Newspaper Page Text
D. C. Insurance Sales 87 Per Cent Above Year Ago in August By Edward C. Stone Life insurance sales in the Dis trict of Columbia in August climbed to $12,509,000, a striknig gain of 87 per cent over August of last year, the Life Insurance Agency Manage ment Association at Hartford, re ported today. New insurance written in Wash ington in the first eight months of this year soared to $91,017,000. an increase of 68 per cent over the like period a year ago. the report added. Maryland reported August sales Of $21,540,000, a gain of 86 per cent over August, 1945. and $167,073,000 in the eight months, an advance of 66 per cent over the same period last year. Virginia sales amounted to $22.- j 410,000 in August, up 83 per cent, j and $170,205,000 in the eight months, a rise of 68 per cent over 1945, the report showed. Total ordinary life insurance sales' in the whole country in August to-1 taled $1,272,736,000, up 72 per cent,! and $10,375,962,000 in the year to date, a 62 per cent upturn. former Dividends Resumed. Directors of the Security Storage Co. yesterday authorized the re-1 sumption of $1.25 quarterly divi dends. payable in January, April, July and October. Secretary Paul Alvey announced today. The board also declared an extra dividend of 75 cents per share, both dividends being payable to stockholders of record October 5. Directors of the Security Savings A Commercial Bank have declared the regular semiannual dividend of 4 per cent, payable September 30 to stock of record September 25. Presi dent F. G. Addison, jr.. announced today. Loan Executives to Meet. The Washington office of the Na-j tional Savings and Loan League announced today that the board of governors will hold an open fall meeting at Miami Beach. October 31. November 1 and 2. The entire league program for the year will be discussed. Night depositories have been established by the American Secur ity- & Trust Co. at the Central, Northeast and Southwest Branches i The supplementary service has been added since the bank is now closing j on Saturdays. Mergenthaler l'p Slightly. The latest sales of Mergenthaler Linotype on the Washington Stock! Exchange, at 56' show a gain of >2 point over the last previous transfers. The bid for Washington Railway fi Electric common stock has dropped from $600 to $590 a share, j Earlier in the year the stock carried \ a bid of $825 a share. The Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. has gone on the flve-day week, all district offices to be closed Satur days until further notice, Leroy A Lincoln, president, has announced Richard A. Norris, executive vice president of the Lincoln National Bank, will join the Washington delegation to the ABA convention. Max R. Brockman, chief me chanical engineer of the Southern Railway at Washington, will be promoted to assistant to the vice president on October 1, succeeding: John P. Chadwick, retiring after 40 j years’ service. Business Briefs i i Retail Trade in the week ended! September 18 was slightly above the previous week and averaged 30% to 34% above a year ago—Dun & Bradstreet. Shoppers demanded quality in almost all lines. Money in Circulation totaled *28. 453.000.000 on September 18. a drop; of *46 000.000 from a week earlier ! but, *676.000.000 above a year ago— Federal Reserve Board. Auto Production in the United! States and Canada was estimated! at 81.162 units for the current week; vs. 88.888 last week a.nd 10.570 a year) aeo.—Ward's Automotive Reports.' Passenger Car Tire Shipments in the first seven months of 1946 to-, taled 35.331.459 casings vs. 11.907.-; 400 a year ago. but because of a huge replacement demand, the in-; dustry may not start rebuilding ab-j normally low inventories until well! into the fust 1947 quarter- Rubber! Manufacturers’ Association. Bituminous Coal Production for! the week ended September 14 ap-1 proximated 12,690.000 tons vs. 11.160.-! 000 in the previous week and 12. 320.000 a year ago—National Coal Association. Cotton Spinning Operations dur-, ing August stood at 112.4% oi ca pacity vs 93.3% in the previous, month and 100 4% a year ago—Cen sus Bureau. Ceylon's Rubber Price in October will be 71 cents a pound, a drop of 29 cents from the current rate, the Government announced. Producers, were greatly disappointed Sale of New York Slaughter Fa cilities of Wilson & Co and Swift Az Co. to make way for apartment! buildings was announced. The properties are on First avenue be-i tween Forty-third and Forty-fifth streets. American Home Products Corp. stockholders approved a 2-for-l split in common stock. Compo Shoe Machinery Corp. stockholders approved a proposed 2 for-1 spilt in common stock and an increase in authorized common from 175.000 to 500,000 shares. Sidney Blumenthal & Co direc tors decided to take no action to-1 ward offering additional stock to present holders. Holders approved ; an increase in authorized common1 from 250,000 to 500.000 shares. Northwest Airlines registered with the SEC 271.935 new common shares to *be offered initially to present holders at the rate of a new share for each two held. Unsubscribed shares will be offered publicly by a syndicate headed by Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath, First Boston Corp. and Hornblower & Weeks. A. G. Spalding A Brothers de clared an extra dividend of 70 cents, payable October 15, and a regular quarterly of 40 cents, payable De cember 16, Detroit-Michigan Stove Co. de clared a quarterly dividend of 20 cents and an extra of 20 cents, both payable October 15. After a 5-for-4 split, an initial dividend of 20 cents was paid July 15. Quaker Oats Co. earned $6,471,051 or $7.71 a share in 12 months enaed June 30 vs $5,401,431 or $6.19 in the previous year. Bulova Watch Co. profit for three months ended June 30 was $1,392, 480 or $2.14 vs. $669,664 or $1.03 in the same 1945 period. Merchants Distilling Corp. earned $1,172,231 or $144 in 12 months ended June 30 vs $664,479 or 98 cents in the previous year. Boeing Airplane Co. and Boeing Aircraft Co. elected as director D A Forward, senior vice president of the National City Bank of New York. i N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (NOTE—Revised Sales net Included.) I <Purn.sited by the Associated Pres>.) I Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate .00. High. Low. 2.55. Chg ABBOTT LABCa 4 70 09 70 +1 A C P-Brlll Mot 7 10% 10 10% + % Acme Btl 1,55e 9 39 37% 39 +1% Adams Ear 2ne 19 14% 14 14% + % Adriresso* 1 lOe 2 2*% 25% 26% +1% Admiral CP'»e 18 loss 10% 10% Air Reduction la 31 «0% 38% 39% +1% Alaska Juneau «4 5% 5 5% + % Aldens Inc 1 20 16 31% 29 31% +1%; ♦ Aldnslncpf4% 20 96% 96 96 -1% Alleghany Corp 158 4 334 4 Alleghany Cp pf 59 35% 33% 35%+174 Alleg LudlumS 2 22 41 39 41 +2'-a Allen Indust %g 7 19% 18% 19% + % Allied Chem fl _ 6 160 158 160 +3 Allied Mills le . 7 30% 30 30%+ % Allied Stores 2 98 40 38 40 +2 Allis Chaltp 1.80 70 39% 36% 39%+2% Alpha PtCeml 23 29% 29 29% +1% Amalg Leather 18 7 6% 674 Amerada Pet 2 6 66 64% 64% — % Am AgCh Del 2a 1 40% 40% 40% +1 Am Airlines 223 12% 11% 12%+% AmBankN 1.] 