Newspaper Page Text
ereToGo at To Do CEREMONY. Wreath laying ceremony: France Forever organization to place wreath on Joan of Arc statue. Meridian Hill Park, noon tomorrow. DANCES. Folk dance, Friendship House, 8 o’clock tonight. Tank Corps Post 19, American Legion, Clubhouse, 2437 Fifteenth street N.W., 9 o’clock tonight. DINNER-DANCE. Annual May profram of Massa chusetts State Society, Hotel 2400, 7:15 o’clock tonight. EXHIBIT. Textile and costume exhibit from Metropolitan and Brooklyn Mu seums, embassies and private col lections, United Nations War Cen ter, 1720 I street N.W., noon to 6 p.m. daily through Monday. FILM. “Ayudame A Vivir,” Pierce Hall, 8 o'clock tonight. HIKES. National Capital parks: Bird walk In Rock Creek Park, meet at Six teenth and Kalmia streets N.W., 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. Nature walk along C. & O. Canal, meet at stop 24 on Cabin John streetcar line, 3 p.m. tomorrow: to conclude with picnic supper. Hike along Rock Creek Park trails, meet at Sixteenth and Geranium streets N.W., 10 a.m. to morrow. Wanderbirds’ Hiking Club: Belle vue to Fort Foote and return, meet at Pennsylvania avenue and Tenth street N.W., to board Bellevue bus, 9:20 a.m. tomorrow. Center Hiking Club: Eight-mile hike along Northwest Branch. Md„ meet at end of Georgia and Alaska bus or car line, 10 ajn. tomorrow. TRIPS. National Capital Parks horse drawn barge trips: Upstream trip begins at Thirtieth street south of M street N.W. at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. tomorrow. Downstream trip begins at Lock 5, at Brookmont, Md., at 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. tomorrow. American Youth Hostels bike trips: Sandy Spring, Md„ meet at Sixteenth and Kennedy streets N.W., 9 a.m. tomorrow. To Arlington Cemetery and Lee Mansion, meet Virginia side of Memorial Bridge, 1 pm. tomorrow. FOR SERVICEMEN. Stage Door Canteen, Belasco Theater, tonight: Belle Fenstock, composer-pianist, and Military Dis trict of Washington Dance Band. Dance and buffet supper, Arling ton Recreation Center, 5 o'clock to night. Chapel hour: Community hymn and gospel singing, refreshments, Dodge Hotel Garden House, 8 o’clock tonight. Officers' Service Club for United Nations dance, Willard Hotel, 9 o’clock tonight. Formal dance, Jewish Community Center (USO), 9 o'clock tonight. Buffet supper, 7:30 o'clock. Service men and women may ob tain additional information on other activities by calling the United Nations Center, National 3900, or any of the following USO numbers: Executive 0428, Republic 1527, Na tional 3431, National 0614, or, for Negroes, Decatur 5664. Births Reported Herbert and Minnie Anderson- girl James and Margaret Anderson, girl Wiiham and Ruth Billingsley, boy. George and Betty Bloom, boy. Simeon and Mildred Bluh. boy. Edward and Florence Bradunas. boy. Gorman and Norma Carter, boy. Charles and Virginia Cherepka, girl. George and Annette Comenetz. boy. Paul and Elizabeth Creel, girl. Joseph and Marie Cunningham, bo. Robert and Harriett Donovan, girl. John and Verna Elko. boy. Jessie and Bertie Graves, boy. John and Mary Grice, boy Robert and Margaret GrUBn. boy Charles and Edna Hamann. boy Edwin and Martha Hauber. girl. Philip and Florence Hollock. girl. William and Winsome Jones, bey. Clarence and Helen Kurtz, boy. Vance and Mary Lelninger. boy. John and Margaret Levesque, girl. John and Lois Matkin boy. Warren and Ellen Moore, girl. John and Mildred Mullen, boy. William and Mildred McClary. girl. Harry and Louise McCobb, girl. Jerrold and June McGune, girl. Thomas and Annie Newbold, girl. Lowell and Catharine Patterson, cirl. Edward and Victory Peternell, girl. Edward and Louise Quinn, boy Elbert and Beth Reynolds, boy. Cross and Alyce Rogers, hoy. Dan and Burnette Russell, boy Charles and Louise Sherzer, girl Robert and Katheryn Silva, girl. John and Doris Skiles. girl. Earl and Nannie Stallard. girl Henry and Georole Taylor, boy. John and Mary Umholtz, girl. George and Catherine Unaerwood. boy. Donald ana Jeanne Van Note. girl. William and Marjorie Walsh, boy James and Madelyn Warrick, girl. Bryan and Leona Weaver, boy. Harris and Beulah White, girl. Paul and Edith Widious, girl. William and Jeanette Wilson, cirl Herbert and Pearl Wincorn, boy. James and Clarice Winters, boy. Robert and Marv Worden, boy Joseph and Adella Adams, boy. Earnes* and Mary Alexander, girl. Ous and Marv Banks, boy. Orville and E'sie Barnes, cirl. William and Sallie Boddie. girl. Charles and Margaret Boone, girl. Ralph and Eleanor Brown, boy. Wesley and Jeannette Brown, girl Robert and Dora Childs, boy. Richard and Gladys Christian, girl. Thomas and Willie Corbitt, «irl. J. C. and Lottie Cox, boy. Thomas and Hazel Craven, girl. Henry ana Mabala Crawford, girl. William and Geneva Dagr.ey. girl. James and Jessie Davis, boy Charles and Willie Evans, boy. Raymond and Helen Fisher, girl. Jamr.' and Romay Fowler, boy. James and Rose Freeman, girl, Joseph and Alice Garnett, cirl. John ana Susie Garland, boy. Lorenzo and Esther Gaskins, boy. Oscar and Catherine Goison. boy. James and Nettie Gray. girl. Louis and Ooessa Hackney, boy. Oscar and Margaret Hal!, boy. Henry and Ruth Harrington, boy. Eston anti Ruth Harrison, girl. Paul and Leona Hunt, girl. Jimmie and Sylvia Jennings, boy. William and Virginia Jerome, boy. James and Annabelle Johnson, girl. Robert and Panzy Jones, boy. Beniamin and Doris Marsha l, bov, Ferdinand and Naomi Marshall, boy. Sherman and. Katie Mitchell, boy. Waller and Belty Moseley, glrl. Luther and Annie Mulse-. boy. William and Mattie McClure, girl. Obadiah and Mattie McCoy, girl. Lest' / and Lulu McCrea. boy. Daniel and Mery Norris, girl Lee and Johnnie Perr&m. girl. Wilbert and Qveenie Phillips, girl. Jessie and Frances Prost. boy James and Adlene Robinson, bo John and Anna Rucker, girl Royal an< Georvia Ruffing, girl Daniel and Arne Sharpe, boy Predrich and Edna Simms, girl Carl and Aare. Smith, boy. Charles and Adrienne Smothers, girl. Cleo and Katie Springfield, bm William and Louise Taylor, girl. Richard and El'.er Taylor, girl Edward and Edna T'rtde], girl Raymond and Naomi lin' cr. boy. Paul and Mable Tolbert, girl. John and Andrena Twyman. girl. Nathaniel and Mary Wheeler, boy. John and Leo!a Williams, hoy. Benjamin and Jane Will;-ms cirl. Walter and Kora William'., gill Jerry anti Charlotte Wilson girl Mathew and Nadyne Young, girl. Deaths Reported Henry T Davis. *57. 1**14 Massachuaetti ave. n.w Joseph S. Makolaytis 53. Philadelphia. P» Rosamond F. Harbison, 52. 24ho 16th fit n.w. Sarah Danoff. 35. <1213 7th st,. n.w Sarah Davie. 30, 770 Morton st n.w, Annie E Catlett 77. 5*43 g st. n.w. Robert B Long. <52. 1413 New Jersey ave n.w. Rliner Timbers. 4*5 Woodstock. Va James Goudlotk, 42, 43K Clarks cour *.w. Tivian C. Hunter, 36. Fairmont Height n.w. garland Taborn. 31 141K s st, n.w Edward O Pryor. 17. 1245 1st st. aw. Richard Jackson. Middlebur^. Va Make idle dollars fighting Wa Bond dollars! ferriage License Applications j Under D. C. Ian's. couples must \ apply for a marriage license on \ one day, wait three full days and j receive their license on the fifth j day. Sundays and holidays are | counted the same as other days. Clarence Christensen, 23. Estherville, Iowa, and Dorothy Curran, 25, 1501 Park rd, n.w. Robert Donaldson, 24. Bolling Field, and Dorothy Greene. 24. Fort Mycr. James Wallace, 22, Quantlco. and Eliza beth Linville, 21, Hollywood. Chester Tunk, 2'.’. Flint. Mich . and Vera Carlson. 21. 2705 Minnesota ave. s.e. Ear! Molyneux. Fall River. Mass., and Wanda McMahan. 20. 1434 Fair mont st. n.w. William Dutcher 23. Navy Yard, and Al berta Payne. 23. 407 H st. n.e. Robert Spillman. Jr., 23. 020 Gallatin st. n.w.. and Suzanne Miller. 23. Berwyn, Md. Hendemon McNeill. 31, I fiurinburg. N. C . and Dorothy Holsall. 32. Detroit. Ulyssess Mobley. 23. 1112 loth st. n.w., and Mary Whitley. 20, 2422 17th st. n.w. William Trus. 32, and Ella Crawford. 22, Spring Held. Ohio. Charles F'own, '8. ]33 Florida ave. n.w., and LaVerne Williams. 16, 431 Warner st. n.w. Jesse Taylor. 22, 1340 Corcoran st. n.w., and Monta Jones, 24, 618 Lamont st. n.w. Servt. Frederick Johnson. 26. Camp Lee. Va. and Margaret Jackson. 24, 1818 H st. n.e. James Owens. Jr., 831 Division ave. n.e. and Anna Brabham. 21, 5312 James pi. n.e. Amico Lombardi. 22. and Frances Kietka. 18, both of Baltimore. Charles Berneker. 3F. York. Pa., and Della Clancy. 2,3. Sherman. 111. Morton Reddin'! 31. 4500 Suitland rd.. Sultlend. and Grace Osborn. 