OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 18, 1946, Image 24

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1946-09-18/ed-1/seq-24/

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Legation Fete Has Twofold Purpose
Lebanese Envoy and Mw. Malik
Honor Their President's Wife
By Katharine M. Brooks
The Lebanese Minister and Mrs.
Charles Malik gave a cocktail party
yesterday afternoon honoring Mrs.
Bachara K. El-Khouri, wife of the
President of the Republic of Leb
anon, who is spending a short time
in Washington. Sharing honors, and
quite the belle of the party, was
Miss Huguette Khouri, who accom
panied her mother and is delighted
to stay a little longer here rather
than go to Brazil as was planned.
The fete also was a housewarming
for the new Legation as it was the
first large festivity since they moved
to 75 Kalorama Circle. The present
house is a bit larger—or perhaps is
roomier—than that at 2339 S street
which they were obliged to give up
when the owners, Mr. and Mrs. John
M. Cabot returned to Washington.
The hosts and their honor guest
stood in the drawing room to receive
and after a chat with them a few of
the callers went on into the garden
at the back. Others went into the
dining room where many delicacies
of the Middle East, including a
stuffed, roast lamb, as well as re
freshing liquids of many varieties
were served.
Both Mrs. Malik and Mrs. El
Khouri chose black jtreet-length
frocks, the latter having black
sequins on the bodice and a white
lace collar. She wore a turbanlike
hat. of gold and rase metal cloth
and stud earrings of pearls sur
rounded by diamonds. Mrs. Malik s
frock was without trimming and
about her throat she wore a string
of pearls and pearl earrings match
ing the white of the gardenias on
her shoulder.
Mrs. Khouri regrets not being able
to visit in Rio de Janiero. but fly
ing is not good for her health and
the trip by sea is much too long.
She must be back in Lebanon by
October, as the season in the cap
ital opens then and Miss Khouri
must return to her school. She
will be graduated next year, and
then plans to study political science
either in Paris or in Switzerland.
She is not too sorry to miss Rio
as abandoning South America gives
her a Jew more days in Washing
ton. and she said several times yes
terday, ‘'Oh! I love it here!1’ She
would like to spend a winter in
Washington, although she would, of
course, miss the variety of sports
they have at home. "In the morn
ing we go swimming in a warm
Mediterranean and after lunch we
can go up into the mountains and
have a bit of skiing. I would miss
Miss Khouri wore a crepe frock
of rich red with small white figures
and brown wide-brimmed hat Set
back on her head making a frame
for her pretty face. She has a very
ready smile and dancing dark
brown eyes and almost black hair.
■When she smiles she shows her
dimples and a row of pearly even
teeth. Her English is a little more
fluent than that of her mother
and both have soft, low, well-mod
ulated voices. Miss Khouri told me
she plays the piano, "but not well
enough to give a concert.” and she
cannot tell her favorite music, for
that depends on "my mood. It
might even be Harry James!”
No definite date is set for the
departure of the visitors as sailings
are so uncertain, but they will try
to be off in time to reach their
distant homeland when they, are
The party yesterday was not a
large one, the guests numbering
little over a hundred, and the
Arabian-speaking people predom
inating, although there were a
number from the State Depart
ment. as well as a few who have
lived in the Middle East, Brilliant
hued gladioluses were in tall vases
about the rooms and the center of
the buffet table was filled with a
low mound of asters and gladioluses
in pastel shades of rose and orchid, j
The gay flag of Lebanon, with its!
red, white and green stripes and
the cedar in the center, hung over
the doorway of the new Legation.
Tne house is next door to No. 6
Kalorama Circle, which was occu
pied for some time and until his
retirement by the former Swiss
Minister and Mrs. Marc Peter.
Capital Society
In the Spotlight
Mrs. Irene B. Caldwell was hostess
at a tea yesterday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Alice Rogers Hagar,
newly elected president of the Wom
en’s National Press Club.
