PS5SS GICHNER WARM AIR FURNACES Coat and Oil Fired Both Gravity • • nd Forced Air Rhone Type, in Stock REpublic for Immediate 3424 Delivery. -j McCREA EQUIPMENT COMPANY _516 2nd St. N.W. YOUNG LADY TOR SECRETARY & OFFICE MANAGER Old established national organi zation hos opening for competent young lady who can manage office, handle routine accounting details. Good salary und opportunity tor advancement. Our employes know of this advertisement. Full details in first letter for interview. Box 497-E, Star AMBULANCE SERVICE Large and Attractive Sale Household effect* of overv description including in part bedroom, dining room and living room furniture, pic tures. boohs, china, glassware, bric-a brac. luggage, mirrors, fireplace equip ment. lamps, radios, draperies, bed ding, linens, mattresses, pillows, etc. mi public auction at Sloan’s Galleries 715 13th St. SATURDAY September 14th starting at 10 a.m. N«w an View Term* Cash t 6. Sloan a Ca. Ine., Aorta. Fstahlfshed l*Pi Why Mountain Valley Water is Recommended for ARTHRITIS KIDNEY and BLADDER Condition This natural mineral water from Hot Springs, Arkansas, help* to— 1. Stimulate kidney functions. 2. Soothe bladder irritation. 3. Neutralize uric acidity. 4. Discharge wastes. . Phone for a Cage Today MOUNTAIN VALLEY MINERAL WATER MEt 1062904 1 2th NW EDUCATIONAL. || Enroll for Classes Now Forming at | BERLITZ B8th Year—French Spanish. Italian. Ger man nr any other language made easy by the Berlin Method—available only at the BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES R.T» nth St. 70 [ Approved tor GI VETERAN TRAINING | ENROLL NOW! VETERAN APPROVED CLASSES RADIO BROADCASTING DRAMATICS CONTINUITY SPORTS ANNOUNCING , TELEVISION TECHNIQUE Experienced Teachers. Actual Microphone Practice! Southeastern University 1736 G St N.W. NA. 2668 LEARN TO DRAW VETERAN APPROVED COURSES (lasst* now forniinf. Srv- j enteen w^ek* —t wire a j week — morn infs. aftor nooru. r»o ninia. •H sessions, from learning to draw to creating original layouts and art work suitable for reproduction. Southeastern University 1736 G St. N.W. NA. 2668 2 Held for Grand Jury In Seizure of $110,C'J In Counterfeit Honey ly the Associoted Pres* NEW YORK. Sept. 13.—Two mem bers of a four-man group, said by Secret Service officials to possess the “largest haul of bogus money in the past 10 years," were arraigned yes terday before United States Com missioner Garrett Cotter and held in $10,000 bail each for Federal grand jury action. The pair. Joseph” Soroka, alias “Mousey." 33. of New Y’ork. and Joseph Giarruso. 32, of Bergenfield. N. J., were arrested here Wednesday and charged with uttering and passing $110,000 in $20 counterfeit notes of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Secretary of the Treasury Snyder and Acting Secret Service Chief James J. Maloney said in Washing ton that Soroka and Giarruso were arrested after Soroka had delivered a package containing the bogus SI 10.000 to an undercover Secret Service agent at a midtown New York hotel. The agent paid $7,700 for the bogus bills. Mr. Snyder and Mr. Maloney said the other two men were arrested later. They were identified as Joseph Paternoster, proprietor of a Newark av, 2801 Thirty-first street N.W.. who' served1 as Military Attache to the Ameri can Legation of the Union of South Africa from December, 1941, to April, 1945, recently was presented the Legion of Merit by Gen. Jacob L. Devers. commanding general of the Army Ground Forces. Col. Day was awarded the decoration for hi.s services at the South African post "Col Day demonstrated exceptional qualities of judgment, diplomacy and constant devotion to duty, ’ the citation states. EDUCATIONAL. INCREASE YOUR INCOME Dale Carnegie Author of "How to Win Friends and Influence People." through the DALE CARNEGIE course in EFFECTIVE SPEAKING Human Relations — Leadership Training Personality Development, Sale% Psychol ogy — Day and Evening Sessions For Men and Women ENROLL NOW Approved for Veterans Training 10 Things This Training Will Help You Do: 1. Speak Effectively ft. Conquer Fear 3. Develop Confidence 4. Sell Yourself and Ideas 5. Influence People 6. Increase Earning Power 7. Become Leader 8. Improve Your Personality 9. Enlarge Your Vocabulary 10. Improve Your Memory Telephone, Write or Call in Person for Infirmation LEADERSHIP TRAINING INSTITUTE OF D. C. 212 Colorado Bldg.. 14th and G Sts. N.W. Washington 5, D. C. Telephone: District 4165 Please send free Information to me about the Dale Carnegie Course, also free booklet on “Magic of Courtesy ^Business." Name ___ Address _._____ Zone .. Phone_ - ... S-B Army to Display 17,000-Pound Bread Bakery | Demonstrations of one of the Army's newest developments, a giant mobile field bakery capable of producing 17.000 pounds of bread a ; day. will be held at the Army War College at 11 am.. 1:30 pm. and 3:30 p.m. today. Maj. Gen. T. B. Larkin. Quarter master