20. Balti more, Raymond O'Brien, 20, 2801 5th st. n.e.. and Estella Bauer, 20, 623 Girard st, n.e. Robert Murray, tr.. 25. Birmingham, and Wilma Wikert. 26. Spencer. Iowa. Ruby Schultz, 24 1768 Lanier pi. n.w.. and Doris Powell, 24, 3820 Veazcy st. n.w. Medlll Loebner. 33, 1740 P st. n.w., and Katherine Cox. IP. 2703 31st st. s.e. James Colbert. 54. and Tessle Johnson, 38. both of 1134 23rd st. n.w. Charles Evans, IP, 1631 Rosedale st. r e., and Emma Baltimore, 10. 815 12th st. n.e. Lavendar Wilson. 26. 2724 11th st. n.w.. and Maggie Quick. 23, 3022 Sher man ave. n.w. Lt. Wayland Cost.on, 23. Enloe. Tex., and Evelyn McCarthy. 22, 4835 Van Ness st. n.w, Clarence Couglll, 34. 1438 Meridian pi. n.w,. and Margaret Hinton, 21, 4001 1st st. s.e. Waste Paper is a vital weapon of war. Save it and save some boy’s life! ■»»»»»» IMHMHHHF SPECIAL NOTICES. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any \ debts contracted by any one other than i myself. Chaille P. Sims, 2022 Columbia I rd. n.w. 14* I WILL not be responsible for any debts : other than my own. Owen W. Bradshaw, 1020 N. Kenesow st.. Arl., Va. * I EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, I will not be r. onsio. r ior any t.ebts contracted or i business obligations incurred by any per son or nersons other than my wile or my sell. Joseph L. Goldberg, 30 Buchanan st. n.e.*_ THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the American Fire Insurance Company of D. C for the election of seven (7) trustees for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the company. 511 7th street n.w.. Washington. D. C., on Thurs day. June 15, 1944. at 11 o'clock a.m. Polls will be open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. GEORGE _ M. EMMERICH, Secretary. _ THE NATIONAL CAPITAL BANK OF WASHINGTON—SH AREHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that pursuant to tall of its directors a special meeting of Ihe shareholders of the National Capital Bank of Washington will be held at Its banking house at No 316 Pennsylvania Avenue S.E. In the City of Washington, District of Columbia, on Friday. June 9, 1944. at 12:00 o'clock, Noon, for the ourpose of considering and determining by vote whether an agreement to consolidate Lhe said bank and the East Washington 3avings Bank oi Washington, located in the City oi Washington, District of Co lumbia. under the nrovisions of the laws of the United States, shall be ratified and confirmed, and for the purpose of voting upon any other matters incidental to the proposed consolidation of the two banks. A copy of the aforesaid agreement executed by a malorlty of the Directors and Trustees of each of the two banks, providing for the consolidation, is on file at the bank and may be inspected during business hours. GEORGE A. DIDDEN. Jr.. __President. THE EAST WASHINGTON SAVINGS BANK OF WASHINGTON, D. C.—SHARE HOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to call of its trustees a special meeting of the shareholders of the East Washington Savings Bank of Washington. D. C.. will be held at its banking house at No 312 Pennsylvania Avenue S.E. in the City of Washington. District of Columbia, on Wednesday, June 7. 1944. at 11:00 o'clock, a.m . for the DUrpose of considering and determining by vole whether an agree ment to consolidate the said bank and the Nationa' Capital Bank of Washing ton. located in the City of Washington. District ol Columbia, under the provisions of the laws of the United States, shall be ratified and confirmed, and for the pur pose ot voting upon any other matters incidental to the proposed consolidation of the two banks A copy of the afore said agreement executed by a majority of the Directors and Trustees of each of the two banks, providing for the consolida tion, is on file at the bank and may be inspected during business hours. S. WILSON EARNSHAW. Treasurer. J. C. W, Beall, Francis J. Kane. T. Earle Bourne, William N. Payne, jr„ James A. Donohoe, jr.. Edw. B. Hughes, G. E. Dunkum. ir„ W. F. Simpson, John Ford, Ernest E. Herrell. William Thomson, H. Lewis Flemer, GAS WATER” HEATERS. ~ 20. 30. 40 gal. automatic: no cash needed, small monthly payments; immediate in stallatlon. D A Stan-bury. Lincoln 3029 __ HELP_MEN. ASSISTANT CAFETERIA MANAGER, ex perienced. $50 v.eek. board and room. Apply 2051 M st. n.w. ASSISTANT SEXTON, colored. St. John's Church. 10th and H Sts. C; il DI 1857 or come to 821 10th st. n.w A* TO BODY and fender man to work for , Chevrolet dealer, nl^-day week, permanent job with excellent salary vacation with nay; must, have release. Call Mr. Sud ditn. WI 1025: or after 7 p.m . GE. 0«»3 3. At TO GREASE MAN. all or part time. McDowell Bros. 4201 Conn, ave 14* Al TO MECHANIC, must be sober and re liable: referenc<'> required Riverdale Garage. Hyattsville 0120. AUTO MECHANIC, experienced, for well established rarage and filling station- soo a week to start. Mr Lauer. ME 9089, M**-re e.vr "d M st. s v AUTO MECHANIC; excellent salary, good , working conditions and permanent mb with Washes oldest Chevrolet dealer. Se Mr. Dilion* Barry-Pate & Addison. 1522 14th st. n.w AUTO. PAINTER—An experienced man, capable of taking charge of a large touch up dept. Lacquer work only. Permanent position. ?ood salary. Box 449-E, Star. AUTO OR TRUCK MECHANICS earn as 1 much as $75 weekly and more This type of work has been classed as not only essential hut critical We give our men sick benefits, vacations with pay. annual bonuses and believe that we offer as fine wnr in? conditions as any company in i Washington If you are a skilled me chanic RDDly at once to Mr Runion. Trew i Motor Co.. 14th and V sts n.w Cell Decatur 1910 Our 20th year in business! the local USES AUTOMOTIVE PARTS CIFRK—I? you’ve oed two yeers* parts experience, here’s the Job you’ve been wanting Star tin? salary of $200 per month. Opportunity to learn and advance with one of Washington's urgent parts firms Essential war work Men over 29 preferred or 4F if under 20 USES clearance required if vou already arc in n essential occupation Phone or vis*t Mr O'Rorke. the Trew Motor Co •”'0 Dt n " 'rel De'-atiw 1910 AUTO PARTS CLERK, good salary with chance for rapid advancement, vacation with Pay end permanent position with Wash ’? oldest Chevrolet dealer See Ml Di'lon. Barry-Pate and Addison. 1522 14th st. nw. AUTOMOTIVE PARIS CLERK—Excellern work) nr conditions, .'’.--day work week 1 vacation with pty. ton salarv paid, rapid advr.nremenL Apply to Mr. Spicer. Guns mnn-M«ndell Chevrolet Co.. 13tb anc Good Mon'' rd sc BAFTENDER: rood vi^es, good worrn - oonddMon For interview call GE. 95 n 1 BiiOKKEU^ER vrU) billin' experie’u'1 Salary. s5 * pr week Pnone DI. 32‘J.V Mondav mopinp BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Anply 511 New Jr % v ave n.w bet"r en s and " . m and 12 ai d 1 pm. or call AT. 5873 1 or n* -viov BOY. vth bieve’e. for me- senepr wori» «»i.d tr* assist shioping clerk. Apply Ml Brock veil ', ] 7 »i;h . nw .50 Ys to roil and ma : nrw courts anc pssist cardciier. Apply Gardener ro an Pa*-’: Hotel. Conn ave and V.’ood - y rd. r ’’’ BOY S, w.ii?e, between age lb and is tr ! assist on folding m*,r’hire. Onporrunitj | for future1 advancement Sec Mr Morri son. Judd A: Detweucr. Inc Eckhiston pi ;*nd Fla ave n.e. BOYS, white, lb or IT. to operate prooi ores*-. ?ood opportunity for fu’ure ; d vaheemen*. See Mr Laupp. Judd . - Dr? j weile1. Inc.. Ecxing'on p’. and Fl:> ave. n.e BUTLER. white, for family two adults . j Good wages end-working conditions Na ; Pl«$n. Branch 1 (CALLER on. for photographer, good pay Ludlow •»*52*> 12* ( C ANTEEN CLERK, must he active. $5 41 a dav plus o"ertune, including room and bo ird Cal’ Mr. Barefoo’. MI 0182. CARPENTER. Apply 1205 L st n.u : Smitber fi Mayton. Inc ’CAR WASHERS, good salary, advancement i Apply Davis .Service Center. 20th and N sts n w CHEF; must be expericneed 5 p.m. ?o I a m no Sundays. first-eu.-s salary i Rowe s Sea-Food Grill, 913 11th st e i i • ■‘CHEF, all around, apply in pri on f,oo< salary: white or colored Roma Resiau • rant. 3419 Conn. ave. n.w. _HELP MEN (Continued^ ■ CIGAR CLERK, not necessary, good compensation. Union Drug Co., Union Station. See Mr. Reamy. COLLECTION MANAGER—We are looking [or a man who has had experience handling accounts for a small loan, finance, install ment furniture, or other credit organiza tion. Washington or vicinity resident who is looking for permanent opportunity with exce.lem future, preferred. Good salary. Plume Mr. Wilson. SH. t>870. COOK. 2nd. colored: short hours, good pay. free meals. Dorchester Pharmacy. 