Newspaper Page Text
Urates ARMSTRONG. DAVID E. On Thursday, November 1. 1945 at Casualty Hospital, DAVID E. ARMSTRONG, beloved husband of Carrie S. Armatrong. Services . at Chambers' Georgetown funeral home. 31st and M sts. n.w.. Saturday. November 3. at 10:30 I'm Interment Arlington Na tional CemTtery. ARMSTRONG. DAVID E. Officers and • members ol Tank Corps Post, No. 18. American Legion, are > requested to assemble at the Chambers Itineral home. 30Î2 r M st. n.w., on Friday, Novem ber 2. IMS, at 8:30 Ρ m to pay tribute to our departed comrade. DAVID E. ARMSTRONG. Serv ices will be conducted by the American legion National Guard of Honor. HARRY F. YOUNG. Jr . Commander. H. ft. McC AMANT. Adjutant. ASTRYKE. CHARLES G. Suddenly, on Wednesday, October :il, 1845. near Falls Church, Va.. CHARLES O. ASTRYKE. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Astryke of It) W. Caton ave., Alexandria, Va„ and brother of Walter P. Astryke. Funeral aervlce? on Saturday. November 3. at 10:30 a.m.. at the Wheatley funeral home. Alex andria. Va. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. BANKS, HAROLD N. On Thursday No vember 1, I94S. at his residence, 4832 Nash St. n.e.. HAROLD N. BANKS, son of Edith R. and Norman H. Banks. Notice of fur.eral later Services b/ Stewart's luneral home, 30 H st. n.e. BAYLISS. PATRICK HENRY. On Thurs day. November 1. 1845. at Wilmington, N. C . PATPICK HENRY BAYLISS. brother of Frank A. Bayliss of Alexandria. Va.: Mrs. Ray Cleveland of Alexandria. Va.: Mrs. N. 0. Bassist of Arlington, Va.: Mrs. Τ W Sims. Knoxville, Tenn.. and Mrs. J. W. McWilliams of Denver. Colo Mr. Bay liss was a number of Clifton Forge Lodge. A. F. & Α. M and of the Scottish Rite Masons. Alexandria. Va. Funeral services Saturday. November 3, at 2:30 p.m.. at the Wheatley funeral home, Alexandria, Va. 3 BEACH. THOMAS REDMOND. On Wed nesday. October 31. 1045. at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Harry Mahon. Lor ton. Va.. THOMAS REDMOND BEACH, aged SO years, beloved husband of Mary Ann Beach. He also is survived by Ave eons and two daughters. Remains resting at Hall's funeral home. Occoquan Va., where services will be conducted on Satur day. November 3. at 2 p.m. Interment Lee Chanel Cemetery. Fairfax County, Va Relatives and friends invited, - BELLOWS. NANNIE. On Sunday. Oc tober 28. 1045, at 6:30 p.m . at Freed men's Hospital.. NANNIE BELLOWS of 3 605 New Jersey ave. n.w. She leaves to mourn a loving daughter. Pauline Bellows, other relatives and many friends. After 12 noon Friday friends are invited to call at her late residence Solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. New York and New Jer sey aves. n.w. on Saturday November 3, at ρ a m Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. Arrangements by McOutre. 29,1,2 BOGLEY, CATHERINE E. (BESSIE». Suddenly, on Thursday. November 1. 1045, at her home Darnestown. Md.. CATH ERINE Ε (BESSIE) BOGLEY. beloved wife of Henry V*. BoKley. Remains rest ing at the Colonial funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville, Md Serv ices Saturday. November 3. at St. Mar tin's Catholic Church. Gaithersburs. Md.. where requiem mass will be offered at 10 a.m Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. BOWMAN, MARTHA VIRGINIA. On Wednesday. Octcber 31. 1945, at her resi dence. 6415 2nd place n.w., MARTHA VIR GINIA BOWMAN, beloved mother of Mrs. Doris A. St. Clair. William E.. Francis C end John E. Bowman- Jr. Remains resting at Hysong's funeral home. 1300 Ν st. n.w.. where services will be held on Saturday. November 3. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 2 BROOKS, SYLVIA BARBARA. Departed this life on Tuesday, October 30, 1045, SYLVIA BARBARA BROOKS. devoted daughter of Rhoney Brooks, stepdaughter of Mrs. Luella Brooks and Isiah Newman, granddaughter of Mrs. Dora Gordon, niece, of Mrs. Rosael Neal. Mrs. Sarah McCutch ins. Mrs. Abella Dixon, Carrie Carter. Silas Carter and Ocemus Brooks. 8he also Is survived by many other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed after 4 p.m Saturday. November 3, at Barnes & Matthews' funeral home, 614 4th st. s.w., where funeral services will be held Sunday. November 4. at 1:30 p.m.. Rev. William Brown officiating. Interment Payne's Cem 3 BROWN. MART Ε. Departed this life tuddenly. on Tuesday. October 30. 1945, at 2:30 a.m.. at her residence. 