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Funeral Is Arranged For Rev. John Evers, Killed by Automobile Funeral services for the Rev, Dr. John Upton Evers, 67, of 125 Fourth street S.E., former superintendent of the Congregationalist Church, who died Wednesday night of injur ies suffered last Saturday when he was struck by an automobile, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Gawler's funeral home, 1756 Pennsylvania avenue N.W. Burial will be in Mar tinsburg, W. Va. A native of Reading. Pa., Dr. Evers was educated at Drew Uni versity and in 1897 was ordained as a minister in the Congregationalist Church. He later received a doc tor's degree from Columbia Univer sity as well as one from the Union Theological Seminary in New York. Dr. Evers was named superinten dent of the Congregationalist Church and a member of the Na tional Board of that church in 1923. Later he held pastorates in South and North Dakota and Minnesota. Retiring from active church work In 1926, Dr. Evers moved to Martins burg where he lived until about four years ago when he came to Wash I----1 DOES BIBLE PROPHECY INDICATE THAT CHRIST WILL SOON RETURN? THE BIBLE SAYS THAT WHEN JESUS COMES— The Dead Will Live Again! Multitudes will me taken to a home where there will be no death, sorrow or pain! IS THE COMING OF CHRIST NEAR AT HAND? Will Christ Come in Secret Rapture— or in a Blase of Glory? SUNDAY NIGHT 7:30 GOOD MUSIC Led by Leslie „ . . . ,, Mansell Robert L. Boothby, Bible Lecturer, - CONGRESSIONAL ROOM Hotel statleR 16th and K Sts. N.W. ~Evary Sunday Night— Alta Hear Boothby Wed. Night, 7:45, Alexandria, Va., in the Church, 4 Oak St. RADIO WWDC Sunday, 5:15 P.M. Monday Thru Friday, 6:45 P.M. ington to do research work. After the attack on Pearl Harbor he ob tained a Job a* guard at the War Department. He was on his way to work when he was struck at Twelfth street and Pennsylvania avenue N.W. Dr. Evers Is survived by one son, John Upton Evers, Jr., of 4803 Dav enport street N.W., president of the Institute of Knowledge, and two brothers, William Evers of Martins burg and Paul Evers. Knights Templars Elect Grand Commander By the Associated Press. CULPEPER. Va„ May 13.—Elec tion and installation of officers yes terday closed the two-day meeting of the Knights Templar of Virginia here. Tire outgoing grand commander of Virginia, who presided at the conclave, was succeeded by Attorney A. Otto Lynch, Norfolk, who was sworn in and installed by Thomas J. Nottingham, Norfolk. Among the Grand Commandery officers installed was David E. Bay liss, jr., Alexandria, grand senior warden. Augustana Lutheran At the morning service Dr. A. O. Hjelm will preach on "The Spirit of Christ in Heart and Home,” and a feature of the service will be the rendition of "My Mother's Prayer,” by R. E. Snesrud, tenor. At the evening service the Luther League will be in charge of a special exercise setting forth "Our In debtedness to Mother.” Members of the 1944 confirmation class will be examined publicly in their knowledge of Christian doc trine Thursday evening. The class will be confirmed at the morning s^fvice next Sunday. Gift for the Bride! White Bible Testament or Prayer Book [tShe'll appreciate your thoughtful ne». , „ Devotional Books "Norcross” and “Hallmark” Greeting Cards Communion Ware Purcell's Book Store 807 G St. N.W. Dlst. 1542_Elt. 1868 Irethmt SUNDAY SCHOOL, ALL AGES. 9:30 A.M. FIRST BRETHREN Twelfth and E S.E. JUST OFF PA. AVE. REV. MICHAEL WALSH— Well-known dvangelist of Philadelphia, will preach at 1 1 a.m. end 7:45 p.m. tomor row—Bring your Bible! CHBIST1AN ENDEAVOB. 6:45 P.M. _WASHINGTON CITY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREH «/v%^fD.C&^:V»£t.r fl :45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—Junior Church. 11:00 a.m,—“A Covenant With God.” There will be a consecra tion service for bebies at _ this service. 6:50 p m.—B. Y. P. D. Mother’s Day __ program. 8:00 p.m.