Several hundred guests were in
cluded in the company and the
hostess was assisted by Mrs. Pied
Vinson, who was accompanied to
the party by Chief Justice Vinson;
Mrs. Albert Warner. Mrs. George
E. Allen, Mrs. George R. Holmes,
Mrs. Ned Brunson Harris. Mrs.
Jennings Randolph, Mrs. Luther
Johnson, Mrs. George Broebeck,
Mrs. Mark Foote, Mrs. Lacy Reyn
olds, Mrs. Alexander Jones. Mrs.
Thad Brown and the hostess' daugh
ter, Miss Barbara Caldwell.
Former Representative and Mrs.
Maurice H. Thatcher left here Mon
day for their former home in
Louisville, Ky„ for a visit on their
way to Mammoth Cave. Mr.
Thatcher will represent the Secre
tary of the Interior at the formal
dedication of the Mammoth Cave
National Park, which has been open
for some time, but has not been
formally dedicated. Mr. Thatcher
introduced the bill in Congress for
the making of this historic section
into a national park.
Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher and the
former’s niece, Mrs. Grace Thatcher
Butler, returned Sunday from Plym
outh, Mass,, where they attended
the triennial meeting of the Amer
ican Society of Mayflower Descend
ants, of which Mr. Thatcher is
governor of the Washington area. He
headed the Washington delegation,
of which Mrs. Butler was a mem
ber. The party made the trip by
motor, stopping in Boston and in
New York for short visits.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Du Lanev,
jr., have been at the Traymore in
Atlantic City for a week, and were
joined there by Col. and Mrs. S. F
Wogan, who remained over Sunday.
Judge and Mrs. D. Lawrence
Groner also have been in Atlantic
City, staying at the Marlborough
Blenheitn, where Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Grant Meem spent some
time. When they returned to
Washington they stopped at the
Mayflower while opening their
homes for the winter.
Mrs. Joel Whitaker and her
daughter, Miss Helen Whitaker,
again are in their apartment In
the Argonne after vacation trips.
Mrs. Whitaker made a series of
visits through the South, visiting
Mrs. Edwin Pate at Atlantic Beach.
N* C., the latter part of June and
going on to Raleigh, where she
was the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
C. I. McClenaghan. Before return
-ing she spent some time in Marion.
'N. C., and in Atlanta, where she
visited Mrs. Toxey Whitaker.
Miss Whitaker went North for
the early summer, making the trip
up the St. Lawrence and the Sag
anay Rivers, stopping at Montreal,
Quebec and Murray Bay. She
stopped in New York and spent a
day here before joining her mother
in Raleigh and her sister. Mrs. Mc
Clenaghan. Miss Whitaker also
was the guest of Mfs. W. J. Rooke
in Atlanta.
Maj. Gen and Mrs. Harold W.
Blakeley have as their guest Mrs.
Henry A. Barber, jr., wife of Col.
Barber, chief of the United States
Military Mission in Bogota, Colom
bia, who arrived recently for a visit.
Their daughter, Miss Anne Barber,
accompanied her mother from Bo
gota to New York, where she will
enter Vassar College.
The former Interstate Com
merce Commissioner and Mrs.
Ernest I. Lewis announce the
engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Phoebe Carey Lewis,
to Mr. George Stevens Skin
ner, son of Col. and Mrs.
Russell Skinner.
—Glogau Photo.
Debut Dance Set
For December
The Brazilian Ambassador and
Senhora de Martins have selected
December 28 for the informal dance
which they will give for their daugh
ter, Senhorita Nora Martins. The
guests will be limited to contempo
raries of young Senhorita Martins,
who was graduated in the late spring
from the Madeira School. Follow-!
ing the graduation ceremonies the
Ambassador and Senhora de Mar
tins gave a delightful outdoor fete
for their daughter and the members
of her graduating class and their
escorts with a few of their own
Senhorita Martins had planned
to enter college this fall but has
changed her mind and will spend
the winter at the Embassy with her
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ramsey
Diggs have announced the marriage
of their daughter. Mrs. Helen Diggs
Rounsaville, to Mr. Boykin McCaa
Neilson. The ceremony was per
formed in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Diggs Saturday afternoon and was
witnessed only by members of the
two families and a small group of
close friends.
