Newspaper Page Text
HELP WOMEN (Cent.)_ rlisK-TTflST—Good n»y and working conditions 3!<-hr. week Call MR Mc CA>»N RE eee«. —13 CLERK-TYPISTS, permanent only. 5-day week, pleasant surroundings Apply Mr. Trice. FRANK JEWELRY CO. 6C7 7th at at —15 CLEKK-TYPISTt excellent working con ditions. 5-day week, good salary, perma nent position Apply in person HOME INSURANCE CO. loiC K st n.w. —13 CLERK-TY’PIST. several; pleasant working conditions, liberal store discounts. Apply office. KOPY KAT SHOP. 71.3 H it n.e. CLERK-TYPIST—Local branch of nation ally known motion picture company has opening for clerk-typist pleasant working conditions. 40-hour. 5-day week. Monday through Friday Apply UNITED ARTISTS COKP^i h24 New Jersey ave. n.w. —17 CLERK-TYPIST, experienced: permanent position in important national industry, with excellent possibilities for advance ment. good starting salary. Telephone ME 1440 for an appointment. —14 CLERK-TYPIST, 2—One for billing de partment. aged Cl to 35- single; accurate and rapid typist, good at figures. One for .general office, age Cl to 35. single: prefer one with stenographic experience and able to relieve on PBX. Good start ing salary for both positions 5-day. 40 hour week Apply in person to Mr Roach. Washington branch. ADDREFSOGRAPH MULTIGRAPH CORP , 1COO H st. n.w. —15 CLERK-TYPIST, experienced. 5-day week, no Saturdays $4<» Apply NATIONAL LITHO CO 1255 25th st n.w —15 C LERK - TYPIST - STENOGRAPHER, high school graduate or equivalent; in local cffice of nationally known manufacturer of telephone central office equipment. Start ing wage based on at aliflcaUons and ex perience Apply 1111 North Capitol st., 3rd floor. MR A W. BAKER COAT MAKERS; steady employment good wages and hour* H S. OMOHUNDRO. INC.. 515 11th st n.w 13* COMPANION, white, to care for elderly lady Call Adams 80S? between 7:30 and P pm -—15 COMPANION-HOUSEKEEPER for semi-in valid widow live in; small apt. Box 213-G, Star. —14 COMPARISON SHOPPERS—Capable of preparing fashion reports; 5-day week. Apply employment office. 4th floor. LANS BtmOH A BROS , 7th. 8th and E sts. n.w — 14 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, experienced: permanent position in important national industry with excellent possibilities for ad vancement good starting salary. Tele phone MR DONNELLY. ME. 1449. lor appointment. —13 C OSMFTIC SALESWOMAN, experienced 5-day week Apply employment office. 4th floor S KANN SONS CO —13 COSMETIC SALESWOMAN, axperienced in national lines, full or part time, good pay nlus com. Apply in person UPTOWN PHARM . Conn. nve. and Porter st. —13 DANCING TEACHERS <5>: no experience necessary: complete training given Apply in person afternoons. DON MARTINI STUDIOS. 502 13th st n.w —13 DENTAL ASSISTANT—Give education, experience and references. Nurd's train ing helpful. Eye St. Medical Bldg Box 203-G. Star. 15* DOCTORS ASSISTANT, graduate nurse preferred: knowledge of typing and Jab o-atorv work; oVa-dav week; excellent sal ary. Box 212-G Star —14 DRESS ALTERATION HANDS, perm, posi tions: air-conditioned workrooms, good salaries. Apply ZIRKIN S. 821 14th f>RESS Bl'YF.R WANTED—One of Wash ington s finest Connecticut ave. shops. One who can buy intelligently and manage a department. All inquiries confidential. Ap plication should state experience and pres ent connection. Only those with finer store background need apply. To such a woman an assured position with advance ment commensurate with ability is offered. Reply Box 208-G. Star. —13 FILE CLERK, newspaper office; knowlege of typing helpful: starting salary. $34 50;' AVx-day week, advancement. CO. 49o2. — 1 3 i FILE CLERK-TYPIST between 21 and 30. for work at front desk, applic ant must I be neatly dressed, accurate and with i pleasing personality Apply to Miss Manry. j DOCTORS HOSPITAL. 1815 Eye st. n.w. —14 FITTERS, experienced, for women’s coats, suits and dresses: permanent position0: 5-day wk Apply JELLEFF S. 1214-1220 F st. n.w personnel office. 7th floor. FLOOR HOUSEKEEPER hotel exper. pre-I ferred. good salary and working condi-] tions Apply_ personnel office. MAY FLOWER HOTEL. Conn. ave. and De Sales ' n.w —14 FOUNTAIN GIRLS, white day and evening work, salary $100 mo . uniforms furnished Call MR WEBB. Oliver 2500. ext 389. —1 7 FOUNTAIN GIRLS, white, exper.. to work in new modern drugstore, day or eve. wmrk. PARKWAY PHARMACY. OL. 1010 —14 FOUNTAIN GIRL- colored good hours, good pay: exper not net Call SH .9035. FOUNTAIN GIRL — White. experienced. $30 and meals Steady EAST C'APITCL PHARMACY, 8th and E. Capitol. LI. 1500. — 15 FOUNTAIN GIRLS—$28 SO wk. to start: day or night work; experience not neces sary; uniforms furnished: full or part time. ELMIRA DRUG STORE. FR 4232 —15 rou.MAiN oikl. colored. weii exper ana, reliable, nightwork only. SANITARY DRUG STORE 215 New’ York ave n.w. FOUNTAIN GIRL- white, exper. no night'.: no Sundays, excel, salary. Apply in per son. CROWN DRUG STORE. 2201 4th st. ne nr Rhode Island ave —15 FOUNTAIN PEN RFPA1RW OMAN Excel lent salary, and future: permanent. KINS MAN OPTICAL CO. 1320 F st n.w. —21 FRENCH OR SWISS GIRL to take care of young children. Well paid: local references requested Interview between 7 and 8 pro. 1306 36th st. n.w. FUR FINISHERS—Experienced preferred: immediate openings. Apply .JELLEFF S. j 1214-1220 F st. n.w . personnel office. 7th floor . GENERAL CLERICAL, with knowledge or! PRX. for relief operator good salary, pleasant working condition' Apply office of the YOUNG MEN S SHOP. 1319 F st. n.w —13 j GENERAL OFFICE WORK and cashier in jewelry store; knowledge of typing steady position: refs : $40 per wk DI 0544 —15 GIRLS, to address envelopes by hand, ex cellent salary. EISEMAN'S, F at 7th n w. —12 | GENERAL OFFICE WORKER. 5-day wk.:| some typing Call MR WILBER DU. 4637. —15 , GENERAL OFFICE WORKER Knowledge of bookkeeping preferred, full or part j time, salary includes meal. Apply TREAS-; URE ISLAND. 1625 K st. n.w. —15 GIRLS: Do you wart to earn S29 wk. to] start? 6 pay increases the 1st year to be, paid while you learn: opportunities for ad-' vancement. pleasant working conditions, ] vacations with pay steady employment j and interesting career security for the , future’ If your answers to the above questions are yes and you are under 35 visit one of our employment office . where friendly counselors will be g ad to tell you about the many job opportunities avail able 727 13th at. p w.. 1352 F ft n.w. THI CHECAPEAKE A POTOMAC TELE PHONE CO. GIRL, colored, to care for twins, age, month and a half must have refs, and health card: live in OF. 1854 —15 1 GIRL to help mother with youns children ■ $30 weekly. Local reference requested. ; Permanent Please do not phone Call fori Interview between 7 and 8 p.m. 1306! 36th st. n.w. GIRLS. 3: personality, perseverance. neat under 26. free to travel, with chaperoned group, for newspaper approx S75 week rr&ns and advanced expenses, leaving Sun day MRS FREY. 31»: 1311 G st 14* GIRLS, white, between ages 18 and 35. for packaging food: exper not necessary: paid! while training: 5-day week, time and half for overtime, good salary and pleasant] working conditions Apply in person, CAPITAL FR1TO CO INC.. 4860 Be thesda ave . Bethesda. Md. GIRI, to work in from office of hotel Apply in person to manager's office, THE] BROADMOOR. 3601 Conn ave —14 | GIRL, white, to work m retail food store, some grocery exper. necessary. Salary to start. «35 a wee* POTOMAC DAIRY PRODUCTS. 7715 Georgia ave. n.w TA 0700. —13 GIRL I OR ENGRAVING and printing ! shop 5-day week. Apply after 9:30 a m , BREWOOD. 1217 G st. n.w —15 GOVERNMENT GIRLS, salesladies wanted i for Saturdav only excellent salaries \ Apply MORTON S 312-316 7th st nw GOVERNESS, white, for one "'i-year-old I girl mother employed, must be reliable and nave exp*rience with children $106 mo and maintenance Call GL 1300, si to 5. or Falls Church 1118. S to 10 —15 HAIR STYLIST MANICURIST and facial consultant Apply SHOREHAM HOTEL BEAUTY SALON —16 HAT-CHECK GIRK -Appy 1120 Conn ' »ve. between 12 and 3 —14 HOSTESS. CERES GRILL. Apply 1307 X at. n.w. —13 HOUSEKEEPER for luxury hotel Send full resume of past experience and salary Seslred. Box 131-D. Star. —16 NTERIOR DECORATORS—Apply employ ment office. 5th Boor. WOODWARD A LOTHROP. 9,30 to 6 dally. —14 INVESTIGATORS lor retail shopping serv ice, age 25 to 35, no experience necessary interesting work Unusual opportunity for advancement. Must be free to travel. Apply In person, Room 523, Evening 8'ar B d(>. 11th and Pa. ave -—16 11 ALin.i wiui guuu ruuuuiuii ana ni&iiuc tlon to teach own language must be native BERLITZ. Him 17th st n w. —1ft JEWELRY SALESLADY, one with fairly wide experience In this line, salary, $ftu nlus commission and bonus. Write fully ard do not apply In person or bv nhone This position is permanent. ARTHUR MARKEL. 940 F st. nw —111 LADY to do clerical work, chiefly ad dressing envelopes, in Chevy Chase. P. o. Bex 4026. D C. LADY, cultured, smbitious, to learn good business 81.8cm first year, advancement P C. TULLY, 612 5th st. n w„ 3.30 to ft p m dally —13 LADY, dry cleaning office No experience necessary We pay you while vou learn *40 per week PEELER'S DRY CLEAN ING. 2308 Rhode Island ave. n e , DU. 1413 —13 LADIES, for sell^ig silver, brassware. gifts, etc.: must be neat and intelligent: ex perience not necessary if you desire a permanent position and are willing to work every day: pleasant surroundings: salary -according to ability 710 12th st. n w- —13 LADY FOR BINDERY—Press feeding expe rience 6-day week. BREWOOD, 1217 G st. n w LADY TO DRIVE CAR for school children In Chevy Chase, mornings or afternoons P O Box 4026 D C I.Al'NDRY WORKERS, experienced flat work Ironers. full-time employment Apply personnel dept MAYFLOWER HOTEL 17th and De Sales wts n w. —18 MAIDS, white, for full-time daywork at tractive surroundings air-conditioned house Apply housekeeper. CARLTON HOTEL. 