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CONVENIENT Located just across from the Treasury, in the Wash ington Building, at 15th St. and New York Ace. PROFITABLE Liberal dividends are cred ited to you semi-annually. BUILDING ASSOCIATION Wmhinfllpn ftwiiding St. ond N«w York Av#, OPEN Your Account Now! AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL SYMPHONY 'IVcifoifaZe Conceit} mM9SfeflRS TOMORROW Walter Cassel Baritone Metropolitan Opera Co. Jose Vasquez, Conductor FRIDAY. JULY I *2 B-ticket strips only at Kitt s. $2.Bn, Single tickets BOc. ROc. *1 Kn. Symphony boxofficf Kitt s. l.Tin G . NA on Saturdays. Willard Watergate bnxoffice opens •C-lo tomorrow. FORTY ACRES OF FUN EVERY DAY 1 TO 12 PM. AT GLORIOUSLY GAY THE NEW THRILL RIDE THE CUDDLE-UP AND THE OTHER REGULARS SWIMMISG 10 A M. TO 10:30 P.M. DAIS'CISG Week Nights Only !> r.M. TO MIDNIGHT TO MrK COKRV AND HI« BIG BAND WITH KAV LINTON FRIDAY Every Mon. Cr Fri. Kjddies under 12. Over 12 and adults. .Mir All rides at Marshall Hall at r,it prices. Tickets *nnd on 10 A.M. and 2 P-M. trips '>"!>•: jS£3*^_ I It 2446w?fh ST, WHARVES | Soap Box Derby Entrants •** Must Turn In Racers Monday. lhe boy builders of coatser cars for the Washington Soap Box Derby will part rompany with their cher ished creations Monday. That, is the day on which Derby Director O. C. Holleran has or dered all entrants to turn in their racers before 5 pm. at, showrooms of the Chevrolet dealers with whom they are registered. The dealers will arrange to trans port the racers to the Ann Beers School, Alabama avenue and Thirty sixth place S.E., where the official inspections will be held later in the week. On Friday, July 19, the boys will report there to be weigned in with their cars. Mr. Holleran emphasized that no 'racers sholud be turned in before Monday. Must Have Numerals. The coaster cars will not be ac cepted unless official racing numer als are attached. These figures, printed on large squares of gummed paper, will be mailed to registrants by Derby headquarters in time to be affixed to racers before they are turned in Monday. Registration lists for the Derby closed yesterday. Today, postal cards were being sent to last-minute entrants on which they were to indicate whether Graham (Continued Prom Page A-22 .1 the end of the picture, by the way, Sanders gets what is coming to him. He fights a duel and is killed. I talked for a long time with Sonny Tufts on the set of "Swell Guy,” mostly about his publicized 'intention of adopting 7-year-old Donald Devlin, the boy who plays his pal in the picture. "I would like to adopt him.” says Sonny. "But hasn't he parents of his own?” I want to know". "Yes, and he's very close to his mother.” His father came to Hollywood last week to look into the adoption business. And I’ll! be very surprised if the adoption takes place. How can you take a 7-year-old youngster who has sis ters, brothers and parents of his own and transplant him into the i home of the best-meaning foster 'parents and expect him to be happy? No. as f told Sonny, if he really I wants to adopt a boy, there are thousands he ran choose from—boys who have lost both parents or whose fathers died in the war. * * * * John Wayne has a funny problem, in "The Angel and the Outlaw." He plays a Westerner, but says he has to be good. “I can't kill any one or misbehave wdth a gal. because the Johnston office says that if I do, I have to go to jail.” Gail Russell. Wayne's leading lady, says that she likes working in a Western, but she! loathed the recent trip to the'desert j on location. "We were smothered in 1 red dust and insects,” says Gail. The final discomfort—Gail had to drive a buckboard wagon. "Ill carry the bruises for the rest of mv life," groans