General, was expected to be on hand at the first demonstration to study the new equipment in ac tion. The bakery consists of five trail ers mounted with modern baking equipment, and is operated by a platoon of approximately 47 men. Superceding portable field equip ment used in World War II that took from 6 to 24 hours to set up and an additional 6 hours to dis mantle for evacuation, the new field bakery can be put in operation in from 2 to 4 hours and evacuated in 112 hours. Considerably more efficient than the portable bakery now in use, the new equipment is capable of produc ing 354 pounds of bread per man day. as against 150 pounds with the portable equipment. Greece Denies Knowledge Of Russian Concentration • y the Aisociottd Pr«ss ATHENS, Sept. 13.—Acting For eign Ministers Stephanos Stephano poulos said in an interview yesterday that the Greek government had re-: ceived no information concerning any concentration of Albanian troops and two Russian regiments1 along the Greek frontier, as re ported abroad. An authoritative source said Greece attached no exceptional significance to the report. Referring to the possibility of war in the Balkans, the source said Greece was facing the future with confidence. The New York Times reported from Rome Thursday that Albania had ‘been steadily concentrating large forces, including two Russian infantry regiments, on the Greek border for the past weeks.” The dispatch, w'hich quoted ‘‘very good authority,” said Albanian troops were being aided by Russian military advisers and strengthened with Russian planes and armament. It added that the Albanian govern ment ‘is believed to have ceded Saseno secretly to Russia,” and that Russian field batteries were arriving for service on it. Saseno is an island situated near the mouth of the Adriatic Sea. Parking Lot Worker Fined $100 in Attack on Officer Barney McDaniel. 26. colored. 400 block of Q street N.W.. yesterday was sentenced to pay a $100 fine or serve 90 days in jail. Municipal) Court Judge George D. Neilson found him guilty of assaulting a Navy officer during an argument5 over a 25-cent parking fee on a lot at Thirteenth and E streets N.W., ■ where McDaniel worked. Comdr. John Q. Friedman, 3634 Van Ness street N.W.. a former New York policeman, testified he refused to pay McDaniel 25 cents Sunday j night because he already had paid' the 35-cent parking fee. In the re-1 suiting squabble, Comdr. Friedman said his shirt was torn by McDaniel. Police also charged McDaniel with disorderly conduct, for which he forfeited $5 collateral, after he cursed the Navy officer in their presence. Seventh-Day Adventists To Collect Overseas Fund With a quota of $22,000 Seventh Day Adventist churches in the Washington area will participate in a million-dollar offering tomor row in the Adventist churches of North America for overseas rehabili tation and relief. The offering will mark the third such emergency fund to be raised since the first of the year. It will be devoted to rebuilding and equip ping the church's hospitals, schools and other institutions destroyed in Europe and the Far East during the war. Merchant Recovers $5,000 Lost in Gutter ly the Associated Pros* CHICAGO, Sept. 13—Sol Gertz lost $5,000 In a gutter today but: goi it back trom a ‘‘careful'’ woman, i A clerk at his liquor store who saw Mrs. Clara Ashley pick up •something from the street outside' the store steered Mr. Gertz to her rooming house. "Did you find my $5,000.?" Mr. Gertz asked. "I found $5,000." Mrs. Ashley re plied calmly, "but how do I know it's vours?" "Honest, I lost it. Just got It out of the bank-” >. "Prove it.” Police corroboration and Mr.; Gertz' description of the $100 bills ] convinced Mrs. Ashley, who ac cepted $200 reward and said: "You got to be careful about these! things, you know.” 90 Missionaries Due In Japan This Fall ly th« Aiiociated Pr#si TOKYO, Sept. 13.—Dr Henry G. Bovenkerk of Detroit today told Army chaplains that approximately 90 Protestant missionaries repre senting 30 churches will arrive in Japan this fall. Dr. Bovenkerk. a Presbyterian, heads a six-member board sent to Japan by the Foreign Missions Con ference of North America. The board will survey Protestant mis sions and plan for rebuilding 500 churches and church schools de stroyed in the war. Far East Earthquake Recorded on West Coast iy the Associated Press PASADENA. Calif.. Sept. 13— An earthquake of major magnitude was recorded yesterday, about 8,000 miles distant, probably in India. Burma or the East Indies, the California In stitute of Technology reported. Dr. Charles P. Richter said the shock was recorded at 7:38.20 pm. Another slightly less severe temblor at 9:47:52 could not be identified as to distance or direction. Luzon Typhoon Kills 16 MANILA, Sept. 13 OP).