16th i)rd K sts n w —12 MEDICAL SECRETARY, for work In doc tor's office, applicant must be a good typist, take dictation, be famiPar with medical terminology: prefer woman 20 to 30 yrs old- salar 817ft to V20d Phone MRS. BOGGS. EX 6716 for interview —15 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, to take re sponsibility for membership unit, in co operative ptepayment medical plan: re oulrements college graduate wi:h above average record and related work experi ence. ability to meet people at 92.400 annual salary, increases: one month vaca tion: medical and hospital coverage EX. 8016 —18 MILLINERY SALESLADY — Experienced, •pod salary and commission Permanent, fir* LANN SHOREHAM HAT SHOP. 2222 Calvert st nw DE 9690. —17 MONOGRAM OPERATOR must be exoeri tDCtd: permanent position ft-day week Apply employment office 4th floor. LAN8 BURGH ti BRO, 7th. 8tb and E sts n w. —1* J_HELP WOMEM._1 ; NTRSE for 20-month child, age 18 to 35. permanent, other help employed congenial: surroundings, nice salary. Call MRS. KRAFT. WO 3222. —16 OFFICE CLFRK-TYPIST for jewelry store !5M»-day week: excellent opportunity ini pleasant surroundings. Elil RUBIN CO. i 718 7th st. n w. —17 i I OFFICE GIRL—Some typing: opportunity i th learn real estate business; $30. EX 1 0558. —16 j PROMOTIONAL WORK—Young woman in • her 30s for promotional work involving house-to-house visits, no selling or collec- j tions involved, work is merely intended to interest housewives in the utilization of a ■ servicp which is already established This i is full-time work but hours might be ar 1 ranged Work between a m. and 3 pm. would be essential, however. The person we want should be educated, well-bred and ! like people. Sales, opinion survey or can : vassing experience would be helpful. Let ter should be specific and detailed enough • to justify an interview', including salary [desired and how soon available. Box 28-T. | Star. —13 RECEPTIONIST, experienced, pleasing per sonality. for photographic studio: immedi ate employ men t. Box 134-G. Star. —18 RECEPTIONIST for beauty salon, about 30 yrs old. refined, capable at telephone and with some knowledge of figures Ap ply in person. ROBERT OF PARIS. 1514 Conn. ave. _15 j REFINED LADY, experienced in rental and : j maintenance work, settled, no children.! ; not over 45 years. Salary. Do not apply, i unless interested in permanent position ! Call TE. 2052 between 0 a m. and 12 noon: , lor appointment —15 , RESTAURANT MANAGER experienced, for \ coffee shop Apply Manager, EEBITT i HOTEL. 10th and H sts. n.w. -—14 blvd.. Arlington, Ya. CH. 3131 or GL 3434 SALESGIRL to sell ladies sportswear, good hours, rood salary. Apply PLAZA SPORT SHOP, loth and E sts. n.w. —13 [SALESGIRLS, ready-to-wear dept.; high salary r>lus commission. Apply in person at NUGENT S. 121 • * G st. n.w. —16 ( SALESLADIES, experienced or not experi enced WASHINGTON SPECIALTY SHOP, i 1344 F st. n.w. DI. 4500. —14 SALESLADIES, experienced in children’s wear and linens, good salary to person capable of taking charge of a dept. JAY DEE S. 1207 G st. n.w. —13 SALESLADY, thoroughly experienced in selling fine quality ladies’ wear, full or part time permanent position, highest earnings possible for young lady with pleasing per sonality. salary and commission Apply Miss Snowden. FRED PELZMAN S FASH ION STORE. INC., 1300 F st. n w SALESLADY—We have an exceptional opening in our ladies’ department for an experienced saleslady. Must have gracious personality that can build personal trade. Good salary, plus commission without quotas to meet; liberal discount through out the store, excellent opportunity to trow with this rapidly developing depart ment. Apply womens department. THE YOUNG MEN’S SHOP. 1310 F st. n.w. j SALESLADIES, experienced, infants' and [children's wear: excellent salary and com [ mission: choice 6 or »> day week. Apply ESTHER SHOP 1225 F st. n w —14 SALESLADIES for exclusive ready-to-wear shop in Silver Spring, must be experienced: excellent salary and opportunity for ad vancement Sligo 0828. —15 SALESLADIES for women's dresses, coats, sportswear, children’s and infants’ wear, excellent salaries: bonuses; vacations with pay; 5 or 8 day week. Apply MORTON’S 312 7th st. n.w. —22 SALESLADIES—Good salary and perma nent positions. HARRY KAUFMAN. INC., 1318 7th st. n.w —]« SALESLADIES, part time, for ladies’ ready to-wear: good salary, plus commission; experienced. Apply KLEIN S. 1227 F st n.w. SALESLADIES in ready-to-wear dept.: $35 weekly, plus 1 per cent commission on all s®l£Ts:8‘dfly wepk. Apply H ABRAM SON CO . 1032 7th st. n.w. -—25 I SALESLADY for phonograph record de- 1 pnrtment. permanent position paying topi wasje: experienced person preferred but will consider training refined person with 1 general musical knowledge. Interview ar-! ranged or applf in person after J1 a m., ; HUGO WORCH. 1110 G n.w. —23 SALESLADY—It will be worth your While * to consult us in regard to a permanent ; position: highest salary and commission and many other advantage.- at SELMAS GOWN? 1307 Conn. ave. n.w. —13 SALESLADY for dmnerware department Permanen: position. 5-day wk.; experience preferred but not necessarv Applv Mr Trice. FRANK JEWELRY CO.. 827 7 th st n.w. —15 SALESLADY with alteration experience: 74o per week; steady position. Applv LIBERAL CREDIT DEPARTMENT STORE. 41 5 7th st. n.w. SALESLADY AND ALTERATION HAND— If you are interested in a permanent posi tion. excellent salary with commission and chance for advancement in high-class ready-to-wear shop write at once to Box 129-D, Star. ■—13 SALESPERSON, capable, attractive, to sell exclusive clothes, interesting position for qualified person Apply FUANCES ET FRANCES. 1315 Conn. ave. —17 SALESWOMEN—Apply employment office. 9th floor. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. 9:30-8 daily —14 SALESWOMEN, permanent position. 5-day week Apply employment office, st. floor. LANSBURGH <fc BRO . 7 th, 8th to E sts. n.w. ^ —14 SALESWOMEN, gifts, cosmetics and .sports wear depts.: perm positions. 5-dav wk BECKERS LEATHER GOODS CO. 1314 F zt. n.w —14 SALESWOMEN—Immediate openings for saleswomen in women's and misses’ dresses, coats, suits, millinery, corsets and brassieres cosmetics and glove* Apply JELLEFF'S. 1214-1220 F st. n.w, per-, sonnr! office. 7th floor SALESWOMAN, full or part time, exper ! infant's and children's wear. Apply META S. 5932 Ga. ave. n.w —14 SEAMSTRESSES and finishers on men s clothing, experience necessary, permanent : position. Also part-time workers, good \ pay. Apply Mr Berns, BOND CLOTHING , CO. 1335 F st, —15 I SEAMSTRESS, experienced on alteration , dresses; good salary, permanent posl- ■ tion. 5-day week Apply employment office. RALEIGH HABERDASHER. 1310 F st.. 3rd floor. —13 SEAMSTRESS, white, experience necessary; full-time employment Apply personnel , office. MAYFLOWER HOTEL. Conn. ave. and De Sales st. n.w. —13 SEAMSTRESSES < 2) to work on military uniforms and civilian clothing Good pav and good working conditions Must be ex perienced. EX. 7548 or 2136 Penn. ave. n.w. - —14 SEAMSTRESS for drapery shop, excellent working conditions and salary. Apply Mr ; Spitzer. MAYER Ar CO. 7th ?t. n.w. —-14 SEAMSTRESS, exper . alterations and re pairs. steadv employment. THE GEORGE TOWN SHOP, i 24S 36th st. n.w. —14 SEAMSTRESS, exper.. ui uniform work, fast worker, excel pay. steady portion. , See Mr Alex at Andrews Field or call HI j 1 *!(»<- E'• ^OKTTAIfOR SHOP 14, SEAMSTRESS, white, fast. versatile*. Phone! day. ME !i3t*:. evenings. GE 7 0J.V ! 5* SECRET ARIA! SWITCHBOARD operator j full time. Ap iy in person to the manager. < '.’,30 V isron:;n nv<- n.w 13 J SHOE SALESWOMEN. experienced 5-day week Apply employment office. 4;h floor. | S KANN SONS CO —13 - SECRETARY with knowledge of tvping and stenov in doc.or's office Salary com- i mensurate with ability. 1726 Eye st. nw Call RE 647 7, 1 1 -1 or 4-6 for appt -—14 SECRETARY, experienced, ability to take rapid dictation good opportunity for ad vancement. AMERIC AN RED CROSS. Na tional Naval Medical Center. OL. 8323. SECRETARY—Large radio manufacturer in New' York City seeks secretary with college background and experience, perma nent position with excellent opportunity lor woman with initiative and intelligence Box 441 -E. Star. SECRETARY’ for National Geographic So ciety. i*uh and M sts. n.w.; must be rapid, accurate stenographer: permanent position. 5-day week, a splendid opportunity for an intelligent, experienced person Telephone DI 3330, Ext. 322, immediately for inter view appointment —16 SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER with knowl edge of branch office procedure, to lake charge of reports, orders and small pay roll and handle correspondence; excellent opening for capable person desiring per manent 40-hcur position, who can master * details. Phone NA. 5551 for appointment or call 1625 H st. —15 SERVICE DISK CLERK no experience necessary; permanent position. 5-dav week Apply employment office. RALEIGH HAB ERDASHER. 13lo F st . 3rd floor —13. SODA DISPENSERS, full or part time Apply employment office, 4th floor, 6. KANN SONS CO STENOGRAPHER—In reply state experi ence. education, and marital status. Ex cellent opportunity with long-established local Arm. Downtown location. Salary open. Box 219-D. Star. —19 STENOGRAPHER, high school graduate, experience desirable but not necessary. Apply WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO employment office, 1100 29th st nw Mon. through Fri., 8:30 a m. to 5 pm ___ _ _ —1 4 Mt.-sui.KAFHKK—Hcadquarte rs office of - national association offers excellent op portunity for young woman seeking per manent position; interesting work and ■ pleasant surroundings; S'.g-dav week, rea sonable salary to start, with increases depending upon ability of employe EX | 2115. —14 STENOGRAPHER experienced, permanent position, 5-day week Apply employment office. 4th floor LANSBURGH &. BRO . 17th. 8th and E sts. n.w. —14 STENOGRAPHER, permanent position 40 ; hour week; $20(110 per month: In applica tion give age. experience and telephone; : number. Box 23H-E Star, ■STENOGRAPHER 4(i-hour week AMERI-I CAN RED CROSS Walter Reed Oeneral Hospital Call Mrs. Oreen, RA 4(1001 between Ham and 4 p m —15 STENOGRAPHER. 5-day week; probation-, ary rate. $.15 per wk for 35 hrs.; after i Mi days. $40.26 per wk ; further increases based on merit; time and one-half paid for overtimi Apply INTERNATIONAL ASSO CIATION OF MACHINISTS. Room 702. Machinisis Bldg . Hth and Mt. Vernon pi n.w. . —13 STENOGRAPHER-- 5-day week: general office work For Interview call DI. 4178. MR ROBERTS —13 STENOGRAPHER, knowledge- of general office work: 6-day week, old-established moitgage loan firm; conv. loc. NA 5804 STENOGRAPHER-- Young woman for per manent position In business office of large motion picture organization: 5-day week See MR SHAFTEL. 732 Earle Bldg —15 STENOGRAPHER, lo work in well known Washington business good salary to start; good working conditions Apply In per son between ft and 5 at 142(1 Wisconsin ave —] 8 STENOGRAPHER, under 40. for permanent position in old-established organization. 