OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 18, 1947, Image 70

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1947-05-18/ed-1/seq-70/

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Silver Spring under conatructlon; modern
TAKOMA PARK—Investment property, of
fered by owner; new. 8 apt. brick bulldlnc.
laf** hyln» room. 2 bedrooms, large kit
chen, tlledebath, lit floor. 2nd floor same
•* 1st. with 2 finished rooms In attic.
Terrace apt., large living room, bedroom,
kitchen. and Imth. Estimated monthly in
come. $850. Excellent location. Bos stop
at door. Plenty of shade trees. 30-mln.
bus ride to downtown Washington. Im
med. Does. Title searched and ready lor
WITH INCOME overlooking fillso
<t. Very few priced by owner f
1 apt. with $ rms. and batl
with 4 rms. and ba
lot. A recommended
It PR. 8S00°extTll5. _
ft CORP. DU. 8568. 9 a.m. to 8
BUCK BUNGALOW with 4 rms. and bath
on first floor. Attic can be converted Into
3 rms. Complete apt. with full bath In
basement, with private entrance. lee.
corner lot. Conv. to stores and trans.
Priced right for quick sale. Mr. An
drew. TR. 8251. BROWN REALTY CORP.
DU. 8558. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
BUNGALOW—6 rms. and bath; finished
attic with stairway. Easily be made Into
2 nice rms. Pull basement. leg. lot (100
*100). Priced to sell quleVy at $9.760.
Mr. Andrew, TR 3261. BROWN REALTY
CORP., DU. 8658 9 a m. to 8 p.m.
OPEN, 1 TO • P.M.—4102 71ft ave., Land
Over Hills, Md.; possession; detached 2
story frame; 6 lovely, spacious rms. and
bath; a.-c. coal heat; full basement, side
porch; beautiful lot. 60x120; Immaculate
condition; priced to sell at $11,500; terms.
To reach: Out Bladensburc rd. to Peace
Croat, right on Annapolis highway to Land
over Hills; 71st ave.. is the main avenue
In Land Over Hills. See salesman on prem
ises or call till 9 p.m. weekdays: Sun., 12
INO,, 1012 17th st, n.w.. DI. 1665.
TAKOMA PARK—2-bedrm. brick bungalow,
full bamt., h.-w.h„ stove and refrlgarator,
stairway to attic: driveway; near trmnap.;
vacant; $9,950, terms. CLIPP PIERCY A
CO.. 4700 Baito. blvd., Hyattsvine. Md.
WA 3200
NEAR CHEVERLY—Pretty white bungalow.
ucuiwb., uii wu; <pi .uvu w<um.
CLIFF PIERCY Ac CO , 4700 Balto, blvd.,
Hyattsville, Md. WA. 3200.
4704 HIGHLAND AVE.. Bethesda. Md.
Open today, 2 to 8—Det. home on lot 8Ox
115; consisting of llv. rm. with fireplace,
dm. rm., kit., breakfast nook, 3 bedrms.,
114 baths, oil h.-w h , det. garage; In per
fect cond.; pass, with title. Exclusive with
HAMILTON REALTY CO., 5625 Ga. ave.
n.w., OR 8390. Directions to reach: Drive
out Wis. ave. to traffic light beyond bank,
turn right to sign.
OPEN 1 P.M. UNTIL 6—New rambling bun
galow; plan featured In Better Homes and
Gardens magazine; large living rm., fire
place, extremely modern kitchen, 2 bright,
cheerful bedrooms, full bath, utility room,
porch, attached garage, large level lot. To
Inspect, continue out MacArthur blvd.,
cross Cabin Tohn Bridge to Tomlinson ave.,
right on Tomlinson ave. 14 blk. to 4th at.,
right to open sign on property. A. V.
PI8ANI. Realtor, OL. 750(1
NEW BRICK BUILDING appears to be cen
ter-hall Colonial home. It actually contains
2 well-planned, modern 2-bedroom apts.;
can be handled under GI plan by 2 vet
erans, with very small down payment; lo
cated lust west of New Hampshire ave. ex
tended In substantial residential wooded
section. For further particulars, call WM.
M. THOMAS. Realtor, DI. 1703; eves, and
Sun., OV. 1185. —19 j
OPEN SUNDAY—New masonry Cape Cod
with 6 lovely rms. and tile bath on first;
stairs to second, having 2 dormer windows.
Beautifully constructed, hardwood floors,
full basement, oil heat, $li),950, easy
terms. May go GI. Almost completed.
Get yours today. Out Central ave. to
Addison rd., left to F at., right to F pi.,
right to house. Convenient to transporta
tion. ROBERT MAGEE, RE. 7740.
SILVER SPRING, MD.—Stone and brick
custom-built home. 2 bedrms., bath, sitting,
dining rooms, modern kit., 1st fl.; 2nd
fl., 2 bedrms., bath; cellar, rec. rm., garage:
oil heat, air conditioned; garden: $24,600.
Phone MI. 8877, eves, OR. 6655. V. 8.
OLIVE. Broker. —18
POUR BEDRMS.t Woodslde Park—Large
214 masonry house, painted white In a
eautiful setting on wooded lot, contain
ing (4 acre; center-hall entrance oft brk.
terrace; large llv. rm., stone fireplace with
adjoining den: good-size din. rm., kit.
breakfast rm.. 4 bedrms., 2 baths, den or
study off master bedrm.: 2 finished rms.
on 3rd fl. with large walk-in cedar closet:
maid's rm. and bath In basement; new oil
burner, h.-w.h.; 2-car detached garage.
Shown by appointment only. EDW. C.
HOLMEAD, Realtor, SH. 6200 ’til 9 p.m.
brick Colonial, center hall, 6 spacious rms.,
2 baths, rec. rm.. maid's rm.. full bsmt..
gas heat, slate roof. 2-car garage, large
ahady lot; reasonably priced. Call Mr.
8chuh, WI. 6829. JAMES E. MAHONEY.
Woodward Bldg., RE. 2411. —18
OPEN TODAY. 1 TO «. 10015 Lorraine
ave., Silver Spring. Md.—Charming de
tached brick home: vacant, immediate
occupancy; large center hall, front porch,
living rm.. dining rm., modern kitchen,
stove and refgr.. 3 bedrms., tiled bath, full
bsmt. with lav., oil alr-cond. heat; first
Soor fully carpeted wall to wall. Home in
eautiful condition and a must see for
today. Out Coleirllle rd.. left on Lanark
way to Lorraine ave. and home. LEO. M.
BERNSTEIN & CO., 1415 K at. n.w., ME.
6400. ‘‘Washtngton'i Complete Real Es
tate Instftution.” . .
OPEN TODAY. 1 TO 6. 1409 Fenwick lane.
Silver Spring, Md. — Charming bungalow!
First offeringl Completely detached brick,
consisting of lst-fioor living rm., dining
rm„ modern kitchen, 2 spacious bedrms.;
knotty pine room on 2nd floor; full bsmt.,
gas heat. Reasonably priced for your early
Inspection today. Out Ga. ave. extended, 2
blocks past light at Colesvllle pike, left on
Fenwick lane to home. LEO M. BERN
sitwtn Ar no. i4is K it n.w. ME 5400.
“Washington* Complete Real Estate in
SUITLAND — 4691 Brooks dr. s.e., open
today from 1 p m. (corner Silver Hill rd.);
3 miles from t>. C. line, in an excl. area.
Words cannot describe this masterpiece of
architecture and construction, built of
solid stone and clapboard In 1941 of finest
prewar materials; 1st fl. contains lge.
studio-type ltv. rm. with massive stone
fireplace, din. rm., bedrm., tiled bath hnd
model GE kitchen with 8-cu.-ft. refgr.:
Snd fl. hag 3 beautiful bedrms with cross
ventilation and tiled bath; 2-car attached
garage; 3 blks. from Census Bureau and
shopping district; downtown bus at door;
lge.. beautifully landscaped lot. Priced thou
sands below duplication cost; $22,760.
JAMES CARROLL. ME. 5800. TR. 0425.
VACANT—Immediate possession. 8005
Plney Branch rd., Sligo Park Hills, Silver
Spring, Md.—Appealing 7-room detached
home, stone and brick, on beautiful land
Scaped corner plot. Bedroom, bath and
nclosed sunroom on first floor: 2 large
edrooms and bath on second: recreation
room, maid's room and bath. An excellent
buy on today's market. For appointment to
Inspect call GEO. J. MOSS, Realtor.
Shepherd 2000. 23*
MONTGOMERY COUNTY—5-rm. and bath
brick bungalow, on 2 acres: completely
fenced: out from Silver Spring; 2-car brick
etr.; chicken house. 20 apple trees; all
In good cond. May go GI. Be sure to call
today, for this won’t last. WORTHINGTON
REALTY, excl agt., 8427 Georgia ave.,
SL. 3700 till 9 P.m. weekdays, or 0 p m.
Sun. If no answer, call SH. 1913. ■—20
BANNOCKBURN.—Owner leaving city: will
entertain a reasonable offer on his center
hall Colonial: home situated on Vi acre of
?round: large living room, snacious dln
ng room, modern kitchen, 3 bright, cheer
ful bedrooms. 2 baths, sun deck, recrea
tion room; 2-car garage. To inspect. A. V.
PISANI, Realtor, OL. 7500.
CLINTON, MD. — New 5-room and bath
bungalow; large living rm. with fireplace,
tiled bath with shower; full basement;
built-in garage; floored attic with space for
3 extra rooms; oil h.-w.h„ summer and
winter hookup. Price. $10,500; terms.
DEWEY M. FREEMAN, 3214 Branch ave.
«.e„ SP. 0767. (Closed Sunday.)
HILLSIDE—Nice 4-room and bath bunga
low: large living room. 2 bedrooms, gas
range; $6,350; $1,350 cash, balance like
rent. Should go GI with $760 down.
DEWEY M. FREEMAN, 3214 Brinch ave.
s.e., SP. 0767. (Closed Sunday. I
chicken farm: 7-room and bath house;
4 or 5 almost new chicken houses; on
hard-surfaced road, with excellent oppor
tunity for subdivision possibilities Price,
$15,000. terms. DEWEY M. FREEMAN,
3214 Branch ave. s.e., SP. 0767. (Closed i
Sunday. >
NEARBY MD.—Beautiful home: 6 rooms,
and bath with shower; large screened j
porch: basement, oil h.-w.h.; large lot.
100x121. landscaped; detached garage;
quiet neighborhood; near bus: $11,500.
DEWEY M FREEMAN, 3214 Branch ave.
s e.. SP 0767. (Closed Sunday.)
SIMMER HOME—Beautiful log cabin: lge.
living room with stone fireplace; modern
bath: 12 acres; an unusually attractive
place 15 miles D. C. line; $7,500; easy
terms. DEWEY M. FREEMAN. 3214 Branch
ave. s.e. Spruce 0767; (closed Sunday).
ACCOKEEK—Attractive 6-room house, 5
years old: l acre on highway; only $5,500:
terms. DEWEY M. FREEMAN, 3214
Branch ave. a.e. Spruce 0767; (closed
BRANDYWINE. MD.—Large 11-rooms and
bath home with 10 acres; beautiful shade;
Ideal for large family or convalescent home:
About 14 miles D. C. line; a real buy for
$15,000: terms. DEWEY M, FREEMAN.