Miss Russell. Rita Hayworth hRs to sock Larry Parks for a scene in "Down to Earth." This is a new twist because in "Gilda” it was Rita who w'as, cocked—by Gene Ford. The dav that ! Rita has to smack Larry, Humphrey amusements , fejt1 Iki./Vv ^ 40 ~ % : “ENCHANTED APRIL" « *"|oyin<j a 2nd week <J 4 of Entrancing Washington at 0 b mm ’? V R.J. REPERTORY THEATRE Betheida, Maryland Nightly at 8:30 axctpt Sun. Rasarvations OL. 3351 Ror ftfflra* Rp^ni « P. M RR. flfiJO. Ticket* ol«n at Willard Hot#!. ALtV VIST % BIS TO DOOR of THEATRF. overr 20 min. from Friendship Hi*. Terminal. Don’t you know skipping’s dangerous?” YOIJJIE RESPONSIBLE, Mother, if you skip precautions for your baby’s health and safety. That's wb.v, when you clean, it isn't enough to see the dirt go , . . you want to Irnow grrms go too. So-add “Lysol” disinfectant to the cleaning water erery time you clean floors, woodwork, «mk, toilet. Don't take chances with just a washday bleach or cleanser. You can trust "Lysol” -a proved gem,, killrr used by many hospitals. Ask your druggist for the big size bottle of "Lysol" brand disinfectant today! Every sin9le tim« you Cleon . . . disinfect with DANCING. DANCING. MARTINI * Lessons Cos! Less! DANCING • Fox Trot • Wolt* • Jitterbug • Tango • Sombo • Rumba COURSES LOW AS Start today . . . Hove the time of your l,f* of vour next porty! Phone EX. 1818, •r come to the Studio. Open 11 'til 10 p.m. A.iTr,NI~°R,GINAT0R 0F THE CHAIN DANCE I ii-MOOL IDEA—hos taught thousands of individuals through- I the U. S. to donee with EASE, POISE and GRACE | DON MARTINI Terlt, Carnegie Hall; Baltimore. ^19 N. Charles, Philo., 902 Chestnut 4‘, 'they would have a racer ready for the Derby, to be run July 20 on Pennsylvania avenue* S.E. between Texas avenue and Carpenter street. The racing numbers are being sent only to those boys who reply that they Intend to participate. The Derby is sponsored by The Star and the District Department of the American Legion, in association with the dealers. I.ate Registrants. Among those in ahead of the reg istration deadline were: Duane S. Crowther, 11, 5100 North Twenty-fifth street, Arlington, Va.; Joseph C. Lawrence, 13, 7125 Var num street. Landover Hills, Md.: Ronald D. Blackman, 14, 1918 Thir ty-eighth street N.W.; John Looney, 11! 103 Hilltop road. Silver Spring, Md.; Dick Fene, 14, 9411 Thornhill road. Silver Spring, Md.; Ray Wil liams, 12, 1467 Irving street N.W.;; Walter Smilh, jr., 13. 1908 New Hampshire avenue N.W.: Gilbert Prather, 12, 5016 Forty-sixth ave nue, Hvattsville, Md.; Smith C.j Humphries, jr., 12, 71-G Ridge road.' Green belt, Md.; Pat Redd. 14, 71-J; Ridge road. Greenbelt, Md., and Paul Boudrot, 15, 2518 Park place S.E. (Read The Star for Derby Nws.) i j Bogart is on the set and when All i Hall, the director and a gentle soul. I | sees Bogey he asks, "How about some technical advice for the fight?" j It seems that there is nothing that! Bogey would rather do. Now he I™ ****/, V Sty Mo. S602 okoei MOCItTOH 15, MAS 1 911 PENN. AVENUE N.W. 'Men's Shoes Exclusively) LEGAL NOTICES M EDWARD BUCKLEY. Jr.. Alton,*?. HMt r»th St. N.W.. Wa.hinctnn. D. C. Pi!ed July 10. 19tU, Charles E. Stewart. Clerk ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum bia—LAURA KEMPER WATKINS. Plaln tifl, vs. ISAAC M WATKINS. Defendant.— No. .’,4-9:54.—The object of this suit Is Complant for Absolute Divorce-Desertion On morion of the plaintiff ir is this 10th day of July. 1040. ordered that the defend ant. ISAAC M WATKINS, cause his ap pearance to be entered herein on or before ‘he fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and .eca! holidays, occurring after the day of foe first publication of this order otherwise the cause will be proceeded with aj ia case of default. Provided, a copy of this order oe Published once a week for .hrec srccrs sive weeks in the Washington l aw Report er. and The Evening Star Newspaper, be fore said day <S » T ALAN GOLDSBOR OLGH. .Justice. 