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Mount Vernon Place Methodist to Give Special Program A special program, including music by the Angelus A Capella Choir, drawings by Milo Scott and a read ing, "A Parable for Mothers," with musical background, will be pre sented at Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church tomorrow night. The Recreation Institute will hold a demonstration and practice in woodwork, sewing and music from 7:30 to 10 p.m, Monday. In co-operation with the "Spir itual Life Mission” sponsored by the Federation of Churches, church women will hold a special meeting at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Dr, Glen Clark, author and lecturer, will speak in formally. The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet at 11 a.m. Tues day. The Mount Vernon Players will present Lula Vollmer’s American folk play, “The Hill Between,” at 8:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Anacostia Baptist To Unveil Honor Roll The Anacostia Baptist Church will unveil the church honor roll at 11 a.m. It will be preceded by sound ing the assembly call. There is one gold star on the list, Isaac Lynch, musician, first class, United States Navy Band on the Arizona, one of the victims of Pearl Harbor. In honor of Isaac Lynch, the authori ties of the Navy School of Music at the Navy Yard are detailing a bugler to sound “Taps.” ffirhmit QUrriHlian (Emtg. You will heor Scripture truths when you visit and WORSHIP WITH US Sunday, May 14, 1944 At 7:50 P.M. Sermon, "The Future of Israel" By Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (Dallas Theological Seminarr) HEBREW CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION 1200 Kirby Street N.W. One block East of New Jersey and _ New York Aves. Our Work Is Dedicated to the Glory of God Address all communications to J. H. Buckner, Director, Box 4821. Glmirttartt Covenant Church SHERATON HOTEL, 15th and L Sts. N.W. 11 a m.-—‘‘A Priest Forever.” <:30 p.m.—“The Secret of Sacrifice.” Wednesday, 8 P.M. OSCAR” T. BACKLUND, Pastor ANNIVERSARY—The Rev. Dr. J. Herrick Hall, who will ob serve his fourth anniversary as pastor of Fifth Baptist Church tomorrow, when he will preach at 11 a.m. on “The Ideal Mother” and at 8 p.m. on “Excusable Anniversary Boasting.” I Philadelphia Minister To Preach at All Souls' Dr. Frederick R. Griffin, minister of the First Unitarian Church, Philadelphia, will preach at All Souls Unitarian Church at 11 a.m. tomorrow on “Pure Religion and Undefiled.” Before the current problems class at 10 a.m. Dr. Mark Graubard, War Food Administration, will speak on “Food and International Peace." The speaker before the compara tive religion class at the same time will be Rev. Dr. Joseph B. Mc Allister, Catholic University, on "God in Contemporary Thought.” At the dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Women’s Club on Wednesday the speaker will be Laurence C. Staples. American War Mothers Guests at Universalist The American War Mothers of World Wars I and II will worship at the Universalist National Memorial Church on Mother’s Day at 11 a.m. Dr. Seth R. Brooks will preach upon “A Letter From Home*’ The Adult Class will meet at 10 a.m. and at 7 p.m. there will be an open house for all service men and women and young people. The church school will meet in the library at 7:30 p.m. Monday. The Mary Campbell Circle will hold a supper meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. HutJfmw t— Hirtijgratt TAKOMA LUTHERAN Seventh and Dahlia Sts. N.W. 1 Three blocks east of Walter Reed) Rev. J. ADRIAN PFFIFFER. Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 A.M. 11 a.m.—Mother's Day Service. ST. MATTHEWS K'ntocks Ave. at IStb St. S.E. DR. BERNARD J. HOLM. Pastor. P .to a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Ideal of Mother hood” A Cordial Welcome to A11. Arlington—Resurrection N. Wash. Blvd. and Powhatan (B.L.C.A.) WILLARD H BOBCHERS, Pastor. 9:46 a.m.—Sunday School II a.m.—Morning Service <T 1 I I VP Silver Theater Jl. LUrvC Silver Sprint. The Rev. R. C. Sorrick. D D. Paitor. 9:46 a m — Church School. 11:00 a m.—“A Christian Family's Coat __of Arms." HOLY COMFORTER 2202 38th St. S.E. 10:00 a m — Church School. 11 00 a.m.—Worship Service. •c£(L.en,?5 and Viators Invited. —JOHN T. KEISTER. Jr.. Pastor Augustano (Arlington) Services in the Wilson Theater. 1730 Wilson Blvd. AJ a m —“Christian* and *^ur v'orld. ’ Mr. Lundeen preaching Church School at 10 a m MISSOURI SYNOD CHURCH THE LUTHERAN HOUR EVE CHRIST LUTHERAN A Biblical Message in a Charming Church 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. RKV •* FREDERIC WENCHELL. I) f). Mr. Paol Bretsrber. Assistant. 