3214 Branch avt. a.e. Spruce 0707 (closed
SUITLAND. MD.—Beautiful 5-room and
hafh Snankh.f.vnp hnnou Sou AppyiIrpa.
tiled bath with shower: almost new Hot
Point range and refrigerator; large lot:
block from transportation: within walking
distance of Sultland government bldgs.;
$0,950; substantial cash required. DEWEY
M. FREEMAN. 3214 Branch ave. s.e.
Spruce 0767; (closed Sunday).
CLINTON, MD.—Attractive new 5-room
and bath bungalow; large living room with
fireplace; tiled bath with shower: 2 lovely
bedrooms, floored attic, sufficient for extra
bedrooms: full basement: oil automatic a.-c.
heat: hardwood floors: beautiful sun
porch; la-acre lot: $8,950. Should go G.I.
with $1,000 down. DEWEY M. FREEMAN.
8214 Branch ave. s.e. Spruce 0767;
(closed Sunday).
CLINTON. MD.—Very modem 5-room and
bath bungalow: large living rm„ tiled bath
with shower: large floored attic that could
be finished Into 2 extra rooms; full base
ment; oil automatic a.-c. heat; hardwood
floors: modern equipped kitchen: V4-acre
lot. located In extra nice neighborhood;
$9,250. Should go G.I. with $1,000 down.
P^WEY M. FREEMAN. 3214 Branch ave.
g.e. Spruce (>767: (closed Sunday).
Montgomery County; large 6-rm.. ltv-btth
California-type bungalow: full basement.
Small stream on property. Priced for
Immediate sale: $18,000. ROBERT MA
GEE. RE. 7740. until 9:30. •
Oflering a home of 7 rooms (3 bedrooms)
and bath with den on first floor: garage;
one acre ground; oil hot-water heat; ex
cellent condition: owner occupied: Posses
sion with settlement. MITCHELL QUICK..
PI. 2831 until 9 p m__* i
SILVER SPRING, walking distance to P. C.
line—Bnek. 1 >i story, 4 bedrms. oil h.-w.h..
**Takoma<Park, close top. C. line: frame
house, with l*e. rms.. 1. bedim .1st floor.
4 bedrms. 2nd: attic; lot 70x260 with
beautiful trees, on quiet srteet; $15, .50.
Takoma Park: Income property; 3 apts.
and 2 extra rms.: gar.: $14,750. ....
Chillum. Md.: attractive 4-ra. and bath
cottage; Venetian blinds, perfect condi
tion; ..inclosed,
ration. circa 1790. , 7 roomz, center haU.
stream, no modem improvements. Man
sion and 29 acres. SLMOO.
Masnlflcent pillared Colonial, completely
modernized. 5 bedrooms. 214 bathe; part
built 1790. original details intact. Ideal
high location. 10 minutes to D. C., beauti
'"MMonlaWh on a hiUtop
In Vienna, maaonrr construction. 4 bed
rooms, 114 baths, air-conditioned heat, all
electric kitchen. Built by contractor for
hia own home of finest materials. $22,500.
t? eftc'«,needetcCOnM
McDlARMID, Real Estate. Vienna 600.
_ —-lo
MONTGOMERY CO. suburban. 8-room
frame house, living room, den, dining
room, kitchen, bedroom and bath on 1st
floor; 2 large bedrooms, sleeping porch
and bath on 2nd floor; new oil-heating
plant, elec, and phone; <m macadam road:
2-car garage. 8 acres of land, frontand
back porches. Possession with title. Price,
$14,000. . .
8-room frame house. t4 acre land, elec
bath, phone; 1 block to B. A O. station;
good buy at 87.000. Call W. A. Daniel,
with J. VINSON PETTO, Poolesville 2186.
Rockville, Md. _
Open today, 2 to 6 p.m. Enjoy country
life yet only a few miles from Silver
Spring; a lovely 7 - year - old detached
white clapboard house In excellent con
dition. on 1 acre; lots of strawberries,
raspberries and asparagus; 1st fl- living
room, fireplace, side porch, powder room,
din. rm- kit.; 2nd fl- 2 large bedrooms,
tile bath, open deck porch; recr. room,
fireplace; oil heat; owner transferred;
immediate poss. thus his loss and your
gain. Nr. school and bus. To reach:
Out Georgia ave. about 6 ml. to 1 blk. past
Glenmont School, right on ColesvlUe rd..
2 blks. to Glenallan ave- right 1 blk. to
Open today, 2 to 6 p.m.—Woodmoor—
A delightful Cape Cod brick bungalow In
perfect condition; 2 good - sized be dr ms
tile bath, living room, fireplace, side
screened porch, din. room, complete kit
stairs to semifinished attic which la fuUy
Insulated: gas furnace; large, level lot;
wonderful place for children; near Paro
chial and grade schools. To reach: Out
ColesvlUe rd„ 2 blks. beyond traffic light
at Pour Corners to Lorain ave. and ex
niDll nouse sign, rignt o oias. w evivu
mor dr., right to house.
Open today, 2 to 6 p.m.—Chevy Chase,
6912 Western ave.—New white brick,
slate rool (prewar construction), center
hall with a beautiful stairway, air-con
ditioned gas heat. 3 large bedrooms, 2V«
baths, liv. rm., fireplace, large din. rm..
complete de luxe kit., screened porch,
garage, level lot; bus at corner. To reach:
Out Conn. ave. to Chevy Chase Circle,
right on Western ave. to No. 6912.
8hown by appt.—1st time offered: owner
transferred. 912 Haddon dr. in Park
Knolls near Piney Branch rd. and newer
aye.; prewar construction. A delightful
Colonial det. 2-story brick; slate roof, at
tached gar., side porch. 2 large bedrms.,
tiled bath, liv. rm-. din. rm. (2 corner
cabinets), complete kit., recreation rm..
a.-e. gas heat, large fenced back yard.
The owner has planted a good-slse gar
den that should supply you with vegetables
all summer. (Please call SH. 6760 until
9 p.m.)
CASTLE MANOR, HyattsviUe: *10,000,
terms—2-bedroom brick; floored attic; in
sulated; tiled bath, modern kitchen, elec,
refrigerator; full basement; air-conditioned
heat; possession.
HyattsviUe HUls; *9.500, terms—8-rm.
bungalow: bath, elec.; furnace heat; mod
ern kitchen, elec, refrigerator; front, side
porches; full basement; laundry trays:
large landscaped lot; paved street: close
to everything; owner occupied. ERVIN
REALTY CO., HY. 0334; eves., WA. 1231.
SILVER SPRING. MD.—3-bedrm. brick;
*16,500. Cash down payment, *3,000.
We have 16 new homes consisting of 8
large bedrms., liv. rm.. dining rm., modern
kitchen, side porch, and sun patio.
baths, large wooded lot. Will be ready
for occupancy in 30 days.
Chevy Chase. D. C.—Army officer being
transferred to Europe. Custom-built home
has 3 lge. bedrms., and is situated on
Vi-aere terraced lawn with a 2-car ga
rage and servant's auarters. Shown by
appt. only.
Near Cheverly Theater—4-yr.-old brick
bungalow situated on a large terraced lot
114x90. Bus stop in front of home Cali
0700, WA. 3875; eves.. UN. 2173. —18
tate, *7,460. 14 ml. south D. C., 3 mi.
south Brandywine in Cedarvale. 6-rm„
bath, bungalow, full daylight basement;
elec., phone, poultry houses. 3 acres level,
rich land; garden already planted; 300-ft.
frontage on State highway. Bus. Opp.
Nimmerichtu estate. Dan Latter, owner,
occupies.- Open. H. M. HUNTER, WA.
5848, > * ,■
uixent River; running water In kitchen.
For details call or write H. C. ELLIOTT,
Broomes Island. Md. Phone Prince Fred
erick 21-F-24. . „ 18*
MONTGOMERY CO., MD.—Small country
home, furnished, about 25-min. drive north
of Rockville on State road, near B. * O.
station: bedrm. and bath on 1st floor,
3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd floor; $125
per mo on a year's lease. Call MRS.
De BECK. WI. 4122. —18
THREE APTS., In village of Clarksburg, 8
miles north of Gaithersburg; I, 4, 6 and 6
rms.. 4-rm apt., *45: 5-rm, apt., $60,
Frederick pike, Gaithersburg, Md., phone
300. Open today, closed Thursday.
ROCKVILLE. Immediate possession — 9
rms., 2 baths; can easily be rented u two
apts.; OPA rent. $128 mo.; nice shaded
lawn, 1 acre land: vacant; $13,000. FRED
B. CUSHMAN, Realtor. 610 Frederick pike,
Gaithersburg. Md., phone 299. Open today,
closed Thursday. ___
land or District Heights: clients waiting.
WEST REAL ESTATE. SP. 0999; after 6
call Mr, Wpod^LU. 9267. —18
HILLWOOD—Charming 6-room brick home
on large landscaped lot In a very desirable
location; this home Is well built and in
very good condition: living room with
fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms
and one tile bath; laundry tubs and out
side entrance In basement; auto, oil heat,
attached garage: atractively financed,
priced at $14,750: naval officer leaving
city; p06session June 26._For appoint
ment to inspect, call WALKER & DUNLOP,
INC., DI. 0222: eves.. WI. 6072. —20
ARLINGTON FOREST — Priced to aell
auickly at $14,760, is this 6-room brick
home: it Is one of the largest In this lovely
section. If interested, call MANNAS
REALTY CO.. 2116 Wilson blvd., Arlington,
Va., GL. or OX. 2784. —19
An attractive bungalow, with living room,
lining room combination, kitchen. 2 bed
rooms and bath: full basement, oil heat,
sarage. If interested, call MANNAS
REALTY CO.. 2116 Wilson blvd., Arlington,
Va.. GL. or OX. 2784. , —19
112,950—5-room Colonial brick. Immacu
late condition, oil a.-c. heat: 10 mta. from
Pentagon: low down payment. DANIEL
D. WRIGHT. Broker, OW. 6170. —18
FRANCONIA, VA.—Five-room. asbestos
shingle, on 1 acre, a.m l. Priced, $9,850.
52,500 down, balance like rent. May go
31 for $1,000 down. DANIEL D.
WRIGHT. Broker. OW. 6176. —18
ALEX. BRICK APT. — Downtown resi
lentlal, 6 units, good cond., gross rent over
54,000. Partly furn. (1 apt vacant),
ibout $7,500 down. ALex. 2251, 8 to 10
i in . 7 to 9 p.xn. —20
:ated, has 6 rooms, screened porch, and
large glassed-in porch, comer lot with
trees and shrubbery. This is a good buy.
Reasonable terms. June 1st possession.
T. LEE PRICE. 2303 8. Arl. Ridge rd.
JA. 1504. Ivy 1272. —20
NEAR ANNAPOLIS—Beautifully wooded
’-acre estate, overlooking river and sur
-ounding countryside. Improved modem
tome, with club living room, electric
cltchen. large screened porches. 5 bed
•ooms, 3 baths. Immediate possession.
Shown by appointment. Mrs. Mears, J.
LEE PRICE. 2303 S. Arl. Ridge rd. JA.