'Seal.) Attest; CHARLES a r stewart. ,clPrk- By ella McDon ald. Deputy Clerk. jjrll.18 25 ' CHARLES E. FORI) and H. CLIFFORD ALLDER, Attorneys. 1Mi Fifth Street. N.W., Columbian Building, Washington. D C Filed July 10, 194H. Charles E. Stewart.1 _ Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum u].a~~FRANCIS M BLAND. Plaintiff, vs E BLAND. Defendant - -No ' .54, K...—The object of this suit is to ob t«in a divorce from thp defendant on the grounds of two years desertion On mo tion of the plaintiff it is this 10th day of July. lf)4t; ordered that the defendant., Florentine E. Bland, cause her appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after rhe dav 0f the. nrst publication of this order: otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published oncp 1 week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter, and The Evening Star Newspaper, before said,d0y. <§> T. ALAN BOLDSBOR PuQ*TJusf 1CP- ‘Seal ) Attest: CHARLES n 1I?WA,RTA. Curk By ELLA McDON ALD. Deputy Clerk. jyl 1.18.25 I PROPOSALS. WASHINGTON SUBURBAN Samlarv Com mission—Contract No. 241-s, Sewer Con struction—Sealed proposals for construct ing approximately 1.585 ft. of 12-in rein torced concrete sewer pipe 595 ft of 12 m reinforced, concrete culvert pipe and 410 ft. of f»-in to 10-in. plain concrete ™pel. wil.1 be "fPi'-cd at the office of the i Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis sion. Hamilton st , Hyattsville. Md.. until l , Eastern standard time, Friday fhiv 3wi'nJh46, v,1'hlcl1 piace and time | they will be publicly onened and read ; Plans and specifications may bp oblaincd f'nin Hariy E Hall, chief enginper of the 1 I 1 ssJf?n• Hyattsville. Md . upon deposit . nfaewhtch deposit will be returned 10 «s ,or 10 'hose returning plans and i Rn«i«7jrt i°ns r ‘P_.g.00d condition PERRY q8rrnFLri. LACY SHAW. FRANK B SMITH. Oommissioneis. „B°iRD OF EDUCATION or Prince it* jP'Res County. Md , will publicly open High wJwf "?dj,lon 'he Bladensburg' ?j*h School. Bladensburg. Md . on Thurs day. July 25 h. 1 #4«. a 1 K pvipps .. .w. ' -- ewiuoi. oinucns__ ..., .... day. .July ~,.5th, 1940, at K o'clock at thp County Service Bldg . Hyattsville. Md. Bids R da r,n.^CJlved *' Jhp County Service until H Dm. Bids will also be re fheVfRopbryd ref8‘waered, mal! *' 'he offices of the Board of Education. Couri House, Up T^r.,rMor b0i,0r un,il 4 o'clock p m Ju y :’oth’ 1J,4ti. Drawings and specifications are available at the offices of • he archeiects. ROSS A: WALTON. Baltimore ave., Hyaitsville. Md ivl 1 IK WASHINGTON SUBCRBAN Sanitarv Com mission—Contract No. 24S-S. Sewer Con struction—Sealed proposals for construct ing, approximately 5.785 feet of fi-inch to '"-inch plain concrete pipe, will be re Qnhnrh a 1 'he office of the Washington i « ?.ani ,ary. Commission. Hamilton street. Hyattsville. Maryland, until 11am. ,Eastern Standard time. Friday. July 28. 1948. at which place and time they will 'be publicly opened and read. Plans and specifications may be obtained from Harry 5..,, . „chie.f, en$lnear o' 'he Commission. Hyattsville. Maryland, upon deposit of *s which deposit will be returned to bidders ! or to those returning plans and specifica tions in good condition PERRY BOS WELL. LACY SHAW. FRANK BSMITH ! Commissioners. AUCTION SALES. | __TOMORROW. _ ADAM A. VVESCffLER & SON. auctioned* |-—Household and office furniture, metal lurgical scopes, microphone, modern Kitch en-aid outfit, rues and carpets, valuable tecorat.lve Hems including Dresden. Vene tian. Austrian. Royal Worcester. Bavarian