Newspaper Page Text
Weather Forecast Some cloudiness today; fair tonight and tomorrow, moderate temperature. Temperatures today —High, 73, at 1:30 p.m.: low, 68, at 6:15 a.m. Yester day-High, 75, at 9 a.m.; low, 70, at 10:38 p.m. Late New York Markets, Page A-11~ Guide for Readers Page., Amusements - A-12; Comics_B-12-13 Editorial .A-6 Edit’l Articles--A-7 Finance .A-ll Lost and Found, A-3 Page. Obituary .A-10 Radio .,.B-13 Society .B-3 Sports .A-8-9 Where to GO-..B-5 Woman's Page, B-8 An Associated Press Newspaper 93d YEAR. No. 36,963. Phone NA. 5000. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, JULY 16, 1945—TWENTY-SIX PAGES. ★★★ City Rome Dellyery. Dally and 8»nday BT /"ITT’Xffp ft Sue a Month. When 6 Sunday*. *1.00. O Vi-EUl XO Big Three Talks Await Arrival of Premier Stalin Churchill Pays Courtesy Call on President Truman (Pictures on Page A-3.) • Zt the Associated Presa. POTSDAM, July 16.—President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill, with their ranking military and state advisers, to day awaited the momentarily expected arrival of Premier Stalin to start the Big Three conference at which the war with Japan appeared to be a leading issue. Soviet spokesmen said they had nt word that Premier Stalin and For eign Minister Molotov had arrivec in Potsdam, but added, they will b< here in time for the opening of tht conference.” It was generally be lieved they were already here. Full-scale opening of the confer ence seemed to have been delayed un til perhaps tomorrow. Mr. Churchili met Mr. Truman for the first time since President Roosevelt’s death in what was described simply as a cour tesy call. The President held several confer ences with his Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, and his personal chief of staff. Admiral William D Leahy. Mr. Truman was reported planning a dinner early in the week in honor of Mr. Churchill and Premier Stalin. Tight secrecy prevailed. Problems such as hunger, frontiers and re building of a Europe ravaged by war were high on the agenda. nyrnes ana sumson rreseni. The whole hierarchy of American and British military leaders were in Potsdam along with two American cabinet officers, Secretary Byrnes and Secretary of War Stimson. Just who were to accompany Premier Stalin and Mr. Molotov to the Big Three conference has not been an nounced. Russia alone of the great world powers is at peace with Japan Mr. Truman flew to Berlin yes terday. The scores of state and military leaders talked in an atmosphere as remote to the outside world as Shangri-La. The 200 newsmen as signed to the momentous and closely-guarded gathering got no closer than the adjacent suburb of Sehlendorf. The conference may last three weeks and the only au thoritative news from it will come from the conferees themselves. Premier Stalin was coming here after at least half a dozen conver sations in Moscow with the new Chinese Premier, T. V. Soong, and a gala farewell dinner for Dr. Soong which suggested that the meetings had been fruitful. Spokesman for Nation. Mr. Truman, for his part, was said to see his role not as simply a mediator between two powerful Allies, but as a spokesman for a Nation which is seeking to arrange a world structure ip which its tech nolpgical leadership and democratic ideals will have a greater play than ever before. Old-time foreign dwellers in Mos cow say it has seemed that Premier Stalin has held closely to four ob jectives in directing the state affairs for the huge land mass and nearly 200,000,000 persons who make up the Soviet Union. His first objective—defeat of Soviet enemies in the west—has been achieved. The others are said to be: 1. Defeat of Soviet enemies in the east—meaning, first of all, Japan. 2. Consolidation of the outer de fense system for Soviet territories, which, with the inclusion of the Carpatho-Ukraine in the Soviet Ukraine and the prospective inclu sion of the northern half of East Prussia in Soviet Lithuania, would extend the Kremlin's dominion farther than was ever reached by the Czars. Continued Friendship. 