Newspaper Page Text
Newsprint Price Up, May Increase 20% *V 6ie Associated Press MONTREAL, July 11.—The price of newsprint began to jump today and may reach a point 20 per cent higher than yesterday's rate within the near future. The Abitibi Power & Paper Co., one of Canada's three largest producers, announced an increase of $6.80 a ton over the previous price of $67 in New York, and other companies are expected to follow suit. Another increase of about 10 per cent to bring the price to around $80 is looked for in the near future to cover increased labor costs. The *6.80 increase announced by Abitibi was said 1o cover only the company's loss on the change in the value of the Canadian dollar, effected last Friday. The newsprint industry, for which Montreal is the capital, says it is determined to avoid such a price sky-rocketing as occurred in the early 1920s when a peak of $120 was reached in the spot market. How ever, it. feels it can no longer delay a substantial increase over the regu lated ceilings in effect during the war. The way was paved with the death of the OPA and the end of the $67 railing which American consumers were permitted to pay. Bidu Soyao to Ask Divorce RENO, July 11 [&).—Brazilian Opera Singer Bidu Sayao will file suit for divorce here tomorrow from the husband she married 19 years ago, Attorney Maurice J. Sullivan said last night. Miss Sayao, Metropoli tan Opera soprano, will charge Wal ter Mocchi, whom she married June 11, 1927, with extreme cruelty, the attorney said. Marriage License Applications Under D. C. loirs, couples must apply for a marriage license on one day, wait three full days and receive the license on the fifth day. Sundays and holidays are counted the same as other days. *rank A Wesley. jr„ 22, Si. Louis. Mo. and Carolyn M. Crlss, 20, Alexandria. Va. Stanley Campbell, 21. Alexandria, Va , and Marian V. White. J 8. 2034 20th st.. n.w R?rl H Smith 30. Liitlestown. Pa. a*nd Virginia M. Phillips. 21, 7.12': 8th st n w. *5arl E. Williams, jr., 24. and Alma E Matheny, *28. both of 4013 South Da kota ave. n.e. Palph H. Sheperd. 23, ] «0fl Montello ave n e.. and Carmelina Riccioli, .21, 1216 Randolph st. n e. CL°CH; 0lVCK WHY TAKE CLUCK LUCK Somewhere else when here you can alwavs Ret a mealy, tender, crispy, delicious standardly fine FRIED CHICKEN DINNER Appetizer to Some made des serts . . . complete Reserve District No, fi. REPORT OP CONDITION OP THE CITY BANK RUgWi 'cio^'o^a^ C ’/o^pTmoH04?' in response to cal. made by comptroller of the cur rency, under section 5213, TT. S. Re iiSHfr^taDUtes Rn£ * cal1 mAde by the Reserve Bank of this district pursuant, to the provisions of the Fed eral Reserve Act. t _ ASSETS * loans and discounts 'including $1,102.32 overdrafts* * United Slates Gov ernment obligations, direct and guaran teed * Obligations of States and political subdi visions 4 Other bonds, notes and debentures 6. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank 6 Cash, balances with other banks. in cluding reserve bal ance and cash items in process of collec tion 7 Bank premises owned. $100.noo.on. furniture and fix tures. $1 00 11 Other assets _ . JML88I.497 10 21.422,498.46 5.000 on 5.7*4 00 30.000 on 8.796.41P.47 100,001.00 1 18.970. fin 13. Total assets_$37,300.170,02 13 14. 18. 17. 