5e 7 30 28 30 +2 Am Bosch %e 2 15 15 15 + % Am Brake Sh 2 14 40% 39 40% +1% Am Brake Sh rt 166 1% 1% 1% + % Am Cable&Rad 103 7% 67, 7% + 14 Am Can 3 . _ 17 86% 83% 86 +2% •An Can pf 7 30 190% 190 190%+1% Am CarAFdy re 21 51 48 50%+1% Am ChACbl 1 40 7 25 24% 25 •Am Chicle 4a 70 125 124 124 +4 Am Colortype 1 7 20 19% 20 + % AmCrysSug line 3 21% 20% 21 —2% Am Distillers 2a 12 49% 44% 49% +6% Am Encaustic 4 5% 5% 5% + % Am Expt L 1 20 24 20% 19% 20%+1% Am A: Frn Pwr 42 6% 6 6% + % [AmAFPHpMVk 8 95 92% 95 ' AmAFP 7pf.V„k 5 102 100% 102 +1% Am AFP 2d PI 38 21 19% 20% +1% Am Hawaii S 3 9 39% 38% 39 +1 l Am HtdeALeath 11 6% 6% 6% — % UmHomePlMOa 8 95 94 95 +5 ; Am Ice 50 9% 8% 6% + % ; Am Interntl 20e 14 10% 10 10%+ % ! Am Invst 111 .80 4 11% 11% 11% - % Am Locoml .40a 91 27% 25% 27%+1% Am Locom Pf 7 3 113 1127*113 + % Am MchAPd 80 12 26% 24% 26% +2% Am MchAMet 1 7 16 15% 16 Am Metal 1 20 26% 25% 26% + », AmMplasses «0a 4 11% 11% 11% + % Am NewsCo *«e 14 38 36% 37%-1 Am Power A Lt 259 11% 10% 11%+1% AmPAL8pf4%k 23 113 108 113 +5% AmPAL 5pf3%k 11 101% 977* 101% +3% Am RadASn 40 119 15 14% 147,+ % Am Roll Mill ««e 195 33% 30% 32%+1% ♦Am RM Df 4% 6 105% 104% 105 Am Safety R 1 33 16% 16 16% Am Seating 1 4 20 19% 20 + % ♦AmShipBldg 2ell0 36% 35% 36 -% 1 Am SmeltAR tla 21 51 47% 5T +3% ♦Am SAR Df 7 29 178% 178% 178% + % Am Snuff 3 6 40% 397, 397, _ a, ! Am Rtl Pound 2 30 32% 31 32% +1% Am Stores 1 10e 4 29% 29% 29%+ % Am Stove 1 20 3 25 24% 24% - % Am Suma T 4 3 55 52)4 55 +1% Am Tel A Tel 9 37 174% 172% 174% Am Tobacco 3a 5 77 76 77 +1 Am Tobac B 3a. 22 79% 78% 79 -1% Am Vlacose 2 32 52% 51% 52% +1% Am Water Wka 232 15% 14% 15% + % Am Woolen 42 43 40 43 +2% Am Wool DfS'ak 7 134 129% 134 +6 AmZincLAS log 29 7% 7% 7% + % Anaconda 2% 113 38% 36% 377, +1% tAnacon WAC 1 280 44% 44% 44% - % Anchor Hoc 90e J +2 41% 41%+ % AnderClayl ,80a 16 52 51% 52 - % Ander-Prich O 1 23 17 16% 16% + 1, Andes Copper 6 15 14% 15 + % A P W Products 2 5 47, 47,+ % Archer-Dan 80a 11 31% 30% 30% — % Armour A Co 220 11% 10s* 11%+ % Armr pr pf »>,k 5 116 115% 116 -1 j ♦Armour pf 40 140 137 137 —2 Artloom Cd 40 20 147, 13% 147, +1% Assd DryGds 1 a 46 23 21% 22% +1% ♦Asso DO 2nd 7 10 132 132 132 -3 ATFInc'ie 32 15% 15% 15%+ % Alfh T A S F fl 72 88 82 88 +5 Atch TASF pf6 1 106 106 106 -2 Atl Coast Line 4 18 48 45% 47%+% AM GAWInd Og 2 33 32 33 Atl Refining 1 Va 21 377, 36% 37%+1% Atlas Corp 1 % 24 237, 23 23% + % ♦Atlas Pow Is,e 240 57 55 57 +2% Austin Nichols 9 13% 13 13%+ % Austin N pf 1.20 1 17% 17% 17%+1% Auto Canteen 1. 19 21% 19% 21 +1 Autocar Co 24 21 19% 20% — % Aviation Cd lOe 102 7% 7 7%+% Aviation pf 2Va 10 46% 47 48 + % IBALD LOCO 54# 2134 70** 215*+lVa ! Balt A Ohio 261 133* 123* 13*4+ *4 Bal’o A’ Ohio p? 54 21*4 193* 2114+1*4 ♦Bang&Arpfft 90 71 70 70*4 - *4 i Barber Asphlt 1 20 52 50 51 +2 Barker Bros la 7 2954 29 2954+ 34 i Barnsdall Oil 1 26 22V* 22 22*4 - V* BathlrWks 1 21 21*4 20‘* 21 - *4 BayukCiRar 1* 2e 1 43*4 45*4 45*4+ *4 BeechAircrft lg 10 145* 14^4 14**- >4 tBeech-Nut 4a 1115 115 115 -3*4 Belding Hm HO 1 15*4 15*4 15*4 Bell Aircraft le 23 203* 19** 197* Bell & Howell *4 3 19 183/4 91 -1 Bendix Av 1 12e 4 36*4 36*4 36*4+ *4 Beneficial 1 20a 6 25 24*8 25 Benef In L pf.r4 1100 100 100 Best A Co 7 60 17 34 33*4 34 + 54 Best Foods 120 16 2454 23*4 2414+ *+ Beth Steel 6 26 92 89** 8954 + 3* BlackA'Der k ?a 3 33** 32** 33 + >4 Blaw-Krox 60m 11 17*8 17** 17*i- *4 Bliss * *«e 4 15 15 15 Bliss EW 6 185* 1854 18’/4 BliSS E W Df 2,74 3 40*4 40 40*4+3 Boeing Airp le 26 23*4 2254 23*4+ *4 *Bon Ami B 2* 2 70 57* 4 57 57* 4 - *4 Bond Stores 2 17 353/4 35 35*4 + *4 Borden 1*4* 17 4434 43** 4434+1 Borg-Warn 1.00 23 435* 4054 4354+25* Boston & Me 5 5»* 5 5*4 + *4 i Braniff Air .60 22 18 17*4 18 + *4 BrewerCpAm2*4 3 9054 90 9054 Bridgept Brs .60 20 143* 1334 14*4+ «* Briggs Manufg 2 36 34** 32*4 34V* +1*4 i Briggs ft: Strat 1 6 25 24*4 25 +1 j Bristol My 2 40 4 48 48 48 BKlynUGas 1 60 13 28* 4 275* 28‘4 + *4 j Brunswk-Balfc 1 7 25 24*4 25 + *4 Bucyrus-Er 4.r>e 24 1554 147* 1554 +1*4 Budd Co 139 12V* 1 i*4 12 + s* +Budd Co Pf 5 140 8174 80 817* +17* Buf Ng E pf3.60 5 103 103 103 -2 Bullard Co 8 2 43* 2J7* 2 4 54 + *4 BulovaWatch 2a 8 40 38s4 40 +1*4 Burl Mills 1 69 197* 19*'j 195* Burl Mis cvpf.Tj 3 100ce 100* 4 100*«- 7* Burr Add M 60 37 15 14*4 15 + *4 Bush Term .''.Se 26 7’4 7 734+ *4 Butler Bros HOe 14 26 24:4 26 + 11* Butte CpArZ * <e 10 5* 4 5*4 5*4 Brers AM Co1 «g 5 17*4 17 17*4+1 Byron Jack la 4 25 24*4 24*4 - *4 CAL PACK!'a 15 3274 32‘4 32V, + *4 Oallanan Zinc 35 3*4 3*4 3*4 + *4 Cal A Hecla .1 Sc 14 7*4 674 7*4 Campbell W»’,e 8 22*4 22 22*4 -1 Can DryGA 15e 11 14*4 1314 14*4+1*4 Canad Pac 1 *«e 157 13*4 13 13*4+ *4 Cannon Mills 2e 3 56 55*4 56 —1*4 Cap Adm A log 2 13 12*4 1214 - *4 Carrier Corp 67 17*4 16 171a +1 CurlerCorp pf‘* 4 40 39*4 39*4 - ‘A CarrlersAG 20a 7 6*4 6*4 6*a Case J I Co 2e 2 37 36*4 37 + *4 ’Case J I pi 7 40 162 162 162 Caterplllr Tr 3 15 62*4 59*4 62*4+1*4 CelaneseCp 1 ’.e 53 55*4 52*4 55*4+2*4 tCelaneac pf 7 10 142 142 142 +2 Celolex Corp la 69 26*4 25 26*4+2*4 CentAgulrre 1*4 8 21*4 21*4 21*4 Cent Foundry 54 11 10*4 11 + ‘4 CnHudGAE She 8 9V, 9** 9*4+ ‘4 Cent R R N J • 9 9 8*4 9 CentViolSugl He 3 28 27*4 28 ; Cerro dePasl *ie 16 56 54 36 +2 1 Certaln-teed 15el03 17*4 16*4 17>4+1*4 Chain Bel' 1 4 28*4 27*4 27*4 -1*4 ■ Champ PAF 1 a 1 45*4 45*4 45*4+1*4 Checker Cab 12 15*4 15*4 15*4 + 74 1 Ches A Ohio 3 52 507* 49*a 50*4 + *4 ; ChiragoCoro’ «e 53 9 8*4 9 + >4 Chi A East 111 22 7*4 6*4 7*4+ ‘4 i Chi A E 111 A le 28 12 11*4 12 + 74 Chi Great West 13 9*4 7*4 9 +7* Chi Grt West of 10 13*4 127* 13*4 - *4 Chi IndAL A ct 7 77* 7*4 77* + *4 ChlMSPAPac 183 13*4 12 13*4 +174 Ch!M8PAP of.5e 110 35 32*4 3474 +1*4 Chi A Nor West 46 18*4 15*4 17*4+1*4 Cht A NW pf 26 37 35*4 37 +2 ChiPneuToo) *»e 11 20*4 19*4 20*4+1*4 Chickasha 1__ 2 17 16*4 16*4+ ‘4 Childs Co • *7 9*4 8*4 9 + 14 Chrysler Corp 3 108 86>4 82 86 +374 CinGAElec 3f»e 632 23>A 2274 23>A +1*4 iCinMllMchl.06* 12 24*4 237a 24*4+ 74 C I T Finance 2 35 38*4 3674 37*4 - *4 City IceAF 1 60 5 31 30 31 +1 City Stores I 27 21*4 20 21*4 +1*4 tciev Graph pfft 10 10774 1077* 107*4 'ClevAPUts SP2 200 57 57 57 + 14 Climax Mol 1 !?n 58 22*4 21*4 22 - 14 Clinton Ind 1 60 3 26‘4 26>4 26>4 — 74 jCluett-Pebody 2 5 43 42*4 43 +1 Colgate-P-P 2a 19 50*4 48** 50*4 +2*4 Collins A Aik 1 a 3 41 *0 40 - 14 j Col FuelAIr 45e 46 11*4 1074 11*4+ 14 Col FuelAIr of 1 10 167* 16*4 16*4 *ColoA8outh 130 1414 1* 14 i tColoASo 1st pf 120 15 13*4 15 +2 Col BcastAl 30e 9 32 31 32 +1 Col GasAE. 10e320 9*4 9 9*4 + 74 I Colum Piet 1 b 22 24*4 2 3 24 - 74 ColumCarb 1 60 3 3574 35 35*4+1*4 ColASOElSOe 70 3874 37*4 38*/* Cornel Credit 2 36 38 3674 38 ’Com! Cr Df.'l 60 2 00 10774 107 107*4 ComclSni'-n 60a 59 23*4 21*4 2374 +2 Comwl Edts 1 40129 3074 30*4 3074 + 14 Comwl A South 919 374 3 374 + 74 ComAS Df 9* *k 19 117 11274 11574 +274 Conde Nast 10 14*4 13 14 4. 14 Oongoleum-N la 8 26*4 25*4 26 +74 Cons Edlsn 1 60 8 7 27*4 2 674 2714 + 74 Cons Edlsn pf 6 10 1067* 106*,* 106*4 Cons Grocers 1 . 7 19 1 874 187a + *4 Cons Laundry 1 2 16 1574 157* - *4 ConsNatQaala 5 47*4 45 47*4+1*4 Cons RRCub* Dt 57 19*4 177* 19*4+1 ConsRei Si 1.60 9 20 19 20 Cons Vultee 2 *0 22 2074 2174+1 Container Cp 2a 19 3874 387* 3874 + 74 Cont Baking *4e 19 15 14 147* + 7* Cont Can 1 38 36 337* 357* +2‘4 Cont Diam Fib * 9*4 97a 9V4 Cont Insurnce 2 4 48*4 48*/* 48** — 7* Cont Mot ,36e 119 11*4 107* 11*4+ *4 Cont Oil D 1 60 68 357* 34*4 357* + 14 Cont Steel 60e 9 1674 16 1674 + ‘4 Cooper-Bess 1 17*4 1774 1774 - ‘4 CopprwldStl 80 4 1374 137* 13*4— ‘A •Corn Exc 2.40 90 547* 53*4 54 + 74 Corn Prod 2 60 18 597* 587* 587* - 14 ’Corn Prod pf 7 60 193 191 191 -3 CornellD El *0 10 1374 1 3>* 13>4 - 14 Corning Gls **e 8 28>4 277* 28>/e Coty Inc 20e 1 8*4 6*4 8*4+ 74 Coty Inti .20e . 1 5 5 5 + *4 Crane Co la 24 35*4 34*4 35*4+1 ICrtnofWhlBO 2 29*4 29 29 + ‘4 Crown Zelll 20 4 27 267* 27 + *4 11Crown Z pf4 20 20 103 103 103 Crucible 811 2*. 2 35*4 34 33*4 4-1 t Sale*— 8toc* and Add l«*t Dividend Rate .00. High, Low. 2 56. Chg Crucible 8tl pf 5 5 100 100 100 - 14 tcuba R R of 550 26 25 253* + 34 Cuban-AmS 1 ’ je 20 1*14 ie*4 19*4 +134 'Cubn-Am S of, 150 165 165 165 CudahyPk 1.20a 26 433* 4214 4314+ 34 Cuneo Press 80 6 18 173* 173* Curtl. Bubllsh 206 11*4 1034 1134 + 34 Curtlss-Wright 53 6*4 6 634 + ‘4 Curtiss-Wr A le 5k 183, 17*4 )8‘4 + ‘4 Cutler-Ham HOe 8 28 27‘4 28 4- ‘4 DANA CORP 6 19 18V, 19 4- 3, DavetaSirsl 6 19*, 18'* 1934 4- 14 Davison them 1 6 18*4 18*. 