Two More Damage Suits ' Filed in Bridge Bus Crash Two more suits arising out of the Memorial Bridge bus crash August 2 were filed yesterday in District Court. Defendants named were the Washington. Virginia & Maryland Coach Co., Stephen L. Grover, 18. driver of the car that was in col lision with the bus; and his mother. Mrs. Louise Grover, both of 2900 Connecticut avenue N.W. The suits totaled $95,000 and brings to $330,000 the damages asked by bus passengers since the accident occurred. Ralph Clarence Geoffroy, 53, of 2526 Seventeenth street N.W., a Gov ernment employe, asked for $20,000 damages; and Richard C. Acton, 41, of 1420 N. Kenilworth. Arlington. Va.. also a Federal worker, asks $75,000 damages. Both claimed they suf fered serious and permanent in juries in the crash. Grover faces trial shortly on a negligent *homicide charge result ing from the death of William Friess, 65, of 1106 North Edgewood street, Arlington, in the crash. The; youth has pleaded not guilty to the, charge. Marriage License Applications Under D. C. laws, couples must apply for a marriage license on one day. wait three full days and receive the license on the fifth day. Sundays and holidays are counted the same as other days. George Fields. Jr. 21. 1012 New Jersey ave n.w and Lorriane O. Scott, 19. 1 131 6th st n e Willie J Gunn. 19. 2915 Sherman ave n w and Dorothy B. Griffin. 20. 402 R at n w Ernest T Lorn. 22. 921 Golden ave. aw. and Clyde L. Arrendell, 20. 936 Golden st s w. James B Kelly. 19. 604 L st n e., and Louise Oties. 18. 603 3rd at n.e Daniel M Carpenter, 27. 6621 Eastern ave. Takoma Park Md . and Irene M Stone. 27. 1404 Park rd nw Elmer C Lumley. 26. 1120 13th at. nw. and Dorothy L. Davis. 24, 1701 16th st n.w Carroll H Latham. 21. Haymarket, Va and Ottolene R Fogg. 24. 1363 Chil dress st. n e Nicholas P Adams. Jr. 31. Quonset Point., R. I . and Lois C. McFarland, 30. 1821 41 St st s e Elim R Hopkins, 38. Bethe&da. and Carol C Brown. 33. 1336 Saratoga ave. n e Carol S Ahalt. 26. Falls Church. Va Hazel E Turner. 21. Arlington Frederick A Dempsey. 33. Newark. N J . and Catherine M. Bier. 27. 2060 Pierce Mill rd n.w Victor L Trapani 29. 2835 30th st ne. and Betty L Chisholm. 21. 2'4L Cen tral ave n e Raymond E Jones 28. 1106 6th at. nw, and Ethel Oliphant. 28. 616 62nd pi n w Abraham Muller, 30. and Edith Wedeles. 24. both of 809 Otis pi n.w. Edward E Nelson. 22. Alabama City. Ala . Theresa M Sealise. 25. 1203 Clif ton st n.w. Gilbert C Willis. 26. Detroit, and Doro thy c Mitchell. 22, 2431 Girard pi n e Marion D Pitts. 27. 1437 Rhode Island st. nw. and C. Wilma Hoffmaster 31. Washington Conrad L Atkinson. 19. 4429 Harrison at n.w . and June C. Rudolph. 18. 4912 44th st. n w Joseph E Donahue. 22. 1347 Ires pi. a# , and Jane M Alvey. 19. 1526 Massachu setts ave r • Arthur E Farquhuar. Jr., 27. Manassas Va and Rose E Lefever. 26. 1701 16th st n w. James D McCauley. 46 Los Angeles, and Eleanor J. Sowers 32, 2001 Branch ave. s e Paul M Herron 25. Kkton. Md, and Kafhleen 8 Goodwin. 21. 124 E. Thorn aDple st Chevy Chase. Md Den.el f Stotler. 19 3438 Baker at. nt and Janet A. Shupp 17. 