18. IP. *?3. LIABILITIES. Demand deposits of individuals, dim nerships and cor porations $21,091 Time deposits of in dividuals. partner ships and corpora tions Deposits of United States Government Depoits of banks Other deposits (cer tified and cashier's checks, etc.) _ Total deposits. $35,478 1 20 07 Other liabilities 196.23 P.774.054.75 4, ] 02,577.87 13,496.34 400,201.88 81.626.35 24. Total liabilities835.75P.752.42 SB 2P 31 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. Capital stock: (c) Common stock. total par $500,000 00 Surplus 500.000.00 Undivided profits _ 600,418 20 Total capital counts fl.R00.41R 20 Total liabilities and capital ac counts _$3* .380.1 *0.62 MEMORANDA. Pledged assets (and securities loaned) tbook value): United States Government ob ligations. di rect and guar teed. pledged to secure de posits and oth er liabilities. _ $19*310,088 89 (ft Total _ $5.310,08880 Secured liabilities: (a> Deposits se cured by pledg ed assets pur suant to re quirements of law _$4,382,001 41 (d> Total $4,382,001.41 District of Columbia, ss: » I. M. H. Buckingham, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. H BUCKINGHAM. Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of July. 3 94 6. JOHN A. HUMMER. 'Seal > Notary Public. Correct—Attest: C. T BURTON. FRANK W LEE. JOHN C PYLES. JF Dirertors John F Medellin. SI, 3219 Reservoir rd. n v . and Mary E. Killeen, 24. 2420 Wisconsin ave. n.w Milton L Phillips. 26. Beaver Heights. Md.. and Betty Y. Morris, 22, 1527 O st. n.w. Joseph L. Di Misa, 36. 2522 L st n w . and Ruth L. De Chastain, ,31, 1318 Harvard st. n.w John N. Beecher. 42. 1909 19th st. n.w, and Lydia M Robertson, 31. 17l‘t Rhode Island ave. n.w. John c»tlln. 46. Baltimore, and Alma E ^ Tasco, 42, 1811 Connecticut ave. James O. Farrell. 36. 1237 Girard st n w and Fannie Eldrldge, 36, 1533 Kimdon st. n.w. Le Count R. Holmes. 21, 2463 20th st n_w . and Althea E. Bailey, 20, 3114 13th at. n w. Theodore Anderson. 23. 1113 Rhode Island ave n.w., and Eunice Hawkins, 28, 1514 12th st. n.w. Coy Martin, 44. 526 6th st. n w , and Cora E. Colman. 43. Roanoke. Va. Johnnie B. Holmes. 42, 407 Brandvwine st. te„ and Dorothy 1. Grigsby, 36, 110', Queen st. n.e. David Wilcox, 36. Milan, Ga , and Matlie „ E Bray, 35, Rhine, Ga. Freddie J. Van Williams, 26, 221 E at. n e , and Lucia Rivera, 36, 425 3rd si n.e Douglas B. Watson. 36. 1827 Kalorama rd. n.w, and Alice Morton, 31, 1436 w st. n w. Isaac Collins, jr.. 21. 1436 W st. nw. and Mae R. Little. 23, Elizabeth. N. J Earl Caldwell, jr.. 22. 1436 W st. n w„ and Gloria L Barnett. 21. Baltimore Glenn F. Glover. 22, 1602 Vermont ave nw.. and Clara E. Campbell, 21, 1731 Bennlng rd. n.e. Kenneth J. Elzie. 20. 1003 Lincoln nl se. and Frances V Cross, 18, 2136 8th st. n w. George Jacobs. 23, 207 G st. s e, and Doris Taylor. 22. Rich Square. N C. Joseph J. Brucculieri. 22. and Norah Johnston, 23, both o! 45 K st. n w. Rocco Cnteri. 22, Coraopolis. Pa . and Lena G. Waetermyer, 22, Stewartstown Pa. Plato L. Welch. 24. 222 G st. n.e . and Sallie Eades. 22. 1028 22nd st. nw Edward J. Pyryt. 21. Garfield, N. J, and Frajices M. Loughren, 19, Bloomfield John Wadlington Abramson. 34. 3548 11th st. n.w., and Dorothy J. Kelsey, 25 2715 Connecticut ave. ti w. Arthur V. Spates. 31. Arlington, and Mil dred J. Michael, 29, Alexandria. Daniel B Dowling. 32. 721 22nd st. n w and Adeline Bergheim, 28, 2222 Eye st n.w. Samuel Pickett, 18. 1230 4th st. n w and Agnes McCray, 18, 801 8th st n e Charles D Cooper. 32. 548 14th st se 1 Thru Schedule Direct route no change of bus Leaves at 6:45 P.M. $5.65 ONE WAY $10.20 ROUND TRIP PLUS TAX All Buses Leave TRAILWAYS BUS TERMINAL 12th St. and New York Ave., N.W. Phone—District 4224 VIRGINIA TRAliWAYS l and Ruth A. Small. 24. 634 A at. n.e , Patrick H. Burke. 23. Covington. Ky , and Nona C. Cottrill. 18. 2540 14th st. n.w William O. Meyers. 29. Altoona. Pa., and ‘ Margaret J Griste. 23 4019 3th at. n.w Eldridge N B Clunan. 21. 1242 21st at n.w.. and Janet A. 8kog. 22, Detroit. I Mich. Jack Umansky. 3ft. 61ft Concord ave nw. and Lillian Sugar, 33. 247 Delaware ave. s.w. Edward S. Fritter. 21 1001 L st. s e. and Edna E. Drury. 19. ft I Randolph d1 n.w I Samuel C. Nash. Jr., 20. 1 108 4 th st s.w . and Florence P. Johnson. 19, Arling ton. Va. [John V. De Haven. 21. and Alice A. A. Amos, 19, both of 479 E st. s.w Winfred W. Cheney 31. Concord. Mass and Rose M. Vallelonga, 23, 230 3ftth at. n.e Chester C. Woodward. 