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&t$ttU* 95c *l/txUu fa* B9c ! PINT SCREEN Bn. ENAMEL .... Oil1 SPEEDY SCREEN Hi. PAINTER .... Ja1 95c 'fyutSave 26' Woodhtrase SCREEN ENAMEL *Hct APPLICATOR SATIN FINISH —ond these popular Floor j' Colors: Nu Light Gray, Nu I; Dark Gray, Nu Maple, Nu Light j| Oak, Nu Dark Oak and Nu ; Buy From | Your Nearest | NU-FLOOR Dealer! f BETHESDA, MD, I Formers Feed & Hardware Co. 1 7210 Wisconsin Avenue 8 I CATLETT, VA. f j Trennis Dept. Store S HERNDON, VA. £ Murphy & Ames, Inc. $j 1i Herndon I McLEAN, VA. McLean Market ROSSLYN, VA. Dickey Company WARRENTON, VA. D. P. Wood & Company \ WASHINGTON, D. C. { Associated Supply Co., Inc. 1512-14 Benning Road N.E. Cooper & Conrad, Inc. 5919 Georgia Ave. N.W. Eorl Hardware 104 First Street Golden berg's 7th and K Streets N.W. K. & W. Plumbing-Heating Co. 644 H Street N.E. The Hecht Company F Street at Seventh J. J. Schweizcr 5119 Illinois Ave. N.W. ARLINGTON, VA. Cherrydale Cement Block Co., Inc. 3436 Lee Highway Columbia Applionce Company 3102 Columbia Pike ALEXANDRIA, VA. Groveton Hardware U. S. Highway 1 City Line Lumber & Supply Co. 2626 Duke Street Sterling Hardware R. F. D. No. 3 Phone Stockholders Hear Gifford Defend Company in Strike By th» Auectatad Pratt NEW YORK, April 16.—Walter S. Gifford, president of American Tele phone St Telegraph Co., told stock holders at the annual meeting today that the managerrfent “can see no justification” for the strike against many units of the confpany.” While Mr. Gifford was talking union pickets staged a demonstra tion outside the building. “In spite of everything,” Mr. Gif ford continued, "I confidently look forward to the day when, with good will and understanding on the part of all concerned, we shall all be working together again in our fun damental job of providing constant ly more and better telephone serv ice • • *.” Union Counsel Makes Charge. Henry Mayer, counsel for 15 unions involved in the strike, an nounced before the meeting that he would attend to charge that the Board of Directors precipitated the strike in the interest of important Wall Street financial interests. Mr. Mayer, who owns some A. T. St T. stock, said: “The precipitators of this strike felt that if the telephone unions lost it, it would have a terrific effect on the steel, auto and other unions. “If A. T. & T. will concede—as did General Motors—that the work ers’ cost of living merits a raise, it will be possible to settle this strike.” 300 Pickets at Entrance. As the meeting progressed, 300 or more pickets marched in front of the towering telephone company building on lower Broadway. Wedge-shaped lines of pickets, moved slowly down the block, hemmed in some of the younger stockholders and forced them to the end of the block. They had to weave their way back again to enter the building. Older stockholders were not inter ; fered with by the pickets. Most of the marchers were equipped with flat rubber noise makers attached to wooden tubes, | which emitted a sort of “Bronx ! cheer.” “Stockholders” Signs Disappear. One sign read: "$26 a week is not an American wage” and an other, "I am a stockholder—the company should negotiate with its employes.” The picket carrying the latter sign said she was a telephone operator and that she owned 50 shares of common stock, “given to me 15 years ago by the company for good serv ice.” Later the woman returned to newsmen and said, “Please disre gard what I said. I was only kid ding." She did not reappear in the picket line and other signs with similar legends dropped out of the line. Telephone (Continued From First Page.) dent, will broadcast a reply to Mr. Schwellenbach's proposal from 8:15 to 8:30 p.m. over the American Broadcasting Co., which last night carried the Secretary’s message Station WMAL plans to broadcast a transcription of the Beirne tSlk at 8:30. Local telephone company officials announced that 35 nonsupervisory employes returned to work today, making the number of “bargained for” employes on the job 548. Urging the public to demand ac ceptance of his settlement terms, Mr. Schwellenbach said in a radio broadcast last night he would not accept the rejection without “put ting up a fight.” Proposal Made for Public. “I made the proposal on behalf of the American people and I am asking you who want telephone service, and who pay the telephone bills, to demand of each side that