3301 Ames st n.e Pa'il S Sober 44 and Shirlev Eagle. 36 bo’n of 213: Pennsylvania are. nw Robert M Aliisor: 32. 1326 Massachusetts a' e nv and Mary E McAfoose 30 3 419 22nd s’ n w George F Talbott 21 2630 Myrtle are ne and Catherine P Spittle. 18. 2319 Sk'-.and p! s e James B Patten 23 Grove City. Pa and Ruth F Dixor, 18 New Castle. Pa Wilson Hill 40. 908 llth st s e and Rose E Padgett 32, 605 e tt se Neville 8 Jam*s. 27. 519 J6rfa *t. a.e , and Mildred A Ream'- 18 2721 6th at ne Norman F Leslie, 21 1345 14tb ft. nw. and Shirley M Owens. 18. 1244 6th at. s w Lysander M Morris. 64, 1661 O&Ih at. n.e.. and Zedia M Sentllas, 64. 3044 M st. s * Jack B Mangom 22. 1340 Queen st. bls., -and Olive M Ives 23, Auckland, New Zealand. Nelson H Clayton. 22. 122 South Glebe rd Arlington, and Francis R. Heplen. 21. 700 Atlantic st s e William N Herbert. 28. 3977 Blaine ft. n.e . and Lida L Bates. 82. 909 F at. n.e. Alfred M Gill. 39. 2146 I at. n.w . and Edna R Gibson. 34. 1301 16th at. n.w. Waldo Profit jr . 21. 212 8th at. n.e., and Marjorie Baltzegar, 19, 208 1st at. s.e. James J G Daigneauth. 24. 1618 L it n w , and Ethel M Bailey. 20. 804 F at. n.w. Alfred Amorosi. 33. 1426 21at nw. and Fleanor J. Elson, 23. 2138 California at n w John W Horstmann. 36. 3412 10th PL s e and Alice E Cain. 31. 2131 Massa chusetts ave n w Theobald J Magnmi. 25. 1023 10th ft nv and Vera M Gnerro. 18, 1254 1 oth st n w Charlie Barrett. 31. 1706 U at. n w . and Doris Maloney. 21 936 M st n w. John J Jones. 40. 1 126 7th st nw. and Mary L. Johnson, IP 2036 17th at n w John M Garner. 26. 865 21s* at ne. and Bessie P Tidwell, 23. 849 21st at. n.e Cleveland Hilliard. 21. 1748 Kolorajna id. n w and Mary E. Ricks, 22. J838 California st. n.w Fleas Crump 22. 1440 B it. g«., and Sylvie Walter. 20, 302 L at. a.e. Garmon N Henson. 18. 446 Q st. n w.. and Julia M Gibson, 17. 909 Worlds ava n.w. James R Kimbro. 36 and Evelan Warner. . 39, both of 2134 8tht at. n.w John H Carlin. 40, Ho-Ho-Kus, N. J.. and _ Clare C Boyes. 32. 2860 28th st. n.w. Rom.olo Rastelli. 26. 1746 Lyman pi. n.e., and Anna J. Staeulii, 21, 1201 Orren a* n e Joseph T D'Amico, 32. Canastata, N. T . and Ora J Williams. 27, 2148 O at n w Howard N Kudarauskas. 26. Worcester. MECHANISMS ENGINEEH Toiler* grad., extensive barkrroand physics and mathematics, ratable han dling research and development prob lems In dynamics, applicable to serve mechanism and control systems, tome experience desirable. AERODYNAMICS ENGINEER College grad., good theoretics! back - rreond In aerodynamics, capable of handling research and development In aircraft control problems, experience desirable. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Preferably with recent doctor’s degree in physics, electronics, or mathe matics, good theoretical background in these fields capable ef directing n de velopment gronp doing development work in electronics, servo-mechanisms control systems experience essential. SENIOR ELECTRONICS ENGINEER Adranred anireraltr darraa. rend theoretical barkrroand la ckrctreaie,. abrales end aaetheaimtlr,. haadle de Telepmrnt problem, la eleetraale* con trol ar,terns aerra-meehanisma. Et parianre essential, preferablr in the field, of raided miaaile,. Farming dale Long Island Area PILOTLESS PLANE DIVISION, FAIRCHILD E & A, 184-10 JAMAICA AVE., JAMAICA, LONG ISLAND, MR. SUTTON H" - i Mas* and Penita L. Urbina, (2. 