Newspaper Page Text
HELP WOMEN <Co«t.t POSTING CLERK for wholesale tire firm $71 »k . with advancement This is a position with a postwar future as the tirf business is on the upgrade. Phone Mr. Williams. HO. 7580 PRESS OPERATORS, good pav Apply Electric Sanitary Laundry. 1712 H st. n.c PR\ OPERATOR, for essential industry, preferably one with clerical experience 6'j-day week: good salary. Call Mrs Co'breuncr AT <200 r.B X. OPERATOR, white; hours, 4 to 12 p.m $00 mo. S20 Conn ave. PBX OPERATOR: pleasant surroundings, good salary for proper person. Call AD. 7400 RECEPTIONIST, neat, attractive girl, be tween ages ol 24 and 70. to work m office in Bethesda, experience not necessary State Qualifications. Box 5-H. Star SALESGIRL to sell ladies accessories, ex perience not necessary; good salary. Apply Marilyn's, 004 14th st, n.w. 14* SEAMSTRESS, for all types of alterations; permanent; Spanish preferred. Julia Gon zalez. 7440 14th st. n w. SECRETARY—Executive of national pro fessional organization has opening for competent secretary; agreeable working conditions: hours, n to 5 and 5'z-day week For appointment phone NA. 7662 SECRETARY for lawyer, partner in long established Washington firm. In answer ing please state age and details concern ing education and previous employment Steady and well compensated position for competent person. Box 7.70-G, Star. SECRETARY- STENOGRAPHER — Experi enced. for work in patent law office. Per manent. Salary dependent upon experi ence and ability. Box 729-G Star. 17* SECRETARY, accurale shorthand; inter esting work: real peacetime future. Suite 412, 918 F st. n.w. Write or call at 10 or 4. SECRETARY (white), nationally known essential organization. Permanent position, liberal vacation with pwy. Splendid op portunity for intelligent dependable per aon Give age. training, experience, address and telephone number. Personal -merview will be arranged. Replies confidential Box 21S-B. Star. . , ,, SHOE SALESLADIES experienced: full or part time. Young's. 1706 F st. n.w. SHOPPER, no experience necessary, for retail shopping: pleasant and permanent work: 18 to 75 years; $24 a week. Apply 627 Star Bldg. SODA DISPENSER; $28 to $70 a week. Union Drug Co., Union Station. See Mr. Reamy. _ STENOGRAPHER, also bookkeeper. Boss & Phelps. 1417 K st. n.w. STENOGRAPHER and general office worker, experience not necessary, good working conditions. State age and salary expected. Box 47-H. Star, STENOGRAPHER. rapid typist. P.B X knowledge helpful: busy downtown office. 79-hour week: immediate, permanent; pleasant working conditions; excellent op portunity for efficient girl. Box 4S-E. Star. STENOGRAPHER with general office ex perience; 78-hour week. Write details, past experience, abilities, age, salary re quired. Box 187-E, Star. STENOGRAPHER for essential work: per manent position. In air-conditioned office, good salary and hours. Call John P. Agnew & Co.. Mr. Estes, National 7068. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR white, for downtown apt. house: evening work only. RE. 0585. TABLE GIRLS, colored (2), good pay. meals and ups: no Sundays. Shoreham Drug Co.. 15th and H sts. n.w. TEACHER, nursery and primary grades. Maintenance if desired. State qualifica tions and salary expected. Box 45-E. Star. TEACHER of Gregg shorthand for eve ning classes. 6 to S on Monday. Wednesday and Friday Preference given to university graduate who has had experience in a commercial college. Telephone NA. 1748. Ask for Mr. Purvis or Miss O Shaughnessy TEACHER for summer school, elementary and nursery groups Preferably able to drive. State dates available. P. O. Box 4026 D C. TECHNICIAN for university hospital lab oratory. Some experience necessary. Box .4-E. star. TELEPHONE OPERATOR, full time, alter nating hours, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p m, and .'•> :to : p.m. to 11 p.m.; 6-day week: salary. $100 : per month. Apply 2025 Eye st. n.w., or call RE. 1400. TYPIST and office clerical, experience not necessary, good working conditions. S;ate see and salary expected. Box 44-H, Star. TYPIST, office clerk, high school grad uate. 18 to 35 years preferred, permanent position. Washington Cathedral, Wiscon sin and Mass. aves. n.w. TYPIST, dictaphone transcriber, bookkeep er. Apply American Red Cross. National Naval Medical Center. Bethesda Md. Call OL. 520ft. Mrs. Burton, for appointment for interview. TYPIST. 8:30 to 5 p.m., Saturday 1 p.m.. ! $.35 week. Prefer n.e. resident. Steady I position. Mr. Green. 3730 10th st. n.e. TYIISTS with some clerical training. 5 day week. 8 to 4:45 p.m.: no Saturday work: permanent position, excellent worg int conditions: must be high school grad- | uate. Apply Room 702. Eauitable Life In- ’ surance Co.. 816 14th st. n.w , Monday through Friday. TYPIST for home office of local life in surance co.: permanent position with ex cellent future: short working hours. day Saturdays, vacations, free hospitalization and life insurance; excellent starting sal ary with frequent increases. Apply Amer ican Home Mutual Life Insurance Co., Mr. R. T. Harrell, 716 11th st. n.w. WAITRESS, white, full time, hotel coffee shop, $1.8 wk., good tips. NA. 5261. WAITRESSES, white, full or part time: good wages and good hours. Call AD 9693. WAITRESSES, no Sundays. Apply Pierre s Restaurant. 192ft Q st. n w. WAITRESSES, white, experienced: must work Sunday. Apply 720 13th st. n.w. WAITRESSES, must be over 21; average over $50 week tips; no Sunday work. Call DE 9235, 2 to 4 p.m. and evenings 8 to 10. WAITRESSES (white), day work. Apply Hilltop Restaurant 1226 36th st. n.w. WAITRESSES, white or colored, week end or full time: excellent pay: report immedi ately for work tonight. Henderson's Grill, 735 14th st. n.w WAITRESSES; must be experienced. Apply in person. Ask for Regina. No Sundays. Rowe s Sea-Food Grill, 913 11th st. s.e. 14* WAITRESSES WANTED (3): good wages and tips. Apply Friday morning, 714 H st. n.e. 13* WAITRESSES (white), full or part time, evenings, 5 to ft: high-class tearoom: excellent tips. Water Gate Inn, 2700 F st. n.w. WAITRESSES, white, experienced: excel lent tips. Apply in person, Roma Restau- ■ rant. .3419 Conn. ave. n.w. WAITRESSES 'while), must be experienced for a very exclusive private culb: $18 per week, very vood tips, uniform furnished: no Sunday work. Almas Temple. 1315 K st. n.w. Ask for Mr. Long, the manager, on 3rd floor. WOMAN, colored, honest, reliable, for dishwashing room. Investment Pharmacy, 1501 K st. n w. WOMAN to work in drugstore; $27 per week to start, opportunity for advance ment. Concord Pharmacy. 1816 New Hampshire ave. n.w. NO. 9801. WOMAN, white, middle-aged, to act as working manager of rooming house: living quarters with wages; references required. Phone NO. 9259. WOMAN, white, for stock-room work, no Sun. or holiday work; excellent salary plus meals and uniforms. The Latchstring Cafeteria, 612 12th st. n.w. WOMAN, white, care of child: live in or out. evenings and Sundays free. $12 and carfare; mother works: good home. 4689 .umiicjuui a vc. n.c., ^ i . it WOMAN with nursing experience to care for invalid lady; live in. DU. 6086. WOMAN, white. assistant to manager in high-class suburban restaurant: salary, room and board. Call Woodley 1135. WOMAN for dry cleaning store cashier and wait on customers, steady job, good pay. Apply 506 G gt. n.w. WOMEN, white to pack and grade eggs' good salary while training. Call DI. 2025. WOMEN, experienced, for cleaning store. Aristo. 3927 South Capitol street, 13* YOUNG LADY to work evenings at soda fountain in small neighborhood drugstore. Good salary, pleasant surroundings. Bea con Pharmacy. Dupont 4800 WANTED, four waitresses, white. Apply 741 13th at. n.w, 14* WANTED—By national bank, young white woman as bookkeeping machine operator; permanent position good hours Rnd work ing conditions. Reply Box 235-G. Star WILL GIVE elderly woman home lor the care of 2 children, and small wages, or will hire by the week. Cal! John Holt. Adams 6117 before noon Sunday or 1629 F st. n e., Ant. 3. IMMEDIATE POSITION open for experi enced typist and telephone operator with insurance experience; salary commensurate with position: give experience in reply. Box 367-0. star. 19* CASUALTY insurance supervisor and un derwriter woman. Permanent position open Immediately in large genera; agency office. Salary commensurate with posi tion. Please give experience Box .366-0, Star___ 3»« CAFETERIA ASSISTANT. White woman to assist supervisor of pri vate cafeteria for nationally known essen tial organisation One meal served daily. Permanent, good location and hours. Reply must include Qualifications, training, age address and telephone number. I! rxpc rience. outline duties and give names of employers._Box 13-0. star SECRET ARY-STENOGRAPHER Branch office the Guardian Life Ins. Co.: permanent: hours, 9-5 and 9-1 every other Sat. with 1 hr. for lunch: $1,440 Cal!, see or write C W. O'DONNELL, mgr Suite 205, 1101 Vermont ave. ME. 4360 STENOGRAPHERS. $37.39 to $42.25. plus bonus, fo- 5 or ft'w day week, permanent essential in dustry. Telephone DI. 2960. or apply at geraonnel depi . 