9 4r> am—Sunday School Mothers Dav Service 11 a m —Mother s Dav Service Ser mon on "Memories of Mother*." <Nu^r.very^dunnR: 1 l o’clock service ) TRINITY LUTHERAN 30th ST. AND BLINKER HILL ROAD <Just Across the District Line), MT. RAINIER, MARYLAND, REV. EDWIN E. PIEPLOW. Toke Any F2 Bus 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.—"Mother What Have You in Your Home?" Evening Service, 8 p.m —"The Church i«t a Mother's Home." (Communion.) Keller Merporial Lutheran Church Maryland Avenue and Oth St. N.E. Cedric W. Tilberg, Associate Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—CHURCH SCHOOL. 1 1 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship, "The Marriage Cov enant," Pastor Til berg. 4:00 to 7:30—Youth Fellowship. 8 00 p.m.—"The Unfinished Ser mon." Dr. Henry W. Snyder. The Homelike Church ~~StTmaRK'S AND THE INCARNATION 14th ond Gallatin Sts. N.W. (Maryland Synod. United Lutheran Church» REV. HENRY MANKEN, Jr. D. D., Pastor. REV M. D. WHITE, Assistant. Matins with Sermon, 8:45 a.m. The Service and Sermon. 11 a.m. Bible School, all ages, 9:45 a.m. Y P. Luther Leagues, 7 p.m. (Nursery during services. 11 to 12.) AUGUSTANA V St. N.W., East of 16th St. Arthur O. Hjelm. D. D.. Pastor. 9:45 A.M. Church School. 11 A.M. Service Sermon, “The Spirit of Christ in Heart and Home.” 7:30 P.M Mother’s Day _1 Program. FAITH , EGBERT W. LONG, Pastor Lee Bird., at Jf ckson, Arlington, Va. —S^-tetung Worship. The Ideal Romance. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. Classes for _all ages. VMS##aajn~a riiHaaa^ • A.— ©race Lutheran Church 16th and Varnum Sts. N.W. Gerhard E. Lenski, Pastor 9:45 a m —Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Soul’* Sincere De ,, *;«•” Dr. Lenski. 6:00 p.m.—Young People. Fellowship Supper. 8 00 p.m.—“Loyalty to the Home,” Dr. _Lenski. __ ST. PAUL’S Conn. Are. at Ererett St. N.W. HENRY W. SNYDER, D. D„ Minister 3 3 a.m.—“At Mother’s Knee.” 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School ST. JOHN'S East Riverdale—Edmonston and __ Riverdale Bd. JOHN T. KEISTER. Jr., Supply Pastor. 10:00 a.m.—Church School. _S 00 P.m.—Worship Service. ZION New Hamp. Ave. and Buchanan St. N.W. 'Maryland Synod. U L. C A ) „... EDWARD G. GOETZ, Pastor " ,40 a.m.—Sunday Church School. '■A.n5'7TC1?.urc2 Worship. Sermon Christianity Begins at Home.” LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL Thomas Circle, 14th & N N.W. L. Ralph Tabor, Pastor. 9:45— Sunday School 11 A.M ! “Translating Our Enthusiasm." 7 PM Luther Leagues. 8 P.M. “The Woman and - the Beast.” CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION Opposite Folger-Shakespeare Library 212 East Capitol Street DR OSCAR F. BLACKWELDER, Pastor REV. RALPH W. LOEW, Associate Pastor MORNING SERVICES 8:110 a.m—‘‘Priestly Prayinr/’ Rev. N Everett Hedeen, Pastor Lutheran Service Center. 11 am.—‘‘Pressures on Family Life Today.” Dr Blackwelder. EVENING SERVICE. 8 p m.—“The Lady With the Lamp.” Dr Blackwelder. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Luther League, 7 p.m. ASCENSION DAT SERVICE. Thursday. 8 P.M. j THE PVBUC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. GOOD SHEPHERD Mt. Vernon ond Oxford Alexandria, Va. REV. A. E. GYSAN, Pastor 9 45 a.m.—Church School. I 1 on a.m.—"Mother's Day in 1911" rllRlCT Of Bethcsda 1 Chevy Chase. Old Georgetown Road at Glenbrook R A. VOGELEY. Pastor. 9 45 a.m.—Sunday School. ] 1 00 a.m.—"Human Nature PLUS.” "SIX SUNDAYS AT EIGHT Chaplain C. U. Wolf, who .served in front-line action throughout The North African campaign, will sneak on the subject: "LIFE UNDER FIRE.” _ALLARE INVITED ES OF THE LUTHERAN HOUR *Y SUNDAY, 1:30 P.M., WOL BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN 2407 Minnesota Ave. S.E. Rev. Edgar C. Rakow, Pastor SUNDAY. 9 45 a.m.—Sunday School Bible Class II a.m.—"Praying Mothers." Our Saviour Lutheran Church REV PAUL KAVASCH, Pastor 9th and South Taylor 8t.s 'Barcrofn, ! Arlington Sunday School. 9 45 a m. 1 Worship. 1 1 a.m. | TRINITY 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—“The Christian Home.” CALVARY 9601 Georgio Avenue CARL A. KOERBLR. Pastor j 9.45 am.—Church School. I II a m.