Newspaper Page Text
Chain Links of Sulphur Secret of Curly Hair, Scientists Believe By Thomas R. Henry Star Sta# Correspondent CHICAGO, 8ept. 9—Life and beauty were hitched together with chain links of sulphur in reports oT scientific investigations presented before the American Chemical So ciety here today. The investigations conducted in various laboratories all rested fundamentally on the pioneer work for 35 years of a Georgetown Uni versity chemist on the sulphur-con taining elements of the body. The chief constituent of hair is a protein substance, keratin. It is precisely the same stuff in the blond locks of Lana Turner, a crow's feathers or a cow's horns. It consists of long molecules, fast ened together like a chain. Agri culture Department chemists lately have been able to Mn it into an artificial silk. Several Chains in Hair. There are several such chains in a strand of hair. They are linked together with molecules of cystine. I This is one of the amino acids, ! nitrogen-containing building blocks of the body, whose presence in the diet probably is essential to life. Woodward & Lothrop NORTH BUILDING G Street at m™ Washington 13 D C District 4400 *5,000 Only 5 Doys Left Give Your Child a Chance to Win One of 522 Prizes It is easy to enter. It is different. It gives every child of 14 or under an equal chance to win a prize. Mothers, do not miss this opportunity for your youngster. The only requirement is that you have your child's picture taken in our studio—no cost or obligation. This is not a beauty contest. Winners are selected for personality and character, as shown in the picture. Just have your child photographed in our studio without cost or obligation. Pirt* Pri**-$500 S«Md Pri*#-.$250 20 Third Prists of_$50 JUDGES: John Robert Powers, Maud Tousey Fangal, An gelo Potri, Ponny "Blondie" Singleton, Arthur "Dog wood" Lake. Sponsored by the National A ssociation of Department Store Studios W6L—North Building . . , PRE-VIEW PORTRAIT STVDIO. THIRD FLOOR h ; There is a lot of it in both hair and fingernails. Years ago Dr. M. X. Sullivan of the Georgetown University faculty thought it might play a part in the genesis of arthritis and that liability to this malady might be determined oy analyzing nail clippings. Also it was suspected that cystine might play a role in cancer. Dr. Sullivan has spent nearly a lifetime investigating their particular bio logical substance. Each molecule of cystine contains two molecules of sulphur. It was found that by submerging hair for 4 minutes in a commercial cold waving solution a sulphur atom is knocked out of about 80 per cent of these cystine molecules, thus tem porarily breaking them as links be tween keratin chains. Hair in the waving process is wound tightly around thin rods. The chains are under great tension and to relieve this they tend to pull closer together. They slide over each other into curved positions—in other words, hair strands become curly. At least, that is what Dorothv Sanford and Fred L. Humoller of St. Paul told their fellow chemists. If a girl's hair doesn’t take a natural wave the hair dresser can cut out a few strands and consult a chemist who will analyze it for cystine, ac cording to a method developed by Dr. Sullivan and his colleague. Dr. W. C. Hess. Then he may direct the proper procedure. wvatiTTiiuc, ui. ouuivftii anu ljl. Hess have been concerned with weightier matters, the problem of beauty parlor operators being of no great concern compared to the sig iflcance of cystine in life itself. It is a significant factor, Dr. Sullivan says, in another kind of curly hair wool. Cystine is one of the best absorbers of ultra-violet rays from the sun and this is probably, he points out, the reason Arabs wear wool "bathrobes," despite the in tense heat of North Africa. Before the chemists today he re ported tests of the balance of cystine and other amino acids essential to life in various foodstuffs, especially Boston baked beans. reToGc To Do -'W — EXHIBITS. ' Victory anniversary exhibit. Including display of Japanese and German sur render documents, among them 12 never displayed before; United States declaration of war against Japan and the Japanese declaration against the United States and England, at the National Archives. R:4S a m. to B: 16 p.m weekdays and 1:30 to 5 0 m. Sundays and holidays through Sep tember. Books and personalia of Shalom Alel chem. Jewish author, for an indefinite period: an exhibit illustrating the work of Ooudyana. designer of types and books, for an indefinite period, all In the Library of Congress Water color rendering of early Amer ican designs in native arts and crafts, at the National Gallery of Art. 10 a m to S p m weekdays and 2 to S p m. Sundays through September. Oil and water color paintings by Mist Norman Rose at the Petworth Branch. Public Library, p a m to P p m. week-1 days through September Exhibition of work by members. Arta Club of Washington. 201T I street NW . 1] a m to fi p.m. weekdays and 2 to I p m Sundays through September. LUNCHEON. Board of Trade, Willard Hotel, 12:1 S p.m tomorrow FOR SERVICEMEN Splash party. USO club. 1011 H atreet H.w., S o'clock tonight Dance. UNSC. 600 North Capitol atreet, 1 o'clock tonight. Square and folk dancing. Thomson Cen ter Twelfth and L streets N.W Dance. NCCS-USO. 918 Tenth atreet S.W . 8:30 o’clock tonight Dancing on terrace. USO club. Seven eenth and K streets N.W . 8 o’clock to ilgbt Fish fry. USO club. 1814 N atreet N W . > 30 o clock tonight JWB-USO. informal dance Sixteenth yjj^^atjegtsjnj^^^^loel^oniglu^^^ Parkview Pharmacy Go. Ava. fir Park Rd. N.W. fi a Star Want-Ad ' Branch Agency Other Branches conveniently locoted throughout the city for the acceptance of Classi fied Advertising. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Line* (Minimum) 1 or 2 times....30c per line 3 to 6 times consecu tively .2Sc “ * 7 times or longer con j secutlvely .25c " “ Advertisements under the Personal ! classification and ousiness advertising | under Special Notices, 5c per line 'additional. Situations Wanted. 