—"Does It Pay to Dream?” “STflBflT ITLflT€R DOLOROSflffiMM At tie Croat let ration leaping ^ Stood the mournful Mother weeping. Bowed with anguish, deeply grieved Felt the sharp and piercing sword. TJIU Latin hymrr wnsof tbs most polbetic of the Middle I sssuolly aaeriM to Jacobus de Benedicts — though not with I absolute certainty An interesting Jeoture of the hymn ts the numerous | ik . aecaeione It hot heart eel to music by celebrated musicians. I CntPuMid U DEAL FUNERAL HOME 4812 Georgia Aye.N.W. Bih Strut BL *nTr| fm,, I I "Father in Thy gracious keeping 1 Leave we now Thy servant sleeping." 1 Widely traveled visitors ore pleased to liken Rock Oeek Cemetery to the famous cemeteries of th<= | Old V/ or Id. Deserved because time (2 Va centuries) | hos enriched its natural beauties ond added to its | collection of tore sculptured art. 1 J, !t s a tribute to the w sdom and fidelity of manage- J. w nier!' ds continuing Board of Trustees. A point JsjL 1 j °l utmost importance when the selection of a jiJ Cemetery is under consideration. j Nor,-sectarian Non-speculative Do investigate before you invest anywhere. Visitors' Hours: Office Hours: Vou are welcome from Weekdays 9 to 4;30 8 o.m. to sundown doily Sundays and Holidays 9 and Sunday. to noon. D. ROY MATHEWS, Supt. Rock Creek Church Rood—Opposite Soldiers' Home Scottish Rite Plans Alexandria Reunion Plans have been completed for the spring reunion of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Valley of Alexandria, at the George Washington National Masonic Memorial in Alexandria Monday and Tuesday and May 22, 23, and 24, sponsored by the Wash ington Memorial Lodge of Perfec tion. > Roger C. Sullivan, chairman of the reunion committee, has an nounced that there are 120 applica tions from candidates for the de gree class which will be known as the “Leonard J. Miller Memorial Class.’’ The prize of a pair of double-eagle book ends, designed by Thomas Fately and made by Clyde C. Lamond, Jr., will be presented to Dr. William Meyer, Herndon, for obtaining 68 petitions, the greatest number brought in by any one member. * The following schedule has been announced: At 8:30 p.m. Mon day candidates will report in the north room of the Memorial to be prepared to receive degrees; at 8 p.m. the 4th and 6th degrees will be conferred. At 8 p.m. Tuesday the 12th and 14th degrees will be conferred; at 8 p.m. May 22 the 18th and 20th degrees will be conferred; at 8 p.m. May 23 the 30th degree will be conferred, and at 8 p.m. May 24 the 32d degree will be conferred. Supper will be served at Shu man’s, 516 King street, at 6:30 p.m. all five days. At 8 p.m. May 29 there will be a reception for the class at Gadsby’s Tavern followed by dancing. Unveiling Service The Columbia Heights Christian Church will honor mothers of men at 1:50 a.m. tomorrow. There will also be an unveiling of 10 new stars on the service flag for the following: Russell Aiken, Miss Mary Frances Blalock, George W. Cooper, Miss Doris Double. Julian Fincher, Law rence Gibbs, Cecil Harp, Ray Lynch, Donald Messner and Russell Wil liams. Dr. Harry L. Bell will speak on “Mothers of Men” and will be as sisted in the unveiling ceremony by Lt. Doris Double, WAC, and Ensign Maynard Eicher, U. S. N. R. With the addition of the 10 stars the con gregation will have a total of 84 men and women in the armed forces of the country. gatrtottr (flfrapgl jfrgrpirg CHAPEL HOUR FOR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN. Dodge Hotel Garden House North Capitol at E Street Each Saturday Night at 8 O’Clock Informal “Everybody Slnr" Cboraaea. “Spend an Hour With Yonr Comrades.” _ Fellowship, Refreshments. ‘Yon Are Invited, Whatever Yonr Faith.” ACSF1CE8: The B. T. Roberts National Memorial Free Methodist Chnrch Rev. E. Sylveiter Weidmon, Ph D., Pastor-Director SUNDAY SERVICES CHURCH AT 12th and N STREETS 11 a m.—“Honor Thy Mother.” 8 •—Mother's Day Program. „ Midweek Service, Wed., 8 p.m. »:45 a.m.—8. 8. 