18*, + >4 DanonP&L .45, 59 3014 28*, 30*4 4-l>, DavtonRub floe 16 20 19 20 4- 3* Decca Reds 2 40 13 4304 4134 4 2 -1‘4 Deere A Co *4e 43 37'/, 343, 36 4-1*4 Del & Hudson 4 63 27*/, 25*4 27 Del Lack A: Wn 84 734 6«» 7*4 4- 14 Det Edison 1 20 18 23*4 23*4 23*4 - >4 De Vilbiss 1 *e 3 17 16*4 17 4- *4 DevoeAR A1 20 26 25*4 233, 25*,» 4-1*4 Diam T Mot 1 a 9 19*4 18*4 19*4 4-1* * DistCp-Se 60. 228 19 17*4 18 4-3* Dixie Cup Via 3 32*4 32 32 -1 Doehler-Jarvs 1 19 27*4 2*34 2734 4-2*4 Dome Min 1.17e *1 18 16*4 1734 4-1 Douglas Aire 6e 1* 7934 75*4 79 4-3 Dow Chem pf 4_ 1 112*4 112*4 112*4 -1*4 Dresser'ndust 36 183, 17*4 18*4 4- *4 Dresserlndpf33« 2 102 102 102 -1 Du Pont 4*,e 18 176 170*4 176 4-6 EAGLE-PIC.70e 16 2034 19*4 20*, 4-1*4 Eastern Air L >4 88 2*34 22*4 24*4 4-2 East Sta Stl *4e * 40 40 40 EastmanKdk fia 8 210 206 208 4-2*4 'Eastmn K p! 6 10 205 205 205 Eaton ManuJs 3 20 44 42*4 437, 4- *4 Edis B Stra 1 *4 2 27 26** 27 4-34 tEdis Br Pf 4 V* 10 105*4 105*4 105*4 4- ‘4 Ekco Prod * *p 22 19*4 18* » 19*4 4- 7, Elastic Stop Nut 2 7*4 7*/. 7*4 4- */* 81 AutO-Llt, 3 ,. 15 53*4 52 53*4 4-1' * El Boat la 31 16*4 1«*4 16*4-1*, El A M Ind .08* 12 4 4 4 81 Power & Lt 201 1534 14*4 1534 4-1 El P&L «pf 4 >jk 7 130 128 130 -1 81 PA-L 7pf 5'*k 13 145 143 145 El Paso NG 2.40 12 43*4 45*4 43 - V, Emerson El M 21 14*4 133, 14*4 4- 14 Emers R&P 60a 13 22*4 21*4 22" - 14 Engineer Pub 8 103 24*4 23 2*344-1*4 *Eng Pub 8 pf 6 1 106V, 10634 1063, 4- *4 Eoult Office B • 27 334 3*4 314 4. 14 Erie R R1 216 1034 974 10*4 4-34 Erie R R pf A 5. 1 58 58 58 -1 Eureka Wms *.e ?1 1134 11 11*4 4- 14 Evershrp 1,20a. 34 29*4 28*4 28*4 4- *4 Ex-Cell O 2.60 . 14 39 37*, 38*4 4-1*/* Exch-Buffet 80 1 8 8 8-14 FAIRBANKS la 4 52V* 52 52'*+ '* Fajardo Bug s,4e 9 22>a 22 22>* + 3+ Farnsworth 53 9V* 83* 9 + i* FedLtATrac 3<e 4 21'+ 21 21'*+ '* FedMoTruck*0« 13 12V* ll'a 12'++ 3+ FederDStrs 60 26 243* 2534 + 7+ 'Fed D S pt 4’* 70 105 104'* 104'* -1'* Ferro Enamel 1 11 21>* 20»+ 21'*+ >+ Fid Phoenx F 2a 3 51'* 51'* 51'+ Firest TAR 1*4e 29 59'a 577* 59‘a +l‘a Firth Carp ,65e 7 19‘* 18'+ 19'* + 34 Fllntkote 45e._ 4C 3034 28*+ 303*+13* Florida Pow 1 36 173* 163a 17'*+ >* FlorshelmA File 1 22'* 22'+ 223* + 7* Follansbee I tie 10 IS'* 12'.* 13'*+ 34 Food Fair 8t .40 15 15 143+ 1474 - '+ Food Mch 1 3Ue 2 76'+ 75 76‘* +3'+ Foster Wheeler 3 2 574 2 53* 2 534 +134 Franctico Sugar 9 2234 203+ 22>* +13* FreeportSul 23* 6 47 46 47 FruehaufTral 39 33 32 327+- 7+ tFruehauJ T Df4 70 102 100 100 -234 GABRIEL 45e 3 11'* 11 11'*+ '* Gair Robert.30« 33 7'* 73* 7'+ + 3* Calvin Mfg .30. 14 12'* 117* 123*+ >+ Gamewell Co 1 2 18 17 18 +1 Gardner-Den 1. 3 173* 173+ 173* + 3+ Gar Wood Ind 26 10*4 97* 10'+ + 3* Gaylord Cont 1 34 1634 15** 16 + '* GenAmInv3 OR* 13 15'* 15 15'* + '* Gen A Trns 2'+ 9 50* 48'* 48'*- '* j Gen Baking RO 19 113a 10** 11 + i+! Gen Bronze .30 5 16'+ 1534 153* Gen Cable 57 93» 8®* 9 + '* ’GenCable 1 pf 4 70 81 80 80 Gen Cigar la 6 29>4 29 29 — '* j Gen Elec I 60 116 387+ 37'* 38'a + »+ Oen Foods! 60a 14 45‘* 43** 44 _ >/4 Gen Mills 1',* 3 47'* 46'.* 47'a + 3* tGen Mills of 5 20 130 12934 12934 - 34 'Gen Mills Pf.-IH 2 114'* 114'+ 114' a + 3* 1 Gen Motor 1 *4e 205 53 51 52'+ +134 GinOAivtVf. 7 167* 163* 167» + >* Gen Precision 1 15 22'+ 22 22'+ + '* j Gen Public Svc 1 4 37+ 37+ - 3*, Gen Pub Util' 4b 136 16V* 15'.a 16*+ + 7* | Gen Ry Sn l\e 5 29'a 28s* 29‘a + 3a Gen Realty&Ut 14 5'* 5'+ 5'* + V* GenRefract ,60e 6 2 234 2 2 2 27+ + 34 Gen Shoe 2 14 31 303* 30'*- '* tGen S C Df4 V*k 240 106 105' a 106 -1 Gen Telphnl .6(1 2 36',* 35'* 36'*+ 34 'GenTm 1 pf 4'. 10 108'* 108'* 108* +13+ Gen Tire A R 1 26 39*4 383* 39‘a + 'a Gillette SafR 2 46 30 287+ 30 +13* Glmbel Br .8(1* 46 4334 41'+ 4334 +2'a Giidden Co 2a _ 16 39'a 37'* 39‘*+1** GceebeiBrew 10a 2 6‘a 6‘* 63a - '* Ooodail-Sn 13*a 1 31 31 31 +1 Goodrich '."je 23 68 65 6al*+ + '* Goodrich pf 6 5 102 1007* 1007* - 1+ GoodvearTAR 3 44 56'* 54'* 555* + '* Goodyear pf s 9 106 105* 106 + 14 GothmHosi 4"a * 2 6 34 2 6 2 634 +134 Graham-PaiR* 117 73+ 674 7'+ + 3* Granby Cons M 4 6 97+ 6 Granite City Stl 12 14 127* 14 +34 Grant IW Til 12 34 331* 34 + ’GrantWT pf.‘t'4 30 105 103' a 103'* —23* Gt No I O ctl'.is 10 17 17 17 + 'a Gt Nor Rr pf 3 56 42‘* 41 42'++ z+ GtWstSugl.20 7 26 25'* 25**+ ** Gulf Ol! la 27 61'* 60‘* 61'*+ '+ HACKENSK I 2 36 36 36 - 1* Harb-Walker 1 15 2134 203* 21'* +1'* HarrSch-Ml for 4 39‘* 3#'* 39'4 - '+ 'Hat Cp pf 43* . 10 993* 99'* 99'* -13* Hayes Indust .. 17 103+ 9'a 103+ + 1* Hayes Manufg 36 7',4 7 73* + 14 HazelAI lasGIs n 9 32'* 32 32 — 1* Hecht Co 1.60 3 33 32 33 + 1+ Helms G W 4 1 75 75 75 -1 HerculesMot ROe 11 19'* 18'* 19'*+1 HerculesPwd'ae 9 50 4734 50 +2 Hewitt Robins 1 2 23'* 23 23 — 34 HindeADaul 3 31 3034 30‘4 — 34 HoliandFurn ’4e 2 247+ 243+ 24 34 — 1* HollanderASn 1 5 2534 25 25 - 34 Holly Sugar! 1 233* 23‘* 23'*+ 14 I Homestake M le 21 36'* 3 5 3 634 +17*' Houd-Hershey 19 15‘* 13*+ 1434 +1'+ Householdpl 60 4 28*4 28'* 2834 + '4 Houston Oil 64 16V* 15’* 16'/a + '* Howard Store 1 3 32 31 32 +2 HoweSound 1 10 11 32** 3134 32** + 13+ Hudson A Man 7 6'a 534 6‘4 + '* Hudson Bay hi 9 34 33 3334+ 14 Hudson Mot .40 76 17‘* 1534 17'+ +ls. Hunt Foods 8 29'+ 28'a 287» - '+ Hudo Corn 54 57, 51+ 574 + ,, IDAHO PR 1 60 3 34 33'* 34 +1 111 central 75 22 20 22 +2 'III Cent lsd li 4 10 90 90 90 -8 III Terminal RR 31 734 7 7»* + 34 Indpis P-L 1 10 8 25 24'4 25 +1 Industrl El Mex 3 113* n«* 113*- 1+ Indust Ravonl 13 42 40'+ 411*+11* Ingersol-Rand R 3 124'* 121*4 124'* +3'a Inland Stl ,80e 27 36‘* 33'* 36 +2'4 Inspir Copper 1 14 14*+ 14'+ 14*+ +1 Interchmel 1.80 9 39 371.4 39 Interlake Ir >,4g 82 113+ 1034 11'* + 7* Int Bus Mch Rb 4 205 199 205 +6 Int Harvs 2 60a 29 77'4 76 77 +1 Int Hydro E) A 120 1 77+ 7 714 + 14 IntMinAChml 45 32 30'4 31'4 — 1+ Int Mining 4 5»+ 5'+ 5V+ + '4 Int Nickel 1 60 115 30V+ 29'* 30V* + 34 Int Paper 2 116 4034 38'* 40'* +17* Int Paper pf S _ 11 107 106'* 107 + v+ Int Ry Cent Am 14 14'+ 13'+ 14'++ 1+ UntRyCenApfSkllO 103 102 103 Int Shoe 1.80 7 38'* 38 38'+ Int Tel A Tel 277 17>+ 16V* 17V+ +1 Int TAT forn C’ 32 1734 16*4 17*4 +li* Inter Den Strs 2 8 30 29 30 +1** Intertvpe 1 7 22 21 22 +1 JACOBS 20g 17 1134 107* 1134 + V* Jewel Tea 1 40 6 4734 47V* 4734 - 34 Johns-Man 2'4e 12 125 121 125 +41* Jones A L Stl 1 117 36'* 34J+ 36*++134 Joy Manufg 8"a 18 203* 20'+ 20‘* + 1* KALAMAZ 80a 5 23'* 23 23'* + ** Kan Citv South 34 21*4 193* 213*+1'* KayserJ RSe 12 17 153* 17 + 7* Kelsey-Hay W B 6 1434 1 33* 14 + 3* Kennecott 1 '?e 66 437* 4134 437* +17+ Kimberly-Clrk 1 5 26 24*4 26 +1 Klnney(GR) *ae 1 17'i 17'+ 17'*+ 1* Koppers Co 1 RO 14 29‘* 28 29'*+1 KresgelSSil 60 10 36'* 3434 36‘*+1'* Kreas <8Hi 2a . 2 46'+ 46>+ 46‘* Kroger Co 2 10 49 47'+ 477*+17* LACLEDE O 104 5*4 5*4 5'* + 1/4 Lambert Co 2 17 40 38's 391* + 11+ Lane Bryant n 9 IB'* 18 18'4 - »4 Lee RubrA-Ti 2a 5 51 49 50 - 1* Lehigh ColA-N 1 32 111* 111+ 11'* + a* Leh Port C ] 1 i 29 3514 3414 35Vt + V, Leh Valley Coal 10 3 2'* 2'* Leh V Coal 1 Pf3 15 20 19 20 + V* Leh V Coal2pft/a 8 7‘* 7 714 + 1+ Leh Valley RR 55 714 614 714 LehmanCpfi ifle 18 45 4314 441*-11* Lamer Str 1 La 22 29'* 28U 29‘* +1 l.ib-O-F Glees 1 51 50U 49 5014 +1>4 LibMcNAL .fide 48 10'+ 10'+ 10*++ 14 Life Savers H5e 1 29 29 29 — 1/4 LiggettAMyerda 1 87 87 87 LiegeltArM B 3a 9 8814 87>* 88‘* - 1+ Lily Tulip 1 1* . 2 411+ 41 41 -1 Lima Locom 2a 9 50 4814 50 Link-Belt 2 5 47 44>+ 47 +14 Lion OH 1-40 10 3314 33 331* + 1* Liquid Carbonic 10 27>* 2514 2614 + '+ Lockheed Air 2 79 2814 2714 2814 +11+ Loew s Inn 114a 99 2B>+ 2714 2814+1 Lone Star C 314 25 69 66>* 67 +14 Long-Bell L.l2k 13 20'+ 1914 2014 +114 Lorrllard Prod 1 18 21>* 20% 21 tLorillard pf 7 10 183 183* 183 -5 Loulsvil&N 3 62 15 5014 5014 5014 + 1+ Lowentn&Sl'+a 29 2614 2414 2614 +114 Lukens Steel 16 1514 141+ 1514 +114 MANDAcFl.46# 3 34 33 331* +1 Mack Ttucks le 20 47>+ 4514 4714+1 Macy R H 1.60a 15 45 4314 45 +2 Mad Bq Gar .80. 