1144 19th st n.w.· MARY E. BROWN. She leaves to mourn their loss three sisters, one brother and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Smiths funeral home. 11-8 19th st. n,«. Funeral Saturday. Novem ber 3. at 10 a.m.. from St. Augustine's,1 Church. 15th st. between L and M sts.i n.w. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. BRYAN, ADDIE C. On Thursday. No- : vember 1. 19*5, at Home for Incurables. ADDIE C BRYAN, beloved mother of Guy W. and Hugh B. Bryan. Remains resting at Chambers' funeral home. 517 11th st. s e., until Saturday. November 3. at 1 ρ m Services at Addison Chapel. Seat1 Pleasant. Md.. at 1.30 P.m. Interment church cemetery BUTLEB, JOHN HENRY. On Tuesday. October 31. 1945 at Freedmen's Hospital. •JOHN HENRY BUTLER. MB of the late Nancy and Ludwell Butler, husband of the late Mary Catherine Butler and lather of William H.. Aaron and Qulnton Butler. Also surviving are three brothers. James Ludwell. Shirley Thomae and Lewis Limuel Butler: a sister. Alice E. Jennings, and other relatives and friends. Friends are invited to call at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th St. n.w.. after 12 noon Saturday. Services will be held at Mount Zion Baptist Church. Joplin. Va., on Sun day. November 4. at 1:30 p.m. Interment at Triangle. Va. 4 CHICHESTER. HARRY C. Departed this life on Wednesday. October 31. 1945. HARRY C CHICHESTER, beloved hus band of Rose Chichefter. Remains rest ing at Hysong's funeral home, 1300 Ν st. n.w., where services will be held Saturday, November 3. at 11 a m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 2* CRAWFORD. NOIL. Suddenly, on Tues day. October 30, 1945 NOIL CRAWFORD, loving husband of Mrs. Corine Crawford of 714 01st st.. Fairmont Heights. Md He also leaves a devoted mother. Mrs. Ella Barrington: one sister, three brothers and many other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at his late residence after 6 P.m. Friday. November 2. Funeral Sat urday. November 3. at 1 p.m., from Grace Methodist Church. Fairmont Heights. Md. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrange ments by Henry S. Washington & Son. | DOWNING, HENRY C. On Thursday. November 1, 1945. at his residence. 0221 8th St. n.w.. HENRY C. DOWNING, be-1 loved husband of Ellen Downing and i brother of Walter Burton Downing. Serv- | ices at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Saturday. Novem ber 3, at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill α it enlen -η 2 ' Dl'NMORE. SARAH KENT. On Wed nesday. October 31. 1945. at her residence. 118!2 Bates st. n.w.. SARAH KENT DUN MORE. beloved Bister of Mary Kent Olover, devoted mother of lone and Godfrey Dun more and John Kent and foster mother of Florence Green Haskins. Also surviving are other relatives and many friends. After 12 noon Friday friends are invited to call at the McGuire funeral home, 1820 9th st. n.w.. where services will be conducted by the Rev. George O. Bullock on Saturday. November 3, at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 2 EPP. PFC. HAROLI) S„ U. S. A. Sud denly. on Sunday. October 21. 1H45. at San Francisco. Calif., Mc. HAROLD S. EPP. U. S. A. husband of Virgie Perine Epp. son of John S. and Agatha C. Epp and brother of Helen. Kenneth and John Epp of Brandywine. Md. Services at St Michael's Church. Baden, Md.. where mass will be offered on Monday. November 5, at 9:30 a m Interment St. Peter's Cem etery, Waldorf. Md. 3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER'S SONS CO. FUNERAL HOME • 3605 14th St. N.W. Hobart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1116 7th St N.W. Established 1861 · V. L. SPEARE CO. neither successor to nor connected with the original W R. Spear* establishment 1009 Η St. N.W. w.t,rnhaTW Ckamk^ Ont ο! the Largest Undertaker* In tbe World Funerals Complete at Low m $95 to 92,N· Phone CO. 0432 J. William Lee's Sons Co., «tfe'and Msm. Ave. M-H. _ LL 62001 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium jfPNERAL DESIGNS CHACONAS BEAUTIFUL FLORAL PIECES $5—$7.50—$10 DELIVERED Flower* Telegraphed Anywhere 2500 Mth ST. N.W COLOMBIA 9775 C & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAt ΗΛΜ6 UP DELIVERED Charge AeounU Invited Two Convenient Locations MM 11th St. N.W Mfc. Î4.