1 time _27c per line 2 times _ 25c “ “ 3 times .22c " " Business advertising under Sit . u&tions Wanted takes the regular local [advertising rate. OUT-OF-TOWN BATE. Four Lines (Minimum) Flat rate per line.._40c Out-of-Town Rate Is charged on all advertising 25 miles or more from Washington. Far Last and Found Advsrtiiemsnts Sts Fogs A-3 ■BE""-■ _ - SPECIAL NOTICES. SIGNATURE LOANS, confidential: fast service. LENDERS. INC., 2028 North Moor* st.. Rosslyn, Va. Phone CH. 2444. —26 AUTO LOANS. V4% per month, service charge: no delay. LENDERS. INC., 7904 Georgia ave. Phone SH. 3680. —26 6% DISCOUNT LOANS, up to $1,600. small service charge. LENDERS, INC.. 3310 Rhode Island ave. Phone DE. 1240. DRAFTING SERVICE, architectural, en gineering and patent drawing: renderings, perspective*, surveys, plats, maps, charts, graphs; all work confidential. 1347 Conn, ave. n.w. AD. 5016. —10 FISHING PARTIES, day or night, reserva tion. Herring Bay. Oooses. Eastern Bay. CAPT. ANTHONY KING. WA. 4192. —13 ACCOUNTANT—Social security. Income taxes filed, books started, kept part time, audits, statements. OR. 2074. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts Incurred by any person other than myself. J. 8. COOK. No. 6 Leeward Green s.w . Wash. D. C. 10* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts other than those contracted by myself. JAMES F. LEE, 703 10th st. n e., Washington. DC. 11* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts unless contracted by myself. R G. REEVES. 4006 Davis pi. n.w. II* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts incurred by any one but my wife. Dr. Henrietta Kornitzer, and myself. E. E. KORNITZER, 1726 Hobart st. n.w —11 REWARD FOR INFORMATION concerning the present address of Charles O. Walters Painter by trade: exceptionally tall, over 6' 7" tall. GUY BROWN, 904 Eye st. n.w. 10‘ WE WILL SELL at public auction, on 8ept. 25th. 1946. at 10 am . for storage charges, the following ears Ford 1936 coupe, motor No. 18-2393940: Chevrolet 1936 coach, motor No. 5649613. serial No 1 4-FA-l 0-3567; Chevrolet 1936 coach, motor No 5715171. serial No 2-FA-ll 8056 TRIANGLE MOTORS. 1401 R. I. ave. n e. HELP MEN, ~ ACCOUNTANT, junior, for C. P. A. firm: must be able to type; give full details in own writing: veteran preferred. Bax 236-E. Star. —9 ADVERTISING LAYOUT ARTIST, experi enced. for large department store: excel lent starting salary and opportunity: pleas ant working conditions, 6-day week Ap ply with samples to publicity director, 4th floor. LANSBURGH & BRO , 7th, 8th and E st*. n.w. —14 AIRLINE RESERVATION AGENTS; United Airlines; aged 21-30; alternating shifts; we train; ability recognized; interviews Monday. Sept. 9. 9 a m. to 6 pm, Hay Adams House, 16th and H sts. n.w —9 ARCHITECT—Knowledge of building su pervision: also familiar D. C. codes. LOUI8 BURMAN. RE. 1768. —11 ARTIFICIAL LLG MAN. experienced, some brace work, supervise shop: excellent salary, out-of-town factory. Box 74-E, Star 10* ARTIST wanted for day work in private Washington school; experience in com mercial art work necessary: former teach ing experience not necessary: permanent position, excel, salary and short hours. Give full particulars. Box 399-D, 8t4HV ASSISTANT BUYER for boy*’ furnishing* department, young man with previous de partment store or specialty shop experi ence; 5-day week Apply emnloyment of fice. 4th floor. LANSBURGH A BRO . 7th. Woodward & Lothrop NORTH BUILDING G Street at II™ . Washington 13. D.C District 4400 Special-Five Types of Permanents For two weeks only— $0.50 Regular $10 waves, NOW.. © Get a headstart on fall grooming. Now, while this wonderful offer lasts, you can have your choice of these well-known permanent waves at an unusual saving. Consult our skilled operators on the wave for your hair. • Nestle • Frederic e Eugene • Aivlys Creme (exclusive) • Paristyle custom oil (exclusive) Telephone District 4400 for an appointment W&L—North Building , . . ...... PRIVATE LIVES —By Paul Ford J Arju*T/ce FR£p VlNSOM n AVERAGED 98 Y DURJM6 HIS COLLE6E I CAREER. He's aw incessant PIPE SMOKER, finds RELAX ATION IN BRIDGE. ■ MRS.Vinson says HER HOBBY IS 'crazy hats/ _HELP MEN (Cent.), ASSISTANT MANAGER for large downtown restaurant. Top salary and meals to the man who can qualify. Box 131-E, Star. —0 AUTO MECHANICS. Packard experience, n-day week, top wages Apply Mr. Pat terson, HICKS MOTORS, J61.3 R. I. ave. n.e. —9 AUTO MECHANICS, 6. 50-50 pay plan. $2.50 per hr. rate; heated and lighted shop, vacation with pay: holidays with pay; 44-hr. week: group insurance and group hospitalization: all the work you can do; good men making big money: no helpers needed. Mr. Worsham LOGAN MOTOR CO. (Ford) 1111 18th st. DI. 5800. —10 AUTO MECHANIC, high wages, perma., paid holidays, vacation with pay (2 Sats. per month off): for exp. mechanics: excellent future for qualified men. LEE D BUTLER CO., 1121 21st at. n.w. DI. 0110. _p AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, steady work. Apply 30 O st. n.e. —10 AUTO MECHANICS—44-hr , 5'/.-day work week; time and half for overtime; closed Saturday afternoons all year; vacation with Bay; annual bonus: excellent pay. Apply lr. Myers. MANDELL CHEVROLET CO.. 13th and Good Hope rd. s.e. —15 AUTOMOUVE WHOLESALER of acces sories and equipment has opening for man to act as delivery and receiving dept. mgr. Automotive experience necessary; excellent opportunity with progressive firm Call In person. L. 8. JULLIEN, INC . 1443 P st. n.w. —10 BAKER, exp, white man. for bread and rolls;, hrs . 12 midnight to R a m Apply personnel office, HOTEL STATLER. I Oth and L sts. n.w —10 BAKER, white or colored girls school, good wages Phone NO. 2970. —14 BAKER, baker s helper and general utility men. Phone for appointment. C. V. Dela hunt, UNIVERSITY OF MD., College Park WA. 3800. Ext. 202. —11 BANK BOOKKEEPERS, experienced; 5-day week, air-conditioned room new equip ment. Apply THE CITIZENS' BANK. 14th and G sts. n.w. —9 BANK TELLERS, experienced: 5-day week, life insurance and retirement benefits. Ap ply THE CITIZENS' BANK, 14th and G sts. n.w. —9 BAR BOY—Good wages, with meals. Ap ply steward, OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. 1411 Penna. ave. n.w. —10 BAR CHECKER—Good wages, with meals. Apply steward. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, 1411 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. —10 BOOKKEEPER—Long-established progres sive wholesalers require services capable bookkeeper: must be entirely familiar with all phases of up-to-date mercantile book keeping; confident to take full charge of general books, payable receivable, etc: excellent starting salary and opportunity for advancement, commensurate with abil ity. Phone EM. 0920. —9 BOOKKEEPER—Young man. accountancy school graduate; permanent position RINALDI COAL CO.. INC., 649 Rhode Island ave. n.e. .—10 BOOKKEEPER S ASSISTANT for accounts receivable: neat, accurate and conscien tious; permanent if satisfactory State age. experience, salary expected. Address Box 368-C. 8tar —10 BOY for will-call and stock dept : perma nent position with good pay Apply Mr. U?«?#»C1TIN® co- %0F BaxTto help in Ikjupr store Over 21 yrs. SB ■ Caff-bbfc'-lO -4 m. and 9 pm MI. 981)0 -10 BOYS, 16 and over, with and without bi cycles. not returning to school Apply WESTERN UNION. 1317 New York ave. n.w.. Room 200. —12 BRICKLAYERS for long-time Job: no cin der blocks or other heavy units; scale, *2.12! per hour: $1 per day travel expense. Main Shop Building No. 25. Naval Ord nance Laboratory. White cwks. Md WIL LIAM F NELSON. 923 V st. n.w. Dupont 2090. Report to Mr. Jim Wilson on job or to office. 9* BRICKLAYERS, union. 2nd st and South Pershing dr.. Arl . Va : Greentree rd.. *4 mile south of Old Georgetown rd.. Beth , Md ; and 16th and Jefferson n e. 8ee fore man on job. or call FRANK M WINNE MORE, RE. 2306. —11 BUNDLE WRAPPER, colored, permanent position: good salary to right party R. HARRIS & CO . 1101 F st. n.w. See Mr. Geraci. 4th fl. office. —Hi BUSHELMAN for work on high-type men's clothing; working conditions are ideal; sal ary and hours most satisfactory. Apply SIDNEY WEST, Colorado Bldg., 14th and G n.w. —10 BUTCHER, reliable, start work Monday Call Hyattsville 0683 Monday morning. WAITRESS, white, experienced in serving food; uniforms and meals, salary and tips. 8571 Ga. ave. —10 CAB DRIVERS WANTED, guaranteed sal ary and commission, day or night work; also gas station attendants wanted, ex perienced, white. Apply 1314 North 19th st . Cities Sprvice Station. Rosslyn. Va See Mr. Huahes. HUGHES CAB CO . INC Please do not phone, apply in person. —9 CABINETMAKER—We need a good repair man on new furniture; has chance to learn reflnishing from an expert finisher The man must be sober and steady. This is a permanent position with well-established, progressive wholesale company For in terview. call CO 7953, ask lor MR. DORSEY _13 CABINETMAKER, experienced, neat work er: special cabinets of all types; in small shop, special opportunity lor qualified worker. WI 8232. —9 CAMERA REPAIRMAN wanted for perma nent job in large camera store. Apply Box 470-D. Star —11 CARPENTERS. 100 wanted, union job; veteran housing, located 4200 Quarles st. n.e. off of Kenilworth ave back ol Lily Ponds See MR. McCAULEY or MR. PRE8TON —12 CARPENTERS, 3. for new and remodeling work. Apply with tools, ready for work. ASSOCIATED CONTRACTORS, 1401 Fla. ave. n.e. —10 CARPENTERS, skilled in rough and fin ished work New construction and re modeling. Phone CH. 4544 between 6 and 8 p.m. —9 CAitreniban—o-oay. m-or, weex. Apply employment office, 9th floor, WOODWARD & LOTHROP. 0:30-8 daily. —14 CARPET LAYER, experienced only. Apply at WOODRIDGE RUG CO., 1715 R I. ave. n.e. —9 CARPET LAYERS, experienced. Apply em ployment office. 9th floor. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. 9:30 to 8 daily —14 CHAUFFEUR, white or colored, for sales man. pvt. car. during business hours, sal ary. $80 monthly; state experience, age, telephone number, etc. Box 337-D. Star. —9 CHAUFFEUR-BUTLER, excellent salary: good references required: DVt. rm. and ibath: other help employed. Phone EM. 17143. —14 CIVIL ENGINEER, college graduate, ex perienced in building layout and con struction. qualified to Inspect underpin ning. piling and shoring. Applicant should state experience, age and references in letter to Box 246-D, Star. -—14 CLERK, not subject to draft: permanent position. 40-hour week. Large oil co. Sal ary. $140 per mo. Apply MR. CARSON. 8927 Blair rd. n.w. —9 CLERK, for general office work: one with soma bookkeeping experience: neat, accu rate, conscientious; permanent if satis factory. State age. experience, salary ex pected. Address Box 373-C, Star. —10 CLERK-TYPIST, white, for general office routine and correspondence; permanent position, good salary. 6-day week See Mr. Mullock. 8MITH TRANSFER & STOR AGE CO.. 1.313 You st. n.w. NO. 3343. —9 CLERK-TYPIST, young man 22-28. high school graduate, good appearance, to train for future in saleswork. NORTH AMER ICAN CEMENT CORP . Washington Bldg., 16th and N. Y. ave. n.w —9 COLLECTORS for established routes, hos pitalization. accidents, health and life, no experience or car necessary; $50 and up per week to start assured. Call 811 11th st. n.w . a m only. —10 COLLEGE GRADUATE or ex-service man. skilled In handling aptitude and IQ rating tests: state details of previous experience and training. Box 336-D. Star. —9 COOK, lst-class, fast. Apply ROMA RES TAURANT. 3419 Conn. ave. n w. —10 COOKS, exp., white men. good salaries and excellent working conditions. Apply per sonnel office, HOTEL 8TATLER. 18th and L sts. n w —10 COOK'S HELPER, colored, short order, veg etable Telephone TE. 0098. —9 COUNTERMEN — Increased wage seals makes working for LITTLE TAVERN SHOPS. TNC., "Famous for Hamburgers,' especially attractive; opportunity for ad* vancement. Call 8L. 8600 for lntonna* lion 8:30 am to 4:30 o.m DRAFTSMEN. STRUCTURAL, for detailing reinforced concrete. Opportunity for right men with growing firm. Special construc tion methods covered by patents. Salary open. Write or phone. VACUUM CON CRETE CORPORATION, 4210 Sansom st., Philadelphia 4, Pa. Baring 2-4545. 