Association Dance
The Interior Department Recrea
tion Association will hold its autumn
dance Friday at the Wardman Park
Hotel. Dancing begins at 10 o'clock
and will continue until 1. Miss Lil
lian Brawner of the Bureau of
Mines. Department of Interior, is in
charge of tickets.
Douglas Hatches
Hosts at Dance
At New Club
\ One of the merriest parties of the
summer season took place last night
when Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hatch
entertained more than 200 guests
at a dance. It was held at 1613 Q
street, which will open Friday night
as the Capital's newest night club.
Cafe Cairo.
Mr. and Mrs. Hatch gave the
party, which featured a buffet sup
per in the late evening, in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherrod. Sev
eral dinners preceded the event and
other hosts invited friends just for
a drink.
Mrs. Hatch wore a gown of silver
lame, which was particularly attrac
tive in a room designed with vivid
blue walls, and Mrs. Sherrod was
in white crepe. Both had on orchids.
Preceding the dance, Mr. and Mrs.
Royce Powell were hosts at a buffet
dinner in honor of their house
guests. Col. and Mrs. Richard Cutts,
who with their small daughter,
Donita, had arrived from The Plains.
Other guests of the Powells were
Mr. anfi Mrs. Donald Downs, Mr.
and Mrs. Meade Fletcher, Mr. and I
Mrs. Lee Murphy, Mr. and Mrs.
Newbold Walmsley, Lt. Col. and.
Mrs. Joseph Mauldin, Mr. and Mrs.
John Conkey, Mr. Ralph Hill Con
key, Mrs. Katharine Edgar Byron,!
Mr. Edward Van Devanter and Mr.,
Ralph Newman.
New French Attache
Arrives at Embassy
Lt. Maurice Mathenet, the newly
appointed military attache of the
French Embassy, arrived in Wash
ington yesterday afternoon and was
met at Union Station by the Coun
selor of the Embassy, Mr. Armand
Berard, representing Ambassador
Bonnet, and by Lt. Col. R. W.
Weaver, acting chief of the foreign
liaison office of the War Department,
representing the United States Army.
The Assistant Military Attache of
the Embassy, Col. Albert J. P. Le Bel
went to New York to meet Lt.
Mathenet upon his arrival in this
country and came with him to Wash
ington. The new attache was not
accompanied by Mme. Mathenet,
but she is expected to join him here
at an early date.
October Wedding
An October wedding in Connecti
cut is being planned by Miss Rosita
Blakely and . Corpl. James Thomas
Koerner of Woodbridge, N. J. Their
engagement is announced by Mr.
and Mrs. Edward B. Blakely of New
Alexandria, formerly of Darien,'
Miss Blakely is an employe of the
Department of Commerce. Corpl.
Koerner is stationed at Fort BelvoirJ
where he is an instructor.
The engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Paula Trina Hutt, to Mr.
Stanley Berman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Berman of this city, is
announced by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hutt. The wedding will take place
[ in the early part of November.
Miss Hutt attended Marjorie Web
ster College and Mr. Berman at
tended Johns Hopkins and George
Washington Universities.
By Hope Ridings Miller
“No, I don't expect to come back
to Washington to live—ever,”
said Representative Clare Boothe
Luce. "Frankly, I'm glad I’ve de
cided to bow out of it * * * and
what it stands for politically. In
other words, I'm glad to be out
of politics.”
What were her plans for the
future? Well, she expected to
do some writing.
About Washington, perhaps?
Wasn't there a rumor some time
ago that she might do a play, a
satire on Congress?