11 1314 1214 131* + 14 Magma Copr 14 24 17>+ 1614 171* +1 Manhat Shirt la 5 2814 28 28 —114 Marine Mid .80 44 714 71* 714+ i* 'MarketStRy pr 350 12 1114 12 + 14 Marshall Fid 2a 48 3614 3514 36 + 14 MarshFld pf4V« 70 10914 10914 1091* - i* Martin Glenn 3 18 36 3414 35*++1 Mgrtin-Parv.60 17 17 16>* 1614 - V* Masonite Cp la 3 53 52 5214+114 Mathiaaon Ilk 1 9 2514 2414 2514 MayDeptStre3 21 5114 50 5114 +114 Maytag Co 5 1014 1014 1014 + 14 'Maytag 1st rffi 40 113 113 113 +1 McCall Corp 2a 11 4514 421* 4514 +31* MtGraw Elec 2 5 3114 30 3114 + 14 McGrew Hill l.e 16 27 231* 27 +l»* Mclntyr h2.2'.'a 19 451* 44 4514 +1'* McKessArR 2 40 14 43 42 42*4 + 14 McKess&P. pf 4 3 103 103 103 McLellan Sirs 1 5 2214 2214 2214 + H McQuay-Noris 1 4 23'* 2314 2314 Mead Corn 86e 21 1914 18*4 1914+14 Melville Shoe 11 24 2314 2314+ 14 Mengel Co .40a 20 2114 20 2114 +114 tMengel 6 Pf2'+ 10 70 70 70 +31* I Bales— I Stock and Add He* Dividend Rats .00 High. Low. 2 55 Cba I Mercant 8tra 1. 27 22 21H 21V* — H; Merck ft Co 1 _ * 56*4 55*4 56*4 +1*4 ' Miami Cop *ae 10 11*4 107* 11*4+ ‘4 Mid-ContPet */i# 30 33*4 32 33*4 +1*4 Minn-HRal.BO 7 51 48 51 +2*4 Minn-Mollne 35 10V* 9*4 97*+ >4 MStP&SS A2‘4e 67 1144 10*4 11*4+ 74 Min M&M 1 40 5 44 42*4 44 + 14 Mission Cd 1 lag 7 30 2814 30 Mo-Kan-Texas 60 8*4 774 8*4 + 14 Mo-Kan-Tex Of lie 22*4 2014 22 +1*4 Mohawk Caro 2 8 47 45*4 47 Mojud Hos ,20e 7 14*4 1314 14*4 + >4 MonsantoCh'.e 8 49*4 48 48 +1*4 Monsanto pf .H, 2 118 118 118 Montam Ward 2 81 70 67 697»+J*4 Montg Ward ret 5 69*4 66*4 69*4 +2*4 Moora McLin 1 47 22 21*4 22 + >4 Motor Products 7 18 17*4 18 + ‘4 Motor Whl 1.20 15 21*4 20*4 21 Mueller Br 1 «() 6 40 37 -*0 +3 Mullins Mfa lie 9 1514 14*a 1514 Munsinawear _. 4 15 14*4 15 +741 tMurphy pi 4%. 10 no no 110 - % Murray Corp 24 11% 10% 11%+ % NASH-KELV % 100 15% 15 15%+ % TNashCh&SLle #0 27% 27% 27% - % Nat Acme 2_ 10 2# 28% 29 + % Nat Airlines 26 19% 18% 19%+1% Nat Auto Fib .fiC 63 11% 10% 11%+ % Nat Aviation Vie 23 18 16% 18 +1* 41 Nat Batt 1.20 2 22% 22% 22% -2% Nat Biscuit 1.20 31 27% 26% 27% Nat Can 30 11% 10% 11 + % Nat Cash Reg 1 a 21 34% 33% 34% + % Nat City Lines 1 25 15% 15% 15% Nat Contalnr 1b 16 27% 26% 26% NatCylnG 8na 16 18 16% 17%+ % Nat DairyP 1.80 28 36 34% 35%+ % Nat Dept Sirs 1 17 23 21% 22%+ %1 Nat Distillers 296 22% 21% 22% + % NatEnam&Sl *?e 3 35% 35% 35%-1 Nat Gypsum Ug 91 20% 19'4 20% + % Nat Lead %a 24 30% 29 30%+1% ' Nat Lead pf Bfi 40 150 150 150 Nat Linens .llle 17 8% 8 8*4+ % NatMal&Stl Cas 6 23 22% 23 +1 I Nat Oil Pr l ine 10 43 41% 43 +1 Nat Power & Lt 399 2% 2 2% + % Nat Steel 3_ 15 78 76 77 Nat Supply 65 15 14% 14%+ % Nat Sup J'J p!4k 6 20% 20% 20% + % Nat Tea .80 6 26 25% 26 + % ! Nat Vul Fib .80. 11 15% 15% 15%+ % NatomasCoVie. 8 10% 10% 10%+ % Nehl Corp .80 _ 12 20 18% 20 +1 Nelsner Bros n 8 32 30% 31%+ % Newberry JJ 1 2 28% 28% 28*4— % Newmontlli 9 32 30% 31%+1 Newport Ind.HOe 19 29% 27% 29%+ % Nwpt N 8hpbd2e 7 21% 20% 21%+ % NY Air Brake 2 2 41 40% 40*4-1% N Y Central RR 353 16 15 16 + % N Y Chi & St L 4 27% 26% 27*4+ % NYChl&StLpf4k 13 84% 81% 84%+2% NYCOmbsl'ae 1 21% 21»% 21% - % t NY PirL pf3 00 10 107 107 107 +1 [ NY Shipbldg V«e 11 14% 14% 14% Noblltt-Spark 2 3 34 33*4 34 +1 'NorlAWstnlOa 180 229 225*4 229 +1 No Am Avia )e 33 12 11% 12 + 14 No Am CO 1.771 116 25% 24% 25 + % North Pacific le 119 18% 16% 17 - % NorthwatAir Vie 38 29% 28 29% -1% i • Northwn Tel 3 180 48'* 48 48 — *4' NorwalkT&RVie 5 11% 11% 11% - % Norwich Ph 60a 1 17% 17% 17% + *4 OHIO OIL *4a _ 80 22% 21% 22 + % Oliver Corp __ 22 22 20% 21*4+1*4 (Oliver pi 4 Va . 60 103 102 103 +1 Omnibus Corp 1 16 12% 11% 12 + % Oppenheim C 2 1 30% 30*4 30*4 OtisElevator 15 27% 26% 27% + % Outboard M \e 2 26 26 26 + % Owens-IUQ 21.1 26 72% 71 72% + % PAC A FISH le. 2 12% 12% 12%+ % fPac Coast 2 pi. 40 27% 26 26 -2 FacGasAtElcS 23 40% 40 40*4+ % Pac Mills 1 Vie . 1 33 33 33 +1% Par Tin Cons 15 6 5% 6 + % Pac West OH Vie 7 21% 21 21% - % Packard Motor 184 7 6% 7 + % PnAmAirwysVie 159 15% 14% 15% + % PanhanEPL 3Vi 10 43% 42*4 43%+ % Panh P&R ,20g 27 6% 5% 6% + % Paraffine Cos 2 2 63 60 63 +4 Param Pic 1 SO 278 30% 29% 30*4+1%! Park&rTlllord .3 1 57 57 37 + % Hark Utah lOe . 10 31* 3H 31* + iM Parke Day 1 60 7 38 36»* 38 +1 ParmeleeTr 1.20 13 135* 125* 13 +5* Patino Mm 85e 10 15'* 141* 145*- x* Penney (J Cl 2 15 465* 46 46 - 1* Penn-Cent Airl 21 22'* 2 2 2 254 + 1* Penn Coal&Coke 2 71* 71* 71* - 1* Penn-Dix Cemnt 11 185» 17'* 171* — 1* Penn GlassAtS 1 1 32 32 32 -2'* PennPwAtLt.TOe 32 20‘* 205* 205*+ 1* Penn RRJVie 89 29’* 27'* 2#'* -25* Pepsl-Cola ,70a 108 221* 215* 22‘* + 1* Pere Marquette 8 18*a 17V* 17>* - 1* PereM prpf.3'.k 5 103 102>* 103 -1 Petrol Corp 2(le 7 9 9 9-1* PfeifferBrew 34e 3 13‘* 13>* 131* Pfizer CArCo 3a 15 59'* 58 58',- 5* Phelps Dg 1.60 32 31'* 305* 31 + 5* |Phlla Elect 1.20 30 25'* 25 25‘* IPhil&RdCAcI le 30 12'* 12 12 ! Philt o Cotd.80a 8 24'* 235* 23'* + 1* (’Philco pf 3", 10 100'* 100>* ICO'* - s, ! Philip Mors 1 '2 24 34 331,4 3354-14 Phillips Petrol 2 18 54 53 53'* - 5* j Phoenix Hosiery 1 19'* 19>,4 191/4—15* ; Pitts Ck&Ch Vig 2 9 8>* 85*- 5* I tPitts C&C pf 5 20 93 93 93 -2 PltConCoal 1 40 2 19‘* 19'* 191* • Pitts Forgings 1 3 175* 17 17 — 1* | Pitt PI Gt .80 29 345, 33 34'* +1'* Pitt Scr & B .40 20 85a 8 65.+ 5* Pitts Steel 10 115* 11'* 11'*+ 1* i i Pitts Steel S Ilf 100 62'* 61‘* 62'*+H* tPitt 8 prpI4'.k 40 78 78 78 -2 Pitts Sc West Va 2 14 13'* 13'*+ 1* Pitteton Co 7 165* 16'* 165* + 1* Plymouth Oil lb 16 21'* 20‘, 2154+15* Pond Creek new 4 23 23 23 —1 Door Ar Co B \e 8 16V* 15'* 15'*+ '* Pressed StI Car. 75 15'* 14 15'/,+ 5* Procter&tOam 2 3 565* 56'* 56‘* + ',* Pub SvcCol 1.66 12 33‘* 315* 33'*+1'* Pub Svc N .J 5*e 75 20'* 195* 205* + '* tPub SvcNJ pf8 60 126 124'* 126 -1 1 Pub SvcNJ pf7 240 116'* 115'* 116 - '* tPub SvcNJ DfO 250 1095* 1085* 1085* tPub SvcNJ pf5 180 105 104'* 104',4 + 1* Publicker Ind _ 24 38'* 36',* 38 +2 Pullman 133 51 49'* 51 +15* Pure 011 1 ... 56 21'* 205* 215* +15* Purity Bak 2 11 30'* 30 30'* RADIO CP 30e 330 10'* 10 105* + >* Radio Cp pf ft', 1 78 78 78 —2 Ra-Kth-O 1.20 198 16»* 155* 16'*+ 5* Rayonier Inc . 39 18'* 17V* 18'* +15, Reading Co 1 14 18 17 18 + 5* i Reis R Ar Co pf 60 80 76'* 80 —2 ReliableStl 60a 7 31 30 31 RelianceMIg.40e 13 16'* 145* 16'*+1‘* RemmgR 1.30b 29 365* 35 36'*+1»* Reo Motors 1 1 * 11 231* 20‘* 23', +2'* Repub Avia '«e 13 135* 125* 135*+1‘* Repub Pictures 65 9 85* 9 + 5* Repub Steel 1 150 27»* 255, 27'* +1’* Revere Copper 45 20 18'* 20 +1»* Reynolds Ml .e 16 275* 245* 275*+3 Reynolds Spring 8 16'* 15>* 165,+ 5* Rey TobB i ,40a 4 6 3 8 3 7 3 754 + '* Rheem Mfg 1 12 23‘i 22‘* 23' ,+ 5* Richfield Oil 80 12 145* 14'* 14'* + '* Roan Antelope 19 7'/, 7 7‘* + ■* Royal Type .60 12 20V, 19'* 20 + ‘4 Ruberoid le 3 42'* 41'* 42'*+ '* Ruppert J he 4 24 23'* 24 — 5* SAFKWAY8T1 42 255* 24'* 255*+1>* St Joseph Ld 2 . 15 49 48 49 + '* 3avageArms Va 12 105* 10V* 10'* Schenie.y Dlstl 2 165 645* 61 64'*+2'* SeabAlrLRR 57 21'/* 19'/, 21 +1 3eab ALRRpf 16 46 44 46 Sears Roebck la 165 39‘* 375* 39 +1 Seeger Sunbeam 16 14 131+ 14 + '+ I Seiberling 3«e . 3 145* 14‘* 145* + */• jServellnr 18 14'* 14'* 14'* tServelpf 4’i 50 110'* 1095* 1095*-1'* Shamrock 40a 24 22'* 21 22'*+1'* Sharon Stl !'5e 20 265* 24'* 255*+ 5* SharpAtDoh '*e 11 265* 25‘* 26‘* +15* Shattuck F G 1. 6 185* 18 185* +1',* Shell U Oil Vie 14 30‘* 29‘* 30'*+1'* SheratonCp .08# 9 95* 95* 9'*+ '* Silver King Col 32 65* 6'* 65* + '* Simmons Co 3,e 11 375* 355* 375* +25, Sinclair Oil 1 116 16'/, 15'* 16V* + 5* sxeiiyuii le 4 62 60 62 431* Smilhf AOI Cp l 7 45 44 45 - '* Smith&Coron 1. 2 30 29‘* 30 -1'* SmlthASon .ROa 18 39 37'* 38‘* +1 Socony-Vac'ia 134 14»* 14V* 14'*+ i* SouAmGold ’’lie 19 5 41* 5 Sou Nat Os 1 '* 7 25 24'* 25 So Pacific 4 . 