—Late re ports from Northern Luzon said 16 persons were killed by the typhoon which struck the Northern Philip pine* earlier this week. Two persons were killed in Manila and communi cations generally wer« disrupted. HERBERT’S PHARMACY 10th fr Virginia Ava. S.W. /* a Star Want-Ad Branch Agency Other Branches conveniently located throughout the city for the occeptonce of Classi fied Advertising CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 or 2 times .30c per line 3 to 6 times consecu tively . ...28c “ “ 7 times or longer con secutively __25c “ " Advertisements under the Personal classification and ousiness advertising under Special Notices. 5c per line additional Situations Wanted. 1 time - 27c per lint 2 times . 25c “ “ 3 times . 22c ” “ Business advertising under Sit uations Wanted takes the regular local advertising rate. For Lost and Found Advertisements See Page A-3 I SPECIAL NOTICES. SIGNATURE LOANS, confidential: fast service. LENDERS. INC.. 2028 North Moore at.. Rosslyn. Va. Phone CH. 2444. AUTO LOANS. ' per month, service •’•hame: no delay. LENDERS. INC. 11104 Georgia ave. Phone SH. 3080. —25 DISCOUNT LOANS, no to $1,600. -.mall service charge LENDERS. INC . Min Rhode Island ave Phone DE 1240. FISHING PARTIES, day or night, reserva tion Hernna Bay. Gooses. Eastern Bay. CAPT ANTHONY KING. WA 4182. —13 ACCOUNTANT—Social security. income 'axes filed, books started, kept part time, audits, statements. OR. 2014 I WILL NOT t»F RESPONSIBLE for debts .ncurred by any one other than myself.! MELVIN H. BLOOMBERG. 8500 Irvington ave.. Bethesda Md 13* THIS IS TO NOTIFY that I. Everett W Thurm. am no longer connected with the firm of Thurm & Silver, and shall, be responsible onlv for debts contracted by myself. (Signed! EVERE IT W. THURM. 80S loth st. n.w. SOMETHING NEW In Washington—Luxu rious ieather-erain plastic table pads, in all colors: protect your table. AMERICAN TABLE PAD CO. NA. 3330. 15* WANT To RENT SPACE large enough to teach dancing classes In Bethesda. Call WT 4 582 or OL. 2242 15* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBIJ! for debts, contracted by any one other than myself. JAMES L. COOK. 2244 Nicholson st. s.e. I ] 5* GOING TO SEI.I. —Top price*, free ap praisals. no obligations we have customers waning. ROBT. MAGEE. 6^7 F n.w., RE. 7 74 0 * LETTER SERVICE, mimeographing, ad ores. ing. mailing; clean-cut. attractive work; prompt pickup, fast delivery TR —15 _ HELP MEN. ACCOUNTANT JR. for well-established pub lic accounting firm. Qualifying experience for CPA examination Please replv in own handwriting giving age and Qualifica tions Box J20-G. Star —Jo ACCOUNTANT, permanent position with public accounting firm' salary commen surate with experience: plea&e reply in own handwriting stating age and experience. Box 3.T8-D. Star. —15 APPRENTICE—Excellent opening for young white man to learn every phrase or fur nituie business in one of Washington’s finest stores. Must be willing to accept all-around duties. Apply Mr. Matthews. I COLONY HOUSE. 4244 Connecticut ave. ASSISTANT BEYER for boTs’ furnishints' department, young man with previous de partment store or specialty shop experi ence. 5-day week Apply employment of fice. 4th floor. LANSBURGH L BRO . 7th. 8th and E sts. n.w. —14 AUTOMOBILE and truck mechanic, first class: good wages. Call DAN GEORGE, AT 02«2 —15 AUTO BODY AND FENDER MEN. Highest wages, bes- working rond. in Washington's fastest growing automobile concern. Chance for advancement See Mr Schenker. 2015 L st n.w ME 0400. McKEE PONTIAC DEALERS on AUTO MECHANIC, good pay for experi enced man. new car agency. GRADY MO TORS. 48150 Hampden lane, Bethesda, Md, SI ro >i rxuAMts—44-nr . 5>2-day work week time and half for overtime, closed Saturday afternoons all year: vacation with | pay; annual bonus: excellent pay Apply Mr Myers MANDELL CHEVROLET CO.. 13th and Good Hops rd. s e. —15 I AUTO MECHANICS. 6. 50-60 pay plan.! $■-’ 60 per hr. rate; heated and lighted shop: vacation with pay; holidays with pay; I 44-hr. week: group insurance and group hospitalization, all the work you can do;! good men making big money: no helpers' needed. Mr. Worsham. LOGAN MOTOR! CO (Ford> 1111 18th st. DI. 5800. —16 ! AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS to work on I motor trucks Your future is assured in j an essential industry; top wages, excellent: working conditions. Apply to Mr. Palmer. INTER ANTIONAL HARVESTER CO.. 901 j Bladensburg rd. n.e fr. 4300. AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS—Men who want to get ahead fast. Must be A-1 mechan- j ic». Good starting salary. Apply 9th AND' EYE SERVICE CENTER. 831 9th at. n.w.; AUTO MECHANIC, flrst-class. to work ^offj new twin po«t lifts. Clean shop. Hudson! dealer, all makes serviced. BURROWS MOTOR CO . 900 M st s.e —14 AUTO MECHANIC, clean, well-lighted shop. Earnings. $100 and over for fita-day week See Mr. Garner or Mr. Crowe. McMAHON CHEVROLET CO 6333 Georgia ave —15 AUTO TRUCK MECHANIC, white. 