they accept the proposal which I made,” the Secretary said. Mr. Schwellenbach’s plan would have ended the strike by 5 p.m. to morrow. It called for an impartial five-man board of arbitration to settle six of the union’s 10 national i demands in 90 days and the settle iment of other issues in two days i of intensive collective bargaining. | Forty-five different decisions would be handed down, applying to each of the disputes between NFTW affiliates and Bell System subsidi aries. When the answers came in, it was obvious that neither side was willing to give up the basic ideals which precipitated the strike. Plan Called Impracticable. Answering for the telephone in dustry, C. F. Craig, vice president of A. T. & T„ said the companies approved the general basis of Mr. Schwellenbach's proposal, but added that it was entirely impracticable i to place all cases before one board. Mr. Craig suggested, in one of 13 i proposed changes to the plan, that 110 regional arbitration boards might be set up to review the cases. He I said the companies preferred sep arate boards for each company’s disputes, but would accept the regional plan. The companies be lieved it would require from six to 12 months for one board to hear all the questions in dispute, he added. Mr. Schwellenbach stated his views on regional arbitration in his broadcast. He recalled that regional negotiations broke down during the war and a national commission was set up at the insistence of both the companies and unions. Mr. Beirne wrote Mr. Schwellen ! bach that his plan was unacceptable j in its present form. Wants Nonstrikers Included. The union Policy Committee had ruled that any proposal to terminate the strike must include a general wage offer and retroactivity. One of the union’s demands is aj $12 across-the-board wage increase.! Bell System companies by and large have made no wage offers, but have proposed to extend present con tracts. Commenting on the secretary’s proposal, J. B. Morrison, vice pres ident and general manager of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., said “we did not reject the proposal: we accepted it in prin ciple but offered amendments de signed solely to expedite and imple ment final decisions on the issues in dispute." Urging appointment of regional; arbitration boards, Mr. Morrison said acceptance of the original plan j would result in some cases remain ing in dispute for months after de cisions were reached in other cases, causing difficulties over retroactivity claims and effective dates. Records from India Indicate that cotton was used there as early as 3,000 years befgre Christ. NEW YORK.—JOURNEY’S END—Milton Reynolds (center), his flight engineer, Carroll "Tex” Sallee (left), and William P. Odom, pilot, stand atop their globe-circling Bombshell after arriv ing here early today, setting an unofficial 'round-the-world flying record. —AP Wirephoto. Teachers' Pay (Continued From First Page.) school officials, members of the Board of Education and representa tives of teacher groups. Mr. Mason told the committee he had not studied the bill in detail enough to form an opinion whether the exact scales specified for dif ferent teaching positions are sound. This drew a sharp rebuke from Representative Bates, Republican, of Massachusetts who said he con sidered the matter of grave im portance and one of the commis sioners’ responsibility. Prepared Uirectly lor Congress. District Budget Officer Walter L. Fowler attempted to explain that the bill was prepared directly for Congress by the school board and had not processed through the city heads. Mr. Bates stopped him with the observation that he was aware of this. Superintendent of Schools Hobart Corning told the committee the bill was sent to the Commissioners at the same time it was forwarded to Congress. He also pointed out that school officials and board members had met w'ith the Commissioners on the issue. The teachers this year are receiv ing a temporary $450 increase over their basic pay, which expires June 30. The new bill would maie perma nent that increase, plus an addi tional $250 or a total of $700 above old basic pay schedules. Other features include new salary schedules to be established for all teachers, research assistants, hbta rians, counsellors and Instructors in the teachers colleges. One provision would raise Dr. Coming's salary to $15,000 a year. He now receives $12,000.. *•: £ Recess Until Saturday. Asked by Chairman Cain whether the Commissioners would support continuation of the present $450 in crease, Mr. Mason said they would. "So actually we are talking about the difference, $250,” observed Sen ator Cain. After hearing the testimony of Mr. Mason and board spokesmen until noon, the hearings were ad journed until Saturday at 10 a.m. The first witness today, Mrs. Hen ry Grattan Doyle, president of the Board of Education, told the com mittee the pay increases are neces sary to keep qualified personnel now in the system and to obtain new teachers. She pointed out that the board is charged with responsibility for edu cating the city’s children and not with the financial question involved. Mr. Mason told the committee the proposed increases would place teacher pay here higher than any city in the country except New York. With the present $450 increase, he said, they are below the scales in some important American cities and not much above the average. Committee Head Testifies. Adelbert W. Lee, chairman of the board’s Committee on Legislation, told the committee this bill is a composite of teacher though. He added that the proposal to raise Dr. Coming’s salary was not in the orig inal report, but was added by Mr. Lee’s committee. Mr. Lee said the salary now paid the superintendent is “very out of line” the salaries paid superintendents elsewhere. “Case of Vanishing Teacher.” After reviewing the history of the present and proposed pay increases, Dr. Corning presented to the com mittee “the case of the vanishing teacher.” He said teacher training schools now are depopulated and few ap plicants are appearing to take teach er examinations, largely because of the salaries paid. "High school graduates just are not interested,” he said. He said the new salary schedule has a dual purpose of benefltting the individual teacher and the pub lic. He said it would give the indi vidual adequate compensation for the standard of living he is forced to meet, and for the skills and preraration he is requried to have. The benefit to the public, he con tinued, comes through the staffing of schools with good people in a highly competitive market. Comparison of Salaries. He placed into the record a com parison of salaries paid teachers and school officers here as compared to salaries paid in 19 other large cities based on information from the National Education Association. The comparison covered both minimum and maximum salaries for teachers and officers. In no case did the District rank higher than fourth. In the case of maximum paid senior high school principals it ranked sixteenth. Dr. Coming asked permission to examine a schedule made up bv the District budget office which differed from the school exhibits in evalu ating the boost here with salaries paid elsewhere. LUMBER For Lumber, Cell Our Number TfeeAutyerCo^ J‘h7" -r-—— Italy Must Arm for Five Years 13 Ships Delivered to Soviet By Constantine Brown Star Foreign Affairs Analyst ROME, April 16.—Italian arsenals will be compelled for at least five years to supply ordnance and am munition for the Italian warships which will be turned over to Russia in accordance with the naval agree ment on the peace treaty with Italy signed last January. This is one of the important fea tures of the secret agreement of Allied naval experts who are still meeting in Paris, but are reliably reported to have completed their work. Their report will be submitted soon to the Big Pour for final ap proval. Some minor details, such as the Yugoslav and Greek claims for a portion of the Italian Navy, are still under discussion. But, insofar as the Big Pour, who will obtain the lion’s share, are concerned, a full agreement has been reached by the experts. I The Russians were adamant in their demand to rejuvenate their naval forces with Italian ships. Although not a single Russian warship was sunk in the last war by the Italians, the Russians have obtained the surrender of one of the two modem Italian battleships —either the “Italia” or the “Vit toria Veneto.” In addition, they will be given two out of nine modern fast cruisers, seven or eight of 28 large submarines and probably two or three out of the 10 large de stroyers. The report, which is still kept a top secret, has caused considerable .agitation among the few Italian*# who have discovered the terms of the Paris agreement. They point