166 44V* 42'* 44 4 1* Southern Ry 3 92 37 331* 37 41'* Southern Ry pf6 7 66 65 66 — >* I SoaldABr40e 25 20 19 20 41'* Sparks Within* 30 61* 6‘* 61*4 V* tSpearpfS'* 60 100 100 100 45 Sperry Corp 1»*. 18 231* 23'* 231* 4 1* Spiegel Inc 83 181* 17'* 181*41'* tSpiegel pf 41* 270 87'* 83'* 861*- 1* SauareDAOe 16 17'* 151* 17'* 4 1* SouibbASons 1 6 44 42'* 44 41'* Std Brands 1.60 11 391* 381* 391* 4 1* Std Gs&El *4 pf 136 23s* 22V* 22»* 43'* Std GsAEl $Hpr 6 81s* 80'* 811* 41s* Std GAEStpr pf 16 91 87 91 44 StdOilCal 1 fiSe 50 52 491* 52 411* Std Oil Ind llaa 41 41',* 39s* 41 41 Std Oil NJ la 69 65'* 62 65'* 42'* Std Stl Spng ',4e 24 13 12s* 121* 4 '* Std Stl Sprg pf2 2 43'* 43'* 43'*-'* Starrett <LSI 7e 1 38 38 38 -1 SterchiBroSt'aa 3 19>* 19>* 19'*— ■* Sterling Drug 2 14 46 4514 46 Stewart-Warn1* 9 151* 13'* 13** — 1* Stokley-Van Cm 11 29 28'* 28'* 4 '* Stone A Web 1 g 9 151* 15>* 151* 4 •* studebaker lit. 67 21 20 20'* 4 '* Sun Chem ,45e 8 14 13'* 131* 4 V* Sunray Oil .lfte 37 8V* 8‘* 8>* Sunshine B 1*4 e 8 45'* 45 45>* 4 '* Sunshine M .40. 13 121* 12V* 12V* 4 '* Superheater la. 4 201* 20'* 20'* 4 ',* SwiftACo 1.60a 16 32V* 32 32‘* - »* Swift Inti 1.60.. 4 28 28 28 - V* Sylvan El Pr 1 a. 12 24>* 23'* 23'* 4 '* Sylvan El P Pf 4 1 102>* 102'* 102'* - '* Symins-Guld'A* 3 8'* 8V* 8>* 4 V* Tenn Corp 1_ 4 15'* 13'* 13'* 4 '* TEXAS CO 2a 14 35V* 54'* 54>* Tex Gulf Pr.36e 10 10'* 10'* 10V* Tex Gulf Sul 2a. 6 48** 48'* 48'* TeXPacCAOl. 5 24 24 24 41 Tex Pac LT.lAg 14 151* 13'* 15'* 4 '* TexAPacRy2'*g 6 36'* 33 33 -l'A Thatcher Mfg 5 16 14'* 14'* 41'* The Pair Vie 1 18 18 18 41 Thermold Co .60 8 11 101* 101*4 >* tThermod pl2'*230 501* 50'* 30'* - '* Third Ave Trana 2 111* 111* 111* Thomp Prod l4e 10 41 40'* 41 Thom-Starrett 8 6 6 6 — '* Thom-Starr pf 2 34 34 34 —4 Tidewater Oil 1 10 19 18'* 19 4 '* tTideWat pf3!4 40 103'* 103'* 103'* -IV* Tlmk-DAxie ',t 14 171* 17 17‘* 4 ** TimkRBrl'aC 3 431* 43'* 431*4 '* Trnsamerica */>a 29 14** 14'* 14V* — ■* Trans A WstAIr 23 35'* 32'* 33'* 43'* TransueAW s4e 2 18 17 18 4 i* Trl-Ctmt Cp.20g 74 7‘* 6'* 7‘* 4 ** Truax-Tr C 1 20 5 17s* 17>* 17>* - '* 20th C-Pox 3a 142 42V* 40** 42V* 42V* 20thC-Fx pfl'* 4 51'* 491* 51'* Twin City RoTr 18 14'* 131* 14'* 4 '* tTwln Cty pr2V* 4 49 471* 49 41 Twin Coach 15 13'* 12'* 131* 4 V* UNDERWOOD 2 12 52 301* 511* UnAsbARub .70 16 14 13>* 131* + 1* i Stocks Rise $1 to $8 In Heavy Trading; Gains Cut Later By Victor Eubonk Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK. Sept. 20,-Buying and selling flurries alternated in today's lively stock market with the former definitely having the advan tage. The ticker tape lagged for a brief; interval after the opening. Deal ings then slowed and initial gains were reduced or cancelled. A burst of purchasing orders again swamped the recording machinery following announcement that President Tru man had asked for Secretary Wal laces resignation. Advances in the secondary surge ranged from 1 to 8 points for industrials although rails were a bit diffident. The pace then slowed once more and top marks were trimmed here and there near the close. A smattering of losers persisted. Transfers were in the neighborhood of 2,800.000 shares. Pennsylvania Railroad hit a two year low as officials predicted the system this year wfould suffer its first deficit on record. Dividends Announced d,cfl??fd:Y°RK' BfPt' 20 ^’—Dividend,1 Pf- Stock of Pgv Rate. riod. record able I _ Initial. Gen Builders Sup pf 26c 9-16 9-30 Madina Drue Sirs 20c to-i lo-ifl Nat Shirt Shops. new.3fic 9-19 9-25: Rhode Island Insur 1c _ 9-12 9-30 Rome Cable pf 26Xje 9-12 10-1 Russeks 5th Ave. new 25r Q 10-9" 10-15 Electric Boat cv pf 50c Q 10-9 10-15 N th n States P c ml 90c O 9-30 10-15 Wiplys Over pf A $].12V| Q 9-20 10-1 „ , lncreaaed. Celotex Corp 25c Q 10-9 10-31 _ Extra. Container Corn Am 30c 11-4 1 1 - Ml Froedtert Grain A M.7>2r lo-is 10-31 Detroit Mich Stove 2oc 10-5 10-15' Spalding. A G A Bros 70c 10-8 10-15 Celotex Corp 13'ac 10-9 10-31 . , Reduced, Kirkland Lake Gold 1c S 9--,8 11-1 Reliance El A Eng 15c 9-25 10-5 „ Accumulated. Ill Pow Dlv Ct *4-- 10-U 11-1 Stock. Electrograph Corp lo pc._ 11-1 ll-"0 „ , - Irregular Falnir Bearing Co $1.50 9-20 9-30 Hart A Cooley. $2 9-on lo-l Investors Mtg Ed 13c . 9-3(1 10-16 „ . Regular. Bon Ami A $1 O 10-15 10-31 _ P° B„, . /82Vgc Q 10-15 10-31 Botany Wor Mills A 25c 9-’’0 9-30 Carter. J W 15c _ 9-28 9-30 Chemical Fund _ 10c 9-30 10-15 Container Corp Am 50c Q 11-4 11-"o Detroit otl Prod -25c 9-28 10-1(1 Detroit Mich Stove 20c Q 10-5 10-15 Froedtert Grain A M 12'jc 10-15 10-31 Gillette Safety Razor.50c Q io-8 io-°8 Goodman MTr SOc 9-27 9-30 Ijboos Mfg 50c « 9-18 10-1 ! Mount Sta Tel A Tel $1.50 O 9-30 10-15! Nat, Bond A Share 15c 9-30 10-15 Philip Moiris 37'rc Q 9-30 10-15 Pyle Nat. 25c Q 9-20 10-1 Spalding A O A Bros 40c S 12-8 12-18 Trico Prod 82'jc Q 9-20 10-1 i Cent Aguirre Asso .37Vac Q 9-30 10-15 Gen Finance 5c Q 10-1 10-15, I Pow o', pf 821 ?c Q 10-5 11-1 111 Zinc _ 25c 11-1 11-20 Mara, aibo Oil Expl 7r 10-3 10-17 Southern Colo Pow 12'ac 9-30 10-15' Steel Co of Can 75c Q 10-7 11-1 Universal Pictures Sue Q 10-15 10-31 Am Fork A Hoe 25c 11-30 17-14 Am BembcrR Corp 25c . 9-28 lu-1 , Am Bemberg Corp B 25c 9-28 10-1 ! Park A Tllford 25c O 10-23 11-5 Pitts Screw A Bolt 10c Q 9-30 10-21 I McAndrews A Forbes 35c 9-30 10-15 No Am Rayon A A B SOc 9-28 10-1 ! Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Sept. In f/Pi 'USDA> —Sal able hogs. «0O: total. I.lOo. steady; all good and choice hogs including sows and stags at 18.15 ceiling Salable cat’le Hon; total. K()0: salable calves. 30o. total, 300: slaughter steers and yearlings nominally steady onlv scat tered supplies 15.00-1 POO: receipts mainly cows beef cows fairly active, fully steady with week s. ! 00-1.00 downturn: canners and cutters wanted a* *.75-9.00 mostly; some weakness in bull market, onlv strictly good heavy bi.’lls. 13.50, the ceiling. | vealers steady at 17.50 down cleanup I steady to weak trade in Stockers and 1 feeders at 14 50-17 00. with choice re placement cattle. 17.50-1 8.00. Salable sheep. 1.000: total. 1,000 ac tive. slaughter snring lambs steady good and choice natives. 19.50: short load ; mixed medium to choice 81-pound Mon tanas. 19.00. few medium. 15.00: com i mon. 14.00 down; shorn slaughter ewes | steadv to 15 cents higher, small lots good and choice 9.50-9.75: double strictly good ' to choice around 115-pound Colorado ewes ; *T*h Mng No. 1 pelts, in On Salea— Stock and Add Nat Dividend Rate .00. Hi«h I.ow 2 SB Chr Un BanAPap la 26 28% 25% 27% +2 Un Carbide 3 . 35 94 90 92% +2% Union Oil Cal 1. 22 22 21% 22 + % Un Pacific 6 ... 13 122% 120% 122 +1% Un Pacific pf 4. 1 107% 107% 107% - % Un Tank Car 2 5 33% 33 33%-% Utd Air Lns tie. 77 31% 29 31%+1% Utd Aircraft 1 92 23 21% 22%+ % Utd Aircft pf B . 3 107 106> 4 106% Unit Biscuit la 4 41 39% 3914-1% Utd Carbon 3 4 63 62 63 - % Utd Cig Wh Str 79 8% 7% 8% + % Unit Corp 280 3% 3% 3% + % UnltCorp pf'i'-ik 39 47% 47% 47% United Dvewood 5 11 10 11 +1 Utd Elec Coal 1 8 14% 13% 14%+ % Utd EngAFdv 2 4 38 36% 38 + % United Fruit 2 56 44% 43% 44% — % UnitGasIm 65e 47 21 19 20%+ % UtMch&Met BO 85 16 15% 15% + % Utd Paperboard 6 10 10 10 — % Unit Rex Drur 132 11% 10% 11% + % US&ForSerur 46 17% 16% 16%+ % * US As FrS pf4 *4 10 106% 106% 106% +1% U S Freight ' be 9 15 14% 15 - % US Gypsum 2 13 102% 96 • 102% +9% tUS G.vpsm pf 7 1 202 202 202 +3% US Hoff Mch %e 1 30 30 30 +2 'USHoffM Pl4% 1 91 91 91 US Indus Ch la 5 42% 40% 42 +1 US Leather .10 7% 7 7 - % US Leather A 2 4 27% 26 27%+2% U S Lines 1 32 1874 17% 18% +1% US Pipe&Fyl 80 14 40*4 39% 40 US Play Card 2a 1 61% 61% 61%-114! US Plywood 80 13 54% 53% 34% +1% US Rubber 2 %a 32 56% 53% 55% +2% | US Smelt RAM 6 47 46 46% - % US Steel 4 177 69 66% 68% +2 US Steel of 7 3 146 145% 145%-1% US Tobaccol 20 2 23 22% 23 Utd Stockyd V«« 10 5% 5% 5% - >4 Utd Strs 2 pf 77 10% 9% 10%+1% Ut Wall Pap >'«e 10 8% 8% 8% + Va Unlv Cy Stl «0e 4 20% 20 20 Unlv Labi 8 11% 11 11% tuniv Leaf T 4a 50 92% 92% 92% -1% Unlv Pictures 2. 