Canton. Cloisonne, brasses. Chinese carved jewel and cigarette boxes, sterling flat ware. silver on copper trays, cut crystal jewelry, etc. By order several estates’ War Activity Organization and others Bv auction at Weschler's. »05 E st. n w ’ to morrow. commencing flt.’io a m., desirable groups and odd nieces for every room in the home, including chests of drawers dressers, tables, chairs, table and floor clectrolleres, utility and kitchen cabinets beds, spiral and box springs, inner-spring mattresses, sofa and studio beds, etc I Seventy office desks and equipment. 10 am Decorative items, silver, etc.. 2 p.m. ___FUTURE._—— I AT _ AUCTION—One of Baltimore's most mooern and most beautiful flrst-run mo tion picture theaters. "Roslyn Theater. ' being sold eompped. and other important' reel estate on Baltimore's leading shop 5me street, known as sun. 844-S58 n oward st.. Wednesday, .luty If. 1P4R >i 1^:" rST Write for booklet. ALEX COOPER auctioneer, ptaza 4gns eto 14 I :alvert it., Baltimore 2. Md. ' ji* wants his name to the credit sheet of "Down to Earth." The impossible scene of the week: Claudette Colbert is married to Richard Derr in "The Secret Heart.” Hes drunk and he's telling Clau dette, "I'm sick of the sight and sound of you.” Can you imagine that heally happening? (Released by North American Newspaper Alliance.) GAR Ladies to Mark Battle of Fort Stevens Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Poto mac. will present the 14th annual commemorative exercises of the WHY BE FATv ? Eat plenty yet lost weight with delicious candy reducing plan Have a more slender, graceful fig ure. No exercising. No laxative*. No drugs. With the simple A YDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan you don't cut out any meals, starches, potato**, meat* or but ter. you simply cut them down. It’s easier when you enjoy delicious (vitamin fortified) A YDS candy as directec. Absolutely harmless. In clinical tc*t* conducted hv medical doctor*, tnoia than tOO porooaa loot 14 «• It It*, avarif* in a faw »Mha with AYDS Vitamin Candy K* during Plan. 30-day supply of AYDS only $2.25. If not delighted with results, MONEY BACK on first bo*. Now You Can Get AYOS at All Leading Drug Counters in the District. Tear Out This Ad as a Reminder. OFFICIAL NOTICES. government OF THE DISTRICT of Co lumbia, Washington. July u, if)4« A ! PROCLAMATION RELATING TO DOGS WITHIN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA j WHEREAS it has been made to appear to' the Commissioners of the District of Co*! | lumbift that there are dogs within said I ! District afflicted with rabies, and WHERE AS said Commissioners have been notified by the Health Officer of said District that! rabies may spread within said District ' NOW. THEREFORE, in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of the Act ap proved June IP. ISIS, as amended by Section :i of Public Law No 1‘,'b. 'Pth Congress. 1st Sesion. approved July 5. 1JH5. and by virtue of the powers vested in them by said section, the said Com-j miss loners do hereby proclaim I — LEASHING. From and after the effective date of this Proclamation no person own ing keeping or ha. ing custody of a dog in this District shall permit such dog to be on anv public street or highway or in any public place in this District, unless such dog is firmly secured by a substantial leash, not exceeding four feet in length i held by a person capable of managing such dog II DOGS IN YARDS ETC From and after the effective date of this Procla mation, no person owning, keeping or having custody of a dog in this District shall permit such dog to be confined in any yard or other enclosure, or on any; private properly, or in any automobile or other vehicle, in such a manner that