out that there is nothing in the peace treaty to prevent the U. S. S. R.i irom handing over all or some of I the ships to Yugoslavia, which thusj would become the dominant naval power in the Adriatic. The military port of Pola, which was the main naval base of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and was made into a modem base by the Italians after 1919, can take care of ships as large as the modem Italian battleships. There seems to be no question that the Soviet government does not wish to follow the United States and Great Britain In scrapping the surrendered ships. To include in the agreement a clause providing that Italy shall provide these ships with the neces sary ordnance and ammunition re placements indicates clearly that either Russia or her Yugoslav satel lite intends to use them—and not for parades or as excursion ships for the workers. The Italian suggestion that these warships shall be handed over to the United Nations to form the nucleus of an international naval force, as provided in the United Nations Charter, is said to have met with some approval on the part of American and British experts, but was violently opposed by the Rus sian representatives, who insisted on their treaty rights. And there was no possible way to dislodge them from that position. The United States contemplates returning its share to the Italian government with the provision that the ships be scrapped. It is prob able that Great Britain will follow suit. fTance has asked for the other modern battleship and some de stroyers, and is expected to use them as replacements for some of the ships scuttled at Toulon in Novem ber, 1943, The Greek demand for naval ves sels is considered principally a mat ter of prestige. Their present navy is almost entirely made up of British-built vessels and the ord nance is of a different type from the Italian. The Greek government is expected to compromise by ac cepting some Italian merchantmen in lieu of warships. The Yugoslavs are asking for one cruiser and several destroyers and submarines to replace the few de stroyers and gunboats of the former Royal Yugoslav Navy sunk in 1941. Their claims are strongly supported by the Soviet representative, who has suggested that Yugoslavia be given a share from the Big Four allotment. The Italian fleet to be divided among the Allies consists of 3 battle ships, of which only 2 are of com batant type; 9 cruisers, mostly mod em units;- 28 large and 9 coastal submarines, 10 large destroyers and 23 torpedo boats and escort de stroyers. Explosion (Continued From First Page.') gas masks be rushed to the disaster scene. Other Texas City industries—bag ging, petroleum, sulphur, shipping, tin and others—were reported burn ing and fire equipment from Gal veston, Houston and other cities, augmented by highway patrolmen, police, sheriffs deputies, were help ing maintain order as citizens walked about, dazed and stunned by the disaster. Stone buildings in the center of town were leveled, the Galveston Tribune said. Residents were being evacuated to avoid danger from further explosions. Highways were blocked by Texas City residents who work in Galves ton, rushing home to help their families and friends. People Are Dazed. Police Chief W. F. Laddish of Texas City told Houston officers by telephone people were walking the streets in a daze and that the town's City Hall, a mile from the explosion, "was demolished.” He asked for all possible doctors and nurses, even “just ordinary citizens, just so they have hands to help in rescuing the injured.” The extent of the explosion was indicated by the report from Pales tine, Tex., 160 miles to the north. Mrs. J. C. Colwick, who lives on a hill near Palestine, said she heard the explosion and that the house shuddered twice as if there had been an earthquake. Orange, 100 miles away, was rocker, as was Port Arthur, where the blast was audible. Galveston suffered heavy damage. Windows, including many store win dows, were shattered. Plaster ceil ings fell. The city rocked and for hours was obscured from the sun by billowing clouds. Looked Like Atom Blast. A resident of Pelly said the clouds looked like pictures of the atomic bomb blast. Galveston residents confirmed this, except to say that the clouds were black. J. K. Poage, engineer for a Cedar Bayou radio station, said he saw a flame shoot up hundreds of feet into the air. It lasted a