4 8 hr*, a week, time and a half for overtime, vac. j with pay. good working conditions, top rater 41 L st. s.e. MR YOHO 16 BAKER, white, with all-around exper ience. for night work: 5-day week: closed Sundays ana Mondays Apply in person. SCHUPP S BAKERY. 654" Conn ave —16 AUTO MECHANICS. 1st class, to do gen eral repair work on ail makes of tars; well-Lghted shop, all modern equipment: .V2-day week permanent position guar anteed salary. See Mr. Bar to. service manager. WASHINGTON MOTOR SALES CORP . 1516 14th st. n.w. —15 AUTO PAINTERS and painter's helpers, highest wage.', bes; working cond. Wash-; ington's downtown Pontiac dealer See Mr Schenker. ‘.mi5 L st n w. ME o40o. Mc KEE PONTIAC DEALERS. —"(I BARTENDER WANTED Opportunity for 1 man with ambition; refs, required DI. 4946 after 11 —15 j BILLING C LI RK-depart mem supervisor, must be above average in intelligence, ac curate and rapid tymsr. good at figures, with abilry and disposition to direct others Prefer an ex-GI 35 to 35 years old. Excellent opportunitv good starting >alary. 5-day. 40-hour week. See Mr. Roach Washington Branch. ADDRESSO GRAPH-MULTIGRAPH CORP. 1306 H st n.w. —15 i BOOKKEEPER, prefer one thoroughly ex perienced in real estate rfnd who knows how to operate a bookkeeping machine steady position: chance for advancement and future. Cal! Mr Shifrin. FEDERAL FINANCE Ar REALTY CO. 915 New York ave nw NA. 1416. 13* BOY. colored, for porter woik in curtain and drapery shop. See MR MARKS. TlO ! 1 th st. n.w •—14 BOYS foi circular delivery, must weigh over 100 lbs : this is hard work. 3*’t»i Nichols ave. ,ve. —"5 BOYS, 16 and over, with and without bi cycles. not returning to school Apply WESTERN UNION. J31T New York ave. n.w . Room "00. —"8 BOY OR YOUNG MAN, white for general luties in wholesale jewelry firm. Must be ’Villing and neat Bex 403-E. Star 13* BRICKLAYERS, for Arlington. Va and; Oxon Hill. Md too wages. Phone Owens 6613; eves . CH 3588 —14 BRICKLAYERS WANTED, union. long time job. top wages. Call JOSEPH PERBGOY. UN 455". or John Mark Muir. UN 3914. or Aubrey Ballentine. UN. 1033. •— I *T BRICKLAYERS, steady work, top wage/; and travel time. Bradley blvd. and Fairfax rd . Bethesda. Md VICTOR L. CARONF -19 HROILER—Apply DELMONICO RESTAU RANT. 727 loth st. n.w.. Mr. Benel. CAFETERIA HELP. 40 - hour week, no Saturday. Sunday or evening work best wrges. annual and sick leave benefits. Call Hillside 1200, Ext. 39o. —14 CARPENTERS <2) house: top wages for good mechanics. Call 3618 Lee highway.: 9 to 12. 1 to 5. ■—13 1 CARPENTERS—9720 Conn. ave. $1.90 per hour. —14 CARPENTERS needed for large veterans’ housing .iob; steadv work. $14 40 per day. Apply 40th and Clay pi. n.e. MORRIS POLLIN Sr SONS —17 CARPENTERS <2». first-class mechanics who understand remodeling; $14 a day to start. HAMMETT. WO 8613 —13 CARPENTERS to work with master car penter; good wages. Call RA. 9100. —12 CARPENTERS, finish experience; steady work. Aoo'v 5502 Wisconsin ave. —15 CARPENTERS to be partners in a live wire home improvement business; be your own boss. For details call WI. 7799 —15 CARPENTERS—First-da‘s only, $15.40 per day. 2345 Ontario rd. n.w. —13 CARPENTERS--5-day. 40-hr. week Apoly employment office. 9th floor. WOODWARD S' LOTHROP. 9.30-9 daily. —14 CARPENTERS wanted, also men capable of supervising construction work. Apply 3594 East West hwy or No. 29 Elliott rd . Westmoreland Hills. CARPET LAYERS, experienced Apoly em ployment office. 9th floor. WOODWARD Si LOTHROP. 9:30 to 9 daily. —14 CAR WASHER—We have opening for Herdv and industrious man. 5^-dav wk.. ;ood pay see Mr Reeder. ADDISON CHEV ROLET 1522 14th st. n.w. —13 CHAUFFEUR. colored. private family v.ood hours, good pay. Call after 5 p m . Adam"’ 1948 —15 CHAUFFEUR-BUTI ER excellent salary good references required: ovi rm. and bath: other help employed. «Phone F\1 714:;. —14 CHEFS t2>. colored, experienced, night vork. Call alter 9 p.m WALDROPS RESTAURANT. *4:: 1S Rhode Island ave. P.rcntvood Md . VVA. 9H37 —13 CLAIMS EXAMINER Hi supervise auiomn j bile claims lor nationallv known insurance [company. Age •;.» to 35. excellent oppor tunity Box '05-0. Star. —15 CLERICAL WORKER. IK to 1’ lo assist in general all-around office work: must be good al figures: opportunity lor advance ment: 5-dav week. Call DI. 10M‘J for aopl. —13 CLERK, single mm. to work in t grocery, knowledge of handling meat: salary open TR. B83'-!. —14 CLERK, colored must be experienced In meat market Apply l»fl« 7th st. n.w. 13* CLERK-TYPIST. 5erience necessary: salary. Phone OX.: i 0132. ask for Mr. Holston or Mr. Sparks, i MAN. white, to work in liquor store: honest! and Industrious: $45 week. Apply Box1 I 126-D. Star. —15 ! MAN TO OPERATE synthetic dry clean ing machine and do wool spotting. Apply ! Mr. Gresham. FATRLINGTON LAUNDRY. 