—Mother’s Day “Motherinc Our Boys in the Service.” Bible Class Leaders Government Employe Teaches 'Our Work Lives' Bible Class "The Invisible Class" is not the name of a modern detective thriller but rather refers to the real and active O. W. L. ("Our Work Lives") Bible 'Class members of the Covenant - First Presbyte rian Church who, though no longer in the District, still remain an integral part of the class. The continued interest of the approximately 50 servicemen, serv icewomen and civilians in a class they can no longer attend c. c. Hau. is a tribute to the imagination and personality of Teacher Charles C. Haig of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Mr. Haig sends mim eographed sheets of his lessons to each member of "The Invisible Class” in addition to a four-page folder outlining the course of studies for each three-month study period. Letters go back and forth between the teacher and his pupils and to all intents and purposes the "in visible students” sit with the others at each Sunday class period. Meticulous as Mr. Haig is in writ ing his lessons, he told The Evening Star reporter he does not use the written notes in his class lectures. “A lecture loses spontaneity and sparkle when it is read,” he re marked. “Since I am teaching a mixed group of young people I try to bring them Illustrations from the life of young people. It seems to have worked fairly well.” Charles H. Dreyer, president of the class, said the last observation was a strong bit of understatement. "Mr. Haig has won the hearts of all his students. He shares in the joys of all his young friends, and he is first to offer help to those in dis tress. His teaching, showing so fully his many hours of prepara tion. is so clear and understandable as to resolve all doubts as to the meaning of each Sunday's lesson.” Mr. Haig joined the Covenant First Presbyterian Church on com ing to the District in 1917. Since then he has served as secretary and superintendent of~ the Sunday school. In 1930, feeling there was a need for a place for young folks to go on Sunday mornings, Mr. Haig gave up his superintendent’s work to form the class. Members of that original group, many of them now scattered throughout the country, still correspond with him. Mr. Haig, a native of Philadel phia and a graduate of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, is an ac countant with the Bureau of Inter nal Revenue, a position he has held since 1919. His wife, the for mer Alice B. Balaguer, of Charles ton, S. C„ was recently elected treasurer general of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. His daugh ter, Mrs. Richard Green, is em ployed by the War Department. Mr. and Mrs. Haig live at 207 Wilson lane, Bethesda, Md. Special Church Activities Mount Carmel Baptist. The Rev. C. L. Lindsey of Missis sippi is assisting the Rev. W. H. Jernagin in a revival. He will speak three times Sunday. Petworth Methodist. Mrs. Feaster and June Mehlfelt will speak at 7 p.m. on “The Place of Youth in the Christian Home.” Mrs. Theodore Wedel of the Woman's Council of the Federation of Churches will speak at 8 pm. on “The Christian Home Today.” Georgetown Lutheran. Maj. Robert Inslee will address the Sunday school at 9:30 am. Instru mental solo by Ed P. Souder. The cause of Lutheran w’orld action will be presented. Atonement Lutheran. Dr. Frederick E. Reissig, executive secretary Federation of Churches, will preach at 11 am. Sunday on “The Home Front.” Gorsuch Methodist. On Tuesday evening the Fellow ship Forum will have as speaker Miss Kathryn Eye, missionary to the Belgian Congo. The public is invited. Wednesday at 8 pm. the Rev. Dr. Horace E. Cromer, super intendent of the Washington east district will conduct the Fourth Quarterly Conference. Chevy Chase Baptist. The Golden Circle will hold its annual banquet at the Hayden Farms on Friday evening. The speaker will be Dr. Clarence W. Cranford of the Calvary Baptist Church. Gospel Hymn Sing. Tomorrow at 4 p.m. the first of a series of outdoor interdenomina tional city-wide gospel hymn sings will be held in the Eastern High School Stadium, under the auspices of various church laymen of the city. It is planned to continue these sings each Sunday afternoon until further notice. i - Christian Mystic. The Christian Mystci Class, con ducted by James W. McGuire, has accepted an invitation from the Center of Religious Education to meet at 1710 Connecticut avenue N.W., every Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Brightwood Park Methodist. A three-act comedy, “Here She Comes," will be presented Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m. Capitol Baptist. Evangelist Dale Crowley will preach at both services tomorrow. Presbyterian Ministers. The Presbyterian Ministers’ Asso ciation will be addressed at 12:30 pm. Monday at the Georgetown Presbyterian Church by Chaplain Bertram Crocker on “Experiences of a Chaplain in the Pacific.” St. Francis Xavier. President Clifton Sorrell of the Holy Name Society announces a special Mother’s Day program Sun day morning. The men will receive holy communion at the 8 o’clock mass and. immediately following, a breakfast' will be served in the school hall. Col. J. Sullivan of Seattle, Wash., will be the guest speaker. Father Joseph V. Buckley, pastor, will also address the gath ering. Western Presbyterian. The series of sermons illustrating the articles of the Christian faith contained in the Apostles’ Creed will be continued by the Rev. C. Stewart McKenzie. His text at 11 a.m. will be “The Apostles' Creed— the Forgiveness of Sins.” National Baptist Memorial. Dr. Gove G. Johnson announces for his topic at 11 a.m. “Soul Free dom,” when mothers will partici pate and Gold Star Mothers will be honor guests. The deacons and deaconesses will meet Tuesday evening. Vermont Avenue Baptist. Roland Hayes, tenor, will appear in recital at 8:30 pun. May 24. French Services. The Young People’s Franco-Amer ican Club, affiliated with the local French congregation, will hold its last meeting of the season in St. John’s parish house, 921 Sixteenth street N.W., Monday evening. A talk on present conditions in France will be given in French by a person connected with the French Civil Mission who has recently come from France, whose name is withheld because his family is still in .that country. Young people having a speaking knowledge of French are I invited. 15th Street Christian. Meeting of the Loyal Women’s ! Bible Class at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. F. M. Cooke. Chevy Chase Presbyterian. Dr. Herbert Eaton will speak to the college group at 7:45 p.m. Sun day on “High Lights of the Old Testament.” Lincoln Congregational. At the Men’s Brotherhood session at 10:15 a.m. Roy Garvin, secretary of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, will discuss “The (Test of Democracy." This meeting I is open to men and women. At 8 p.m. a special service in the (interest of consumers’ co-operatives (will be held. Dr. Howard Thurman, dean of the chapel at Howard Uni versity, will be the speaker. Mount Olivet Lutheran. A special service will be heln Ascension Day, May 18, at 8 p.m. The Candace Club will meet after the service. The meeting will in clude celebration of member's May birthdays. Mount Pleasant Congregational. At 6:30 p.m. Dr. Edward Merat, social psychologist, will speak to the 20-40 Club on “Current Social Problems.” A picnic will be held for members of church school and their parents directly following the service of worship. Christian Science. The Christian Science lesson sermon for tomorrow is “Mortals and Immortals.” Services are held at 11 a.m. and repeated at 8 p.m., except Third Church, at 5 p.m.: Fifth Church and Society no evening service. All are invited to attend the services and the Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Third Baptist. At 8 p.m. the Bonaflde Six of ■ Philadelphia, Pa., will render a i musical program. John Wesley A. M. E. Z. At 11 a.m. the Rev. J. E. McCoy will deliver the sermon. At 8 p.m. the Gleaners and the Men’s Usher Board will be the hosts to the G. U. O. O. F, who will conduct a memo rial service. uhr (Hmtgrrgatixnial (Ehurrijra FIRST CHURCH 10th and G Sts. N.W. Ministers Howard Stone Anderson Bertram Crocker 11 a.m. Christian Family Sunday Members of families of Service ! Men and Women will be special j guests of honor. Sermon: "OUR HEAVENLY PARENT" Dr. Anderson preaching 8 p.m. Concert by the Chorus of the U. S. Navy School of Music Lt. (j. g ) J M. Thurmond, U. S. N., Officer in Charge C. E. McCormick, Musician 3 c, Conductor With: William Moran, Tenor Robert Haufee, Violinist LINCOLN TEMPLE 1 1 th and R Sts. N.W. ROBERT W BROOKS, Minister Hearty Welcome to All People J 1 00 a m.—Morning Service. • Hold ing the Home Front.” J 0 1 .*> a m —Fellowship Session "The Teat of Democracy." 8:00 p m.—Dr. Howard Thurman, m'o-op* Prepare to Win I m? pw.“ PLYMOUTH CHURCH 17th & P Streets N.W. ARTHUR I). GRAY, Minister. iU.'iO a.m.—Graded Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship and Communion. “Women of Power." PEOPLE'S 624 M St. N.W fUMOa.m.—Graded Church School. 11 a.m.—-Worship and Sermon. “Gar dens and Homes.” ARTHUR F. EI.MES. Minister. “The Friendliest Church in the City.’’ Mount Pleasant 1410 Columbia Road N.W. Minister. FRED S. BUSCHMEYER, Lift. D 1J .no h m —Worship and Sermon. ’ FAMILY KOI N I) AT IONS. 3 4 5 a.m.—Church School. 10:0*i a m.—Adult Forum •"» :-o p m.—Hi-School Forum 0:30 p m.—‘10-40 Club. 11:00 a.m.—Church School * Kinder garten and Primary). INGRAM MEMORIAL Mass. & 10th St. N.E. 0:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 am.—“Living Parables in Our Midst " Bernard V. Munger. Minister. CLEVELAND PARK 3400 Lowell St. N.W. 0 15 a m.—Church School 1 1 .00 a m.