7:15 p.m —Y. F. qitirtHltan g>mtttg Christian Science Society ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA 1913 Wilson Blvd. (Colonial Village Ballroom) Sunday Services and Sunday School, 11 A.M Wednegday Services, 8 P.M, FIret Church of Chritt Scientist ARLINGTON, VA. Fairfax Drive and Little Falla Street East Falla Chnrch Sunday Services and Sunday School. „ . 11 a.m. Wednesday Services, 8:18 p.m. Read! ns Room at 3218 Wllaon Blvd.. Arlington, Va. First Chnrch of Christ Scientist hyatTSville, md. Masonic Hall—Gallatin St. Sunday Services and Sunday „ School, 11 A.M. Wednesday Meetings, 8 P.M Reading Room—6213 Balto. Blvd, Hours: Weekdays, 1 to 4: Eves., Mon. __and Frl„ 7 to 9._ First Church of Christ Scientist _ ALEXANDRIA, VA. Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Russel Road and High Street Sunday Service and Sunday School, 1 p.m. Wednesday Evening Meeting. 8 p.m. Reading Room, 108 N, Patrick, Alexandria. First Church of Christ Scientist CHEVY CHASE. MARYLAND Cheyy Chase Library, 6908 Conn. Aya. Sunday Services, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Wednesday Evening Meeting, 8 p.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m., Cheyy Chase Elementary School. Rosemary St. Cheyy Chase Reading Room, 7 Wilson Lane Bethesda Hours, Weekdays, ] 1:30 to 8 Monday, Friday Evenings, 7:30 to 9:00 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Churches of Christ, Scientist, Branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Moss. Except as noted, Sun. Serv. 11 AM. and 8 P.M.; Sun. Sch. 11 A.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINGS— 8 O'CLOCK RADIO PROGRAMS—Sunday, WINX, 9:30 A.M.; Friday, WRC, 12:15 P.M. FIRST CHURCH: Columbia Road and Euclid Street N.W. SECOND CHURCH: 111 C St. N.E. THIRD CHURCH: 13th and L Sts. N.W. (Sun. Eve. Service, 5 P.M.) FOURTH CHURCH: 16th and Oak Sts. N.W. FIFTH CHURCH: 3563 Ave N.W. Sunday School, 9:30 A.M. (No Sunday Evening Service.) SOCIETY (Colored): 902 T St. N W. Sunday School, 9:30 A.M. (No Sunday Evening Service.) Reading Room, Sat., Sun., 7 to 9 P.M. Subject: "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH: 1612 K St. N.W. Week Days, Holidays, 9 to 9 (Wed. to 7); Sun., 2 to 6. SECOND CHURCH: 621 Pa Ave. S. E. Week Days, 10 to 9 (Wed. to 7); Sun., Hoi.. 2:30 to 5:30. THIRD CHURCH: Colorado Bldg , 14th and G Sts. Week Days, 8:30 to 9 (Wed, to 7:30), Sun., 2 to 6, Hoi., 8:30 to 6 FOURTH CHURCH: «Riggs Bank Bldg., 14th and Park Rd. N.W. Week Days, 9 to 9 (Wed. to 7); Sun., Hoi., 2:30 to 5:30. FIFTH CHURCH: 1626 Wisconsin Ave, N.W. Mon., Wed,, Fri., Sat., 1 to 5; Tues„ Thurs., 1 to 5, 7 to 9. Closed Sundays and holi days. All Ar« Wglcomg to Attgnd Our Church Sarvicei and U«« Our Reading Rooms. Founder's Bust Presented To Brookings Institution A bust of Robert S. Brooking*, founder of the Brookings Institu tion. was presented to that organi zation yesterday by Mrs. Janet Oregg Wallace, St. Louis sculptress, who brought the bust to Washing ton and delivered it to Mrs. Brook ings. She accompanied Mrs. Brookings to the ceremony at the institution. After the war, Mrs. Wallace said, the bust will be recast in bronze. Mr. Brookings was an interna tional philanthropist, St. Louis busi ness man and lndustralist. He was chairman of the Price Fixing Com mission and member of the War Industry Board during the World War. He died in 1932 at 82. The insti tution he founded Is engaged in economic and governmental re search. Hawaii Habeas Corpus Appeal Set for June By the A»«oei%ted PrM*. The Justice Department an nounced yesterday the Ninth Circuit Court in San Francisco would hear the Hawaiian habeas corpus appeal case some time next month. Justice Department officials al ready have begun preparation of briefs which will be filed with the Circuit Court within the next couple of weeks, the announcement said. The appeal for review was made by the War Department following a District Federal Court decision in Hawaii that continuance of martial law