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Seatljfl BELLOWS. NANNIE. On Sunday. Oc tober 28. 1845, at 8:3(1 p.m.. at Freed men's Hospital.. NANNIE BELLOWS ο 1606 New Jersey sve. η w. She leaves ti mourn a loving daughter. Pauline Bellow.·· other relatives and many friends. Alter 1! noon Friday friends ere invited to call a her late residence Solemn requiem hlgl mass will be celebrated at Holy Redeeme Catholic Church. New York and New Jer My aves. n.w., on Saturday. November'3 at Ρ a m Interment Mount Olivet Cm •tery. Arrangements by McGuire. 29.1.: BELLOWS. NANNIE. The officers an( members of the Senior Sodality of Hoi: Redeemer Church are notified of the deatl of Mrs NANNIE BELLOWS. Prayers fo the repose of her soul will be recited ot Friday night. November 2, 1945. at o'clock, at her late residence. 16U5 Nev Jersey ave. n.w Funeral Saturday iron Holy Redeemer Church at 9 a m. MRS MARY A. QUANDER. Prefect. MRS. ALICE FLETCHER. Consultor. MRS. THERESA McKEEVER. Secty. BELLOWS. NANNIE. The members ο the Federal Annuitants' Relief Associatloi are hereby notified of the death of Mrs NANNIE BELLOWS, and requested to at tend her funeral, from Holy Redeemei Catholic Church. ' Assessment due. JOSEPH M. TRIGG. President. WILLIAM H. WEBB, Secretary. BELLOWS. NANNIE. Members of thi Bureau Relief Association are hereby noti field of the death of Mrs. NANNIE BEL LOWS, who passed away October 2S. 1945 ROBERT TATE. President. LOTTIE E. MINKINS, Fin. Sec · . BOWMAN, MARTHA VIRGINIA. Or Wednesday. October 31. 1945. at her resi dence. 8415 2nd place n.w.. MARTHA VIR GINIA BOWMAN, beloved mother of Mrs Doris A St. Clair. William E. Francis C and John E. Bowman, jr. Remains restins at Hysons's funeral home. 1300 Ν st. n.w. where services will be held on Saturday November 3. at 2 p.m. Relatives snci friends invited to attend. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 2 BROWN. MARY E. Departed this lif< suddenly. Tuesday morning. October 30 1945. at 2.30 o'clock. "Miss MARY Ε BROWN. Sne leaves to mourn their loss sisters, one brother and other relative! and friends Remains resting at Smith ι funeral home. 1125 l»th st. n.w. until Saturday. November I, at 10 a m sharp Funeral from S: Augustine'! Church. 15th St. between L and M sts n.w . Saturday November 3, at 10 a m Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. · BULLOCK. PHILIP. On Monday. Octo ber 29. 1945, at the Veterans' Hospital Kecoughtan. Va.. PHILIP BULLOCK of 1139 S Glebe rd., Arlington. Va . husband o( Mrs Oia Bullock, fatner of Vivien Corpl. Philip C. and C. M. 3/c Herbert S Bullock: son oi toward Bullock. He alsc leaves six brothers, one sister and other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w Funeral Friday. November 2, at 1 p.m., irom St John s Baptist Church, Arlington, J a. Rev. James H. Marshall of ficiating Relatives and friends invited Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 HILLOCK. PHILLIP. All officers and m*»mh#>rc nf thp .lamps Rpcip «Europe Post, No. S. American Legion, are requested to b< present on Thursday evening at S:30 oclocfc. November 1 1945. at the W. Ernest Jarvii funeral church. 1432 U st. n.w., at the Legion services for our late com rade. PHILLIP BULLOCK, who died Mon day. October 20. at Kecoughtan. Va BL'RKET. ELIZABETH. On Wednes day. October 31. 1945, at West Clifton Tcrrace. ELIZABETH BURKET. beloved sister-in-law of Mrs. Eleanor F. Burket Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. η w., on Friday November 2, at 1 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Bl'TLER, JOHN IlEVRY. On Tuesday October .11. 1945. at Freedmen's Hospital. JOHN HENRY BUTLER, son of the late Nancy and Ludwell Butler, husband of the late Mary Catherine Butler and father of William H.. Aaron and Quinton Butler Also surviving are three brothers, James Ludwell, Shirley Thomas and Lewis Limuel Butler; a sister. Alice E. Jennings, and other relatives and friends. Friends are invited to call at the McGulre funeral home. 1820 9th St. n.w . after 12 noon Saturday. Services will be held at Mount Zion Baptist Church. Joplin. Va., on Sun day. November 4, at 1:30 p.m. Interment at Triangle. Va. 4 CASHELL, JAMES T. On Wednesday, October 31. F04Ô. at. his home, Aahton, Md.. JAMES T. CASHELL, aged 70 years, beloved husband of Clara E. Cashell. He also is survived by two brothers. Waller F. Cashell and George W. Cashell, and one sister. Mrs. William Shoemaker. Fu neral services on Friday. November 2, at 2 Ρ m at '-St. John's Church. Olney, Md. Interment Union Cemetery, Rockville, Μα. 1 CHICHESTER. HARRY C. Departed this life on Wednesday. October 31. 1945, HARRY C CHlC'hESTEK, beloved hus band of Rose Chichester. Remains rest ing at Hysong's funeral home. 1300 Ν st. n.w,. where services will be held Saturday, November 3. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 2* CONRAD, HARRY H. On Tuesday. Oc tober 30. 1945. at Homeopathic Hospital. HARRY H. CONRAD Of 3230 Cleveland ave. n.w.. beloved husband of Grace Pallas Conrad. Funeral seivices at the above residence on Friday. November 2. at 11:30 a m. Funeral services and interment pri vate. Please omit flowers. 