—Guest Preacher. Rev Phillip N Widenhou.e of the WashlnRton Federa tion of Churches. / .00 p iji. — Younr Feople First Congregational To Hear Navy Chorus At Evening Service A concert by the chorus of the Navy School of Music tomorrow at 8 p.m. will feature the final Sunday evening service in First Congrega tional Church until fall. Lt. (j. g.) J. M. Thurmond, U. S. N„ is the officer in charge. C. E. McCormick, musician third class, is conductor. In addition to the choral groups William Moran, tenor, will sing and Robert Hauffe, violinist, will play. Christian faimily Sunday will be observed at 11 a.m. Members of service personnel's families in the parish will be guests of honor. The mother and daughter banquet on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. will have Dr. Peter Marshall as guest speaker. Alumni of Yankton College will attend the church dinner at 6:15 p.m. Thursday. Dr. Alvin Hansen, director of the Federal Reserve Bank and chairman of the Cana dian-United States Economic Board, will speak. Dr. Hastings Returns To National City Church Dr. J. Warren Hastings will re turn to his pulpit Sunday morning at National City Christian Church and speak on “From Sorrow to Service.” The School of Christian Living, conducted by the Young People’s Department, continues Sunday eve ning. Supper will be served at 6 p.m. at 1308 Vermont avenue N.W., and four interest groups will meet at^f p.m. with Mrs. Cordelia Pysher, Kermit Eby, Mrs. J. Warren Hast ings and Chaplain Leighton E. Har rell as leaders. At 7:45 p.m. Glenn Clark will speak. Luther Place Church The Business and Professional Women’s Club will meet for a Chi nese supper and program at 6:30 p.m. Monday. Pastor C. C. Hung of the Chinese Community Church will speak and girls from the Chinese Sunday school will sing. Founder’s day will be held at the National Lutheran Home for the Aged on Wednesday. Luncheon will be served from noon to 2 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Tabor will be the speaker at 2:30 p.m. During the afternoon will be a sale of fancy articles, fruit, candy and flowers. The Young People’s Fellowship will hold a party at 1326 Massachu setts avenue N.W. at 8 p.m. Thurs day. Christian Radio Rally Christian Jews will speak at the Christian youth and servicemen’s radio rally at 8 o’clock tonight at Douglas Memorial Methodist Church. The Rev. Sanford C. Mills Christian Jew of Russia and speakei of the American Board of Missions to the Jews, will bring the principle message. The broadcast conducted by Glenn Wagner, president of the Washing ton Bible Institute, will originate over WOL from 8:15 to 8:45. At 7 pm. a free canteen will be set up for service men and women directed by the Christian Business Girls’ Association. A Lesson For the Week Bv WILLIAM T. ELLIS. Neglected by dispatches because enemy occupied, Salonica—the an cient Thessalonica—is a strategic center of the war in the East. The Greeks fought valiantly there against the Ger mans and the Italians, and the old city still awaits deliver ance. Even as it was in Pauls day the great port is a place of central signifi cance. It is per haps the best harbor in Greece, the ter minus of rail- w. t. eiii«. road lines and the historic approach to the Vardar Valley, up which the invasion of the Balkans must go I wonder if the famous White Tower is still standing on the bund? Thessalonica was so named after the sister of Alexander the Great, so its antiquity is manifest. The mental and spiritual alertness man ifested during Paul’s visit still sur vives. When it was a Turkish pos sesion the metropolis was a revolu tionary center and the home of the young Turks. New Turkey was bom there. A Curious Secret Sect. One curious fact about Salonika is the persistence there, after hun dreds of years, of the Jewish sect of Dunmehs, a secret religion which grew from acceptance of the claims of the Messiah of Ismir. When I was last there the Dun hems were said to keep a man with a lighted lantern patrolling the wa ter front looking for the roturning Messiah. The messianic hope of Salonica is nothing new. In his first letter to the Thessalonians, which we study today, Paul stressed heavily the theme of the return of Christ. The letter makes clear that the apostle expected Jesus to come again within the life-time of the Christians then living. He was mis taken, as have been all the myriads since who have set a time for the Second Coming. On a hill outside of Salonica stands an American mission college, carrying on until stopped by the war, the work begun by Paul. Dr. House’s famous agricultural mission is also there, a notable station of the American Board. During the 1919 armistice there I rescued from jail three American missionaries who had been arrested by stupid and suspicious authorities. Later, the government sent over a cabinet min ister, and then the King himself, to apoligize. Trouble, Trouble Everywhere. Chased out of Philippi and Berea by Jewish enemies and the mobs they aroused. Paul and Silas came to Thessalonica, ■where they began their evangelising work as usual, Paul's message in this Greek city was the same that it had been else where—the life and death and res urrection of Jesus Christ, the Mes siah-Saviour. What a Christ-cen tered man was Paul! To him, in fullest sense, to live was Christ. All 'he persecutions and hardships he PrpHbglmau ?r*flbgtman ^====^- --:.