night in a broadcast to Japanese areas recorded by the Federal Com munications Commission. “Convert your sorrow for the death of the fleet admiral into a firm de termination to fight, and this must be a determination to advance for ward speedily for the complete de struction of the United States and PIANOS FOR RENT JORDAN'S 1015 7th $♦. N.W. NA. 3223 MOT * FRESH• ROASTED I PLAJHIERS p|jMts,^ T.i* 3lbs,75^ ““ MIXED AQ4HJk AIUTS AT THE ^705 15th St. N.W. MB sa ^«| ■ ■■■ '// Bet. O St. ft N. T. At*. PEANUT /lOlOFSt.N.W. / STOKE/ x^ I • --— Britain by fighting through this i tough and difficult battle until we securely win a glorious victory, thus < putting his imperial majesty, the Emperor, at ease,” he was quoted. | Another Tokyo broadcast, heard by NBC, said Adolf Hitler had awarded posthumously the Nazis’ highest decoration, the Knight’s Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, to Admiral Koga. I DON'T BE A MISFIT I I GET GLASSES I I If eyestrain is causing headaches, X a fatigue and nervousness, don’t let m ■ your eyes jeopardize your efficiency. 8 9 Take stock of yourself—especially » 8 your vision. Visit CASTELBERG 1 8 Optometrists NOW. P -THE HECHT CO. JUST 11 ORIGINALLY 89.95 BARREL CHAIRS Handsomely tailored In the popular barrel design, this comfortable chair is made with feather cushion. And the upholstery is at tractive mauve cotton damask. 8 Originally 79.95 Modern Club Chairs . . . in coral, wine, blue and green cotton tapestry_39.95 1 Originally 69.95 Club Chair . . . rose cotton brocatelle up holstery -39.95 2 Originally 69.95 Barrel Chairs ... in rose cotton tapes try -33.09 1 Originally 64.95 Barrel Chair . . . beige cotton tapestry, 33.00 5 Originally 64.95 Tub Chairs . . . green or rose cotton and rayon damask_33.00 4 Originally 59.95 Kroehler Posture Form Club Chairs . . . blue mohair or blue boucle frieze 33.00 1 Originally 49.95 Knuckle Arm Club Chair ... in plum cot ton tapestry-33.00 16 Originally 49.95 Knuckle Arm Club Chairs . . . loose pil low back, in plum cotton tapestry-29.95 1 Originally 49.95 Lawson Attached Back Knuckle Arm Chair ... in green cotton damask-29.95 1 Originally 49.95 Loose Pillow Back Knuckle Arm Club Chair . . . blue cotton tapestry-29.95 20 Originally 49.95 Fan Chairs . . . natural or blue cotton brocatelle- 29.95 1 Originally 49.95 Fan Chair . . . rose quilted cotton glo sheen_29.95 Buy On Our Convenient Budget Plan . . . Open a Hecht Co. Charga-Plate Account——A sure way to ease the rigors of wartime shopping. It saves you time (no waiting for identification). If assures correct spelling of your name and address ond is mighty helpful in identi fying you any ploce. Apply Credit Office, Second Floor . Saturday! $10,220 Worth Living Room Furniture for $5,620 ...! A windfall for you June brides ... you newcomers to Wash ington who are furnishing a temporary home ... you estab lished Washingtonians who have been feeling that your living room could do with a few new pieces. Some com plete suites . . . plus sofas and chairs. Many of them floor samples. Mostly one and twos of a kind . . . Many of them of the same period and able to be matched. Take r look at the list below .. . check your needs and save. Furniture, Fourth Floor, The Hecht Co. <*■ 3 ORIGINALLY 169.95 2-PC. CHIPPENDALE LIVING ROOM SUITES A handsome sofa and chair in grace ful Chippendale style. Choose blue, or wine cotton damask upholstery with nail head trim. 5 Originally 179.95 Kroehler Posture Form 2-Pc. Suites . . . in blue, wine, or green boucle frieze__99.66 1 Originally 159.95 Knuckle Arm Queen Ann 2-Pc. Suite . . . red cotton damask*__88.00 1 Originally 139.95 2 Pc. Kroehler Living Room Suite Posture Form chair and sofa in wine cotton tapestry._88.00 JUST 7 ORIGINALLY ► 194.95 GEORGIAN SOFAS Beautifully upholstered sofas in blue or rose cotton Brocatelle, these graceful Georgian sofas will add charm to your living room. 2 Originally 179.95 Chippendale Sofas ... in blue cotton brocatelle -99.00 1 Originally 179.95 Regency Sofa ... in blue cotton and rayon brocatelle_99.00 5 Originally 139.95 Duncan Phyfe Sofas ... in natural cot ton tapestry-88.00 3 Originally 149.95 Chippendale Sofas ... in rose and plum cotton brocatelle_77.00 2 Originally 149.95 Regency Sofas ... in rose cotton damask-77.00 2 Originally 149.95 Georgian Sofas ... in turquoise cotton and rayon brocatelle_77.00 3 Originally 129.95 Chippenale Sofas . . . rose cotton damask-77.00 1 Originally 129.95 Georgian Sofa . . . red cotton broca telle -77.00 2 Originally 119.95 Lawson Sofas ... in blue and red cot ton tapestry-60.00 4 Originally 109.95 Modern Sectional Sofas . » . in blue cot ton tapestry-55.00 T/te M\evkt C'jo. r STREET, 7th STREET, E STREET NATIONAL SlOO Buy War Bonds and Stamps at The Heeht Co. . . . Or Buy Them Wherever You Choose . .. But for Freedom's Sake, Buy Them Every Pay Day! Victory Center, Street Floor