Î3 yja r St N.W ME 74*4 GUDE BROS. CO. Funeral Pieces ISM W St N.W. National 127(1 GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL I*RIBDTE8 AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA 0100 Cor. 14th 0 Eye »£3£? ■ « ■ —«■ CEMETERY LOTS. CHOICE FAMILY PLOT of 4 lots In lovely Cedar Hill Cemetery. Call Lincoln •136. Ibatlj* FARRIOR. ESTELLE. Suddenly, on Wednesday. October 31. 1946. Mrs. ES TE],).K PARRIOR sof 1725»A Beaton st. «n.w.. devoted wile ol Dock Farrior, slater ol Mrs. Eveline Gregory, Eddie and Chris topher Fields. Also surviving are many other relatives and friends. Friends ma; call between θ a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Satur day. at the Dovie G. Brooks luneral home. 1200 Florida ave. n.w. Funeral end In terment November 4. at Charleston, β. C. FEN WICK. KATHERINE CLARK. On Thursday. November 1. 1945, KATHERINE CLARK FENWICK or 937 Boniiant st., Silver Spring. Md.. beloved mother ol Rose Mary Fenwick. Mrs. Fenwlck rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey luneral home. 8434 Georgia ave., Silver Spring. Md. Notice ol services later.^ FILUUS MARY E. ' On Wednesday. Oc tober 31, 1945. at her residence, 412tf 5th st. n.w., MARY E. FILLIUS. wile of the late Milton Joseph Fillius and mother ol Milton F., J. Ralph and Arthur H. Fil liut>: sister of Mrs. Bertha A. Spciser. Services at the S. H. Hlnes Co. funeral home. 2901 14th at. n.w.. on Saturday, November at 10 a.m. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 2 FOLEY, ELLEN. On Thursday. Novem ber 1. 1945. ELLEN FOLEY, beloved wile of the late John P. Foley and mother of Mrs. Mary C. LeNolr. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, 3020 12th st. n.e.. on Monday. November 5. at 8:30 a.m. Reouiem mass at St. Mary's Church. 5th and G sts. n.w., at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Arrangements by Huntemann funeral home. 3 FRIEND. CHARLES S. On Thursday. November 1, 1915. at his residence, 4502 13th St. n.w.. CHARLES S. FRIEND, for merly oi Westernport. Md., the beloved husband of Lena B. Friend. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. Novem ber 3, at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. (Cumberland, Md., papers please copy.) 2* GARNLTT. DOROTHY. On Thursday, November 1. 1945. DOROTHY GARNETT, beloved wife of Edward Garnett. devoted mother of Dorothy. Edward and Herbert Robinson Garnett: daughter of Joseph and Bertha Barber: sister of Mrs. Helen Rob inson. Mrs. Margaret D. Lewis. Burton and Kenneth Barber. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Notice ol luneral later Arrangements by W. Er nest Jarvis Co. GOETZ. JANE LYON. On Thursday. November 1. 1945. at Little Sisters of the Poor. 2nd and H sts. n e., JANE LYON GOETZ, beloved wife of the late Herman Goetz. Remains resting at the above ad dress until β p.m. Friday. November 2. Reouiem mass in the chapel of the Little 8isters of the Poor on Saturday. November 3. at 6 Ρ m. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. uo'ita, MAKY A. on Thursday. No vember 1. 1945. al Miami, Fia.. MAKY GOTTA of Washington. D. C.. beloved wife of Robert B. Gotta and mother of James D Forbes. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., after 12 noon Sunday. November 4. Services at the above funeral home on Monday. Novembfr 5. at 1 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 4 HARRIS. ALTON Α.. JR. On Thursday. November 1. 1945. ALTON A. HARRIS. Jr., the beloved son of Alton A. Harris, sr.. and Peggy Harris. Funeral from hie late residence. 485 G st. s.w., on Satur dav, November .'j. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited to attend Interment Fort Lincoln Cfmetery. Arrangements by P. A. Tultavull. HILL. ADOLPHL'S. Departed this life on Monda». October 29. 1945. at Freed men's Hospital. ADOLPHUS HILL, formerly of 416 Ο st. n.w. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mrs. Mamie Hill; one sister, one brother, two aunts, several cousins, other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the Dabney & Garner funeral home. 442 M st. n.w.. after 5 p.m. Friday. November 2. Funeral Saturday, November 3, at 1 p.m.. from Turner Me morial Church. 6th and Ρ sts. n.w.. Rev. C. C. Ferguson officiating. Interment Lin cola Memorial Cemetery. 2 HORSEMAN. ERVA JANE. On Tuesday, October 30, 1945. at Providence Hospital. ERVA JANE HORSEMAN, beloved wife of the late Albert W. Horseman and mother of Leo Irving Horseman. Funeral from her late residence. 