Weather Forecast Rain beginning this afternoon or early tonight, ending tomorrow morning. Temperatures today—High, 68, at 1 p.m.; low, 44, at 5:50 a.m. Yesterday— High, 65, at 5:55 p.m.; low, 42, at 5:40 a.m. Page. Amusements ...B-10 Churches ...A-10-11 Comics_B-8-9 Editorial .A-8 Edlt’l Articles..-A-9 Lost and Found, A-3 Guide for Readers Page. Obituary .A-6 Radio ..B-9 Real Estate_B-l-4 Society..A-6 Sports.A-12 Where to Oo_B-5 An Associated Press Newspaper 93d YEAR. No. 36,898. Phone NA. 5000. WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1945—TWENTY-TWO PAGES. ★★ City Home Delivery, Daily and Sunday m rrpvrrC! 90c a Month. When 5 Sundays. $1.00. u ( / r, ,\ J. o Radio Reports Himmler in Allied Hands Gestapo Chief Said to Have Been Turned Over by Doenitz BULLETIN. NEW YORK (/Pi.—CBS re ported from Paris today that Heinrich Himmler “is now re ported to be in our hands.” “Himmler is understood to have been held by Admiral Doenitz in the Flensburg area under house arrest, and Doe nitz is now believed to have turned him over to British forces in that area,” the broadcast said. Ey the Associated Press. LONDON, May 12.—Soviet ar mored forces slashed today at Nazi troops offering bitter re sistance in Czechoslovakia as they attempted to flee westward through a rapidly narrowing corridor toward the American lines. Other Russian troops had forced the surrender of the major portion of die-hard enemy units in North ern Austria, and had effected three new junctures with the Americans In the holdout area. Inside Berlin, the Russians were meeting the same kind of futile but savage resistance, as Soviet soldiers extricated the bodies of hundreds of civilians from subways flooded in last-act Nazi terrorism. rtazis Leaving Norway. In Norway, approximately 400,000 Nazi troops, the entire German' occupation force, were reported completing their withdrawal and waiting return to Germany. The Soviet high command an nounced that the Russians had seized 560,000 prisoners along the former eastern front Wednesday through yesterday, including 45 Ger man generals. Linkup with the Americans in Czechoslovakia was accomplished by Marshal Ivan E. Konev's 1st Ukrain ian Army near Rokycany, 9 miles east of Piisen, and by Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky’s 2d Ukrainian Army below Prague in the area northwest of Ceske Budejovice. Malinovsky’s troops occupied Gem uend and Zwettl in Austria near the Austro-Bohemian frontier 45 miles northeast of Linz, and in this same area made the third juncture; with the Americans. Nazis Forced to Surrender. Malinovsky forced the major part of Col. Gen. Woehler's army group to surrender in Northern Austria. This group was fighting under the over-all command of Field Marshal Ferdinand Schoerner's "middle army group,” against which the Russians threw powerful armored and storm forces. The corridor through which thou sands of Nazi troops north and northeast of Prague were trying to withdraw toward the American lines wras narrowed by Gen. Andrei I. Yeremenko's 4th Ukrainian Army. His troops closed the corridor to 32 miles with the capture of Kolin, Kutnahora and Tabor. Dispatches from Berlin reported that Red Army authorities/ saddled with the problem of saving the Ger man caipital’s population from star vation, were grappling with the problem of flooded subways in which lay hundreds of bodies, and waves of fires started by the Werewolves end diehard Nazis. A dispatch to the newspaper Trud (See RUSSIA, Page A-3.) < Marshal Montgomery Flies To Copenhagen for Visit By the Associated Press. COPENHAGEN. May 12.—Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgom ery came to Copenhagen by plane today for a few hours' visit in the Danish capital and a reception by King Christian X. Britain resumed her diplomatic representation in Denmark with the appointment of Rodney Gallup as. charge d’affaires in Copenhagen. Iti was expected that Sheldon Thomas would be appointed American charge d’affaires. Both Gallup and1 Thomas are members of the Allied; Control Commission in Denmark. Re-establishment of diplomatic relations not' only means that the Allied governments recognize the new Danish government but also, it was felt in Copenhagen, fore shadows the reception of Denmark among the United Nations. Churchill to Broadcast; May Discuss Election By the Associated Press. LONDON, May 12.—Prime . Min ister Churchill will give some hint on the prospect of an early British general election during his anni versary broadcast at 9 p.m. tomor row (3 pm. EWT), the diplomatic correspondent of the Daily Mail said today. Other London morning papers said Mr. Churchill had been holding conferences with Socialist leaders in relation to an impending end of the wartime coalition. Gen. Bor Arrives In Britain From Paris By the Associated Press. LONDON, May 12—Lt. Gen. Tad eusz Komorowski (Gen. Bor), who commanded the unsuccessful Polish uprising in Warsaw last summer and later was captured by the Ger mans, arrived in Britain today by plane from Paris. The general was flown here in an American Liberator and was re ceived at the airfield by high Polish civil and military leader* including Tomasz Arceszewski, Premier of the London Polish regime. 