12* DRAFTING TEACHER wanted for day time instruction in accredited drafting rchool. Box U51-D. Star. —9 DRIVER, white, aged 26 to 35. physically fit, for wholesale food delivery to groceries, restaurants, etc.; must know city and surrounding territory; references required. Apply H. J. HEINZ CO., corner 6th and V sts. n e. —9 DRUG CLERK. $46 wk. plus comm, to start. Good prospects for active, exper.. dependable man. HIOGERS’ DRUG. 5017 Conn. ave. —10 ENGINEER, third elasa. Apply chief en gineer. DODGE HOTEL. —19 HELP MEN. ELECTRICIAN OR HELPER, experienced, with tools. Call TR. 4315, before X a m or 6 p m —10 ELECTRICAL DRAFTSMEN, experienced on control wiring and conduit layouts: do not apply unless qualified. RIGGS DIST t.ER k CO. INC., 218 N. Calvert st., Baltimore. Md _21 ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored, experi enced. for hotel work. 4:30 to 11 P.m See housekeeper. BRIGHTON HOTEL. —10 ENGINEER—Local heating and air-con ditioning firm needs junior engineer, 20-26 years old. At least high school education, preferably some mechanical or college edu cation. or equivalent, with simple drafting experience required, but other experience not essential for the right man. This is a permanent opening with a well-established concern, and has splendid possibilities. Salary to start. $175 per month. Please telephone for appointment lor interview. McCREA EQUIPMENT CO.. 516 2nd st. n.w RE. 3424. —10 f&EB,Af£SS~ffA?.t.,Solored- WA8HING I?",laUNPRY: 2627 K st. n w. FARM MAN AND CARETAKER who Is familiar with stock and machinery, and willing to work. Must be under 50 yrs old, small family. Furnish 4-room bunga low. elec, lights and bath. $100 per month Place located near Alex . Va. See or write M J. WAPLE. 1224 14th st. n.w., Wash ington 5. D. C. _9 FILIPINO, cook and houseboy: live in or out; good salary; references required DU 3944. or 2127 R st. n.w —10 FLOORMAN for respectable tavern, prefer man of large stature: wonderful pay. good hours, call TR. 8997 between 10 a m. and 4 p m —15 FLOOR MANAGERS—5-day. 40-hour week Apply employment office. Pth floor. WOOD WARD Si LOTHROP. 9:30-6 daily. —14 FOOD CONTROLLER, experienced: top Applyemployment offlce. WARD MAN PARK HOTEL. 2700 Woodley rd n.w. FOOD SUPERVISOR, capable of managing large fountain and restaurant; must be exp in food preparation, costs and per sonnel management. Can earn $100 per »'k. on salary and bonus. State exp. and refers Box 110-D. Star. —9 FORMS AND METHODS CONTROL—Large New England Insurance company seeks outstanding man to institute and direct a printed forms control system in home offlce: unusual opportunity for man with wide experience and administrative abil ity; give experience, education and salary expected. Address Box 342-E. Star. 14* FURNITURE FINISHER; must be experi enced; 5-day week. Apply employment offlce. 4th floor. LAN8BURGH Si BRO. 7th. 8th and E sts. n.w. —14 FURNITURE SALESMEN, experienced, to sell furniture and appliances in store; good salary and commission: opportunity: our present sales force knows of this ad and of our expansion program. ATLAS, 921 O st. n.w. _14 FURNITURE REPAIRMAN and reflnlsher. capable of supervising and directing ac tivities In a large furniture reflnishtng shop, good salary: 40-hour week. State qualifications. Reply Box 220-D. Star. GARDENER. HANDYMAN, white, part time 2 or 3 days a week. MusP be capable. .1225 Ellicott st n.w. WO. 5491. —9 GASOLINE STATION, assistant manager; must be reliable and industrious: ref. re quired.— Good aaiar».. for right aaa—8w Mr Barron, manager. SUNOCO SERVICE STATION, Wls. ave. and River rd, n.w. GENERAL OFFICE CLERK for small es tablished firm: bookkeeping knowledge de sirable. but not necessary; position offers excellent opportunity for eventual offlce manager. Box 290-D, Star. —13 GI AMPUTEES (31 of World War II. to work for newspaper, free to travel Con tact MR HEFLIN. RE. 1899. Rm 515. Evans Bldg , 1420 N. Y. ave. n.w.. 6-8 p.m. —10 GROCERY CLERK and meat cutter, honest: short hours, steady job. good wages. MRS GOLDENBERG. 1012 1st st. n.e.. ME 8042 —11 GROCERY SALESMAN for inside telephone selling in Washington for prominent whole sale grocery concern: excellent oppor tunity for young man to learn good trade: no experience necessary. Write full and complete details to ATLANTIC WHOLE SALE GROCERY CO . York and Battery sts . Baltimore 30. Md. —9 HALLMAN, colored, for close-in n.w. bldg Day shift. $90 per mo. Call MRS. BAR RETT. CO. 2025. —9 HANDYMAN, must have tools and car: steady work, good pay. See Mr Ferris 8:30 am., FEDERAL CONTRACTING CO. 91tT N. Y. ave. n.w. NA. 7416. —9 HOUSEMAN, experienced; pleasant working conditions; good salary. Transportation furnished OL. 5600. —12 HOUSEMAN, colored, to do some driving, wait on table: must have exp.: live out; have other help. Phone WO. 3595. —14 ITALIAN with good education and instruc- j tion to teach own language: must be native. BERLITZ. 839 17th st. n.w. —15 JANITORS, colored, experienced, for work in large apartment house; short hours; j good pay. Call MR. BROWN, CO. 46j)5 ! TAILORS, experienced on men's or wom ens garments; 5-day week. GARFINCK EL'S, F st. at 14th. —12 JANITOR, colored, married, with fifth class engineer license, for large modern downtown apt. house. Excellent oppor tunity, $150 per mo . quarters and util-, ities. MR8. CLARK. 632 20th st. n.w,. Republic 0461. —9 JANITOR and handy man for part-time work in apt. house; good pay. CO. 5004. • LEDGER CLERK—Young man for perma nent position with newspaper publisher to handle advertising ledgers; must be high school graduate and be familiar with simple bookkeeping principles; knowledge of typing helpful; starting salary. $30 for 5-day. 40-hour week: Increase at end of 3 months and 8 months; no night or over time work; excellent working conditions, permanent. Apply personnel offlce. Room 504. Star Building. THE EVENING STAR. 1101 Pa. ave. n.w —9 LUBRICATION MAN, white, experienced good hours, good pay. permanent job with advancement. Apply LEHMAN S, 12th and K sts. n.w. —9 MACHINIST, must have experience and ability on Gorton Pantograph engraver. Call MR. THOMPSON. AD 7272. —11 MAINTENANCE MAN for apt. houses, white; electrical or elevator experience necessary; permanent position with old firm: transportation furn.; start. $185 month. Phone NA. 9682 between 10 and 12. -—-9 MAN, settled, as caretakar on farm, 25 miles from Washington: raise chickens, horses, corn and hay Call EM 5407. —11 MAN to work on soda fountain, 6 to 10; 50c hour and meals. CALIFORNIA PHAR MACY, 2162 California st. n.w. MAN WANTED, experienced in grocery store: D. C. permit required. SHAPIRO MARKET. 