5-day wk. Apply 2nd fl . 1723 Eye st n w. —14 STENOGRAPHER, pleasant working con ditions. must be accurate at taking dicta tion salary. $45. Call GL. (toll, MISS HUTCHISON —13 STENOGRAPHER-CASHIER—-Bright young lady for local loan company office: Inter esting and unsual work in plasant sur rounding- See Mr, Orchin. UNITED FINANCE CO . (400 E( I. ave , Mt. Rainier —15 STENOGRAPHER-CLERK—Permanent po ; sition. 40-hr. week, vacation wlih pav. Call Mrs. Waldron ai F. W. BOLG1ANO & CO. FR 4Son —15 SIENOGKAPHEK - TYPIST — 5-day week permanent position Apply employment office 4»h fl S KANN SONS CO —13 STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST — Large radio manufacturer in New York City has open ing for experienced stenographer-typist: i permanent position with excellent oppor ; tunity Box 440-E Star. STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST _5' week perm, position, good salary and Pleasant | environment. Box 133-D. Star. —14 1 TEACHER. Gregg Shorthand; short day hour*. BOYDS. 1333 W ft. NA. 2340. HELP WOMEN. TELEPHONE OPERATOR experienced; full time; attractive salary: air-conditioned surroundings Apply WARDMAN PARK HOTEL, employment office, 2700 Woodley rd. n.w —13 TELEPHONE OPERATORS, experienced— Present wage rates enable operators to ?arn approximately $60 per wk There have been other changes in working prac tices. including reductions in lengths of hours, which warrant your consideration of returning to this work. Visit one of our employment offices. 727 13th st. n.w . 1362 F st. n.w Open evenings until 8pm THE CHESAPEAKE POTOMAC TELE PHONE CO TELEPHONE OPERATOR, white. PBX apt. building: 1 day off each week. $106 60 a month Apply manager. 1630 R st. n.w., DU 6600 —14 TELEPHONE OPERATOR! permanent po sition. good salary, excellent working con ditions. THE KENNEDY-WARREN. AD. 9100. —15 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS—Pleasant work; no experience necessary; good salary. Sermanent position Apply Mr. Kelly, IARVINS. 734 7th st. n.w —15 TITLE CLERK and general office work for auto dealer; 40-hour week, pleasant work ing conditions: $10 per week to start pre vious auto experience preferred. CHEVY CHASE MOTOR CO . INC., 7725 Wisconsin ave. WI. 1635. —13 TYPIST and general office worker, by na tional trade association, perm, position if satisfactory, good salary and working con ditions: 39-hour week. Box 7-D. Star—14 TY’PIST. receptionist. PBX operator: for accountants office; experience in typing financial statements preferred; excellent working conditions: good salary. Box 226 D. Star. —16 TYPIST with knowledge of filing: 5-day week, old-established loan firm. conv. loca tion. NA 5894. —17 TYPIST with elementary knowledge of bookkeeping, to learn Remington Rand bookkeeping machine operation: good pay while learning, with opportunity for ad vancement; small office: ft-day week; 7‘a hour day. Do not apply unless permanent position is desired. Apply between 10 a m and 3 p m. daily except Saturday to MR. RICE 1434 Florida ave. n.e. —15 TYPIST, must be exper perm, position: $35 wk. to start Apply HOLLYWOOD CLOTHING CO.. 703 7th st. n.w —16 TYPIST, aged 18-35; experience not es sential if reasonably capable. 38-hr. wk with excellent working conditions: good opportunity. MR. DOWD, 927 Woodward Bldg. —18 TYPIST and general office worker: 40-hr. wk.; not over 45 years old. Experience req. Old-established firm. Box 261-0 Star —15 TYPISTS (3), white: graduates of nearby high schools; preferably without previous I employment. Large office; work educa-i tional and salaries increased with effi-i ciency. Phone NA. 8969. —15 TYPIST for permanent position. 39-hour week, pleasant surroundings Apply in person. HIGHWAY EXPRESS LINES. 3rd and R sts. n e. TYPIST to type tables, statistics, letters, do some filing, accuracy, responsibility re quired; downtown office: 5-dav, 35-hour week. Salary. $35 start: $40 after 60 days. Give education, experience, refer ences. phone number. Box 215-D. Star. TYPIST and general office worker with knowledge of stenography and good at figures, wanted for contractors office; sal ary. $2,080. UN. 3030. TYPIST for names and addresses, etc; who desires permanent job with future. Apply BRENNER PHOTO CO.. 933 Penna ave. n.w. Ask for MISS FINE. —15 TYPISTS for filling In form letters and addressing envelopes: 5-day week State experience and whether employed. Box 150-G. Star. TYPIST-CLERKS—5'i-day week; perma nent positions. Call 9 to 5 p.m. Tues. to Thurs. ME. 2284. Ext. 36 —13 TYPIST-CLERK—Interesting work with chance for advancement. Apply lo-2 UNION CHEMICAL PRODUCTS. 3338 M at. n.w. —13 TYPIST-CLERK, experienced office worker. 30 to 45 years of age. ability handle incom ing phone calls; good pay, steady position, excellent opportunity for advancement in pay; good working conditions; references. Box 312-E. Star. —13 ! TYPIST-CLERK—512-day week. perm, po sition, uood salary and pleasant environ ment. Box 132-D. Star. —14 ; TYPIST AND GENERAL OFFICE worker £3 #.50 weekly. H-dav week. Applv H ' ABRAMSON CO . 103,2 7th st. n.w. —26 WAITRESSES, lull time or part rime, over 21; good salary, tips, meals and uniforms; prefer those living in Hyattsville or n e. j section Apply to manager. P. & C. RES- ] TAURANT. 3806 Bladensburg rd. —15 WAITRESSES; pleasant and profitable work. Call DI. 4946. —15 WAITRESS; excel, position for reliable worker WAGSHAL S DELICATESSEN. 4 855 Mass ave. n.w. —17 WAITRESS, white: no Sundays; good pav and tips, uniforms furnished, 4 to 12 shift TEHAAN RESTAURANT. 1232 36th st. n.w. —18 WAITRESSES, two. white, good pay. tips and meals: no Sunday work Apply HEIGHTS RESTAURANT. 2737 Nichols ave. s.e. 14* WAITRESS—Part time. Fn\, Sat . Sun., good nay and tips. hrs. 5-2. Apply RO MANO INN, 3703 Bladensburg road. Col-j mar Manor, Md Call UN. 4444. WAITRESS—Experienced only, for Vir- j ginia dining rm. Will pay S35 per wk. and tips; only excellent waitress need ap ply DE 4453 —19 WAITRESS, white. 21 or over, for evening i *hift. good wages, excellent tips, part time. RA P82J after 9 a m —18 i W'AITRFSS, white, clean, single; serving food oi ly, good nay. tips. Sat. and Sun off. Dining room. 1202 N Capitol st. 16* V\ AlTRESS-BARTENDLR, over 25; hr?.. 11 a m lo 7 p.m . closed Monday, salary £30 per wk., exper. not necessary. Apply manager. P. A; C. DRIVE-IN RESTAU RANT. 3806 Bladensburg rd. —15 WOMAN, middle aged, unmarried, to care for 8-month-old child 4 day? a week sleep In. meals furnished, excellent salary. MRS. GREENE, Apt. No. 4, 2819 Minne ofa ave. e e. 15* WOMEN—A real opportunity to learn me hanical dentistry. Work is interesting, iood working conditions. Oniy those me chanically inclined need apply. Paid while earning. 5-dav week. Apply 2nd floor. 1722 Eye at. n.w. —IB WOMAN to assist food checker; permanent position with large restaurant good sal ary, including meals See Mr. O'Brien, personnel office. O DONNELL S SEA ORILL. 1207 E st. n w. —IB WOMAN, young, intelligent and experi enced ns cosmetic and cigar clerk in mod ern and progressive drugstore, good hours and salary; vicinity Silver Spring. 8H. WOMEN TO SELL children’* shoes wanted! Immediately in children's shoe section soon to be opened In JelleJTs Bethesda: Shop. Apply JELLEFF'S. J 214-1220 F st. n.w. Drrsonnel office. 1th floor WOMEN—Starting rates up 10 J29 per week ai tne telephone company fo»- ap- 1 plicants without experience, with ft pay increases during the first year, excellent opportunities are available, vacation with pay. pleasant working conditions, s'rady ! employment If you are under 3ft. call to day a» ope of our employment office: . 127 j 13th s' n w . 1352 F s:. n w Open eve nings until M p.n THE CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO WOMAN Combination clerical-sale*lady. one interested in sewing preferred perma nent resident. Apply in person SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO . 3337 Conn ave. WOMAN to assist food checker for hiah ciass restaurant, good salary and meals. Apply Mr. O'Brien. personnel office. O'DONNELLS SEA GRILL. 1207 E *t. n.w. —15 WOMAN, settled. 7 p m to 7 am; aleep in private room; answer Invalid's night calls, permanent position. CO. .3000. Apt 231 —14 WOMEN wanted for office, clerical and file work. GOLDCRAFT PORTRAITS. 716 1.3th n.w. Apply between 10 and 2. EX 3505. WOMEN WITH PERSONALITY and ~pere verence and the ambition to break into hiffh-bracket earnings in the fascinating field or real estate sales in Arlington County; fastest growing in the U. fi. today, complete training furnished, car necessary. Send complete statement and inclose snap shot. Box 128-G. Star. —]f> WRAPPER AND INSPECTOR — Splendid opportunity for advancement In one of the finest men's wear stores in Wash ington good salary: liberal discount on: Purchases. Apply office, THE YOUNG MEN S §HOp. 1319 F at. n.w. —13 WRAPPERS AND PACKERS, ft-day week Apply employment office. 4 th floor. S KANN SONS CO —13 YOUNG I.ADY’ for dress dept., one thor oughly exper.. excel salary and working conditions Apply SHE! BURNE DRESS SHOP. 137/ Conn ave. n.w. —18 ; YOUNG I.ADY desiring work a* souvenir; sales clerk perm, pos.: *27 per wk Apply: UNION STATION. Stand No. 4 —17 i YOUNG I.ADY. lor work rn office of public accountant, muat be good typlat. some shorthand and general office duties, pref erably some bookkeeping experience: part time. 0-3; 5-day week. $25. Call for ap pointment LI. 8447. —14 YOUNG LADY, interviewer requirement*. a«e under 24. free to travel, neat appear ance. experience unnecessary: in training earnings exceptional: transportation fur nished. exper,sis advanced: permanent em ployment with group of young ladies trav eling Western States See MR FREY. SS.1.t,VX1B' ,:il 1 ° n.w., Fri and Sat. 14* YOUNG LADA, high school graduate with knowledge of typing for general office work; nleasant working conditions: per manent See Mr. Tarsher. BEAL MOTOR CO.. 140] Rhode Island ave. n.e. -—15 YOUNG LADY for general office work typing experience. Apply UNIVERSITY SHOP. 715 14th st n.w. —15 YOUNG LADY to trim windows and in terior displays. This is an exceptional opportunity for some one with artistic abilities. Good salary, excellent working conditions. Apply THE ROSS CO , 1.331 F st. n.w. —10 YOUNG I.ADY. attractive, for saleswork. salary plus commission Apply manager. METROPOLITAN THEATER. —15 YOUNG LADY wanted to answer Dhone and some typing RELIABLE STEAM PRESSING MACHINE SERVICE. 