few seconds, he said. Cedar Bayou is 27 miles from here. Windows rattled there. The scene of death and devasta tion was descnbed as “awful” by a utility company official. He said the dead were so numerous “they have them out on the lawn.” The floor of the Beeler Mankse Clinic at Galveston was said to be covered with blood. Meanwhile, relief measures were expedited. At Austin, Adjt. Gen. Arthur B. Knickerbocker said the National Guard had been called out In the area. A conference was held with Gov. Beauford H. Jester, and they decided the situation did not as yet warrant martial law. All Nearby Red Cross Units Ordered to Explosion Area Basil O’Connor, Red Cross chair man has directed that all chapters within a radius of 100 miles immedi ately rush all available doctors, nurses, blood plasma and other medical supplies to Texas City, it was announced at headquarters in Washington. Hundreds of cots and blankets and other disaster equipment which the Red Cross keeps stored in Gal veston for emergency use in the event of hurricanes was sent. Emergency canteens are being sent from Houston and other adjacent chapters. National disaster workers from St. Louis and from the tornado area in Oklahoma and Texas are being rushed by plane to the area._ DOES YOUR BOAT NEED A NEW PAINT JOB? If it does. W. R Winslow Co. has all the yacht paint that you will need Come in today to any one of these Winslow Associated Stores and see how economi cally you can make your boat look like new. Chevy Chase Paint * Hardware Ca. Silver Sprinc Paint * Hardware Ca. Bethesda Paint * Hardware Ca. Takoma Paint A Hardware Ca. Seeker Paint * (Haas Co., Geerretewn Local Paint * Hardware Ca., HyattsviOe 922 New York Are. (1) NA. 8610 * Rise in Rent Ordered For High-Paid Tenants In Public Housing About 500 families in low-rent public housing in the District whose family incomes amount to $3,000 a year will be asked to pay more rent June 1. This was disclosed yesterday by John Ihlder, executive officer of the National Capital Housing Authority, who said the move was designed to encourage those families to find a place to live in private housing. The higher rents will be compa rable to those in similar private developments, he said. Tenants Protest Order. Under a Housing Authority ruling, families with inoomes of $3,000 must vacate low-rent housing by Novem ber 1 to make room for low-income families in need of housing, Mr. Ihlder said. Meanwhile, a number of tenants of the Port Dupont low-cost hous ing development last night protested the notice to vacate. About 80 fam ilies in this development have in comes of $3,000 or more, NCHA said. The project, which has 326 dwell ing units, is located at Anacostia avenue and Ridge road S.E. Ihlder Explains Policy. At a meeting of Port Dupont ten ants called by the authority, Mr. Ihlder explained public housing could be rented only by low-income families. Owing to indications that private housing will become avail able soon, he said, it was necessary to prepare the way to make units available to low-income families who could not afford private housing. At this meeting, Mr. Ihlder also said rents would be increased June 1 for those having incomes of $3,000. Army Ends Free Care For All New Refugees By th» Associated Press FRANKFURT. Germany, April 16. —The United States Army today suddenly ended its long policy of giving free camp care to all dis placed persons and persecutees new ly arriving from Eastern Europe. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, American commander in Europe, announced at a news conference that only in severe cases of hardship would any newly-arrived displaced person be admitted to camps after April 21. Gen. Clay said his new order did not mean that the American zone was “no longer a haven" for perse cutees but that the Army had to stabilize the population of displaced persons camps for the time when the International Relief Organiza tion takes over the camps. There are now 360,000 displaced persons receiving care in the zone’s 400-odd Army and UNRRA-oper ated camps. They will continue to receive food and shelter but all new arrivals will have to live on the German economy after April 2L As for those now in camps, Gen. Clay said “there have been continu ous opportunities offered them to return to their homelands." A con certed drive to repatriate large num bers of these was announced Sun day when the Army offered them 60 days free food if they would return home. Philippines Probe Voted In Surplus Disposal By the Associated Press MANILA, April 16.