4911 Ga. ave. —9 MAN, colored, to work on soda fountain. 6 to 10: 50c hour and meals. CALIFORNIA PHARMACY. 2162 California st. n.w. —10 MAN wanted to work in veterinary hos pital; apply in person. 4616 41st st. n.w. _ —9 miais to wrup paienr medicine advertising: the work may be done In your own home. WORLD'S MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 573, Columbus, Ohio. —10 MAN, colored, or strong boy. for general work In cafeteria: 6-day week; hours. 7:30 a m. to 3:30 p.m. BUREAU OF STAND ARDS CAFETERIA. Conn. ave. and Van Ness sts. n.w. _10 MAN to work In rug store: must have driver's permit. Apply at WOODRIDGE RUG CO . 1715 R. I. ave. n e —9 MAN to look after chickens and work on small farm, good house and pay. Phone Damascus (Md.) 3771. —9 MAN. young, energetic, with high school education as an assistant for shipping and receiving; great opportunity for wide-awake fellow to connect with fast-growing whole sale furniture company. Ask for MR KREMIN. TR. 8900 —14 MAN. young, willing to learn hotel food control work; excellent opportunity and In teresting work. Apply food controller, CAV' VON HOTEL. 18th and K sts. ».w. MAN ADAPTABLE arranging direct photo assignments, llv. 50-mile area Wash.: top commissions and crew managing over-write; peim.. excellent future. SHELART 23 Flatbush ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. 11* MANAGER, super market, exp., wonderful opportunity for capable man who can pro duce results. Call MR. BARR. DE. 1000 for interview. —10 MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN, experienced, to work In new plant: permanent position with excellent opportunity for advance ment: . salary open. Call Mr. Canaris. Rockville 888, for interview. THE LOF STRAND CO.. Silver Spring. Md. —10 MEN to learn mech. dentistry, perm, posi tion. excel, future, 6-day week. 1027 18th st. n.w. —10 MEN for driver promotion work: must have high school education or equivalent; 5-day week, vac., permanent position. Apply 1121 6th st. n.w. —11 MEN WANTED, aged 40-60. to handle fare boxes; no figuring or experience necessary, no money to handle; must have a legible handwriting and be active physically as work requires climbing in and out of street ears and buses; an absolutely clear record of past employment essential: 51 hour, fi-day week, from 8 p.m. to 3 am.; about 9185 per month to start. Apply in person Monday through Friday between 9 a m. and 12 noon CAPITAL TRANSIT CO. employment office, 3132 M st. n.w . Georgetown. Take Route No. 1(1. Rosslyn; No. 20. Cabin John; No. 30, Friendship Heights, streetcars. —-13 4 _HUP MIN._! M*N. abojt 30, college graduate who ! wishes to learn a specialized business; , here Is your opportunity; old-established firm will teach you all phases of surgical retail business and pay you well while you learn. Please give full data regarding your- i self, name college attended, hobbles and previous business experience. If any. Apply , Box 269-D. Star. . MEN (3i to travel U. 8. for newspaper i must have car and best references and ! neat appearance. Ex-GI preferred Applv < Sat -Tues. Rm 515 Evans Bldg. 1420 ' N. Y. ave. n.w.. 6-8 p m —10 1 MEN WANTED for steady work at good ' pay as streetcar and bus operators, aver I weekly earnings. $60; no experience neces- ( sary. all training paid for: opportunity for I promotion, plus pension system, paid vaca- ! tlon, free transportation. Apply in person ' weekday mornings. Monday through Fri- I day. CAPITAL TRANSIT CO., employment l office. 3132 M st. n.w. Take Route 10. : Rosslyn; Route 20. Cabin John: Route 30. i Friendship Heights, streetcar to door. —13 MESSENGER, white boy age 15 or 16. to i work for newspaper; 40-hour week, ad : vancemqnts, insurance, vacations, sick 1 ; leave and other employment advantages, i Apply personnel office. Room 504. Star ' Building. THE EVENING 8TAR, 1 101 ! Pa ave. n.w. 9 ,, NIGHTMAN—Settled, sober colored man i for apartment house; experienced on : switchboard, elevator and firing: references required. Apply manager. 2200 19th st n.w —9 NIGHT MECHANICS for minor electrical and oil burner repairs: permanent post-1 apwrtment development Call MR. WEHRLI. CH. 5000. Apply 3900 N 4th st.. Arlington. Va. —9 OFFICE ASSISTANT for small office, io handle general office proceedure and able to type: good opportunity for young man. not over 33: will train veteran Phone WI ol84 Sun. only, or reply Box 83-D. Star. OFFSET OPERATOR; must hsve experi ence. Davidson duplicator: salary no object ; for right man: must be able to do color work with minimum waste. Call NA 6747 for appointment. OIL BURNER service and installation me-' chamcs; electrician, tank filters and serv iceman with car. Apply SINCLAIR REFIN- ‘ ING CO., 6927 Blair rd. n w. 10* OIL-BURNER MECHANICS, experienced:! car essential: good salary and car allow ance; group insurance, hospitalization, ex cellent working conditions, vacation with.: Day PETROLEUM HEAT At POWER CO.. 1719 Connecticut avenue n w —10 PACKERS, experienced in Household goods desirable: good wages, steady work SE CURITY STORAGE CO . 1140 15th at. n.w PACKERS. CHECKERS, stockkeepers 5 day. 40-hour week. Apply employment of- : flee. 9th floor. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. 9:30 to 6 daily —14 PAINTERS WANTED, new and old work in Arlington. Call CH 1763 —10 PAINTERS—Must be union. See MR KEEBLER. 719 7th at. n w. —9 PAINTERS—Steady inside work Apply manager, THE CHASTLETON, 1701 16th st. n.w. —10 PAPER HANGERS AND PAINTERS. 