007 0th st n.w. ME. 8047. —15 WANTED GIRLS, experienced hand sew ers. good pay. 802 F st. n.w., 2nd floor. Room 41.* .—18 TRAVEL CALIFORNIA with highly paid rales group, age 20-80; permanent, no experience necessary, we will train you; *40 guar wkly salary plus comm . transp. MRS. KELLOGG. Hotel Burlington. 11 30 a m-0 p in. No telephone calls. 1.3* ARCADE PONTIAC CO. has openings for a bookkeeper, a general office worker and a switchboard oDeralor; experienced In automotive business preferred, good sal aries and pleasant working conditions, permanent See Mr. Martin. Arcade Pon tiac Co., 1437 Irving at. n.w. AD. 8500. —15 RESPONSIBLE POSITION open for expe rienced secretary and office assistant. References required Apply in person to LACY'S. INC.. 800 E st. n.w.. to Mr. Warsaw or Mr. Botts. —13 OPPORTUNITY lor stenographer desiring steady part-time work. 4 hours dally. 5-day week Georgetown real estate office, pleas ant working conditions Reply giving exp. and refs. Box 45-D. Star. —13 2 COUNTER GIRLS, colored, wanted to work at Frazier's newly opened fnuntain ette; must be neat, experienced in fountain and sandwuh work; good salary. Apply ]331 7th st. n w. 13* AN OLD-ESTABLISHED CONCERN re quires the services of a first-class typist and general office worker, steady employ mem; five-day week, age not over 45 years. Apply tc Box 438-E. Siar —15 ROOMS. BOARD, and small compensation to white, middle-aged or elderly lady de siring home, n.e. section. In return for light duties and companionship to aeml ffiVAUd Box 134-D. Star —14 HELP DOMESTIC. COOK and central houseworker, elderly and settled; live In; 6367 31st place n w. Call WO. 6183. —18 MISTER BREGER —By Dave Breger HELP DOMESTIC (Cont.) COOK, g.h.w.. exper.. ref req.. live in, good salary. 3038 Rodman at. n.w. EM. 13422. —14 COOK, g h.w.. experienced: D. C. ref erences: 2 adults, live in. good home; room and beth. AD. 1395. COOK-G.H.W., 3Vi days a week; $12 and carfare; references. WI. 7079. —14 COOK ANI) GENERAL housekeeper for family of 1<i permanent job for competent party. Write Box 4 26-E, Star, and specify wares desired. —18 COOK-G.H.W., must like children: live in; $25 wk.; must have references. WO. 8697. —19 COOK-G.H.W.: small family, 5 afternoons. 1 $15. EM. <1757. COUPLE, colored, wife as laundress and maid; man as butler and houseman. Live in. good wages Phone WO. 0678. —15/ EXPERT MAID, g.h.w., plain cooking; 2 school-age children. Must have excellent relerences; live in; $35 week. Box 126-D, Star. —14 G.H.W., live In. light cooking, fond of ; children; good salary, refs. SH. 6305. —14 G.H.W.; $25 week: live in: plain ■cooking; fond of children SL. 3091. —14 G.H.W., cooking; live In; $20 week. WI. 5417. —13 G.H.W. AND COOKING, sleep in. upstairs room and private bath, no laundry; 1 afternoon and every other Sunday ofT; other help employed: refs.; $26 a week. OR 3839. —13 G.H.W. and care of two children; hours. 8 to 6: no cooking, no Sunday; six days. $22* ref. Oidway 1616. • G.H.W. in Arlington. 12 to 8. Cook dinner. 5 day week. Stay 1 or 2 evenings, must like children. CH. 4830 15* G.H.W. in Georgetown. 8 to 1 p.m. $16 weekly, permanent. Local reference re quested. Please do not phone. Come for in terview between 4 and 6 pm. 1306 36th st., n.w. G.H.W.. 5-day week, 1 to 7; apt.; $12 a week. RA. 1962. G.H.W.. EXPERIENCED Ironing, no wash ing. experienced with children, live in; $18 per week SH. 7 232. —13 G.H.W AND IRONING—6 days a week. 12 noon till after dinner. $18 a week and car fare 1553 42nd at. s.e. FR 1753. —13 GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, light laundry help with children, cook dinner, small apartment. $20 and carfare. CH. 2000, Ext. 536 GENERAL HOUSEWORKER: 6-day wk : 2 school-aged girls; Jive In; $22 per wk. EM. 0773. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER wanted; perma nent position sleep in: no children; good salary. Call CH 5321 or NA. 3863. —14 GIRL wanted, colored, for l.h.w., light washing, care small child. 10 a m to 7 p.m.. Silver Spring; references required. Call SL. 9391. —14 GIRL. G.H.W.. plain cooking, light laundry for small family; no children; hours 8 to 6 p.m. Call NA. 058 7 between 9 and 4 pm. —15 HOTEL MAID, experienced; references; $23 per wk. 144(i Rhode Island n.w. —15 HOUSEKEEPER, cook, g h.w settled, neat, reliable, white Protestant; live in. AT. 9477. —16 housekeeper, white, to live with kind Protestant family, employed couple with boy 6, girl 2; private room. 5Va-day week, $25. WI. 1746. —13 UrtT-cr'ir __ __, _ _i nuLstnccrtK — uo you want » goon home? Do you like to keep house? Are you fond of children? If so. an emplpyed couple with 2 schoolboys would appreciate your service; good wages. WI 0657. —15 HOUSEKEEPER, about 40 yrs. pld. single or widow with one child, to take complete charge of beautiful home for-widower. Per manent position. References req —15 HOUSEKEEPER-COOK — Thoroughly ex perienced woman Best references requir-. ed. o-day week. No laundry. Live in. $25. WI. 6077. —13 HOUSEMAID, colored, private • school in country near Washington. Room and board provided. Call Palls Church. 1422. THE MADERIA SCHOOL. Greenway, Fairfax County, Va. —16 HOUSEWORKER. good home: Bendix washer: own room. MR£ BRICKER, 405 Ave. I. Bklyn ; New York. - —13 Latin American cook, g.h.w., for Bpanish-speaklng American family; live In; good salary, no laundry; 5^-day wk,; must like children; refs. WO. 7713. —18 MAID for general housework, family of 3 adults: .vmall laundry, 2 full days or 3 half days per week located in Silver Spring salary, 60c per hr. and carfare. Call 8H. 4978. —13 MAID, colored, exp e h w and cook, light laundry; $25 per wk ; small family, live in; lovely upstairs rm., pvt. bath: ref. req. OR 2656. —17 MAID to move to New' Jeraey. Just out side N. Y. Other help employed. Call TA. 2434 . —13 MAID for private family Must be a good cook Good wave', stay in or out. 1411 Kennedy st. n.w 15* MAID, g.h v. . must be experienced cook and furnish best of references ] :30 through dinner. 2 adults in farnily. Top wages 2800 Woodley Road . CO 6313. Phone Saturday afternoon or evening —15 MAID, g.h.w, piain rooking 2 school aged children. .V2-day week, live in, sub urbs. refs, required; $25 week. WI. 3483. —15 MAID, sorority house. College Park, live in. Union 049H. MAID—Will Dorothy Arthur please call Mrs. Clements. SH 4351, between 7 and 9 as soon as possible? Urgent. 15* MAID, white or colored, for family of 3, in Falls Church. Va. Must be able to assume complete responsibility for the home: $120 mo and maintenance: must live in. Call GL 1300. 9 to 5. or Falls Church 1118 from 8 to 10. —15 MAID, colored, g.h.w. and cooking; 3 adults in family; 12 day Thursdays, ho Sundays: $25 per week, must have refer ences. Telephone Woodley 5481. —13 MAID-G.H.W., must be fond of children: light laundry, plain* cooking. TA. 9303. — 14 NURSE or mother helper for well-trained young children. $30 weekly, permanent, local reference requested. Please do not phene. Come for interview’ between 7 and 8 p.m . 1306 36th st. n.w NURSEMAID, light housework, no cooking, no laundry; live in exp. and ref ; $25 per week. EM. 3368. —15 NURSEMAID. 10 care for 2 school-age chil dren. some light housework: live In; good home and excel salary: refs. EM. 1131 PART-TIME MAID: laundry and general housework Hours, 9 to 2. Apply 330,9 14th st. n.w. SETTLED WOMAN, g.h w : colored family; parents school teachers. 2 school-age chil dren. 1 preschool: 5’.i-day week. Apply 2418 F st. n.w. after 5 p.m. —13 WHITE GIRL, experienced cook and laun dress. to live in Long Island. Phone North 7850 ,—13 WOMAN, colored, settled, middle-aged for light housekeeping duties in private home in Northwest section, to live in. All day Sundays and Thursday afternoons off, A. M. DRAISNER. NA. 8036; home. GE. 8896. *—13 WOMAN, white, middle-aged, in Catholic church rectory, Washington; must be able to cook. Box f>4-E. Star. —14 WOMAN to take care of baby 5 days per wk , hrs. 8-5. no holiday work. Call Mon day after 7 pm, WA. 6354. —15 WANTED, colored. Southern or country girl between 30 and 40 to go to Chicago for domestic work: must be fond of children; leaving city last week of Sept ; $25 a week. Box 47-D. Star. —i;i _SITUATIONS MEN._ ACCOUNTANT, expert, nooks started; kept part time, audits, statements, tax returns; city references. OR. 2074. ACCOUNTANT, books started, kept, state ments, income tax prepared; D C. Md Va., reasonable rates. Box 313-B. S'ar 9/19* ACCOUNTANT, expert; books started, kept, audited: tax reports, monthly service state ments; prompt reas 6H. 0584. 15* ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER wishes full time Job for 2 weeks beginning Sept. 15. Wishes part-time work or accounts after Set. 1. DE. 8500. Ext. 630. • MBITIOUS JUNIOR DRAFTSMEN. Call TA. 5803. if,' BARTENDER, sober, reliable, experienced day or night. JA. 1827-J, ask for Pete. BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT; systems In stalled. books kept full or part time, all taxes and monthly profit statements reas. Write Box 148-E. Star. 18* BOY', colored, wants work in lunchroom; bootblack or elevator operator. HO. 0391. 14* DELICATESSEN—Capable responsible man. 12 years' experience in Jewish-type delica tessen and restaurant, can manage or work to your complete satisfaction. If interested In granting Interview, write Box 407-E, Star 15 DRUG AND LIQUOR SALES! Wholesale and retail: over 10 years' diversified ex perience; permanent resident of D. C., married. 30 years of age; personable; have car. Box 468-E, Star. 17 EX-MARINe wants to learn carpenter trad* Call Union 4791 after 8 pm. • FARMER. 25 years' experience, desires po sition as farm manager in Washington vi cinity; excellent references. Write Box 150-H. Star 15* GEORGETOWN LAW STUDENT, senior, veieran. des;res part-time work afternoons, preferably in a law office. Box ltt-H. Star. 14* HOUSEMAN-CHAUFFEUR, colored, wants Job; experienced; reference. North 9473. 15 LAW STUDENT. 24, vet., A. B degree, married, frplst, gen. office or clerical work, partume, 12 to 8 p.m. FR. 8280. Ext. 778. 15 MAN, colored, wants part-time night Job. 7:30 p.m on. elevator or any kind of work DU. 5279 14* FAINTER, 'white, flrst-clasa. with full equip ment. desires painting to do at nllht. O. R. BOWEN. Chestnut 6294. 