She smiled. “There was such
a rumor,” she said. “But it wasn't
founded on fact. I would do a
book or a play about Washington
if I could think of an angle. But |
I can’t. TTie city in general and
Congress in particular are too
complex, too amorphous, too
* • She hesitated, searching
for a word, an unusual predica
ment for the voluble gentle
woman from Connecticut, who,
on the floor of the House, ex
pressed herself superbly * * * bet
ter, really, than 9 out of 10 of
male colleagues. *
“Well, anyway,’’ she went on,
“I can’t think of an angle for a
book about Washington * * * and
I'm not planning to do one—not
now anyway. “I’ll write about
something else • * * and make
some broadcasts. I’ll be busy
She had just finished partici
pating in the broadcast for the
Republican Open Forum at the
Shoreham Hotel. Discussing the
question “Atomic Energy'—Who
Should Control It?" she was a
member of a panel that included
Harold E. Stassen, former Gov
ernor of Minnesota and 1948
presidential aspirant; Repre
sentative J. Parnell Thomas of
New Jersey, and Dr. Irving Lang
muir, director of research of the
Westinghouse Electric Co.
Wot W» »
Snyder (E, Little
1229 G St. N.W.
Fine Footwear Since Wi!)
Smart black gabardine
sandal for your special
events. Flattering heel,
nailheod trim.
Alwoy? Properly Styled, Built to Lost for Many Tomorrosys
—Harris & Erring Photo.
Laura Joselyn Bush
Wed to Lt. Byrd
Last Evening
Descendants of pioneer Virginia
and North Carolina families were
united by the marriage last evening
of Miss Laura Joselyn Bush and Lt.
(j. g.) Harold Edward Byrd, U. S.
N. R , which took place in Fort
Myer Chapel. The bride is the
daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs.
Samuel T. Bush of Arlington, and
Lt. Byrd is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde E. Byrd of Cass, W. Va.
Chaplain Gregory James Lock offi
ciated at the ceremony at 8 o'clock
and a reception followed at Ward
man Park Hotel.
The bride, who was given in mar
riage by her father, wore a white
marquisette gown trimmed with
ruffles and a short veil held at each
side by orange blossoms. She carried
a bouquet of gardenias and stepha
Miss Ann Clark Dunn, the maid
of honor, wore an aqua net gown
with a small matching hat and
carried an arm bouquet of yellow
roses, and Miss Carolyn Glasscock
and her sister. Mrs. Thea Butler,
the bride's other attendants, wore
yellow net gowns and hats and car
ried talisman roses.
Mr. Jack E. Byrd, U. S. N„ was
best man for his brother, and the
ushers were Lt. tj. g.) James Jacoby,
U. S. N. ft., and Mr. Joseph Poskus.
Following a wedding trip to New
York and Canada the newly married
couple will reside at 401 South Court
house road, Arlington. For travel
ing the bride wore a beige suit with
brown accessories and a corsage of
The new Mrs. Byrd attended
Stephens Junior College and George
Washington University. Her hus
band now is attending the latter
school, after serving in the Naval
Air Corps in the Southwest Pacific.
He was awarded the Distinguished
Flying Cross.
WCTU Meeting
September 30
Mrs. P. W. Haverkamp. president
of the Arlington County WCTU. has
announced the group will hold its'
annual meeting on September 30 in
the Westover Baptist Church.
At the morning session, which will
begin at 10:30 o'clock, Mrs. Arville
E. McCurdy, chairman of the Nom
inating Committee, will present a
slate of five officers and 15 directors
of the departments of work. An
nual reports will also be presented
bythe present club officers and de
partment directors.
A delegate will be selected at the
meeting to represent the Arlington
group at the WCTU state conven
tion which will be held in Roanoke,
Va., October 8-10.
The North Capitol WCTU will
hold its first fall meeting Monday
at the home of Mrs. William Watts.