1st class. Call Dupont 4053. —9 PATENT ATTORNEY, experienced, with mechanical background preferred. Good starting salary. Capable of writing opin ions. briefs, assisting in court work. State' qualifications fully. Box 348-C, Star. 11* PHARMACIST, registered, ideal working conditions, good pay: not a chain store, j all replies confidential. Write fully, giv- 1 ing exper.. salary desired, etc. Box 465-D. Star. —3 PLASTERERS needed at once, good nay. ! steady work Apply at 40th and Blaine sts. n.e.. or call AT. 839S after 5 D m. —9 PLASTERERS, 2 or more men; top wages; by builder. TR. 2729. —10 PLUMBER, first-class. lor jobbing and re modeling; top wages: D C. driver's permit Apply any time. K. Az W. PLUMBING CO 1132 Pth st. n w —]1 PLUMBER, resident of Alexandria pre ferred. Sun, CH. 2774: Mon. TE 9.309 —9 j PLUMBER WANTED, must know city code and have driver’s permit: positively no drinking. Call lor appointment. TA 6124 —10 'PLUMBER, experienced: new work; in Maryland: must have car: steady work Apply J. R CROCKETT. 749 Thayer ave . Silver Spring. Md.; after 5 p m., SL 7786 -10 rLi.nni.Ks—Must Be nrst class for job bing and remodeling: D C. driver's per mit and reference required J. C. FLOOD CO . 2012 14th st. n.w. DE. 2700. —12 ! PLUMBERS-MECHANICS wanted with ex perience on installation of gas-flred equip ment such as heating boilers, water heat-; ers, etc.: want man capable of checking, adjusting and repairing control. State1 age. experience and reference. Box 345-B. Star —12 i PLUMBING SHOP MAN. with driver's per mit; must know plumbing and heating materials in general and be capable of! taking care of stock and equipment: steady1 job and good salary: reference required J. C. FLOOD. 2012 14th st. n.w. DE 1 2700 —12 | PORTER. 35 years or older. Apply per sonnel office. L. FRANK CO,, 1200 F st n.w PORTER, colored, must come well recom mended; good salary and permanent posi tion to right party r HARRIS & CO . 1101 F st. n w. See Mr. Geraci, 4th 11 office. —10 j PORTER, colored, for retail store; must be honest and dependable State age and sal ary expected. Box 475-D. Star. —11 ' PORTER-DISHWASHER, colored, full-time' job: must be reliable; meals Apply 3319' Connecticut ave. n.w. OR. 2009. PRESSER. exp. full time Apply Mr Schenberg, FASHION SHOPS, INC.. 1300 F st. n.w. -—42 PRESSER for retail dry cleaning plant, pleasant working conditions: piece work 4or~ weekly salary:-steady lob. good pay to-steadr: exp. msm CENTRAL eLBANETtg. ' or^'colored : must be first-class, all-around men: steady year -round work: S35-S45 week. 3525 12th st. n.e. MI. 8928. —10 i PRODUCE MAN. experienced, to work in 'self-service market Apply at BUCKING HAM MARKET, 3918 Wilson blvd , Arl . Va. —11 RADIO and electric appliance repairman SEARS ROEBUCK & CO . 4500 Wisconsin I jjyp RADIO MECHANIC—Full or part time, excellent position, good pay COLUMBIA RADIO AND APPLIANCE. AD. 3025 11* RADIO SERVICEMAN, outside or bench technician, experienced: excellent starting salary: permanent position. Apply THE HECHT CO.. Service Bldg., 1401 Oakie st. n e. —11 RADIO TELEPHONE OPERATOR, 1 st-class. for staff of PM. broadcasting station: im mediate: full-time work. Call MR. ELD RIDGE at DI. 1319. —10 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN—Excellent op portunity for an aggressive man to earn a good income. Must have car. MR. THOMAS. WI 7339 —12 BEAL ESTATE SALESMAN—Oppor. for ambitious man to earn a good income: car is necessary. For appointment, call NA 6421 Monday or Tuesday. 10 a.m. to 12 noon. —9 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN—Big earnings, men: nice office. POTOMAC REALTY CO.. 1105 G st. n.w.. Suite 601-602. RE. 2735 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN, experienced.1 with car: full co-operation: established, suburban office Box 247-D. Star. —10 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN: must have car; very good opportunity for young, aggressive men Call Axminster 4620.—14 REFRIGERATOR and range serviceman, must have car: 40-hour week: permanent position: excellent opportunity for advance ment Apply the HECHT CO. Service Bldg . 1401 Oakie st. n.e. —11 REFRIGERATION SERVICEMAN—Full or part time. Good pay for good man COLUMBIA AD 3025. 11* REPAIR MAN for kipper work: on-the-job training or exper : perm, position: 5-day week. BECKEK S LEATHER GOODS CO. 1314 F St. n.w. —10 SALESMAN—Stop worrying Come on over and start to work tomorrow. We have a specialty that sells direct to the consumer, on easy monthly payments, and we mean sells' Year before last was the biggest in our ITS years’ history. Last year was hig her still This year our men are breaking every sales record we ever had. An honest, serious-minded salesman can earn from $75 to $150 a week with us every week in the year. No slack season with us. Train ing and contacts furnished. Basis draw against earned commission MR. GOOD SON. 532 Evening Star Bldg —10 SALESMAN FOR. FURNITURE DEPT.. 30 to 50 years of age. experienced: good sal ary ana opportunity for future Apply Mr Roberts. SMITH’S TRANSFER A STORAGE CO., 1313 You st. n.w —10 ! SALESMAN to work wholesale and retail grocery trade in Wash and vicinity; sal ary and expenses, car required; permanent; DOsition. Box 15-D. Star. —10 SALESMAN, Eureka vacuum cleaners: good proposition for productive man: refs re quired. PROCTOR & HUTCHINSON. 3714 J14th st. n.w. —14 SALESMAN wanted for food products I route, excellent future, guaranteed salary | plus commission. Apply in person between 8-45 and 111 o’clock. Tuesday and Wed nesday. Sept 10 and 11. THE CAPITOL PRITO CO., 4bH0 Bethesda ave.. Bethesda. Md. —10 , SALESMAN, experienced in men’s clothing and furnishings: excellent salary. METRO POLITAN HABERDASHERS, 525 11th st. n.w. —11 SALESMEN (2). Govt, territory, well-estab lished otnee equipment items now listed \ on general schedule of supplies: commis- , Sion only 20rr RITE-LINE CORPORA- j TION, Room 208. 1129 Vermont ave. n.w. , Mr. King —9 SALESMEN, make $11 on $17.50 sale, selling 1-man tow bars to garages, car ■ dealers and service stations: big demand. Have 35o on hand, big discount on Job , lots. Call MR. HILL. HI. 0930. —11 , SALESMEN, experienced, for the fastest , selling line of neon window and counter , signs ever offered merchants. A service < with each display. This Is an opportunity _ that comes to a salesman only once in a long time. Give references and experience in reply. HATCHER ADVERTISING. 