—The Philip pines Senate last night approved a joint resolution calling for an in vestigation of alleged irregularities; in the disposal of surplus Amer ican Army and Navy property. This completed congressional ac tion on the measure. Each house will appoint five members to make the inquiry. At the same time the United States Army’s Philippine-Ryukyus command began making an exten sive checkup to plug leaks which had permitted millions of dollars worth of critically needed materials intend for the Philippine govern ment to escape from storage depots in the black market. Goldstein Appeal Slated ANNAPOLIS, April 16 (S’).—State Senator Louis L. Goldstein of Prince Frederick, who appealed a $5 park ing fine here in January is sched uled to bring his case before the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court next week. Mr. Goldstein was fined for parking In front of a driveway. IRON FIREMAN OIL BURNER New heating, comfort and j economy comes to the home equipped with an Iron Fireman Luminous Flame oil burner. This new and differ- j ent burner is quiet, efficient, dependable. One demon* i stration wilt convince you. Ask for free heating survey, THE IRON FIREMAN Sales Corporation 1812 M St. N.W. NA 4241 wm s. ' SAVE 25* ' tUY THE LARGE SIZE! 50 blades *1 Regular Sizae: 4 for lt< ■ M far Z5< _SOLD AT ALL GOOD STORES • LONGER LASTING • SMOOTHER SHAVING • KEENER ED6ES • MORE ECONOMICAL • UNIFORMLY PERFECT i NtMNU* «W»_IU«UJtt MK * IU UtUK HBMMI MW K AKMC* *» KM WC WOllfl (Ml f Miss Edna M. Patton Dids; Humane Society Founder Miss Edna Markle Patton, 62, one of the founders of the Washington Humane Society, died yesterday at her home, 3046 Newark street N.W. Bom in Philadelphia, Miss Patton attended National Park College here and was graduated from Graham School, New York. She had lived in Washington for 28 years. Miss Patton was active in the Na tional Republican Club and the League of Republican Women, hav ing held several offices in those or ganizations. In addition to being a founder, she had continued as a director of the Washington Humane Society. Miss Patton also was a member of the Congressional Country Club, Esther Chapter of the Eastern Star and the New Century Club of Phila delphia. She is survived by a nephew, J. Nelson Patton, jr., of West Palm Beach, Fla. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Gawler’s fu neral home, 1756 Pennsylvania ave nue N.W. Burial will be private. Reynolds (Continued From First Page.) the personal congratulations of President Truman. Mr. Reynolds admitted the trip was tiring, sometimes dangerous, and “I would not make the trip again for $100,000,000.” But he added jubilantly to reporters: “We made the fastest crossing of the Atlantic ever made, in 5 hours and 17 minutes; we also made a record trip to Paris and Gander (Newfoundland) and maybe some other records.” Hughes Wires Congratulations. The previous unofficial round-the world flight record, 91 hours and 14 minutes, was set in 1938 by Howard Hughes, who wired Mr. Reynolds, “My heartiest congratulations for your excellent performance.” Mr. Hughes and his four crew members had taken their monoplane around a shorter route. The Bombshell averaged about 254 miles an hour on its 20,020-mile flight. Taking into account 16 hours and 9 minutes lost in its nine stops, the big plane averaged about 318 miles an hour while in actual flight. A couple of minutes after com ing over La Guardia the plane landed and the three globe-girdlers stepped onto a wing. Police no longer could restrain the crowd, and for several minutes women admirers smeared the three men with kisses. Finally Mr. Sallee was able to get together with his 19-year-old bride-to-be, Patricia Houlihan of Cody, Wyo., and the other two were able to kiss their wives. Then Mr. Reynolds flung his arm over Mr. Odom’s shoulders and told reporters: “He is the best pilot in the world. We would not have made it with anyone else.” “No, none of that,” replied the pilot. “It was just a routine flight that all airlines will be making in a few years." Later Mr. Reynolds told reporters that the last leg of the flight, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, was the “toughest part” and he “was worried sick” when they flew through