2480 16th st. n.w.. basement. COUNTERMAN, good salary and good hours. Call Metropolitan 3653. COUNTERMAN for Weaver's Restaurant, 5014 Georgia ave. n.w.; $40 a week, 6 dav week. COUNTERMAN for air-conditioned restau rant. Good pay, pleasant working condi tions. day work. Apply Wakefield Grill, 020 F st. n.w. CUSTOM TAILOR requires bushelman. good wage, regular employment guaran teed to right man Louis Brown. English Custom Tailor. 812 14th n.w. RE. 1306. DELIVERY BOY for uptown market; must know n.w. section: bring reference. 2325 ISth st n.w DELIVERY BOY, colored, to work in food market: salary. $35 week. Calvert Market. 1862 Columbia rd. n.w. DISHWASHER and handy man. colored, full time; must be sober, honest and de pendable: good wages and meals. Apply 1627 10th st. n.w. DISHWASHER and kitchen man, part time, from 6-10:30 p.m.: excellent pay. plus weekly bonus and meals. Barnhart’s, 5510 Conn. eve. DISHWASHER for Weaver's Restaurant. 5914 Georgia ave. n.w.; $30 a week, 6 day week. DRESSMAKER, full or part time. Singer Store. 2140 Pa, ave. n.w. NA. 1083. DRIVERS and helpers, white, must be re liable and steady, good salary and work ing condition Call WA. 4828 after 6 p.m. DRIVERS FOR ICE TRUCKS, essential work, steady jobs, paid while learning, good wages, Rth-grade education. D. C. permit and references required. Apply Sunday, bet. 9 and 1. or any weekday. Btick Coal Co., 2363 Champlain st. n.w. (Nr. 18th and Col. rd.l DRIVER-PORTER for radio and electric store: good hours, good pay to right man. Apnlv 2320 18th st. n.w. DRIVER-SALESMAN for established whole sale food route, average earnings over $50 per week; 5-day week. Banner Bros., 10 Decatur st. n.e. DRUG CLERK, over 38 preferred; experi ence not necessary. Crosstown Pharmacy, 2005 14th st. n.w. DRUG-STOCK CLERK, some experience; permanent position; vacation with pay. Kenesaw Pharmacy, 3069 Mt. Pleasant st. n.w DRY’ CLEANER, experienced; good pay. steady work. NA. 3930. DRY CLEANERi highest pay to experi enced man; steady job. Apply Central Cleaner. 323 Carroll st. n.w. GE. 5524. ELECTRICIAN, experienced; good wages, steady work, to man for trouble and wiring of all kinds. Call CO. 9598 or CO. 1236. ELECTRICIANS AND HELPERS. Apply to Kolb Electric. 3919 Windom pi. n.w. • ELEY’ATOR OPERATOR, 4 to 12 p.m., at once. Apply Manager, 1601 Argonne pi. n.w.. corner of Harvard and Argonne pi. ESTIMATOR in builder's office for govern ment construction projects. State full de tails of experience and submit samples of take-off. Permanent, full-time position for qualified man Box 75-E. Star. r A it i ii r, n i r. i»—oe i i. tu wane man. Steady employment; salary, $18 per week end occupancy of comfortable 7-room and bath dwelling, on Rockville pike, 7 miles from District line. Box 140-B, Star. FIREMAN, colored, for apt. house, day off each week. Call Adams 5011. FIREMAN with 5th-class license. Apply at Cavalier Apartments, 3500 14th st. n.w CO. 3600. FOUNTAIN MAN. steady worker, good hours, right pay and free lunch. Apply Jordan's Candy Shop, 616 12th st. n.w. 18* GARDENER, part time. Apply 718 Ritchie ave.. Silver Spring, Md., or phone SH. 4040, or SH. 1778. GAS STATION ATTENDANT; no night or Sunday work: salary. $30 a week: com mission on oil and labor. Falls Church Motors. F. C. 2400. GAS STATION ATTENDANT, experience not. necessary: best of salary and working conditions: very good opportunity for re liable man to make permanent connection. Riverdale Garage. Call Hyattsville 0436. GREASE MAN. experienced greasing all make cars; 5va-day work week; closed Saturday afternoon ana Sundays: perma nent position, good pay. Apply to Mr. Wood, Ourisman-Mandell Chevrolet, 1800 Nichols ave. s.e. HAIR STYLIST, all-around, experienced operator. Helena Rubenstein, 1317 Conn, ave. n.w. DU. 6007. HELPER, colored, for wash floor. Apply Shoreham Hotel laundry, 2500 Calvert st. n.w. HELPER for automobile paint shop, perma nent job. Apply at once, see Mr. Brown, Kenyon-Perk Chevrolet, 2825 Wilson bivd.. Arlington. Va. CH 0000. HOUSEMAN, white; $80 mo., room and 3 meals Apply to manager, American Legion, 2437 15th st. n.w. INVESTIGATOR WANTED by fast growing financial organization: excellent oppor tunity w advance to managerial position. The mal we want must be aggressive and interested in a future. Box 450-E, Star. JANITOR, night relief, 11 to 7. twice a week. MI. 8720. JANITOR, experienced, $100 mo. and beau tiful apt. Call Mrs. 8palter. FR. 1050. JANITOR, colored, for theater work: good salary. Apply 1216 7th st. n.w., 2nd floor. ME 3305 JANITOR for part time or evening work. Call Mrs. Egerton. HO. 5100. KITCHEN GARDENER to work in Mont gomery Co.; married or single: house fur nished. Call NA. 2629 or WO. 2174. KITCHEN MAN and dishwasher. Roma Restaurant. 3419 Conn ave. n.w. LABORERS, general maintenance work on grounds and buildings, large D. C. housing project: good pay and overtime. Apply rear 3800 Porter st. n.w. after 8 a.m. daily. m LABORERS: steady work, nip wages. See Duncan. 3257 P st. n.w. LABORERS, colored. Do you want steady work, rain or shine, with ton pay in an essential civilian industry? Apply to Mr. O’Neill. Hechlngcr Co.. 15th and H sts. n.e. MACHINERY, maintenance and repair mechanic. Permanent position now and after the war at good steady wages is offered by America’s largest baking com pany to a man capable of maintaining and repairing machinery. This position is of ficially classified as essential war work. Working conditions pleasant, opportunities for advancement unlimited. Plant con veniently located. If you are seeking per manent work call for appointment or write Wonder Bread Bakery. 2301 Georgia ave. n.w. Telephone North 1770. MAN—Stockroom man for essential in dustry. If limited experience but me chanically inclined we will train»under competent stock manager. Good nay with bonus. No Sunday work. Steuart, Motors, n.e. store. 3rd and H sts. n.e. AT. 5800. MAN wanted, able to take care of ladies' and men's clothing store; steady job. 1028 7th «t. n.w.. Mr. Jacobs. MAN to learn newspaper business. Rea! opportunity for the right man. Apply Mr. Lyerly, 2811 16th st. n.e.. bet. 4 and 6 p.m. MAN. -white, for service station attendant. Call Franklin 9810. 2411 Bladen'burg rd. n.e. 15” 1U uiivt* UUS HUU UO OUlMUf woik n private school in Bethesda: Rood solary. Call WI. 22*23. bet. 0 and 4:30. MAN. young, for messenger and stork clerk state ace and salary expected: only ambitious and honest person need apply. Box 42-H. Star. MAN, to helo in candy factory: also errand bnv: good pay Aoply Jordan's Candy ShoD, 818 12th st. n.w. IK* MAN (whiten between 80 and 85 years of ace. to elerk in one of our branch stores; position is permanent: promotion to store manager when qualified See Mr. Cockrille. Washington Laundry. 1538 Rhode Island ave. n.e. MAN. colored, for kitchen work and clean ing; private school in Bethesda; good sal arv. Phone WI 2223 bet. 9 and 4:30. MAN (colored) for porter ar.d light tire work. Crocker General Tire Co., 1802 14th st. n.w. MAN to work in dry-cleaning room: steady job. wonderful opportunity for advance ment. Apply Central Cleaners, 323 Carroll 1st. n.w. GE. 5524 MANAGER—Pa’n* and hardware store. Takoma Park Md must have experience and ability. Write J. Gregory, No 37 1 Laurel ave. Takoma Park Md. MEAT CUTTER, all-around grocery clerk; ; good salary: permanent; excellent oppor tunity. McKinley Market, 321 T st. n.e. HO. 059-* MEATCUTTER, self-service market; excel lent starting salary, good hours, oppor tunity for advancement: locally essential business Apply 801 No. Columbus st.. Alexandria MECHANIC’S HELPER—An excellent op portunity to connect with an essential occu pation and prepare yourself lor a perma nent postwar job. Excellent working conditions and good wages; u^-day week. See Mr Zimmerman. Lee D Butler Co., 1121 21st st. n.w DI. Olio MEN from 80 to 45 years, outdoor work; permanent position, chance for advance ment: $40 minimum, commission and | bn’- us. Phone NA 2443. MEN for parts depr, essential work for man in 4-F good salary, permanent job I no age limit. White Motor Co., 1120 1st ! n.e Phone ME 3882. i MEN, to learn well-paying trade, in es sential employment: 40-hmr we«k: ume ! and half for overtime Ben Hundley. 3441 , 14th st. n.w MEN, colored (10). at once, as dish wash ! ers. porters and delivery men Dorchester Pharmacy. 