3. The crystallizing of wartime friendship with the western Allies to endure through long years of peace to come, in which at the very least there would be tolerant non interference by the others in the sphere in which each of the Big Three is to be dominant. Virtually all European problems reported up for discussion in Pots dam bear in some way on the Soviet Union’s outer defenses. One of the (SeeBIG~THREErPage~A-3j Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Two as Judges By the Associated Press. The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved the nomination oi Arthur A. Koscinski to be judge oi the Eastern Michigan Federal Dis trict Court and of Dennis F. Dono van to be judge of the Minnesota Federal District Court. A Detroit lawyer, Mr. Koscinski was nominated last month by President Truman tc succeed the late Arthur J. Tuttle At a subcommittee hearing on hi£ qualifications, Mr. Koscinski denied charges by another Detroit lawyer. Larry S. Davidow^ of fraudulent dealings while a receiver for a com mercial building in suburban Ham tramck. Mr. Davidow also asserted that Mr. Koscinski had played a prominent part in the American Slav Congress, which he labeled a “Communist front” organization. Waitress Found Dead In Bed, Gas Jets Open Mrs. June Reese, 45, a waitress employed in a Georgia avenue res taurant, today was found dead in her apartment bedroom at 1438 Meridian place N.W. The gas jets In the kitchen adjoining the bed room were open, police reported. Elmer Prather, route man for the Manhattan Laundry, knocked on her apartment door this morning to pick up laundry and aroused two men roomers, according to the police report. The roomers smelled gas and found the woman dead in bed. Deputy Coroner Christopher J. Murphy was called by the police. Tokyo Paper Admits Possibility Japan May Have to Surrender Says Leaders Must Take Realistic View And Give Up Hope of Splitting Allies By the Associated Press., SAN FRANCISCO, July 16.— Japan will be compelled to sur render, a Domei news agency dispatch said today, unless her war leaders take a realistic view of the “world situation” and abandon hopes of victory through a split among the United Nations. The dispatch, quoting the Tokyo newspaper Yomiuri Hochi, called | such hopes “political superstition,” adding they were similar to Ger many’s “fatal blunder” of plunging into a two-front war. “Such political superstition when taken advantage of by the enemy is bound to produce irretrievable political confusion compelling sur render,” said the broadcast, recorded by the Federal Communications i Commission. It was beamed to 1 Europe. Another Domei dispatch, Intended for America, again questioned Pres ident Truman’s assurance that un conditional surrender would not mean the extinction and enslave ment of the Japanese people. It cited a magazine article by Ad miral William P. Halsey advocating elimination of Japan's military clique and the doctrine of Shintoism as part of what it said was a cam paign to instigate "passions of beast ly hatred against the Japanese race.” The Nippon Times was quoted as saying that “the effacement of Shintoism means the effacement of the Japanese race and that is what Americans like Admiral Halsey are threatening.” The Tokyo radio sought to play down the effect of the United States naval sea and air bombardment on the Japanese homeland, hinted vaguely at new secret weapons in the offlng and, evincing growing un (See JAPS, Page A-4.) Truman Sees Berlin's Damage, Says People Brought It On Selves President Slips Away For Two-Hour Visit To Heart of Capital By the Associated Press. POTSDAM. July 16.—President Truman toured the heart of Berlin today, including the bomb-shattered former chan jcellory of Adolf Hitler, the | battle-scarred Reichstag and the wreckage of the Tiergarten. Before the Chancellory, the Presi dent shook his head and told re | porters: “This is a terrible thing, but they brought it on themselves.” Makes Two-Hour Tour. While he and Prime Minister Churchill awaited the arrival of Premier Stalin to begin the Big Three conference, Mr. Truman slipped away from Potsdam for two hours to see the war-devastated German capital. He also inspected the American 2d Armored Division along one of the German super highways. Mr. Churchill also inspected the Reichschancellory this afternoon and asked his Russian escort how the Nazis there had died. Mr. Truman, an artillery captain in the First World War, presented a citation to Company E of the 17th Armored Engineering Battalion— which crossed the Rhine under fire— and commented: “I am sorry that I didn’t get a chance to participate in some phase of this war myself.” Inspects U. S. Division. He made the award from a half track personnel carrier in which he stood with Secretary of State Byrnes, Admiral William D. Leahy, his personal chief of staff, and his military and naval aides. He wore a blue suit and the familiar gray I hat. He inspected the 2d Armored Di vision in company of its commander, Brig. Gen. John H. Collier. Then his wide tour of Berlin carried into some sections of the Russian occupa I tion zone. Passing through the Brandenburg (See TRUMAN, Page A-3.) Belgian Cabinet Meeting In Emergency Session By the Associated Press. BRUSSELS, July 16.