ice and fog between Minneapolis and Detroit. “We came out of the ice at De troit but we didn’t know where we were,” the 54-year-old Chicagoan said. “We had to call Detroit and they used finders to locate us. Just then we came out of the fog and toe. "We covered a lot more miles than we figured. We didn’t plan to stop at Gander or Calcutta. "I took turns flying the plane from Tokyo on. J had a hard time keeping Odom awake, even for the landing in New York, but. of course, Odom made all the takeoffs and landings on the entire trip. “We had a half hour’s gas supply left when we came over New York and brother, let me tell you 1 was worried.” Capt Kenneth Behr, manager of La Guardia Field, timed the takeoff and return. The landing was not timed. The Bombshell flew an estimated 5,200 miles farther than Mr. Hughes’ plane, skirting Russia because Soviet authorities told Mr. Reynolds in ad vance that its reconstruction prob lems were so great it could not ar range for technicians to service the flight. The A-26 stopped at Gander, Paris, Cairo, Karachi and Calcutta in India; Shanghai, Tokyo, Adak in the Aleutians, and Edmonton. Mr. Odom, former Kansas City resident now living in Roslyn, N. Y„ had flown the Burma Hump as a pilot for a Chinese airline and was a trans-Atlantic ferry pilot in the war. He has two children. Mr. Sallee, whose home is in Dallas, Tex., and Miss Houlihan, a University of Wyoming freshman, ; plan to go ahead with marriage | arrangements, now that the flight is over. * Before the flight, Charles Logsdon, executive secretary of the National Aeronautic Association Contest Board, announced in Washington that the flight would not set an official record because the route did not Include points specified by the Federation Aeronautlque Interna tional. No flight on the official route has been made, he said. The official route was fixed In 1939 to assure a reasonable uniform ity of distance and conditions. It requires stops at San Francisco and New York, one of five European capitals (Rome, Paris, London, Berlin or Bucharest), Karachi, India, and Tokyo. $2,217 Fund to Be Used For Walter Reed Stage A check for $2,217 presented yes terday to the District Chapter of the Red Cross by Secretary of the Treasury Snyder, will be used to improve stage facilities in the rec reation hall of the Forest Glen Section of Walter Reed Hospital. The check is part of funds col lected from Treasury Department employes last Christmas for military hospital patients. At that time, $800 was used for individual Christ mas gifts at Walter Reed and St. Elizabeth's. 2-PIECE SUITE REUPHOLSTEBED SCC.IO LIKE NEW “ ineladinr Labor and Material 35 Yeart Experience La France Upholsterers 2509 14th St. N.W. Col. 2381 *—■ " i Home-Style Food! SVaWfh'e Delicious best way to Pastries describe our _ . special Thurs- Baked Fresh day feature. n«ii» 3 Try the tempt- DaUy in* i__ Baked 1UEED Ham I With Champagne Sanea Lemon Meringue Pis 7 a.m. to 8:30 pun. daily Fountain Room, 10 ajn. to 8:80 p.m. daily and Sunday 1356 Connecticut Ave. Take Conn. Ave. but or car to our entrance Visit Our Fountain Room TVFV9%! Ii/!®'BHiB®a/i(a(Eiaia/ais -A- R R-^ R. L'5iSJsrsis/s/sisiSisnBRSBiiuBn'^ LIQUOR STORE gsk 1013 Penna. Ave. N.W. | CASE OF 12 44.00 ■3jaiaa®s®rs® Grand Vin de Champagne NAPOLEON 1 BRAND | A Product of France Contents 1 pt, 11 ox. 12% By Volume ( “I Can’t Chance ‘Travel Stomach’ \ f -That’s Why I Carry TUNIS!” / } Says MORTON DOWNEY 1 C Singing Star of Radio, Stag• and Scroon \ “1 travel a lot, and my throat couldn’t bit a high note if I ever let acid indi gestion bother me,” says Morton. “So I carry Turns. They always bring me sweet relief jiffy-quick!” • Whenever, wherever add indiges tion pops up, put it down fast with Turns—sweetest relief you ever enjoyed. One or two tasty Turns neutralize excess acid almost in stantly. Settle fluttery, sour stom ach. Chase heartburn, gas and that bloated feeling. And when excess acid irritates your nerves so you can’t sleep, don’t count sheep— count on Turns! No soda in Turns —no raw, harsh alkali—nothing to over-alkalize and irritate your delicate stomach. So never over alkalize—always neutralize excess aridity with Turns. Nothing surer, nothing faster! All drugstores. Ask today for Tumt—genuine Turns for the tummy! listen to Turns' "DATf WITH JUDY" NBC Network every Tuesday night E£MQU§ QUICK RELIEF 10* ACID INDIGESTION x