1 CRAWFORD, NOIL. Suddenly, on Tues day. October 30. 1045, NOIL CRAWFORD, loving husband of Mrs. Corine Crawford of 714 61st st., Fairmont Heights, Md. He also leaves a devoted mother. Mrs. Ella Barrtngton; one sister, three brothers and many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Henry 6. Washington & Son. DOWNING, HENRY C. On Thursday. November 1. 1045- at his residence. t(22I Sth St. n.w., HENRY C. DOWNING, be loved husband of Ellen Downing and brother of Walter Burton Downing Serv ices at the 6. H Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Saturday. Novem ber 3. at 1 ρ m. Interment Cedar Hill Mausoleum 3 DINMORK. SARAH KENT. On Wed nesûay. octoDer ai. îy-to. at ner residence, 118*4 Bates st. n.w . SARAH KENT DUN MORE. beloved sister of Mary Kent Glovei, devoted mother of lone and Godfrey Dun more and John Kent and foster mother of Florence Green Haskins. Also surviving are other relatives and many friends. After It: noon Friday friends are invited to call at the McGuire funeral home, 1820 9th st. n.w.. where services will be conducted by the Rev. George O. Bullock on Saturday. November 3. at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 2 FILLILS. MARY E. On Wednesday. Oc tober 31, 1945, at her residence. 412b 5th st. n.w., MARY E. FILLIUS, wife of the late Milton Joseph Fillius and mother oi Milton F., J. Ralph and Arthur H. Fil lius; sister of Mrs. Bertha A. Speiser. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901' 14th st. n.w . on Saturday, November 3, at 10 a.m. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. · 2 . FOLEY. ELLEN. On Thursday, Novem ber 1, 1945. ELLEN FOLEY, beloved wife of the late John P. Foley snd mother of Mrs. Mary C. LeNoir. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, 36*20 12th st. n e., on Monday. November 5, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Mary's Church. 5th and G sts. n.w., at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Arrangements by Huntemann funeral home. 3 FRIEND. CHARLES S. On Thursday. November 1, 194."», at his residence. 4502 13ih st. n.w.. CHARLES S. FRIEND, for merly of Westernport, Md., the beloved husband of Lena B. Friend. Funeral no tice later. (Cumberland. Md.. papers please copy. ) 2 GEORG1US. ANNA R. On Tuesday. Oc tober 30. 1945. ANNA R. GEORGIUS of *:304 North Capitol st.. beloved mother of Mrs. Grace S. Leland, Mrs. Bertha Crabbs and John C. Snyder; sister of William D. Lusby of Baltimore, Md. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th et. n.w.. on Friday, November 2, at 10 a.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER'S SONS CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14th St. N.W. Hobart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1118 7th St. N.W. Established 1861 V. L. SPËARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare eatablishment 1009 H St. N.W. N,t,0Î:,"W Qraliie CALLOWAY. Μ A Β L Ε BROCKEN BROUGH. beloved wlte of Rev. Harriaor Galloway of Arlington. Va.: aunt and god mother of Mrs. Mable Snead. stepgrand mother of Mary Louise Galloway. She alsc leave» to mourn their ioss four nephews four nieces, other relatives and friends Remains may be viewed Thursday. Novem· ber 1, at Η p.m.. at Robinson's funera home. 1342 4th at. n.w. Funeral Friday November 2. at 1 p.m., from Vermont Ave nue Baptist Church, Rev. C. T. Murra) officiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery 1· GOTTA, MARY A. On Thursday. No vember I. 1845. at Miami* F'la.. MARY GOTTA of Washington. D. C.. beloved wif( ol Robert B. Gotta and mother of James D. Forbes. Remains resting at the S. Η Hines Co. funeral home. 2801 14th st n.w.· after 12 noon Sunday. Novembei 4. Services at the above funeral home or Monday. November 6. at 1 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 4 GOLDEN. VESSEY EDWARD. On Tues· day, October 30. 1845, at his residence 4ti(J2 lTth st. north. Arlington. Va., VES SEY EDWARD GOLDEN, beloved husbanc of Carolyn Golden inee Hulme). son of thi late William T. and Sarah E. Golden anc brother of Mr*. Lula Niedfeldt. Mrs. Mabe Small. Mrs. Ruth Gessford. Mrs. Ivy Cook Kenneth L. Golden. Mrs. Aimee Plaugher the late Mrs. Julia Dewey and William L Golden. Remains resting at his late resi dence. where funeral services will be helc Friday. November 2. at 2 P.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 1 GOLDEN*. VESSEY E. A special com munication of Columbia Lodge, No. 285, A. F. and A. M„ of Ar lington, Va . is called tor 1 P.m. Friday. November 2. 1845, foi the purpose of conducting Ma sonic services at the funeral ol our late brother, VESSEY E. GOLDEN. MILTON J. BROOKE. Master. 1 HARPER. WALTER J. On Monday, October 28, 18-15. at Garfield Hospital, WALTER J. HARPiSR of 442H 9th st. n.w., beloved soil of the late James E. and La yinia Harper, brother of FTed Β Harper, raio. λ. oueiuf, Mrs. Mane rnompson, Mrs. Rowland Loveless tnd Mabel Harper. Funeral Irom Collins' funeral home. 3821 14th st. n.w., on Friday. November 2. at 9:30 a m Requiem mass at St. Gabriel's Church at 10 a m Relatives ana Iriendi invited Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. J HII.L. ADOLPHUS. Departed this life on Monday. October 29. 