7 D. C. Men Leave Army Today At Fort Meade Under Point Plan Other District Veterans Get Discharges At Separation Centers in Various Sections Today is demobilization day for seven Washington men who will leave Fort George G. Meade, Md., this afternoon for civilian life—the first District soldiers discharged from Fort Meade under the Army’s point system. Meanwhile, additional District men are being discharged from sep aration centers in other sections of the country. One Washingtonian was among the 1,000 soldiers to be discharged today from Fort Dix, N. J. Fort Bragg (N. C.) also ex pected to have some Washington area men among the 300 eligible for discharge at that center, but none of them will be released until Mon day. In addition to the Washington j men, five men from nearby Mary-< land and Virginia are being dis-! charged from Fort Meade today. Announcement of the Army's de mobilization program found these Washington area men and 98 others from neighboring States at Fort Meade on their way home for a fur lough or just back at camp after furlough, awaiting reassignment overseas. All of them had accrued more than the required points for dis charge through long overseas serv ice. Instead of getting a furlough or another overseas assignment, they will get discharge papers. Ordinarily, the Washington area men to be discharged would have been sent to Fort Dix, since Fort Meade has not yet formally started as a separation center, but the Army was anxious to get the men to their homes for the week end. To fulfill this promise. 200 enlisted men and women of the station complement personnel worked most of last night getting the men’s papers in shape for discharge. The men from the District, Mary land, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and North Carolina who will be discharged from Port Meade today are among the first 2,500 high point soldiers to be released today from separation centers throughout the country. Under the Army’s program, 85 points scored on the basis of length of service, service overseas, combat awards and parenthood are required for discharge. One Washington man had 100 points and only one was at the exact score of 85 {joints. D. C. Men Earning Discharges. The “Washington men and the number of points each has earned for discharge follows: Corpl. Jefferson Pack, 25, whose aunt, Mrs. Lewis Butler, lives at 6912 Lenwood avenue, Pleasant Hills, Md., 94 points. S/Sergt. Robert E. Croce, jr., 26, whose wife, Mrs. Mildred Croce, lives at 1912 D street N.E., 93 points. S'Sergt. James H. Bradley, 25, whose uncle, D. C. James, lives at 200 New York avenue N.W., 89 points. T/5 Allen P. Gately, 25, whose par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gately, live at 1115 Potomac avenue S.E., 99 points. Pfc. James E. Mallory, 25, whose wife, Mrs. Evelyn Mallory, lives at, 2647 Woodley road N.W., 100 points. Corpl. Floyd Barnes, 2435 I street N.W., 85 points. Pfc Dillon A. Newcomb, 6401 E street N.E., 93 points. The only District man to be dis charged today from Fort Dix is Pvt. Fred E. Tarrier, 25, son of Philip Tarrier, 3101 Thirteenth street N.W. The following men from nearby (See FORT MEADE, Page A-2.) Demobilization Starts, With Africa Veterans Receiving Break Even Soldiers Lacking Points Won't Fight In Third Campaign By the Associated Press. PARIS, May 12.—The United States Army’s vast redeployment plan to shift fighting men from Europe to the Pacific began operation today, following an announcement by Gen. Eisen hower that combat troops who served both in North Africa and Europe would not have to fight in the Japanese theater. “We must be sure,” Gen. Eisen hower wrote to generals of his com mand, “that no soldier is sent to the Pacific who has fought in both North Africa and Europe. “It may be that some soldiers in this category will not have suffi cient points to be eligible for dis charge. However, these men should be retained in the European theater for occupation, as they should not be required to fight another cam paign.” War on Japan Uppermost. Uppermost factor in the operation of the redeployment plan, accord ing to Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, dep uty military governor of the United States Group Control Council, was “the problem of applying over whelming force to bring the war against Japan to a quick end.” Troops which have amassed suffi cient points based on service, de pendents and decorations, will be discharged. When the scores are tabulated they will be sent to the War Department. Approximately 2,000,900 men are scheduled for dis charge during the next 12 months, with the Army retaining 6,968,000 to fight Japan and occupy Germany. Among the foremost factors in volved are the immediate training of troops now in Germany and France in Japanese tactics, and the matter of leave and accommodations for troops awaiting reassignment or dis charge. Some American service troops al ready _were moving toward French Britain Will Begin Releasing Men From Service June 18 By the Associated Press. LONDON, May 12.