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British Producers Adopt Some Hollywood Methods By Horry MocArthur Vou probably have heard that, the British are out to capture a larger slice of the world-wide fllm market than they ever have had be fore. Heretofore content with turning out honest little pictures that pleased the Britons by being British, occasionally hitting upon some thing that won Ameiican approval as well, the English film-makers now are bent upon competing with Hollywood. Great Britain’s films are go mg 10 nave universal appeal am the Mayfair drawl no doubt will bi replaced by accents -wherein the “A' is no broader than Lana Turner's. Tt will be a pity if some of tha wonderful clipped British humor ii lost to us in this process, of course Bur. there are reports that somi English pioducers feel that they car best compete with Hollywood b: making their pictures more liki those of Hollywood. What's more, the Britons seem t< have learned about other thing! from watching Hollywood, abou such things as publicity. Our reti cent cousins across the sea were no like this a few years ago. but now ballyhoo is loosening its glib tongur to help Britain deliver the goods We give you today a story fron •lock Lawrence, the man w ho is pub licising the J. Arthur Rank Organi sation, Inc., in this country. ♦ * * * Mr. Rank is a leading film mogu of Great Britain, but the storj sounds as if it were straight out oi that Pacific dreamland a man w< know calls Double-Dubuque-by-Ihe Sea. Its heroine is a girl namec Kathleen Ryan, who is identified a; a 23-vear-old Dublin beauty making her film debut in the feminine star ring role in “Odd Man Out." which seems to be under way now at Den ham. Miss Ryan is the skittish type Mr. Lawrence indicates, so much s< that it. was necessary to keep hei name a secret for two months. Mist Ryan even fled after signing a seven year contract, it. says here, and re fused to go to London until a talent scout- tracked her dowm in a coun try hideaway. Once they got her she had to be kept in seclusion be cause. according to Director Caro Reed: “If anv one had seen hei sipce her film tests were taken ir Dublin she would have cracked up from fright.” Said Miss Ryan: "I never had any idea of filming. I don't know' one star from another—and I don't gc to the pictures. I suppose I shall have to now.” Bays Mr. Lawrence: "Carol Reed thinks she is going a long way in pictures and has a terrific future." Say we; 'Hah!'’ The Bulletin Board—Pour new pictures arrive on downtown screens today. The greatest hullabaloo is being let loose at the Capitol, with Hollywood premiere” performances of "Centennial Summer” scheduled for 1:15 and 9:15 pm., with Phil Silvers, Jo-Carroll Dennison and other cinema personalities in at tendance. . . . Olivia de Havilland's admirers will find hei in two moods. AMUSEMENTS OPEN AT 5 P.M. Straight out Georgia Are. extend'd Second Week Now Playing "SKYLARK" Tues. thru Sun. 8:45 P.M. Sunday Matinee 2:45 P.M Bu» Intn «*. Tlrkrti N»w »nd Alaska Aim. ,«rllint at Kitt» nlshtlr at A:00: 1330 fi At. »»*r ..rf .. <h. ANOTHER OPEN AR JOy SHOW::^ WAIT DISNEY'S SNOW WHITE IN TECHNICOLOR HOMLONC aSSIDY J SEWKAM STARRING ftILL BOYD NOW a^LOEWS ; m-. OPEN AIR i l5AT. Rt.I-3ML SO OF ALEX.$ RKO KEITH’S " OPEN 10:45 SUN. 12 Claudott* ¥ COLBERT ^ John WAYNE » CUitU&u£ 'ftedjeA^ectioyr-i EXTRA! BIKINI ATOM EXPLOSION! Pith* News Report of ‘OPERATION CROSSROADS" KIT —I EON OF IN ENT ft IUCIIU IftlL III MLIYEN COME MU' iilli _ COOL! COOL! COOL) t ^VyliMeXVivt L Skonandoah National Park and Shaikh SUNDAY, JULY 14th L*. t;30 AM.—Return 6:30 PM. • Delightful cool drive thru scenic and Historic Northern Virginia • 45 miles Along the SKYLINE DRIVE • LUNCHEON STOP AT SKYLAND Blue Ridge Mts. .elev. It.550 ft.) • HEAR LURAY'S SINGING TOWERS—41 -bell Carillon • Ample Time to Visit the Mag nificent LURAY CAVERNS" Moke Reservations Be t0'*1 PM- SotorJar. $T.50 PARt, including tones * UNITED STATES TRAVEL AGENCY Tours—Cruises—Air and Steamship Tickets SUITE 326, BOWEN BLDG , B15 15th St. N.W. Executive 4521 ■ happy in "The Well Gloomed Bl ide” at the Palace and sad in "To Each His Own” at the Earle. . . . The fur ther adventures of those two girls whose hearts once were young and gay will be detailed at the Metro politan in “Our Hearts Were Grow ling Up.” . . . The holdovers are "Two Sisters Prom Boston.” the musical enlivened by Jimmy Durante’* pres ence, which moves to the Columbia, i and "Without Reservations.” in which Claudette Colbert is light hearted again, at Keith's. . . . Ted Tiller’s “Satan's in the Pantry” j<performed here several years ago In an earlier versiont is being given a pre-Broadway tryout this week at the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse, with Day Tuttle, one-time Civic Theater director, directing. That's 5 miles west of Clinton, N. J„ on U. S. 22 if you're thinking of running up.... Charles Korvin, the Hungarian born actor who has gained some considerable prominence as a Hol lywood leading man in the past few years, will star in "Accent on Youth” I at the Barter Theater, Abingdon. |Va.. in five performances, starting Tuesday. July 16. It will be some thing in the nature of a re-enactment of Mr. Korvin s United States stage debut, his first American appear ance liai'ing been made at the Bar ter Theater in 1940. . . . The St. Margaret s Dramatic Club will pre sent W. S. Gilbert's “The Palace of Truth” at St. Margarets Parish Hall, Connecticut avenue and Ban AMUSEMENTS PAULETTE GODDARD JXVRED MicMURRAY |iHMa?hmw STMTIM TOMOIIIIOWi * ICOCRAVE ■ MULLEN ~ EUA* HOLLY WORD COULD HfVf£ HA vt PRODUCED! LAST DAY