1945, at Freed men's Hospital. ADOLPHUS HILL, formerly of 416 Ο st. n.w. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mrs. Mamie Hill: one sister, one brother, two aunts, several cousins, oiher relatives and friends Re mains resting at the Dabney & Garner funeral home. 442 M st. n.w . after 5 p.m. Friday. November 2. Funeral Saturday. November :t. at 1 p.m., from the above funeral bome. Interment Woodlawn Cem etery. 2 HODGE. BLANCHE. On Tuesday. Oc tober 30. 1945. BLANCHE HODGE, beloved wife of Theodore Hodge, sister of Bertha Butler. Roberta Grayson. Jennie Curtis, Minnie. Mamie, Harriet. Georee and Corpl. Robert Briscoe She also leaves-other rel atives and friends. After 111 a.m. Thurs day. November 1. friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Friday. November 2. at 2 p.m., from the above funeral church. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 1 HORSEMAN. ERVA JANE. On Tuesday. October 30. 1943, at Providence Hospital. ERVA JANE HORSEMAN, beloved wife of the late Albert W. Horseman and mother of Leo Irving Horseman. Funeral from I her late residence. 131B S st. s e., on Sat urday, November 3, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem ! high mass at St Theresa s Church at 9 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 2 HUNT, JUDGE HENRY J., 3rd. On Tuesday. October 30. 1045. at Suburban Hospital, Judge HENRY J. HUNT. 3rd, be loved husband of the late Rosamond A. VV. Hunt of Rockville. Md. Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase funeral home of Wm. Reuban Pumphrey. where funeral services will be held Friday. November 2. at 2 P.m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. 1 JAMES, MARY. Departed this life on Monday. October 23, 1945. at Gallinger Hospital. MARY JAMES. She leaves to mourn their loss six daughters, five sons, thirty-six grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and a host of other relatives I and frie.ids. Remains resting at her late residence. 920 1st st. s.w . Thursday. No vember 1. after 7 p.m. Funeral services i Friday. November 2. at 1 Ρ m., from the Church of God in Christ, "tith and H sts. s.w.. Elder Samuel E. Kesler officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrange ments by R N. Horton Co. funeral home, 1322 You st. η w. JAMES. MARY. Officers and memberi i of Garfield Tabernacle. No. 45. Order of O. of G. F.. are requested to attend a call meeting at Γishern-.en's Temple. 320 F st. s w., Thursday. November 1. 1945, at 8 p.m.. to arrange for the funeral of Sister ·■· — »· χ unci οι Will UC liCJU Γ J I - day. November 2. at 1 p.m . Irom Church οf God id Christ. 6th and H sts. s.w NATHAN WATERS. E. W. R. MEL VINA CARTER. R. W. S. 1 JENKINS, JOSEPHINE. On Tburaé», November 1, 1843. at Garfield HosbH»1, JOSEPHINE JENKINS of 4907 4tith at. n.w., the beloved wile ol George W Jen kins. mother of Harold Jenkins and grand mother of Muriel A. Minard; sister ef Mary Wood, Agnes Shaw and emit Reeve*. Services at Chambers' George town funeral home, :11st and M sts. n.w., on Saturday, November 3. at 1 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Na tional Memorial Park Cemetery, Falls Church, Va. 3 « KENNEDY. THOMAS J. On Wednesday. October .11. 1!I45. THOMAS J. KENNEDY of New York City, beloved brother of DalV iel J. Kennedy and uncle of James. Mar garet and Eleanor Kennedy. 221 F si.S*., Washington. D C. TlV KLEM. HOMER L. On Wednesday. 00Γ ί tober 31. 1945. at his residence. 115 Teai ] nessee ave. n.e.. HOMER L. KLEM. beloved (husband of Florence Klem. brother-in-law ! of Mrs. Lucy B- Watts. Friends may call ι at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mtss. ! ave n.e . where services will be held on [Friday, November 2, at 11 a.m. Inter iment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 McFABLAND, ESTELLE Κ. On Wednes day. October 31. 1945. at her residence. !*i20 North Carolina ave. s.e., ESTELLE Κ. McFARLAND. beloved wife of William J. McFarland. mother of William G. Mc Farltnd Services at Chambers' funeral home. 517 11th St. s.e.. on Saturday. No vember 3. at 11 am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 2 MEEK. ELLSWORTH L. On Wednes day, October 31, 1945. at 1027 23rd St. south. Arlington. Va., ELLSWORTH L. MEEK, father of Mrs. Thomas W For sythe. Mrs. Vernon J. Kirkby and Florence J. Meek, and grandfather of Arden Kirkby and Thomas M. Forsythe. Services at Chambers' Georgetown funeral home. 31at and M sts n.w.. on Saturday. November 3. Services and interment private. Fam ily only. - 2 PERLIE. ANNIE RIDER. On Wednes day, October 31. 