37. 1924 Pennsyl vania ave. n.w.. and Erna Heller, 32. 1214 Jefferson st. n.w. Paul F. Hoffmann. 2ft. 2150 Pennsylvania ave n w., and Beatrice Brown, 23, 3350 | 18th st. n.w Joseph M. Tibes. 31. and Mary L. Bern heisei, 26, both of 21ft Tuckerman st. Maurice D. Weber. 27. 810 22nd st. n w and Genevieve A. Adach, 22. J316 20th Nathan Dunayer. 32. 4916 Central ave n.e.. and Selma R. Oitlin, 28, 4 128 fith st. n.w. Franklin G. Brown. 28. and Georgia C Witt. 29. both of Arlington. Va Mack M Duff. 23. Roanoke. Va.. and Ruby F Freeman 20. 478 F st. s w Joel R Robbins, *31. and Mildred F Koockogey. 20, both of 1016 Bryant at. n.e. Frank Constantine, 46. 1220 57th are s e.. and Esther Muscolino, 24. 623 B at. n.e. Issued at Rockville. •James Hagans, 36. and Jean E. Williams. 33, both of Washington. Robert R. Craig. 23. and Jean R. McCul lough. 23, both of Indiana. Pa Samuel R. Bradley. 28. Bainbridge. Md., and Helen D. Baird. 18. Washington. Albert Marks. 26. Clarksville. Tenn . and Madeline D. McAlarnay, 24, Myersville Pa Charles D. Renner. 28. Gilmer. Tex , and Mary Scott. 30. Shreveport, La. James H. Baifleld. 35. Silver Spring. Md . and Wilma Nesemeier. 25. Washington. Benny B. Nickells, 22, Trenton. Ohio, and Maxine West, 21. Parkersburg. W. Va. Roy R. Trumble, 24. and Frances I. Payne, 19. both of Burka, Va. Porter B. Johnson. 25. and Hattie M Shanks. 20, both of Washington. Peter J. Inzana. 21. and Maria T. Solana. 22. both of Washington. Joseph A. Richards, 22. and Adina E Cherrice, 26. both of Washington. Joseph B. Malley, 21. and Katherine J. Taylor. 20. both of Washington William K. Whitten. 39, and Louise Gra ham. 37. both of Lynchburg. Va Paul W. Marshall. 63. Washington, and Josephine Stinne.v, 42, Staunton. Va. George W. De Laney. 34. and Cora Busby. 33. both of Takoma Park. Md. Charter No. 11633. Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OP CONDITION OP THE LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on June 29, 1946, published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts 'including $2,093.19 overdrafts* *8,805,519.96 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed _ ... 15.915.991.97 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 917,076.28 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures .. 637,438.99 5. Corporate stocks (including $30,000 stock of Federal Reserve Banki 30,000.00 6 Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ance, and cash items in process of collection . 11,103,812.62 7. Bank premises owned $323,961.76; furniture and fix tures. *47.974.36 . 371.936.12 11. Other assets .. .,...- 35.339.71 12. Total assets ........ ... _ _*37.817.115.65 LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and cor porations *27,946,926.65 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and cor porations 5.084,022.55 15. Deposits of United States Government 2,727,920.67 \ 17. Deposits of banks 166.856.36 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier’s checks, etc* 470,332.31 19. Total deposits. *36.396.058.54 23. Other liabilities _ 76.060 42 24. Total liabilities _ _ *36 472.118.96 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital stock: 'C> Common stock, total par *500.000.00 $500,000.00 26. Surplus ----- ---.. 500.000.00 27. Undivided profit* .... 100,000.00 28. Reserves - - — ..-___ 244,996.69 29. Total capital account*.. .... .. *1,344.996.69 30 Total liabilities and capital accounts $37.8! 