3ROVETON—si8.960. $15,000 first trust:
leautlful 8 rooms, 2 baths, brick home
>r. large corner lot; 1st floor has large
iving room with fireplace, large dining
•oom. nice modern kitchen, 1 bedroom,
ile bath, sun parlor: 2nd floor—there
ire 3 nice bedrooms and tile bath which
nay be used for apartment; full basement,
>11 heat. det. brick garage: may be pur
ihased furnished or unfurnished. J. LEE
PRICE. 2303 S. Arl. Ridge rd. JA. 1504.
ivy 1272. i —22
V-BEDROOM BRICK, oil h.-w. heat, screen
'd porch, full basement: half block church
ind parochial school: in Va.: possession
with title If you have house for rent.
Box 370-E. Star. *
WcLEAN, VA.—Bungalow, 8 rms., 154
laths, liv. rm. with fireplace, Venetian
iltnds, oil a.-c. heat: price. $11,000.
CHARLES W. FETTSS. Brokers, F»lls
Church. Va. Phone FA. 11,3-W.
DEL RAY—Two-story frame, complete 5
room apartment each floor; basement:
:oal h.-w.b- lol 76x115: 10c fare Wash
ngton; Sli.600, terms. OWNRR, OV.
1284, evenings and Sunday.
AURORA HILLS. 836 24th st.—First of
fering of this homey home, on a beautiful
:orner lot. In this exclusive and close-in
section, 13 min. to Washington; a lovely
Hrtrir hall entrance, with 2 rue St
:losets, 23xl4-ft. living room witn nrepiace
»nd adjoining screened Derch. spactous
lining room, large, equipped kitchen, stove
ind refg.; 3 bedrooms, each large enough
tor twin beds and have large closets: tiled
oath, oil heat. fuU basement, laundry
trays, storm sashed and screened through
out: immediate possession: lot. ,5x150 ft.
J. LEE PRICE, 2303 S. Arl. Rioge rd. JA.
1504. Ivy 1272. ——20
STONE BUNGALOW, located In Lexington
Village, North Arl.—5 rooms on 1st floor,
newly decorated: stairway to large, un
finished attic; screened rear porch, full
aasement. oil a.-c. heat, detached garage,
stove, refg. and new Bendix washer will go
with house; one extra full-sixe lot goes
with property; both lots beautifully land
transferred from city; this 6-year-old. 5
rooms, semidet. brick, acreened front Porch,
living room with fireplace, dining room,
modern equipped kitchen. 2 bedrooms, tiled
bath, full basement: oil a.-c. heat; imme
diate possession; $11,500. J LEE PRICE.
2303 S. Arl. Ridge rd. JA. 1504, Ivy_1272,
AURORA BILLS—Lovely Colonial brick,
with hall entrance, extra large living
room, with fireplace, and adjoining
screened porch, spacious dining room, large
equipped kitchen, with ample closet space,
on first floor; :! sizeable bedrooms and tile
bath on 2nd floor: full basement, launory
trays, oil burner; beautiful wooded corner
lot, 75x150. J. LEE PRICE, 2303 S.
Arl Ridge rd.. JA. 1504. Ivy 1272. —20
IF TOU ARE LOOKING for a very attrac
tive small bungalow see our picture ed
in yesterday's picture section. R. L.
RHINE REALTY CO . 607 Prince at,. Alex..
TE. 8426; Suns, and eves.. ALex. 6811. T*.
COUNTRY ESTATE—One 5-room cottage,
modern, up-to-date equipped: 2-car brick
garage: 4-room apt. above, modern equip
ped. furnished; oil beat, hot water. 2
acre woodland, one-acre garden, lava;
beautiful location: quiet, for convalescent,
or children; $25,000. ALex. *255-7907. •
SUlimiAM SAL*—VA. (Cun
nelghboiiiood. large lot, convcnimt loca
tion, A-l condition: entraneehall, Urine
room with fireplace. fuU-siied dining room,
fun basement with outside entrance: lane
closets, storage attic; Convenient terms:
loan; new house on 14-acre, corner lot:
in new subdivision of large homes, in
nearby Virginia: Just 3 mt from Wash
ington Oolf and Country Club; S bad
rooms, living room, completely equipped
kitchen and fuU bath; alr-ooMUtioned
heat; asbestos siding; house good buy.
Coll CH. 9440. ZO*
from Wash.: a lovely brick Colonial brick
homo consisting of 38-ft. liv. room, with
fireplace. Ice. din. room, modem squlppsd
kit., ctr.-hall plan on 1st floor, master
bedroom, powder room, pvt. bath., Z
other Ice. bedrms.. 1 oner tile bath on
Znd floor; stairway to Srd floor, which
can be finished oft into two rooms; full
bsmt., oil h.-w.h: house in excellent cond.;
situated on over 1-acre of land; if you
want both seclusion and convenience. In
spect this property today; price. 831.500.
For further Information, call METZLER’S
Va. office. 3811 Lee hwy.. OX 0878. or
OL. 7633.
A LOVELY 3-bed rm. briek home; liv.
Bt ?^-lfe.%?%unsm^ *co*rq«
tion: oil, heat: 816,800. terms. For
further_information, call Mr. Bllncoe.
METZLERS Va. office. 3811 Lae hwy.
OX 0878 or OL. 7533.
CHEER YD ALE, North Arlington—Fum. 8
bedrm. home; Ice. liv. rm., lge. din. rm..
equipped kit., filed bath, front and rear
porches, gar.; oil heat. House and furni
ture in immaculate cond.: conv. to overr
uling; price. $18,500, with reasonable
down payment. For further information,
call METZLER’S Va. office, 3811 Lea
hwy. OX. 0878 or OL. 7538.
north ARLINGTON—4-bedrm. home,
lge. llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm..
equipped kit., tiled bath, front porch,
screened rear porch, lge. lot. For further
information, call METZ LEVS Va. office.
3811 Lee hwy. OX. 0878 or GL. 7533.
JUST OFF Old Dominion dr,. 6 miles to
Wash.—Lovely 2-story brick; llv. rm,
with fireplace, din. rm., modem squlppsd
kit., 2 bedrms. and tiled bath, full hamt..
oil a.-c. heat. Lot 60x200. Pries. 813,
760. For further Information, cell METZ
LKR’S Va. office. 3811 Lee hwy. OX. 0878
or OL. 7533.
17 MILES from Washington. 150 ft. on 3
highways, with 5-room house, in excellent
condition; soned industrial; reasonably
priced. About 80.000 K- ft. in all. Cali
METZLERS Va. office. 3811 Lee highway,
3 MILES .from Chain Bridge, In Bait Falla
Church, 6-room brick home, living rm.,
dining rm., kitchen, bedroom on first
floor; 2 bedrooms and bath on second;
utility room; oU heat, large concrete front
porch, on one acre of ground. Price,
*13,960. Call METZLER’8 Va. office, 3811
Lee highway. OX. 8878 or GL. 7683.
OPEN TODAY, 2:30 TO 6—6-room brick.
H4 baths. 2019 North Lincoln st. Made
Immediately available by owner moving,
this Is another one of those Immaculately
kept homes that's a pleasure both to
show -end Inspect; a practically new Wil
liamsburg Cape Cod type conveniently lo
cated 2% squares from shopping and
Srade school and 1 square to bus on Lee
lghway. The first floor has reception hall
with powder room and lavatory, a lovely
living rom with wood-burning fireplace
and attractive bay window, a full-sited
family dining room (with drapes .and
broadloom carpet for both rooms In
cluded) and with a fully equipped kitchen
of the type you see in magatlne ads and
that any woman would fall In love with—
while on second floor there are 2 lovely
bedrooms and tiled bath with an abun
dance of closet space. It has living porch,
full dry basement with a.-c. oil heat,
attached garage, large level lot, 80x160,
with some beautiful shade trees. Priced
for Immediate sale with substantial cash
and possession with title, so better put
this one on your list to see today. To
reach, over Key Bridge, right on Lee high
way. or over Memorial Bridge, right on
Route 60 a few squares to first right turn
up river to Key Bridge and out Lee high
way about 2 miles to Kenmore street, left
1 square to 20th, right 1 square to Lin
coln, right Vt square to property. KEITH
D. BRUMBACK, Realtor, exclusively,
Chestnut 3627. *
rooms finished on second floor, making a
total of 4 bedrooms; really a beautiful
rambling home on an attractive, spacious
corner lot; vacant; completely redeco
rated and available for Immediate occu
Sincy. Don't miss ltt MITCHELL QUICK,
L 2831 until 9 p.m. •
WE8TOVER—Attractive 6-room brick In
quiet, restricted neighborhood, 2 blocks to
shopping, schools, end of busline; cool, Im
maculate and nicely decorated. Prewar
steel construction, hardwood floors, full
basement, oil heat costs $66 year. Well
landscaped. Rug goes with house; $12,960.
Reasonable terms. Possession 30 days.
Sale by owner; no agents. GL. 6630. 18*
6 MILES SOUTH of Alexandria. 1 ml. west
of Mt. Vernon hwy. — Beautiful lawn,
shrubs and many fruit trees; 6 a. of rich,
level land; the 2-story house has every city
convenience, and contains lge. double liv.
rm., den with stone fireplace, din. rm.
and lge., modern, all-electric kitchen, 2
bedrms., lge. tile bath; full basement, oil
h.-w.h„ copper plumbing, beautifully fin
ished hardwood floors; 2-car det. garage
with space above for servant’s quarters.
R. L. RHINE REALTY CO.. 607 Prince st..
Alex., TE. 8426: eves, and Sun., TK. 4168.
ALex. 3862. —18
ALEXANDRIA — 3-bedroom (one on 1st
fl ), 2-bath bungalow. In nice residential
section, west of Russell rd.; living rm.
with fireplace, dining rm.. equipped kit.
wiin Dreaxias; hook, an rooms open raio
center hall; full basement: close to transp.
and good schools. R. L. RHINE REALTY
CO., 607 Prince st„ Alexandria. TE. 8426;
eves, and Sun., ALex. 3852 or ALex. 6911.
DOWN ON THE FARM—2 ml. from Wash
ington, D. C.; */j acre; 7-rm. house with
4 bedrms.; oil heat; Immediate possession;
$8,500; terms; QI possibilities. COLLINS
& PRICE. GL 1133. OX. 1202.
with all requirements; quick possession;
small down payment; can be purchased
fum. or unfurn. Masonry home, consists
of living room, dinette, eaulpped kitchen,
2 bedrooms and bath, ample closet space;
10 mins, to Pentagon. Directions: Out
Columbia pike to S. Columbus st., left on
Columbus to 8th house on left. WRIGHT
REALTY. INC., Realtors, 4701 Columbia
pike. CH. 4800.
ATTENTION—A briek house for you priced
under $10,000 and financed at 4%. It
contains a nice living room with fireplace,
dining alcove, a fully equipped kitchen,
2 bedrooms and stairway to unfinished 2nd
floor, giving a third room; oil a.-e. heat;
conv. to transp., schools and (hopping.
It can be yours for a moderate down pay
ment. WRIGHT REALTY, INC., Realtor*,
4701 Columbia plk* CH. 4800. —19
VIRGINIA FOREST—Offeflng t attrac
tive brand-new quality homes of 6 rooms
and bath and first-floor powder room.
Don’t miss Inspecting these attractive
homes In this conveniently located wooded
section. MITCHELL QUICK, DI. 2831
until 9 p.m.
lonial on large corner lot with trees.
First fl„ large liT. rm. with flrenlaee, din
ing room, equipped kitchen and partially
finished dent 3 bedrms. and tiled oath up:
full basement, outside entrance; attached
garage: oil a.-c. heat. Army officer be
ing transferred, must sell. Excellent lot.
