Weather Forecast Pleasant, mostly sunny, less humid today and tomorrow. Pair and cool to night. Temperatures—High, 76, at 1:30 pan.; low, 66. at 7:22 ajn. Yesterday—High, 88, at 1:20 p.m.; low, 69, at 5:07 a.m. Late New York Markets, Page A-15. Guide for Readers Page Amusements B-16-17 Comics _B-22-23 Editorial .A-8 Edit! Articles..A-9 Finance ..A-16 Lost and Found, A-3 rage Obituary .A-10 Radio ..B-23 Society _B-3 Sports .A-12-13 Where to Go.B-10 Woman’s Page H-18 An Associated Press Newspaper 93d YEAR. No. 36,985. Phone NA. 5000. WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1945—FORTY PAGES. ★★★★ City Home Delivery. Daily and Sunday K /~'TrXTfT'Q 90c a Month. When 6 Sundays. $1.00 O vUi-IN IS 4 Enemy Calls Use of Atomic Bomb Violation of International Law PeopleOutdoorsWere Seared To Death, Falling Buildings Killed Others, Radio Says BULLETIN Russia has declared war cn Japar, President Truman told a hastily summoned news confer ence at 3 p.m. Seated at his desk at the White House after newsmen had been brought from all parts of the Capital by call from Secretary Charles G. Ross, the President said quietly: “I have only a simple announcement to make.” He then explained that it was too important to withhold for a regular press conference and then added: “Russia has just declared war on Japan.” By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 8.—Hiroshima is completely: destroyed and the dead are too numerous to be counted,! the Tokyo radio declared today. It claimed that use of the atomic bomb was a violation of international law. Practically all living things—human and animal—were ‘'literally seared to death” by the new weapon loosed: against the industrial and military city Monday, an enemy j broadcast to America monitored by the Federal Communi-! cations Commission admitted. In a later broadcast to Europe in French, Tokyo referred to Hiroshima as an “open city,” although it was known to be a quartermaster depot and important garrison town. It branded “attack by such means against open towns and defenseless citi zens unforgivable actions.” The newspaper Asahi Shimbun appealed to the people to re main calm under the “inhuman” bombing and “pledge to fight through until the last.” The editorial declared the Japanese mind had been “trained for just such an occasion as this.” Burned Alive by High Temperature. The enemy radio quoted “authorized quarters in Tokyo” as contending that international law forbids belligerent nations “unlimited choice in the means by which to destroy their opponents.” “The destructive power of this new bomb spreads over a large area,” the Tokyo radio said. “People who were outdoors * * * were burned alive by high temperature while those who were indoors were crushed by falling buildings.” Premier Suzuki called an emergency meeting of the cabinet in his home to /study a report of the damage. Vice ministers and councillors also were called into the meeting, at which Japan’s Domei agency said Histasune Sekomizu, chief cabinet secretary, made a report of the raid. Sekomizu also reported on “progress being made in organiza tion” by the people’s volunteer corps, which is scheduled for de fense in case of invasion. All Tokyo morning newspapers admitted grave concern over the Hiroshima bombing. The London Daily Mail said its listening post heard a broadcast order for Japanese to evacuate big cities. The Tokyo radio finally referred to the bomb as “atomic’ but that phrase was not used in domestic broadcasts. Japs Unable to Identify Casualties. I The terrible effect of the bomb was revealed in the statement that relief workers were unable to even distinguish the dead from the injured, much less identify either. Hiroshima was left in “disastrous ruin” with houses and build ings crushed, Tokyo reported. It added that authorities could . not establish the extent of civilian casualties and had “their hands full giving every available relief possible under the circumstances.” Destruction was so heavy that even emergency medical facil ities were burned out and relief squads were rushed from surround ing districts, the broadcast disclosed. The text of the Tokyo English-language broadcast, beamed to American listeners: “With the gradual restoration of order following the disastrous ruin that struck the city of Hiroshima in the wake of the enemy’s new type of bomb on Monday morning, the authorities are still unable to obtain a definite checkup on the extent of the casualties Sustained by the civilian population. “Medical relief agencies that were rushed from the neighbor ing districts were unable to distinguish, much less identify, the dead from the injured. Burned Beyond Recognition. “The impact of the bomb was so terriffic that practically all living things, human and animals, were literally seared to death by the tremendous heat and pressure engendered by the blast. All of the dead and injured were burned beyond recognition. “With houses and buildings crushed, including the emergency medical facilities, the authorities are having their hands full in giving every available relief possible under the circumstances. “The effect of the bomb was widespread. Those outdoors burned to death while those indoors were killed by the indescrib able pressure and heat.” Es tile Associated Press. The Tokyo radio quoted a Japanese commentator today as saying that the methods the United States is employing in.the war against Japan have exceeded in “horrible cruelty” the atroci ties perpetrated by Genghis Khan in India and Afghanistan. “The present form of indiscriminate bombing by the American * Air Force upon Japanese cities are unlike Japan’s careful and thoughtful methods of air raids on Shanghai and Nanking,” said