17' SITUATIONS MEN (Cent). PAINTER, wants painting to do Will give a good job. Call MR. JAMES, MI. 2703. PAINTER-DECORATOR -Good work, re liable: interior, exterior. Call evenings, NO. 8747. 13* PHARMACIST, capable, experienced in sell ing. display and prescription work; avail able at once. Box 498-E, Star. 1.3* PHARMACIST, open Sept 23: reg. Pa and N. J.; Washington experience. Box 442-E. Star. • PHARMACIST, experienced, used to deal-, mg with high-class clientele, available im I mediately. Box 424-E. Star. 13* RESIDENT MANAGER, apt . young man. college education, veteran, desires part time work. Box 470-E. Star 14* VETERAN W. W. II. degrees in law and acet., knowledge of engineering equipment. : will consider any selling position. MR McDonald, ge 2548. is* VETERAN, former intelligence investiga tor. 25 years old. married, 317 years col lege. 4 years prep, school, excellent family and character background, wishes posi tion entailing responsibility: allowed use of own initiative, offering a “present" as well as a future. Box 17-H. Star. 15* VETERAN wants job as driver or chauffeur; 5 yrs.' experience with trucks and cars. Phone AT. 9014 after 5:30 p.m . EDWARD. • VET., colored, with experience and refer ence. desires heavy truck driving. Phone DI. 9348. • YOCNG VET desires on-the-job training! es dental or optical technician; eager to learn either trade. Box K-H. Star. 13* MILLIE ROBERTSON, living at 1015 8th st. n.w., wants elevator or dish-washing job. RE. 3821. 14 THOROIGHI.Y EXPERIENCED in mens and boys clothing; now employed; desire new connection; 25 years' experience in; buying, selling and merchandising; highest references: no objection to out of town. Box 3U-H. Siar._• SITUATIONS WOMEN. BUYER OF POPULAR priced dre?ses. wishes position In Wash . D. C department store, well known In market, best of references Box 49-H Star 15* DRESSMAKING, design, remod . altera tions; eve. gowns a specialty, rcas MISS j BERT. 1630 Irving n.w.. Apt. 4. AD. 3338. EX-WAC. medical and surgical technician, would like Job as asistant in physician's office; typing experience. Phone CO 9891. MISS MARIE GREER 14* GIRL, colored, dependable, wants part- i time general housework. HO. 7738. LADY, refined, intelligent, desires position as companion. Live in. Pleasant environ ment essential. Box 59-H. Star 15* j NURSE, colored, wishes day or night duty.» references. Call TR. 6604. PRACTICAL NURSE. Christian Scientist, desires permanent position, nurse or com panion. adult or child: highly qualified; long experience; capable entire charge; references, available Oct. 1st. Box 61-H. Star ]9* SECRETARY, with over 15 years’ experi ence as private secretary to an excutive. is. for personal reasons, seeking a change No Saturday w’ork Box 465-F. Star. 13* SECRETARY - STENOGRAPHER. experi enced; rapid typist, capable wants stimu lating job. Box I4S-G. Star —14 TYPING^—Work done in my office, loca tion Medical Center: no rush typing Call 10:30-1 :30. National 1335. 13* TYPIST, experienced; will do copy work at a reasonable rate. Call SL. 6943. MISS FRANCIS. 13* WOMAN, colored, desires Job as elevator' operator FFt 3383. j 3* j 'VE CAN GIVE YOU prompt service on steno.; w'ork. statistical typing, dictophone ! record; downtown^ DUJU4I. -^14 1 SITUATIONS DOMESTIC._ DAY WORKER, Colored, 1st class; nearby1 Va- wants-Mon. Wed.; excellent ref., $5. i carfare; bhohe Vienna *37-M. after 5. GIRL, colored, desires part-time work, mornings only; 8 to 12. Call mornings until 12. eves, after 8. DU. 2234. —13 GIRL, reliable, colored, wishes g.h.w., 6 days week: life out references LC 4984 I GIRL, colored, wants 6 days of work, 8 to 4: good reference, DU. 0267. • GIRL, colored, wishes job. part time, all day or days' work, 5 days week: no laun dry. AT. 8926. GIRL, colored, wants work, making beds in roaming house or in hospital nurses' Quarters. ME. 5-688. f GIRL desires g.h.w. in small family, will do some plain cooking. $25 weekly and carfare RE. 2617. 12 io 3 pm. • WOMAN, colored, wants day's work: $5 ' per day and carfare. Ludlow 4498 —13 WOMAN, colored, with reference, wants 4 hours’ work a m. cleaning, in n w. section Call NO. 7181. 8-10 am. 4-6 p m. 14" WOMAN, colored, wishes day's work or part time, morning hours; honest; city rels. AD 01 32.____ SITUATIONS MEN and WOMEN, j MAN AND WIFE, white, young, desire po nrion as resident manager apartment or other building. Man has lo gears' exp ► "•'ding maint. and boiler operation. RE £751. _14*_ i MOTOR TRAVEL. SKYLINE DRIVE, Shenandoah Valley, sightseeing trios, September 14 and 15:1 Packard limousines: reservations CAP-j ITOL SIGHTSEEING TOURS, 51 :s Pa. ave. I n.w. DI. NA. 0700. RIDF. WANTED to and from Univ. of Md from or near s.e. 1, 8 or :i students in terested in sharing expenses. Call TR ‘7058 before noon. IS* LOS ANGELES—'46 Buick: young naval officer and wife; take two, NA .‘ISM. 10’ I-OS ANGELES dally: see the West; pvt. sed.: via St. Louis. Dallas, Salt Lake Citv; share expenses: ref exch RE 6880. 19" GENTLEMAN DRIVING NEW CAR to Los Angeles; leaving Sept. 16: free transp. to man to help drive. WI. 6917. —15 TRIP TO SKYLINE DRIVE, Luray Cav erns, Sunday; approx. ,‘tOO miles, 14 hrs.; room for five, EM. 77.1.T (night). 15* PORT WAYNE, Chicago, Clinton, Iowa;) leaving about Sept. 10, return about a! week; take 4; 1941 Chevrolet. TA. 8857 ^_—14 _INSTRUCTIONS COURSES. POPULAR PIANO or accordion taught in 20 lessons Improvising and transposing Air-conditioned studio. MR NEWMAN. 1706 G st. n.w. ME. 4700 or RA. 5.100. ! —10 MODERN TRAINING in beauty culture, all subjects taught. Apnroved by Government i for GI training. WAR-FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 G st. n.w. DI. 1762. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, grades 1-8; complete curriculum; reading specialist, language optional: experienced teachers; term opens Sent. 16. GAUNTT SCHOOL. 2010 Conn, ave DE 7057. —21 LEARN TO DRIVE the NATIONAL DRIV ING INSTITUTE way; $2.50 per hr. Class starting Sat , Sept. 14. Phone EX. 1000 Sat. between 10-3 for details. Ask for Mr. Kaaans. 11* PIANO TEACHER for children and adults; certif. from Orlando (Fla.) Music Academy and Vienna masters ME. 2614 17* BECOME A WATCHMAKER, get informa tion and reservation from the C. & F. Watchmakers' Institute, Washington, D. C.. for a complete training: at present time only by mail Write Box 458-E, Star. 16* SPANISH LESSONS, beginner only; indi vidual instruction. You can speak Span ish after 70 lessons guaranteed. MR. SANTOS. ME. 5525. 14* 1 I WILL TEACH SPANISH to anybody who! ts willing to learn. Write to SHEILA GRAVES, 4119 7th st. n.w . Wash • FRENCH conversation, private Instruction by highly cultured widow of European diplomat. Call Hobart 1558. * GUITAR—Spanish and electric Hawaiian! taught in your home by nationally known teacher, day or evening TA 0552. • SEWING LESSONS—Eight 2-hour lessons,! $10: sew and save; day and night classes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO , 31371 Conn, ave . EM. 4244. BEAUTY OPERATORS NEEDED— Modern ! training 'n all subjects; day. night and part-time classes- get our free catalogue. MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL, approved for D, C. requirements and GI training. 134o N Y ave . ME 7778: estab 1918 PIANO INSTRUCTION—Beginning and advanced students, children and adults Inquire about our testing program for musical talent. MI. 1092. • GUITAR—Spanish and electric Hawaiian taught In your home by nationally known teacher, day or evening. TA. 0552. • STENOGRAPHIC ana secretarial classes now formtng. Beginners' and refresher courses In shorthand typing, bookkeeping, comptometer, all secretarial subjects. Est 28 yrs. Accredited. Approved GI school Inquire now. NA 2338 BOYD SCHOOL. 1333 F -it >Qpp Capitol Theater.) EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. _BUSINESS. _ "_I BILLING MACHINE OPERATORS. 5-day.! 40-hour week Apply employment office, Oth floor, WOODWARD A: LOTHROP. II: 80-0 daily —14 FUR OPERATORS AND CUTTERS. Apply employment office. Oth floor, WOODWARD At LOTHROP. O .fO-tt daily. —14 A-1 SECRETARY. $00 wk. (female); ad-1 verUsinx promotion offices, stenotraphers, | legal, $r>0-$65 wk.; trade assoc, secretary, i $50 wk; radio stenographer, $50 wk.; secretary, manufacturer's agent, $50 wk.: I legal stenoxs., beg. and exper.. $45-$5ft j wk.; need 100 new applicant daily for new; interesting openings. See Miss White ori Miss Lee. (Estab. 28 years.) BOYDS, i:w:» R. na -o.'is ELECTRICAL ENGINEER im.L $4 800 yr ; radar exper draftsman, statistical. $2.400; civil engineer, computing, municipal work, i $75 wk. See Mr Byrd. NA. 6250 or NA.| 2110 PERSONNEL SERVICE. 1311 O »t.. nest to church. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 'ConM j SECRETARY. service organisation. SC.fiOf ■ secretary, Insurance company. SC.fiOO; I secretary, legal. $2,400; secretary-book keeper, private school. «2.Q00: clerk-typist. I credit dept.. $2,080; clerk-typist. *1.1*50,' bookkeeper, man. $:t.00O; also mars' other j ’ lerical and Industrial positions MUTUAL EMPLOYMENT SERVIC5E. Kill O at r w ,NA. OP54._—16_ i PERSONAL. NURSES AVAILABLE — The tnter-raclal nursea’ registery; 24-hour service. DU rtaofcE SHEPHERD 8680. ask lor Miss Wright, tf you are in need of a loan up to SHOO on your aignature. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS— Modern studio In office bide Centrally located above Loews Columbia Theater Equipped for prompt service Dresses, suits to order Also restyling. LEA ENGEL (formerly of Fifth ave., N.Y.', 11 in F at nw. Room 20 Telephone Executive 18o:i DIAMONDS, pawn tickets, silver and jew eiry cashed Free appraisal. LIVING STON A CO. 1423 H st n » ME 3440 PERMANENT WAVES, #4 shampoo and flngerwave, 50c. No appointments. Ail work done by advanced Modems. WAR FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 G St n.w DRAPERIES. VALANCES—We bring our fabric samples to you without charge Appointment, by phone CO. 5000. DAIG NEAULT. DECORATORS IMMEDIATE CASH lor your home Wash ington. Maryland. Virginia properly COX A CO , 815 N. Capitol St. DI. 4254. RE. 1633. FUND-RAISING CAMPAIGNER 15 years experience: at liberty for civic, charity, lraternal projects or membership drives Call NA. 3766 days or WO. 3258 eves. A>k for MR. RIDDELL 14* FABRICS fpr slipcovers and draperies, solid colors, prints, stripes. discount on orders placed before Sept. 15. ART CRAFT STUDIO, MI. 1092. • VACANCY in nursing home: 24-hr nursing care; tray service, lovely grounds, porches capable of caring for senile ambulant and bed patients; State and county licenses men and women SH 6040. —15 H. W. JOHNSON, Dentist—False teeth re paired while you wait. Room 602. Westory Bldg.. 14th and T sts. n.w. Closed Sat PIANO TUNER. All repairs: city or sub urbs Cal! VICTOR GEORGE. AT. 72S6 for quick, guaranteed service. —17 PARSONS COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL—Dav and boarding: registry open for Sept 17 Nursery, primary and elementary rrade for boys and girls. Special courses in dancing, music and horseback riding Transp. furnished and hot lunches. Mod erate rates. 