124 1 24th sr n.w 'BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Good salary, chance jor advancement Apply auditor. Carlton Hotel, 16th and K sta. n.w COOK, Colored Man or Woman, Full or part time; top Phone SH 3600. or call in person. Mrs Ks Toll Houjm» Tavern. SECRETARY^ Young woman with stenographic experi ence and familiar with genera! offi c rou tine. Must be able to work without super. Vision Phone CO. 2000, Ext. 5, for ap pointment. HIGH'S ICE CREAM SIOP.ES. Desirable Positions Open in Many Localities For SALESLADIES _ 18 to 66. Experience Not Necesrarr. __Apply 13‘>6 Halt J3t_S E Typist and General Office Work -I* JEWELRY STORE GOOD PAY 6*^-DAY WEEK APPLY ELI RUBIN CO., _718 7th ST_N.\V COLORED GIRL As assistant salad maker. Morning or afternoon hours. VENEZIA CAFETERIA, _____ 1357 19th S; NW P.B.X. OPERATOR, Experienced, permanent position private concern; air-conditioned office; typing de finable _Call Miss White. EX 5867 CASHIER, fi«POflUon- App!jr *n" Loew’s Capitol Theater. HELP WOMEN. YOUNG LADY. Interesting work in circulation dept of newspaper as telephone clerk. No experi ence required 4't-hour week Insurance vacations, sick leave and other employ ment advantages. Advancement: perma nent . Apnlv Personnel Office. THE EVENING STAR. hoi Star Bids., lioi Pa. Ave N.W._ SEAMSTRESS. MUST BE FIRST CLASS. HIGH SALARY PERMANENT POSITION. APPLY 2127 C St. N.W., _ 2ND FLOOR _ SODA GIRL/$30 WK., ! White M^als and uniforms furnished. ! Pet wot th Pharmacy. 42<U Ga ave. n.w. SALESWOMEN For BETTER DRESSES. Aoply PERSONNEL OFFICE. 7th FLOOR. JELLEFF’S, _r: 14-1220 F St. N w._ PART TIME. COUNTER GIRLS and SODA DISPENSERS. No experience necessary Superintendent’s Office. 4th Floor. S. KANN SONS CO. CLERK. In our adjustment dept.: splendid oppor tunity for right party. See Mr. Cockcrille, Washington Laundry, 1538 Rhode Island ave. n o.__ _ _ PERSONNEL CLERK. Young woman to assist with placement of employes in personnel office of large (orp.; minimum entrance salary. $1,800. plus one meal each wonting day. Per sonnel experience desired, but not essen tial. Excellent opportunity for right per son. 4*-hour week—work until 2 p.m. on Saturday. Apply 1110 21st st. n.w., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.___ CLERK-TYPIST For wholesale meat commissary. ENTRANCE SALARY, $1,800. Excellent promotional opportunity lor right person. PiMsant working ronditioTis. Apply 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. 11 1 !> 'list, st. n.w. ~ SEWING WOMEN For ALTERATIONS on womens dresses Apply PERSONNEL OFFICE. 7th FLOOR, JELLEFF’S, _111 4-1320 F 81. N.W._ Switchboard Operator. Good salary: d-day week. Apply Cairo Hotel. 1615 Que st. n.w _ SHOE SALEWOMEN,' Experienced Preferred. But Not Necessary Apply Superintendent's Office. 4th Floor. S. KANN SON'S CO. MAID-WRAPPER. To wrap packages and handle stock, permanent, full time; no heavy work, pleasant conditions. THE YOUNG MEN*S SHOP, KUO F St. N.W. TOILET GOODS SALESWOMEN WANTED, Apply PERSONNEL OFFICE, 7th FLOOR. JELLEFF’S, _1214-1220 F_ST._N.W- __ COLORED GIRL Or Woman for Counterwork. K157 19th Si. N.W., VENEZIA CAFETERIA. CASHIER AND HOSTESS. No Sunday or Late Night Work. Good working conditions; experience helpful, but not necessary. Apoly TALLY-HO RESTAURANT, _812 17th St. N.W. EXPERIENCED SPECIALIZED TRAINED CAMP FITTERS FOR OUR CORSET DEPARTMENT. Excellent salary, splendid opportunity. Apply Personnel Office, Second Floor, THE HECHT CO., _F St. at 7th N.% LAUNDRY HELPERS. Apply Enmloyment Office, 9th Floor. Woodward & Lothrop. ~ SALESWOMEN."' FULL OR PART TIME. APPLY AT ONCE. Employment Office. 8th Floor. Woodward & Lothrop. WOMAN To take charge ol small cafeteria m Alex andria daywork; good salary, pleasant surroundings: must have had previous food, cafeteria or restaurant experience. Reply, giving telephone number, age and Business experience Box 4-D. Star GLOVE SALESWOMEN. Permanent positions for women with some experience in fitting gloves. _ GARFINCKEL’S. OFFICE CLERICALS. Permanent positions in general clerical w?ork. GARFINCKEL’S. OFFICE CLERICALS; CASHIERS. WRAPPERS, MARKERS. Apply. PERSONNEL OFFICE. 7th FLOOR. JELLEFF’S. __1214-1220 F St. N.W. SHOE SALESLADY. Experienced; $.35 and commission. 3132 Wilson blvd , Arlington._CH. 0320._ SILK PRESSER, Experienced. Dry cleaning dept , Pioneer Laundry. 9\’0 Rhode Island avf r. e. HOSTESS FOR DINING ROOM. EXPERIENCED. PLEASANT SURROUND INGS. EXCELLENT SALARY. APPLY MANAGER. AMBASSADOR HOTEL, 34th Si K Sts. N W._ CLERICALS AND TYPISTS, Experience not necessary. Apply employ ment office. 4th floor LANSBURGH & BRO., _7th. 8th and E Sts. N.W, SILK PRESSER. Hours, s to 5: steady work, best pay In i town ’ll] New York ave. n.w. COLORED MAIDS." Rome for guest rooms and some for house cleaning. Apply housekeeper. Fair fax Hotel. 2100 Mass ave. n.w Secretary-Stenographet,~ Accurate shorthand: interesting work for uniformed forces: 5Mi-day week: beginning salary, sl.80<». Cali NA. Hfiuo, Mrs. Godwin, bet <t and 5. SALESWOMEN For Full or Part Time Employment. Experience not Necessary. Apply Employment Office 4 th Floor LANSBURGH & BRO., _7th sth ancl E Sts. N.W;_ TYPISTS (2) WANTED TO WORK IN REFINED JEWELRY STORE. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. 5V2-DAY WEEK j __BOX l-I'I-D, STAR TYPIST, For direct mail advertising: permanent; full tune preferred: excellent, working conditions. Good opportunity for ad \ancemen? Liberal discount on personal purchases in our women’s shop. The Young Men's Shop, _l*m» F St N.W. BUS GIRLS, (COLORED), For high-class restaurant Top wages. De luding meals. Good working conditions Apply personnel office. O'DONNELL’S SEA GRILL. __1-07 E ST. N.W i MILLINERY SALESLADY, Experienced, good salary. Apply Mis? Mueller, JEAN MATOU, ! _Conn Ave and M 8t. TYPISTS, Pleasant working conditions and good ■alarv. Appiy Geo. C. Shaffer, Inc., Florists, JKM) ’4th S? N.W P. B. X. OPERATORS, Pleasant Surroundings. Day and Evening Hours. Apply in Person, Chief Operator HOTEL ROOSEVELT, _____ -.’HU t«th St N.W. STENOGRAPHERS, P B. X OPERATORS CLERK-TYPISTS PleRsant Working Conditions. Apply BARBER & ROSS CO., _ 5th AND V STS N E CASHIER, jMust ha\p some experience. Good salarj I with meals, excellent, working conditions ; Anpiv personnel office, O’DONNELL’S SEA GRILL, r:o7 e st. n.w. ELEVATOR OPERATORS < White) NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Applv in person to Rr]| Captain HOTEL WASHINGTON, 15th *nd Pa Avr N.W. |__«LP WOMEN._ TYPIST—GENERAL CLERK Some Knowledge of Shorthand, i AGES IS TO 40. 5-dav, 40-hour week overtime Satur days if desired Good salary 10 start, splendid opportunity for advancement. APPLY MR. READE NATIONAL BISCUIT CO.. 338_ RANDOLPH PL_N.E._ WOMEN WANTED. ! FOR ESSENTIAL CAF'ETERIA WORK. WHITE AND COLORED. Counter attendants, steam table servers, i bus girls, dishwashers. Experience not i necessary. Earn full salary while training. : Hours arrangec to suit your convenience. I MINIMUM SALARY $-.'0 A WEEK PLUS I MEALS AND UNIFORMS FOR 4S-HOUR WEEK. Paid vacations, liberal attendance I bonus. $50o insurance benefits, permanent job with postwar future Join our ranks now Help with the war effort in this vitally needed Industry. Please bring social security card with you APPLY 1119 21st ST. N.W. K A.M-4:30 P M _ PART-TIME WORK. Earn extra money after hours in essen tial jobs. Hours 10:30 a m. to 2 p m and ;> p m. to 0 p.m Work in a cafeteria in a Government building near your job or near your home, please bring social secur ity card with you. APPLY 1119 21st ST. N.W. _A M.