131H 6 St. s.e.. on Sat urday. November 3. at K:30 a m. Requiem high mass at St Theresa s Church at 9 a m Interment Congressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 2 I'ANSON" ROBERT ARMISTEAD. On Friday. November 2. 1945. at Garfield Me morial Hospital. ROBERT ARMISTEAD I ANSON, beloved husband of the late Rowena Holmes I'Anson and father of Miss Nannie A. I'Anson and Robert Locke I'AiiSOn and erandfather of Miss Rowena Elizabeth I'Anson. Notice of funeral later. JENKINS, JOSEPHINE. On Thursday, November 1, 1915. at Garfield Hospital, JOSEPHINE JENKINS of 4907 4«tb St. twc unovtu wiie οι ucorgc w. Jen kins, mother of Haro'.d J»nkins and grand mother of Muriel A. Mlnar4; sister 01 Mary Wood. Agnes Shaw and Cassie Reeves. Services at Chambers' George town funeral home. 31st and M sts. n.w., on Saturday, November 3, at 1 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Na tional Memorial Park cemetery. Fall» Church, Va. a KERNAGHAN. LATJRA C. F. On Thura day.^November 1, 1845. at her residence, 208 Mast. ave. n.e . Mrs LAURA C. F. KERNAGHAN. beloved wife of Robert W. Kernaghan and sister of Joseph W. Fisher of St. Petersburg. Fla. Remains resting at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2*01 14th st. η w until 8 p.m. Friday. Novem ber 2. Services and interment Belvldere. Ν J LEWIS. WILLIE R. On Friday. Novem ber 2. 1945. WILLIE R. LEWIS, beloved wife of James R Lewis, and mother of Sylvia and Etta Lewis. Remains resting at Chamber?· tuneral home. 517 11th at. s e . until Saturday. November 3. at 3 p.m. Services .and interment In Shelby. N. C M ALKIE, FRED H. On Thursday. No vember 1. 1945 at Episcopal Hospital. Washington. Π C . FRED H MALKIE of 3627 Columbia pik*. Arlington, Va., be loved husband of Maude Lamphier Malkle and fafhtr of Harold D. and Gordon W. Malkie and Mrs. Ruth Malkle Rausch. Re mains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson b!vd.. Arlington. Va where funeral services will be held Saturday. November 3. at 2 D.m. Interment Wash ington National Cemetery. Washington, D. C. McFARLAND. ESTELLE Κ. On Wednes day, October 31. 1945. at her residence. 620 North Carolina ave. s.e., ESTELLE Κ. McFARLAND. beloved wife of William J. McFarland. mother of William G Mc Farltnd. Services at Chambers' funeral home, 517 11th st. s e., on Saturday, No vember 3. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 2 MEEK, ELLSWORTH L. On Wednes day. October 31, 1945, at 1027 23rd St. south. Arlington. Va„ ELLSWORTH L. MEEK, father of Mrs. Thomas W. For aythe. Mrs. Vernon J. Kirkby and Florence J. Meek, and grandfather ol Arden Kirkby and Thomas M. Forsythe. Services at Chambers' Georgetown funeral home, 31st and M sts. n.w , on Saturday. November 3. Services and interment nHviti liy only. 2 MITCHELL. MAGGIE. On Thursday. November 1. 1045. at her residence. 3200 l.'tth st n.w., MAGGIE MITCHELL, wife of the late Paul Ε Mitchell, beloved mother of the late Poindexter Mitchell and Edward M. Mitchell. Obzine M. Walker and Dr. Iverson O. Mitchell and sister of Raymond E. Richard of Berkeley, Calif. She also leaves three grandchildren. Yvonne Sim kins. Lt. Iverson O. Mitchell, jr.. and Gloria Mitchell: one great-grandchild. Iverson O. Mitchell, :(d. Notice of fu neral later. Arrangements by McGuire. 3 O'NEILL. LINDSAY. Suddenly, on Thurs day. November 1. IS>45, at Eatontown, N. J . LINDSAY O'NEILL, beloved brother of William. Harry. Stover and Golder O'Neill: Addie C. Grigsby, Georgia O'Neill. Nannie Ο Crawford and Marie Ο Hackett. Aso surviving are many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrange ments by McGuire. 3 PALMER. JESSAMINE L. On Wednes day. October 31. 1935. at Los Angeles. Calif.. JESSAMINE L. PALMER, daughter of the late William and Mary V. Palmer and jlster of Myrtle H. Palmer of Wash ington. D. C. Interment Los Angeles. Calif. PRENTISS. i*AUL. On Wednesday. Oc tober 31. 1945, PAUL PRENTISS of 232 Oalyiale pi. n.w.. son of the late. Jerry and Virginia Prentiss, brother of Charles and Seville Prentiss, uncle of Mrs. Ellen Har per. Mrs. Myrtle Middleton. George and Charles Prentiss. Jr.: devoted friend of Mrs. Rosa Collins. He also leaves other rela tives and friends. After 10 a.m. Sunday. November 4. friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Monday, November 5. at 2 p.m.. from the above funeral church. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Payne's Cemetery. 4 RAEDY. HELEN. At Atlantic City, N. J., HELEN RAEDY. wife of the late John Raedy. mother ol May and Katharine Raedy and sister <bf Mrs. Lewis Murdock. Funeral will be held Monday. November 5, 1945. at s a.m., from her late residence. 19 South Delancy nlace. High requiem mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Atlantic City, N. J., at 9 a.m. 3 SEABROOKS. WILLIE. On Thursday, November 1. 1945. WILLIE SEABROOKS. beloved son of Mrs. Rebecca Seabrooks, brother of Mr. Sammie Seabrooks, Jr. Also surviving are one uncle. Mr. Walter Stokes; one aunt, Mrs. Edith Corley, and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at the Hall Bros, funeral home. 621 Florida ave. n.w., Sunday. No vember 4. after 12 noon. Funeral services Monday. November 5, at 1 p.m.. from the above funeral home. Rev. S. A. Warren officiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery 2.4 SHOMETTE. MART. On Thursday, No vember 1, 1945, at her residence, 121 12th St. s.e., MARY SHOMETTE. beloved wife of the late Print E. Shomette and mother of Mrs. Mary K. Gooch. Louis E. and Thomas Shomette, Mrs. Angle Brady, Print E., Jr., and Gilbert Shomette, Mrs. Ar butus Perry, Master Sergt. Rodney Sho mette, U. S. Army, and Petty Officer 2/c Grady Shomette. She also is survived by ten grandchildren. Friends may call at the Wm J. Nalley funeral home. 622 8th st. s.e., where services will be held on Sat urday. November 3, at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 3 SHOMETTE. MARY E. The officers and members of the Gen. Nelson A. Miles Auxiliary. No. 8. U. S. W. V., are requested to assem ble at the Wm. J. Nalley fu neral home. 522 8th St. s.e., on Saturday. November .1. 1945, at 1 ρ m., to attend the funeral services for our late sister, MARY E. SHOMETTE. By order of HELEN N. MUSSELMAN, President. BEUHH M. COPE, fccretary. SIMMS. STEPHEN H. Suddenly. , on Tuesday. October 30. JJHB. at St. Elisa beth's Hospital. STEPHEN H. SIMMS, be loved -father of Catherine and Stephen ?lmms. jr. He also leaves two brothers, ve aunts, three uncles and many other ■ . Renr ber 2. Funeral Saturday, November 3, at 1 p.m.. from Mount Zion Church. Barnes vilie. Md.. Rev. Joseph Stemler officiating. A Sfatfa tTLVESTEE, LEON C. On Thursday. November 1. 1045. at Sibley Hospital. LEON C. SYLVESTER of ββ17 Eastern ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. beloved husband οf Rachel A Sylvester and father of Leon C.. Jr., and Robert E. Sylvester. Funeral service* at the Thos. F. Murray funeral home. 2007 Nichols ave. i.e.. on Saturday, November 3. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. 'Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. THOMPSON. WILLIAM. On Tuesday. October .'<0. 1945. at Emergency Hospital. WILLIAM THOMPSON ol 2(102 Oa. ave. n.w.. husband of Julia Ann Thompson. He also leaves five sons, four daughters, five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Thompson may be viewed at Stewart's fun>ral home. 30 H st. n.e.. after & ρ m. Saturday. Funeral Sunday. No vember 4. at New Hope Baptist Church, 6th and Rifrgs st. n.w . at 1 p.m. Inter-1 ment Woodlawn Cemetery. 3 WaRTKRS, SADIE B. On Thursday. November 1. 1945. at Emergency Hospital. SADIE B. WARTERS, sister of William K. Warters of Los Angeles. Calif.; Ralph C Warters of Pittsburgh. Pa : Flora £. Warters of 218 North Park drive. Arling ton. Va., and Mrs. Stella E. O'Keefe of Arlington. Va. Friends may call at Gaw ler's chapel. 176H Pa. ave. n.w., where services will be held on Saturday. Novem ber :t, at 11 a.m. Interment New Bern, N. C. Itt Hmortam BEAL'CH. CLIFFORD. In memory of my beloved husband, CLIFFORD BEAUCH. who passed away one year ago today, Novem ber 2, 1944. As time goes on I miss you more; Your memory is as dear today As in the hour you passed away. BELOVED WIFE, FLORENCE BEAUCH. BLACK. EMMA. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear wife and mother, EMMA BLACK, who departed this lite six years ago today. November 2. 