1945. ANNIE RIDER PERI.IE beloved wife of Dr. Horace E. Perlie and sister of Charles R. Newman Services at Chambers' funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Friday. November 2. at 2 P.m. Interment Rock Creek Cem etery. PIERCE. I.T. COL. HERBERT R.. U. S. A. On Tuesday, October 30, 1945, at Wal ter Reed General Hospital. Lt. Col. HER BERT R. PIERCE. U. S. Α., beloved hus band of Queda M. Pierce. Funeral from the residence of his mother. Baileys Cross Roads. Va., on Thursday. November 1. at 3 p.m. Interment Oakwood Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. 1 POLAND, WILLIAM A. Orf Tuesday. October 30. 1945. WILLIAM A. POLAND, beloved brother of Benjamin Α.. Frank D. ind Thomas M. Poland, Mrs. Effle B. Green, Mrs. Mary A. Thompson and Mrs. Helen V. Ha/es. Services -at Chambers' funeral heme. 517 11th st. s.e., on Fri day, November 2. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 PROCTOR, ADA V. Suddenly, on Mon day. October 29, 1945. ADA V. PROCTOR of 1035 5th St. n.e.. daughter of William and the late Clara Proctor. She also is survived by one sister, Clara I. Burke; two brothers. James and Henery Proctor, and other relatives and friends Miss Proctor will rest at her late residence after 4 p.m. Thursday, where funeral serv ices will be held Friday. November 2, at 8:30 a.m.. followed by high requiem mass at Holy Redeemer Church at 9 a.m. In terment in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Ar rangements by L. E. Murray & Son, 1337 10th st. n.w. 1 pnnrxnn rvr wai tvd » tober δ. 1945. in Germany. Pvt. WALTER R. PROCTOR, a member of Onion Wesley Church, the son of Lucy and Carl Proctor. He also leaves to mourn their loss five brothers, grandmother, grandfather, a de voted aunt-godmother. Emma McPherson an uncle, Repinald McPherson, and a host of other relatives and friends. We never thought when you left home That you would never return. That you so soon in death would sleep And leave us here to mourn. We do not know the pain you bore, We did not sec you die, We only know you went away And did not say good-by No one knows how much we miss you, It's very hard to tell; There is a place In our homes That never can be filled. You left behind you broken hearts, That love you so sincere; That never did and never will Forget you. Walter, dear. THE FAMILY. 1 SAUR, ALBERT JOSEPH. On Tuesday. October 30. 1945. at Mount Alto Hospital, ALBERT JOSEPH SAUR, beloved husband of Lylllan Jane Saur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albert Saur, brother of Pauline. Norma and Jeannette Saur. Services at Chambers' funeral home. 1400 Chapln St. n.w„ on Friday, November 2, at 11 a.m. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 1 SAUR, ALBERT JOSEPH. Comrades of • Bunker Hill Post. No. 31. of the American Legion, are ad vised of the death of our com rade. ALBERT JOSEPH SAUR, on Tuesday, October 30, 1945, ut Mount Alto Hospital. Β. B. GRIFFIN, Commander, j U. E. CONLON, .Adjutant. SHOMETTE. MARY. On Thursday, No vember 1, 1945, at her residence. 121 12th st. s.e., MARY SHOMETTE. beloved wife I of the late Print E. Shomette and mother ; of Mrs. Mary K. Gooch. Louis E. and Thomas Shomette. Mrs. Angle Brady, Print E.. Jr.. and Gilbert 8homette, Mrs. Ar butus Perry, Sergt. Rodney Shomette, U. 6. Army, and Petty Officer 2/c Grady Sho mette: grandmother of Joan Nicola. Friends may call at the Wm. J. Nalley funeral home. 522 8th st. s.e„ where serv ices will be held on Saturday. November 3. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends Invit ed. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 2 Circulation, Septtmbtr, 1946 (Average net paid) The Evening Star... 207,421 The Sunday Star 220,677 <ββ* in City and Trading Zona) Statf?* SHOTTP. WALTER CAMPBELL. On Tues day. October 30. 18Î6. et 10:45 ρ m.. »t his residence. 1727 Massachusetts ave. n.w., WALTER CAMPBELL 8HOUP. be loved husband of Josephine Shoun, brother of William H.. Oeorie E. and the Misses Lena. Laura and Margaret Shoup. Friends may call at Gawlers chapel. 175H Pa. ave. n.w., where services will be held on Friday. November 2. at 2:30 p.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 SMITH. FANNIE B. On Tuesday. Octo ber 30. 1945. at her residence, 1707 10th St. n.w., FANNIE Β SMITH, wife ol Thomas Henry Smith She also is survived by two sons. Stewart ana George Fountain; three stepdaughters. Elisabeth Douglas. Rebecca Rollins and Ethel Gaflney; one sister. Martha Jones; one grandchild, three nieces ahd other relatives and friends. Mrs. Smith will rest at her late residence after 4 p.m. Thursday. Funeral services Friday. November 2. at 1 p.m., at Metro politan Baptist Church, Rev. E. C. Smith officiating. Interment in Payne's Ceme tery. · SMITH. FANNIE B. Queen Victoria Household of Ruth. No. 1711. announces the death of Inmate FANNIE B. SMITH. Funeral Friday. November 2, 1045, lrom Métropolite η Baptist Church at l p.m. Membersplease attend. INMATE LIZZIE FREEMAN, M. N. G. INMATE P. W. CURTIS. W. R. THOMPSON. WILUAM. On Tuesday, October 30, 1945. at Emergency Hospital, WILLIAM THOMPSON of 2002 Ga. ave. n.w.. husband of Julia Ann Thompson. He also leaves five sons, four daughters, five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Thompson may be viewed at Stewart's fun-ral home. 30 H st. n.e., after 5 ρ m. Saturday. Funeral Sunday, No vember 4. at New Hope Baptist Church, 5th and Riggs st. n.w.. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Woodlawn Cemetery. 3 TRICE. PATIENCE. On Monday. Octo ber 29. 1945. at 949 Florida ave. n.w., PATIENCE TRICE, mother of Cecelia Trice and grandmother of Junius Trice. Many nieces and nephews also survive. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home, N. J. ave. and R st. η w. Funeral from Metropolitan Baptist Church Satur day. November 3, at 1 p.m., Rev. E. C Smith officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. · WHITE. EDNA S. On Wednesday. Octo ber 31, 1945, EDNA S. WHITE of 1704 L st. n.e. Funeral from the W. W. Deal fu neral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w., on Friday, November 2. at 2 Ρ m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. WILKERSON. WILLIAM A. On Wednea· Ho ν Α/.(λΚλ- -I t IfUt \~i~ 'J 907 Ε st. s e., WILUAM A. WILKER80N, beloved husband of Mary W. Wilkerson. Services at Chambers' funeral home, 517 11th st. s c.. on Friday. November 2, at 1 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 1 WILKERSOX, WILLIAM A. La Payette Lodge, No. 19. P. Α. A. M., will hold ft, special communication Friday. November 2, 1945. at 12:15 p.m., at the Masonic Tem pie, for the purpose of conduct ing a Masonic burial service lor our late brother, WILLIAM A. WILKER80N GRANT L. HAGEN. W. M. WILLER, AMELIA C. On Wednesday. October 31. 1946. AMELIA C. WILLER oi 1220 Brentwood rd. n.e., beloved wife oi Edward O. Wilier and mother of Florence M. Wright. Edward A. and Emil P. Wilier. She also is survived by six grandchildren. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. iuneral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. November l, at 7 p.m. Interment Lan caster. Pa. 1 WOLTER, WILLIAM W. Suddenly, on Tuesday. October .JO, 1945. WILLIAM W. WOLTER of Baltimoie, Md.. husband of Gladys Young Wolter, father of Shirley Lou Wolter. Remains resting at Wm. J. Pick ner & Sons' funeral home. Baltimore. Md. Funeral services Friday at 1 p.m. at St. Timothy's Church, Catonsville, Md. In terment Rock Creek Cemetery, Washing ton. D. C. 1· In ûmoriam BARNES. FANNIE ADDISON. In sao but loving remembrance oi my dear moth er. FANNIE ADDISON BARNES. who de parted this life November 1, 1940. The month of November once more i> here, To us the saddest ol the year, Because five years ago today My darling mother passed away. DAUGHTER AND GRANDDAUGHTER, VIOLA B. AND FANNY V. REID. · BRADY. WILLIAM H. In loving mem ory of my dear husband. WILLIAM H. BRADY, who passed away eight years ago todav. November 1. 1H37. LOVING WIFE. ΗΑΤΓ1Ε J. BRADY. · BRYANT. GEORGE M. A tribute of love to the memory of a kind and loving father, GEORGE M. BRYANT, who entered into eternal rest seventeen years ago to day, November 1, 19"8. Aslppn in Jesus, hlpsxpri sWn Prom which none ever wake to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose. Unbroken by the last of foe? LOVING DAUGHTER, VIRGIE M. JACK SON. CARTER. CHARLES F BENCH. A tribute of love and memory to my friend. CHARLES P. CARTER, who departed this ilile one ye:ir ago today. November 1, 1944. Your life was unselfish And for others you lived. Not for what you received. But for what you could give. I often sit and think of you And speak of how you died; To think you could not say good-W Before you close· your eyes. DEVOTED FRIEND. ANNIE WIL80N. * COLE, ALONZO. In loving memory ol our dear husband and father, ALONZO COLE, wha departed this life four years ago, November 1. 1841. May be rest in peace. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND DAUGHTER. BESSIE COLE AND DELORE6 ANN COLE. . · CONN, W. HARRY. In loving memory of our loved one. V. HARRY CONN, who leXt us five year· ago today, November £ 1940 ADA. ALBERTUS AND YVONNE · DE VILLE, ALENA. In loving memory of my dear mother. ALLNA DE VILLE, who departed this life seven years «go today. November 1. 19;W. Gone is the one I loved so dear. Silent is the voice I loved to hear; Too lar away lor sight or speech. But not too far for thoughts to reach. EMILY D. HARRIS. · JONES. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Ill loving memory of my husband, GEORGL WASHINGTON JONES, who departed this life three years ago today, November 1, 1942. November brings sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest; You will not be forgotten By the one who loved you best. WIFE. BESSIE JONES. · KENDALL. ETHEL DEVABD. In sad and loving remembrance of our dear sister and sister-in-law. ETHEL DEVARD KEN DALL, who died two years ago. Novem ber 1, 1943. Sister, I am sad and lonely. You were ever dear to me; _I tried to help you bury your burdens With love and sincerity. God has been my guide and shepherd. Leading me by night and day. And I always feel Him near me When I kneel to Him and pray THE KENDALL FAMILY. KING. CHARLES Α.. JR. (BUDDIE). In loving remembrance of our dear son and brother. CHARLES Α. ι BUDDIE) KING. Jr., who departed this life seventeen years atrn. Nnvpmhpr 1. ΙίΙ^Κ Let us think of him today Sleeping, resting, lust away; Resting where no shadows tall. Only waiting tor us all. HIS LOVING MOTHER. FATHER AND SISTER. Just a line of sweet remembrance. Just a memory, lond and true; Just a token ot our devotion That our thoughts are still of you. AUNT OLIE'S FAMILY. · LEE. SANDY. In lond remembrance 01 our father, SANDY LEE who passed away four years ago today, November 1, lull. Loved in life, remembered in death SONS. GRANT AND BERT LEE. * LOMAX, LOUISE E.i CREEK. DANIEL E. In loving memory of our devoted auntie. Mrs. LOUISE LOMAX. who passed away November 1, 1942; uncle, DANIEL E. CREEK, who left us October 20. IS.ii). There is a link that death cannot sever, Love and remembrance live forever. NIECE, GEORGIA E. ROY, AND FAMILY.