and suspension of the writ of habeas.corpus under present condi tions in the territory were uncon stitutional. Healing Services Dr, Sherwood Day, formerly mis sionary to China and India, will speak at the night prayer circle of the Christian Healing Mission in the parish house of the Church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation at 8 p.m. Monday. This meeting is one of a number introductory to the conference on spiritual living headed by Dr. E. Stanley Jones which will meet at Constitution Hall May 20 to 26. Prof. Glenn Clark, writer, will be guest speaker at the day prayer circle at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Z. D. Blacklstone will lead in pray ers for the sick and world condi tions. Laying on of hands for healing and intercession for the sick will be Thursday at 10 a.m. in the chapel of the Incarnation. The Rev. Flint Kellogg will officiate. Mrs. Roosevelt to Speak At YMCA Breakfast Mrs. Roosevelt will be guest speaker at the annual Mother's Day breakfast at 9:15 a.m. tomorrow at the Central Branch YMCA. Ar ranged by the Dormitory Activities Committee, the breakfast is for Central Branch residents only. The program will include a violin solo by Pfc. Erno Valasek and a vocal solo by Pfc. Rafael Sanchez, with piano accompaniments by Miss Olga Valasek and Mrs. Stuart God frey. Leonard W. De Gast, general secretary of the YMCA, will pre side, and Page McK. Etchison, religious work director, will give the invocation. Catholic Evidence Guild Seminarians of the Paulist and Franciscan Atonement colleges at Catholic University will be speak ers tomorrow afternoon and eve ning at open-air meetings of the Catholic Evidence Guild in Frank lin Park. The meeting at 3 p.m. will be conducted by the Aatonement Friars with Titus Cranny, Aquinas Thomas and Boniface Reidman, speaking on "Prayer,” "Sacramentals” and the “Eucharist,” respectively. Alexander Beaton will be chairman. At 7:30 p.m. the meeting will be conducted under auspices of the Paulists with Vincent Sampietro, Arthur Maguire and Joseph O’Looney giving talks on “Our Lady,” the "Incarnation" and ‘Confession,” respectively. The Rev. Edward H. Peters will be chairman. _llnrmmt MORMON CHURCH Presents "THE FULLNESS OF TIMES" —A dramatization of the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over Radio Station WWDC (dial 1450) TONIGHT 7:35 P.M. jSfrtett&H Friends Meeting of Washington, 21 tl Florid* Ave. Meeting for Worship First Day (Sunday) at il a m. All interested are welcome. Young People. 6:30 p.m S. 8.. 10:45 a m FRIENDS MEETING (ORTHODOX), J3th and Irvinr Street* N.W. 11 a.m.—Meeting for Wor«hip. Welcome Friend* Worship Group of Washington. Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Room 210, 1736 G St. N.W.—Every Sunday. 11:00 until noon. Come and worship with us. (&O0prl QIl}apgl GOSPEL CHAPEL 1 4th St. b Pcnna. Ava. S.E. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 7:45 p.m.—Gospel Preaching. Wedneiday, 7:45 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible study. Special: ALFRED A. KUNZ Executive Director of the Pocket Testament League, Friday, May 19, 8 pm. Welcome. ifazarntp ARLINGTON Church of the Nazarene 680 North Glebe Road Rev. Lawrence W. Conway, Miniiter 9:45 a.m,—Sunday Bible School. 10:45 a m.—Morning Worship. 6:45 p m — N. Y. P. S.—Hi. N. Y. Jrs. 7.45 a m —Evangelistic. Wed, 7:45 p.m—Midweek Service. First Church of the Nazarene 7th and A Sts. N.E. ERNEST E. GROSSE, Minister 9:05 a.m.—WINX The Beauty of Holiness. 9:45 a.m.—Bible School. I I :00 a.m.—Divine Partner ship.— in Mother hood. 6:30 p.m.—Youth Hour. 7 ;00 p.m.—Evangelistic. Midweek Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 44 Selectees Enter Army and Navy Today Showing preference to the Navy, two brothers, each the father of two children, volunteered and will be among the 44 selectees to be In ducted into the armed forces today. The brothers, Joseph J, Carroll, 29, and Clarence J. Carroll, 26, were reclassified recently and later vol unteered after deciding to go into the Navy together. The older brother's wife and two daughters. Regina Louise, 7, and Mary Joanne, 2, reside at 3820 First street S.E. Clarence Carroll's wife and two sons. Clarence Edward. 