85x154). Unusual buy. COMMONWEALTH
REALTY CO.. 2606 Wilson blvd., Off.
5500, OX. 2341.
4 bedrooms, living room, dining room,
kitchen, modern: $13,500. JOHN CHRO
NAKER, SP. 0666-J. Have other prop
erties, call in your requirements.
COLUMBIA FOREST, $9,950—Detached
6-room, two-story home In immaculate
condition, with many modern Improve
ments; only 6 years old; gas heat, wash
ing machine, stove and refrigerator; lib
eral terms from owner, who will give
prompt possession. MITCHELL QUICK,
DI. 2831 until 9_p.m. •
GLEBEWOOD VILLAGE—5 well-balanced
rms. and beautiful knotty pine recreation
rm.; In excel, cond.; nr. all city con
veniences: priced to sell on easy terms.
2- BEDROOM BRICK—1st 11.. living room,
dinette, equipped kitchen; 2nd Am 2 bed
rooms and bath: full basement, laundry
tubs, oil a.-c. heat; fenced-in yard with
plenty of shade and shrubbery; l'/j blks.
to busline and shopping; very close to
schools: priced for quick sale; $9,500.
Exclusive with WILLIAMS REALTY CO.
3806 Wilson blvd. Phone OW. 6161 or
6162 —19
beautiful wooded setting, surrounded by
low. rolling hills, on approximately 1 acre
of landscaped ground; in an individually
planned community is this beautiful white
gabled 9-room home, consisting of living
room, 16x19, with fireplace: dining room.
14x16; delightful sun parlor; light, roomy
kitchen; 30-ft. Inclosed porch, 4 bedrooms
and bath, 2-car detached garage: this is
truly a real buy at $16,04)0; excellent
terms. Shown by appt. Exclusively with
1750-J. _ —20
GI OR NON-VETERAN—Westover area;
3- bedrm., brick, liv. rm.. din. rm., kitchen,
equipped; oil a.-c.h., full basement, sld*
porch, 65xl25-ft. lot; close to three schools,
shopping center, buses; ready in 45 dsya;
ONE' OF THE FINEST—4-bedrm., 3-bath
brick home, built on 2 levels: 30-ft. liv. rm.
with 3 exposures and flrepL; banquat-siaed
din. rm., lovely kit. with breakfast room.
2 bedrms., library and bath on 1st floor:
2 bedrms. and bath on 2nd; unusual closet
space; cround-level recreation room with
urepmce, ®*•'*•*• «•**»*
sink; maid’s room and bath; 2-car genre:
on 1 acre, beautifully landscaped end
wooded. LUCILLE COOK, exclusively. OL.
9048. CH. 8941.
OPEN SUNDAY, 1-7 P.M.. 6018 21st St.
no.—Cozy bungalow. N. Arlington; 2 bed
rooms, tile bath, living room with real
fireplace, stairs to fine storage attic, *4
baaement. oil h.-w.h.; det. gar. Good lec
tion. close to schools, busses and stores.
Asbestos shingle, 7 years old. Good buy
at $11,600; possession In three weeks.
52,500 cash required. To reach: Out
Washington blvd. past Westover apt* to
Nottingham at., right 2 block to No. 21it
fwsuiaarf'K. tae
*8.250—Frame bungalow on corner lot.
105x70: large living room. 1 bedroom,
kitchen, bath and glass Inclosed Porch,
floored attic. A nice little house with
possibilities for adding other rooms. Terms.
WILLIAMS REALTYCO., exclusive agents,
8806 Wilson blvd., OW. 6161 or 6162.—20
architecture, entrance foyer. itBdio living
room, log burning fireplace, step-down
dining room, fully equipped kitchen. 1
bedroom and full tile bath: 2nd floor, 2
large bedrooms, tiled bath, large closets,
full dry basement, oil h.-w.h„ melds toilet
and ample space for meld's room, built-in
gerage. large lot with all kinds of pretty
shrubbery and flowers, 7 large shade trees,
back yard fence. An ideal place for chil
dren. Shown by appointment only. Price,
$22,500. with substantial cash. Immediate
possession. WILLIAMS REALTY CO- ex
clusive agents, 3806 Wilson blvd., OW.
6161 or 6162. —*0
late house. In perfect eonditlen; garage,
outdoor firepleoe, lovely yard; a home to he
I proud of. Exclusively, ELtZARVlxs W.
°HOU8K‘ t^biock^teom bug, dp
street: large Uvtnc room with
CH. 3838. Eveninsi and Sundays, AX.
OPEN TODAY. 8 TO S:3e—6750 North
15th st.; 3-bedrm. brick. 1*4 baths; corner
lot; eonv. to bus. schools, shopping center;
$15,960. with $4,000 cash. To reach:
Out Wash. blvd. to Patrick Henry dr., turn
right to 15th st. to corner house and open
tors. QL. 0484.
LYON PARK—4 bedrooms, 2*4 baths, right
off Wash. blvd. and Pershing dr.; immedi
ate Does. A home with many possibilities
for a family, doctor or professional; huge
liv. rm. with fireplace, lge. din. rm.. den
and *4 bath, beautifully equipped kit.,
open and Inclosed porches, garage; lovely
landscaped lot. 180 ft. deop; wonderful
opport.; reasonable. M. L. ALVIO, CH.
OPEN * TO 6 P.M.—We recommend to
you this beaut, all-stone 7-rtn. bungalow,
designed for discriminating people: It con
state of lge. llv. rm. with (tone fireplace,
spacious din. rm.. luxurious largo kit., con
taining 28 cabinets. 10 drawers and Bra
silian rubberised tile 11.; three spacious
bedims., a den or library or fourth bedrm.,
1*4 tiled baths and a lst-fl. laundry rm.
with double porcelain (Ink. Other features
Include two porches, Ai-aere corner lot,
a full bsmt. with second etent fireplace,
oil a.-e. heat, a two-ear, b.-i. gar., and
many others too numerous to mention;
owner-builder ears sell, consequently price
reduced to $27,600; substantial cash re
quired. To reach: Drive out 14tb St.
Bridge to Columbia pike, out Columbia
pike extended, past Baileys Crossroads,
approx. 2 mi. to Braddock rd.. left on
Braddoek rd. to Plnecrest, follow arrow*
reading "Exhibit Home" to our "Open”
sign onjprop. DOMINION INSURANCE *
REALTY AGENCY, 3103 10th st. N.. At
SMsIfctM&17i only
6 years old, on large corner lot: in Arling
ton Forest; first floor hat large Hying room,
dining room, kitchen; 3 bedrooms and tile
bath on second floor; side screened porch,
oil air-conditioned heat; perfect condition;
owner occupied; quick possession. Call Mr.
Northern. Sligo 1689. with BEITZELL.
9-ROOM HOU8E, on 17 beautiful, rolling
meres; stream, barn, chicken houses, large,
rambling farmhouse; In sight of Blue
Ridge. 40 min. from Wash. ELIZABETH
W. ROSEN, OW. 1877, CH. 6442.
BEVERLY HILLS. Alexandria—3408 Hal
cyon dr., open Sat. and Sun.. 1-5 p.m.;
a 3-bedroom, 1-bath brick house in this
lovely section; a large wooded lot: vacant;
oil heat; well worth inspecting. To reach;
Out Shirley hwy. to Parkfairfax, through
Parkfairfax to Chalfonte dr., left on Chal
fonte dr. to Old Dominion dr.. left to
Halcyon dr., left to open sign. HENRY E.
TRIPP, 1311 L *t. n.w.. Realtor, NA.
8705. Exclusive. —18
LYON VILLAGE—This home Is without
question, one of the most beau, in this
section. Situated on a well-landscaped
corner lot, entrance through large ball, to
a spacious and uniquely decorated fiv. rm.
with French doors to side porch. Large
din. rm. and beau, kit.; seeond fl. has 3
gracious, bedrms., lge. hall, tiled bath,
many closets. Detached gar. This house
wil be of Interest only to those who ap
preciate beauty of design. COMMON
WEALTH REALTY CO., 2606 Wilson blvd.,
OW. 6500.0X. 2341. —18
TARA—OPEN SAT. and Sun. 1 p.m. until
dark. 1629 N. Harrison st., located In
one of North Arlington’* meet beautiful
neighborhoods, situated on a large lot of
beautiful trees and sbubbery, modern brick
Colonial for the most dlscrlmlnatnig buy
er. Built of finest prewar materials, with
space for real living and entertaining. 1st
floor has large living room with fireplace,
large dining room, modern equipped kitch
en. screened living porch; 2nd floor has
3 large bedrooms and 2 baths; stairway
to floored attle; full basement, oil heat.
built-in Vfnst.lftn blind* xlarnnf
and many other epeeial features. For
sale due to doctor’s transfer and re
duced to $23,000 for Quick sale. Direc
tions: Out N. Washington bird, to Harri
son st., right on Harrison to “Open” sign.
HALL REALTY CO., exclusive agents.
Courthouse square, Arlington, Va.. OW.
6868, QX. 1007: nights. GL. 8241. —18
JEFFERSON FARE, ALEX.—6-rm. brick.
1 year old. Immediate possession. Cali
ALex. 8003 for particulars. —.18 ■
OPEN BAT. AND SUNT, 1 until 8 p.m.—
83 So. Aberdeen st.—$16,850; beautiful
brick home. nr. Lee blvd. Owner must
sell a fine det. colonial brick home. Ideally
located nr. schools, transp. and shopping:
located in a splendid prewar developed
area and modern in every respect; house
la immaculate eond.. expensively and
tastefully dec. throughout: lovely, lge. ltv.
rm., line din. rm. with French doors
opening onto a screened porch and com
pletely equipped kit. downstairs; 8 fine
bedrms. and tiled bath upstairs; oil a.-e.
heat; lovely fenced-in landscaped lot near
ly 18o ft. deep with fresh running creek
and wooded area in rear; perfect for chil
dren; a nice place to live and priced far
below the market. Directions: Drive out
I*e blvd. to the 4750 blk. and Aberdeen
st., turn left on Aberdeen to open sign
and house, call NA. 9797 todajrfor de
S.'5li2.r4:.eicluBlve agents, 926 N. Y. ave.
LAWNVALE”—Small farming estate on 12
acres in the popular little village of Mc
Lean. Va.: an estate area, on direct bus
transp.: 20 min. D. C.; public and pvt.
Khools and excellent marketing facilities,
both available; grounds abound in boxwood
gardens, line shrubbery, trees and 108 apple
trees: lge. 3-story finely constructed Colo
nial home, spacious porches with columns;
1st floor, spacious center hall, lge. liv. rm.,
fireplace, lge. din. rm.. fireplace, den. 14
bath, butler’s pantry, lge. equip, kit., rear
stairway, screened porch; 2nd floor. 4 bed
rms.. 1 with flrepl., 8 baths. 8 sun decks;
3rd floor, 1 lge. studio or rec. rm., 48'xl5',
bedrm.. 14 bath. 6 lge. cedar-lined storage
closets: lumt. contains oil heat and laun.;
slate roof. 3-ear garage with 2 servants1
rooms and bath above; large barn, large
chicken house and other outbuildings;
pasture for horses. For sale due to owner’s
transfer; $47,600. RCMYE LAMBORN,
Realtor, exclusive agent. 1601 8. Arlington
stantially built 7-room modem masonry
home with the grounds adjoining a large
nursery, most conveniently situated Just
off Lee Highway in near-by Arlington.