13800 South 4-Mile-Run drive. Arlington. OX. 1118 —13 i MECHANICS wanted to work on retail conditioning of new Bulck*. Apply at once. Mr. Cunningham, at EMERSON & ORME. i 17th and M sts. n.w. —17 MEDICAL DETAIL SALESMAN. Mfgr of ethical pharmaceuticals, seeks representa-l lives. Veterans having pharmacy or medi cal education will be given preference. Car I essential Excellent opportunity both asj : io income and security. Insurance and re ; tirement plan in addition to salary and j bonus. For interview write giving age. at this loca tion and must have experience; reliable men willing to take steady and permanent employment: only top quality men who are sober and industrious need apply. HAINES SERVICE STATION. 6503 Ga. a\e. n.w. - —14 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, white, experienced $35 per week and commis sion. Apply HAYNES ESSO SERVICE ‘.708 Virginia ave. n.w —15 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, good sal ary. experience necessary: references re- j quired: must be able to manage station part time. Box 40-H. Star. 15* SERVICE STATION MEN, experienced, all around inside work, good starting salary. Apply 9th AND EYE SERVICE CENTER. 831 9th St. n.w. —15 SERVICE STATION MANAGER and at tendant. in truck terminal: good salary:; good hrs.: men should be responsible per-, sons. Apply WASHINGTON TRUCK TERMINAL, 1*249 N. Y. ave. n e. Do not phone. , —13 i SERVICE STATION SALESMAN, experi-! enced: must have D. C. drivers permit;! top salary, good working conditions. Apply BARBER’S ESSO SERVICE. loth and Maine ave. s.w. —15 SHIPPING CLERK—Capable man to take charge of shipping and receiving dept ; permanent position for reliable, consclen-j tlous man. See MR. GREEN, 635 D st. n.w. — 15 SHOHMAKER. experienced, wanted Short hours, good pay. 6 days a week. Call AT. XI 40. after S out. —17 SHOE SALESMAN, experienced: good com mlssion rate w’ith weekly drawing account: 5-day week Apply employment office. 4th floor. 8 KANN SONS CO • —13 SHOE SALESMEN, experienced: excellent ala:y ; nd commissions: also part time Apply THE PENN BOOTERY, 65‘2 Pa. ave s.e. SHOE SALESMEN, must be experienced, steady employment: also need experienced men for nightwork. Apply FRANK'S FOOTWEAR 3010 14th st n.w. —15 SILK SPOTTER to take charge of depart ment: must understand production: with best references: excellent future for ag gressive and experienced man writh fast growing ana modern cleaning plant. Call TR. 59*2 2 —14 SKIP TRACER for credit retail Jewelry store; salary open. See MR. DUBIN. 7:27 7th st. n.w. —13 SODA AND SANDWICH MAN. experienced Apply CONGRESSIONAL DRUG STORE. 113 B at. a.f. —14 HELP MIH. SPOTTER, silk and wool, must be ex-! perlenred. REA CLEANING SERVICE 5320 Marlboro Dike. HI 10.10 —16 SPOTTER, silk and wool, to work In mod ern dry-cleaning plant: best o( salaries, good working conditions. LUNA CLEANERS. 1605 14th st nw AD IMS —15 STATION ATTENDANT, experienced no triflers: able to oo minor repairs Applv DOWNERS AMOCO SERVICE STATION 1st and K >u n e ME «46S. —15 STOCK CIERK tor receiving and mar' ing rm a progressive men’s wear store offers attractive salary with oppoit tor advance to a caoable voting man Apply office, lhe YOUNG MEN’S SHOP !.”.!!> P st. n w. - 11 TAILORS for men's alteration department Apply employment office. 4th floor. S KANN SONS CO. --13 TAILORS. experienced on mens or women's garments: a 5-day week OAR FINCKELS F st at 14th. —11 TAILOR, experienced on alteration of womens clothing permanent position good salary. 5-day week. Applv employ ment office. RAIEIOH HABERDASHER lilt' F «t . 3rd floor —I.! TINNING MECHANIC, whit*. experienced hi_roof repair woik Apply FARRAN BROS.. Sill loth st. ne. between 7:3o and s a.m _15 TRICK DRIVER-—Good opportunity for white man seeking permanent Job must be capable driver and able to care for equipment. See MR, GREEN, 635 D st nw —15 TYPIST, rapid: 5'^-day week: salary over if Pei week, permanent position Phone EX. lillfi. __1,3 typists—No experience necessary, good salary, permanent position Applv Mr Kelly. MARVINS. 734 ;th st. n w. —15 TYPIST-CLERK in 20s: good appearance and able to meet public; chance for ad vancement Call In person. WALLY LIGON. 54*’1 Conn a\e n y, .— 14 TYPIST-CLERK. 25. high school gradt ate. good appearance and able to meet public, excellent opportunity for high grade young man interested in a future in sales work NATIONAL CASH REGIS TER CO.. 1217 K st. n w —10 I PHOLSTERER for customs shop, excel lent working conditions and salary Apply Mr. Spltzer, MAYER CO. 421 7th st U ASHMAN-FIREMAN. experienced “XVplr in person. INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY. MOT Lee hwy Arlington CH. 8900 __h; MATCHMAKERS—Apply employment of fice 9th floor. WOODWARD A LOTHROP 9:30 to 0 daily —14 WATCHMAKER—We are looking for a first-class watchmaker to work with watch importer none other need apply, no ap prentices: good salary pleasant working conditions. See MR. MONGELLI. 702 H st. n.w . 3rd floor —10 WATCHMAN, active, for night work; good oav. steady position. Write, giving age ' tc Box Star —10 WATCHMAN—Permanent position hours. -o,1!! ?o 11 pm age limit. 