such dog ran bite or menace persons lawfully using any public m reet or highway or public place III- PENALTY Any per son violating any of the foregoing pro visions of this Proclamation is subject.: upon conviction of such: violation to a une of not more than $*0n or imprison nm more ,han davs Iv SUSPENSION OF A POLICE REGULATION j <rveTTT0pf/8,L0n Section of Article j r\,Y* J, police Regulations of thej Columbia, reading as follows I SEC \ No animal of the dog kind shall! be allowed to go at large without a col lar or tag. as now prescribed bv law. and UJie8ir lundfr rlle contro1 of »n attendant.! ana if he is of a quarrelsome or danger-, ous disposition, he shall furthermore be secured by a chain or cord held bv -ome p;r?°P . i* suspended, for the effective peiiod of this Proclamation, as of the date thereof. V —EFFECTIVE DATES OF PROCLAMATION. This Pror **lS?Stlon J beLcomes f ffectn e on Julv •* i I AndioJiU c.oniln£t m cttect through G R 3Yh ,vr- r-J R Y?UNC>' G MASON. vj n iUUNG. Commissioners D C GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT of ,^Vr?flamatl0n to Do** Within the District, of Columbia —Whereas It US?* 1 n m*dp appeal' to the Com rkut'l0n,V, of ’ip Dlstrirt of Columbia amtVtirf dL,ir'' W!thm said Districi * ,h rabies and whereas ..aid Si!IY?isJl£?*rs h,*vp bp|,n notified by the Healla Officer of said D.sirict that table*, may spiead within said District, now. .V„''r'‘for.e-„,n "fcordance with the provi June ?a 8?K-'sn 7 0( ,h' *ct appro' ed I vil? «L&i. 18«s- if amended bv Section ■i of Public Law No 128. 'filth Congress 1st session, approved July ft. 1945. and by virtue of the powers vested in them i 2J aaid section the said Commissioners do hereby proclaim. Sec. I —Antirabies 'aPcl"V'on -Par 1 («• During th- pe nod between July 29 1940. and Septem cpr o, ih46. both dates inclusive every person owning or keeping or having ruv ■ooy of a nog in this District shall hav • iSXv\.‘l?g v*«cinated against rabies, bv a ■licensed veterinarian, with antirabies vac ui ti!utyj?Land str<>n2th approved by M?? Officer. D C. except as pro* vided in Par. fi of this section tb> Such vaccination may be done either at the expense of the District, by veterinarians designated for that purpose, or at the ex pense of the person owning keeping or having custody of a dog. by a private veterinarian. (cl. Antirabies vaccination ar the expense of the District will be done i on Monday, Wednesday ^nd Frldav of weelL beginning on Monday. July 2!'. i ending on Friday. September fi. 1P*«, between the hours of 4 p m. and b pm. at the clinics listed below North west section.—Adams School. 19th and California sts : Dea'rsehoof“Fort'dr and Nebraska ave . Fffilk School. 7th and F sts : Upshur St, Hospital. 14th and Uo *hur »t» . Whittier School, 5th and Sheri dan sis . Fussell Young Ice Cream Co ireari. .>'..11 N st Northeast section — Burroughs Scnool. 18th and Monroe sts Southwest section.—District Pound S Capitol and 1 sts : Southeast, section.— Circus grounds toldl. Benning rd. and Oklahoma ave. Dogs should be broushi as soon as possible after the opening time of the clinics, and must be leashed in accordance with the Commissioners' proclamation dated July 9, 1948. which becomes effective on July 21. 