the commentator, indentified by the broadcast as Toyohiko Ka gawa, “a noted religious leader.” The fact that America has adopted such methods shows that she “already is morally defeated,” added the broadcast, which was recorded by the Associated Press. Old Jap Thesis Reiterated. Kagawa reiterated the old Japanese thesis that Japan is fighting only for the “liberation of the Asiatic race,” and declared: , “If America has not lost the spirit of Washington and Lincoln, her leaders will see the cruel futility of this war against Japan.” Kagawa’s statement, which the broadcast said was printed today in the Nippon Times, ended on this note: “If America’s policy, as weU as that of Japan, goes back to the spirit of Washington and Lincoln, there is sufficient ground for America and Japan to be reconciled—to give freedom to to liberate the Philippines, to cut the iron chain of India and to give independence to Indonesia. “Think, America; stop and think." B-29s Ready for New Assaults, Spaatz Warns By the Associated Press. GUAM, Aug. 8.—One American Super Fortress, dropping one atomic bomb, “completely de stroyed” 60 per cent of Hiro shima, important Japanese mili tary base—and Gen. Carl A. Spaatz warned today that more B-29s are ready to drop more of the world’s most destructive explosive on Japanese cities. The Strategic Air Forces com mander said 4.1 square miles of Hiroshima's built-up area of 6.9 square miles were wiped out. Five military targets were destroyed by the one bomb. The communique did not identify them. Gen. Spaatz based his communique on photographs from the sky. They showed the heart of the city thoroughly devastated. Harbor Area Barely Touched. Reconnaissance disclosed that the harbor area of Hiroshima—which has a population of about 343,000— was barely touched by the tremen dous blast. But the concussion, or fire effect, was so overpowering else where that several firebreaks and seven streams—one stream was about three city blocks wide—failed to stop the flames. The high-flying camera planes circled Hiroshima a few hours after Monday’s attack and found only two small fires still burning. The re mainder of the city appeared turned to ashes. The lens caught photo graphic proof that one bomb, small enough to be carried by any Ameri can bomber or fighter plane packs more death and destruction than thousands of tons of ordinary fire and demolition bombs, t Japs Caurht Unprepared. The city, which will go down in history as the testing ground for man’s most awful weapon, was un prepared tor such a swift, crushing blow. The Japanese had prepared their defense well against Super Forts and fire bombs, but they were as nothing against the atom. Tightly congested Hiroshima had a . population roughly midway be tween that of Denver and Seattle, respectively 322,412 and 368,302 in 1940. But Denver covers 58.7 square miles and Seattle 80.7 square miles. Physically the destroyed area ap proximated that of Bayonne, N. J„ an industrial seaport with a popu lation of but 79,198 in 1940. In the heart of the city, a few concrete structures remain standing, like bleak sentinels over a scene of ruin. They are believed to be air raid shelters. Although they were not destroyed, photographs indicate they were burned out. Two small fires were burning when the photographs were taken in the afternoon. The bomb was dropped at 9:15 am. Japanese time (8:15 p.m. Sunday, Washington time). White Plume of Smoke. An expert at Strategic Air Force headquarters said there was no com parison between the fire caused by the atomic bomb and normal con flagrations. When Yokohama was burned by incendiaries, he said, it looked as if smoke pots were burn ing throughout the city. At Hiro shima a white plume of smoke rose thousands of feet into the air. Crewmen of the B-29 which dropped the bomb said it rose 40,000 feet. At the base of this high-necked mushroom was a cloudlike accumu lation which was believed to be dust blown into the air by the tremendous concussion. Similar dust clouds were created in Europe by British four-ton bombs. The high plume of smoke'which rose immediately after the bomb ing was likened to the smoke ef fect from explosion of an ammuni tion ship. In that one, swift, devastating strike the B-29, piloted by Col. Paul W. Tibbets, jr„ wrought as great damage as normally is inflicted by a large force of the sky giants. Col. Tibbets’ Super Fort, 10 miles from the scene and several miles high, (See HIROSHIMA, Page A-2.) Iran Reports British And Reds Will Leave By the Associated Press. TEHERAN, Aug. 8.—The Iranian Foreign Ministry declared today that one of the decisions of the Potsdam Conference was that “British and Russian forces should be withdrawn from Teheran at once." The Foreign Ministry said it was informed of the decision by the British Embassy and added it ex pected the withdrawal from Teheran to start soon as a preliminary to departure of all Allied troops from Iran. American troops have been leav ing Iran since July 31, when the Persian Gulf Command’s work was declared “successfully completed.” All American troop6 are expected to be out of the country by Sep tember X, ..1 Truman to Make Potsdam Report Tomorrow Night Speech to Be Carried On All Radio Chains; Bomb Study Started By J. A. FOX. President Truman will report to the Nation on the Potsdam Conference at 10 p.m. tomorrow in a 30-minute speech over all radio networks and presumably short-waved to the world. Arrangements for the President to give an accounting of his meet ing with the heads of the British and Russian governments were an nounced by Press Secretary Charles G. Ross today as the Chief Execu tive marked his return to the White House by plunging into a study of the campaign