-4 :30 P M._ TYPIST. Opportunity for permanent position In well-established real estate office for young lady; good salary, pleasant working con ditions: hours, 9 to 5. half day off Sat urday all year. Reply in own handwriting, stating experience._Box 13H-B. 8tar. SILK FINISHERS, Experienced; hiahest pay, steady'♦position. Apply 122rt South Capitol st._ Soda Fountain-Luncheonette MANAGERS. Will train several responsible women as managers for our Washington stores; good salary, free meals, free life insurance, lree uniforms, vacation with pay. D A SCHULTE. INC.. 901 _PA AVE. Switchboard Operator, Experienced preferred but not absolutely necessary: permanent position, good salary; pleasant working conditions. Peerless Furniture Co., SI I 7th St. N.W. See Mr. Marstellcr. GIRLS TRAIN “ AS CASHIERS For large retail establishment. This Is a permanent position and not a duration. We will start you at $30. and the right person can advance easily. BOND CLOTHING CO., _ 1335 F ST, N.W.___ N. C. R. OPERATORS. Girls to work in front office of large re tail organization. Permanent positions with excellent salary. BOND CLOTHING CO., 1335 F ST. N.W. OFFICE CLERKS. Typing necessary, pleasant working conditions, good salary. WAR DEPT. EXCHANGE, _PI. 8344 for Appointment. WILBUR ROGERS, INC., 3 211 F ST. N.W.. Has opening for cashier for full-time work. Good salary, steady employment. Apply Miss J. Turner, supt. WILBUR ROGERS, INC., 1211 F ST. N.W.. Has openings lor full and part time sales women. experienced in selling coats, dresses, sportswear and underwear. Oood salary, plus commission: steady employ ment Apply Miss J. Turner, sunt._ HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS, Seniors preferred, desiring evening work, 4-7 p m. daily or alternate days and all day Saturday. Apply Miss Filer. Western Union, Room 601. 710 14th st. n.w. GIRL For Our Accessory Dept. I. MILLER, _1222 F St. N.W._ DINING ROOM HOSTESS Experienced, attractive woman for this dignified and pleasant position Good salary. Apply Manager's office, Burling ton Hotel.__ CLERK-TYPIST. 40-Hour Week. Perm»nr*t Position. 20th Century Fox Film Corp., __032 N. J, Ave, N.W1_ CORSET SALESWOMEN. Desirable positions open to women Inter ested in foundation garment fitting. GARFINCKEL’S. FOUNTAIN GIRLS, Experienced. New Hampshire Pharmacy, RA. 3100. TEAROOM WORKERS, Part-time Hostesses and Food Checkers. Apply Employment Office. 9th Floor. Woodward & Lothrop'. CUTTERS AND SEWERS ~ For Furniture Slip Covers. Apply Employment Office, 9th Floor. Woodward & Lothrop. OFFICE WORKERS. Typists, Clericals. Billing Machine Operators Apply Employment Office, 9th Floor, Woodward & Lothrop. EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE OPERATORS. Apply employment office. 722 12tb st. n.w . Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m ; Saturday. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The C. & P. Telephone Co. Do not apply if employed full time at your maximum skill In another war ln ' dustry. ~ WOMEN WANTED For Telephone Work, Ages 18 to 60. Also part-time work in evening for un employed women Earnings at start range from $23 to $20.60. with rapid increases; permanent positions: promotion opportuni ties: work near your home Apply em-! ployment office. 722 12th st. n.w. 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday: 8:30 to 5 p m Saturdays. THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO (Do not apply if employed full time at your maximum skill in another war in dustry.)_ Colored Woman or Girl As Assistant Pastry Cook. VENEZIA CAFETERIA, 1357 19th 8t. N.W. WOMEN WANTED AS GENERAL CLEANERS. i Ages 25 to 40, with a LARGE ORGAN 1IZATION. Good wages, steady work: regu lar pay increases, WRITE Box 227-C. Star. Do not apply if employed full time at 1 your maximum skill in another war In dustry. CLERK-TYPIST For large corporation, minimum entrance I salary. $140 per mo. Regular merit pro motion. pleasant working conditions and ! excellent promotional opportunities with a firm that offers an advancement to | supervisory positions with a definite post | war future. Apply 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., J110 ! 21 st st._n.w._ RECEPTIONIST For personnel office of large corporation, i minimum entrance salary, $125 per mo. Regular merit promotion, pleasant work ins conditions and excellent promotional ; opportunities with a firm that offers an 1 advancement to supervisory positions with ; a definite posswnr future. Apply 8 am. . to 4 pm. 1 i lit 21st st. n.w.___ SECRETARY I To assist director Washington office of large publishing firm: excellent opportunity, exceptionally interesting work. Telephone Mr. Paul King. NA. 4814. CLERK I With PBX experience, excellent starting salary with subsequent increases based ! on initiative and willingness to accept responsibility INTERNA J IONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP . _11 1 1 Conn Ave. N W. SALESLADY Experienced, earnings ip to MO week. No evening work. Exclusive Conn, ave i specialty shop. Telephone NA. 5781 lor appointment. SALESWOMEN. FULL OR PART TIME. ! IMMEDIATE openings for women INTERESTED IN SELLING BETTER TYPE WOMEN’S APPARET RALEIGH HABERDASHER, room .’tun. 1 .'12(1 F ST. N.W. SILK PRESSER, Experienced Excellent salary. ESQUIRE CLEANERS, | __ 807 H St • N.E. CLERKS, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., l.’i.'i.’i F ST. N.W. ME. 1405. I HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATES. 18 TO HO. Good health; no experience necessary. ! Must have release. Phone for appoint ment Monday, l» to 5. A. M. Ensor. mgr CASHIER AND HOSIERY GIRL. Permanent Position. ENNA JETT1CK SHOE CO , 1HH7 F St. N.W. OFFICE SUPERVISOR, To supervise typing of records and files in office; good promotional opportunities, entrance salary, $2,000; paid vacations, sick leave, Saturday afternoons free; ex cellent working conditions. In letter please write in full previous experience, educa tion, age. etc. Replies confidential. Box 040-0. Star, PERSONNEL SUPERVISOR. Excellent opportunity for woman in per sonnel department, prefer experienced | woman with administrative ability and background minimum entrance salary, jV-00 per month, increase after short pe J’iod based on ability and experience jS?ate age. experience in deiail All replies wiil be kept strictly confidential. Box H17-G. Ffar. _HELP WOMEN.__ Switchboard Operator. Temporary. Saturdays, 9 to 6; 70c per hr ALSO VACATION RELIEF Beginning June 1!*. App'y Time. Inc , 815 _ 15th St. N.W Room 8.18. _ SECRETARY Downtown church has immediate open ing for secretary qualified in shorthand, typing and personality. Work is Inter esting and varied. Good working con ditions with nald vacations. Saiarv to SI.800 Tor interview call Mr. Anderson, ME. H55S.____ __ GIRLS—WOMEN. Work at our soda fountain, daytime only, no Sundays; uniforms furnished: opportunity for aovancemcnt, vacation with p*v. Service Pharmacy, 14th «nd I> sts. n.w.__ TYPISTS. To be trained in bookkeeping machine work. GARFINCKEL’S. YOUNG LADY, 1 8-.15. with high school typing background, for office work in dignified, essential war and peace time Industry. Apply Mi3S Fifer. Western Union. Room 801, 710 14th st. n.w ___ SHOE SALESWOMEN. Good positions open to women inter ested in learning to fit women's or chil dren's shoes. GARFINCKEL’S. SALESWOMEN and OFFICE CLERICALS No Experience Necessary Apply Superintendent a Office. 4th Floor. S. KANN SONS CO. COLLEGE WOMEN. Junior executive positions available Im mediately Apply emolument office. 4th floor LANSBURGH & BRO. _7th. 8th and E ats, N.w.__ TYPISTS, FILE GIRLS. PERMANENT POSITIONS. WHICH IMPROVE AND LAST AS LONG AS YOU WANT THEM TO. REALLY GOOD OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT. SEE MR. ALTHAUS. THE CREDIT BUREAU. __1221 O ST. N.W._ GOOD PAY FOR TELEPHONE COLLECTORS WORK A Vs DAYS A WEEK PERMANENT POSITIONS WITH EXCELLENT FUTURE PROSPECTS. SEE MR. ALTHAUS. THE CREDIT BUREAU, _ 1221 O ST. N.W. SALESWOMEN For men's furnishings department: high earnings, permanent; experience pre ferred but not essential; excellent dis count on personal purchases in our women's shop: excellent postwar future. THE YOUNG MEN’S SHOP, _1319 F at. N.W._ FOOD CHECKERS. $42.60 week to start; must be experienced. Alto Market, 2205 Wisconsin Tve. EM. 7.100. 14* BOOKKEEPER, EXPERIENCED IN REAL ESTATE AND BUILDER'S OFFICE PREFERRED. EX CELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR PERMA NENT CONNECTION WITH RAPID AD VANCEMENT TO CAPABLE, INDUSTRI OUS. AMBITIOUS PER80N. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU ARE AN EX PERT BOOKKEEPER NOW EMPLOYED AND HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR MAK ING A CHANGE. SALARY. #2,100 A YEAR TO START. SHAPIRO, INC., I. 341 Conn. Ave._DU. 7777. SALESWOMEN, Full and part time: experienced selling dresses, sportswear, shoes or accessories. Good salary to start, excellent opportunity to advance. IDA’S, 5301 Oa._Ave. Delightfully Air Cooled. HOSTESS, EXPERIENCED, OVER 21. GOOD SALARY. SUNDAYS OFF. Robin Hood Restaurant, 1422 K BT. N.W. HOSIERY SALESLADY To take charge of hosiery and handbag dept ; 840 a week and commission. Call Washington Haberdashery. 1103 F st. n.w, GENERAL ASSISTANT And helper in alterations dept. Excellent salary. Apply Rlzlk Bros,, 1110 Conn, ave. Assistant Bookkeeper And cashier, experienced, knowledge of EUlot-Flsher machine desirable, perma nent position: salary rajice. #40 to $50 per week. Box 448-E. Star. _ Telephone Operators, Experienced: good salary. Apply chief operator, Carlton Hotel, l(5th and K sts. n.w,_ _ _ TYPISTS (2) For general office work; pleasant working conditions, good salary. Aply Mr. Myers, Yale Laundry, 437 New York ave. n.w. NA. 24tt2.__ CLERKS (2) For laundry retail store; good salary: ex perience not necessary. Apply Mr. Myers. Yale Laundry. 437 New York ave. n.w, NA. 2402._ STENOGRAPHER FOR REAL ESTATE OFFICE. SVi-Day Week. Attractive Salary, Good Working Conditions. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, 1732 K St. N.W. _CALL MB8. CREEL. ME. 1143._ Switchboard Operator FOR REAL E8TATE OFFICE. 5'/a-Day Week. Attractive Salary, Typist Preferred. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, 1733 K ST N.W., OR CALL MRS. CREEL. ME. 1143, MAIL CLERKS FOR INFORMATION DESK Apply to Mr. Hudson. Front Desk, RALEIGH HOTEL, 12th AND PA. AVE. N.W.__ WHITE WOMEN. 18 to 50, $1,800 YEAR JOB. 8plendid opportunity for rlaht party to learn cafeteria work. Finest organisation In the country. Call Miss Greer, CO. 9080 for appointment. CLERKS, FOR ANSWERING Phone, filing, typing: no experience neces sary: hours, 9:30 to 3:30 and 9:30 to 3:30 on Saturdays: white, gentile; 05c hour to start. Box ::P8-D, Star.__ SEAMSTRESS To assist tailor on alterations of military uniforms. Full time position. Excellent pay IRVING’S—10TH AND E. CLERKS AND TYPISTS. GOOD SALARY. NEW YORK JEWERLY CO., _72? 7th 8T. N.W.__ Housekeeper Companion. Take entire charge of apt. for one lady and prepare appetlxtna meals Have a lovely room of your own. No heavy work. Thursday afternoon off. Good salary to right person. Some knowledge of nursing preferred. References. (White.) Address Box 28-E. Star. __ FOOD CHECKER. ' Agreeable working conditions, good sal ary. Apply manager s office, Burlington Ho;el._ _ STENOGRAPHER. Protestant Church Office. GOOD SALARY. IMMEDIATE EMPLOY MENT TELEPHONE ME. 5484 FOR INTERVIEW WAITRESSES FOR CAFETERIA. NO EVENING OR SUNDAY WORK. GOOD EARNINGS. APPLY MANAGER CAFETERIA. AMBASSADOR HOTEL, __14th AT K ST. N.W. ' STENOGRAPHER FOR SIMPLE DICTATION. Some typing experience desirable Per manent Job. Apply to Mrs. Jolley Capitol Radio Engineering Institute, .7224 18th st. n.w. HO 1520 TYPIST. Typing speed 36-46 w.p.m. Experience not required. Permanent job Apply to Mrs. Jolley. Capitol Radio Engineering In stitute. 3TM 3fith st. n.w. HO. 3 6‘,’0. HELP DOMESTIC. CHAMBERMAID, white, experienced; good references; live otrv, other help; !i to 1 daily, good salary. CO. 2112, 8 lo (I i> CHAMBERMAID-LAUNDRESS, pvt. family, must be willing to leave city for summer. NO. 1362. CHAMBERMAID WAITRESS Help with laundry. Little work during summer, DE 04)3. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, white, live in. nice room, excellent wages to right person; other help kept. MI. (II HI alter ii CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS. experienced, white, lo sleep in; references required family ol 2: good wages. Phone DE. U178 Monday. 16th. through Thursday, bet. 11 a.,n. and 4 p m. COLORED WOMAN for general h.w . some laundry: Sunday oH; part-time. 8 to 12 a m , $8 per week 1804 Lamont st. n w COOK, colored, experienced, g.h.w.: live in; small family; no laundry *20 to start. WO. 2503. COOK, for summer months, to go to Blue Ridge Summit, Penna. MI. 8321. 26(H) Qi'f sl, n.w COOK, experienced, good salary, private room and bath, references necessary: other help kept. EM. 7143 or Dl. 271(1 COOK and g.h.w., live In; high salary lo experienced person. Ollier help employed. R_efk req. 3403 Woodley rd. n.w., WO. COOK AND G.H.W., 1 till 7; *20 week. W l .» H H /. COOK-NUR8R C£), colored, willing to go jo seashore for summer months; excel lent •' ry. WI. 6 _HELP DOMESTIC (Com.) COUPLE, man and wife, willing to leave city for summer months: colored pre ferred; 3 children: good wages. WI 3252 GENERAL HOUSF.WORKER. vicinity Sil ver Spring: attractive separate Quarters, 2 rms . bath. Call Mrs. Toomey. DE 7935; eves.. SH 1769. G.H.tV. and laundry. 2 days week: 50 cents hour end carfare; in vicinity of Bethesda Mb OI. 0126. G.H.tV, no cooking or laundry. 3 days week. 9 to 5. $12 and car.are; small apt . Parufairfax, Alexandria. TE. 7026 G.H.tV.. colored, plain cooking, to live in or out: good wages. WI. 5232. SfJ?*" c<?lored' for g-h.w.; good references; 52-L w?,a,ko no laundry, no cooking MI. ..... 2318 4th st. n e. GIRL, colored, for part-time, 1 day a wee . good sa ary, choose day and hours to suit you; clean small apt.: must nave aooo •cverencc.' For interview sppolnt ment cal] OR. _704o. GIRL, over 25. Light housework piain cooking for 1 adult. Small apartment, Re ;rper;rnced with references. Hours, 8 till 4. DU. 8686. Apt. 512. GI-.6. colored, lor g.h.w.: no cooking: no Sundays., hours. 9 to 5: good pay; 3 ed,-n.s. LI. 1123. GIRL J°.r Sundry and cleaning. Mon . Wed . Fri. mornings. Mrs. Garner, 5105 4th st. n.w, RA. 8786. GIRL. 2 to 8 pin., g.h.w.. cooking; 3 adults; no 3undays. wo. 1607. GIRL, white, to live in; children’s conva lesce^nt home Phone Rockville 12*. GIRL, experienced day worker; cleaning, washing and ironing. 2 days a week. cay and c«rfare Call WI. 4 12“. 5JS1* white, to rare for ow® child, light housekeeping duties; a good home with pleasant surroundings to a re liable party. Sligo 4450. GIRL OR WOMAN, white, care of two children while mother works: Sunday off. live in or out. 4328 34th st.. Mount Rainier. Md. HOUSEKEEPER, white, neat. Protestant, ntotherless home; father and 9-year daughter Phone LI. 8283. HOUSEKEEPER warned, good experienced colored; must have husband: living rms. furn.; permanent home; pleasant duties, «?La~ry *or couple; ref. required. Mr.. O in/, HOUSEKEEPER; 2 in family. 5-rm. ept.; live out: refs. Phone OR 2548 HOUSEKEEPER, plain cooking, no heavy laundry; beautiful home, 5Vj-day week. Onlv congenial party wishing nice home need apply. Salary open. Local ref. SH. 1446. for liKht Personal laundry, OR 831 0. MAID, for working mother in s.e. section; on bus line: care of 2-yr.-old chi’d. live out: will arrange hours to suit you; refs., health card req.; start in one wk. Phone LU. 6425. 3IAID for store work, neat appearing. Apply Emily Shop. 1308 F st. n.w. MAID, rooming-house experience. — good cleaner, part time; no Sundays; good pay. 2015 O st, n.w, MAID, colored, reliable woman: $18 wk. to start. Call in person, 3511 East Cap itol st.. Apt. 104. MAID, colored, full time; g.h.w. and cook ing; no laundry, no children; no Sundays; $20 week. Call WO. 0240. MAID for morning or afternoon, g h.w and help with 2 children; health care; 50c hour and carfare. FR. 8260. Ext. 294 MAID, part time, for 5 mornings a week or 3 hill days; 50c hour, prefer Arl. resident. 2819 12th st. so., Arlington, Va. CH. 6442. MAID, white or refined colored, light g.h.w. and exper. cook; noon through din ner; Thurs. afternoon and all day Sun. off; $20 wk.: excellent living quarters for full time work if preferred at $25 wk.; new home, best n.w. section. Call EM, 21 14. MAID for g.h.w., plain cooking; live in or out: $15 weekly to start; references. EM. s MAID, care of infant; g.h.w.. for employed couple: no eves, or Sundays; $20 week; ref TE. 2283. Maid, colored or white, seashore for summer, g.h w., light cooking, light laun dry; good salary: privilege of sleeping in dr out. Apply 523. Star Bldg. MAID for general house work; live in, private room and bath: time off and salary to bp arranged. OL. 5813. MAID, colored, general housework: 10 to 3; no Sundays, or cooking. Chevy Chase, D. C. Telephone WO. 0334. MAID for g.h.w.. couple with 3-mo-old baby; near Arlington: on bus stop. 10 min. service; full or part time, live out: best wages; references. TE. 9257. MAID, part time, 1 to 7 p.m.: must be good cook, l.h.k.; excellent wages. Call SH. 1404 after 3 p.m. MAID to clean beauty salon, every fore noon, 4 hours, *10 week. Apply Al bertlne’s, 1212 G st. n.w, MAIDS, colored, 18 to 50. Also house man. 1775 N st. n.w. MI. 6434. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN (colored), to live In. Defence Highway, 3 miles out. Call Union 6064 NURSE, white, to take 14 months’ child to country for summer: other help kept. Must have references; *100 a mo. Ord way 2942. NURSE—Excellent home In Bethesda for settled woman, white or colored; other help employed: 2 girls, aged I and 4; employed mother. Call eves., OL. 3783. PART-TIME HOUSEWORKER, 5 hours a day, preferably from 2:30 on. No Sunday. $12.00 a week and carfare. Arlington, Va On K street bus line. Reference required Tel. CH. 5434 after 6:30. 14 WAITRESS OR PARLOR MAID, white; good wages; references required; family two adults. National 9160. Branch 1. WOMAN, experienced, to cook and do light housework, for one week in absence regular cook: references; *20. EM. 1631. WOMAN, care for infant and 4-year-old; large private room, bath; no Sundays, liberal leisure; *15 wk„ 1st mo., then #20, later increases. RA. 4603. WOMAN, settled, experienced, t h.w.; no laundry: stay In; nice room and bath. Chevy Chase, Md.. within 1 block of Conn, ave. bus line, halfway between Chevy Chase Circle and lake WI. 8240. help PART TIME, light work Telephone Republic 7400. Extension 4034, before 4:30 for arrangements. Mrs, Mclver. 14 NEW YORK COUPLE with 1 Va-year baby desires plain cook, g.h.w.: sleep in: no Sundays; $65 mo. Silver Spring. SL. 7492. WILL PAY $4 and carfare, 3 days per week, for reliable person, to assist care of 2 children and l.h.w. JA. 2094-J, near Presidential Gardens. * NURSE TO HELP WITH CAItE OF IN FANT AND TWO YOUNG CHILDREN; HIGH WAGES; PLEASANT HOUSEHOLD; ONE BLOCK FROM CHEVY CHASE CIR CLE OLIVER 5087._14•_ EXPERIENCED COUPLE FOR G.H.W. In Chevy Chase home; permanent for good cook and well-trained butler: must have excellent references, unusually good living Quarters and pay. RE. 1363. 9 to 5 weekdays, or write Box 325-D. Star. PERMANENT MAID, General housework. Fond of children. Light laundry. Live in. Thurs. after noons and every other Sun. ofT; $16 to start. OL. 8058.__ $25 WEEK, Cook, irh.w.: small family: *unny room and bath. Estate on Rockville pike. WI. 3346.__; WOMAN, WHITE, $110. Settled, active: permanent position. ! light housework, rare of 2 children ages 4 and 6: seashore for summer. Call NO. 0134_______ EXCELLENT WAGES. Cook. K.h.w., live in; no laundry; only experienced cook desired; 2 In family. Call WI. 2137, before 11 a.m _____ COLORED MAIDS. Some for guest rooms and some for i house cleanina. Apply housekeeper. Fair fax Hotel. 2100 Mass, avc. n.w. HIGH WAGES FOR Cook Waitress, Hotel Apt. Must Come Well Recommended. !_PHONE OR 1951._ ~ $20—5-DAY WEEK. Plain cooking and gh.w, no laundry; on crosstown bus line; refs, required. WO. (>43f>. __ Morning Houseworker, Reliable, cheerful. 4 hours a morning, 3 times a week, general cleaning and oc casional light laundry; small Georgetown | house; $8 a week: ref._MI 0610. HOUSEKEEPER. ^UST BE EXPERIENCED. APPLY IN PERSON. MANAGER. _HARRINGTON HOTEL COUPLE Excellent salary for experienced, ability and references; private upstairs room and bath Call EM S430, between 10 and ’t-*»>... __ Experienced Nurse-Governess For care of 3-year-old boy and supervi sion of school girl. Maid employed. Perma nent position in good home lor rigbt, per son. State salary desired, age and ref erences. Box 78-E. Star. SITUATIONS WOMEN. COLORED advanced practical graduated nurse, hospital experienced doctor refer ences; or a m. and p.m. care. ME. 1635. 13* DRESSMAKING, designing, remodeling, al terations, reasonable. Miss Bert. 1630 Irving st. n.w., Apt. 4. Adams 2238. 20* LADY, refined, congenial, age 47. desires position as companion. Miss Hallmark. Green belt 4106. LADY wishes position as manager of small apartment house, best of references. Adams 1480 14* MIDDLE-AGED LADY desires companion position in Virginia country home: willing help light housekeeping. Glebe 87 2:;. 14 v ! SCHOOL GIRLS <21 want job washing dishes after school; aged 14.. near 17th' land You sts. n.w. NO. 6437 SECRETARY, capable, experienced, desires ! permanent position involving receptionist; I duties. North 003 L after 6 pm 14* SITUATIONS MEN. ACCOUNTANT, expert, part-time book keeping. audits, tax service; reasonable rates. Atlantic 1530. 14* ACCOUNTANT, expert, books started. Kept part time: statements, audits, tax returns; prompt reasonable Shepherd 0564. 13* COMPANION—Young man desires act as companion to man 55 or older: private income, have automobile; neat good char acter. widely traveled, excellent back ground All correspondence confidential. Remuneration secondary. Box 285-G, Star 14* JANITOR, colored, with quarters. Shep herd 8337. 14* LIQUOR SALESMAN, experienced retail; references; discharged serviceman. $70 per week. Box 2JJ8-G. Star. J5* OFFICE MGR.. 35 draft exempt, exp. credits, collections, correspondence, knowl edge bookkeeping GE 7172, after 6. 14* RESTAURANT MANAGER. experienced, wants connections or will lease conces sion, percentage basis. Box ;ill-G, Star. i 3* WORD SLINGER can dash off your writing job in spare lime, references; reasonable. Box 240-G, Star, YOUNG MAN. *.'7, business college gradu ate, wishes part-time evening work. Box 296-G. Star j3* SITUATION by matchmaker, or will take work for trade Rox 3*21-G. Star 14* THREE EXPERT MACHINISTS available to do part-time work in own home workshop. Box 306-D, Star. SITUATIONS MEN (ConM. RETURNED ARMY OFFICER deslrgs posi uon with commercial firm, experienced ac rounting. business adm. ana law. Box 158-0. Star__ _15* IF YOU ARE WRITING A BOOK 3n some phase of national or international jolitics. economics, finance social change >r public relations, retain a specialist who las served as staff Washington correspond tnt and chief editorial writer for leading netropolltan newspaper Will collaborate n preparing text and Placing ms with publisher. Box 301-G. _Star14* SITUATIONS DOMESTIC COLORED LADY wants day's work. $4 a day and carfare. Naomi Duren. 712 .'oth st. n.e. * UIRL." colored, wants g.h.w , 8 to 4 p m. MI. 3*73. GIRL, colored, desires work as mother’s helper willing to learn; live out prefd. DE. 0738. WOMAN, colored, wants part-time work tn the mornings Box 384-G. Star. WOMAN, colored, wishes days work. Mon day. Tuesday. Wednesday, 65c Per hour, carl a re._MI.J7761.__ SITUATIONS MEN & WOMEN. 8. C. WOMAN TEACHER raised on farm wants to exchange work lor clean, respec table living quarters for herself and family durlns summer and share canning of fruits »nd vegetables Husband Is Government employe, but could do some farm work ?vemngs Heve two children, eleven and lour. Decatur 8582.14* _MOTOR TRAVEL. ACCOMMODATE 3 besides driver. Pack ard sedan; leaving Monday for Savannah. O CO 1673. DRIVING to southern California, via Chi cago. Tuesday, May 16, want 2 passen gers. GL. 7709. LEAVING for s.w. Iowa Sunday, a m ; accommodate 3 passengers. Call Chest nut 5462 between 7 p m. and 9 p.m • NAVY CADET OFFICER’S wife driving to Houston. Tex., ground May 20. Passen gers wanted to share expsnses and drlv ing. References. CH. 8798. PERSONAL_ MAN AND WIFE wanted to relieve mgr Hill Top Hotel. Harpers Ferry. W. Va.; exp. not necessary; live In the mountains. S3 MONTH—Use telephone wake-up serv ice with a reliable business. Call Miss Hall. DU. 7354. 16* HIGHLY CULTURED WOMAN teaches English, self-confidence, freedom from self consciousness; private tutor. MI. 2530. • CAMF MONTROSE—18th season; children 6 to 12 years' one hour from D. C.; sea son. 8 weeks. 8175. Catologue; churches near Mr and Mrs. L. A. Randall, Clarks ville. Md ESTABLISHED WATCH-REPAIRING firm. 38 years in Washington, guarantees, thorough work and two weeks' delivery. 4. Mitchell. Jeweler. 1404 N. Y. ave. n.w. HEMORRHOIDS eradicated oy my own method. Retulta effective for a life time or money back. Write for booklet. No druga or surgery DR SOMMERWERCK 4621 16th «t n.w.. RA. 4747 MEETING ROOM, aeating capacity of 100. splendid for club meetings and card par ties. etc.; complete with chairs and card 'able*; In Columbia Heights, on car line Mr Soldano. ME 6800. TA, 4832 PIIONE SHEPHERD 3680. ask for Mlsa Campbell, if you are m need of a loan up to *300 on your signature LADIES’ HATS REMODELED. fabric*, felts, straws; designed, blocking, trimming, ’’’he Vogue, 3523 14th st. n.w. CO. 7797. 