194fi In case of rain during the scheduled hours, no clinics will be held, but will be con ducted on the next scheduled date Par *. wor<1 ’ ** used In Par. 1 ia> or this section means every dog of the age of three months or over. Par 3 ia’ upon such vaccination the veterinarian administering the vaccine shall execute a certificate upon the form adopted bv the Commissioners, which certificate shall be furnished lo the owner or other per son presenting a dos for vaccination, the stub of such certificate to be retained by said veterinarian and disposed of as directed by the Health Officer. D C <bi Every veterinarian practicing In this Dis trict shall furnish to the Health Officer. u- c . such reports concerning dogs vac cinated against rabies as the said Health Officer may require. Par. 4, Veterinarians shall, upon vaccinating a dog against rabies, furnish to the owner or other per son presenting such dog. a numbered vac cination ur. Par ft. un It shall be the au,y of pvery person owning, keeping or having custody of a dog in this District to affix a*nd keep affixed, to the collar or harness of such dog. the vaccination tag provided far in this proclamation No person owning, keeping or having custody of a dog in this District shall affix or permit to be affixed, to the collar or harness of such dog. any tag other than a current tax tag and a vaccination fag (c) No person owning, keepine nr having custody of a doc in this District shall affix or permit to be affixed, to th** collar or harness of such dog. a vaccina non tag unless such vaccination tag was .^>urrj lor sum oog. No veterinarian licensed to practice in this District shall issue a certificate or vaccination tag for any dog unless such dog has been vac cinated against rabies. Par fi If anv dog within this District, during the vac cination ppriod prescribed in Par I 's' or this section has been vaccinated agatnst rabies within in months imme diately preceding September « 194H, bv a licensed veterinarian, such dog need no» : oe vaccinated again during the effective period of this proclamation, provided, that '"5 owiier. keeper or person having cus tody of dog has secured from such vet erinarian a vaccination certificate and a numbered vaccination tag for such dog Par. , The owner, keeper or person hav tng custody of any do? within this Dis trict which reached the age of two months after the effective date of this proclama tion. shall have such dog vaccinated against rabies within one month of the date noon which such dog reaches the age or two months. Such dog may be vac cinated either at the expense of the owner, keeper or person having custody thereof, by a private licensed veterinarian, or at the expense of the District of Co lumbia. at one of the clinics listed in Par. l fc > of this section, Par. 8 Any person bunging or causing to be brought into this District a doc. as defined in " p* this section, after September fi. JP4fi. shall, within fifteen days after the arrival of such dog. have such dog vac cinated against, rabies. Provided, that, if anv such dog has been vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian within ten months immediately preceding the date of its arrival in this District, such oog need not be vaccinated again during Vf> PPr*°d °f this proclamation. II the owner, keeper or person having cus todv of such dog has secured from the 'eterinarian who vaccinated such dog a certificate and vaccination tag for such dog Sec. II—Penalty.—An.v person vio lating any of the foregoing provisions of this proclamation is subject, upon con viction of such violation, to a fine of not more than $300 or imprisonment for not more than .00 days Sec. Ill—; Suspension of Provisions of Communicable' disease Regulations.—The operation of1 f.V,e Jixth .par(«fr8Ph- under the heading Rabies (In dogs and other animals*.” or/e«t,0V °{ ,hp Regulations to Prevent and Control the Spread of Communicable and Preventable Diseases in the District or Columbia, promulgated by the Com missioners pursuant to authority vested VJaoV. m J?y an act approved August II. ump. and reading as follows: "Whenever _pfr»on brings a dog into the District or Columbia, such dog shall be quaran tined on the premises or on the leash of the owner or possessor for a period of ninety days from such importation, unless !!u?