Newspaper Page Text
Practically New 5 Room Home in Arlington, Va. _Poeee eeion With Settlement 5057 12th STREET SOUTH A cost. comfortable and charming home featuring prewar construction standards, with sand-finished Colonial brick, fully insulated, sine weather-stripping? screened, w*e sodded lot. tile bath, full basement, oil burner, 7 cu. ft. electric refrigerator, fullj% insulated stove with heat control, plenty of kitchen cabinets with breakfast bar In kitchen. Substantial cash necessary. Open Saturday and Sunday from 9 A.M. After 6 P.M. During Week To Reach Two miles from new Pentagon Bldg. Out Columbia Pike to Din widdle St., left to South Columbus St., right to tith St. So. and right to home. OWNER OCCUPIED—TELEPHONE OWENS 5436 In the Embassy section, just off Massachusetts Avenue ■k V 1 3611 Fulton St. N.W. ' 834.500 Beautiful detached brick home, consisting of large living room, screened living porch, dining room, butler's pantry, kitchen and powder room on first floor; Four large bedrooms, two baths on second floor. Third floor has two rooms and bath. Detached two-car garage. House ig excellent condition and vocant. Immediate possession. Open Saturday, 3 until 6, Sunday, 1 until 6 Mrs. Alexander, Agent For further informotion phone WO. 1508 H St. N.W. 5757 this week end. Rev. Holcomb Resigns As Pastor of Rice Church The Rev. Luther J. Holcomb, for three years pastor of Luther Place Memorial Baptist Church, 5315 North Capitol street, announced his resig nation today to become a pastor of Lakewood Baptist Church, Dallas, Tex. His resignation becomes effec tive October 15. During his pastorate here mem bership of the church increased three-fold an dits financial status so improved that plans have been made for the erection of a $150,000 auditorium when materials are available, an announcement from the church said. Former president of the Baptist Pastor's Conference, he has served as publicity director for two city wide Baptist campaigns as well as chairman of the recent city-wide World Mission Week. He is now a member of the Baptist Home Mission Board of Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Harris to Give Sermon The Rev. Dr. Boaz A. Harris, sup erintendent of the Lott Carey Bap tist Foreign Mission Convention’s missionary work in Haiti, will preach at the 11 a.m. service tomorrow at the Second Baptist Church, Third street, between H and I streets N.W. The annual sermon for the City Charity Club will be delivered by the Pastor, the Rev. Dr. J. L. S. Holloman at the evening service. Farms Orchards Hpmes Businesses Valley, mt.. lake, seashore proper ties. Border to Border. Coast to Coast. Tell us what you want. WHERE? WHEN? PRICE? TERMS? We will try to save you time, money, through our 16-year old service. Illus. Blue Catalog, over 1500 bargains. MAILED FREE. STROUT REALTY World’s Largest 1427-N Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia 10, Pa. Same Management Since lt)00 INDUSTRIAL GROUND 90,000 Square Feet About 300' Frontage Anacostia River Railroad Siding Possibilities 500' Frontage, Two Streets 1V2 Miles From U. S. Capitol Thos. F. Fisher Co., Inc. 738 15th St. 'S*oy:; Dl. 6830 GARDEN SPOT OF ALL SUBURBAN HOMESITES CONTAINING 1 TO 5 ACRE TRACTS Let’s Talk About Quaint Acres * WE COULD TELL YOU that for those who want to build in the immediate future QUAINT ACRES offers a planned subdivision with elec tricity, city water and paved roadways. WE COULD TELL YOU that QUAINT ACRES protects its purchasers with protective covenants against all parcels, insuring the sound ness of your investment. WE COULD TELL YOU that QUAINT ACRES is close to schools, churches, and only 10 minutes to the large and expanding Silver Spring shopping area. WE COULD TELL YOU that QUAINT ACRES has transportation at the property and is only 25 minutes from downtown Washington. WE COULD TELL YOU about investing your money in real estate in growing .communities as a protection against