940! Ga. ave. SH 1674. CORDE BAGS, handmade to order, rhortse size, color, pattern: prices. 818. 825. in cluding material. Phone WA. 3171. - i:i CARLYN SPRING DAY NURSERY, chil dren. 3 to 6; supervised activities, spacious playground, transportation. Falls Church 87S-J-2 or Falls Church 13B3-R UPHOLSTERING—Your old furniture made to look like new by our expert, upholsterers Call HOLOBER A CO . DU. 8214 for free estimates * CUSTOM-MADE SLIP COVERS cut on your furniture to insure perfect fit: large beauti ful floral designs and stripes to select from: free estimates. Call HOLOBER Sc CO . DU 8314. NURSERY SCHOOL, day: accredited teach ers. spacious inclosed playground, modern equipped interiors, hot lunch. Open Tam to 6 p.m AT. 0466. • FRENCH CONVERSATION LESSONS taught by highly cultured French woman German also taught: private tutor. MI. 5550 • HIGHLY CULTURED WOMAN teaches English, self-confidence, freedom from self consciousness; private tutor. MI 5550 * PHOTOS OF YOUR BABY in your home: ‘55 different poses. $12.50: you will treas ure these lovely natural pictures In your child’s own environment. For appointment call HO 4720. day or evening —19 THE IDEAL WOMENS GIFT—Beautiful hand-crocheted bags, all patterns and colors. $15. WA 3394. l.V THE PURPLE IRIS INN; available for wed ding parties, clubs, luncheons and bridge parties. 3200 Rittenhouse st. n.w WO 1135. 15* DAY CARE VACANCIES for pre-school age children; Berwyn Heights, Maryland, reasonable rates. Phone Tower 4902. 15* CORDE BAGS, my design or yours. $50 black available immediately: baby woolens a specialty. CO, 7500. Ext. 32. 14’ PERMANENT. $4; shampoo and finger wave. 60c No appointments. MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL. 1340 N. Y ave STI DIO TOR RENT: permanent or partial use: turn, or unfurn.: for teacher or student of voice or music. Phone for rates. NO. 4SOS. SLIP COVERS that are different—they fit! See our fabrics before making your selec tion ARTCRAFT STUDIO, MI. 1092 * CHILDREN’S BOARDING SCHOOL—Pri mary. kindergarten and nursery. Music, dancing Nurse in attendance. HITE NURSER^SCHOOL, call Olympic 8P7?._’_ HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. ALTERATIONS and house repairs; rooms: attic j>r basement: porches. DALLAS D. BALL. Contractor. AD. 2613. -—14 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, private roads and parking areas; private roads paving con tractor: we go anywhere. GL 5949. 14* CEMENT WORK, stone walls, flagstone porches and walks, chimneys, fireplaces. P. MARCUCCIO. Route 4. Horner s lane. Rockville. Md, Phone Rockville 706 —23 COMBINATION ALUMINUM storm window, with stainless steel screen. Buy now. start payments in fall Call ior free estimate AIR COMFORT CORP.. HO 8300. CONCRETE. CEMENT WORK—Sidewalks, footings, porches, driveways, steps, car pentry, brick, stone walk, plastering, caulking. Call any . time and Sundays. C G. CONSTRUCTION CO . Atlantic 2864 DRIVEWAY SPECIALIST—Asphalt black top. concrete-grading, flagstone walks; walls. DEIN. WI. 6811. —14 FENCING—-Anchor fences a specialty. Also other kinds of fences Day. DI 0122, eves GE., 71)59: WILLINER FENCE CO. FLOORS SANDED apd reflnlshed Clean, smooth work by long-experienced white mechanies. MORRIS. SH. 2377 —17 FLOOR SERVICE, nothing but the beat; laying.' sanding, finishing, cleaning, par quet Installations: Bruce finishes FLOOR ING CONTRACTORS. INC., 1813 Wiscon sin ave. NO. 2215 GENERAL CONTRACTING, prompt, per sonal attention lor. remodeling or repairing your home or store PARAGON CON STRUCTION CO., 1347 Conn. ave. AD 5914. -_17 IRON WORK -— Fire escapes, window guards, railings, angles, beams, gates, fences, steel Industrial buildings and ga rage shops. Easy terms. DUPONT IRON .VORK8, INC.. II66 18th st. n.w. NA. 3.66 (dayL WO. 3258 (.ave.) 18* OAK FLOORING—Will gladly quote you on clear oak flooring, including laying and finishing: prompt service. OX 0136. 14* PAINTING; DECORATING, papering, floor refinishing, roof repairs, waterproofing: work guar : white mechanics: references; established 1925 GILBERT' A: HAMIL TON. AD 51311. PAINTING, papering, floor finishing. Beet materia!, work guar. Immediate service COLONIAL DECORATORS. RA 1684. 14* REMODEL, modernize your Dome now; terms, free esfmate NATIONAL INSTAL LATION CO. 5502 Wis. ave WI 1S00. REMODELING--Storm windows, roofing siding. SECURITY HOME IMPROVE oFn.™m3C” 640:i Ge#rgla a'e' D w'i ROOF REPAIRS, renewed, painted; gutters, spouts: free estimates: 50 years’ reliable serv OICHNER ROOFING CO.. NA. 7184 ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING. Since 1914. Yes, guaranteed. Easy terms. Small jobs F P. WADDELL TR. 4979. ^-17 WATERPROOFING, all kinds, have your basement waterproofed now ; cement work ROBERT E PRICE RE 3931 13* IN VA, AND WASH, call PATTERSON CAULFIELD OORP. for Johns - Manviile roofing and siding, also storm windows 3340 M st n.w . sons 7 HO 4120 COMPLETE home renovating, carpentry repairs, painting, very reasonable prices. Free estimates. Phone C. L. Pierce DI 9000. 19* REPAIRS and SERVICES. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters. our chased and traded, repaired quicklw: rea-! sonable; machines for sale, standards and portables; est. 12 yrs. OFFICE MACHINES CO. ,'18 14th" ‘Bond Bids.). RE 2828.: ADDING MACHINES, calculators cleanea oiled and adjusted. All work guaranteed. RE. 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO 813 14th st. n.w. APPLIANCES, washing machines. Bendix and all other makes refrigerators, domes tic and commercial; free estimates; 24-hr service. LI, 6328. 14* AWNINGS REPAIRED and serviced, also new awnings. CITY AWNING CO., RA 6100 393'* Georeia ave. n.w. BRICKWORK, plaster, fireplace, retaining wall, cinder block, porch, new home, con crete work, some remodeling. EX. 7*17. CAMERA REPAIRING. Call FULLER & crALBERT, INC., NAtional 4712. 816 lOtb st. n.w CARPENTERS, first class white mechanics;1, all kinds of repairs and cement and con-1 crete construction. Call ME. 6852. 14*: CARPENTRY, attics finished, dormer win-1 dows. stairways, remodeling, recreation ; rms Call WA. 7813. UN. 2491. —16 CEMENT BLOCKS—Plenty, for sale, 8x8x 16. Phone any time, Olympic 8946. —11 CLEANING of upholstered furniture ana rugs by new and revolutionary process. | sensational results guaranteed: work done in your own horpe For estimates, call: any time. DU. 0634. QE. 9585. CLEANING AND WAXING—Have it done now. Estimates cheerfully given. Call Vienna 20-J-.3. 13* i COMMERCIAL refrigeration and air condi tioning sales and service: all types re-1 paired and installed; estimates cheerfully given. ROMAX CO , NA. 7427. 807 Mt.: Vernon pi. n.w. 14* CONCRETE for all purposes mixed on Job j by our new Jager mixer: walks, driveways.: foundations, footings, slabs, etc. Wl. 6611 — 14 i ELECTRICIANS, licensed In D. C. and Md. Small tob specialty. Also power work.: UN. 0505. —13 i ELECTRIC FIXTURES and wiring repaired, installed; D. C. Md. and Va.; day and night service. TR, 4315. DI. 0122. 16* ELECTRIC WIRING, fixtures: extra outlets.; repairs; old houses a speclatly. REOAL! ELECTRIC CO.. .3609 Ga aye.. RA 8391 FLOORS SANDED AND REFINISHED by LONG * STONE FLOOR SERVICE. RA. 5717. FLOORS SANDED and finished, expert white mechanics, very reasonable prices, i CHARLES R COVER DU. 6718 FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING by: PARKS BROS. For sound floor advice and 1 tree estimates without obligation, call LI. 7961. All work guaranteed. FLOORS SANDED, reflnished. cleaned and waxed by TABLER S FLOOR SERVICE, i NA. 0456; Sat . Suns., nights. TE 7875. 15* FLOORS SANPED and reflnished. cleaned and waxed: old floors made new Call night or day G. TAYLOR. WA. 1129. 18* FURNACES VACUUM CLEANED—Coal. oil. hot air. $5. Licensed engineers. Also re-j pairs. GREEN & SONS, WA. 4310. TR. 1136. —17 GAS BOILERS, hot-wnter type, one ot 448 sq. ft and one of 692 sq. ft. ca pacity; new. for Immediate installation: terms,. THE BAVIS CRAWFORD CO. 1782 Lanier pi nw. HO 1652 GENERAL BRICK WORK—Fireplaces, re taining walls, porches, concrete, etc. RINALDI & CO. FR 2342. 14* GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRING of all kinds; painting, floors reflnished. Call MR. PIPPEN, NA 5675. 14* HOUSE PAINTING by experienced men: white help: also Kemtoning. Days, HO. 1029. Evenings. HO. 3461. 33* HOUSE PAINTING. Interior, exterior: pure Dutch Boy white lead used: Ist-class workmanship; free estimate. LU. 0006. —24 MOVING AND HAULING trash and ash; any time. Call AD. 9646 , —18 PAINTING, inside and out: patch plaster-' lng; prompt service; free est. Call CHAS.i PAI§TINCL CARPEN^TBT and cJcV work. DL 0123 or GB. 7058. WILL1NER. REPAIRS and SERVICES (Cant.'. rMNTING Ilia t>»pr r 'hanitnt »-or* promptly »nd ctri-tully done bv flrst-ci»*i white mechanics Phone CH. 2758. -—13 PAINTING, PAPERING. KFM-TOMNG 25 years’ experience. First-class white me chanics only Satisfied customers our best j recommendation. MR. LAWRENCE RA 5950 24* PAINTING Interior, exterior: 75 years’ experience, best of reference. CO. 54/8. 20* PAINTING, PAPERING, interior, exterior, work guaranteed, estimates free go any where Call DI 5806 until fl pm 13* PAINTING AND PAPERING Wc RO Vir ginia. Maryland and D. C estimates free, prompt service., better work for less money guaranteed. UN 3743. 13* PAINTING-PAPERING—Do It now No Job too large or small. Fr*e estimates No obligation. P-ompt service. Expert work, by reliable whit* mechanics. TA 9427. 13* PAINTING. KKMTOMNC,-Veteran grade A paints, work guaranteed. JACK GOLD MAN LU. 5056 14* PAINTING, interior and exterior First class white mechanic Free *stimares Call any tim*. Chestnut 7970. 15* PAINTIN':;. PAPERING, reliable, reasona ble and efficient Call SH 47 7 1 21* PAINTING. PAPERING—Special prices new in effect, latest designs: good, clean work | guaranteed; best material PEMBERTON 130 C s: ne LU. 2509. 