—The Bel gian cabinet met in emergency ses sion today following an announce ment by Prime Minister Achille Van Acker that King Leopold had de cided against abdicating but also had decided not to return to Bel ! gium immediately. Rumors were current that the King, who is now near Salzburg, Austria, had addressed a message to the Belgian people saying he wanted to await a general election before making up his mind on a course of action, but there was no i confirmation of this. Prime Minister Van Acker an nounced parliament had been called into session tomorrow and that the cabinet was meeting again tonight, “due to the gravity of the situation.” The Prime Minister told news paper men yesterday that in view of the situation, the regent, Prince Charles, “has refused the resigna tion of the government,” and con sequently the present government will go into office again. 156 Japs on Tiny Isle Near Okinawa Give Up To Marine Invaders Three Occupation Actions More Than Month Ago Are Revealed By tbf Associated Press. IHIYA ISLAND, June 5 (De layed).—Rugged, tensed Marines of the 8th Regimental Combat Team splashed ashore on this little island 310 miles south of Kyushu June 3 behind a stiff rocket and shellfire barrage and beneath low-flying air cover— and found no one but docile natives. But the only Japanese in the whole area—garrisoning a tiny is land nearby—had watched the bar rage and a party promptly rowed over in a longboat to surrender their entire 156-man garrison. (Admiral Chester W. Nimitz today—July 16—announced the unopposed occupation of Ihiya and Aguni, June 3 and 9, re spectively, but did not mention the surrender of the third. Ihiya, 8 miles long, is about 20 miles northwest of Okinawa’s northern tip; Aguni & 35 miles east of Central Okinawa.) Japs Called to Okinawa. "Well, it was a good training ma neuver,” remarked Maj. Gen. Leroy P. Hunt of Berkeley, Calif., who commanded the Marine invasion. The absent Ihiya garrison (like Aguni’s) evidently had been called to Okinawa more than two months earlier to aid in the futile defense of that large island. A few Japanese planes approached Ihiya on the first day but failed to reach the American invasion fleet. A tropical storm—complete with ty phoon warnings—made the ships withdraw temporarily Monday, but did no damage. Accidents cost the lives of two Marines and injured 12. A score of natives were wounded by the pre invasion barrage and seven died Approximately 3,000 others waved white flags and surrendered imme diately. No one committed suicide Vehicles Dumfound Natives. By noon yesterday Col. Clarence R. Wallace, of Manitou, Colo., regi mental commander, pronounced the (See INVASION, Page A-4.) Japs Abandon Points in Burma, Allies Find By the Associated Press. « CALCUTTA, July 16.—Southeast Asia Command headquarters an nounced today that Japanese troops had withdrawn at some points in the Sittang River bend in Burma, after attempting for more than a week to hold a bridgehead on the western side of the sti%am. The bulletin said that at one point 29 miles northeast of Pegu Allied troops attacked, following an artillery barrage, only to find the main body of the enemy had with drawn, leaving merely a covering force, which fled. Just southeast of Pegu five vil lages were reported cleared of the enemy. B-24 Liberators, meanwhile, made a round trip of about 2,500 miles yesterday and bombed warehouses at the port of Songkhla, in Thailand on the South China Sea. They also hit a 100-foot freighter towing a large barge. Order for 1940 French Attack Never Executed, Gamelin Says Even after her ultimate military mistakes in 1940, France could have withdrawn her armies to Africa and to England and continued the fight, Gen. Maurice-Gustave Gamelin, her commander in chief until a few days before the collapse, says in the following article, written especially for the Associated Press. As a matter of fact, the general says, on the day he was removed he gave orders, which never were carried out, for a counteroffensive which might have regained the initiative in France itself. This is the first of five articles on the personcfiities and situations which cost France four years of Nazi enslavement. By GEN. MAURICE-GUSTAVE GAME LIN. (Copyright, 1945, by the Associated Press.) PARIS.