19 32 30% 31%+ 74 VAN NORM 1 9 16% 16 16% + %! VanRaallel'je 7 37 36% 3674— % Vanadium Corp 8 20% 19% ^0% +1% Verti-Cm Bug le 8 17 15% 17 +1% VictorChem! 80 5 38 36% 36% - % Va CarolinChem 7 674 65/a 674 + % Va-C Ch 8pf 5k 6 68 63% 68 +3 Va Railway 2%. 3 47% 46% 46% -1% Va Rail pf 1% 3 39% 38% 39% VisklngCpA 1.59 3 34% 33% 3414 + % WABASH pf 4% 2 62% 62% 62% Waldorf Syst la 6 17%' 17 17%+ %' Walgreen 1 80 . 12 37% 36 37%+1 j tWalgreenpfd 60 107 107 107 Walker Hlrm h+ 12 108% 106 108 +1 Walworth Co . 45 11% 10% 11%+1% Ward Bak .45e 4 • 14% 13% 14% + 44 tWard Bk pfS'illO 101 100% 101 + 44 Warner Bro 1'a 265 1944 18% 19 + % Warren Pet .80 5 25 24% 25 +1% Wash GasLt 1 % 2 28 28 28 + % Wayne KnMle 2 24»% 24% 247*- % Wayne Pump 2 10 33 31 31% — % Webster Tobaco 5 10% 10 10% + J4 Wesson OAcS la 14 34 31% 32%+ 44 West Ind Bug la 13 3144 30 31% +1% tWs Penn El A 7 40 10944 108% 108% -1% tws Penn El pf7 10 11844 11844 11844 +1% tws Penn El pfB 30 108% 108% 108% - 44 WVaPulpAPIa 7 40% 37 37 Western Air Lin 5 16 15% 15% + % Westrn Auto 2e 6 67 65 67 +3% Western Md 8 6% 544 6 + % West Md 2nd pf 3 15 14 13 +1 West Pacific 3_. 23 32 2944 31% +1% West Un Tel A 46 23% 2244 23 + % Westin Air B4ie 15 29 28 29 + ’4 Westing Elec4»e 133 26% 24% 2644 +2 tWstlngEl pf4'»e 150 36% 35% 36% + % Weston El 1.20a 1 43 43 43 -1 Westvaco 1.40 1 30% 30% 30%+ %> t Wh ALE pf B‘/j 1 103% 102% 102% -1% j Wheel Steel lVae 10 3944 37% 3944+144 twheeistl prpfB 30 9544 9444 9444+1% White Dent 1.40 2 30 29% 30 +1 White Motor lb 20 26% 25% 26 + 44 White 8ewlnkM 6 13% 1344 13%+ % Wilcox OH .20 . 2 6% 6% 6% - 44 Wlllys-Overlnd 73 11 1044 11 - % Wilson&Co ,60e 41 13 1244 127% + % WI!aon-Jcmes4ie 2 16% 16% 16% Woodward Ir 2. 5 38 37 37 —1 Woolwrth 1.60a 18 4644 4544 46%+ % WorthlngtnPl ’4 7 48% 48 48% + % Wrlgley W Jr 3 2 71 70 70 Wyand Wor ,40a • .14% 14% 14% - % YALE&T.flOa. 1 3944 3944 3944 +144 York Corp .30 . 11 1644 16 1644 + % Yng Spg Ac Wire 12 1744 17% 1744 - % Youngs ShAcT 3 . 20 6244 60 6244+144 YoungstStl Dr 1 7 19' a 18% 18% + % ZENITH RAD le 5 22% 2144 22% + 44; Zonite Prod 45e 20 94% 9% 9% - 44 Hourly Sales on the Exchange Today: 11:00 a m 620 000 12:00 noon 1 130 000 1:00 D m 1 870 000 2:00 D m 2 180 000 • Unit of trading. 10 shares: sales printed in full. *In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganised under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividend In the foregoing table are annual disbursement based on the last quarterly or semiannual declaration. On less otherwise noted special or extra divi dends are not Included, x Hx dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, b Plus itock dividend, d Cash or stock. • De clared or paid so tar this year, f Payabla In stock, g Paid last year, h Payable la Canadian fund* k Accumulated dividends paid or declared this year, n New issue. k N. Y. Bond Market TREASURY. 2 00 1 Vis 50_101 3 2 Vis 72-67 Dec 101 *1 NEW YORK CITY 3« 80 II514 TOREIGN. 2 00 Brazil 8s 41 71 ChilMR 6*461 a 2D4 Coprnhasn 5*52 96*» Peru 1st 6s 60 17' 1 DOMESTIC. 2 00 Am TAT 3* 66 132*V Am TAT 2Aiia8n 101 AmTAT ‘IS* 80 9914 AmTobarco:i»6ii 103‘4 Atl CL l»t 4s 62 10314 BAO 95 A_ 6314 BAO 95 C ... 72*4 BAO 2000 D___ 63 BAOct 60 . 46 Bost Me 4s 60 90 Burl CRAN5S.34 31 Can Nat 4>4s51 II214 Ce!anese3s65 102>4 Cent BUP 4s 48 74 Cent Ga 6s 69 C 11*4 Cent Oa cn 6s45 48 Cnt NY Pwr3s74105 C R R N J 6s 87 30 ChiAAlton3s49 3414 CBAQ 4'is 77 IO914 Chi Gt Ws 4s 88 86I/1 ChiIAL41 i2003 34 CMS: P4 Vas2ft4 4 50V4 ChiANW 4'4sP9 66'4 CRIP 4 Vis 62 A 46 CRIP 4',is 60.. 21 CRIP 4s 88 .. 66'4 r'RTP rl 4s 34 4114 ChAW I 4'is 62 10514 7CC 8tL 4',is77 7414 Co! A So 4'4s8n 47 Cons Ry 4s53Ja 35 Cons P 'IS3 7.7 10314 Del A Hud 4 s 63 9414 Del LAW4S2042 50 DnARG 4s 36 50'4 DnARGWs 5s78 44 DAM 1st 4s 1)5 57 Erie 4Vis 2016 75 Fla Est Cst 5sT4 60 Grt Nor 2*is 82 96 HudAM rf 5s 67 63 HudAM In 6* 67 29>4 rC4»4i68_7714 IC 6s 66 IO414 Int Ot No 6» 52 19 Int ON I St 6s62 6154 Int Gt N05I56C 5* int HydroE16a44 95V* fnt TAT 44** 62101 ~ Leh VI 44**2003 37 Leh VI 4s 2003 34 Lon* 1*1 rf 4*49 105 M-K-T 6k 62 A 81 M-K-T ad] 6*67 73 Mo Par 6**1 49 18’* Mo Pac 5s 65 A 75 Mo Pac ft* 77 P 72‘* Mo Pac *n 4* 76 26>/» MorrlsAEs:t5s53 68 MorlsAE 44*166 63 NYC rf 51 2013 83 NYC 4 44*20] 3A 74 N’YCHR 3!',I 97 91 NY conn:7.*75 101 NYNHAH fis 48 40’* NYNHAH4 4**67 38’* NYNH&H.'tVas54 31’a NYOW rf 4s92 14>* NYOAW *n4*55 5>* NY W B 4'4s 46 18’* NorfikSo5s2014 40V4 Nor P clt 4',s75 98 Nor Pac 4s 97 109 Nor Pac 3s 2047 74«* Pac GAE 3s 79 107'* PennCtAir3'76o 96 Penn PALt 3*751044* PennRRe4'4s65 116'4 Phllinn Ry 4s37 9'4 RckIAAL4'_s,!4 43 Rutin lst4'441 11'4 StLSnFr 4'4s7S 29’* StLSnF* 4850 A 394* StLSoWest 5s.V: 66 StLSW rf 5*90 70 S' PKCSL4 ’4*4 1 36 Sea A L inc 4' ?s 61 =hell Un 2'is 71 97‘* Soccmy-V2'a*76 98 3o Parlflr4’4s81 96'4 So Pac 4'4s 69 96 So Pac 2’is 86 90V* So Rv 6’aS 56 100'4 TeT&NOrl3’„90 93’4 rhlrd Are 5* 81) 524* Third A*e 4s 60 974* U S Rub 2s,s 7 6 99'* Viren Ry 3s 95 105 Wabash 4'4s 91 86 Walwth 3'«s 76 96V* Ward Bk 644*701094* West Md 4s 52. 105 West Dn 5s 60 96‘* Wise Cent 4s 4 9 614* Wis El P 7’ns 781004* N. Y. Curb Market [LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES CHANGED nOM PREVIOUS CLOSE. 2:00 j Acme Alum A1 _ 1074 ' Alreon Mt* Co.. 77* Ala Great Sou 94 AlumlnumLtdh8148 Alum Co Am 2 .. 6174 Am Cen Ml* 12 Am Cynamld 1 a 45 Am Gas A El 2 387* AmPotAChBl “ a 3374 Am Superpower. 17* Ark Nat Gas A.. 47* Atlas Coro ww 67* BabcockAW **e 40 Barium Steel 67* Basic Refret..40 67* BerkAGay Furn 3 Blue Rldte .30* 374 Bourjois 1* 197* Breeze CD 160 18V* BrownP'Dist 80 21 1 Bnk H111AS 74a_ 177* Burma Ltd 174 Calif El Pwr .60 974 j Calllte Tun* . 574 Catalln Am 40 1474 CentASWCtll 8 Cent StatesEl Df 60 Cities 8ervlce 231/4 Cities Svc pf 135 Colon Develop 37* Col FuelAIr ww 474 Colts P P Arms 2974 Com A Sou war 74ji Con* Blseult 1 17 ConsText lie.30c 10 Cont Fdy M He 17 | Crown C Pet 7*f 674i CrownDrug 05e 6 j Cub Atl Su l'ia 24 i DominSlAChH 14 | Elec BdAShare 147*j ; El PAL Id pf A 110 I j Fairchild E ,20g 4*4' I Fansteel Metal 19 J ! Glen Alden Cl 2 lBVfc| ' Goldfield Cons 1V*| Hazeltine 34e 16 j Heyden Chem 1 26»/*| Humble Oil 11 •* 60V*I Illinois Power... 22?4 j 111 Pwr div ct _ 19*4 I Int Petrol h*'a _ 13*4 Kaiser-Frazer _ 10*4 Leonard Oil Dv_ 1*4 Marion P Shov . 10 McWill Dredge_ 10*4 Menasco Mfg 3*4 Mid-WestCp *2e 16*4 ■ MlnlnirCorpCan . 7 Monogram Plct. 574 Mt City Copper 2*'4 I NatBellasH 20e 5*4 j Nat. Fuel G .80a 14*4 \ N O Okiep rt wi *4 ' NiagraHudPwr 9Hi Nlles-Bem-P_13 ! Noma Elec le _ 20*4' No Am Lt & P 6*4 NorStaPwrA. 36*4 \ NorthropAirc1 1174 Pan Am Air wr 5$4 Pantepec Oil .64 8*4 Pennroad >4*-.. 3*4 Pioneer Gold 3 Pltney-Bow 40a 10*4 Premier Gold 1M« R-K-O opt war. 6 Raytheon Mfg 10*4 Richfield Oil ww 174 St Regis Paper 9*4 Schulte Inc_ 6*4 Segal Loclc 3*4 Select Industr 3 j Sherwin Wm 3a 125*4 Singer Mfg Oa 250 Solar Aire .00 14*4 Si d Power A: Lt 3*4 Sterling Inc 1 *b 14*4 Sun Rav Dr.80e 36 TexonO&L40 8 Textron Inc Va* 14*4 Trl-Contl w w 2*4 United Corp ww 74 Unit Lt & Rvs 1 23 U S Foil B HOe 18*4 Utah-Ida S 15e 4*4 Venezuela Petri 6*4 Waltham Watch 12 Wriaht-Hg h.20 3 Rates of dividends in the foregoin* table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or aemiannual declaration. Un lesa otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not Included, a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock dividend. dCssh or stock, e Declared or Daid so far this year, f Payable in stock, r Paid last year, h Pay able In Canadian funds. k Accumulated dividends oaid or declared this year n New Issue. ww With warrants. iw Without warrants. Washington Exchange SALES. Lar.ston Monctype—25 *t 15 Capital Tractton 1st 5s—?50ii at lot3-. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. , ^ Bid. Asked. Am T A- T cv deb 2s 1950 12* Cap Traction 1st os 194? ini'. 102 Cap Transit 1st Ref 4j 1904 105 1O0‘4 City & Suburban fis 1948 109 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1901 ]25'4 Pot Elec Pow 3'.g 1900_ 105 Pot Elec Pow 3V.s '?? ^110 Washington Gas 5s 1900 129 Ter RfAW Cp 1st 4'.s 1948 102 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Aran Tel A Tel (9) 1 T4>4 Capital Transit (2O0> •32 35 N A W Steamboat (+4* 190 Pot Elec Pwr O'”, pfd 10) lOP‘i POt El Pt Cl‘lrr pf (5.50) in? 1001,2 Wash Gas Lt com < 1501 27 30 Wash Gas Lt cum pfd 14.25' 10«12 109>4 Wash G Lt cum cv pf (4 50) 10? Wash Ry A El com <a27 00> 000 ! Wash Ry A El pfd <5> 120 124 BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES ■ Aran' Sec A Tr Co (10) 335 350 Bank of Bethesda ( + .75) 35 Capital (.80) 31 35 Com A Sav new till) *310 Liberty <*7) __ "on Lincoln (bo) _ _ 310 i Natl Say Tr (8.001 330 Pr Georges BAT (tl.OO) "20'4 Riggs (12) 340 370 Union Trust Co 03 001 175 Washington 10' 170 Wash Loan A Tr 350 380 FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (toi jsq I Columbia (k30) . _ _ 14>4 ""* ‘Firemen a (1.40) _ _ 33 National Union ( 75) _ _ 15 Real Estate (+R) 198 MISCELLANEOUS 1 Carpel Corp (2 00) 40 Garfinckel com (13.00) *52 50 Garflnc 5‘ar, cu pf (1.375) *27 28 I Hecht com (100) 32Vi 34 Hecht cum pfd <3? 51 JOO Lanston Mono (new) (l ot)) 13 15'4 I Mergenthaler Lino (al ()()) 55 57 Natl Mtg A Inv pfd (c 40' 0*4 Peoples Dr Stores com (100) *49 53 Security Storage (4) _ no Ter Ref A Wh Corp (3) 58 Wdwd A Loth com <p2.30)_ *05 Wdwd 9 Loth pfd (,i "127 • Ex dividend b Books closed. t Plus extras. a Paid so far this year. 12% extra, f 3% extra h $5 extra, k 10 cents extra, p Paid (n 1945 y $10 extra. New York Cotton NEW YORK. Sept 20 UP).—Colton fu tures advanced sharply on a broad cover ing movement today, in sympathy with the trend in other markets The buying rame after the call for Wallace's resigna tion as Secretary of Commerce After reaching tains of as much as $-70 a bale, the market reacted par tially on considerable hedge selling by leading spot firms and some profit taking Private advices reported mills were i buying more spot cotton than in the previous week and although offerings were increasing, prices still held firm The latest Commodity Credit Corp. sta tistics revealed heavy cotton export sales for the week ending September 1 1 undt*r the subsidy program. They totaled 35, ! 830 bales. Late afternoon prices were 85 cents to 1 $1.40 a bale higher. October. 36.pp De | cemner. 36.78. and March. 3H 44 Trade and outside buying broadened considerably in the last hour of trading with all the 1P46 crop deliveries making t new highs lor the day Futures closed $1.70 to $2.55 a bale higher. Open. High Low Last. October 36.8n 37.18 36 7 9 37.16 December 36.58 37.00 36.58 37.00 March 36.18 36. To 36.18 36.65-70 May 35 86 36.39 35.85 36.30-34 July 35 38 35 S3 35 35 35 83 October 32 82 33 41 32 82 33.26 Middling spot 37.69n. n Nominal Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 60 Indst. Ralls Util Sties Net change_» 5.2 • .8 . .3 4 1.4 Today close 85.5 33 8 44 0 82.3 Prev day. 83.3 32.8 43.7 60 9 Week ago .. 87 4 36.7 46 0 64.7 Month ago_100 7 44.9 51 4 75.0 Year ago _ 94 0 42 4 48.0 70.2 1946 high _110.4 51.2 55 4 82.4 1946 low_ 83.3 32.8 43.7 60 9 BONDS. 20 10 10 10 10 Low Rills. Indst. Util Fgn. Yield Net change —.5 —.1 —.2 —.3 —.5 Today close x75 1x114.7 Prev. day . 94.3 102.8 106.2 75 4 115.2 Week ago 97.0 102.9 106 6 75.8 116.4 Month ago 101.2 103.6 107.5 78 0 117.8 Year ago 98.6 104.0 107.2 73.3 116.6 1946 high_108.9 105.2 109.5 79 0 l50,2 1946 low 93 8 102.7 106.0 75.1 114.7 xNew 1946 low (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Commodity Prices NEW YORK. Sept 20.—The Associated Press weighted wholesale price index of 3ft commodities today declined to 142.1ft i previous day. 142.39: week ago. 140.90: month ago. 1 4714: year ago. 108.03. based on 1920 as 100. U. S. Outlines World Trade Views in Plan To Reduce Tariffs By tht Atiocioted Pr*i* The United States took the lead today in a United Nations campaign to boost world-wide trade by level ing prewar trade barriers. In a move to hasten establish ment of an international trade or ganization, the State Department1 last night outlined the American idea of rules that should prevail By this action, the United States became the first country to put into concrete form any of the many theories on how the United Nations should co-operate in the economic field. Likely to Be Only Draft. The American 20,000-word “white book" on commercial policy prob ably will be the only draft charter discussed when 19 nations meet in London October 15 to prepare for a later full-scale United Nations trade conference. Although Britain and France have agreed to support the same objec tives. neither country has drawn up any definite plan. The United States suggested that members of the new organization agree to: 1. Reduce tariffs and eventually eliminate preferences. 2. Subsidize exports only in "ex ceptional cases." 3. Limit, the use of quotas on im ports from various countries 4. Eventually abolish exchange re strictions. 5. Counteract the influence of cartels and combines in interna ' tional trade. 6. Regulate the disposal of sur pluses. Soviet Reaction Awaited. Russia's reaction to the American suggestion was awaited with interest ; because the Soviet Union is the only j one of 15 countries that has not 'accepted a United States invitation to begin negotiations for tariff re ductions some time ip 1947. The long-range objective of the | proposals, as explained by Under secretary of State Clayton, is to [provide equal access to the world markets by all countries, thus even tually raising standards of living everywhere. Mr. Clayton coutioned a news conference, however, against ex pecting sensational results over night in anv drive to end long established trade restrictions. Joining the international trade organization only means, he said, that a country promises to nego tiate with others in solving eco nomic problems. The actual agree ment to do anything about these problems may take years of dis cussion. Louisiana 'Case Bill' Gets Court Test Today By the Associoted Press NEW IBERIA. La., Sept. 20 — Louisiana's ‘‘Little Case Bill" will get its first, practical test today as a result of a suit filed by the Inter national Salt Co. which seeks legally 1 to block striking union workers from interfering with employes who want to continue working for the com pany. The suit was filed in 16th Judicial Court here against the AFL Inter national Chemical Workers Union. Local 27. It charges the labor group with discharging firearms at night around the salt plant and around homes of employes still working, throwing stones at the automobiles and homes of these workers, and with acts of physical violence against some workers and attempts to frighten present and prospective employes who seek to work at the salt mines. The suit charges the union with ®ommitting 26 specific acts in viola tion of the “Little Case Bill" which prohibits acts of violence or intimi dation by strikers of persons desir ing to work. Company officials said the diffi culty stemmed from a strike by the union last March. Judges S. O. Landry and James D. Simon have issued orders to 16 strikers named as defendants in the case to show cause for their alleged actions against the company. The defendants were to appear in court this morning when the hear ing for a preliminary injunction was to be held. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. Sept 20 (iflPV—Corn led an upturn in gram futures today, although part of the early gains were lost and oats displayed resistance to the advance At one time January corn sold at the highest level since August 14 Commission house buying of corn was based on forecasts of cooler weather for the corn belt, expectations of large ex ports as a result of crop failure in Ru- 1 mania and continued strength of the grain in the cash market. Spot corn grading No. 1 yellow sold in the cash market at *1.95 a bushel. Wheat was firm on a boost in the Ca nadian price for export wheat and con tinued CCC support of the cash market Trading in oats was nervous in view of uncertainty regarding the September con tract. in which open interest is large with only one more day of trading permitted Wheat closed 1 %-2 cents higher. Jan uary. *1.99. Corn was up 1 *4-2%. Jan uary. *1 37%-%. Oats gained %-2%. Sep tember. 80%-%. and barley jumped 1 % 2%. November. *1.47 WHEAT—Open H'gh. Low Close. January _ 1.97% 1 99 1.97% 199 March_ 1.91*4 1 93% 1.91% 1.93% May 1.88 1.89% 1.88 1 89% CORN— January 135% 137% 135% 137%-% March 1.33% 1.34% 1.33% 1.34%-% OATS-— September .78% .80*4 .78% .80%-% November _ .74s* 75% .74% .75%-% December .73% .74 .73 73%-% March .71*4 .72% .71% .72% , BARLEY_ November. 1.45% 1 46 1.45% 1 46 December 1 1.44% 1 46 1 44% 1.46 March_ 144% 145% 144% 1.45% Chicago Cash Market. Wheat, all contract grades. : oh. nom inal. Corn. No. 1 yellow. 1.95; No. 3 yel low. 1.92%. No 4 yellow'. 1.92; No. 5 yel low. 1.91 >'2-1 93%. Oats, No 1 heavy, mixed. 82%; No. 1 mixed. 81 %-% No. 2 mixed. 81%; No. 1 heavy, white. 82%-83. No 1 white. 82-82%: No. 3 W'hite. 79%; sample grade white. 76%. Barley, malting 1.50-1 78. nominal, feed. 1,16-1.44. nom inal. Field seed, per hundredweight, nom inal; red top. 16.00-17.00. timothy. 6 75 7.00._ Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Sept. 20 lAb iOSDAV—Live poultry unsettled: Receipts. 08 trucks, no cars: fob. prices roasters, fryers and broilers. 38-00; others unchanged Butter, firm: receipts. 307.150. trade un changed Eggs. top. firm: receipts. 8.373: V- S extras. 1 and 2. 61-54.5 extras. 3 and 4. 44-45 6: U S. standards. 1 and 2. 44: U S Standards. 3 and 4. 41 43 5; current receipts. 41.44 dirties. 33-35: checks. 32-34. Odd-Lot Dealings PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 20 <4*. —The Securities and Exchange Commission re ported today thees transactions by cus tomers with odd-lct dealers or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for Sep tember 19—12.373 purchases involving 364,114 snares: 9.137 shares involving 293.649 shares including 126 short sales involving ft.062 shares. United States Treasury Position ly the Associated Press The position of the Treasury September 18. compared with corresponding date a year ago. Sept. IK. 1S«4H Sept 10. 1045 Receipts - MAO. 190.301.53 *405.870,588.84 Expenditures - 457.807.054.38 744.505.At 8.44 Balance -- 0,394.864.582.61 16.257.407.763 30; Customs receipts for month_ 25.031.701.74 18.030.440 44 Receipts fiscal year July 1 - 7.474,038.563.16 8,546.100.852.88! Expenditures fiscal year- 8.580.587.056.53 20.438.000 906 87' Excess of expenditures _ 1.106.558.403.37 11 882.710.143 00: Total debt - __ 565.501.020 018 37 262.637.644 117 84' Decrease under previous day_ 60.031.623.57 Gold assets - 80.288,267.910.96 20.094.831,525 34 Veterans’ Group Files to Buy Fairlington A group of World War II veterans have organized a corporation for the purchase of Fairlington. Govern ment-owned apartment project in Arlington, to operate as a co-opera tive ownership undertaking, it was announced today. The bid. reportedly in excess of $30,000,000. has been submitted to Defense Homes Corp. which declined to release the names of any other* who are seeking to purchase the project. The community was built about two years ago at a cost of $35,400,000 and contains 3.439 apartments spread over 322 acres. Board to Meet Monday. The DHC said its board will meet, Monday afternoon to consider this and all other bids on the project. Veterans do not hold a preference by virtue of their military service alone, it was stated, as the project was financed with a Federal Housing Administration-backed loan The bidder meeting all requirements and submitting the highest offer will re ceive the award. Irving Goldberg, in the DHC pub lic relations office, quoted William A Ziegler, general manager, DHC. as declining to release to the public the names of other bidders but said additional offers have been received. Under the veterans’ plan, 50-year leases would be issued on terms en abling residents to complete their payments within 25 years with monthly payments the same a* rentals. Part of the monthly pay ments, all of which now goes for rental, would be applied toward payment for the leasehold. Pur chasers would be permitted to sub lease or sell their equity to “accep table tenants," the announcement stated. Priorities Planned. Priority announced would be first to residents of Fairlington and a* vacancies occur, units would be of fered to veterans with honorable discharge and then to persons now in the service. Nonveterans would be given third highest consideration. From time to time preferred stock would be issued ultimately ex changeable for voting common stock in the corporation. Listed as officers of the group are C. Louis Knight, attorney, president; M. Maxwell Caskie. jr attorney, and Hugh O. Davis, political scien tist, vice presidents. Army in Reich Molds Three On Bogus Money Charges (From Yesterday's Last Edition.) By th» Associated Press FRANKFURT. Germany. Sept. 19. —Three American civilians employed here have been charged with pos sessing counterfeit dollars and pounds, in connection with dealings of a European black market syndi cate, Army prosecutors reported today. The men, scheduled for trial next week, are John M. Logsdon of De troit, Alvin F. Bockbrader of Bowl ing Green, OhMj'-and William c. McKinley of Bessemer, Ala., all former soldiers. They were among 13 Americans discovered last month to have been jailed since June without formal charges or legal counsel. Charges were preferred September 10 and defense counsel appointed Septem ber 13, Army prosecutors said. They explained the investigation of their cases took many months because the trail led into France and Eng land as well as Germany. More than a score of German and French black marketers and coun terfeiters were said to have partici pated in the transactions, which allegedly involved $17,000 in bogus oills and 1.500 fake English pounds. Arkansas Western Gas Co. offering of 2.900 common shares was mar keted at 13\ by a group headed by E. H. Rollins & Sons. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE FAVORABLE RATE FIRST DEED OF TRCST ONLY Various plans to suit the borrower, including monthly payment loans. SALES—RENTALS—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER <NJ Indiana Are. N.W. Nat’l S36S 252 . COMMON STOCKS (Dealt in on N Y. Curb Exchg ) Which Ho** Paid Dividends 10 to 94 Yeors Copy on request ROBERT C. JONES & CO. Members N. T. Curb end Other Exchenice* Metropolitan Bank Building Telephone ME. 2922 Direct Private Wire to Francis I. DuPont A Co. Members N. Y. Stock Excb*. as - eas— ——t— A Good Value . . . TO YIELD 8% Listed New York Stork Eiehsnfi We have prepared a report on the common stock of a company that discloses: • Strong Financial Position Excellent Earnings Outlook Leader in Design & Engineering All Common Stock Capitalization • Coll or Write: District 3 1 60 Herrick, Waddell & Co. r*c Investment Securities Suit 209 National Savings b Trust Bldg. Open Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. NEW YORK WASHINGTON