—News papers announced today the first release of men in the Brit ish armed services would be gin June 18, but that de mobilization in full would not begin until the end of the Japanese war. The Daily Mail said 500.080 men, most of them married, would be in civilian clothing by Christmas. The question of demobilization will be debated in the House of Commons next Wednesday. The first group to be released will include all men over 41 who were in the Army before the middle of 1941. ports, for the beginning of the long journey to the Pacific area. Combat troops will begin moving in about six months. Urges Human Understanding. It will be 45 days before the Army knows the names of the men who will be sent home under the point system. Gen. Eisenhower’s letter said “when the bell rings we must be prepared to release the high' point men in each combat division who are eligible for discharge, even though it results in an immediate reduction of divisional strength be low the authorized figures.” He added that “we must not follow blueprint designs rigidly, but must apply the established policies with human understanding.” Gen. Clay said American troops who will go to the Pacific will be trained in Japanese tactics while still in Prance and Germany, under a senior experienced battle general, (See DEMOBILIZATION, Page A-2J Third U. S. Landing On Mindanao Isolates Japanese Garrisons Troops Swarm Ashore Unopposed on Thursday On Island's North Shore By the Associated Press. MANILA, May 12.—Japanese garrisons throughout Mindanao were isolated from each' other and cut off from outside aid, Gen. MacArthur reported today, as a result of a new American landing on that island, second largest in the Philippines. Battle-seasoned Yanks of the 40th Division swarmed agfiore unopposed Thursday at Macajalar Bay, on the island’s north coast, to surprise and checkmate the enemy’s garrison in Bukidnon Province, in the interior. Rear Admiral A. D. Struble com manded the amphioious force. The Bukidnon Japanese had been backing northward, trying to get , away from the 31st Division, coming at them from the south. The 40th Division operation constituted a landing in the rear qI this enemy unit. Gen. MacArthur said it left the enemy “incapable of serious op position.” Resistance Is Fierce. The Japanese at Davao continued fierce resistance. Nevertheless, the Yank 24th Division gained against them. Besieged Japanese on Tarakan, Borneo, also fought with tigerisn fury and prevented Australian and Dutch assault units from capturing Djoeata oil field, in the central part of the island. However, the Aussies moved 2 miles south to within 1% miles of the southern tip. In the central part of Luzon Island, Philippines, a guerrilla force won high ground 3,600 yards north of Ipo dam, an important unit of Manila’s water system which never has been relinquished by the Japa nese. The United States 43d Divi sion was closing in slowly from two directions on the entrenched enemy there. The chessboard aspect of the Mindanao campaign was brought out by the disclosure of heretofore unmentioned activities of guerrilla forces. An Army spokesman said Col. Wendell Fertig’s forces landed a fortnight ago at Butuan Bay in the first amphibious guerrilla operation covered by American naval guns. Butuan Bay is about 60 miles east and north of Macajalar. Guerrillas Active. Stlil farther northeastward an other guerrilla force has been harassing Japanese in the extreme northern arm of Mindanao, Gen/ MacArthur disclosed. In the extreme southern part of the island enemy forces are caught (See PHILIPPINES, Page A-4.) “' Bayonet Battle Raging Along Okinawa Front Yanks Gain Slowly in Major Drive Toward Shuri and Naha Ey the Associated Press. GUAM, May 12.—Four attack ing American divisions and bit terly resisting Japanese were locked in close-quarter combat today along the entire Okinawa Island front, where both sides frequently charged with fixed bayonets. Perhaps 50,000 to 100,000 Japanese and Americans were involved in fighting over ridges and ravines along the 4-mile battle line. Flame throwers, tanks and blaz ing gasoline seared interlocking cave defenses as the Yanks’ first two corps offensive hammered to within a mile of the two major objectives —Shuri, a medieval-type fortress in the center, and Naha, shattered west coast port and capital of the South ern Ryukyus. Spectacular Gains Not Expected. “You won’t see spectacular ad vances, because this isn’t that kind of fighting,” said Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, jr., as his 10th Army opened its greatest assault yesterday w'hile Japanese suicide planes attached shipping offshore. “But you will see many Japs killed and you will see them gradually rolled back.” And that is the way it was, Asso ciated Press Correspondent Vern Haugland reported from the front— bitter fighting all across the island. Naval, land and aerial artillery supported the attack by the 1st and 5th Marine Divisions and the Army’s 77th and 96th Infantry Di visions 1,302 Naval Casualties. Testifying to the toughness of the naval campaign, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz announced that last week's naval casualties were 1,302. Total Navy casualties for the Ryu kyus campaign, March 18 through Wednesday, were 6,853—1,283 officers and men killed; 3,498 wounded and 2,072 missing. In Gen. Buckner's great offensive both the 1st Marine Division on the west and the 77th Infantry Division in the center gained hilltops domi nating Shuri. The Americans have counted 39. 