17* COMPANION. Young man desires act as companion to man 55 or older. Private Income. Have automobile Neat, widely traveled. Excellent background Agree able personality. All correspondence con fidential. Box 286-0. Star. 14* WILL take care of intent baby In my home during day while mother work*. Sill wk No 8undays. MI 0322. 223U Kearney st. n.e. _ UK. H W. JOHNSON. DENTIST. False Teeth Repaired While You Walt. Room 6Q2, We story Bldg.. 606 14th N.W ROBT. 8. SCOTT O „„ DBJTAL LABORATORY. WAstoryJBldg.. 606 14th at. N.W BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MANUEL'S TOURIST CABIF. between Fair fax and Centerville. Va„ on U. 8. No. 211. Lee highway: includes 6 acres. 2-acre frontage on highway. 4 dwelling houses, lunchroom, gas station. 12 tourist cot tages. trailer park (meter system), line grove, some wood, outbuildings, all stock and equipment: everything in A-l condi »??„„Pre?ent and only owner since 1026; $6,000 down, balance first mortgage. Phone Fairfax 288-W-l for appointment to Inspect RESTAURANT, soda fountain: capacity. 85: fixtures tn perfect condition; must sell. DU. 1781 LAUNDRY, dry cleaning, tailoring store, situated in good neighborhood, will sell i£rly?E5i.b!£.5i*,!S,T*1,or*' 800 20th st. n.w. DINING CAR. fully equipped for sale; must be moved off present site. If you have a location, this is an excellent opportuntiy; very easy to operate; priced reasonably. Box 312-0. jltar. 14* BEAUTY SHOP for sale. Good business and new equloment; located at 5622 Conn. Rent cheao. WO. 9865. 17* MODERN GROCERY STORE and nice apt. in Alexandria; reasonable. For informa tion. ceil Alexandria 04f)i after 7 n.m. 13* WANTED—Good established gasoline sta tion. with space for repairs and service: immed. cash. Call before noon or after 7 pm.. NO. 4911. GROCERY STORE for sale, good cash business; wine and beer: living quarters; closed Monday; reasonable. Oxford 4844 2427 Lee highway. Arl., Va. 14* WANT TO BUY general or dry goods store, etc. What have you to oiler? Box 1-H, Star is* CLEANING and tailoring store, fine loca -ioi: established 22 years: will sell very reasonable due to illness: exceptional opportunity. Call Taylor 6520 or come to 3931 Hth st. n w 14* DRY CLEANING STORE for sale. Reas onable. Called by Army, RA, 8628. * GROCERY STORE, Excellent northwest corner. $800 weekly business guaranteed. With 4 rooms, kitch enette and bath above store: renatec $81 per mo Same owner 10 years. SACRIFICE FOR $2,500, Which is about value of stock and fixtures. $1,000 down. DU. 9319. 14* BOWLING ALLEYS. Owner, willing to retire, will sell or rent 20.000 ft. of floor space. 30,000 ft. of >',nd, $30,000 or more value In equipment. One of the finest In local bowling alley Industry. Because of privacy, write agent. Box 383-G. Star. HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES ASBESTOS SIDING, roofing, rock wool in sulation. Call us for estimate. Hudson Supply As Equipment Co.. 1727 Penn. ave. n.w . Warehouse at 7th and T n.e. DX. 1070. BRICK GARAGES, complete: retaining walls, fireplaces, general brick and stone work._CH. 7160.__ FOR RXMODRLIRO AND RKPADlfl. Roofing and Asbestoa Siding, Call __ W. D Taylor. Sligo 0942, «v«e_ CALL A. P. WOODSON CO. Roofing, Siding, Insulation. 1313 H St. N.W. _RE. 5800. Evenings, SH. 6853. Union Construction Co., Specialists in building, maintenance and remodeling. No lob too big or too little. Esimates cheerfully furnished. No delay. Work guaranteed. Mo. Payments Arranged. Day or Night Call Spruce 047R-J, 14* ROOFING—ASBESTOS SIDING REMODELING. Terms: 1-15 Years. SECURITY HOME IMPROVEMENT CO.. Georgia 1108-1113. Member J.-M. Home Improvement Guild. Flooring Contractors, Inc. OLD FLOORS REFINISHED. NEW FLOORS LAID. SANDED AND FINISHED. PARQUET FLOOR INSTALLATION. 1812 WIB. AVE. N W_NO. 2215. JOHNS-MANVILLE ROOFING—SIDING, STORM SASH, I to 3 Years to Pay. GATES CONTRACTING CO.. OL. 2200. Flooring Contractors, Inc. OLD FLOORS REFINISHED. NEW FLOORS LAID. SANDED AND FINISHED. PARQUET FLOOR INSTALLATION. 1812 WIS. AVE. N.W. NO. 2215. REPAIRS AND SERVICES. APPLIANCES, electrical household, re paired; irons, Ians, toasters, sweepers, etc., in Virginia. Household Electric Ap pliance Co., CH. 4!U8. BRICKWORK. retaining walls. steps, walks, chimneys: waterproofing, repairing. After 4 p.m.jMI. 8118. 15* CAMERA REPAIRING: 4S-hr. service on all cameras and equip. Mills Photo En gineering Lab., 927 Sheridan st. n.w.. off Georgia. Randolph 8749. 17* CARPENTRY—Repairs and new work. Free estimates. Call WA. 8858. 9* ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE repairing, toast ers. irons, hot plates, etc. One-day service. D, C. Electric Co.. 933 9th st. n.w. EX. 8282. 18* ELEC, CONTRACTING, wiring, repairs, extra plug outlets Installed: prompt serv ice. Quality Electrical Service, DI. 0122. ELECTRIC CONTRACTING, house wiring, maintenance, plugs Installed, $4.50 up. Appliances repaired. AD. 9053 or TE. 2193. . 19* ELECTRIC WIRING, fixtures, extra out lets. repairs, old houses a specialty. Regal Elec. Co . 3009 Ga. ave RA 8391 FLOOR SANDING, reflnishing. waxing and cleaning. Call Barr, AT. 3857. GENERAL CONTRACTING, bldg repairs and remodeling of all types by experienced workmen. SH. 8193. GE. 7244. 17* KEYS DUPLICATED, 1 a minute. 25c each: locks repaired and installed: 31 years in business. Call Republic 1827. Superior Lock & Electl ic Co.. 1410 L st. n.w, PAINTING, carpentry, general repairing, free estimates. Call alter 7 p.m.. Warfield 8348. Sanford A- Riddle. 17* PAINTING. PLASTERING, genera! home repairs. For free estimate, call Bill, Executive 9507. 18* PAINTING A SPECIALTY—Interior and exterior: have own scaffolding: no short age of help. Free est. Jack Tate. EX. 8571. 17* PAPERING AND PAINTING, immediate service; 12 years’ experience: free esti mates. AT. 9888. PAPERING AND PAINTING—Quality work by lst-class mechanics; 15 years' experi ence; work guai For free estimates and prompt, courteous service, call DI. 0125. 15* PAPER HANGING, plastering and paint ing; estimates free: work guaranteed. B. Hamilton. 1219 11th n.w. EX. 0838. 17* PAPER HANGING, this week only. $7 and up pei room; 1944 washable, sunfast pa pers work guaranteed Michigan 5315. REPAIR WORK and house wiring extra ease plugs and switches. Have your vases made into lamps. Toasters, heaters and electric irons repaired. Your old lamps rewired. Get our estimates on electrical work. C. A. Muddlman Co.. 911 G at. n.w. NA. 0140 and 2022. REPAIRS AND SERVICE ICoot.l. IKMODEUNO, ALTgtATIONK RPAIM. HOOFING. ASBESTOS SIDING* SCRF.EN8. ' INY KIND. MR. KINDNESS. SH. 7546. _ 13* ■“PAPERING AND PAINTINO A-l Work Estimates Free Call Mr Beckett. D0 4053 471, Central Refrigeration Co., 828 Upshur 8t. N.W. OB. 0828. FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS 14* Radio Trouble? fSTfeEftSK MID-CITY Radio Shoo 8-7 p m : Friday snd 8sturday »-» NA 8777______ WASHING MACHINE. Bend»x. all makes repaired. Columbia Repair Service. AD. 3026._ ELECTRICAL REPAIRS. Washing machines, refrigerators. Irons, toasters, house wiring, motors repaired. Open till o p.m Columbia Repair Serv ice, 2021 14th St. n.w. AD. 3025._ SEWING'MACHINE REPAIRS We inspect, oil snd idiust any malts ma chine. 00c Replacement parts for all make machines Famous "New Home sales and servlet. IHE PALAIS ROYAL. Sewing Machines. 2nd Floor_Dl. 4400 PAINTING, PLASTERING, FLOOR SANDING. PARK ROAD HOUSING CO.. _ PE. 1710. FR 470ft. _ PAINTING, Ifa!&°FR-Rf?A1£?IOR' HULME. HO. 1020 2A* HAVE YOUR RADIO REPAIRED. PROMPT SERVICE. GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP. WE CAN REPAIR ANY 8ET WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER. D C RADIO SHOP. 3205 Mt Pleasant 8t. N.W. _CO. 3205._ SEWING MACHINES. Guaranteed repairs on any make Ad lusting snd oiling. SI. Pert? and sup plies for all machines, "twin* Machine Dept., 3rd floor. 8 Kann Sons Co District 7280_ REPAIR YOUR ROOF NOW. Roof coating, guttering, spouting; prompt service. COLEMAN. NA. 6647._13* ‘Let Us Kemtone Your Home.’ Int. end Ext. Painting PR. 4872, AT. 7530 mv22» FLOOR SANDING. SSHR WAXING. PHARE, Union 0235, PAINTING—PAPERING. CALL CO. 1382 AFTER 5 P.M WORK DONE IMMEDIATELY. 16* PAPERING AND PAINTING. Skilled Mechanics. Joe Steele, RE. 7018.^ " PAINTING—PAPERING. Plastering and floor sanding. Quality workmanship. White mechanics. RA. 1920. PATNTTNO EXTERIOR: DUPONT A AiXVX, PAINTS; WHITE ME CHANICS: 18 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. PROMPT SERVICE. COLEMAN, NA. 0647. 