TOR "THE HEART OF PARIS A "voi CAVT ration iamk NOW Doors open 10:45 I! Delightful as a Spring morning when you're in love KATHMYN GRAYSON JUNt I ALLYSOM f/ Lauritz MELCHIOR f Jimmy DURANTE Peter LAWFORD •« MCM M«k*/ HIM BRIDEGROOM—Ray Milland plays the leading male role, opposite Olivia de Havilland, i in “The Well Groomed Bride.” i ivhich arrived at the Palace today. croft place, tonight at 8:15. George Vivian Is directing. * * * + Latest Scandinavian beauty to be signed by Hollywood 'Hal Wallis Productions! is Kristine Miller, who once was chosen Denmark's typical Viking Girl'’ by the Royal Society of Illustrators. She was born, of ail 1 places fora “Viking Girl'1 to be born in Buenos Aires. Actress Signed Barbara Brown, character actress, has been signed to a long-term contract with the Warner Bros.' studio. Miss Brown, who appeared in such films as “Mildred Pierce" and “Too Young 1o Know." cur rently is apeparing as the late Rob ert Benchleys wife in the comedy, I Janie Gets Married." AMUSEMENTS Where and When Current Theater Attractions and Time of Showing Stage. National—"Voice of the Turtle"; 8:30 p.ih. Catholic University — “That's Where the Money Goes"; B:30 p.m. Screen. Capitol—“Centennial Summer"; 11 a.m., 1:58, 4:30, 7:10 and 10 pm. 'Stage chows: 13:55, 3:45, 6:35 and 9:05 p.m. Columbia—“Two Slaters From Bos ton”: 10:45 a m., 12:55, 3:05, 5:16. 7:25 and 9:35 p.m. Earle—“To Each Hi* Own": 10:15 a.m., 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:10 and 9:30 p.m. Hippodrome —"Grand Illusion"; 5:25 and 8:35 p.m. Keith's—"Without Reservations": 11:55 a.m., 2:20, 4:45, 7:15 and 9:40 p.m. I.lttie— "Laura"; 11:20 a.m., 1:25, 3:25, 5:35. 7:40 and 9:50 p.m. Metropolitan—“Our Hearta Were Growing lip”; 11:30 a.m., 130, 3:35, 5:40, 7:40 and 9:45 p.m. Palace—“The Well-Groomed Bride"; 11:45 a.m., 1:45, 3:50, 5:50, 7:55 and 9:55 p.m. Mi—“Heart of Paris": 2:10. 4:55, 7:40 and 10:15 p.m. Trans-I.ux — News and shorts. Continuous from 10:15 am. AMUSEMENTS Tunifht Through Saturday CROSS ROADS THEATER Baile.v’s Cron Roads. Va. $ miles front the White. Hnvsi "George end Morgoret." Rm. Willard Hotel Adm,. II *0 NA. r* r> 7 A - ft Inc. In n«tets at Theater Bo* Office. Alin A. B. * IV. Bit*. I*!th Ar Pa. Aie N.W. Marked Balley'a Cross Roads Va. .Starting Tuesda*. July ih, "OUT or THIS WORM) ’ ^^Startin^ Friday.' HIS SOflG^NlSlflygjr MOONLIGHTS NIGHTLY. * 30, 7-piece erchMlr* under Don «ly James. f«rmerl* at Club i Rayburn and Lee Sheraton boanet Room. Trip Free dancing $1 • 10 a**- \V lsu" ‘.f »*■■*. m> A*-'" I SION. f** I I ui■ imUv I o | A » »• Pl<" MOUNT VERNON t Trip* Dail/. 