7.115.65 MEMORANDA 31. Pledged assets ibook value): 'a' United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities 4,754,950.55 'd Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fidu ciary powers_ __ 126.896.40 ie* Total *4.R81.846 95 32 Secured liabilities 'a' Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law 3.502.640.42 fd' Total Washington District of Columbia, ss: I, W. T. VANDOREN. cashier of emnly swear that the above statement edge and belief: Sworn and subscribed before me (Seal.' My commission expires April 30. I Correct—Attest: M. F. CALNAN. DR. L. F. DAVIS. HOWARD P. FOLEY. NORMAN B. FROST *3,502.640.42 the above-named bank, do sol is true to the best of mv knowl W. T. VANDOREN. Cashier, this 8th day of July. 1946 PEGE HEGE, Notary Public. 1951. TRACY L JEFFORDS, E. K. MORRIS. JOSEPH A. RAFFERTY. Directors Allen D. "Whitehead. 25. and Mare L Pearce. 32. both of Philadelphia, Pa Willie E. Blount. 4.1. and Pearl Peatross. 32, both of Washington. leased at Fairfax. Charles Leonard Goode. 21, Stanley, and Leona Gertrude Ramey, 11. Route I. Springfield Robert Harry Hunter, Jr,. 22. McLean, and Betty Jane Shumate. 18. Vienna. Donald Joseph Wellmer. 18. Jessup. Iowa and Anne Elizabeth Nachtman, Waterloo. Iowa. Henry J. Horvath, 23, Cleveland, and Rita Mae KristofT, 21, Cleveland, leased in Unper Marlboro. Ernest H. Brinkley. 24, Carmody Hills and Doris M. Yingling. 20. Bowie. Gasson D. Bradford, 2d. Berwyn, and Ruth T. Henson. 22. Hyattsvllle P.ord’ -«• Mount Rainier, and Mildred J Read, 18. Hyattsvllle. Ernest K Clark, 28. and Virginia R Howell, 22. both of Rlverdale. John E. Day. 31. Washington, and Jean 1 Kane. 21, Gettysburg. Pa John C. Bowden. 25, Mount Rainier, and Lora me M. Sellers. 21. 8t. Louis, Mo irvln C. Thompson. 21. and Mary J. Wll son. 21_, both of Washington 0l»,'r L . Roehrs, 27, and Verlle M Moore 30. both of Washington H,.f£y P“Vzzai «'}“ Bertha A. Perkins • n. bolh of Washington. Edward B. Bailey, Jr. 17. and Patricia RBaldwin. 1 fl. both of Riverdale Le Roy F. Sykes, 34. Seat Pleasant, and Hazel E- Pierce 11). Capitol Heights Clarence Flurk, 28. Lansdale. Pa. and Anna E. Conley, 26. Line Lexington, Pa Felix Malach, Oreenlane, Pa . 30. and Mary Conley. 21. Line Islington. Pa Henry De Cicco, M Endicott. S Y . and Florence Demboski, 33. Union, N Y Norman E. May, 23. and Annie L. Sar i aen. 21, both of Marietta. Pa ■ George R. Bongers, 31. and Mary L I Meinier. 31. both of Washington Andrew Hrycko. 23. and Irene P. BaJliet. ! 23. both of Quaker Town, Pa •Janie* R. Downs, 24, Washington, and Clara N. Gordy. 22. Landover. Emery L Eyler, 44, and Elizabe»h C. Phil i lips. 24, both of Washington r^eon E. Wedding, jr . 21. and Barbara A Trafton. Ift. both of Washington. Samuel L. Lagane. 22. and Naomi M I Weisenbeiger. 28, both of Capitol I Heights. i Ralph E. Jones. 1ft. Rogers Heights, ai.d Betty L. Boxwell. 1ft, Rlverdale. Kenneth L. Schrader. 27. and Alice Her ) lihy, 30, bcth of Washington. Albert J. Nuzzo. 20. and Lorraine E Mullen. 24, both of Greenbelt. Charles H. Hodges, 21. Dunnsville. Va . and Katherine I. Davis. 18. Brays. Va. Robert H. Nallay. 25. Glenn Dale. Md.. and Agnes C. Lancaster. 24. Bowie Wilburn P. Corley, 29. and Polly L. Caudle, i 24, both of Washington. Henry L. Bainbridge, 24, Washington, and Mary E. Richardson, 21, Silver Hill Allen B. Duckworth. 28. Western Port. Md.. and Alta C. Couch, 23. Lynchburg. Va Richard B. Cauffman. 23, and Patricia E Badman. Jft, both of Washington. Warren P. Lawson. 22. and Mabel L. Nash winter, 24. both of Capitol Heights. Willard P. Norwood, jr.. 21. Silver Spring. and Mary L. Michaels. 18. Washington Arthur F. Sleeves, 22, Milford, Conn . and Marjorie G. Goddard, 22, St Paul, Minn Herbert B Burger. 37. Churchion. Md . Reserve District No. 5 REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP THE McLachlen Banking Corporation Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on June 29, 1946. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 6211, U. S. Revised Statues, and bv the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (including $2,907.17 overdrafts! $2,633,775.90 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guar anty - 12.541.474.48 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures 175,301.77 5. Corporate stocks tinciuding $21,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank > 21,002.00 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ance, and cash items in process of collection 6,380,959.88 7 Bank premises owned $382,723.89; furniture and fixtures; $40,517.39 - - -- - .... _ 423,241 28 11. Other assets. .. .. 22,227.84 12. Total Assets--- - *22.197,983 15 LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations $13,898,906.86 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions 6.562,866.20 15. Deposits of United States Government, (including postal savings' 690.535.56 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.* 110.878.62 19. Total deposits_ .. ... $21,263,187.24 23. Other liabilities........ ... 120.073.26 *21.383 260 50 24. Toial liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNT?. 25. Capital Stock: c. Common stock, total par, $300,000 00 $300.000 00 26. Surplus .. _ __ _ ._ 400.000.00 27. Undivided profits _____ 114,722.65 20. Total capital accounts . ... $614,722.65 30. Total liabilities and capital accounts. _ *22.197.983 15 MEMORANDA 31. Pledged assets 'and securities loaned i ibook value!: a. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities _ ... $1,833,909 72 e. Total . .... .. $1,833.909 72 32. Secured liabilities: a. Deposits secured bv pledged assets pursuant to re quirements of law $688,060.56 d Total $688,060.56 City of Washington. District of Columbia, ss: T. ARCHIBALD McLACHLEN. vice president and treasurer of thp above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. ARCHIBALD McLACHLEN. Vice President and Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before mp this 8t.h dav of Jtilv. 1946 'Seal) VINCENT P BOUDREN. Notary Public Correct—Attest: ARCHIBALD McLACHLEN. Vice President and Treasurer. L. P McLACHLEN GARRETT A PENDLETON CLYDE D. GARRETT GUY n OOWI, Dt rectors Your dreamed-about ALL ELECTRIC home laundry FOR LOW-COST-TIME-SAVING-WORK-SAVING WASHDAYS • . If washdays have always been nightmares . . . start dreaming sweet dreams now! In the shining center of your All Electric laundry is your gleaming new washer that washes, rinses, damp-dries your clothes with safe, finger-tip controlled wringer or spinner. Your electric Ironer invites you to sit down to iron flat pieces in double-quick time. Does frilly things, too! Your Electric Laundry is efficiency plus! It’s fast, safe, clean, cool ... and never forget, IT’S OPERATING COST IS LOW! You may not bo ablo to immediately purchase the models you want, but your favorite appliance shop can help you to select them now. Ifeetrielty fer tee!, clean. Healthful, ecanemfcal living I i 4 ELECTRIC WASHER: Gentle but mighty thorough action! Washes — rinses — Safety, finger-tip controlled wringer or spinner, damp-dries, ELECTRIC IRONER: Automatically > controlled temperatures for each kind of fab ric. Sit down to iron everything. TODAY’S BEST BUY $2,29 worth of Electricity for Washington homes today would have cost $6.73 in 1926 at average rates. and Virginia C. Hershberger. 28, Wash ington. Dean R Ludeman. 24 Mount Rainer, and Cleona N. Risk. 26. Washintgon. : Adelbert C. Moldenhauer. 29. Long Bearh. Calif., and Laverne Fife. 22, Huntington Park. Calif Mickey W. Ray. 21, Fort Belvolr. Va , and Bptty J Ochaner, 22, Chicago 111. Howard J Robinson. 22. and Jean E Scott. 21, both of Laurel. Marshall F. Hammond, 33, Parkland, and Ruth L. Brown. 26. Washington Frederick O. Rudy, 29. Hyattfiville, and Marion C. Jenkins. .‘{4, Washington. Wallace H Clark. 26. Washington, and Vera Carlson. 24, Runnells, Iowa. Walter Jones, 27. and Beatrice Ross. 22, both of Washington. William C. Petrie, Jr.. 22. and Mary J Kahne, 18. both of Cheverly Steven L Fogle. !fi. and Florence Burton, IX, both of Mount Rainier. Chester A. Lyons. 