4124! Jenifer at n.w Cecil H Rowley, 30. 1713 #lst ave. Cheverly Md . and Anna Stone, 23. 805 N Wayne at.. Arlington Ne.l D Borum 64. Washington. and Ul llin 8 Phillips 37 New Yoik City Jamea G Simpson. 27. 2577 Rhode Island sv* n e and Florence L Daddrsman. 18. 003 Longfellow at n.w Morris A Ernst 2W York Village. Me . and Ruth B Starks. 24. Gtand Junction. Colo Antonio Bonnego 27. and Delores Beuitei. 27. both of 4333 Nebraska ave u w. Herbert F. Brooks. 73. 115 Tavlor st n w and Katherine M Eknanuele. 23, 216 Underwood at. n w ' Morna Lewis, ar., 71. 1411 Girard st nr. and Edna M Robinson 59. 1707 Lamont at. n w James Scott. 32. 848 Kenyon at n.w . and Mary Owens. 32. 2119 Newport pljn v Lueturner Samuel. 24. and Jannle Poster. 21. 1718 Union st. s w TTiomas F Spencer. 3(i. Detroit. Mirh and Laura V. Lee. 31. 1212 Girard st n w. Prank Sfhkes, 30. 88 Myrtle st nr . and Kittle * Leake. 25. 1341 L »t ir William E Gross. 71. 133P Q at n w . and MHlirent D McDonnell. 19, 39 Q st. n.w George L Walter. 27 1741 78th st se. and Lyna V. Stephenson. 25. 2023 4t.h William MrCarney. 74. and Gloria O Con nell. 21. both of Philadelphia Enslry O MacArthur 28. 503 Quincy at n w . and Iola M. Watson. 22, 4018 Illi nois ave n.w Thomas F McGrath. 21. Waterbury. Conn . and Colleen F Fleicher, 21. 4806 Kan sas ave n w Robert D Quanta. 21. 6108 Q st a.e.. and Leola P. Shope. lfl. Daytona Beach. Fla Richard B Thomas 31. 009 1 Va st. a w , and Mae Trice. 28. 1014 R at. n w. Issued ut Rockville. George R Kelley, 21, Chevy Chase, and Evelyn M Kennedy. 20. Bethesda. James H Martin. 21. Washington and Anna Mae Rollins. 18. Arlington Gerald L. Barger. 30. Ames. Iowa, and Margery L Hitael. 24. Chevy Chase Ira P Campbell. 26. Lancaster. Pa , and Betty Jane Peer, 18. Arlington William Jennings. 24. Arlington, and Doris Layman. 19. Falls Church Spencer R Howard. 74. Gaithersburg, and Margaret I. Pbust. 19. Washington Wendell J Sorll. 38. and Mary Ann Chris topher, 24. both of Unlontown Pa John B Wiley. 32. 811ver Sprint, and Clottie M Jones, 28. Washington Hallie Lee. 23. and Anna L. Williams. 20, both of Washington. Sherwood D Duvall. 27, Gaithersburg. Dr. Samuel J. Dantzic Opiomatriit Seiantifie Eye Examination Cow fact Lon tog Proicribcd Serving dlaerlmlaating Washingtonians fur avur a Quarter of a century. Complete Laboratory Facilities For Designing and Making Glasses. For Appointmtnt Call EX. 5546 625 15th St. N.W. (t Doort From Keith s Theater) I CHECK UP ON I YOUR HOME!! Low Easy Terms ■OME OWNERS—Aik About our F. H. A. Plan REMODELING PROM BASEMENT TO ATTIC • Heating • Weather Stripping • Painting & Papering • Enclosed Porches • Roofing • Guttering • Plumbing • Tiling • Recreation Rooms FREE ESTIMATES and Haiel M Butcher. 20. Monrovia. Md Laurence N Poindexter. 3fi. Alexandria. and Oertruda Bunn, 34. Washington Edward H Harlow. 