10 AM. A i P M. ADULTS 70t Admission to ground 30c. Children 40c. under 12 free ad mission to grounds unison lire 7TH ST. WHARVES • NA. 2440 The Comedy Hit of th* Y*or.., with the Movi* Mon of th* Year) of* ho* hobby . . . to ttort laughing now —her# is the year's most riotous thro* . nor roc* to the C? oltor f n _ i 1 I I OLIVIA VeHavilland RAV Milland SONNY Tufts THE WELL 5 GROOMED t BRIDE Cle«no» • Con»tanc« Dowling Pf-«v K«fbr»d4 • P odvrni tr f r+d 0 ty 5‘<Jn*y Dears sain 10:45 A Po'omount ^ PAL AC E S At All LOEWS Theatre <*> OFFICIAL PICTURES FROM BIKINI ATOM BOMB vs WARSHIP! ...a summertime of joyous romance’ ...a screen full of stars and spectacle1 I ...a story full of glorious new Kern songs! fc 2a 9fit JEANHF CRAIN CORNEL WILDE linda Dmmm WILLIAM EYIHE WAITER BRENNAN CONS JCE BENNETT DOROTHY BISK *'Muce« »na 0>'tct«d by OHO PREMINGER a TODAY ONLY ► 1 P.M. • 9 P.M. HOLLYWOOD STARS PHIL SILVERS * KURT KREUGER DAVID STREET JO-CARROLL DENNISON 'aeusi? Pity fey W'^o; Martin on »h« Nova) fey AM>#M t l«*M Music %r itromt Run Dane** Staged by Oo'Otfty Pa* THE JIG SAWS Gobi of Fun PIERRE CARTIER ,Th« Gay Parisian THE WILLYS Specially Juggling FOUR EVANS A Gena ration of the Dance Ella in a Rich Girl’s Garb By Shtiloh Graham HOLLYWOOD. Bill* Raines la wearing a while mink coat (cost $25,000', a diamond necklace (cost 145,000>. a bracelet 'cost $10000>, a hair clip 'cost $2, 000' and a white-beaded dress (coat $1,000'. All this for her picture. White Tie and Tails.” “I'm a very rich girl." Ella tells me. which is .'lightly redundant. But Ini not the usual type of rich girl.” When I press for a definition of “usual" Ella doesn't quite know. I think she means that, the usual rich girl is on the spoiled side. Her bov friend in this film is Dan Duryea. unrecog nizable In white tie and tails and as a nice guy. He seems to like the new experience. What will the DAR sav when they view Ginger Rogers in this scene in “Magnificent Doll”? She is getting a big kiss from David Niven, as Aaron Burr, and the as sumption is that Ginger, as Dollv Madison, Is having a romance with Burr. And yet, a few days later, in the story, she marries James Madi son1 Not only is Dolly Madison one of the heroines of the DAR but AMUSEMENTS Ginger Roger* Is a member of the organisation. And I don't think they will like these goings on by Ginger in the picture * * * * George Sanders and Angela Lans bury are in a gilded cab of the period in ' Bel Ami" and Angela is the first of, the six women used by George for his fancy little schemes lo get rich quick. Angela is sup posed to be a gal of society, but to AML’SEMENTS I NATIONAL LAST 4 TIMCSI «*M. 2:1* AIP4SD 4a tIAORi Jr. »»...» HARVEY LOUISA PECIT STEPHENS * HORTON ' FRENCH Papular Matin** Saturday l«»h It. at H, i.W—Optus I Oil! AM., Saatfaya I P.M ATOM BOMB SPECIAL! FIRST ACTUAL FILMS BIKINI ATOM BOMB BLAST SEE!—THK TOWERING, MUSHROOMING COSMIC CLOUD C1.IMRING INTO THE HEAVENS AND THE TERRIFIC DEVASTA TION OF THE MANGLED AND BLAZING FLEET SHOWN IN ONE OF THE MOST DRAMATIC NEWSREELS EVER ISSUED. r STARTS TODAY doors •r ■ '.