42. and Ellen H Kitchen, •23. both of Marshall Hall Raymond J Geer. 2), Andrews Field. Md , and Mary Congoye. 20, Maryland Park Clark W Savle. 43. Cleveland. Ohio, and Olga Grover, 4X. Washington. Hush** A H«esl!n. 27 Tuscaloosa, A>a , and Jams F. Hines, 27. Washington Harman L. Jonas. 28. and Hattie M. San dal. 28. both of 'Washington Walter A Johnnen*, 42. Solomons, and Edith E Pratt. 25, Bellingham Mass RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. X. J. F L EE TWO 0 D Have moved to our new loco lion—15a South Tennessee Avenue, third hotel from boardwalk. Klee, tor -official A.A.A. and Kee.tone hotel. One of the cleanest, most attractive hotels in Atlsntic Cits. Phono 4-3955, 1 w. BINDER, Ownership Mgr. MARYLAND. BEAUTIFUL PASADENA INN The ideal vacation soot. All land and wattr .sports. Excellent fishing. Nearb and reasonable. Restricted clientele. FRED HARPER. Royal Oak Md Charter No. 5046 Reserve District No. 3 REPORT OP CONDITION OF THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK Of Washington in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on June 29, 1946, published in response to call marie bv Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, United States Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (including $18,658.16 overdrafts! $28,564,777.10 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guar , *,nteed 201,087.000.00 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions . 4.987.50 4 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 20,505.287.90 5. Corporate stocks (including $360,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) _ 373 j23 03 6 Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ance, and cash items in process of collection 76 278 423 78 7. Bank premises owned, $2,528,038.85; furniture and fix tures, $414,878.25 ... 2.942.917 10 11 Other assets ------- 2 193.676.25 12. Total Assets - $331,950,192.66 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 17. Deposits of banks 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.( 19. Total Deposits .. - . $313,308.552 42 $200,940,889 41 37,452.178.79 32,696,929.06 38,198.83 35.314.042.04 6,866,314.29 23. Other liabilities 24. Total Liabilities 3.308.284 79 $316,616,837.21 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital Stock:. Common stock, total par $5,000.000 00 26. Surplus 27. Undivided profits 28. Reserves 29. Total Capital Accounts _ Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts $5 000.000.00 7.000.000 00 3.085.929 34 247.426.11 $15,333,355.45 *331.950.192 66 MEMORANDA. 31. Pledged assets (book value): iai United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities $37,127.000 00 c> Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities1.250.00000 lp' Total -- *38,377.000.00 32. Secured liabilities: ' ta i Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law .. . $32,742,314.34 r. 'ri'f „ - - *32.742,314.34 District of Columbia. City of Washington, ss: I. Nelson B. O’Neal, cashier of the above-mentioned bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief NELSON B. O’NEAL, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th dav of Julv 1946 'Seal 1 ANDREW T. DENT, Notary Public. Correct.—Attest: My commission expires Julv 14 194n ROBERT V. FLEMING, MORRIS CAFRITZ. HILLEARY G HOSKINSON. wm. McClellan. WALTER G. DUNLOP, E. D MERRILL. C POWELL MINNIGERODE, STERLING RUFFIN. G O. VASS, NELSON T RARTSON, CHAS. H. TOMPKINS, LLOYD B. WILSON. E TAYLOR CHEWNING, WILLIAM E. SCHMID. Dirertnr* Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE UNION TRUST COMPANY Of Washington 5. in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on June 29, 1946. published in response to call made bv Comptroller of tb» Currency, under Section 5211, U. S Revised Statutes. ASSETS. V Loans and discounts (including $812.40 overdrafts' *1,941,550.34 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guar , *,meed 23.727.889.97 i 3 Obligations of States and political subdivisions _ 290.446.29 ! 