Near transportation, shopping and
schools. Rooms include on the first floor,
entrance hall, living room, dining room,
equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms, modern bath
and porch. On the second floor. 2 bed
rooms and storage space, full basement.
Hot water heating system. Two car de
tached garage with attached storage room.
Beautifully planted with flowers, shrubs
and large shade trees; possession within
30 days: $4,500 cash required: price $16.
clusive Agent, 2840 Wilson blvd.. Arling
ton, Va. CH. 3838; evenings and Sundays,
(2L 3838
13 ACRES. % tillable. 3 bedroom house,
sunporeh. center halls, bath, basement.
Walls newly decorated. Vacant. 6-room,
bath: rented; beautiful shade trees,
flowers, shrubs, fruit. No. I highway, l
ml. South Garcias diner at Woodbridge. Va.
26 ml. Washington. See sale sign. Owner,
Fulford. All #13.000. half cash. 20*
HOME AND INCOME—Center Clarendon
rooms and apts. 10 rooms, 2 complete and
2 t4-baths: income $300 mo. plus owner's
apt Priced to sell by* owner. Box 68-D
bedra. home. 114 baths; liv. rm. 22' with
fireplace and porch, 16’ din. rm.. fully
equip, kit. with breakfast nook; lge. rear
porch overlooking Washington; nicely
landscaped yard, with grape arbor and
flsh pool: garage; immed. boss.: $13,500,
furnished; may be purchased unfurn.
LUCILLE COOK, exclusively, GL 9048,
GREAT FALLS. VA.—4 acre lots with
650-ft. road frontage, i blk. off hard surf.
"“"vi u-iut. uuugaiu", ut, mu« mvu
fireplace, nicely equipped kitchen, lee. din.
rm., 2 rood-sired bdrms., complete bath,
full basement with fireplace; oil h.-w. heat;
also 3-rm. guest house with attached
garage. 2 lge. chicken houses equipped
with water and elec., brooder bouses and
everything necessary for compl. chicken
farm. Owner must sell. Exclusively JNO.
J. LOFLIN, 2420 Wilson blvd. GL. 4312.
AVRORA BILLS—Nice lot with shrubbery
and fence, lovely home with spacious liv
ing rm. and fireplace, dining rm- kitchen,
pantry and lge. porch on lit floor. Bath,
hall and 2 bedims, with closets each rm.
on 2nd floor. Full basement. Hot-water
heat. Hew ell burner. Price. *14,000.
Open Sunday. 2 to * p.m. 71* S. 20th
St, JA. 2073-If.
THREE-BEDROOM BRIGS, large ball, fun
basement; oil h.-wh.; recreation rm- can
be used ss summer kit.; brick wail In
front; 2-car brick garage, brick chicken
house, shrubbery and trees, on lot ISO by
24ft, situated on high setting. 535.000.
GAINES & BRUIN, 128 8. Royal. ALex.
3-BEDROOM FRAME, large hall, side en
trance. full basement; h.-w.h.; house in
excellent condition: double corner lot with
shrubbery ami trees; very good location.
*18.000. OAIHPS A BRUIN, 128 S.
Royal st. ALex. 0914.
FORT MTER—Excellent 2-family house
in good condition, each apt. consists of 6
rms , range and refrigerator; both apt*
now rented for *76 mo.; auto, oil heat,
storm windows throughout. Priced at
*13,960. Terms. Exclusively JNO J.
LOFLIN. 2420 Wilson blvd. GL. 4312.
ARLINGTON—*2,000 cash and assume the
present trusU of. *7,250. payable t70 as
f *
inspedt, and buy. 503 Marshall st.. In Jef
ferson Village. To reach, drive over Me
memorlal Bridge and out bee blvd. approx.
7 miles to Intersection of 7 corners, con
tinue on Lee blvd. H4 miles to Marshall
st., turn right and continue 3 blocks to
property. DICK BASSETT, Realtor, CH.
ARLINGTON — Modern two - apartment
home: first floor contains 5 rooms and
bath: secpnd floor has private entrance
and rents for $65 per month; fully
equipped kitchens; Venetiai^Ilnds through
out; oil heat, landscaped IBs; $13,500 as
sume first trust of $10,000 at $66 mo.
bal. terms. Immediate possession of down
stairs apt. CH. 2440, FREVETTS. Real
tor, CH. 8618. —18
cramped, here is your answer, a handsome
Dutch Colonial on an acre of high ground,
replete with shrubbery and stately old
shade trees, wide columns support a grand
sun porch of this center-hall plan home;
large living room with fireplace, dining
room, and excellent kitchen with pantry,
complete the 1st floor; 3 spacious bed
rooms, nursery and bath are on the 2nd
floor; unusually nice lot, clean dry base
ment, oil h.-w.h„ 3-car detached garage
and large stone fireplace are in rear.
Spaciousness is the keynote and is priced
to sell. For appointment, call J. WESLEY
BUCHANAN. 1501 Columbia pike, Arling
ton, Va. CH. 1341, OX. 2788. —19
tage, perfect condition; 6 rooms, bath,
all modern conveniences; eastern exposure,
38-foot flagstone porch, beautiful ex
tended view over rolling country to Bull
Run Mts., 18 acres, Including meadow,
woods, garden with old boxwood: tenant
house; 6 boxstails, 1 mile The Plains, Va.,
on good gravel county road. One hour's
drive Washington, Route 55. Exclusive
neighborhood. Price. $12,500. Existing
mortgage may be assumed. P, W. SHARP
ft SON, P. O. The Plains, Va. Tele. Mid
dleburg 22. . —18
$10,000; $2,500 cash will buy this brick
bungalow on a nice lot at the end of a
street. Large Colonial fireplace in the
living rm., 2 nice bedrms. and bath down
stairs, large expansion space upstairs.
Move in today. ARLINGTON REALTY,
exclusive agents, 2204 Wilson blvd. GL.
1900. OX. 4123. —18
NORTH ARLINGTON, 1400 block N.
Longfellow st.—A nice brick home, in ex
cellent condition, consisting of living ra
dioing room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, tiled
bath, full basement, oil heat, built-in cor
ner cabinets, Venetian blinds, screened-ln
side porch: $9,000 first trust at 4% in
terest; total price. $11,950. Call METZ
LER’S Va. office, 3811 Lee highway, OX.
9878 or GL. 7533.
OPEN l TO 6 P.M.—5-rm. brick, in good
condition. To inspect property, go to
Wilson blvd. and Oak st- turn north Oak
st. to Key blvd- then left to Ode st- right
on Ode st. to end of st- left on Colonial
terrace to our open sign. DWYER ft
CARTER. 1613 N. Uhle st., CH. 4184 and
OX. 2980.
Guesthouse”: open Bun. 2-6 p.m.—Excep
tionally well-built 3-story brick, beauti
fully located on large wooded lot fronting
Route No. 60, about 12 miles from D. C.
The large, cheerful rooms include entrance
hall living room with attractive fireplace,
dining room, fully equipped kitchen, bed
room and Vt bath on 1st floor; 4 bedrooms
and 2 tiled baths on 2nd floor and 2 ex
on 3rd: stairway to storage attic, full
basement with built-in garage, outside
entrance, and laundry: copper water pip
ing. oil hot-water heat: In perfect condi
tion; now utilized as •'Sandra’s Guest
house.” with *2,500 receipts during 100
days of best season and good average re
ceipts balance of year. Can arrange
$26,000 1st trust with substantial cash
payment. Drive out Route 50 to our sign
and see this beautiful home for residence,
investment or business. Exclusive with
EASTMAN & STEELE, Realtors, FA. 2620.
2-story asbestos shingle: dl heat, full base
ment: large front porch; lot 80x141; Ideal
for children. For complete details, call
Martha Brautigan. with MYRTLE A.
WEADON CO. (Va. office). OW. 7440,
CH. 0141.
number of small houses In nearby Va. of
all types, correctly priced. Bee our select
list and solve your houslns problems today.
Call Martha Brautlsan wlth MYRTLE
A. WEADON CO. (Va. office). OW. 7440,
cm 0141
OPEN SUN., 2-« P.M.—Ultramodern white
brick home on 65 acres with commanding
view of the Blue Ridge Mountains: wide
frontage on Route 50: a beautifully re
stored house, consists of full, wide center
hall: cheerful liv. rm.. 28x16, with large
log-burning stone fireplace. 14x14 dim
rm. with fireplace. 14x14 dream kit.. GE
equipment. Including dishwasher, exhaust
tan. 20-ft. cabinet space and other fine
features; large side and back concrete
porches: 2nd floor, 3 beautiful bedrms.
and de luxe bath, finished stairway to
large attic: full basement, new oil h.-w.h.
plant, Deepfreese, Va bath, outside en
trance, copper plumbing, storm windows,
insulated; log guesthouse or tenant house.
food bam and outbuildings, small stream;
2 acres wooded; grounds offer many pos
slbUitiee: a first trust of *17.500 is now
on the property. Price, *29.960. To
reach: Route 60 or 211 to Fairfax, con
tinue right on 60 past Chantilly 214 miles
to white brick house with red roof and
shutters, and our sign. Exclusive with
EASTMAN & STEELE. Realtors. FaUs
Church 2620.
sirable Aurora Hille section—-8 min. by
bus to downtown, walking distance to
Pentagon. Builder offers his own lovely
home. Just a few years old: 4 bedrms., 8
baths, study, formal llv. rm. with picture
window, spacious pine-paneled clubroom
with fireplace (which is entirely above
ground), a.-c. heat and many other Inter
eating feature,; priced right- owner means
to sell. Eves., call WO. 5576. GORMAN
P. YOUNG, Realtor, DI. 2328.
LOCATED IN ONE of the best residential
FaUs Church sections; new brick home,
full bsmt. with recrea. rm. and llrepl.,
storage rm., furnace, gas heater, wash
trays and toilet; 1st floor has lge. living
rm. with llrepl.. dining rm. with built-in
china cabinet, fully equipped kit. and
powder rm.; 2nd floor has 3 good-sized
bedrms.. full bath, den with built-in book
cases; built-in gar.: price. $24,000. RUN
YON & BASKIN. Realtors, Runyon Bldg.,
Falls Church. Va. FA. 1988 or 2500.
Eves., CH. 7173 or 0487. —20
day—Stone and brick rambler, on more
than acre of wooded ground in the beau
tiful Pine Ridge section. Fairfax County;
very lge. living rm. with massive log
burning llrepl., real difilng rm. with Va
paneled walls, all-elec. kit. with break
fast nook; lge. porch with entrance off
living rm. and dining rm.: master bedrm..
20xlS, with tile bath and 2 closets; 2
other good-sized bedrms. and tile bath;
additional space for more bedrms. on 2nd
floor; full bsmt. with recrea. rm. and
flrepl.; outside entrance: oil h.-w.h.; all
copper plumbing, gutters, downspouts and
G.aVtnw T Hfmttmsa roof ■ °-rar >1
rage. Our Mr. Proctor on property. To
reach; Oat Lee blvd. 3 miles beyond Seven
Corners to Prosperity ave., left on Pros
perity approx. 1 mile to Leroy pL and
house on corner with our sign. MILTON
G. SMITH, 4219 Wilson blvd. OW. 7200.
OPEN 1 to 6 p.m.. 2913 Argyle Drive. Bev
erly Hills; we invite your Inspection ol this
beautiful 3-bedrm. 2V4-bath home; vacant;
ready to move In. DWYER & CARTER,
1513 North Ohle st.. CH. 4184 and OX.
OPEN 1 to 6 p.m., furnished. 5-rm. brk:
to Inspect go south on Mt. Vernon blvd. to
the end. then continue to 117 East Linden
st. and our open sign. DWYER Ac CARTER.