26, Alexandria, and Loltle F Thomas. IB. Washington. Milton Joneg. 20. and Emma Powell, 2B. both of Washington George J Hart. 20. and Mary Ann Stin son. 22. both of Silver Spring Richard A Knoepfler. 34. Balilmore. and Gloria L. Lewis. It. Washington Harold Lewallen 23, Ridgecrest N. C.. and Iris Martin. 30, Jacksonville. Fla Jtolnii F Fill. 24. Newton. N H . and EllJabeth M Worrell*. IB. Dahlgren. Va Wllveri J Tucker. 24. and Ennla Gregory. 22. both of Washington Walter T Crawford 3.3. and Cornelia E Allderson, 31. boih of Washington Waldemert Bejnar, 2«. Detroit, and Kath arine C Marble. 23. Chew cha»e Edwin G Devany. 35. and Bernice K Bair. 27. boih of Beihesda Lloyd J. Langlois. 30. and Dorothy Sim mon*. 22. both of Waahington Peter Anderson, fll. and Jean OgllTle. 64. both of Takoma Park Howard Van Slyke. Jr . 2». Albany. N. Y . and Doris T 23. Silver Spring Charles H Chisley. jr . 4B. and Marie Turner. 32, bo'h of Alexandria Samuel Patri. 42. Washinaton and Ruth L Smith. 42. Hyattsville James P Hamrick. 71. Takoma Park, and Ruth L. Dawson. 111. Brooklyn. N Y Wallace J Blondin. 73 and Gloria L. Manderson 71. both of Arlington Oeorge Katsarells. 24. GuanUco, and Helen F Cornwell. IS. Nokesvllle Joseph A Rollins. 23. and Lillian R Price. 40 both of Washington. Joseph J. Srhlosser. jr . 22. Silver Spring, and Elisabeth A Varn. IB. Bethesda. Thomas R Hall. 22. Hyattsviile. and Ruble Beam 21 Alexandria Marion W. Milstead, 22, Arlington, and Willodean E Diehl. 23. Washington William Gibson. 2*. Ridgeway. S. C , and Bertha Smith. 23. Lynchburg Elmore M Miller. 37. and Louise Smith. 3K. both of Clinton. Md William B Magnider. 22 Bethesda Md . and Patricia A ImhofT. Ji*. Washint ton. Spencer A Harris*. 57 laurel, and Viola I Sommers. 40. Baltimore Charles Harris. 27, Augusta. Ga . and Dorothy L Da\ is. 21. Kensington, Md John P Essert 25 and Bernadette Ryan. 24. both of Trenton. N. J Walter S Hunter. ‘.'1. and Gloria M Sipes 10. both of Cabin John Charles H Kamm. 21. and Rose M. Mar vaso. 20. both of Capitol Heights Paul V llorine. 20, College Park, and Julia M Murphy. IK. Branchville. William H Junghan*. jr . 2T. and Joyce M Capron. 23. both of Washington. Charles W Palmer. 20. and Lorraine M Frye. 22. both of Riverdale. OOF Repairs j v NA 43701 GICHNERl Charles A Johnson. *23. Silver Spring and Evelyn Smider, 2*2. Fayette City, Pa Lawrence Jackson. 81. and Ruth Jackson# 30. both of Washington Arnold O Phillips. *25. and Lucillt V. De Ha\en, 23. both of Bethesda Charles N Halbrooks. 30. and Mar? A Joyner. 32. both of Washington Nonnan Seaton. 30. Leesburg. Va , and Norma Burgess. 33. Washington George S. Hanna. 34. Siivitw. Del., and Eleanor Mansfield. 23. Takoma Park W'aiter M Thurston. 22. and Lydia G Young 25. both of Washington. Janies W. Vermillion. 33. and Arlean 8 Fox. 27. both of Richmond Joaquin A Pnscual. 2H. and Elizabeth P Hall. 27. both of Chevy Chase Henry B Law. 33. Chicago, and Elnoina N Joerissen. 58. Miami Beach Gearge C. Burdette. 23. Gaithersburg, and Ruth F Trigger. 