4 Other bonds, notes and debentures . 1.262.368.24 i 5. Corporate stocks (including $90,000 stock of Federal Re serve bank' 125.001 AO 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ance and cash items in process of collection . 7.446.006 62 | 7 Bank premises owned, S1,409.234.23; furniture and fix - ,llrpL ,l 1.409.235.23 11. Other assets . 139.08ft 97 12. Total assets -----$36,3417584765 LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships and cor porations *22.008.627 70 \ H. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpora ! tions - -------- ------ 6.377.960,66 I 15. Deposits of Upited States Government ... _ __ 3.496.960.02 17. Deposits of banks 76.382.50 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.l. 235,161.46 19. Total deposits - ___ . $32.195092 34 23 Other liabilities . ......_ 77777.. . 164.548 99 24. Total liabilities .......$3273597641732 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital stock: <o Common stock, total par $1,000,000.00 .. *1.000,000.00 26. Surplus ... _ _ 2.000,000.00 27. Undivided profits_ ..___ 981.943 33 29. Total capital accounts __$3.981794333 30. Total liabilities and capital accounts_$36341,584.65 MEMORANDA 31. Pledged assets (book value': ta' United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities *12,545.518.14 (ci Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers and for purposes other than to secure liabilities ._ 252.053 53 (ei Total _ ___ $12.797571772 32. Secured liabilities: ta> Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law . _ _ *8,551.420 82 <d> Total - - $8,551,420.82 District of Columbia, ss: I. G. ELMER FLATHER. vice president and treasurer of the above named bank, do solemnly sw’ear that, the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signedi G. ELMER FLATHER. Vice President and Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of July. 1946. (Signedi J. DUTTON WAINWRIGHT. (SeaP Notary Public, District of Columbia. My commission expires August 15, 1949. Correct—Attest: S. WILLIAM MILLER, D. W. O’DONOGHUE, JR., L. CLARK BROWN, EDWARD L. HILLYER, A, MURRAY PRESTON, J. WESLEY CLAMPITT, Jr. GEORGE E. HAMILTON. .)r. FREDERICK STOHLMAN, EVERETT FLOOD. GEORGE E. FLEMING. ORD PRESTON. Directors. REPORT OP AN AFFILIATE OF A TRUST COMPANY. Published in accordance with Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. Report as of June 29. 1946, of THOMAS J. FISHER AND COMPANY, INCOR PORATED. No. 738 Fifteenth Street Northwest, Washington, D. C . whtrh is affiliated with Union Trust Company of the District of Columbia. Charter No. XX, Federal Reserve District No. 5. Kind of business: Real estate, loans and insurance. Stock acquired for the purpose of establishing a real estate department. Manner in which above-named organization is affiliated with trust com pany and degree of control: By stock ownership. The trust com pany holds 1.010 shares of 2,000 shares listed. Financial relations with bank: Stock of affiliated bank owned, none. Loans to affiliated bank, none. Borrowings from affiliated bank, none. Stock of affiliate registered in name of bank or known to be owned by bank, directly or indirectly, par value, $101,000. Other obligations to, or known to be held by. affiliated bank, none. Other information necessary to disclose fully relations with bank, none. I. EDWARD H. BRENT, president of Thomas J. Fisher and Com pany, Incorporated, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDWARD H. BRENT. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of July, 1946 <Seal > MYRTELLE GORDON GEMENY, Notary Publlft, My Commission Expires March 18, 1848. k