24 80 18th st. n.w . basement. MEN. experienced or inexperienced tin changers. Croker General Tire Co 180’ j 14th st. n.w. MEN. colored, as wrappers in shipping lent. see Mr Marshall. Judd ,v Det ! weiler. Inc . Eckington place and Fla. ave n.e MEN-—-Two service station attendants Good weekly pay with bonus to worker; wfm desire permanent employment in es sent ia 1 industry Steuart Motors, n.e »"!• '. 3rd and H sts. n.e. AT. 5800. BLN WANTED for essential work: driv*r: for concrete mixer trucks; will train ?u;t :»b;e men experienced in opera’me ot.he! types heavy equipment: release from prev ! ious employe: required Conserco. Inc. { 18oo :■'(), Capitol st. AT 0055 NIGHT M\N. colored, must know switch bo; rd and elevator: building 1 V'oiy Mrs Roily. 5425 Conn. ave. n v. NIGHT WATCHMAN wanted Rurke, I mber Co 1320 Wilson blvd ., Arlma tO’1 V ■ CH 0850 : OFFK I CLERK-TYPIST, knowledge o construction material? able to take order •nd r v ord^r?. experienced for genera • ontraetor • iffice permareni p . it .on State alary expected and reference' Boi ">9-H $’ a» PAINTER, experienced, with car. stead work ; nd good pav Cal! evenings. 1015' Sutherland rd.. Silver Spring. Md. SH 1 85k. PAINTERS and paper hangers wanted , white ton wages; Grady job. year around ; TA. 8051. E O Livingston. PAINTERS. $]() per day Anplv at 241.' I M st. n.w., or call Michigan 5034. 14 V ! 5 pm PAINTERS, good pay. General Home Re p; irs Adam- 5 1 30. PAINTERS, must be 1st. class, stead work. $12 day. Call NO uos; i:22 Wifi I '• ve PAINTERS wanted Lirhtwood Gardens South Capitol and Chesapeake sts ,sc. PAINTERS (8). must be first-claw n-en Anplv 1019 11h st. n.w Clifford Burke PAINTERS Arthur C Smith Co No. Madison court n w. NA. 72,OK or CH 298*; PAINT HELPER - Anplv 5023 Wisconsil ave. n.w Wood lev : loo, PAINTERS AND PA PERI! ANGERS wanted Apply 2310 R. I ave n.e. or call MI. 860f F’APFR HANGERS AND PAINTERS Anpl Harnngton Bros, 1300 Wisconsin ave. n.w HELP MEN. PAPER HANGERS AND PAINTERS. $12 a day. Jack Tate. EX. S5T1. 57 K st. n.w. 17* 'PARKING LOT ATTENDANTS, full and ‘part time: good salary Apply Davis Serv ice Center, noth and P sts. n.w. ■ PASTRY CHEF ASSISTANT, man familiar ! with small cakes and French pastry. I Hubert, caterers. 2001 S st. n.w. PATENT ATTORNEY or agent for perma nent position In patent department of a long established comuwny engaged in essen tia! war work, knowledge of chemistry de sirable. Box 18-G. Star. PHARMACIST, registered, must be capable of managing a high-class drugstore; $100 week. Box 45-H. Star. PHOTOGRAPHERS, commercial. prefer i all-around man: real future for the right party. NA. 0288, Chestnut 1170. 14* ' PLUMBER for Jobbing work: steady job I for right man; must have D. C. Permit 8)1 Quackenbcs st. n.w. GE. 3000. PORTER, colored, for retail Jewelry estab lismsnt; must be honest and reliable. State age and salary eXDected. Box 41-H. Star. PORTER, store work, part time mornings. Emily Shop. 1308 F st. n.w. PORTER tor spare-time work in office bldg, about 4 hours per day. Apply supt., 1317 F st. n.w PORTERS—Anply National Capital Press, [301 N st. n.e PORTER, inside work. Apply C. G Sloan, auctioneers, 715 13th st. n.w. PORTER for liquor store: references; good pay. Apply 7804 Alaska ave n.w. POUTER for auto, garage; S’a-day work week, pleasant working conditions. Apply to Mr. Wood, Ourisman-Mandell Chevro let. 1800 Nichols ave. s.e. PORTER, colored, must have D. C. driver's permit and be handy around automobiles; permanent job and good wages: o'i-dav week. -See Mr. Zimmerman. Lee D. Butler Co., 1121 21st st. n.w.. DI. 0110. PORTER-BUS BOY. colored. Good pay, Pleasant working conditions. Apply Wake field Grill. 920 F st. n.w. PRESSER, experienced, reliable; good pay. Apply De Luxe Cleaners, 1721 Wls. ave. n.w. MI. 9670. PRESSER. gootf experienced man can make $60 per week. Apply Walker & Co.. 2317 18th st. n.w. CO. 3334. PRESSER. white or colored, for dry-clean ing dept.; excellent salary. Apply Mr. Dearstlne, Q. & S. Laundry. Bladensburg. Md. PRESSERS (21, apply Peerless Cleaners. 1757 Columbia rd. n.w. SALESMAN to call on hardware dealers in well-established territory for a nation ally advertised cleaning product: liberal salary and commission. Box 24S-G. Star. SALESMEN 1.3), to give estimates and take orders for rock wool Insulations and custom built storm windows, screens and doors: pocket size samples: earn over $100 per wk Cozy Home Insulation Co. LI 4915. eves. LI. 5004. SHOE SALESMAN, experienced pref. but no necessary, good starting salary and rapid promotions. Apply 526 King st., Alexandria. Va. SHOE SALESMEN, experienced, full or part time. Young’s, 1306 F st. n.w. SHOEMAKERS 12'. 1st class, good salary, steady job. 623 15th st. n.w. SODA DISPENSER, white, full or part, time; good wages and good houfs. Call AD 9693. SWING MAN, colored, for apt. house, day off each week. Call Adams 5011. TAILOR wanted to help out evenings for next 2 weeks; $1 an hour. 2112 Pa. ave. n.w. TAILOR, to manage merchant tailor estab lishment: salary and commission. Penn Tailors, 1734 Pa. ave. n.w TIRF, CHANGER, with driver's permit: permanent job with good pay. Capitol Tire Distributors. 8527 Georgia ave. TIRE VULCANIZER. en excellent perma nent opportunity lor the right man; sal ary equal to the highest prevailing in the industry. Capitol Tire Distributors, 8527 Georgia ave. TIRE WHOLESALER has an opening for a driver-salesman at $210. The work is hard and dirty, but the prospects are good: also position open as assistant stock man at $42 wk., with advancement. These positions are permanent, aF the tire busi ness is on the upgrade. Call Mr. Enright, HO. 7580. TRUCK MECHANIC. Fleet operation; essential work. John P. Agnew & Co.. ; 80 Patterson st. n.e. NA. 3068. UPHOLSTERER. ■ excellent wages, good hours. Call Shepherd 7878. WELDERS WANTED—Electric arc; skilled. Over 38, 4-F or 1-C classifications only. Hours 8 to 4. 8 days a week Report to 1341 Wisconsin avenue n.w’. Briggs Clari fier Co.—rated 100% essential by War Pro duction Board and War Manpower Com mission. WOODWORKING mill needs all-around machine man: light work: elderly man could handle job. Apply Box 237-G. Star WOOL PRESSER. experienced. $45 to $55 per week. Mr. Sykes, dry cleaning dept., Elite Laundry. 211!) 14th st. n.w. YOUNG MAN to assist in kitchen; day work. no Sundays. Rowe’s Sea-Food Grill, 013 11th st. s.e. 14* YOUNG MAN lor warehouse work. Check ing. receiving and handling of stock in wholesale food supply house. Opportunity for advancement. Banner Bros.. 10 De catur pi. n.e. AMERICAN RED CROSS needs men ship ping clerks, and blood custodians for vital wartime program. Apoly to physician in charge. Blood Donor Center, 61 Louisiana ave. n.w., Acacia Bidg. WANTED, two men for niglit work in bottling plant. 5 days, 40 hours: age or nhysical defects no disadvantage. Call LI. 8333 for appointment. WANTED, first-class paper hanger and two painters; apply in person. 1738 7th st. n.w. 14* WANTED, experienced manager for res taurant. Apply 2002 M st. n.w». Good salary for right man. 14* PART-TIME JANITOR for grouo of 4 famlly apartment buildings. See Mr. Smaltz. B. F. Saul Co.. 925 15th st. n.w. NA. 2100. DOGSTORE requires man to do general cleaning; $100 a month. TA. 4321. IMMEDIATE OPENING—Essential busi ness, national concern. 53 years old. rated AAA-1, has an opening for a man to headquarter in Alexandria or Arlington areas, to take over established business. Essential, not affected by war priorities. Energetic man. under 50. draft exempt, who is looking for a permanent position with good future. Salary, commissions and bonuses. Sales experience an ad vantage. but not a necessary requirement. Must furnish good references. Write Box 47-E, Star, giving details and a com pany representative will meet with you in a few days for a personal interview. Might use one part-time man who could learn the business and come with us liuer. COAL TRUCK DRIVERS And yardmen. Permanent position. Es sential position. Apply Mr. Moore. A P. WOODSON CO _9th and Michigan Ave. N.E_ DISHWASHERS (Colored) TOP WAGES. GOOD WORKING CON DITIONS FOR DEPENDABLE MEN. APPLY 1 PERSONNEL OFFICE. O’DONNELL’S GRILL, 1207 E St. N.W. JANITOR AND WIFE. Colored, no children, for large apartment development: gas-heated apartments: wife to clean halls and lobby: excellent salaries, including modern apartment of 2 rooms, kitchen and bath and all utilities. APPLY RENTAL OFFICE. ARNA VALLEY APTS., 2601 So Glebe Rd.. Arlington. Va. Take "Arna Valley" Bus a: _1 2th and Pennsy 1 vania Ave. N.W. MEN. White, wanted to insert papers on Sat urday night