-jw r - .y. . . “W» HeartsJVere You„e «-* Mi laughter on Rowing Up is Twjce K muv i]< / .tomes Brown • Bill Edwards ALSO BUGS BUNNY CARTOON • OTHER $H0RTS Warner Bros Cool ^ F near 10th „ METROPOLITAN --- too Olivia ’( DeHavilland^ tJc&acA fjf/ld Owri frith MARY ANDERSON ROLAND CULVER VIRGINIA WELLES PHILLIP TERRY RILL GOODWIN and Introducing JOHN LUND r St* livtJ A Dr* am Of A i*v* T** iltqultit* T* l**t Watnef Btos Ooo\ rught she’s having a spree In Paris. And to get her into the mood, San ders has bought her a bag of French fried potatoes. Angela tosses off two French fries for every take While I am there, the scene is shot 21 times—that means 42 French fries are downed by Miss Lansbury. At 'Continued on Page A-23.1 AMUSEMENTS AMT SFMTNT* |6IXC TIERHET • | DANA ANDREWS • | CLIFTON VtIB TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES CAROLINA llth & N. C. Ave. S.E. Cont. from 5:45 P.M. Air Conditioned LEAVE her TO HEAVEN" (Trchnlcolor'. . OENE TIERNEY^ CORNEL WILDE Pint Purity Squad, March of Time. Night Club CIRCLE 2WS :-0u£r,i NaW rRE, h8< healthfully Air Cooled ■«m KJND OF MAN DANE CLARK. JANIH PAIGE, ZACHARY SCOTT A rt:*J0. s, j< n» DUNRARTON 1349 Wisconsin Avi. Ml 1154 ’ Healthfully Air Conditioned ‘Odn* and Tomorrow Two Hits KISS •JgD TELL." SHIRLEY TEMPI E. ROBERT BENCHIEY Plus ISLE OF DEAD BORIS KARLOFF GREENRELT R G M At I. H LIDO MORRISON' !* Greenbelt, Md. GR. 2222 Air Conditioned n THE LAST CHANCE ’ 3227 M St. Mlchigon N.W 5890 WHITE ONLY Air Cooled Tolftorrow. Two Big Hits . SALTY OROURKE ALLAN I.ADD LORETTA YOUNG ’ Pins ' WITHIN THESE WALLS “ LITTLE 608 Ninth St. Bet. F A G “LAURA.” N.W. PIX the CAN’T HEART RATION 13th & H SU. N.W. Continuous 2 11 OP PARIS ami 'YOU I OYE CENTRE 15,3 STT !d" Av”' Vo roirltngton, Va Phonf Trmolt 100(1 for Information Amnlf trrr Parkins. Mat I P M DO YOU LOVE ME1 MACHINE O'HARA. HARRY JAMES STATE Phone Falls Chr. 1555 Cont. I -11 PM. , E ® E L‘c A ’ JOAN FONTAINE LAURENCE OLIVER LEE THE JOHN A Treat for the Entire Family Coot. Ill PM. WIFE OP MON I ff CRISTO LOIJER LOREN A AUBER'I ARLINGTON Co1 p’k*4 5 F1 KLONDIES SINOLETO N. t A more St OX 2999 LUCKY DAY PENNY ARTHUR LAKE WILSON 1729 Wilson Blvd. Phono OX 1480 REBECCA.' JOAN FONTAINE LAURENCE OLIVIER ASHTON 3164 w,lion Blva Phono OXford 1 139 _ THE CLASS ALIBI- end "DEVIL BATS DAUGHTER RUCKINGHAM *• GLERE Phons OX 0X44 SO COES MV LOVE ’ MYRNA LOY DON AMECHE 2130 No. GI*br»~~ReL OXford 4266 -PLO.WDIES LUCKY DAY PENNY 81 NOLETON. ARTHUR LAKE SHIRLINGTON 7T Pondolph RAT MYrLLANDULlrri E GODUARD -SIDNEY LUST THEATERS KAYWOOD Fos,‘,n Av 4 Vornum S». MT. Rainier. M.d Wa 8899 AIR CONDITIONED %£'nlt4£n's Finesi Theater Toda* Tomorrow a' 7 u °,k pay iK^T^rD' PAl'IF1TE GODDARD in BETHESDA 77]9 W|*«nsin *».. Bethesda, Md. HI. ItWiA or »«.