1513 North Ohle at., CH. 4184 and OX.
OPEN 1 to 8 p.m.. 6-rm. house In good
condition; garage, large lot: vacant; to in
spect, go to Lee hwy. and Quincy sts, south
on Quincy st. about 2 blks. to our open sign.
DWYER Sc CARTER. 1513 North Ohle st.,
CH. 4184 snd OX. 2980.. _
OPEN 1 to 6 p.m.. 821 Crescent. drive,
Beverly Hills: here Is one lovely 3 bedrm.
house, excellent neighborhood, worthy of
your Inspection. DWYER Ac CARTER, 1813
North Ohl# st., CH. 4184 and OX. 2980.
HEMLOCK LODGE, you will thoroughly
enjoy this 8-rm., rustle log cabin with are
place, on 40 acres, boarding Bull Ran
lor approximately Vi mi. The cabin sets
on a hill overlooking a lake which is 17
ft deep; excellent fishing and boating;
attic1”5 flwyred and wUltleep 20: fruit
trees, flowers and shrubs; outdoor fireplace,
storage shop and good water supply: re
frig., 3 stoves and outboard motor boat.
Exclusive with EASTMAN AND STEELE.
Realtors, PA. 2820
3-BEDRM., l’i-BATH, prewar brick Colo
nial; all bedrms. take twin beds, fully
equipped kit., oil heat, screened porch, ga
Irace. slate roof, big cor. lot; very good
location and neighborhood; 518,950. M.
L. ALVIO. CH. 1901. _
8 rooms, bath to be completed, elec., 2
welis, elec. pump, good bldga; 1 acre gar
den, lge. lawn; frontage on Route 50; ex
cellent bus service, easy commuting: rea
sonable offer. MISS KINO. CH. 0723.
FALLS CHURCH—New brick home, imme
diate occupancy: 6 rooms. 1% baths, full
basement, stove, shrubbery, lawn, shade
trees, driveway, combination storm and
screened windows: l block bus. TO reach:
•4 mile past traffic light in Palls Church on
Lee hwy.. left at sign of West Moreland rd.
No ajtmts. OWNER and builder. AX- 3999.
rock wool Insult tine job. basement rumpus
rm.. 24-in. solid stone foundation walls.
Oil h.-w.h. For SPPt. to Inspect phone
Sgh&U ARLINGTON—Open house from
2 to 6 p.m.—4602 Dlttmar rd.. near
Washlnston Golf and CountryClub: 2 lge.
bedrms.. nursery and bath 2nd floor: 3
bright rms., full bath and equipped kit.
downstairs: extra large lot covered with
dogwood and other trees; one of the better
type homes; garage, large screened porch;
$13,600 with $6,000 oash: terms. Cfct
Glebe rd. past country club to Dlttmar rd.
and “Open” sign. CH. 2440. PREvETTE.
Realtor, CH. 8818. _
STEEL AND BRICE, joined together by
the hands of master craftsmen. After o
years is subject to your close inspection.
Two good-slsed bedrms., tiled bath, 8 rms.
downstairs, full basement, oil heat, copper
plumbing. One of the most complete and
compact homes you have ever seen. Priced
7 RMS., 84 ACRE, near Falls Church—
Very attractive Mt. Vernon-style bunga
low; Hr. rm. and fireplace, adjoining
screened porch, full-size din. rm., equipped
kit.. 2 bedrms., tiled bath on 1st fl.;
2 rms. on 2nd fl.; full basement; h.-wh.:
detached garage; chicken house; fenced
lot, 84 acre: near transportation; reason
ably priced- convenient terms. MAYNARD
BAYLE8 CO.. Realtors. FA. 2430; ares,
and Sunday, CO. 6883 or CH. 7780. —18
LYON VILLAGE; 6 bedrooms—This is a
large home, priced to sell at $19,960,
having living room with fireplace, dining
room, kitchen with breakfast nook, 2
bedrooms and bath on 1st floor; front and
rear screened porches on the 1st floor:
3 bedrooms on the 2nd floor: full basement
with automatic oil hot-wffer heat; also 2
car garage. For Inspection, eall MANNAS
REALTY CO., 2110 Wilson bird., GL. or
OX. 2784. _ —19
you will say when you inspect this beau
tiful 0-acre_ estate, located about 14 ml.
from the District, near Merrlfleld. In
this rural setting is nestled among tall
trees and flowers,, a modernistic white
brick custom-built home about 8-yrs. old.
The first-floor plan consists of an entrance
haU, step-down living rm. with marble
face fireplace, huge picture window, over
looking the wooded acres and winding
stream. Large dining rm.. modem equip
ped kitchen, 1 bedrm. and full bath. Also
large screened porch. 2nd floor has B
large bedrms.. . one paneled, and nursery.
1 bath. Also sun deck. Full basement
with recreation room having fireplace,
workshop and garage, and half bath.
OH heat. We are fortunate In being able
to offer unusual financing on this lovely
home. For further particulars, . call
MANNAS REALTY CO . 2110 Wilson blvd..
Arlington. Va., GL. or OX. 2784. —19, ,
NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE, on wooded lot
with all city conveniences; water rights to
Lake Jackson; $6.950: Vt cash or 10%
Manassas, Va.. phone Manassas 74. .—18
OPEN 1 TO 0; 2706 8o. Cleveland st.—
6 rms., bath, range, refgr.. oil heat, full
basement: nice comer lot; . conv. to
transp. and shopping; reasonably priced;
terms. To ream: Over 14th st. Bridge
and Shirley hwy. to Glebe rd., turn left
through underpass, 1 blk, to 27th st.,
right 1 blk. to open sign. Mr. Werllng.
OW. 6414. JAMES E. MAHONEY, Wood
ward Bldg.. RE. 2411. —18
tun really shines; yet only 10 ml. from
9- C.—Charming.. 3-bedrm. home; de
standing over almost Va acre o! ground,
on the crest of a knoll. Entrance nan,
1 Va baths, splendid rec. rm., built-in gar.
A home your city friends will admire
and envy: only $15,750, about $5,000
down. Call us now! REALTY BULLETIN
CO., Lee hwy. at Kirkwood rd. (opposite
Hot Shoppe), OW. 7997. —18
roof: well located and In Immaculate con
dition; liv. rm. with fireplace, nice sized
din. rm., lge den or bedrm. with fireplace;
2 other bedrms. and tile bath, equipped
kitchen, oil heat: immed. poss. Call Mr.
Hughs, exclusively. JNO. J. LOFUN, 2420
Wilson blvd.. OL. 4312. —20
$14,500—7-room brick house on 6 acres:
soundly constructed and In new condition;
this house offers the space a large family
needs; there are 4 bedrooms, bath, living
room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen
and the basement also has a fireplace: the
land Is wooded and has a small stream;
16 miles from Washington In Fairfax
County; $7,000 down. See MASON HIRST,
Annandsle. Va.. at the end of Columbia
pike, phone ALex. 5812. Closed Sundays.
Modem Colonial; 4 bedrms., 8tk baths,
brick. This charming and spacious home,
built In 1941, Is situated on a wooded lot
in the beautiful and restricted Club Manor
section of nearby Virginia; within a short
walk of the Army and Navy Country Club
and most convenient to Pentagon and Navy
Bldg. It contains on the 1st floor wide
entrance hall, living room (18x24) with
fireplace and French doors opening on a
large screened porch, dining room (12x13),
lst-lloor den or bedrm., with adjoining
Va bath. A most attractive feature Is a
large modem kitchen with the side walls
lined with de luxe cabinets and door open
ing on screened breakfast porch. On 2nd
floor: 3 spacious bedrms., 2 baths and l
bedrm. opens on a large walled deck. Full
bsmt. containing a paneled recreation room
with fireplace, maid’s rm. and bath, utility
rm. and storage rm. Other featureg In
clude attached garage, large gtorage attic,
slate root, rock wool Insulation, copper
plumbing, aluminum-frame windows and
2840 Wilson blvd., Arl., Va. CH. 8838;
eves and Sundays. AX. 4424.
S-FAMILY HOUSE or can be arranged for
1-family, with 4 bedrms. and 2Vk baths;
auto. heat, skyscraper construction; the
best of neighborhoods: 2-car garage, beau
tifully wooded lot. Exclusively, JOHN J.
LOFUN, 2420 Wilson blvd., OL. 4812.
day Sunday. Featuring: 1. Located in
Arlington and very accessible to Pentagon
and Navy buildings. 2. 6 convenient work
saving rooms on one floor; with 18-ft. liv
ing rm. and Colonial fireplace; most houses
have rich black tiled bath. 3. Expansion
space for two rooms upstairs. 4. Large
full basement with automatic sir-condi
tioned heat and convenient outside en
trance. 5’. Select your own interior deco
ration. 6. $820 cash; total price, $11,760.
To reach, drive across 14th st. bridge out
Columbia Pike to Intersection South Olebe
rd., turn on 8. Olebe rd. to 8. 16th st. and
follow the Arlington Realty Co. arrows to
our sign. A company representative will
be there to serve you. ARLINGTON
REALTY CO., exclusive agent, ’2204 Wil
son blvd., GL. OX. 4123.
Ilk ACRES. CLOSE IN—This Inviting 5
room bungalow enloys a superior setting
and superior location; It is on a knoll
with plenty of shade and shrubbery and
close to an arterial highway; It hag a living
room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen
with range and refrigerator, 2 bedrooms
and tile bath on the first floor and a
stairway to an unfinished attic; the base
ment has inside and outside entrances; a
•ewer iuiu tuv ihu vi we i/ivpvikj
and adds materially to the Investment
possibilities; price, $18,000: the owner
wants cash, but the property justifies a
rood-sired loan. ' See MASON HIRST, An
nandale, Va„ at the end of Colnmbla pike.
Phone ALex. 6812. Closed Sundays.
p.m. todar. Arichtecturally declined to
take advantage of one of the highest
points in Talrfsx County. This modern
2-story brick home has many special ap
pointments. Including an exceptional large
and bright living room giving a beautiful
view of the countryside for miles around.
Other special features are 5 bedrooms, 2%
baths, spacious dining room, large kitchen,
library and built-in radio. Located on 1
acre and shaded by large oaks. Our Mr.
McCord on property. To reach: Drive
out Lee blvd., turn left on Leesburg pike,
proceed >4 mile to our sign and home on
right. MILTON O. SMITH, 4219 Wilson
blvd., OW. 7200.
EXCEPTIONAL—Near Falls Church. Five
rooms and bath home on half-acre lot
(100x200), hardwood floors: oil heat: full
basement: new-houaa condtion; early pos
session: *10,600; terms. Also several un
usual building sites with large frontage In
exclusive Broadmont section of Falls
Church' 1764.°nWedERICK ffMflK
fHUmP^'NfcE BUT in Fairfax County
just 17 miles from Washington la alee
subdivision. Large living room, large
kitchen-dinette combined. Z bedrooms and
bath: front porch: stairway to 2nd floor:
% basement; oil beat; white board fence;
on %-acre lot Prise, $9,600. Reaeon
able terms. For further information call
METZLER’8 Virginia office, 6811 Lee fawy.,
OX. 0878 or OL. 7633.
old stone bouse. 36 miles from Washington.