15* NOW GEORGES OFFERS DEPENDABLE RADIO SERVICE. We call for and deliver your radio, small radios must be brourht into our stores or service dept. Call us for radio tubes—we may have the tube you need. Phone Our Radio Service Dept. Direct, AT. 1166. GEORGES RADIO CO , __516 8th St. S.E. “Making Homes Brighter for 40 Years.” LUCAS, LUCAS & LUCAS, PAINTING AND DECORATING RANDOLPH 6859. 823 EMERSON ST. N W. VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED, 98c. Up to 3 ft. wide end 7 ft. long. Have your blinds thoroughly cleaned by our modern machine method. WASHINGTON SHADE k AWNING CO., _2021 17th St. N.W._DU. 6601). YOUR ELECTRICIAN. Old and new work: alterations and re pairs; estimates: prompt service. Cali Georgia 3894. Penn Electric Constr. Co. __ 22* PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, First-class workmanship. Work done im mediately. Call Mr. Post. PE, 5824. 17* WASHING MACHINE, Bendix specialiit. and all makea repaired. Action Service Co., 3715 Georgia ave. n.w. GE. 9600, __ REFRIGERATORS Reoaired, guaranteed work. CO. 4918. WASHING MACHINES, All makes and Bendix; repairs and over hauls; 24-hr. service. WO. 4200. EM. 5953. ____19* PAINTING—PAPERING. MAYBE YOU BETTER CALL “HADENFELT,” MI. 8536, EVENING'S PLEASE, TM BUSY. 19* MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ADD. MACH’S. CALCULATORS-COMPT. Monroe. Merchant, Burroughs, Victor. Sundsd, hand and elec. Sale or rent. Reas. Circle, 111” 14th st. n.w. DI. 7372. (Sun. CO. 4625.) ALARM CLOCKS REPAIRED (any make), incl. electric: also expert watch and Jewelry repairing: 5-day service: work guaranteed I year. Regent* Jewelry Co.. 1132 14th Si?' JSA- 1*364. Open evenings. l* ANTIQUES—Rocker, arm-chair, straight chair, walnut table, spool bed, cherry dresser. Write Mrs. Gilbert, 1719 Eye st. n.w. ANTIQUE AND MODERN furniture, china, glass, silver, books, pictures, frames, lamps, tea wagon, rugs, wardrobe, model aero plane, records, cheval mirror. 618 5th it. n.w ARMY FOOT LOCKERS, make good trunks; metal chests, storage or tools; emery wheel, 10-In. diam.: 400 tablespoons, in valid chair, large frying pan. EX. 0741. 14* ARMY UNIFORMS, by retired Army officer, summer cotton and tropicals; waist 30; length, 31. Phone Emerson 5347. 14* ART OBJECTS, antiques and other tur nishlngs. priced to sell: leaving for coast. 1535 34th st. n.w. Adams 7787 13» BAR. 14 ft. square, equipped with icebox and pressure tank: ideal for recreation room or bar room. Hillside 1491.-J BATHTUBS, new enamel, iron, recess; new 30-gal. gas heaters. 5-year guarantee, will install; complete plumbing replacements, no priorities: time payments. A. B. Clarke. mr.. w.iii.t, 10 O Dm. J4* BED. white iron. $2; springs. $9; metal bed, $2; white chest drawers, 2 chairs. $5; bureau, 2 chairs and rocker. $7; telephone stand and chair, $5. Simmons studio couch, $20; chair, $5. FR. 7021. BED, Simmon's Windsor style, single, with inner-spring mattress. CH. 7096 BED, single maple, with inner-spring mat tress. lust like new: must sell immediately; moving. Call GE. 2785. 14* BED, Hollywood; blond mani* dinette, blond oak bedroom suite, inner-spring mattress. 9x15 rug. living room suite, bookcases, etc Glebe 7244. 14* BED, hand carved, solid walnut, box springs, inner-spring mattress, one parlor suite, solid cherry. DI. 5755. 14* BEDS (2), Hollywood, month old; hard rock maple dinette set TE. 9008. 13* BEDS — Rollaway with layer-felt mat tresses; Hollywood beds and brand-new springs: cut prices; immediate delivery. Atlas. 921 G st. n.w DI. 3737. BEDROOM SET, mah., $137.50; clock, g'father, $295; lge. 3-dr. mah. office b'kcase, $36; nursery screen. 3-fold. Dink and blue. $16; 8-pc. blond moderne din.. $145: mah. secy.. $85; mirrors Lorraine Studios, 3520 Conn,, Apt. 21. WO. 3869. BEDROOM SUITE, chiflorobe. studio couch, kitchen cabinet, rugs. beds, iceboxes We do moving. Edelman, .3303 Georgia ave. 14* BENCH SAW. 8 inches, with extension table, d c. ■/, h.p. motor, saw blade tilts to any angle, can also be raised and low ered; miter gauge and self-squaring rip fence: slightly used. 1808 Allison st. n.w. BICYCLES, 1 boy's, 1 girl's, good as new; 1 hot plate. GE 7171. BICYCLES (2)—Prewar, balloon tires, 28 inch, man's, good condition, $20: 24-Inch juvenile's, perfect condition. $30 cash. John Williams. 5810 Temple Hill rd., Temple Hills, Md. 14* BINOCULARS, Zeiss Turita 8x24 in case, almost new; best offer. EX. 4500, Ext. 344. BINOCULARS, Zeiss, 7x50, weiaht 29V* oz ; leather case; standard Marine or Navy glass; $150. A. M. Gatto, Algonquin Hotel. Cumberland. Md. 14* BOOKCASE, 3-glass door: living room table with extension leaf, coflee and end table. TA. 4563. BOOKCASES, unfinished, all sizes and sec tional prices ready to paint. Atlas, 921 G st, n.w. DI 3737 BUILDING MATERIAL—Used, brick, lum ber. doors, sash, etc., in large quantities. Also pipe, reinforcing steel and I-beams. General Wrecking Co.. MI. 6177. CAMERA. Futh-Denby, F2.5, Futh Anastig mat, films-E N K . case, perfect ; best olfer. No dealers EX 4500. Ext. 344. CARRIAGES, prewar, English coach, $20; Bilt-Rite, folding. $30; high chair. $12. SL. 2388. CHAIRS. 2. st raight-back Windsor, beau tiful honey maple finish. Call Georgia 5697. CHAIRS. 3 doz., bentwood, and dining room tables; also gas stove. ME. 5404 14* CHESTS, 4. 6 and 8 drawer: credenzas, hl-boys, hope chests, linen closets and cor ner cabinets, unfinished, ready to paint. Atlas. 921 G st. n.w. DI. 3737. CHEST OF DRAPERS and vanity, with triple mirrors (ivory). CH 7096. CHESTS OF DRAWERS, unpalmed We make furniture in our own shop using the best material and workmanship, and we sell at laotory-to-you prices. Phone orders AT 1400 Hechinger Co . four stores CLOTHING, some new, all in A-l condi tion; 2 silver foxes: ladies’ and men's summer and winter shoes, sizes 6 AAA. H'-iAA, 6‘aC, 7B. 8AAA: men's, 8V4, Ills: ladles' suits, dresses, skirts and blouses, sizes 12, 14 and 20: winter roai, size 20; men's shirts. 15 and 15V2. AD 6831. CLUB CHAIR, wine: boudoir chair, maple twin-bed room set, almost new; Simplex ironer. DU. 9055. COAT. Motor Corps, siae 14. unworn. $25. NO. 2719. 15* COFFEE POT and candy tray, matching anttque quadruple silver plated, by Ro chester Silver Plate Co : also hanri crotched table cloth and hand-made velvet patch quilt. See Sunday, 4406 Livingston rd. s.e . Apt B 14* COFFEE URNS, smell cafeteria eounter with salad pan and glass pastry rack NA. 9429, week days. 14* dtSCELlANIQUS FOR SAU (C—».). 'ORNER CUPBOARD. antique. pln«; China, rictortan furniture, etc. Hill Top Hotel. Jerr*. W Va. Main line B. * O. COt. fold,ne. metal, with mattreaa: *ood ;ondl(ion: reasonable. Phone Hobart A79A. 14* "iRf®9, Kr?11 «lth Adiuetamatia QI "737 *Brln**- Atiaa, #21 O it. n.w, matching chair, prewar, oSSt, W m*ke' B*r,eCt «*%*?“• ?iXyE?poBT2,*Drlni 3 cushions with r^yESfBO*T B*®’ matching chair. 170. Cjn be >qen anytime before the 15th. i\*w *V» Mt Hatnler. Md. “*» BEI?' N*w Englander, with Slm reasonable. Table, chain, room-apt. chestnut Oil*. DINETTE SETS. 5-plcce. maple, briar and unfinished: wooden and leather chain, alio walnut dining room chairs. Atiaa, 9310 st. n.w. DJ. 3737, DINING ROOM. 10-pieee. walnut, prewar, excellent condition; all-metal porch glider; reasonable. Call OR. 2025 13* n»NlNG ROOM FURNITURE, complete set. solid walnut. Sunday, 10:30 to 3: Mon »tter 4 p m. 2854 Conp. are . Apt. 13. piNWG ROOM SET—Handeome table, buffet, unique china cabinet, elx chain. Mtaut. ramlem design, $185. Set cost me 830(1 wholesale. Olebe 8484. 14* DINING ROOM SUITE, made by Regs, handsome. 0-piece Sheraton solid mahog any prewar construction, $500; no de livery Hyattsville 5131. 14* DINING RM. SUITE. 10-pe. mahogany. Du.ican Phyfe: 3-ptece walnut bedroom suite, cedar chests, Hollywood badg. studio couches, sofa beds, mahogany and walnut dressers, walnut and mahogany &ett. occasional chairs and tables, mahogany desks, maple dinette suites, corner cabi nets. 3-pc. wicker suite, maple llr. m. chairs, special 4x8 tnnar-apring mattraaa. Lincoln Furniture Co.. 807 Pa. a»e. n.w, DRAPERIES. Bn* quality, 4 palra tur quoise. 4 pairs gray-blue. 3 palra blua and coral, 1 pair of gold. Call mornlngi and evenings. CO. 0021. ELECTRIC EXHAUST FANS—We art equipped to inform you. If you art eligible for exhaust fan ventilation, and can pro vide ventilating engineers to prescribe your needs. Call NA. 4259. EUREKA SWEEPER: Oetermoor Inner spring mattress, coll spring and maple bed: like new: alto dining room table. ft chairs and buffet: A maple chatra. two 9x12 rugs. TR. 5812. FANS, electric. Bliss Electric Service. 