•«>. **-/*'kms Air Conditioned Joofv, fornorrow e es > |„ •> 51 OFIlVSlmn' CENNIP MORGAN Snu!MI 1 T 111 ONK MORE TO MORROW- Ed’oy ollI Re isrope se- ecii—-ille finest ;n America. CAMEO & R '• Ave. N.I. WA. 9746 rvf„Ki-0Sdllioned , To<**y Tomorrow LJouDie Feature. Last Fi« ; Shov h u -zieofteld Pollies or V7 i ii™ar Ca51 Including FRED AST AIRE WlfPlAM fAU ESTHER WILLIAMS. JAM POWEI.I. A!?o JANIS CAR T59.‘.n_lnotoriousi_lo\e wolf HYATTSVILLE 2p"imp" s|™ .... Hyottsvfll#, Md. * r»^5* 1 °r HV. 0.1.Vi. £*lklnK AIT Condi ioned To Tomorrow *i. 7. 3); * * •» mvr\& LOVFDON AMECHE ln 80 GOES MY MILO *otkv'11* Md. »*ek. 1»J. . __ , Pf*w Parking. Air Conditioned ai * d, i. » = nFVP TIERNEY WAITER HISTOS e ‘ OR AGONWYcK. « Lai on ;n MARLBORO Upp,r Wprib°r°- m3T Marl. 17 •t't WDl15!Li°^ed A ’ 15. M 15 GENE ^aSoWyck" 'LTER h us™ * Tomor.—One Dav Only. ON STAGE IN PERSON HAPPY JOHNNY AND HIS WBAL RADIO SHOW Plus Regular Show Ouou Open 4 45 Shoe Starts 5. HIPPODROME * k|°'?N""h Doors Open 14.5 •> jjr, ' JEAN GABIN in ‘ GRAND ILLUSION ” Also FRANCOISE ROSAY, Carnival in Flanders.” apex 4lfh t Man. Av«. N.W. WOodley 4600 rl HE THREE MARX BROTHERS ,A IN CASABLANCA " Feature. ! •.*(*. 61 ;i 4 *, ATLAS ,3"' H S1- N E- AT- s3°o BIRU„9ft,9«BY bob hops, OpHOTHY LAMOUR Ip ROAD TO UTOPIA " brknda marshall william . GARGAN in STRANGE IMPERSONATIONS ' PRINCESS 1119 H St. N.E. I*. 9200 DEANNA DURBIN’ CHARI FR LAUGHTON FRAN’CHOT TONE because ol^him r VIVIAN BLAINE PERRY COMO DENNIS o KEEFE, in DOLl. FACE SENATOR Wlnn- Av* W" Rd. N.E. TR 2600 DOUBLE FEATURE • REVIVA1 '* program JOEL McCREA. MAUREEN OHARA __ LINDA DARNELL " AVroNAw2tHf*t>'' ,in Technicolor) A -V TON WALKEn. SALLY GRAY Ft» j in SUICIDF SQUADRON 'urc: I | ft, ;t ;•!(,. ft ;i,». 7 ,-(f) <j ( f NAYLOR & A|obomo Ave S.F AT 7270 C- Bus at !hp Door. MS RN A LOS and DON AMP CHE SO GOES MS’ I OVE '’ rea'nrp ; ;\’n. <t 311 HISER BETHESDA 74U Wii. Av». Wt. 4848 • , A'r-Conditicmed Ij*** Times Today! Fov jru„ p,,, ALL-LAUGH SHOW! Comcdv iall*h'er’ Tlnee Siooc-s DuSt r»,,F£ 8r lipnnp<!-v Cometis, Donald iJucK tauoon And “Getting Gertie’s Garter ” With Denn^^C) Keefe. Marie MatDoneld. Fp» i ft ALEXANDRIA, VA. REED . Parking Spat* Air BLU* DAHL1AyER°NIOA Alev. 344.5 Coaditioned LAKE 111 "THE RICHMOND 81? King Si —Ale* 9??6 _ , Mot D<"ly Air Conditioned KWD OF1'MAN • MN'S PAICjE »» "HER Cnlorcd Thfatrf* HOWARD Air Conditioned • ADVENTURES OK°PMAHCO° POLO ■ and TARZAN S DESERT MYSTERY. ' LINCOLN Air Conditioned in »» . _ Open 12 30 P.M rv«»i®£E ,5®?RV MAROARffr OBRIEN in ‘BAD BASCOMB REPUBLIC Air Conditioned r^r^r... Opens 12:30 P.M. . ooj£PU1RE GEORGE BRENT 111 SPIRAL STAIRCASE ' BOOKER-T BROADWAY CLAUDETTE AMECHE_in ( RAPHAEL Air Conditioned Opens 10:45 A M. PA h|LH?pkt2».9Uv ia ue haviland. PAUL HENREID in DEVOTION " 1515 7th St. N W CLAUDETTE C.