Apply to Albert Frrber. mail room foreman o s:30 p.m re»riv t'> work THE EVENING STAR, ___noi ra- Ave. n.w._ PORTER (Colored). Reliable man over draft age or In 4-F for sea food restaurant Top w-ages and meals Good working conditions. Apply personnel office. O’DONNELL’S SEA GRILL, _1207JS St. N.W._ BUS BOYS (Colored). Top wages and good working conditions for dependable colored boys. Meals in cluded Apply personnel office. O’DONNELL’S SEA GRILL, _ 1207 E St. N.W._ COUNTERMAN, ESSENTIAL JOB Get in Touch With LITTLE TAVERN SHOPS. INC FAMOUS FOR HAMBURGERS Sliuo HHftO During Office Hours. __ Men’s Clothing SalesmanT Man With Experience Preferred. Apply EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 4th FLOOR. LANSBURGH & BRO., : yu 8th ^nd E Sts. N.W. SHIPPING CLERK." (WHITE ) Permanent position with excellent chances for advancement in the paint, in dustry Good salary: no experience neces sary draft deferred. Apply jni.’t 12th st. n.w . or call EX. 3530. I Helpers for Work on Furniture Vans. COLORED. APPLY COLONIAL STORAGE CO.. 1_1222 22nd St. N.W._____ YOUNG MEN, We have several openings in our re ceiving and will-call department. We will start you with an excellent salary and ■ ere will he good opportunity for promo tion for the right persons. Apply Mr jBorns BOND CLOTHING CO., I _ 1222 F St N W._ COLORED MEN. 18 to 50. SI,800 YEAR JOB Splendid opportunity for right party to learn cafeteria work. Full or part time opening: Call Miss Greer. CO !»0s( .for appointment. SALESMAN, 'Full or part time. !» am. to 2 p.m I pm i to i; nm some selling experienre. men ? ! furnishings preferred: permanent po-i | tion. Applv to Mr Maaiday. GROSNER OF . __1222 F St. N.W ____ BOYS. . Real future ahead for those willing to work and apply them: fives. Opportunity detail department to run errands and learp ground work that makes for ad , vancemen’. those who have sunny dispo sitions. willing and obliging are the boys ‘ we want. Applv Personnel Office. THE EVENING STAR, Room HOI Star Bldg., t lid] Pa A\( NW , COOK, Colored Man or Woman, . S Full or pert timr. top Phono SH r| 22on, or r«n la person, Mrs. K's loll . House Tavern. I_ HELP MEN. PAINT CLERK, Must have references Apply W. R. Wins low Co.. 0?3 New York ave. n.w. NIGHT WATCHMAN For downtow-n office building: 56 hours per week: salary. $40 Must be neat, alert and capable of making hourly rounds of building. Must furnish references. Applv Personnel Office. THE EVENING STAR. 601 Star Building. 1101 Pa Ave. N.W. PORTER. I NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY RALEIGH HABERDASHER, ROOM 335. _1330 F ST.__ HELPERS ON TRUCK. Sober and dependable colored men for rug-cleaning plant; ages 18 to 80: good salary. room if desired. Apply Diener s. 21!nd st. n.w. LABORERS, Grading and Landscaping. _. Ija,r,?e„FHA defense housing project. See Mr. Walker at it}<> Danbury st. s.w, COUNTERMAN. Dependable white man for sea-food restaurant. Some experience necessary and must be thoroughly reliable Top pcrsonn*l office. O’DONNELL’S SEA GRILL, _120? E St. N.W._ BARTENDERS * „ (WHITE). Permanent positions for men of depend ability. Top wages, including meals. Apply personnel department O’DONNELL’S GRILL, _1207 E ST. N.W._ USHERS, Day or night shift. Apply after 11 a.m., usher captain, Loew’s Capitol Theater. TRUCK DRIVER; Must have references. Apply W. R. Wins low Co.. New York ave. n.w. _; FURNITURE FINISHER7 Must Be Experienced. Apply Lansburgh’s Service Bldg., South Capitol and P Sts. SHOE SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED. Good commission rate with weekly draw ing account. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. 4th FLOOR. S. KANN SONS CO. TRUCK DRIVERS (White). Must be dependable and well acquainted with city and suburbs. Good working conditions. Applv GEO. C. SHAFFER, INC., non idtv» st Nr w REPRESENTATIVES To call on physicians, drugstores and hos pitals. Drug experience preferred but not necessary. Will be technically trained by company. Position permanent. Write Box 19-G. Star. Subject to War Man power regulations. __ JANITOR'S ASSISTANT, COLORED. SOBER. RELIABLE AND HONEST. 2651 18TH ST. N.W, AD. 20(ifT Storeroom Receiving Clerk. Hours. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Apply Stew ard, Wardman Park Hotel, Conn. ave. and Woodley rd. n.w.__ NIGHT MAN, Apt. bldg, elevator and switchboard op erator, 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.: $80 mo.: 1 night oft each week. Apply manager. 1825 N. H. ave. n.w. MI. 4770._ OIL BURNER SERVICE MAN. Permanent position, year around work. _BOX .HOl-P, STAR._ _ Men’s Furnishings Salesmen, PUT L OR PART TIME AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOH EXPERIENCED MAN: GOOD SALARY AND WORKING CONDITIONS. RALEIGH HABERDASHER, ROOM 335, _1320 F ST. N.W._ DRIVER For light delivery truck, must he sober and have good references. See Mr. Cockerille. 1538 Rhode Island ave, n.e. WASH MAN Experience not necessary. Good salary to right party. See Mr. Cockerille, 1538 Rhode Island ave. n.e. SALES ENGINEER. Not subject to draft. Experienced In selling commercial laundry machinery. Salary and commission basis. Washington area. Give qualifications. Applications confidential. Box 253-0. Star, Countermen, Warehousemen And Shipping Clerks. No experience necessary. For essential work. Good hours. Good pay. See Mr. Edward Shahady, THOS. SOMERVILLE CO.. First and N Sts. N.E . _Washington. D. C,_ TAILOR MUST BE FIRST - CLASS ON MILITARY CLOTHING HIGH SALARY PERMA NENT POSITION. Apply 2127 C St. N.W., ___Second Floor._ NIGHT CLERK. EXPERIENCED. HOURS 11 P.M. TO 7 A.M, EXCELLENT SALARY. APPLY MANAGER. AMBASSADOR HOTEL, _14th and K Sts. N.W. ___ PATENT ATTORNEY. Large, established firm of patent attor neys has opening for patent attorney ex perienced in preparation and prosecution of applications. Excellent opportunity for capable man who is interested in full time, permanent (present and postwar) employment. Write full particulars. Box 341-0, Star. BUTCHER. Experienced, for grocery store; good , hours excellent salary. Burka’s Market, 1.-01 7th st, s.w. (Must have release.) HOUSEMEN (COLORED) Good working conditions and highest ’salary Apply in person to housekeeper. HOTEL WASHINGTON, [_15th and Pa._Ave. N.W._ COLORED COOKS. I Apply chef. Hotel 2400 18th st. n w. APT. NIGHT MAN. Colored man for work in large, centrally located apartment house; operate elevator, 'switchboard, etc.; good pay and permanent position; H-day week. See Resident Mana zo»-. 1 HI/: K sL_n w N.A. Ift.’iO. j Furnishings Salesman, EXPERIENCED. SALTZ BROS., INC., j _1341 P St. N.W._ MAN, With Some mechanical experience, for truck : lubrication and tire work: good pay: time and one half over 40 hours, night work. Apply GULF OIL CORP., 1 7 *M South Capitol st., or phone Lincoln 1400 _ SHOE SALESMEN. PERMANENT POSITIONS. CAPABLE OF ADVANCEMENT. ENNA JETTICK SHOE CO.. 13117 F_ST. N.W. CLOTHING SALESMAN. Preference given to man accustomed to ! selling tailored-to-measure uniforms; all i inside work, selling military uniforms and I accessories: steady position, including post war earnings SHO.OO week plus. Apply Jerome W, Witt Associated Military Stores, 4*15 12th ST. N.W. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, F*:prrtenccd Immediate Opening. Permanent. Posit ion,.Oood Salary. RALEIGH HABERDASHER, ROOM _ 1 ;:•:<> p st. _ _ OPERATOR For new cinder block plant. PERMANENT POSITION WEST BROS. BRICK CO., 7000 Sheriff rd , Fairmont Hts , Md. Phone Hillside 1000. (Must Have Release ) FILIPINO WAITER Apply Miss Burk, hostess, Fairfax Ho feL '.’loo Mass. eve. n.w. AUTO MECHANICS. W> need mechanics for general truck i repairs or men mechanically Inclined who if* (.ra^t exempt to learn the repair busi Earn $60 to $90 Per Week. PERMANENT JOB Must Have Release THE WHITE MOTOR CO.. 1 _1 I ‘.'h HI St. NE. ME 3RH2 STOCKMEN For General Warehouse Work. Apply Employment Office. 4 th Floor. LANSBURGH & BRO., 7th and Mh and E Sts NW GREENSKEEPER’S HELPER For country club. Good hours. Good pay | u-day week Indian Soring Country Club, i Silver Snring, Md. _ SH. 1815. CLOTHING SALESMAN. Good opportunity, with excellent luture. I Apply Mr. Stem. BRUCE HUNT, INC., _ 013 14th St._N.\V. _ PART-TIME WORK. Earn extra money after hours in essen | Hal jobs. Hours. 10:30 a m. to *1 n tn. and 5 o m to 9 p m Work in a cafeteria in ■ a Government building near your tob or near your home Please bring Social Se curity rard with you. Apply 1119 21et st. n w . 8 a m.