— ■-—- . NEW YORK AVE. CHURCH 13th & H & N. Y. Avenue _ Minister*: „RFV PF.TER MARSHALL. D. D. REV. GEORGE W. BURROUGHS. Jr 11 ,?■!?•—Morning Worship, Dr. Mar shall preaching. 8 P.m —-Evening Worship, Dr. Marshall preaching. a m.—Church Bible School. 0 .ili p.m—Young People s Forum._ £>t;muoo& Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St. N E RICHARD M. MUSSEN, Minister. 8 oO and 11 a m.—“An Unpaid Debt.” H 4o a m.—Church School. Westminster 7th Street, near E S.W. RF\. HARRY V. PORTER, Paster. 10:oo a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. “Honor Thy Mother.” . on p.m.—Christian Endeavor EASTERN Md. Ave. at 6th N.E. Regular Stated Supply, Rev. Elwood F. Reeves, Jr. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a m.—“A Christian Mother.” 7:45 p.m.—Mother’s Day Tea and Program, sponsored by the Junior Choir. Rev. William N. Vincent is serving _ — Chaplain in U. S. N. R. TAKOMA PARK Maple and Tulip Ave*. R PAUL SCHEARRER, Minister 1 1 am.—"Mothers: Atha lioh vs. Eunice." 7 p m.—Dr. William H. Dobson, Guest _ Speaker. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN OF ALEXANDRIA Corner Prince ond St. Asoph Streets REV. FRED V. POAG, Minister » 30 a.m,—Church School, all ages. 11 00 a.m.—"This Place Called Home." 8.00 p.m.—Girls’ A Capella Choir of George Washington High School. _VISITORS WELCOME NORTHMINSTER ALASKA and GEORGIA AVEK. WALTER E. PRICE, Minister fi 45 a.m.—Sunday School 11a m.—"Behold Thy Mother." 0 -15 p.m.—High C. E. 7:30—Adult C S. SOUTHERN CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Intersection 15th, 16th & Irving N W , WILLIAM F. MANSELL, Minister DR. JAMES H. TAYLOR, Pastor Emeritus, Preoching 1 I :Oo a m. Morning Worship x oil p.m. — Evening Worship ooo am.—The Sunday School " 1 o * P m.—The Young People GARDEN MEMORIAL „ ''J* Minnesota Ave. S.E. o P»,I ,P GOERTZ, Minister. 0 3o a m.—Sunday School II a m.- Morning Scrricr 1 —Young People ? Meetlm. h pm —Evening Service Church of The Pilgrims On the Parkway at 22nd and P Sts. N. Gift of the Pres byterians of the South to the Na tion's Cap tal. Rev. Andrew R Bird. D. D., Minister™ 10 a.m.—Bible School of the Church. 11 a m—-"The Promise of Motherhood." b lo P.m.—Fellowship Hours for Young People. 7:45 p m —"The Eternal Christ." M'e QprtUnlly Invite Yon to Re at -a Home With U r CHEVY CHASE Chew Chase Circle Ministers: J. HILLMAN HOLLISTER, DONALD L. LEONARD. 9 30 ■ m.—Church School. 11 am—Morning Worship. "John Brown." 7:45 p.m.—Young People's Groups. Ail ages theTourth church 13th and Fairmont Streets N.W. REV. JAS. H. MIERS. Minister. Holding Forth the Word of Lite." 11 :U0 a m.—"The Ascension of Christ.” Broadcast over WOL at 11:30. 8:00 p.m—"Fishers of Men.” Evangel istic Song Service. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Kalorama near Columbia Rd. REV. JOHN C. PALMER. D. D. Minister 10 a m.—Bible School. Classes for all ages. 11 a m.—Sermon. "In Mother's Faith.” Dr Palmer preaching. Communion of the Lord’s Supper follows the sermon. welcome to all. Cl VTU Sixteenth and J I y\ I II Kenned; Sts. R.W. J. HERBERT GARNER, Minister. 11 AM. “Modern Mothers.” Infant Baptism 9:45 o.m.—S. S. 7 p.m.—Y. P. G UNTON-TEMPLE 16th and Newton Sts. DR. BERNARD BRASKAMP, Minister 11 a m.—"Why Observe Mother's Day?” Dr. Braskamp. 6:45 pm.—c. E, Fellowship. Mothers especially Invited. ECKINGTON North Capitol and Fla. Ave. Rev. HENRY B. WOODING, Minister. 11:00 a.m.—"The Communion." 8:30 p.m.—"The Victory Garden." 7:00 p.m.-—C. E. THE GEORGETOWN” PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3115 P Street N.W Ref. John Bailey Kelly, D. D.. Pastor. Church School at 9:45 a m. Morning Worship at 11 o’clock "THE MEASURE OF A WOMAN.” Young People's Service at 6:30 p.m. THE COVENANT-FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Conn. Ave. of N Sf. N.W. MINISTER ALBERT JOSEPH McCARTNEY, D. D. '* 45 a.m.—Church School. 9:45 a.m.—Men's Bible Class. 11 a.m—Morning Worship. "To Gen erations Yet Unborn." Dr. McCartney preaching. 5 p.m.—Choral Vespers by the Chancel Choir. "The Piper and the Reed.*’ n p.m.-—Covenant Fellowship C. E _ THE BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i:ws VERMONT AVE. N.W. loon a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Bible Message, Rev. Dwight C. Chapin. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. C. Stewart McKenzie, Minister *5 :45 a.m.—Church School. 1 1 :00 a m—"The Forgiveneii of Sim." R 00 p m.—"Looking Unto Jesus." UNITED PRESBYTERIAN RIVER ROAD River Rd.. 15th and Fessenden Sts. N.W. REV. VIRGIL M. COSBY, Minister. * 45 a.m.