inflation. WE COULD TELL YOU that QUAINT ACRES is situated in the heart of the exclusive Burnt Mills section and only V2 mile from the <1 c; non mn II Nnvnl Orrlnnnrp L nh oratory. WE COULD TELL YOU many other de sirable features about QUAINT ACRES— BUT WE WONT. WE WILL TELL YOU, hoVvever, about the natural beauty of QUAINT ACRES, the high rolling elevation, the individual parcels containing the famous peach and apple orchards, grape arbors’ and many parcels are well wooded. WE WILL TELL YOU that QUAINT ACRES prices start at less than 4c per square l foot for the land actually purchased ex \ elusive of areas dedicated for roads. \ WE WILL TELL YOU that many par \cels may be purchased for a down payment \as low as \ . $450 \ Very Lew Monthly \ Payments \ WE COULD TELL YOU much A more but frankly we do not have the 'l00l0r space—come out today and have a chat with us so that you may con vince yourself that QUAINT ACRES is everything that we say it is—and more. DIRECTIONS: Turn right at traffic light in Silver Spring, 4 miles on Colesville Road to the sign shown below. Or drive out Alew Hampshire Avenue extended, just past intersection of Colesville Road! See map above for details miLESTOnC & miLESTOflE SAKS A6CNTS DREISEN^ FREEDMAN, Snc. 8632-COLESVILLE ROAD SILVER SDRINfc HD..SLIGO. 1700 AKRON, OHIO —ENGAGED TO FORD—Mr. and Mrs. Har vey S. Firestone, jr.. have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Martha Parke Firestone, to William C. Ford, son of Mrs. Edsel Ford and the late Edsel Ford of Detroit, Mich. Miss Firestone is a sen ior at Vassar. She made her debut in December, 1943, in New York. Mr. Ford has re sumed his studies at Yale Uni versity after three years in the Naval Air Corps. —Phyfe Photo. Two Drivers Forfeit $100 Two persons forfeited $100 col lateral each on charges of driving without a permit, when they failed to appear in Municipal Court yester day. They are Robert N. Yancy, 24, colored, of the 300 block of Eighth street N.E., and Charles Garrett, 22. colored, of the first block of K street N.E., who forfeited another $20 on a charge of driving an unapproved vehicle. OPEN-VACANT SILVER SPRING, MD. 141 Ritchie Ave. New Brick Detached First floor, living room with fire place, large side porch, dining room, kitchen. Second floor. 3 nice bedrooms, modern tile bath, full basement, gas heat, lot 50x175. Price $13,950 Open Saturday and Sunday l 2 to 6 Our Pinev Branch Rd. j mi. past District Line rt. on Ritche Are. to sign A. R. SEELYE 1 too L St. N.W. Dl. 832* TRUST] NOTES Reasonable Rates . Prompt Sert/iee Ilk uull huy Second Trust Notes Secured on Improved Property National Mortgage INVESTMENT CORP 1312 N Y AVE-N.W - NA5833J TOWN HOUSE _Washington Heights 1827 Phelps Place N.W. Rarely can we offer for sale one of these fine homes in this highly de sirable downtown location. To fnlly appreciate this home one must view its interior livability and charm. First floor—Entrance hall, reception hall and basement at street level. Second floor—Drawing room, reception hall, dining room, large modern kitchen and pantry. Third floor—Master bedroom with pri vate bath, library with fireplace, an other large bedroom and bath. Fourth floor—Two very bright spacions bedrooms and bath. * Possession With Title $25,000 Open Sunday, 11 AM. to 6 PM. Directions: Out Conn. Ate. to California St., left to Phelps Place, left to home. FRANK S. PHILLIPS Exclusive Realtor 911 15th St. N.W. Dllpont 1411 I | l WEAVER BROS., INC. WASHINGTON BLDG., Dlitrlct MOO REALTORS SINCE 1SB8 Mortgog. Leon Corr«.^pnd.i*t M.tropolilan Ilf. tmuronc. Cmi.any Ten District Pastors to Hold Chapel Services atG.W.U. Ten local pastors will supply the pulpit for the George Washington University Chapel services during the fall-winter season. Religious Di rector Burmce H. Jarman announced today. They are the Rev. Fred Sherman Buschmeyer, Mt. Pleasant Congre gational Church; the Rev. John* W. Rustin, Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church; the Rev. Charles L. Lowry, All Saints Episcopal Church; the Rev. Oscar F. Blackwelder. Lutheran Church of the Reformation. Also, Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld, Washington Hebrew Congregation; A WELL-BUILT tfOME RARELY AVAILABLE IN THESE TIMES 2700 Block Woodley Place N.W. (Vicinity of Wardman Park Hofei) Row brick, 8 rooms, gas h.