· RICKS. SUSIE ANNA. In loving re membrance of our devoted wife, mother and grandmother. SUSIE ANNA RICKS, who passed away seven years ago, Novem ber 1, I«;i8. Days of sadness still comc over us, Hidden tears so often flow; Memory keeps you always near us. Although you left seven years ago THE FAMILY · SLAUGHTER. CHARLES Λ., SR. In sad but loving remembrance of my beloved hus band. CHARLES A. SLAUGHTER, Sr.. who lelt me so suddenly two years ago today. November 1. 1 !.( 4 : J. How sad today my troubled heart, How dim my eyes with tears. For death has robbed me of a pal I thought I would have tor years. Some may think I am not lonely. When at times they see me smile; But little do they know the heartaches That I have suffered all this while. Surrounded by friends. I am still lonely· In the midst of joys I am blue; With a smile on my lace I have a heart ache. Thinking, dear Charlie, of you. HIS DEVOTED WIFE, MILDRED. · SLAUGHTER. CHARLES ARON, 8R. In loving remembrance of my son. CHARLES ARON SLAUGHTER, Sr., who departed this lile two years ago today, November 1, 1943. Let me not doubt that God has a Father's pity toward me, and that in the removal ot that which was dearest to my heart, He is still loving and kind. Death separatee, but it also unites. It unites wiiutu λ ν acjJttrai/CS. HIS LOVING MOTHER, MRS. L. A. ROB ERTSON, Waco, Tex. · SLAUGHTER, CHARLES Α.. SR. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear lather, CHARLES A. SLAUGHTER, Sr.. who de parted this life suddenly two Tears ago today, November 1, 1943. You are not forgotten, dear father. Nor shall you ever be: As long as life and memory last We will always think of thee. HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN, JUNE, CHARLES. JOHN AND PAT. SONDHEIMER, NATHAN. In sad and loving remembrance of our dear father ,ind grandfather, NATHAN SONDHEIMER. who passed away thirty-five years ago to day, November 1, 1910. Loved in life, Remembered In death. God bless you today and always. HIS DAUGHTER, PEARL, AND GRAND CHILDREN. THOMAS, ROBERT LEE AND MAHY MARGARET. In memory of my dear par ents, father. ROBERT LEE THOMAS, who died two years ago today, November 1. 1943, and my devoted mother, MARY MARGAiiET (MAGGIE) THOMAS, who died thirty-two years ago, January 13. 1913. It's only a step that divide· its From the glories no mortal bath seen: 1 shall find you when death's grim fingers Shall have lifted the v«U between. DAUGHTER. ΟΚΕΓΓΑ T. WASHINGTON. · Rites for Judge Hunt Set for Tomorrow Funeral services ior Judge Henry Jackson Hunt III, 59, Rockville, who died Tuesday at the Suburban Hos pital of Bethesda, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the W. Reuben Pumphrey funeral home, 7557 Wis consin avenue, Bethesda. Burial will be in Rockville Union Cemetery. Judge Hunt was retired from the Court. He was nationally known as a breeder and trainer of hunting Montgomery County Orphans' dogs and as a breeder of game birds and fancy poultry. He entered the real estate business and developed Chevy Chase Gardens and also found time to publish two volumes of poetry. A native of Washington, he moved to Montgomery County at an early age. He lived in Bethesda until 1935 when he moved to Rockville. He was a Mason and a member of St. John's Episcopal Church, Be- ' ι thesda. : Rites for Mrs. Horsemen Arranged for Saturday A requiem high mass for Mrs. Erva Jane Horseman, 57, who died Tuesday at Providence Hospital, will be sung at 9 a.m. Saturday at St. Theresa's Church. Burial will be in Congressional Cemetery. Mrs. Horseman was a member of the Women's Battalion, a group who chaperons Government girls at tending dances at nearby Army posts. She was a native of Wash ington. Surviving are a son, Leo Irving Horseman; a sister, Mrs. Robert A. Horney, and three brothers. Rich ard K.. Timothy and Leo Murray, all of Washington. John Κ. Ottley, Sr., /7, Atlanta Banker, Is Dead By the Associated Press. ATLANTA, Nov. 1.