Price, cnly $2,500: no down payment if
you make necessary repair. Write Box
380-w. star. —20
MODERN BRICK HOUSE with 18 acres
of wooded land, pretty stream at rear, lo
cated In Fairfax County about 11 miles
from Pentagon Building. Land la mostly
about level at about 250-ft. elevation,
falls gently to the stream. Beautiful
woods, ancient road on one aide. 7 roms,
2 baths, air conditioned with oil. insu
lated. Price. $24.600. Night or Sunday
~ tch. TK 3011. LOUIS F.
ill«Lfc «L n^r- NA.U&
t*Uu and
decorated and well equJpped Youil be
Pleased at what yon find at 81 BO Wilson
MrtL "Arlington . ^Va.. for ow #30,000.
oww madr^for lUnS*dl*t* *oceupsncy0na5i
MI *• purthustd by veterans under very
SpraFS base
tight on Beverly dr. to Cameron Mills rd..
tj»m left tt/lynee^ Bor further informs
Wl B®5jT By oWKtt this la one of
today's bert market values: a bungalow
with tho beat features obtainable. Uv.
r5^*l*5,fl«J»l*e*: concrete screened porch
«tt ft ^rSgr ^ersSe' rbr*“ tutam’ *
bookcase and cabinets, “full basement with
Bryant gas heat. ]g*. lot, beautifully
landscaped; ’"""jgt* steel storm wtn
of floor*, complete
, Counts
I.. Arlington,
—„—just IB minute*
gent WM nice community, con
sisting of rm. with fireplace, din
2nd floor; tan basement, Venetian blinds.
Pjeoty of closet pace; nice weeping wil
low trees, other shrubbery. Large screened
in side porch, outdoor stone fireplace,
stream on property, over H-acr* lot with
l?p-ft. frontewe. Prlce. 218.8B0. Reason
able terms. Call METTLER'S. Virginia
oflRe. 3*11 be* hwy., OX. 087*, or OL.
OWNER OFFIBJNG a 2-bedroom asbestos
shlngle houee. fiUl basement. oil heat, tile
~ Immediate possession!
poors from Wilson ..Wro. Is this lovely
home: it has large living room with fire
place, dining mom. kitchen, 2 bedrooms
and bath and large sleeping porch; it has
lust been completely reconditioned. If In
terested, call MANNAS REALTY CO.. 2118
Wilson bird., Arlington, V*., GL, or OX.
Alexandria house of modem architecture
in Montirelln nommunitT. T1nlxh«H in 1049
First floor am nm living or play room
with fireplace, dining space, kitchen, laun
dry, lavatory; second floor has living room
with fireplace, master bedroom with full
bath, porch; third floor has master bedim,
and bath, 2 other bedrooms and full bath:
good closet*: full, dry basement; completely
equipped modern Ulterior; nicely land
scaped; dead-end street: convenient to beat
Alexandria schools. Direct sale by original
owner-occupant. Substantial cash pay
»»^9428o886d. st„ n,ar18„*ew
Navy Bldg.—6-room brlck-and-frame bun
galow; full bsmt., oil heat; vacant; $12,600.
toms. 3142 Key blvd.—Corner 6-room
frame; desirable neighborhood: immediate
Mesesslon; $14,600, terms. NA. 8572:
CO. 1973, evenings and Sunday. —18
IT’S F08SIBIC to purchase this well-con
structed brick home In North Arlington at
the price of $12,760; 2-story Colonial, brick
construction; two bedrms., tiled bath and
at Glebe rd . OX. 2585. QL. 0561. —18
BELLE HAVEN — An elegant two-story
stone home on comer lot 140x85, center
hall plan, living room with fireplace, din.
rm„ modern kitchen, din, nook, den and
% bath, screened porch. Second floor hu
3 bedrooms, 2 baths and nursery; beautiful
recreation room with fireplace, maid’s room
and full bath, attached garage. Priced to
sell and on reasonable terms. REALTY
ASSOCIATES, INC.. EX. 1622. —19
ONLY $20,950 buys this custom-built de
tached center-hall plan brick residence
lust off the Lee blvd. In close-ln Arling
ton, Va. Constructed In 1942. using best
materials throughout. Six rooms, electric
kitchen with breakfast nook; hot-water
heat .with domestic hot-water hookup
and oil burner. Some of tho features that
make this an "out-of-the-ordlnary” home
are; Casement windows In llv. rm. and
din. rm., screened living porch, one-car
sarase, copper pipes, special window
cornices, Venetian blinds, meroury light
switches, 3 ...cedar cloeets, and many
others you will see upon inspection. Phone
Mr. McCauley with SHANNON & LOCHS
CO., 1605 H St. n.w., NA. 2346; eves.,
CH. 3647, —19
with fireplace, dinette, equipped kitchen.
2 bedrms., bath and utility rm.; all on
1 floor; has stairway leading to an un
finished attic; can be converted Into a
large bedrm: oil heat; price. $9,950;
Immediate possession. A. H. BROOKS,
Columbia pike., Arlington, Va., OX.
0620. CH. 5100. —18
and bath- large living room with fire
place and bay window; auto, oil h.-w. heat;
full basement; 1 acre land; 35 min. from
Washington. 1 mile from Centerville, on
4-lane hwy. Fairfax 350-J-12. 19*
olutionary historical brick town house in
Old Port section; beautifully restored.
8 rooms, 2 baths, 5 bedrooms; paneled
electrie kitchen with fireplace; original
woodwork, mantels, random-width floor
ing. Old English hardware and locks, 5
fireplaces, new electric wiring, copper
plumbing. Insulated, screened, GE air
conditioned heating; walled-la garden
with terrace and fountains, flood lighted;
separate service entrance. House asso
ciated or owned by historical figures such
m Fairfax, Washington, Harper, Cralk,
Dick. Reasonably priced; open Sunday
1 to 6 p.m. J. JOHNSTONE MUIR. 821
15th st. n.w., phone RE. 3222, or eve
lliugo. IB, tvX OU. Jb\3
QUICK! REE AT ONCE—Out Lee hwy..
through Pali* Church to Merrifleid. on V*
mil* to Cedar lane, turn right tA gale
sign. Nice home with bath and electricity,
heat; fruit and shade trees; poultry house;
large lot; price. $8,750: reasonable cash,
balance monthly. CHARLES R. MORAN.
Merrifleid, Palls Church 919-J-3 or DI.
FOB EXECUTIVE of professional man; a
4-bedroom Colonial home In highly re
stricted area; this home Is situated In
Virginia. 7 miles from Washington, and
meets the requirements of s most dis
criminating family; price, $40,000. FAIR
FAX^ REALTY CTO., INC., Falls Church,
BUCK BUNGALOW; located at Franconia
—On a lovely lot 100*216; It contains
living room 14*12 with fireplace, dining
room 12x12, bedroom 10x11, kitchen
10x8 equipped; utility room 8x8 and bath;
6333, OX. 0889.
STUDIO CABIN; Lake Jackaon—Living
room 14x24 with fireplace, bedroom,
eaulpped kitchen and bath; screened
porch; overlooking lake; furnished: all
utilities available; large lot. Call Mr.
Hawthorne, with BICKLE & LUFTON,
OW. 6333. OX. 0869.
3723 2nd ST. RO.. ARLINGTON—Rarely
attractive detached brick. Basement In
cludes maid's bedroom, laundry and work
shop; first floor, living room, dininv room
and kitchen; second floor, 2 bedrooms and
bath; attic has ample storage space: oil
alr-conditloned heat. Storm windows, Ve
netian blinds; only 6 years old; large level
lot, attractively landscaped. Restricted
area.- Conv. to stores, churches, schools
and busline. A home that will appeal to
the most discriminating. Owner leaving
town. 512.950. Cash. 54,450. Glebe 6594.
BT OWNER — 2-bedroom Bpanlsh-typq
bungalow, modern. 1 acre: furn. or unfum.
Priced for quick sale. Leesburg pike to
rd„ left on Oak at., left on
:'«I’28$^Rplui den; llv. rm.,
kit., din. rm., oil heat,
built-in gar. L50): corner wooded lot.
Virginia Forest, ay terms. PROVIDENCE
filaes, din. rm., equined kit., den, recrea
lon rm. (fireplace). 3 bedim., maid’s rm.,
oil heat, attached gar.; recent prewar
built; 'A acre; $23,800. AX. 3343.
CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW—Liv. rm. (12*24),
fireplace, big din. rm., big kit., 2 bedrms.
and den; oil h.-w.h.; Wjjlk. to bus- $11,
500, low cash. PROVIDENCE REALTY.
AX. 3343.
rms., screened porches, oil heat; on over
an acre; chicken house, gar.; close to bus;
in Palls Church: immediate. PROVIDENCE
REALTY, AX. 3343.
HARD TO FIND—6-rm. brick Cape Cod;
big bedrm. and Va bath on 1st II.; 2 bed
ims. and bath on 2nd 11.: full electric
kit., din. rm., llv. rm. (fireplace); oil a.-c.
heat. PROVIDENCE REALTY. A±. 3343.
4-BEDBM., 2-BATH BRICK—Big llv. rm.
(fireplace), equipped kit., bath on each fi„
tiled recreation rm., V* bath; oil h.-w.h.;
garage; close in, near schools; $17,950.
QUALITY 3-BEDRM., 1%-bath brick: liv.
rm. with fireplace, full din. rm., equipped
kit., gar., recreation rm.; A-l area; $18,
500; properly financed. PROVIDENCE
naif urn /w aw *>o a o
FAIRFAX—4Vt acres. 7-room house, lVt
baths; 2nd floor can be used as apt.
separate entrance, good outbuildings with
cement floors; yard has lots of shrubbery.
For appt., call Fairfax 206-R. •
H B1JI. or CLARENDON ahopplng center
—Potential business; 7 rooms, 2 baths,
2-famllr home; private entr.; full bsmt.;
h.-w.h. oil; 2-car garage; tool house;
large lot, beautiful trees: available. L.
McGEE KINO, Realtor, CH. 5508. GL.
WOODLAWN VILLAGE—5 large rooms.!
asbestos shingle, flreplabe. complete bath.;
bsmt.. oil h„ stairway to floored attic.!
L. McGEE KINO, GL. 5273, CH. 5508
Vt ACRE; 6-Rlt BRICK—A distinctive;
home built to specifications by pvt. owner.;
Lee. liv. rra. with fireplace, din. rm- huge;
kit., modernly equipped; V4 bath and 2]
lee screened porches, all on 1st 11.; 2nd;
fl. has 2 Ice. bedims., nursery and beau
tiful tiled bath. There’s family health
and saved food dollars waiting In this
lge. fully fenced yard; oil heat. Call to
inspect this home with many extra fea
tures. R. W. MULLEN, OX 1882, 3111
Columbia pike, Arlington.
THREE miles BELOW Alexandria—5
room, 2-story, 2-ear 2-story garage- large
lot. 313.800. HO dealers. 82,700 cash.
peter J. hagan often at Lanham. Md- a
new 4-room and bath bungalow with large
unfinished attic with stairway; can be made
Into 2 large extra rooms; nice,oak floor.