—Church Bible School H a m.—Worship. Sermon, “A Mother’s Wares.” 4 p.m.—Junior High Youth Group d:3() p.m.—Youth Fellowship Group. Mother’s Day Tea. WALLACE MEMORIAL N. H. Ave. fir Randolph St. N.W. C. E. HAWTHORNE, D. D., Minister 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. Classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m.—“The Christian Home.” 0 45 p m.—Christian Endeavor Societies. 8:00 p.m.—Rev. Duncan Roberts of the China Native Evangelical Crusade. endured were as nothing to him, so long a& Christ could be preached. Paul's host, Jason, had his house invaded by the angry mob that had filled the city with uproar, and he was arrested and put under heavy bail. The friends of the friends of God must expect tcfshare the enmity of His foes. The Bible speaks of “the fellowship of His sufferings." The Sunday School Lesson for May 14 is, “Paul in Thessalonica” —Acts 17:1-10; I Thesselonians. 'Soul's Sincere Desire' Topic of Dr. Lenski Following the time-honored tradi tion of the church, Sunday's 11 a m. service will deal with the subject of prayer. Dr. Gerhard E. Lenski, pastor, will preach on “The Soul’s Sincere Desire." Young people will meet for sup per at 6 p.m. under the leadership of Dick Meyer. The Altar Guild will meet Tues day at the home of Mrs. Raymond Hubbard. | — — — ——unaiaucj a V=JITJ w VU UU Hi I Do you with to know ! WHAT ! | CATHOLICS ! | BELIEVE? j | If so, you ore invited to attend | a course of lectures explanatory i of Catholic belief and practice, ‘ beginning SUNDAY EVENING MAY 21 at 8 o’clock ST. GABRIEL S HALL Illinois Avenue and Webster Street N.W. gE&igfBigig/aaiajafBiajaiMaiaaaB/giriiiai Infant Baptism At Foundry Church Baptism of Infants, including two sets of twins, will take place at It a.m. tomorrow at Foundry Meth odist Church. The morning service will be large ly of a musical nature. In the forum presentation of “The Christian Church in the Postwar World,” continuing the University of Christian Living series at 7:15 p.m.. Charles S. Hyneman, special assistant in military government to the adjutant general, will address the Foundry Forge on “The Church and State." Interest groups on “De veloping a Christian Personality,” “Knowing Other Faiths” and "Un derstanding the Bible.” Dr. John R. Edwards, district superintendent of the West Wash ington district, will conduct the j fourth quarterly conference. (Catfroltc ST. PATRICK’S 10th and G Sts. N.W. SUNDAY MASSES 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12:15 DAILY MASSES 7:00, 7:30 and 8:00 ST. DOMINIC’S Dominican Father* 6th and E St*. S.W. SUNDAY MASSES 8:00. 7:30, 10:00. 11:15 and IMS ALL lOW MASSES 9 00 a m:—High Maw. MARKING SPACE AVAILABLE. ST. MARY'S 5th St. Between Q and H N.W SUNDAY MASSES 7, 8:30, 10:30, 11:30 Miraenion* Medal N.vena Everr Men i*y- .. *******’ St®* and 10:00 a a. Devotion*. 11:30, 13:05. 4:00. 4:30, St*®. 5:30. 6:00. 6:30, 7:16, 7:45, 8:30 and #:15. 8:3*. broadcast. WWVC. MASS MEETING WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL Sunday, May 14 7:30 P.M. Followed by a Reception in the Bishop’s Garden FOR ALL YOUTH l Sponsored by the Council of Youth Organization* iff of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington f 1 he Bishop of Washington will present certificates ot award to Youth Organizations completing the “Bishop's Program.’’ Address by THE REV. HARRY LEE DOLL, Rector of St. Paul’s Church, Baltimore, Md. Make This a Must Go on Your Sunday Schedule . .‘..i.'iin^MrsY j^LIil,,,i../ili,irx.w|i.i^Ji,1,.ujippinpinnirrTr.MiinTTiii fcpiaropal fortarmnd NORTHWEST NORTHWEST I WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL Oven Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Holy Communion 7:BO ond 9:30 A.M. 11:00 a.m'.—Morning Prayer ond Sermon. Preacher, Canon Smith. 4 :00 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, the Right Rev. Angus Dun. 7:30 p.m.—Youth Mass Meeting. Preacher, the Rev. Har ry Lee Doll, Baltimore. Weekday Services — 7 :30 a.m., noon, 4 p.m. Holy Communion, 7:30 and 10 A.M., Ascension Day, Thursday, May 18. ROCK CREEK PARISH REV. CHARLES W. WOOD. Rector. ST PAUL’S. CHURCH. Webster St. and Rock Creek Ch. Rd. May 11th. ROGATION SUNDAY, 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. ,9:30 a.m.-—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:00 p m.—Young People’s Fellowship. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. 9:30am.—Holy Communion. You'll enjoy the services in this dear old ''Country Church in the City.-' and surrounding it nature is radiant in all the glory of her beauty. It Is Mother's Day—how more fittingly to do her honor?_Come! _ ST. JOHN’S Georgetown 3210 O St. N.W. Rev. F. Bland Tucker. Rector. 8 and 11 a m. and 7:30 p.m. 9:30 am.