3201 Central avenue N.E. Miss Laura
Lindley will be guest speaker.
Dance Band
* *• •
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in tka
SMmy Mu*i<
Theater Benefit
Planned by ORT
A benefit theater party for chil
dren will be sponsored by the Wash
ington chapter of the Women's
American ORT at the Apex Theater,
4903 Massachusetts avenue, at 10
a.m. Friday.
Proceeds will go to the ORT
guardianship vocational training
plan. One Jewish war orphan may
obtain a year in an ORT school or
an ORT farm for $180.
Members of the committee include
Mrs. Stanley Klimen, chairman;
Mrs. Nathan Newman, cochairman;
Mrs. David Berlin. Mrs. Irving Stein,
Mrs. Kiva Manchester, Mrs. S. E.
Collegemen. Mrs. Samuel Singer,
Mrs. Fan Biow, Mrs. Boris Yane,
Mrs. Alexander Tish, Mrs. Louise
Silverman, Mrs. Robert Erenberg,
Mrs. Lir.wood Sartorius. Mrs. Albert
Arent and Mrs. David Estrin.
Kentuckians Here
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Barkley of
Paducah arrived in Washington last
week with their two children, Dor
othy Anne Barkley and Alben W.
Barkley II, and have been the
guests of Mr. Barkley’s parents,
Senator and Mrs. Alben W. Barkley.
The visitors from Kentucky came
to attend'the wedding of Mrs. Bark
ley's mother, Mrs. Bertha Girardeau
Graves of Washington and New
York, to Mr. Carl H. Scheman of
New York, which will take place to
morrow in the Foundry Methodist
District DAR Gives \
Program Marking
Constitution Day
A patriotically stirring program,)
commemorating the 159th anniver- j
cary of the signing of the Consti
tution. was presented last night by
the District Daughters of the
American Revolution in Memorial
Continental Hall.
All the color and pageantry
which accompanies DAR functions
was featured at the celebration
which was attended by several hun
dred persons.
As the guests arrived they were
greeted by attractive young host
esses and pages, who ushered them
to their seats. Mrs. Julius Y. Tal
madage, president general of the
DAR, honored the occasion by at
tending and extending greetings
from the National Society. Greet
ings were also given by other na
tional officers. including Mrs.
Geoffrey Creyke, vice president
general from the District of Co
lumbia: Mrs. Howard L. Hodgkins,
honorary vice president general,
and Mis. Charles Carroll Haig,
Dr. Clark Speaks.
A brief message was also extend
ed by Dr. Clifton Clark, vice pres
ident general of the Sons of the
American Revolution: Frank Steele,;
registrar general, SAR: McDonald
Miller, president of the District
SAR; John Gordon, SAR, and
Francis Spruce, junior president,;
Children of the American Revolu
The first half hour of the affair
featured a program of American
music by the Navy Band Orchestra
led by Lt. Charles Brendler and
CWO Richard Townsend, assistant
Following the massing of the
colors by the pages, led by Mrs. Guy
Withers, color bearer and Miss
Dorothy Clark, chairman of pages,
the invocation was given by Mrs.
Manly Miller, State chaplain. Mrs.
Michael Torlinski, chairman of the
Correct Use of the Flag Committee,
led in the pledge of allegiance. This
was followed by the reading of the
preamble of the Constitution by Mi;s.
Alexander Ruhl, State vice regent.
Mrs. Clearman Presides.
Mrs. Wilfred Jewett Clearman,
I State regent, presided and gave the
opening greetings.
Highlights of the evening were
songs by Early American compos
jers, sung by Lt. Comdr. Robert N.
Hoffman, tenor, accompanied by
Mrs. Dorothy Radde Emery, and an
address by Mayor Thomas R.
McKeldin of Baltimore. The Mayor,
who spoke on “Foundation Stones
of the Republic,” was introduced by
Mrs. C. Edward Channing, chairman
of program.