1839. In the book of life there are memories Of the happiest moments we have known; And recorded in love is the blessings Of a wonderful wife—my own HUSBAND, HENRY BLACK. When alone in our sorrows bitter tears I flow. There come sweet dreams of lon« ago: Unknown to others you steal to our tide, And whisper, "Don't cry, loved ones, death cannot divide." YOUR CHILDREN, MR. JOHN Ε BLACK. MRS BETTY L. VALENTINE. MRS. VIRGIE C. GOFF; GRANDCHILDREN. MRS ELIZABETH MOTEN. RAYMOND VALENTINE. CHARLE8 HENRY GOFF. Jr.: BABY" ROSE CORINNE GOFF. GREAT-GRANDCHILD, BABY CLAR ENCE A. MOTEN. Jr. · · BRENT. LOTTIE DYSON'. In loving memory of our dear mother and mother in-law. LOTTIE DYSON BRENT, who de parted this life cine years aeo today, No vember 2, 1936. Your life was unselfish and for others you ilved, Not for what you received, but for what you could give. YOUR LOVING DAUGHTERS AND DAUGHTER-IN-LAW. LOUISE WARNER. IRENE JONES. MABEL CANNADY. BUSH. CATHERINE. Sacred to the memory of our beloved mother. CATH ERINE BUSH, who departed this Hie ten vearc «ση Inrlav Nnt'cmhsr ·> ΙΟΊϋ THE FAMILY. · · 1 CARPENTER, CLAUDE C. In memory of my dear husband. CLAUDE C. CAR PENTER. who departed this life fifteen years ago today. November 2, 1930. Just when llie was sweetest And we could have lived our best. The gates of Heaven opened And he entered the land of rest. LOVING WIPE. ELLEN · JEFFRIES. ROBERT H. In loving mem ory of my dear husband. ROBERT H. JEF FRIES. who departed this life one year ago. November 2. 1044. Loving and kind in all his ways. Upright and just to the end of his day·; Sincere and true In heart and mind. Beautiful memories he left behind. WIFE. CHILDREN AND GRANDCHIL DREN. JOHNSON. MARGARET G. - In loving remembrance of our devoted mother, wife and sister. MARGARET G. JOHNSON, who gassed away one year ago today, Novem er 2, 1944. Nothinc can ever take away The love our hearts hold dear; Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps you always nerr. Rest in peace, your work is ended; Sweetly sleep, your race is run Dear, you have gone where we who loved you Soon may be coming, one by one THE FAMILY. · j JONES, ERNEST. JR. In memory of our dear son and brother, ERNEST JONES. Jr.. who departed this life thiiteen years ago today. November 2, 1932. ERNEST AND ETTA JONES. HELEN RAY*· AND ANNETTA JONES. . JONES. HOWARD. In sad but loving memory of my friend. HOWARD JONES, who departed this life twelve years ago today, November 2. 1933. Beyond the gates κ loved one slipped. To find both peace and rest. And there is comfort m the thought That God knew what was best. JONES. JOSEPHINE C. Sacred to the memory οf our dear mother, JOSEPHINE C. JONES, who lelt us aeven years ago, November 2. 1938. She had a smile for every one, A heart as pure as gold: To those who knew and loved her best Her memory will never grow old. THE FAMILY. · KUFFNER. THOMAS. In sad but lov ing memory of our dear husband and father. THOMAB KUFFNER. who departed this life two years ago today. November K. 1943. We walked together, you and I. In sorrow and in Jcy: We shared our pains and happiness With love without alloy. And death shall never end our love, For throueh the mist I see Our glad reunion in the skies For all eternity. Beyond the gate our loved one Finds happiness and rest: And there is comfort in the thought That a loving God knows best. YOUR DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN · LANE. JAMES S.. SB. A tribute of love to some one dear. JAMES S. LANE. Sr., who passed away November 2. 1943. Two sad and lonely years have passed Since our great sorrow fell. The shock we received that day, We still remember well. Days of sadness still come o'er u>. Hidden tears so often flow; Memories keep you always near ut. Though you left two years ago DEVOTED SONS AND FRIEND. T/6 JAMES 8. LANE. Jr.: HARRY M. LANE AND JULIA M. ALEXANDER. LANE. JAME8 8.. SB. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear friend. JAMES S. LANE. Sr. (JIM LANE), who departed this life two years ago today. November 2, 1943. Loved in life, remembered in death. HIS FRIENDS. MRS. MARION TERRY AN DANDERSON FAMILY. McLANE. WILLIAM R. In remembrance our beloved father. WILLIAM R. McLANE. who left us nine years ago today, Novem ber 2. 