462 Japanese dead in the Okinawa campaign—approaching double the figure of I wo Jima. Along the west coast, the 6th Ma rine Division, which audaciously bridged the Asa River Thursday, advanced a half mile and is now within 1,000 yards of Naha. The city which once sheltered 66,000 is today a shambles from terriffic daily naval and artillery bombardment. Infiltrating Japs Slain. Most of the Infiltrating Japanese —one even clutching a telephone wire—were sprawled in death at dawn as Gen. Buckner’s newly launched southern assault jumped off. Three American vessels were dam-' aged by suicide planes in an attack linked with the ground assault. The enemy lost 40 planes, Admiral Nim itz announced. Observing enemy movements in the Yonabaru vicinity, the 77th Division placed the area under heavy fire. On the east flank, the 96th Divi sion gained about 200 yards under heavy Japanese fire from the south west slopes of Kuhazu area. In the Kibara Village sector, assaulting 7th Division units were met with white phosphorous grenades. Ban on Flyers' 'Unfancy' Dress Starts Brawl in Club in India Two additional men from the District area have bee* re ported killed in this war. See “On the Honor Roll,’’ Page A-2. Hodgson Succeeds Pell On War Crimes Body Lt. Col. Joseph V. Hodgson, who has been serving as deputy United States commissioner on the United Nations Commission for the Investi gation of War Crimes, today wa£ appointed commissioner, it was an nounced at the White House. He has been functioning as the American representative since Jan uary 1 when Herbert Pell, whom he succeds, resigned. Mr. Pell’s resignation was report edly due to the fact that Congress had appropriated no funds for American participation in the com mission. Since then that omission has been remedied. Canada Lists Casualties OTTAWA, May 12 UP).—Defense headquarters said yesterday that Canada suffered 102,875 casualties in the Army, Navy and Air Force, in cluding 37,206 dead and 3,769 miss 'ing, up to May 7. By the Associated Press. CALCUTTA, May 12.—Two vet eran B-29 combat flyers have been fined by an Army court-martial after a brawl that arose when their reg ulation uniforms were not consid ered fancy enough to admit them to the ballroom of the new American Army Officers’ Club at the Kanami Estates here. A navigator paid $100 and a co pilot $50. The incident highlighted wide spread dissatisfaction among India Burma combat officers with the swank demanded before they can rub elbows with their rear area brethren at the Kanarni Estates, under noncombat officer manage ment. The “battle of the bush jacket’' comes in the now-it-can-be-told class, since steps have been taken to remove the main causes of dis satisfaction. It began when the navigator and co-pilot, each with more than 400 hours of combat flight and three combat medals, arrived in town on leave and appeared at the Kanarni Club in regulation cotton shirts, standard garb all over the theater of action. They were barred and informed they must wear either tunics, which are out of question in Calcutta's Turkish bath climate, or bush jackets, a nonregulation sort of long-skirted Norfolk jacket for hot weather borrowed from the British and optional in this area. The brawl followed. Combat officers had long com plained that the bush jacket ruling virtually reserved the club, which cost plenty of money, for typewriter troopers who had a corner on avail able bush jackets. Brig. Gen. Robert Neyland, com mander of Base Section 2, and other authorities here have held that the dress requirements contribute to better behavior. The Kanarni management still is sticking to the bush jacket require ment, but has come down to the ex tent of putting in a stock of the jackets which outposted officers can rent for 1 rupee nightly. 1 Donald Nelson Leaves U. S. Service May 15; Aide Succeeds Him Resignation Is Accepted 'Reluctantly' by Truman; Edwin Locke Appointed Donald M. Nelson, former head of the War Production Board, who has been engaged in estab lishment of a Chinese WPB for Chiang Kai-shek’s government, is leaving the service of this Gov ernment on May 15, it was dis closed at the White House today. His present duties will be assumed by Edwin A. Locke, jr., who has been associated with Mr. Nelson throughout the course of the war. An exchange of letters between Mr. Nelson and President Truman disclosed that Mr. Nelson had sub mitted his resignation April 16, and asked that it be effective May 1, but President Truman asked him to hold off a couple of weeks. In his letter, Mr. Truman said he accepted the resignation “reluct antly.’’ Surveys Chinas Needs. Mr. Nelson, who had undertaken several missions for President Roosevelt, went to China last sum mer after leaving WPB as the result of an internal war over policy. He made a survey of China's needs in company with Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Hurley, present Ambassador, and then created an organization for increasing Chinese war production. The program was reported later to have worked out satisfactorily. While Mr. Nelson carried the per sonal rank of Ambassador, Mr. Locke will not have this designation. A letter from the President to Mr. Locke carried the information that the wwk in China is expected to be completed in from three to six months. In his letter of resignation, Mr. Nelson told the President that he was ‘‘happy to see that you begin your administration with the good will and blessings of all Americans” and pledged his suport to the new Chief Executive. Personal Representative. “As you know, however," he said, “my apointment by President Roose velt was as his personal representa tive to other governments and I therefore tender my resignation, ef fective May 1. By tl}at time I shall be able to make recommendations to you for the transfer of my assign ments.” He added, too, that after several trips to Russia and China he had long talks with Mr. Roosevelt about economic relations with other coun tries and said, "I shall be glad at any time to tell you what wre dis cussed in these conversations.” In accepting the resignation, the President told Mr. Nelson: “Ever since May of 1940 you have been in Washington, at great per sonal sacrifice, rendering patriotic and effective service in helping to build the vast war machine which has finally spelled victory in Europe for the cause of decency. That same armed might which you did so much to help forge now will be concen trated on the other side of the world to bring the Japanese to uncondi tional surrender* “I am sure that it must be a great source of pride to you, as it is of gratitude to the American people, to realize how much your continued devotion and energy has contributed to the victory that has been and to the victory that will be. On behalf of the American people I thank you and wish you much happiness and success in your future endeavors.” There was nothing to indicate what Mr. Nelson, former head of Sears, Roebuck & Co., proposed to do. The appointment of Mr. Locke as his successor was suggested by Mr. Nelson. There had been earlier indications that Mr. Nelson had planned to re turn to China. Soviet Writer Demands Hanging of Von Papen By the Associated Press. MOSCOW, May 12.—Commentator Nikolai Polyanov declared in the newspaper Komsomol Pravda today that “justice demands” the hanging of Franz von Papen, Nazi diplomat captured by American forces. He named Von Papen specifically in an article saying “the time has arrived to get busy with those crim inals who started the war in Eu rope.” Gen. Dietrich, Leader Of Panzer Army, Seized By the Associated Press. WITH U. S. 7th ARMY, May 12.— Col. Gen. Sepp Dietrich, commander of the 6th SS Panzer Army, and, his wife were captured today by the 636th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 36th Division. Master Sergt. Herbert Kraus of Cleveland recognized Gen. Dietrich after military police placed him in a prisoner cage. “Dietrich doesn’t look anything like an army commander—he's more !like a neighborhood grocer," Kraus said. I Front dispatches to Moscow in April said Gen. Dietrich had been assassinated during the battle for Vienna. A -British broadcast today said he was captured by Americans near Linz. Still More Subsidies For Meat Industry Predicted by Wagner Quick Action Predicted I On Legislation to Extend Price Control Bj the Associated Press. A Senate committee chairman said today an OPA order giving still more subsidies to the meat industry probably will be issued next week. If it meets objections raised by packers and cattle feeders to the present OPA price subsidy schedules, the ‘order may clear the way fori quick Senate action on legislation’ to extend the Price Control Act un-’ changed for another year from the June 30 expiration date. Chairman Wagner of the Senate Banking Committee said he under stood OPA officials had about worked out a formula designed to settle the meat price controversy. He has been holding the extension measure in committee pending these efforts. Price Administrator Chester Bowles has advised the Agriculture Com mittee that he wants to appear be fore it next week to discuss the situation, Chairman Thomas of Ok lahoma said. The Agriculture Committee will begin work Monday on a report on its food investigations. Senator Thomas said it will cover "findings of facts and conclusions” and as serted he was convinced that OPA must: 1. Give additional subsidies to feeders who fatten range cattle. 