—I am going to sur prise you, perhaps, in saying this is the first newspaper ar ticle I have ever written. This is the first, and I am glad that it is for the United States, land of liberty par excellence. In France, the Army has tradi tionally been the “silent service." I was its commander. Remember Marshal Joffre, with whom I served for 10 years, was "un grand silen cieux.” At the Riom trials, I my self remained silent because there were subjects that I didn't wish to discuss in the presence of the enemy. (The Riom trials were held In 1941. Gamelin, former Pre miers Edouard Daladier and Leon Blum and ether military and political leaders were brought to court by the Vichy Government on charges of war guilt. Vichy, an authoritarian regime, sought to show that officials of the third republic, through negligence or for other reasons, were responsible for the military collapse of France and the miseries deriving from this defeat. The actions were al lowed to drop without decision, after lengthy hearings.) The Vichy government put great pressure on me in hope that, to defend the Army I had commanded, I would find myself supporting ac cusations against the Republic by saying: “The military leaders asked for everything necessary; the Gov ernment failed to make any cor re (Continued on Page A-5, Column 3.) Naval Shelling Almost Razes Two Jap Cities Planes Burn Third To Ground, Attack 13 Others Heavily BULLETIN. GUAM, Tuesday, July 17 (IP), —Between 450 and 500 Super Fortresses In a predawn at tack today showered fire bombs on four Japanese cities I over a 460-mile stretch. The targets ranged from Oita, on the northeast coast of Kyu shu, to Hiratsuka, 34 miles southwest of Tokyo. (Map on Page A-4.) By the Associated Press. GUAM. July 16.—Gunfire of the United States Pacific Fleet virtually demolished two Japa nese industrial centers while carrier planes burned a third city to the ground and with land-based bombers heavily at tacked 13 others Saturday and yesterday in one of the most destructive week ends ever suf fered by the enemy. The carrier aircraft sank or dam aged 103 Japanese ships and 25 barges totaling 108,000 tons. Feeble antiaircraft fire was the only opposition offered to the en tire series of explosive assaults. Battleship forces spearheaded by the 45,000-ton super-battleships Missouri, Iowa and Wisconsin, all but destroyed the iron and steel center of Muroran on Hokkaido Is land yesterday. Carrier planes had burned out practically all of indus trial Kushiro on the same island the day before. B-29s Attack Oil Plant. B-29s made a return visit to at tack the Nippon Oil Co. plgnt at Kudumatsu on Honshu, about 5 miles southeast of Tokyuama, with high explosives. (The Japanese Domei news agency said today that Admiral William P. Halsey's 3d Fleet had withdrawn from immediate coastal waters off Northern Japan but warned of the possi bility of its return. (The withdrawal—unconfirmed by United States sources—was "presumably due to bad weather conditions which made further attf^cks difficult,” Domei said. (Directed in English to this country and monitored in San Francisco, the Domei broadcast from Tokyo said a total of 2,500 American carrier planes partici pated in the two-day strike at Northern Honshu and Hokkaido, with 1,500 planes in the attack yesterday, and 1,000 Saturday. (Available reports, Domei con tinued, indicated damage to ground Installations was “slight.”) Good Bombing Kesults. Returning B-29 crews said the bombing results were “good to ex cellent" and that fires and explo sions were visible for 100 miles. “It | turned the clouds and horizon blue | and they stayed that way for 30 i seconds,” one pilot said. No Super I Forts were lost. More than 100 jMustangs from their Iwo base struck at six Nagoya air