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BUILDERS ATTENTION Closing Out All NEW KITCHEN SINKS Below Wholesale Cost ALPERSTEIN’S ELECTRIC VILLAGE 2*4 Cerrell Are.. Tikm fk. Md. ' Shepherd 2100 ATTENTION * e Hotels Institutions Rooming Honses BLANKETS We Have for IM MEDIATE DELIV ERY several thou sand 100% Virgin Wool Blankets. Will sell at MILL PRICE to quantity users. Priced from $£.00 Q to Malco Wholesale # Distributors 1020 7th St. N.W. NA. 8559 Training of 1,000,000 In Rifle Use Urged by Royall for Emergency Calling for the training of about 1,000,000 young men a year “in the fundamentals of the use of the rifle,” Undersecretary of War Ken neth C. Royall last night gave the War Department’s indorsement to the program of the National Rifle Association. Speaking before several hundred members of the association, at its annual banquet in the Hotel Statler, Mr. Royall asked the association to "provide at least a nucleus of trained riflemen upon whom we could depend in any future emer gency.” He said the group trains men not only in marksmanship but also de velops human character, the com petitive quality and the pioneer spirit. M-Day Needs Cited. "Because of the probable sudden ness of any future war,” he said, “we feel that on M-Day—Mobiliza tion Day—there should be a force in being of 1,750,000 men, including 10 Regular Army ground force di visions, 27 National Guard divisions, and about 200,000 Reserves in service units. In addition we would need during the first year of any war an unassigned pool of some 3,500,000 more trained men,” he added. In Mr. Royall’s opinion, too many people have formed fantastic ideas | of push-button warfare for the fu ■ tuie—without thought to those who will stop the enemy push-button pushers and take over the enemy country after all the buttons have been pushed. In its all-day meeting yesterday, the association adopted a resolu tion opposing Attorney General Clark’s recent proposal for nation wide registration of firearms. The association objects to any law which would require the registra tion of small arms privately owned. Officers Re-Elected. The association also adopted res olutions establishing a program to deal with the problems of juvenile delinquency by providing rifle ranges and equipment for junior competition, and recommending that police officers be given better training in the use of pistols at the expense of the community. Re-elected to their offices were PAISLEY FOREST Arlington, Va. Now Offered for the First Time To Civilian Purchasers 3-Bedroom Brick Colonials $13,950 Just a few of these homes to be built for civilians, the remainder will be offered at a later dote to Veterans. All brick construction, fireplaces, partitioned playroom in full basement, copper piping, oil burner, large living room, 3 bedrooms, dining room, large kitchen, beautiful high wooded lots, located in a completed planned subdivision of unexcelled beauty, paved streets, side walks, etc. Representative on Property Sunday and Daily TO REACH: Out Washington Boulevard, just vast Westover SJS’ffiSi Ra°nttuX Sta?/*ffl.W ,V»7 £ FREDERICK W. KERENS Sales Inc. ’ 1528 K St. N.W. NA 9141 Veterans’ G.I. Homes | SILVER SPRING AREA I I $11,600 g I F. H. A. CEILING PRICE | No down payment necessary if | you earn $75 per week or more j 3 bedrooms, one bath, living room, dining 1 room, kitchen, fnll basement with gas heat. | £ Directions: Go out Georgia Ave. extended one and one Quarter miles pass stop light at Colesville Road, turn left f<3 , at the Stone Gate Post entrance to Havden Farm Our homes are the ones with brick first floors and white tops. | REPRESENTATIVE ON PREMISES SUNDAY, 10 TO 5 g iMelwood Homes Mayflower Builders Inc. | COrp. 1301 N Street N.W. j| 2730 Ave. D _WO. 1412_DU- 8193_I I VETERANS ONLY! j See New 3-Bedroom Brick Homes 3900 Block Clay Place N.E. J ONLY $700 CASH I $64 Monthly Includes Interest, Principal, Taxes and Insurance Veteran Must Earn More Than $60 per Week to Qualify Only a Few Left—Many already occupied OPEN 12 TO DARK ) TO REACH: Out Pennsylvania Ave. S.E., to Minne- g sota Ave., left on Minnesota past Greenway Apart ments to Clay Place, then right to homes. g MORRIS POLLIN AND SONS—BUILDERS | ! For Sale Exclusively By GOLDSTEN BROTHERS J 1429 L Street N.W. REpublic 1988 | i^ijp[ja[p[ja[jaianammmwjB[g)BiaiS13MBIBIBJBIBlBI5BlBIBlBIBIBIBlBIB)BISlBIBIBlBIBIgllBlBlBn!!r. r^ifSTl V\ >8"I0Y \\ l«nS22?S:S‘- I I RIRCO^J \\ 1«« * st,‘« ir.-nal 4\5L Francis W. Parker of Chicago, pres-: ident; MaJ. Gen. Milton A. Reckord of Baltimore, vice-president and treasurer; and C. B. Lister of 6608 Thirty-second place N.W., executive director and secretary. Indian Wife Must Leave Home Restricted by Deed By tha Associated Brass LOS ANGELES, Feb. 7.—Because Mrs. Isabel Crocker, Hollywood gift shop operator, is three-quarters American Indian, she and ha- three daughters must vacate the house they have occupied in West Holly wood for the last two years. The court granted her 30 days to quit the neighborhood after six neighbors protested her residence on the ground her house was subject to a perpetual deed restriction for bidding occupancy by persons of non-Caucasian descent. Superior Judge Ruben S. Schmidt overruled the contention of Mrs. Crocker and her husband Harry, that the restriction is against pub lic policy, violates the State Con stitution and does not conform to guarantees of the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution. The litigants stipulated that Mr. Crocker is a Caucasian. Youth, 2 Others Given Jail Terms in $56 Fruit Stand Robbery Clarence Julian Craddock, 18, for merly of the 1700 block of D street N.E., was sentenced yesterday by Justice Henry A. Schweinhaut of District Court to serve from one to five years for his pent in robbing a fruit stand employe in the 500 block of Eleventh street N.W. last July of $56. At the same time, Justice Schweinhaut sentenced Craddock's, companions. William H. Eamshaw, 34, of the 1200 block of L street N.W., was given from one to five years and James F. Smith, 63, of the 600 block of F street N.W., was given from one to four year. The three were prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Grace B. Stiles. Still pending against Craddock are another charge of robbery, one of housebreaking, two of house breaking and larceny and two of un authorlzed use of an automobile. | 1745 A ST. S.E. V-A-C-A-N-T 6 rooms, bath, 2 enclosed and heated rear porches. % Automatic gas heat and hot water, electric re frigeration. Newly redecorated. Near Eastern | High School. ' PRICED TO SELL OPEN SUNDAY FROM 11 AJM. TO 6 PM. LEO V. GLORIUS 932 K St. N.W. District 1995 I I SILVER SPRING ——im—WW—wuNKHiwmTOiwiiiini1" minim minin' i ... • • ■• 719 Dale Drive Six-room brick house in highly restricted residential section. All modern, oil heat. $18,500 INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Wm. F. CARLIN » 967 Thayer Ave., Silver Spring SH. 1919 * Eamshaw has another charge of robbery still pending. In another District Court sen tence, Justice Alexander Holtzoff sentenced Raymond A. Thomas, 23, colored, 600 block of Irving street N.W., to serve from two to seven years on charges of robbing three women of a total of nearly $200 in cash and jewelry valued at more than $500. Thomas had pleaded guilty to*the charges. Justice Holtzoff gave George M. Mitchell, 36, colored, of the 300 block of Tenth street SJE., from two to six years on charges of breaking into a store in the 1500 block of Massa chusetts . avenue SE. and stealing $1,275. George D. Green. 