2. Give "additional relief” to meat feeders. Senator Thomas has just returned from a visit to Oklahoma. He said that in personal investigations there he found no demand for an Increase in the price of range cattle and saw no cattle in feeder pens. "The feeders claim the price they have to pay for feed is so high that they can’t afford to feed,” he said. Senator Thomas said he saw no necessity for amending the price control law, believing changes de manded by cattle and meat men could be handled by administrative action. "But if OPA doesn’t do a better job than it has done there will be amendments,” he added. 13,000 OPA Overcharge Settlements Reported Br the Associated Press. About 13,000 retailers have made voluntary settlements exceeding 000,000 after overcharges to consitfA? ers in the past seven months, fhe OPA reported today. The agency said these settlements were negotiated by price panels com posed of local citizens. Price Administrator Chester Bowles said local panels have saved the Government “hundreds of thou sands of dollars in litigation costs and spared merchants the expense and inconvenience of court action.” Three Crewmen Killed In Army Bomber Crash Br the Associated Press. FLORENCE, S. C., May 12.—An Army bomber based at the Florence Army Air base crashed 4 miles from here late yesterday and the three crewmen were killed. They were: First Lt. Alfred E. Singer, Chicago; 2nd Lt. William C. Wolcott, Flint, Mich., and CorpL Robert E. Wallace, Newark, N. J. Major Powers Decide To Oppose Increase In Security Council American Delegation Reported Standing Firm For 11 Members By GOULD LINCOLN, Star Staff Correspondent. SAN FRANCISCO, May 12.— The United States and other “big” nation delegations at the United Nations Conference have decided against any increase in the size of the projected World Security Council from the 11 members proposed in the Dum barton Oaks plan. The only thing that could upset this decision would be a real revolt on the part of the medium and smaller nations, which constitute a majority in the conference. Any amendment increasing the size of the council could only be carried by a two-thirds vote. It is unlikely the lesser nations could muster such a vote, although many of them have offered amendments proposing that the number of nonpermanent mem bers be raised to 9 or 10. Dumbar ton Oaks provides for five perma nent and six nonpermanent mem bers. From a source close to the Amer ican delegation it was learned this country was sticking to a total of 11, and would so vote in any show down on the matter, in committee and later in the conference. Compromise Formula. A compromise formula on the re lationship of regional security sys tems to the proposed new world or ganization, to which the United States delegation was expected to give its final approval today, was said to care for three phases in pos sible international disputes: The first is the area of Pacific settlement. In this area the region al agency would have full scope of action, either alone or in concert with the Security Council of the international organization. The second is the area in which enforcement action, economic sanc tions or armed force, becomes necessary. Here authority of the Security Council will be sought. The third is the area in which an armed attack has actually been made. Here national and hemi spheric defense will be recognized as a sovereign right, and the region al agency will act on its own au thority, though the international agency may also take action. One of the fears often expressed is that if the matter of intervention in a dispute involving the Western Hemisphere were left entirely to the decision of the Security Council, ac tion might be blocked by the veto of one of the permanent members of the council. This may be taken (See LINCOLN, Page A-4.) Thousands of Prisoners Moving Toward Russia By the Associated Press. MOSCOW, May 12.—Long lines of German prisoners moved toward the Soviet Union from every sector of the front today, headed for recep tion centers where they will be classified according to occupations. The total of prisoners taken be tween Wednesday and Friday has risen to around 600,000. Fighting still is sharp in isolated sectors of Czechoslovakia, but link ups with American forces and the onrushing tank groups of four Soviet armies are hemming in the holdout Nazis hourly and reducing their salients materially. German Prisoners Want To Join War on Japs By the Associated Press. FORT SHERIDAN, HI., May 12.— A number of German prisoners of war at the base camp here have asked to join the American Army in the war against Japan and then re turn to their prisoner status for five years, in an effort to earn American citizenship. Lt. Col. Ernst .R. Schuelke, com mander of the base camp, said the request was made through the pris oners’ camp spokesman, who gave no indication of how many prisoners bad joined in the request. He did not indicate what official action might be taken, but said it was considered unlikely that the offer would be granted. U. S. Delegation Reported Ending Treaty Impasse Tentative Plan Gives Each Nation Right To Regional Pacts By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER, Associated Press Staff Writer. SAN FRANCISCO. May 12.