fields and destroyed or damaged 37 Japanese planes and then pounced on shipping in Nagoya .Bay and railroad yards. Three Mustangs were lost. Only eight interceptors came up to fight. Four of them were shot down, an other was probably destroyed and two were damaged. Elsewhere in the Far Western Pacific, American Navy search Priva teers heavily attacked Korea; Army Liberators hit the Singapore area and shipping off Southern Honshu; Thunderbolts ranged to the China Coast; attack and fighter bombers hit two Kyushu Island cities; carrier planes struck three airfields on Honshu, and 100 Army Mustangs at tacked airfields around Nagoya. Communiques from three Ameri can commands reported aerial as saults on 11 Japanese cities; Muro ran, Hakodate, Esashi, Kushiro Sendai and Shibetsu, all on Hok kaido Island; Nagoya, Aomori and Kudumatsu, all on Honshu; and Miyazaki and Kagoshima on Kyu shu. Other Cities Listed. The Tokyo radio additionally re ported that carrier planes also raided Otaru, Abashiri, Ashigawa and Obihiro, all on Hokkaido. The battleship shelling of Muro ran blasted two steel plants, one synthetic oil factory, other war plants and left the city rocked with fierce explosions and fires. Satur day’s bombardment of Kamaishi on Honshu set fires in the steel mills which spread to the waterfront. Between 50 and 75 Super Fort resses struck Kudumatsu, once the fourth largest oil refinery center in the home islands. The B-29 com mand reported that previous at tacks on nine of Japan’s 10 fuel centers inflicted damage ranging from 45 per cent at Otake, to 95 per cent of the Maruzen oil re finery at Shimotsu, on the Inland Sea. The reports on carrier strikes cover Saturday and only prelim inary figures for yesterday morn ing. Strikes on both days were made in adverse weather. Kushiro Almost Wiped Out. The Eastern Hokkaido city of Ku shiro, with 63,000 population, was almost totally burned out by fires started in the Saturday air strikes, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz an nounced. Sixteen-inch shells from the Mis souri, Iowa and Wisconsin also de stroyed or burned out most of the One additional man from the District area has been re ported killed in this war. See “On the Honor Roll," Page A-2. (See FLEET, Page A-4.) Connell Is Indicted In Death of Boy, 9, Hit by Automobile 0 District Court Expected To Try Manslaughter Case This Fall James A. Connell, 54, an ac countant of 4437 Faraday place N.W., today was indicted by a District grand jury on a charge of manslaughter in connection with the traffic death June 23 of Donald Raymond De Vol, 9, at River road and Ellicott street N.W. Donald, who lived at 4423 Harri son street N.W., was killed by an i automobile as he sat on a grass plot I folding newspapers for his older brother. Robert. 12, to deliver Robert has an Evening Star route. Police said Connell drove the car. The indictment charges Connell with criminal negligence in driving and accuses him of driving while under the influence of liquor. Manslaughter, a felony, is triable in District Court, and the maximum penalty conviction is 15 years in prison. Connell may be arraigned on the manslaughter indictment in District Court on Friday. However, the case probably will not come up for trial until fall when the District Court summer recess ends. Companion m Auto. Connell's companion in the car, Comdr. Stanley L. Wilson, U. S. N„ said by police to be with the hydro graphic division, was charged with being drunk and disorderly. His charges have been turned over to the Navy Shore Patrol for dispo sition. The indictment against Connell was one of 10 presented to the Dis trict grand jury by Assistant United States Attorney Joseph F. Lawless, in charge of the panel, and returned before District Court Justice David A. Pine. Alfred Jones. 