55; white MAYFLOWER HOTEL. 17th and De Sales -ts n.w —15 WILL - CALL or service desk clerk Good salary, pleasant working conditions, oppor ^unity for advancement Apply office. THE YOUNG MENS SHOP. 1319 F st. nw WINDOW TRIMMER for 1st-class jewelry store; must be able to trim outstanding w.ndows: part time or full time. Apply THE ROSS CO . 1331 F st n.w. —19 WOOL PRESSER for dry-cleaning estab lishment. THE LOFTON'S CLEANERS 4<2H Annapolis rd . Bladensburg. Md WA 9853. 15 W’OOL SPOTTER, one who can do wet cleaning; must be experienced good sal ary and working condition-- MAIN CLEAN ERS A: LAUNDERERS. ‘.'149 Queen’s Chanel rd. n e . nr Bladensburg rd. and New York ave —15 WORKING GARDENER on small estate near Chevy Chase Circle WI 3852. —1.; YOUNG MAN. over 21. high school grad uate. as collector for large, local organiza tion; must have D. C. drivers permit; no experience required: permanent job. 5 days hours, with some evening work Start ing salary. $28: increases if .satisfactory References required Apply THE EVENING STAR, personnel office. Room 504. Star Building. 1101 Pa. ave. n.w. —15 lOUNG MAN as assistant m^nusical mer chand-se department; full-flme position requiring a general knowledge of musical instrumentation, opportunity to learn a specialized line. State age and qualinca tA°Ps«in«Jftter- Interview arranged Box 414-E Star ^ • _«5 MAN. about 20- real estate office BOSS 544 for ‘nterview —°0 A NATIONALLY KNOWN insurance com pany has opening' for men between and 50. Excellent opportunity for ad vancement. For uppt. call NA 77 13 .—15 _HELP MEN end WOMEN. BEAUTY OPERATOR—First class, expr. In all branches of profession: male or fe m*le GABRIEI . 1019 Conn, ave n.w —14 CHOIR DIRECTOR AND ORGANIST. Pror cstant church: state qualiflca: ions Box 114-D. Star —l r* CLERKS, some knowledge of bookkeeping and tvping necessary. Oliver 2500 Ext. 57 8. —j 7 COUPLE, experienced wife to cook, hus band butler, chauffeur and assist at house work in pvt. family $200 mo., room and board, to work at Chevy Chase. Md. Write immediately. MRS. CLARICE. Box 354. Leesburg. Va —15 COUPLE, middle-aged, without children, to work at tourist court and restaurant in Fairfax Countv; man handy with tools: sober, willing worker. Fairfax 2K8-W-I. COUPLE, colored, to work for family of 4 wife as maid and cook; husband as butler and houseman Live in. room and pvt. bath on 2nd floor: city references. GE 8704. COUPLE, colored, experienced, cooking and general housework, to live in Cong Island. Phone North 7850. —Iff DRUG CLERK, exper full time, good hrs.. sal. commensurate with exper and ability Aprly PEARSON'S. 2448 Wia. ave n.w. —15 FOOD CHECKERS. Apply DELMONICO RESTAURANT. 727 15th st. n.w. Mr Cohen, 11 to 8 p.m. Broiler. Apply Mr Benel. FOOD CHECKER AND CASHIER, hours 7:30 to ffrffO: will train if necessary. Ap ply manager s office, HOTEL LAFAYETTE —19 GROCERY CLERK, experienced, full or Part time. Apply 819 11th st. n.w. —15 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, for part-time work in greeting card shop. nr. Pk. rd Apply GRAY S. ff218 14th st. n.w —15 MAN AND WIFE to take care of cleaning of clubhouse: $150 a mo and room. Ap ply *,419 Conn *ve . or call OR 4521. —Iff OFFICE WORKER, experienced, for tempo rary joh. approximately 8 weeks: salary mote than commensurate. Call MR. Me CANN. RE. 8888. —19 STENOGRAPHER. Permanent position ini small law office: opportunity for ambitiousi young girl or man; in. cresting woik and: pleasant working conditions in Southern! Bldg.. 15th and H sts. n.w. work includes obtaining releases at one of the Govern ment agencies each day; 5'a-dav week, please stale education, experience and sal ary expected. Box 10-H, Star 14* SUPERVISOR—White, for night cleaners. Hrs. 1 l :ffO p m to 8 a m . good pay. ( Permanent position; exper. preferred Ap- i ply personnel office. MAYFLOWER HOTEL. Conn, ave. and De Sales st._—14 h HELP WOMEN. ALTERATION HAND for mens alteration department. 5-day week Apply employ ment office. 4th floor. S. KANN SONS CO —15 ALTERATION HANDS tor women I and misses' coats, suits and dresses: perma nent positions: 5-day week. Apply JEL LEFF’S. 1714-12:10 F at. n.w.. personnel office. 7th floor. , ALTERATION HAND, experienced In bush elina men s clothing Apply UNIVERSITY SHOPS 715 14th si nw —15 i ALTERATION HANDS for men's altera tions: 5-day week Apply employment office. 4 th floor. LANSBURGH Ac BRO . • 7th. 8th and E ata. n.w. —14 _HILf WOMEN_ (C«nt >_ ALTERATION HAND for ladies roat and suit shop cme capable of fitting salary to start. $35 per week: good working condi tions. good chance for advancement. Ap ply kleins. rr:: r m nw ALTERATION HAND AND FITTER, experi enced help, for exclusive Conn ave shop. SELMA S GOWNS. 