^BERT 43 DUN AMECHE in C.UEST WIPE • 00N 1409 9th St. N.W GENE TIERNEY °u*n "BELL^OR ANNnp- Mml captain tugboat 218 F “St7~s7w. -Rls"™^ “>VE." 26th A M Sti. N.W. ___ Op«n 2:45 P.M. • DOUI^XPOS^E1^0** HERK?" Air Conditioned Opens 12:30 P.M. IPA fUPINO OLIVIA DE HAVTL.AND. PAUL HENREID In DEVOTION. ' HOSALIA MOTT LANGSTON i a: r wj *3 Pfi w Hi 5 X H 6/1 O X x X ua z K < £ * •> * e £ S !■* < u x H 6/1 X w S u x X X W X in 5 o •4 All Time Sehedule* Given In Waritflf Bros.' Ad* Indicate lime Feature le Presented. Theaters Having Matinee* AMBASSADOR Mat. 1 Healthfully Air 18th & Col. Rd. N W CO. 5393. P M Conditioned OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND- JOHN Ll NO in TO EACH HIS OWN. At i*L 15. 1:55. 5.05. 7:15 9 .10. I5fh &. fc N t It 3300. Mol. 1 P.m. Parking Spare A-ailable to Patrons Hf ilthiuiiy Air Conditioned Last Day LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FON'IAINE m REBECCA •reissue*. At J 15, 4 10, ti:5U, 9:10. BEVERLY CALYERT Parking Spare Healthfully 2324 Wis. Ave. N W WO 2345 Mo’ IP M Available to Patrons Air Conditioned. La - . Day LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE in REBECCA •re -sue' A: 1:10. 4 15 0:55. P:l.» CENTRAL n w' Doors Open 1o 45 a.M Heakhiirh Air Concjluon^d. Tod* v son 'I ofnorrow R R I A W AHEKN’E. MERLE OBKRGN in BE LOVED ENEMY Al l. 1 1(1 -Mil. •Vlo. S ill JOHN LODER. LENORE AUBKRT 111 WIFE OF MON 115 oRisro • At !■: :5, KENNEDY Kennedy Nr. 4th N.W, RA. 6600. Mot. 1 P M. Parking Spa e Available to Patron* Healthfully Air Conditioned La ■ Day -BUD ABBOTT LOU COS TELLO in LITTLE GIANT” At L tu. 1 15. 5:35, 1:15, 9:35. March Pa. Ave. at 7th S.fc PR. 520Q. Mat. 1 P M. Parking Space Available to Patron*. Healthfully Air Condliioned La Dav LAURENCE OITVTER JOAN FONTAINE in REBECCA’’ relsuei At 1 15, 1:65. rt to, P:>5# Cartoon. PENN SHERIDAN 2Voo moI'.Tp°m": Healthftil.y Air Conditioned. La • Day DANE CLARK. ZACHAFT SCOTT JANIS PAIGE in -HER kind op man. At j m. i so, 5 15 ' 15. 3.411 March of Time silver - Patklng Some Ava.iable to Patron* Healthfully Air Conditioned I-*" I>»5 IMNE CLARK. ZACHARY SCOTr JAMS PAIGE in “HER KIND OF MAN At 1 <n. 3 4 5, 6:50. ,'0 o t>5 March of Time. TlVfll I 14,h * Ear* >d. N.W llTUbl co 1830 Maf , PM Healthfu v Air Concitioned I-*F Day • LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE in “PEBECCA" Jr*!** t _At i 3 SB. 6:.'Hi, 9: IB. UPTOWN Conn. Avm. & Newark. WO 5400 Mai. ) EM. Healthfully Air Conditioned. Today and Tomorrow IAURENCB OLIVIER. JOAN FONTAINE In ' RE BETCA 'reissue . At 1 ..In «m tcr.n u :iit. Theaters Having Evening Performances. APOLLO 624 H F*. St N.E. 5300 AYALON Healthfully Air Conditioned Todey and Tomorrow P O \ A ? n CSlr,lAZJ±{ADK1’E1SE CARROLL in PRISONER OF ZENDA" (rtlsstl*' At : 3612 Conn. Avt. N.W. WO 2600 Healthfully Air Conditioned Today Only CONSTANCE BENNETT GRACIE FIE1.DS ;n ‘ P ARIS UNt)FF <'iROUND " At f> 45. T 4<* AYE. GRAND 445 ft*-} S E Tod.