-4:30 pm. HELP MEN._ MESSENGER BOY Who can drive motorcycle, steady position, 5-day week, essential industry: good pay. Apply Rothstein Dental Laboratory. 1/22 Eye at. nw. ________ HOTEL ENGINEER. fi-DAY WEEK $200 MONTH. _Box 303-D. Star__ DISH WASHER, Experienced, modern restaurant, good working conditions, good pay Apply Waldrop s Restaurant. 4318 Rhode Island ave. ri e WA, 9609._._ MAN WANTED for Servicemen’s Club To clean kitchen 2 hours in evening, fl p.m. to * pm; good wages, in cluded must be reliable. Call EX 1P1P, Ext. 2.____I TYPE PRESS FEEDER FOR OUR PRINT SHOP. Apply at Once, Employment Office. 9th Floor. Woodward & Lothrop. PICTURE FRAMER, Experienced. Also Apprentice Jewelry Repairman. Apply at Once. Employment Office, 9th Floor. Woodward &_Lothrop. Awning and Screen Helpers, Slip Cover Cutters. Apply at Once. Employment Office. 9th Floor. Woodward & Lothrop. DRUG CLERK, ' Experienced. New Hampshire Phcy. RA. 3100,_ Food Processing Plant Needs men; $40.56 per 48-hour week, no nightwork. TABLE PRODUCTS CO., 2034 West Virginia Ave. N E. BAKER Who can make good bread, rolls and pastry: excellent working conditions, in educational institution, feeding 350 persons. 5-dav week..essential war work Applicant must have release Phone SH. 3071. Ask for MR. JOSEPH. BOYS’ CLOTHING SALESMAN, SHOE SALESMAN. Good position open to men of reliability, permanent; opportunity for advancement; excellent postwar future. IDA’S DEPT. STORE, COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED, 5601 OEOROIA AVE. N.W tsu» J3UX ((JULUKED). Must be fast and gentleman, for exclu sive. private club 518 per week and tips: best of meals and surroundings. Call at the Almas Temple, 1315 K at. n.w., and ask for Mr. Long. at the 3rd floor. FITTER. LADIES' TAILOR ON WOMEN'S COATS AND SUITS. Erperienced. to make expert alterations and fittings and direct shop: top salary: permanent position: excellent future. Apply office. M. Pasternak. 1219 Conn, ave_ CAFETERIA HELP. ASSISTANT MANAGER. CASHIERS. GRIDDLE MEN. COUNTERMEN. GENERAL KITCHEN. PORTERS POTWASHERS. Top wages paid. Including board and room. Apply between 0 and fl. 3051 M AUTO MECHANIC^ Good pay: modern shop. Ideal working conditions permanent. See Mr. Guthrie. L. P. STEUART, INC., _1440 P St. N.W._ ENGINEER, With 3rd-class D. C. license or better. Apply Mr. Mason, Carlton Hotel, loth and K ats. n.w,_ PRESSER, Men's clothing. We will give you an excellent starting salary, with ideal work ing conditions Applv Mr, Berns. BOND CLOTHING CO., __ 1335 P St. N.W. _ _ REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. Due to the war one of the oldest firms In Washington has an opening at present for a progressive wide-awake man. full co-operation given in following up and closing sales. See Mr. Giles, sales man ager Capital View Realty Co., 925 New York ave, n.w._ GROUND MEN By the dav hour, week or month. Salary open. Apply Arlington Village. 2508 Co lumbia Dike. Arlington, Va., between 9 a.m. and 5 P.m.___ ASST. WAREHOUSE SUPT. OPPORTUNITY FOR MAN EXPERI ENCED IN WAREHOUSE PROCEDURE. GOOD SALARY AND WORKING CONDI TIONS. ' RALEIGH HABERDASHER, ROOM 335. _1320 P ST. N.W._ SHOE SALESMEN. Good positions open to men of char acter in our women’s shoe departments. GARFINCKEL’S. FLOOR MANAGERS WANTED Permanent positions. Apply PERSONNEL OFFICE. 7th FLOOR. JELLEFF’S, __1214-1220 F St. N.W.__ PHARMACIST WANTED. Drug store in Arlington. Va.. has ex c-llent permanent opening lor reliabie pharmacist._Call Oxford 0047. _ COLORED COOK. No Sunday or late nightwork, Rood working conditions. Apply TALLY-HO RESTAURANT, 812 17th St. N.W. DRIVER-SALESMAN, 5-day week: $40 guaranteed to start: can make up to $100 per week. Apply HUB LAUNDERERS, 37th St. at Eastern_Ave . ^ft. Rainier. Md. ELEVATOR OPERATOR. Colored man, aged 20-65. as relief ele vator operator 3 times per week; good salary. See manager. Wade Apts., 1201 13th st, n.w. RE 0516. PRESSER, Hours, 8 to 5: $40 a week, steady work pleasant surroundings. 211 New York ave. n.w._ _ _____ PACKERS—CHECKERS, STOCKKEEPERS. Apply Employment Office, 9 th Floor. Woodward & Lothrop. ~ PHARMACISTS. Part time, good salary. Apply STANDARD DRUG CO., 11 13 G St. N.W. and 1103 H St. N E._ MEN WANTED FOR ESSENTIAL CAFETERIA WORK. WHITE AND COLORED. Counter attendants, steam table servers, bus girls, dishwashers. Experience not necessary. Earn full salary while training Hours arranged to suit your convenience. MINIMUM SALARY $20 A WEEK. PLUS MEALS AND UNIFORMS. FOR 48-HOUR WEEK. Paid vacations, liberal attendance bonus. $500 insurance benefits. Perma nent job with a postwar future. Join our ranks now. Help with the war effort in this vitally needed industry, please bring social security card with you. Apply 1119 21st st. n w.. 3 a.m -4:30 p m. SALESMEN For men's furnishings department; high earnings; permanent; experience preferred but not essential; excellent postwar fmure. THE YOUNG MEN’S SHOP, __1310 F St. N.W. FOOD CHECKER $42.50 week to start, must be experi enced. Alto Market. 2205 Wis. ave. EM. 7300. 1 1 "ASSISTANT JANITOR, NIGHT FIREMAN, Convenient location excellent working conditions. See Mr. Ferguson, engineer, 1302 18th st. n.w "BOTTLING PLANT HELP. Men engaged in essential industry will not be considered Permanet job for right men See Mr. Stevens, 9 to 4, Monday through Friday Dr. Pepper Bottling Co., 6101 Blair Rd. N.W. HOTEL MANAGER7 Experienced and draft exempt, immedi ately for small- I) C hotel. $200 and apartment. Box 305-0. Star._ NIGHT CLERK, Draft exempt, with knowledge of P. FV X. switchboard, [or small hotel. Box 304-G, Sta r.__ _ USHERS. " Part Time Eves, and Week Ends. Little Theater, ME. 1326. PAINTERS. White, for steady inside work: 5*--day week. Apply Paint Shop Wardman Pa’k Hotel. Conn ave and_ Woodley rd._n.w ROOM CLERKS. GOOD SALARY. PERMANENT POSITIONS. Apply Mr Hudson, Front Desk, RALEIGH HOTEL, __12th AND PA. AVE. N.W. POT WASHERS, GOOD SALARY. Apply m Person to Chef. HOTEL WASHINGTON, 15th AND_PA AV1L N.W FOREMAN, tW1111e>. to lake charge of recapping and vulcanizing shop good salary to right man AMERICAN TIRE CO. 12111 K ST. N.E. HELP MEN. SALESMAN. RETAIL STORE. SMALL PERSONNEL. Permanent: genttle. age 26 to 40. good personality ana appearance, excellent op portunity. State age, education and experience. Starting Salary $225 month. _____ Box .'t06-D. Star _ MEN. COLORED. Draft exempt, to work In recapping and vulcanizing shop, experience not necessary; good pay. steady work. AMERICAN TIRE CO. __131ft K ST. N.E.__ HOTEL COOKS ROAST COOK, FRY COOK. Assistant relief cook, pastry man. Also pot washers. Apply chef. RALEIGH HOTEL, _12th AND PA. AVE. N.W._ PORTER—Exceptional opportunity to con nect with a 50-year-old firm: position is permanent and salary satisfactory. Ideal working conditions. See Mr. Waters at once »t SELINGER’S. JEWELERS, _,_818 F St. N.W._ Assistant Service Manager, Draft deferred: must furnish local refer ences and bond; if mechanically inclined, we will prepare you for a splendid future. Postion permanent. #42.50 per week to start, rapid advancement. Apply In per son to manager. Spacarb of Washington, Inc., 62*2 K st. n.w. MAINTENANCE MEN, TIMEKEEPERS. Steady white men for general and specialized maintenance work on grounds and buildings. large D. C housing project. Good pay. plenty of work and overtime. Apply maintenance superintendent. Mc Lean Gardens, rear 3800 Porter at. n.w. PRESSER, EXPERIENCED. WITH MEN S CLOTHING. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR FULL OR PART TIME RALEIGH HABERDASHER, ROOM 335, 1320 F ST. N.W. HELP MEN AND WOMEN. BOOKKEEPER to set up an accredited bookkeeping system; a permanent, full time position with an established Arm is offered. This is a very good job for the right party. State experience and de sired salary Box 250-0. Star, i CHECKER for independent super market; good hours; salary open. Call Atlantic I 2100. Mr. Snider. COOK AND BUTLER or couple, Colored, for summer months or permanent position, starting June 1: country place near Cul peper. Va.; good wages; references re quired. OR 1051. COUPLE, white, man and wife, as working caretakers for business girls' summer home; year-round living quarters in sepa rate furnished cottage. Box 15-E. Star 14* COUPLE WANTED, Janitor and houseman, wife for 1st floor; references. $100 month, quarters and board Call MI. 4000 or ap ply in person. 