1800 1 Wilmington, Richmond 22, Va. —9 i SALESMEN, pleasant, dingnifled selling in n the home, no canvassing: salary and comm < basis: pays $100 weekly for I sale daily, r working from 3 to 8 D.m. Apply MR JA- 1 COBS. 2815 14th st. n.w. —11 C SALESMEN—Reputable, established storm o window company wants men exDer. and t Inexper. to share in excellent earnings, d bonus plan paid vacations. WEATHER- s GUARD CO., 1412 Irving st. n.w. HO. I 4984. —16 ( SALESMEN, married, over 25; selling only: a no extra duties: no canvassing, no servic- e lng. no deliveries, no collecting: with us 5 you spend all your time selling. This s company recognizes the professional status of a good salesman. With us you don't ( have to spend any time keeping the cus- b tomer happy. Our product Is tops in its v field. Stands on its own feet after you b sell it. Men hired now will get In on big V expansion program. Majority of sales 3 made on customer leads and recommenda- ( tions. We will show you earnings in field 2 $100 or better weekly. Apply ENCYCLO- c PAEDIA BRITANNICA, 526 Evening Star a Bldg. —10 I SALESMEN for store fixtures and commit- a ctal refrigeration. SCHURR ELECTRIC b CO. INC., 2218 Nichols ave. s.e. LU. s 6423. —9 e SALESMEN, traveling, excellent sideline, o sclssots, pocket knives, cash and bond f, boxes. UNITED CUTLERY AND HARD- a WARE PRODUCTS, 1129 Vermont axe. s n.w.. RE. 6015. —9 pi SALESMEN—Furnishings department, mod- w ern men’s wear store; excellent salary: M permanent. MUTUAL STORES, 9th and S’ B sts. n.w. —-10 si SALESMEN—Full-time positions in various IE lepts.; salary plus commission; 40-hour IT week; pleasant, working conditions. Apply! ei it once. SEARS ROEBUCK & CO, Missj Harshman. 4500 Wisconsin ave. n.w. 4 _HELP MEN. _ lAlEfHWEJ*. akperlenced. to sell vacrrenr leaner*. full or part time; food comntte* ions. Apply GARY APPLIANCE CO. MTS R. I. ave. n e. —10 SALESMEN — PATTERSON - CAULFIELD XSRP now adding salesmen. No experience tecessary. will tram. Excellent opportunity or clean-cut hard worker* who will follow 'ur instruction* For appointment, tele ihone HO 4120 —10 1ANDWICH MAN and fountain manager, laytime only; no 8undays; experienced, ober TOWER PHARMACY. 14th and ' C sts n.w —10 IANDWIC H PRODUCTION supervisor; must , >e experienced In large-scale operation • nd know methods and costs. Box 2P-D. Itar. 9 iECTlON MANAGERS—Permanent posl* Ions, D-day week. Apply employment of ce. 4th floor. LANSBURGH A BRO . 7th. ith and E sts. n.w 14 SERVICE STATION SALESMEN (4>: good ipportumty for advancement; salary plug Apply Mr Brown. 8UN OIL CO , 940 Conn ave. n.w 12 ' IHIPPING CLERKS, veterans. 5-day week, if.r,m*nent employment, good working con rA5nJ manager, GARRISON ianriistl^TX. CP ' 17,s B st n w.—1 (1 IHOEMAKER and first-class finisher Ap !hof "iSafs«M?v rd CP ;,4W' —10 AN* fxp to work m ^fthesda <Md.> area CH »8*!0 14 »HOF. SALESMAN, experienced: good com nLsslon rate with weelcly drawing accounts ioo?,SWKANN&fcS1°yment °®!!.134t‘» ?*!°E SALESMEN, experienced, excellent .alary ®cid commissions also part time Apply THE PENN BOOTERY, 652 Pa a'el ®,*4J TRACER for credit retail Jewelry 7threst 5a wry open' 8e* MR DUBIN. 727 n?r?.'^r?rfSIs.*'5S,'R *nd sandwieh man! ex perienced. 5 days. Mon -Fn . 10 a m. to A Pvm. Apply LELAND PHARMACY. 7007 <lhevy chase. Md —P (TOCK CLERKS, veterans. 5-day week, Permanent employment, good working con rnvn/' vA?£iy-vJh^«m*nl,er' GARRISON [took NrxVr^w Y CS ' ‘i15 E *'■ n w■—IB TOCK CLERK, short hours, good pay. Apply FROZEN FOOD MART. 7117 Wisi :onsin ave _in *T®CK HELPER—Jewel Tea Co. will cm aloy a stock helper. 40-hr. wk . 75c hr., )erm position; only those interested In a lermanent position need apply Call TR 14(M for appointment p rAII-ORS for men s alteration department. APPly employment office. 4th floor. 8. cAnn SONS CO. is TAILOR WANTED to help out one or twtt lays a week or evenings. 2112 Pa ave. J.w. 9 FFFPi,ERS’ woo<1 shop, print shop; salary. f.MoO a year Write stating age. educa lon. qualifications and teaching experlenca t any Box 281-E. Star 9 TEACHER OF ACCOUNTING available for tvening classes at 7 or 8 on Tuesday and Thursday. Applicants should have master s leareo with accounting melor or bachelor g degree and C P. A. license Teaching and yusmess experience preferred. Please mail data sheet telling training and experience. Well qualified applicant will be invited to rail for a personal Interview 8TRATER .‘E.gSgCTSFS s*«sus sA,%t's“S5»? ANTON TOOL & MFC. CO. Cllnton Md: MrZacharek Spruce 1098. —in TOP-NOTCH SALESMEN—Can you atand making over Sl.ono per month? Are you willing to put In the effort to do this? Our good salesmen make this kind of money1 ?yery m°nth. of the year. Our business la increasing steadily. If you have a car, ambition and an honorable, successful selling record, phone MR SPARKS or Mr. Robeson for a personal Interview. LI. 3578. to r ■ r~ n n ^ n —11 i aitukiveks. nonunion, to operate trucks Apply HOWAT CON CRETE CO . INC., 2 8 st. s.w. AT. 5700. v, DRIVERS-Prefer drivers vrlth exp. to handle tractors and trailers: must Yave Va, ppJmit. Good salary to start. 40-hr wk Vacation with pay after In. service, also entitled to retirement and ln iwfn'v #,ply ,h* AMERICAN OIL CO . I*00 N. Arlington Ridge rd„ Arlington. 7uEEMfR,TE,f MECHANIC, must be~Orst ^Mt^TaPP^NC1! cWlW rirPTfiT8”0,# Md' Annapolis 0844. —12 iirlsr, with some office exper. Apply in person. HIGHWAY EXPRESS LINES, 3rd and R sts. n.e TYPIST-CLERK. 25. high school gradi - ate. good appearance and able to meet public; excellent opportunity for high grade young man Interested in a futur# TFpafe W?.m- RATIONAL CASH REGIS .yCR-CQ.. 121 i K st. nw _i« VETERANS, white, over 25—There is big money in selling real estate Come to our veterans school to earp and learn a fas cinating livelihood, shbuld have a car and telephone See Mr. Cox between 7 REd lBP;f ’ COX * °°- 815 N- ^pito1 WASHING MACHINE REPAIRMEN?1 lx perienced only, to work inside and out *lde; food pa>v Apply GARY APPLIANCE j:ii5 R I. ave. n.e. 10 WAStfMAN -FIREMAN. experienced Apply in person. INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY. 1A07 Lee hwy.. Arlington o WATCHMAKER, experienced. for fln# store: 5 v;-diy week: good salary B GREENBERG JEWELRY CO . 