3. and Michael, 19 months, reside at 417 New Jersey avenue S.E. The Carroll brothers and 20 other men will go into the Navy and the remaining 22 will go into the Army. Names on the list follow: . _ _ Army. Aushermen. R. F. Harris, Samuel Carotnetl. A. p. 8lmmons. C. L. Dellinger, D. J. Thomas, Adrian Falkner, George H. Ch sholm, J F Hill, thomae Y Washington: E. O. Martin. Joseph H. waters, Leon F. Mfllsavic. 8. Whitley. Dennis Peterson, H. L. Williams. R. M. RiBO, Dan el Foster. Samuel Vito, Eaeklll J. Moore. Howard L. Wood, David P. Rovers, colter Navy. Deslderlo. John R. Morgal. Joseph A. Hanneman, Carl W. Waldron. John D Nielson, Gilbert Avery. Frederick 8. Shannon. B. J. Fox, John L. Cannon, Joseph L. Janus, Milton H. Sarroll, Clarence J. Cunningham. Paul arroll, Joseph J. Faulkner, Ernest E. Forsyth. Franklin L. Johnson. Julius Green, George B. Lancaster. CUHord E. Hartnett, John 8. Tolbert. Joseph W. Jones. Irvin K. Thomas. Paul 3 V. M. I. Cadets Expelled In Hazing Case; 1 Restored Br the Associated Press. LEXINGTON, Va , May 13.—Lt. Gen. Charles E. Kilbourne, super intendent of VMI, said yesterday that three cadets had been expelled for countenancing hazing, although one had been restored later to his position in the corps. As the result of an investigation into the incident which occurred several weeks ago, an indictment against one of the boys was present ed by the Rockbridge County Com monwealth’s Attorney Daniel W. McNeil to the May grand jury of Rockbridge County Circuit Court, which refused to return a true bill. Gen. Kilbourne said the youth who was the object of the alleged hazing, reported as having been sub jected to an arduous set of calis thenics, suffered no ill effects and even said he enjoyed it. Commonwealth’s Attorney McNeil said Wednesday that a 17-year-old cadet charged with arson had testified that he set fire in the base ment of the Scott Shipp Hall on April 26 to avoid having to testify before the grand jury in connection with the hazing charge. The latter youth, as result of a hearing on the arson charge in Juvdhile Court, was placed on probation and restored to his place in the corps. 'Union Now' Group to Move New and larger quarters will be occupied Monday by Federal Union, Inc., advocates of the “Union Now” plan, at 700 Ninth street N.W. Clarence K. Streit, president of the organization, said it was necessary to move from the old offices at 1728 Connecticut avenue N.W., because of expanded activities. People’s Congregational. Howard Miller and the minister will represent the church at the annual conference of the Middle Atlantic area meeting in East Or ange, N. J., next week. (Efyurd) of (Soft National Manorial 16th and Taylor Street* N.W. Headquarter*, Anderton, Ind. MOTHER'S DAT SERVICES. 9:45 am.—Bible School. It am.—Sermon, "Secure In Moth er’! Heart." 8 p.m.—J. We»le» Puller, Spokane,1 Wash , O u e * t Preacher. Go to Church Sunday. Rev. Estel E. Perry, D. D. TAylor 4393 (Truth (figtttcr A TRUTH CENTER MRS. APPLETON. Leader. 1713 K Street N.W. Sunday. 11 a m.—"The Sabbath Wa* Made for Man." Tuesday. 8:16 p.m.—Prayer. Interviews Tuesdays, Wednesday*. Thursday*. 2 to 6: Thur*day*. 6 to 9 by appointment._• Biutnr ^rtrurr First Divine Science Church 3600 16th St. N.W. at Euclid Rev. Grace L. Fans* Minister. 11 a m.—"The Nature of Prayer.’* | Thursday. 8 p m.—Midweek Service. fftlgrim Pilgrim Holiness Corner 13th & F Sts. N.E. Curtis E. Posey, Minister 11:00 a.m.—Message on Mother and Communion. 7:45 p.m.—"An Example of Victorious Faith." 