1307 Conn, axe n w. — 13 AITERATIOV WOMAN, experienced on both men s and women * clothing perma nent position *35 per week to start. Apoly HOLLYWOOD CLOTHING CO. 7o;| 7th at. n w —1? Artist tor woman’s fine specialty store? agency or retail store experience essential, must be capable of top-notch fashion art: excellent salary; 5-dav week special stora privileges. Phone MISS MANUS. NA 7850, for appointment —13 ARTIST, for interesting heraldic work: heraldic experience unnec pleasant sur roundings INTL HERALDIC INST LTD. llltt P st. EX. 4SHO —15 ASSISTANT TO DRAMA SC HOOL director. It you have a college background particu larly speech and drams training and w“.ve a flair for this interesting work, a splendid opportunity await* you some secretarial ability required full or park time. WTite Box *197 -D Star ASSISTANT TO BOOKKEEPER with soma knowledge of basic bookkeeping intere' - ing. permanent position. JOSEPH R. HARRIS CO 1 F St nw —»5 ASSISTANT FOOD CHECKER for perma nent position with high-class restaurant, good salary with mealv See Mr O Brieu. personnel office. O DONNELL S SEA ORILl. JTJ07 E st n w —15 ASSISTANT FOOD CHECKER for high class restaurant good salary and meals A^olv Mr O Brien. per>onnel office. O DONNELL S SEA GRILL. 1*;07 E at n w Mfft ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER for boarding house; part-time work. * a m to *! p m ♦> davs week Apply MRS HARTNETT. 14*HI CUt st. na. —15 ASSISTANT TO SECRETARY de ired by Arm of consulting engineer*, egper in private industry preferred but no’ re quired: training in tvping and shorthand needed: salarv. *40 per week permanent position Call EM r:«l between s 3i» a m and 5pm OR 3835 after rt p m. _ — I 8 A1 10 FINANCE OFFICE has most attrac tive position available for a refined young lady. *41-30. who can type well, handlw office details and meet the public splendid opportunity for girl of pleasant person ality and better than average intelligence; mterestins work, convenient downtown lo *'®*i®.n- 5-a-dav week iree life and hos pitalization insurance salary dependent on Qualifications and experience onlv perma nent local residents will be considered Please answer fully, giving details and rSitSJ T»reV ?w.o experience and salary fxpected. Box 298-D. Star _14 mKAdiII(KAN' c®lc"2* experienced com mission basis. LA RALLK BEAUTY SA LON, o-il Florida ave. n w MI 2115 BEAUTICIANS, experienced for modem air-conditioned downtown shop euaran qATdnM<,en-Pe,«. wWeek MYRA BEAUTY SALON. 601 12th at. n w —14 IYEA1TTICIAK. lst-rafe hairdresser *al. ary. ?60 to start. '506 Georgia a\e nw Manicurist also mav apply —15 BEAUTICIAN WANTED; Chny Ch,Sf lr. top salary. WO 51**. —I* BEAUTICIAN-MANAGER to take charge of large downtown modern beauty «alon ex cellent, salary and bonus; give full de'ailg in letter Box 3'.’.'S-D. Star _14 BEAUTICIAN - MANICURIST, good pay. easy job Call LEE STUDIO OP HAIR DESIGNING. Washington bldg . Rm $0. l.>th and N. Y, ave. n.w. .—13 BEAUTICIAN, permanent position salary and commission: District license not neces sary Oliver 50110. ext 57ti —17 BEAUTICIANS. 5. experienced full time; lop salary and commission, o', working days. ANITAS BEAUTY SHOP. ofl 15 Conn ave. _i BEAUTY OPERATOR. 1st class, all ground: S8lary P^s commission HENRt ROBERT. 264.» Conn ave BEAUTY OPERATORS: good salary and commission 1802 20th st. n.w. >a block on Connecricur ave _13 BEAUTY OPERATOR—All-around beauty service Must be experienced. «5(l a week and commission Applv to Mgr Joseph Paiano. VANITY SHOPPE 1340 Conn ave. NO. 4884. _It BEAUTY OPERATOR. 5-day week notional: store privils. and hours Also vacanc y for good manicurist FRED THE HAIR STYLIST, at Philipsborn. «08 11th st n.w. BEAUTY OPERATOR: good salary, pleas ant shop Apply 1103 Pennsylvania am. ve. TR. 8913 _14 BEAUTY OPERATOR. experienced all around: excellent salary, pleasant work U\5/™dltions ful1 or Part tlmp ANNE 8 BEAUTY SALON. 3550 14th st. nw AD. 'Q6h. — BEAUTY OPERATOR wanfed. all-around operator Salary and commission 1305 t. st. s.e. U* BEAUTY OPERATOR. experienced ni manicuring; excellent salary and commis sion; 5*2-dav week: pleasant neighborhood shop CHARM BEAUTY SHOP. 502$ Georgia ave. n w. —20 BEGINNERS for clerical work high school graduates: experience not necessarv. excel "SPV opportunity for advancement. 5-day 40-hour week. Write for interview, giving age. education, experience, if any. address and phone No., and state salary desired. Box 23-T. Star. _13 BILLING CLERK, automotive parts 5-day week Call MR. WILBER DU 4H37. —1.1 BOOKKEEPER — Permanent position Transportation provided THE MFDEIRA SCHOOLS Telephone Falla Church 14 BOOKKEEPER. experienced: downtown location: good salary. 35-hour week per manent position. DI 8132. 13 young lady, in treasurer • office of large real estate Arm mu Apply MR WILLIAMS, care of Thebee Jay. 1117 G st. n.w. BOOKKEEPERS’ ASSISTANTS (2'—Large radio manufacturer in New York City seeks experienced assistants for bookkeeping de partment: permanent. Box 4U9-E. Star. BOOKKEEPER’S ASST.