1744 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. _a —Apply employment of uc-1n door WOODWARD & LOTHROP, 9:30 to 6 daily. 14 WATCHMAN for print shop in n e : Sun day night only. 8 p m. to 4 am.: ideal for student Can study or read on job. Telephone DI. 2900. Ext. 293. —9 WATCHMAN, night work. 40-hr. wk.. va cation with pay after I yr. service: perm, poa.; age limit 43 yrs Apply AMERICAN onyo. .800 N. Arlington Rld.e^ DISPLAY '"WAN — WsThTva 1 knowledge of cardwriwn* and interior’dn iplay; good salary, excellent working condi rF^rhTOApJ’,1J M? Waldschmidt. SPORT CENTER, flth and D sts. n.w. YOUNG MAN, white, as assistant stock clerk, with D. C permit: prefer local resi dent: good opportunity in wholesale elec traln veteran. Apply j NATHAN GOODMAN CO., INC. 808 12th st. n.w. Mr. Wright. —10 ; YOUNG MAN. to train for bank teller; good : starting salary: attractive hours; tele ■?pPointmen: CITIZENS BANK OF RIVERDALE, Riverdale. Md., HY. 0100. YOUNG MAN. mechanically inclined1 for : ff '.'£ral. work around shop. Apply 2431 loth st. n.w. _ 1 a YOUNG MAN. 25 to 35. banking, real 1 estate or mortgage loan experience: splen did opportunity. ideal working conditions; good salary to start; state briefly qualiflca ttons. experience, present position and salary expected. Strictly confidential and 5° l5flo,#s=made unt11 »*ter interview. : Box 398-D, Star. _in young MAN. white, over 18 years: S30 to $35 weekly; permanent, selling men’s clothing: some general all-around duties. Apply 737 7th st. n.w. YOUNG MAN for typing, filing and general office work in retail jewelry store: good working conditions. State age and salary expected Box 472-D. Star _11 YOUNG MAN for record work and to assist 1 in selling in high-type retail jewelry store: pleasant working conditions. State age and salary expected. Box 473-D. Star. _11 YOUNG MEN for bank work. Apply in person. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL SANK. 316 Pa. ave. s.e. _11 YOUNG MEN. 18 and over, able to rida bicycle; day or night work Apply WEST ERN UNION. Rm. 200. 1317 New York I ave. n.w. _jo WANTED—Young man with aviation sup- 1 ply or aviation purchasing exp. for sales i position with local aircraft concern. Phono ! ALex. 0907. _10 ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER, aged 25 to 30, ex-serviceman, accounting back ground preferred; interesting business; permanent position offering excellent pos sibilities for advancement; good gtartlni salary. Telephone MR. DONNELLY. ME. 1449 for appointment. DRUGS—Eastern pharmaceutical house haa an opening for a detail man who seek* permanency and security: to call on physi cians in Washington; earnings are gov erned by wholesale purchases; must b« financially responsible and have car; state qualifications fully. Box 354-C. Star. —10 EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIES in Maryland and West Virginia for exclusive Westing house Sterilamp product sales: commission only, but keen customer Interest, expanding market and repeat business. Sales ability, financial responsibility and car required We provide oppor for economic independ ence. Send full inform. Box 360-C. Star. 10* IF YOU ARE BETWEEN 25 and 40. can sell and have an automobile, you can make $5,000 per yr. while building a secure future. For interview call RE. 3533 be tween 9-12 or write Box 344-B. Star —12 SAFEWAY OFFERS YOU the opportunity to learn the progressive chain store busi ness: interesting work: periodic increases: Vacation .with pay. sick benefits, group insurance. Apply SAFEWAY STORES, em ployment office. 4th and T sts. n e —12 j DUE TO WITHDRAWAL by members of teaching staffs, vacancy exists in depart ment of foreign languages. Apply to MaJ. C. S Roller. Jr, AUGUSTA MILITARY ACADEMY. Fort Defiance. Va. —9 OUTDOOR CLERICAL WORK, experience not necessary, training paid for. 18 to 45 years of age: learn to check traffic: work full time, 8 days per week. About $175 per mo. for 48-hour week Apply in per son Monday through Friday between 9 a m. and 12 noon. CAPITAL TRANSIT CO. em ployment office. 3133 M st. n.w.. George town. Take Route No. 10. Rossiyn: No. 20. Cabin John, or No. 30, Friendship Heights street cars. —13 NATIONAL PUBLISHER requires man. aga % 25-40. with car, to supervise activities of wholesale distributors in Va. and W. Va ; experience helpful, but not necessary: sal ary. car allowance and traveling expense paid: no selling Give brief resume of edu cation and business experience. Phone, SH 51SQ for appointment._ HELP~MEN ond WOMEN. BEAUTY OPERATOR—First class, expr in all branches of profession; male or fe ncle. GABRIEL. 1019 Conn. ave. n.w. —14 . CASHIER, grocery, familiar with super market operation: honest, reliable. Cal! MR. BARR. DE. 1000 for interview —10 , CLERK, for dry cleaning adjustment office if Ige. plant. In reply state age. educa- , :ion and previous line of work: experience Jesired but not essential: steady position, itartlng salary. $37.50 per week. Box 105 0. Star. _12 t CLERK-TWPIST. aged 18-30. for lnsur »nce company; permanent position with ■xcellent opportunity to learn business; 5-day week: good salary: ideal for night school student. MR. RICKETTS. DI. 1800. COUPLE, experienced, wife to cook, hus- ■ land butler, chauffeur and assist at house work In pvt. family: $200 mo . room and >oard. to work at Chevy Chase. Md. Write Immediately. MRS. CLARKE. Box 154. Leesburg. Va —15 COUPLE, white, prefer over 40. to live in: 1101 Conn ave.: cook-housework, butler rhaufleur. 1 adult In family; good home ind salary. Box 339-D, Star —10 PHARMACIST, part-time. 3 eves, a waek. mod neighborhood: small prescription lusiness Write Box 188-E. Star. 9* IALESPERSON for service organisation, ixcellent opportunity for go-getter; run ir part time: you arrange hours: ideal or student, housewife, etc. Good com nission. Write Box 442-D. Star, —11 IECRETARY and general office work, iermanent position: local Industry: 5-day teek. RE. 3000, WILKINS ROGERS BILLING CO —8 TENOGRAPHER. interested In avlatioiv alary plus flying time. Inquire. Box 157 1. Star —12 •ECHNICIAN. pediatrician's office. 4 aft. moons » week Orda’ay 2500. —10 (Continued on Next Par*.)