to drive Japan into submission with the new atomic bomb. Secretary of War Stimson spent a half hour with the President and told newsmen when he left that he had given Mr. Truman further re ports on the bombing of Hiroshima. “But I can’t tell you what they were," he added. Mr. Stimson would not discuss the President's reaction to the latest reports. Calling List to Be Curtailed. Secretary of State Byrnes, who returned with the President last night, also was on the calling list which Mr, Truman plans to hold to a minimum for the next few days to enable him to catch up with the paper Work that accumulated dur ing his absence from Washington. Mr. Ross said the President’s speech tomorrow night would am plify some of the points of the Potsdam communique of last Thurs day. In response to a question, Mr. Ross said he “shouldn’t wonder” if the President planned to go further than did the communique in dis cussing the war with Japan. The Potsdam declaration carried no di rect reference to the war in the Pacific, mentioning merely “military discussions” were held by the chiefs of staff. He said he thought Mr. Truman would have something to say on the atomic bomb, but that he did not expect him to go into extensive detail, because he thought the story of the missile had been pretty well told. Silent on New Ultimatum. Nor could Mr. Ross throw any light on reports that Mr. Truman contemplated a new ultimatum to Japan. The press secretary also told re porters that he did not know when the President had decided to use the new bomb in strength against Japan. Mr. Ross said he expected the President would have a news con ference Monday or Tuesday and added that he had wanted to delay his meeting with the press until he had had a chance to acquaint the Nation with more details of the Potsdam meeting. The President will meet with his full cabinet Friday. Early Victory Sighted. As the President landed at New port News late yesterday, after an Atlantic crossing that set a record for cruiser travel, he expressed the conviction that the destruction j (Continued on Page A-5, Column 1.) 4 Powers Sign Accord On War Crime Trials By the Associated Press. LONDON, Aug. 8.—Britain, Prance, Russia and the United States today signed an agreement setting up the machinery for the trial of Germany’s arch war crim inals before an international mili tary tribunal. Details of the plan were with held from publication until 5 p.m.,' Eastern war time, under an ar rangement for its simultaneous re lease here, in Paris, Moscow and Washington, although news photog raphers were summoned to the cere monial signing and the London Evening Standard printed a picture of the event. Persons in close contact with the conference, however, previously have reported that the master plan for the trial of the arch criminals would follow closely the proposals outlined by Supreme Court Justice Jackson, chief prosecutor for the United States. Under Justice Jackson’s plan, the first mass trial of major criminals would be held before a military tribunal with the indictment based mainly on the contention that the waging of aggressive war consti tutes an international crime. The document was signed as it was disclosed that top-ranking Nasis, held as prisoners of war at Mondorf, Luxembourg, and else where, would be moved soon to the Nuernberg jail, where they will lose their status as prisoners of war and be held as civil criminals. Ill nil HUl^T^ —i nr 11UMr irm-m-m-m-mr PPPPPRESIDENT !I P-P-P-LEASE MAKE t Those Scientists J f SOLVE THIS ONE REAL J M±Q'Q'QUIC^J $1,516,906,150 UNRRA Levy Recommended by Lehman § Winter Ahead in Europe One of Grimmest In History, Relief Director Says b} the Associated Press. LONDON, Aug. 8.—A new UNRRA levy of $1,516,906,150 on participating nations was rec ommended today by Herbert H. Lehman, director general of the relief organization, with the warning that the winter ahead may be "one of the grimmest in history.” The recommended levy is exclu sive of a Russian request for $700, 600,000. Solemnly Mr, Lehman told the delegates of 43 member nations that the UNRRA would have only $175, 000,000 uncommitted by the end of the year, and declared that unless contributing countries supplement' their aid "the name of the United Nations will be a mockery in Europe this winter." Of the original total of $1,862,687, 398 pledged to finance UNRRA’S activities, the United States author ized expenditure of 72 per cent. There was no change proposed in the plan for financing, so presumably Con gress would be asked to appropriate the same proportion of the new levy. “We stand before the crisis,” Mr. (See UNRRA, Page A^3J~ Army Denies Reports Of Lasting Lethal Rays From Atomic Bombs Dr. Jacobson Disclaims Story of 70-Year Term Of Radioactive Death By the Associated Press. The War Department today denied published reports that areas devastated by the atomic bomb will continue for years to react with death-dealing radio activity. In a statment, the department quoted Dr. J. R. Oppenheimer, head of this phase of the atomic research, as saying “there is every reason to believe that there was no appreciable radio activity on the ground at Hiro shima and what little there was decayed very rapidly.” Published reports had quoted Dr. Harold Jacobson of Columbia Uni versity, one of those who partici pated in the atomic research work, as saying the bombed area in Japan might cause death for persons enter ing the area for a period of 70 years. (In New York, Dr. Jacobson said an article carried by the International News Service under his byline was not written by him and that he would issue a statement later in the day. The INS however, said the article definitely was Dr. Jacobson’s story.”