—John King; Ottley, sr.. 77, chairman of the board of the First National Bank and a leader in Southern financial circles for more than 50 years, died today. On July 3, 1933, Mr. Ottley was kidnaped by two men who held him for $40,000 ransom which never was paid because he escaped within a few hours. At the time of his death Mr. Ottley was a director of the Southern Rail way system and the Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co., a trustee of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York and chairman of the board of the Young Men's Christian Association here. Born in Columbus, Miss., he was one of the 12 directors of the Na tional Credit Corp. choeen by Pres ident Hoover in 1931. For two terms he was a director ot the Federal Reserve Bank here. Rites to Be Held Today For David C. Glazer, 16 David Cramer Glazer, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Glazer, 3100 Connecticut avenue N.W., died Tuesday at the Washington Sani tarium. An attending physician said he was suffering from a rare disease which attacks the arteries. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. today at Danzansky's funeral home, 3501 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be private. He was a talented artist and writer and had kept up his interest in Boy Scout activities despite a two-year illness. He was a student at Woodrow Wilson High School and was a graduate of Alice Deal Junior High School. Besides his parents, he leaves a brother, Pic. Harry B. Glazer, now stationed at Fort Dix, Ν. J„ after service overseas with the 7th Army. His father is editor of "Transport Topics, a trade journal. Woodward & Lofhrop Zoning Petition Indorsed Indorsement of Woodward & Lothrop's petition to rezone a six acre tract in Montgomery County, at Wisconsin and Western avenues, to permit the construction of a three-story department store and to provide parking facilities for the store's customers, was voted last night at a special meeting of the Bethesda Chamber of Commerce, This action followed a talk by Brainerd Parker, chairman of the Board of Directors of Woodward & Lothrop and former president of the Bethesda Chamber of Com merce. In response to a question regard ing the use his company intended to make of the six-acre tract, Mr. Parker said the company had ac quired the land for the sole pur pose of building a store and pro viding parking facilities. Woodward & Lothrop's petition is now before the Montgomery County Zoning Council. Mrs. Amelia C. Wilier Dies af Age of 80 Mrs. Amelia C. Wilier. 80. a resi dent of Washington ior 27 years, died yesterday at her home, 1220 Brentwood road N.E. A native of Germany, Mrs. Wilier came to this country when she was 7 years old and lived in Lancaster, Pa., until 1918, when she and her husband, Edward O. Wilier, moved to the District. He was employed by the Government until he retired 10 years ago. Besides her husband she is sur vived by a daughter, Mrs. Florence M. Wright, and a son, Edward A. Wilier of Washington; another son, Emil P. Wilier, Kannapolis, N. C., and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Τ m +/%«ïr»V*f of Ο XT funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Lancaster. Charles S. Friend, 72, Dies After Long Illness Charles Stuart Friend, 72, of 4502 Thirteenth street N.W., died early today at his home after a long illness. He came to Washington with his family about seven years ago from Western Port, Md. For many years, Mr. Friend had represented Armour & Co. in Western Maryland. He was a graduate of Western Mary land College. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lena Ryan Friend, and two daughters, Mrs. Leon A. Kerns, 221 Newcomb street S.E., and Mrs. Thomas C. Hardman, Elmhurst, Long Island, formerly of Washington. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Mrs. Annie Perlie Dies: Wife of Retired Dentist Mrs. Annie Rider Perlie, 84, wife of Dr. Horace E. Perlie, a retired dentist, died yesterday at a rest home at 2727 Adams Mill road N.W. Her residence was at 1834 Calvert street N.W. She was a lifelong resident of the! District, Besides her husband, she Is sur vived by a brother, Charles R. New man, a retired attorney of Wash ington. Funeral services will be held at Chambers funeral home, 1400 Cha pin street N.W., at 2 p.m. tomor row. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. 750,000 New Aviation Jobs Predicted by CAA in 10 Years By the Associated Pre*·. ι The Civil Aeronautic* Adminis tration predicts that by 1955 civil aviation can provide mote than 750,000 new jobs and that 2,800,000 families will be able to afford both an airplane and an automobile. Issuing what was described as the first comprehensive survey of the aviation industry's possibilities dur· lng the next decade, the CAA last night also forecast that: More than 400,000 civil airplanes will be in use in the United States by 1965. Airlines will carry 20,000.000 pas sengers in domestic operations and 2,000,000 to foreign points during 1955. By that time the airlines will have annual passenger revenues of about $345.000,000. Riles for Walter Shoup Will Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Walter C. Shoup, 73, a Justice Dpeartment attorney who died Tuesday, will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at Gaw ler's chapel, 1756 Pennsylvania ave nue N.W. Burial will be at Ar lington Cemetery. Son of the late Senator George L. Shoup, who was Senator from Idaho from 1890 to 1901, Mr. Shoup practiced law for many years in Salt Lake City and later was presi dent of a bank in Salmon, Idaho. In 1928 he came to Washington to accept the job of attorney in the Justice Department. He and his wife, Josephine, lived here at 1727 Massachusetts avenue N.W. Mr. Shoup was a graduate of Yale and served as a captain in the Spanish-American War. Besides his widow. Mr. Shoup Is survived by three sisters and two brothers, all of whom live in Idaho. Mrs. Martha Bowman Dies At Home of Daughter Mrs. Martha Virginia Bowman. 