1936. They are not dead who live in lives they leave behind. In those whom they have blessed they live a life again. HELEN PAYNE, MILDRED PERKINS, CAR ROLL AND EVA MCLANE. MILLER, MRS. LAUBA V. (NEE WITTE KINDT). In memory of my mother. Mrs. LAURA V. MILLER, who departed this life six years «go today, November 2, 1939. Six years have gone, my heart is sore, As time goes on I miss you more; Your memory is as dear today As in the hour you passed away. YOUR BELOVED DAUGHTER, ELIZA BETH M. WITTEKINDT. * QUINN, JOSEPH J. In loving n-mem umm-c υ ι uui utni nueonuu onu muici. JOSEPH J. QUINN, who died one year aso today, November 2, 1944. Before our eyes he faded. Growing weaker day by day, Patiently bearing his suffering Until God took him away. We saw him slowly leave us, As helpless we stood by And drained the cup of bitter grief The day we saw him die. Our hearts still ache with sadness. Our eyes fill up with tears; Only God knows how much we mise him At the end of one lone year. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. TOMMY AND MARY THERESE QUINN. · SMITH, HOWARD F. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear son. HOWARD F. SMITH, who entered eternal rest fif teen years ago today, November 2, 1930. God took you, dear son, When life was sweetest. And planted you in His garden of angels.. YOUR LOVING PARENTS. * · Capt. Raspberry Returns To Park Police Post Capt. Mark H. Raspberry has been reinstated as chief officer of the Park Police after three years in the Coast Guard, the Office of National Capital Parks announced today. He took over his old job, to which he was promoted in 1941, from; Acting Capt. Jerome B. Lawler, who has been head of the force for the last three years. Capt. Lawler will revert to his permanent rank of lieutenant on November 15. While in service Capt. Raspberry was a Coast Guard chief specialist. He was assistant officer in charge of fire prevention for the Port of Los Angeles and was discharged September 10. Capt. Raspberry was appointed to the Park Police April 1, 1931, artd became a captain on October X, 1941. David t. Armstrong Dies; Served 24 Years in Army David E. Armstrong, 53, of 1101 Κ street N.W., a prominent figure in veterans' affairs, died yesterday in Casualty Hospital after an illness of several years. Funeral services will be held at the W. W. Chambers' funeral home, 3072 M street N.W., at 10:30 a.m. to morrow. followed by burial in Ar lington National Cemetery. American Legion services will be conducted at the funeral home at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Mr. Armstrong, a sergeant with 24 years' service in the Regular Army, was national service officer of the Regular Vétérans' Association, in vestigating pensions and claims. During the World War he served as orderly with Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur in France. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Carrie Saunders Armstrong. In iKmoriam STANG. ELIZABETH M. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our devoted wife and mother, ELIZABETH M STANG. who passed away one year ago today. Novem ber 2, 1944. Just a line of sweet remembrance. Just a memory, fond and true; Just a token of our devotion That our thoughts are still of you. DEVOTED HU6BAND AKD CHILDREN. · TRUMAN. WILLIAM ALBERT. A trib ute of love and devotion to the memory of my devoted husband. WILLIAM ALBERT TRUMAN, who passed away three years ago today. November 2. 1942 YOUR DEVOTED WIPE, MARGARET O'TOOLE TRUMAN. · I Rites to Be Held Today For Mrs. Nannie Bellows A requiem high mass for Mrs Nannie Bellows, colored, retired Bu reau of Engraving and Printing em ploye, who died Sunday at Freed men's Hospital, will be sung at Ε a.m. tomorrow at Holy Redeemei Church. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. A native of Alexandria, Va., she had lived most of her life in Wash ington. She retired 13 years age after 34 years in Government serv ice. She lived at 1605 New Jersey avenue N.W. CVlA U.. Guernsey Cross Dies; Roosevelt Ex-Secretary '* Guernsey T. Cross, 5β, of 3905 Military road N.W., attorney for the Veterans' Administration in Ba tavia, Ν. Y., and former Reconstruc tion Finance Corp. attorney, died Wednesday night of a heart attack in Batavia, according to the Asso ciated Press. Born in Neversink, Ν. Y„ }n 1888, Mr. Crœs served in the New York Legislature and was secreatry to the late President Roosevelt while he was Governor of New York. He came to Washington in 1933 to join the RFC. Mr. Cross is survived by his widow, Mrs. Abbie Dibble Cross; a I daughter, Mrs. Ruth Reese, wife of will be held at 1 pjn. tomorrow at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Maùsoleum. Mr. Downing, who retired three years ago because of poor health, had been a Federal employe for 23 years. He was a member of the Harmony Lodge of the Masonic order. Funeral services will be con ducted by his nephew, the Rev. Wil liam Brayshaw of Smithfield, Va. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ellen Downing, and a brother, Wal ter Burton Downing. Rites for Thomas Beach C. D. Asfryke to Be Buried In Arlington Tomorrow Funeral services for Charles D. Astryke, 22, of Alexandria, who was killed in an aiitomobile accident near Falls Church Wednesday, will be held at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at the B. Wheatley funeral home. 809 King street, Alexandria. Burial will follow in Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Astryke, a former Army Air Forces sergeant, was a native of Alexandria and graduated from the George Washington High School there before 'entering the Army in 1943. He served in the Mediterran ean theater with the 15th Air Force. Miss Pauline Bellows, Washington William H. Kingsley Dies; Philadelphia Executive By thf. Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2.—WiUiarr H. Kingsley, 76, president of th( Board of City Trustees and formel president of the Penn Mutual Lif< Insurance Co., died here yesterday He had worked his way from offlc* boy to president of the insuranci company, being elected to that po sition in 1936. He served until 193! when he was elected chairman o: the Board of Trustees. Maj» Evan C. Reese οί the Army I Medical Corps, all of the Washing ton address, and a sister, Mrs. Ar thur Armstrong, Curry, Ν. Y. Funeral serviees and burial will be held Sunday in Callicoon, Ν. Y. Henry C. Downing Dies; i Retired Federal Auditor Funeral services for Henry C. ι Downing, 6221 Eighth street N.W., a retired auditor for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, who died of a heart attack at his home yesterday, Set for Tomorrow Funeral services for Thomas Red mond Beach, SO, Lorton, Va., will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Hall's funeral home, Occoquan. Burial will follow in Lee Chapel Cemetery, Fair fax County. Mr. Beach died at his home Wednesday. He and Mrs. Mary Ann Beaeh were the first couple marriedBÉ the Lee Chapel Church 69 years ago. Besides his widow, he is survived by five sons, Harvey M. Beach, Eppa C. Beach. Ellis J. Beach, Elijah Beach and Ernest R. Beach, and two daughters, Mrs. Rowena E. Johnson and Mrs. Naomi Mahon, all of Virginia. MONUMENTS t40 up MARKERS *15* FALVEY 3RANITECO.09C trtwbhthrtSOVmn .209 UPSHUR STHW. N—r*KkCnt* Cumtoj1 ~ TAYLOR, IIOO * · r · W η « h ι π g t ο η · Mo»· Beautiful Cemetery / Our Policy χ We quote our funerals i 1 complete. There are 1 no extra fees that ere- \ I ate misunderstand- 1 1 ings. I D€AL THE c7a*4UL TUNERAL SERVICE See our display of modern memorials for immediate erection in oil ceme teries. CLAGETT MEMORIAL CO. S02 New Hampshire Ave. , (Near Lincoln Memoriol) Telephone Ν At. 9474 Tret trantvortation to and from display yard or to cemetery. CO. 0432 dial your phone CHAMBERS ambulance YES, irS that EASY ANY t0 9et CHAMBERS ambulance. Just lift the receiver, dial COIumbio 0432, give CITY CALL us name 0f the patient and the $5 location, and we'll be there to Dor and Night Servie* serve you promptly. têerà Co. I One of fhe Largest Undertakers in the World WATER and SHOCK-RESISTANT * WilP SitOHD HAND ★ STAINLESS STEEL BACK ; WATCH VALUE WE'VE HAD IN 4 ... A timepiece any man will be proud to wear! A very fortunate purchase enables us to offer this sturdy accurate watch at a sensational saving A grand Christmas gift! A small deposit will hold it for you! —ν II ON CREDIT AT NO EXTRA COST TAX INCLUDED 1 HO EXTRAS T° PAY ' WATER-REPELLENT! here is THE ACTUAL SIZE OF THIS anaahng w \ Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Astryke, 16 W. Caton «venue, Alexandria, and a brother, Corpl. Walter P. Astryke, now in Panama; Facts About Argentina Agricultural and pastoral prod ucts constitute more than 80 per cent oi Argentina's exports. She is the world's largest exporter of meat, corn and linseed. About 78 per cent of her population is of European extraction. Argentina la the second largest South American nation in both area and population. Buenos Aires alone has 2,595,891 persons. The nation has 89 com mercial banks.