-w h . 2 baths, p|us bath and maid's rooms in basement, garage, insulated and redecorated throughout. LINCOLN 2501 EST. 1895 GED. S. KING CD. Cl/a/m a*uL 9*t4M\ancs 2210 NICHOLS AVENUE SOUTHEAST <TA. 1900 Sundays and Evenings) REAL ESTATE LOANS FIRST TRUSTS to finance or refinance homes in the District or nearby Maryland and Virginia. Current Rates Straight Loans or Monthly Payments LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK 7th fir D Sts. N.W. 17th Cr H Sts. N.W. _ A the Rev. Charles S. MoJCenzie. West ern Presbyterian Church: the Rev, Clarence W. Cranford, Calvary Bap tist church: the Rev. Frederick E Reissig director of the Washington |Federation of Churches; the Rev. j James W. Hastings, National City * Christian Church, and the Rev. William C. Draper. Jr, canon of the Washington athedral. The first chapel service will be October 11. BRADMOOR, BETHESDA, MD. IRVINGTON AVE. AND McKINLEY ST. _FIRST SHOWING_ tmitimrr.. .- f TO REACH 808 NO. CAPITOL OPEN SAT., 1-9; SUN., 10-9; EVES., 7-9 You are invited to inspect our latest offering in beautiful Bradmoor in the Bethesda area. These 14 brand new detached brick homes are being formally introduced to the public today. If quality of home and quantity of value are what you seek, drive out today and see what a real treat is in store for you and your family. Several liveable floor plans from which to choose. 6 rooms, 1 Vi baths to 7 rooms, 2Vi baths. Large fully-equipped kitchens, marble fire places, screened porches, gas heat, attached garages, Venetian blinds and environment which cannot be measured in dollars. Priced from $26,850. D AHUMPHRIEQ K E A IT OP , EXCLUSIVELY NA. 6730 Appealing Country Estate % One of Montgomery County's Show Places In a Beautiful Setting of Eight Acres—or Larger Tract if Desired AVAILABLE for the first time—for immediate possession and occu pancy—this appealing haven will provide the utmost in comfort and gracious living accommodatoins for a dscriminating homeseeker who appreciates the tranquility of a peaceful home apart from everyone else —and who can afford the luxury of a country estate, convenient and accessible, with an alluring natural beauty, within short motoring dis tance from downtown—a thirty minute drive from the White House. THE BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED GROUNDS include hundreds of English boxes and other evergreens and rare plantings of all kinds, and provide perfect seclusion for outdoor entertaining. One of the many appealing spots in the spacious grounds is the secluded swimming pool, with attractive bath house. THE MAIN DWELLING, in immaculate condition for prompt occu pancy, has ten well-planned rooms, including library and drawing room, and four and a half baths, with two additional rooms and bath over the attached two-car garage. There is another room, with bath, in a de tached garage. A secret stairway to the master bedroom is one of many special features too numerous to mention. / OPEN FOR INSPECTION SATURDAY AND SUNDAY UNTIL 7 P.M. - Inspection other Days by Appointment TO REACH: From traffic light on Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring, (1) drive up Georgia Avenue extended through Wheaton just beyond the Glenmont School, then right on the Glenmont Colesville Road about iy2 miles direct to entrance, OR (2) Go up the Colesville Road to Colesville, then left on the Colesville-Glenmont Road 1 mile to entrance. GEORGE J. MOSS, Realtor 8512 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland SHepKerd 2600 OR CONSULT YOUR OWN BROKER