71, a former resident of Silver Spring, Md., and Washington, died of a heart attack yesterday at the home of her daughter, 6415 Second place N.W. She had lived with her daughter, Mrs. Doris A. St. Clair, since the death of her husband, ι John E. Bowman, about 12 years ago. Mrs. Bowman and her husband Airline traffic by 1955 will repre sent 50 per cent of Pullman pas senger mileage, but "bulk freight hauling business, which is the main source of income to surface car riers, would be virtually untouched." Domestic airlines, the report pre dicted, will be operating a fleet of 1,000 passenger-type planes plus 200 all-cargo planes, and the dollar volume qf the Industry will be more than triple the $800,000,000 In 1939. Attainment of these goals, the CAA said, depends on a Federal program of assistance. Including a national airport plan, pilot training and aviation education and tech nical aids, such as an Improved airways system. This program would cost about $100,000,000 a year for the next 10 years, the report said. were among the early residents of Silver Spring. He operated a gen eral store there more than 45 years ago. She was a member of Esther Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. In addition to her daughter, she leaves three sons, William E. and Francis C. Bowman of Silver Spring and John E. Bowman. Jr., Washington; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Hysong funeral home, 1300 Ν street N.W. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. On» of the Largest Undertaken In the World Funerals Complete as Low as $95 to 12,tM Phone CO. 0432 J. William Lee's Sons Co., 4tb Mid MWW. Ave. Ν JE LL 6200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FUNERAL DESIGNS CHACONAS BEAUTIFUL FLORAL PIECES $5—$7.50—$10 DELIVERED Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere 2500 Mth ST. N.W COLUMBIA 9775* C & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SFRAÏ 8.T96 UP DELIVERED Ctaarie A to υ nil Invited Two Convenient Locations •08 14th SU N.W. ML. 743a «38 r St. N.W ME. 74«4 GUDE BROS. CO; Pieces 1812 r St- N.W. National 127(1 GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA 0106 Cor. 14th & Eye «gj CEMETERY LOTS. CHOICE FAMILY PLOT of 4 lots in lovely Cedar Hill Cemetery. Call Lincoln FUNERAL HOME Francis J. Collins 3(21 14th St. N.W. T«Uphon· Randolph 7117 LEVINSON JEWISH FUNERAL HOME AIR CONDITIONED 4217 9th Street N.W. Phone»: TA. 4217 - ΚΑ. 7818 C. D. Goldberg, Director "Was I WRONG, lack in 1945 Γ I. "Here it is ten years since World War II, and it seems like yesterday! I got a job making penicillin; my husband worked in a machine shop. And with the good pay we both made, we felt pretty richl 2. "I knew I wasn't going to keep on work ing after the war, and all that extra cash wouldn't be coming in forever. So we saved while we had the chance. Besides, many things were hard to get 3* "Both of us bought War Bonds prac tically every payday. We got some more life insurance, and we built up our savings account. When peace came, we had a nice little nest egg salted away. «\t|l ;/ 4. "Then civilian goods started coming back. We'd have been all right if we'd stopped with what we needed. But we bought a lot we didn't need. And before we knew it, most of our savings were gone. 5. "If we hadn't gone overboard then, we'd still have a nest egg today. But now we're not much better off than if I hadn't worked at all—still struggling and scraping along. Was I WRONG, back in 1945!" life Insurance Companies in America ν and their agents BUT IT if STILL 1845. If we use our savings wisely now, we can help to avoid inflationary price increases . . . and at the same time maintain backlogs for the kind of future we all desire. If we spend our money carelessly now, we may look back some day with regret. During the war, millions of Americans saved to protect their families to educate their children, to start a business of their own, to own their own home, to retire. Today they are still following the advice of our Government, buying only what they really need until civilian goods are plentiful, buying Victory Bonds, holding on to their War Bonds and life insurance, and maintaining their savings accounts. Are you one of them? America's life insurance companies are sponsoring this program of information as a public service to the 70,000,000 owners of life ineur ance and to every American citizen. . . . to cooperate with our government in preserving the financial health of the nation