10:00 am—S. S. 7 p.m—Y. P. Nun-^erlartau GOSPEL TEMPLE OF WASHINGTON 4209 9th St. N.W. G«orfia Ave. and Upshur St. REV. JAMES ROBERTS Pastor Gospel News Hour 8:30-9:00—WWDC 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 1 1 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 6:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. 6:45 p.m.—Young People. 7:45 p.m.—Evangelistic Serv ice. A Cordial Welcome Awaits You Un&rmrotinattmtal OPEN DOOR CHURCH 307 D St. N.W. REV. C. tV. OYER. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., for ail ages. Sermon. 11 a.m—"Three Aspects of an Ideal Family”—Mother'* Day Message. At 7.3n pm—"Lesson* of the Post j Deluvlan A*r for the Present Age." ' Prayer Meeting on Wednesday night at 8. WELCOME. • I WAVE Quarters to Mark First Anniversary Sunday The first anniversary of the com missioning of WAVE Quarters “D,” Massachusetts and Nebraska ave nues N.W., largest WAVE quarters in the country, will be marked at the building from 3:30 pm. to~6:30 p.m. tomorrow. Guests of honor will include Rear Admiral F. L. Reichmuth. com mandant of the Potomac River Na val Command; Rear Admiral J. R. Redman, director of Naval Con> munications; Capt. Mildred H. Mc Afee. director of the WAVE8; Comdr. A. B. Dorsey, commanding officer of Naval Barracks in Wash ington, and Lt. Comdr. Eleanor J. Durrett, District director of the Women’s Reserve. The quarters’ 40-piece band and 125 voice glee club will furnish en tertainment, followed by open house in the lounge of the new recreation building. Arlington Church Installs New Pastor on Tuesday The Rev. George H. Yount, for mer assistant pastor of the Cove nant-First Presbyterian Church here, will be installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Arlington, at services at 8 p.m. Tues day, it was announced today. Those who will take part in the ceremony include the Rev. Ralph K. Merker, the Rev. Irving W. Ketchum, the Rev. J. Hillman Hol lister, D.D.; the Rev. Albert J. Mc Cartney, D.D., who will deliver the sermon; the Rev. Alfred E. Barrows, the Rev. John B. Kelly, D.D., and the Rev. W.» Keith Custis, moder ator of the presbytery. A reception in the church school chapel will follow the installation ceremonies. Petworth Baptist Sunday has been designated as “building fund day.” A special of fering of $2,000 will be solicited to retire the indebtedness on the re cently acquired church annex prop erty. The Rev. J. D. Rodgers will leave after the morning service to attend the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta, Ga., of which he is a member of the Evangelistic Com mittee. Dr. M. C. Stith, executive secretary of the District of Colum bia Convention, will preach at 8 p.m. on “Let My People Go.” Calvary Methodist At the forum at 8 p.m. tony>r row Dr. Lloyd Bertholf, professor of biology. Western Maryland Col lege, Westminster, Md., will speak on “The Conquest of Nature.” At the meeting of the Young Peo ple’s Fellowship at 7 p.m. Miss Bess C. Miles, director of Christian Edu cation of Calvary Church, will con duct a discussion on "You and Your Bible.” Uttttjl Euattgrlifitir i i THE NATIONAL TABEHNACLE "For the Word of God. and for the Testimony of Jesus Christ." 6440 Piney Branch Road N.W. At Georgia Avenue DR. JOHN McNEILL, Minister i Saturday, 11 p.m.—"Bock Homo Hour"—Broadcast WWDC. Dr. John McNeill, Your Radio Pastor. REV. WILLIAM H. NAGEL Noted Evangelist, Writer, World Traveler Sunday, 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Every Night at 8:00 p.m. Rev. Km. H. Nasel. The Rey. William H. Nagel Of New York has recently returned to America from a two-year trip through 18 countries in Europe and the Near East. Mr. Nogel was granted on au dience with the late Pope Pius XI, heard Mussolini speak at the Palace of Venice, saw Hailie Selassie upon his flight from Ethiopia, observed the Feast of the Passover with the Jews in Jerusalem, visited the White Russians in the Polish Ukraine. Everybody Welcome All Seatt Free Euamjeltral rntii Irformeb BETU El 4347 LEE BLVD c ' n C L Arlington. Va. A COMMUNITY CHURCH i OR. LEE A. PEELER, Pastor 9 to a m.