—Attractive salary, pleasant working conditions, 5'j-day week PernAinent. EMILE, 1221 Conn, are . Dt 3bln. __i a BOOKKEEPER - CASHIER,' experienced, wonderful opportunity for right person ex cellent salary to start. Box 235-D. Star. BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST, permanent: must be efficient and accurate, with initia tive and ability to assume responsibility: only thoroughly competent person need apply: state qualifications fully and gfart mg salary expected Box 488-E. Star —14 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE operator, ag« 18 to 25 years, high school education 40 h°ur week; permanent position: Reming ton-Rand experience preferred. Box 287 D. Star. —14 CAFETERIA HELP. 40-hour week no Sat urday. Sunday or evening work Br*t wages: annua! and sick lea\e benefits. Call Hillside 1200. Ext 380 —14 CARO PI NCH OPERATORS, experience no| necessary Apply employment office P;h floor. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. » 30-8 daily. 14 i ADHitKV 5-aav week Apply employment office. 4th floor. S. KANN SONS CO — ! .3 CASHIER—Large real estate office desire* lst-class cashier with experience, banking or similar experience will be helpful- sal ary. SI.900 per year, with opportunity for adavncement: 5-day week and good work ing conditions. Call MR THOMPSON or MR COX. NA. 2112. for interview —19 CASHIERS; no experience necessary we train you: permanent positions now op*»n for parking lots. Apply 301 Homer Bldg.. 601 13th st. n w. ME 3455. —14 CASHIER, must have menu typing *xper Apply in person. POWHATAN RESTAU RANT. 614 l'th st n.w —14 CASHIER—Young lady, experience nor es sential: must be neat and accurate with figures; good hours and working condi , tions. Call Mr Curtin. LI 4.300. L. P. STEUART A BROS . INC . 1.38 12th st n a. ! —1.3 CASHIER for parking lot. downtown. Ap ply 1 ion S. Capitol at . 8 to 4:30 p.m —18 CASHIERS, experienced preferred but not necessary; 5-day week Apply emnlovmenfc office. 4th floor LANSBURGH A BRO., Tth. 8th and E sts n.w. —14 CASHIER AND TYPIST: permanent posi tion. good salary and working hour' Apply Mr Philips. JULIUS LANSBURGH FUR NITURE CO . 007 F st n w. CHAMBERMAID WAITRESS, colored ex perienced; local reference and health card required: live in: upstairs room and bath; family of four: willing to go to New Eng land. June to October SI on per month. Telephone NO. 3400. Ext. 34, morning* CHECKER WANTED o work self-ser'v.r# market Apply at BUCKINGHAM MAR KET. 3016 Wilson bid Arlington. Va. —16 CHECKER-CASHIER, supermarket attrac tive hours good pay refs req Apply ir person. ROYAL MEAT MARKET. 3<>! No. Patrick st . Alexandria —15 CLERICALS, permanent po.itions in '*• rious offices; 5-day week Apply employ ment office. 4th floor LANSBURGH * BRO Tth to 8th to E nw —14 CLERICAL WORKER, high chool gradu ate. Write for interview, giving educa tion. experience, etc. Box 30-H. S ar. —15 CLERICAL WORKERS. 5»2-day week good salary, chance for advancement MAZOR MASTERPIECES. INC. Oil Tth st. n w. —1(5 CLERICAL WORKER: experience not es sential; high school graduate preferred excellent working conditions. 5-day week, advancements, permanent. Apply person nel office. Room 504. Star Building. THE EVENING STAR. 1101 Pa. ave n.w. —13 CLERKS wanted to work in dry-cleaning store. Best of salary, good working cord. LUNA CLEANERS. 1605 14th st AD. 1148. —14 CLERK, accounting Arm 5-day weeks pleasant working condition*. Apply BAR BER A ROSS CO , 5th and V sts. n e„ DE. 0501. —16 CLERK, for hotel front desk and PBX: pleasant working conditions, apply mana ger. HOTEL EBBITT. 10th and H sts. n w. —14 CI.ERKS for evening office work. 4 hr* in evening. .3 evenings a week. Reply Box 140-G. Star. CLERK for permanent position. 5-da.v week. Apply 2nd floor. 1^22 Eye st n.w. CLERK, for cigar and drug counter Ex perienced; daywork. Apply O'DONNELL S PHARMACY. 14th and Colorado ave. n.w. CLERK, under .35. for general office work; typing not essential good salary, perma nent position. Apply MANHATTAN CO. 1328 Florida ave. n w DU. 1111. —15 CLERK-PBX OPERATOR, to price laundry ticket.* permanent position Main office. WASHINGTON LAUNDRY. 2627 Kst.nw! TI.ERK-STENOGRAPHER — Full time * ex. perienced Apply PHILIPPINE EMBASSY. 1(117 Mass. ave. n.w . from 10 a m. to ft P.m. —13 CLERK-STENOG R APHER for bank located In Brightwood area. Give age and Qualifi cations. Apply Box 8-G. Star. _10 [’I.ERK-TYPIST—51 a*dav wk. Apply Mr Oeupree. accounting ofllce. SHOREHAM HOTEL. 25(1(1 Calvert st. n.w. _14 CLERK-TYPIST: interesting work with ex cellent opportunity for advancement Ap ply employment office. WARDMAN PARK HOTEL. 270(1 Woodley rd n w. —in CLERK-TYPIST, age 18 to 25. high school (ducation: experience not necessary: 40 vour week; permanent position. Box 788. 0, Star 14 CLERK-TYPIST, general oftlc* clerk. 18-35; permanent position; 5-day week. Apply room 702. 1.343 H st n w (Continued «n Next Pa*, i