13* PAINTING. PAPER HANGING, gen re pairs: reliable, white mechanics, no de-. ’ays. MR RT DEN OUR GE 6949. J 3* PAINTING. PLASTERING, roof painting, repairing: none too small, free estimates Phone MF 2381. C C PEER 14* PAINTING PAPERING. FLOOR SANDING, wall scraping — 20 years' rxperienor; for prompt, efficient, courteous service call MR. MALHOYT. CO 1382 at any time PAINTING, spraying, in'erior and exterior, roofs Immediate service, very reasonable. Call MARTONE. days, LI. 087 7, night. TR 3453 14* PAINTING, interior decorating, exterior. 3o yis 1 exp. Free estimates. Fine work ME 1234, J. D MAPLE 18* PAPERING, nainting. floors sanded and finished: w>nrk guaranteed, free estimates J T FORD. WA 1334. 15* PAPER HANGING and painting—Special low prices for Sept.; work guaranteed Call SPIGE1. day. RA. 6552, after 0 pm. TA. 8928 —14 PAPERING AND PAINTING, A 1 work estimates free. Call MR BECKETT. DU. 4053. PAPERING, PAINTING. PLASTERING — Work done reasonably this month. Call BARNETT. ME. 2765. 13* PALER HANGING, tnis week only. 5? and up per room 1940 washable, sunfast pa pers! worn guaranteed GE 240’ PAPERING. TAINTING. PLASTERING, floor refinishinc quality work reas.. prompt service; vhite mechanics. RA 1920 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR Call Lin coln 3731 weekdays, after 6 p m. Sunday, any time 19* PLASTERING DONE by white mechanics No ;ob too small. Call any time NO. 2561. 14* PLASTERING, new or old repair work done; immediate service; work guaranteed, esti. free; whit* mechanics DU 5560. 14 PLASTERING and remodeling. ceilings patched, renewed, walls and partitions moved TR. 3009 after 6 p.m. —18 PLUMBING and hrating. hot-water heaters installed Call day. AD 1655; night. FR 9121. LLOYDS PLUMBING & HEATING CO —17 PLUMBING. HEATING, gas water heaters, shower stalls, tubs, basins with chrome legs, towel bars. O’CONNOR. GE 0050 —24 rLiMHiMi AND HEATING—Repairing and remodeling; expert, workmanship and reasonable prices: immediate service. PATTERSON PLUMBING A: HEATING CORP . HO. 4120. ROOF REPAIRING, new roofs, all work Guaranteed. BARNETT ROOFING CO. RL. 1783. —23 RADIO TROUBLE—Call the Service Ra dio Co : 9 years serving Washington. Michiran 9714. 400 Fla. ave n.w 19 RADIO REPAIRS, veteran, reasonable, dav and night, (alls, also Sunday, pre cision workmanship GE. 8789. —17 RADIOS REPAIRED, a nutt ■. w.'hin aours; p ckup and. delivery service We carry fu’l lire of tub** ar.d radios. Call RE 2311 or brine radio to 917 F sc r. w 2nd flee r RADIO TROUBLE? Free estimate Worn guaranteed 3 months Honest prices MID CITY RADIO SHOP. 9-7 pm Friday and Saturday. 9-9. NA. 07 77. RADIO SERVICE—Pickup, delivery; 24-hr. service: work guaranteed Do day expert repairs auto radio*, record changer . home radios ACME RADIO A: APPLIANCE CO . 4016 Ga. ave. GE. 4688; 8 a m -9 pm —21 RADIO REPAIRS—All work done in your own home by Qualified engineers D C . Md . Va LEE. phone District 0122. IS* REFRIGERATORS, all makes, repaired and overhauled; guaranteed; also washing ma chines. Service anywhere in the city, or Md. and Va. OL. 4718. REFRIGERATORS—24-hr repair service, household and commercial. Guaranteed work DEPENDO REFRIGERATION CO , UN. 1612. Dupont 8767. ROOFING, guttering fireproofing, car- j pentermg, painting, plastering, cementing, papering repairs: work guaranteed; ex ceptionally reas. Phone GE. 7311. COL j CAMPBELL. 14* j ROOF' PAINTING, patching, reroofing, gut tering and spouting. Call for free esti mates. AT. 8910. hi* ROOFING-CONGRESS ROOFING CO— All kind* of roofing and tinning repaired slag roofs a specialty. Call TA. 4037 or RA. 3921. ROOFING, tinning, guttering and spout ing. roof painting. Cali MR.' SHIPLEY. GE. 4158. ROOF REPAIRS, any type leaks, guttering and spoil nvg; prompt service ECERTON & MIL^TLAD. DI. 6030: eve .. RA. 9440 13 ROOF REPAIRS, renewed, painted, gutters, spouts* free estimate*; 60 years’ reliable serv. GICHNER ROOFING CO . NA. 7184 ROOFING AND SIDING, Johns-MaiiTiile product*; storm sash, restyling kitchens 1*Jth custom-made cabinets: long terms. FHA. free estimates. GATES CONTRACT ING CO.^OiL 2200 TILE REPAIRING, new installation by veteran: 22 years experience. ARMANI 2600. or Fails Church 2030-M. T1PEWRITERS cleaned, oiled ana adJustea. All work guaranteed RE 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO.. 813 14th n.w. UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE cleaned in homes; woodwork cleaned and poiished in cluded: work guaranteed. HO 3732. 22 USED CAMERAS bought ana sold. FULLER & d’ALBERT. INC. 815 10th *t. n.w. NAtional 4712. VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED, 98c. up to 3 ft. wide and 7 ft long Have your blinds thorou^'v cleaned by our modern machine method. WASHINGTON SHADE & AWN ING CO ■ 2021 17th nw DU 6600. VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED, reraping. re-cording and painting; custom-made Ve- ! nefian blind*, wood or metal slats; prompt i delivery VETERANS' VENETIAN BLIND CO 3423 M st n w. Ph AD 2232. -—25 WATER HEATERS- automatic ga.l-flred. 5-year guarantee, for immediate installa tion; term*. THE BA VIS CRAWFORD CO. 1182 Lanier ol. n.w., HO. 1652. WATERPROOFING—Basement* especially. Estimates furnished by request CAP. CONST. CO.. 7218 Wi: . ave., Bethesda. Phone WI. 4730. LI. 66u0. 13 WELDING. electric and acytelene: work done after 5 p m. week days. Sat . Sun and holiday.*. Call Hillside 1628-W. 15 WINDOW' VALANCES—Wood valances de signed and built to conform with your interior decoration. Cabinets. bookca*es. screens, etc., designed especially for you. Call CYTEL EXHIBITS & CRAFTS. DE. 6083, or HO. 4720. —19 IMMEDIATE SERVICE, guaranteed work manship; painting, general repair work: 10-year guaranteed roofing, backed bv Si.OOO.OfH) concern. I. R BOWEN' <t SONS, general contractors. CH. 5294. 17* GUARANTEED SERVICE on radios and appliances: free pickup. APPLIANCE CENTER. 39 H: st. n.w.,_EX. 0564, —18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PORTRAIT STUDIO, N.W.. with or wlth | out equlpmem. ground floor: nice display window. Ideal for 2 photographers, too much for one. Box 287-E. Star. 15* ;FOR SALE—Trucking business, vans and 1 eoutpment (good will); $12,500. Box I 325-E. Star. is* ARE YOU INTERESTED In making $15 000 yearly? Wonderful corner In Hyatts ! vine, offers you this opportunity. A cigar, soda fountain and candy store, that also has on and off beer license, averaging be tween $1,200 and $1,500 weekly. For fur ther information call MR, FREDERICK, ; DI. 9100. —15 GROCERY STORES—We have a lew good locations now available to offer any re liable parties. For further information call HARRY SHENK. Broker. RA. 220n. _ —14 LIBERTY LUNCH, 41.9 3rd st. s.w.—Col ored: close to Govt Bldgs . very nice trade a real money maker. Inquire at the same address. 10* GROUP OF 5 HI-CLASS RESTAURANTS— Doing over $400,000 yearly business: all short hours. Net profit over $50,000 yrlv . plus salaries. Requires $00,000 cash to handle, balance terms. Ideal for partners or Rroup with $10,000 or $15,000 each, to have salaried position plus share of net profit. For further information and to inspect, call Mr. Pastor EX. 2555 YOUNG A PASTOR. .1129 Vermont ave. In buai nesss over 20 years. DINING ROOM and rooms for overnight guests for sale: excellent equipment: a good opportunity for right people Can be bought reasonable. Call owner. MR. MACHT. EM. 1290. —13 RESTAURANT—Large., modern. Beer and wine license with prospects for liquor license. All equipment in kitchen and din ing room new and- finest obtainable. Also large cold room and Deep Freeze. Business good now with exceptionally bright future Five-year lease with option for renewal. Rent. ■*475. including large apartment. Price, $40,000. Actually less than owner s present investment offered for sale due to illness. Box l-G. Star. —13 RETAIL LIQUOR STORE—Excellent loca tion; $00,000; terms. 3110 Rhode Island ave. n.e. NA. 4519. OUTSIDE VEGETABLE and fruit stand, established for 20 yrs.: lge volume, good opport. for experienced man; no invest ment but monthly rental. SHERBY 9, 401 7th st. n.w. —16 GROCERY STORE, excellent buy In n e Now doing $000 weekly, can do much more. Purchase price only $5,500. in cluding stock and fixtures; very active neighborhood. Call Mr. Stein. ME. 5400, until 5 p in. Sunday and eves.. LI. 2118. LEO M BERNSTEIN & CO . 1415 K st n w ME. 5400. Washington's Complete Real Estate Institution —15 WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION to Jobbers only—Eggs and poultry. 70 miles from D. C. Farmers bring fresh eggs and poul try to your door, you distribute to steady, dependable, established jobbers, l'g-ton. 1940 trurk tor delivery, plus equipment included in low price of $14,000. About half cash. Will net profit of $1,000 monthly, minimum Trial given until satis fied before purchase eliminates all risk I Call Mr Pastor. EX 2555. YOUNG A PASTOR. 1 179 Vermont ave. SUPER SEtF-SERVICE DGS grocery and. liquor store, just over the District line in Md.—Business quoted $3,000 and more per week: all cash and carry; excellent ■ ease. Very leasonably priced for such a' fine store. HAMILTON REALTY CO . 5075 Georgia ave. u.w . GP. 8300. —13 PARKING LOT, 921 9th n.w.. rent, $loO: office. 037 M n w , $50; rooming house. $3,000 NA. 4099. 17* WILL PROVIDE 7 commercial lots. Falls Church, to reliable party for business enterprise in return for profit-sharing agreement. Call AX 4450. 15* EXPERIENCED OPERATOR wants to buy direct from owner rooming house or apartment house lease and business Call L.. NO. 8377. 15* GROCERY. , grossing $1,000 weekly: lease on option; rent. $75 excellent equipment including delivery truck' $8,200. STER LING BUSINESS BROKERS, 90S 10th at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITJES (Cow*.). VOIR BEST BUY is lKl«~ 4-story building with store on ist floor Immediate pos session excellent percentage nr Conn, ave. and Calvert sts price. Shown by appointment only Call rrno until m pm f. a tweed^ co. FROZEN1 CURTARD—Very well-established business with many possibilities lor fur ther development For family reason must be sold See K HERNANDEZ. Colorado Bldg . Suite 505. in person Do not Phone. For appt. call DI. 8681. eves., DU 8704. — 1 B DEI 1CATESSEN - C.ROCERT with light lunch beer and * me. located near several schools and colleges, doing *150 to *180 dally rent *100 per month 6-rm apt. available with business, oil h -w h sacri fice at *19,500 cash COX * CO . DU4^5*. ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS—If TOO arj planning to sell, we have several clients wailing W H SIMONS, EX. 6181 14 NO. 31, LIQUOR STORE —Govt bldts. arc.*, excellent buy *40COO plus stock W. H SIMONS EX 01*1, EX 0,6.1 —14 NO. >6. RESTAURANT with liquor. Pa. ave. n w section; income quoted. >100 per day. substantial cash down payment. " H. SIMONS. EX 0181. EX 076.! —14 NO. WOMEN'S and children s apparel, excellent n.w section. r*a*£?aJ’i?_ rent. *6.500 oius stock. W. H. SIMONS. EX. til 51. EX 0783 'F - —14 NO. :.'l, ROOMING HOUSE-aw section. incom*. S375 a mo wood_turniture only *3.000 cash. W. H SIMONS. EX 6F8I. NO. 15. RADIO AND APPLIANCE store. !n excellent n w. action: same owner for list 18 yrs . Rood lease income quoted up to «.i.00i> monthly living quarters: SI 2.300 down payment. W H SIMONS. EX. Hljl. NO I. COLORED Chinese-American re» taur&nt on main at in mixed aection: seats HO people, good equipment: Quote* monthly buaines*. $,*>.000. price. $1 .'1.500. $8,000 down will handle. W. H SIMONS. FX. HI 81 —14 . NO. 6. BAR AND GRILL In Government bldg area; 6-yr. lease income. $125 daily, price $12,600. $7,500 down W H. SIMONS. EX 0181. —14 NO. 8. COMPACT little delicatessen and grocery store right off R I. ave weekly business. $900; 5-yr. lease at $60 per mo.; price $8,500; $5,000 down will handle this thriving stand W. H SIMONS EX. 0181 —14 , ALL-STEEL ELECTRICALLY operated block machine that makes better than loo standard size cinder or cement blocks per hr Price. $595 complete with motor. Can be seen making blocks 7 days a week a? 360 L st s w. Immediate de livery. unlimited number. Phone EX P073. — 15 ON ROUTE IT. near Fredericksburg. Va — General store, equipped and stocked. station, grease pit equipped. 327-ft. front age. modern restrooms. restaurant, beer, wine, warehouse, double cabins, h.-w h bath, furnished 6 rooms and bath modern residence: on 3 acres: 3 persons can op erate: good income Price. $22,000. sub stantial down payment JOHN CHRON AKER. Exclusive. RE. 8111. Many other places of business'." —15 COMPLETE FLOOR-SANDING equipment and business for sale. $750. Call after 0:30 pm. CO 7312. 15 BAR AND GRILL, doing $125 daily, will increase in winter: low rent and overhead: short hours: $12,500 plus liquor stock: terms can be arranged; 6-year lease Call OWNER. NA 1790 15* BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED—Some on# who has a small business and wants to sell an interest to an active partner or some one desiring to go in business who needs financial help and willing to break in an active partner Call GL. 1141 between 7 and 9 p m ; any time 8un 15* ANSWER THIS for your complete account ing service any type business, systems, audits, statements, taxes. Box 27-H. 9tar. 16* ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING and hom# appliances beautiful store equipped for sales, service and supply storage A-1 lo cation good lease, fine stock, many fran chises $15.onn. half cash THE KENNEDY CC • 3408 tSth st n r CO 1492 DRY CLEANING, established 10 yrs very 2 tie location, lens lease, an' included* has 2 m^srs. delivery truck, etc . good ne;.r $1(1.000. *11 cash THE KEN NEDY CO. 34uS 18th St ne. CO 1492. CORNER 9ih AND EYE STS. n.w — 3-story bldg parking for 75 cars Gag pumos. repair serv'ce. employing 6 mechan ics. long lease MR HOFFER. DI 2244: r-es . DF mtn9. —15 MAN. ACTIVE, will invest $3-$5.00o in legal business Write Box 4 1-H. Star. 15* DRUG STORE—Excellent business rea sonable rent and good lease; can handl# with $ cash Call Mr Lor. LOW ERY fi MELTON SH 9200. 8416 Georgia ave,. Silver Spring. —15 REFRIGERATION, oil burners and gen eral appliance Main n.e. thoroughfare, lease and director advertising. Box 437-B, Star. ~ 19_ n.w* . Business Exclusively. DI. 2978-44 »0. RESTAURANT and rooming house near Capitol, grossing $1,100 weekly; rent. $160; lease on option $20,oOO. STER LING BUSINESS BROKERS. 906 10th »t. n.w. Sellers Investigated. Buyers Pro tected DI 2978-4410 VALET SHOP, good n.e section, neti $15o week rent only $25 month: new pressing machine and puff iron. Price. $5,750 To make appointment call Mi C«nnor. NO. 5535. exclusive with MYRTLE A WEADON CO DI 4854 We have other similar businesses. Sunday and evenings call NO 5335. CLEANING. TAILORING, fur shop, owner retiring, a good chance for right man: will turn it over to responsible person; : vicinity 18th and Columbia rd. n w no brokers. Box 1*1-0 Star. —14 RADIO-RECORD SHOP, fine n.w. location: ) doing good salfs and repair business. CaU HO 13m*. between 3 and 9 p.m. —15 ! FOUNTAIN for lease, doing $800 to $1,000 weekly, good location, excel, equipment. 'State refs., exper. Box 217-G. Star. —15 RESTAURANT with “C" license, in exclusive }uptown Conn. ave. sec ; doing about $«,UOO | monthly; rent, $350; long-term lease; I $27,000 cash. From owner. Box 36-G. | Star. —16 BUSINESS FOR SALE—Thriving restau ‘ rant and beer garden with adjoining 5 I room apartment at edge of Alexandria, on busy highway. Owner retiring after 14 years same location. New housing project now under construction just across street. $17,000 price includes good will and res taurant equipment. Long-term lease tf desired on building which includes apart ment. Parking facilities for 80 or more cars. Exclusive with HICKS REALTY CO, 3706 Mt Vernon ave . Alexandria. Va. Phone Overlook 3967; evenings. Tem ple 0933. —15 RESTAURANT with soda fountain, apt. and 4 modern cabins, on approximately ! acre. 5 miles south of Alexandria on Washineton-Richmond hwy U. S. No 1. Also other attractive tourist propertieg rncpd for quick sale JOHN HILL CAR TER. Jr , & SON. Realtors and Insurora, TE. 8141. ALex 6166 —17 LIQUOR RESTAURANT—Small, jcompact. easily handled. All new equipment. Approx. <U500 weekly ^ales: 50 liquor: new: 14th and Park rd. Rent $125: lease for 5 years. Price $36,000 approx. $20 000 cash down EX. 2556. YOUNG <fc PASTOR, 1.129 Vermont ave WOMENS REAY-TO-WEAR. just in th# busy season secrafice at $3,500. CaU Hillside 1633 or come to 5716 Sheriff rd. n.e u BEAUTY SALON'—Excellent location on Pennsylvania ave. in modern bide 5 wet booths. 8 dryers, 7 wave machines: space to accommodate 10 operators: also large storage room. WM. J. MARTIN. NO. 2141. ’til 9 p m. —14 BUYERS. ATTENTION! We have a num ber ot very good restaurants and gro ceries. Our conciervtious service will give you satisfaction. Call us to serve you. AUERBACH A CO. DI. 3131: eves.. M. Auerbach. AD 5907 —14 5-ROOM. 2-STORY BRICK, suitable for store and apartment In S W. Washing ton; price. $16,950. Information call Mrs. Gregory. WA 1819. eves., OL. 2273. with O. B. ZANTZINGER. Jr. —14 COUNTRY STORE, with living quarters, doing about $1,500 business per mo ; can be substantially increased low rent, only store in large radius. Price $2,000. plus stock and invoice. ELMER G. BOYD, A Lex 6921. —13 CALLING ALL OPPORTUNITIES—Especi ally those in hiding since my discharge. Miracles or charity endeavors remain si lent. I’ve too much ambition for you or Just any job, Alt I ask Is the chance to prove my mettle and support my family in a manner matching today's living costs. Is that asking too much? At 27 I pos sess a bookbinder's card, have capital available and am not only mechanically capable, but capable of handling just about anythina I put my hand to. Have auto Replies care of Box 409-E. Star will be kept in strictest confidence. 15* RESTAURANT. LIQUOR, wine and beer lie . established 15 years: heavy traveled corner in n.w.. S30.000 Including stock: direct from owner: reason for selling owner has other Interests. Tel. Taylor 2254 after 6 pm. 15* RESTAURANT, beer and wine; separata groceries: Icehouse; 4 cabins: 200-foot highway front: 3'- acres; less than 20 miles from D. C.: $20,000. OWNER. An napolis 0074. —14 BEAUTY PARLOR LOCATION on Penna. ave. near Minn, ave : reliable party to work with silent partner. FR 2807 for further particulars. —15 GROCERY. DGS—Doing over $3,000 Per week, uausually well equipped, cash-and carry business ALBERT H COHEN. Realtor. CH. 1001; eves. OL 2400. —14 GROCERY—Excel, cor In Arlington: wkly. volume over 82.000 Long-term lease; liv. quar. ALBERT H COHEN. Realtor. CH. THU'- eves. GL. '.’400. _14 j DON'T MISS THIS—Grocery with R 4 room apartment, good northeast corner, doing SSOo weekly ousiness; reasonable rent. Iona lease. Priced $8,000. terms. Call Mr Boyd, evenings. LU 8765. CHAP MAN REALTY CO.. RE 3.716. —14 I HAVE SEVERAL DELICATESSENS and a bakery, all good bbys. For further infor mation call Mr. Hammerly. COX At CO., DI. 4754. —15 PAINT AND BODY SHOP, excellent loca tion in n.e. Washington with fine busi ness opportunity. $.'1,050. McCAULEY RFALTY CO . SH. 8417. SH 8488 —15 i CONN. AVE. SPACE to rent, suitable for dress shop, millinery, furs. Available im mediately. Phone EX. 1781. —15 COMBINATION gasoline station, grocery store, heme and cabins, south of Shirley hwy. and U 8 No. 1 intersection: $7,000 cash required: terms. $150 monthly JOHN HILL CARTER. JR At SON. Realtors and Insurors. JO.'l1 j N. Allred st.. Alex. Va. TE 8741. ALex 8188. —IS WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S apparel, good location, reasonable rent; $8.5(M> plus nnrlc RA 97.78 —14 DELICATESSEN — Splendid n w location: grosses $700 wk ; has beer and wine li cense. price. $17,500; $7,500 cash For further Information call NO 3535. MYRTLE A WEADON CO . DI 4834 Sun days and evenings call NO. 5535. BEAUTY SHOP —Bargain: priced for im mediate sale at $7,500; long lease with low rent for this lovely shop Call WI 0838. MYRTLE A WEADON CO . DI 1834. Beauty Shop Specialist. Sunday and eve nings cell WI. 0838. GROCERY (87.1—Colored area: profits arts excellent here; guarantees $1,700 weekly; $17,000 good will: small apartment low rent CSCAR SEIGEL. DI 8388. • llxlii BASEMENT, best corner In Ken sington. private entrance heat, light and toilet: fine location for printing shop or other small business $57.50 mo. MURa DOCK REALTY. SH 8794 —15 DELICATESSEN — Extremely busy Conn, eve location, vicinity of theater and shop ping center: doing $1,700 weekly, could ba great iv Increased with beer and delivery; $75,000: substantial cash Payment. For Information call Mr Kay at WI. 9000. with GREAT NORTHERN REAL ESTATE. —14 COLORED TAVERN — Excellent location and business. $15,000; terms. NA 4519.