—Sunday School. _ St. Stephen's and The Incarnation 16th and Newton Sts. N.W. Rev. Flint Kellogg, MA. Rector. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Service. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH" 917 23rd Street 8:00 a.m.—Low Mass. 11:00 a.m.—Eucharist and Sermon 8:00 p.m.—Evensong and Benediction. 9U faints’ Chevy Chase Circle REV. C. W. LOWRY, D. Phil. lOxon.) 7:30 o.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Proyer ond Litany with Sermon. 6:00 p.m.—Young People's Fellowship. All Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Cann. Aves. N.W. Rev. H. H. D. STERRETT, Rector. 9:4."> a m.—Sunday School. Service. 1 l :OQ a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon ST. AGNES CHURCH 4C» Que St. N.W. Rev. William Eckman. S. S. J. E.» in Charge Sunday Masses—7. 9:30 and 11 o’clock. Mass daily. 7 a m. Confession* Saturday. 4:3(» and 7:30 p.m ST. JOHN'S Lafayette Square 8 no a.m.—Holy Communion 9 . in a.m - Holy Communion. Mr Magee 9:40 am.—C htliren's Confirmation Clast 11:0(1 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Dr. Rob bins. 4:(l0pm—French Service. Dr. Virpul lot. 0:00 p m.—Young Adult Supper Club 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Litany, Mr. Johnson, Sunday School is at 11 o'clock Christ Church, Georgetown Corner of 0 and 31st Streets REV PETTON R. WILLIAMS. Rector. H:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. ll:()()a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon fHary’a 26th St. fir Glebe Rood North DR. ROBERT O. KEVIN S oo a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church 8chool. f .11 oo a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon 1 3:30 p.m.—Tea for mother* and daugh* f ter*. \ St. Columba's *Zni and Albemarle Sta. N.W. •One block west of Wia. At*.) REV C. R. MENGERS *na 9 ®,m—Holy Communion. ?-,39 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. ST. THOMAS 18th St., Bet. P and Q, Nr. Dupont Circlo Rev. H. S. Wilkinson, D. D., Rector Sunday. 8 and 9:30 am.-—Holy Com munion. 9:30 a.m.-—Church School. 11 a m —Service and Sermon by the Kector. Wednesday. 8am.. and Thursday. 8 and 11 a m.—Holy Communion. EPIPHANY 13V G Street N.W. The Rev. Charles W. Sheerln. D. D „ _ Reefer, e ,T,?e Banter M. Lewis, B. D. 8 00 a m.—Holy Communion. 10 ;<>0 a.m.—Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon _ by Dr. Sheerln. 8:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Forum. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon by Dr. Sheerln. NATIVITY ss fia Eastertide and Ascensiontide. Resurrection. 701 15th N.E., H. C. Rev. Enoch M. Thompson. Rector. NORTHEAST ~good shepherd %^6th St. Between H and I NORTHEAST REV. EDWARD B. HARRIS, Yieet Services at 7:30 and U a.m. _ Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. ASCENSION Mass. Ave. at 12th St. N.W. REV. RAYMOND L. WOLVEN, Eeetef 8 am..—Holy Communion. H a.m—Morning Prayer and Sermon by Canon Wolven ‘ R I1,—Sunday Evening Club tot Young Adults. ©ur ssiatnour v^J..6th and Irving St*. N.E. REV. ALVIN LAMAR WILLS 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:.<0 a.m.—Church School. m—Morning: Prayer and Sermon, o 30 p.m.—Young People s Fellowship. SOUTHEAST mt. marks "ON CAPITOL, HILL” Third and A Streets Southeast REV. ROBERT J. PLUMB. Rector. 8 oo a.m.—Holy Communion. \ 9:30am.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon by RIGHT REV. GEORGE W. DAVENPORT. D. D. 0:45 p.m.—Young People's Fellowship. Thursday. 11 a.m.—Holy Communion. emmanuelTanacostia 13th and V Sts. S.E. 7:00 a m.—Holy Communion. 9:oo a.m.—Morning Prayer. 9:30 a.m.—Church School Service. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser __mon_ ST. JANES' CHURCH 23-; 8th St. N.E.—Tel. ATI 174#. THE REV. A. Q. PLANK. Sunday Masses 7:30 and 11. Church School at 9:30 a.m. Vespers 7:30 p.m. Daily Mass. 7 a.m. Holy Hour Thurs.. 8 p.m. Sat. Confessions. 7-9 p m._ _Montgomery Co., Md. <§race Ga. Ave. and Grace Church Rd. • Silrer Spring. Md. REV. WALTER W’. GATE. Rector. 7 30 a m.-ecHoly -Communion. 9:30 a m —-Church School. 1 I oil a.m,—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Arlington County, Vo. The Chapel o! Si. Clemen! THE REV. DARBY W. BETTS, B. D. Porkfoirfax - Fairlington — Seminary Rd. 8:00 a m.—Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.—Children’s Church 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. 11:00 a.m.—Church School Kindergarten at Fairlington School. 7:30 p.m.—Young People’s Group. Saint Margaret's Conn. Avo. fir Bancroft PI. REV. ARMAND T. EYLER I 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. ’ 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. J l 00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon J 11:00 a.m . Thnrsday—Holy Communion”