-v and Tomorrow Blip AP irm* COLONY 4933 ft- X' N GE. 6500. Heap hfuilr Air Co/idtunoed Day - DANA ANDREWS RICF $£■co^Tf^ ;* walkV1-^ HOME Todav and CEY In IN «:-!B A 45 FRED BRADY BROADWAY SAVdY 1230 C Si N.E 13 8188 Tomorrow - LEO r.on. PAST COMPANY ” », MARJORIE REYNGf r,' ” in 'MEET ME ON At Y S;5n 3030 14th St N W CO 40*8 _ , H-a: hfullv Air Condi'c-ed Tddaj Only -RICHARD (• c » v tr eAYJE M A R L O W E in •'■.TOEN'— DOMES FLYING HOME” A '« • SECO 8244 Go Silv" Sp'mtl * W SH. 2540 Parkin, So— .^afiT &r.d Tomorrriv - tj; t? c t t s* VAMBev .. ln . G?°?T OF HTDD”-, * ALLE\ A* (i‘|n O q n t \t y II!’’’TC VERONICA I AXE e • 's.rae SUSIE SLAGLES • a - • n o m ' TAKDMA G‘V B F N N E T T ORACH ? PARIS UNDERGROUND " • •;. TOM B P. £N EM * v &5 • n 3R E A » Butternut 5**. ~ , — '*• ■«.. Porlfi—,« Sor « R°rBvx Vn£ -CONSTANTF ®AEX-1 ORAC1K FIELDS n A * F 1 5 - . N BO NTT * HOLLYWOOD • « 3"EAK^A*r IV YORK Go Av* 4 Qw»°*c n. n.vv , . »A 4*00 ’»WDM DaVjff*-\Icf^5j5p4x -n BEHIND ! t jT. ^GHTS At ft AH. s Rp, THE VILLAGE 130? K I. _v *»«. N.E. Phone MI 90*; Scienuficall Air-Conditioned. “REBECCA." LAURENCE OLIVIER. JOAN FONTAINE NEWTON 12th A N#wtofi Boulpord With Hen- ’ »-A!d ^Phonet Scienliflr nlly Air-Condliioneri Her Kind of Man." ZACHARY SCOTT. JANIS PA IGF JESSE THEATER 18’K,4 J: >ng Sts N E. Phone nr. Scientific all* Ar-Conditionerf Douoie Feature “ZIEGFELD FOLLIES." FREI) ASTAtRE LUCILLE BRF.MFR. "THE DEVIL'S MASK." JIM BAN NON. ANITA LOUISE. CVf VAW 1sf st & * »• Av*. N w. •»ii*vnn Phon# NOrth o689 Sclent '.fleal1 v Air-Conditioned Double Feature. "BEDSIDE MANNER." RUTH HUSSEY. JOHN CARROLL. “CARAVAN TRAIL." EDDIE DEAN. AL LA RUE THE VFRNftN 3707 W. Verne* new »*«nnun Av, A,,x Vo One Block From Presidential Garden*. Phone Ales. “The Postman Always Rings Twice," JOHN GARFIELD, LANA TURNER. ACADEMY Double Feature. "THE VIRGINIAN.” JOEL McCREA. BRIAN DONLEVY. "Blondie's Lucky Dav." PENNY SINGLETON. ARTHUR LAKE STANTON 5\,c5s;.7Nt Sclentifically Air-Conditioned Double Feature. "I’LL BE SEEING YOU." GINGER ROGERS JOSEPH GOTTEN. "I RING DOORBELLS." ROBERT SHAYNE. ANN GWYNNE. FAIRLAWN AMUSEMENT COMPANY THEATERS &T1 AMTIf Atlantic St. at S. Tapitol niLrtlUlO St S w. TR 1610; THE MARX RROS in * A NIGHT IN CASABLANCA. At H 15. 8. ft 45. C^PIT0L Cc,P'to1 Height*. Md. Shows ti 15 and S-45 A'.l-Star Cast In • ZIEOFBLD FOLLIES OF 1P4R* On Technicolor >. CONGRESS 2931 NTRh0'^v* s' CONS'I ANCE B E N N E T T ORACLE FIELDS in PARIS UNDERGROUND.’ At (5:15. 8. 0 ."><■ FAIRLAWN tTa JUDY GARLAND GENE KELLY. RED SKELTON and all-star cast in * ZIEO FELD FOLLIES OF 1«46” vin Techni color). At 11:55, i) 20. HIGHLAND 2533 Twju’ $E MYRNA tOY. DON AMECHE in ‘SO GOES MY LOVE. ’ At 6 TS, 8:05, ft 45.