803 H st. n.w 19* FANS CLEANED and repaired, also (old and exchanged (when we have them in stock). We also buy fans. Call Republic 1027. Superior Lock A Electric Co., 1410 FARM equipment, tractor and horse equipment, practically new. Box 114-G. Star. 14* FOLDING COTS, new and recond. All new wooden wardrobes. 1. C. Furniture Co.. 1353 H st. n.e. TR. 1032. FROZEN FOOD CABINETS, display and several other types and sites. Also com pressors and complete refrigerating units. Can be seen by appointment only. No prices on telephone. Wl. 4821. FURS, cross fox cape collar. $25: excep tional value. Call AD. 5820, Ext. 302, between 5 and 7 p.m. FUBS, silver fox, beautiful matching pair, $100: practically new, original price 9250 Phone Ordway 4816. 14* FURS REPAIRED, restyled and stored. Factory methods employed Bonded mes senger gervlce. Act now while we here facilities. Call NA. 5518-5522. Baskin Furs. 719 O at n w.. corner 8th and G. FURNITURE, unpainted. We make fur niture in our own shop, using the beat ma terial and workmanship, and we sell at factory-to-you price. Hechlnger Co., four FURNITURE—Save up to 50* on all new furniture. Specials on sofa beds, studio couches, bedroom, living room and dinet»» suites. See ua before buying. Rasy terms. The Crown Co.. 827-829 7th st. n.w. FURNITURE—Twin beds with single head board. mahogany dresser, cheat, night table, boudoir chair. Whitney maple bed room aulte. Whitney maple dining room suite, smell upright, white (Steinway) piano, chaise lounge: muet sell immediately at sacrifice. WI. 5946. • FURNITURE—Davenport and chair. 4 modern dining chairs, mahogany bed room suite. Oliver 8552. • FURNITURE — Studio couches, gate-leg table, desk, chairs. Are set, chests, porch furniture, wardrobe trunk. Noon until 10 p.m., 3834 Beecher at. n.w., Olover Park. 15* FURNITURE—Mahogany twin beds, eotl springs, inner-spring mattresses, mahog any finish desk-chest with light. OS. 3804. 14* FURNITURE—Bedroom suit#, spring and mattress, S35. Sligo 4065. FURN. — Dining rm., liv. rm., bedrm. suites: 9x12 Bundhar Imperial Lustra rug, Mous.ourk rugs, cedar chests, studio couch, tables, lamps, etc. Excellent condition No dealers. 5011 3rd st. n.w. RA. 4339. FURN.—Handsome dining room suite, con sisting of mahogany. Colonial Williams burg period: table, buffet, china cabinet and 6 chairs; practically new. Also several chairs, small drop-leaf table, etc. Can ba seen at 4531 45th st. n.w. Sunday, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Telephone Sunday morning, OR. 5302. No dealers. FBRNITURR—8-pc. dinette set, #35; tin gle. double and ki-zize metal beds with coil spring and Inner-spring mattreeees. rockers, exercising machine, electric grills, electric toasters and other miscellaneous articles. No dealera. Cash only. MI. 8386. 15* FURNITURE—Bedroom suite, Ivory, in cluding springs and mattress, not new but clean, #40; water-ballast lawn rollar. I4x 24 Inches, new condition. #10: brass fire place set and screen. #20. Call KM. 2483. 14* FURNITURE—Walnut living room, maple bedroom, maple dinette sets of prewar material. #225 cash; leaving town; must sell at once. Phone OL. 3291. 14* FURNITURE of 8-rm. house: house avail able immediately. TR. 3065 for appoint ment. 121 C st. n.e. • FURNITURE—Modern living room, light wood: will sell any part. Apt. 3, 4642 Hillside rd. s.e. 14* FURNITURE BARGAINS — All brand-new furniture at deep-cut prices. Coll springs, porch rockers, cedar chests, magaslne racks, gateleg tables, unfinished chairs, living room suites, factory rebuilt stu dios. rollaway beds, dinette sets, Holly wood bed* with all-coil, soft-edge box springs, $34.95. complete with 100* felt mattress. Large selection of household furniture. Special spring on legs, with matt.. $19.00. Easy tarms. Atlas Fur niture Co., 921 O st. n.w. DI. 3737. FURNITURE—Ping-pong table, baslnetta. 2 Beautyrest mattresses. 2 solid walnut straight chsirs. Phone Ordway 4816. 14* FURNITURE, household. See anytime after 11 am. 2809 17th st. n.e. No dealers. 14* FURNITURE, prewar—Living room, ma hogany bedroom, maple dinette. Call H. 9751, Apt. B-348. 18* FUHNITURE. complete for 5-room apt.t $800; electric washer included. Call AD. 3304. 14* FURNITURE—Complete furnishings for 6 room house, except refgr., silver and linens: all less than one year old; house available immediately. Glebe 7939. 14* FURNITURE AND FIXTURES in five-room apt. No dealers, ro phone calls. Some good antiques and fine cut glass, butler’s desk, small crystal chandeliers, large deep-carved camphor wood chest. Call Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 to 12 and 3 to « only. Apt. 601, 2151 Caltforni* st. n.w. 15* GAS RANGES, reconditioned. #12.95 up: all sizes and styles. 1. c. Furniture A Stove Co., 1353 H st. n.e. TR. 1032. GAS RANGES—Brana-new ana factory ra built from #17.60: wide selection. La Parra stove Co 926 N Y ave. n.w R* 0017 GAS STOVE. Insulated, prewar, used • months, excel, cond. 705 Oreenwood ave:. Tskomn Park, Md. HEATING PLANT, oil-burping boiler. 800 1.000 ft. radiation, controls and tank. In good condition: supd1.v of oil can be ar ranged. Block Salvage Co.. 3056 M st. n.w. MI. 7141. HOES—Drubbing hoes #1.06. used. In ex* cellent condition, with new handles. Visit our complete Darden Shops at 4 stores. Hechineer Co. ICEBOXES, coal cook ranges, trunks: gas ranges, used-new. large stock: heaters (gas kerosene, coal); cribs, folding beds. Acme. 1015 Va 7th st. n.w. NA. 8952. IRONER—Q E. flat table lroner, good condition, 10x30-in. surface; cost #100, sell for $50. DE. 5307. KITCHEN CABINETS, floor samples. 42. inch sink, cabinets. 1 at $27.50. I at $35, 2 at $45 and 1 at $50. Douglas As Seidler. 1216 Conn, ave, RE 0520. KOOLSH ADL SUN-SCREEN will cool a sun-exposed room as many as 15*. Ask about our storm windows and cool shad* combination. 3 years to pay. For year ’round comfort, call Air Comfort, HO. 8300, weekdays to 6 p.m.; Sundays and eve nings. MI. 7345. LADIES' CLOTH SUITS and ooats. Manu facturer's samples selling out at a frac tion of cost Baskin. 719 Q st. n.w.. cor ner Stb and O sts n.w LAWN MOWER, gasoline motor driven, 30-inch blade. Phone AT 9796 LIONEL TRAIN SET. with accessories: Erector set, with elec, motor. Call LU. 1435. 14* LIVING ROOM SUITES, brand-new prs war. all-spring construction, $99. Atlas, 921 G st. n.w DI. 3737. LIVING EVERGREENS — Hardy. Milne grown Norway As white spruce, pyramidal Arbovitae. Fraser As Douglas flr. with ball of earth. $2.70 up. delivered. Complete garden shoos at 4 stores. Hechtnger Co. LOVE SEAT, /ictorian, fair condition, $35. Woodley jJ64. 14* MAIL LOCK BOXES, brass finish, steel, flush type, suitable for apt. or rooming house; one 10-gang unit, $12.50: two 11-gang units. $13.75 each or $35 for tha lot. Resident manager. Franklin Apts., 1511 Franklin st. n.e. NO. 0540. OIL BURNER, 275-gal. tank Lincoln 5472. 15 PAINT. $l .49 per gal., all colors. Wg have aluminum paint. N. W. Paint Co., 1014 7th st. n.w RE. 0054. PHONOGRAPH RECORD8—Victor, Colum bia. Decca records and albums, popular and classical Sheet music. Large stock. Spring Valley Electric Shop, 4805 Mass, ave. n.w EM. 8863. PIANO, upright Weber. 48 in. high, ex cellent condition, $100. HO. 6143. Apt. 34. 15* PIANO, small studio upright. 43 tnche* high, excellent condition, $225. SH. 5031. 14* PIANO, baby grand. 5 ft., mah . made by Weber: cost $900; $396 Lorraine Studios. 3520 Conn.. Apt. 21. WO. 3869. PIANO. 1 Cable Nelson spinette. 2 manor house wing chairs; all three for $750. John Ligon. Inc.. 3421 Conn. ave. n.w. Open daily 8-6. Thur evening until 10. (Op nosite Uptown Theater.) PIANOS—We have several used upright pianos in apt size and medium size. Such well-known makes as Steinway. Knabe. Steiff. Somer. etc. Reconditioned and guaranteed Prices from $100 up. Cash or terms. Colonial Plano Shop. 912 12th st n.w. NA. 2905. PIANO—Mclochord player piano. In good condition. $250 including player rolls. Call TR. 1318 PIANOS—A fine selection, grands, apt, uprights, spinets and uprights. Priced $85 UP. Ament's Plano Store. 3907 14th n.w. Open 3-9 p.m. RA. 6381. PIANOS—We nave a good geiect'on ol new and list'd grands of such makes as Mason and Hamlin. Chickertng, Knabe. Steinway. Story and Clark and others. Arthur Jor dan Piano Co.. 1015 7th st. NA. 3223. PIPE, terra cotta sewer, slightly damaged. 10 inches to 24 Inches. E. B. DonaMsom and Bro., 12th and Brentwood rd. n.e. DU. 1780._ (Continued on Next Pa#*'