41, colored, grocery store proprietor of the 1100 block of 5 street N.W., indicted last month on charges of conspiracy to violate the Second War Powers Act and to steal from the Government in con nection with diversion of more than a ton of meat from Fort Myer, Va., today was named in another indict ment. In the new true bill he was accused of buying 10 cases of 12 year-old Scotch whisky valued at $600 which police charged were stolen from the Merchants Transfer 6 Storage Co., 920 E street N.W., on March 3. In another case, Solveig Medina, 23, said by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be a former enlisted member of the WAC. was indicted on a charge of illegally wearing a uniform. When arrested by military police June 16 in the 2000 block of I street N.W. she was wearing the uniform of an enlisted WAC with officer’s braid sewed on the sleeves, it was charged. The FBI said she was honorably discharged from the service on De cember 8, 1944, for medical reasons. She enlisted July 11, 1944, the FBI said. She told officers that when she enlisted she was living with a sister in Arlington, Va. Indicted on Mail Charge. Clarence L. deBethizy, 48, of the 6100 block of Edmonston road, Riv erdale, Md., said by police to be an assistant station master at Union Station, was indicted on a charge of taking property from the United States mails. Herman Billet, 51, of St. Mary’3 County, Md., was indicted on a charge of violating the Harrison Narcotic Act and the Narcotic Drugs Export and Import Act by illegally purchasing and possessing narcotics. In another indictment, John Man sour, 30, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was charged with robbery of $451 from Ali M. Yandjabil, a restaurant oper ator of the 1100 block of Thirteenth street N.W. Police said the robbery occurred in a room in a downtown hotel. 1,000 Soldiers to Fight Oregon Forest Fire By the Associetefl Press. PORTLAND. Oreg., July 16.—A thousand soldiers will be called out to help fight a forest fire roaring out of control in North?m Oregon’s Wilson River area, according to State Forester N. S. Rogers. r Martin Proposes World Pact To Outlaw Peacetime Training GOP Leader Says U. S. Should Seek Accord Before Adopting Compulsory Service Er the Associated Press. House Republican Leader Mar tin proposed today that “before the United States adopts com pulsory military service” the Government seek an interna tional agreement eliminating all such peacetime training. The Massachusetts Representative made public the text of a resolution he will introduce tomorrow urging President Truman, Secretary of State Byrnes and Edward R. Stet j tinius, Jr., who will represent the ! United States on the United Nations i organization, “to work unceasingly” i for the end of compulsory military training. “If a mutual understanding can be reached between nations and pfeoples that the policy of gigantic systems of universal compulsory military service should be elimi nated," he said, “it would relieve the United States and all other nations of the necessity to assume this great new burden at a time when we must build, reconstruct and readjust the world to peace* The elimination of compulsory military service as a policy of Na tions, Mr. Martin continued, “would be the greatest single act of states manship that could be accomplished in the immediate present.” “The system, which has long been the practice of European nations, (See MARTIN, Page A-3.) Vinson's Nomination Sent to Senate With Two Other Selections Caudle Given Clark's Former Post; Judson Replaces Hugh Cox Fred M. Vinson, director of I mobilization and reconversion, was nominated by President Truman today to succeed Sec retary of the Treasury Morgen thau. The President also nominated Theron Lamar Caudle to be an As sistant Attorney General to fill the position held by Tom C. Clark when he was promoted to Attorney Gen eral, and Harold William Judson to succeed Hugh B. Cox. whose resig nation as Assistant Solicitor Gen eral of the department for “personal reasons’’ was announced simultane ously. The Vinson nomination was sent to the Senate in line with a White House announcement Saturday that Mr. Truman had decided to speed up the previously-announced replace ment of Mr. Morgenthau, at the lat ter’s suggestion. John W. Snyder, who recently was appointed head of the Federal Loan Agency to succeed Mr. Vinson when the latter was made War Mobiliza tion director, generally is expected to be named to the War Mobilization and Reconversion post soon, al though there has been no official announcement to that effect. The three nominations were sent to the Senate by the White House on instructions from the President, now at the Big Three Conference. Mr. Judson, who was appointed a special assistant to the Attorney General in the Criminal Division of the Justice Department last year, was selected Assistant Solicitor Gen (See NOMINATIONS. Page A-4.) Bushfield Abandons Efforts for Changes In Security Charter Senate Committee Meets Today to Go Over Report Backing Pact Decision of Senator Bushfield, Republican, of South Dakota, not to offer reservations to the United Nations Charter today i increased the prospects of Sen ate ratification about August 1. Although the South Dakotan an nounced sometime agb he plans to support the Charter, he had been working on several proposed changes which, if offered, would have pro longed discussion. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee meets this afternoon to go over its written report in support of the Charter, but the Senate will not take up the document until next week. The committee stands 21 to 1 for the Charter, with one member, Senator Shipstead. Republican, of Minnesota, not recorded. He has been out of town since the hearings ended last week. The lone opposi tion vote was cast Saturday by Sen ator Johnson, Republican, of Cali fornia. Meanwhile, Senator George, Dem ocrat. of Georgia told reporters that last week’s hearings had con vinced him that “there can be no legitimate criticism of the Charter.” He described the document as carrying a “minimum commitment” by the United States on matters that call for domestic decisions, such as the use of American troops to aid in policing the peace. It was the Georgia Senator’s opin ion that Congress can deal with the question of the number of military forces and their disposition in both legislation and in a treaty which is expected to be made with the proposed Security Council. Pilotless B-29 'Lost' After Crew Bails Out to Escape Gas Fumes By the Associated Press. GRAND RAPIDS, Minn., July 16. —A pilotless B-29 was being sought in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana today after its crew of 11 was forced to bail out over the thickly wooded and lake country of Northern Minnesota to avoid asphyxiation. Lt. Edward J. Szycher of Bayonne, N. J., the pilot and the last man to leave the plane, said the ship was flying at 9,500 feet when he gave the order to jump and he believed it carried enough gasoline to fly it to Montana under control of the auto matic pilot. However, he said, the plane was filled with gasoline fumes from a leaking line and it was possible that the ship exploded and fell into the woods or a lake in Minnesota. The ship was on a round-robin flight from Pyote, Tex., to Duluth, Minn., to Wolf Point, Mont., and back to Pyote when the crew aban doned ship shortly after midnight yesterday. Lt. Szycher said every effort was made to stay with the ship, but the order to bail out was given when some of the crew were overcome. Lt. Szycher, the last man to Jump, said he buckled a paracute on Lt. Keith Hudson or High Point, N. C., and threw him out of the plane. Lt. Hudson, unconscious, was re vived by the rush of air. Forest rangers found the crew over an area of about 30 miles. One fell into Napoleon Lake and swam to shore. All were suffering from the effects of the fumes, but none had serious injuries except Lt. Hud son, whose back was hurt. Search for the men had started when one of the men reached the Link Lake ranger station told his story. Others in the crew besides Lt. Szycher and Lt. Hudson were Lt. W. C. Menke, co-pilot, of Des Moines, Iowa; Lt. John Davies, bombardier, of Fort Worth, Tex.; Flight Officer Ladd Hoover, navi gator, of Alhambra. Calif.; Lt. Dop kin, instructor-navigator, of Rhode Island; Staff Sergt. Roberts, radio navigator, of Massachusetts; Sergt. Jack Lomas, Detroit; Corpl. John Cox, Atlanta, Ga.; Corpl. Jacob Hill, South Bend, Ind., and Corpl. Harold L. Parker, Morgantown, Ind. Army officers from Denver ar rived today to assist in the search for the plane. A board of inquiry meeting was scheduled for today or tomorrow. Wagner Praises Monetary Plan As Peace Aid Senate Opens Debate On U. S. Participation In Bretton Program By J. A. O’LEARY. The Bretton Woods world monetary agreement offers a chance to outlaw “economic warfare’’ and thereby give greater effect to the United Nations Charter in preserving peace, Chairman Wagner of the Banking Committee told the Senate today as he opened de bate on the financial pact. “Within the next few days we must consider the San Francisco Charter and determine whether the United States will co-operate with the other United Nations in political and military matters,” Senator Wagner began. “To give greater effect to that solemn understanding it is fitting that we lay a firm foun dation for peace, that we inform the world that we stand ready also to co-operate in international economic matters.” Two Major Features. Forty-four nations met last sum mer at Bretton Woods, N. H., and worked out the plan, which has two salient features: 1. An international stabilization fund of $8,800J)00,000, of which the United States’ share is $2,750,000,000, to pave the way for standards of fair currency exchange practice. 