37, colored, of the 3200 block of Cherry Hill N.W., was sentenced by Justice Holtzoff to serve from one to three years for throwing lye on a woman. The sentences were among ap proximately 25 imposed at District Court yesterday. First offenders in several - instances were given sus pended sentences and placed on probation. 30 Children to Present Books to Synagogue Thirty children of the Beth Sho lom Synagogue will present religious and history books to the synagogue library at a mass birthday party to be held for them by the Parent Teachers Association at 2 pm. to morrow. The children, from seven to 12 years of age, are those of the Tal mud Torah who have had birthdays during the last six months. Each child will inscribe the book which he is presenting. The synagogue is at Eighth and Shepherd streets N.W. j VACANT | 605 POWHATAN PLAGE NW. i l>'« Open Saturday and Sunday 1 Till Dark , M Very conveniently located semi-detached brick— 11 M 3 bed rooms; two baths; recreation room; built* in garage; concrete front and back porches. Gas i * hot water beat. , ; CRANE AND HELAN :! REALTORS ; SLIGO 4000 | "BATTERY PARK"—Bethesda, Md. | A TRULY OUTSTANDING VALUE! $18,950 ^ 524 Poik Lone Open Sunday 1 to 6 P.M. ^'ii im ■■ i mi m. ■■ — Owner leaving city has priced this home low for prompt sale. .On large find well-landscaped lot, near all conveniences; it includes; real center hall, kitchen with breakfast alcove, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, insu lated storage attic; oil heat; attached garage. Challenges comparison! We urge your inspection—you will like this home. Direction».• Out Wi». Ave., left on Old Georgetown Rd, to Maple Ridge Rd., left one block to Park Lane, left to home. Gorman P. Young, Realtor Exclusive Agent Dl. 2328 SPLENDID BRICK CORNER 4225 17th St. N.W. at Varnum OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY, 1-6 Here is a really beautiful center-hall plan home, featuring a living room approx. 26x16, and master bedroom, same size, both have real open fireplaces. Large reception hall, spacious dining room, sun parlor and modern kitchen with pantry, complete 1st floor. 2nd floor has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, nice storage attic. Full dry base ment with maid's room and complete both. H.-W. Oil heat, large yard, 2 car garage. Home is in splendid condition. Possession with title. We have just received this home and we feel that the price is right. To inspect drive out 16th to XJpshur, westT to 17th, and | right to Varnum one block. Look for the Metzler sign. Realtor METZ LIE - 1106 Vt. Ave. Dl. 8600—Sun. and Eves., TA. 0620 (QeJtffiwf in Vfai/uHfffoH>/ Homes of 10 rooms; Colonial design; brick construction. • Only New Homes in Shepherd Park Section of Sitfwdk Sheet Weedi Price is a $)A *7 EA Special convincer mM jW J m mw financing Planned ® for comfortable \ living. Equipped for living convenience I *Home 1436 Primrose Hoad N.W. Size up these exceptionalifeatures: FIRST FLOOR: Large Living Room, with open fireplace; Dining Room. Perfectly planned and equipped kitchen. DeLuxe Refrigerator. Den, library, dinette, lavatory, screened concrete porch. SECOND FLOOR: Master Bedroom, with private bath. Three guest and family rooms. Second bath. BASEMENT: Maid’s Room, with private bath; open fireplace, f t Separate laundry and furnace rooms. Space provided for recrea tion room. THIRD FLOOR: Ready or conversion into extra rooms || and children's playroom. Open for inspection daily 1 to 6. Sunday IQ to 7 Out Sixteenth Street to 7900 Block—Turn right one block • I §hapiro "BUY WORD FOB THE BEST IN HOIKS AND HOME SITES" • Since 1019 | 1106 Vermont Are. Exclusive Agent ME. 1717 H D. C. Man Held in $1,500 On Police Bribe Charge Kermit J. MaUette, 43, colored of the 900 block of Barry place N.W., today was awaiting grand Jury ac tion under $1,500 bond on a bribery charge. He appeared at a hearing yester day before United States Commis sioner Needham C. Tumage. who dismissed similar charges