1811 Biltmcre st. n.w. DISHWASHERS, men or women, day wAirk. Apply Hilltop Restaurant, 1226 36th st. n.w. DRUG CLERKS, for alternate nights and alternate Sundays; excellent working con ditions. Apply Cathedral Pharmacy, 3000 Conn, avt. DRUG CLERKS, full-time: good hours, ex cellent working conditions, salary excel lent Apply Cathedral Pharmacy, 3000 Conn, ave ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY needs experienced Remington bookkeeping machine operator: permanent position; 40-hour week: good starting salary and chance for advance ment: Wednesday and Saturday after noons off Apply United Food Stores Corn., 1215 E st. 6.W., 8 a m. to 4:30 D.m. FOUNTAIN HELP, easy work, good hours, experienced preferred. Brightwood Pbarm., 5016 Georgia ave. Randolph Bill. JANITOR AND WIFE WANTED Immedi ately: both to work In high-class apt.; fur nished apt. with latest utilities, good salary to right couple. This Is an opportunity for a lifetime job; we will also carry life insurance as added protection for your security; references required. Discharged veterans preferred. Call GL. 7900. LADY with Plymouth car wants a careful driver, man or woman (white), for a few hours day 2 or 3 times a week: references required. Box 2R-E, Star. MAN OR WOMAN, experienced in whole sale groceries, to help with Inside selling and clerical work: 6-day week, good salary. Call RA. 3225. RIDING INSTRUCTOR, man or woman, foi children’s Adirondack camp. July and August. E George Von Sebo. director, 3395 Palisade ave.. New York 83. N. Y. SODA FOUNTAIN, experienced; good sal ary. Georgia 5200. WHITE MEN and women for cafeteria work; good salary, meals: arrangements made for living In; over 20 years old. Box 423-D. 8tar. YOUNG LADY OR MAN for newsstand work. Apply Greyhound Bus Terminal, see Mr. Palmer. VICINITY SILVER SPRING—Couple. wif( g.h.w.: husband, part-time garden; plents additional work in neighborhood: attrac tive separate quarters. Call Mrs. Toomey, DE. 7035: eves., SH. 1760._ Advertising Detail Ass’t. In agency, man or girl. Can advance tc production manager, experience unneces sary; references reoulred. Romer Adver tising Service. 1108 Woodward Bldg. WAITERS AND WAITRESSES, COLORED. High-class sea-food restaurant has po sitions open for waiters and waitresses; must be neat and thoroughly dependable; top wages and excellent working condi tions. Apnly oersonnel office. O’DONNELL’S SEA GRILL, _1207 E St._N.W._ FUR FINISHER, Must Be Experienced. $55 or More Per Week. 35-Hour Week. All Year- round Job for Right Party. Schwartz’s Fur Shop. 704 13th St. N.W Prominent Washington Family Desires reliable cook or chef, preferablj French, man or woman. SALARY $225 PER MONTH Call EX 0052 daytime or JA. 2283-J evenines r»r Sunday. __ T.W.A. Employment Office. Effective Monday, May 15, will stas open on Mondays and Wednesdays until 9 pm In addition to the regular Inter viewing hours, Mdnday thru Friday, Iron; 8:30 a.m to 4 p.m. HANGAR NO. 2, _ Washington National Airport. COI PLE wanted, for small poultry farm near Olney, Md.: comfortable cottage, oi! heat, bath, food and good wages Cal! Kensington 211-W. Sundays and eves Call RE 7691. days._ SHOE SALESPEOPLE. Men With Experience Preferred. Women With or Without Experience. We Will Gladly Train You. Permanent position, good working con ditions. • GOOD SALARY. Apply Mr. Gottlieb, HAHN, 3313 14th St. N.W. ASST. FOR DISPLAY DEPT MOST HAVE SOME KNOWLEDGE OP DISPLAY GOOD SALARY HOURS. 8:30 AM. TO 5 PM. IMMEDIATE OPENING. RALEIGH HABERDASHER ROOM 335. __1330 P St. N.W._ Food and Beverage Checker, Experienced, f> p.m. to 1 a.m., Sunday off. Apply manager. LEE SHERATON HOTEL, 15th and L Sts. N.w. _ _ ~ SHOE SALESPEOPLE, Men or women, experienced preferred, but will gladly teach beginners; pleasant work ing conditions, permanent positions, good sal a ries. App ly De You n g s, 1 F st. n>w. HELP WOMEN ACCOUNTING MACHINE OPERATOR, 6'a days. 40-hour week, time and half for overtime: $31 to start. Box 35-E. Star ALTERATION HANDS, experienced, on ladies' wearing apparel. 3542 East Capi tol st. FR. 8300. Ext. 8(14. ALTERATION HELP, experienced on bet ter dresses: $28 to start: steady: large modern work room. Needlecraft Service. (120 12th st ALTERATION WOMAN, experienced perma nent position; good salary, Melgra's Fashions. 1073 Conn, ave, BAKERV SALESLADY, experienced: N.E residence preferred. Call LI. 3580 aftei 1 p.m BEAUTICIAN: vacancy for a good opera tor: also opening for manicurist: at good salery. Apply Fred the Hair Stylist at Phrhosborn's. 608 11th st. n.w. BEAUTICIAN wanted, colored, full time good pay. call in person. 805 4th st. s.e. Washington. D. C. 13* BEAUTICIAN, manager's license. $50 week and commissions. Apply Clifton Beauty Shop. 7431 14th st. n.w NO. H88S. BEAUTICIANS—Immediate position for excellent hairdresser and manicurist. TO! SALARY. Working hours. 9 to 8; Sat. o to I. Guilbo Coiffures D'Art, 181',! 70th st. n.w. BEAUTICIANS (3). experienced: $45 week and commissions. Apply Frances Dee. 823 Pennsylvania ave. s.e. TR. 9498. BEAUTICIANS, full or Dart time. $45 wk and commission. Call WA. 1731. BEAUTY OPERATORS (2 i wanted, $4f wk.. part or full time. Apply Mr. Vito, 1909 Pa. ave. n.w. ME. 7852. ME 8252 BEAUTY PARLOR OPERATORS, 2. *11 around: 9 to 8; excellent furn. apt. foi desirable operators In n.w. section. Box 4ti.'l-D Star. BEAUTY OPERATOR, full or part time top salary and commission. Call WO. 2318 anv dav until 6. BEAUTY OPERATOR. $40 wk guarantee: can make up to J70. Apply Albert de Paris. 1224 Conn, ave n.w. NA. 7559. BEAUTY OPERATORS, experienced; $40 weekly plus 407',. commission. Apply Alfred Beauty Salon. 4105 Wisconsin ave. n.w Woodlev 10(16. 14* BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced $50 * week and commissions. Call Emerson 2086. 18* BEAUTY OPERATOR, $40 week and com missions; steady position. Adele Beauty shoppe. 5471 Ga. ave. n.w. GE. 9819. BEAUTY OPERATOR $40 wk. guarantee: ran make up to $79. Apply Robert de Paris, 1224 Conn. ave. n.w. NA. 7659. BEAUTY OPERATOR, good hair stylist; $40 per week and commission: good hours and wonderful opportunity in air-cooled shoo. Call Miss Blades, after 12 noon, GE 9554. The Mayfair Beauty Salon. 4415 14th st. n.w BEAUTY OPERATOR All-around experi enced operator and manicurist. Helena Rubinstein, 1317 Conn. ave. n.w. DU. 090: BE4UTY OPERATORS who wish to work In refined surroundings. Willard Hotel Salon and Robert of Paris, 1514 Con necticut ave. Apply at 1514 Conn. ave. HUP WOMEN (Gout.) BEAUTY OPERATOR." for pleasant shop. completely air conditioned. Lillian Cramer, 1115 15th st. n.w. Dl. 02.25. BEAUTY OPERATOR) excellent salary and commission. Phona Ml. 8410, 1112 H BEAUTY OPERATOR* who With to wor* In refined surroundings. Willard Hotel Salon and Robert of Faria, 1614 Con necticut are. Apply at 1614 Conn. are. BEAUTY OPERATOR, all-around* txpari enced. good, hours and aalary. iKaywood Beauty Salon. Mt. Rainier, Md. Call WA 60.21. beauty OPERATOR, good salary, pleasant surroundings, for Hyattavllie. WA. 0777. BEAITY OPERATOR, all-around, excel lent salary plus commission. Hgnrl 4b Robert, 2645 Conn. ave. n.w. - BEAUTY OPERATOR. $40 wee*. 40% commission; can averace $76 to $86 week: must be good. Duke's Beauty lalon. 810 15th st. n.w. BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced. $45 week, commission; good hours. Moraine Beautr Shop, 36<ki conn. are. n.w. BEAUTY OPERATOR, all-around expert highest salary, pleasant, ahop. Helene’s Beauty Salon. 1025 15th st. n.w. Ml. BEAUTY OPERATOR, all-around: $46 week, good hourg. Oreenwar Shopping Center, PR 1022. BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced, good »*‘»rr and commiaaion. Anita’a'oSKauty Shop. 6612 Conn. ave. BEAUTY OPERATORS {*>. all-around ex perience; permanent positions, *46 par week, 40% commission after salary la doubled: air-conditioned ahop. 8826 Conn, ave.. Jill's. Inc. BOOKKEEPER, with some accounting experience, for apartment building, per manent position. State aalary required. Box 281-0. Star. BOOKKEEPER —- High-class reetaurant. night club, desires services of bookkeeper; excellent aalary. no corrabpondenee, but must have knowledge of typing: all re plies confidential: state qualifications. Box star. BOOKKEEPER. 8.30 to a pm. Saturday i pm, $35 week. Prefer n.e. resident. Steady position. Mr. Green, 3730 10th BOo'klcEEWR-.ECRlYARY. salary $2,000 5*51. ,ea£l..Ior competent parson: perma nent position and excellent environment: *or]‘. essentia, to war effort. State qualifications and give telephone number, oox inl-u, otAi. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, ate 21 to 30, single. Interesting work and ex cellent surroundings. 