2. An international bank with authorized capital of $10,000,000,0000, of which the United States share is $3,175,000,000 to guarantee private foreign investments, and to make some direct loans to help war-torn nations get back on their feet. Senator Wagner said “the failure to provide a means for international monetary co-operation in the 1920s is one cause of the monetary disor ders of the 1930s, which set nation against nation in the struggle for economic survival, and which be came the economic prelude to the great war.” Early Passage Expected. Four minority members of the Banking Committee, led by Sena j tor Taft, Republican, of Ohio will oppose the Bretton Woods bill, urg ing its postponement pending a new ; international conference, but the measure is expected to pass by s substantial majority by Wednesdaj or Thursday. After the last war, Senator Wag ner said, each nation tried to gel on the gold standard and stabilize jits currency, acting alone. | “As a consequence of this methoc ; of dealing with problems which ari by their very nature international some currencies, stabilized witl great difficulty, soon proved to bi over valued, while others were un der valued,” the New York Senate continued. “In countries with over valued currencies, exchange rate: were under constant pressure. Th< effect was to increase the difficulty of maintaining exports and employ ment in those countries. “In a vain effort to maintain th< j established value of those curren cies, countries put pressure on theii domestic wages and prices, inducing i depression at home and reducing the demand for both domestic and imported goods. Business condi I tions in other countries were af j fected since weakness in a majoi currency is a source of danger to al currencies.” Serious Problems Faced. Senator Wagner reminded hi! colleagues that “we now stand ai the threshold of another postwai period,” and added: “During the past six years work trade has been virtually at a stand still; political boundaries have beet j reshuffled, large producing anc S trading areas destroyed. As thi j war has been more devastating thai the last, so the international cur rency and investment problems wi face are more serious than we havi ever before encountered. The ques tion before us is whether by de fault we will allow the world to re peat the tragic blunders of thi 1820s and 1930s. “This bill offers us the oppor tunity to initiate constructive step: to outlaw competitive currency de valuation and other economic war fare devices, to substitute co-opera , tion for unilateral action in dealing with international problems.” The Banking Committee chairman answered opposition arguments in his opening speech, including some raised by Senator Taft last week. He said: “It has been alleged that the fund will not solve the British problem, j (See BRETTON WOODS. Page A-3.) Late Bulletins More Pay Bill Errors Found District and congressional officials discovered today there were about half a dozen errors in the District teach ers' pay bill, already on its way to the President. A measure to amend the bill correcting the mistakes is being drawn up by Vernon West, principal assistant cor poration counsel, and A. W. Heinmiller, assistant super intendent of schools in charge of budget, with the assistance of the Senate Legislative * Council. Moves to End Johnson Pay Chairman Sumners of the House Judiciary Committee today relayed to Government disbursement officers former Federal Judge Albert W. Johnson’s renunciation of his $10,000 annual pension. The former jurist, who is under investigation by a Judiciary Subcommittee, waived his right to the full-pay pension after refusing to resume the witness stand Saturday in open hearings into his con duct.