against Thomas Foster, 24, colored of Hyattsvllle, Md. Pvt. Arthur E. Sweeney of No. 12 Precinct is the policeman to whom both men were alleged to have passed money to avoid arrest on lottery charges. Mrs. Dunbar to Give Talk Mrs. Ada Scott Dunbar, secretary of the War Department branch of the United Public Workers of America, will speak at 3 p.m. to morrow at the 30th annual Woman’s Day program at Mount Zion Meth odist Church, 1334 Twenty-ninth street N. W. CHEVY CHASE, MD. 1 6509 Summit Avenue 1 is open for your inspection Saturday & Sunday, 1:30 to 5:30 Lovely brick home with living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. Very nice maid's room and bath. | Oil heat, built-in garage and lot, 65x150. Has been newly || decorated and is in good condition. Direction*: Out Conn. Ave. to Taylor St., right on Taylor to Summit, le/t to S509. Exclusive With CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO. 3403 Conn. Ave. EM. 1800 ffl . ■ ■■■"*. i ■ .—.......rrr,siftil I 8602 GARFIELD STREET A custom built 6 room Dutch Colonial featuring a delightful living room with distinctive fireplace and recessed bookshelves. Pleasant dining room opening to screened rear porch. Modern kitchen large enough for breakfast table. Second floor has 3 spacious bedrooms with plenty of closets and tiled bath. Full basement. Oil A.C. heat. Built-in garage Lovely fenced in back yard. 3 blocks to grade schools. PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY, 1 to 6 To Reach: Out Old Georgetown Road to Roosevelt, left S blocks to Garfield and right to open sign, R. J. SCOFIELD CO. Exclusivs SL. 5300 Eves., SL. 5816 || .■===*= ' —--J===S5== I . A lovely estate of 128 acres of rolling land about 30 miles from Washington on good roads close to Birdville, Anne Arundel Co., Md. Known as "Larkin's Hill" in Colonial days, this property is im proved by a fine Colonial house built in 1683. It has been kept4n good condition, and modernized with oil heat. Has 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, swimming pool, beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Close by the house are a new barn and stable with stalls for riding horses. There is also a six-room caretaker's house, outbuildings and a small tenant house; tobacco barns, sheds and all the buildings necessary to continue farming the property as a going farm as it is at the moment. This is a very i excellent piece of property, and is well worth investigating. Price $50,000 For further particulars write or coll „ JOSEPH D. LAZENBY Real Estate and Insurance 215 Main St., Annapolis, Md. Telephone 2684 You will like this lovely home in attractive Decatur Heights, Md. PRICE IS MOST REASONABLE AT $15,500 5205 Varnum Street A specially built Dutch Colonial home. Charming and has these features—Large living room with stone fireplace, good sized dining room, den, fully equipped kitchen. 2nd floor has 3 nice size bedrooms with ample closet space and full tiled bath. Basement has beautiful recreation room and an addi tional den or bedroom with 2nd fireplace, built-in bar, wash room and lavatory. Oil hot-water heat. House is in excellent condition. Located within easy walking distance from Bladensburg Elementary school, high school, shopping and transportation. Convenient to downtown Washington. Land j scaped grounds with nice level lot and detached garage. A wonderful house for the money.' Drive out and see this lovely home. OPEN SUNDAY, 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. To Reach: Out New York Ace. to Bladensburg Rd., left to Peace Cross. ; right on Annapolis Rd. to Elementary School, left on Edmonston Rd. to Burch j Ace. and list St. sign, then right 'A block to Varnum St. and left to house. O. L. MURDOCK & CO. 7 Lincoln*Ave., Kensington Md. SH. 4611-PL. 8602 Office open Evenings, Saturdays and Sunday until 9 P.M.