/l„c"^ne,: or Possessor shall obtain a certificate from a veterinarian practicing in the place whence the dog came that there has not been within ninety days from the giving of such certificate an *n such place" is hereby suspended for the effective period of this proclomalion Sec IV —Effective Period or Proclamation—This proclamation be comes effective on .Tulr UHfi. and sha’l continue in effect through -June 30. 194? J, ft- ^OTTNO. O MASON. G R. YOUNG. Commissioners. D. C. V battle for Fort Stevens at 6:45 o’clock tonight at Thirteenth and Rtt.ten house streets N.W. Representative Dondero, Republi can, of Michigan will speak. Other features will include a reading of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by Walter H. Horn, commander of Cushing Camp. Sons of Union Vet erans of the Civil War, and vocal selections by Mrs. Frances Eaton Wells. Music for the affair will be furnished by Navy School of Music Band. Senator Taylor to Speak "The Key to the Future—U. S - Soviet Relations." will be the subject of an address by Senator Taylor, Democrat, of Idaho at a meeting of the George Washington University Chapter. American Veterans Com mittee, at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the university. The public is Invited to attend. USES Office Hours Change Here Monday Local offices of the United States Employment Service will be open from 8 a m. to 5 p.m., beginning Monday, instead of from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., as at present. Spokesmen for the agency said the; new schedule would be more satis factory to local employers. Mrs. Tuttle Seeks Divorce LOS ANGELES, July 11 <£■).—Ta tiana Tuttle has asked the courts to terminate her marriage of 16 years with Prank W. Tuttle, film director. Her divorce suit, filed FLOOR MACHINE RENTALS MODERN FLOORS ADams 7575 Tuesday, charged extreme cruelty. They have a daughter, Barbara, 4. The average price of wine in 12th century, England was a penny a gallon. I WATCH REPAIRING C1«rk Repairinr All Work Guaranteed Watrh Strap* 79c Watch Crystals 4Sc WATCHES DIAMONDS «l» 12th at. n.w. JEWELRY WADE'S JULIUS I flllSBURGH furniture L (Company 909 ' F STREET. NORTHWEST Cloned all day Saturday during July and Aufgunt y VENTILATED INNER-SPRING MATTRESS firm tuftlmg ond rolled edge holds, the thick padd'ng ond in nersprmg coils securely in ploce Side vents oir the interior Heovy striped ticking. PORCELAIN ENAMEL BREAKFAST SET 5-dc set with bright chrome toble legs and choir frame? Refectory table top hr*; extension leave? Choir? hove leatherette seats and bocks. SPRING FILLED MAPLE SOFA-BED Convert* into O comfortable double bed. Honey-toned rnoplp from* Dur able tope^try romps in o choir* of Cplnrc Spacious bedding comport SPRING-FILLED LAWSON SOFA-BED Pull CO'I Spring construction Op®n«; into n double bed Loro* bedd'no COn*\portment. Covering s smart dur* able tapestry »n lovely colors. _-_J STURDY ALL-STEEL iRONING BOARD Strong, sturdy, well-broced ironing board of all-steel construction, Cool, perforated, non-warping top. Dur able enamel finish. Collapsible. ALL-STEEL KITCHEN CABINET BASE 20"x24 ' work top is stoin resis tont porcelain enamel Steel con struction with white enamel finish Black plastic pulls. Large utility drawer. J CHROME LEATHERETTE DINETTE CHAIR Tubular chrome frame is light weight and rigid. Seats and bocks ore leatherette in a choice of red, block or blue—easy to recover. QUICK-HEATING ELECTRIC TOASTER Toasts in a jiffy. Hos a dependable beating element, that’ll give long service All metal with black enamel finish. Grand buy at only_ J JULIUS tflllSBURGH SHOP \AT OUR EETIIESDA STORS FURniTURE compunY 7111 WISCONSIN AVENUE