The national anthem and the
DAR State song were sung by the
assemblage led by Mrs. Haig. One
of the songs presented by Comdr.
Hoffman was written by Francis
Hopkinson, signer of the Declara
tion of Independence and first poet
Dance for Relief
A dance for paid-up members of
the Washington Junior Jewish Con
sumptive Relief Society will be held
at 8.'30 p.m. Saturday in the Con
gressional room, Willard Hotel.
The dance will be the opening
affair in a membership drive. All
girls interested in joining the or
ganization are invited.
—Bradford Bachrach Photo. i
Ceremony Held
In Cathedral
In St. Matthew’s Cathedral Sep
tember 12. Miss Mary Jane Murrin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Murrin of Arlington, became the
bride of Mr. Courtney E. Owens, son
of Mrs. Violet Owens, also of Ar
lington. The Rev. J. B. Argaut said
the mass, assisted by the Rev. Col
ment Kearney.
The bride was escorted and given
in marriage by her father, who is
deputy assistant commissioner of the
Federal Public Housing Authority.
Her wedding gown was white satin
and her fingertip veil of illusion was
held by a coronet of seed pearls. She
carried a prayer book with gardenias
on top.
The attendants were Miss Jeane
Boehling of Richmond, maid of
honor, and Miss Doris McVey
of Flushing. Long Island; Miss
Marjorie Delaney of Spring Lake,
N. J.: Miss Helen McNicol of
Clarksburg. W. Va., and Miss
Marthagreene Smith of Charlotte,
N. C„ bridesmaids. Miss Boeh
ling was in yellow net and carried
an arm bouquet of yellow roses and
blue delphinium, and the brides
maids wore aqua net and carried
old-fashioned nosegays.
Mr. L. P. Wrenn of Lansing. Mich.,
served as best man for Mr. Owens,
and the ushers were Mr. Vincent
Kirchner, Mr. Theodore Kirchner.
Mr. Leonard Maloney and Mr.
Lawrence Maloney.
After a reception at the Admiral
Club, the newlweds left for a wed
ding trip to New Orleans.
The bride attended Dunbarton
College and Mr. Owens attended
Mercer, Tulane and Harvard Uni
versities. He recently was dis
charged from the Naval Reserve.
Invitations Out
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Greer of Ar
lington have sent out invitations to
a supper party for Saturday night
in celebration of the first anniver
sary of their marriage. The supper
will be given in the home of Mrs.
Greer's mother. Mrs. Myrtle Lee.
Burtons Will Sail
On Sorority Cruise
Associate Justice and Mrs. Harold
H. Burton will be among those
attending a moonlight cruise being
given this evening by the local
chapters of Beta Sigma Phi. Mrs.
Burton is city sponsor of the organi
High light of the party will be
the selection of three girls from those
entering the sorority’s annual Val
entine girl contest. Each year,
hundreds of photographs of Beta
Sigma Phis are sent from chapters
in England. Canada. Mexico. Hawaii
and the United States to Hollywood
where a movie star chooses the
Valentine girl. The picture chosen
appears on the February cover of
the sorority magazine, the Torch.
The selection of the District's
three prettiest Beta Sigma Phis will
be made during the cruise, which
is to be on the S. S. Potomac.
Unaffiliated Beta Sigma Phis in
Washington may obtain tickets by
calling Emerson 1366
Martha Harris
To Be Married
Dr. and Mrs. Lamar Harris of
Arlington announce the engagement
of their daughter. Miss Martha King
Harris, to Mr. Barry Conway Sulli
van, son of Mrs. Robert Young Sul
livan and the late Dr. Sullivan.
Miss Harris is a graduate of
Arlington Hall Junior College. Her
fiance, after completing his bacca
laureate work at Dartmouth College,
did graduate study at George Wash
ington University.
The wedding will take place De
cember 14 in St. Mary's Episcopal
tful hit orchnlrm
Jrtm ~9:30 h I JO
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