*750 cash, others 81,500 cash. For partic
ulars. call peter J. began. Suburban Spe
cialist. 3837 34th at- Mt. Ramler, Md„
WA. 3785.
peter I. hagan offers lnTIyattsvllIe. Md —
Small estate of 8 large rms. and 2 baths,
h.-w.h- coal stoker: approx. 2 acres of
land with 2 outbldgs.; suitable for rest
home, tourist home or eoold be converted
Into apts- many possibilities, good Invest
ment for future: wonderful location for
large apt.; long frontage on 2 sta.: con
venient to bus and trolley; I blk. to movies
and shopolnt center. For particulars, cal!
peter J. hagan. Suburban Specialist. 3837
34th at- Mt. Rainier. Md- WA. 3765.
IN ALEXANDRIA—4-rr.-old. 2-bedrm. brick
bouse, eenvenlent to downtown and Wash
rage; house In excellent cond. throughout.
To reach: From Highway Bridge pasa
Pentagon and Navy Annex, left to Ruhr*
rd„ right to Executive ave. (Presidential
Gardens), right to old Glebe rd., right to
entrance to Beverly Hills, left to N. Over
look dr. and right to 813 N. Overlook dr,
ROM YE LAMBORN, Realtor, exclusive
agent. 160X S. Arlington Ridge rd.. Arl
ington. JA. 3484. OL. 3711, —18
acres, close-in Va.—Liv. rm., fireplace, s
bedrms., large kit., and dinette, complete!?
equipped: elec, range and refg.; tile bath,
bsmt, oil heat: S1.000 down print., ex*
cellent financing: terms. CAPUTI REALTY!
Phone FA. 2123: eves.. TE. 6970. —19 ’
6-RM. BRICK HOME—Well const., lge. lot,
desirable location; close to schools, tranap*
slumping. Wash, and Pentagon; large liv,
rm., fireplace, din. rm., kit., >4 bath, and
2 screened porches on 1st fi.: 3 bedrms.
and bath on 2nd fi.; abundant aloeetl
and storage space; full bsmt., oil heat:
an excellent buy. CAPUTI REALTY
Phone FA. 2122: eves., CH. 9430. —10
brick and frame, with large, partially fin
ished attic suitable for 3 extra rm*.; large
lot with shade trees and shrubbery, ou
heat a.m.l., full electric kitchen. Venetian
blinds and screens; priced right at $12,
000. AL BAKER & BON, Realtors, 116
South St. Asaph st. ALex. 6644. Open
Sunday and evenings. —IS
SIX-BOOM BRICK HOUSE, in country, on
beautifully landscaped acre of ground;
houie has large 11*. rm. with fireplace,
modern kitchen, pleasant din. rm., 9
bedrms. and bath: hardwood firs, through
out, Venetians blinds, storm windows and
and attached garage, oil heat, a.m.l.: full
price Is $12,250; convenient terms can
be arranged. Ask for listing number 860:
AL BAKER * SON, Realtor. 116 8outb
St. Asaph st. ALex. 6664. Open Sunday*
tnd evenings. • —18
BELLEVUE FOREST—Charming Colonial
;enter-hall planned brick home of 7 rooms,
2(4 baths, custom built 6 years ago ana
offered for sale due to owner leaving city.
Situated on a wide lot with 100-fooi
Frontage In beautiful reitricted Bellevue
Forest, near the Washington Golf and
Country Club. Rooms Include spaclou*
:enter-hall living room (14x23) with Co
lonial fireplace and door opening on •
large screened porch; dining room (13x14)
pith 2 built-in corner cupboards. large den .
paneled In walnut with adjoining hall m
bath. The kitchen Is a large iquare-typ* V . -
kitchen, flooded with sunshine, with plenty * *
bf space for a breakfast set and electri
i*l equipment and factory-built cabinet*.
On the second floor are master bedroom
(14x22) with 2 large closets and a private
oath done in the Hollywood manner; $
other large bedrooms and hall bath with
rlass-lnclosed shower. The full basement
:ontalns unfinished recreation rm„ maid's
oath, furnace room and built-in garage.
Large storage attic. Among the many
Features that will convince you that this
Is a heme with the finest materials and
sonstruetlon: Slate roof. Insulated sidewalls
tnd ceilings, factory finished antique oak i
Floors. Schlagel hardware, canvas-covered
selling. Napanee cabinets, adjustable book,
ihelves, Mcllvalne oil burning unit (an out
standing beating system) with Osoniser
Humidifier, storm windows and chestnut
trim throughout. A beautiful rook garden
tnd artistic stone-walled terraces are a
challenge to the flower grower. Price,
2840 Wilson blvd., Arlington, Va., CH.
3838: eves, and Sun., GL. 3838. —18
FtEAB MeLEAN, 7 miles from Chain Bridge
—A real estate of 70 fertile acres, lovely
pletely insulated" 5 bedraa. <3 with fte
Places). 2 baths, living rm. 18x33 with
Sreplace, dining rm. 18x28 with fireplace,
14x15 den or bar, lge. modern kitchen,
ill appliances, screened dining porch; oil
dot-water heat; 3-rm. tenant house: de
ilrable couple available; barn. 2-car
larage: apple orchard; - 2 streams on
jroperty; priced to settle estate. $40,000.
For appointment, call E. H. IRWIN. NA,
1595 or Elmwood 648 or 463. —18
VETERANS—New detached brick homes,
rix lovely rms. and bath with shower,
Full baaement; automatic h.-w.h.. lge. lot;
SI.200 down. $80 mo. To Inspect, call
2AMPANELLA & WOOD. EX. 4113; eve
tings and Sunday, AD. 0893. —18
ITTENTION, GIs—Lovely 5-rm. and bath
home In Fairfax Oo. Full baaement and
attic, oil heat, hardwood floors. $500
fcra ssxl£?u oxJF
J-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Venetian blinds
throughout. 100% insulation, hot water,
automatic oil furnace, outdoor fl replace
and brick walki; near transportation;
S2.000 down. Priced for Immediate sale.
piirCHAL'c6LOI?IAI—-A beautlfuF^ew
home, atone front, situated on a wooded lot
(75x120) In a desirable and cony, neigh
borhood. Onter-hall plan. A 15x26-ft.
liv. rm. with stone Areolae* and 7 win
dows; full-size din. rm., a lovely kit. equip
ped with de luxe OE equipment: a paneled
den and % bath on first floor. Three lge.
bedrms. and bath on second. The master
bedrm. Is 15x25. Full bsmt. and oil
h.-w.h. plant. Attractive flnanelng. Bo
see this beautiful home today. SMTHI
REAL ESTATE CO.. Realtors. OL. 0484.
—18 *
livable home on a nicely landscaped corner
lot In a most desirable and conv. location
In North Arlington. This home la in Im
maculate cond . having lust been redeco
rated Inside and out. A few outstanding
features. Recreation rm. with fireplace,
screened liv. porch, oil heating plant,
fenced rear yard, new Venetian blinds,
storm sash, screens, lifetime slate root,
copper ulumblng and tv bath In bsmt.
Compare this home with similar or higher
priced ones before you buy, $16.960
with $4,000 cash. SMITH REAL ESTATE
CO., Realtors, OL. 0484. —18
MeLEANi $11,750—In a subdivision of
nice homes; paved its.; white frame bun
galow situated on beautiful lot 120x150
ft., fenced; living rm. 13x19 with fireplace,
dinette. 2 cheerful bedrms., bath, spacious
kitchen, elec, range; full basement; hot
water heat; garage. For appt., call E. H.
IRWIN. NA, 1596 or Elmwood 648 or
463. —18
old 2-story white clapboard home on
acre, beautifully landscaped; 4 bedrms. ana
bath, spacious living rm. and dining rm.,
well-equipped kitchen, all appliances; hot
water heat; outbldg.; town water and
sewer; fronting State rd.: a real bargain.
For appt., E. H. IRWIN, NA. 1696, or Elm
wood 648 or 463. —18
QOOD TASTE will appreciate the con
scientious artistry that has been built Into
;hls gentleman’s home. Well-planned let
1. with den and powder rm.. tile bath and
stall shewer; Cathedral liv. rm. with
French doors opening onto screened Porch
:nd din. rm. opening onto 22x22 flag
stone patio; second 11. has balcony over
ooklng liv. rm., master bedrm. with bath
ind ample closets, also guestrm.; complete
Hollywood bar In rec. rm. with fireplace;
L acre landscaped grounds. Shown by appt.
iwy. at Glebe rd., OX. 2585. OL._0561.
OPEN SUNDAY, 1-6 P.M.—This picture
esque rambling Williamsburg brick (outside
dimensions 28x45). setting on 2% rolling
icres; was custom built In 1940 with the
Finest materials; 1st fl.. wide center hall,
23-ft. liv. rm. with wood-burning fireplace,
bay window, lovely aide porch, dining rm.,
large, modern kit. (plenty ol cabinets), $
roomy bedrms. and full tiled bath; 2nd fl.
has 4 large roughed-ln bedrms. and bath!
lull DWtemeiu. uuuiue cxin»uve. vu xx.-w.xx..
2-car det. garage, chicken house, cow shed
and many other fine features too numerous
to mention; priced to sell. To reach: Out
3eorgla or New Hampshire ave. to Coles
i’llle rd.. continue on Colesville rd. 'A ml.
jeyond the town of Colesville to Bonlfant
rd.. left on Bonlfant to prooerty. WOOD
20NLEY CO.. 013 Pershing dr., Silver
spring, SL. 5700.
IUITUN6—"-rm. house, 'A acre ground;
orice, S3.150. WEST REAL ESTATE. SP.
3903; after 8 p.m. call SP. 0750-J. —20
EXBOW ROOM for you and the children—
I acre, charmingly landscaped. Improved
vith a sparkling white bungalow; 3 bed
rms.. 3 cool, shady porches, lge. llv. ra,
nth fireplace equip kit.: full bsmt. and
i.-w.h.: detached garage and modern han
jery. Priced to sell. $18,600 with 810.000
1% trust available. REAL ESTATE SERV
ICE. INC.. Lee »>•* Glebe rd.. OX.
2685. OL. 0561. —18
HUMOR THE MAN—uiu him a den and
«/i bath on 1st fl. This home. In the MUf
:ary rd. section, offers a lge. llv. rm. with
^replace, spacious kitchen with din. st
rove; and 2 bedrms. and bath on Snd ff,:
Full bamt.. oil h.-w.h.: landscaped grounds
igg. *ftl&t*n&t*riTiS&#cgUT$h?1&
iwy Glebe rd.. OX. 2585, OL._05fiI.
OPEN 1 TO 7 P.M.. Saturday and Sunday
—Landscaped corner, with a 4-bedrm.. 2
jath home: conv. to schools and shopping; -
full bsmt.. oil heat; detached gar. To
reach: Drive out Lee hwy. to North Ken
sington. right on Kensington to 25tt
snd our sign at 5701. REAL E8T
SERVICE. INC.. T" '-at Glebe rd.,
i^lcDRM. °BRICK; floor, living"1
lining rm.. kitchen, screened rear .
2nd floor, 2 bedrms. and bath: t
nent, oil heat: near transportatlo
md shopping center. Possession
.lament. A. H. BROOKS. 8018
like. Arlington. Va. OX. 0028,
ARLINGTON VA.. 3230 8._
II to 8. Reached via Lee blvd. to
(OomUnued ob Next ma)

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