—Church School 1100 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.—Worship. GRACE REFORMED 15th and 0 N.W. REV. CALVIN H. iWINGERT. Pastor The National 1 Reformed Church 9:40 A.M Church School. 11 A.M. ’‘Mother's Autograph.” n.m — Supper i and C. E. FIRST REFORMED‘^Vie^ir Rev F. Nelsen Schlegcl, Pastor. SUNDAY 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship service. 0 to 8 n.m.—C. E. Supper Meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Ascension Day Serv ice. Address by Rev. Frank Fesper inan. Reception lor Denominational j Missionaries _ CONCORDIA evangelical I •10th and G Sts. N.W. • REV. CHARLES ENDERS. Pastor 0:45 a.m.—Bttjlp School. 11 a.m—Preafning Service. “War and Motherhood.” fi p.m.—Fellowship Supper. 7 p.m —Devotional Service. Everybody Welcome. (Eljnfitian iRrformeii CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Morning Service. 9:45 a m. Vesoer Service. 4:30 p m. REV. C. 8POELHOF of Lodi. N'. J . Preaching. nth and K Sta. N.W. Entrance 1010 17th St., opp Y W C. A. in <■ Dr. A. J. McCartney Returns to Pulpit Dr. Albert Joseph McCartny re ;urns to his pulpit In the Covenant First Presbyterian Church on Sun lay morning after a month’s ab sence. He has been on the West Coast, where he interviewed candi dates for the chaplaincy, and at the same time enjoyed a reunion with his brothers, Dr. Clarence McCart ney of the First Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh and Dr. J. Robertson McCartney of the Palm Springs Community Church, Palm Springs, Calif., and his sister, Mrs. A. L. Gue rard of Leland Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. At 4 p.m. the Westminster Oroup will serve tea to the mothers of the congregation in Covenant Chapel. “The Piper and the Reed.” a can tata by David McK. Williams, will be presented by the Chancel Choir at 5 p.m. George Barritt, tenor, will be the soloist and Theodore Schaefer will conduct the performance. Albright Memorial At the Sunday school session the men will join the women in the opening devotional period. At 11:15 a.m. the oldest mother present will be presented with a suitable gift. At 7:45 pm. there will be musical selections. On Tuesday at 8 p.m. the Junior Council will meet. A congregational dinner will be held on Wednesday. Plans will be made for the development of the new Albright Church Camp site, and the best names submitted in the contest naming the camp site will be chosen. It is near Rockville. Md. (&mk (jDrtfrobox ST. SOPHIA 8th b L Sts. H.W. REV. A. LALOUSSIS Services Sundays 10 to 12 A.M. Hfm Smtaalrtn _(SWEDENBOBG1AN) CHUECH. or THE HOLT CITT~ _ 10th »Hore Q N.W. m ,%*T- WIDI»“ ,r. Wnnaeh. Minister. 10:15 a.m.—Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Paul Sperri preaches. Subject. "The Line Betweea Saered and 8ecniar.” * p.m.—•Devotional Reading Clrclt.__ Unitarian Hnittrrgaiigt Universalis! National Memorial Church Cor. 16th and S St*. N.W. Rev. Seth 0. Brooks, D. D., Minister 10 a.m.—Church School-—Adult Class. 11 a.m.—Worship. "A LETTER FROM HOME.'’ 7:00 p.m.—Open House. WELCOME. (StempU of QUirtBl ILLUSTRATED “ORIGIN OF EVIL” Sunday May 14 8 P.M. Where did sin originate? Who wos the first sinner? Hear what the Bible says, and see it vividly illustrated on the screen. M. A. ROGERS PYTHIAN TEMPLE 1012 Ninth Street N.W. SECOND FLOOR Speciol Music and Songs From Screen CCIjrialian mtft fflinnimiarii Allianrr WASHINGTON GOSPEL TABERNACLE 5714 Georgia Ava. N.W. REV. R. L. McGOUGAN, Pastor 11 a.m.—Mornln* Worship. H:4R a.m.—Sunday School. 6:30 p.m.—Youne People. 7:45 p.m.—Evangelistic. Tuesday, 7:46 p m.