21. Rockville Accident Inaurance and all forms of insurance Including LIFE REALTORS (ever 30 stars7 experience) j *21 I nib St. N.W_NA. « • •JULIUS LANSBURGH FURNITURE CO. --- If it's nationally known, if it's postwar design we have it! We can boast about our large col lection of radios, radio phono graphs and console models . . . they have all the super fea tures, excellent selectivity, su perb tone, cabinets showing I the touch of master designers. \ 11 Use a “J L” Budget Account! IULIII3 I flnSBURGH J L Co„pa% 909 f STREET. NORTHWEST I ... ■■ i i. ShQP AT OUR BETHESDA STORE. 7111 WISCONSIN AVENUE —i Wendell O Round, 21, end Thelma 1 Walker. 18. both of Arlington George T Johnston. 2d and Syblt Chew ning. 18. noth of Washington. Kenneth 8utch. 22. Youngstown. Ohio, and Gladys Aid*). 20. Washington Kenneth R Taylor. 21. snd Shirley C Ellison. Id. both of Rockville William W Denltngcr. 22. Sliver Spring. and Fried* Swartzb»ck. 18. Washington Alexander Tatum. 44. and Roae Htne, 34 both of Richmond Bruce L McCraney. 30. Washington, ond Msrlan E Fanning. 28. Bethesda. Water N McDaniel. 31. Washington, tnd Clara Owens. 2.Y Brooklyn. N Y. William M Srxion. 24. Plymouth, N. C and Dolores Seese. 18. Salix. Pa James E. Jones 21 New Hampton. Iowa. and Phsliia Robert*. I a Johnstown Pa Spurgeon W Day. in and Martha Terry. 21, both of Arlington Darld L Davis. 70, and Mallnda P. Lee. 11. both of Silver Spring George Johnson. 44. and Annie Nettles. *7. both of Washington Ralph J. Collelt. 21. Takoma Park, and Helen Shannabrook IS. Washington Robert Wllkeraon 74. New York, and Edith C King. 31. Baltimore. UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS tram a«r laan aHica AT BARGAIN PRICES ALL IN NPW. LATEST STELE GOLD AND PLATINUM MOUNTINGS LOUIS ABRAHAMS U»a Oar Caaraalaat Lar-aaar Ptaa 733 13th St. N.W. EsL IMS We two must live within our income Like everyone else, we make plans for the futur*. i Already, we are carrying out. long-established plans to add more vehicle miles and routes in order to bring Capital Transit service up to peacetime standards. These outlays cost money. Yet they will bring in little, if any, more revenue. Since July, 1945, two arbitration awards increased our operating wages by nearly Vfa million dollars per year. In addition, an increase of 6c per hour cost ing 75? thousand dollars per year was recently granted. As in other businesses or any individual family, the amounts we spend must be balanced against the amounts we receive. But with the combination of increased expense for both service and operating wages, and little if any increase in income, how can we balance our budget7 RS Getting mad at those “cigarette irritation” surveys? Puzzled by laboratory tests and medical claims? Wondering if folks don’t smoke for fun any more? • Relax.. . there’s ONE cigarette still made to PLEASE you—and nothing else. Every scientific de % ‘ j - W $ K * velopment known to cigarette making is concentrated on that MBiiiijMW 4 » one goal... to give you the deep enjoyment of a mighty swell ciga rette! ♦ If YOU smoke for the pure joy of it...for the flavor and fragrance of extra-quality tobacco-then smoke OLD GOLDS. They’re not a prescrip tion-,/us£ a pleasure. Try ’em! f l ' f A