— The United States delegation to the United Nations Conference was reported today to have broken its week-old deadlock over how to fit regional security systems into a world peace or ganization. The tentative solution is based on recognizing in a United Nations charter the right of all countries to make treaties for their own de fense. Under such treaties, nations could give each other emergency assistance against an aggressor, but then the projected World Security Council would be empowered to take control of the situation. Officials said this plan should allay the fears of small nations that the council might not give them quick enough protection in an emergency. And they felt it would not weaken the over-all authority of the world agency to handle situations endangering peace. Stettinius, Eden Discuss Plan. Secretary of State Stettinius dis cussed the compromise American plan with British Foreign Sec retary Anthony Eden last night in an effort to begin obtaining a big power agreement along the same London, Washington Refuse Comment on Stalin Letter Story By the Associated Press. LONDON, May 12.—A For eign Office spokesman today re fused official comment on pub lished reports that Premier Stalin had written Prime Min ister Churchill charging that the Yalta pledges had been broken, and that co-operation had become impossible. When the subject was brought up at the White House, Acting Press Secretary Eben Ayres said President Truman’s attention hfd been called to the reports this morning but had no com ment to make. “Is the story true?” the sec retary, was asked. “I don't know,” he replied. — line. Mr. Stettinius reports back | to a delegation meeting today at which final United States accord on the formula is slated. The reaction of Latin American leaders battling here for an inde pendent security system in this hemisphere remains to be deter mined but United States leaders were hopeful the self-defense theory would meet their approval. This would speed the conference toward a successful conclusion. The Eden-Stettinius talk also is understood to have covered a gen eral review of conference work to date and problems ahead prelimi nary to Mr. Eden's imminent de parture for London. There were reports he would fly by way of Washington, stopping off there long enough to call on President Truman. One of the still unsolved problems is that of providing international supervision for trusteeship adminis tration of lands taken from enemy countries in the two World Wars. Britain and the United States are near agreement on the United States contention that areas suitable for military base development should be given into exclusive control of the governments which operate the bases. Soviet Sides With U. S. On the same problem, Russia; In an amendment submitted to the Trusteeship Committee of the con ference, sided entirely with the Unit ed States. Russia also went along with an American proposal that a special council should be established in the proposed new peace league to head up the trusteeship system. Russia said the council should in clude the Big Five powers as per manent members, which would give it about 18 or 20 member nations in comparison writh the 13 to 15 mem bers previously contemplated. A more powerful position seemed to be in prospect for the league’s proposed Economic and Social Coun cil. A conference committee studying plans for that agency voted unani mously last night that it would rank next to the powerful Security Coun cil, in order to emphasize the im portance of promoting economic, so cial, educational and similar activi ties on a world-wide scale as essen tials of a lasting peace. The Dumbarton Oaks plan, which China, Russia, the United States and Britain drew up at Washington last fall, provided that the council should be subordinate to the League Assembly. Russia insisted then on concentrating on peace-enforcing arrangements, as in the Security Council, but has since swung over to the Anglo-American-Chinese ar gument that weight must be given to building a peace as well as to being ready to fight for. it. Debate Big-Power Veto. A conference committee assigned to study peaceful means by which the Security Council might try to settle future international disputes spent the better part of a three-hour session last night debating whether the big powers in the council should have a veto in such cases. Canada proposed that an affirmative vote of any seven of the 11 council mem bers should be enough to have the council take up a dispute and rec ommend a settlement. There was much argument reported but no de cision. Other committees made more measurable progress. The group studying membership in the new league voted to let any Allied na tions, whether or not represented at this conference, become an initial member merely by adhering to the (See SECURITY, Page A-4.)