—Prayer and Praise. Radio Broadcast WWDC 7:36 to 8:00 P.M. THE CHAPEL OF THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE A unique Home-fellowship Service Sunday Morning at Eleven 1210 Powhatan Street Alexandria, Virginia Illustrated Bible Stories (or the Kiddies. Too! H. WADE SEAFORD. Jr.. Pastor The Little Church with the Great Commission Rev. Dallas F. Billington 2312 Manchester Read Akron, Ohio HOW TO BE SATED Roman* 10; 1— Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to Ood for Israel # is, that they might be saved. Acts 16.31— And they said,' Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and Billington thou shalt be saved, and thy house. In order for any one to be saved, somebody must have a desire for them to be saved. We are about to celebrate Mother’s Day and every Christian mother has a desire for her children to be saved. But what we need today is more godly mothers pray ing that their children will be con victed of sin apd then saved through the Lord Jesus Christ. The word "SAVED" today is being left out of most sermons and most pulpits and practically all of our gospel hymns. They like to use the words ‘ church membership,” ‘‘affiliating themselves with the church,” “being sprinkled,” “being baptised” or "learning catechism or the ten commandments.” None of these things are essential to salvation. Salvation is stated clearly in the above scripture, ‘‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved ” Believe He died for your sins, that He rose again, and one day is coming again. Won’t you be saved today through believing on the Lord Jesus Christ? We publish our own weekly paper. Send for free copy. —Rev. D. r. Billington. Will answer Bible Questions Free 2312 Manchester Road Akron 14, Ohio Waufjingtmt (flfrrigtian ingtitiri* £> Washington Christian Institito "rf 1851 Col. Rd. N.W. STELLA LANGFORD, Looder. Sunday, IX A M. “Mother of Christ." Call NA. 1047 for Class Schedule and Healing. * frgU-ftealtzaltmt Swan! Premananda of India Sunday, at 11 A.M. "Modern Hinduism" Public Class in Philosophy and Toga P ?eoent toh‘,wXn“1' “thor ,f SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP (Non-Sectarian Church) *74$ Western Avenue N.W. (N2 Bus to Chesapeake and 49th Sta.) Sfoligimig Sfraratum CENTER OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION m« CONNECTICOT AVE. AT • Sunday, May 13, 6:30 and 8 P.M. james w. McGuire Christian Mystic Class Lectur* HAZEL BURNS APPLEBY "Egyptian Secret Initiation." Week Night Classes, 8 p.m. Tuesday, Elizabeth Dawes: Seminar. Friday, Mrs. Boatman: Astro-Psy-1* c ho logy. Saturday, E. Matthews Dawson: Kofeala. &pirttual-%ifg Mlaaian noojTday services 12:05—12:30— May 15-19 Dr. E. Stanley Jones Speaker New York Ave. Presbyterian Church New York Ave. at H St. N.W. 12:35—1 :20 PRAYER SERVICE Dr. Glen Clark Speaker Auspices of the Washington Federation of Churches A SPIRITUAL-LIFE MIS SION to undergird the I Churches of Washington' —to inspire the Church for courageous leadership —to teach the Church that there can be victory through prayer-power —and that to go further we must plow deeper. Hear Dr. E. Stanley Jones Each Noon (Eljurrti trf Olhrtal k QUrurrit of QHjriflt CHURCHES of CHRIST ARLINGTON, VA. 20 North Irving St. Harry Pickup. Miniater. 10:0(1 am.—Bible Study. 10.50a.m.—"Am I My Brother'i Keeper?” Rev. McOaughey, Quest Minister. 6:00 pm, at Franklin? Park—"From Heaven or From Men.” Rev. McOaughey. 7:46 p.m.—"Go Work Today in My Vineyard.” WOL. 12:30 to 12:46. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.—Prayer Service. FOURTEENTH STREET 3460 14th Strut N.W, C. E. McGAUGHEY. Minister. 0:46 a.m.—Bible School 10:45 a m.—Harry Pickup, Quest Min ister. 6:45 p.m.—Young People’s Meeting. 8:00 p.m.—“How to Understand the Bible.” the Pastor WOL From 12;*0 to 12:45. ANACOSTIA 2407 Minn. Ave. S.E. Bonds Stocks, Minister TR. 7833. 10 a m.—Bible School. 10:50 a.m.—"Worked for God." 8 p m.—"The New Testament Church." 7:15 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. Wednesday. 8 p.m—Prayer Service WOL. 13:30 to 13:45. AVALON HEIGHTS 28th and Douglas Streets N.E. At Bladensburg Road John T. Smithson. Jr.. Minister Evangelistic Services Each Evening at 8. Howord Horton, Speaker. 10 a m.—Bible School. 11 a m—Morning Worship. 7 p.m.—Young people's Meeting. 8 p.m—Evening Worship. (WOL Prom ^:3Q to 1S:48)