44-hr. week. Salary. $....110 yr. to start. Permanent position Personal interview arranged. Olve full 365-Q. Star. BRIGHT YOUNG GIRL for studio, typist preferred. Apply Harris Ewing- 1813 F st. n. 2**. CASHIER, and capable, food checker, tor downtown cafeteria Good salary.—BTOs— Star *’ ^e,erence> reoutred. Box ^42-D, CASHIER, experienced, cigars, candies, magazines; $;ln per week* no Sunday^ 1<K,° Conn- »»«• n.w. cashier for dining room; pleasant sur roundings. good meals and salary. Apply auditor. Carlton Hotel, 16th and K its. n.w. S^?***®*‘, ^jte, Pleasant, for downtown restaurant, 8 to 4. Sunday off; good salary and meals. Dikeman’s Restaurant. i iM.II st n.w. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, colored, large f«e& house 1704 l*th *c n.w (HEF. all around. Apply in pereon: tood **I*r5’i *hHe or colored Roma Restau S&VvJUL! Conn. ave. n.w. CLEANERS, coloied. for large apt. house: gsywork, 6-day week Apply Mr. Stllson. ™wi.£h<5,tleLon’ ldth *nd R »t*. nw. CLERK for hospital dispensary. *85 and meals. Apply Superintendent, 1147 15th st. n.w. • CI<EB,L.t£ learn front desk. Inquire man **”■ Ehbttt Hotel. 10th and H sts. n.w. £ifRKi»>,?)30 month- Apply Room 400, Tower Bldg.. 14th and K sts. n.w. Do not phone CLERK with some bookkeeping trsining. 5-day week. 8 to 4:46 p.m.; no Saturday work, permanent position, excellent work ing conditions: must be high school grad uate. Apply Room 70". Equitable Lift In surance Co.. 816 14th at. n.w., Monday CLERK-STENOGRAPHER. for furniture ftl0*re- «,AppIlcant must b« neat and pleas ant. To the person selected we oner a sood permanent position and pleasant working conditions. See Mr. Stokes. 1108 o st. n.w. P. J, Nee Co. CLERK-TYPIST, general office work. 40 hour. 5'j-day week; *27.50 to start. Box 27-E. Star. CLERK-TYPIST, to be trained on book keeping machine; 5^-day week, $27.50. Box 30-E. Star. CLERK-TYPIST with Washington’s oldest Chevrolet dealer; good salary. 5 ’u-dsy week: permanent position. Apply to Mr. Dillon, Barry-Pate & Addison. 1522 14th st. n.w._ CLERK-TYPISTS. 8 to 4:45 n.m.. 5-day „n0, Sat. work; permanent positions, excellent working conditions: must be high school graduates. Apply Mondays through Friday, Boom 702, 816 14th st. n.w.. Equitable Life Insurance Co COUNTER GIRLS, atf-conditloned res taurant; good pay. pleasant working con ditions; day work. Apply Wakefield Grill. 020 F st. n.w DEMONSTRATOR for nationally adver tised household product In preferred Wash ington department store: liberal salary and commission Box "48-G. Star. DENTAL ASSISTANT to work In Bethesda. experience not necessary. State age. sal ary and phone number. Box 4-H. Star. DENTAL ASSISTANT, knowledge of typing necessary Write Box 288-H. Star, stat ‘fcl&^only: for "june 1st. ex perienced. age 20-35; office, 1726 Rye st. n.w. Stete reference and salary expected. Box 47-H. Star. DENTALHYGIENI8T. D C. license. Call DISHWASHER, colored girl, experienced, for work in boarding house; 6-day week. 40c an hour. H23 13th st. n.w. DISHWASHERS, colored: no Sunday work: hours, 1:30 to 8 p.m.; good salary. 273^ Nichols ave. s.e. EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, on technical pub lication, to do editing, some rewriting, cap tion writing, proofreading, production de tails and general office work. Several years college training In journalism and chemistry desired, as well as knowledge of typewriting and preferably of stenog raphy. State qualifications fully and sub mit snapshot. Write Box 29I-D. Star. ELEVATOR GIRL, colored, with switch board experience: hours. 10 m m. to 8 p.m Apply 815 18th st. n.w., the Greystone Ants. ELEVATOR OPERATOR. colored; day work, good hours: nice building. Apply Mrs. Reily. 5425 Conn. ave. n.w ELEVATOR OPERATOR. 4 to 12 P m . at once. Apply manager. 1601 Argonne pi. b *;; corner of Harvard and Argonne pi ELEVATOR OPERATORS, white or col ored, with or without license. Good sal Apply t0 Room 1053. 1435 O st. n.w. EVENING ELEVATOR-P.B.X. operator. 11 p m. to 7:30 a m.. In apartment house: 6 day week. Apply Mrs. Brood. 1616 16th st. n.w. DE. 1600. FOUNTAIN AND SANDWICH GIRLS, tood hours and excellent pay. Apply Iordan’s Candy Shop, 616 12 th st. n.w. Tel. RF 3^0** 1 am GIRL to learn hotel business, startinf with switchboard. Apply Ebbitt Hotel, 10th and H sts. n.w. GIRL, white, light housework, help with baby: live in or out; excellent salary; pleasant home for right person; refer ences required. OR. 8310. GIRL, experienced, for bindery machina work; permenent position: flve-day week, 40 hours; salary, $‘25. Apply 1255 25th st. n.w. GIRL for cigar counter: experience pre ferred but not necessary; 6-day week. Empire Pharmacy, 1738 Conn. ave. n.w. DU. 1'ii <. GIRL, white, as day manager for amail restaurant and sandwich shop; hours. 10 am. to 6 p.m : no Sundays; good pay. Cathedral Tavern. 3000 Conn. ave. GIRL, colored, work from 4 to 12 pm: pay. $21. 51 M st. s.w. LI. »859. W. M. Hughes. 15* GIRLS, for general office work, with knowledge of typing and filing. Rothstein Dental Laboratory 1722 Eye st. n w. GIRLS, 18 to 25 years, white, with post war opportunity in modern photo finish ing plant. Apply in person. Fleet Photo Service. 1232 14th st. n.w. GIRLS (white) lor soda fountain, no ex perience necessary. 18th and Columbia rd. and Mt. Rainier Phone WA. S7t)4. GOOD TY'PIST. P.B.X. operator; hours, 9 to 1. 5-day week; experienced. TA. 2738. GROCERY CLERK, settled woman, good hours, good salary. Apply 824 10th st. n.w. HOUSEKEEPER for hospital, $85 and meals. Apply House Director, 1147 16th st. n.w. HOUSEKEEPER, white, age 30-50. aettled. reliable, to keep house for empl. couple with 1 child, age 4; live in or out; Sun days off. DE. 4748. JUNIOR CLERK to do clerical, filing and messenger work, either 5 or 5'., days; $25 to $32.50 per wk.. Dlus bonus; prefer high school graduate: essential industry, perma nent. Telephone DI. 2900 or apply at personnel dept. . 1241 West 24th st. n w. KITCHEN HELP for country club in Chevy Chase. Md.; on bus line: $77 per month and meals. Call steward. WI. 3100. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, doctor s of fice. full or part time. Call NA. 8769 between fl and 5. 14* LABORATORY TECHNICIAN—Girl, 18 ta 35, with at least high school education, lo take charge ol milk testing laboratory, no previous experience needed if willing and capable to learn; permanent position and good starting salary. Apply 2040 West Virginia ave. n.e. LADY for office: experienced typist, an swering telephone: hours. 10 a m. to 4 p m.. Monday through Saturday. ..State salary expected. Box 292-D, Star. LADY, wno can copy simpllest pencil draw ings. also answer phone. Box 218-G. Star. LADY’ for companion, to help In cooking and light housework, who likes country life. Address Mrs. A. B. Wickes. Mt. Vernon. Va. Alexandria 5183 LADY'S MAID, part time, white. Hotel apartment. Best local references. Call only between 9 and 5. HO. 6395. LAUNDRY WORKERS, white and colored, experienced or inexperienced. Apply timekeeper. Emergency Hospital. MAID wanted for Jewelry store; full time. Pearson. Inc., 1301 O st. n.w. MAID for hotel work. 6 hours day. 6 day* week; pleasant working conditions. Apply manager of Lord Calvert Hotel, 7200 Bal timore ave.. College Park, Md MAID for beauty parlor. Gaston's. 1741 Conn. ave. n.w. MAID, light colored, for beauty parlor. Henri & Robert. 1827 K st. n.w. MAIDS (2) for furniture store. Malcolm Skates, Inc. Furniture for the years. Apply 13th and Upshur sts. n.w Also 724" Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda, Md. MASSEUSE, permanent position. In Turkish bath. EM. 4347. ME. 2388. NURSE to assist In ladles' Turkish bath. EM. 4347 or ME 2388. NURSEMAID, white, to *re for Ui-year old baby No other work, GL. 6121. OPERATOR, colored. lor 2-needle power machine; kood pay. steady, light work; on men's shirts. Needlecraft Service, 620 12th st. OPERATORS for shirt department, both for machines, finishing and folding, experi ence not necessary. Ambassador Laun dry. 1428 Irving st. n.w. PART-TIME TYPIST and general office duty. Hours. 1 to 7 p.m. Call District 2460 Monday between 10 and 12 noon for inter view. Arthur Murray Studio. PRACTICAL NURSE, care of 3-year-old boy. care for mother and new baby shortly; good pay. 1460 Park rd. n.w. CO. 7585. PRACTICAL NURSE, white church home, pleasant atmosphere: live in: $86 month and maintenance State experience and reference. Box 25-K. Star. I (Continued on Next Page.) it